#Olicity fan fic
herosstoic · 2 years
Loosely inspired by Cluedo and early S3 Olicity angst
Romance | Canon Divergence | Lots of UST| Angst and Fluff
Now complete!! Took a little longer than the holiday timeframe, but the friends (to strangers) to lovers angst still works!
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A masquerade Christmas ball in a sprawling mansion. Two lonely people who decide that for just tonight, they are strangers. An irresistible attraction that they can only deny for so long. What starts as an amusing distraction during a tedious party, turns into a mini whodunit complete with a few colorful characters, a secret passage, and some forbidden moves - now if Oliver and Felicity would just get a clue about each others true feelings ...
Complete 5/5 chapters | 23,346 words
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ageless-aislynn · 2 months
For 10 years, my fic with by far the most hits on AO3 was "Five Times Oliver Held Felicity (And The One Time She Held Him)."
And I'm proud of it, don't get me wrong. I think it actually contains some of my better writing. 🤷‍♀️ But it ended up being a one-off sort of thing: I thought I'd write more Olicity or Arrow in general and then just... didn't.
However, it was so far ahead of all of my other fics in hits, I figured nothing would ever challenge it for the top spot. I hadn't checked my stats in quite a while and so I was surprised to discover that the "Five Times" Olicity fic was now in second place.
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I've written 114 fics in the Flash fandom and none of them have remained in my top 5, that was another surprise! But 3 of my 11 Halo fics now are: "15 Minutes," (John/female reader) "Side Effects" (John/Cortana, John/Kai, very NSFW) and "Recreation" (Kai/male reader, same world as "15 Minutes").
Now, why is any of that important? It's for the sheer fact that I don't write sci-fi military fiction well AT ALL. My interest has always been in the more domestic and romantic themes, for lack of a better thing to call it. "You write the moments between the adventures" was what somebody told me about my Doctor Who fics ("Balancing Act," which is third place on that list, is a multi-chaptered Ten/Donna NSFW romantic fix-it fic where every chapter clearly takes place after some sort of new adventure that I don't show you but instead reference 😉). I agree with that assessment, that IS basically what I write.
A little while ago, I read somebody criticizing a particular type of Halo fanfiction. They didn't name mine by name but basically said it wasn't written "properly" like it's "supposed" to be and was everything that's "wrong" with uninformed people writing things they shouldn't be.
Here's the kicker: I think they're wrong. If they would've pointed at somebody else's fic and said that same thing, I would've wanted to jump in and tell them to get over themselves. People are allowed to enjoy whatever they want to enjoy! If somebody wrote a story that's "wrong" in your opinion, then all you have to do is scroll on by.
Heck, if somebody wants to write about Master Chief riding into battle on a T-rex while waving a glowing, magic sword given to him personally by Gandalf the Grey... Well, dang it, I'd read it, lol! Yeah, that wouldn't take place in canon but what is fanfic even for if not to allow all sorts of exploration? What if Halo had dinosaurs and magic swords? What if Chief and Silver Team or Blue Team or a brand new team of OC Spartans desperately needed to go buy new curtains for their apartments after they'd hung out for a while at the most happening coffee shop on Reach where Thel 'Vadam was the barista who made amazing specialty drinks while also heading up the local garage band?
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(Yeah, I made that manip for something else but might as well get more use out of it, right? 😂)
Anyway, you get my drift. If one of my fellow Halo writers would've gotten criticism like that, I would've challenged it. But it was too close to my own work and instead, I absorbed it. I feel like I shouldn't be writing for Halo, I'm too wrong, I'm too off. I mean, no wonder I'm struggling to finish my WIPs, right? That's the first thing that pops to mind when I try to write anything: Yeah, but you're doing this all wrong. You should be ashamed of what you're writing. You're insulting the real fans of Halo by trivializing the characters like this. You're disrespecting actual military people living today by getting too much of this wrong.
And so seeing those stats at AO3 really meant something to me. I know I don't write authentic action-orientated sci-fi military fiction. I know that. But I love the characters and I love seeing them in situations they wouldn't be in in canon and I can't even tell you why. But people have been reading my fics? At least, I hope the hits aren't coming from people passing the links around with a big ol' ZOMG, please don't ever write Halo like THIS IDIOT, okay??? attached to them. 🤞😣🤞😉
This sounds pretty silly seeing it written down like this. I know, it's like, Get over yourself, Ais, not everything is about you! But I've been really struggling to get to the root of my writer's block so I could figure out what's keeping me from finishing my WIPs. And seeing those stats tonight and realizing how many more times my Halo fics seem to have been read over my other fandoms...?
Well, that might only mean that Halo is just the more popular fandom right now and it's nothing more than that. But it's nice to think that, even though there are people out there who think somebody unqualified like me shouldn't be posting their ridiculous little stories, maybe there are other people who've enjoyed them, even as unauthentic as they are?
I dunno. Food for thought.
I'm hoping this will inspire me to at least finish up the next chapter for "15 Minutes." 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Thanks for reading. *hugs* to you if you've ever or are currently struggling with anything like this. Tell your stories, they're worth it. I believe in you. 🤗🤗🤗
I just need to try harder to believe in myself, hm? 🤔
PS - I've gotten SO MANY wonderful comments on my Halo fics, so why is it that the hate that might not even have been meant for me is so much louder in my head and crowds the nice comments out? I hate that, I truly do. 😖
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kitkatt0430 · 3 months
5, 10, 26?
5.) Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
So my first thought is no and I think that's how I usually answer this. But it may actually be a bit more complicated in a 'no but yes' sort of way.
So. Oliver/Felicity was not the original plan for the Arrow. Felicity wasn't even supposed to be a main character. She wasn't even supposed to be there beyond that one episode she first showed up in. But the actress made such an impression on the cast, show runners, and the audience that she became more important. And while a lot of people - including myself - assumed she was an original character for the show, it turns out she was supposed to be just another comics cameo shout out to a character not even Green Arrow comics adjacent. Apparently comics Felicity Smoak was Ronnie Raymond's antagonist and step mom.
O_o The more you know, huh?
Anywho, presumably the original plan for the show was Oliver/Laurel endgame. Like in the comics, where Dinah/Oliver - with Laurel being Dinah Laurel Lance, after all - being Oliver's partner both in vigilantism and romance. It... obviously didn't go that way with Laurel being brutally and unnecessarily killed off for shock value in S4. And that may have happened in part because of the popularity of the Olicity ship.
Backtracking a bit here, but Felicity's actress and Oliver's actor had great onscreen chemistry from day one. I can understand why the show runners chose to pivot to this ship, given that chemistry and the sheer popularity of the ship with the fans.
Oliver/Felicity pretty quickly became the most popular ship for the fandom and it still is. Not even Oliver/Barry - the second most tagged ship for the fandom over on Ao3 - has even a quarter of the fics that Olicity has. 12,600+ fics as of this moment and no doubt it'll continue to steadily go up. (for comparison, Olivarry has 1,600+ fics tagged)
Honestly, I shipped Felicity/Oliver pretty quickly while watching S1 too. I liked their dynamic, that she was the sunshine to Oliver's grumpy, she was willing to call him out even when he still scared her, and she - at the time, anyway - was willing to respect that she wasn't entitled to his secrets.
But time marched on. The show began to flanderize the characters to some degree even as they fleshed them out in others. Felicity lost her willingness to respect Oliver's boundaries, Oliver proved incapable of keeping character development from one season to the next... and as Felicity/Oliver moved from interesting chemistry to ship tease to official couple, they began to bring out the worst parts of each other. And my enjoyment that they were finally together soured.
How much of them being the official couple was because of the show runners picking up on the actors chemistry independently of the fans and how much was them seeing how much the fans wanted it so why not... we'll probably never really know for sure. But I suspect that fandom's shipping of the characters in the early days before Oliver/Laurel had a chance to truly be cemented was what both contributed to them being the official couple and thus killing my enjoyment of the ship.
(I suspect that Laurel/Oliver were meant to follow the path that Iris/Barry eventually did. Both Laurel and Iris were dating someone else in S1, a someone else who died in the finale after a reveal that they were related to the main villain in some way. In S2 Iris and Laurel are both learning to move on and find themselves without that relationship. But in S3 of the Flash, Iris and Barry finally hook up, but Laurel begins her vigilante arc in S3 that puts her at odds with Oliver while Felicity gets a love triangle with Oliver and Ray where Ray 'dies' at the end of the season... a little familiar sounding am I right?)
So fandom did not directly ruin the Olicity ship for me, but there is an argument to be made that it did so indirectly. So no... but also yes.
10.) Most disliked arc? Why?
It's so hard to choose because, sadly, there are so many.
It could be Mark Blaine trying to kill Khione to get Frost back, throwing a hissy fit when he's told no, and then creeping on Khione like she's Frost's replacement goldfish.
It could be the promise that S6 would give us an important Iris plot that turned out to being Iris side lined in the mirror world, stuck there while the real plot was going on else where, being forced to watch a duplicate most likely rape her husband, be about to break out of the mirror world herself only to be immediately turned into a damsel for Barry to rescue, and the creepy way she doesn't speak at all between waking up after the 'rescue' and going to kickstart the modified ASF to wake the original Speed Force back up... (Okay, yeah, this is probably arc I hate the most but...)
It could be how we were promised an important plot line for Cisco in S7 before he left the show and got what looked like the show runners forgetting about that until the last minute, giving us what could have been a fun episode if it were not completely ruined by Cisco's massively out of character decision to tell his besties he's leaving for ARGUS at the last minute. After making Cisco the one who stays at STAR Labs in the bad Savitar future and showing again and again how important his friendships are to him... to have him treat his friends like that was kinda shitty, tbh. Hell, most people treat bosses and coworkers they dislike better by giving the optional two weeks notice.
Armageddon. I think I've complained about that enough that my reasons for hating it are well known by now.
26.) Most shippable character?
Oh this is so hard to pick. I'm a multi-shipper so all the characters are imminently shippable to me, whether it's romantic, a QPP, or close friendships.
But if I try to narrow it down, it's either Cisco, Barry, or Hartley. I've written the most for a search on Cisco Ramon/* of my works, but Barry's a close second when I do Barry Allen/* but I think Hartley's got the most crossover ships that I ship regardless of whether I've written for it or not, such as Tommy/Hartley, Rip/Hartley, Ray/Hartley, etc. (Mick started on the Flash but he's primarily a Legends character. Does he count as a crossover ship? Yes but also no. And no but yes.)
Though of the ladies, I think Iris is probably the most shippable to me though Caitlin is a close second despite my arospec headcanons for her. Iris has a lot of chemistry with a lot of characters and while the number of romantic ships I enjoy for Caitlin is narrower, I'm more likely to contemplate different types of ships for her such as QPPs.
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violent138 · 5 months
A N D? For the ask game?
Hello! Thanks so much for asking.
Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
I really like Hal and Barry's friendship and Dick and Donna's friendship. For the romantic ones, gonna switch up the ships for the second go around: Vi and Caitlynn from Arcane, and Destiel (sorry, I watched up to season 8 or something last year(?) this year(?) and thought it was pretty good).
A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t. (No hate to anyone that does, I'm just personally not a fan).
Oh, there are so many. I didn't like Olicity (from the Arrowverse, but then again my disappointment about Black Canary may have been the reason). I'd also have to say Stucky (there's just a lot of fics for it, but honestly I thought they were best as friends, so I can't get into it).
Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
Batman's my main fandom, and I'd have to say overall it's a good one. There's good art, generally discourse of whatever variety you favour is present, and DC does a lot of lip service to the fandom (for better or worse).
The only things I guess I wish there was more of... better fight scenes in live action, and a greater focus on the Batfamily (so much potential). And more casefics. Better live action shows! There are gems for sure, but I think overall so many of them leave me wanting.
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moistvonlipwig · 4 months
fic ask please!
bullet in the proof - 8, 20, 26
laid in thine enemy's grave? - in truth, i dig it - 7, 20, 26? :D
bullet in the proof
8. What inspired the title for this fic? Is that usually how you choose titles?
it's from the dessa song "i already like you"! which i wouldn't say i associate Strongly with guardiancorp but it doesn't Not fit. (although genius.com is now claiming the line is "i'm your bullet AND the proof", which....may indeed be the real line but it makes less sense as a line because presumably the line is riffing off of "pudding in the proof". but ok.) i really had no idea what to call this fic but i like this line and it works with james taking a bullet for her. honestly how i choose titles in general varies a lot. currently i don't have any other published fics with song lyric titles though.
20. What is something you wish more people noticed about this fic?
well to be fair i haven't gotten very many comments on this fic lol so i'm not sure what people have noticed. but one detail i sprinkled in there is that james does aikido; IIRC it's never revealed what martial art he has a black belt in but i decided to give him aikido because (a) i do aikido lol and (b) it's a purely defensive martial art and i like the idea of a guy whose superhero weapon is a shield doing a defensive martial art. oh and also i included a bit about eve where i kind of 'foreshadowed' that she is being blackmailed by leviathan to spy on lena for lex but she doesn't want to because she does genuinely like lena. i like writing limited 3rd person POV fics where i have other characters say/do things that the POV character doesn't at all understand the implications of but the audience does.
26. Wild Card! I’ll tell you a fun fact about this fic!
hm not sure if this counts as a fun fact/trivia but the reveal in s4 that lex tortured james and gave him 16 scars was really one of the first things that made me super interested in guardiancorp (reminder that i watched this show spoiled & out of order lol) because i was like. ok how does he get to the point where he can see past his own hurt to who lena actually is? and part of that was thinking about how growing up with lex left its own psychological scars on lena and how i think james probably came to see that and understand that it wasn't him vs. the luthor siblings, it was him and lena vs. lex. so this fic was in large part an attempt to flesh out the crumbs of guardiancorp we got in 3a to include james's evolving thoughts on that aspect.
laid in thine enemy's grave? - in truth, i dig it
7. What inspired the idea for the plot?
well as i said in my author's note i owe a big debt of inspiration to the OUAT fic "The Long Con" by lostlilsnail. i actually kind of worried while writing it that it was Too similar? then i was like, no, the characters are tackling a similar plot from a different angle because they're different people with different motivations from a different source material. honestly i'd love a third party reality check though!
20. What is something you wish more people noticed about this fic?
now this fic does have a lot of comments so i guess i will just quote some lines that i haven't seen anyone mention that i was particularly proud of:
Lena knows all about the greater good. It’s the thing you kill brothers for.
Kara took Kara from Lena, and that is unforgivable.
& a moment i thought was funny:
Even Lillian comes. She sits next to James and occasionally leans over to whisper in his ear, and from the deer-in-the-headlights look that keeps crossing his face, Lena infers that her mother is probably trying to flirt with him.
26. Wild Card! I’ll tell you a fun fact about this fic!
i almost included a line about how kara & lena considered inviting oliver & felicity to the wedding but decided not to because barry & iris warned them that they were bad wedding guests LOL. but i decided against it in the spirit of not making the fic hostile to olicity fans.
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joeey-dee · 1 year
How to you feel about Nyssa or Nyssa x Sara (idk their ship name)
Also your fic “Yes, this is all I have left in me the way love goes is not the way that it came come fly, un-die, be born again.” Was amazing and left me in SHAMBLES (but in a good way, if that makes sense.)
Have a nice day!
Hi, thank you for your question.
Oh boy… I might make myself very unpopular with my opinion but here goes, lol.
I’m not a fan of Nyssara to be honest. But to be fair we did not get a lot of information about it and a lot was left open to interpretation. My issue with the ship is the same as the ones I have with both Olicity and Avalance, it is also very toxic and they tried to sell it to us as something positive.
Nyssa’s behavior was textbook stalker and very ‚if I can’t have you so can no one else‘. This is scary and not love but obsession. It is dangerous and there are no excuses for her actions. She tried to kill Sara’s family, just because Sara left her. And most of the fandom excuses her behavior with the way she was raised and things like that. But that is no excuse for the way she acted. If a woman gets murdered, or her family, by her ex who had a bad childhood, would people also make excuses for that person? 
Another issue I have with the ship is that Sara didn’t really have a choice. Nyssa „saved“ her but at the same time she damned her by taking her to Nanda Parbat instead of letting her go home. Sara was thrust into the League because of Nyssa and the only „protection“ she had was Nyssa and Nyssa’s feelings for her. In a way she was back to where she had been on the Amazo, keep Nyssa’s favor and affection or deal with the consequences just like with Ivo. So I have mixed feelings on whether Sara actually loved Nyssa or it was closer to Stockholm syndrome and survival instinct. And yes, Sara clearly states that she loved Nyssa but she also claimed Ivo was not evil. There was a serious issue with the power dynamic in their relationship and that is never a good thing.
Like I said I have mixed feelings and am not entirely sure about this relationship, because there is very little information we have about it, and most of what we know is Nyssa’s point of view, which I do not trust. The way she saw it might not at all be the way Sara saw it. 
I have serious issues with the way the movie and TV industry is romanticizing toxic and abusive relationships and selling them as perfect and something to aspire to. It is dangerous and makes me very uncomfortable.
I do like Nyssa’s character and her as a person, I think she was very interesting and had a lot of potential and a great story arch, but I don’t think she and Sara were a good fit or brought out the best in each other. 
Aw, thank you so much for that compliment! It makes perfect sense and I’m so happy you shared that with me and liked the story! It means the world to me. I’m a sucker for Ollie and Tommy’s friendship, throw Sara in there and it’s my dream team, lol. 
Thank you, you too!
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takaraphoenix · 1 year
Dear Anonymous Shithead...
Well, someone has a hard time taking the fact that while Black Canary is in the new Green Arrow comic and will be in the new Birds of Prey title, Felicity is done for good.
Do you even hear yourself?
Your comment reads like it's under some whiny desperate rant against the GA comics or the BoP title or something. Your comment is on a polyamorous mlm fanfiction in the SHADOWHUNTERS fandom that does not touch upon, or mention, anything related to DC Comics.
I've never even mentioned either of those comic titles on tumblr either so you're not even using this to react to a tumblr post I made, because unlike you, I just don't... consume... media I don't like. I'm not having a "hard time" accepting it because I simply don't care about it? I'm not reading the comics I don't care about and am instead engaging with the things I love. Unlike you.
You are so obsessed with Felicity Smoak that, three years after Arrow ended, you are still harassing fans of her and of the show.
Even after I disabled anon comments on my Olicity fanfiction, you then went to harass me on an unrelated Batwoman/Supergirl femslash fic. And now you're invading completely DC Comics unrelated fandoms to tell me how obsessed you are with Felicity Smoak.
That's how hard a time you're having with letting go of Felicity Smoak. That's how obsessed you're with her. And, frankly, with me, for some fucked up reason.
Here's the other thing:
I love Arrow.
I love Felicity Smoak.
I love Olicity.
I'm not having a "hard time" accepting anything or letting go and for me, neither her nor the ship ever have to be "done" - because I can just rewatch Arrow. And I can put GIFs of Olicity and Felicity onto my dash and engage with the fandom! I can keep engaging with this thing I love, even after it ends (...much like you keep engaging with it, despite claiming to hate it). And I can also just never interact with the things I don't care about. It's that easy.
You should really try it some time. Because your obsession with something you claim to hate is seriously fucked up.
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Get to know me/Ask Diti
Tagged by @kiloskywalker Thank you Kilo!
(I already did one of these earlier, but since then I wanted to add a few things to my answers from the previous one! So here goes)
Rules: Tag people you want to get to know better
Three ships: Tarlos, FirstPrince, David & Patrick, Booth & Brennan, Leslie & Ben, Olicity
(Once again, I know it said 3 but of course I couldn't narrow it down to that!)
First ship: I couldn't remember for sure earlier. But I was on the HP & Twilight fandoms years ago. So I guess Bella & Edward maybe? And at one point I remember being a Harry/Draco shipper
Fave colour: Black
Last song: Drag Me Down by One Direction
Last movie in the theater: Black Panther Wakanda Forever
Last show: Under The Banner of Heaven. And I also just caught up to the previous season of The Flash
Currently watching: 911 Lone Star, Abbott Elementary & Young Sheldon as they air
Currently reading: A whole lot of fan fic (Mostly Tarlos, but of course some FirstPrince too). The last book I read was I Kissed Shara Wheeler by the amazing, wonderful Casey McQuiston (finished it just 3 days ago)
Currently working on: Trying out some new recipes, reorganizing my home library (there are so many books I am yet to read) & my job as well
Current obsession: I've always been obsessed with Tennis & when the AO was on last month, I was ofc obsessed more than usual. Also, I realized that I forgot to mention this earlier, that I'm currently also obsessed with 911 Lone Star & Tarlos!
Tagging: @just-inside-her @rmd-writes @welcometololaland @paperstorm @good-ways @cockleshells @tsukistella & anyone else who wants to do it!
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
An Unusual Gathering: Legend
by ArlyssTolero
The last thing Oliver expected after his encounter with Mar-Novu after awakening in the past was to be summoned to the Vanishing Point, a place outside of time and space, by The Spectre, the second individual responsible for his 'temporal resurrection,' in order to read a book detailing coming events in a fictional format due to 'dark events' that will come to pass. Oliver and those gathered quickly learn that Oliver's mission, his purpose in life, is far more complicated than even he imagined.
Words: 18437, Chapters: 2/93, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of An Unusual Gathering
Fandoms: Arrow (TV 2012), The Flash (TV 2014), Supergirl (TV 2015), Batman - All Media Types, Batwoman (TV 2019)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Oliver Queen, Walter Steele, Moira Queen, Thea Queen, Tommy Merlyn, Barry Allen, Henry Allen, Joe West, Iris West, Lucius Fox, Luke Fox, Kate Kane, Bruce Wayne, Talia al Ghul, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon, Lois Lane, Clark Kent, James "Jimmy" Olsen, Quentin Lance, Laurel Lance, Sara Lance, Emiko Adachi, Kazumi Adachi, Hal Jordan, Arthur Curry, Diana Prince, John Diggle, J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Original Male Character(s), Original Male Character(s) of Color, Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen, Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Moira Queen/Walter Steele, Justice League & Oliver Queen, Barbara Gordon & Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Jim Gordon & Bruce Wayne, Moira Queen & Oliver Queen & Thea Queen, Laurel Lance & Quentin Lance & Sara Lance, Clark Kent & Lois Lane & James "Jimmy" Olsen
Additional Tags: MST of My Own Fic, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, lauriver - Freeform, not for Olicity fans, Felicity Smoak Bashing, Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak Bashing
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/46320634
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herosstoic · 3 years
Mayor Queen comes home to an empty apartment on Christmas Eve, tired with overwork, hurting from half-healed injuries, and lonely without Felicity. He is surprised to find a Christmas Tree in the middle of the room, beautifully decorated and lit up - but curiously, all the ornaments on the tree are wrapped up in tissue paper...
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smoakqueenfam · 3 years
This I Promise You - Chapter 3
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OOF. Hi guys! 👋🏼
Its been a hot minute since I updated this and for that I am EXTREMELY sorry. As the Twitter world knows, my life was kind of in a constant state of upheaval the last part of 2021 and therefore writing got put on the back burner. But I'm back and my muse has thankfully been restored!
With that being said, this chapter is all flashbacks, a look into how exactly Olicity met and came to be :)
If you need a refresher, I don't blame you - so did I!
But I hope you love it - please let me know what you think! ♥️
As always, @magda1102 is the queen of gifs - I'm so lucky to have her! 🥰
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ageless-aislynn · 6 months
Tagged by the ever lovely and awesome @swiftzeldas Thanks, hon! 🤗💖
How many works do you have on AO3? 148
What’s your total AO3 word count? 290,660 😵‍💫
What fandoms do you write for? Actively writing for Halo now, but still have some for the Flash to finish up. I've previously also written for Doctor Who.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? "Five Times Oliver Held Felicity (And The One Time She Held Him)" (Olicity, Arrow) "15 Minutes" (John-117/Reader, Halo the series) "Balancing Act" (NSFW) (Tenth Doctor/Donna Noble, Doctor Who) "Side Effect" (NSFW) (John-117/Kai-125, Halo the series) "No Time" (John-117/gender neutral Reader, Halo the series)
Do you respond to comments? I always do and if for some reason I didn't, you can be sure I either didn't see it or something interfered with me in replying and now I've thought I did. That, er, happens more than I wish it would these days. *swiss cheese brain is swiss cheese* 😔🫥🙄
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I very rarely write angsty endings, so they're kinda notable when they happen: "Cold" (Eobard Thawne/Killer Frost, The Flash) (Very short but I've been told it packs a punch. 🥰😉) "Dark/Light" (chapter 1) (Harry Wells/Caitlin Snow, The Flash) (An experimental fic where the dialogue is exactly the same in ch1 and 2 but they tell vastly different stories. 😉) Honorable mention to "Gray Sunflowers" (Caitlin Snow/Hunter Zolomon, The Flash) as a rare one where the entire fic is a metaphor for depression and even though the ending isn't super angsty by any means, it also isn't particularly hopeful either. It's still one of my favorites, though, because I felt like it has a distinctive voice.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I'm resisting the urge to put "Side Effect" and the, er, multiple "happy endings" that occur in it here, lol! 🤣🤣🤣 Honestly, basically all of my other fics have a happy ending. I might go with "The Thousand and the First" (NSFW)(Eobard Thawne/Caitlin Snow, The Flash) because I wanted it to carry through a complete redemption arc for Eobard and I think it succeeded. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯😉
Do you get hate on fics? So far, no. On vids... oh yeah. 😑
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Um, yep. Lots. I tend to write smut with a funny tone. I've very rarely done a conventional "romance novel" type scene. "Balancing Act" (Ten/Donna, linked above) was one of the first I'd did with that quasi-realistic/funny tone to it.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I've only written one so far: "Cold Hands" (Caitlin Snow/Jordan Mahkent, The Flash/Stargirl), which also has a vid, "Gasoline."
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of. Again, a vid? Yes.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not as far as I know.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? I don't work well with a co-writer, simply because my muse is so resistant to writing to an outline.
What’s your all time favorite ship? To write? Any variation of Eobard Thawne/Caitlin Snow and the Wells dopplegangers/Caitlin or Killer Frost, The Flash, John-117/Kai-125 and John-117/Reader.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? "Try" (both versions of Eobard Thawne/Caitlin Snow, The Flash). I have 3 chapters completed and it's definitely the fic with the most world-building in it and it would also be the first full-fledged poly fic I've done. But my inspiration for the Flash just got smushed by the show so repeatedly I doubt I'll ever get enough oomph to finish it.
What are your writing strengths? Funny smut? Taking fandoms that are very not domestic and writing domestic fics in them? (I'm looking at you, Halo. Apologies to all of the Halo fans out there who absolutely hate people like me. 🫣I know you're out there but I appreciate you only vague-posting about me/people like me and not calling me out by name.)
What are your writing weaknesses? I don't write plotty fic very well, nor do I stick to canon very often. Worst thing is how easily I can sabotage myself and get convinced that everybody hates what I write. I've had SO many wonderful comments telling me otherwise but mannnnnn, my Evil Inner Editor can make me feel like the worst imposter ever. 😔
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I've written for Sherloque Wells a handful of times, most notably "Unrequited" (Sherloque/Caitlin, The Flash) but I had help from a genuine French speaker to make sure it was saying what I thought it was saying, lol! It's not something I would want to do a lot, though, because I don't have a good enough grasp on any other language to feel comfortable with it. I greatly admire those who can, though!
First fandom you wrote for? Lord of the Rings, though it's no longer online anywhere. Doctor Who was my official entrance in the awesome world of fanfic after that!
Favorite fic you’ve written? Well, ask me my favorite child, why don't you? 😮🤣 How about I pick one two that haven't been mentioned so far that I'd love to see get more attention? "Phase Two" (Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler, Doctor Who) is a sentimental fav and "Offer" (Eobard Thawne/Killer Frost, The Flash) is honestly a world I would've loved to have written more in because I found it so interesting.
Tagging any of my writer friends who see this and would like to do it! *boops your nose politely*
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(Boop paw GIF kindly made by @theredtours) 😉
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olicitysecretsanta · 5 years
Make it Home (I’m still here)
A/N: This fic is a gift for @lupin72 (Em)
Wanted hurt/comfort or angst with a happy ending. I’ve never written anything like this so here’s my take on it. I tried to make it close to canon so I did wait until last minute to write this. I added some scenes that I hope you will like and warm your heart as it did mine while I wrote this.
On a more personal note, Arrow has given me so much. I’ve always loved writing mostly essays but before this show I had never encountered fanfics. Never would’ve thought I’d be here writing my own and sharing it. It’s been very awesome to be a part of something so amazing as is the Olicity gift exchange.
I look forward to reading all the works. I hope you enjoy.
Long Live OLICITY ❤️!
-Annie ( @sparklesannie )
Heroes don’t always make it home and I never forget that.
The very same words Felicity once said to her step-son now echoed heavily in her heart.
It’s been about a month since she’d tracked Oliver in earth-2 and sent John to help him out. John promised to get her husband back. He’d promised, but a month has passed and there’s still no sign of either of them. Her hope begins to dim. 
A couple of months later John finally shows up to the cabin. Felicity had just put Mia down for nap so she closes the door to Mia’s bedroom and guides them to sit down in the living room.
“Oliver wanted you to get William back so that he and Mia can grow up together.”
“Wanted?” She whispers as her eyes well up with tears. It’s surprising she still can considering how much she’s cried since Oliver left, she thought she’d dried up by now. “John, where is he? Where‘s Oliver?”
She had prepared herself for the fact that Oliver might not comeback this time. But she still hoped, he had survived so much the man seemed practically immortal.
“Felicity. I’m so sorry I failed him and you and Mia.”
“Where’s Oliver? What happened?”
“I don’t—“ John takes a deep breath before staring again. “There was this other monitor—”
“The anti monitor, yeah, I know about that son of a bitch. Go on.”
“Well we were traveling from earth to earth trying to save everyone. And Oliver he was the last one out from earth 38. He fought until his last breath…”
“Just say it John.”
“I’m so sorry Felicity. We tried to get him back— hell we even traveled to another earth and threw him in the Lazarus pit. But ultimately he sacrificed himself to create a whole new universe.”
A new universe.
“Well maybe he’s lost somewhere. I bet I can track him!” Felicity jumps up from the couch and runs over to her secret room.
She’s already typing when she hears John come up behind her. She types furiously, with purpose. “Any changes between this universe and the one before? I need to know it might help us find Oliver.” She asks before John can try to stop her efforts of finding her husband.
“Well apparently I have not one but two kids!”
“Baby Sara and JJ. Did you not have kids?”
“Well yeah but just one.” He hesitates a moment before adding, “I don’t know if I should even tell you this but your kids from the future popped up for a little bit. They’re wonderful people.”
Felicity swivels back on her chair to face a smiling John. “My kids? Time travelled? And I missed this?!”
“Oliver wanted to tell you but we didn’t know how William and Mia being here would affect the timeline—time traveling is apparently very complicated.”
“Oh. Right. Ripples. Yeah don’t want those. You know that’s how Barry fracked up the timeline and left you with just one kid.” She joked. But she couldn’t hide the fact that she was disappointed on missing meeting her kids from the future. “Hold on where was Lucas? Did they talk about me? Will I be a good mom?”
“You did an amazing job of raising two wonderful—Wait what? Did you say Lucas?”
“I might have forgot to tell you…I’m eight weeks pregnant.”
“And you already decided it’s a boy?” He asked clearly amused but excited by the unexpected news.
“I feel it in my bones, John. I’m having a boy.”
3 months later
I’m still here. -O
There’s a neon green post it with what she swears to be Oliver’s handwriting on their wedding picture she keeps on her bedside table.
It couldn’t be. Could it?
John said Oliver died.
There was no way it was Oliver. Somebody had to be messing with her.
Maybe it was the Monitor, he’d promised that he’d reunite them again but how could he now that Oliver was dead?
Nothing made sense to Felicity anymore.
Everyone made it to Oliver’s memorial service. His mother, both of his sisters Thea and Emiko, and William.
Felicity had been keeping in touch with William since Oliver disappeared. She’d told him about his little sister and he was eager to meet her.
Felicity would never forget that day.
How surprised he was to see her belly as it just started to show. How William wrapped his arms around her shoulders and held to her tightly. How happy he was carrying his baby sister in his arms. And the sadness in his eyes when he asked “Dad’s not coming back is he?”
She cried her heart out. She really tried not to but she couldn’t keep her emotions in check. “I’m sorry kiddo. I don’t think so. But I really want you to come back home. I— Your father and I wanted you and Mia to grow up together.”
William didn’t say anything right away but she could see his eyes welled up with tears. He reached into his pocket with his right hand while balancing his sister on his left arm. “I actually wanted to.” He unfolded his hand to give something to her.
As soon as it hit her hand she knew what it was. The hozen.
Felicity gripped the hozen tightly inside her coat pocket. She would never get used to not having her husband by her side, even more so now with this pregnancy.
She kept hoping that one day they would reconnect. That the Monitor would turn up again to reunite her with Oliver.
3 months later
Giving birth is not easy. Not even the second time around. Especially when Felicity can’t hold on to Oliver’s hand. This time she holds onto Lyla’s. Thea and Moira wanted to be in the delivery room but the reminder that there was a missing Queen, the most important one, was too much for Felicity. So Lyla kicked them out, nicely of course.
After six hours of labor Lucas Jonas Queen finally makes his entrance to the world.
John’s face is priceless once he meets Lucas and Felicity remarks, “Told you it was a boy!”
A year later on her birthday Felicity finds a letter on Oliver’s side of the bed. She hasn’t had the heart to sleep on his side. The bed seems too big and while Mia and Lucas both sleep with her on it, it always feels a little cold without Oliver’s presence.
Happy birthday.
I’ll be watching over you and our kids.
That’s not the first or the last note Felicity receives through the years. After the first five she starts to get her hopes back up. There’s something about the little notes that make her feel hopeful again.
Even though she knows better she can’t help but believe that it’s her Oliver.
Keep me in your heart.
Love, Oliver.
She always gets that one on Mia’s birthday.
On William’s it reads: William, I love you. Live.
P.S. I know.
And on Lucas’ birthday it reads: He is so perfect. My Beautiful boy.
On their anniversary she gets a rose with a note that reads: You will always be the best part of me for the rest of my life.
Oh how she wishes it were true.
But at least Felicity gets the chance to be there for their kids. She will tell them about the sacrifices their father made so that they could live. She would protect them, love them, teach them how to be a hero in the light and most importantly she would make sure they know their father loved them, even if he didn’t know they existed.
Oliver had created a whole new universe that required the ultimate sacrifice. The ultimate act of heroism. Felicity couldn’t even be mad at Oliver she would always be grateful, he saved not only the city but the whole damn multiverse.
It’s like she once told William, Oliver makes sacrifices so they have to make theirs. That’s what makes—made their love deeper than other kinds of love.
And even if she sometimes felt alone and overwhelmed she could always look around and find pieces of Oliver all over. Moira, Thea, Tommy, now she had the chance to really get to know them and count on them as family just like Oliver would’ve if they had survived in the alternate timeline.
A lot has happened in the last 20 years.
Living off the grid was hard. But not as hard as having to raise Mia and Lucas by herself. William helped from time to time but once he left for college she was, again, on her own.
Since Felicity had managed to get William back he had been sad that his father wasn’t in the picture anymore, but at least he was quite excited and happy to have a sister and a baby brother. And now he was on his way to be a successful CEO of his very own tech empire.
Mia was graduating college and soon hopefully if she said yes, getting engaged. JJ was the perfect boyfriend, much like Oliver was to her, her better half.
Not far behind was Lucas who halfway through college decided to drop out and focus on developing a nonprofit community outreach program.
The kids were happy and thriving. Her job was done. They didn’t need her anymore. Still Felicity hoped that one of them would take over at Smoak Technologies. It was getting old for her, she loved her job and the amazing contributions they were making in the medical field but she really just wanted some peace and quiet now.
Shortly after Lucas turned one Felicity decided it was time to go back to Starling City.
She never would’ve thought that she’d be living with Moira, Thea and Roy at the Queen mansion, but there was room to grow there. Plus the kids would get to know their family, so they did. Lucas was Thea and Roy’s favorite—they’d deny any form of favoritism but it was crystal clear.
On May 14, 2040 Felicity summons her kids to the mansion, she had to tell them that it was time for her to go. They understood and of course they were sad but it’s like she pointed out to them, she’s not dying or in any pain, they’re not losing their mother. She’s just reuniting with Oliver.
So they said their heartfelt goodbyes, shared some last minute words of wisdom. She told them that she’d be watching over them and waiting for them from beyond. She made sure to warn them about coming over to the other side too soon.
William thanked her for being a wonderful mother and for always being patient with him. Mia cried her eyes out and said she’d keep both her parents in her heart. Lucas was being eerily quiet about it. He didn’t say much just hugged his mom and kissed her forehead.
Wherever Oliver was he was waiting for her and she felt it was time to go. So she wasn’t surprised when The Monitor appeared by her side while she talked to Oliver’s grave in the backyard of the mansion.
“Ms. Smoak, are you ready? Where I’m taking you there is no return.”
Felicity fiddled with the hozen in her hand and looked up, a soft smile on her face. “I have waited a very long time to see him. I’m ready.”
“Follow me.” The Monitor instructs as he escorts her back inside and leads her to the foyer. “Oliver requested that I bring you from this specific location. Must have some special meaning.”
Felicity looks around and realizes just exactly where she is and what day it is. On May 14, 2013 she stood here on this very same place with Oliver.
“You need to stay here.”
“What? Why? You can’t just ask me—”
“I’m not asking. I will come and get you when this is all over.”
“No. Not unless you tell me why.”
“Because I need you to be safe.”
“But I don’t want to be safe. I wanna be with you, and the others, unsafe.”
“I can’t let that happen.”
“Oliver. You’re not making any sense.”
“Slade took Laurel because he wants to kill the woman I love.”
“I know. So?”
“So he took the wrong woman.”
“I love you. Do you understand?”
Felicity is still smiling when the portal finally opens. She walks through and suddenly she’s back in their Ivy Town home. A fire is crackling in the living room fire place, on the mantel are displayed the pictures from their trip over the summer. They looked so happy.
“In the kitchen!”
She whips around so fast her ponytail smacks her in the face. There in the middle of the kitchen stands a sweaty Oliver making omelettes. She doesn’t even try to pace herself. Felicity runs full speed at him and jumps into his arms.
“Hi.” He smiles down at her and gently grabs her chin to angle her head and press his lips to hers. “I’m glad you’re finally home.”
This is where they spend their eternal life. Reliving their best moments as a couple, blissfully in Ivy Town.
The end.
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ruwithmeguys · 5 years
Indulgence at its finest. Unusual for me but each chapter will be short. A one or two scene thing with possible multiple povs. It's just a bit of fun and honesty as I write for Indecent Proposal, True Face and Devil's Backbone. The title is a quote of John Parr's Restless Heart song. the lyrics are perfect .
Change one thing, change everything: Oliver manages to 'accidentally' invite Felicity Smoak - the one person he'd promised to never bring into his life that way - to the Christmas Party at the Queen Mansion. It's all her fault really. And it's not a date... or is it? Either way, his family, friends, enemies and ex-lovers have a few things to bring to the table. A different take to how these two could have started.
You can find me here:
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beemichelle7 · 6 years
Felicity nervously chewed on her fingernail as she watched the live coverage of the prison break. The names of the escaped convicts had yet to be released. Her eyes were glued to the screen and she kept the volume low in the hope that William wouldn’t wake up and start asking questions she didn’t have the answers to. Morning would be here soon enough, however, and she needed to be prepared for the inevitable conversation. Felicity grabbed her tablet and weighed it in her hands thoughtfully. How many times had she thought about hacking into the prison’s security system over the last 6 months? This time there was no choice to make… she had to know. Felicity swiped her finger across the screen to unlock the tablet and dropped onto the couch. Balancing the device on her lap and pulling her lip between her teeth, she began typing furiously. A soft knock at the door startled her so intensely the tablet tumbled off her lap and on to the floor. Felicity paid it no mind as she stared at the door. She must have sat there longer than she realized because the knock came again. Her legs shook as she slowly rose to her feet and crossed the room. She laid a trembling hand against the door and leaned down to check the peephole. A sob escaped her throat and she threw open the door. Frantic hands grabbed his shirt and drug him into the house before shutting the door tightly behind him and twisting the lock into place. She kept one hand fisted in his shirt as she furiously looked from the TV to the peephole and back again; she’d barely glanced at his face. “What happened? Are you alone? Did anyone follow you? How did you get out? Do they know you got out? We have to hide you. We have to run… I have papers…” She started to walk quickly towards the office but, unwilling to let go of him, her progress was stopped short when he didn’t follow. When her arm reached its full extension, her body came to an abrupt halt and pulled her back around to face him again. Her put his hand over the one still white-knuckling his shirt and his other hand went to her face. “Breathe, Felicity. Look at me.” She sucked in air and for the first time since he’d walked through—well, since she’d drug him through the door—she let her eyes lock into his. “Oliver.” She whispered. But the moment came and went quickly as her instincts took over. “Oliver, please. We have to go.” Her eyes pleaded with him. She’d prepared for this moment. She’d prepared for every possible scenario she could think of. “I know you have a lot of questions, hon… I will answer all of them. I want to explain everything to you. But right now, I just need you to trust me. Everything is fine. No one is coming; not tonight. We have time.” She stood in front of him, chest heaving, eyes frantic, hands shaking and tried to comprehend what he was telling her. Tried to comprehend that he was here, standing right in front of her. She reached out and touched the long goatee growing where his short beard used to be and she shuddered slightly. Six months was a long time. What had he seen and experienced? Was he still the man she remembered? Felicity took a step back and cleared her throat. “The master bed and bath are through there,” she pointed to a door on her right. “There are clean towels under the sink and you have clothes in the bottom drawer of the dresser.” “Felicity…” she shook her head just slightly. “Get changed. Clean up if you want and then we’ll talk.” He nodded reluctantly when she shifted back again and after letting his eyes linger on her face a moment longer, he turned and walked into the bedroom. Felicity took a deep breath and blinked away the tears that threatened to spill from her watering eyes. She could hear the shower running now, so she headed into the bedroom and changed into her pajamas just to give herself something to do. She pulled on a pair of sleep shorts and one of Oliver’s Henley’s just like she had every night since he’d left. But now… she nervously tugged at the fabric over her stomach and wondered if she should change. The water shut off and her eyes were glued to the bathroom door. She stood frozen in place, except for the fingers absently plucking at the fabric of Oliver’s shirt that was covering her body. Her feet were suddenly moving before her brain could catch up and she pushed through the bathroom door. She was greeted by a cloud of steam and the sight of her husband hunched over the sink. He had a towel wrapped around his waist, his hands were clutching the counter and the muscles in his arms were bunched as he held himself in a position wrought with exhaustion. His head was hanging, but when he heard the door he immediately turned his face towards her. He raised himself up and turned his body to face her as well as she slowly approached. She let her eyes wander his body from head to toe, cataloging his new scars and his leaner physique. Her eyes flickered over his face, but only met his own for a brief moment before moving on. A fresh wound on his arm caught her attention. “What’s this?” she whispered. She reached out and wrapped her fingers around his wrist, pulling his arm gently towards her. “It looks like you cut something out of your arm.” She felt him shiver almost imperceptibly as she ran her fingers over the skin of his forearm. “It was a computer chip.”
“They injected you with a Parallax Device? Is that how they keep the prisoners in line?”
“Yes.” Despite the unpleasant memory, the corners of his mouth tick up. He’d missed his genius wife. He could see her brain working as she studied his wound.
“This needs medical attention.”
She finally met his eyes fully, giving him a disapproving look. He chuckled softly. “I promise to let you play doctor later.”
She brought her hands up to his face, feeling the unfamiliar beard under her fingers. His eyes slid shut as he leaned into her touch. She scratched it experimentally and her touch felt heavenly, but he missed the way her fingers caught on his stubble. Her hands tightened on his face as she pulled herself up towards him. “Oliver,” She whispered his name before pressing her lips to his cheek. The hair of his beard between her lips and his skin frustrated her. It was a physical representation of the 6 months between them. As if he could read her mind, he murmured “Help me shave it?” She nodded and gave him a small push towards the tub. He situated himself on the side while she grabbed his bag from under the sink. She set the bag down next to him, pulled out a pair of small scissors and stepped between his legs. His hands clutched the side of the tub to keep himself from wrapping them around her. He was doing his best to let her lead, despite the fact that all he wanted to do was wrap her tightly in his arms and never let go. She cut away his goatee carefully before pulling out his shaving supplies. She leaned around him to turn on the tub and he automatically raised his hands to her waist to hold her steady. When she didn’t oppose the touch, he left his hands there… pulling her in a little closer while she lathered his face. As she stretched his skin tight with her left hand and swiped carefully along the grain with the razor she held in her right, he tightened his hands and swiped his thumbs gently against her waist. When she’d walked into the bathroom surrounded by steam and dressed in his shirt it had almost brought him to his knees. He was thankful to be sitting now as he took this quiet moment to drink in his wife. Her hair was longer and hung in soft waves around her shoulder. Her tongue rested between her lips as she concentrated on her task. His shirt engulfed her small frame and he gripped her waist tighter, feeling the changes in her body. He heard her breath hitch, but she stayed laser focused on her task. Yet with every swipe of the razor it felt like she was removing the barrier between them. Her body was slowly relaxing more into his. When she was done, she wiped his face with a cold washcloth and then framed his face in her hands… she tipped his chin up, then to the left and then the right. She smiled as a tear streaked down her face. “There you are,” she whispered. The six months without her, the things he’d been through, the stress of the day and the emotion of this moment compounded on top of him and his breathing became harsh. She pulled him to her and he buried his face in her stomach. She gripped his back with one hand and his hair with the other. Holding him, she murmured words of comfort. After a few minutes his breathing started to even out. He moved his hands from her waist to around her back and slid his hands all the way up his Henley until he could tangle his fingers into her hair. He nuzzled into her stomach and then placed a kiss on the soft slope. She trembled. “Oliver…” her hands moved to his face again and tugged, bringing his gaze up to hers. She bit her lip and shook her head slightly before taking a shuddering breath. “I’m so mad at you.” Her whisper was accompanied by two more tears escaping down her cheeks. “You have every right to be. There’s a lot we need to talk about.”
She leaned down towards him until their noses bumped affectionately together. “Later,” she whispered again before pressing her lips to his. “I missed you so much. I’m so sorry. I love you, Felicity.” He mumbled the words against her lips. “I will always,” she kissed the corner of his mouth, “always,” and the other corner, “always love you,” she breathed, her lips back against his. He captured her top lip in-between his and kissed her deeply, with all the want and love that had built up in their six months apart. She moaned and then pulled back suddenly with a gasp, “Wait! We need to bandage your arm,” she said breathlessly. “Later,” he growled before wrapping an arm around her waist and standing up. She lifted her legs around his waist in a move as familiar to them as breathing, looped her arms around his neck and went back to kissing her husband as he carried her to bed.
**I wrote this fast and there are probably a ton of mistakes. Sorry!**
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smoakandarrow · 6 years
Hi, I hope you're doing okay, just wandering... are you ever coming back to finish your fanfics? They were amazing btw, have a nice day
Hey Anon!
I’m doing very well, thank you.  So sweet of you to ask.  :)  I’m usually around, just quiet these days.  And busy!  Geez.  Life’s been a bit hectic since late last year.  Job shift and all that.  All good things, but it’s significantly re-ordered my time.  I’m so glad you enjoy the fics, thank you!  As for finishing them… it’s doubtful. Writing and I have been having a love hate (mostly hate) relationship for some time now but my focus has definitely shifted to pursuing original fiction projects of the (surprise!) romance genre.  *fingers crossed*
I really appreciate everybody’s kind support and enthusiastic feedback on the stories I have posted.  It’s always the bright spot in my day!
Hugs! And Thank You!
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