#Magical Items
randomitemdrop · 9 months
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Item: the mummified hand of King Midas; anything that touches it turns to solid gold
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gavamont · 2 months
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Behold! My new weapon!
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gudgurkan · 8 months
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Magical items
Used by Carmella.
Kickstarter link
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foundry-fabrications · 7 months
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Hey folks! It took WAY too long to get this out, but it's finally done. Well, technically it isn't done, but I'll get to that in a bit. One weird thing that needs explanation at a time.
So, as one can tell, I didn't just make statblocks for the behemoths, write some lore, and call it a day. I've discovered that I really don't like making statblocks and dealing with all the nonsense that comes with it (CR is a joke, and I'm not laughing). So, in typical Foundry fashion, I tried doing something weird that requires more work and ultimately still required me to make statblocks anyway. Yeah, I'm not smart. 
So I made them templates instead. And while I was tempted to give up and just do the obvious thing since I was just going to end up with stats anyway, making them templates makes a certain amount of sense from a lore perspective and I genuinely think is an interesting idea worth pursuing. Quick lore tidbit, behemoths are likely the result of normal creatures becoming mutated by aether (it's not certain, but there are signs of this origin from what I've read), so a template makes logical sense. So, as long as I pick appropriate creatures for the template examples, the end result will get you pretty close to the behemoths in game. Sure, they're not perfect, but it would be easy to tweak them to better suit your game.
So the other behemoth in the room is there are only 3 behemoths here. I had intended on releasing them all at once. Turns out there's like 30+ behemoths AND 5 basically legendary behemoths. So, I'm splitting them up into their elemental categories, and the legendaries by themselves. I already have the Blaze behemoths written out, so those won't take nearly as long. As I complete each category, I'll update this post and make y'all aware of the additions. By the end, I'll have one document with all of them in it, a brew to rival Flesh & Bone. 
But for now, a quick break to work on something else my ADHD has compelled me to rework. Stay tuned for that. Anyway, stay safe, don't forget to love each other, and I'll see you next time.
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aureliacetinn · 1 year
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Ring of blood stability is a glucose checker/companion for your ttrpg
works with both dnd and pathfinder!
can get for PWYW on my ko-fi now https://ko-fi.com/s/57da2a2e5b
remember diabetics can also be adventurers
big thanks to technomancer kyle for advice: check out his kofi here https://ko-fi.com/s/57da2a2e5b
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headphones-lifeform · 4 months
Bad pun-based magical item ideas for your unconventional wizards
the Shampoon- throw this lampoon at someone to magically wash their hair
the Staff of Staff- house several miniature university professors inside your spellcasting tool
the Brawly- an umbrella that fights for you. exactly what it sounds like
Ear Buds- plants that can eavesdrop on things
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irrel · 1 year
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Boots of Splashing by PaterVoss
Sometimes ya just gotta jump into a puddle.
These boots produce little splish-splash noises when you walk. If you Jump, a puddle appears where you will land.
If you are under the effect of Water Walk, your speed increases by 10.
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shuunnico · 1 year
Subtly Cursed DnD Items
Gloves of Tumblers [Fumblers] "You always have Guidance (+1d4) on Sleight of Hand checks." [Secretly inverts the effect for -1d4 on Sleight of Hand checks.]
Dead Man's Chest "A small chest with a lock held within a skull inlaid in the lid. Can hold up to 100lbs of treasure, so long as it can fit within the opening. Items within are weightless. The chest cannot be unlocked by any means except with its key. The smell of the sea can be smelled when the chest is opened" [If the chest holds 60lbs or more by midnight, roll a d20 with a DC of 1. If failed, the chest slams shut with a dusty laugh and cannot be unlocked by anyone but a sentient undead. Increase the DC by 5 per additional 10lbs stored within the chest.]
Ring of Lies +3 Deception [Actually +0 Deception. Completely useless.]
Phaseblade "Shortsword. The blade passes through the target, ignoring their defenses. All damage dealt by this weapon's blade is considered psychic damage." [In reality, the weapon makes the target immune to psychic damage for the attack. They do, however, feel extremely uncomfortable.]
Mask of Dark Vision "Wearing this mask gives you darkvision up to 60 feet." [The wearer is only made to think they can see in the dark. Wearer treats all hazards and enemies as if they had failed a Perception check, rather than being naturally obscured.]
Colorful Brooch of Translation "The wearer is able to speak any standard or exotic language. They do not understand these languages if they do not know them already." [The language spoken is done so in such a way that the wearer always appears foul-mouthed and of poor manners. So long as the wearer is using the amulet to speak, they suffer -3 to all Charisma based skill checks except Intimidation.]
Gloves of Disintegration "You may cast Disintegrate once per Long Rest." [When used, the gloves target themselves and disintegrate.]
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artsandantlers · 2 years
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Day 20 of Swordtember: Shattered
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flintox · 4 months
[The following was recovered from the book found within mountains of Arag Dun. As the tome is too large to be removed from the spacious dwarves hold, the passage recovered was transcribed by hand in as much detail as possible before the expedition leader was chased off by the goblins dwelling in the later chapters.]
On your travels you may happen upon an array of mystical and amazing items that can either hinder or help you.
Enchanted objects. Trinkets of power and wonder.
I am Arch Wizard Theodoro Grotmorton, spellcaster extraordinaire and a collector of oddieties, both magical and wonderous. In an endeavour to stave off tragic magical accidents, the sort that are sadly quite common when the untrained hand fiddles with such precious and dangerous objects, I have taken to cataloging and categorising objects. It is my belief that through this process we might happen upon a system with which items can be analysed and utilised properly.
Items within my grand and consideable collection shall be the basis for this analysis as has been the norm with my previous documentation.
Item #68.
Appearance: A small building, roughly the size of a thimble. The structure itself has tones of elvish architecture, carved wood and smooth, arched roofs, and yet it is nigh indestructible. It is bound to a chain of silver that fits most every neck.
This is a rare sight indeed. It is known that masterful mages of ages past were so skilled in the act of matter manipulation that they could carry their homes on their person through a masterful reduction spell.
The house is fully furnished, and enchanted to resist any movement from outside. No doubt this belonged to a mage of some renown. As much as I might desire to explore this abode in person, its previous owner seems to have had the foresight to install protections against intruders.
The team of students tasked with exploring the tiny abode (after being generously provided with a spell to reduce themselves by yours truly) have been unable to leave the abode. It is likely the wizard who owns this home made it as such so he could personally deal with intruders. Due to this there are four of my students trapped inside.
They are not at risk. The house has been placed in the careful hands of a halfling student who seemed very eager to accept the task of guarding the trinket, as she should, considering it now houses a majority of her roommates. I'm sure with time my brilliant mind can gleam a means of freeing them. Or at least restoring the home to its true size.
Item #90.
Appearance: A pair of large brown boots. Leather stitched with hard soles. Lettering is stitched into the side of each boot written in the dragonborn tongue reading 'boots of travel' or 'travel boots'.
As mundane as these boots appear, they are in fact quite powerfully enchanted.
Upon placing the boots on one's feet the wearer is enlarged to amazing heights, roughly that of a cloud giant.
My guess would be that whoever made these boots likely wanted something akin to boots of speed, a well-known enchantment used to make the journey quicker than usual. The enchanter might not have known how to increase the speed of one's stride so they opted instead to increase the length of the stride. Either way, the result is fewer steps.
Though this item seems very straight forward in its design an purpose, a true academic such as myself would never leave an item fully untested. As such I put the item into the hands of two students to sharpen their teeth on.
Their tests involved splitting the boots apart and each placing them on separately. Through that process, they realised that the boots have a set timer to begin the growth after one of them is worn, and only affects the one who placed it on first.
Further tests are still pending as the two students had a disagreement between them. When the enchantment kicked in the dwarf who had been the latter to put the boot on found himself trapped inside the now house sized footwear. Evidently their now massive tiefling cohort found the predicament amusing and opted to engage in another test of his own making to test the mass travel functionality of the item--I.e by wearing it with his fellow student still inside.
While pranks do well to raise morale among the students they should never come at the expense of research efficiency. My hope is that the dwarf sees reason and forges his grudge so tests may continue.
Item #401.
Appearence: A round, golden disc filled with ocean water. Floating at the centre of the disc is what appears to be a minuscule landmass, complete with mountains, forests, and yet tinier cities. Populated cities!
Effect: While this item does not seem to have any effect per se- it is nonetheless quite wonderous!
It appears to be an entire country contained within a small bowl. A living, breathing population kept within the small golden walls of the item. My research into the object have lead to many speculations as to its origin. Perhaps it was cursed by the gods, or maybe it was turned into such a pitiful state by an exceedingly powerful wizard. My favorite theory is that they are travelers brought here from another world, said to have traveled here on the back of a turtle. Ridiculously whimsical.
The tiny civilization living there has been difficult to study due to their size. Furthermore, they seem to be quite aware of the outside world around them and are quite skittish when more intense study is applied.
As this item is of an exceedingly delicate nature, the task of overseeing it and studying it has been relegated to my star pupil. Only the delegate hands of a elf can be trusted with this item.
Of course, as has become the standard, my other students cannot contain their jealousy. While I understand the desire to study such a prized object is strong, making up stories about how my my star pupil has instilled himself as some sort of elven god over the tiny population under threat of erasing them underfoot is simply childish.
As limitless as my drive to study and document items is, my supply or parchment paper is not limitless. It seems that that tiefling student I tasked with fetching a years supply of paper to the next town over using the boots of travel has decided to simply abscond with the item instead. Efforts to capture him have been...difficult as his travel speed is indeed increased. I'm sure this will resolve itself before I have to get personally involved.
Until then, I have been Theodoro Grotmorton. Arch wizard of the institute of magical trinkets and baubles. If you have any inquiries regarding my collection or wish to submit an item to be studied, please visit us at-
[The rest of the passage is illegible due to being covered with crude cave goblin wall paintings.]
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lailoken · 9 months
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A keychain I created for a first-time driver, which has been imbued with a Fae Enchantment to promote guidance and protection while driving.
Crafted from handmade Hawthorn, Rowan, Hazel, & Blackthorn wood beads, a Raw Opal centerpiece bead, Fine Silver spacer beads, and Titanium Allow keychain fittings.
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randomitemdrop · 1 year
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Item: ab patch invented by the military to grant soldiers beast forms. Each device is pre-programmed with what beast form the wearer will be granted, although a skilled artificer may be able to change it. Unusually, the transformation (both person to beast and beast back to person) is controlled by a command word spoken by an attuned commander who cannot be the one wearing the device.
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gavamont · 2 months
A wizard that uses an elongated seam ripper as her magic staff.
She will tear your clothes assunder
She’ll destroy your favorite bag
If your blankets in pieces, no need to wonder
It’s the work of the seam ripper hag
You can test her at your own peril
Because she is ready to do any crime
She’ll have you clutching together apparel
Or she will undo the fabric of time!
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shiftythrifting · 2 years
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A very angry hippo ballerina, someone’s terrifying sharpie art, a nickel box (sans nickel), a variety of 3D printed buddhas with different character heads??, and a box that contained four mysterious items of great power (that I will use only for evil)
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foundry-fabrications · 6 months
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Hey folks! Been sitting on this one for two weeks, done and ready, not wanting to release so close to the Behemoths and just reveling in the fact that for once I have a small stockpile of brews that are done/close to done. It's nice to take a break and not worry about what's next.
Anyway, this is a complete rework of my Transformation Cog item I did a few years back. For those not familiar with the source material or just need a refresher, the Transformation Cog, or T-Cog, is from Transformers and is the organ that allows a Cybertronian to transform into (and scan in later continuities) an alternate mode.
The original version was a reworked version of the Druid's Wildshape feature, with a focus on beast forms rather than vehicular ones. This time, I've gone the other direction and made various types of vehicular alt mode, each for a different purpose and giving you related benefits. A focus of this new version was, as with most of my reworks, refinement of the old idea and simplifying its mechanics to be easier to use. I think I've accomplished that goal, but we'll see how she plays.
I pulled a lot from the Shifter race from Ebberon, as well as the official Transformers RPG by Renegade Games, which is a pretty robust RPG in its own right, though a touch complicated for my tastes (maybe worth a System Spotlight in the future). Eventually, I would love to use this new version as a base for a beast mode T-Cog, and make a Cybertronian lineage that incorporates perhaps an even more simplified version of what I have now. Something to think about.
Anyway, that's it from me, hope y'all like the update! Stay safe, don't forget to love each other, and I'll see you next time.
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dramioneasks · 1 year
Things Without Remedy - onebedtorulethemall - E, 32 chapters, Words: 157,581 - “Do you remember when I told the minister that the Time Turner isn’t a weapon?” “Yes.” “I was wrong. It is a weapon. In the wrong hands, it could—it could destroy everything.” It’s been twelve years since the war ended. Ten years since Draco Malfoy was forced from the depths of his depression by a mother and friends who refused to let him die in peace. Six years since he became an Auror for all the wrong reasons. And for the next month, he's been assigned to protect Hermione Granger as she completes her latest invention: a new type of time travel. You can’t change what happened, she told him. There could be catastrophic effects, cascading like ripples in a pond. So when they find themselves at the centre of a dark conspiracy that leaves them trapped in a past he’s been running from his whole life, they need to find a way home without unravelling their future.
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