darkmoonravewolf · 1 year
Thinking about this au again...
I still want to write a story about this but definitely not now.
Small idea for what I have in mind for when Tai meets Weiss and Blake below
The front door slamming open stopped the conversation short as the two looked up towards the sound.
"Girls! I'm home! You would not believe what I had happen to me!" A male voice, Taiyang if Weiss were to guess, was complaining as the shuffling of boots rubbed across the floor.
He was trying to take them off it seems but his irritation was making it difficult.
"Mrs.Winchester wanted to have you girls expelled because her son ran into a grimm the other night. Like, how is that your guys' fault? Seriously and she tried to say that it was those escaped grimm we saw on the news. How would they even be here-" His rant was cut short, staring at the two... Things in his living room.
Weiss raised a paw in greeting, "Hello Mr. Xiao Long. Your daughters allowed us to come in for the night. Me and my friend here were just drinking some juice they gave us. I hope that isn't a problem." She purred out as calmly as she could, trying to ease his worries.
They were just as described, large, lanky, furry, unnatural beings. In his home, staring at him with piercing eyes that seemed to glow. Besides them both was a bowl of mysterious red liquid. The... feline one had opened its strange maw and was in the middle of drinking.
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It didn't work as the next think they knew, he fainted onto the carpet right by Weiss's tail.
Ruby poked her head out from around the kitchen around the corner, "Ha! I told you he would handle it better than with you brought Cinder home!"
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dummybirdnero · 2 months
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a small vampire guide by Ruby
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epic-arc · 5 months
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thepariahcontinuum · 3 months
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MARZ Rising - Chapter 170: The End (Epilogue)
Okay, I've been holding off on getting emotional with my goodbye to this story and this extended AU but now's the time, so here it is:
I Started writing this story in March 2021, the fifth installment of a project which has been ongoing ever since I began posting The Downward Spiral in September of 2016…. Almost eight years of coming to a close here and I can only hope that I've done myself justice.
By coincidence it also transpired that I wrote this epilogue in the same week that the end of Rooster Teeth after twenty-one years was announced, something which made me want to work harder because this is now no longer just my send-off to the Spiral-Verse but also, as things stand to RWBY and Rooster Teeth as a whole. RWBY has been a big part of my life for these last eight years, it's the show that made me a writer and I can honestly say that my life would not look the same at all without it.
I also want to take a moment to thank every single reader who has enjoyed these stories, especially those who have left reviews and especially those few of you who have been here since the beginning.
There's also a very special thank you and goodbye I need to say here, it wouldn't feel right if I didn't: That is to the user @thesumosnipe who was the driving force to continue the Spiral-Verse beyond its' third installment, this story would literally not exist without him however he unfortunately passed away in 2022….Wish you could have been here for this.
This marks the end of an era, I'm at a point now where I want to move away from Fanfiction and begin posting my own original writing. Ideas are in place and will be taking shape in the near future.
I wish you all well now and in the future and as the late, great Monty Oum said "Keep moving forward"
FF Net
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 11 months
Full Moon
Werewolf!Yang: (slashing and ripping at her binds as she snarls and howls with rage)
Vampire!Weiss: (checking her nails) Keep it up, Wolfie. I have friends who are monster fuckers, and one's a power bottom that's gonna put you to work.
Werewolf!Yang: (pauses and cocks her head towards Weiss) Groar???
Vampire!Weiss: I'm not telling you.
Werewolf!Yang: (calls Weiss's bluff and starts snarling and trying to break the binds again)
Vampire!Weiss: (sighs and pulls up a message orb)
Witch!Blake: (wakes up as her crystal ball glows blue and chimes) Ugh... I'm coming. I'm coming. (waves a hand over the ball) What is it, Weiss?
Vampire!Weiss: (dodges a bolt that shoots out of the chamber wall as W!Y pulls against the magical chains) I've got an unruly werewolf here who's gone into a Full Moon rampage. Care to help calm her down?
Witch!Blake: (cat ears perk up) Is it Yang?
Vampire!Weiss: It's Yang.
Witch!Blake: Be right there!
Vampire!Weiss: (disconnects the orb) Don't say I didn't warn you.
Werewolf!Yang: (snarling at V!W)
A black and purple portal swirls into existence and Blake steps out wearing a deep violet, almost see through robe.
Witch!Blake: Who's afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? (summons a purple aura of magic in her hand with a smirk and the glow encompasses her body before fading) Not me~
Werewolf!Yang: (ears slick back in concern and looks over to V!W before sitting obediently)
Vampire!Weiss: Oh, don't start that now. You had your chance. Have a fun night! (transforms into a blue mist and phases through the door to the dungeon cell)
Werewolf!Yang: (watches W!B saunter across the dungeon towards her) Stupid wolf always gets me into trouble....
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howlingday · 3 months
Team RWBY face off against White Fatalis from Monster Hunter.
"Are we there yet?" Yang yawned, walking at the rear of her team with her hands folded behind her head. "We've been walking for hours."
"Will you take this seriously?" Weiss chided from beside her leader in the front. "This mission was ranked five stars and handed to us specifically. We're essentially being told to fight on the same level as headmasters!"
"Is that weird for anybody else?" Blake asked, walking between Ruby and Weiss in the front and Yang behind. "If this mission is so dangerous, then why only send the four of us?"
"Apparently, the one who posted the mission said they didn't want to risk spending more than he needs to." Ruby said, tapping at her scroll. "The five star was actually something agreed on by the headmasters."
"It's still weird." Weiss said, cupping her chin. "Why only send us four without a headmaster?"
"Maybe it's to test us?" Ruby smiled.
"Maybe it's to be bait." Blake worried. A cold wind blew, making her shiver. She then felt an arm drape over her. "Huh?"
"Don't worry about it." Yang smirked. "Whatever it is, it won't stand a chance against Team RWBY!"
Yang pumped her fist into the air, making Blake smile. Ruby giggled as Weiss rolled her eyes. The trek uphill became a lot easier, though the cloudy sky did little to improve morale any further. Looking ahead, the team saw the path open up where it had previously been blocked by an avalanche. Upon passing over the crest, they eyed their mission objective.
"There it is." The team stopped, looking over the frozen remains of the former Castle Schrade. Legend said that a once great kingdom, now long past, was ruled by a good king. But then disaster struck and wiped out everything and everyone within the kingdom in a single night. Blake looked to Ruby. "What's the game plan?"
"Hang on, I'm getting an update from the headmaster." Ruby tapped her scroll. Her lips then pursed as she scrolled through the message. "Uh oh..."
"Uh oh?" Yang repeated. "Why uh oh?"
"Uh..." Ruby started. "Oh, well, um, see, the thing is that we... might need to go back?"
"Go back?" Weiss repeated this time. "Why in the world would we need to go back when we're so close?"
"Well, it's kinda because of the ranking."
"See, I told ya it was nothing to worry about." Yang said, tapping Blake's shoulder with her fist. "Rank's probably only a three at best."
"Well..." Ruby winced. "See, um, the thing about that is-"
"Oh, will you just spit it out already!" Weiss barked.
"SIX!" Ruby yelped, covering her head.
"Six?" Blake repeated, completing the set. She then asked for clarity for what she feared the only logical answer. "Six what?"
"Six... stars. This is a six stars mission."
The wind blew again but had no effect on the already chilled team. Their battles against Salem's Inner Circle, in which they had assistance from far more experienced huntsmen and huntresses, were four to five stars. Six was an all-headmaster emergency, as in it required ALL headmasters to accomplish the mission. It wasn't until somebody spoke up that the long silence ended.
"So, what do we do now?" Blake asked.
"Obviously we retreat!" Weiss shouted.
"Should we really leave the mission like this when we're already so close?" Ruby asked. "What if the threat only just got bigger and us leaving would only make it worse?"
"It sounds like a stretch, to be honest, Rubes," Yang sighed, shaking her head, "but it's also your choice. What's the plan, Leader?"
Ruby stared down at her scroll, then looked to the ruins of Castle Schrade. Something about it seemed to be calling to her, though it was more like a monster luring its prey than a friend beckoning their ally. She took a deep breath, then turned to her team.
"Here's my plan..." Ruby said with confidence. "I'm going to message the headmaster, let him and everyone else know that we're going to continue the investigation." At this, Blake and Weiss noticeably stiffened. "It could be nothing, but if there's a chance that there's something there that could hurt more people by us just sitting around and waiting, then we should at least try to slow it down." Though it wasn't by much, her team softened. "And if things get really hairy, then we'll pull back and regroup with the headmasters, who are probably on their way."
"Getting hairy, huh?" Yang grinned. "Sounds like we'll need a Schrave and a haircut~!" Everyone groaned. "Huh? Get it~?"
"You're gonna get it if you don't keep quiet." Weiss grumbled. "And while I can't say I like the idea of us charging headfirst into danger without knowing what's waiting for us, I like the thought of us doing nothing even less."
"Agreed." Blake nodded. "And if we can keep it stalled long enough for people to evacuate, then it's all the better." She then rubbed her arm a bit. "The headmasters are coming, right?"
"In the message, I got told that they were coming to relieve us of our tasking." Ruby answered.
"Not even sending somebody else in?" Yang whistled. "This thing must be pretty serious."
"Unlike some of us." Weiss said, getting a giggle from Blake.
Ruby tapped her scroll to message the headmaster. She'd likely get told to fall back and might even be scolded via some form of a strongly worded e-mail, but she had to hold firm. Especially when such high stakes were at play. She looked to her team as she pressed 'Send'.
"Ready, guys?"
Walking into the ruins of Castle Schrade was an eerie experience. Once a mighty and near-impervious fortress, what remained was little more than rubble upon rubble. Old weapon racks had become decayed wood piece that once held rusted swords and spears now strewn about the charred floor. Atop short-reaching steps were ancient bowguns that still functioned, in theory, but were unlikely to last longer than a few shots, if even one. What calamity that had befallen this once noble military outpost had rendered it completely uninhabitable and indefensible.
Blake rubbed her hand against the cold stone as she walked by the long-destroyed pillar. Her cat-like ears twitched and a shiver ran through her body. Looking over the ruins, she voiced her suspicions to the team. "Whatever did this wasn't a natural disaster."
"I think that depends on your definition of natural, huh?" Yang agreed, looking over the scorch marks on the wall. "Whatever happened here happened a long time ago, right? Has to be something unreal to leave scars this deep."
"Anything from the headmasters, Ruby?" Weiss asked.
Ruby tapped her scroll, hoping for an update. "Nothing new." She sighed. "They said they were on their way, but they couldn't give an ETA clearer than 'as soon as we can'."
"Ruby, I don't think we should be here." Blake said, looking to her leader. "I think this is way above what we're capable of."
"I hate to say it, but I kinda agree." Yang gave a sigh. "The last time we took on something capable of destroying a city, we nearly got wiped out. This..." She gestured to the smashed walls and collapsed arches. "This is way beyond that."
"I know, guys." Ruby nodded. "I'm nervous, too, but... I don't want to think about what would happen if..."
Dark clouds started to swirl above. Not just dark, but blue with red lightning. In the distant sky above, the shining sun was blotted out by a swirling mass as a dark circle took it's place. From the hole in the sky, in perhaps reality itself, like something out of a nightmare, a silhouette made its approach to the castle.
As it drew closer, the monster became much clearer to see. On beating wings, a reptilian beast with silver scales and snow-white hair made its descent onto the failed fortifications. With its long, ancient snout, it bellowed its declaration as red lightning crackled across the sky above. Team RWBY readied their weapons in defiance to the ancestral wyvern, White Fatalis.
With a thundering crash to match the sky above, the dragon-like monster spread its wings and let loose a mighty roar, shaking the ground and huntresses beneath it. The girls split apart, Weiss and Yang circling one direction with Blake and Ruby going the other. Leaping ahead of her Faunus friend, Ruby swung Crescent Rose around onto the scaled hide, only to find the blade bounce off without leaving so much as a scratch.
"It's too tough to cut into!" Ruby called out, hoping Weiss and Yang heard from the other side. Blake readied a cartridge of ice dust and loaded it into Gambol Shroud. "Look out!"
Blake was lifted off the ground, her former position swept away by a massive white tail. Before she could thank her leader, she shoved her away in time for red lightning to fall from the sky between them. Looking over to White Fatalis, it lowered its head from what seemed to be a roar to the skies. It had control of the weather and could call forth thunderbolts to strike its foes.
"I saw!" Ruby replied before Blake could say anything. "I've never heard of Grimm doing that!"
"I have, but it wasn't red like that."
"What dust do you have in right now?"
"Fire." Blake lifted her weapon. "It's white and covered with fur, so I thought-"
"Got it." Ruby pulled out her own cartridge. "Do you think Weiss and Yang are okay?"
"We're fine." Weiss said, panting next to Blake.
"You don't look fine." Blake noted. "And where's Yang?"
Weiss pointed to the blonde brawler currently wreaking havoc on the monster ahead. Checking Weiss' aura, Ruby saw that she was already low in her reserves. Without saying a word, Blake ran in, opening fire on the titanic for. If she missed, she missed. If she hit, she hit. If she hit Yang, then it would make her angrier at worst. And she was already blazing with rage.
Yang crashed into the monster again and again, colliding like a comet with the white dragon, noticeably knocking it to the ground. Blades did nothing to pierce it's hide, but blunt force weaponry seemed to be doing the trick. Either that, or the flames of Yang's semblance made it noticeably weaker. Blow after blow was delivered, until finally the beast could take no more and fled to the other side of the ruins.
That's when things got worse. Either out of rage or pain, or a mixture of both, the scales around its eyes and chest began to glow red, like blood had been spilled in excess, and it bellowed a mighty roar that shook the world around them. In a blink, the monster was on top of Yang and slammed its claws down on top of her. She'd barely managed to dodge, and the near miss caused her to trip and roll on the ground.
"Yang!" Blake threw Gambol Shroud to her partner and, on her catching it, pulled her away in time as a lightning bolt came crashing down to where she was.
It was at this point that the sky itself was rumbling with rage. Beneath their feet, with little doubt in the danger presented and little room for shelter from the incoming danger, light began to glow all around, save for beneath the beast itself. All of Team RWBY rushed in, getting as close to the enraged monster as they could, as red lightning danced across their battlefield. Pillars crumbled and rubble was reduced to more rubble. Most concerning of all, however, were the less solid structures like the weapon racks and bowguns, which were destroyed with little evidence of their existence. Had any of the team been caught by this attack, then it was very likely that this mission would no longer be a problem for them in the worst possible way.
"What do we do, Ruby?" Weiss asked.
She looked to her sister. "Yang, when you were punching it, did it look like it was getting hurt?"
"Well, I don't think it's putting on this light show because it likes it." Yang answered.
"How much fire dust does everyone have?"
"I have enough for myself and to refresh one of you if you run out." Weiss replied.
"Okay, then stay out of the way until your aura recovers." Ruby said. "We can swing by to refill if we need to. Yang, stay angry and keep hitting him."
"On it~." Yang grinned with red eyes still blazing.
"Blake, you and me will shoot from a distance." She looked out to see the lightning die down. "Everyone ready? Let's go!"
Once the crimson lightning storm had settled, Yang immediately leaped out from beneath her mighty foe and began her head-first charge into the monster. Weiss, using as few glyphs as she could, retreated into an alcove and watched as her team spread out to avoid being hit all at once. Ruby ran to the beast's left, peppering its wings and hide with fire dust rounds while Blake used her ribbon to pull herself to the remains of a column and swung around and unloading a magazine of fire dust into their foe's left side.
With a loud cracking sound, the white wyvern reeled in pain as its horn snapped off from Yang's strikes. Tossing her down, it jumped into the air and landed on top of her, using its weight to crush her. The blonde brawler struggled beneath her enemy's mountainous strength, finding her semblance failing her to keep the giant held aloft.
"Yang!" Ruby cried, looking around for something to do more damage. It was then she noticed a ballista hidden away, untouched by battle and ready for use. Using her semblance to arrive sooner, she aimed the ancient weapon at the ancient devil, lining up her sights to the back of its scaled neck.
Click! Shoomp! Shing! Thunk!
The massive gear rattled and shook in place as the ballista released the ancient missile. Time, however, was not on the weapon's side as it's rusted metal and frayed wire broke and snapped, thankfully waiting until Ruby had already fallen over from the kickback to avoid being struck by the shattering apparatus. Climbing to her feet, Ruby awed that her target had been struck, though not where she had intended.
In her haste to strike a killing blow in the neck of White Fatalis, she'd failed to account for its shifting form. However, this proved to be a boon as the shifting monster had moved itself just right to be struck through its right eye. With a piercing scream, it fell over, thrashing on its side and release Yang from her weighted prison. Ruby ran out to her sister's side, though Blake was already there to help her to her feet. Together, the three unloaded every fire dust they had into the flaming red core of the raging cataclysm. With a few short clicks, they were out of ammunition.
"Weiss!" Ruby shouted, noticing the shattered building where Weiss had retreated. Terror gripped her heart.
"No need to shout." The heiress huffed. "Here." She tossed the remaining fire dust into the air before spun her rapier and stabbed it the ground. A glyph appeared ahead of the team as a giant, flaming knight took form. Jumping from Blake's hands, Ruby took hold of the fire dust and loaded it into Crescent Rose.
"Hey, Blake." Yang tossed her fire dust. With a crack of her knuckles, her hair flared to a golden shine. "I ain't gonna need it."
In a coordinated assault, the team of four huntresses unleashed a blazing fury unlike any felt before. White Fatalis screamed on the ground as it thrashed against its attackers, tail whipping around before it was cut off by Weiss blazing gigas. Blake moved to the side, carefully aiming inside the massive maw where it was likely weaker than its snowy scales. Ruby fired into the exposed wound of the eye, hoping for a quick end through the brain to end the monster's pain, though the scenario grew more and more hopeless with each pull of the trigger.
Yang blasted punch after punch at the red core, ignoring how red it was making herself and the ground around her. She could feel the blood burning her skin through her aura, but she didn't care. All that mattered was taking this thing out.
However, despite their efforts, it rose to its feet and bellowed a ground-shaking roar. The sky filled with black clouds that blotted out any light, save for the largest red thunderbolt zooming through the air to the highest object it could...
"RUBY!" Her team cried as red light vaporized any remaining rose petals. Tears filled their eyes as the petals drifted into ash. The clouds began to part to reveal the shining sun once more. It was as though the heavens wished to aid in finding the missing leader. Sadly, she was nowhere to be found.
Until they saw that the clouds had been perfectly cut. Like a scythe through its harvest tasking. And from the clouds, they saw a red dot growing bigger and bigger. In a red spiral, they saw Ruby Rose, weapon in hand as red electricity danced across the blade of Crescent Rose. In arrogant defiance, White Fatalis took flight and charged the descending huntress leader.
In a scatter of rose petals, the ancient wyvern was split in twain, blood spilling from its severed torso and body. Its chest smashed into the ground before Team RWBY while its body destroyed what was left of Castle Schrade. Landing atop the head was their team leader, dizzy and stumbling before falling off. Yang ran and caught her little sister, grateful she was alive.
"Ruby!" She called.
"How did you do that?" Blake asked.
"Since when could you do that?!" Weiss shrieked.
"Well..." Ruby chuckled. "I just changed my scythe and..."
"Team RWBY?" The girls looked over to see their headmaster, accompanied by other headmasters who each had their own variant of shock on their faces, approached them. "I believe I told you to abort this mission." A smile then grew in place of a scowl. "But I am grateful for both your initiative AND your productivity. I believe you have a mission report for me."
"Uh..." Ruby stood to her feet, looking back to the slain monster behind them. "I think this speaks for itself, doesn't it?"
"It does, but..." The headmaster leaned in with a smile. "I'd like to hear your side of the legend."
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rwac96 · 3 months
RWBY vs ....? (Crossover Shitpost)
Yang Xiao Long let out a heavy exhale, as she leaned against the railing of the SDC Ship, the Artic Naught, which drifted into the seas where there were reports of a 'Sea Monster'. Usually, it would be chalked up to the Grimm causing havoc, such as the infamous Leviathan and Sea Feilong. But, according to Jaune Arc and Nora Valkyrie, who ran awry of a beast that wasn't one of the Creatures of Grimm. The Blonde Brawler exhaled, as she turned around, leaning her back against the railing. Her lilac irises focused on the rest of her team, who were preoccupied with other tasks.
"I'm still thinkin' we're being punked," Yang said with a bored tone, furrowing her brows in annoyance. "well, mostly by Nora. VB probably saw a shark and freaked."
"I don't know, sis," Ruby Rose shook her head, "Jaune sounded pretty freaked out when he and Nora got back to port."
"And Nora looked ready to bust some knees," Blake Belladonna added, "more than usual."
"Even if it came from Arc and Nora," Weiss exhaled, "the reports of missing ships can't be ignored."
"Plus, no Grimm," the silver-eyed leader points out, as she rests a hand upon Crescent Rose, the weapon currently in 'Sheathed Mode'. "Something...weirder is happening."
"Alright, alright," the powerhouse of Team RWBY groaned, "fine. Still, a 'fire-breathing monster', definitely sounds like Grimm."
"Still," the silver-haired fencer, rubs her temples, "whatever this is, it's a threat to the town and trade."
"Well, duh," Yang ceased leaning against the railing, beginning to approach her teammate. "But, ya heard what Nora described the thing: 'a giant, spiked, lizard-cat monster'? That is really out there, even for her."
"Aye," spoke a voice, a middle-aged man in Atlesian Uniform, who was behind the wheel. "But, when you've been out in the seas and encountered many Grimm, ya can't rule anything out, lass."
"But our friends said it wasn't a Grimm," Blake corrected the captain, who had a grey & cyan cybernetic eye, where his right one used to be. "Captain Aso, I know this sounds like a usual Grimm attack, but from what they said--."
"Oy, Faunus!" Aso, who gave the Stealthy of Team RWBY an unamused scowl, "I've been takin' on the bastards long before ya were even spurted into ya whore mama's muff!"
Blake scowled but was held back by her blonde partner, giving her an 'It's not worth it' glance. It would've been easier for the quartet to take the pair with them, but Nora's temper had made her a liability...and Jaune gets seasick, similar to the air sickness on their first day at Beacon. Thankfully, after calming down, the aspiring swordsman gave them the coordinates where they last saw the beast. But, they'd been searching for this sea monster on the Artic Dreadnaught for hours, and it was eerily quiet, aside from the sounds of the sea.
Then, Ruby's silver eyes noticed something, rather grotesque. She looked at the edge of the ship, seeing what appeared to be a school of fish...which were horrifically mutilated. Varying from half-eaten to being turned inside-out. This grisly display made her grimace, turning to her team and the Atlas Captain.
"Guys!!" She shrieked, "There's a bunch of dead fish floating close to us!" She points to the slaughtered school, "There's something close by!" Ruby warned, clicking a button on her weapon, pulling it out, and shifting it into rifle mode.
"Bloody hell!" The captain exclaimed, while the rest of the Team pulled out/activated their perspective weapons. "I've never seen no Grimm do this!"
"It's not a Grimm!" Blake shouts, pointing Gambol Shroud at what appears to be leaf-life dorsal fins poking through the waves.
"Those fins look like what Jaune described," Weiss notes, as she readies Myternaster for combat.
"Alright," Yang exhaled, cocking Ember Celica. "so Jauney wasn't losing it."
"Get ready!" Ruby ordered as the mysterious being began to surface a few feet from the Dreadnaught.
Emerging from the sea was what appeared to be, a giant woman. Though she wasn't the monster their friends warned, she sported the dorsal fins that the beast they reported about. What Team RWBY could see was that she had long, ebony hair that reached past her shoulders. She wore what appeared to be a black leotard, black arm bands, and sporting a long, whip-like tail. Crimson eyes glance down at the humans who stare in awe, confusion, and bewilderment. The large, seemingly mutated woman sports a glare at the intruders. Some would mistake her for some Faunus gone wrong, but it was clear: She wasn't a part of this world. An ominous, deep, and terrible roar erupts from her lips.
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"What the fuck?!" Yang raised her eyebrows in alarm, as the large...Monster Girl stared them down. "What the fuck?!"
"Okay," Weiss gulped, sweat rolling down her forehead. "they didn't say the beast was a--."
"M-Monster Musume," Blake answered with an evident stutter, her hold on Gambol Shroud becoming shaky. "Monster Musume!!"
"Oookaaay," Ruby said with a long exhale, lowering Crescent Rose as the otherworldly giant growled. "We need to come up with a careful, coordinated plan."
"FIRE!!" Aso screamed at the top of his lungs, slamming his right fist onto a blue button. "SHOOT THE BITCH!"
Suddenly, the nose of the ship opened a hatch, revealing a dark grey cannon, aiming at the beast woman. A green orb glows, then erupts in a wave of energy hitting the newcomer dead on. It caused an explosion on impact, causing the waves to rock the ship back. It nearly knocked all five passengers on board, but thankfully, no one went overboard. But, as the smoke clears, the giant woman looks unphased, but her irritated scowl turns into a death glare.
"Great," Yang turned her glare to the captain, who was regretting that impulsive decision. "it looks like ya pissed her off!"
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basicdrawingguy · 3 months
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RWBY AU - Hunter Rogue (2nd Alt)
I don't own RWBY. This is merely a fan-made AU artwork.
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yugiohcardsdaily · 2 months
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Weiss, Lightsworn Archfiend
"You can place 1 other 'Lightsworn' card from your hand on top of the Deck; Special Summon this card from your hand, then send the top 2 cards of your Deck to the GY. If this card is sent from the Deck to the GY: You can target 1 'Lightsworn' monster in your GY, except 'Weiss, Lightsworn Archfiend'; Special Summon it. You can only use each effect of 'Weiss, Lightsworn Archfiend' once per turn."
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darkmoonravewolf · 2 years
Halloween is making me think of my old designs for Monster!Blake and Weiss. Though I guess Mutant makes more sense.
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It won't ever be a fic even though I wanted to make it into one once. But I still do have like... the origins for it.
In a no Salem au where grimm, hunters, and dust still exists. They're 2 years younger than when they joined beacon and are still huntsman middle school. Blake and Weiss, much to the, displeasure of Jacques, are friends and visit each other frequently.
Due to workers in the mine revolting and refusing to work, sales were down and so Jacques worked with Watts to create two new "grimm" that were entirely obedient. Only it didn't work, they needed something with aura.
One day, Willow goes missing.
She can't be found anywhere, and the others are getting worried. Weiss find out where she went 2 months later, when she wakes up in a cell. She gets subjected to experiments and treatments, things to make her better in the mines. (Surviving the different temperatures, more eyes to see in the dark, able to sense dust, specialized mouth to grab crystals, etc etc.)
Eventually she loses the ability to speak and is trying to train herself to do it again. She gets some help from another creature next to her, Willow, who hid this fact from Jacques.
She wakes up one day to the sound of screaming and sees Blake in pain across the way. Who only got into this, because she hasn't heard from Weiss in months and she wanted to know what happened.
Anger builds up in all of them towards Jacques and so they pretended to be what he thought they were.
Mindless obedient grimm.
He finally decided to showcase them, saying they're going to replace the workers in the mines. When taking questions and the topic of his missing family is brought up, the one who answers is Willow.
At first people think it's a joke but she keeps talking and talking, it's coming out in hisses, and saying what has happened to get family.
An uproar starts in the panic, Willow, Weiss, and Blake break free leading to more panic. Guards are called and Willow grabs a stunned and horrified Whitley before flying off to who knows where.
Weiss can't fly despite having ice wings and she and Blake run through the crowd of people and out into the city. They make it to the woods before asking themselves what are they even going to do?
Cut to a few weeks later, Ruby and Yang see Taiyang watching the news on Jacques getting arrested and the missing family. It even shows Kali crying while being interviewed and Ghira furious and depressed.
The two go outside to play with Zwei only for the ball to get lost in the woods and they get a bit sadden.
The next day the ball returns and they think Tai brought it back but he didn't even know it was gone.
One bad day at school later (Yang almost gets in trouble for fighting Cardin for picking on Ruby, Penny, and Jaune) They notice something in the woods, just... watching them. They stare back until a voice, a girl, calls for something to get back here and the glowing eyes blink and then go away.
Ruby thinks it was just a weird dog but Yang saw the muzzle and thought it was a big rabbit. Whatever it was, it was unsettling.
I also wrote some of the actual fic, here's each of their first meetings. Btw Blake can't talk at this point in time.
Slowly, the tail, black as the shadows, slinked across the ground, moving the dry leaves, as the… beast stood up to its full height. Thin and gangly but still full of muscle with large powerful claws to go with the look. 
What Yang thought was the cute muzzle of a rabbit had opened to reveal a weird maw with rows of sharp teeth. 
The vents on the neck opened, blowing out air as it leaned down on top of Yang, glowing eyes stared down at her before the maw opened some more and licked her face with a sharp barbed tongue.
Was it... Friendly?
Pure white fur stood between her and Cardin, roaring with all its might, the force sent the boy to the ground. Cardin, too scared to even say anything, scrambled away as fast as he could. 
It turned to watch him as he ran and Ruby got a good glimpse of the face. Six eyes kept track of his movements as he left, the mouth on the creature was still in a growl, the bottom jaw was split open in half as fangs and mandibles were presented in a hostile pose.
No wonder Cardin ran, paws, hooves, wings, horns, what was this thing?! 
It then turned to look at Ruby, the muzzle had closed, fangs and mandibles were got and instead it looked at her with… concern?
Then it truly did something she didn’t expect at all.
“Do not run… please” A light purring sounded like human speech.
Ruby didn’t know if she was looking at a demon or an angel, it was much too cold to be a demon but her instincts still told her to run away. Maybe it was just the ice on her wings?
“I didn’t mean to show myself, I am just looking for my friend. However, It didn't look like he was going to leave you alone anytime soon.” the beast grumbled, annoyed that she got attacked?
It had a friend?! There were more of these things?!
“Have you seen her?” It titled its head, it almost looked cute like that but she had already seen what it looked like when it opened its mouth.
“I. I no NO! I h-haven’t. I.. I was out looking for my sister. She didn’t come home today…”
Some more things!
Willow was going to return, she had dropped off Whitley at Kleins before flying off again. She hides herself in a cave and a nearby town thought she was some kind of guardian grimm and let her stay.
I wanted to write about the sister's getting Penny's dad's help to turn them back into humans but they still retain some features.
Blake: Long boney cat tail, Neck protrusions, neck vents, glowing eyes
Weiss: Horns, white paws, frosty tail, Ice wings, mandibles, homing gem, 6 glowing eyes
Willow: Snake tail, fangs, venom, large wings, snake eyes
Blake's design was more a mole/cat hybrid.
Weiss's design was more "what were all the types of faunus people have drawn her as and can I combine them?"
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dummybirdnero · 6 months
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They will never understand the feeling of finding a cool stick
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epic-arc · 1 year
Monster Fucker Week Short 2!: Me and My Spider Girlfriend
Jaune would wake up and find that his body was wrapped around a cocoon of web and by his side was Weiss hugging him with a cute expression on her face.
Jaune: Weiss wakes up… You caught me in your webs while i sleep again…
(Spider)Weiss: Just 5 more minutes it's so comfortable and warm…
Jaune would be littel grumpy but he was enjoying Weiss hug.
Weiss and jaune were having coffee together and jaune would have some milk and he noticed that the milk tasted a bit strong but nice.
Jaune: Hey honey where did you buy that new milk? he is very good!
Weiss listened to what jaune had said and she would have a slightly flushed face but a small smile on her face.
(Spider)Weiss: Hehe that milk you're drinking is homemade.
Jaune would be thoughtful with the comment with weiss but soon after he goes back to drinking the milk.
Fun fact: Spider milk, drop for drop, contains four times more protein than a cow's, per a new report published Thursday in the journal Science. It's the first time scientists have documented a milk-like substance in an arachnid.
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thepariahcontinuum · 8 months
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MARZ Rising - Chapter 148: Time To Go
Some aerial combat and a little bit of fluff and angst to get the Vol.09 mid-season finale cracking.
FF Net
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greatkittydream · 8 months
Jaune: hay ruby do you ever get hit with nostalgia.
Ruby: yes but I don't understand how you can get nostalgia about the war against the night lords.
______________________________________________________________Smokinotter: The night Lords were an army composed of necromance Lords and every Undead type imaginable they ruled through extreme Terror tactics. Unlike modern day worshipers of necromancy and death, they worship the dark brother God. or no better amongst them as the god of gold and the god of obsidian. ______________________________________________________________
Jaune: Well it just reminds me a lot of this one show I would watch as a kid. I remember the intro song so well I even brought it with me on a CD. oh I know we can watch it later. I have the whole first season With me. It's in my look box I keep under my bed.
Ruby: Oh that's a great idea. I can invite Yang Weiss and Blake and you can invite Pariah, and that ghost that keeps bothering you guys. It'll be like a sleepover. I can just imagine it now the hero rolling up and knocking out the mean night Lords before they could harm anybody like superheroes.
Jaune: Good idea you can even find some cartoons from your childhood as well. We can make it a night full of childhood memories, see for your sister has some as well. AND WEISS .
Ruby: oh you said weiss pretty Quick there are you trying to see if there's any childhood stuff you can use to woo her.
Jaune: w-whhat nooo… yes How did you figure out that we're supposed to be the same intelligence and I'm a dumbass.
Ruby: I'm a wolf Jaune, wolves are always clever on the hunt. Puffing her chest out in Pride .
Jaune: huf. Can you please do This for me. Ruby it wasn't my intention for it but you know it just came to me and I really would like to get to know her better.
Ruby: Why do you even like her so much she shut you down at every corner would make a horrible mate.
Jaune: There's just something about her. her headstrong defiance of her beautiful blue eyes. She's the type of person that doesn't let anything Define her or hold her back. Every time I've seen her talk and she acts like she has complete control of her destiny. I guess in some weird way I'm just jealous of her but that's also what makes her attractive to me she's just free I guess.
Ruby: … huh well I'm free spirited you know. ______________________________________________________________4 Hours later ______________________________________________________________
Yang: All right we have an assortment of childhood nostalgia guaranteed to bring back anyone from depression and talk about how good the old days were.
Weiss: I Fail to see how this will help us.
Yang: Because some of us had a childhood Beyond drinking blood that was thousands of years old or whatever you do and fighting my siblings to become the heir of a company.
Weiss: Do you have any idea how racist you just were.
Blake: ironic.
Jaune:  what your family owns a company.
Weiss turning your head to look at the full next to her.
Weiss: Are you for real right now. like really real are you that much of a fool.
Ruby: alright before you start belittling my underling let's start with pulling a show name out of a hat.Sticking her hand in and pulling it out it red Dragon Tales.
Yang: Alright I'm first. walking up to the assortment of DVDs they had laid out on a coffee table, picking one up and walking over to the TV which had a DVD player plugged into it courtesy of Jaune. everyone got to their seats Ruby plopped down on Jaune lap. Yang sat next to Jaune on the couch making sure he didn't do anything with ruby. Weiss Sat by herself on a single seat. Pariah sat on the other side of Jaune.  Blake laid on the floor flat on her stomach. and Ren was just sort of floating in the air.
2 hours later
Yang: Dragon Tales, Dragon Tales It's almost time for Dragon Tales Come along and take my hand Let's all go to Dragon Land.
Blake: You're Insufferable. I know we have the whole weekend to watch this but stillI can think of much better ways of spending our time. Like keeping Jaune magic under control.
Weiss: I think for once I agree with you. But I don't think that  country bumpkin is as scary or powerful as you say. What is more likely is that our head professor made some sort of bet that he can make a human strong and so he intervened making it seem like Jaune was that powerful after all the image of everything amongst the council. 
Pariah: Well there's no need to be so mean I'm sure Jaune is plenty strong. and while that does make some sense I still believe he can achieve strength Just look at Achilles after all. 
Jaune: I think we're getting off topic. here let's just pick out the next one. sticking his hand into the Hat as quickly as he can he pulls out Hercules by Bisney.
pariah: it's my turn. Oh I just know you'll love it Jaune it's a story about the hero Hercules similar to me except in real life he's a bit of an asshole. Oh I know you can come visit my family up in Mountain Olympus maybe even visit my uncle Hades I'm sure you'd like pomegranates there we could have some together.
Jaune: maybe some other time like during summer break. Maybe if we still had time you can come visit my family. We live up north Near a mountain range.
pariah: oh I'd love to meet your family. I'm sure we could have a lot to talk about (like a marriage contract).
Weiss: He said you live up north right. 
Jauna: Yeah.Scratching the back of his neck.
weiss: I hope you don't live too far the farther you go the more dead it gets. I'd hate to spend some time where trees don't bloom. Most of the wildlife you'll see is a mixture of Undead and dying.
Jaune: Does this mean you'll come visit me and my family. Jaune said with all the Hope in his voice possible.
weiss: no but if you have a stable Village up there there's lots of dust and magical crystals that can be harvested well necromancy is a rare Magic and it's Crystal's even rarer they are still widely used to bring the dead back to life such as Frankenstein's or recently deceased people you can make a killing selling those things. your family may be a profitable business venture if you have a stable community set up.
Smokinotter: Frankenstein's as they referred to by the creator of the first one are a hodgepodge of creatures or humanoid Parts brought back to life usually sentient although they retain none of the personality of the people or creatures they are made up of. In essence they are completely new people whose life is dependent on getting new Mana circulating through them. to bring a Frankenstein to life you need a death Crystal which is concentrated death Magic. unlike regular zombies which are mostly mindless Drones with a little bit of death magic put into them. although the occasional one can regain their Former Intelligence and become “alive again” Although this is a rare occurrence and only happens to those with obscene amounts of magic power before death creating Liches. ______________________________________________________________
Pariah: anyway back to the movie( you fucking blood sucking Leech).                              
I don't care how far, I can go the distance 'Till I find my hero's welcome waiting in your arms I will search the world, I will face its harms 'Till I find my hero's welcome waiting in your arms.
Pariah: Isn't that just a beautiful song Jaune.
Jaune: yeah I can totally imagine you being someone's knight in shining armor.
Thunderstorm appearing outside 
Pariah: Yes….. me 
Blake sensing this is going. alright I'm next.
Ruby hey we didn't draw your movie out the Hat.
Blake: Nor do I care to do this stupid quote tradition you do. standing up and walking over to a collection of DVDs that are slightly smaller now she picks Mulan.
Blake: This is the animated movie we will be watching and you will enjoy it.
Yang: Someone's feisty, what's wrong cat got your tongue.
Blake: Deep breath in deep breath out. No Now shut up and enjoy it.
Let's get down to business To defeat the Huns. Did they send me daughters When I asked for sons? You're the saddest bunch I ever met But you can bet before we're through Mister, I'll make a man out of you Tranquil as a forest But on fire within Once you find your center You are sure to win You're a spineless pale pathetic lot And you haven't got a clue Somehow I'll make a man out of you I'm never gonna catch my breath Say goodbye to those who knew me Why was I a fool in school for cutting gym? This guy's got them scared to death! Hope he doesn't see right through me Now I really wish that I knew how to swim We must be swift as the coursing river (Be a man) With all the force of a great typhoon (Be a man) With all the strength of a raging fire Mysterious as the dark side of the moon Time is racing toward us 'Til the Huns arrive Heed my every order And you might survive You're unsuited for the rage of war So pack up, go home, you're through How could I make a man out of you? We must be swift as the coursing river (Be a man) With all the force of a great typhoon (Be a man) With all the strength of a raging fire Mysterious as the dark side of the moon.
Ren: You know for someone who's all about equality this movie was an odd choice for you given the time period.
Blake: really I like the message it sends plus I also helps that most of our heritage stems from Mistral.
Ruby: It's my turn. Before any objections could be made she hopped up from Jonah's laughing with a skip and a Beat ran over to the DVD collection the Hat apparently having been long abandoned. Retrieving from the collection Halloweentown another Bisney product. 
Weiss: A childish movie for a childish person.  I suppose I'll go next leaving only the pumpkin left since ren came from a time before TV shows and movies were a thing. I'll have to show you all what class is. Wes elegantly getting up from her seat and walking across the floor without making a sound picked up a DVD with. The Phantom of the Opera on it.
Yang: huuugh boring  you should really get some better taste and movies.
Weiss: unlike you I'm refined and I'll not be wasting my precious time on something as foolish as an action movie.
In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came That voice which calls to me and speaks my name And do I dream again? For now I find 'The Phantom of the Opera' is there inside my mind Sing once again with me our strange duet My power over you grows stronger yet And though you turn from me to glance behind 'The Phantom of the Opera' is there inside your mind Those who have seen your face draw back in fear I am the mask you wear, it's me they hear Your spirit and my voice in one combined 'The Phantom of the Opera' is there inside my mind 'The Phantom of the Opera' 'The Phantom of the Opera'
Weiss: I hope you all learned something from this that fine Film Production will far exceed anything for the Mindless masses you all should thank me for the chance to learn this. A collective groan was heard from the group; the only ones who liked it were Ren and Blake.
Jaune: Well I guess it's my turn to walk up to his DVD. It's a strange thing compared to the others, no advertisement, no coloration, just a simple disc and a case  labeled Konrad Kerr's.
Weiss: That's a strange name and are you sure this isn't a pirated copy? One Wouldn't surprises me given where you come from.
Yang:  why is it a strange name for a movie granted that's definitely a pirated copy but still.
Weiss: well if you must know Konrad Kerr's. was the one who started the whole night Lord's War he believed that through fear he could rule an absolute power it's unknown what he was many believed him to be a lich a little son believed him to be a vampire all that's known as that he was an incredibly dangerous individual with sadistic tendencies comparable to that of demons.
Yang: Then it's probably some really old movie during the war about how he was beaten by a hero or something. How did this even come up by the way.
Ruby: oh well we were at the Museum and Jonah talked about how he got nostalgia and so we sort of spiraled out from there about watching movies and TV shows from our childhood.
yang: huh so this is what vomit boy listened to when he was little we 'lad.
Jaune: Yep I remember watching this movie over and over and over again my dad said it was his favorite. He said Grandpa even helped in making it.
Plug it in right off the bat this did not scream child appropriate but living so far and into the woods where grim and far worse can get you it's not surprising that children would not be exposed to the most appropriate media. and then it started although in the style of animation what they were exposed to was unfiltered Gore true acts committed by the night Lord's army.
Boys and girls of every age, would you like to see something strange? All your nightmares will come true: the Night Lords have come for you.
We have come for you! We have come for you! Run in fear from the Lords of Night! We have come for you! We have come to butcher you! Maim and kill with bolt and blade and claw and fright!
It is time! Your lives will be through! The Night Lords have come for you.
am the one who has seen your death, ready to make you breathe your final breath!
I am the prince of the crows in the air, cower and run, or face me if you dare!
We have come for you! We have come for you! We've come for you! Come for you! Come for you! Come for you!
Rend their flesh, break their bone; death to the slaves of the Golden GOD!
It is time! Don't we love it now? Everyone's waiting for the next surprise!
Black eyes, claws for hands, gnawing on a dead man, something's waiting now to pounce, and how you'll scream!
We have come for you! We have come for you! come for you! come for you!
Everybody scream! Everybody scream!
The Night Lords are taking wing.
I am the one that will tear off your face! Flay, slice and slash, then leave without a trace!
I am the 'who' when you call 'Who's there?'
I am the wind rushing through your hair.
I am a symbol of the Legion's might, filling the hearts of my foes with fright!
We have come for you! We have come for you! We've come for you! Come for you! Come for you! Come for you!
To all creatures everywhere, life's no fun without a good scare.
It's our job to frighten you; the Night Lords have come for you.
It is time!
Don't we love it now? Everyone's waiting for the next surprise!
The Dominus Nox will chop you into blocks, you'll scream out for mercy as he flenses off your skin!
We have come for you! Everybody scream! Won't you please make way for a very special guy?
Konrad Kerr's is Lord of the Lords of Night, everyone hail to the Dominus Nox!
We have come for you! We have come for you! We've come for you! Come for you! Come for you! Come for you!
Rend their flesh, break their bones; death to the slaves of the Golden GOD.
NIGHT LORDS: La! La-la-la! La-la-la! La-la-la-la-la! FOR CENTURIES
Throughout every moment of this song everyone saw every bit of violence from the generals of the night lords taking to the night to rip and tear their enemies to bits. to Konrad Kerr's himself appearing to men being Chopped into blocks begging for mercy as they were flayed alive. by the end of it Ruby was hiding under the blanket on Jaune lap pariah was hugging into his shoulder and genuine fear. Blake's hair stood on end at the back of her neck. Ren for the first time in a long time felt fear not for himself but for what could have happened to his friends if this were true and the Lord of night did return. Weiss for all her Elegance couldn't deny this man was absolutely a vampire of sorts, how else could you explain such an oppressive Aura after all vampires were the peak of evolution, the second closest being humans. Yang for all her bravado and all her tribes cruelty before she left to live with her father permanently never experienced anything close to this. all the while Jaune was singing along blissfully unaware of the true context of the song just liking the tune of his childhood show.
Jaune: Well that's episode one we still have a few more to go I think it was 29 more in total. Before he could make good on his words a blast of magic lit up from Yang's hand destroying it.
yang: oops sorry but after a while if not flexing I get a bit Twitchy. Hey I know how about we all have giant sleepovers you know like friends do. to anyone other than Jaune it was obvious she was scared to sleep by herself.
RWB_: Great idea/I suppose it wouldn't be a problem trying out common people's traditions/I've been feeling a bit more sociable. 
Blake: You know this explains too much about you how you are so unnerved about going to the school.
righter hear and this was a bitch and a half to make and I want to say I am so sorry for how long it took to come out but I got strep throat and it only got worse as I try to write this along with hitting writer's block and playing video games with friends.
I'm sorry also let me know if I should avoid this type of writing in the future because this felt super cringe oh yeah also I own none of the Affiliated songs or products related to what I have put into here I am merely using them for references to Childhood songs in reference to how fuckt up Jaune was.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 years
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So one of Shark Faunus Jaune sister's is a blonde Meroune from Monster Musume
(Change the pink to a Sandy-Blonde, and Indeed you Do!)
{Also Manako and Rachnera best girls. Don't @ me.}
RWBYJNPR are Visiting Jaune's Home
Nora: I didn't know you had an Indoor Pool!
Jaune: That would be My Oldest sister's Room. Her name is Anna.
Weiss: Why Does she need a Pool in her room?
Jaune: This is why.
Something Breaches the Surface of the Pool at terrifying speeds, aiming right for Jaune.
Jaune: *Lifting Anna* HI- Anna! HAH! caught you! This Time!
Anna: Hello Little Brother~ Beacon and granted you evermore strength than Working in the orchards, Hmm?
Anna-Ranth Arc. The eldest Sister of the Arcs. Her Faunus Trait Makes her effectively a Mermaid, the Tail of a Short-fin Mako in place of her legs. She wears a warm red-pink skirt, with what seems to be a similarly colored one-piece swimsuit. Her hair is mostly Sandy-Blond with red highlights.
Jaune: Yep! I gotta set you down now! I'll go grab your chair! *He tosses her to his side. She seems unfazed by it*
Anna: So~ All of you are the ones who Convinced my Baby Brother to stay away so long?
Ruby: Well, He ran away first! We've just been Keeping him Occupied.
Pyrrha: Yes. I have been Doing what I can to give him the skills a proper Huntsman Needs.
Anna: That's all well and Good~ Now just what do you think of My Dearest Brother~?
Ruby: He was my first friend at Beacon! We'd follow each other to the ends of Remnant!
Blake: He's been the doofus he's always been. Same goes for his Kindness.
Yang: He's cool enough. For a dork.
Pyrrha: He was the first person to see me for me, not the four-time tournament champion.
Ren: He is a dear Friend. He's practically a Brother I never had.
Nora: He's our fearless Leader! I'd break Anyone's legs if he asked!
Nora: I wish he would ask me to break someone's legs.
Anna: ...
Anna: And what of you, Schnee?
Weiss: He's ... I did not like him at first. But I've recently realized he has ... Certain qualities that make him a good friend.
R-BY-NPR: ...
Yang: Wow. That's the biggest Compliment She's ever given him.
Anna: ... Oh! I see now!
Ruby: *Whispering* What does she see? She's had her eyes closed this whole time?
Yang: She's using it as an expression.
Anna: You're in love with My Jaune-Jaune!
Pyrrha: WHAT!
Weiss: W-What do you mean?
Anna: Oh! How Beautiful! How Tragic! A Schnee and a Faunus! And not just any Faunus, but an Arc~! Forever separated by familial Values~
Anna: Unless They can forgo all they've learned, and trust each other~ Or perhaps it will end as Romia and Julius, dying for their love of one another, unable to stand the Separation~
Anna: *glaring at Weiss* Don't let it end up like Romia and Julius or I'll bring back to life to kill you again.
Weiss: ʸᵉˢ ᵐᵃ'ᵃᵐᵎ
Jaune: Hey Guys! Sorry I took so long! Her chair was all tangled up. She wasn't too intense for you, right guys?
Anna: *Back to normal, hauling herself into a wheelchair* Of course I wasn't~ For what purpose would I have to be nothing but courteous to your friends~? *They leave the room*
Blake: ... Was it just me, or did she get super hot when she did that?
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Ruby: Guys! Guys! Guys! Monster Con is coming to Vale this weekend!!!! Can we go?! Can we?! Can we?! Can we?!
Blake: Monster Con?
Ruby: It's a convention where people go dressed up in monster cosplay, play tabletop RPGs, monster-centric videogames, Halloween themed goodness, and panels with authors, voice actors, and other big names in the industry! There will also be fan led panels about their interests!
Weiss: You seem... Very interested in this kind of stuff.
Ruby: My birthday is Halloween! Of course I love this stuff!!! (Pulls up a con schedule and agenda PDF on her scroll) Look at all the stuff they got!!!
Yang: Are You Stronger than a Monster? Test your strength in our monster strength challenge, and see where you rank in the realm of monsters.
Weiss: Cosplay Competition: dress as a monster in our single person competition or couple cosplay as your favorite monster/victim duo.
Blake: Meet and Greet with Author: Madre Zech!!!
Ruby: What do you say, guys??? Can we go?! Please?!
Yang: Sure! This could be fun!
Weiss: I don't know, Ruby. This is pretty last minute.
Blake: (zips to Ruby's side) Ruby, as your future sister-in-law, I will go with you to Monster Con even if Weiss wants to be a wet blanket.
Ruby: (starry eyes) Really?! You're the best, Blake!
Blake: Let's go get packed!
Ruby & Blake: (skip away arm in arm)
Weiss: .....Monster Romance author?
Yang: Monster Romance author. But, hey! You could totally win the damsel in distress cosplay if you and Ruby want to go in on it.
Weiss: It would be fun to completely thrash you and Blake in something.
Yang: Oh, it's on, now, Ice Queen! We're gonna mop the floor with you two in the costume contest!
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