#My inner introvert might be showing
landboundstar · 1 year
Trade Secrets Part 8
This section was a beast to write! Took a while, but hopefully you enjoy it. I had a few characters make their first stop in my AU version of Gotham City.
Trade Secrets
Part 8
I fidgeted nervously, pulling at the skirt of my dress.
It certainly was not my first time in a crowd. But normally, when I was at a large event, I was trying to draw attention to myself. Since I was normally acting as Dad's assistant and not just a guest.
My father looked down, smiled, and squeezed my hand.
"Quite a crowd. Good thing it is a party and you can talk to one or two people at a time."
I blushed, and he knelt down.
"Z, look at me." Dad's use of the familiar nickname he had called me since babyhood was meant to soothe me, as was his calm, even voice. But my face felt even warmer as I kept blushing, and I was embarrassed to feel tears pricking my eyes. "Really, just talk to a few people at a time. If you don't want to talk to someone, you can always walk away. And if you still want to leave in half an hour, we'll go."
He meant it. Looking around the Waynes' ballroom, with more people in it than I had ever seen before, I knew my father would leave a chance to visit with his friends if I was still upset.
I nodded, and wiped my eyes.
"Nice to know I'm not the only one feeling overwhelmed."
Dad stood up slowly, giving me another second to pull myself together.
"I'm sorry, I don't believe that we've met."
The lady smiled and extended her hand. "Dr. Leslie Thompkins. I work with Thomas. I have to assume you're his friend, Gio?"
Dad nodded and shook her hand. "Giovanni Zatarra. Nice to meet you, doctor."
She chuckled. "Stick with Leslie. Doctor is going to be confusing with Thomas, Matthew, and me all in the same room. Not to mention, whoever else Thomas has invited from the hospital that I have not run into yet. I take it that the young lady I am feeling entirely in sympathy with would be Zatanna?"
I wiped my eyes again, and nervously dropped a stage bow before remembering I should shake hands, but Leslie Thompkins apparently had decided to ignore my faux pas.
I expected her to ignore me, and just talk to Dad then, the way most adults do with kids.
Except, she didn't. 
"The conservatory, dear."
I blinked up at her.
With a smile, she patted my shoulder. "I'm probably too old to be your co-conspirator at escaping, but you aren't the only person I saw feeling overwhelmed. I haven't seen your other friends or their families yet, and Heaven only knows where Rachel has gotten to, but Bruce slipped into the conservatory a few minutes ago. I think he was waiting to see one of his friends here. And I know I always like meeting one of Thomas' friends that I don't run into in the hospital or my practice."
Dad looked at me, and chuckled. "Take D -, I mean Leslie's, chance to escape."
I still felt embarrassed, maybe even more so than before, but I did not feel quite as panicked as I moved through the crowd, headed towards the conservatory.
Bruce stood, half hidden behind a poinsettia, his fingers touching the stem of a paperwhite.
"You're almost as good at that as Selina." His hand traced up and down the forced bloom. "Sleight of hand?"
"The door was unlocked." I told him, looking at the flower. Sometimes in the winter, Dad would have narcissus bloom using the old-fashioned way to do it rather than magic. I always thought they looked pretty, but Bruce looked sad looking at the flower.
"I don't know how Dad does it."
 I knew he didn't mean the flower.
"Well, I imagine he hired people. And Alfred and your mom had to help him get it together."
"Not just the party. I mean, you're right. But Dad can talk to everyone here, whether he knows them from being a doctor, or from a society gala, or the family company. That's a lot of things. And even more people. I - well, I can talk, but not with everyone. Not like that." Bruce had started sounding resigned, but the longer he spoke, the more anxious he sounded, until he sounded just as scared and uncertain as I did. Which was not how Bruce, who was used to being so sure of himself, normally sounded.
"I freaked out too. And Dad told me to talk to one person at a time."
"Focusing on one person at a time might help, but right now, there are hundreds of people in my house.It's not like I can leave. I live here."
I patted Bruce on the arm. "Come on. Maybe we can find Selina and Harvey, that way we don't feel alone. If we're lucky, we'll get you in trouble and your father will send you to your room."
We both knew that Bruce wouldn't want to embarrass his parents or cause a scene. But having friends so that he did not have to face it alone made him smile. Or the potential of escape. It was hard to tell which.
Once we were back in the ballroom, we were surrounded by voices and music and it was hard to not be pushed or jostled as we moved through the crowd. I nearly tripped into Bruce as a big man with graying hair pushed past, and that stumble would have had me fall if I had not been grabbed with an arm that snaked around and pulled back across my shoulders. Pulled me back towards someone much taller than me.
I knew that I was in a crowded ballroom. I knew Bruce's parents had never let me get hurt. I still panicked and tried to kick, but that only made my feet slide so that my fall would have worsened if it was not for the man's arm. I felt my breath speed up and years of my father's advice any time we traveled for a show kicked in.
I started to wriggle, rocking both left and right. I might have screamed. If I hadn't bitten down on the man's arm - or rather, I had bitten down on his sports coat.
I heard a chuckle, and felt the man move behind me. There was a lot of swearing and bumping and even more jostling. But, rather than move closer or tightening his grip, he had moved to kneel by me, careful to not push further into my bite.
"I appreciate that someone taught you how not to get grabbed. I would appreciate it more if it wasn't my arm because I didn't want you to fall. But, it's a good skill. Now, can you let go of my coat? I have one good jacket and I don't feel like buying another one."
I let go of the coat and accepted a hand up. It did not make me feel less sick as I felt even more eyes turning on me.
"There she is."
Hands picked me up, but I did not fight this time. I knew it was Dad. And I couldn't stop myself from crying on his shoulder.
"A misunderstanding." Bruce's words started to come through the ringing in my ears. I could tell that he had been talking for a while, but I had no idea what he had been saying.
"It sounds like it." Dad looked at me. "Do you want to leave, Z?"
I shook my head. I wanted to stay and hang out with my friends. I wanted to find Selina and Harvey, talk with Bruce, and meet new people. I felt stupid and small for feeling so overwhelmed in spite of dealing with crowds and audiences with Dad, performing as his stage assistant, waiting in subways and train stations, and weaving through streets and sidewalks around different cities.
"I think that I saw some tables between the foyer and dining room that had snacks and drinks on them. Maybe that would be better." The man who had grabbed my shoulders had taken a step back and was standing next to a young woman who had wrapped her arm around his waist.
"I would think moving somewhere away from you would make anyone more comfortable." I jerked, lifting my head suddenly at a voice I had only heard a handful of times. Selina's older half-brother. "I didn't think I'd find you somewhere like this."
"Jim's here with me as my date." The woman next to the man answered. "And it's hardly his fault, or the girl's, that Mr. Thorne nearly knocked her over."
"I'm so sorry, Miss Kean." Selina's brother drawled.
"Stop upsetting Zatanna." Even from my father's shoulder, it was hard to see Selina when she stepped forward until she was nearly shoulder to shoulder with Bruce, even though I could hear her voice. "Zatanna visits regularly without any problems. She would be drawing a rabbit out of a hat if she wanted attention, not ignoring social niceties, and she wouldn't be crying about it. I'm far more likely to cause a scene than she is."
Selina turned to my father. "Is it okay if Bruce and I take Zatanna to get some snacks, per favore?"
Dad set me back down. "Of course."
I walked in between them, still sniffling a little as we went to the tables where the snacks were laid out.
"It was very considerate of you to remember both Zatanna and her dad speak Italian." Bruce told Selina.
"Maybe, but it had the added bonus of reminding my brother that I speak Italian too."
Selina picked up a small sandwich from a tray. "Leave it to you to get to have all the fun, causing scenes, biting cops." Selina sighed theatrically and gestured to her dark curls and the blue green velvet of her dress sparkled under the lights of the chandelier. "And here I am stuck, actually acting as ladylike as my mother would wish."
We stood and snacked and talked and I actually started to feel almost normal, enjoying the time with my friends, the snow falling outside the windows, the carols playing in the background.
A clatter bumped the table next to us, and I heard a too loud laugh and turned to look.
A woman with blonde waves and a bright red dress stood, still laughing as she clumsily bumped into the table again.
"Mom, please."
Harvey's voice was pleading, barely above a whisper, and I wanted to grab his hand to have him come join us.
Before I could though, a man put his hand on Harvey's shoulder. I knew I had seen the man a few times before, but even if I hadn't, I would have known seeing him standing next to Harvey, that the dark haired man was Harvey's father.
"Don't embarrass your mother that way."
"Why shouldn't I have a few drinks? I just need to unwind a little. And I had a bad day." His mother whined, her voice slurring just a bit.
"And that doesn't give you a right to make your bad day your son's." Bruce's mother did not even reach Harvey's father's shoulder, but as she stepped forward in her black satin dress, Harvey's father let go, and she guided Harvey to sit with us, a delicate hand on his back, while his parents disappeared into the ballroom.
"You didn't need to do that." Harvey told her.
"And you don't need to feel embarrassed that you aren't your parents."
Pulling a chair over, she sat down, and slid her shoes off. "I love these shoes, but they pinch a little at the toes."
The clock in the hall struck nine just as Auld Lang Syne started playing and Bruce's mother started to hum along with the song, tapping her stocking foot in time. 
"We'll take a cup of kindness yet, for the days of auld lang syne."
Smiling, she slid her shoes back on. "Once more into the breach. Make sure you get some of the fudge before it runs out."
And she went back into the ballroom, absently tracing the pearls of her necklace as she walked away.
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
Do you really love yourself?
Many times in the past, I believed I was operating out of self-love. However, it was only when I began focusing on personal growth and engaging in shadow work and inner healing that I came to understand that my previous perception was not accurate.
Sometimes, we believe we're being kind to ourselves because we do things that feel good or seem helpful at first. We might do these things because we want to feel better or think they're good for us.
To become aware that something might not be truly self loving, we need to pay attention to how things make us feel in the long run. If something we're doing ends up making us feel unhappy, stressed, or even harms us over time, that's a sign that it might not be coming from genuine self love. So, it's important to regularly check in with our feelings and reflect on whether our actions are bringing us real and lasting happiness and well-being.
These are some examples you may relate to, where we might think we're operating out of self-love, but it may not truly be the case:
Binge watching TV shows for hours, thinking it's self-care, but it leads to neglecting other responsibilities.
Regularly indulging in unhealthy foods as a form of self-care, but it negatively impacts physical well-being.
Spending excessive amounts on shopping to feel better momentarily, mistaking it for self-care, when it strains finances.
Oversleeping every day, believing it's self-care, but it disrupts daily routines and productivity.
Isolating yourself from others under the guise of self-care, but it can worsen feelings of loneliness.
Skipping regular exercise, thinking you're prioritizing relaxation, but it affects overall health in the long run.
Using substances like alcohol to cope with stress, thinking it's self-care, when it may lead to dependency.
Constantly seeking validation from others to feel worthy, assuming it's part of your personality, but it indicates low self-esteem.
Always being the peacemaker in conflicts, believing it's your personality, but it might be suppressing your true feelings.
Refusing to ask for help in any situation, thinking it's part of your personality, but it can hinder growth.
Being overly competitive and comparing yourself to others, thinking it's just your personality, but it can lead to dissatisfaction.
Being excessively introverted to the point of avoiding social interactions, thinking it's part of your personality, but it may contribute to isolation.
Always putting others' needs before your own, assuming it's your personality, but it could be detrimental to your well-being.
Constantly seeking new experiences and never committing to anything, believing it's your personality, but it might hinder progress.
Overworking and not taking breaks, assuming it's necessary for career success, but it leads to burnout.
Staying in a job you hate because it's what you're used to, thinking it's for the sake of career stability, but it prevents growth.
Avoiding asking for promotions or raises, assuming it's humility, but it might hold you back professionally.
Pursuing a career path solely for financial gain, thinking it's practical, but it can result in dissatisfaction.
Accepting workplace mistreatment in the name of job commitment, thinking it's dedication, but it's detrimental to mental health.
Focusing solely on climbing the corporate ladder, believing it's the key to success, but it may lead to neglecting other important aspects of life.
Not pursuing opportunities for skill development, thinking it's contentment, but it can hinder career advancement.
Romantic Relationships:
Ignoring your own needs to constantly please your partner, believing it's love, but it leads to codependency.
Staying in a toxic relationship because you're afraid of being alone, thinking it's love, but it harms your well-being.
Sacrificing your own dreams and goals for your partner's aspirations, mistaking it for love, when it hinders personal growth.
Avoiding conflicts at all costs, assuming it's love for peace, but it prevents healthy communication.
Idealizing your partner and overlooking their flaws, thinking it's love, but it prevents realistic understanding.
Rushing into a new relationship immediately after a breakup, thinking it's moving on, but it might be avoiding emotions.
Disregarding your own values to align with your partner's, believing it's love, when it compromises your authenticity.
Going along with friends' decisions even when you disagree, assuming it's loyalty, but it might lead to resentment.
Pretending to enjoy activities you dislike to fit in, thinking it's maintaining friendships, but it's not authentic.
Ignoring your own needs to help friends excessively, believing it's friendship, when it impacts your own well-being.
Staying friends with people who consistently bring you down, thinking it's loyalty, but it negatively affects your self-esteem.
Avoiding confrontation with friends, assuming it's maintaining harmony, but it might lead to unresolved issues.
Letting others take advantage of your kindness, thinking it's friendship, when it's actually being taken for granted.
Faking interest in others' conversations to avoid feeling left out, thinking it's friendship, but it prevents genuine connections.
Personal Growth:
Staying in your comfort zone and avoiding challenges, thinking it's self-preservation, when it hinders progress.
Setting unrealistic goals for personal development, believing it's ambition, but it can lead to disappointment.
Constantly seeking external validation for your progress, assuming it's self-improvement, when it should come from within.
Overloading your schedule with self-help activities, thinking it's maximizing growth, but it might cause overwhelm.
Avoiding reflection on your mistakes and shortcomings, thinking it's self-compassion, when it prevents learning.
Perpetually focusing on your flaws without celebrating achievements, thinking it's humility, but it can lead to low self-esteem.
Ignoring your emotional needs in favor of pushing through challenges, assuming it's resilience, when it might hinder emotional well-being.
Physical Health:
Skipping Meals to Lose Weight: You might think that skipping meals will help you lose weight quickly, but it can lead to nutritional deficiencies and harm your body's energy levels.
Overexercising: Working out excessively with no rest can seem like a way to get fit, but it can lead to injuries, exhaustion, and even weakened immunity.
Crash Diets: Trying extreme diets that drastically cut out food groups might seem like a fast way to lose weight, but they often lack important nutrients and can be harmful to your body.
Ignoring Sleep: Prioritizing work or entertainment over sleep might seem productive, but sleep is crucial for your body to recover and function well.
Relying on Supplements Alone: Thinking that supplements can replace a balanced diet might seem convenient, but they're meant to complement, not replace, healthy eating.
Ignoring Pain: Believing that toughing it out through pain or discomfort is a sign of strength, but it's important to listen to your body and seek medical attention when needed.
Not Staying Hydrated: Forgetting to drink enough water might not seem like a big deal, but proper hydration is vital for many bodily functions and overall well-being.
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oblique-lane · 4 months
Sniper tf2 mentality
Today I will be talking about Sniper's personality because I often see people portraying him DRASTICALLY different abd I wanted to understand what's going on and why all of the interpretations are correct (in my opinion)
Let's name the most prominent thesises:
Sniper is shy and introverted.
Sniper is unhinged and bloodlusty and is annoyed by people.
Why do i think that these aren't exactly contradictory?
I think at this point it's safe to assume Sniper is autistic (I mean lol this is easier to prove than to disprove). As an autistic person myself, I can see why he could be perceived like that.
Sniper doesn't talk to people and mostly observes them and the situation. Very in tune with his profession. That, however, might be perceived as being shy or very introverted or both. People love talking and expect others to share information, yet Sniper never says half of the things he's thinking about.
But let me tell you, it's NOT because he's shy. If he was shy, it would show in his body language as being stiff and rigid. He's not. His body is pretty relaxed and takes enough space. Still crosses his arms, but in a "don't bother me" way, not a "please don't judge me" way.
He's just disinterested.
I relate to it a lot in real life! People at my job think I'm too shy to talk to them, but no, I just DON'T WANT TO. I'm not scared of any if you, there's just nothing to talk about. I don't know your business, you don't know mine, our interests don't collide. If I talked to you about my interests you wouldn't listen anyway. Small talk? Ew, are y kidding me?
However, I like to listen. I'm an extrovert personally (unexpected huh) so I love being around people, but it doesn't mean I have to takk to them. I'll just sponge the information they are babbling about so I know my community better. When I meet new group of people where everyone knows eachother but me, I'm not going to feel awkward, it's perfectly fine to observe.
Sniper seems to fit into this kind of behaviour too. So he's not shy in a social anxiety sense".
Yeah you all know his in-game voicelines. You feel either horny or assaulted after he rolls these sadistic words on his tongue. Yes I said sadistic, are you gonna argue?
"We professionals don't give speeches we just take a shot" he says in the comics. OH YEAH? IS THAT WHY YOU HAVE THE MOST FUCKING VOICELINES OF ALL OF THEM??
Have you ever noticed how much attention he puts into saying how 'professional' he is? Like, yeah no shit, they all kinda are. But why, unlike other mercs, he insists on calling himself a professional with standards and morals, detached from emotions and feelings, so much???
There's literally no reason to be ashamed of being a killer and to admit that you enjoy killing people, you were hired to Mann Co. for that specifically!!!
My assumption: it's a personal disgust towards himself and his anger issues. I've said it before already and I will again.
His so called 'shadow side' that he suppresses so much. It loves to cause people pain, it loves releasing the inner anger, it is being feral and impulsive in nature. Sniper cannot let himself be like that for whatever reason. He's already built a clear picture of what he is in his head and he doesn't want to destroy that.
The only time he allows himself to be a monster is in the battle because it comes naturally. However, when it's not a situation of adrenaline rush, when people want to talk about his persona face to face, he starts to defend himself and bury his face under the lies he believes in.
And THIS is anxiety. To be scared to be truly perceived. Not like many people tried, but I assume he wouldn't like it.
Bro really thinks he doesn't have feelings lmaoooo imagine being so emotionally immature the only way to process your emotions is to shot a human dead.
So, is Sniper anxious? Yes. Is this social anxiety? No, he's not shy. Is he an unhinged murderer? Yes. Does he identify as one? No. It's really a little bit more complicated than the two thesises from the beginning.
He's a person. Obviously not mentally healthy. High dimensional. Can be potentially broken or healed in terms of a good character study.
I might be very wrong though and most of the assumptions are simply guessing by grasping the patterns, but usually when I analyze someone like thus, it turns out mostly right. But correct me if you feel like it.
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro Observations #19
• I’ve noticed a pattern with Air and Earth risings and their dads not physically being there in their lives or being away for long periods of time and staying for shorter periods of time.
• People with Gemini rising and mercury at Leo degrees (5, 17, 29) or with their 3rd house in Leo tend to be very animated, expressive storytellers and are great at mimicking others! If they’re into singing then they might be good at imitating the original singer of that song’s voice.
• They’re also good at making impressions of other people.😂 Same goes for Leo rising with mercury in Gemini degrees (3, 15, 27) or people with their 5H in Gemini!✨
• Another thing about people with Leo in their 3H is that they WILL be over the top or dramatic when they see fit!! I have this placement and I literally pretended to faint when I saw my mom about to hit me while holding the pan she was washing with her other hand when I was a kid.🤣
• Capricorn moon kids aren’t the mini adults I see a lot of people stereotyping especially when they have Air/Fire in their charts. 🧐 Yes they might become very responsible as kids but they can also be the loud charming ones with the funniest laughs!😂
• Most 70s music/dance show hosts had prominent Scorpio/Libra placements with a dash of Aquarius energy! E.g. Dick Clark a 70s/80s show host from American Bandstand was a Scorpio moon/venus/rising & his sun was at 7 (Libra) degree while his rising was at 11 (Aquarius) degree!! And Don Cornelius the creator and show host of Soul Train throughout 3 decades was a Libra sun/mercury/venus with an Aquarius moon at 20 (Scorpio) degree!!🤎
• They also had inner planets at 28 degree!✨
• I’ve noticed some people with Fire venuses don’t get along with their dads that much, some of them had more of the ‘tough love’ type fathers.
• The reason most air moons seem to be emotionally aloof especially Aquarius moons, is because at some point in their lives they might’ve been shown that the only way to get by is by intellect and logic. They might’ve also been told as kids that they’re being too emotional and to stop crying/being upset.
• Another is because they’ve adapted to bottling up their emotions all the time that they might not know a way to express them openly and might just internalize it.
• Earth mars artists from the late 70s/early 80s were your go-to, classic R&B artists!! E.g. Patrice Rushen, Bobby DeBarge from Switch & Teena Marie are all Capricorn mars. Tommy DeBarge from Switch, Rick James and Donna Summer were all Virgo mars. Bunny DeBarge from DeBarge & Wayne Cooper from Cameo are both Taurus mars. 🍂
• If you feel like some placements in your composite don’t really add up with your relationship then check your Davison chart because I promise it’ll feel more accurate!
• Gemini suns with Sagittarius moons are very talkative and seem so feisty!😭
• Saturn doms have very attractive/prominent body shapes!
• Aquarius suns with Aquarius mercuries are funny without trying. ✋🏽😂
• Pisces suns with Aquarius mercuries and Aries venuses be literally taking the words out my mouth and say some of the meanest things!🤣
• Aries mercuries will literally say mean things before laughing and then hit you with the “What? It’s true.”😭🤣
• Fire mars men are built different!😭 Their height/weight might often trick people into thinking they’re soft but they are SO strong.
• Venus doms, how does it feel to get more beautiful every day?
• Mercurial risings kill me!😭 Virgo risings have a hilarious sometimes dry or more introverted humor while Gemini risings can be all over the place cracking jokes and exaggerating things lol.
• What’s with 5H suns and having a thing for verbal expressions. They’re literally the types to imitate a sound track when they’re explaining things.😭😭😭
• Some Gemini risings tend to have a signature laugh or people might point out/compliment their laughter often.
• They might also have them crazy laughs too and you’ll notice it specifically when you get close to them.🤣
• That one Aquarius moon family member 🤝 every other family member always going to them when they have problems with their technology or doing something online.
• Aries venus is that one cousin that will be spontaneous and very funny when you’re both good but will mean mug and say hurtful things to you/about you when you’re not on good terms anymore.😭
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Domestic life with the book guys featuring the Twisted series by Ana Huang
*In honor of the fact that I have been so stressed my period came a whole two weeks early (live, laugh, love) please enjoy the absolute outpour of content this following week :)
Alex Volkov (Twisted Love by Ana Huang)
If we are going strictly off of Alex's character in Twisted Love it can be safe to assume that he is not going to be warm and mushy. This does not mean that there won't be any larger than life proclamations of love (I mean this man dropped 40k easy on a painting just because his girl wanted it), but he isn't going to be doing anything over the top in public
Following the previous point if you are expecting PDA I hate to tell you the most you'll be getting is maybe some light hand holding and a very quick hug
If there is a book man who is the definition of introverted I so see Alex fitting that description
He may not tell you he loves you verbally, but there are other ways he shows you. He might keep your favorite snacks in stock at the house so you never run out. He is going to have all of your favorite games and movies at the house so if you ever want to stay in you're able to.
Now if we're going off of Alex's character development throughout the Twisted Series and further on we can tell Alex is slowly coming out of his shell. He is still severely introverted, but he clearly is getting better at mild PDA.
Alex is as Taylor Swift would say Midnight Rain and he honestly just needs someone who will either be an absolute ray of sunshine or loves to dance in that rain (metaphorically speaking of course he would never actually want to dance in the rain for fear of getting you sick)
As we can clearly tell that man is constantly dropping a pretty penny on whatever you want. Looked a little too long at the purse in the window and boom it's wrapped up on the table when you get home. Mention wanting to read a book ONCE and he has it delivered in hardback (it's also autographed duh)
As far as like living together domestic life this man is spotless. He doesn't leave dirty dishes, dirty clothes, literally anything behind. He keeps control of his life in the form of keeping everything clean, orderly, and planned out.
This clearly follows into the bedroom because this man is never ever going to give over control. "Oh he might be a switch" No. Nope. Never. Don't see it happening sorry.
Alex is clearly not a very words of affirmation person, but quality time seems important to him. He will never admit it, but he is a cuddler like big time. Short of it being a quickie this man is not having sex with you and not getting his cuddles afterwards. Would he rather die than admit this to anyone ever? 1000x yes However as clean as this man is he is not laying in dirty sheets.
He wasn't given a proper upbringing and spending time with you doing mundane tasks around the house heals part of his inner child. You need to go to the grocery store? He's right there pushing the buggy. You need to wash dishes? He is ready to dry and put them up.
Rhys Larsen (Twisted Games by Ana Huang)
This man is about as protective and possessive as they come do we need to revise the chapter on him threatening to burn down parliament? *enter swooning here*
He is a sucker for safety because if anything happened to you that he could have prevented everyone better be praying
PDA is all based on timing. Rhys can read a room and he knows when he gets to let them know you're his and when it's not appropriate
Rhys is former military and he has gone through a lot. This man is a shell of who he used to be and the book clearly showed us that, however Rhys is the perfect example of how if you are broken once before that you won't remain broken forever. He struggles with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), technically it's known as C-PTSD (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). He is so used to giving up control to follow orders that sometimes he just needs to be reminded he's human and that regardless of the outcome everything will be okay.
He loves going on vacations where you can just get away from the world for a while and turning off the buzz of everything going on
As a way to cope with his C-PTSD Rhys uses drawing to relax. You'll often find little scraps of paper around the house with his sketches on them.
It's hard for Rhys to open up, but when he does you understand it was well worth the wait
Say what you want, but I firmly believe Rhys is a switch. This man could truly go either way and I think it depends on the situation. He doesn't have very many "no's" but if anything could seriously hurt you he is not down for it. He is covered in enough scars left by others that he would never want to take a risk that could leave you with that same lifelong reminder.
This man is the kind to show up at 3am with a dog he found on his way home and how he's only allowed to stay for one night and you end up keeping the dog forever
His phone screensaver is literally a photo of you and the dog because let's be real he can't pick a favorite
This man is a slut for emotional intimacy
If you told him "Oh I got you this cause I remembered you liked them", "I heard this song and thought of you", or "I thought you might like this" he is going to be thinking about it for forever
Rhys is going to make it well known that you're his girl
Josh Chen (Twisted Hate by Ana Huang)
*I have to say Josh is my least favorite, but I will try to do him justice*
This man is a doctor (and a bit of an ass tbh) so he would not trust anyone else to take care of you, if you get sick it's Dr. Chen to the rescue
He loves bringing you random food at work, but he also has a really tight schedule being a doctor and all so if he can't deliver it in person he will have it waiting on you when you get home
Let's be real Josh's personal life is a little bit of a mess and I wouldn't expect anything different from him on how he would keep a house. There would be rumpled clothes all over and the bed might never get made. He would pick up his trash, but if the dishes didn't make it in the dishwasher they were simply waiting till next time to get done.
Now Josh is nothing short of a playboy for the most part so the idea of him settling down will definitely be an adjustment.
Due to Josh being a doctor and still working to pay off his student loans he can't really afford fancy vacations or expensive gifts. Josh really loves just eating cheap takeout with you and watching movies
We all know Josh isn't the best with his words and is really hot headed, this often leads to Josh more so apologizing and a rather decent amount of makeup sex
Josh is the definition of all out rough, break your back like a glow stick sex. He's going to degrade you and yet have you coming back for more every single time. He's cocky and quiet honestly he has a few good reasons to be
He is more likely to fuck now and ask questions later it's just the Josh Chen way
Emotionally intimacy? Josh doesn't know her (maybe a little) but this man is more likely to have you open up to him before he ever opens up to you. He's been betrayed by some people who were incredibly close to him before and he will be damned if he makes that mistake ever again
Christian Harper (Twisted Lies by Ana Huang)
Rhys and Christian are big buddies so it makes sense that they are going to be extremely similar, but different in their own little ways
Christian has little use for moral code and much less what society deems as correct, but if you deem it correct than he is going to break his back bending over backwards to make that happen for you
Christian is the grumpy cat of the group. Sassy, grumpy and yet just the perfect combo of attractive to have that attitude forgotten (almost)
He runs his own security company and if you think he goes overboard for his clients you have no idea how overboard he will go for your safety
He is the definition of a German Shepard boyfriend; looks scary, fiercely protective, and is willing to chase down the mail man if he threatens you
Christian is a make his own rules type of man. If you're uncomfortable or upset he doesn't give a single crap he is going to do what makes you happy
You know this man makes note of everything single thing you like; your favorite drinks, your favorite movies, which friends annoy you the most and why (Christian is an honorary girlie he loves all the tea)
This man is petty to the T
If something small annoys him he is going to remember it until the day he dies
Opening up is hard for Christian and I think it would take a lot to get the point where he is open to freely sharing information with you
He is more likely to tell you about something that bothers him on a small day to day basis than telling you the big stuff from his past
Christian knows that he is the physical embodiment of big dick energy and does not disappoint
I really don't ever see Christian not being dominant, but hey I could be persuaded to think otherwise given the situation. I just don't personally see it
This is a man gives off the vibes of being downright obsessed. If you made cookies that tasted like straight up saw dust he would eat them all to see you smile before you would be able to pry the truth about how bad they were out of him
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝓘 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓨𝓸𝓾 (say it back) [𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐑]
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He's the introvert tall guy dressed in black who always picks you up from work, makes sure you drink enough water, and that you stay out of trouble. In a way, some might think it must be tiring to have a partner that's just so different than yourself- but he wouldn't have it any other way.
Tags/Warnings: Girly!Reader, Introvert!Jungkook, non-idol AU, opposites attract AU?, established relationship, Angst, Major Fluff, some drama, Slice of Life (like Good Girl AU for example), mc is kook's biggest simp, kook is kind of overwhelmed by her love sometimes, but it's fine they both cute
Length: No chapter limit set. Story will simply update randomly and focus on asks/requests.
You run into the bedroom where Jungkook is currently playing his video game, barely covered by a towel, hair up in a bun that's pretty much held together only by hopes and wishes.
"Jungkook!" You call out excitedly, and he pauses his game in a well used-to manner, making space so you can hop onto his lap, his controller falling onto the floor as he looses grip on it- more so concerned with holding you on his legs as you wiggle around. "Shower with me." You demand, and he sighs, looking over to his TV screen, inner battle hard to decide. "Jungkookie, please!" You whine, and he plays with his lip piercing.
"You know what happened last time." He worries. "You almost hit your head when you slipped-" He reminds you, but you just roll your eyes.
"There's nothing in it anyways-" You start jokingly, but he instead flicks his fingers against your forehead scoldingly, reminding you that he's not too fond of your own demeaning jokes against yourself, even if you don't out any honesty in those words. "-Kookie please, you've been at it for hours and I wanna have some quality time with my hot sexy anime boyfriend!" You huff, and he frowns a bit at that, confused.
"I'm your what now?" He wonders, and you laugh, running your fingers through his by now pretty long hair. He himself doesn't really know what you see in him- but he knows you love both him, and his appearance a lot, no matter if he just woke up, if he's sick, or if he's looking his best.
'You're like, my biggest boy-crush, ever!', he remembers you confessing to him one night in his apartment as you had shared pizza- just after he'd opened the glass bottle of strawberry ramune for you with one hand. 'like, please crush me with those hands, mister!' you had dramatically whined, and back then, he had taken it as nothing but playful joking.
Oh how dense he'd been.
"No really! You kind of look like Miyamura Izumi from Horimiya-" You tell him, pink sparkling acrylics combing over his scalp in a way that would make him purr, if he was a cat. "-a bit more buff and with more tattoos, but still. We gotta watch that show by the way, it's so cute!" You giggle, and he swallows down his own shyness creeping up. Even after half a year of dating you, he's not yet used to your boldness when it comes to complimenting him. He's not really used to it. Maybe never will.
But then again, he also thought of you as nothing but a hollow barbie doll come to life, in the beginning. Come to discover, you're not at all empty inside- but filled to the brim with color, by now having started to paint his life and even himself in more hues than he's ever really thought existed.
"Please.!" You try again, attempting your best puppydog eyes- though he's a little distracted by your cleavage dangerously exposed, towel hardly holding on. "Oh! I bought a new brand of body-scrub, by the way! Strawberry sugar, the one you said you liked when I first came over?" You remember, and he nods, sharing the excitement a lot more subtly than you, who's buzzing just at the thought of your new purchase.
"I remember that. It smelled really nice- but I thought it was discontinued?" He wonders, pulling out the hairtie from your bun to make a proper one for you.
"Oh it is! It's a different brand this time, but it smells pretty much the same.. and the container is like, bio-something, like, it's not plastic-"
"Biodegradable?" He asks with a smile, and you snap your fingers at him.
"So smart, those glasses really aren't just to look good." You praise, and he chuckles. "Anyway I'll scrub your pretty skin down top to bottom if you shower with me and maybe give me a handjob?" You ask, and he sighs a bit bashful. Sex is a big part of your relationship- you're very open with it, show your love in a more physical way than he does. He's never really been a cuddler, or someone to hold hands with- even kissing in public had been nothing but a myth to him prior to dating you.
These days? He can't seem to escape you- and he doesn't want to, either.
Sex has turned from something.. well, somewhat enjoyable to him, to something exciting and even romantic, even during the most messy encounters. It's like he's gotten a unique craving just for the taste of your way of love him- a craving only you can really satisfy.
"I'll even suck you off-" You start again, and at that he averts his eyes, shaking his head with a laugh and red ears, showing clearly that he's caving in, making you laugh as you get up- towel dropping, leaving you completely naked as you run into the bathroom, only turning around for a second to peek around the doorway into the bathroom, bare chest clearly visible as you see him pick up the towel. "oops." You tease, and at that, he suddenly dashes towards you-
easily catching your naked body in his arms as he closes the bathroom door behind him.
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stawpny · 15 days
I’m bored and ao3 is kinda dry (atleast for the wttt ny tag)
so here are some NY ships I NEED to see more of 🙏
MassYork: ok, I used to be almost totally opposed to this, seeing them having more of a brotherly relationship but with history n stuff it’s kinda not possible. But anyway, probably my main ship for now, bc OHMYGOD “nobody can kill you but me”? GET OUT, GET MARRIED, PLEASE.
like if it’s Mass/Cali/York or Mass/Jersey/York I will eat it up.
no questions, it is already in my mouth. I am eating the fuck outta this.
GeoYork: in my mind they have a cute dynamic. I feel they would be best friends as younger colonies and then have a very complicated relationship until they finally get together. Slowburn kinda, also kinda they have been in relationships dozens of times but something always happens. and isn’t Georgia called the “Empire State of the South”? or am I just hearing things
peach + apple? cobbler + pie? idek but I love them
TexYork: guys pls. southern gentleman and city boy? literally perfect for each other. they would make fun of each other endlessly. accents, vocabulary, actions, plus so much more because they’re very different.
TX taking York to his ranch to meet bro’s cows??? yes please. I’d like to meet Betsy too .
^TexaCaliYork: also a fire ship (see what I did there?) like the ship above, but with the hipster in it aswell. Texas and Cal constantly bicker like children and York sorts it out like a teacher would.
NY: you hurt his feelin’s, go apologize.
TX, scoffing: fine, but don’t expect me to get along with him after.
(spoiler alert!! York forces them into a cuddle pile afterwards to get over there lifelong beef)
IlliYork: they’re enemies, they’re lovers, the whole kit-and-caboodle. they’d switch hats sometimes and hold each others hand when they’re in their cities. they’re idiots and the Midwest and the Northeast hate them for it. It’s kinda gross but in a good way.
they’d be the couple who like hold hands in public but not make a single move other than that to show that they love the other. absolutely no kissing in public, they would just sit there in silence with a death grip on the other’s hand. they would totally insult each other to the face and then say, “Love you, tho.”
FloYork: fun fact: they are absolutely insane together. They influence each other and constantly say stupid shit. Florida would force York outta his comfort zone from time to time but the inner extrovert masked by New York’s fake introvert personality will do it almost willingly. he puts up a “fight” but he would deadass do it bc he thinks this shit is hilarious.
NY would be a little like Florida even if they weren’t dating. like NYC is absolutely batshit so that would mean York would have to be a little too.
NY/CA/TX/FL/LA: little crazy, ik, but I remember reading fics abt these five (including gov, but I’m still questioning if he would be in here or not) and absolutely devouring them. spectacular ship. it’s like a little bit of everything, except the Midwest and the other western states, but almost everything. I would love to see more of them.
they would def fight over each other. (who got to hold hands with who, who got to sleep/cuddle with who, etc.)
I’m not forcing you to give into my opinions, but if u like these, I like you 😼
some of these hc’s are not entirely mine, some were influenced, tho most are from the rotting part of my brain
I hope u use these ships in the future or I might spontaneously combust
(spoiler alert 2!! I will still explode [out of love] if u write about them)
ily guys
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astroyongie · 5 months
6urse ideal type please 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 (yes im delusional and I kind of like them more than kpop now 💀💀💀)
6urse Ideal Types
(based on their made up chart)
his ideal type is someone with slander arms and hands
like people who have long dedicated hands?
yes well thats one of the traits on her ideal type
also he might have a thing for collarbones in general
and small boobies
personality wise Nanami might be into extroverts
now hear me out
he is an introvert himself and a little extrovert would let him get out more
his ideal type is someone who can be versatil
one day they are chilling and quiet with him and other times they are dragging him around for some fun
Nanami's ideal is someoen who talks well
who laugh loudly
who his friends and family would like a lot
because they just have that energy around them
this man
his ideal type is someone physically strong
yet lean
someone with thick thighs
because he is kind into that a lot
for the rest of their physical appearance he doesnt care much
other than that, Toji's ideal type is someone extroverted
someone sociable
who isnt scared of squaring people when needed
soemoen who is a little feisty in a sense
who can be reckless and impulsive
because he needs them to match his inner energy as well
Toji's ideal is someone adventurous
who isnt scare of anything and fights life head on
someone slightly like him in a way
also someone who is independent and doesnt dependent on him
open relationships can be a thing
my husband
in his case physically Sukuna is looking for someone who has fair skin
long luxurious hair
someone that takes care of their appearance
but not in a extravangt way
like his ideal type is someoen who looks clean and refined
one we can tell has the money to take care of themselves but doesnt show it
other than that, he doesnt care much
but he might be into partner's that ar eon the curvy side
also his ideal type must be someone smart
someone he can have conversations with without getting bored
someone who is practical and independent
who has a high status in society
because he just couldn't be with anyone
there's the need to reach the same standards than him
he is similar to sukuna when it comes to his ideal type
he too wants someone who is smart
someone who has a nice job or did some studies
because he can't handle people who are dumb
Geto ideal's is someone average height
with short hair
someone who have a nerdy vibe to them
they can be curvy too since he prefers people with chubby side instead of skinny
personality wise they need to be someone he can trust
someone who has responsibilities and takes them head on
someone he can rely as much as his partner can rely on him
as much as he likes to take care of his partner, they need to be able to do things by themselves
bonus if they come from a rich or high social background
this man is a little like Toji when it comes to his ideal type
he is into people who are athletic
lean yet with them thick thighs
that shows that they like to walk and run
he doesnt care much about other physical features but these in particular
tall people tho
when it comes to their personality, his ideal type is someone vivid
they are sociable, they talk loud
they are someone who can laugh at anything and everything
dark humor type
someone who can throw hands with him tho or either he would get bored
someone who is feisty and rebel int heir own way
also his ideal type is someone open minded
who doesnt limit him inside the relationship
baby maknae ideal type is someone pretty
natural pretty
(might have a thing for blonds)
someone with long curly hair is also something that can be on his preferes
someone with big boobies is also a requirement
since its one of his favorite parts
for the rest of the body he doesnt really care
as long as they are attractive to his eyes
Choso's ideal is someone bubbly
with a nice sense of humor
who laughs a lot and is able to make him laugh and enjoy life
someone who lives everyday like their last
they are gentle and kind hearted
he doesnt mind if they are a little dramatic
as long as they are loyal to him and are just a ray of sunshine
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jainiss · 1 year
bringing reactions from the male characters of genshin impact, if they were jealous.
Hope you guys like it ~~
Ps: forgive me if there are english mistakes. English is not my native language.
Ps2: these are guesses at what I think it would be. all fictional.
Diluc, being reserved and serious, might not show obvious jealousy, but his cold stares and curt words could give hints of his inquietude. He would probably become more protective and make sure his love interest knows how much he cares.
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Kaeya is charismatic and could use his charm to hide his jealousy by pretending he doesn't care. However, in his most intimate moments, he could demonstrate his insecurities and worries about the person he loves.
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Zhongli, being calm and observant, would probably deal with jealousy with calm. He could analyze the situation wisely before taking any action, and perhaps discuss his concerns with his beloved one.
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Childe is competitive and impulsive, so he could show jealousy quite directly. He could try to get the attention of the person he loves by showing off his skills and trying to be the center of attention.
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Xiao is very introverted and more emotionally closed, so he might have difficulty expressing jealousy. However, his actions could reveal his insecurity, and he might take some time off to process his feelings.
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Venti is playful and friendly, but he can also be sensitive. He could show jealousy in a more subtle way, maybe making jokes or being a little more needy when he's around the person he loves.
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Albedo is rational and focused on his work, so it might be harder for him to express jealousy. However, he could show his concern in an indirect way by making sure his romantic interest knows that s/he is important to him.
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Razor is loyal and protective, so it could be quite evident when he's jealous. He could become more possessive and territorial, showing that the person he loves is special to him.
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I think he would have difficulty expressing his emotions. However, his apparent indifference could hide an inner insecurity when it comes to the person he likes. He could become more reserved and withdraw a bit, trying to process his feelings before opening up to his loved one.
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Being a serious, intelligent and sometimes a sarcastic guy, he could use his intelligence to understand his emotions and find creative ways to show his affection. Maybe he jokes about it or makes light remarks, but deep down he cares deeply and would be concerned for his loved one and would do whatever it takes to protect their relationship.
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byebye ~~
© jainiss ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
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veronika-tserber · 1 year
🍰 Astro Bite: 3 Things You Need to Know About the "Bowl" Chart Shape
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If only half of your chart (~180°) is filled with planets and the rest is empty, you likely have a "Bowl" chart shape. Here are 5 things you need to know about it.
1. ᴘᴏʟᴀʀɪᴛʏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴇᴀʀᴄʜ ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀ "ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ʜᴀʟꜰ"
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This chart pattern shows an imbalance in your psyche. You are likely to feel a certain level of internal pressure and restlessness. You can have the sense that a part of you is missing, and you need to find your "other half".
Normally, we use this phrase in terms of relationships, but it doesn't have to be about you being a love addict - it mostly depends on which half of your chart is empty:
Left Half - you feel the need to develop a stronger sense of identity and take care of your own needs
Right Half - you want to learn more about other people and their needs
Lower Half - you feel called to become more introspective and find a sense of internal stability and emotional fulfillment
Upper Half - you want to put yourself out there and develop your public persona, goals, and ambitions
2. ᴏᴠᴇʀᴄᴏᴍᴘᴇɴꜱᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛᴍᴇɴᴛ
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There is something called an "arrow" area which astrologers calculate to analyze the Bowl. We take a look at the center of the filled half and then, we shoot an imaginary arrow to the opposite point.
The arrow area shows us what exactly you will struggle with the most in life, and what is stirring a lot of pressure and insecurity in you. The paradox is that you might actually be quite active and even outwardly successful in this area since you will feel driven to compensate for your lack of confidence in it by developing related skills and learning more about it.
However, you aren't likely to achieve lasting inner peace by doing that. The key to your contentment lies in the planets at the "edges" of the Bowl - they are the closest to the missing half and thus, have the strongest connection to it.
3. ꜱᴜʙᴊᴇᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴘᴇʀᴄᴇᴘᴛɪᴏɴ
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You are likely to struggle to perceive reality in a holistic way. Your thinking is likely to be more subjective. Again, it depends on which half of your chart is empty:
Left Half - you can be prone to put other people's needs before yours and worry too much about what they think and want; possible issues with self-confidence
Right Half - you can be too independent and concerned with your own needs and desires, which can cause issues in your relationships
Lower Half - you are likely to be more extroverted and take other people's opinions too seriously; you can be too focused on material reality and external achievements
Upper Half - you are likely to be an introvert who is predominantly driven by your emotions and instincts; you can struggle to see how your actions and personality affect other people.
Note: Everything that we struggle with can be subject to overcompensation. My advice is to always consider both polarities of a placement, and study it. E.g., if the lower half of your chart is empty, but you find that you are a hardcore introvert, it can be because you are overcompensating for the lack of internal stability and emotional fulfillment that you feel.
All and all, this is one of the most interesting chart shapes (patterns) to look at, and as you can see, there are plenty of things we can analyze in it.
If you aren't sure about whether or not your chart is a Bowl, you can send me a screenshot of it via the ask box or DM, and I'll help you out!
- Foxbørn
ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ 1
ᴄʜᴀʀᴛ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢꜱ
ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ʙᴜʏ ᴍᴇ ᴀ ᴄᴏꜰꜰᴇᴇ?
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mllelaurel · 1 year
So, by sheer coincidence/the fact that I like D&D, I appear to have half the Legend of Drizzt fandom on my dash. This is me waving to people before I go back into my introvert hidey-cave. 
As you might guess, this has resulted in a critical and hilarious level of fandom osmosis. Enough I got curious about canon. Thanks to @harukami for recs!
Since I don’t care about chronological continuity (oh the spoilers I have!) and am rather focusing on ‘what’s most likely to get me invested,’ I will be starting with Servant of the Shard and Starlight Enclave. And fortunately, my local library provides e-books of both. 
I started Servant of the Shard on the train today. Please enjoy my impressions so far, viewed through a filter of shit I have osmosed which may or may not be correct. 
Cut for... spoilers on a book from the oughts? (And also Out of the Abyss, a module I have not even played.) Affectionate snark? Blatantly incorrect assumptions about everything? Who knows?
Please understand that when I henceforth refer to Artemis Entreri as a wee little bastard disaster man, I say it with deep affection. This human bundle of neuroses is every one of my stupid character pings. 
So... when Entreri muses that he’s losing his edge and stealth as an assassin, is that even a reasonable assessment? Or is he being a deeply unreliable narrator? Because my osmotic impression of his stealthy and cunning schemes before this point goes something like this:
Step 1: Kidnap an hobbit
Step 2: Tie him to the railroad tracks I can only assume
Step 3: Wait for Drizzt to show up
Step 4: ...
Step 5: Profit?
Dwahvel deserves to be paid $150 an hour and have a diploma she paid $30k a semester for. But like the rest of us psych majors, she is listening to a troubled dumbass talk out his shit for free. At least buy her a pizza, Entreri!
One sparring scene in, and Entreri’s inner monologue has referred to Jarlaxle as ‘handsome’ and ‘compelling.’
There’s a guy named Bourguignon in this book. Well, Berg’inyon. But with an evil crystal that sounds an awful lot like Cinnabon, I’m wondering if Bob was hungry when he wrote this. Like. Does Bergie have a sister named Boeuf? Did Jarlaxle’s mom just give up on names after her first couple of kids? Like. She named the two best-known ones ‘Jarlaxle’ and ‘Gromph.’ 
Gromph is an inherently funny name. I understand Out of the Abyss is like 80% his fault. Because I’m bad at avoiding spoilers. I wonder how PCs feel about this. All your woes can be laid at the feet of a guy named Gromph. I’m getting off-topic. 
On a more serious and intriguing level, I find it kind of fascinating that the Crenshinbon is supposedly created not (just) out of blah blah blah eeeevil, but out of a guy’s futile desire to protect his people. Given its conjunction with Jarlaxle, who has a recurring theme of failing to protect those he cares about, whether due to circumstantial tragedy or his own moments of carelessness or callousness (Zak, Entreri, his hold on the Bregan D’earthe feeling occasionally tenuous)... What I’m saying is, this feels resonant.  
Stay tuned for more not-quite-live-blogging!
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emissaire · 2 years
⌕. sanzu as your college boyfriend headcanons
╰► warnings/includes: established relationship, suggestive themes, fluff
╰► note: i missed writing for my tiny meow meow so here, have this! lol. this is inspired by this and i might make a part two for them both or you can request another character from tr or jjk. what do you think?
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↻ college boyfriend! haruchiyo is surprisingly very studious and athletic. despite his introverted nature, he's in the debate team and the captain of the men's volleyball team.
↻ loves date nightsㅡ especially indoor dates because he can be as clingy as a baby with you.
↻ he's not fond of showing affection that much in public but he always holds your hand and offers to carry your things for you.
↻ when you're in the confines of your shared apartment though, he's pretty carefree and lets loose.
↻ he likes teasing you when you lose in a videogame you're both playing, enjoys doing skincare routines with you, and loves braiding your hair.
↻ haruchiyo buys new shirts or hoodies every month not because you steal them but so you CAN steal them from him. he likes seeing you in his clothes.
↻ speaking of, you should always show up in his games wearing his jersey. he would never admit it but he ADORES seeing you wear his jersey. it's like you're so proud to be his.
↻ he looks forward after every game, whether his team wins or loses because you always sneak into the locker room and lets him fuck you in his jersey.
↻ no one would believe you that he's a little shit behind closed doors but he IS. he can be such a menace.
↻ he bought a customized bracelet for you. the outer part of it is engraved with his initials but the inner part is where it gets naughty. the words "little cum slut" are engraved.
↻ fights are rare with him but if you ever do, it always leads to angry sex to make up sex. the supposed talk will come the morning after.
↻ anyway, dating college boyfriend! haruchiyo is never boring because you don't know what will happen next. even if you seem to know him well, he will still surprise you (in a good way).
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hypergamiss · 3 months
I feel like I’m juggling so many emotions regarding my relationship of 3 years. My bf and I met at work, I was very introverted and awkward. I knew he found me attractive but had no clue why he would. I was on cloud 9 that he liked me and genuinely on a very low key level thought he’d be my saviour in regards to my social anxiety and I how thought co workers viewed me(shy, boring, unapproachable, not very intelligent). In the 1st year, I received cute gifts, gifts that showed he listened and understood what I liked etc. he said he loved me within 2-3 months. that first year we had a lot of sex too, he took my virginity(was a bad experience but anyway) there’ve been moments my body would reject him. It was so odd cus I knew I loved him. As time went on, it felt like all I did was go to his house and watch tv. We had a bad Valentine’s Day where I got absolutely nothing. He then told me with his exes he never got them gifts, maybe dinner but that’s it. Then he was saying you’re on social media a lot that’s why you’re stuck on materialistic things.
Other things have been said and done that built so much resentment in me. I now create tests for him in my head eg “if he doesn’t visit me during my recovery period that means he doesn’t care like I want him to care.”it’s week two he’s visited me once but I also understand we work a 24/7 rota.
Writing this made me realise we have fundamental differences, such as how we show we care for each other. But in the beginning I was only eager to show how much we have in common so I sort of bent into his world in a way.
It sounds like you've been on a rollercoaster of emotions in this relationship, and writing it out helped you see some key points. Here are some takeaways:
Growth and Change: You were introverted at the start, but the relationship has helped you come out of your shell a bit.
Love Languages Don't Match: You crave gifts and acts of service as signs of love, while he doesn't express himself that way. This mismatch can lead to resentment.
The "Savior" Complex: It's not fair to expect your boyfriend to fix your social anxiety or co-worker perception. These are things you can work on yourself, perhaps with therapy, doing inner work, etc.
What to do next?
Open Communication: Talk to your boyfriend about what you learned from writing this out. Explain how his actions, or lack thereof, make you feel.
Focus on Your Needs: What kind of relationship do you want? What are your non-negotiables? Instead of "going with the flow," think about what makes you happy (and what doesn't).
Consider Therapy (Individual or Couples): A professional therapist can help you address your social anxiety and communicate more effectively with your boyfriend.
It's okay to have different needs in a relationship, but they need to be somewhat compatible. You deserve to feel loved and appreciated in a way that resonates with you. It's a big decision, but if your needs aren't being met and resentment builds, it might be time to re-evaluate the relationship.
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heneversmiledagain · 1 year
showing, telling and the secret third option
ok so because I'm listening to music and can't stay still I'm going to talk you through the art of showing not telling.
I'm sure that if you've ever had to write any fiction ever in your life (even just for school projects) then someone will have told you to 'show not tell'. For example, instead of saying 'John felt sad' you say 'a tear rolled down John's cheek'.
But this doesn't always work (shocker), or at least not in my experience. Let's say that Sharon is excited (I'm sorry I'm choosing such boring old white people names I'm unimaginative with names ok). So what do people do when they're excited? I roll about on the floor and hug random bits of fabric, but I think that's just me. Some people jump up and down when excited. So there we are. But we have to say 'Sharon jumped up and down with excitement' instead of simply 'Sharon jumped up and down' so that the reader doesn't think that Sharon has turned into a kangaroo.
So when showing not telling doesn't work, I suggest a secret third option: a mixture of the two. I'll give you an example that I was faced with recently.
Let's say that Edwin is pretty boring. But how am I to show you, the reader, that he is boring? I can't make all of his interactions and inner thoughts mind-bogglingly dull, as if I do that my readers will think that I am boring, and I will suddenly no longer have any readers.
But neither can I say that he's boring, because that's doing all the work for the reader, and suddenly Edwin will feel flat and one dimensional. Instead I might write,
'Edwin was the sort of man who nothing ever happened to, and he liked it to stay that way.'
There, the omniscient narrator can show us Edwin's character succinctly without using the forbidden words 'boring' and 'dull'.
The omniscient narrator is very useful for this kind of narration. It also works very well if you want to create a firm first impression of a character. Say for example you want your readers to instantly think that Lydia is an extrovert, only to reveal later that she is an extrovert. Well, you can't use showing not telling as you need to create a quick first impression, and showing not telling takes time. So drop a few hints at the beginning. A list of all the parties Lydia has been to.
'Lydia was famed amongst her colleagues for her high-handed attitude and even higher heels. The crueller people amongst the staff said that she was constantly dressed up in pretty heels so that she was always ready to party, and certainly she had racked up quite a list of venues she had visited.'
Now, with Lydia's 'character' firmly set down, you can use showing not telling to suggest that Lydia is, in fact, an introvert that just wants to hang out with her pot plants and bake cake. This can (and should) take time, because you're not creating a first impression, you're subtly undermining it. The clues should start subtle, and become more obvious as the story progresses.
Of course, each writer has found a writing and narration style that suits them, just this is what I find useful. And sometimes you can tell in the first draft - just go back later and see whether they can be replaced with more subtle hints showing what you're trying to say.
Hope this helps!
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mbti-notes · 1 year
Anon wrote: Hello, i am a female that is 16 years old and I am confused about my type.
At first I thought that I was an introvert but i began to suspect that might be an extroverted because when I went out home and saw my relatives I would like to spend a lot of time near them and at school too, i wouldn't like to go out home but to see them i would agree everytime, at home i always prefer to stay at my room and not receive any person but i started to think that i could actually prefer to be near people(and not be drained) and i had not perceive it before because i live with a big family and couldn't notice the "neediness" on seeing people because i am always near them and actually just be an extroverted that like being alone sometimes. However, I keep doubting because in most case except my inner circle i am easily drained at interpersonal interactions for a long time.
Now , i am between infp and isfj.
I know that my age can make it hard because my brain is not mature yet but I perceived that people can show signs of their types when young and I think that discover my type while being young will help me grow and to discover my weaknesses and strengths.
My arguments for cognitive functions:
Si-I am more propense to rely at something already experienced and "on the book" than unknown, I can fear the future without at least something already prepared to lead me.I also realize that I can need rules but not so much.But i don't care much about details.
Fe-I put only isfj at a Fe type because i was thinking if I am an introvert Fe type that even drained with people can keep small talk,do. things to make people comfortable(people pleaser), even when don't want to listen to people problems do it and can tell what they should do and take other problems to self. I can understand their emotions even when I never felt that and people say that I know exactly how they felt.At same time, I show my emotions for people because I want them to validate that, it's like I need to express my feelings to not only have their help but because demonstrate certain emotions or expressions make them happy or to find it funny. Many times i would do something for the greater good but i stop doing that after perceiveing that doing things because other did was nonsense.I can try to hide what I am feeling because can be shameful but mostly i can't hide it completely because what I feel it's visible and the reason too for people.I also care a lot of emotions and people and fi can make this too, and fe also have inner values.
Ti- ti tertiary is questioning the mechanics of a subject and thinking the smartest and most consistent thing to do, I found that in me when I had an interest in neuroplasticy I would want to know how the brain works and with others interest I would do the same and understand how would that thing work.
Ne-Actually, I think that if I have a ne, it's well developed or it's not inferior(this first is least probably to be correct), I spend time imagining scenarios in my head, but somehow I always have a project in my life to realize that vision, and I feel the urge to complete that.Other thing that make me think abou not inferior NE it's that when i am stressed i can think on the worst scenario ( 6 enneagram) but when stressed I am hard at people around me, I say hurtful things, I feel unusual, I don't eat or i eat a lot (it's a form of punishment), I procrastinate, my emotions are much harder, I listen to music and I explode at any "wrong" thing or flaw like when I single thing it's out of place, or even when it's clean already.
Fi-I have inner values that I can't disrespected them, they're my limits, when i helped people or did what they want they would abuse of my goodness. I don't thing I think disrespect myself.I understand my feelings easily and I don't absorb people feelings. I like being different. Beyond my argument for fe the only think against fi is that I don't share the same value that many fps I know do "embrace your uniqueness and don't change, be yourself ".Personally, i think that people should change if they're not happy with what they are.Well, I think other person can think like this too but think it doesn't make me not infp, I just perceived that the quote it's very common among fps like express their feelings with art, these are two things that I don't relate but I find so common between fp types.
Ne-When I make a essay take a time to ideas complete themselves in my mind, multiples ideas come but they form an unique story for accomplished the end I have in my mind.I imagine scenarios that make me happy and take a time for me to take a decision I always pick between two and I can be very creative (I mean in the way to have a lot of ideas).When something bad almost happen my mind create an What if scenario with a bad result and I don't control.I love abtract subjects and spend much time thinking about them and wanting to talk about them.And sure, I am not the athlete kid.
Si-Same with si dom, I rely on known information and even don't paying attention to details I used to have shameful moments replay on my mind randomly but thankful no more.
Te- I can do things very well if i want, I need to be useful, I feel bad if I don't accomplish something and need evidence to base facts.I don't procrastinate and do my tasks first, but sometimes I struggle to do my best at my task.
This part of fi and fe really make me think about fi, It can be because is one of my values and it's the right thing to do or because I really feel bad and feel the need to help them. I never related to fi "it's not my problem " but some things I do it's so Fi and others Fe. Fi can be people pleaser too, I know, and for a long time ago I was VERY people pleaser like i couldn't say "no" for example(bad example, i know) and I started to don't care to what people think anymore. I know the others types can do the same and try to "fit in" for example, but sometimes it's so easy to doesn't care and do what i want but mostly I find really hard, and do my best to do what people expect of me. I think if I am a fi user developing at the point of care much of others or fe developing ti and using logic to know for self that doesn't make sense do always what people want.But I don't fit the stereotype of fi or fe to avoid conflict. I know it's not a good behavior but when my sister starts to fight with me I find hard to stay quiet and I always answer back. Something tell me I am infp but I am not sure.
I am sorry for my english errors, english isn't my first language.
The evidence you've provided for auxiliary Fe is more convincing than dominant Fi, so Fe and Ti is more likely than Fi and Te. The evidence for Si and Ne in those functional stack positions is inadequate and unconvincing. Therefore, I conclude neither of the two types is the right fit. This means you should probably consider other types.
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
I (ESFJ, 6w7) was having a conversation with a friend (ENTJ, 8w9) about motivations to stay in touch with people:
Him: It’s good you feel the drive to stay in touch with people after graduation. It means you care about them.
Me: I mean, is it really caring about them if it’s driven out of a selfish fear of loneliness?
Him: I think so. I’m the opposite of you - I can be by myself for a long time and not be bothered by it. I want to change that.
Me: If it doesn’t bother you what motivates you to want to reach out more? Do you feel like it’ll eventually start bothering you? Is it like, a sense of the kind of person you want to be?
Him: I think it’s a good thing to do.
Me: Oh. I’m not sure why you’d value something if you didn’t feel emotional passion about it. Sorry, I don’t want to sound like I’m challenging you or anything. I’m just trying to figure out how this works.
Him: That’s ok, I like being challenged.
Me: But you reached out to hang out with me today. And if you stopped I don’t think I’d think you’re a bad person—I’d assume you were busy and have other things come up.
Him: Fair enough. But it’s less what others would think of me and more the kind of person I want to be.
I’ve realized that a lot of my motivations are heavily reliant on emotional drives, which is partly why I’ve had trouble considering jobs/careers/personal interactions I don’t care about. I need some inherent interest/excitement to do a good job at something without feeling exhausted. Essentially, I feel like emotions are a driver of most of my motivations, but that’s not the case for him. What might motivate someone beyond what seems to make them stably happy and connected in the long-term? That feels just so deeply important to me I’m not sure how I could prioritize anything else.
His responses are really heavily showing his Fi – it’s not about the external world or what others think, it’s about the kind of person *I* I want to be. Fi is all about me, my journey, what I think of myself, what I need to do to make me like myself, what I think would be better for myself. That’s the nature of Fi, what others think about “me” doesn’t matter as much as what I think about myself.
You phrase it as “emotional passion” and a need, but for him, it’s an inner drive of “I need to do this for me, I want to like myself, and this would make me like myself more.”
That aside… what’s wrong with you being an emotional person with emotional drives? That’s how Fe-doms are wired. It’s who you are, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be emotionally involved, to stay connected to other people, or to crave and need a career that has to do with either people or something you feel passionate about. You can’t force yourself to do a career that you have no interest in; it won’t work, you will hate it, you won’t do your best, and you will be wasting your natural Fe gifts. It’s normal to feel energized by doing what you love and it’s important to seek a career that allows you either to do what you love, or allows you to be around other people, which will keep you energized.
No, emotions do not motivate him. His are low in his stack. It’s important for him to do what he feels is RIGHT for him, and that’s how his Fi works. He no doubt also wants to feel passionate about his job and career and life, but it won’t seem as “loud” or as “demanding” to you as yours, because it’s not being expressed in a highly animated, emotional way. It doesn’t mean his feelings are any less, they are just different. And you don’t have to prioritize anything but your feelings. That’s how you are made.
What makes you think he's an extrovert? or an 8? And not a 1w9? From what he said, he sounds like a withdrawn-idealistic introvert who is seeking to perfect himself...
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