#Magnetic Filtration
hsmagnet · 6 months
Magnetic Separator Conveyor Belts Types
Magnetic Separator Conveyor Belts Types Mgnetic separator conveyor belts move things from one place to another in factories. Some conveyor belts have magnets. The magnets take away pieces of metal that shouldn’t be there. This makes the product cleaner. It also stops metal from breaking machines further down the line. There are a few types of these magnetic separator conveyor belts. Each one…
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elastofoam-blog · 1 month
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catalyst filtration from the Autoclave
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invotek · 6 months
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selfcaredoc · 1 year
How Can I Filter Chlorine Out of Tap Water? pt. 1
Jump In the Waters Fine
Welcome to another Self Care Byte, where clean, pure water meets innovative technology! In today's video, Dr. Gary Lindner, physiologist, removes the chlorine in our tap water using the state-of-the-art Nikken PiMag Waterfall water filtration system designed to transform your tap water into a refreshing, chlorine-free, alkaline, ionized water. 
Key Features:
✅ Chlorine-Free Water: Our advanced filtration system effectively eliminates chlorine from tap water, ensuring your water tastes, and smells better. Eliminating the need for bottled water.
✅ Healthier Lifestyle: Say goodbye to the potential health risks associated with chlorine exposure. Enjoy water that’s safe for you and your family, promoting a healthier lifestyle.
✅No Installation: The Nikken PiMag Waterfall is a countertop system that requires no plumbing or electricity making it designed for convenience and efficiency.
✅ Environmentally Friendly: The Nikken PiMag Waterfall is biodegradable and by reducing the need for bottled water, you're not only saving money but also contributing to a greener planet. Join us in the journey towards a sustainable future.
Why Choose Our Filtration System?
At Nikken, we prioritize your well-being and convenience. Nikken has meticulously crafted this filtration system to cater to you and your family whether you're an eco-conscious individual, a health enthusiast, or simply someone who enjoys a refreshing glass of water.
Be Healthy by Choice.
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aquarevsblog · 1 year
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lunarlianna · 2 years
Asteroid Sirene
This asteroid shows why are they attracted to you and where you mesmerize them. You can check where you can find this asteroid in your birth chart by going on astro.com, extendent chart selection, additional objects and add the number 1009. In case this asteroid makes a strong conjunction with your asc, desc, mc, ic or sun and moon, you’ll be more prone in showing those characteristics.
Sirene in Aries:  People are attracted to you because of your confidence, your looks and how direct you are in your approach. They see the fire, the passion and they want to touch it even if they will get burned. Usually people see you as a challenge, they want to tamp you and have control over you.
Sirene in Taurus: People are attracted to you because you are seen as conventional attractive with perfect skin. People usually have a crush on you or end up having a crush on you. How you dress can be seen as provocative even when you’re not trying to be.  They usually seek a sort of approval from you.
Sirene in Gemini: You know when people want to talk with you, most people are attracted to your mind and your communication style, they think they found the perfect person that understands them. They will find it very arousing to have heat up conversations with you, debates or contradictory arguments.
Sirene in Cancer: You attracted people because of your sweet nature, they see you like the perfect mother to some partners you’ll remind them of the qualities that their mother have. They will be attracted to you because you are empathetic and kind but they don’t know how manipulative you can also be.
Sirene in Leo: People are attracted to you because of your light and magnetic charm. They adore the way you walk and present yourself. You enter in their life and make them think that you’ll bring joy and happiness to them. They usually want to have you at all cost. Like a hunter that want to catch a fairy
Sirene in Virgo: People usually like how organize and book smart you are. They see you as that incredible shy and reserve person that everyone wonders how they are. You are pretty good at showing the submissive face but once they get to know you, you turn up to be someone completely different from their imagination.
Sirene in Libra: People are attracted to you because of your friendly nature, they see you as the perfect person to have a relationship with. They may feel the urge to propose to you. In friendship people might misunderstand your friendly nature with filtration behavior. Usually people also like to please you and offer you comfort.
Sirene in Scorpio: People are attracted to your body, you make them feel an insatiable desire for you. You are intense and full of mystery. People usually want to uncover every layer of your being. Some people are straight up scared of you and someone just want to have you all to themselves.
Sirene in Sagittarius: People are attracted to you because of your free spirit and the willingness to learn everything. This placement I see it as that nomad person that everyone falls in love with. Some will want them to be the chosen one for who you settle down and have a family with but your soul wants adventure and freedom.
Sirene in Capricorn: They are attracted to the power you embody, you very well may be successful or own a business. This placement is like that top CEO or Manager that most people have a crush on. They see you and want to be dominated by you. Some people may see you as a father like figure as well. You may be subject to a lot of rumors.
Sirene in Aquarius: You attract people through your quirkiness and weird intelligent facts you spread. Usually at least one person in your group friends has or had a fantasy involving you. They like that you are individual and open minded. They usually see you as the person that will try anything at least once.
Sirene in Pisces: People are attracted to you because they see you as someone that needs protection. They see you like this gentle flower that can get easily hurt. You lure people with your vulnerability and empathy, they let their guard down when they see you, because they think you’ll keep their vulnerable side safe.
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nardo-headcanons · 7 months
Writing Scientist Characters
this post is mainly an excuse to post a certain list of lab supplies I've made for a friend and infodump about lab work. but feel free to use this as a little resource when writing characters who are scientists and/or lab nerds. who knows, maybe it'll be of use.
General thoughts
Many people think it's a stereotype that scientist or nerd characters talk using complex technical jargon. While that is true to an extent, there actually is some kind of lab jargon. It varies across different labs and fields, but one thing they have in common is that it seeks to simplify, not the other way around.
gelelectrophoresis becomes elpho
microbiology becomes mibi
deioninized water becomes aqua dist
biochemistry becomes BC
sodium hydroxide becomes NaOH
They will probably not call a glass of water "silicon dioxide and h2o".
...and more. feel free to get creative. If you're writing in any other language than English, you can throw in one or two anglicisms as well. Also, most scientists will never gatekeep their work, and in an opposite fashion, will not shut up about it unless you make them. And no, most chemists do not know the entire periodic table by heart, only the most relevant elements. (main groups and a few commonly used metals of the subgroups) When it comes to characters doing the lab work, keep in mind that there are a lot more people involved than the scientist themself. Most scientists are more occupied with paperwork and data analysis, it is the laboratory technicians and assistants that do most of the practical work. They often have more lab experience than the scientists themselves.
Things you can have your lab nerd character do instead of making random chemicals explode
writing a lab report (and losing their mind over excel)
degreasing the glass bevel stoppers
removing the permanent marker from beakers (labeling is important)
complaining about the lack of funding of [their field] research
cleaning glassware
preparing specimen for examination
googling the most basic equations for their report
checking if the glassware and utensil collections are complete
steal single use plastic pipettes from their lab
pirating expensive textbooks
A list of laboratory supplies and utensils you can have them work with
Laboratory general (chem + bio)
Erlenmayer flasks, beakers, precision scales (3 digits), glass rods, metal spoons/spatulas, screw on glass flasks (autoclave compatible) test tubes, stopcock grease, dispensers with sanitizer and hand cream, gas burners, heating plates, eppendorf pipettes, pipette tips, Peleus pipetting aids, squirting bottles, liquid and powder funnels, incubator/drying chamber, round watch glasses, magnet stirring plates.
Microbiology Autoclave, petri dishes, agar plates, innoculation loops (reusable and metal), clean bench, microscope slides, microscope, drigalski-spatula, test tubes with clamping lids
Paraffin bath, water bath, scalpels, scissors, razor blades, microtomes (rotating microtome, slide microtome and freezing microtome), histocinette, tweezers (various kinds), ocular
Sequencing robots, eppendorf tubes, gelelectrophoresis chambers, centrifuge
Analytical Chemistry
Photometer, kuvettes, burettes, mass spectro meters, UV bank (for chromatogrophies), pyknometers, melting point meter, porcelain mortars, pH paper, analytical scales (4 or more digits)
Prep Chemistry
Tripod/standing material, miniature lifting platforms, spiral condenser, colon condenser, round bottom flask (three necked and y- necked), filtration material, Separating funnel
Electrical engineering
Electric generators, Soldering iron, Clamp connectors, plugin connectors, ohm’s resistors, plug in lamps, condensers, transistors, PCBs, amperemeters, voltmeters, multimeters
Tripod/standing material, metal hooks, metal rods, mechanical stop watches, marbles, metal springs, Newton meters, laser motion detectors
Prisma (various kinds), various glass lenses (concave, convex, biconcave, biconvex), laser pointers, optical bench, mechanical iris diaphragm, looking glasses, monochrome lamps, lamp filters
Most used chemicals
Deionized water, ethanol, NaOH, HCl, H3PO4, NaCl (+ physiological NaCl solution 0.9)
Useful websites for writing science stuff
DNA sequence generator (simple): http://www.faculty.ucr.edu/~mmaduro/random.htm
DNA, RNA and protein sequence generator: https://molbiotools.com/randomsequencegenerator.php Annealing temperature calculator: https://tmcalculator.neb.com/#!/main
Medicine name generator: https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/medicine-names.php Anything chemistry related: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=chemistry
Commonly used software:
MS Excel
Scientist friends, feel free to add onto this.
Have fun writing!
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inkformyblood · 1 year
i lose all (but not him) #1 CWW2023
Kamino, First Meetings, Slow Burn. Cody x Obi-Wan @codywanweek Day 1 prompt: Cody with a lightsaber. Ao3 link here.
It’s raining. Again.
CC-2224 jams his thumb into the door controls, forcing them open once more with a rush of frigid air that sends the hair on his arms prickling, the sensation crawling over his scalp in a bygone evolutionary tick that does nothing but irritate him. It had been several rotations since the pipes on the lower levels had broken and sent a tidal wave of coral and tiny lost insects into the corridors but the feeling of something crawling over his skin had yet to entirely fade from his immediate memory. It possibly never would. CC-2226 still woke screaming on occasions about the crash from sixteen rotations ago.
The treated canvas hood would do nothing against the rain but CC-2224 still pulls it over the thin fabric of his blacks, double knotting the trailing cords beneath his chin and tucking them away. His boots are soaked through already, but he still leans down and secures his laces. He can no more stop himself than he could pluck the moon from the sky and rearrange the constellations on a whim. He has been trained, sculpted, made for this. 
Query: is it going to stop raining soon?
Answer: no.
The thought isn’t his and yet it is, wired into his thoughts like an additional comm line. CC-2224 nods regardless, swallowing against the copper tinge that spreads over his tongue, and presses the door control once more. Water flicks against his face and he blinks, pulling in a deep breath through gritted teeth, and steps outside.
He regrets it immediately. Well, not regret it. The word doesn’t quite fit and CC-2224 turns it over and over in his thoughts to try and smooth over the ragged edges, to make it flat and smooth and as routine as everything else. He’d seen a piece of equipment fall from one of the higher platforms and become wedged between a barrier and the window it was attached to, too unimportant to warrant the slight inconvenience of lowering a magnet to retrieve it and so it had been left. He’d stopped by the window during his patrols, not for long and not with enough regularity for it to be a pattern and noticed, but enough times to track the decay of plastoid components to expose the fragile wiring beneath. That had only lasted a cycle before it had been torn free and lost, the outer casing following soon after. CC-2224 doesn’t regret having to perform maintenance on the filtration unit. It is a necessary task to prevent costly breakdowns in the future. It is a necessary task to keep the nutrients in their ration blocks from becoming altered due to their negligence. It is a necessary task to keep CC-2226 from being decommissioned. 
There is no room for deviations, no room for error, but CC-2224 will try for as long as he can. 
He is made for this task, just as he had been made for every task before. His genetic sequence had been meticulously hand-crafted, every base chosen and lined up where it was needed. He isn’t as much of a person as he is a tool, a weapon, whatever is needed for the situation at hand. He had been made for the Jedi.
He had been made for one Jedi.
CC-2224 raises his hand to his face, smudges at the sudden spike of pain in his nose. He’s already dripping, every step squelching through the scattered puddles that are only disrupting the rain in that they’re stopping the rain from immediately drenching CC-2224 to his skin, but he can see the dark stain of blood by the distant gleam of the landing pad lights from the platform above him. There’s no sky visible amongst the heavy press of the stormclouds, and the air is heavy with salt amongst the copper gleam of blood with every breath. 
He needs to move quickly. He has wasted enough time already and the unit needs to be fixed. 
The panel is clearly marked, the edges outlined in a mixture of scavanged armour paint by a previous batch and CC-2224 crouches next to it. He shivers, steadying himself on the slick metal and bares his teeth at the unforgiving sky. It doesn’t stop raining, but it makes him feel a little better. Stringing together a collection of scavenged curses at the panel as it refuses to budge also helps. CC-2224 stands, tugging at the tied cords of his hood. The outside is drenched through and there isn’t enough fabric for him to use it as leverage while he is still wearing it. Rainwater cascades over him as he pulls it free, his jaw clenched tight to try and keep his teeth from chattering. He is shaking and he will never be warm or dry again. He will rust and decay and the tiny nonexistent things that are crawling over him will eat his bones.
The panel moves. 
Somewhere, a door hisses open. 
Query: where?
Answer: Landing bay 4
CC-2224 stares up at the distorted lights above him. He can’t keep his eyes open long enough to pick out details, rain impacting against his cheeks and necessary instincts force him to blink. That landing bay is off limits for a reason. Jango had laid it out in his contract amendments when it had been decided for him to stay on Kamino. CC-2224 had heard whispers about how that had been decided, rumours passed between batches like treated water, only gaining speed with every retelling. The version he had heard first was the least fanciful and so the most likely to be true. There had been another man at the meeting, someone tall and dressed in a dark cloak with white hair, his hand heavy on Prime’s shoulder like he was steering him.
There are two, no, three people clustered on the landing bay. Their shadows bounce off of the walls, distorted as the rain floods over the bay lights, and CC-2224 frowns, cupping his hands over his brow as he tries to make out their size. He had done this training, passed it in record time, but the chill the rain brought with it is entirely new. He won’t mention that to the trainers, however, in case they decide to implement it to the extreme. Two are fully-grown trooper size, one standard and one possibly from an alpha batch, head and shoulders taller but not as broad as he would expect. Slight variations are expected so it must be factored in, but the final figure is cadet-sized, scurrying across the landing bay, and CC-2224 tracks his movement closely, mindful of the dual facts of a restricted area as well as the lack of barriers around the edge of the platform. Cadets think they know too much and could do everything, their confidence matched only by the shinies until they trip on their still-too-large boots. 
They’re one plan, one blueprint. Deviations are not tolerated for long. 
CC-2224 turns his head just enough to check the positions of the cameras, one above the door on his level and one above the door on the upper level. They wouldn’t be active, not at this hour, but he still swallows against the burn of acid in his mouth. It must be what one of the scuttling creatures that swarm over the lower levels feels like when a larger fish comes swimming past, infinitely too small with a blade hanging over his head, preparing to drop. The sounds of the ocean shift into something hungry, something focused on him with the salt tang of intention, and CC-2224 stands to the sound of a blaster.
Single shot. Deflected. (Deflected how? Something itches at the back of his mind, right next to wired-in thoughts.)
Second shot. Third. 
What the fuck is going on?
CC-2224 steps forward, cupping his hands over his eyes as he stares up at the platform. All three of them will be decommissioned, possibly himself as well just for being nearby in case he is involved somehow. So, he’ll get himself involved. 
The control panel for the camera is locked just inside the door controls, a neat little bypass loop to let CC-2224 take a peek and try and find spot any markings, maybe a batch symbol if he’s lucky. 
(What’s that sound?)
He doesn’t manage to make it back to the door before the ground trembles beneath his feet. Not a quake nor a wave. Not a test either. It is rhythmic, building, the slow roar of a ship beginning to take off. There is only one ship on Kamino that sounds like that, loud and insistent and demanding to be noticed because fear and notoriety are half the job, as Jango said during a training session. He had left recently, circling back a few cycles ago and now he was leaving again? The cadet should be Boba if the standard trooper is Jango. 
He hopes it’s Jango. If there is a trooper stealing his ship, they’ll all be culled, just to be safe. 
(There it is again. What is it? It sounds so familiar, like something he heard once in a dream.)
CC-2224 breaks into a run, heading for the railings between this platform and the next. The surface is old, pitted, with heavy data cords that run up the inside along with the structural supports. It’ll be difficult, but he should be able to climb up that way if he braces himself correctly so that he doesn’t immediately fall into the starving sea beneath him. It is a stupid plan. It is one of the worst plans that CC-2224 has ever come up with. It is the only plan that has a chance of working. 
He hopes CT-7567 will be okay, whichever outcome befalls him. 
(Catch it.)
CC-2224 obeys. He is a good soldier, afterall. He’s created to follow orders. 
The weapon is still warm, holding onto the touch of an unknown person. CC-2224 looks up, one boot resting on the decaying railing, his hand still outstretched over the scant gap between the landing bays. There is someone looking down at him, backlit as the ship roars into the atmosphere. 
“Hello there!” The stranger calls. Their accent is new, clipped at the vowels and made to carry. Even so, CC-2224 has to focus to hear them, blinking against the rain.A new trainer? Someone else? 
He knows who they are. He knows the weapon he’s holding. (He knows how to kill with the weapon he’s holding, knows how to fight the wielder.) ERROR. 
CC-2224 raises his hand in greeting, holding the tube between thumb and forefinger as he splays his fingers. He points towards the door, knowing that there is little use in calling back and forth and trying to make themselves heard over the storm. 
The stranger mimics CC-2224’s wave, their skin paler in the brief pulses of light from the emergency lighting than CC-2224’s. They are already beginning to shiver, their hand wavering before they drop out of sight. Blankets are stashed in a reclaimed supply cupboard, two corridors over with a right and a short left and CC-2224 pins the location in his mind as he turns his attention back to the open panel. A quick patch would keep it functional until the next cycle, nowhere near the full repair he was hoping to perform but it’ll do. 
The lower levels are quiet this time of night, but they aren’t deserted. CC-2224 slips into one of the supply room and knocks on the top of a crate. There is a moment before he hears the sleep-slow shift of fabric and a similar face appears in the slight gap between lid and side.
“We have a Jedi on Kamino. Have you still got your comm patch links to update everyone?”
CC-2224 barely waits to receive a nod and the fledging beginning of a question before he is moving away. There isn’t time for the endless supply of questions he would have to wade through once they start and there is already a headache pulsing on the left side of his head at the thought of all the curiosity to come. He taps the lightsaber — because what else could it be, documented in a thousand training sims and another thousand more forms and techniques they had learnt (but why, why did they need them ERROR) — against his thigh. The metal gleams beneath the pale internal lights of a sleep cycle, heavier than he would have expected for something so innocuous, and CC-2224 brushes his thumb over the switch just beneath the port. It is a slight stretch for him to reach, suggesting the Jedi is taller than himself or, at least, has a slightly wider grip. 
He’ll need to be mindful of the extra reach this could mean.
The thought is forgotten as quickly as it arrives, tucked away amongst the nest of wired-in instincts that haven’t been taught or bound into him but were somehow there.
The blanket he collects from the supply closet in one amongst thousands of the same grey material, the same durable weave, and he slings it over one shoulder as he walks, barely breaking stride as he leaves a trail of damp and squelching footprints behind him. They all knew of the Jedi (they had been made for them) but soaked to the bone and shivering is not how he thought he would ever meet one. In his half-constructed dreams, the ones that were usually filled with a nebulous future of things he had never experienced but they could be out there, somewhere, maybe, CC-2224 doesn’t dream of battle. He thinks about a street, about a blue sky above his head and walls that are stone instead of metal. He thinks about a chance encounter, about hands fumbling on a stack of forms or an accidental encounter with a mug of caf. He thinks about his Jedi and what they will look like. He wonders who this Jedi is.
Rounding another corner, CC-2224 hears a matching set of wet footsteps, an unfamiliar voice grumbling in a cascade of syllables that seem to be bundled together in a roll for easy transport only to be unfurled at what sounds like the weather outside, the ocean below, the walls for looking too similar and somebody named Quigon for somehow being responsible, ultimately, for all of this. 
The Jedi begins to look over his shoulder before he catches himself and turns to face CC-2224. He is pretty in a soaked to the skin kind of way, the water shining beneath the flare of lights as they hum into life at CC-2224’s approach. His hair is dark, made darker by the storm, but it is the shade that captures CC-2224’s attention first, red like the distant glimpses of sunset he can make out from the higher levels of the facility whenever the speciality training overran. 
“Hello again,” the Jedi says, his grin immediate and a little rueful. He bows, one shivering hand pressed into his chest. The leather bracelets around his wrist shift with the movement and CC-2224 flexes his free fingers with the urge to unfasten them. They could move and catch, irritating the skin beneath, and no other reason. None at all. 
CC-2224 holds out the lightsaber, flipping it easily so the handle is extended towards the Jedi. He is aware of the potential blade within in the same way he would be aware of the possible humming energy field of a vibroblade, the prospect of danger and death. “I believe you dropped this, sir.”
“Yes. I did, didn’t I?” The Jedi steps forward, tapping his boot behind himself as he reclaims his lightsaber and snaps it back onto his belt. “Thank you for catching it for me.” 
CC-2224 flexes his fingers, chasing after the scant memory of the handle still warm from another’s touch, and settles back into the correct stance before holding the blanket out. “For you as well, sir.”
“Thank you. And call me Obi-Wan, please. I don’t believe I’ve caught your name?”
CC-2224 twitches at the question, a momentary break in composure and his fingers bump against Obi-Wan’s. It is the barest instance of contact, gone in the same heartbeat, but he focuses on it regardless, something new to distract his racing thoughts with. He can’t answer. He has to answer. He—
“Jedi Master. I have been looking for you.”
Ice shears down CC-2224’s spine, stopping his heart and kickstarting it at the same time. His breath remains steady, his hands still as he drops into a waiting position at the Kaminoan’s approach. They didn’t venture down this far, preferring the drier floors high above, and she ducks her head beneath the sag of a broken strut before moving next to Obi-Wan. She doesn’t look at CC-2224. 
“I see you have encountered one of our units.”
“I have.” Obi-Wan glances at CC-2224, his expression unreadable. All warmth that CC-2224 had been basking in has been carefully hidden, akin to shoving everything that could be considered contraband into an air duct and pulling the paneling back into place leaving it sheer and blank once more. “He showed great initiative, I’m very impressed.”
The target slowly lifts from between CC-2224’s shoulderblades, a box in a system he’ll never be allowed to access remaining unchecked. He doesn’t move, keeps his face blank. He hasn’t been dismissed yet; one of the little games the long-necks like to play and some of the trainers too, the wait-there-because-I’ve-told-you, the pick-this-up-put-it-down, the go-stop-go-stop. 
He hopes the Jedi will be different. 
He is prepared if they aren’t.
“Do you require him for anything further?” 
“No.” Obi-Wan turns away from the scientist, his mouth still pressed into a thin line that speaks a rage brewing behind it, tightly leashed and called to heel, but his eyes soften as he looks at CC-2224. “You’re dismissed. I hope our paths cross again.”
“Sir.” CC-2224 salutes, regimentally perfect like he has been pre-programmed with the gesture, and turns on his heel. He’s been a drowning man often enough to recognise an escape when one is offered. 
Query: Who is Jedi Master Obi-Wan?
Answer: He is a Jedi. He is a target. (He has been made for you just as you have been made for him.)
Too many thoughts. 
Just one. 
Their fingers brushed. CC-2224 would like it to happen again. 
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last-sprout · 10 months
what sort of job may include magnet suit? and wow, diving suit? including sandstorms i thought there is no place to dive, was i wrong?
Magnet workers are usually the guys you see fixing stuff up on the domes - the magnetic grapples help them scale the supports of the structure to climb up to whatever it is that needs installing or patching up.
and, yeah around the project there isn’t many places to dive. I’m pretty sure there’s a lake to the east. I think (if I’m remembering this right) this area used to be known for its lakes but most are dried up now.
But, I mean, I don’t know where you’re sending this from but surely you can see the benefit of the diving suits though? particularly in the sunken domes there’s whole sections of filtration and coolant and even residential parts completely submerged. Someone’s gotta go out there and fix them.
good lord it’s warm.
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Researchers develop eco-friendly 'magnet' to battle microplastics
Plastic pollution is a pressing environmental issue, and University of Kentucky Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment researchers are leading the charge with an innovative solution. The college's Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering (BAE) partnered with the U.K. Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering to tackle the tiny, often unseen, particles of plastic now found in the world's oceans. Their research, published in Scientific Reports, centers on an intriguing solution: using natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) to capture and remove these miniature particles from water. "The challenge of micro- and nano-plastics in our environment has been gaining intense attention recently," said BAE associate professor Jian Shi. "These minute particles, often invisible to the naked eye, are the remnants of larger plastic pieces broken down by sunlight and physical stress. Their size makes them notoriously difficult to remove using conventional methods like centrifugation or filtration, which are either inefficient or too costly."
Read more.
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hsmagnet · 7 months
Industrial Magnetic Separation
Industrial Magnetic Separation Evolution of Industrial Processes Owing to Industrial Magnetic Separation Industrial manufacturing is a very complicated yet interesting procedure. The complications that you encounter in handling industrial materials can be lowered by opting for the latest technological advancements. Like every other field, technological upgradation has shaken the industrial…
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wumiings · 1 month
See You Space Knight
Fill for @merlinmicrofic prompt ‘Shipwreck’ | Arthur&Gwen&Merlin | Teen | WC: 498
The cockpit is half-lost in a gray haze. Every inhale itches at Arthur’s throat, tasting of burnt hair and plastic.
The goddamn alarm finally cut off a few minutes ago, at least, though his ears have continued to ring.
“I thought the- cough- the one benefit of taking this miserable post was that it would be sa- cough- safer than combat,” he complains, futilely attempting to wave away the smoke. “Yet here we are, crashed on some fucking moon.”
Anywhere else in the galaxy, he might have expected a modicum of sympathy. But, of course, that’s too much to ask aboard the H.M.S. Emrys.
<If it’s such a hardship to captain a lowly research vessel—> The even, mechanical voice of the ship’s AI emanates from all sides, drowning Arthur in its contempt. <—Then why not put in for transfer? Surely someone with your lofty connections could net a command posting on one of those grand Dragon-class warships you admire so much.>
By now, Arthur has leveraged himself out of his seat despite the ache of his battered muscles. (Christ, he’s going to be one giant bruise by tomorrow.)
He scoffs. “Someone’s got to put up with you, don’t they?”
The ship is predictably unsatisfied with this argument. <I hear that charming Lt. Gwaine of the Lothian is up for promotion soon. Isn’t that right, Gwen?>
The Emrys’s engineer looks up from the open wall panel where she’s been crouched trying to reset the internal filtration system for the past quarter hour. She gives the nearest overhead camera a look.
“Leave me out of this, ship,” she says with faux-sternness and affection more transparent than the air they’re currently breathing.
Arthur barely resists the urge to roll his eyes. “You think an officer of Gwaine’s caliber would pass on the flagship of the Orkney fleet to captain a Merlin?”
Immediately, Guinevere bristles. “And what’s wrong with a Merlin, exactly, sir?”
He holds up his hands in an appeasing gesture. “Nothing, nothing.” When she doesn’t look convinced, he redirects: “Er, do you need some help with that?”
He’s pleased to see her soften at the offer.
“No, I’ve almost got it, Captain. But if you can move around alright now, could you maybe go see what’s taking Elyan and Percival so long? They went down to fetch the med kit and evac suits, but it’s been a while and they’re still not back.”
<Storage compartment door is jammed,> the ship reports, managing to sound amused. <Magnetic fasteners knocked out of alignment in the collision. Percival tried yanking on it and broke off the handle. He’s too embarrassed to come back up and tell you.>
“Oh, great.”
Arthur takes a deep breath and lets it out again.
He is going to go figure out how to open the stupid compartment. He is going to get them off this useless hunk of space rock as soon as possible.
And then, God willing, he is going to apply for a transfer.
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sanemyamen · 2 years
Magnetic Beads Market Outlook: World Approaching Demand & Growth Prospect 2022-2027
Global Magnetic Beads Market Report from AMA Research highlights deep analysis on market characteristics, sizing, estimates and growth by segmentation, regional breakdowns & country along with competitive landscape, players market shares, and strategies that are key in the market. The exploration provides a 360° view and insights, highlighting major outcomes of the industry. These insights help the business decision-makers to formulate better business plans and make informed decisions to improved profitability. In addition, the study helps venture or private players in understanding the companies in more detail to make better informed decisions.
Major Players in This Report Include Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc (United States),Merck KGaA, Darmstadt (Germany),Polysciences, Inc. (United States),Qiagen (Germany),MagQu Co. Ltd. (Taiwan),FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation (Japan),Takara Bio Inc. (Japan),Spherotech Inc (United States),Cube Biotech GmbH (Germany),Lab on a Bead AB (Sweden)
Magnetic beads & particles are used as carriers of antibodies, antigens, catalyzers, proteins as well as nucleic acids, allowing action on viruses, cells, bacteria, & other biological entities. Magnetic beads are an ultimate tool for immobilizing molecules such as proteins or nucleic acids on a solid phase. They can be additionally used in many applications. This magnetic bead separation process is an efficient, rapid, clean which many scientists are using to substitute centrifugation, filtration, as well as separation techniques. These are used for immunoprecipitation applications. These ensure the rapid & reproducible isolation of proteins. Market Drivers Growing Number of Life Sciences Research Activities
Rising Need to Identify Antigens That Are Related With Autoimmune Diseases
High Demand in The Biopharmaceuticals Field Involving The Application, Opportunities For New Innovation in The Field of Life Science
Opportunities Growing Genomics & Proteomics Research with the Increasing Adoption of Immunoprecipitation in the Coming Years
Growing Funding for Cell Based R&D by Government and Biotechnology companies
Challenges Quality Concerns over Research Antibodies
The Magnetic Beads market study is being classified by Application (Human Cell Separation, Animal cell separation (clinical study), Secondary cell separation), End Users (Healthcare Facilities (Hospitals, Clinics, and Others), Individual Pathology Labs, Research Institutes, Others), Magnetic Beads Size (Small beads (1-10 µm), Medium beads (20-40 µm), Large beads (70-120 µm)), Isolation Technique (Positive, Negative, Others (Depletion, and Others)) Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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joyner111 · 7 hours
Some of the best wax pen battery available
When it comes to wax pen battery, there are several top wax pen battery that offer a combination of power, portability, and ease of use. Here are some of the best options available:
Utillian 5 (V4): This wax pen is known for its robust 1500mAh battery, which ensures long-lasting use. It features four voltage settings for customizable vaping experiences and is compatible with the Utillian Glass Bubbler for a smoother vapor.
Utillian 5 (V3): Another version of the Utillian 5, the V3 model also boasts a 1500mAh battery and offers four voltage settings. It charges via Micro-USB and includes a new mouthpiece with a built-in tool for convenient wax loading.
Tronian Gammatron: This feature-packed wax vaporizer is designed for durability and has a sleek design with scratch-resistant PVD coating. It combines a wax container within the device and a large battery with a built-in tool, making it versatile and reliable.
Focus V Aeris: With an 800mAh battery, this wax pen offers five temperature options, from 365°F to 600°F (185°C to 315.5°C). It's designed to be strong, with a comfortable grip and a magnetic mouthpiece.
Linx Blaze: This device is easy to use and has a 900mAh battery. It's known for its great features and affordability, with a single button for activation and a quartz atomizer for efficient vaporization.
Puffco Plus: The Puffco Plus is a good vaporizer with a minimalistic design and essential features. It has a 520mAh battery and three temperature modes, ranging from 2.7V to 3.7V. It's well-structured and provides authentic flavor and ease of use.
Linx Hypnos Zero: This wax pen offers a classy design with a 650mAh battery. It's all about flavor and has the potential to create a decent volume of clouds. It can be used with the Utillian Glass Bubbler for water filtration.
Yocan Orbit: This decent Wax Pen features a coil-less quartz bowl and is simple to use with single button operation. It has 3 different Voltage Settings and a 1700mAh battery that lasts for quite a few sessions. When selecting a wax pen battery, consider the battery capacity (mAh), the charging method, and any additional features such as variable voltage or preheat functions. Also, ensure that the battery is compatible with your specific cartridge and vaping style for the best results.
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Water Softener Filter in Ireland
What is a Water Softener Filter?
A water softener filter is a device designed to remove or reduce the mineral content of hard water, turning it into soft water. The most commonly used water softeners use ion exchange technology in which sodium or potassium ions replace calcium and magnesium ions in the water. This process effectively reduces water hardness, preventing scale build-up and improving overall water quality.
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Types of Water Softeners
Ion Exchange Based Salt Softeners: These are the most common and effective systems that use salt to exchange ions and remove water hardness. They are particularly suitable for homes that have faced serious hard water problems.
Magnetic and electronic softeners: These devices use magnetic or electronic fields to change the properties of minerals in the water, preventing the formation of limescale. They are less efficient than ion exchange systems, but require minimal maintenance.
Dual Tank water softeners: With two tanks, these systems provide a continuous supply of fresh water that allows one tank to be regenerated while the other is in use. They are ideal for large families with high water consumption.
Each type of water softener offers unique benefits, so it's essential to choose the one that best meets your family's needs.
Advantages of Installing a Water Softener Filter
Investing in a water softener filter offers many benefits beyond just improving water quality. Some of the key benefits include:
Appliance Life: By preventing limescale build-up, water softeners help extend the life of appliances such as washing machines, dishwashers and water heaters, helping to save money on repairs and replacements.
Improving the Quality of Water: Soft water is gentler on the skin and hair, improves the taste of drinking water, reduces soap scum and makes cleaning easier.
Increased Energy Efficiency: Appliances that use fresh water run more efficiently, resulting in lower energy consumption and utility bills.
Ecological: Water softeners reduce the need for harsh chemicals and detergents, contributing to a greener home.
Cost savings: Although the initial investment in a water softener system can be significant, the long-term savings in equipment maintenance, energy bills and cleaning products make it a cost-effective solution.
Improved Washing Results: Soft water improves the effectiveness of laundry detergents, resulting in cleaner and softer clothes.
Healthier Skin and Hair: Soft water is less irritating to skin and hair, helping to relieve dryness and irritation caused by hard water.
Choosing the Right Water Softener
When choosing a water softener for your home, consider the following factors:
Water Hardness Level: Start by determining the water hardness level with a test kit or a professional service like Euro Water Solutions.
Size of Home: The size of your home and daily water consumption will affect the type and capacity of the water softener you need.
System Type: Decide whether you prefer a salt, salt-free, magnetic or dual-reserve system based on your needs and preferences.
Maintenance Requirements: Some systems require regular salt refills or periodic maintenance, so consider the maintenance requirements of each option.
Euro Water Solutions offers expert advice and a range of high quality water filtration systems including water softeners filter suitable for Irish households. Their commitment to customer satisfaction ensures that you have the best solution for your home's water quality needs.
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particle196 · 1 day
Cadmium-Injected Manganese Ferrite 
Cadmium-injected manganese ferrite (CdMnFe₂O₄) is gaining attention in materials science for its promising applications in magnetic devices, energy storage systems, sensors, and environmental technologies. The compound represents an intersection of two key materials: manganese ferrite (MnFe₂O₄) and cadmium, combining their properties to offer novel functionalities. Below is an exploration of how this material could revolutionize various industries and fields.
Properties and Structure
Manganese ferrite is a well-known spinel ferrite that exhibits strong magnetic properties, making it an attractive material for magnetic storage, biomedical applications, and catalysis. Cadmium, when introduced into the manganese ferrite matrix, alters the magnetic, electronic, and optical properties, enhancing its utility in advanced applications.
Magnetic Properties: Cadmium-doped manganese ferrite can exhibit enhanced magnetic permeability and reduced coercivity. These properties make it more suitable for high-frequency applications such as transformers, inductors, and telecommunications equipment.
Electrical Conductivity: Cadmium injection also influences the electrical conductivity of manganese ferrite, enabling better performance in devices that rely on the control of charge carriers, such as semiconductors and spintronic devices.
Optical Characteristics: Incorporating cadmium can tailor the optical bandgap of manganese ferrite, opening possibilities for applications in optoelectronics, particularly in photovoltaics and photocatalysis.
Energy Storage: The ability of cadmium-injected manganese ferrite to operate at high frequencies and its tunable magnetic properties make it a potential candidate for energy storage systems, especially in supercapacitors and batteries. Enhanced ionic conductivity could improve the efficiency and lifespan of these devices.
Magnetic Data Storage: With advances in spintronics, materials with specific magnetic and electrical characteristics are essential. Cadmium doping in manganese ferrite could create more efficient magnetic data storage devices with lower energy consumption and higher data densities.
Environmental Applications: As a catalyst for water purification and air filtration, cadmium-injected manganese ferrite can break down pollutants more efficiently. Its enhanced surface area and reactive sites make it suitable for catalytic processes like Fenton reactions, helping address environmental challenges.
Biomedical Uses: Due to its biocompatibility, manganese ferrite has been studied for drug delivery and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Cadmium injection may offer further opportunities to enhance its contrast properties in MRI or improve its effectiveness in targeted drug delivery systems.
Sensors and Actuators: The material’s ability to respond to external stimuli, such as magnetic fields or pressure, makes it ideal for sensors and actuators in smart technologies and Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
More Info: physicistparticle.com 
contact us : [email protected]
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