#News special session
khabarwala247 · 1 year
भाजपा सांसद सुधांशु त्रिवेदी ने विपक्ष को दिया करारा जवाब
पुराने संसद की विरासत को संजोते हुए सदस्यों ने 75 सालों की यादों का जिक्र किया। लोकतंत्र का ये मंदिर बीते 75 सालों में कई ऐतिहासिक पलों का साक्षी बना। पुराने संसद भवन के साथ जुड़ी यादों को सदस्यों ने सबके सामने रखा। भाजपा सांसद सुधांशु त्रिवेदी (Sudhanshu Trivedi) ने भी अपनी भावनाओं को शब्दों में बयां करते हुए विपक्ष को करारा जवाब दिया।
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lustwithoutlore · 7 months
Barbara: What did you get Dick for his birthday?
Jason: I got him a Glutemaster
Barbara: Really? Me too!
Stephanie: I also got him a Glutemaster.
Duke, gesturing to himself and Tim: Looks like we had the same idea.
Jason, sighing: Kill me. Please tell me you didn’t get Dick a Glutemaster as well.
Cass: I got him… a Glutemaster 🥰
Dick, surrounded by Glutemasters: THIS IS THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!
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marclef · 9 months
yoooooo it's the new year!!! and to start things off with a bang i'm here with something that's absolutely insane to me!!
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i'm. honestly blown away right now you guys. as somebody who literally only started posting my art on here in August this is. just unreal to me.
i know i get kinda sappy and sentimental here sometimes but, legitimately thank you all so much!!! the last few months have been so insane and i can't believe how many kind and awesome people i've met thanks to my silly art. you guys deserve so much love and support and i literally can't thank you enough 👍❤👍
so.... here's my special treat for all of you as thanks! i'm.... not that good at coming up with special stuff to do so guess what?? i'm stealing the same idea that literally everyone else has been doing!!! take that!!!!
it's a Draw This In Your Style thingy!!!! you don't have to of course, it's just something silly i decided to try. make sure to @ me or reblog this post if you do though ❤❤❤
it's the sillies 😊🤗☺
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happy new year to y'all though!!! i'm gonna be taking things pretty chill for the first few days to give myself a break. don't worry, i've got some special stuff planned for this year though 😉
take care!!! love you all and i hope you all have a good new year!!!
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javelinbk · 2 years
The Ram sessions were peak Paul hotness, no?
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Recording ‘Ram’, CBS Studios, New York City. 12th October to 20th November 1970.
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lovevalley45 · 7 months
my kryptonite is looking at other ppl's complex, aesthetic dnd character journals bc i always wish i had the ambition to do that. but then i just have my giant letter-sized paper notebook with doodles in the sidepocket like THAT'LL DO
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longlivetv · 1 year
Im confused, what is there pearl clutching over? What did Taylor do? I just woke up lmao
She went to a party catered by and celebrating a cannabis chef and educator and took pics with people. Perfectly legal in New York, but apparently surprising to some segments of her fandom.
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twistedappletree · 7 months
lmao since my ADHD and anxiety have been absolute hell lately i decided to maybe try out a therapist and possibly go on meds for the first time in my life but there’s literally no therapists available. not in person or telehealth. there’s literally no one
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pepprs · 1 year
june 27th give it up for june 27th
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#purrs#delete later#sure would be an INFINITELY more special and auspicious day if there wasn’t going to be • thunderstorms all day • a budget meeting • two#back to back orientations where i am going to have to take on 2X THE FACILITATION ROLESSSSS 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 bc we’re doing that now. LMFAOOOOOO#<- and by that i mean splitting up the facilitation so instead of 4 ppl shari ng responsibility for talking AND doing logistics there’s 2#ppl talking and 2 ppl doing logistics. and mutuals need i remind you that facilitating this specific session requires being extremely high#energy and mobile and getting ppl ‘hyped’ and there are 383729473 reasons why that is difficult for me to do in front of 100+ new students#plus three cofacilirators i am scared of / intimidated by for various reasons. im going to be sick soooo genuinely. i HATE this 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣#anyways yeah. today is my one year anniversary and also my first day as an fte so. 🫠 and one year ago today was pretty awful too like my#first day was actually extremely extremely bad and i cried like multiple times every day that week bc it kept getting worse so. love how#things have changed so substantially since then and the things that triggered me on that day aren’t an issue anymore <3 (they are very much#still an issue it’s just the specific people involved have changed bc half the ppl working here including one of my dearest closest#mentors who was deeply involved in that situation have left the university and now it is utterly unrecognizable and every day i wake up in#an alternate universe i know deep down i am not supposed to be in and yet im trapped in it irreversibly and this IS my universe now. lolll 🥰#)) also ik it’s stupid to still be grieving over this but like. the entire way it all went down + the fact that it even did in the first#place and the STAGGGERING consequences of it. are kind of insane. every new development makes me feel more and more like im living in a fake#reality and nothing that is happening is supposed to be happening and im dreaming it all but it’s a bad dream. and idk how to accept#that this is NOT. a dream and that what happened happened and now i have to live with it and stop curling in on myself like a prey animal an#and isolating myself from everyone i love and taking every single conceivable situation badly. like tfw da therapy isn’t working 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰#anyways i need to go get ready and practice the fucking 16 page facilitation guide 🙄 see u on the other side lol
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yo9urt · 8 days
jpmd update number...is it five? nope ok its number 4
what i said in the tags on the last post was true: today we met team skull and went to spindas cafe!!!
team skull's japanese name is ドクローズ which as far as i can tell means "poison rose" ... ??? nothing particularly rosy about them but sure
koffing called skuntank あにき which KILLED me because yes i know in its most basic sense its just older brother/man who is older & superior to you but the only other place ive ever heard it is in the yakuza games and i literally said in the last post that i was half expecting yakuza-esque dialogue from team skull so this made me laugh so much wwwww
skuntank was very rude (さすが). the first thing he says at all is "どけ!じゃまだ!” aka "move, outta my way!" (lit. "MOVE! (YOU) ARE AN OBSTACLE")
zubat was also very rude and called the guild omeetachi
aniki, nioi (smell/odor), and onara (fart) were all in katakana - makes sense
in politer and cuter news, wynaut's japanese name is so-nano and she ends every sentence with nano (or sometimes just no) which seems really punny and cute lol
spinda uses generally the same polite shopkeeper speech everyone else does, with some vowel elongation (practically every desu/masu turned into desuu/masuu) and several words i didn't know (although let's remember i've only played sky once before now so this was extra new to me compared to everything else)
and a couple polite speech notes: loudred speaks informally to diglett but diglett speaks politely to loudred (probably both superiority and age), and the pokemon that the protags recruit in dungeons speak politely to the protags
today was a bit shorter and tougher than previous days partially because of the spinda thing but also because i was SWIMMING in menus and dialogue. when i walked out of the cafe and chimecho came over to tell me about it i was like ohhh my god another string of text boxes...
i also realized it'd be nice if i could play it more often because the longer i go without playing, the more things i forget :P i got confused by a lot of the stuff in my inventory because i couldn't remember what half of it meant and i had to do a mix of jisho-ing and staring really hard at item descriptions until things came to me...sigh
but overall things are still going pretty well. except for the sentry game, today was round 2 of that and i actually failed twice and got like the lowest prize tier!!!! can you believe that!!!! very flop. but aside from that i'm making my way...and learning boatloads of new words!!
けっきょくのところはじつりょくだよ。じつりょく。(said by zubat to partner)
somehow i remember this EXACT line in the english version, ~16 years later. this is where he says "it all comes down to talent...pure talent."
lit. "in-the-end NOUNRELATIONSHIP place TOPIC true power COPULA NEW. true power."
へへっ あにきさえいればおまえたちなんかひとひねりだぜ。(said by zubat to partner)
"hehe. if the chief had been there, we would've beaten you weaklings easily." (aniki isn't chief but that's what they call him in english so that's what i'm using)
lit. "hehe. big-brother only/even exist-COND you-PLURAL the-likes-of easily-defeated COPULA ASSERTION"
あっ!うわさをすればこのにおい!(said by koffing to...kind of the partner)
"ah! speak of the devil - there's that stench!"
lit. "ah! rumors OBJ do-COND this stench!"
(when i read "うわさをすれば" and looked up うわさ i said out loud, "hmm, if you do rumors...OH! is this like speak of the devil?" and I WAS RIGHT! BITCH)
そんなことより。おまえたちかねになりそうなしごとはあったのか?(said by skuntank to the gang)
"never mind that. have you guys found any jobs that look like they'll pull in cash?" (i can ALMOST remember what the real english line is but not quite...)
lit. "that-kind-of thing from. you-PLURAL money result.in-seems-CONN.COPULA work TOPIC exist-PAST の QUESTION?"
side note: かね was in katakana here
[LEADER'S NAME]がやられたというのに。。。なさけないな。。。(said by partner to technically themself)
"even though they treated LEADER like that...i'm so pathetic..."
lit. "[LEADER] SBJ do-receive-PAST QUOTE-say.NONPAST のに... pathetic SELF.DIRECTED..."
this one is maybe the hardest one for me to wrap my head around in the entire group...i still struggle with recognizing the receptive form/telling it apart from the potential and having it combined with という and のに which i understand decently and more than decently well (respectively) but not entirely, that was hard...
i was about to say that if i didn't know the english equivalent dialogue i might not have gotten this one but actually i have なさけない hard-memorized (it's in one of my all time favorite JP songs) so i probably could have gotten it from context lol but understanding the grammar helped a LOT
すきなしょくざいをもってくればおいしいドリンクをつくってくれるんだって。(said by pachirisu in spinda's cafe)
"if i bring ingredients i like, i bet (spinda) will make a tasty drink for me!"
lit. "pleasing-CONN.COPULA ingredients OBJ carry-and-come(bring)-COND tasty drinks OBJ make-and-give(down-to-me) EXPLANATORY QUOTE (?)"
still working my way around だって...
きざきのもりのときのはぐるまがぬすまれたんですってね。(said by teddiursa to protags)
"the time gear in treeshroud forest got stolen, didn't it!"
lit. "[treeshroud forest]* POSS time CLASS gear SUBJ stolen-receive-PAST EXPLANATORY-POLITE-COPULA QUOTE SHARED."
*for the life of me i cannot find きざき on jisho. the only reason i know what forest teddiursa means is because, of course, i played the english version
どうせ 「いいえ」 えらんでも けっきょくは 「はい」を えらんだのと おなじ けっかに なるんじゃないかとか。。。 (said by chimecho when she offers to have your teammates wait at the cafe and you say no)
"in any case, even if you choose 'no,' in the end you'll wind up having the same result: choosing 'yes,' right...?"
lit. "in-any-case 'no' choose-even-if in-the-end TOPIC 'yes' OBJ choose-past(?)-NOM QUOTE same result TARGET become-TE.COPULA-TOPIC-exists-NEG QUESTION QUOTE QUESTION..."
yeesh chimecho do you have enough particles yet????
i really wanted to see this dialogue because she breaks the 4th wall in english and i don't think i even know about that as a kid and it made me laugh when i found out :3
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fazcinatingblog · 21 days
My actual conversation: so my Nana picked Collingwood when she was a kid, I'm not sure why, I mean Sophia picked Collingwood because she was born in Collingwood and I think grew up that way and then she stayed with Collingwood her whole life even though her brother always switched teams---- wait oh no why am I talking about Sophia's life, this is meant to be about my Nana and
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taz-writes · 25 days
today’s mood: the sweet agony of hyperfixating on an OC that i don’t have new story ideas for and cannot RP or engage with so instead she just rattles around my brain like a pinball
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townpostin · 3 months
Hemant Soren Cabinet Expansion Expected After Trust Vote
CM Likely To Induct New Ministers On Monday Following Assembly Session Speculation surrounds Champai Soren’s role and potential new faces from Congress and JMM. RANCHI – Chief Minister Hemant Soren is expected to expand his cabinet on Monday, following a trust vote in a special session of the Jharkhand Legislative Assembly. The Assembly proceedings are scheduled to conclude at 2 pm on July…
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kajmasterclass · 3 months
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haileys-out2 · 7 months
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I’ve been told to make this caption from one of my photos (yes this is me in the photo). I have no control over any of this, I’ve been told what tags to use and how long the post is to be pinned to the top of my page. 😥
The post is up for three months (until June 8) and I am scared about how long I’ll get!!
P-p-please be nice. I d-d-don’t want my life ruined!! 😭😭😭
Update. If this post hits 100 REBLOGS I have to get a larger plug and dildo.
Update 2. You are all mean (specially @count-alta with your 20-odd reblogs)😤😭😭 I now have to get a larger plug and dildo. If it gets to 300 REBLOGS then I have to make a Discord server to show that I am in fact wearing the cage and plug 😭😭😭😭 this is getting both out of control and expensive
Update 3. It hasn’t even been a week. 😢😢 I’ve been instructed to add note milestones. I’ve only been given a couple for now but more will be added if any of you suggest something my dominant likes.
Update 4. I’m back from a brief hiatus from Tumblr while I settled into a new job, and I discovered that this post really took off. I now have to make discord (coming soon) and I’ve been given a new Reblog MILESTONE. If this post reaches 500 Reblogs I will have to start HRT. If it hits 1000 Reblogs then I have to find a man to fuck me on camera 😭😭😭😭. Please be nice.
Update 5: whelp it’s done. My Discord server is live
1500 notes: I have to keep myself hairless from the nose down.
1700 notes: Make an Amazon Wishlist and add 100 toys and clothes for anyone to buy. Anyone who buys them will get a free show with what they bought
1800 notes: my hair must be grown out
2000 notes: I have to resume my BambiSleeps regimen
2500 notes: Practice deepthroating the current sized dildo twice a week
2750 notes: I now have listen to Bambi sleeps every morning, afternoon and night on my days off
3000 notes: Sit on a 7-inch dildo 2 times a week for 30 min
3250 notes: I have to start using she/her pronouns
3500 notes: I have start wearing a bra everyday
3750 notes: Use a large plug now
4000 notes: I have to start an OF (ManyVids and webcamming as well once I find a better living arrangement)
4250: I have to film myself suck cock
4500 notes: i can only ever cum from anal
5000 notes: I can only wear androgynous clothing. Nothing overtly masculine
5100 notes: Sit on an 8-inch dildo 3 times a week for 30 min
5400 notes: Listen to Bambisleep hypno every time I do anal
6000 notes: edge with a Hitachi magic wand for 30 once a week
6500 notes: start using a ball gag whenever I do anal
7100 notes: Once a week I have to film myself anal training and share it to the discord channel
8000 notes: Sit on a 9-inch dildo 4 times a week for 30 min
8500 notes: I must listen to ALL hypno that is sent to me
9000 notes: The Hitachi edging session becomes twice a week
12300 notes: Clicker train myself to get horny to the thought of cock
13200 notes: Use an XL plug now
13500 notes: Only use 10-inch toys from now on sit on it 6 times a week for 30 min, once a week use a 12+ inch toy
15000 notes: I have to get either bottom surgery or an orchiectomy
20000 notes: I have to be spit roasted
25000 notes: I have to be the center of a Blow Bang
32500 notes: I have to be the center of a Gangbang 😳😳😳
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swetcha123 · 1 year
Parliament Special Session: ముందస్తు ఎన్నికలు..? పార్లమెంట్ సమావేశాల ఎజెండా ఇదేనా..?
Parliament latest news today(Breaking news of today in India) :
లోక్ సభ ఎన్నికలు ముందే జరుగుతాయనే ప్రచారం మొదలైంది. ప్రస్తుత పరిస్థితుల్లో జమిలి ఎన్నికలు సాధ్యపడకపోతే ముందస్తు ఎన్నికలకు వెళ్లాలని కేంద్రం యోచిస్తోందని వార్తలు వస్తున్నాయి. పార్లమెంట్ ప్రత్యేక సమావేశాల ఎజెండా ఇదేనని తెలుస్తోంది. పార్లమెంట్ వర్షాకాల సమావేశాలు ఆగస్టు 12న ముగిశాయి. శీతాకాల సమావేశాలు డిసెంబర్ జరగాల్సి ఉండగా .. ఇప్పుడు ప్రత్యేక సమావేశాల ఏర్పాటుపై అనేక అనుమానాలు కలుగుతున్నాయి.
సెప్టెంబర్ 18 నుంచి 22 వరకు పార్లమెంట్ ప్రత్యేక సమావేశాలు నిర్వహించాలని కేంద్రం తాజాగా తీసుకున్న నిర్ణయంప��� అనేక సందేహాలు వ్యక్తమవుతున్నాయి. జీఎస్టీని అమలు చేయడానికి 2017 జూన్‌ 30న పార్లమెంట్ సంయుక్త సమావేశాన్ని ప్రత్యేకంగా అర్ధరాత్రి సమయంలో నిర్వహించారు. గతంలో స్వాతంత్య్ర రజతోత్సవాలు, క్విట్‌ ఇండియా 50వ వార్షికోత్సవం సమయంలో మాత్రమే ప్రత్యేక సమావేశాలు నిర్వహించారు. ఈసారి మాత్రం పూర్తిస్థాయి సమావేశాల తరహాలోనే 5 రోజులపాటు జరగనున్నాయి. అయితే ప్రధాని మోదీ 73వ పుట్టినరోజు తర్వాత రోజు ఈ ప్రత్యేక సమావేశాలు ప్రారంభంకానుండటం ఆసక్తిని రేపుతోంది.
మరోవైపు పార్లమెంట్ ప్రత్యేక సమావేశాల్లో అనేక కీలక బిల్లులకు ఆమోదం తెలిపేందుకు కేంద్ర యోచస్తోందని తెలుస్తోంది. జమ్మూ కశ్మీర్‌కు రాష్ట్ర హోదా పునరుద్ధరణ- ఎన్నికలు, G-20 శిఖరాగ్ర సదస్సు, చంద్రయాన్‌-3 విజయవంతం లాంటి అంశాలు ఎజెండాలో ఉంటాయని వార్తలు వినిపిస్తున్నాయి. ఉమ్మడి పౌరస్మృతి అమలు, ఓబీసీ వర్గీకరణకు జస్టిస్‌ రోహిణి కమిషన్‌ చేసిన సిఫార్సుల ఆమోదం లాంటి అంశాలను చర్చిస్తారని సమాచారం. మహిళా రిజర్వేషన్‌ బిల్లును ఈ సమావేశాల్లోనే ప్రవేశపెట్టే యోచనలో కేంద్రం ఉందని అంటున్నారు. మరి ముందస్తు ఎన్నికల ప్రకటన కూడా ఉంటుందా..? 5 రాష్ట్రాల అసెంబ్లీ ఎన్నికలతోపాటు సార్వత్రిక ఎన్నికలు జరుగుతాయా?
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news-trust-india · 1 year
Parliament Special Session : केंद्र सरकार ने क्यों बुलाया संसद का विशेष सत्र?
नई दिल्ली। Parliament Special Session :  18 सितंबर से केंद्र की मोदी सरकार ने संसद का विशेष सत्र बुलाया है। इस पांच दिवसीय विशेष सत्र के दौरान कई अहम विधेयक पेश किए जा सकते हैं। साथ ही गुरुवार को सरकार की ओर से बताया गया कि इस दौरान दोनों सदनों की पांच बैठकें होंगी। Raksha Bandhan : उत्तराखंड में दो दिनों तक महिलाएं बसों में कर सकेंगी फ्री सफर वहीं शुक्रवार को केंद्रीय मंत्री प्रह्लाद जोशी ने…
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