#Michelin Star Chinese Restaurant
katruna · 9 months
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seat-safety-switch · 3 months
I don't know if you've ever been to Paris before, but I recommend going. Normally, I would not have gone, but I made a really rich enemy on IRC and he spent a lot of money to have me kidnapped and brought to his home country. While I was there, I got to try a bunch of restaurants (they're hostage-takers, not barbarians) and came away impressed. Something was missing, though, and herein is my genius idea.
In Paris you can get any kind of food. Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, Thai: and it's all good. All of it. You literally can't find a bad restaurant. At one point, I walked into a convenience store and got a plate of one-Euro nachos that made me cry at the beauty of the arrangement.
Everyone around me was taking this for granted. Having lived there for years, their quality threshold had crept invisibly upwards until nothing could impress again. They needed something to re-calibrate their sense of truly bad food. That's where I came in. After I got kicked out of the country, I decided to come back with some investor support. I can burn cereal, usually by roasting it gently with a blowtorch on the top of an old gas can. Investors were easy to find.
Our first week of opening was tremendous. Hardened Parisians were discovering their first taste of truly incompetent food. The novelty of it all had captured them. There's just one problem, though: after making an entire lunch rush's feast of poorly-cut toast in reheated canned soup, my cooking skills began to improve from sheer experience. The complaints began to change tone. You got too good, they cried, you're not the same bad chef we once loved. Again, I was deported.
I looked out the window of the plane as it left De Gaulle, staring down onto the beautiful streets of Paris. Down there, I imagined, real gourmets were now eating food out of trash cans out of desperation to recapture what they had experienced with me. If there is one nice thing to be said, I now have two Michelin Stars here in my homeland of Canada, where my consommé-and-grilled-cheese recipe is now so much better than most of our restaurants that it made the Prime Minister Herself come and spit in my face for ruining the economy, before awarding me an Order of Canada. It's not the same.
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rickchung · 2 years
CBC News x “Michelin Guide Awards Eight Vancouver Restaurants with a Star”.
For the first time, the Michelin Guide has awarded eight Vancouver restaurants with a coveted star. Lien Yeung visits winner iDen & Quan Ju De Beijing Duck House to get their reaction and speaks to a local food critic about the impact of the awards on Vancouver’s culinary scene.
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formulauno98 · 10 days
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A Birthday to Remember - Part One - Toto Wolff x Reader
Originally written as an OC, inspired by an amazing request from @latte-luxe, I have rewritten this to a Reader POV, no descriptions and no use of your name. The only brief description is of a butt (you can probably guess why).
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: Caution may contain spice. 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Author’s Notes: Disclaimer, purely fiction, no-one is married in this alt-universe.
It was Saturday morning and stepping out onto your balcony at the Fairmont Monte Carlo, you swept your eyes over the spectacular view. It was a pinch yourself to check if you’re dreaming kind of view of sparkling blue waters, peppered every so often with a gleaming white yacht.
“Good morning, birthday girl.” murmured a husky, heavily accented voice from behind you. Before you even had the chance to turn around, a pair of muscular arms swooped around from behind, coming to rest on your hips, large hands gently squeezing your curves.
“Good morning to you too,” you said, turning around and leaning up to kiss your tall towel-clad Austrian companion, resting your hand on his bare chest as he pressed himself tightly against you. It was yet another pinch me I’m dreaming moment. If someone had told you this time yesterday that this was how you would be spending your Saturday morning you would have laughed and called them crazy, but sometimes life could be crazy.
It was a sunny evening and you were standing out on the balcony with a glass of wine in your hand, gazing across the Mediterranean whilst waiting for your three best friends to get ready. As a lifelong Formula One lover, a weekend trip to Monaco had been on the cards for a while so when your friends asked where you wanted to go to celebrate your special birthday it was at the top of the list. Turning the dream into reality was another thing altogether and you still couldn’t believe that the trip had materialised. A trip had finally made it out of the group chat.
Dinner was due to be lowkey as Saturday was going to be the big night out, with dinner plans at Elsa, a Michelin-star establishment, followed by a night on the tiles at Jimmyz, a club frequented by the world of Formula One. Although you couldn’t afford to come for a race weekend, this was truly a bucket list trip and you hoped to catch a glimpse of some nice cars, the iconic track and if you were lucky maybe even a driver or two… A wild Charles Leclerc sighting in Monaco was like spotting Mickey Mouse in Disneyland.
Friday night’s restaurant of choice was Song Qi, an upscale Chinese restaurant in Larvotto that had come highly recommended. You were looking forward to seeing what made Monaco so special and couldn’t wait to hit the town.
“How long is the walk?” A voice called out from your suite.
“About five/ten minutes.” You replied, sighing, as always the mom of the group.
“Medium heels it is then,” your friend Olivia replied.
“We can always get a car,” you suggested.
“No, let’s conserve the taxi budget for tomorrow night,” Olivia said, stepping out onto the balcony to join you, “Laura and Becca are almost ready.”
“Good idea,” you replied, “You look gorgeous by the way.”
Olivia beamed with the compliment, stepping back to twirl in her pink minidress and sparkling sandals, “I try my best, although I can’t compete with you.”
You blushed, not used to the compliments. You’d chosen a simple white dress with gold sandals for the evening’s dinner, perhaps a risky move in a restaurant serving noodles but you felt fabulous. It wasn’t long before Laura and Becca also emerged, both looking as beautiful as ever. The four of you had treated yourselves to two adjoining suites and opened up the connecting door to create a mega-suite.
“Oh la la, give us a twirl,” you said, looking your elegant friend up and down as she dutifully spun around.
“Beautiful!” Now it was Laura and Becca’s turn to blush. “Ditto! Shall we get going?”
“Sounds like a plan.” you agreed, the four of you making your way off of the balcony.
Song Qi turned out to be an excellent choice, with the table weighed down with baskets of dim sum and bowls of noodles, crispy beef and endless wontons. The restaurant was decadent but comfortable and as you sank back into your sumptuous green velvet chair you spotted a strangely familiar face at the table across from you. He was dark-haired, handsome with chiselled features and although he was sat down, tall, as he towered above the two men he was dining with.
It took you a moment to realise that it was none other than Toto Wolff, the affable Mercedes Formula One team principal. Although you thought it was only for a moment, you must have stared for a while as he briefly met your eyes and shot you a charming smile. Smiling back like a fool, your friends whipped their heads around to see who you were smiling at, fortunately, Toto not noticing as he had returned to his plate.
“Damn girl, he’s kinda hot, in that old businessman kind of way,” said Olivia, turning back around to face you.
“Well yes…” you stuttered, “He’s also one of the team principals in Formula One.”
“Huh?” Asked your three friends blankly, not followers of the sport.
“Kind of like the equivalent of a football manager,” you explained, “Except he owns some of the team as well.”
“Fancy, well he’s pretty. You should go and talk to him.” Said Laura, all formula one facts going straight over her head.
“Oh my god, no,” you said, “I’m sure he was just being polite.”
As if on cue, Toto looked up and locked eyes with you once again, his deep brown eyes crinkling. You gulped, returning his gaze with a smile once again.
Dinner continued, with the girls chatting away as every so often you met Toto’s eyes across the crowded restaurant. He looked to be in some kind of business meeting as the two men with him were dressed smartly and looked serious while conversing with them.
It wasn’t long before dinner had been cleared and a smiling waiter emerged with a chocolate cake laden down with a sparkler and numerous candles, Olivia, Becca and Laura looking at each other mischievously before breaking into a rousing rendition of the Happy Birthday song. You felt your cheeks reddening as you realised the entire restaurant, including Toto and his business associates had joined in the song. As you blew out the candles, you once again locked eyes with Toto who was grinning away while applauding.
“You guys are the worst,” you said, half joking as you shook your head at your friends. “But that’s why I love you.”
“Aw, well we had to do something,” said Laura, “It’s not every day you have a big birthday like this and although I still don’t understand why you love your car racing so much, I’m happy that we came here.”
You smiled at your friends, appreciative of them enabling your desire to walk around the Formula One track and visit the car museum despite the fact they really weren’t interested. Just as you were musing how ironic it was that you’d even seen Toto Wolff, their waiter reappeared with a tray of drinks.
“Oh, I don’t think we ordered those,” said Olivia politely.
“Yes Madame, in fact, the gentlemen over there sent them alongside their birthday wishes.” The waiter replied.
You were floored, Toto Wolff had sent you birthday wishes. An interesting turn of events.
“Well, then that’s very nice of them,” said Olivia, as the waiter set them down, nudging you before adding, “You should go and say thank you!”
“Oh my God, yes, go!” Said Becca, egging Olivia on.
Sighing, but also buoyed by your friends’ enthusiasm, you relented, “I’m going to go but only to say thank you.”
Your three friends squealing with excitement, you took an extra sip of your drink for courage before standing up and sauntering over to where Toto and his associates sat. His interest piqued immediately as he noticed you making your way across the restaurant.
“Good evening, sorry to interrupt but I just wanted to say thank you for the drinks, it was very kind of you,” you said, a little too quickly due to nerves.
“Well, it’s not every day you celebrate a milestone like that.” Replied Toto kindly, standing up to hold out his hand to shake yours, “I’m Toto by the way, and this is Jean and Sebastian,” he gestured at the older gentlemen he was dining with.
Struck by the almost comical height difference you introduced yourself and looked up at the tall Austrian in front of you as he gripped your hand very tightly, “Nice to meet you all.”
The other gentlemen smiled politely, wishing you a happy birthday before picking their conversation back up. Toto, however, remained stood up, his eyes raking your curves. “A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. It’s nice to meet you too.”
Now you really were blushing, “You’re far too kind.”
“Not at all,” he said, “I hope you do not think this forward but would you like to join me for dinner one evening?”
Once again, your eyes widened, how was this man asking you out? Pulling yourself together, you knew you had to politely decline, you were here with your friends after all, “I would love to but unfortunately I’m only here until Sunday so I’m not sure if I’ll have time.”
Toto looked disappointed but pressed further, “Well then, how about a drink later this evening?”
Trying your best to stay calm, you tried to play it cool, “I’m not sure, it’s a girl's trip and I don’t want to ditch my friends, I really would love to though. Maybe can I get your number and text you once I’ve figured out their plans?”
“Understood,” replied Toto, looking down, gazing into your eyes with an unreadable expression, “It would be my pleasure, give me your phone.”
With that, you handed your phone to the tall Austrian in front of you who deftly punched in his contact. “Thank you, I’ll check in with the girls and let you know. I’ll leave you to your dinner for now but I hope to see you later,” you said with a smile.
Toto turned to glance at his dining companions who were still deep in conversation, and dropped closer down to your ear, keeping his voice low, sending a shiver down your spine, “It’s okay, I don’t think they missed me. I hope to see you later too.”
Looking up at Toto with a smile, you replied “I’m sure they did. See you, Toto.” As you turned back towards your table you glanced back over your shoulder and saw Toto’s eyes were locked on you as he returned to his seat. He was undeniably hot and as much as you always abided by the golden rule, chicks before dicks, this was special circumstances.
Sitting back down with your friends, they immediately leaned in to get the lowdown.
“What did he say? He didn’t take his eyes off of you!” said Laura excitedly.
“He just wished me a happy birthday… and asked me out,” you said blushing.
“No way!” exclaimed your three friends in unison.
“You’re going to go right?” said Olivia, looking at you in concern.
“I’m not sure, I don’t want to ditch you all for a man but equally he’s hot as fuck and it would only be for an hour or so.”
“An hour or so?” said Becca, raising her eyebrows, “I doubt this, but you should go, make it a memorable birthday!”
You looked over once again at where Toto sat, he was a striking man, pushing all of his success to one side. “What the hell, I’ll message him now. What’s the worst that could happen?”
Your friends squealed with excitement in unison.
You grabbed her phone and nervously began typing your message to Toto.
It’s all good for tonight, we’re almost done eating so I’m free whenever you are.
You could see Toto excuse himself and take out his phone, shooting a grin from across the restaurant before looking down to type a response.
Sure enough, your phone buzzed.
Perfect, so are we. Shall I meet you outside in ten minutes?
You replied excitedly, still not believing you were texting Toto Wolff of all people. 
Sounds like a plan.
You were nervous but excited as you saw Toto and his associates pay their bill and head off, Toto shooting you a wink as he jostled his way out of the restaurant.
Settling their own bill, your group were close behind and as you exited the restaurant, sure enough, you saw Toto standing outside waiting, leaning casually up against a column.
Bidding your friends goodbye, you made your way towards your date for the evening. “Hi,” you said somewhat awkwardly, knowing that your friends were likely watching from where they were ordering a taxi to return them to the hotel.
“Hi,” he said, glancing down fondly, “How was your dinner?”
“So good!” you said, “How was yours?”
“It was okay, my dining companions weren’t as lovely as you but I think my evening is improving,” he said with a rakish grin.
You smiled, “You’re a charmer, Toto. Where were you thinking of heading?”
“I know a place a few streets behind, it’s not so fancy but they have an excellent selection of wine if you like it?”
Knowing that you were already a little tipsy, you were grateful that he’d suggested wine, “Sounds good to me, lead the way, Mr Wolff!”
Toto whipped his head around, “I never told you my surname.”
Feeling you’d made a huge error of judgement, you stuttered, Toto’s dark eyes intimidating you before you decided the best course of action was to fess up, “Well it took me a moment but I recognised you. Guilty as charged.”
Musing quietly, Toto’s expression softened, “So you know a little about me, tell me about yourself.”
As you made your way around the twisting streets towards the bar, you filled Toto in on your background, your blossoming career and your plans for the big birthday weekend. He was an engaged listener, asking you questions and interjecting with his own anecdotes. Certainly surprising for a man of his stature.
Soon enough you arrived at your destination, Toto taking the lead and speaking with the Maitre D’ who promptly led you to a secluded table towards the back of the bar.
Settling down on the chair opposite Toto, you were suddenly much more nervous. 
“You look nervous,” Toto said, his eyes softening.
“Well, this is not how I thought my evening was going to pan out. The ruse is up in that I recognised you so I may as well tell you that we came to Monaco because I love Formula One.” you blushed furiously as your words tangled into one.
“Relax, so you know about Formula One?” he said, reaching across the table, taking your hand in his and tracing small circles with his thumb on the back of your hand.
“Well, probably not as much as you.” you laughed, breaking the tension and gazing into his eyes.
“You’d be surprised,” said Toto shrugging with a smirk. “I just got lucky.”
As the evening went on, you discussed everything under the sun, the wine helping you feel less awkward and forget who you were talking to. Toto was funnier than you expected and you spent half the evening giggling at his stupid remarks. He’d regaled you with stories of his travel adventures, driving mishaps and various other anecdotes, whilst you’d filled him in with tales of your own travels and some embarrassing childhood moments. You’d even bonded over your love of all things with an engine. Time had flown by and you didn’t want the evening to end.
“Ahem.” Your conversation was suddenly interrupted by a waiter, “Monsieur, Madame, I am sorry to say that we are closing in ten minutes. Can I take one last order?”
Knowing that you were well beyond tipsy, you shook your head, looking at Toto to check if he was in agreement. Looking somewhat bleary-eyed himself he shook his head as well, “Just the bill please.”
Soon enough the cheque had been settled and you found yourself once again wandering the moonlit streets of Monaco with Toto, this time your hand firmly encased in his.
“Where do you need to go?” Toto asked kindly, “I can drop you back.”
“I’m staying at the Fairmont,” you replied.
“It’s not so far, are you happy to walk?” he asked, squeezing your hand.
“Sure, it’s just up there,” you replied gesturing at the bend in the road where the hotel was perched, “As long as you can get home okay?”
“I’ll be fine,” said Toto, a dark look in his eye. “Remind me, when do you leave again?”
“Sunday afternoon,” you said sadly, wishing you were staying for longer.
“Well, you’ll have to come back next year for the Grand Prix,” he said, a twinkle in his eye.
“Maybe if I rob a bank!” you said with a chuckle, “One day.”
“I don’t like to boast, but I might know someone who can get you in without having to resort to organised crime,” he said, laughing with a deep rumble.
“Oh really?” you said, turning to face Toto in the inky moonlight, “Is he nice?”
“Very,” said Toto, dropping your hand and placing his hands on either side of your waist, swaying slightly in his merry state.
Laughing, you stretched up to look Toto in the eye, “I’ll have to meet this guy, he sounds great.”
At that your lips met, Toto bending down to plant a soft kiss on your lips, the height difference making it slightly a challenge but one that neither of you seemed bothered by. As the kiss deepened, Toto began to run his hands down towards your perfectly rounded ass, squeezing gently as he found your curves.
Breaking apart for air, you glanced around, luckily there was no one in the empty street but you didn’t want to risk being caught making out in the street with a famous face and it being splashed across the tacky tabloids.
“Do you fancy a nightcap at mine?” you asked, looking up at Toto through your fluffy long lashes. As a rule, you never normally brought men back on a girls' trip but you decided tonight was a special circumstance. 
Toto’s eyes lit up, “Well, I have heard the view is nice.”
You laughed, grabbing Toto’s hand once again and leading him towards the corner entrance to your hotel. As you crossed the lobby you had a sudden panic that Olivia was in your room, and as you made it into the elevator, sent a frantic text knowing your friends would still be awake, waiting for the post-date debrief.
Red alert, I’m bringing him back, please can you vacate?
Sure enough, the replies came back instantaneously.
Oh la la of course birthday girl! 
Get it girl! 
Knew it!!!!!
Smiling as Toto rested his hand on the small of your back in the elevator, you looked up at him before he once again swooped down to catch your lips with his.
The elevator dinged before things could get too heated but it didn’t stop Toto wrapping his arm tightly around your waist as the pair of you stumbled towards your room.
“Here we are,” you said, scrambling to find your keycard in your bag before popping open the door to unveil your impressive suite. Thankfully your friends must have tidied as the detritus from getting ready for the evening was nowhere to be seen.
“Nice,” said Toto before bending down once again to continue kissing you, turning you around to face him as you closed the door. Pressing you against the wall with his leg, he continued to deepen the kiss, his hands starting to explore more of your body.
“As soon as I saw you I knew I had to have you,” he said, his lips resting against your ear, his deep Austrian accent rumbling.
You gulped, you never would have thought it but his voice roused something deep within. Your lips stretching up and finding the crevice of his neck, you replied in a low voice, “Then have me.”
Toto needed no invitation, scooping you up into his arms, he carried you over to the bed, throwing you down before leaning over and continuing to kiss you, his strong arms either side, pinning you down.
Emboldened by his eagerness, you wrapped your legs around his thick torso, pushing yourself against him, not surprised to find a growing bulge. As he ground his hips into yours, he started to explore your curves with his large hands, ghosting your breasts and waist and reaching around to caress your ass once again.
Reaching up, you started to unbutton Toto’s shirt, exposing a surprisingly muscular frame. Impatient, he leaned up and divested himself of the shirt as well as the rest of his clothes, leaving him in nothing but boxers. You couldn’t help but smile at the view that greeted you as he once again lunged down to kiss you, this time, his hands making quick work of pulling your dress off, leaving you exposed in nothing but lingerie and heels.
“You are ridiculous,” he said, his eyes hungry with desire, gazing into your eyes and gently kissing your neck.
“I could say the same about you,” you replied breathily, your back arching in pleasure as Toto kissed his way along your neck and across your collarbone.
Melting into each other’s arms, you began to grind back against his now prominent hardness, feeling yourself getting more turned on by the second.
“Toto?” you asked, gasping for air, “Will you fuck me?”
Toto’s eyes lit up, “I thought you’d never ask.”
Smiling at each other, Toto reached down to unhook your bra, releasing your pert breasts, “Fuck,” he said, lifting his head to marvel at them, “Even better than I imagined.”
You blushed at his words, not used to such attention. Growing impatient you ghosted your hands down Toto’s abs, hooking your fingers into the waistband of his boxers.
“You’re an impatient little thing aren’t you?” he said, leaning back suddenly and hooking his arms underneath your legs, gripping your thighs and bringing you closer. “I want to taste you first.”
Gulping you leant back, allowing Toto to bring his mouth to where you needed it most. As his tongue lapped gently, he brought his hand along and began to stroke your clit, slowly but sensually.
It wasn’t long before you were writhing in pleasure, tugging Toto’s dark locks as he pumped a finger in and out, continuing to expertly lick.
“Toto, I want you in me,” you said, seeing stars as you were so close.
Pausing his ministrations, Toto was more than happy to oblige, kissing his way back up your torso as he replied, “I want to do everything with you.”
At that, you melted, the evening had turned into one that was beyond your wildest dreams. As Toto swiftly undressed you both, you gazed into his intense chocolate eyes as he slipped on a condom and began to line himself up, unsurprisingly intimidatingly big.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle,” he said, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he pushed in, slowly but surely. Gasping, you shifted to adjust to his size. True to his word, he took it easy and entered tantalisingly slowly, an inch at a time.
“Fuck, Toto.” you said breathily, “You’re so big.”
Smiling, he pulled back out before pushing in once more, “Tell me if it’s too much.”
“Not at all, it feels good,” you said, feeling pleasantly stretched in places you’d never felt before.
“Good,” he said with a grin as he began to thrust in and out lazily, continuing to kiss you.
It wasn’t long before you were a tangled mess of arms and legs, both nearing completion. “Fuck, Toto, I am so close,” you said, your eyes rolling back in pleasure.
“Close isn’t good enough,” said Toto, smirking as he reached down and found your clit once again, his thumb circling gently as he continued to push in and out, speeding up.
“That feels so go…” you couldn’t even finish your sentence as Toto hit the sweet spot with expert precision. 
“Fu…” was all Toto managed as he thrust in and out a few more times, chasing his own high before collapsing on top of you, his body heavy.
“Ooff,” you said, crushed by the weight of the muscular man on top of you.
“Sorry,” he said sheepishly, flashing a shy grin as he rolled off to lie beside you.
“Well… that was not how I expected my birthday to turn out,” you said, feeling like you were in a dream.
Toto laughed, stretching a strong arm across your stomach to pull you in for a cuddle. “There’s still a few hours of your birthday left.”
Your eyes widened once more. This was certainly a birthday to remember.
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4sh-n4 · 1 month
Bruce Wayne, who can't cook to save his life but can bake better than even Alfred. The catch? He can only do it in the night after being awoken by nightmares. No one knows about his extraordinary skills other than Alfred and Dick, because everyone assumes that the baked goods in the kitchen are made by Alfred. Dick knows because when he was younger and couldn't sleep because of nightmares, he used to join Bruce in the kitchen and watch him work.
Dick Grayson, who is an absolute disaster in the kitchen because he keeps getting distracted, but give him a microwave and a dream and he'll prepare a solid three course meal that actually tastes decent. He's also an excellent cocktail maker, which is funny since he prefers to have his alcohol straight without any mixers (he still puts the little umbrellas in his glass though, don't be mistaken)
Jason Todd, who is an ACE in the kitchen because he refused to ever be helpless with food again after getting off the streets. He was going to eat, and he was going to eat WELL. Especially since he finally had the resources to be able to actually experiment with what he likes and what he can do with different foods, instead of just what's cheapest or most easily found. The one thing he can't do? Crack an egg with only his hands without getting any of the eggshell pieces in the food. He needs to use one of those little egg cracking tools. The thing that pissed him off the most about this is that the one thing Dick can do brilliantly in the kitchen, is crack eggs with one (1!!!) hand only.
Tim Drake, who is definitely not michelin star level (the Drakes had a cook for Tim's entire childhood so he never had to learn), but has learnt to sustain himself with instant meals and those little ramen packets. He somehow always makes them taste good though, adding toppings and making sure they are some form of nourishing, even if that just means adding a fried egg on top and calling it a day. He also knows the difference between all the different little types of tea that alfred likes to drink just by taste, and is the only other person in the house that can make a perfect cup (that is Alfred approved). It always shocks everyone else, because Tim is notorious for hating the taste of tea.
Cass Cain, who has no culinary abilities and does not want them either. Her skills in the kitchen start and end with making sandwiches. But whenever she goes out to eat, she always goes to a chinese restaurant and gets something that she hasn't tried before, because she was never introduced to any foods of her culture and wants to taste them all now. Oh, and she can do super complicated tricks with the knives, her and Dick have constant competitions about who can do the coolest thing.
Steph Brown, who lives off of takeaway for most meals, but can make better breakfast foods than most people in the house. Waffles, pancakes, bacon, eggs, toast, you name it and she can make it. Only if it is traditionally eaten before noon though. She also worked as a barista part time for a while, so she knows all the fancy coffee recipes.
Damian Al Ghul Wayne, who doesn't care to cook other cuisines, but taught himself how to make almost every middle eastern and south asian dish he could get his hands on, because it helped him feel closer to his home and his mother when he first moved in with his father. His fondest memories of his mother are of her feeding him his cultural foods and telling him about their origins. It was the only time they did not speak of work, or his training, but instead about what his father was like as a person, about the things his mother has seen on her travels over the years, about his maternal grandmother, about his interest in animals.
Duke Thomas, who can cook enough for a 15 year old but doesn't touch the kitchen of Wayne manor very often, not unless he's just sitting on the counter watching others or helping minorly. His memories are still fresh enough to bleed when touched and all his memories of him cooking in the kitchen have his parents happily dancing in the background on Sundays with loud music blaring through the walls as they teach him how to chop onions without crying or knead dough.
Alfred Pennyworth, who only had the most basic culinary skills when he began working for the Waynes, just enough to keep him alive when he was in the military, but was forced to learn how to cook when he was unexpectedly given custody of an 8 year old. He can cook better than most professional chefs in the world now, but he still hoards Thomas Wayne's old cookbooks like they're the only tangible part left of the man who once filled the halls of the manor, even though he knows that's not true. He'll pass them down to his grandchildren one day...just not today. Today, they're still his.
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ellecdc · 1 month
This is a weird one but bear with me:
You’re ordering takeout with the boys/Lily and have told them to pick whatever they really like, what do you wind up eating?
omg no this is fun!!!!
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I see him as very 'adventurous' and a food lover
literally down for whatever; wants to try every nationalities cuisine
I follow this tiktok creator who is trying different foods from around the world and it is so funny and wholesome and I can totally see James being the same way
TL;DR, if you leave it up to him, you very well may be enjoying a meal from a nondescript hole-in-the-wall restaurant selling long unheard of ancient recipes from the Himalayan region (and it would slap)
I see him having expensive taste (from growing up)
tries to be adventurous after living with the Potter's but there's really nothing that can be done about those white people taste buds (speaking from devastating experience ✊😞)
could see him ordering from his favourite (expensive) Italian restaurants, French cuisine, Latin fusion
oh! he likes sushi (in my mind), you'll eat a lot of sushi
I don't see this many as picky at all - he will eat whatever you put in front of him
prefers comfort foods - pub food/pizza/chinese take out
likes them because they're easy, cheap, and you know what to expect ordering from just about anywhere
I see him being known at his local take out places - usually too arsed to cook and the restaurants all know him by name lol
sort of same as Sirius but maybe more exaggerated
you'll tell him to choose and he'll show up a little while later with food from a Michelin star restaurant
doesn't know what you might want so gets a little bit of everything
you could tell this mans you want lobster and he wouldn't even give you a second glance he'd just get in the car and show up later with any delicacy he could order
little bit like James tbh - down for anything but makes a fuckin big deal about it first until you force him to try/have an open mind and he's like "huh....no that's really good I like it, this is my new favourite food of all time"
wants the spiciest foods he can possibly find - like he wants to eat foods that will hurt his feelings
very picky though so if he decides he doesn't like something he will not finish it
I see her falling into the "idk what I want, what do you want?" back and forth
maybe a bit like Remus tbh - likes comfort foods, things that are easy and cheap [pub food, pizza, Chinese etc]
wants to make everything a date though so maybe tries to encourage you to go out with her or sets up a little at home picnic/date in your living room
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I absolutely adore the chef/sommelier au and always find so much comfort in your writing. i have a few questions/prompts if you’re interested in any of these:
1) how did they meet? were they part of the same circles and crushing from afar until they finally had the chance to work together? or did they have a more classic meet cute?
2)Ava mentions that she knows Beatrice prefers to eat in the kitchen rather than the restaurant and I would be curious about any backstory behind how Ava came to learn this.
3) one of those foodie travel adventures where they eat their way through X city or cities
ok so this is no1 but has hints of the other two (which i love & will maybe write later!)
also i guess... this turned into platonic bea & lilith are in love. who knows lol
you've known beatrice for so long now, you really should've seen this coming.
for as annoying as she is, she's remarkably talented — something that had made you frustrated with her, and yourself, for years during culinary school. beatrice's food is true to who she is: wholly precise and quietly playful, elegant and creative, and really, really warm. thoughtful. surprisingly fun. you've always been able to tell: your technical skills are the best in the world, better than hers or anyone else you've ever met, and your palette is exquisite; you run a kitchen with quiet authority, and each dish comes out on time, exactly as it's supposed to. you are very good at your job. but beatrice makes food — elevated chinese and european fusion dishes, whatever she's most interested in at the moment — that makes you want to cry in its capacity to comfort. not that you would ever admit it, but you have stepped away to the bathroom on a handful of occasions to do just that.
she's more your sister than anything else — your little sister, you make sure to remind her — and so when chef superion had essentially ordered — encouragingly — beatrice into opening her own restaurant after five years of being chef de cuisine and, really, being the quiet driving force behind those three michelin stars, it hadn't even been a question to you that you would go with her. that you would help with the menu and everyday operations; the design and hours of operation; the sustainable sourcing for all of your dishes that she's always been so invested in. that part, while exhausting, had been fairly easy: mary and shannon, who own an urban farm, had been thrilled to partner, and you came up with a collaborative menu together. you were able to secure local seafood from a few suppliers, local ethical meat from your favorite butcher. camila, admittedly your favorite chef from superion's, young and absolutely kind, had agreed to come on and do pastry. you and beatrice had hired yasmine as your sous, trustworthy and smart.
you've been elbow-deep in planning — food, interior, front of house, all of it — for months. you're pretty sure beatrice works, like, twenty hours a day, and doesn't do anything but that. she eats takeout quickly in the kitchen, standing over a trashcan. every friday you barge into her condo and force her to eat greasy pizza and watch reality tv and share a joint. a year or so ago she had asked you to buzz her hair for her and you still do now, weekly, because she's neat and confident and loves efficiency and, according to many, many women unfortunately saying this to you directly whenever you drag her out for drinks, it's hot. she takes you to doctor's appointments and picks up your dry cleaning; she's the only person you let sharpen your knives for you, and the only person you'll share a bed with overnight if you're too drunk or stoned or tired to go home. she never says anything, never minds, just grumbles when her alarm goes off and grumbles sleepily in chinese while she makes herself an espresso.
and so, really, it's your fault. you should've known. you're not sure how you should've known, but you definitely should have.
'so,' you say, lowering yourself into the chair across from her immaculately neat desk in her office in the back, 'i think i found us a sommelier.'
your drinks menu is one of the last things you have to finalize, and beatrice has been so fucking picky about who to bring on to do so. cocktails hadn't been that hard; hans is competent and creative. but the wine pairings have been a pain in your ass: one sommelier was too old to have fresh, exciting ideas; one was a cis white man so beatrice automatically vetoed that, which, honestly, you didn't hate and definitely should've seen coming.
'and who is it?'
'ava silva,' you say, flick open your tablet to his profile: ava is young and renowned already, and has experience with local, natural wines and restaurants all over the world, especially europe, brazil, and east asia. she is, you realize later with a heartfelt deep annoyance, beautiful.
'ava silva,' beatrice repeats. she reads through ava's profile, her accomplishments and accolades and references. 'they worked with taian table.' beatrice hums. 'i've heard of them.'
'yeah.' you force yourself not to roll your eyes at her reluctance.
'ava is available to meet for a consult?'
'tomorrow, if you want. i can take care of the oyster tasting if that helps.'
she laughs, and you let yourself crack a smile. 'i don't even want to be a part of your oyster tasting, lilith.'
'just because i have fun —'
'sleeping with our supplier better not backfire on us, that's all i have to say.'
and maybe you should've realized right then, when beatrice's eyes lingered on ava's professional headshot on her website, on her impressive accolades. 'i am a consummate professional,' you tell beatrice.
she shakes her head, fondly, and leans back in her chair, runs a hand over her hair. 'fine,' she says, 'i'll take the meeting with ava.'
'great,' you say, relieved in the moment. 'what's the worst that can happen?'
very soon, unfortunately, you find out: beatrice is fucking insufferable. ava is even more insufferable, flirting with horrible humor and fond, relentless teasing. beatrice is, somehow, blushing and stumbling around like a schoolgirl, despite her attempts at being a serious, focused chef. she burns her hand on a pot, sets a towel on fire, and spills a red wine reduction all over her favorite apron the first time ava is coming to try a few dishes on the menu.
'jesus christ,' you say, maybe a little bit of a prayer, 'what the fuck, chef?'
beatrice groans. 'ava is... pretty.'
she says it reluctantly, like it's terrible to admit. ava is definitely annoying, but even you have eyes. 'yes, we all know after having to watch you fumble around during one meeting that you think ava is pretty.'
'and,' she says, a blush spreading across her cheeks and down her neck, 'he's smart, and funny, and has an amazing palette.'
'well, he better.' you deflate a little; it's disarming to see beatrice this nervous, especially when it has nothing to do with her food being reviewed or rated. 'listen, beatrice,' you say, trying your very hardest to be gentle, just this once, 'this menu is gorgeous. i came up with eighty percent of it —'
'— you did not —'
'— so i can assure you that ava will love it, and that we can pair wines that will be excellent. and don't tell anyone i said this, or i legitimately will kill you, but you're an... impressive person. you're a remarkable chef. ava would be a fool to not see that.'
beatrice lets out a big breath. 'okay.'
'plus, it's kind of fun to see you trip all over yourself because of a crush.'
'i'm going to go change now.'
'yes, because you spilled because of a crush.'
'see you later, lilith.'
'yeah, yeah,' you say. 'i'll make sure to overcook the egg noodles, just for you.'
it's your fault, for sure, because you said yes to doing the food at their wedding — to make it worse, excitedly. it's gorgeous and it's a huge pain in your ass because there's, like, every cool chef in the world there, and a ton of Wine People, and beatrice has been traveling with ava filming something, so you've been running the restaurant. but still, beatrice gives you a hug and ava, terribly, kisses your cheek. they're both beautiful, and their backyard is full of edible flowers and herbs and vines with wine grapes. at one point, beatrice snags you by the hand to dance with her, which you protest for posterity and eventually give up on, as you always would have anyway. as you always have.
'thank you,' she says, 'for this. it's the best meal i've ever eaten.'
'i'm certain that's not true.'
she shakes her head; she's tan and has more freckles than you've ever seen on her, stretching across her cheeks — they'd gotten to film in brazil, apparently, where ava is from. but here it is, really: the whole world, right there, and beatrice has chosen to love you. she's chosen to want you as her sister, and you have always chosen her back.
'i'm really glad you're happy.'
'thank you,' she says. 'i am so happy.'
you roll your eyes. 'i know. it's nauseating.'
'after all of this, i want two weeks off when you're back from your honeymoon.'
'well, a positive outcome, at the very least.'
she laughs.
'it's my fault, anyway. if i had just found a less beautiful, boring, straight sommelier...'
'i'm going to go dance with my wife now,' she says. 'love you.'
'yeah, yeah.' you squeeze her hand, linger for a moment in how softly she says wife, just because it's gentle and sweet and you don't hate seeing her this happy. 'love you too.'
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qzbranding · 2 months
Cognitive brand associations: National cuisines
This week's class and reading made me think about cognitive brand associations between national cuisines. In particular, (and perhaps prompted by the reading on wine), I wanted to discuss the notion that European cuisines are seen as "high-brow" and certain other cuisines as "low brow"/ cheaper.
Ratings obviously play a bit of a role in building prestige of a cuisine. Of the 144 restaurants that have earned 3 Michelin stars, 62% of them are in Europe, 9% in the USA with 29% in Asia. I distinctly remember being really excited to eat at a 3 star Michelin restaurant in Paris, and being fully okay with the very expensive bill that came after. And yet, when I went to a Michelin starred restaurant in Singapore, I found myself more critical of the food I was eating, judging it for its value-for-money ratio.
As someone who has grown up eating a lot of good, cheap, Asian food, I find myself torn between the expectation that Asian food be cheap and delicious and the aspiration for my culture to be represented in a premium way.
In his book The Ethnic Restauranteur, the author (Krishnendu Ray) hypothesizes that the "more capital or military power a nation wields and the richer its emigrants are, the more likely its cuisine will command high menu prices". In a way, our perception of a cuisine has been nudged by social proof, the cuisine we see immigrants eating and making cheaply, we have continued to perceive as low brow. Even long after those original waves of immigration have passed, our perception of the cuisine could lead us to color our perception of cultures and stereotypes, perpetuating the cycle.
France has cultivated such a strong brand that they have managed to make even the simple somehow seem luxurious. Eggs? Fold them a particular way, and all of a sudden, I'm happy to fork out $25 for a mushroom omelette.  French toast was a cooking method to extend the life of stale bread, and now, it is a fancy brunch entrée. And yet, I only want to pay $5 for a breakfast scallion pancake and $3 for a steamed red bean bun (my preferred Chinese breakfast foods). The raw ingredient costs of both the French and Chinese breakfast don't differ much, but the cognitive association we have with French food (and perhaps just French words) increases our willingness to pay.
Dumplings and ravioli are also another key example. Imagine if I only got 4 dumplings for $30, I would be outraged because I would be expecting at least 12 if not more. And yet, I an often happy to receive 4-6 ravioli for that same price.
This exercise has made me realize that I should myself be more critical about my default expectations for cuisines. I shouldn't always expect to be able to get a bargain on Chinese food; instead, I should be proud when I see more high-end Asian establishments. Cognitive brand associations are there, but I think they should also be able to be challenged and changed. And when it comes to food, the proof really should be in the pudding.
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rabbitcruiser · 6 months
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Caesars Palace, NV (No. 6)
The casino houses multiple restaurants. Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill is an English pub, a type of restaurant Ramsay felt was "missing on the strip". The Nobu Restaurant is an Asian restaurant. The Old Homestead Steakhouse is the first west-coast location of a New York restaurant chain. Rao's opened in 2006, the second branch of the restaurant after New York City to open. Chef Brian Malarkey opened Searsucker Las Vegas – the fourth branch of the restaurant after San Diego, Del Mar, California, and Austin, Texas – in March 2015. The 7,500 square feet (700 m2) dining area has a "retro Americana" theme, with "cowboy culture" motifs reflected throughout the furnishings and paintings designed by Thomas Schoos. Sign billing Gordon Ramsay Hell's Kitchen at Caesars Palace, 2021.
Beijing Noodle No. 9 is a Chinese restaurant with an overhead metal-cut white screen and large aquariums filled with goldfish are all backlit by LED bulbs. Serendipity 3 was a 1950s style diner, featuring burgers, fries and ice cream delicacies. The ice cream parlor themed restaurant, which was a branch of the New York City Serendipity 3 establishment, opened in 2009. In addition to seating in the dining area and counter seating, there was a patio with views of the Strip and the Caesars Palace fountains. It closed on January 2, 2017. Hell's Kitchen opened in its place in January 2018, and was originally planned to be used as the studio for the filming of the American television show Hell's Kitchen for Seasons 19 and 20, but with full bookings of customers to serve and a lack of cameras (and no dormitories for the contestants), shooting was instead moved to the Caesars Entertainment Studios property near the Las Vegas Strip. The major restaurant of the Augustus Tower is the Guy Savoy, namesake of the three-star Michelin chef. When Savoy was approached to open a second restaurant in Vegas, he initially said no, until Caesars told him they wanted him to recreate what he had done in Paris. His request was that to maintain quality, the restaurant must be limited to service five days a week, to which the management agreed. The restaurant opened in 2006 and in 2008, Savoy brought his executive chef from the Paris restaurant to Vegas. Interior of Payard Pâtisserie & Bistro with chocolate clock in foreground in 2013.
Under the direction of pastry chef and chocolatier François Payard, Payard Pâtisserie & Bistro at Caesars Palace encompasses a pastry shop, chocolate shop, and restaurant serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The interior of the 46-seat bistro was designed by the Rockwell Group. In 2008 the bistro installed a 16 feet (4.9 m) high "chocolate clock" that releases three chocolate truffles every quarter-hour.
Source: Wikipedia
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annafshr · 1 year
New York City travel guide for the first visitors
New York City, also known as the Big Apple, is widely considered to be one of the greatest cities in the world. It is a bustling metropolis, home to people from all over the globe, and is renowned for its culture, food, architecture, and entertainment. Here are some of the reasons why New York is considered the best city in the world.
New York is one of the most diverse cities in the world. People from all over the globe come to live and work in this vibrant city, bringing with them their culture, traditions, and ideas. This diversity is evident in the city's cuisine, music, art, and architecture, making it a cultural melting pot unlike any other.
New York City is home to some of the world's most iconic buildings, including the Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building, and the Flatiron Building. The city's skyline is instantly recognizable, and its buildings are a testament to the city's wealth, power, and creativity. The city also has a rich history, and visitors can explore the architecture of different eras, from the Beaux-Arts style of the early 20th century to the modernist designs of the 21st century.
New York City is known for its food. It is home to some of the world's best restaurants, including many Michelin-starred establishments. The city's diverse population has also led to a rich culinary scene, with food from all over the world available in the city's many restaurants, food trucks, and street vendors. Whether you're in the mood for pizza, Chinese food, or a bagel and lox, you'll find it in New York.
New York City is one of the world's cultural capitals, with a vibrant entertainment scene. The city is home to Broadway, the world's premier destination for live theater, as well as many other theaters, concert venues, and performance spaces. The city also has a thriving nightlife, with countless bars, clubs, and lounges, and is a hub for the fashion industry, with many designers and fashion houses based in the city.
Despite being a bustling city, New York has many beautiful parks and green spaces. Central Park is one of the world's most famous parks, but the city also has many other parks, including Prospect Park, Flushing Meadows Corona Park, and Battery Park. These parks provide a respite from the city's hustle and bustle and are a great place to relax, exercise, or just take a stroll.
New York City has one of the world's most extensive and efficient transportation systems. The subway is the most popular way to get around the city, but there are also buses, taxis, and ride-sharing services available. The city's transportation system makes it easy to get from one part of the city to another, and many visitors find that they don't need a car at all during their stay.
In conclusion, New York City is widely regarded as the best city in the world because of its diversity, architecture, food, entertainment, parks, and transportation. It is a city that has something to offer everyone, from the cultural enthusiast to the foodie to the fashionista. With its rich history, vibrant present, and limitless future, New York City truly is the greatest city in the world.
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tothemettle · 10 months
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One Michelin Star restaurant, fusion Thai-Chinese in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
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formulauno98 · 11 months
A Birthday to Remember - Toto Wolff x OC
My first attempt at a one-shot, based on this glorious request from @latte-luxe:
If you can, could you please write a short, but spicy🌶️🌶️🌶️ one shot of a young, crazy, yet loveable 5'2 Maestra who is celebrating her 30th birthday in Monaco, and a certain 6'5 F1 team principal laid eyes on her and knew he just had to have her. 😅😅😅🙏🙏🙏
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: Caution may contain spice.
Author’s Notes: Disclaimer, purely fiction, no-one is married in this alt-universe.
It was Saturday morning and stepping out onto her balcony at the Fairmont Monte Carlo, Fernanda swept her eyes over the spectacular view. It was a pinch yourself to check if you’re dreaming kind of view of sparkling blue waters, peppered every so often with a gleaming white yacht.
“Good morning, birthday girl.” murmured a husky, heavily accented voice from behind her. Before she even had the chance to turn around, a pair of muscular arms swooped around her from behind before coming to rest on her hips, gently squeezing her curves.
“Good morning to you too,” she said, turning around and leaning up to kiss the tall towel-clad Austrian, resting her hand on his bare chest as he pressed himself tightly against her. It was yet another pinch me I’m dreaming moment. If someone had told Fernanda this time yesterday that this was how she would be spending her Saturday morning she would have laughed and called them crazy, but sometimes life could be crazy.
It was a sunny evening and Fernanda had stood out on the balcony with a glass of wine in her hand, admiring the view whilst waiting for her three best friends to get ready. As a lifelong Formula One lover, a weekend trip to Monaco had been on the cards for a while so when her friends asked where she wanted to go to celebrate her thirtieth birthday it was at the top of the list. Turning the dream into reality was another thing altogether and she still couldn’t believe that the trip had materialised. 
Dinner was due to be lowkey as Saturday was going to be the big night out, with dinner plans at Elsa, a Michelin-star establishment, followed by a night on the tiles at Jimmyz, a club frequented by the world of Formula One. Friday night’s restaurant of choice was Song Qi, an upscale Chinese restaurant in Larvotto that had come highly recommended. 
“Fernanda, how long is the walk?” A voice called out from the suite.
“About five/ten minutes.” She replied, sighing, as always the mom of the group.
“Medium heels it is then,” her friend Olivia replied.
“We can always get a car,” Fernanda suggested.
“No, let’s conserve the taxi budget for tomorrow night,” Olivia said, stepping out onto the balcony to 
accompany her friend, “Laura and Becca are almost ready.”
“Good idea,” Fernanda replied, “You look gorgeous by the way.”
Olivia beamed with the compliment, stepping back to twirl in her pink minidress and sparkling sandals, “I try my best, although I can’t compete with you, my spicy little Salma Hayek twin.”
Fernanda blushed, everyone always compared her to the diminutive Mexican actress and truth be told, it wasn’t the worst comparison in the world. She’d chosen a simple white dress with gold sandals for the evening’s dinner, perhaps a risky move in a restaurant serving noodles but she felt fabulous. Her dark hair was slicked back into an elegant bun and she’d highlighted her tanned skin with golden shimmering oil, a move that always brought the compliments.
It wasn’t long before Laura and Becca also emerged, both looking as beautiful as ever. The four friends had treated themselves to two adjoining suites and opened up the connecting door to create a mega-suite.
“Oh la la, give us a twirl,” said Fernanda, looking her elegant friend up and down as she dutifully spun around.
“Beautiful!” Now it was Laura and Becca’s turn to blush. “Ditto! Shall we get going?”
“Sounds like a plan.” Fernanda agreed, the four of them making their way off of the balcony.
Song Qi turned out to be an excellent choice, with the table weighed down with baskets of dim sum and bowls of noodles, crispy beef and endless wontons. The restaurant was decadent but comfortable and as Fernanda sank back into her sumptuous green velvet chair she spotted a strangely familiar face at the table across from them. He was dark-haired, handsome with chiselled features and although he was sat down, tall, as he towered above the two men he was dining with.
It took a moment to realise that it was none other than Toto Wolff, the affable Mercedes Formula One team principal. Although she thought it was only for a moment, Fernanda must have stared for a while as he briefly met her eyes and shot her a charming smile. Smiling back like a fool, her friends whipped their heads around to see who their friend was smiling at, fortunately, Toto not noticing as he had returned to his plate.
“Damn girl, he’s kinda hot, in that old businessman kind of way,” said Olivia, turning back around to face Fernanda.
“Well yes…” Fernanda stuttered, “He’s also one of the team principals in Formula One.”
“Huh?” Asked her three friends blankly, not followers of the sport.
“Kind of like the equivalent of a football manager,” Fernanda explained, “Except he owns some of the team as well.”
“Fancy, well he’s pretty. You should go and talk to him.” Said Laura, all formula one facts going straight over her head.
“Oh my god, no,” Fernanda said, “I’m sure he was just being polite.”
As if on cue, Toto looked up and locked eyes with her once again, his deep brown eyes crinkling. Fernanda gulped, returning his gaze with a smile once again.
Dinner continued, with the girls chatting away as Fernanda every so often met Toto’s eyes across the crowded restaurant. He looked to be in some kind of business meeting as the two men with him were dressed smartly and looked serious while conversing with them.
It wasn’t long before dinner had been cleared and a smiling waiter emerged with a chocolate cake laden down with a sparkler and a golden thirty-number candle, Olivia, Becca and Laura looking at each other mischievously before breaking into a rousing rendition of the Happy Birthday song. Fernanda felt her cheeks reddening as she realised the entire restaurant, including Toto and his business associates had joined in the song. As she blew out the candle, she once again locked eyes with Toto who was grinning away while applauding.
“You guys are the worst,” Fernanda said, half joking as she shook her head at her friends. “But that’s why I love you.”
“Aw, well we had to do something,” said Laura, “It’s not every day you have a big birthday like this and although I still don’t understand why you love your car racing so much, I’m happy that we came here.”
Fernanda smiled at her friends, she was appreciative of them, enabling her desire to walk around the Formula One track and visit the car museum, despite the fact they really weren’t interested. Just as she was musing how ironic it was that she’d seen Toto Wolff, their waiter reappeared with a tray of drinks.
“Oh, I don’t think we ordered those,” said Olivia politely.
“Yes Madame, in fact, the gentlemen over there sent them alongside their birthday wishes.” The waiter replied.
Fernanda’s eyes widened, Toto Wolff had sent her birthday wishes. An interesting turn of events.
“Well, then that’s very nice of them,” said Olivia, as the waiter set them down, “Fernanda, you should go and say thank you!”
“Oh my God, yes, go!” Said Becca, egging her friend on.
Sighing, but also buoyed by her friends’ enthusiasm, Fernanda spoke, “I’m going to go but only to say thank you.”
Her three friends squealing with excitement, Fernanda took an extra sip of her drink for courage before standing up and sauntering over to where Toto and his associates sat. His interest piqued immediately as he noticed her making her way across the restaurant.
“Good evening, sorry to interrupt but I just wanted to say thank you for the drinks, it was very kind of you,” Fernanda said, a little too quickly due to nerves.
“Well, it’s not every day you celebrate a milestone like that.” Replied Toto kindly, standing up to hold out a hand to shake, “I’m Toto by the way, and this is Jean and Sebastian,” he gestured at the older gentlemen he was dining with.
Struck by the almost comical height difference Fernanda looked up at the tall Austrian in front of her as he gripped her hand very tightly, “I’m Fernanda, nice to meet you all.”
The other gentlemen smiled at her politely, wishing her a happy birthday before picking their conversation back up. Toto, however, remained stood up, his eyes raking her curves. “Fernanda?” He asked, “A beautiful name for a beautiful woman.”
Now Fernanda was really blushing, “You’re far too kind.”
“Not at all,” he said, “I hope you do not think this forward but would you like to join me for dinner one evening?”
Fernanda’s eyes widened, floored that this man was asking her out. “I would love to but unfortunately I’m only here until Sunday so I’m not sure if I’ll have time.”
Toto looked disappointed but pressed further, “Well then, how about a drink later this evening?”
Fernanda’s eyes went even wider before she managed to answer, “I’m not sure, it’s a girl's trip and I don’t want to ditch my friends, I really would love to though. Maybe can I get your number and text you once I’ve figured out their plans?”
“Understood,” replied Toto, looking down, gazing into her eyes with an unreadable expression, “It would be my pleasure, give me your phone.”
Fernanda’s eyes lit up as she handed her phone to the tall Austrian in front of her who deftly punched in his contact. “Thank you, I’ll check in with the girls and let you know. I’ll leave you to your dinner for now but I hope to see you later,” she said with a smile.
Toto turned to glance at his dining companions who were still deep in conversation, and dropped closer down to Fernanda’s ear, keeping his voice low, sending a shiver down her spine, “It’s okay, I don’t think they missed me. I hope to see you later too Fernanda.”
Fernanda looked up at Toto with a smile, “I’m sure they did. See you, Toto.” As she turned back towards her table she glanced over her shoulder and saw Toto’s eyes were locked on her as he returned to his seat. He was undeniably hot and as much as she always abided by the golden rule, chicks before dicks, this was special circumstances.
Sitting back down with her friends, they immediately leaned in to get the lowdown.
“What did he say? He didn’t take his eyes off of you!” said Laura excitedly.
“Just wished me a happy birthday… and asked me out,” said Fernanda blushing.
“No way!” exclaimed her three friends in unison.
“You’re going to go right?” said Olivia, looking at her friend in concern.
“I’m not sure.” said Fernanda, “I don’t want to ditch you all for a man but equally he’s hot as fuck and it would only be for an hour or so.”
“An hour or so?” said Becca, raising her eyebrows, “I doubt this, but you should go, make it a memorable birthday!”
Fernanda looked over once again at where Toto sat, he was a striking man, pushing all of his success to one side. “What the hell, I’ll message him now. What’s the worst that could happen?”
Her friends squealed with excitement in unison.
Fernanda grabbed her phone and nervously began typing her message to Toto.
It’s all good for tonight, we’re almost done eating so I’m free whenever you are.
She could see Toto excuse himself and take out his phone, shooting her a grin from across the restaurant before looking down to type a response.
Sure enough, Fernanda’s phone buzzed.
Perfect, so are we. Shall I meet you outside in ten minutes?
Fernanda replied excitedly, still not believing she was texting Toto Wolff of all people. 
Sounds like a plan.
Fernanda was nervous but excited as she saw Toto and his associates pay their bill and head off, Toto shooting her a wink as he jostled his way out of the restaurant.
Settling their own bill, Fernanda and her friends were close behind and as she exited the restaurant, sure enough, she saw Toto standing outside waiting for her, leaning casually up against a column.
Bidding her friends goodbye, she made her way towards her date for the evening. “Hi,” she said somewhat awkwardly, knowing that her friends were likely watching from where they were ordering a taxi to return them to their hotel.
“Hi,” he said, glancing down at her fondly, “How was your dinner?”
“So good!” she said, “How was yours?”
“It was okay, my dining companions weren’t as lovely as you but I think my evening is improving,” he said with a rakish grin.
Fernanda smiled, “You’re a charmer, Toto. Where were you thinking of heading?”
“I know a place a few streets behind, it’s not so fancy but they have an excellent selection of wine if you like it?”
Knowing that she was already a little tipsy, Fernanda was grateful he’d suggested wine, “Sounds good to me, lead the way, Mr Wolff!”
Toto whipped his head around, “I never told you my surname.”
Feeling she’d made a huge error of judgement, Fernanda stuttered, his dark eyes intimidating her before she decided the best course of action was to fess up, “Well it took me a moment but I recognised you. Guilty as charged.”
Musing quietly, Toto’s expression softened, “So you know a little about me, tell me about yourself.”
As the pair made their way around the twisting streets towards the bar, Fernanda filled Toto in on her background, her career as a teacher and her plans for the weekend.
Soon enough they arrived at their destination, Toto, taking the lead and speaking with the Maitre D’ who promptly led them to a secluded table towards the back of the bar.
Settling down on the chair opposite Toto, Fernanda was suddenly much more nervous. 
“You look nervous,” Toto said, his eyes kind.
“Well, this is not how I thought my evening was going to pan out. The ruse is up in that I recognised you so I may as well tell you that we came to Monaco because I love Formula One.” Fernanda blushed furiously as her words tangled into one.
“Relax Fernanda, so you know about formula one?” he said, reaching across the table, taking her hand in his and tracing small circles with his thumb on the back of her hand.
“Well, probably not as much as you.” Fernanda laughed, breaking the tension and gazing into his eyes.
“You’d be surprised,” said Toto shrugging with a smirk. “I just got lucky.”
As the evening went on, the pair discussed everything under the sun, the wine helping Fernanda to feel less awkward and forget who she was talking to. Toto was funnier than she expected and she spent half the evening giggling at his stupid remarks. He’d regaled her with stories of his travel adventures, driving mishaps and various other anecdotes, whilst she’d filled him in with her tales of teaching and embarrassing childhood moments. They’d bonded over their love of all things with an engine and time had flown by.
“Ahem.” Their conversation was suddenly interrupted by a waiter, “Monsieur, Madame, I am sorry to say that we are closing in ten minutes. Can I take one last order?”
Knowing she was well beyond tipsy, Fernanda shook her head, looking at Toto to check if he was in agreement. Looking somewhat bleary-eyed himself he shook his head as well, “Just the bill please.”
Soon enough the cheque had been settled and Fernanda found herself once again wandering the moonlit streets of Monaco with Toto, this time her hand firmly encased in his.
“Where do you need to go?” Toto asked kindly, “I can drop you back.”
“I’m staying at the Fairmont,” Fernanda replied, not wanting the night to end.
“It’s not so far, are you happy to walk?” he asked, squeezing her hand.
“Sure, it’s just up there,” she replied gesturing at the bend in the road where the hotel was perched, “As long as you can get home okay?”
“I’ll be fine,” said Toto, a dark look in his eye. “Fernanda, when do you leave again?”
“Sunday afternoon,” she said sadly, wishing she was staying for longer.
“Well, you’ll have to come back next year for the Grand Prix,” he said, a twinkle in his eye.
“Maybe if I rob a bank!” she said with a chuckle, “One day.”
“I don’t like to boast, but I might know someone who can get you in without having to resort to organised crime,” he said, laughing with a deep rumble.
“Oh really?” Fernanda said, turning to face Toto in the inky moonlight, “Is he nice?”
“Very,” said Toto, dropping Fernanda’s hand and placing his hands on either side of her waist, swaying slightly in his merry state.
Laughing, Fernanda stretched up to look Toto in the eye, “I’ll have to meet this guy, he sounds great.”
At that their lips met, Toto bending down to plant a soft kiss on Fernanda’s lips, their height difference making it slightly a challenge but one that neither party seemed bothered by. As the kiss deepened, Toto began to run his hands down towards Fernanda’s perfectly rounded ass, squeezing gently as he found her curves.
Breaking apart for air, Fernanda glanced around, luckily there was no one in the empty street but she didn’t want to risk being caught making out in the street with a famous face and it being splashed across the tacky tabloids.
“Do you fancy a nightcap at mine?” she asked, looking up at Toto through her fluffy long lashes.
Toto’s eyes lit up, “Well, I have heard the view is nice.”
Fernanda laughed, grabbing Toto’s hand once again and leading him towards the corner entrance to her hotel. As they crossed the lobby she had a sudden panic that her friend Olivia was in their room, and as they made it into the elevator, sent a frantic text knowing her friends would still be awake, waiting for her post-date debrief.
Red alert, I’m bringing him back, please can you vacate?
Sure enough, the replies came back instantaneously.
Oh la la of course birthday girl! 
Get it girl! 
Knew it!!!!!
Smiling as Toto rested his hand on the small of her back in the elevator, Fernanda looked up at him before he once again swooped down to catch her lips with his.
The elevator dinged before things could get too heated but it didn’t stop Toto wrapping his arm tightly around Fernanda’s waist as the pair stumbled towards her room.
“Here we are,” she said, scrambling to find her keycard in her bag before popping open the door to unveil her suite. Thankfully her friends must have tidied for her as the detritus from getting ready for the evening was nowhere to be seen.
“Nice,” said Toto before bending down once again to continue kissing her, turning her around to face him as she closed the door. Pressing her against the wall with his leg, he continued to deepen the kiss, his hands starting to explore more of her body.
“As soon as I saw you I knew I had to have you,” he said, his lips resting against her ear, his deep Austrian accent rumbling.
Fernanda gulped, she never would have thought it but his voice roused something deep within. Her lips stretching up and finding the crevice of his neck, she replied in a low voice, “Then have me.”
Toto needed no invitation, scooping her up into his arms, he carried her over to the bed, throwing her down before leaning over and continuing to kiss her, his strong arms either side of her, pinning her down.
Emboldened by his eagerness, Fernanda wrapped her legs around his thick torso, pushing herself against him, not surprised to find a growing bulge. As he ground his hips into hers, he started to explore her curves with his large hands, ghosting her breasts and waist and reaching around to caress her ass once again.
Reaching up, Fernanda started to unbutton Toto’s shirt, exposing a surprisingly muscular frame. Impatient, he leaned up and divested himself of the shirt as well as the rest of his clothes, leaving him in nothing but boxers. Fernanda couldn’t help but smile at the view that greeted her as he once again lunged down to kiss her, this time, his hands making quick work of pulling her dress off, leaving her exposed in nothing but her lingerie and heels.
“You are ridiculous,” he said, his eyes hungry with desire, gazing into her eyes and gently kissing her neck.
“I could say the same about you,” replied Fernanda breathily, her back arching in pleasure as Toto kissed his way along her neck and across her collarbone.
Melting into each other’s arms, Fernanda began to grind back against his now prominent hardness, feeling herself getting more turned on by the second.
“Toto?” she asked, gasping for air, “Will you fuck me?”
Toto’s eyes lit up, “I thought you’d never ask.”
Smiling at each other, Toto reached down to unhook Fernanda’s bra, releasing her pert breasts, “Fuck, Fernanda.” he said, lifting his head to marvel at them, “Even better than I imagined.”
Fernanda blushed at his words, not used to such attention. Growing impatient she ghosted her hands down Toto’s abs, hooking her fingers into the waistband of his boxers.
“You’re an impatient little thing aren’t you?” he said, leaning back suddenly and hooking his arms underneath Fernanda’s legs, gripping her thighs and bringing her closer. “I want to taste you first.”
Gulping Fernanda leant back, allowing Toto to bring his mouth to where she needed it most. As his tongue lapped gently, he brought his hand along and began to stroke her clit, slowly but sensually.
It wasn’t long before Fernanda was writhing in pleasure, tugging Toto’s dark locks as he pumped a finger in and out, continuing to expertly lick.
“Toto, I want you in me,” she said, seeing stars as she was so close.
Pausing his ministrations, Toto was more than happy to oblige, kissing his way back up her torso as he replied, “I want to do everything with you.”
At that, Fernanda melted, the evening had turned into one that was beyond her wildest dreams. As Toto swiftly undressed them both, she gazed into his intense chocolate eyes as he began to line himself up, unsurprisingly intimidatingly big.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle,” he said, pressing a kiss to her forehead as he pushed in, slowly but surely. Gasping, Fernanda shifted as she adjusted to his size. True to his word, he took it easy and entered her tantalisingly slowly, an inch at a time.
“Fuck, Toto.” she said breathily, “You’re so big.”
Smiling, he pulled back out before pushing in once more, “Tell me if it’s too much.”
“Not at all, it feels good,” she said, feeling pleasantly stretched in places she’d never felt before.
“Good.” he said with a grin as he began to thrust in and out lazily, continuing to kiss her.
It wasn’t long before they were a tangled mess of arms and legs, both nearing completion. “Fuck, Toto, I am so close.” said Fernanda, her eyes rolling back in pleasure.
“Close isn’t good enough,” said Toto, smirking as he reached down and found her clit once again, his thumb circling gently as he continued to push in and out, speeding up.
“That feels so go…” Fernanda couldn’t even finish her sentence as Toto hit the sweet spot with expert precision. 
“Fernanda…” was all Toto managed as he thrust in and out a few more times, chasing his own high before collapsing on top of Fernanda.
“Ooff.” said Fernanda, crushed by the weight of the muscular man on top of her.
“Sorry,” he said sheepishly, flashing her a shy grin as he rolled off to lie beside her.
“Well… that was not how I expected my birthday to turn out.” said Fernanda, feeling like she was in a dream.
Toto laughed, stretching a strong arm across her stomach to pull her in for a cuddle. “There’s still a few hours of your birthday left.”
Fernanda’s eyes widened once more. This was certainly a birthday to remember.
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treesbee33 · 1 year
Alternative Career
An alternative career path for me this week is to be a professional food blogger. One of the main qualities of a food blogger is that they love to eat and most importantly are not afraid to try new foods. This is because trying foods is 100% of their job. They also need to be good food critics and have a good tasting palette. 
Many food bloggers either start a blog or an Instagram. More recently, people also have blogging platforms on social media apps such as Tiktok. 
Food blogging is very creative and open ended. Essentially, you are creating a branding around yourself and the food that you eat. Thus, one needs to have a personable presence and know how to market themselves. They may also need to establish a brand around themselves or what their account focuses on. Once they find a niche and an audience, they can begin blogging. 
Many people travel around the world to eat food, such as Michelin Star food reviewers. This job greatly appeals to me. As an avid fan of food, particularly Chinese food, I would greatly enjoy traveling across China to eat food. I would, ideally, work with the Michelin corporation to review and give Michelin stars to restaurants. These stars elevate the reputation and business of many restaurants, allowing me to also help struggling businesses and restaurants across the world, allowing me to give back to my home country of China.
I would also be enthusiastic to work as an independent food blogger. I have been inspired by influencers such as Lisa Nguyen and Binging with Babish. They are very funny and make me want to try out different recipes and different food spots! Being able to replicate this experience for others would be a great honor for me and is a very good reason for me considering the occupation of a professional food blogger.
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kentwang · 2 years
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Featuring our Ebony Chopsticks - 📸: @sipoftipsy Our chopsticks are in use at 3 Michelin star restaurant Benu in San Francisco. Chinese style, with square handle and round, non-tapering tip. No lacquer, for superior grip. Each chopstick is hand carved, so there will be slight variation in shape. https://www.kentwang.com/ebony-chopsticks.html
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spxcemuses · 1 year
Anonymous asked: Syndrome + Bob + Frank: 🍛 - What’s your favourite kind of restaurant? Italian, Chinese, Greek, etc.?
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[ Food questions for the Muse(s) ] | Always Accepting
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" What's my favorite kind of restaurant? Hah, you're funny. I think I would go for those 5-star Michelin type of restaurants if I went, but why bother? I have private high-ranking chefs that cook for me on the island. They usually make exotic food with the produce that's grown. I also request for them to make Italian and Japanese food for me if I so choose. "
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" Hm. I don't really go to any restaurants, fer I cook my own meals. However, if I had to go... I'd go for a good steakhouse or some place that has good meat. None of those fast food places that mess up yer order every other time. "
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" I dunno. I do go out to eat often, so I try to find restaurants that make good Russian or Mexican food. I know spices when I see them, heheh. Otherwise, I just go wherever's nearest. "
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kamlatravels · 8 days
Discover Singapore with KAMLA Tours & Travels: A Perfect Blend of Tradition and Modernity And Unique Experiences with KAMLA Tours & Travels
Culinary Delights
Singapore is a food lover’s paradise, known for its diverse and delicious cuisine. With KAMLA Tours & Travels, embark on a culinary journey that will tantalize your taste buds.
Hawker Centres: Visit famous hawker centres like Maxwell Food Centre, Lau Pa Sat, and Newton Food Centre. Savor local favorites such as Hainanese chicken rice, char kway teow, and laksa. Our guides will help you navigate these bustling centres, ensuring you taste the best dishes.
Fine Dining: For a more upscale experience, dine at Michelin-starred restaurants like Odette, Burnt Ends, and Candlenut. Enjoy exquisite dishes crafted by world-renowned chefs in stunning settings.
Shopping Extravaganza
Singapore offers a myriad of shopping experiences, from luxury malls to bustling street markets.
Luxury Shopping: Explore high-end shopping malls on Orchard Road, such as ION Orchard, Paragon, and Ngee Ann City. Discover designer labels, luxury brands, and exclusive boutiques.
Local Markets: For a more local experience, visit Bugis Street Market and Mustafa Centre. Here, you can find everything from trendy fashion to electronics, all at bargain prices.
Cultural Immersion
Immerse yourself in Singapore’s multicultural heritage with tailored cultural experiences.
Heritage Tours: Join our heritage tours that take you through historic neighborhoods, temples, and museums. Learn about Singapore’s colonial past, its journey to independence, and its diverse cultural fabric.
Festivals: Plan your trip around major festivals like Chinese New Year, Hari Raya Puasa, Deepavali, and the Mid-Autumn Festival. Experience vibrant celebrations, traditional performances, and festive markets.
Adventure and Outdoors
For the adventure seekers, Singapore offers a range of outdoor activities and natural attractions.
Hiking and Nature Trails: Explore the lush greenery of the Southern Ridges, MacRitchie Reservoir, and Bukit Timah Nature Reserve. Enjoy scenic hikes, bird watching, and breathtaking views.
Water Sports: Try kayaking, paddleboarding, and wakeboarding at East Coast Park or Sentosa Island. For a unique experience, go on a night kayaking adventure through the mangroves.
Accommodation Options
KAMLA Tours & Travels ensures you have the best stay with a range of accommodation options to suit every budget.
Luxury Hotels: Stay at world-class hotels such as Marina Bay Sands, Raffles Singapore, and The Fullerton Hotel. Enjoy luxurious amenities, stunning views, and impeccable service.
Boutique Hotels: For a more intimate experience, choose from charming boutique hotels like The Scarlet Singapore, Hotel Fort Canning, and Naumi Hotel.
Budget-Friendly Options: For budget-conscious travelers, we offer excellent accommodations like Hotel Boss, ibis Singapore on Bencoolen, and Park 22 Hotel Little India.
Family-Friendly Activities
Singapore is a fantastic destination for families, offering a wide range of activities for all ages.
Singapore Zoo and Night Safari: Spend a day at the award-winning Singapore Zoo, known for its interactive exhibits and animal shows. Follow it up with an evening at the Night Safari, where you can observe nocturnal animals in their natural habitats.
Sentosa Island: Sentosa Island is perfect for families. Visit KidZania, Adventure Cove Waterpark, and the Butterfly Park & Insect Kingdom. Don’t miss the Wings of Time, a spectacular night show featuring water, laser, and fire effects.
Science Centre Singapore: Engage your kids with interactive exhibits and fun educational experiences at the Science Centre Singapore. The centre also features a planetarium and an outdoor water park.
Insider Tips for a Memorable Trip
Stay Connected:
Purchase a local SIM card or rent a portable Wi-Fi device to stay connected throughout your trip.
Use Public Transport:
Singapore’s MRT and bus systems are efficient, affordable, and cover most tourist attractions. Get an EZ-Link card for seamless travel.
Respect Local Customs:
When visiting religious sites, dress modestly and follow the local customs. Always remove your shoes before entering temples and mosques.
Stay Hydrated:
Singapore’s tropical climate can be hot and humid. Carry a water bottle and stay hydrated throughout the day.
Plan Ahead:
Popular attractions can get crowded, especially on weekends. Book your tickets in advance to avoid long queues.
Sustainable Travel with KAMLA Tours & Travels
At KAMLA Tours & Travels, we are committed to promoting sustainable and responsible tourism. Here’s how we help you travel sustainably:
Eco-Friendly Tours: We offer eco-friendly tours that minimize environmental impact. Explore Singapore’s green spaces and learn about conservation efforts.
Local Partnerships: We partner with local businesses and communities to support the local economy and preserve cultural heritage.
Waste Reduction: We encourage our travelers to reduce waste by providing reusable water bottles and bags. Many of our partner hotels and restaurants have adopted sustainable practices as well.
Contact Us
Ready to embark on an unforgettable journey to Singapore? Contact KAMLA Tours & Travels today to start planning your dream vacation.
Website: https://www.kamlatravels.com/kfd
Email: [email protected] Phone: 9335086971/ 7311133018 Office Address: 7A ALIGANJ SHOPPING CENTER,NEAR KUMAR BOOK HOUSE. KURSIROAD,DANDIYABAZAR,ALIGANJ,LUCKNOW-226022.
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Join us at KAMLA Tours & Travels, and let’s create memories that will last a lifetime. Discover the best of Singapore with our expertly crafted tours and personalized services. Your adventure awaits!
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