#New multichap fic just dropped
nanenna · 2 months
Title: Welcome Home Fandoms: Danny Phantom, DC Comics, Batman AUs: Demon Twins Warnings: Discussions of Death, Canon typical Violence, Secrets (most of those aren't applicable to the first chapter, but will happen)
Summary: When Danny accidentally catches his parents plotting against him he does the only thing he can think of: flee to the birth family he's been intentionally avoiding. Now he's got to balance getting to know them and reconnecting with his lost twin while keeping his own secrets from a family of detectives.
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laracrofted · 5 months
happy new year, dear ames! and here we goooo (I don't know if there is an ask limit but I'm here to find out):
first things first, i have to give love to @gretagerwigsmuse and @sometimesanalice for the simple reasons that they let me go into their messages, drop a bomb of fic, run and hope for the best. they are the best, helping me get fics over the line, critiquing, editing, offering suggestions, overuse of caps, commas and exclamation points and in general, just squeeing with me. but not only that, as you know, they are beautiful writers themselves. i'd rec fics but their masterlists are seen to be believed. I couldn't pigeonhole a singular fic.
my love @pisupsala one of the first real multichap writers I got into. Mila knows I live and breathe for her writing and she is just the sweetest and kindest. I would pay for her words.
@jupitercomet king of the AU, we love big bradley in this house and even in my fics, i can't see him below 6'5 and blame Bugs wholly for that.
@bobfloydsbabe one of my first fandom friends and I just adore Helena - she knows I'd go to war for her. And seriously: I would.
@a-reader-and-a-writer Vee, I simply love you. There is nothing else I can say except talent and sweetness wrapped in a bow of rainbows x
@butaneandthebeast I will write you sonnets if you let me.
@daughter-of-aphrodite & @lizziespidiepridie my timezone queens. What are the flavours tonight, ladies?
@ryebecca makes us most beautiful moodboards. she knows the affection i have for bradbrad and she happily delivers him to my messages to let me know when she has dropped another beautiful incarnation so I don't miss it being on the wrong side of the planet.
@thedroneranger Bradshaw baddie and creative to boot.
@laracrofted Ames, I simply adore you.
some people who make my heart a-flutter with their support, reblogs, comedy (and I'm sorry if I've forgotten anyone, I'm writing on stolen time, the dog needs a walk and I've got freeloaders here tonight for NYE): @na-ta-sh-aa @idontwannanamethisthing @crustyhoneybadger @yuckosworld @tvjunkie08 @babycallmyname @fanficfandomlove @roosterforme @perfectprettypisces @teacupsandtopgun @shhoooketh @nouis-bum @senawashere @eli2447 @shanimallina87 @tgmreader @mak-32 @elusive-honeydew @blue-aconite @beyondthesefourwalls @hangmanssunnies @ofstoriesandstardust @mothdruid @wintercap89 @rae-gar-targaryen @dissonannce
Happy New Year and here's to the TGM fam in 2024! 🍾🪩🥹
what a wonderful note, cass 🤍 happy new year, and i adore you right back!
end of the year positivity night 💌
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emimayooo · 2 days
Emi in Japan (2024) – June 7th to June 9th
(Link to previous entry.)
Hey guys,
I've had such a fun few days! Days full of good food, nature, and animals. I can't wait to tell you all about it.
But first, here are the highlights:
I posted a new galeheart fic! It's a fairy tale au I wrote for the galeheart first times event way back in late April, but I finally posted it. It has, predictably, ballooned into a multichap lol but I'm happy with the result :)
My mum and I discovered a local café that's only opened on the weekends. We loved it so much we went both days!
Goats, cats, and even more cats, oh my! Went to an agritourism farm and an open shelter cat rescue. Very fun. Very stinky.
Anyway! Onto the details:
June 7th
June 7th was pretty chill! My mum and I went shopping in the morning. I bought a very handy dandy bag where I can store my wallet, pocket wifi and phone in, that straps around my body. Super convenient for going out with just my necessities.
Here’s a photo of me and the bag, on another day! I just love it.
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Afterwards, we went to a sushi train place. Each plate of sushi cost around 100 yen. How cheap is that?!
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When we got home, I think we just napped lol. I dedicated my evening to writing, which went well! I was so nervous to post fic since it had been a while, but then I got such lovely comments! I’m glad I pushed through my doubt and just posted the damn thing :)
June 8th
In the morning, my mum and I went to this local cafe that only opens on the weekends. The walk over was so refreshing, with the weather being just perfect. We walked past farms, old Japanese houses, the river my mum nearly drowned in when she was four before my grandma pulled her to safety lol, and finally, we arrived at the cafe.
We took our seat on the porch. I’m so glad we did: we were right in front of the flower garden where we could watch the little butterflies and bees do their job. It was so relaxing. I must read here sometime.
Mum ordered the soup set, which came with veges and onigiri, as well as a cup of coffee. I had the waffle set with the ice cream and red bean. For my drink I had the best iced tea I’ve ever had in my life, oh my goodness it was so good! Apparently, this cafe specialises in herbal teas. I’ve got to try it some of these days, if even their iced tea was this good! Anyway, here are some pics of the cafe:
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On our walk home, we passed the local agritourism farm and decided to go in. Since it was Saturday, there were so many tourists from Tokyo. It’s quite popular among families. It’s kinda like if you as the farmer of SDV were real lol because it’s SUCH a money-maker for our town here. And the rest of us are just NPCs lol🧍
While there, I fed a scary ass goat some carrots and had a grape-vanilla mixed ice cream.
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And that concludes Saturday!
June 9th
Sunday (today) was such a blast too. In the morning, we took I-san (crazy old cat lady ((affectionate)) from older entries) to the cafe we went the day before. As ever, she talked our ears off and we learned a lot about the neighbours lmao. But also, she came all dressed up with her make up done, which was adorable🥰❤️. I’m so glad she enjoyed it.
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When we dropped her off, she forced me to accept 5000 yen from her (50 AUD)😭😭😭!!! You might be like “emi you could’ve just said no” BUT YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND!!! When old Asian grannies give you money you must accept it there’s no escaping their determination😭😭😭
Now I gotta think of a way to repay her, non-monetarily. I’m actually quite decent at drawing realistic portraits (especially old people for some reason lol) so maybe I’ll draw her or her late cat as a present. We shall see!
Also, we made plans for her to dress me in her kimono on Tuesday. I’m very excited!
After breakfast, we headed off to visit an open shelter/cat rescue. I’ve been here before and I was very excited to go again. There’s around 100 cats, spread across three floors (with sealed off balconies), and there are soooo many affectionate cats omg. So many will just flop onto your lap and chill there for like twenty minutes it’s great. I fell in love with so many cuties today…but none of them fell in love with me back lol they all wanted my mum instead aha😭💔
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So yeah. There’s no pictures of me with the cats because they were all over my mum so I became designated photographer🤡
But in the end, I did get to pat many cutie kitties, so I still had an adorable time🥰❤️
For lunch, we ate at the neighbouring restaurant, that was cat-themed. I had the nyangherita pizza lol while my mum had a warabi-katsu set.
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The pizza was disappointingly average, but my mum liked her food. So all around wins for her today😂 (though, a cat did pee on her bag, so…)
And that was my past few days! I can’t believe I’ve been here close to three weeks now. Time just flies, doesn’t it? Next Saturday, I’ll be off to Osaka. I’ll be sad to say goodbye to my grandpa’s hometown, but I’ll be back at the end of June anyway, before I return to Australia…where I’ll then reunite with my own cats, Apple Pie and Leon🥹💖
Thanks for reading my journal! See you next time.
With love,
Emi xoxo
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 1 month
17. talk about your writing and editing process <3
Man apparently I’m allergic to checking my inbox but HEY better late than never my love!
So my process, if you can even call it that, is chaotic as FUCK!!! I stare off into space writing it mentally first, type all my bullshit in my notes app like a heathen, don’t proofread, drop unsolicited personal lore in the notes, all that. Gonna use TWITR as an example again btw
I’ve said it before, but The Webs In The Rafters is based on a WHACK ASS DREAM I HAD. specifically chapter 17 and the climax of the story. Like I was the Kenny character, Sansa the dog was telepathically speaking in my mind, there were piles of cuddling cats everywhere, the sound of helicopter blades and a trail of spiders in the hay. I woke up like bro what the hell this is a story right here and I went from there. And in fleshing out the plot, pinning the story beats, the time I was writing it was PERFECT TIMING. Because I had a six hour drive to make for a friend’s wedding. And what did my insane ass do? I FUCKING RAWDAWGED that drive. No music, no audiobook, just silent highways and plotting TWITR. By the time I got home I had a very clear idea of where I was going with the story that at that point was only a few set up chapters and a title.
Speaking of titles, a lot of the time I have titles before I have plot, which is kinda weird bc I know a lot of people struggle with titles, but that’s one of the first things that comes to me. Especially with my one shots, like my kysterion fic All The Punches That I’ve Thrown. That lyric popped into my head and a fic idea with it. Song lyrics inspire a LOT of ideas for me.
So does art. Like with In The Truly Gruesome, I saw a drawing emilyartstudios did of Stan and Shelley working a booth for Tegrity at a fair and I was like YO WHAT IF I FUCKED THIS UP AND STUCK ZOMBIE ALIENS IN THERE lmfao. And ofc, the OrangeJuiceVerse wouldn’t exist if I hadn’t seen foxydodo’s art of basketball player Kyle and mascot Stan.
While oneshots come together pretty fast for me usually, being written out in my head to be typed out in the course of a day (back in the days of janitor Riley bored as shit at work and having the time and energy for that lol), multichapters are require more thought structurally. So what I like to do with a multichap:
Think of it in three acts. In script writing, there’s something called the “page 12 event”, the event that gets the plot rolling near the beginning of the film. And I like to stick an event like that at the end of chapter 1 of my stuff a lot of the time, like ITTG and uhhhh yeeting Stan into a mineshaft after we find out the boys are being chased by monsters (jesus what is wrong with me). What I’m getting at: I like to know where my beginning middle and end are, how the characters are feeling at each step, how their relationships change, all that. And a lot of the time I think of the end before I do the middle or beginning tbh. Like I said, chaos. I think of a random scenario (as we know usually someone is hurt and getting taken care of bc I’m fucking evil and that’s where my brain goes constantly), hence the WhumpShots.
And I do primarily operate in WhumpShots. I picture a scene with a character getting their injuries tended, sick and dizzy but having a friend or loved one at their side, etc, and BAM that scene becomes a oneshot. Even the REALLY short ones, like the sot bunny I did last summer called So Only Say My Name, was about 700 words and one sequence of events. That kind of to the point structure comes easy to me, which is why I loved doing Style Week so much; new oneshot prompt every day. And while I don’t usually proofread after I finish a work, I edit as I go, sometimes post random lines on here or send a screenshot to the R.A.N.T. homies (I’ve definitely done this more as of late, a habit from when I attempted writing smut for the first time and would send neen a screenshot all “IS THIS CRINGE?!?” lmfao I love the Idea Trampoline tho). And I can’t spell so autocorrect is fr my saving grace unless it betrays me. Off the top of my head I can think of 3 words in 3 separate fics that I need to fix but am simply not going to bc that requires effort and oh fuckin well.
And I say that, but I may be lax about the more fiddly stuff but I care SO much about the big picture. Like “does this convey the feelings I want it to? Is this going to be a bright spot in someone’s day? Is the vibe I want there?” That’s my priority. If I can leave an impact on a reader, entertain them, make them smile, that’s what matters to me.
Jesus sorry this was a convoluted answer lmao it’s 3 in the morning and I woke up all “hey I should actually check my inbox” and here we are
Thank u for asking abt my chaos melda tâe
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
Jay's Fic Recs :)
these are all wonderful, wonderful fics i have read and think you should too <3
(if they are on tumblr i’ll drop their url so you can find all of their things :)) some of these links go to Ao3 and Wattpad as well)
happy reading!
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Eddie Munson
June Baby singlemum!reader x eddie - this is so cute, please give it a read it makes my heart squeeze. @luveline
Love Bites vampire!eddie x fem!reader - this is just very cute. highly recommend if you want a vamp fic with not too much monsterness @luveline
Worlds Apart eddie x fem!reader - this is timeline accurate, but naturally veers from cannon because character is added. you had broken up with eddie four months prior because of a horrible dream, the events of season four happen and it brings back deep dark feelings and a whole lotta love. cant really say much else without giving it away. @munsons-maiden
Meet The Munsons stepbro!eddie x fem!reader - okay, this one has me in shambles. it’s great and not gross. i loved the tension in this and the finale was just MWAH *chefs kiss* @mypoisonedvine
FREAK eddie x oc!jay - Jay is from Australia but she moves to Hawkins and meets Eddie. They fall in love, yadda yadda. long multichap. follows timeline, but starts in 1985 post mall fire. lotta angst, lotta hurt, looootttttaaaa comfort. they heal eachother. there are heavy themes in this so read the warnings. @resident-gay-bitch
Gareth Emerson
Too Late gareth x fem!reader - readers been in love with Eddie but he starts dating Chrissy and she turns to Gareth for comfort and ends up catching feelings for him instead. very cute. lotta angst. @resident-gay-bitch
Gareth x Eddie
Pretty Boy ftm!gareth x eddie - oh my god. i love this so fuckin much. so angsty and so much pining i live for this shit. honestly, reading this has made g x e my fav st ship, probably even my fav ship ever. childhood best friends tropes always get me. go give it a read :)) @dylanwritesgood
My Starboy closeted!gareth x oblivious!eddie - gareth loves eddie, always has, always will. but eddie’s straight… right? - lotta angst, lotta unrequited love and pining. so much heartahce. this has quite mature and explicit themes, so make sure to read the warnings before each chapter :) happy readings @resident-gay-bitch
Jay’s Steddie Fic Recs- sorry, the list got too long so i had to create another page for it :) good news though, you wont run out of steddie fics here.
Drabble? wayne munson x scott clark - we don’t know where this came from, but we know where the fuck it’s going. please hop on the scott x wayne train because the seats are comfy and the view is beautiful - seriously, more people need to write for this - this peice is magnificent - we need fanart for them PLEASE @unclewaynemunson @flowercrowngods
All The Young Dudes wolfstar & jily - best fic ever, hands down, written by the gods. read it weather you like the marauders or not.
Crimson Rivers jegulus & wolfstar - hunger games au - i know this fic has been archived but it just needs some more recognition because it’s AMAZING
Text Talk sirius x cf!remus - modern no magic au. sirius accidentally texts the wrong number and ends up catching feelings for the random boy behind his phone.
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artificialqueens · 9 months
Untouchable for Life, Chapter 1 (Anetra x Sasha Colby) - Writworm42
Admin Note: I'm so worry, Writ!! You should have been in the last queue, and I'm also sorry that it's taken me a million years to fix it after you told me. I have no excuse, I just completely forgot and I apologize deeply! -V
A/N: Summary: Anetra should be grateful for his new job as a photographer for the city's biggest queer tabloid. Especially considering how hard he fucked up before landing there. But it's all lost on him until he's roped into a special assignment, one that ties Sasha Colby into his life. But can the knots that bind him to his past be undone? Or will the cord he and Sasha walk on snap?
Sorry not sorry for all the puns in the summary fhdsjfk but I promise chapter summaries will have more specific to the chapters themselves and the story as a whole!!!
Anyways, remember how I said I'd never write another multichap bc they're too much stress? WELP! Thank you nickysjaida for encouraging me and athena for beta-ing, you're both so wonderful <3
Fic title from I Turn My Camera On by Spoon
Anetra sighs, dropping his head into his hands as his thoughts race. His boss watches in front of him intensely, almost to the point of scrutiny, but what can he do?
He doesn’t exactly have options here.
“I just don’t get why—“
“The board wanted you gone,” Michele shuts him down immediately. “Hell, they wanted your head on a platter! This is the best I can do for you. You either take it, or you go collect your things.”
“But I wouldn’t even get to write!” Anetra huffs. “Not even captions or anything!”
“I know,” Michele says coolly. “Why do you think I was able to negotiate this? You’re too good to lose, Anetra, but I guarantee if you walk, it’ll be the last time you ever work in journalism, photo or otherwise.” 
Anetra groans. Michele is absolutely right—he fucked up, and fucked up big. Lose his credibility big. Sue the whole company big.
But does that really mean he has to go to Q-Beat ? He’ll be a laughingstock in the journalistic community— Q-Beat may be the most popular queer magazine in the country, but it’s barely above a tabloid. Hell, maybe it’s worse—they’re probably the only print mag he can think of that has more listicles in one issue than actual pieces, and the product placements are so obvious they might as well just say Absolut wrote the news updates. 
There’s a reason the whole industry calls it Q-Bait as a joke. 
But with the scandal he’s in, he can’t afford to negotiate now. If he wants to do anything other than Walmart Christmas portraits for the rest of his life, he has no choice but to take this job.
"Fine," he finally sighs, grabbing the contract and pulling it closer. "Give me a pen."
The Charles Media building is often referred to as a marvel of architecture in the city, and the reputation isn’t unearned. Standing under its sloped, pink-painted roof are twenty-five floors of different print outlets, each an empire in its own right. Anetra has to admit, it’s kind of impressive--from magazines to books, encyclopedias to graphic novels, if you can flip or scroll through it, you can find it nestled among the offices in the tower.
Perhaps most impressive, though, is the way the architects were clearly so committed to the bit when they designed the place. From floors one to twelve, everything is wide, spacious, and decorated in black and silver. The floors narrow slightly after that, and from thirteen all the way to its sloped roof, the building’s colour scheme is a deep magenta, with sparkle and hints of blush. And that’s just the outside--within the walls of 96 Tucker Avenue, things are even more colourful, bringing the entire aesthetic full circle.
The perfect shade of lipstick for the perfect media queendom, both inside and out.
At least, that’s the vision the company projects. Right now, Anetra feels anything but perfect—and from the way his coworkers avoid him in the elevator, he’s pretty sure the feeling is mutual. 
At least Q-Beat is near the top floor. Once the last few people filter out around the sixteenth floor, he has the elevator car all to himself, leaving him alone to try and collect his thoughts. 
From what Anetra knows, the farther up the tower you go, the more isolated the group, meaning there’s a chance that no one at Q-Beat knows who he is or what he’s done. A perfectly fresh start. Good; his talent will speak for itself that way, and he can make friends based on that. If he even wants to--maybe friends aren’t such a good idea. The main condition of being able to keep this job was to lay low, after all. 
Plus, the longer he tends to stay in one place, the less people seem to want him around. Especially now that he’s a liability. 
It’s a thought that hurts, and he’s glad to be able to swallow it as the elevator comes to a stop at the twenty-third floor.
The sight that awaits Anetra as the elevator doors glide open makes his jaw drop. 
Back on the eighth floor where Anetra’s old magazine was located, everything had been all business all the time. The walls and the floor were a stern black, with tiles that clicked under your feet as you walked. There had been almost no decor in the entrance either, other than a pair of leather chairs under a harsh silver sign directing visitors to various offices tucked behind heavy mahogany doors.
But on the twenty-third floor? 
Anetra can’t help but feel like he might as well be on an alien planet. He had expected pink, had expected some sparkle and embellishment. But he had had no idea just how much of a culture shock it would be. It’s such a contrast, he barely knows where to start—though maybe the entrance is as good a place as any. The floor’s lobby is fully furnished with tables and chairs and even some floral arrangements, separated from the action by only a glass door and floor-to-ceiling windows that allow a clear view of the Q-Beat workspace behind it. The floors are plush zebra-print carpet, the walls an almost violent pink lit up by a fluorescent sign welcoming visitors to Q-Beat with cursive font. And when Anetra peers into the office space, he sees not a maze of cubicles, but an open floor plan that’s bustling with people in casual dress.
In other words, friendly coworkers and lax norms without anywhere to hide from either. 
“Are you Anetra?” 
Anetra snaps to attention and sees a tall blonde standing in the office’s doorway looking at him with anxious eyes. 
"Oh, um… Yes?" He frowns. He was supposed to meet the editor-in-chief first, but this woman is in jeans and a tank top that shows off well-defined muscles and big tattoos, her hair fluffed up in an almost rockabilly style--definitely not like any chief Anetra has seen before.
"Are you asking me or telling me?" The woman's eyes narrow. "Because I have a meeting in fifteen minutes and only ten before my Ativan hits, so I really need to get a move on orienting you if you are."
Anetra decides right then and there that no matter who this woman is, he definitely likes her.
“I’m Anetra,” he tries again, stepping forward and extending a hand for the woman to take. 
“Loosey LaDuca, she/her pronouns, editor-in-chief,” she shakes his hand firmly. But before he can drop his hand away, she grips it harder, pulls him forward through the glass doors and into the office. 
“Let me introduce you to the others, they’re really excited to meet you.”
Loosey’s tour of the Q-Beat workspace is a whirlwind, so fast that Anetra almost wishes he’d brought a notebook with him. Though that probably wouldn’t have done much to help him either; Loosey doesn’t even stop to breathe as she charges through the office with Anetra in tow, so he seriously doubts she would have let him slow down to write. At least he avoids seeing too much of the team this way; Loosey’s version of ‘introducing’ is more like drive-by name-dropping, and Anetra is perfectly content to settle for the waves he and his new coworkers exchange as he passes. 
Good things can’t last forever, though, and sure enough, Loosey’s tour comes to a hard stop right in front of a large table surrounded by people who immediately turn all their focus on Anetra. 
“This right here is our photography department. Well, two of them are,” Loosey rolls her eyes. “The rest of you, get back to work please?” 
“Hey, they were working!” a short woman with hair almost as big as Loosey’s protests. “Half of them were reviewing the photos that are going to go with their article.”
“Uh-huh, and the other half?” Loosey retorts. 
“Is this Poppy’s replacement?” The other woman left at the table pipes up quickly, a smooth change of subject accompanied by an even smoother smile. 
“Oh, yes,” Loosey says, her eyebrows raising in surprise as if she’d forgotten Anetra was beside her. “Anetra, this is Mistress--” she points to the smaller woman, who nods curtly, “--And this is Salina. Ladies, Anetra is coming to us from News Summary Weekly , so things might work a little differently here than he’s used to. So be nice, Mistress.”
“Hey!” Mistress huffs when Loosey shoots her an extra-pointed look. 
“You know I’m right,” Loosey rolls her eyes. “Now, will you guys take over from here? These pills are not doing what they’re supposed to, so I’m gonna go take a three-minute power nap before I have to talk budget for the rest of the afternoon.” 
“Sweet dreams!” Salina calls after her, cackling when Loosey shoots her the middle finger over her shoulder in response. 
Just like that, their attention is turned back on Anetra, giving him the distinct feeling of having been thrown to the wolves. 
“So you’re from the political phonebook, huh?” Mistress starts in right away, her lip twitching as she looks Anetra up and down. “You’re certainly dressed like it.”
“Hey, wait a second,” Salina adds pensively, “Ain’t that the magazine with the guy who--”
“Sorry, what are your guys’ pronouns?” Anetra cuts in fast before Salina can finish that sentence, hoping to God the heat he feels rising in his cheeks isn’t visible to the two women before him. “I use he/him.”
“She/her for both of us,” Mistress answers with narrow eyes, her tone of voice skeptical. Anetra’s going to have to look out for her, he can tell. But at least Salina seems distracted enough—her attention is already back on her computer, which she wastes no time in sliding over to Anetra.
“Alright, newbie, come here and sit down, let me show you all the different softwares and shit we use in this department.” 
It’s a close call, but he’ll take it. He smiles gratefully as he moves over beside Salina, leaning in close to get to work.
Pride Challenge Points: 2806
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clanofjones · 9 months
Hiatus Update ^^
@theosb0rnway, @spicy-apple-pie, @finnstir, @kallmefren, @justamuppet, @mostlyvoid-partiallyturtles, @fanatess, @justletmereadmycomics, @thecranialbones, @alolaartista:
I'm officially back from my hiatus! You may have/probably noticed that I've still been active on Tumblr these past few days, and you'd be correct. My social battery has been NONEXISTENT, and I've been in a state of recovery, which is why I haven't sent this out earlier. Hiatus probably isn't the right word, but IDK *shrugs*
I will have to go on another similar break in the first week of October, and another in the last week of May. If you'd like to know then just message me, dw.
NOW, FOR STUFF (that I could probably message individual people for but I'm tired and we're mass posting ig)
tagging people who I know are co-creating or interested in certain projects of mine, but all (even those I didn't tag) to peruse my wares :)
Ghosts of Our Days- @theosb0rnway, @kallmefren, @justamuppet
Okay I'm actually proud of this one-
It contains vague spoilers for an upcoming chapter so it's on the back burner for now. I am SO EXCITED for the masses to see this one! For such a short and, in the grand scheme of animations, unremarkable thing, it took about two months :/
14, while on the way, is going to be a bit on account of many things. We've got lives, you've got lives, we chilling.
Of Mutants, Mystics, and Magic- @finnstir, @theosb0rnway
I do have an update in the making! Finn, you might wanna check out the AU acc for the newer updates, but no pressure! (AU acc is @of-mutants-mystics-and-magic for searching convenience :))
Cardinal Rules- @theosb0rnway, @fanatess, @thecranialbones
New updates for my second ROTTMNT fic are coming out on Ao3 and Tumblr this weekend! I'm trying a new update schedual where I finish one multichap fic and post the entirety of a solo-chapter fic at once. EX: I finish this one, and post a lil one-shot, that way when y'all finish a fic, there's going to be something else!
I'm hi-key really proud of this one, so YAY!!
MISC/Unnamed/TBD projects
@alolaartista, I'm making headway with that art I was telling you about, and I will message you it! I also have a written snippet to add to the pile-
@spicy-apple-pie- >:3
I am making YOU a *m y s t e r y t h i n g*
My 12!Rasey and Rise!Casey Jr stuff is my most popular stuff, and I approve of your tastes LOL
SO I'm going to be dropping another 12!Rasey ship dynamic + some Casey Jr art for the soul soon!
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theawkwardterrier · 6 months
Questions for fic writers: 1, 2, 23, 45 🥰
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
It probably depends which fandom/ship you're looking for! I would say for Steggy, things left behind has lots of family/home stuff which is a big theme for me, plus it's kind of a combo of oneshot style and multichap/world-building, which bridges one area I think of as my traditional zone to another I'm exploring more and more. For J/C, I'd say maybe Muscle Memory or Here's All the Melting Thrill.
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
Mine are:
Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (25)
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (15)
Originally Posted on Tumblr (12)
Post-Canon (11)
Kid Fic (11)
Lolll, yeah, that's me for sure! I love working doing AUs and especially figuring out how to integrate the details of a different setting or period into present day. Canon divergence or post-canon stuff touches on the need for either simply more story or for things to have turned out differently (i.e. often not bad). And then there's the fact that I'm a tumblr girlie who loves my faves interacting with kiddos/having families 😊😊
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
I feel like this is one I've covered pretty well, actually. Maybe coffee shop AU because it's such a classic even if I've never been super drawn to it? Plus I'd also like to play around more with soulmate stuff, just because I'm weak for it even if I don't know that I have anything new or more to say about it than has already been said.
45. What’s something you’ve improved on since you started writing fic?
I started writing fic when I was 12 so good lord, what haven't I improved on??? 😅 Probably the biggest thing is to combine my natural writing style with remembering to do things like describe characters and settings, or trade off between that and dialogue and internal emotion/monologue/reflection.
Questions for me, the fic writer!
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steffigraf · 1 month
4, 10, 15, 28 and 29 for the ask game ! 💌
4. How long was the longest work you've written?
just a few words shy of 33k, which. wow. i could NEVER do that again like that was very much a one time thing. it was also my only multichap ever!
10. Do you read and write similar stuff or are there differences?
yes and no. when it comes to the humorous stuff then yes i do also read that a lot! but with fluff in general i’m actually,,,, not a big fluff reader. i dunno, i love love loveee writing soft moments but i don’t like reading them because they’re usually very low on plot? which YEAH i have written plotless fics (with gusto!) so i am aware of how hypocritical this is but. i like reading fics that Move. still enjoy writing fics that Don’t Move tho lmaoooooooo
15. What is the weirdest thing you had to look up for writing?
i don’t think i’ve looked up anything suuuuuper weird per se (or if i have then i’ve forgotten completely lol) but one of the most memorable experiences for me during fic research was when i was working on see them bloom and i genuinely opened up tennistv to watch the entirety of the sincaraz umag trophy ceremony. and like i meant to just see how the fireworks went but THEN i found out they played the song “what a wonderful world” and i went insane abt it bc the mood setting????? golden.
then i went into a rabbit hole of also watching the umag ceremony from the year before, when carlos had won. and i found out he almost dropped the trophy, which is Adorable, and i added it to the fic ofc but like. it was one throwaway line. and it’s just funny to me how that line was soooo big to me bc of my research but was just an aside for everyone else? wild stuff. moments that make me love writing <3
28. What would you say is your specialty in writing?
ooooooh this is a tough one. probably dialogue, cause that’s the one that comes most natural to me. but lately i’ve been trying to play with more description and imagery and i think it’s been going pretty wel! at the very least, i have a lot of fun with it now, which wasn’t the case a few years ago <3
29. Do you listen to music while you write? If so, what kind?
it depends! if i do, it HAS to be an album/playlist that i’m super familiar with so i don’t get distracted with new lyrics to think about. but more often than not, i listen to either instrumentals or background noise from the mynoise website (seriously, i can’t recommend this site enough. medieval village soundscape generator my beloved.)
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A FEST THAT BLURS THE LINE BETWEEN LOVE AND OBSESSION Open to any writer, artist, dabbler, die-hard dark!fic lover, or anyone new to the world of darkness and just wanting to dip their toes in.
Wordcount minimum: 1K, no maximum Open to one-shots or multichaps Any and all pairings in the Harry Potter Fandom No beastiality, pedophelia, underage (16+ only), or necrophelia.
Prompts drop: LIVE! Submissions due: Tuesday, Februrary 28th Staggered reveals begin: Wednesday, March 1st
Take one of our love songs prompts and make it as dark as you'd like. come and join us to the dark side! Prompts are going fast!
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literarion · 1 year
What are your criteria when selecting the next fic to read?
And and if it's long, completed human AU with A/C romance, have you seen this: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21370711/chapters/50905534
There's no clear-cut criteria I apply for what I record. Often it is stories that make me feel things. Many of my favourites have made me cry. Others made me laugh. Or both! I enjoy beautiful language a lot as well. Or things that just lend themselves well to audio as a medium.
For my really long pods, I look for all of that, plot and character development, and a narrative that I can sink into. I can really only do two of these per year because they take so much time, so I need to be picky. I already have two planned for 2023 (one currently being edited, the other scripted), and another one on my shortlist. And I am actively holding back, because I am sure that with S2 of GO this year, there will come a whole new wave of content.
Until end of last year, I kept looking for funny / hot / epic things to record, but if you have listened to my latest Blooper reel, you'll know that I am stepping away from that posting schedule, and instead work on several long pods simultaneously, with some bonus pods dropped in on Sundays if I have any. That new schedule gives me more freedom to record what I like, regardless of why I pick it.
I keep a running list of things that I could record, which I add to whenever I read something that I think would work for a pod. I usually know half a year in advance what of that I will make when. I am currently editing a pod to post in April, have another two multichaps recorded, and scripted another six that I know will come next. They get a number when I get consent and/or start scripting, and usually they are posted in that order, unless I need to make something else work schedule-wise (like a summer holiday break this year).
As for the fic you linked, I haven't read it yet! But I did add it to my recommendations list now, which I try to keep on top of. I might do it, or I might not, and if I do, it can take anything between a day and a year until I get around to it! Still, I am grateful for every recommendation I get. So thank you! ❤️
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 4 months
I want to quit a03 and just delete all my current fanfictions, i haven’t updated any of them in months. I’m tired lol. The main reason why is I haven’t been getting a lot of interactions on my recent stuff and Ik that’s not the point of writing fanfics but idk it’s a nice from motivation. I’m an attention whore, sue me.
What i’m asking i guess is how do u stay motivated??? I have a lot of ideas for things but no drive to make them a reality.
(You probably can tell who i am from this lol but its kinda embarrassing so i wanted to keep it anon)
Oh dude I absolutely get it, for real. While we ultimately write for ourselves, a lack of engagement is REALLY discouraging! I’ve said before that I went through a REAL mental struggle writing The Webs In The Rafters specifically, and that still stands. I had a lot of super nice commenters, and that helped a lot, but it was so, so, sucky to see no engagement other than the same six people. As grateful as I was for them, I really wanted more interaction. I’d see the comment count go up, but no new kudos, and I’d feel like I was failing.
I almost dropped that fic. The only reason I didn’t was my dearest boxwinebaddie regularly doing cartwheels in the comments and messaging me about the story. Encouragement from an author you admire helps SO MUCH and I want to be that person to someone someday!!! The community of ao3 can be toxic, for sure, but it’s so kickass to see the same handful of people in someone’s comms every time you read something from a certain writer!
And man, I am absolutely an attention whore. I thrive on attention. I may be an agoraphobic asshole with no friends other than my partner irl and I may literally panic so bad that I faint when I get spoken to, but we are HUMAN!!! Validation is fucking NICE!!! Being a person sucks absolute ass and confirmation that we’re doing something right helps a lot!
The only advice I have on staying motivated: I’m just fuckin insane. And I’ve said before that the ONLY reason I started writing was bc I had an extremely specific set of tags I wanted to see. I wanted to see more style injury recovery and at the time, a lot of the style fics out there were literally just boring high school aus or Stan being suicidal and I was like helll no let’s switch it up! So I assumed my mission of renovating that ship tag. I wanted sot style h/c with an ungodly amount of comfort? I was gonna have to write it. And that expanded to all aus. I developed the OrangeJuiceVerse specifically with the message of healing as the central theme. And it means so much to me. What I’m getting at is that your work really does have to have something there that’s important to you. If it’s just all random drama with no reconciliation, it’ll be really draining on you and fall flat in your mentality surrounding it.
Another thing is: if you don’t feel like updating, DONT! It’s fanfiction. It’s something you’re putting on the Internet for free. If you aren’t 100% happy with a chapter, there is no obligation to post it! Also, if you aren’t feeling up to working on a wip, mentally or physically, you don’t have to! Come back to it when you are!
On obligation, something I struggle with is my own self imposed habit of daily updates on multichapters. I usually go really wild when I start a new au, and I’ll write for it every day. But for instance, right now, it’s been a couple since I’ve posted a new chap on In The Truly Gruesome. And I have felt some guilt about that, bc I’ve sort of garnered this reputation as someone who updates frequently on multichaps, but I haven’t been feeling so great, so writing isn’t my top priority. A couple lines here and there are what I can manage, and that’s okay! Again, it’s fanfiction. Ultimately, it matters to us as the author, the story can mean the world to us, but we shouldn’t feel obligated to update, because above all we are PEOPLE with LIVES!!!
It’s also important to remember not to treat ao3 as social media. Yes it’s kickass to form a community of like minded authors who all support each others stuff, but it isn’t something that should be expected. And I CANNOT stress enough how important it is not to feel obligated to work on something just bc someone wants you too. I’m a hypocrite, yeah, considering I had no intention of continuing my TFBW oneshot “We Did It We Are A Good Team” until I had someone commenting on my unrelated works asking for a second chapter. I don’t regret writing ch 2, btw, like im really happy with it, but I did cave under pressure to some degree. And that’s not something we should do when writing. Write for YOURSELF and (unless you’re doing an ask book or something) NO ONE ELSE!!!
That’s what I got my dude. If you feel strongly about what you’re writing, by all means write it. If you don’t, don’t feel obligated. I hope this helped!
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off22theraces · 1 year
hello!!! new factventure fic just dropped,, its a multichap too!!! i already wrote 3 chapters anyway its 6am eerrr
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dearestones · 1 year
A favorite fic…that’s a hard one. Probably your Abnormalities series.
The one thing I couldn’t find in a fic for CaW would be a surgery story. The manga for CaW Code Black has a couple of small things (toe amputation and stent implantation, I think), but I think it would be interesting to see something like a gallbladder removal or a kidney or an appendix. (I’ve had several surgeries and now, having seen CaW, I’m morbidly curious) How do the cells react both during the surgery and after?
Note, this is not a writing request. I’m just curious about your thoughts.
I do personally ship U-1146/AE-3803, but I tend to prefer stories with plot, not just romantic fluff. So the shipping is secondary, and not necessary for a good story.
Hey, Devin here!
Oh my gosh, Abnormalities is one of my better stories, I think! I had a blast writing it and was my introduction on how to pace stories, especially since it was basically one of my first multichap stories I've ever written and finished.
Anyway, you're right! I've never seen a surgery story before. That's an interesting concept and I think canon should tackle that one day, heheh. As for theories, I think that all of the body would be on high alert.
During surgery (most), there's the use of anaesthetics, so cells would be wondering why certain areas of the body are blacking out as if in sleep. They'll be thrown off schedule because it's unusual.
Furthermore, during surgery, doctors have to keep track of blood loss. Remember that one episode/chapter with the abrasion and the clotting? That, but far more horrific considering that depending on what type of surgery is occurring because where there is a gaping hole, there will be blood cells trying their best to deliver oxygen, clot, etc.
And speaking of blood cells! There is a reason why doctors, nurses, and technicians have to make sure that the operating room/table/equipment have to be free from contamination. Think about it, big gaping hole in the body, all cells running to and fro in confusion because the body is being horrifically mutilated (in their mind)? That's basically an invitation for bacteria.
If you recall during that childhood flashback (myelocyte and erythroblast), there was a (if I recall correctly) a Psuedomonas aueruginosa (don't quote me on that and I'm spelling from memory oooofff), which is a popular bacteria found in hospitals. (There was a theory back in the day that in CAW Main, the body was a frequent visitor to the hospital and had received an infection as a result). And if you think Psuedomonas would be the rare bacteria, you would be wrong. There would be so many types just wanting to get inside.
The immune system will be on high alert.
Once the doctors have sutured the operation sites, the immune system will be on constant high alert until the wound start healing and new skin starts forming. That's another thing, I think epithelial cells will be working overtime, but since epithelial cells are buildings in canon, I suppose the platelets will be the ones who are taking on this task of rebuilding the operation site.
So yeah, the main systems of the body affected would be the immune system and the cardiovascular system.
As for 3803/1146... Unpopular opinion but I prefer them as best friends, hehehe. I actually shop 3803/4989 and 3803/2001, which is a shame considering I don't think anyone else does... and that I have never had the chance to write for them unless they're teasing 1146. But, I totally agree! Unless I specifically want a romantic story, I prefer something that has a plot or is a good introspective/analysis on the platonic relationships of the characters.
Thanks for the ask! It was an interesting deep dive that I hadn't done in some time.
Again, thank you so much for your support and I hope that you have a wonderful day! :D
Feel free to drop another ask if you so desire!
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walltowallghosts · 1 year
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Open to any writer, artist, dabbler, die-hard dark!fic lover, or anyone new to the world of darkness and just wanting to dip their toes in. Wordcount minimum: 1K, no maximum Open to one-shots or multichaps Any and all pairings in the Harry Potter Fandom No beastiality, pedophelis, underage (16+ only), or necrophelia.
Prompts drop: LIVE! Submissions due: Tuesday, Februrary 28th Staggered reveals begin: Wednesday, March 1st Take one of our love songs prompts and make it as dark as you'd like. come and join us to the dark side! Prompts are going fast!
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phantoids · 2 years
Hey so feeling a lil bored and I think I'm gonna do some dsmp writing requests!!
Send in an ask, give me a lil prompt of an au or smth (this can include asking for snippets of my own aus, which I will list).
Anyways the aus of mine you can ask about:
ccc!au, basically character content creator, modern dsmp au where the events are all the same except it's 1. a modern au and 2. they're all content creators at some point and have access to social media. they all drop merch at dream's funeral. This is a crack au.
smash or pass au, where quackity is the onceler, dream has the hots for him still, quackity/dream/wilbur was once a thing but now they're bitter exes and wilbur takes joy in terrorising dream. Also quackbur happens at one point as well as the onceler reveal. It's also a crack au.
clue #1, a murder mystery powers au where wilbur is dead, techno is a retired detective, ranboo is an annoying ghost and clingyduo are investigating wilbur's death. you can have a couple snippets from chapter 1 since this is an unreleased multichap fic au.
silence and the sun, a canon-divergent au inspired by the dead don't dream. dream and tommy are brothers, tommy has a bad time being revived over and over (he's also selectively mute), and shit gets out of hand. My personal contender for the dream worsening olympics.
pig house au, basically an owl house au where techno is a wild witch known across the isles, ranboo is the human who's stumbled into his life, discduo is just belos and hunter, aimsey and tubbo are ranboos besties at magic school, wilbur is techno's estranged brother from the emperor's coven and phil shows up at techno's door one day with an injured kid who may or may not be grimmwalker.
communal dad au, in which phil adopted three kids who are also actors, none of them know about the others and therefore when he comes on the set they all work at to audition for the dad of their three characters, some funny stuff happens. like Neapolitan bros realising they're all actually brothers, and everyone on set joking about how phil is secretly their dad.
universal tommy au, in which tommy is a multiversal traveller, goes by theseus and wears a boar mask, and ends up stuck in a universe with regular multiversal and timeline traffic, including an ex-traveller wilbur who set up lmanberg, sometime after doomsday should have happened, to accommodate travellers. I don't have much for this but I like the concept.
and the final au: iceborne au, based on monster hunter, in which tommy is the new rising hunter in the fifth fleet of the research commission, dream is a bitch who wants to wipe out the ecosystems by using other monsters because he's a bitch but it's okay he has a giant ice dragon pet, and they're all having a time trying to fix the ecosystem.
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