#Michael Todd
roughridingrednecks · 4 months
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The Monster Michael Todd
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lindenattic · 8 months
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Cover and insert for Coheed and Cambria: The Last Supper: Live at Hammerstein Ballroom. Photoshoot by Erin Caruso. Live photo by Justin Borucki.
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frenchcurious · 1 year
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David Niven chez Elizabeth Taylor après la mort de Michael Todd en 1958. - source Cars & Motorbikes Stars of the Golden era.
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busterkeatonsociety · 5 months
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#ThrowbackThursday Today’s treasure is a book-form box gifted to Buster Keaton by Michael Todd, producer of “Around the World in 80 Days,” 1956.  Todd treated Buster like a king during his time there, “You’re the biggest star in the picture.”  I wonder what Buster kept in that box?
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walkswithmyfather · 1 year
“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.” (The seven lamps represent the eyes of the Lord that search all around the world.)” —Zechariah 4:10 (NLT)
“For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven:” —Ecclesiastes 3:1 (WEB)
“Crazy Faith” Devotional by Michael Todd - Day 3: “Crawl Before You Walk”:
“What I’m going to say next might surprise you: You’ve got to crawl before you can walk. I know I’ve just been talking about crazy faith, but the thing is, we’ve got to start somewhere. No one walks into a gym for the first time in two years and jumps into bench-pressing three hundred pounds, and nobody jumps headfirst into a pool for the first time and expects to perform like an Olympic swimmer.
The night I met my now-wife, Natalie, I didn’t get down on one knee, profess my undying love, and propose to her. She would have called me desperate! Instead, I took my time to get to know her, cracked a few jokes, spit some game, got the digits . . . you know, baby steps.
Crazy faith is where you find yourself after you’re dedicated to exercising baby faith. But the truth is, most people who want to be great don’t want to do anything on a small scale. They want Moses-parting-the-Red-Sea types of results, but they don’t want to go back to Egypt and face their pasts. They want to be safe on a giant, sturdy boat in the middle of a flood, but they don’t want splinters from sanding down the wooden planks needed to build it. I imagine that for Noah, cutting down that first tree took a small measure of faith and a huge amount of humility that nobody saw except him and God.
For you, baby faith might mean opening a bank account that you label Generosity Fund and depositing five dollars in it. Baby faith might look like filling out an application to enroll in an evening class at your local junior college. It might mean browsing your local furniture store and picking out the new sectional that you want to put in the living room of the new house you don’t yet own. Baby faith might mean writing a letter to that parent you haven’t spoken to in years.
I believe that soon you’ll be sprinting forward in your faith, but you can’t run if you don’t learn to walk first. Walking in faith comes from crawling in faith. And it’s okay to crawl.
Consider the area of your life that you identified yesterday as having the weakest faith foundation. What is one baby step of faith you can take to strengthen that foundation?”
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davidsheley · 1 year
David Narrates Books
Selections from Chapters 4 and 5 of Dance of the Nutcracker by Paul Thompson and Crazy Faith by Michael Todd Things are really starting to heat up in Dance of the Nutcracker! In Chapter Four, Fritz plans his escape from prison, and in Chapter Five, he has an unpleasant encounter with the Malregent, the tyrannical ruler of Delysia. Then, we go in a little bit of a different direction as I…
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craigfernandez · 1 year
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armwrestling101 · 2 years
Hey Everyone! Here is the match of the week between Dave Chaffee from the USA, and Michael Todd also from the USA
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jerickreforba25 · 3 days
[EDITORIAL] Carl and Laura Lentz: A Journey of Redemption and a New Chapter
Jerick Combate Reforba
Former Hillsong NYC pastor Carl Lentz and his wife Laura tease a “new chapter” to be revealed on June 4. Lentz was fired in 2020 for moral failures. After a period of healing, he joined Transformation Church in 2022. Their journey includes a docuseries, public reconciliation, and a fresh start.
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Carl and Laura Lentz, once prominent figures in the evangelical community through their leadership at Hillsong NYC, are poised to embark on a new chapter of their lives, as teased in a video montage released on their social media accounts. The video, cryptically announcing “JUNE 4… new chapter,” comes nearly four years after Carl’s dismissal from Hillsong amid scandal and controversy.
The Rise and Fall
Carl Lentz rose to prominence as the charismatic pastor of Hillsong NYC, attracting a young and diverse congregation, including celebrities and influencers. His dynamic preaching style and approachable demeanor made him a standout figure in modern evangelical circles. However, this rise was marred by significant personal and professional failings that came to light in November 2020.
Lentz was terminated from his position at Hillsong NYC due to “leadership issues” and “moral failures,” which included multiple instances of infidelity. An internal investigation conducted by Zukerman Gore Brandeis & Crossman, LLP, revealed that Lentz’s actions went beyond personal indiscretions, as he was accused of manipulating staff and volunteers to the point of causing mental health issues. These revelations were a significant blow to the church and its followers, casting a shadow over the Lentz legacy.
A Path to Redemption
Following his dismissal, Carl Lentz largely withdrew from public ministry, entering a period of self-reflection and healing. In 2022, Lentz resurfaced as a “strategist” at Transformation Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, led by Pastor Michael Todd. This new role marked a shift from pastoral duties to providing strategic insight and support, indicating a move towards rehabilitation and re-entry into ministry work.
Transformation Church’s Executive Pastor, Tammy McQuarters, expressed confidence in Lentz’s recovery and potential for contributing positively to the church. “We believe in Carl, his marriage, his skill set, and his restoration,” McQuarters stated, underscoring the church’s commitment to supporting Lentz and his family through their journey of redemption.
Public Reconciliation and Personal Growth
In May 2023, Lentz publicly acknowledged the gravity of his past actions in a heartfelt letter, asserting that he was no longer in ministry but was focusing on using his experiences to offer perspective and insight. This candid admission was a significant step in his ongoing effort to rebuild his life and credibility.
While Carl remained relatively quiet on social media, his wife, Laura, provided glimpses into their lives away from the public eye. Celebrating milestones such as their daughter Charlie’s high school graduation, attended by Transformation Church staff, including Pastor Todd, Laura shared moments of their family’s healing and growth. Additionally, she posted about their 21st wedding anniversary celebration in New York City, highlighting their commitment to rebuilding their relationship.
The Secrets of Hillsong
In a move that surprised many, Carl and Laura Lentz participated in FX’s four-part docuseries, “The Secrets of Hillsong.” The series delved into the scandals that plagued Hillsong Church, providing a platform for the Lentz family to share their side of the story. Carl explained that their involvement in the documentary was part of their healing process and an effort to address their past mistakes openly and honestly.
“Part of the healing from that heartache led us to the decision to be part of a documentary that we do not control,” Lentz wrote in his letter. “We focus on my mistakes and the context for what transpired. It is so freeing. It’s the freedom I wish for all of the many people that I know that are called by God and wrestle with secrets and the feeling of not being worthy.”
Carl Lentz teases a “new chapter” in an Instagram reel captioned, “JUNE 4... new chapter.” The video hints at renewal and transformation for the former Hillsong NYC pastor.
Looking Forward
As the Lentz family prepares to unveil their “new chapter” on June 4, the anticipation builds around what this new phase will entail. The video montage accompanying their announcement features evocative imagery: scenes from the New York City subway, shadowy images of Carl, ominous clouds, a burning tree, and a car in motion. These symbolic visuals hint at a journey marked by transformation, renewal, and perhaps, a message of hope and redemption.
This forthcoming chapter could signify a variety of possibilities: a return to ministry in a different capacity, new initiatives aimed at helping others through their experiences, or a completely new venture outside the traditional church setting. Whatever the future holds, Carl and Laura Lentz’s journey underscores the themes of fallibility, redemption, and the ongoing quest for personal and spiritual growth.
Carl and Laura Lentz’s story is a testament to the complexities of leadership, the consequences of personal failures, and the power of redemption. As they step into this new chapter, their journey serves as a reminder that while past mistakes can define a moment, they do not have to define a lifetime. Their experience highlights the importance of accountability, the potential for restoration, and the enduring hope that comes from faith and resilience.
As we await the full reveal of their new endeavors on June 4, it is clear that Carl and Laura Lentz are committed to moving forward, learning from their past, and contributing to their community in meaningful ways. Their journey is far from over, and this new chapter promises to be a significant part of their ongoing story.
Heavenly Father,
We come before You today, lifting up Carl and Laura Lentz in prayer. Lord, we thank You for Your grace and mercy, which have guided them through a challenging journey marked by personal failures and the struggle for redemption. We acknowledge their past, the leadership issues, and moral failings that led to Carl’s dismissal from Hillsong NYC, and we ask for Your continued forgiveness and healing.
Father, we praise You for the steps they have taken towards reconciliation and restoration. We are grateful for the role Carl has found at Transformation Church, and for the support and belief shown by Pastor Michael Todd and the church community. We ask that You continue to bless Carl in his new role, helping him to use his experiences to offer valuable perspective and insight.
We lift up Laura as well, thanking You for her strength and commitment to their family. May their marriage continue to grow stronger, rooted in Your love and grace. We celebrate their milestones, such as their daughter Charlie’s graduation and their recent wedding anniversary, as signs of Your healing work in their lives.
Lord, we also pray for the impact of the docuseries, “The Secrets of Hillsong,” in which Carl and Laura chose to participate. May their honesty and transparency in addressing their past mistakes bring healing to themselves and to others who are struggling with similar issues. Let their story be a testament to the power of Your redemption and the freedom that comes from living in truth.
As Carl and Laura prepare to unveil a “new chapter” on June 4, we ask for Your guidance and blessings upon their new endeavors. Whether it be a return to ministry, new initiatives to help others, or a different path entirely, may their actions reflect Your will and bring glory to Your name.
Father, we pray that Carl and Laura, and their entire family, continue to experience Your restoration. Use their triumphs and failures to create resources that benefit the body of Christ at large. May their story inspire many to seek You, even in their darkest times, and to find the freedom and worth that come from being called by You.
In Jesus’ name, we pray.
Here is a Bible verse that reflects the theme of redemption and new beginnings, suitable for Carl and Laura Lentz’s journey:
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
– 2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV
© 2024 Jerick Combate Reforba. All rights reserved.
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zanephillips · 2 months
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CHAD MICHAEL MURRAY Dawson's Creek 5.03 "Capeside Revisited"
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dumbledorathexplora · 6 months
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The man the myth the gamer
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False Teachers: Michael Todd | Costi Hinn
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snowls-yt · 2 months
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Slashers/Dbd requests from Insta!
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Bat Family Fact Files from DC Comics: The Ultimate Character Guide
Baby's first bat family. Sorry, there wasn't a Black Bat.
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My favourite bit is that Steph's epithet is "Daring Defender" while Tim's is "Daring Detective".
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balu8 · 9 months
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The Sandman #13: Men of Good Fortune
by Neil Gaiman (W.); Michael Zulli (P.); Steve Parkhouse (I.); Robbie Busch (C.) and Todd Klein (L.)
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makdivision · 10 months
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I need to see Young Neil, he needs to be my pfp... November 17th, be ready.
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Shoutout to Todd Ingram's Gay Panic
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And Neil's Existance
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