#Oat Milk For Weight Loss
vsonker · 6 days
Healthy Diet Chart for Weight Loss: A Medically-Backed Guide
Healthy Diet Chart for Weight Loss: A Medically-Backed GuideMaintaining a healthy weight is crucial for overall well-being, reducing the risk of chronic diseases, and improving quality of life. A well-planned diet is key to effective weight loss and long-term success. This article offers a medically-backed diet chart designed to promote sustainable weight loss without compromising essential…
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dashinghealth · 7 months
🌿 Chia seeds and coconut milk: What You Need to Know 🥥
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I’ve found that (constant prayer and) weighing out my food is the only thing that works.
I’m about to enjoy and nice big bowl of hot oatmeal with milk and salted peanuts, and it has 206 kcal in it. I was surprised! But that’s the thing; I have to weigh things out and calculate (ie put it into an app).
It’s much more satisfying to eat a good, filling meal, knowing that it’s within my caloric range, rather than refusing to weigh stuff out and just hoping that what I’m eating is alright and then ending up bloated and uncomfortable afterwards…. And also wondering why the scale is up.
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damdaarnews · 1 year
Energy की कमी महसूस हो रही है? महिलाओं में Iron के स्तर को बढ़ाने के लिए ऐसे 5 Nuts
Nuts सबसे अधिक पौष्टिक पदार्थों में से हैं जिन्हें आप अपने आहार में शामिल कर सकते हैं। उनमें स्वस्थ वसा होती है, जो हृदय के लिए आवश्यक है और खराब कोलेस्ट्रॉल को कम करने में फायदेमंद है, और बालों के विकास को बढ़ावा देने और त्वचा को पोषण देने के लिए बेहतरीन पूरक हैं। जैसे-जैसे महिलाओं की उम्र बढ़ती है, उनके आहार में अधिक पौष्टिक भोजन शामिल करने से उनका ऊर्जा स्तर बरकरार रहता है। यदि आप अक्सर थका…
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louwaist · 24 days
Okay before doing all of this I wish you all a good school start!
If you are someone who prioritize their studies and want to get the hang of everything at school in the first few weeks! I recommend taking your calorie intake a bit higher for atleast 2 weeks, then start lowering it again but not dramatically!! Just watch out on protein and fiber and you'll be good. This is just to have enough energy and not burn out and binge by the start of school. Trust me on this it's scary I know but better result will come, and will avoid binging. At the same time you won't raise concern so easily and so early.
Here are the tips!
1/ don't skip breakfast, trust me on thus one you need to focus. Make sure you have a good source of protein in your breakfast I like to have one boiled egg with oats sums up less than 300 calories and keeps me full and energized
2/have dates with you. This thing just give energy and has a good source of fiber and it's sugary but healthy sugars so help with energy!! However don't have more than 7! So that you don't lead to binge
3/ sleep during break time, yes this is weird but you need to try to put your head down, for atleast 10 minutes during recess
4/ yoga+ meditation. Wake up early drink plenty of water and make time for 10 minutes of yoga, practice your breathing. The more oxygen gets to the brain the more energized and awake you will feel, maybe do it after comming back home before eating dinner or sum. I like it
5/ during lunch break go for walk atleast 20 minute moving around can also help staying awake and energized =)
6/ caffeine. So many will say yes take coffee for energy, but too much of it can make you dizzy and faint cause your heart beat go up, anw I don't know how to explain but iverall you'll feel lightheaded. So I would recommend cocoa powder! But natural cocoa powder costs a but expensive but worth it and is so low in calorie, mix it with hot water or plant based milk for fiber and boom your really gonna stay energized for the full day
7/ don't deny taking vitamins supplements, honestly I regret not taking them, but I will get back to them make sure you prioritize vitamin C and D and also iron.
8/ last thing is get plenty of sleep, lmao normal but really this aids in weight loss have a good sleep schedule focus on it!
I will soon post excuses on skipping lunch with friends ;)
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chubbyanas-blog · 1 month
Hi! You're so pretty, I'm trying to get chubbier too and I definitely want more soft fat like you instead of hard fat. I know you eat healthier stuff just in larger quantities, may I ask what kind of things? Thank you!! 💓💓
Thank you so much for your sweet words!!! I’ve been getting a lot of questions on my diet and body form etc.
First of all, body shape is massive influenced by genetics and apart from working out certain muscles groups there isn’t a lot you can do to get a different body shape. You cannot influence the way your body stores fat as in what kind and you cannot influence where your body stores it. It’s unique and works the same for weight loss; you can’t influence where you loose fat in general but can train muscle groups to reach a defined body. Therefore following another persons died will not give you the same results and looks.
Secondly, I kinda just eat what I want and what I feel like eating. My breakfast has been the same for years. It’s always protein yogurt with fruits, chia seeds, oats, flex seeds and whole nuts. One can also add some maple syrup or peanut butter. If I’m not in the mood for that, I have eggs with avocado toast or just a protein shake, I use the ones from a German company called more and I use almond milk. Even if you want to gain weight, you should still try to eat enough protein (0,8g/kg) as it is one of the most important building blocks of your body's muscles, bones, cartilage, skin and blood and is necessary for almost all of the body's physiological. You should also try to eat enough fruits and vegetables or take vitamins as these are very important for your health as well. Apart from that I eat pasta, burger, wraps, stir fry, salads, sandwiches…. Anything I want. I just try to eat whole fresh food and while I don’t care about calorie intake, I try to give my body everything it needs to be strong and functioning:)
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fattofitsure · 10 months
Easy weight loss Meal plans ideas for week
Here's a simple meal plan for a week focused on weight loss:
Day 1:
Breakfast: Greek yogurt with berries and a sprinkle of chia seeds.
Lunch: Grilled chicken salad with mixed vegetables.
Dinner: Baked salmon with steamed broccoli and quinoa.
Day 2:
Breakfast: Oatmeal with sliced bananas and a teaspoon of honey.
Lunch: Turkey and vegetable wrap with whole-grain tortilla.
Dinner: Stir-fried tofu with assorted colorful vegetables.
Day 3:
Breakfast: Smoothie with spinach, banana, and almond milk.
Lunch: Quinoa bowl with black beans, corn, and salsa.
Dinner: Grilled shrimp with asparagus and brown rice.
Day 4:
Breakfast: Whole-grain toast with avocado and poached egg.
Lunch: Lentil soup with a side of mixed green salad.
Dinner: Baked chicken breast with sweet potato wedges.
Day 5:
Breakfast: Cottage cheese with sliced peaches and a handful of almonds.
Lunch: Chickpea and vegetable stir-fry.
Dinner: Zucchini noodles with tomato sauce and lean ground turkey.
Day 6:
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with spinach and whole-grain toast.
Lunch: Quinoa salad with mixed vegetables and feta cheese.
Dinner: Grilled cod with roasted Brussels sprouts and quinoa.
Day 7:
Breakfast: Overnight oats with almond milk, berries, and a drizzle of maple syrup.
Lunch: Turkey and vegetable kebabs with a side of hummus.
Dinner: Baked tilapia with steamed green beans and wild rice.
Click here for vegan lose weight recipes ✅✅✅
Remember to stay hydrated, control portion sizes, and incorporate healthy snacks like fruits or nuts between meals if needed. Adjust portions based on your individual needs and consult with a nutritionist or healthcare professional for personalized advice.
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yalbeunmin-hoe · 5 months
·་ ·. ִֶָ ݁˖ Unpinning at 55kg · ݁˖ ִֶָ་·.˖་ ִֶָ
How to deal with hunger ?
Drink water until your belly feels swollen and painful, like 1L at once
Drink a cup of strong coffee
Chew gums. It break fasts but it's better chewing 20 gums for 100 calories through the day than eating 350 per meal
Drink tea
Drink a LARGE cup of iced coffee
But what to eat when I need to?
Carrots, they're very fullfilling and perfect snacks! Cut them in into sticks and chew untill your jaw hurts<3
Rice cake! It doesn't have significant nutritional value but drink 500ml of water 15 minutes before, then eat 2 rice cakes! they're only 25 calories each
Milk. Has the best nutritional value of the list but I'd recommend the skimmed version, it's about 68 cals (200ml, vs 115/regular ver.)
½ apple
Diet coke. It SLOW down the metabolism, so drink 2 cups of water for each cup of coke
Monster Zero. Same thing as the Diet coke, so be careful. It doesn't make you fatter but doesn't help tj get skinnier as well
Watermelon. You can eat like 300g and it won't be 100 calories yet :3
For lunch I usually have two favorites, and both include egg whites! egg whites are about 20 calories each and are the healthiest part.
When my intakes is lower I tend to make a Brunch with: banana pancake, greek yoghurt, and grapes! (Pancake: 2 egg whites, 1 small banana, 1 tbsp of oatmeal flour, 1 tbsp of oat meal, yeast, 1 tsp of honey. 190 calories)
When I need to eat next to my mom, I like to cook cauliflower rice(1 tbsp of rice and cauliflower as desired), steam chicken, 1 egg white, tomatoes and zucchini~
I do not recommend having dinner, BUT if it's really necessary, eat something light. My biggest recommendation are cabbage and tomatoes:
Salad with purple and green cabbage, tomatoes, cucumber, onion, carrot... Add some seasoned mayonnaise and it's perfect 👌
cabbage soup. Really light, perfect for dinner
Tomatoe Soup. Some call 4n4 soup, it's about 20 calories and VERY fullfilling, by you need to sleep right after because your body burns it really fast
Potato soup with chicken and egg white! It's a bit higher in cal but definitely worth it!!
Smoothies! (Strawberry+banana, apple+melon+basil, mango, etc...)
I eat mostly health foods, doesn't matter what but my favourites are:
Cereal Bar
Green tea with milk
Lemon and honey tea
Oatmeal with water
Omelete with fruits
Greek Yoghurt
If you can skip dinner, DO NOT skip breakfast.
Extra tip is exercising before the breakfast, then eat at most the amount you burned!
Please support me in my weight loss journey 🥺
I was BMI 16 in December but my family made me recover, now I wanna lose two times harder 💪💪💪
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winxterisbackagain · 4 months
1/3 cup oats (rolled oats or quick oats)
1 cup protein powder *optional*
Dash of cinnamon
1 tbsp of nut/seed butter of choice
1/2-1 cup of plant milk (I used unsweetened almond (20 cals) )
Drink 1-3 times a day along with green tea and water for maximum weight loss! Helps with plateaus as well! :)
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dionysianchub · 1 year
Fatty liver anon here. Did they say why you have it specifically? Its very rarely caused by just being fat, it's usually health issues that can also make you gain weight. If it's alcohol related that's an obvious fix (harder in practice of course), if not there are a few different routes to go down
I'm 5'6 and 240lbs (gained 70lbs so far intentionally after gaining 35lbs from pcos, learning you can't just lose pcos weight with diet and exercise, and realising just being a feeder wasnt what I needed) and while they did say it can sometimes help to lose weight it's more about the pcos which caused insulin resistance and high cholesterol (for other people it can also be from diabetes, underactive thyroid, high blood pressure etc).
As I said I take inositol for the IR but I did also make a lot of lifestyle changes. I've had improvements whilst also lowering how many simple carbs I have and eating more complex carbs and fats instead (dairy isn't great for insulin resistance so I eat so many avocados, nuts and other plant oils as well as oily fish), taking those little cholesterol drinks containing plant sterols, and upping my fibre a lot with both oat bran and psyllium husk. I swim, go on walks, lift weights, and do some of Dr la thoma's YouTube functional bodyweight workout videos+stretches (being specific cause I do rate them for fat people, shes tiny but most are about functionality and ability over athleticism— We aren't in her mind but it's adaptable and useful) for general health/wellbeing and to hopefully keep the visceral fat % and liver fat lower as I gain. I also take milk thistle tablets because some studies show it's good for repairing and protecting the liver. I can't say what specifically has helped the most but I'm keeping it all up because it's working, you'll probably end up doing some experimenting. It sounds overwhelming written out like this but it really wasn't
They said I should try weight loss as well of course but I explained "it would be bad for my mental health so tell me what you'd tell a skinny person" and they dropped it. They tell me I'm obese every time I see them of course because I'm fatter every visit but accept it's not the sole or best treatment option. If you have an ED history they can be more understanding about avoiding WL. I'm personally willing to do anything except lose weight unless I get big enough that I can then lose the 5% recommended (visceral fat goes first, or so they say, and that's around what people can reliably keep off) and still feel good about my body.
One nurse tried to say something about me being on testosterone and only stopped when she realised the gel doesn't metabolise the same way, I'm sure you know what they can be like just don't be surprised if someone decides to blame T. Trans broken arm syndrome strikes again.
Sorry this is long and very ()()()(), I hope it's helpful enough to compensate.
This is wildly helpful! My doctor hasn't even called me since testing, this is just what I've seen from the results of the ultrasound and MRI, but I do know that at the time my liver values were evaluated they did discover I had an underactive thyroid. I've been placed on a synthetic thyroid hormone for the last month or so. Hopefully that helps? I also know that prior to my diagnosis I was eating a ton of sugary foods and carbs, so I've been trying to cut those and eat a more mindful diet. I'll look into the supplements and videos you mentioned as well! Thank you so so much for all your advice!! 💜💜💜
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changinglifes · 19 days
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The Mango Apple Banana Oats Smoothie is a nutritious and delicious way to support your goals. Here's a breakdown of the ingredients and their potential benefits for weight loss:
- Mango: High in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, mangoes support healthy digestion and metabolism.
- Apple: Rich in fiber, apples help with satiety and weight management.
- Banana: Good source of potassium, bananas support healthy blood pressure and energy levels.
- Oats: High in fiber, oats promote feelings of fullness and support healthy digestion.
To enhance the weight loss benefits of this smoothie, consider the following tips:
1. *Use frozen fruit*: Frozen mango, apple, and banana will give your smoothie a thicker consistency and reduce the need for added sugars.
2. *Choose rolled oats*: Rolled oats are higher in fiber and protein compared to instant oats.
3. *Add a scoop of protein powder*: Boosting the protein content can help with satiety and muscle maintenance.
4. *Use unsweetened almond milk*: Reduce calorie intake by opting for unsweetened almond milk or another low-calorie milk alternative.
5. *Drink it as a replacement meal*: Use this smoothie as a replacement for breakfast or lunch to reduce overall calorie intake.
6. *Combine with exercise*: Regular physical activity will enhance weight loss efforts.
7. *Monitor portion sizes*: Be mindful of serving sizes to maintain a calorie deficit.
Remember, weight loss results vary depending on individual factors, such as starting weight, activity level, and overall diet. Consult a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized guidance.
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fitforestfairy · 7 months
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Oat milk matcha latte 🍵
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cuntandbones · 3 months
tw disordered eating
i just want to blog the meals i had for the day
daily calorie limit: 900 kcal 🤎 (sun to fri)
my phone broke yesterday night, so i left my cal count on god lmao ╰(‵□′)╯
Author's note: i usually keep the limit of 200 kcal per meal (3) and 300 for snacks or anything i might end up eating due to peer pressure
1/2 slice of Delba Whole Grain Fitness Bread 60 kcal 17g of Svalya Cottage Cheese 0.5% Fat 20 kcal 1 whole boiled egg white 17 kcal 1 tsp grated parmesan 7 kcal
4 whole raspberries 4 kcal (ew) 2 whole red grapes 2 kcal 2 whole cranberries 2 kcal (ew)
1 tsp Nestle Sugar Free Hazelnut Coffee Mate 15 kcal 1/4 cup Alpro Almond milk 10 kcal
total kcal: 137 kcal
yippe ! \(@^0^@)/
4 peices of McVitie's Marie Finger Biscuits 91 kcal Justine's Keto Double Choc Dream Protein Brownie 231 kcal 1/12 cup of ceylon tea 0 kcal 2 tsp Nestle Sugar Free Hazelnut Coffee Mate 30 kcal total kcal: 352 kcal i fucked up dam. i think i sort of ate like a normie/binged-ish today
120 g Okinawa Sweet Potato 75 kcal 1 tsp Al Rabwa Palestine Olive Oil 40 kcal 1 tsp Crystal Farms Parmesan Cheese 25 kcal 1 tsp Samyang Buldak Hot Chili Chicken Flavor Sauce 15 kcal 1 tsp Shan Black Pepper Powder 16 kcal 1.5 tsp Shan Garlic Powder 15 kcal 21g of Plein Soleil Original Kashkaval Cheese Slice ≈100 kcal 105g Tomato 22 kcal
total kcal: 308 kcal this ufkcing sucks ass i also had some meat bc my mother offered me some from her plate. i thought it was organs but it was a peice of flesh torn from the mutton rib, and this oat cookie. gettign back on track is gonna take a while but i beleive it will be smooth and swift. i am fairly on track. but i have noticed my rate of weight loss has slowed down since i came back from my eid vacation (i left the city and me and my partner and our friends stayed at a hotel). Also, i want to keep my metabolism flexible. so i think i'm gonna bring back an old rule: saturday 7pm to sunday 7pm fasting and normal eating (no cal counting) on saturdays (until 7pm). no exercises anymore except; non aerobic excercises, wall sits and squats. i eat protein and fat based foods; reduce carb intake on regular days. total kcal (w/o couting anything after dinner): 797 kcal
bye and take care cunts!
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I am trapped in a waiting room with people who aren't masked, and the TV is playing a terrible morning show with segments like "is oat milk horchata good for weight loss?" And "if we gather all the mentally ill people in New York and put them in hospitals, subways will be safer!!!"
The boops are all I have right now. The last thing I can use to grasp onto a world that makes sense.
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TW ed tips/triggers: The Size 0 Diet
OK so I'm an idiot and watching "Louise Redknapp; The Truth About Size Zero", to trigger myself... Anyway, it's a good way to either trigger yourself if you're stupid like me, or actually encourage you to recover because of the scary facts. Before we get into this, please take a moment to have some water, some fruit or a safe food, brace yourself, and think whether you really want to read this or not. These notes are mostly for me, but also include important information to try to dissuade people from getting worse, unless you're already fucked entirely like me. Anyway, stop, think, then decide. Massive trigger warning.
Here are my notes:
Louise, at the start, was a UK size 8, but people were calling her "curvy". This is wrong in so many ways (but it also was 2007)
UK size 8 (US 4) to UK size 4 (US 0)
Can harm all systems... no shit.
Risks include: Bad breath, Infections, Sleep disturbances, Hormones for fertility get suppressed (estrogen) (it's a big bone support thing, that can lead to osteoporosis), Muscles around heart can shrink, causing greater risk of heart attack. There's more, but this was just what was said.
According to the diet, your portions should be fist-sized
People are people. We need rolls when we sit
THE DIET: oats and omelettes for breakfast, berries, but not after 11am, fish and greens for lunch and dinner. No milk (even soy), no diary/yoghurt, no carbs, no sweets (real or fake like stevia), under 800 calories
to paraphrase her trainer, if it's a life plan, don't freak out over a single biscuit, but if you're on a timer, freak
THE WORKOUT: run 3 miles everyday, and do an hour of weights, and stay busy all day
According to the diet, go to bed early so you can't eat, and get up early to workout
A size zero is roughly a 25 inch waist
dry skin is an issue, drinking water doesn't really help
diets encourage eating disorders
you'll get really emotional
crash dieting/high restriction can mean the weight you're losing is 50% fat, but also 50% muscle, meaning if you suddenly eat normally or binge, you're not going to restore yourself to health, but gain a lot more fat back. You need to see a nutritionist and or go slowly to get back to health
you'll lose concentration and get colds
You get used to being hungry, so being full feels scary. Again, this is how this shit starts
loss of muscle is loss of metabolic rate.
OK so this is kinda dangerous information, so if you're feeling too triggered, I'm just going to go ahead and add a link
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August 25 / random thoughts
On restricting,
I’m so glad I passed the hard part of restriction,, (the first few days when all you can think about is what next to put in your mouth)
I’m at a point now where I haven’t binged in a while. I don’t have super strong craving anymore, except for chocolate. I’ve been surviving on Monster ultras and chocolate protein shakes for nearly a week now. I haven’t ate solid food in 3? 4 days? I don’t remember. I don’t eat unless someone buys/makes me food or wants to eat with me. I save my calories to eat with my bf. He’s gonna bring me Starbucks rn and keep insisting on getting me food and a venti sized latte 😪 he’s so sweet he really cares whether or not I eat but doesn’t push or force it. I couldn’t ask for a better partner.
I’m gonna try the ice cinnamon dolce latte w oat milk and no whip, maybe it’ll be a new favorite. It says it’s 300 cal for a grande but that’s with 2% milk and whip cream. I’m still gonna assume it’s around 300. I need to slow down and let myself enjoy things because it’s scaring me a bit how easy it’s been to just starve.
UPDATE THE DRINK IS SO GOOD he put whip but it’s ok it’s MF delicious I’m in love
As for my weight loss results…
Yeah I think I’m lighter than last time I weighed in. Just haven’t done so bc I stay at my bfs house all the time and he has no scale. I think it’s better this way bc I’m more focused on the physical and mental feelings than a stupid number. My stomach is so much flatter and I’ve been changing in front of my bf without getting shy for having a MF muffin top. My arms are slightly more slender, my legs are thinner. My face looks less puffy and my features are standing out more. The discipline that I’ve obtained over the past month has shocked me and honestly I’m proud. I still got more weight to lose but I’m approaching it more calmly than last time.
It’s easier this time around.
I take vitamins and make sure to drink a protein shake every day. I’ve stopped picking at my arms (dermatillomania) and they’re almost all the way cleared up for the first time since I was 11 years old. I’ve been getting more into my hobbies and have my soul mate to come home to every day now. Life has been feeling very sweet lately and I’m grateful.
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