#Much hilarity and banter ensues
bellaroles · 8 months
I think I made the list before but I can't find it. So I made a new one since I just finished reading Beidou/the Plough
Meng Xi Shi's books signature
The Slow Burn romance is really slow but I love every single little bits of relationship development in every ship so far. Also the payoff is so good! I also love the banter in every one of her books. Very satisfying to read!
Tsundere shou! ( Not always but I think Shen Qiao, Tang Fan, Cui Buqu are these types and also Ling Shu to a certain degree) Though they're under the same category, they're portrayed as very different in personalities and I can't get enough of them. Their respective gong are also very unique and cunning in their own way when it comes to making the shou admit their feelings!
Cross dressings! Hilarity ensues!
Solving mysteries! be it crime investigation, treasure hunting, political machinations, unmasking evil cult or even ruining evil cultivators plan to rule the world etc.
Strong women side characters. Also if they're among the very beautiful then they usually are either evil and end up dead or they find a way out of their predicament on their own.
Spoiler alert: the betrayal! We need at least one scene of either true betrayal (looking at you, Yan Wushi!) or it was just an act (Peerless, the Plough) or qi deviation (Shen Shang)
The last few chapters at least one or both of the main characters fight to the brink of death and yeah their love for each other is reaffirmed because of this but...that's not the true ending though! Go read that in the extras!
I've read 5 series of hers so far and I like them all very much.
Thousand Autumns
14th year of Chenghua
The Plough
Have Bu Tian Gang on my shelf already. Might start on that next, or All under heaven.
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ineffable-doll · 10 months
"It’s Not Too Bad When You Get Used to It" by IneffableDoll
T, 8 chapters
CHAPTER 1: 3.3k
Following Armageddon’s failure, Aziraphale and Crowley perform the bodyswap, prepared to be captured by Heaven and Hell. But after both factions fail to show up the next day, the angel and demon must pretend to be the other for much longer than anticipated… Hilarity ensues, feelings are felt, and no one anticipated so much breakfast being involved. But that’s ineffability for you. * Prewritten; will update every three days until completion. Come back on December 29th to binge!
A silly romp of Aziraphale and Crowley poorly playacting as each other, with fluff and feels because I can't help myself. Queerplatonic, aroace, lots of banter and humor! Book vibes and characterization with season one canon.
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thunderxleafart · 2 months
Heya Thunder, hope everything is well on your end!
Do you mind dropping any 8 x 9 headcanons you have?
Hey, thanks for checking in! :)
I'm doing alright, just trying to get back into the art groove LOL Hope everything is well on your end too! ^^ As for your question, I'd absolutely LOVE to drop my 8 x 9 headcanons >:D ~ 8 x 9 Headcanons ~
-Unlike 10 x 11, I see their relationship as more of a slowburn/"Will they won't they?" type dynamic. -The events of "Donald's Duck" is really what kicks off any romantic feelings; they bounce off each other so well, it feels so natural and good and-oopsie! Now they're catching feelings!
-No one was quite sure what to make of their little thing at first; are they a couple or just really good friends?? They act like an old married couple sometimes, but then again they really could just be friends.... - Donald is also just a flirt in general which only confuses things more LOL - They don't actually "get together" in any sort of romantic sense for quite a few years. There's a lot of dancing around and neither really make a definitive move. Donald is too much of a flirt and, admittedly, not the best when it comes to dealing with deeper feelings, and Duck doesn't want to "ruin" this good dynamic they have by reading into things too much. (After all, Donald's so charming he could prolly get anyone he wanted, why would he want Duck of all engines?) (Safe to say, most of Donald's genuine flirting went right over Duck's funnel as a result LOL) - Eventually one of them just kind of blurts it out and the other goes; "Wait... you thought I didn't like you back???" Hilarity ensues LOLL - Donald is definitely the kind of witty, charming flirt that will turn into a spluttering mess if someone he genuinely likes shows any interest back. And Duck finds that absolutely adorable/very endearing. xD - Donald is one of the only engines who gets away with calling Duck "Monty". He also uses a slew of other nicknames/pet names, including; Sweetcheeks, Sweetheart, Darling, Duckie, Darling Duckie and Waddles. (Jokingly) - Duck doesn't use pet names but doesn't mind the ones Donald's given him. (Honestly he kinda loves it) - Dilly is basically Donald's daughter and Duck is her step-dad. It's a whole thing LOL - Duck is always able to tell the Scots apart. They don't know exactly how he always knows, but he just does. (They've tried every trick in the book, nothing has ever worked LOL) - These two have the absolute best banter.
Favourite Things About Each Other ~
Donald about Duck: How assertive/no-nonsense he is, his voice (he loves listening to his passionate rambling.. most of the time LOL), how hardworking he is, and just how blunt he can be. Duck about Donald: How relaxed and "no-fucks-given" he is (especially since he overthinks a lot LOL), his humour/sharp wit, his good work ethic, and that little twitch he does when he's trying not to smile at a bad/lame joke but is clearly failing.
Honestly they're easily one of my absolute favourite TTTE ships. They're opposites in a lot of ways but that's what makes them work so well together. Duck brings out the more mature side of Donald, and Donald brings out Duck's more playful side. They bring out the best in each other and it's so good. They're also just super cute and silly and I love them ;;;
Thank you for the question!! <3
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therandomidiotat3am · 2 years
could i maybe get some dating one of the gallagher brothers or john lennon headcanons? adding a lil smut is ok with me btw 🤭🤭
Maybe I'll do some John Lennon headcanon's after I finish the Albarn smut from another one of my followers 🤔
What dating Liam would include..
there's a little bit of smut in here;⁠-)
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He will literally drag you along to every single Oasis concert's and tour's.
If you refuse to accompany him on either of those,he will stick himself unto you and sulk like a toddler who's just been denied candy.
"Liam I would love to go to every single one of your show's,but I have a job—If I keep on missing work the company will fire me."
"I'll buy the fookin' company then!"
If he's drunk enough onstage and you're behind him shying ever so slightly away into the backstage, expect to get pulled out and flaunted to at his fan's as he continues to go on a drunken ramble about how he had won the lottery with you being his. To the dismay of the management and Noel of course .
Jealousy and insecurity
He is a jealous man
Like jealousy doesn't even fully describe it.
Of course he trust's you and know's that you'd never actually act unfaithful —still sometimes just like any other human in love,his jealousy and insecurities begin to rise up whenever he sees you with someone else. Be it man or woman.
Will hover between you and whoever that he suspects has their eye's on you,if he feel's extremely threatened he would pull your waist and subtly hint that he didn't like where this was going.
In rare occasions, well not all that rare he would just call the person his favourite catch phrase.
"You fucking wanker can't you see that they're not interested!"
Might need your reasurence afterwards.
Actually he desperately needs it because despite the hilarity of the situation he still has a tear of worry in his heart.
Usually can be cured by messy smooches and maybe a little action.. ;)
Just because he is insecure it doesn't mean that You could ever in a million year's be insecure about anything at all.
If you came to him and expressed that you felt insecure about yourself or about your guys relationship —he will waste no time in cupping your cheek's and giving a quick peck on them before suffocating you in a this-is-how-much-I-love-you hug.
"I love you more than John Lennon, bloody hell you mean I could ever find someone better?"
Prepare to hear him complain about his "estranged"brother Noel Gallagher and how he was actually Satan in disguise.
At this point you've started programmatically nodding off every time you hear the word Noel, because you know that what followed up next would be the most merciless insult in all of mankind.
Also prepare to hear their joyful hellish banter everyday in the studio as they once again fight over who was the rightful owner of Oasis.
Despite the macho tough guy persona Liam actually like's it when you give him hickey's,consider's it one of the biggest turn on's. Won't miss the chance to gross out Noel by constantly showing them off because
A)He gets to annoy Noel
B)He actually feel's proud of having your mark's on him.
He adores it when you hastily unbuckle his belt to give his cock a slight rub whenever a makeout session ensues.
He likes shower sex because the very image of you soaking wet and standing vulnerably naked right Infront of him —to make it comprehensive and short, smoking hot.
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sickenoughsteve · 5 months
Beef, Bars, and Banter: Navigating the Drake vs. Kendrick Feud and the Hilarity Ensuing
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When I first came across Pop Base’s prompt to write something for their newsletter based on modern-day pop culture, like Drake, I wanted to hire a ghostwriter. 
Allegedly! Anyway…
I went to ChatGPT to see if I could streamline the process and create something funny, witty, and on-trend without spending too much time. It didn’t work at all. What came out (with specific prompts, even) was incredibly corny and very clearly written by AI. This is why we need REAL writers to be compensated fairly and given the correct resources to entertain and inform us properly.
Anyway, that’s my little rant on writing. But let’s go back to Drake. Right now, this man is getting cooked by the entire industry, yet it seems he’s holding his own? Whether our favorite cornball, who everyone admits is actually somewhat appealing in a way none of us can explain, is your favorite, or if you like the Pulitzer Prize winner, Kendrick, you must tip your hat to the revival of beef in the rap game.
This is fun!
I mean, The Weeknd is out here singing sultry diss bars, Future is butt-hurt for what seems to be the first time ever, Metro Boomin is catching strays simply because he’s good at making beats but doesn’t rap, Rick Ross is on IG calling Drake “whiteboy”, J Cole avoided a massacre but might have lost some respect in the process, Pusha T is somewhere saying “I told you so,” Kanye is continuing to be his same insane self… even Quavo and Chris Brown are getting intensely and perhaps almost violently disrespectful on the undercard for this headliner beef.
That said, rather than diving into this beef from all angles, I want to acknowledge that this is a lot of information to digest, and many battles are going on in this war. That’s why I will do my very best to give a bird’s-eye view of this whole situation and see if this perspective can help all of us enjoy it for what it is. Not necessarily to tell you who to “support” but rather to recognize that negativity might save us in 2024.
We’re missing pop culture events that unite and get us all thinking about the same things. That’s where I believe Kendrick and Drake are doing a massive service to hip-hop. Putting it all on the line gives us something great to sink our teeth into. I, for one, love it.
So, as far as comparing this beef to past beefs, I remember in middle school, hearing Nas on ‘Ether.’ It rocked my world. I was raised on Nas and thought of him as the ultimate rapper. A rapper’s rapper. Instantaneously upon hearing “Fuck Jay Z” several times in succession on the song, I became a bonafide 100% Jay Z hater.
Did I have a problem with Jay? Not really. He was a star. I liked his music and had absolutely no issues with him. But not anymore! Nas had set the stage for me to learn as much as possible about Jay Z and become skeptical of everything about him.
This time around, the same feeling is back. However, it’s even weirder because the internet is out here internetting. Drake has a team of social media people who ensure he has the best and most impactful content strategy any rapper in a beef could ask for.
The internet is all about timing and trolling. Drake and his team are certainly better equipped there. And it’s showing to be necessary. However, one could argue if the bars are all that matters, Kendrick might have him beat there. Hence, the need for Drake to win these small battles on social media.
I think the best thing about beef between world-class musicians is that we are instantaneously reminded that everybody is insecure and we all make mistakes. The goal of beef is to expose those missteps and air out those insecurities. Before, I never would have guessed Drake had a BBL, fake abs, and other body modifications. Does that make me hate him? Not really. Does it even bother me? No. Does it make me think he’s very weird? Hell yeah.
In this politically correct world, toxic masculinity makes a resounding comeback whenever rap beef is declared. That’s probably the most upsetting thing about this all, but at the same time, let me reiterate that it’s fun. In a world of Israel and Palestine headlines, one of the most significant elections of our history, climate issues, and other general sad, sad truths, this is something we quite certainly NEED.
Silly bullying.
Drake making fun of Kendrick’s shoe size is, frankly, hilarious. I don’t care at all that Kendrick is short. Why would I? It doesn’t matter one bit. But if you put it on a song, it’s GOING to be funny. But of course, he refers to him as “midget” a few too many times for our PC culture to be happy with him. I found this most interesting when stepping back and thinking about it all. To come across as “real” also means NOT being politically correct.
Drake came for Kendrick for making music with Taylor Swift. Meanwhile, he’s in a commercial singing and dancing to Taylor. Is working with one of the biggest stars of all time something you should be ashamed of? Clearly not. But it’s not manly. So we have to be embarrassed by it. Beef is confusing in 2024; that’s all I’m saying.
And Kendrick isn’t guilt-free, either. He told Drake he doesn’t like it when he says the N-word. Of course, Drake has a black father but was primarily raised by his white mother. Now, he must feel bad about using our culture’s most controversial word. Of course, there’s a lot a sociology professor could unpack about why this is wrong, but in rap beef, it’s fair game. And it works as a way to poke holes in Drizzy's entire being! So it plays.
Another thing. Before we had Rap Genius and could look up what these guys were saying, some more subtle jabs would go under the radar. But now, the whole thing—from Kendrick naming the song ‘Euphoria’ because of the HBO show Drake is a producer on—and the connection there to pedophilia to Drake calling his diss ‘Push Ups’—there’s simply lore everywhere you look.
I used to write for a company that covered Marvel/DC, comics in general, and action franchises, and the main thing I took away from it was that people love Easter Eggs. We love digging into the material and finding references to the past or things meant to not just be on the surface. That’s what we love most about rap beef - especially nowadays.
We want to make discoveries about these greats that make them less untouchable, to bring them down a peg. Interestingly, human nature is to humiliate those on top whenever possible. 
But alas.
So, whether you “don’t trust” Drake or love and agree that he’s winning this 20v1, you must admit this is “for the culture” and far from over. So buckle up; this will be a hilarious and fun ride.
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dhr-ao3 · 1 year
Please Please Me
Please Please Me https://ift.tt/JhLAxFC by Braided_in_Lilac Hermione’s in denial. Ginny’s a spitfire. Pansy’s a bride. Draco’s Draco. Blaise has an idea. Harry’s Harry. Theodore has the best things to say. Or Hilarity ensues. Words: 5933, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Pansy Parkinson, Ginny Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson/Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley/Blaise Zabini Additional Tags: Top Draco Malfoy, Lawyer Draco Malfoy, Lawyer Hermione Granger, Pining Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy In Love, Denial of Feelings, Love Confessions, Drunken Confessions, Drunken Kissing, Smug Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger is So Done, Hermione Granger is Bad at Feelings, Hermione Granger is a Brat, BAMF Draco Malfoy, Dom/sub, BDSM, Bad BDSM Etiquette, Flirting, Bondage, Sexual Fantasy, Hermione Granger & Pansy Parkinson Friendship, SO MUCH BANTER, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings, Wedding Planning, Slytherins Being Slytherins, Good Slytherins, Banter, Idiots in Love, In Vino Veritas, Sub Hermione Granger, Dom Draco Malfoy, Protectiveness, Possessive Draco Malfoy, Jealous Hermione Granger, Possessive Behavior via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/tRw02Um August 06, 2023 at 07:16PM
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celtalks · 7 months
Comedy's New Darling: Sydney Sweeney Takes the SNL Helm in a Spectacular Crossover with SXSW Mania
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Embracing the Laughter: Sydney Sweeney Set to Host SNL Amidst SXSW Craze
Get ready to laugh out loud! Sydney Sweeney, who has been dazzling audiences with her dramatic chops, is all set to switch gears on Saturday night. The talented actress, known for her riveting performances in Euphoria and The White Lotus, is taking on a brand-new challenge as the host of NBC's Saturday Night Live (SNL). Rising to fame with her dynamic roles, Sweeney steps into the iconic SNL spotlight, promising viewers a night laden with humor and surprises. It's a moment teeming with excitement as Sweeney joins the comedy elite at a time when pop culture is abuzz with the South by Southwest (SXSW) festival. Much like the vibrant energy at SXSW, host Sweeney is expected to bring a vivacious spirit to the SNL stage. The announcement of her hosting gig has triggered waves of anticipation, highlighting an electrifying weekend where entertainment is king and laughter is the reigning queen. As SXSW unfolds in the background, offering a delectable mix of tech innovations, cinematic treasures, and musical gems, all eyes will briefly turn to SNL's Studio 8H. Here, Sydney Sweeney will add yet another glittering facet to her career by showcasing her comedic talent. Acclaimed as a rising star who has garnered attention with her Emmy-nominated turns, Sweeney's hosting role may just etch her name deeper into the collective consciousness of her fervent admirers and burgeoning fan base. The build-up to Sweeney's debut on the storied stage is exhilarating for SNL aficionados and newcomers alike. The program thrives on revealing the often-hidden comic prowess of its hosts, and this collaboration between Sweeney and the show's seasoned cast is rich with potential. The seamless blend of sketch comedy and the sprightly banter promises a Saturday night laden with punchlines and parody. Merging the distinctive flavors of Sweeney's thespian skills and SNL's comedic legacy, viewers are in for a high-octane cocktail of hilarity. As with every SNL episode, it isn't just about the host's repertoire; the musical guest adds equal sizzle to the evening's proceedings. Fans are on tenterhooks, hungry for the unveiling of the musical act that will share the stage with Sweeney, creating an alchemy that only SNL can. In an era where streaming platforms reign supreme, SNL continues to shine as a beacon for live television entertainment. With its finger firmly on the pulse of pop culture, the show serves up a weekly dose of satire, skepticism, and laughter. These elements form the bedrock of the show's legacy—weaving together a tapestry rich in humor and relevance. As the seamless world of SXSW culture and SNL's comedy cosmos collide, it's Sydney Sweeney that occupies the intersection, ready to deliver an exuberant experience to the audience. Her presence on SNL is not just a testament to her versatility and charm but also speaks volumes of her evolving artistry. This weekend, viewers will tune in en masse, ready to be captivated and hoping that Sweeney's maiden SNL voyage will be nothing short of extraordinary. Don't miss Sydney Sweeney as she commands the SNL stage with poise and punchlines. This episode may very well set the tone for her bright and blooming future, both on and off the screen. Mark your calendars; the laughter is scheduled to ensue this coming Saturday! Read the full article
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triviareads · 10 months
top 5 romcoms you read this year?
Tastes Like Shakkar by Nisha Sharma: The series is called If Shakespeare Was an Auntie and it is an adaptation of Much Ado About Nothing; honestly this was such a solid romance between two Indian-American characters— I loved the epistolary aspect, I loved how both Bunty and Bobbi are trying to break free of that "family manager" role in their families (all too common in desi families), and Bunty likes his sex with a side of bondage which was a novelty for me as far as pocs and romances go.
Mickey Chambers Shakes It Up by Charish Reid: This one was really cute and surprisingly hot; Mickey is in her thirties and an adjunct professor at a local college who is very attracted to her boss Diego, who also happens to be her student. But they're both older (Diego is in his forties, and is a widower) so they don't make a super big deal out of it; what does ensue is a fuckton of sexual tension, a lot of growly Diego trying to drag Mickey back behind the bar while she's flirting for tips, and
Pride and Protest by Nikki Payne: Look the potential for humor and wild sexual tension in a Pride and Prejudice adaptation is always there (you thought the 2005 Netherfield handflex scene was hot? read this version of the Netherfield visit), and Nikki Payne delivered on both. Starting with Liza and Dorsey's disastrous first meeting where she assumes he's Latino (he's a Filipino adoptee) and The Help so she's all nudge-nudge-wink-wink-working-class-POC-solidarity "solidaridad hermano" (I died), and Dorsey then proceeds to fuck over her attempted protest of gentrification of her neighborhood by ruining all her signs. Also, they don't wait until the very end to have sex which I personality felt was a revelation as far as P&P adaptations go.
Unfortunately Yours by Tessa Bailey: I think Tessa does really well with characters who relentlessly needle each other even though they're wildly attracted to one another and I loved the bickery, bantering back-and-forth between August and Natalie (since it's set in Napa, yes, wine is dumped on him at some point) even as they decide on a marriage of conveniance. And I liked that August is so afraid of fucking up with Natalie after their disastrous first meeting that he decides they're only going to do PiV sex when she won't regret it afterwards.
A Lot Like Adios by Alexis Daria: Friends to lovers done RIGHT; I thought Michelle finding out Gabe is leaving for LA literally when they're about to have sex was kinda hilarious; but a decade(ish?) later, the beef is real so when Gabe accidentally hires Michelle as a graphic designer, Michelle's demands include him living with her in NYC (at the scene of the crime, so to speak lol) while she works on his brand campaign. A lot of the humor in this is just the general hilarity of their families ("pero los condoms?" lives rent free in my head), but I also love the easy affection between Michelle and Gabe that picks right up after a decade apart even as they explore this new dimension to their relationship while living together.
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netflix-entertainment · 11 months
Hilarity Ensues: Green Lantern's Banter with Batman in Justice League: War"
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Hilarity Ensues: Green Lantern's Banter with Batman in Justice League: War"
In the animated spectacle that is Justice League: War, Green Lantern brings a refreshing dose of humor, especially when poking fun at the notorious brooding Batman. The dynamic between the two heroes takes a comedic turn as Green Lantern, armed with his quick wit and a green power ring, playfully teases the Dark Knight.
Amidst the chaos of battling Parademons, Green Lantern seizes the opportunity to rib Batman about his lack of superpowers. "Hey Bats, ever consider getting yourself a power ring? It's much cooler than lurking in the shadows," he quips, adding a touch of levity to the intense superhero showdown.
The banter not only showcases the camaraderie among the Justice League but also provides a lighthearted moment that resonates with fans. In a film filled with epic battles, Green Lantern's playful jabs at Batman offer a brief but memorable comedic interlude, proving that even the most serious heroes can't escape a good-natured ribbing.
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any fics where season 11 is practically rewritten? i hate the direction it went in and i need a fic to compensate for it lmao
Hey! Sorry for a long wait. Totally get your disappointment! We made a list with a bunch of S11 fix its/fill ins, including the posts we made for every episode during the season.
There were a few amazing fics that were written before S11 aired that were, as we know, much better thought through than the actual season. We recced some of them a few times, but here are the longer ones one more time:
Never Tear Us Apart -  A season 11 fic with lots of domestic bitches scenes, with a hint of angst, and mass amounts of cute togetherness.
Get Better One by One - Ian’s figuring out his relationship with his biological father. Mickey’s POV on it.
Moonlight Sonata - Life in the Gallagher house is still pretty much the same. ... But Ian learns having Mickey around makes everything that much easier. And fun.
Scenes from a Marriage series - Hilarity, love and banter ensue as Ian and Mickey navigate their life together as husbands.
A New Beginning series - After Ian and Mickey get married, Terry doesn’t let them be, following up on his threats instead. The fic gets pretty heavy, so please mind the tags.
We made a few post S10 one-shots recs, for example this one, check it out and generally look at our ‘post season 10′ tag. 
There doesn’t seem to be any longer S11 fix its that follow the canon closely while rewriting the whole season. Mostly it’s all the different one-shots we linked in the beginning. But all the great post S10 fics do the job much better than the Shameless writers :) Hope you’ll find something to enjoy <3
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no no but mag 162 in an archivist!sasha au where instead of tim and sasha comedic duo it’s early jmart slow burn
maybe instead of peak office banter and work politics we get an awkward but oddly sincere insight into a big ‘what if’?
jon’s just an assistant, and likely a competent one at that, so with less pressure on his shoulders he’s not hostile but just clipped and tentative. Maybe martins less intimidated so is more direct and a little bitchy, slowly making his way past jons jagged edges
maybe they talk about work, and the archives and sasha - how jon believes she has it under control and can trust her, as she’s obviously the right woman for the job, or how martin thinks her and tim must have some kind of history (while jon prefers not to comment)
or maybe jon simply walks in on martins poetry and much hilarity ensues
but perhaps conversations are tripped up and secrets are revealed, like misleading credentials or a history with a certain book collector
maybe a slightly spiky exterior melts a little to reveal a heart of gold, while the first signs of a harder edge come through in trusted words to a tentative new friend
maybe there’s a blush, a stutter, the slight audible sound of a half hidden smirk or sincere smile
just a few minutes, a couple of conversations, but enough for sasha, spiralling in a freshly ruined world, to mourn not only her two friends but what she can see could have happened between them
that a man whose memory has been over run by a sunny, cheerful but biting and false exterior still wasn’t quite the curmudgeon he made himself out to be
that a man who dissappeared into fog with such resignation and disappointment once may not have become as alone as he did
that there was more to both of them than met the eye, but no one ever got a chance to see it
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ineffable-doll · 9 months
"It’s Not Too Bad When You Get Used to It" by IneffableDoll
T, 28.1k words
Following Armageddon’s failure, Aziraphale and Crowley perform the bodyswap, prepared to be captured by Heaven and Hell. But after both factions fail to show up the next day, the angel and demon must pretend to be the other for much longer than anticipated… Hilarity ensues, feelings are felt, and no one anticipated so much breakfast being involved. But that’s ineffability for you.
A silly romp of Aziraphale and Crowley poorly playacting as each other, with fluff and feels because I can't help myself. Queerplatonic, aroace, lots of banter and humor! Book vibes and characterization with season one canon.
This is definitely among my favorite of my own works, so I'm very pleased for it to finally be out for everyone to read. I hope folks like it and enjoy the ending!
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gogglor · 3 years
Cap-Ironman RecWeek: Tropey Tuesday
Over the past year my pandemic brain decided it would produce happy chemicals exclusively by reading and writing Stony fanfiction. On the advice of counsel, I decided to take my happy chemicals where I could get’em. And the result is that I’ve had the tremendous pleasure of reading some absolutely incredible works of art by some immensely talented people. And since it’s @cap-ironman RecWeek, I figured this is as good of an excuse as any to make some posts recommending my favs (and try to keep self-recs to a minimum, but I’m only human).
I skipped Multiverse Monday since I’m still not well-versed enough in the multiverse to talk about it with any kind of recommendational authority, but today is Tropey Tuesday, and so I would like to share some fics from my all-time-favorite, major-reason-I-bother-with-the-MCU, gets-me-every-time trope:
Found Family
And so, without further ado, here are some Found Family Stony fics that I simply adore.
Avengers Family Ficlets
Author: elwenyere
Word Count: 8,548
Summary: “You built a neural network that analyzes squash,” Bruce said flatly, “and you attached it to a laser.” A collection of short stories set in the extended Domestic Avengers Universe.
Why You Should Read It:
Thing number one that you should understand about me is that I would be perfectly happy with a story about body-less entities making funny quips at each other in  a featureless void, and anything else is just a bonus. Elwenyere’s stories consistently get the banter down so unbelievably, ridiculously well that when you find out they also have heart, creativity, well-developed characters, and so much damn feeling in them, it feels like an embarrassment of riches.
Go read all of their stuff, please, but this one’s a great place to start. It’s got everything you could possibly want in a fic: over-competitive pumpkin carving, emotional hospital confessions, Christmas decorations that come to life and attack people, crab dip, Steve Rogers accidentally ruining Thanksgiving through the sheer power of his own snark, and most importantly, a bunch of human disasters that somehow make a beautiful family together.
Executive Party
Author: copperbadge
Word Count: 3,228
Summary: Tony's terrible December is suddenly looking up.
Why You Should Read It:
Copperbadge is another author where you should read everything they’ve put out there. They’ve got this phenomenally creative mind that manages to consistently draw out deeply human stories that can kinda catch you off-guard in the places they find touching moments. You might’ve heard of their very popular Foodieverse, which is an incredibly creative AU with the Avengers in the food service industry, but this is the one I come to whenever I’m looking to indulge in my favorite trope.
Tony’s looking forward to spending the night before SI breaks for Christmas doing paperwork. Steve gets the Avengers to have an impromptu video game Christmas Party in his office instead. Cb’s also got a gift for banter (I have a type when it comes to writers, ok?), and the little details like Steve’s carnage record on GTA, Natasha’s Russian appreciation for country music, and Steve’s SHIELD break-up mixtape make it just a goddamn delight to read.
patchwork people
Author: itsAllAvengers
Word Count: 28,247
Summary: It was a pretty well-known fact that Tony Stark had control issues.It was far less well-known why, though.
CW: Past abuse and non-con (not by main pairing)
Why You Should Read It:
If you’re the kind of person who regularly thinks to themself “You know what Tony Stark needs? More trauma,” then this is the fic  for you.
Tony’s got some serious trust issues and PTSD thanks to some shitty, shitty exes. This is the story about how Tony learns to trust again, Avenger by Avenger, in his new Found Family. Come for the Whump, stay for the found family insomnia infomercial parties and Steve Rogers getting arrested for enacting some sweet, sweet karmic justice.
And now we get into a sub-genre of Found Family that is also a huge weakness of mine: Tony thinks he’s only tolerated instead of wanted, and his found family convinces him otherwise.
Some Things Shouldn’t Be a Chore
Author: scifigrl47
Word Count: 22,187
Summary: Steve takes things like personal responsibility and respect seriously. Tony's got people he pays to take care of that kind of thing, and anyway, he's pretty sure that he's going to die of some exotic disease in his workshop, because Dummy's still a little spotty about what is 'clean' enough to put on an open wound.  The rest of the Avengers are in this for personal gain, except for Clint, he just enjoys being a dick. And some things shouldn't be a chore.
Why You Should Read It:
Honestly it feels a bit like cheating to recommend the first work in scifigrl47′s tremendously popular Toasterverse, since I’m pretty sure a lot of people who don’t even like or regularly read fanfiction have liked this one, even indirectly. Sci is so ludicrously good at building an engaging, creative, character-driven universe that this series is responsible for most of the fanon you know and love about MCU fanfics. Tony’s bot Butterfingers? Sci made him up for this story. Thor’s love of Pop Tarts? Clint the vent goblin? All sci. They’re just that damn good at world-building.
In this fic, the Avengers try out a chore chart. Hilarity and feels ensue. I don’t want to say anymore and risk spoiling it because if you’ve managed to get far enough in Stony fanfiction to read this post and haven’t yet read the Toasterverse, I want to keep the experience pristine for you to enjoy. Please read this. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll reserve a hypothetical genie wish to make this series the actually canon MCU (God knows I have).
Hold the Things You Wanna Say
Author: SailorChibi
Word Count: 6,316
Summary: Tony is still a consultant, and between SI, the team and SHIELD he's overworked and exhausted. That's okay. He and Steve have been having sex for weeks but that's all it is, just sex, and Tony wants more but he'll never get it and that's okay. Really. What's not okay is the fact that Howard Stark has somehow appeared in the future and is the same as always. This is definitely going to fuck up his schedule.
CW: Abuse, Howard Stark’s A+ Parenting
Why You Should Read It:
SailorChibi’s one of those authors I’ve been meaning to get around to reading all their stuff for, but it’s tricky when you have a short attention span and an author that is just so damn prolific. They’re a multi-fandom maven consistently putting out some really great stuff, and they’re absolutely worth checking out.
This story’s a real yank on the heartstrings, and as someone who can really identify with Tony’s fear of failing the people he cares about, the point in the story where he reaches his low is just unbelievably poignant. But the warmth and the wholesomeness of the end made my heart grow three sizes the day I read it. And the love that all these idiots have for each other is just so damn palpable in this story, it damn near made me cry.
Author: Orphan Account :(
Word Count: 4,952
Summary: There are obvious downsides to being the only member of the Avengers who is not a super soldier, a god, or a super assassin, and does not Hulk out when aggravated. The most obvious one is that when villains want bait, they've got a go-to guy. Tony already knew Mondays sucked. He did not need his opinion reinforced this way.
Why You Should Read It:
It’s such a bummer I can’t plunder this author’s other works because I love this one so much!
Tony gets kidnapped and says a lot of self-deprecating things that, unbeknownst to him, are projected on a live feed to the Avengers. They rescue him and have some opinions about how easily he could be replaced. This story’s got Tony hiding from feelings like an idiot, Steve manually carrying Tony somewhere the Avengers can say nice things about him, and a lot of feels.
That’s it for today! Tune in tomorrow for some AU recs!
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Happy Friday from the Farm Witches!
We are so grateful for all the likes, reblogs, and follows! We hope you’re finding some new fics to love and will enjoy today’s selections, too. Be sure to leave the authors/creators some comments and kudos! -----------
Despite (@davidrosesource) “Just look at David’s smile! This makes me want to cry and hug him.”
Hidden Pieces... (@startswithhope) “Some tender moments post "The Incident". A lovely fic highlighting the beauty that can be found in vulnerability.”
Squirrels (@resilientrose) “This is about the funniest thing I've read. Squirrels infest David and Patrick's house. David decides to film Patrick's attempts to rid their house of them, documentary style. Banter and hilarity ensues.” Talk That That To Me All Night (@sarahlevys) “This is a masterful example of how to convey so much using dialogue only. Alexis and Twyla’s relationship shines through so clearly in the way they build each other up. Cleverly written, very hot, and full of love!“ You Know The Way To Make Me Lose Control   (@lushthemagicdragon) “You're gonna need to hydrate after this one... Set at the end of 5x04, this smokin' hot PWP features a happy!loved-up!drunk!David, a babydom!Patrick, and some truly excellent phone sex.”
You Were Always Going To Be The One  (@desginatedgrape)  “This is a fantastic David and Patrick friends-to-lovers AU. Full of pining and romantic gestures and banter and friends trying to be "helpful." If you love mutual pining, this is a fic for you!”
Peanut Butter Portions Farm Witch Snack Hack: Peanut butter cookies with only three ingredients? Yes, please!  You’ll need: 1 cup peanut butter (creamy or crunchy, you choose!), 1 large egg, 1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar.
Combine all your ingredients in a large mixing bowl and whisk away! Once combined, take tablespoon-sized scoops of dough and roll them into balls. Place them on a parchment-lined baking sheet about 2 inches apart. Use a fork to press a crisscross pattern into the cookies and flatten them. Bake for 8 minutes at 350* and enjoy while you read!
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robotslenderman · 3 years
The thing about Nastasya and Beckett -
After Evie plays that trick where she has the ACTUAL Beckett stand in a corner and pretend to be a hallucination, Nastasya develops feelings for him pretty quickly. And also pretty badly.
But the thing is -
Beckett has a habit of mocking someone within, like, three seconds of meeting them, and generally doesn't care how much of a sore spot whatever he's mocking is. Nastasya absolutely adores banter with people she trusts, but there's a line, and because Beckett doesn't seem to have one she considers this habit of his outright malicious at best and uncaring at worst. (Yes, she considers Beckett being indifferent to her worse than if he actually hated her.)
Beckett is also pretty famous for his flings. Now, for some reason Nastasya just presumes he's a raging heartbreaker instead of, you know, having people throwing themselves at him for no-strings-attached sex. I don't know why Nastasya makes the assumption he's using people for sex. She just DOES. She probably assumes that because he's an asshole with his mockery he's also an asshole in his sex life, idk.
If it was anyone other than Beckett, she'd handle her feelings for him like an adult. But because of those two things she refuses to even admit she caught feelings for a while to herself, because to get involved with Beckett in any way would be extremely painful unless she admits to him that she wants something more than a fling, and because of point one she would rather throw herself into the sun and die than EVER admit that.
Cue the tsundere Tzimisce, where she indulges their playful banter and their tendency to mess with each other for the lulz (and honestly, given how wolves and dogs love to wrestle he probably quite enjoys it when she's beating him with cushions, jabbing him to make sure he's real or otherwise wrestling with him) only to go tsuntsun as soon as she remembers what kind of heartbreak and humiliation she'd be setting herself up for.
And also a very confused (and sometimes outright annoyed) Beckett who has no idea what's up with her and occasionally gets outright fed up with her mood swings.
Hilarity Belligerent Sexual Tension ensues.
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vigilantesanonymous · 4 years
family gatherings - klaus hargreeves
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You meet the family, and make a good impression. Diego is a little too overprotective over his brother. Hilarity and awkwardness ensue. 
Word Count: 2382
You had been dating Klaus for 6 months before he brought up his family. Another month after that, he ventured the idea of possibly meeting them. 
After the awful childhood that he had shared with his siblings, he wasn’t keen on seeing them again. Well, the childhood, and then the stopping the apocalypse debacle. He was sober now, and had (relatively) gotten his life together. His siblings knew how to push his buttons, and even though he loved them, it was easy to fall into old habits. Habits that were particularly numbing.
As part of his sobriety, Klaus had tried to keep busy by becoming closer with Vanya. She was easy to talk to, seeing as he was allowed to do most of the talking and she wouldn’t become annoyed with him for being a chatterbox. He had proudly boasted to her that he met you in a normal way, at a book shop where you were flipping through volumes of Steinbeck, and Klaus happened to be there hoping to find some solace in a woowoo self-help book. After all of the secrets, the damage, the baggage, and the drama that he had relayed to you, you hadn’t run away. So he was sure now that meeting his family would really, truly not be that bad. At least he knew you could handle some of the more… Interesting members. 
“What if they don’t like me?” You ask, nervously trying to smooth down your hair. You had changed three times,  Klaus following behind to pick up your discarded garments and contemplate borrowing them for his outfit of the day.
“They’ll like you,” Klaus assures as he takes your fidgeting hand. “Besides, I know for a fact Vanya already likes you. She asks me about you whenever I talk about you to her, so that’s a good sign.” He presses a kiss to each fingertip before sliding his hand into yours. “Now any more fussing, and we’ll be late. And we wouldn’t want that, now would we?”
You can tell Klaus is just as nervous as you are, though. He pretends like he doesn’t care about his family and how they’ll act, but deep down it’s obvious that he does. Revisiting the shit show of the household he grew up in always brings back painful memories for him, and he would rather have this ordeal over sooner rather than later. 
The walk over to the Hargreeves household is incredibly long and strangely short at the same time. To say the mansion is huge is an understatement. It’s dark and imposing, certainly making you even more nervous than you were before. Klaus saunters in ahead of you, preparing to intercept any siblings before they can pounce on you. 
Allison is the first to greet you both, all smiles and smelling of expensive perfume. “Hi guys!” She pulls her brother into a hug, eliciting a confused glance your way. She’s definitely putting on a normal family act, he thinks to you. 
The one that you assume to be Diego emerges from the shadow behind a pillar, eyeing you warily while Klaus is occupied. “So you’re the girl my brother’s dating then, are you?”
“That’s me,” you agree, hoping you sound cool and collected. Klaus told you that Diego would be a bit much, standoffish and intimidating. “Which number are you; 1, 2, or 5?”
“2,” he says curtly. 
“Ah, so you’re the one with the knives. When someone has a problem, do you say you’ll take a stab at it? Or are you not that into puns?”
Diego’s hard exterior cracks as he grins. He shakes his head, laughing softly. 
At this point Vanya shuffles by, offering you a small wave and a timid smile. 
“Well come on in guys! I know Mom made lemonade.” Allison leads you into the sitting room, which is as large and regal as the rest of the house. The atmosphere changes, however, as you notice a giant man sitting on the corner of the couch. Another person, a small boy around the age of 13, has his back to you as he stares at the painting in front of him.
“Luther, Five. Our guests are here.” Allison motions towards you and Klaus. 
Five stays silent, pretending to not hear her. 
Luther also sits mute, glancing between you, Klaus, and Allison.
Vanya pipes up, attempting to cut some of the tension. “Mom made-”
“-Lemonade, yeah!” Allison perks up at the next possible solution to make the situation less awkward. “Diego, do you remember when we were younger, and Mom made-”
“Let’s cut the awkward small talk, alright Allison?” Diego sinks into a chair opposite you, inspecting one of the many knives on his person.
“Okay,” Allison says, exasperated. 
Luther is a bit gruff and awkward, obviously not used to socializing in really any capacity. He just keeps looking between you and Klaus, eyeing your intertwined hands. You wonder if he’s looking for a ring or something. 
“Chummy bunch, aren’t we?” Five smirks, finally turning around. “Welcome to the family, dear,” he says with a mock bow to you. He saunters over to the bar, rummaging around with various bottles of what must be incredibly expensive alcohol.  
“Five, don’t be rude,” Allison sighs. Her perfect posture wilts a bit under the awkward air in the room. 
“Drinks, anyone? At the risk of coming across as crass, I would have to admit I prefer a good martini to a lemonade.” Five smirks, twirling around martini glasses. “Just me? That’s fine. Really, you wouldn’t have noticed I was gone with all that tantalizing banter going on.”
“Five-” Allison starts again, looking apologetically at you. 
“Amazing family gathering guys! You can’t even pretend to be normal for five minutes,” Klaus chides bitterly. His hands twitch, gaze flickering back and forth to the bar in the corner. You squeeze his hand in yours, rubbing soothing circles. 
“Sorry, it’s just the last time one of our siblings brought their significant other over, they started the end of the world,” Diego deadpans. 
“Do you really need to bring that up?” Vanya huffs, eyes shooting daggers at him. 
“Fine,” Diego shrugs, turning to Luther. “What about you, big guy? Got anything to say?”
“I- I um…” Luther stutters, unsure. “I’m not the greatest at making conversation anymore. You know, being on the moon for so long and not talking to anyone…” he trails. 
“Oh, here we go with the moon again,” Diego huffs, earning an annoyed glance from Luther.
“No, start the fight! The sooner you two go at each other, the sooner we get to leave,” Klaus adds sarcastically. 
“Would you like to get a cup of coffee with me in the kitchen?” Allison asks, looking directly at you. You nod, getting up to follow her and leave the boys to their bickering. 
“I am so sorry,” Allison says as she hands a mug to you. “I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t usually like this. But, it’s just… It’s not appropriate.”
“It’s okay,” you say, understanding. “Klaus clued me into the dynamic between everyone. It’s just families. I don’t think I’ve ever met one that is actually 100% perfect and functioning before,” you chuckle, earning a giggle from Allison. “I wanted to meet you all though, because you’re important to Klaus. Even though he might not always express it. He really will do anything for you guys, and I really admire that about him.”
“Yeah, Klaus has always had a big heart, ever since he was a kid,” Allison agrees. “Sometimes I feel bad, and I wonder how he would have turned out-- how all of us would have turned out-- if we were able to just grow up together as normal kids instead of as a super unit.”
You shrug. “Powers or not, I love Klaus all the same. I’ll always be there for him, no matter what.”
As if on cue, Klaus saunters in. “Hey, you couple of chatty Kathy’s.” He snakes his arms around your waist, planting a small kiss on your cheek. “Five is starting to get sloshed, so I think that’s our cue to leave.” His exterior is relaxed and nonchalant, but you know him, and he seems stressed. It’s getting hard to resist temptation with all the booze here, he projects into your mind. 
“Okay,” you agree. “Wanna get some stuff for dinner on the way home? I can make that pasta that you like.” You give his hand a small squeeze, your way of letting him know you understand. God, is he so glad that you understand.
The two of you slip out with a goodbye from Allison and Vanya, and a watchful glare from Diego. 
After the large door has been shut, Allison turns to Diego. He watches the both of you walk away down the street with a small “Hm.”
“What, you don’t like her?” Allison asks.
Diego sighs, his shoulders falling. “No, I do like her. A lot, actually. She seems really good for Klaus. I mean, she managed our shit show pretty well.”
“So what’s the problem then?”
“That’s exactly the problem,” Diego emphasizes. “When has our brother ever dated someone who is sane? Who has their life together? Never! I care about our brother, and I want to see if there’s something up with this girl.”
Allison rolls her eyes. “Klaus is getting better. He’s sober now, for real, and is actually trying hard to move on. Maybe she’s part of that, of him getting better. Not everything about change is bad, Deegs.” She gives her brother’s arm a supportive squeeze. 
“Well, I don’t want it to be like another Harold Jenkins scenario.” Diego crosses his arms in front of his chest, his face set. It was clear that dropping the subject wasn’t an option. 
Allison sighs, knowing that she should come along to act as damage control when Diego inevitably does something stupid rather than let him go out on a limb himself. “Fine, I’ll help you. But it’ll just be me and you. We’re not getting Five or Luther involved in this. Got it?”
“Luther would just get in the way,” Diego huffs confidently. “Come on, I’ve got a plan.”
Diego’s master plan ended up being to break into your apartment to rummage around. 
“I can’t believe we’re doing this again,” Allison complains as she looks through your closet. “She’s got good taste though,” she notes as she passes by a particularly cute skirt. 
“There has to be something here,” Diego sighs, flipping through some papers on your desk. 
Sighing, Allison crosses her arms and emerges from the closet. “Diego, we’ve been here for an hour, and we haven’t found anything. When we went to Harold’s, we didn’t have to look far to find some incriminating stuff, but here there’s nothing. Do you think that maybe now you believe that she’s a normal person?”
Diego gets cut off by the sound of keys jingling and the door opening. Allison and Diego lock eyes, panicked. Quickly, Diego grabs his sister’s wrist and pulls her into the cramped closet with him. 
“Ohmygod, ohmygod,” Allison whispers. 
“Shut up,” Diego barks in a hushed tone. “Hopefully we can just ride this out.”
The pair sit in rigid anticipation, trying to make out the muffled conversation between you and Klaus. 
“I’m still sorry,” Klaus says, kicking the door shut behind him. 
“Klaus, really. It’s okay. I don’t love you any less because of your family. Besides, it really wasn’t that bad,” you chuckle. 
Klaus starts to protest, but you cut him off with a kiss. 
“Let’s put the debate to rest and start on dinner, yeah?”
Klaus grins at you mischievously, eyeing you. “Well, what if I want dessert before dinner?”
“Oh?” You question, playing along. “We didn’t get dessert Klaus.”
“I’m looking at it,” he says, his voice lowering with lust. He pushes you back against the counter, trapping you in a heated kiss. Not that you minded of course. 
Clearing his throat awkwardly, Ben tries to wave down his brother. 
“Not now,” Klaus mumbles through gritted teeth, preparing to strip you of your shirt. 
“Klaus, I think someone’s in the apartment,” Ben states, trying to look anywhere but the pair of you. 
“Fuck,” Klaus sighs, his hands slowing to a still at your waist. 
“What’s wrong?” You ask, catching your breath. 
“Ben seems to think there’s someone else here,” he says a bit loudly, looking into the slightly ajar bedroom door. It isn’t until now that you remember you shut it before you left for the Hargreeves mansion. “Stay here, I’ll go check it out.” He gives your hand a reassuring squeeze, beelining straight for the closet door. 
Opening the door with typical Klaus grandeur, the three Hargreeves stare at each other with wide eyes. 
“What the actual fuck, you two?!” Klaus laughs in disbelief, looking between his guilty sister and defiant brother. “Why are you in my girlfriend’s closet? Some kind of secret love affair you’re trying to hide from Luther, or is it that you think you can’t trust her?”
Allison opens her mouth to try to diffuse the situation, but Klaus just shakes his head. 
“She checks out, if you were curious,” Diego adds as he walks out. “No Harold Jenkins from what I could find.”
“Do I want to know why your siblings were hiding in my closet, or…?” You trail, looking at all three of them. 
“They thought you were shady, that’s all. They couldn’t believe that I could have a normal person in my life that isn’t trying to bring about the end of the world.”
You look between Allison and Diego and shake your head. “Why don’t you guys get out of here and we’ll just forget this all happened. Sound good?”
“Sounds amazing,” Klaus answers for them. “Now I don’t know about you two, but I’m excited to go back to getting my girlfriend in the mood to bang.” He shoos the both of them out the front door without any other comments, finally closing the door and turning back to you. “So, now that we’re alone… Want to pick up where we left off?”
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