#Maze Runner 1
19 notes · View notes
fangirl-dot-com · 6 months
Across Every Universe
Well, this got away from me and then BAM - over 9k words. Uh, I will also be willing to pay for therapy if needed, oopsies. Anyway, please enjoy! I cried multiple times while writing this. All of my favorite things in life are rolled into this one fic.
Like always comments, questions, concerns, reblogs, and likes are appreciated! love you all <3
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Earth 199999 
“Mr. Verstappen?” 
Max look up from the suit that he was currently working on. His eyes were blocked by his newest technological glasses that kept information in his fingertips. 
He wanted to roll his eyes. This new assistant really didn’t get the memo of Do Not Disturb. Man, did he wish Kelly were still here. Yet, there was that unspoken rule of not dating your boss, so Max was happier with her being his girlfriend rather than assistant. 
“Yes?” he muttered back, looking back down at the prototype reactor that should be 15% more powerful than the one he has now. 
“Mr. Leclerc is here to see you.” 
Max sighed as he threw the screwdriver down. “I told Charles that I was to not be disturbed.” 
The assistant shrank back but continued on, much to his annoyance. “He said it was urgent. Something about Case 89?” 
That got Max’s attention right away. He abruptly stood up, knocking down a few things on his desk as he rushed past his assistant. 
“Cancel the rest of my meetings today.” 
“But sir, you have a call with the president and a public appearance…” 
Max twirled around. “I said, cancel everything.” 
A large gulp sounded as he stared down at the incompetent helper. Maybe he could convince Kelly to come back. 
“Yes sir.”
With that, Max stalked down the hallway to the elevator. Once inside, he pressed the button for the top floor. He checked his watch, making sure the technology was there. Specifically, the watch could change into a powered glove if he needed it. And he sure hoped he wouldn’t. The elevator sounded when he finally reached the floor. 
He was barely out of the small box when three pairs of eyes were on him. 
“Took you long enough,” a Monegasque accent sounded. 
With a roll of his eyes, Max rebutted, “My assistant doesn’t get the meaning of my orders.” 
A squawk of a laugh came from the corner. 
“You think that’s funny Lando?” Max quipped as he turned to his right. 
A curly hair Brit sat on a table, feet put together like he was stretching his inner thighs. 
“Everything is funny Max when you don’t have a stick up your ass,” Lando responded as he slid off the table. 
“This is not the time for laughs and games gentlemen,” another British accent sounded. 
Charles finally spoke again. “I apologize Director Horner.” He shot a stare at Lando. “It won’t happen again.” 
While this was happening, Max had taken a step to his computer. His fingers danced over the keyboard and brought up surveillance footage from downstairs. His eyes flickered up to look at his two “companions” and, well, his boss per say. 
The Monegasque was in his “get up” as Max called it. The multiple layers of ancient looking clothes disguised his figure. His red cape floated behind him and a green jewel seemed to glow behind its eye-like holder around his neck. 
Lando was dressed a skin tight red and blue suit. A web-like pattern covered its entirety and a spider lay resting on his chest. The face piece was tossed on the couch behind the table where he previously sat. His fingers twitched and flexed with lack of motion. 
Director Horner was draped in his regular black trench coat. Black shoes, black shirt, and black pants accompanied the fashion piece. His hair was kept and gelled. The most distinct item was a black eye-patch that covered his right eye. No one knew how he got it, but the three claw marks that started at his eyebrow gave Max a few hints. There was that old encrypted file that mentioned something about a flerken.
“So what are we working with?” Max questioned as the correct surveillance footage came up. On the screen was a clear box, with what looked like a person sitting in the farthest corner. Long hair covered their face as it was tucked into their knees. 
Charles did a motion with his arms. Golden strands danced around and flickered before they disappeared. Horner sighed and rubbed his brows as Charles let out a nervous chuckle. 
Lando rolled his eyes before clicking something on his wrist. A pull up hologram flashed from his specialized watch. 
There was a picture of a young girl and a list of lettering to the left of it. 
Max crossed his arms, eyes hard and cold. Charles let out a little gasp as he quickly gazed the list. 
Horner kept quiet. 
Lando began to read off of the floating screen. “Her name is Y/n L/n. Twenty-two years old. An orphan. Lived in Brooklyn all her life.” 
Max waved his hand in frustration. “We know this. I want to know why she flagged our radars and is currently in the most powerful containment cell we own.” 
If he had a desk with papers all over in front of him, the papers would be on the floor in one clean swipe. 
Lando sucked in a breath. “She killed 12 people in a freak accident.” 
A video started to play. 
The girl was surrounded by mass destruction. Smoke and fire filled the air. Bodies littered the floor. Yet, Max’s attention was on the black tendrils coming out of her back. They were a fluid type, moving around through the air like a fish in water. The girl seemed distressed as her hands were trying to stop the things coming out of her back. 
The tendrils suddenly stopped and disappeared back from where they came from her back. The girl stopped, looked around, and looked right at the security cameras. A moment later, one large black tendril flew from her hand and cut the video. 
Lando sighed when he put the hologram down. “She was found two days later, unconscious. The tendrils came out when the police found her. They seemed like they were trying to protect her. That’s when they called in Charles and I.” 
“They were difficult to deal with, but seemed responsive to another protection spell that I was able to use to transport her,” Charles concluded. 
Director Horner questioned, “Why was Norris called as well?” 
Lando decided to answer for himself, “Well it is my jurisdiction and I’ve dealt with something like this before. Remember Eddie Brock. This symbiote seems to be of familiar decent.” 
While the three others kept talk, Max continued to watch the scared girl. At this point a tendril had appeared and was almost trying to comfort you. 
“I’m going to go talk to her.” 
That shut the three up. 
Charles looked at him with a weird gaze. “You don’t know what she can do.” 
Max pointed at the screen. 
“She’s a little girl who is probably scared to death of who we are and what we might do to her. She’s probably thinking that she’s going to die in the next few days.” 
“I’ll go with. I’ve seen this before. I lost my friend because of this thing. I won’t let it take another life,” Lando confessed. A hard look on his face. 
“Then it’s settled. Lando lets go.” Max turned to leave, Lando hot on his tail. Charles and Director Horner stayed behind and continued to look at the file. 
The elevator took Max and Lando down to the locked floor. Max clicked a few buttons on his watch and used his fingers to wrap the glove around it. The whir of the machine sounded as it warmed up. 
“I will give a signal if I think the subject will engage. I need you up in the sky.” Max stepped out of the metal box. 
Lando nodded. “On it.” 
When the two got to the door, Max swiped a card. The door opened and Lando started to climb the walls. Once at a significant height, Lando stopped and hung on with one foot and one hand. His other hand was ready to shoot a web to swing in. 
Max slowly walked over. 
In the time that Max and Lando had taken to get down there, the tendril had disappeared. But to Max’s surprise, the girl was looking right at him. Without any fear, Max opened the door, stepped over, closed it, and sat down on the opposite side of her. 
“What are you going to do to me?” she whispered, visibly shaking. 
Max was taken back. 
“Excuse me?” 
You looked him dead in the eyes. 
“When do you plan to kill me?” 
Max looked with sad eyes. What had you gone through for that to be the first question to run through your mind? He shook his head. 
“I’m not going to kill you. No one is going to kill you. We have an offer for you actually.” 
It was now time for you to look confused. 
“There was an idea to bring together a group of remarkable people to see if they could become something more.” 
You inhaled. “To see if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight battles that we could never.” 
Max smirked. 
You shrugged your shoulders. “I’ve heard the speech on the news.” 
“What’s your name?” 
“Y/n. Y/n L/n.” 
“Welcome to the team kid.” 
From a small window above, the sunset cast a small sliver of orange light into the room. It illuminated the small space between you and Max, almost acting as a bridge from the past to the new present. 
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Earth 2113 
A grunt left Max’s lips as he threw another knife at the tree. He had been in this cove for a few hours. The stream provided him with much needed fresh water. He was able to take a mock shower, but it only reminded him of the sweet lake that he had back home. 
It felt like a foreign concept. 
Weeks had passed since he had last been there. It was supposed to be his last year until he aged out. But really, the odds were never in his favor. 
His name was in there 68 times. 
Year before, his name had been in there even more times. Not once was his name chosen. But, this year it had been. 
How he wished to return back to his own trees, and use an ax instead of the knife he was currently twirling. 
A snap of a branch had him shoot up, knife raised ready to throw. His eyes darted around his utopia that might soon become bathed in blood. 
As he turned to his right, his eyes met big round ones. 
Your small frame was frozen in fear. The rushing sound of water had mocked you long enough. You were so thirsty. 
Max watched as you glanced at the river and then back to him. His tense shoulders relaxed once he realized what you were here for. 
He slowly brought the knife down, as to not scare you. 
“It’s alright. I’m not going to hurt you.” 
You did not seem convinced, but you seemed less scared. 
“Go on.” 
That seemed to do the trick as you darted over and started to fill a water bottle first. 
Smart, Max thought. 
He had seen you a couple times during training. The twelve year old from District 11. Small, witty, scared. Your eyes always seemed to be filled with tears during training. However, you seemed determined for someone who probably knew that they wouldn’t win the games. 
“Thank you,” you whispered after you had gotten your fill of the water. In your outstretched hand was an apple. “Got it from the big pile.” 
Max stared at it. His stomach said yes, but his head said no. The rational side said it probably wasn’t poisoned, but the back of his mind tried to convince him that it was. 
“I have another one. I can eat it first?” 
Max nodded at the offer and you took a bite. He waited for a few minutes, waiting for you to keel over. Except it never happened. You ate the entire apple happily. Max liked to wonder if you might have enjoyed an apple in school before all this. Maybe your hair would be put in two pigtails, done by your mother with a kiss on the forehead. 
He finally took the apple and his stomach and brain were both happy. 
This seemed to be their little thing that happened in the next few days. 
Max would wait by the river just before the sun started to set. And you would somehow show up with two shiny apples. 
He thinks at this point they might be from sponsors. He had one main sponsor, a man named Christian, who kept supplying him with different small knives and a few things here and there. The two of you would fill your water bottles and eat the apples. 
He had gotten you to giggle a couple of times, which lifted his spirits. You taught him which plants were edible, and he taught you how to properly throw a knife. He had given you one of his for safe keeping. But he really hoped that you’d use it if you the time came. Blood on your hands would kill his soul. Yet, he’d rather keep you alive then have you die. 
One night, you had fallen asleep on his chest while the two of you watched the late night slide show of who died that day. 
Apparently, there were four left including you and him. Your small puffs of air hit his face as he finally closed his eyes. He thought it was funny how you fit perfectly in his arms. His mind wandered to his girl back home in District 8. He wondered if he’d ever have a kid like you that would fit between him and her. 
The sound of a boom woke Max up. His arms curled protectively around air. When he noticed, he shot up. Taking no time, he grabbed his bag and knife that was attached to a long stick.  
“Kid?” he yelled out, voice straining. 
“Kid?” Another shout as he ran. 
“Kid?” Shouting, Max jumped over tree stumps and through brush. 
He stopped. 
A whisper.
You stood with your back to him. His eyes glanced to what lie in front of you. 
A body was faced down. Max sighed in relief. That cannon was not for you. 
“Kid, don’t ever do that…again.” 
You had finally turned around at the familiar and safe voice. 
Max’s heart plummeted at the sight of tears in your eyes, red patch that was slowly growing on your t-shirt, and bloody hands. His backpack and stick dropped to the ground. 
A ring vibrated through his ears as he rushed to catch you before you fell to the ground. 
“Kid?” Max asked as you looked up at him. Your small hand reached up and touched his face, leaving a bloody trail on his cheek. 
“I did it just like you showed me Maxie. Now you can win.” 
Max smiled, with tears streaming down his face. The some that fell on you were wiped with his trembling fingers. 
“Of course you did.” 
Your big eyes stared up at him. “Are you proud of me?” 
Such a big question for such a small girl. 
“Always,” he whispered back. 
“Can you tell me that story? About the big lion and little lion? One more time?” 
He let out a wobbly breath. 
“Once upon a time, there was a big lion that lived in a forest. He had about 19 other lions, but he was really a loner. The other lions weren’t good friends with the big lion. He felt like he was miles away and no one could touch him.” 
He noticed your eyes start to slowly glaze over and he tried to keep going. 
“The lion was very lonely and sad, but one day, the world decided to give him a friend: a little lion.” 
The cannon boom stopped his story in its tracks. His arms curled around you as he wailed. He wailed and wailed, not caring who could see him. 
After a few moments, he gulped down his cries. 
“And the lion was finally happy with the cub. He didn’t need any other friends. As long as he had the little one, he’d be ok. And the big lion and little lion left toward the sunset and were friends forever.” 
He leaned down to give your little head a farewell kiss. 
A few hours later, Max was declared the victor of the 89th Annual Hunger Games. As the helicopter that carried him flew toward the sunset, Max let tears drip down his face freely. He knew his little lion was finally safe. 
Always walking toward the sunset, waiting for the big lion to join. 
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Earth 2230
“Ah Master Charles, glad you could make it,” Lando said snarkily as he sat in his seat. 
“Sorry, my padawan had many questions and kept me in the library for too long,” the man confessed as he took his seat next to Lando’s. 
“Oscar is the same way. What is with these trainees wanting to spend hours and hours in the library?” Lando’s head was leaned back in mock annoyance. 
Master Carlos, who sat across from the curly-haired man smirked. “You were like that once when you were my padawan Lando.” 
A scoff escaped Lando’s lips. He turned back to Charles. 
“How is Arthur handling everything?” 
Charles smirked. “He cried when we had to cut his hair.” 
“Well, he will get used to it,” a new voice piped up. The man had curly hair, like Lando’s, but a big gummy smile was plastered on his face. 
“Daniel, you don’t understand. He was inconsolable.” Charles’s hands raised in frustration. 
“Does anyone know why we were summoned? And where is Max and Master Horner?” 
The doors slid open and two figures walked in.
“We’re sorry for out tardiness Master Alonso. We had some trouble in the elevators.” Christian sent Max a knowing look that was returned with an eye roll. Max huffed as he sat down in his chair next to Charles. 
Once seated, Christian began to talk. 
“Well, I guess you’re wondering why we were all summoned here today.” 
A snort came from Lando, who quickly shut up after he received a glare from Carlos. He sank back into his chair. 
Christian continued. “Master Vettel and Master Räikkönen think they’ve found the chosen.”
Murmurs began to spread around the room. Annoyed with the added noise, Max was the one who spoke up. 
The room quieted. 
Daniel was the one to lean forward. “How do they think they’ve found the chosen? It’s just a prophecy that has been collecting dust for centuries.”  
Christian rubbed his face. “All they said was that they felt a disturbance in the force when they visited Naboo for their diplomatic mission. They went to investigate and the force grew stronger the closer they got to the capital center.” 
A hologram erupted from the middle. It was a map of the center with an undergrown view as well. A red beacon signaled from deep down. Max’s finger pointed at it. 
“Underneath they found an illegal human trafficking ring that dealt with children with force sensitivity. When they got there, most of leaders had been knocked unconscious. In the middle was a girl. They said the force just pulsated off her being.” 
Christian picked up from there. “They’re bringing her in in just a few moments. She’s been debriefed about everything and is willing to join the cause.” 
Lando looked intrigued. “Who’s going to be her master.” 
Max leaned back in his chair. “I am.” 
A scoff echoed, but it wasn’t from Lando this time. It was from Master Hamilton. Max tilted his head and cast his gaze on the older Master. 
“Have something to say Lewis?” 
Lewis rolled his eyes. “Shouldn’t someone more,” he paused, “advanced in their Master roll be given the chosen as their padawan?” 
Charles spoke up. “Like you?” 
“Yes,” came the answer from the man. 
Carlos spoke, “But you just brought on your own padawan. I don’t think poor George would be too keen on losing a Master so close to his choosing.” 
“But you shouldn’t give the chosen over to another child.” 
Max stood up in anger. “I’ve been through the trials. I am as much of a Master as you are.” 
“Enough,” a new voice roared as the doors to the room opened. 
They all stood up and sightly bowed their heads. 
“Master Vettel. Master Räikkönen.” 
Behind the two stood a teenage girl. Robes already adorned her body. Her hair was tied in traditional high braids, and a smaller, thinner one draped over her shoulder, showing her status.  
Kimi took his seat in one of the center chairs, but Sebastian stood in the middle with the girl. 
“As you all have probably been briefed by Master Horner, this is Y/n.” 
You took a step forward and kneeled before the council. Sebastian took a step around you and sat in his seat. 
“You may rise.” 
You did as you were told and took a minute to briefly glance at the council of masters. Each one of them winced at the force energy that seemed to just radiate off of you. Well, all of them except one. Your eyes met his electric blue ones. He sent you a comforting smile, which you didn’t have time to send one back before Sebastian spoke. 
“State your name for the council.” 
You inhaled shakily. “My name is Y/n L/n, from Coruscant.” 
Charles leaned towards you, elbows on his knees. “But you were brought here from Naboo.” 
You winced at the mention of the name. The masters could feel your distress and Max wanted nothing more than to elbow Charles for that insensitive question. 
“I was taken, Master, from my home planet and enslaved for the past three years.” 
Charles grimaced at your answer and leaned back, staying silent for the rest of the meeting. 
Kimi sent you a small smile before he cleared his throat. “We have brought you here to begin your padawan training.” 
That must have comforted you since the force wasn’t buzzing as much around you. The masters were now at ease. 
Max wanted to talk, since he was going to be your new master, but he was interrupted by what he thought was a grating voice. 
“So, are you the chosen one?” Lewis questioned, eyes slitted as he looked at you. 
Your ease was now slowly vanishing as you were under the scrutiny of the master. Your gulp was heard through the room. Lando felt bad as he once had been under the same gaze when he was a Padawan. He tried to send you comforting signals through the force. 
“I don’t know for sure if I’m the chosen. I’m just thankful to be alive at this point Master. And I don’t enjoy being picked apart before I even know what I am to begin with.” Your voice had risen in annoyance. “Sir.” 
Max smirked. He didn’t need to look around, he knew the others were also smirking or trying not to laugh. 
Sebastian spoke next. “Y/n, we would like you to pick your master.” 
Max wanted to jump and shout that you were already supposed to be his padawan, but Christian’s hand on his shoulder stopped him. 
Your tired eyes looked around the room. 
The master with the thick dark hair and tanned skin looked promising, but you could feel that he already had a want for another padawan. He gave off the same energy as the boy with similar hair that you had passed on your way here. His friends called him Rafael. 
Across from him, curly hair caught your attention. But you also felt that he already had what he was looking for. 
Same as the man with the short goatee and green eyes. You felt a familial energy reach out to someone, probably a brother close by. You wouldn’t want to separate them. 
The other curly-haired man showed you a smile that rivaled the sun. Once again, his force energy was already attached, but it seemed he had two. Not rare, but it was weird to feel the force branch like that. 
You had already asked Master Vettel and Räikkönen if you could be there padawan, but they had declined. 
The dark man in the corner was giving you mixed signals that gave you a headache. His energy was split. The one that was attached was waning at you looked at him, almost as if he was trying to break it. At that moment you decided not to choose him. Because if he wasn’t 100 percent sure with his chosen, how could he be sure with you. 
Your gaze finally landed on the blue eyed man that had sent you a smile. His force energy felt like it was vibrating at the same frequency as yours. Which helped it melt into a smooth rhythm. 
When it had stilled, you heart, mind, and force had chosen. 
Max felt it the moment your signature became still for the first time since you stepped foot into the room. 
The other masters, except one, smiled at you. They all stood and left one by one until it was just you and your chosen in the room. 
He stood up and walked toward you. 
Your head bent in a quick bow. “Master.” 
“You can call me Max.” 
Your brows furrowed. “Is that allowed?” 
Max only smirked. “Who cares. I’m your master now. My rules are your rules.” 
You flashed him a smile. “Ok…Max.” 
A grin crept onto his face. “You ready to save the galaxy kid?” 
With a nod, you two shook hands. 
The sunset filled the room as your silhouette became black shapes. Nothing would be better than the orange and pink casts from your home planet as you started your new life as “The Chosen” or better as “Master Verstappen’s Kid.”  
Master and Padawan Pairings:  Max and Y/n Charles and Arthur Carlos and Rafael (FAD)  Lando and Oscar  Daniel and Liam with Yuki  Lewis and George  Not mentioned – Alex and Logan  Former Christian and Max  Former Toto and Lewis  Former Jules and Charles  Former Carlos and Lando
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Earth 934
Your eyes glanced around the big train as you tried to find an open seat. Your hands clutched your bag as you kept walking further and further toward the back. You sighed in relief as you finally noticed a room with no one in it. You softly opened the door and slid in. Both seats were empty. 
Taking a minute to breathe, you stared out at the vast country side that the train passed through. You almost fell asleep, but the sudden open and close of the car door made you jump. Your head turned toward the intruder. 
A boy, possibly older than you since he already had his robes, was leaning against the now closed door. He took a deep breath before his blue eyes landed on you. 
“Hi,” you said, not wanting the air to be filled with awkward silence. The boy did not reply, but he did go over and sat on the opposite bench of yours. Your folded your arms. He dared to interrupt your quiet and not respond. 
You opened your mouth to speak once again, but he beat you to it. 
“My name is Max. Sorry for interrupting whatever you had going on.” 
Your mouth closed at his confession. 
“What do they call you kid?” 
“I’m not a kid. I’m twelve years old.” 
Max rolled his eyes. “Which makes you a kid. You’re two years younger than I am.” 
“That makes you fourteen. And by technicalities, you would be a kid as well.” You huffed, not enjoying the teasing from the older boy. 
Max pouted. “Just tell me your name.” 
It was your turn to roll your eyes. 
“It’s L/n. Y/n L/n.” A smirk crept on your face and Max’s mouth dropped open. He leaned forward, almost as if to tell you a secret. 
He whispered. “Do you have, the, you know?” 
Your small hand came up and brushed your little bangs away. There, on your forehead was a lightning bolt shaped scar. It wasn’t like a cartoon shape as it had little bolts that stretched out across and down, but stopping at your eyebrow. 
“Wow,” Max managed to breathe out. “What house do you reckon you’ll get?” 
You shrugged. “Well, my parents died and I was adopted by a muggle couple and they were awful. So I really don’t know what the houses actually stand for.” 
Max looked angry for a moment. “Well, that’s bloody terrible for you have to gone through that. I hope that you’ll get into my house.” He pulled on his green and silver tie. “One of my friends, his name is Lando, is also in Slytherin. But then you have my best friend Daniel in Hufflepuff, Charles is in Gryffindor with his brother Arthur. You’d have to watch out for Lewis though in Ravenclaw, he’s a bit extreme.” 
You took a moment to absorb all of his words. 
“I think I’d like to stay with you or one of your friends.” 
The 14-year-old was elated at the statement. “We’ll see what happens.” 
Your mind often went back to that conversation years ago. It was maybe the last time you ever felt safe anywhere. Hogwarts was supposed to be your home, yet here it lay destroyed. 
That fateful night you had not been chosen to be a part of the Slytherin house, but thankfully you were placed in Gryffindor with Arthur and Charles. They took care of you like a family should have. Max also stayed super close to the three of you. Whether it was going to Honey dukes, playing quidditch, or even making potions in Headmaster Horner’s class, the four of you were together. 
Your wand twirled in your hand as you sat on some broken steps. The once beautiful ceiling had giant holes in it that made way for the night sky. Tears streamed down your face as you pondered your next step. 
It had gone downhill so quickly. 
Lewis, as it turns out, had given your location away to Toto, who had wanted you dead since you were just a baby. He was the one to kill your parents and “bless” you with the mark on your head. The betrayal had sent shivers down everyone’s spine. 
Many people had been killed because of you. 
Charles and Arthur’s brother Jules had been hit by a stray spell. Their screams and wails were now permanently engraved in your brain. 
Max’s girlfriend Kelly, a nice Hufflepuff, had been attacked by a rogue werewolf. She was still alive, but barely. 
Your two Ravenclaw friends, Alex and Logan, were found under some rubble, hands clenched together as to share pain before death. You remembered how Oscar, another Ravenclaw who hung out with you and Lando, sobbed into the latter’s shoulder for hours after he found his blond best friend. 
Your friends had died to protect you and you had done nothing. 
At this thought, your mind was made up. 
Toto wanted one thing, and one thing only: for you to die. For the umpteenth time your mind wandered to his ultimatum that he had given you earlier that evening.
“Y/n L/n. I know that you know that you are trapped now with nowhere to go. Come to the forbidden forest tonight and I will cease all fighting on my end. The rest of your  friends won’t have to die due to your insubordination and fear. When you come, be prepared to die.” 
His snake-like voice had been broadcast through the minds of everyone. Before he had even finished, you took your leave, not wanting to watch as another family wept over a dead brother or sister. 
With shaky legs, you stood up and brushed your skirt. Your face showed your determination as you began to walk down the steps. But as your foot hit the actual floor, a body rammed into yours. 
“Kid!” A voice from farther away yelled, accompanied by quick footsteps. 
A quick glance at the hair that was attached to the body now in your arms let you know it was Arthur. Over the top of his head, you noticed Max and Charles running toward you. 
They were quick to also put their arms around you. 
Max maneuvered your face so that you were looking him in the eyes. 
“Kid, we have to go now before he decides to attack again. Arthur and Charles know a way out. Let’s go.” 
He thought that you had agreed as he turned around to leave. Charles followed him, and Arthur tugged on your hand, as if to lead you away. 
Yet, you stayed put and Arthur’s hand slipped from yours. 
“Y/n?” he asked, looking back with tears in his eyes. You gave him a crooked smile as the tears in your eyes finally spilled over. 
You tilted your head in the opposite direction. That’s when it hit the three men. You had already made up your mind. 
“No, no, no, no. You can’t,” Max choked out the last word. 
“I have to Max. I won’t let another one of our friends die because of me. I can’t risk Daniel leaving you or have Lando taken from Oscar right after Logan.” You looked at the two brothers. “I can’t let you two lose each other. I won’t let that happen to your mom.” 
Charles looked at your with sympathy swarming his green eyes. He slowly walked toward you and gave you a hug. While you were in his arms, his lips met your forehead. You knew that was going to be his goodbye. 
Arthur was next. He pleaded as he curled his arms around you. “Let me go with you. Let me walk with you. I swear I’ll leave before...before...” 
Your hand was slowly placed on his cheek as you shook your head. Another sob escaped his lips and a new tidal wave of tears left his and your eyes. “I can’t risk you. Please, stay with Charles.” 
Arthur begrudgingly nodded, but not before placing a light kiss on your lips. A small smile graced your face as you tried to kiss back through the tears. When the two of you parted, he looked down at you, a sad smile now replacing his frown. 
“Please try to come back to me.” With that, he turned around and left. Charles gave Max a knowing look before he took after his brother. 
It was just you and your oldest friend. 
Max came over and put his hands on your shoulders. He didn’t give you a hug, or a long speech, or a kiss on the forehead like he usually did when he had to leave you at the train station before every summer. He just looked at you before his eyes glanced at your wand. You thrust it in his hands. 
“Take care of them for me?” 
“Tell Lando that he can have whatever is in my house. I know he was looking at my Nimbus RB20 the other day.” 
“And Max?”
A hum answered as Max couldn’t find the strength to speak. 
“Watch the sunsets for me?” 
Finally, you rushed into a hug. Max’s arms couldn’t get any tighter around your form. With one last squeeze, you broke the hug and turned away, not wanting to delay the inevitable any longer. Your walk to the forest was quick, as you wanted this to be over as soon as possible. 
There, suddenly in front of you in all his ugly glory, was Toto. Lewis was to his side, looking rather ashen probably with fear. Even though he betrayed you, you tried to send a comforting smile his way. 
“Are you ready to die?” The snake-like voice hissed. 
There was a moment between the yell of “Avada-Kadavra” and when the spell hit you. There, you knew peace. Your body hit the forest floor with a thud.  
Arthur, who was still back at the castle suddenly inhaled sharply. Charles, scared for his younger brother’s sanity, knelt next to him. 
“What is it?” 
Max, Lando, Oscar, and Daniel all crowded around the younger boy. 
He could only whisper. 
“She’s gone.” 
There was no time for mourning as someone screamed out in the courtyard. The group of boys rushed out and what they saw made them stop in their tracks. Headmaster Horner, who had been taken a few days ago, now carried your limp body for all to see. 
“Y/n L/n is dead!” 
“No!” your friend Lily screamed, but was quickly held back by Oscar. 
“Silence. Foolish girl,” Toto hissed. 
Arthur turned and put his head on Charles’s shoulder and wept, not caring anymore. 
“She’s not dead.” Everyone’s heads turned to Max, who had his wand pointed at the dark wizard. “She’s alive,” he gulped, “in all of us. She wouldn’t want us to give up. She’d want us to continue, even when everything seems dark. And I won’t let her die in vain.” 
Toto cocked his head. “Well then, you’ll die along with her.” He pointed his wand at the blue eyed boy, except a large explosion knocked him down. Your rolled out of Christian’s arms and ran toward Max, all while shooting a spell at the downed wizard. 
The students and teachers all ran in different directions. The battle was back on. 
Instead of running away, Max ran to you. He met you halfway and held you at a distance. 
“You came back Kid.” 
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Earth 7521
“When will he get back?” 
Logan stopped his machete in the air. You and he had been out in the sun for a couple of hours, trying to carve poles for the new housing system. 
“He’ll get back before the sun goes down.” 
“But what if he doesn’t?” Your gaze was cast at the big wall with the giant gap in the middle. What went beyond was your guess as you hadn’t been there, and technically you weren’t allowed to go. You’d chosen to be a woodworker, not a runner. 
Logan sighed. He had sworn that he’d take care of the new greenie, but this isn’t exactly what he signed up for. 
“Max always gets back right at the gate closes. Has done every day since I got here. He comes in with Alex and they’ll go to the map room.” He really tried to ease your conscience. You had all but attached yourself to the boy since you got here. He couldn’t blame you since Max was really the first one that you saw. He was the same with Alex, as was Oscar with Lando and Max with Daniel. 
Your brows furrowed. “But Alex just got back and Max isn’t with him.” 
Logan dropped his machete and it thumped in the grass. His head jerked over to where you were looking. There, the Thai runner had just crossed the threshold of the giant gate, but the Dutch runner was nowhere to be found. 
“Stay here,” he demanded, but really didn’t expect you to obey. Anything that had to do with Max, you would find out one way or another. A large groan came from the giant wall, signaling that it was about to close. 
Logan hastened his pace and heard your footsteps try to keep up with him. As he got near, Lewis and Lando both crowded around Alex. The blond picked up on their conversation. 
“Where’s Max?” Lando questioned as his eyes kept flickering between the hunched over runner and the wall. 
Alex sucked in a breath. “We got separated. A griever was out in the open.” 
Multiple gasps came from others as a crowd had formed. 
Lewis’s eyes widened. “But grievers don’t come out in daylight.” 
Alex had a sullen look. “I know.” 
Lando cast another glance at the metal gate that let out another groan and a shake. This time, the doors were slowly closing. 
“So we’re just going to leave Max in there?” Lando gestured. 
Lewis looked down at the ground and nodded. A silence went over the group as they were now preparing to mourn the loss of one of their family. 
Logan’s heart sunk. You must have been devasted. He turned around to where you were supposedly. 
“I’m so s-…Y/n?” His head whipped around trying to find you. His heart sunk even further as his eyes finally found you, right in front of the closing doors. “Y/N!” 
Now you had everyone’s attention. 
“Greenie!” Lewis yelled. 
You simply turned your head and looked at the leader. “I got to go save Max.” It was as if you were explaining a simple toy to a toddler, like it was a matter of fact. 
“Max is gone Kid. We can’t lose you too,” Lando tried to negotiate and distract you as the doors got closer and closer together. 
The doors were so close to closing and Lando thought he was successful. Well, until you bolted and squeezed through the slit. Multiple boys called out for you but it was too late, the doors closed. Logan ran to the metal wall and hit his fist on it multiple times. 
On the other side for you, it was silent. An eerie type and not comforting. You tried not to get distracted at the maze-like sequence of walls that stood before you.
Right. You needed to find Max, and fast. 
Not wanting to draw attention to yourself, you silently ran and didn’t call out Max’s name. It felt like hours before you finally found him. Your eyes watched as his tried to curl up more, to make himself smaller. 
“Maxie?” you whispered. 
His head shot up, eyes wide as you walked closer to him. 
“Kid? What the hell are you doing here?” he whisper yelled back. You took a seat next to him. 
“I couldn’t leave you out here alone.” 
Max let out a sigh. “Well, now we’ll both be dead by morning.” 
You looked down at his bloodied leg. “What happened?” 
“Alex and I were mapping like always when a griever jumped out. They’re not supposed to be out in the daylight, but they were. I ran right and Alex went left. I thought I got away but I tripped. I think my ankle is sprained or broken. Couldn’t make it back to camp.” 
You absorbed the information before you stood up and took a vine down from the wall. The middle was stiff like a branch and the smaller vines attached to the leaves were bendable. You quickly made work of Max’s ankle and tied the stiff vines to his leg. 
“This should give you enough support so we can get back.” 
Max looked at you with wide eyes. “You’re good at this. Why didn’t you become a medjack?” 
You giggled as you helped him to his feet. “I couldn’t stand the tension between Nico and Lewis anymore and Logan seemed inviting enough.” 
That got a little laugh out of Max. 
The two of you made your way to the gate where you camped out all night. 
“Thank you kid. I’d be dead without you,” Max mentioned when the doors opened the next morning. 
“I know. Look Max, the sunrise!”
“Thanks kid. You know they’re my favorite.”  
Two years later
Those days in the Glade were much better than what you’d been through in the past two years. From running through the desert and being chased by zombie people to now sneaking into the giant headquarters to find some type of cure. 
Your eyes were now on Max as his head swayed back and forth. He didn’t look good as his face was drenched with sweat. 
It had been about a week since he told you that he had been infected. You had cried and cried, promising to find a cure. But that promise seemed to be so far away as you were nowhere closer to finding it.
“Hold on Maxie,” you whispered as you tried to keep him upright. His head was now perched on your shoulder as you continuously looked up in the sky, looking for the rescue helicopter. Charles had disappeared once someone told him that his blood was the cure. He had promised to be back quickly, and that was an hour ago. 
Max didn’t have much time left. 
A thumping in the air caught your attention as you gently placed him back against a wall. Black goup now started to run out of his mouth. You gently wiped it away before placing a kiss on his forehead. 
“Here they come Maxie. Just a few minutes more.” You stood up and turned to try to wave the helicopter in your direction. Your smile grew as it now began to get closer and closer. 
“Max we’re going to be…ok.” As you now faced Max, confusion and fear glossed over your figure as he now stood a few feet away from you. His body twitched as his head swayed back and forth. 
Your voice seemed to snap Max out of whatever trance he was in as he sudden rushed toward you and knocked you down. You thought this was it as Max’s hands harshly roamed and grabbed at your body. His hands stopped as he found your gun. 
He was quick to cock it and bring it to his head. Your hands were quicker and you knocked it out of his hands and it slid across the floor. Max growled down at you and jumped to go get it, but your hands yanked him back. You grabbed the gun and pointed it at your friend. 
Your heart broke as you looked at his sickly nature. His eyes cleared to that pretty blue that once always covered his eyes with kindness swarming in the storm. But now, he looked at you with a pleading nature. 
“Please, Kid. Please,” he begged, but you couldn’t pull the trigger. 
The clearness was quickly wiped away as you finally lost your friend. He managed to get up and sling the gun out of your head. Somehow, he had gotten a knife from his pack on his body and he came swinging. The two of you fought for a moment, before Max suddenly went still. 
Why did he stop?
Max stumbled back and you finally saw. 
Your lips quivered as you tried to slow his fall to the ground. You gently laid his head on a rock. He wheezed as he looked up at you. The helicopter wind picked up and your hair started to dance around your face. 
Max closed his eyes and his chest rose, fell, and froze. 
Your scream was silenced by multiple yells and the deafening sound of the chopper that had finally come. Hands grabbed your arms and ripped you away from your friend. You tried to fight and claw your way back, but the team was too strong.
They sat you down in a seat and allowed you to just cry. 
Your eyes caught glimpses of orange and yellow out the open door of the flying machine. 
Max would have loved the sunrise.  
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Earth 1217 
“Y/n!” The yell of your team principal caught you attention. 
“Yeah?” You set down your race notebook and walked down the office hall. Yes, you hated office days, but at Red Bull you wanted to go over everything that involved you. Call it a bit of a prima-donna attitude, but you weren’t a five time champion or Red Bull’s golden girl for nothing.
“I wanted to take you out to the track. The new recruit is doing his testing laps for next season,” the older Brit mentioned as you joined him in walking down the hallway. 
You turned your head. “I though Daniel was up for Checo’s seat?” 
Christian sighed and looked down as the two of you walked passed the trophy shelves. Most of them were from you. 
“Daniel said he didn’t feel comfortable enough to handle our car. Maybe in a few years after he gets back in the groove in the Alpha Tauri, but not now.” 
You snorted. “Guessing Charles is as comfortable as ever being the Prince of Mercedes?” 
“Ah yes, your childhood friend-slash-rival did ask me to send his kind regards and told you to watch out for any puddles.” Your eyes rolled at the last statement. 
“All right, talk to me. Who else did we ask before you texted me that only said ‘I found him’.” 
Christian sighed as he backed his car out. The two of you had gotten to the parking lot in no time and were now headed to the track. 
“Well, Lando just renewed his contract with Ferrari, same as Oscar. Lewis, well, he never responded and McLaren never got back to us. Most of them aren’t really looking to be second to you.” 
“They’re just mad they’ve been dominated by a woman for five years straight and will be for another three. Maybe after that, someone can be number one.” 
The car jerked as he parked it. You stepped out, tennis shoe hitting the ground. They really went well with what you normally wore: skinny jeans, a Red Bull Polo, and your number 1 hat. 
The roar of the RB18 caught your attention as your eyes watched it zoom by. A bright yellow helmet caught your attention, but it went around the corner too quickly for you to watch. 
Once at the mock garage, you met up with Mitch and junior race engineer GP. Apparently the new recruit had wanted to keep his engineer with him through everything. Which you understood as you brought Mitch over with you after your McLaren days. 
“So is this Sargeant? His second place in the championship looked promising, but he was a bit slow,” you mentioned as your sunglasses covered eyes looked around. An angry looking man stood in the corner, bit headphones on his ears. 
"No. It's not Sargeant. His name is Max Verstappen. He jumped from F3."
Your eyes narrowed at the big angry man who seemed like he wanted to take a fork to a mechanic. You leaned over to Christian. “My abusive-parent radar is going off. I want him out of the garage.” 
Christian once again sighed. “I can’t throw our new driver’s father out of the garage on a hunch.” 
You took a sip of your Red Bull. “You did it with my parents.” 
“Y/n, they hit you in front of me. I had proof. Just wait a bit and we’ll watch him.” 
You huffed. “Fine, but he doesn’t come to any debriefs or meetings.” 
“Perfect.” He clapped his hands and your attention was now placed back at the newbie’s times. He was driving just a bit slower than you, but they were marginal tenths and hundredths behind. 
Mitch, being the senior engineer, clicked a button. “All right Verstappen, bring it back in.” 
“Got it. Thank you!” 
You hummed. “Polite kid.” 
Your RB18 pulled up and a scraggly kid jumped out of the car. Out of the corner of your eye, you watched as his dad got off his ass and started to come over. Not wanting anything to happen, you made your way to the boy, cutting him off. 
He had just taken his helmet and balaclava off when you reached him. Christian came up and joined you. The boy finally noticed you and looked at you with a gaze of amazement. 
“Max right?” you questioned and held out a hand to the Dutch kid. 
He nodded, still trying to take in the sight of his role model right in front of him. That’s when he noticed that you were still waiting for him to take your hand. He yanked off a glove and shook your outstretched hand. 
“Max Verstappen.” 
“How old are you?” You took another sip of your Red Bull and offered Max one as well, who took it quickly. 
“I’m nineteen, but I’m turning 20 at the end of September.” 
You had a fond smile on your face. You knew what it was like to be thrust into this life at a young age. Hell, Christian took a chance on you when you were just seventeen. 
“Who’s your favorite driver?” Mitch questioned, standing behind you. You knew she was teasing the boy as his face got red really quick. 
He mumbled, “You.” 
You had a shit-eating grin on your face as you look down at the boy. You went to say something else, but he beat you to it. You had a feeling that he might do it more often, but you didn’t mind. 
“I, uh, just wanted to say that I’m perfectly fine with being number two driver. I know you’re on a mission to make it to 8 championships. And I’d like to help you do it.” 
Your heart may have melted at the confession. 
“Well, once I get my 8 championships, let me tell you what. We here at Red Bull like to be record breakers, so I’ll help you make it 9. Sound like a good deal?” 
Max’s face lit up at the semi-promise of not just one championship, but nine! 
“Sounds good.” A giggle left his lips.
The sun was setting as you were all called for a brief meeting so that Max could sign the contract. Orange and yellows blended in together and bathed the two of you in its glory. 
“Ok then, welcome to the team kid!” 
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Earth 1218 – Present Earth 
TikTok had become your addiction when you had spare minutes in your busy life. Videos passed by so quickly, you sometimes didn’t even register what it said. Thankfully though, you managed to not accidentally like anything that could harm your career before it barely got started. 
One trend seemed to be very popular at this time. Your fingers would swipe through the photos of various TV and movie characters. The pictures on each slide had the same captions. One being “Do you think we’re together in every universe?” and the other “I sure hope so.” 
You’d already asked Arthur and he just rolled his eyes. 
“Of course we would be. I think you’re stuck with me wherever you are,” he had told you. 
Yet, there was one driver who you really needed to ask. You had already seen versions of this made for multiple driver pairs. The ones of Charles and Max, Oscar and Logan, and Lando and Daniel always made you cry. You couldn’t help it. 
But, the ones of you and Max always made your heart happy. You knew that you weren’t the easiest to take care of and you came with baggage. However, Max never made you feel bad about it: he did the opposite. Many times, he made you forget all the bad things in your life by just being there. 
You sent him one of the generic ones from someone’s random account.
Little Racer 
https.www.tiktok./KID89.192&MAX0133/ Do you think we’re together in every universe? 
It took him a few minutes to respond since he was often busier than you were. The season was coming to an end, and his fourth championship was in his grasp. 
Big Racer 
I’m sure of it kid. Can’t get rid of me that easily. 
Little Racer 
And you still probably type like a grandpa in every one too! :P 
You laughed out loud when three middle finger emojis followed your text. Where you were sitting in the living room of your Monegasque apartment, the sunset caught your eye. You smiled as the rays nearly blinded you, but you were fine. The warmth spread across your cheeks as the rays kissed your face with softness. 
You didn’t know what other versions there were of you. You honestly didn’t care. Because as long as you had Max, you’d be just fine.
Across every earth, galaxy, and universe you’d find yourself dreaming of a life you didn’t live, but could only imagine how good everything would be in the end. 
TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @glitterquadricorn @laura-naruto-fan1998 @treehouse-mouse @sam-is-lost @kagatinkita @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @myxticmoon @angsthology @cmleitora @agent-curt-mega @graciewrote @ashy-kit @slutofmultifandom @aexitizen @sugarvibez @vellicora @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @cashtons-wife @aeh2 @hoetel-manager @xcharlottemikaelsonx @jayda12 @cassie0sstuff @ilove-tswizzle @justme2042 @itsjustkhaos @nikfigueiredo @stopeatread @cha-hot @sadg3 @iloveyou3000morgan @s4turnsl0ver
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book-place · 1 year
Story of Tonight
Warnings: weapons, tmr spoilers, cursing, violence, mentions of death, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Gladers x reader platonic
*not my gif*
Summary: Your chaotic order is suddenly disturbed by the arrival of the newest greenie
A/N: Welcome to book places one year event!!
Inspired by: The Story of Tonight by We the Kings
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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I may not live to see our glory
“Hey, greenie!” You called as you strolled over to the poor boy who had been whipping around, looking at the Glade in complete fear.
Alby grinned, clapping the boy on the back in a way that made him stumble forward in his already unbalanced state, “And this is Y/n.” The leader introduced while you gave a friendly wave to the boy, “And she might be the only girl here, but messing with her might be the last thing you ever do.”
You laughed, playfully shoving the boy aside, “Quit scaring the guy, Alby. You’ll make him go running off again.”
The boy's cheeks flushed at your words, “I didn’t know what was going on.” He defended weakly.
A nod of understanding came from you, “I know, I get it. We were all like that when we first got here. No matter what the other kids will tell you, not a single one of us handled it any better than you did.”
Alby began backing up with his hands in his pockets and a rare wide smile, “I’ll let n/n take it from here, but I’m serious, greenie! No flirting! If she doesn’t end you for it, I guarantee any one of the others- including myself- will!”
You scoffed and flipped him off, leaving the boy cackling as he went off to his other duties and you began steering away the new kid, who looked downright petrified.
“Don’t listen to him,” You sighed softly, “That’s just Alby being Alby. He learned over time that he had to be like that after getting the first and only girl thrown into the mix with everything.”
The boy gulped from beside you, “I wasn’t going to try and flirt-“
“I know.” You smiled kindly, bumping your shoulder with his slightly, “You don’t seem the type.”
“Have-have the others actually done things to people who’ve flirted with you?” He asked.
You grinned teasingly, “Nah, they’ve got pretty close, though.” You looked around and waved at a couple nearby boys fondly, “We’re all like a family here. And family looks out for one another, which is what they’re just trying to do.”
He nodded beside you in understanding, but then asked, “Is it normal that I don’t remember my name?”
It was so innocently asked, but his eyes were wide with fear in a way that made you chuckle slightly and swing an arm around his shoulder, “It’s your first day, greenie. You’ll remember eventually, I promise.”
You continued showing the boy around, something that had quickly become your second job around here after Alby and Newt figured out that you had more of a welcoming personality than any of the others. That alone quickly made you climb up to almost third in command around the Glade, a job often playfully fought over between you and Minho.
“What is this place?”
You faltered in your steps. After so many times of showing new greenies around, you had become used to the recurring question, but that didn’t mean it was any easier for you to talk about each time.
With a clearing of your throat, you turned to look at the small cemetery that had been set up, “These are places to rest for those we’ve lost.” It was an answer that you had been able to generate over time.
“Oh,” He breathed out, dropping his head slightly as if saddened by the loss of those he hadn’t even known, surprising you slightly. You decided that you liked this boy, “Are there many of them?”
“I believe that every loss is a great one,” You said, “So, to me, yes. But to others,” You shrugged, “Maybe not.”
“I think it is.” He whispered.
You smiled softly at his words and gently began steering him away, “I’m glad you think so.”
“But… do they die often?” The nervousness in his tone hinted at what he was trying to insinuate with the question.
“You’re going to be fine,” You reassured him, “If so many of us have made it this far, then you have lots of good people to look out for you.”
But I will gladly join the fight
“New greenie today?” Minho asked, chest still heaving up and down slightly as he leaned his forearms against the table in the map room.
You hummed, crossing your arms and leaning back against the wall, resting your head against it, “Just left him to Chuck.”
The boy grinned, “Poor kid, Chuky’ll talk his ear off.”
A small laugh left your lips, “I don’t know, the new guy asks a million questions, I think Chuck’ll be the one getting fed up.”
“Hey, sorry we’re late.” Newt's british accent rang out through the room as he and Alby stepped through the door, closing it securely behind them.
“Any new progress?” Alby got straight to business, standing over the table with cross arms.
Minho shook his head, expression dropping from the relaxed, joking one he held as the two of you conversed only seconds ago.
The leader sighed, reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose, “We lessen our odds of getting out of here every day that passes.” He admitted in a small whisper.
You and the other two boys exchanged a worried look, he almost never talked like that- not in front of others at least- he liked to keep hope held up for as long as he could.
With a sympathetic smile, you walked over and clapped the boy on the shoulder, making him peek over his hands to look at you.
“Take a break, Alby,” You said softly, “Relax for the rest of the night, we have the greenie bonfire still. Enjoy it.”
He reached up and placed his hand over yours, squeezing it appreciatively before nodding once to the other two and slipping out.
“Here, I’ll clean this stuff up, guys.” You picked up the papers Minho had been drawing on to showcase the map of the trails he had just run, “Save me a plate of Fry's food, will you?”
“You got it,” Minho mockingly saluted before exiting with an amused Newt right on his heels.
As soon as the door softly shut behind him, you dropped all the belongings with a tired sigh, letting your head fall into your hands.
You had to try to keep a brave face on for them- for everyone. Because even though Alby and Newt outranked you, you felt as though you were responsible for keeping their hope alive- all of the gladers hope.
You would never admit it out loud to anyone, but you had lost hope a long time ago that you were all going to get out of there. But you would fight- you would keep fighting until you had nothing left in you if only to try and give the others a chance of getting out of this place.
And when our children tell our story
“Smile, greenie,” You joked, swinging your arm around the new kids shoulders, “We’re here to celebrate you tonight.”
The boy looked over at you hesitantly, “I’m not so sure I like that idea.”
You threw your head back with a laugh, leading him towards the festivities centered around the large bonfire, “I like you, greenie, you’ve got a humor on you.”
“I wasn’t trying to be funny…” He mumbled, slowly taking the glass you held out for him, “What’s this?”
You shrugged, taking a sip out of your own glass, “Gallys famous Moonshine.”
He stared down at it suspiciously, “But what’s in it?” Clearly he had met the creator of the drink already, or he most likely wouldn’t be having this much problems with it.
Your grin only widened, “That’s the thing, nobody knows. He won’t tell us.”
Hesitantly, after watching you take another swig of the mystery drink, he lifted the glass to his lips and took a slip. Less than a second later, he was bent over, sputtering and coughing.
Newt strode by just in time to see that, and laughed loudly while clapping the greenie on the back, “You get used to it after a while.” He promised with a snicker.
The boy grimaced, “I don’t know if I want to.”
“Ah, so this is the famed new greenie I’ve heard so much about,” Minho then came over, wearing a grin you knew meant he was in the mood to mess with the new boy, “Gunning to be a runner on your first day, are ya?”
A blush crept up onto his cheeks and he quickly shook his head. This caused you to scowl at Minho and swing an arm around the boy's shoulders, “Don’t listen to him, he’s just trying to get you all worked up.”
You and the other two laughed slightly while the greenie just stood there, looking uncomfortable.
Noticing this, you shifted the conversation and glanced around, “Where’s Alby?” You frowned slightly.
Newt glanced back towards the Homestead, “Already retired for the night, poor bloke could barely keep his eyes open.”
Your lips twitched into a slight frown at the news, but quickly replaced it with a wide grin when you noticed the others watching you, “Good, he deserves to get some rest.”
With that, your small group slowly dispersed, you and Minho plopping down onto some nearby logs and chatting while Newt led the greenie away to show him around a bit.
Shortly after, your attention was pulled from the boy beside you and towards where a group of gladers were huddled near the fire, cheering in a way you knew could only mean that there was a fight.
Letting loose a small sigh from your nose, you pushed yourself to your feet, ready to break up the brawl.
You surged through the crowd, the couple boys that saw you moving out of your way, already knowing that you would be mad at them for encouraging it in the first place, and wisely decided on not making it worse for themselves.
A surprising surge of anger coursed through you when you reached the front and came face to face with the sight of Gallys stupid smirk as he advanced on the greenie, who stumbled backwards in fear.
You barely knew the boy, but you already really liked him.
“Hey!” You called, marching forward and shoving Gally backwards by the chest.
Gallys eyes widened and he didn’t resist your push, everyone all around quieting as well, watching the scene before them unfold.
“Alright, ya shanks!” Minho's voice boomed behind you, “Show’s over!” Normally he didn’t get involved with the fights, but he must have followed you.
Slowly, the crowd disbanded and spread out, giving you some space, muttering amongst themselves all the while.
You turned to the boy, “Are you alright, greenie?”
“Thomas.” He mumbled, looking slightly disoriented.
“What?” Your eyebrows furrowed.
“My name- it’s Thomas.” His eyes finally lifted to meet yours.
You shot him a small, amused grin, “Funny time to remember something like that.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Thomas mumbled, shuffling his feet.
With that, you rounded on your heel to face Gally, who was being blocked from running away by Minho, who stood like a solid wall in front of him with his arms crossed.
“And you,” You seethed, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“I-he-“ Gally sputtered out.
You held a hand up to silence him, “Actually, I don’t want to hear it.”
Minho let out a low whistle of amusement once Gally scampered off, “Damn, greenie, some first day you’re having.”
“Tell me about it,” Thomas muttered.
You forced yourself to let out a laugh, trying to make it sound as real as you could.
They'll tell the story of tonight
Your lips were pulled into a thin, grim line as you stood over Ben with crossed arms, your ears long since having begun ringing from his screams.
He was going through the changing and you and the others could do nothing but painfully sit around and wait for it to be completed.
Alby sat in a chair to the other side of the bed, head resting in his hands as his forehead creased with worry and contemplation.
It was beginning to get to the point where you couldn’t take it anymore. You needed to get out of that room.
You turned on your heel and quickly exited, feeling a bit guilty for the sigh of relief that slipped past your lips, even though the noise of his screams were only muffled the tiniest bit through the thin door.
Subconsciously, you started with slight surprise at the sudden voice to your left, and your head whipped to the side to face Gally, who almost looked as if he had been waiting for you.
You scowled slightly, still upset with him about what happened with Thomas the night before.
“What do you want, you shank?” You grumbled, already beginning to stomp down the stairs to leave the Homestead.
“I don’t trust him.” He kept up with your quick pace with ease.
The bluntness of his tone paired with the suddenness of his words made you falter in your step slightly and you shot him a sideways gaze, “Who?” Your curiosity got the better of you.
You scoffed, rolling your eyes and quickening your steps in hopes of getting away from the boy.
A gentle hand grabbed your arm and pulled you to a stop. You were forced to look into Gallys eyes that held such seriousness and urgency that you didn’t even try to wretch your arm from his grip, “I saw him during the changing. I don’t know how or why, but I don’t trust him.”
“You saw him?” You hesitated.
He nodded his head, “Clear as day.”
You swallowed thickly, averting your eyes to the other side of the Glade, where Newt was showing Thomas the ropes of everything.
“Thanks for letting me know,” Was the only thing you said before slipping away.
Let's have another round tonight
She’s the last one. Ever.
Of course, you should have known. The first time there’s ever another girl in the Glade, she comes with an ominous note that shoots fear through everyone’s hearts, including your own.
Your first thought was if she was the last greenie to come up, then would the Box itself never come up again either? Would you be able to still get supplies?
The girl was quick to pass out almost as quickly as she had woken up, and you could tell right away that Thomas seemed off, as if her arrival had triggered something from within him.
Unconsciously, your mind drifted to Gallys words from earlier, the ones about seeing Thomas while he was going through the changing. Maybe this as connected to it.
You hadn’t questioned it though, or voiced your opinions, too busy working with Newt to keep everyone’s panic at bay, even when your own was rising more and more by the second.
Alby looked at you, and you picked up on a hint of duress that only those closest to him would be able to see. It was never a good sign when the leader of the Glade was worried and practically showing it.
Let's have another round tonight
A loud scream pierced through the air, immediately ripping your attention away from Newt, who was talking in front of you, and your head snapped over to the source of the noise so fast that you could have sworn you almost got whiplash.
Without a second thought, you took off as fast as your legs would carry you into the general direction, eyes zoning in on where Thomas was making a beeline out of the trees, seemingly aimlessly.
Right on his heels was Ben, who you were certain was still supposed to be on bed rest. The boy was chasing after the greenie with a murderous glint in his eyes that made your stomach churn.
Gladers all around quickly gathered close to the two boys, watching with parted lips and eyes wide with shock as Ben tackled Thomas to the ground.
“Hey-“ You yelled, moving to dove forward and push him off the boy, only for another hand to hold you back.
Your head whipped around to where Newt was shaking his head, nodding in the direction of Alby, who wore a deadly calm look and held a bow that was pointed directly at Ben’s head.
“Get off of him, Ben,” Alby demanded authoritatively.
The boy made sounds of protest, refusing to release him.
Your eyes worriedly flickered down to where Thomas lay, staring up in horror as he used all his strength to try and keep the crazed boy at bay.
“This is your last warning.”
Newts hand was still gently but firmly placed around yours to keep you from impulsively interfering and possibly getting hurt.
Ben let out a scream, arm reeling back with a sharp object grasped tightly in his fist, as if to stab Thomas, but was swiftly thrown off the boy by the force of an arrow hitting him in the side of his face.
Thomas immediately scampered up, stumbling away from the boy. Only then did Newt let go of you, and you quickly rushed to him while a bunch of the Gladers moved to secure Ben.
“Hey, are you okay?” You asked anxiously, eyes traveling over his face for any sign of damage.
He huffed out a large breath of air, muscles still tense from the chase, “Yeah, yeah, I’m good.”
Dusk quickly approached after that, seconds ticking by until the Keepers were to get together to push Ben into the maze just in time for the doors to close. Locking him in there for the night.
You knew he deserved it- he tried to murder Thomas- but in the end, you couldn’t bring yourself to go and watch.
It was honestly sick, pushing a kid to his death, even after he tried to take another’s life.
Let's have another round tonight
It was one bad thing right after the next.
You felt like you barely ever had time to breathe, tragedy just kept striking again and again.
Now, you paced back and forth at the west door entrance of the maze that Minho and Alby were supposed to come back through hours ago. The two of them went out to explore a dead grievers body that the runner had supposedly seen, and had not been back since.
Every couple of seconds, you would glance up at the ever setting sun and your heart would just sink lower and lower into your chest.
You had resorted to worriedly biting on your thumb nail, ignoring the way all the Gladers around you were muttering amongst themselves in their own panic.
“They’ll be alright.”
Though you knew the british boy was trying to comfort you, the slight waver in his tone at the end of his sentence gave him away to only putting his confidence on for show.
You couldn’t even find it in yourself to manage a nod, urgency and worry eating up inside of you. It was getting so bad that it felt as if your chest was contracting.
You didn’t know what to do.
All of a sudden, two figures emerged from around the corner. Well, one figure was stumbling while dragging another limp figure at their side.
Minho was dragging Alby along.
Minho was dragging Alby along, and the doors were beginning to shut.
Your mouth went dry and your throat began closing up.
“Come on!”
“Leave him!”
“Run, Minho, run!”
Desperate cries broke out from all around you as everyone tried to urge the pair on. But you already knew, somewhere deep down, that there was no chance of them making it.
They were too far away and the doors were closing far too quickly.
From the corner of your eye, you barely even registered Thomas’s body moving forward until it was too late. Until Newt's arm was hanging uselessly to the side after trying to grab the boy and yank him back.
Until Thomas had slipped through the maze doors just in time for them to close with a deafening thud.
Raise our glass to freedom
Not once during any of the hours of the night had you moved from your spot.
Your feet were planted firmly into the ground right in the very center of the west door and that’s where they stayed. Your eyes didn’t close for longer than the occasional blink, and you wordlessly waved away any of your worried friends who had tried to coax you to bed.
Nothing could have moved you from that spot. Not when three of your closest friends were trapped in the horrid maze for the night.
Somewhere deep down, you knew that no matter what you did, no matter how long you waited, nothing would bring them back. It was impossible to survive a night in the maze.
“Love,” Though you felt a gentle hand on your shoulder, you didn’t tear your eyes away from the bland concrete in front of you, “The doors are gonna open soon, and I don’t think we should be here when they do.”
You knew he was just trying to spare you the heartbreak of the doors opening without any one of them being there, but you couldn’t will yourself away.
“I can’t,” Your voice was slightly hoarse from non use.
“Y/n…” Chuck was there too, the poor boy was also worried about you, “Fry said we can go get some breakfast from him before any of the others get up. That means we get first dibs on everything.”
Your feet remained firmly planted on the ground.
The all too familiar groan of the doors easing open drew more Gladers near, no other sound but the quiet murmurs that slipped past their lips.
You knew that the emptiness waiting for you would be too much to bear, but you couldn’t will your feet to move, to pull you away from the scene that would leave you devastated.
But as the doors inched open, you sucked in a sharp breath and you felt as if your heart froze.
There stood Alby, Minho, and Thomas.
All very much alive- despite the fact that Alby looked seconds away from passing out.
A sob escaped from the back of your throat and you threw yourself forward before any of the other Gladers even reacted, hugging the closest of the boys, which just so happened to be Minho.
Despite being the one to be trapped in the maze all night, Minho caught you with ease and hugged you back with a tightness that you could only assume meant he needed it just as much as you did.
“Come on,” You pulled away after a moment once Newt started speaking, “Let’s get you to the med-jacks. Then we can talk about how the bloody hell you shanks managed to survive.”
Something they can never take away
“Heya, greenie.” You grinned, striding over to the slammer.
Thomas peaked his head towards one of the openings, “Hey,” He replied back.
“I come bearing good news,” You began rifling through your pocket to pull out a key, which you slotted into the lock on the jail door and turned, letting it fall open, “You’re free to go.”
Thomas quickly scrambled out, letting loose a breath of relief, making you chuckle slightly.
“Here,” You handed him a plate of lunch you had been carrying for him, “Eat it on the way, Alby wants to talk to you.”
A mixture of surprise and relief flooded onto the boy's face, “He’s awake?”
You nodded, “The first thing he did was demand that he talked to you. Alone.”
A bit of nervousness grew on his face as the two of you walked side by side towards the Homestead, “Any idea what it’s about?”
You shook your head, “Nah… but, hey, I’ll be right outside the room if you need anything, alright?”
He nodded, shooting you a grateful smile as you arrived at the room Alby was in before he carefully crept in and closed the door behind him.
You did as promised, leaning across the wall opposite to the door as you waited for Thomas to emerge from the room again, only to be alerted a couple moments later by the sound of struggling coming from within the room.
Quickly, you burst in to see what all the ruckus was about, only to find Newt- who was surprisingly in the room as well- restraining Albys hands and Thomas backing away, eyes wide with fright. Alby himself was sputtering and seemingly trying to regain control of his breathing.
He turned his head to face you and Newt, who were now standing side by side, “Be careful with the girl, and protect the maps.” Was all he told you before his eyes rolled back and he passed out.
You knew he was talking about the strange girl that arrived the other day, but his directions were eerie to you. And sudden. You didn’t know what was happening- you were no doubt missing some pieces to the story- but you were beginning to freak out.
No matter what they tell you
No, no, no, no-
This couldn’t be happening. You must have been dreaming.
But as you whipped around in circles with your head tilted back to stare with wide, unbelieving eyes, you knew that it was true, if only by the similar reactions from the other Gladers.
The sky was gray and the sun had disappeared.
Scientifically, you knew this wasn’t possible. But you also knew that scientifically, having no sun meant no crops could grow- the things keeping you all alive. So you figured that the reality of the situation was more important than how it actually came to be.
First the girl. Then the note saying the box would bring anymore supplies. Ben going insane. Then Thomas, Alby, and Minho getting trapped in the maze. And Albys weird instructions-
Sure, being stuck, helpless, in the Glade was never ideal to begin with, but you all made due. There was order to all of the chaos, but it seemed like ever since Thomas’s arrival, everything had come tumbling down, crushing you in the process.
It was all too much. You could hardly breathe.
But you couldn’t worry about that at the moment, not when so many of the Gladers were thrown into a panic that only you and the few others in charge could even have a small hope of curing.
“Hey! Alright, listen up!” Your voice boomed over the open space, effectively gaining the attention of everyone around and silencing them, “Until we know what’s going on, everyone head to the Homestead.”
Only a few quiet murmurs escaped from the lips of all the boys, but they all did as you said without question, trusting you.
All you could do was hope that their trust wasn’t misplaced.
“Y/n,” Newt came up beside you, “We have a problem.”
“You don’t say.” You deadpanned.
The blond boy shook his head, “It’s not just the sky… the doors to the maze aren’t closing… nothing's happening.”
Your throat tightened, “What the hell do you mean?”
He gestured towards the entrances, “They should have closed by now.”
Your eyes widened and you glanced towards a couple of stragglers nearby who were yet to make it into the Homestead.
“Come on, people! Move it!” You snapped, worry seeping into your tone.
They exchanged glances, but didn’t question it, just doing as you said and changing their paces to a small jog.
Once you and Newt did a sweep to make sure that nobody was left outside, you yourselves went in and assisted in barricading all of the doors and windows to hopefully keep the horrible grievers out.
Raise our glass to the four of us
“The grievers will kill one of us each night until all of us are dead!”
As if the crazed- slightly animalistic- look in his eyes weren’t enough to make you uneasy, his words threw you as well as everyone else within the Homestead into a full on panic.
Gally had burst in with disheveled hair and clothes to announce that to all of you, but you honestly had no idea how he knew or why he was telling everyone, he knew well enough that it would just shoot fear into everyone’s hearts.
Before anyone could so much as speak, the boy had already flung himself across the room just as one of the grievers that had been trying to penetrate the place broke in.
A shrill scream left your lips along with others as you all stumbled backwards.
But instead of charging at the rest of you, the griever followed along with Gallys words and simply disappeared after he had taken the boy.
A sob raked through your body when the boy who you never considered a friend nor foe disappeared along with the creatures into the night.
Thomas pulled you into a sideways hug, his chest falling up and down rapidly as he tried to regain control of his breathing.
“They’re gonna come for one of us each night,” You muttered, finally comprehending the server weight of that fact.
“The maps!” Alby burst out suddenly, leaping ungraciously to his feet and sprinting out of the room before any of you could so much as blink at his words.
Tomorrow there'll be more of us
“What the hell are you doing?” You cried, rushing towards the map room where Alby stood, torch in hand.
He released it, feeding it to the ever growing fire.
You received no response in return, it was silent as you stared at him with betrayal-filled eyes. He was destroying years of research- possibly the only chance any of you ever had of getting out of this place.
Minho came to a stop beside you, mouth slightly agape as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing- you barely could either.
“No!” You snapped out of your trance and lunged forward, as if to dive into the flames and save the maps.
“Hey, hey-“ Minho quickly caught you around the waist and pulled you back, “It’s alright, it’s alright.”
“Does this look alright to you?” Newt snapped, he and Thomas finally having made their way over to the three of you.
“I already moved the maps,” Minho explained calmly, “They’re safe.”
For the first time that day, you sagged in relief and quit fighting against your friends hold.
Telling the story of tonight
It was a code.
Of course it was, how could you have been so stupid to not notice before?
The girl- Teresa- had proven to be helpful after you let her out of the slammer and she was able to decipher the maps as different codes when all put together.
All you needed to figure out was how to use them.
“I can’t believe it,” You ranted excitedly to Newt, “After all this time, the answers have been right in front of us.”
The boy smiled softly when he heard something in your voice that he hadn’t heard in years.
Hope. Genuine hope.
As much as you had tried to fool the others that you still believed in your chances of getting out of there, he never fell for it. Not once.
“Y/n! Newt!” Minho was breathless as he came running over to the two of you, falling forwards with his hands on his knees when he reached you.
“What is it?” You noticed the worried look on his face.
“Thomas- the shucking idiot- he got stung by a griever. On purpose.”
Your heart stopped.
As fast as you could, you sprinted to the Homestead, throwing open the door and crowding the bed that Thomas laid on.
Almost as if waiting for your arrival, his eyes fluttered open when you came to a stop in front of him.
“I have a plan.” Were the first words he uttered.
The story of tonight
It was a miracle that the Keepers- that anybody- had agreed to the reckless- and undoubtedly stupid- plan, and you honestly had no idea how Thomas did it. But now, you, and the rest of the Gladers that decided against staying, were gearing up with weapons to storm the maze and make your escape.
Minho shot you an encouraging smile- the best one he could muster- as he handed you a makeshift spear to defend yourself and others.
You tuned everything out as Thomas went over the plan once again with everyone, but you already had it down. All you had to do was keep telling yourself that it was achievable- that it was actually happening. That you weren’t just dreaming. That there was actually a chance of getting out of this place.
So when everyone charged forward with a loud battle cry, you joined in with them, falling into step with Minho and Thomas, who were leading the way through the maze.
At every twist and turn, there was a new griever lurking about, deadly weapons at the ready and deafening shrieks going.
You lost track quickly of how many of them you had stabbed, how many had tried swiping at you, only for you to duck at the last moment.
“Come on!” Thomas shouted above the chaos, rushing over and grabbing your wrist to drag you over to the edge of the cliff as the other Gladers held the beasts off.
Your wide eyes snapped over to him, “What? This wasn’t part of the plan-“
“I need you down there.” There was a sort of urgency in his voice as he spoke, and it reflected through his eyes as well, “Please, I can’t do this without you.”
You hesitated before slowly nodding. You came to the realization that you were the first person in the glade to show him kindness, and even if you only knew each other for a short amount of time, you were close friends. And he needed you, so you would be there for him.
“I’ll go first.” He called, giving you one last nod before jumping off the edge of the cliff, disappearing right where he said he would.
Your eyes flitted back to Newt and Minho, both of the boys sending your hurried nods to tell you to go along, that they would be alright and would keep everyone else safe.
So with that, you followed after Thomas, jumping off the cliff and into the abyss.
Bloody Shanks 🧪- @jvdethirlwall @ineedmorefanfics2 @etanordoesbullsh1t @kiyomi-uchiha777
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madieflaw · 19 days
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dv3whore · 1 year
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I have found the funniest thing i have ever found
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nomoreusername · 28 days
Not What I Wanted (Part 1)
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Pairing:Newt x female reader
Summary:After Newt's attempt, his anger leaves him snappy and hurting people, even you.
I’ll admit it. I’ve been in a mood since I had to become a Track-hoe. I mean come on. You try to jump off a wall one time, and suddenly you're not allowed near them?
I was pissed. Absolutely pissed. Alby shouldn't even have been in the bugging Maze. I mean yes, it was because he had a feeling I was going to pull something, and he was right, but that's not the point.
Y/N was the one teaching me all the stuff that I needed to know. If I’m being totally honest, I was only half listening to her. I was just so done with everything that whenever anyone spoke to me their words went in one ear and out the other. It didn't help that nobody knew exactly why I got a limp that forced me to do this job. I mean sure. She seems to be doing her best to make me feel better about it, but I’m barely happy when I wake up in the morning, much less with being demoted. This was just so humiliating.
“Newt? Hello?”She repeated, waving her hand in front of my face.
“I was asking if you knew what to do,”She shrugged, wearing a small, genuine smile. I hate that. I hate that she's so happy. I hate that she's so normal. I hate that she’ll never know that she's with someone who isn't. How can she just sit there practically glowing while being with someone who's so upset and also so good at hiding it? I mean-
“Are you okay?”She asked, putting her hand on my shoulder.
“I’m fine,”I said simply.
“Are you sure? You’ve just been off,”She repeated.
“I wonder why,”I grumbled.
“I know that this isn't exactly what you wanted to do here, but I’m sure you’ll grow to like it. It's not so bad when you get used to the heat. It's actually kind of-”
“Just stop talking!”I snapped, throwing my small shovel in the dirt. Hearing her let out a weak sound, I looked up to see tears in her eyes. Without a word she reached into the ground and pulled the shovel out, showing blood on the back of her hand.
“Love, I am so, so, so sorry. I promise I didn't mean to,”I swore.
“Yeah. I know,”She said in a shaky voice. “I’m going to go get this checked out,”She added.
“I’ll come with,”I said quickly.
“It's fine. Just go to Zart, and he’ll explain more. I’ll see you later,”She smiled, wiping some of the blood on her pants as she walked away.
I take it away.
I’m the worst. I’m the absolute worst boyfriend ever. I don't make her happy. Instead, I make her bleed. I make her cry. I don't make her smile.
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godjustkys · 1 month
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- Teen wolf
- Marvel Cinematic Universe
- Supernatural
- The Walking Dead (AMC)
- Merlin (BBC)
- Dune
- Game of Thrones
- F.R.I.E.N.D.S
- The Maze Runner
- Lord of The Rings
- The Hobbit
- Harry Potter
- Brooklyn Nine-Nine
- IT
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid
- Dead Poet's Society
- Shameless
- Handsome Devil
- The Black Phone
- Sweet Home
- Arcane
- Spider-man Universe
- The Last of Us
- The Goldfinch
- The Beekeeper
- Weak Hero Class 1
- Bad and Crazy
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Characters I am willing to write for;
Teen wolf:
- Stiles Stilinski
- Scott McCall
- Derek Hale
- Allison Argent
- Lydia Martin
- Isaac Lahey
- Jackson Whittemore
- Peter Hale
- Malia Tate
- Kira Yukimura
- Liam Dunbar
- Theo Raeken
- Jordan Parrish
- Erica Reyes
- Ethan Steiner
- Aiden Steiner
- Christopher Argent
- Mason Hewitt
- Danny Mahealani
Marvel Cinematic Universe:
- Tony Stark
- Peter Parker
- Bruce Banners
- Thor Odinson
- Loki Laufeyson
- Steve Rogers
- Natasha Romanoff
- Stephen Strange
- Wanda Maximoff
- Clint Barton
- Bucky Barnes
- Carol Danvers
- Shuri
- Sam Wilson
- Okoye
- Wade Wilson
- Pietro Maximoff
- Vision
- Yelena Belova
- Peter Quill
- Gamora
- Nebula
- Matt Murdock
- Frank Castle
- Xu Shang-chi
- Eddie Brock
- Dean Winchester
- Sam Winchester
- Castiel
(I have little knowledge of supernatural.)
The Walking Dead:
- Rick Grimes
- Carl Grimes
- Michonne
- Negan
- Daryl Dixon
- Eugene
- Rosita Espinosa
- Maggie Greene
- Glenn Rhee
- Carol Peletier
- Andrea
- Gabriel Stokes
- Merlin
- Arthur Pendragon
- Morgana Pendragon
- Guinevere
- Lancelot
- Mordred
- Gwaine
- Percival
- Elyan
- Leon
- Princess Mithian
- Paul Atreides
- Leto Atreides
- Chani
- Feyd-Rautha
- Duncan Idaho
- Stilgar
Game of Thrones:
- Ned Stark
- Catelyn Stark
- Robb Stark
- Jon Snow
- Theon Greyjoy
- Sansa Stark
- Arya Stark
- Tywin Lannister
- Jaime Lannister
- Cersei Lannister
- Tyrion Lannister
- Tommen Baratheon
- Joffrey Baratheon
- Daenerys Targaryen
- Jorah Mormont
- Sandor Clegane
- Samwell Tarly
- Margaery Tyrell
- Tormund Giantsbane
- Brienne of Tarth
- Podrick
- Ramsay Bolton
- Jaqen H'ghar
- Grey Worm
- Rachel Greene
- Phoebe Buffay
- Monica Geller
- Ross Geller
- Chandler Bing
- Joey Tribbiani
The Maze Runner:
- Thomas
- Newt
- Minho
- Gally
- Frypan
- Aris
- Janson
Lord of The Rings:
- Frodo Baggins
- Samwise Gamgee
- Pippin Took
- Merry Brandybuck
- Aragorn
- Legolas
- Boromir
- Faramir
- Galadriel
- Arwen
- Éowyn
- Éomer
The Hobbit:
- Bilbo Baggins
- Thorin Oakenshield
- Kili Durin
- Fili Durin
- Tauriel
- King Thranduil
- Elrond
Harry Potter:
- Harry Potter
- Hermione Granger
- Ron Weasley
- Fred Weasley
- George Weasley
- Draco Malfoy
- Blaise Zabini
- Oliver Wood
- Seamus Finnigan
- Luna Lovegood
- Neville Longbottom
- Dean Thomas
- Severus Snape
- Sirius Black
- Regulus Black
- Remus Lupin
- James Potter
- Lily Potter
- Bill Weasley
- Bellatrix Lestrange
- Cedric Diggory
- Lucius Malfoy
- Narcissa Malfoy
Brooklyn Nine-Nine:
- Jake Peralta
- Amy Santiago
- Charles Boyle
- Gina Linetti
- Rosa Diaz
- Terry Jeffords
- Ray Holt
- Richie Tozier
- Eddie Kaspbrak
- Beverly Marsh
- Bill Denbrough
- Stanley Uris
- Ben Hanscom
- Mike Hanlon
- Henry Bowers
- Patrick Hockstetter
Diary of a wimpy kid:
- Greg Heffley
- Rodrick Heffley
Dead Poet's Society:
- Neil Perry
- Todd Anderson
- Charlie Dalton
- Knox Overstreet
- Steven Meeks
- John Keating
- Fiona Gallagher
- Lip Gallagher
- Ian Gallagher
- Debbie Gallagher
- Carl Gallagher
- Liam Gallagher
- Mickey Milkovich
- Mandy Milkovich
- Kevin Ball
- Veronica Fisher
- Jimmy Lishman
- Karen Jackson
Handsome Devil:
- Ned Roche
- Conor Masters
- Dan Sherry
The Black Phone:
- Finney Blake
- Robin Arellano
- Vance Hopper
- Bruce Yamada
- Billy
- Griffin
Sweet home:
- Cha Hyun-su
- Lee Eun-hyuk
- Pyeon Sang-wook
- Jung Jae-heon
- Seo Yi-kyung
- Lee Eun-yu
- Yoon Ji-su
- Jung Ui-Myeong
- Jinx
- Vi
- Viktor
- Caitlyn
- Silco
- Sevika
- Ekko
- Vander
- Mel
- Jayce
Spider-Man Universe:
- Peter Parker (A. G.)
- Peter Parker (T. M.)
- Peter B. Parker
- Miles Morales (Earth 1610)
- Miles Morales (Earth 42)
- Miguel O'Hara
- Hobie Brown
- Pavitr Prabhakar
- Gwen Stacy
The Goldfinch:
- Boris Pavlikovsky
- Theodore Decker
The Last of Us:
- Ellie Williams
- Joel Miller
- Tommy Miller
- Tess Servopoulos
- Abby Anderson
- Dina Woodward
- Lev
- Yara
- Jesse Pinkman
- Manny
- Owen
- Mel
The Beekeeper:
- Derek Danforth
- Adam Clay
Weak Hero Class 1:
- Yeon Si-eun
- Oh Beom-seok
- Ahn Su-ho
- Park Hu-min
- Kang Woo-young
- Jeon Seok-dae
Bad and Crazy:
- Ryu Soo-Yeol
- Do In-beom
- K
- Oh Kyung-Tae
- Boss Yong
- Andrei Kang
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Removing anime from my writing list because I realized how much I need to catch up with everything,, :Dd
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tmrsunset · 10 months
thomas: *turns the entire glade upside down by going out into the maze when he's not supposed to, killing a griever and surviving*
also thomas: hm why could they possibly be calling a gathering to talk about me. huh. what a mystery.
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that-tmr-girl · 3 months
Safe Word Series {Part 1}
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Descriptions of vaginal sex, safe word, fluff
I try to be soft with her, all the time. I love being soft with her, being gentle, being slow. I love touching her, kissing her, grabbing her thighs, guiding her, arching her back, tasting her, feeling her. I love her, and she needs to know that. Always. Whenever I’m inside of her there can't be a single doubt about how much she means to me.
I need her. Emotionally, mentally, physically, I need her.
I love being on top of her. I love being able to grab her hands. They're soft, like her.
I hadn't stopped. Not for a long time. For hours, I took her pussy in every way I could. Licked her, sucked her, hummed into her, buried my head inside of her, wrapped her legs around my waist, let her ride me, and everything I could.
Keeping her arms above her head, I interlocked our fingers as I looked at her, at the pretty marks on her neck, the dazed look on her eyes, the sweat on her forehead, the knots in her hair, the light purple color on her lips, all of her. I admired every part.
Pushing my chest against hers, I thrust into her only for her grip on my fingers to be tighter than usual as she let out a different kind of whimper, one that I hadn't heard before.
“No more,”She said through heavy breaths. Pulling out as quickly as I could, I let go of her hands as she panted, her chest frantically rising and falling as small tears filled her eyes.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,”I quickly apologized, wiping them from her eyes. Cupping her cheeks, I pressed my lips to her forehead while repeating my words.
“It's okay,”She whispered as I kept kissing her temple.
“I love you. You know that, right? I love you,”I whispered, keeping her forehead against mine.
“I do, okay? And I love you too. I love you.”
“I didn't mean to hurt you. I would never try to hurt you,”I promised.
“I know, Aris. You're soft. You're loving. You're gentle,”She sighed, playing with my hair. “You're gentle, but you last longer than I think anyone could. You can't make love to me for half the night and think I won't get sore.”
“I’m sorry. You just feel so good, and you sound really pretty, and taste so sweet, and have such a nice cumming face. You're just so good, and I’m sorry,”I repeated.
“You're okay. It's all okay, my lovely,”She coaxed, kissing my cheek. “Why don't you dress me? I know how much you love doing that,”She teased.
“I do,”I nodded, slowly raising her legs to pull the towel out from under her. Grabbing her underwear, I cautiously tried to pull them up her legs, apologizing when she winced a few times. After adjusting them around her hips, I put her in one of my hoodies before dressing myself. Laying beside her, I just looked at her as she closed her eyes.
“You can hold me. I like it when you do that, and you do too,”She reassured me. Turning her to completely face me, I wrapped my arms around her before kissing the tip of her nose.
“I’m sor-”
“Shush. I know I’m always safe with you. I know that you love me,”She whispered, wearing a small smile before cuddling up to my chest and curling her knees to hers. Gently grabbing her outer thigh, I ran my hands over her skin while keeping her as close as possible. Whispering sweet nothings in her ear, I listened to her breathing even out as her grip around my just barely loosened. Still rubbing her leg, I kissed her temple before trying to go to sleep with her.
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charlclerc · 6 months
*cough cough*
Ahem- I propose a new fanfic prompt for the fellow maze runner fans out there… Lando as Thomas and Oscar as Newt.
Would love to see someone do this with perhaps their own take or even copying it. Ending scene of Newt!Oscar becoming a crank quickly and then fighting, maybe you’d change the ending? Maybe you’d stick to it?
I don’t know… I’d just love to see more dystopian type fics out there and maze runner is my favourite. Plus- Newtmas should’ve been together and Newt deserved to live
If anyone ends up doing something like this, I’d love to know!
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maze-mind · 4 months
So, I have decided to give myself a dopamine rush and talk about my headcanons for Thominho, Thomas being scared of thunder.
Ever since thunder almost turned Thomas deaf, Thomas has an internal PANIC when he sees lightning and thunder.
The lightning is mostly because he thinks of Minho— how he was so scared of him dying. How something could *hurt* his love.
(^ important to note, I also believe in both adorable and comedic ideals that Thomas gets mad at anything that hurts Minho, even if it's an inanimate object. "HOW DARE YOU HURT MY BOYFRIEND, YOU HAVE COMMITTED THE GRAVEST OF SINS" then he just kicks the chair Minho tripped and landed on his face because of)
Anyway, Thomas REFUSES to let Minho walk outside while thunder is going on. He would most likely blame himself
^ Minho wouldn't push this, because he knows how much Thomas cares about it, even if it's dramatic overreaction
Thomas SEETHES whenever Minho teases him about thunder, and Minho soon learned to NOT MESS WITH TOMMY WHEN HE'S BEING OVERPROTECTIVE, that's how you get a couch to sleep on
*But Thomas never lets Minho sleep without him with thunder going on. He wants Minho constantly beside him.*
And Minho like. Kind of finds this annoying but he is also worried about thunder soooo
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eyerisa · 16 days
roleplay search
Hi! I'm Irisa and I'm an advanced literate writer. I'm F19 and I have been writing for a long time but I've taken year long hiatuses in the past.
I'm currently searching for a partner to preferably do an OC x OC rp! I may do a double up depending on the fandom and the character.
I can do either gxg or bxg (I can play both genders but I have more girls than boys), but I don't mind doing nbxg/nbxb if you rp with NB characters!
I'm open to most genres or AUs thrown together into one plot— I generally lean into enemies to lovers plots or anything with a lot of angst combined with other genres.
As for activity, I'm a fairly active person depending on the day. I'm a full-time college student so I do get busy quickly and I also like to let response ideas marinate in my head before I type out my response. I'll always let you know if I may go MIA for the following week or more! I also enjoy communicating with partners OOC just to add in more details to the plot midway through an RP.
My writing typically tends to be more detail oriented with the use of background characters for it to not be just the same two characters throughout each response. I only write in third person and I'd prefer my partners to do the same, but past tense or present tense doesn't matter!
Some of my fandoms include
— Creepypasta (literally begging to do this)
— Formula 1
— Wild West (desperate for this and F1)
— Maze Runner
— Hunger Games
— Harry Potter
— Percy Jackson
— Star Wars
— I have a few other fandoms that don't come to mind atm but feel free to ask if we share any common ones!
I'd prefer to RP on discord or amino either of which I'm willing to exchange after discussing a plot!
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97buckley · 6 months
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im gonna faint.
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bookfirstlinetourney · 11 months
Round 1
He began his new life standing up, surrounded by cold darkness and stale, dusty air.
-The Maze Runner, James Dashner
Sam Vimes sighed when he heard the scream, but he finished shaving before he did anything about it
-Night Watch, Terry Pratchett
People who knew Chester and Serena Wolcott socially would have placed money on the idea that the couple would never choose to have children.
-Down Among the Sticks and Bones, Seanan McGuire
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books-4-life9 · 6 months
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The fact that I knew exactly what they were talking about the second I saw it…
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laughatdanger · 4 days
Only You - Newt (Part 1)
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Imagine Newt getting jealous because Minho is flirting with you. 
And, sorry. Newt won't be a BIG part of Pt. 1
I was the third one to arrive. 
The third. 
No girls, but two boys. Gally and Alby. 
A beautiful place they called the Glade, and large gray walls protecting you from the screeches, clicks, and whirs that sounded at night. 
The walls opened once a day.
Nothing coming in.
Nothing going out. 
And that is how we lived for a while. . . 
Until two boys showed up. 
The first one came up only a month after I got there. 
I woke up to hear an alarm. What the heck? I quickly run out to Gally. He became a brother to me over the last month. He was walking over to what we call The Box. Alby, him being the first one, told me that it had brought one person and supplies for the Glade ever since he arrived. I now assumed that that is where the noise was coming from. 
"Gally, what the heck is that?" I said uneasily. He looked at me and chuckled, shaking his head all the while. 
"Don't worry, Y/N. It's just the Box. I was freaked out 'bout as much as you when it first came up." He chuckled, now looking at you. You were biting your nails in hesitation, and Gally could tell gears were spinning in that head of yours. You looked at him in amazement. 
"Gally?" My voice was a little high pitched. I cleared my throat before continuing to speak, earning a smirk from Gally. I sent him a glare that said enough for him to know what I was thinking of, and continued. "I am very composed right now. So, I can expect you were flailing around like a baby, Captain." I sent him another glare before going over to the Box hole completely. I saw that the Box had come to a brief stop, the metal doors already opening. 
An Asian boy about the age of 14 had come up. (A/N: Mind you all, the Gladers were barely teens when they went into the Glade.) His black hair was shiny in the sun, and he was still unconscious. I looked at Alby. "Is that normal? For. . . for the newbie to be asleep?"
He looked at me with a funny smile. "You weren't here, but Gally slept the whole day. Had to drag his ass out of the Box." I stared wide eyed at the Glader. 
"Dude!" I exclaimed. 
Gally and Alby looked at you, confusion lacing their faces. "What?" They both said in unison. 
"Language. Keep it PG. . . please." You rolled my eyes. They have said worse, trust me. I try to make it so it is the bare minimum if cursing between those boys. Alby and Gally used to curse in every sentence before I arrived. 
They looked at me and laughed so hard, I swear they were going to pee their pants. 
"Really?" Gally started. "Just a small tiny curse word and you go into mama-mode." He laughed some more and then sat down to wipe his eyes. I wish there was somebody else that had some sense here. 
I stared at him for a while, then muttered, "Potty mouth." I slowly hopped into the metal box to examine the boy closer. He was breathing, but almost as if he was in some sort of a trance. I got closer to him, so that our noses were almost touching. At the top of the Box hole, Alby was smirking.
"Go ahead, Y/N. Kiss him!" He let out a deep chuckle and squinted at me, trying to keep tears from coming out of his eyes. 
"Har har." I said sarcastically. "You know, deep down in your heart, Alby, that I'd only kiss you." I batted my eyelashes flirtatiously while a slight blush appeared on Alby's dark skin. He put his hands in his pockets and hopped down in the Box and started to lift the supplies out for Gally to get. 
"What's wrong, Alby? Embarrassed?" Gally teased. 
"Shut up, man." Alby growled, lifting up boxes and searching for supplies.
I continued to observe the boy. He smiled slightly and then his mouth opened, muttering something incomprehensible. He shot up quickly, gasping for air. Our heads collided immediately, leaving my forehead throbbing. I shot back slightly and clutched my forehead. "Ow." I muttered and inhaled sharply. I removed my hand from my head to see the boy clutching his forehead gently. "Shuck." He muttered.
I tilted my head slightly. "What word is that?" 
The boy looked up, his gaze meeting mine. He smiled slightly and then looked at me carefully. "It's. . . uh, a little word of mine that I use." 
I nodded and stood up, reaching my hand out for the boy. He looked at me hesitantly. "Who the shuck are you?"
I looked at him confused. "What happened to you? You were happy just a second ago." I asked.
"Then I realized that I am talking to a complete stranger. Where am I? Who are you? Who are they?" He said, pointing to Gally and Alby. I smiled remembering I punched Gally in the face and went to hide in a tree when I first arrived. 
"Let me help you up first." He stood up, flicked his hair, and eyed me warily. 
I had already jumped out of the Box, when I turned around. "Well, follow me Greenie. We ain't got all day." He looked at me oddly and jumped out after a few minutes of trying to find a way out. He stood and scanned his surroundings. I looked at him. 
"Okay, I'm Y/N. This is Alby." I said pointing to Alby. "And that's Gally." I said, jamming a thumb toward the blond behind me. He turned around and darted so fast, it took me a few seconds to understand what just happened. 
"We got a runner." Alby muttered. He looked at me. I turned around and chased after the boy. 
"Greenie, get back here!" I was considerably faster than Alby and Gally, but dang. . . The newbie can run. He was heading toward the Doors, and that's when I panicked. 
"Greenie, no!" He ran straight through the Doors and never looked back. 
By the time I had caught my breath, Alby and Gally had finally made it over. 
"He ran dead through the Doors. That shuck idiot." I muttered. 
Gally looked at me curiously. 
"Word the newbie used. Thought I'd try it." I shrugged. "But that doesn't even matter right now. That stupid-head ran through the Doors. We have no idea what the heck goes on there half the time, and that kid doesn't even know what we've heard at night!"
"Well, I think we should just let the kid find his way back here." Gally said, his arms crossed and staring directly through the Doors. "They're about to close any minute too." 
We heard the doors rumble and start closing. It's now or never. We stared at the Doors. About 10 feet till they close. Before Alby could even get a say in it, I ran. Gally finally clicked out of his trance. 
"Y/N, NO!!" He tried to grab hold of me, but couldn't. I slipped through the Doors, just before they closed. I heard Gally pound on the door and scream my name. I touched my forehead to the wall and placed my hand alongside it. 
"I'm sorry, Gally. I'm so sorry." I muttered, tears slowly forming in my eyes and gently sliding down my cheeks. I tuned around to look at the eerie corridor in front of me. The walls I had been studying at for a month, suddenly seemed different. Larger. Enchanting. Petrifying. 
I ran. I ran all around all of the different corridors. Each of them equally petrifying and dark. Would have been helpful if I knew the kids' name. 
"Greenie!" I shouted while running. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" I had been running for about 5 hours, hoping I would find the Greenie. As I was running, I noticed that it was almost like a maze. A series of twists and turns. Dead ends and long corridors. I paused for a breath, and that's when I heard it. The click. The whir. And a scream. 
I shot up. "Greenie!" I shouted, running toward the source of the scream. I had just rounded a corner when I bumped into something. Someone. We had fallen on the floor and rolled around for a second, the figure on top of me. I opened my eyes to see the Green Bean looking at me. 
"Y/N?" He asked, fear tracing his eyes. 
"Yeah. What were you screaming at?" He turned around and pointed down the corridor. "It's down there. If I were you, I suggest we run, shank."
"Shank?" I ask.  
"I thought we worried about running for our life?" He said, now jogging down a corridor.
I nodded, following suit. "You still need to tell me what it means."
"I don't know the exact definition. I just come up with words. Use the context, girly."
I looked at him. "Dare to call me that again, and I'll be kickin' you where the sun don't shine, shank."
He smiled. "There you go! You're catchin' on now." 
I rolled my eyes and rounded a corner. " We need to find out way back to the Doors. Now, what was your na-" I paused mid sentence, looking at a mechanical creature I saw behind the Greenie. 
" 'The shuck'd ya pause for?" 
"Run." I whispered, and darted as fast as I could to the end of the corridor.
"Oh, shuck!" The kid yelled, and I heard a series of clicks, whirs, and screeches. Well, I know what makes those noises now. 
Another screech. I looked behind me to see the beast was crawling up the walls. It was now aligned with me and crawled in front of me.
"Oh my God!" I screamed and turned around. "Turn around, turn around, turn the shuck around!!!" I screamed to the kid. "MOVE!!!" The beast was chasing us, hissing and screeching. Goo dripping everywhere off the beast. Dawn was nearing, and I was hoping I'd find the doors. That's when it happened. I ran into a wall. I ran into a wall, and fell onto the newbie. 
I turned around, to see the mechanical beast was gone, and the corridor behind us was now closed. The walls were. . . moving?
"What the shuck is going on?" I muttered. 
"Nice use of words." The Greenie muttered. "But seriously, what the shuck is going on?" 
"The walls seem to be moving." You turned around, now seeing the Doors of the Glade slowly opening, and two figures stand in the opening. Gally and Alby. Sweat dripping down your face, your body sore, and a few cuts here and there, you ran to the Doors. "Come on, Greenie! Move before that thing comes back! Hurry up and move! You jogged toward the entrance, falling into Gally's arms. He hugged me tightly, burying his face in my neck. 
"Gally, can't breathe, bro." He loosed his grip on me and my knees immediately gave in. I fell. 
"Y/N! Are you okay?" 
I looked around to find the newbie laying on the floor, in a similar position to me. Alby, was talking to him.
"No. I have been running all night." I said, my eyelids drooping. Alby was now standing over me.
"Newbie said they encountered this thing that clicked and whirred. Was chasin' 'em."
Gally looked at me, concerned. "I'll carry you to your hammock. It's sounds like you had a rough night."
I nodded, then remembered the Green Bean. "Wait! Hey, Greenie. Can you walk?"
He nodded slightly and stumbled to his feet. "Then I can walk too." I said. "I'll take the Greenie over to the hammocks. Come on." I held my hand out for the Greenie. He eyed me and then took my hand. 
We walked over to the hammocks in silence. But when we got there, he hugged me. "Thank you for going after me, Y/N."
I hugged him back. "No problem, dude." 
"Oh, and I remember my name. It's Minho." He said, and laid down in his hammock. 
I laid down, hoping I'd be able to get some shut eye. The second I closed my eyes, I drifted off into sleep. 
"It's time to go." A voice called from outside the door. I felt long, slender arms wrapped around me tightly.  Who am I hugging? 
"Love, I'm sorry. We'll get out of this bloody situation someday. I promise." I heard a deep, soothing voice whisper in my ear. I have heard that voice! Where? I know I have.
"I know. . . I love you, Newt." I hugged the boy tightly and soon felt myself being pulled away from him. I grasped onto his hand long enough to see his face and give him a sad smile. "Don't forget me." I whispered. Before I knew it, I was being whisked away from the boy. 
I hope you liked part 1. Sooooo..... Newt really wasn't in it at all except for Y/N's dream. Sorry! He will be incorporated more in later chapters.
Random thought: Am I the only one who thinks while they dream?
Thanks for reading! Love, like, comment, request!
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