#On View at the Five Spot Cafe
jazzdailyblog · 6 months
Larry Coryell: The Godfather of Fusion Jazz
Introduction: Larry Coryell, often referred to as the “Godfather of Fusion,” was a pioneering guitarist whose innovative blend of jazz, rock, and blues revolutionized the jazz world in the 1960s and 1970s. His virtuosic playing and fearless exploration of new musical territories helped define the fusion jazz genre and inspired generations of musicians. In this blog post, we will delve into the…
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sinkovia · 8 months
Coffee shop
Simon Riley x Fem!Reader
You work at a small cafe that Simon starts visiting when he’s not deployed.
Coffee Shop Masterlist
After months of deployment, Simon was finally discharged, and the decision to settle down took root within him. Years of moving between apartments during deployments led him to the conclusion that it was time to have a place to call his own, a familiar haven to return to. He opted for a one-bedroom house in a quiet neighborhood of a small town—a space he could truly call home.
What appealed to him the most about this place was the convenience of having many things within walking distance, reducing the need for constant driving.
One of his newfound discoveries was a small cafe just five minutes away from his house. After finishing his workout in the afternoon, he grabbed one of the many books he had ordered and walked down. As he entered, the cozy atmosphere embraced him, and there were only a few patrons inside, eliciting a small sigh of relief from him.
It felt like the perfect place to unwind and delve into his books, a quaint spot where he could enjoy the simplicity of life after the rigors of military service.
When you saw him walk in, you took in his appearance and greeted him with a welcoming smile. Standing tall, he was a behemoth of a man, and you instinctively assumed he would order a straightforward black coffee. However, as he approached the counter and confidently stated his order for black tea in a strong Manchester accent, you nearly froze.
"Is something wrong?" His deep voice resonated, and you softly smiled, "Not at all, sir. I'm sorry. Would you like any sugar or milk?"
He grabbed his wallet and placed a ten-dollar bill on the counter, "Plain is fine."
Walking away, he took a seat near the front of the cafe, affording him a clear view of everyone entering and a pleasant sight through the nearby window. Your brows furrowed at the ten-dollar bill.
Where on God's green earth did he ever pay ten dollars for a cup of tea?
After making his cup, you retrieved his change of six dollars and approached his table. He seemed deeply engrossed in his book, you almost felt bad for interrupting him.
"Here's your tea, and the tea is only four dollars. This is your change." He glanced at the money on the table before looking up at you. His gaze lingered, taking in your features; you looked only a few years younger than him.
You were pretty too.
Shifting your weight from one leg to the other, you felt his eyes wandering. "Keep the change, love." His use of the endearment caught you off guard. People around here never spoke that way, but then again, based on his accent, you knew he wasn't from the area.
"Oh no, that's too much. Please, keep it." He picked up the cup, bringing it to his lips. After taking a sip, his eyes slightly widened. It was the best cup of tea he had had in years.
"Consider it a tip then. You know how to make a good cup," he said, and you smiled, feeling proud that this giant man appreciated the way you made tea.
"Thank you. That's very sweet of you to say." He hummed in response, and you took it as a sign to let him go back to his book and read in peace. You gathered the cash on the table and tucked it into your apron as you walked away.
After taking off your apron in the back, you made yourself a cup of tea before settling down in the corner of the cafe with a book. Simon glanced up at you, noticing an older man standing in your place at the register.
Were you on break?
His eyes returned to the pages of his book, and he continued reading until he heard you get up after about thirty minutes, standing back at the register with the book still in your hand. The only customers to come in were an older couple who chose to sit in the back, away from Simon.
A small timer on his watch beeped quietly, and he turned it off. Having spent around an hour and a half at the cafe, he thought it was a good time to head back home. Your eyes went to him when you heard the quiet beeping, observing as he tore a small piece of the napkin and used it as a bookmark. You smiled to yourself, recalling how you used to do the same before you started doodling on strips of paper to use as bookmarks.
As he got up from his seat, you smiled and called out to him, "Have a nice day."
He responded with a gruff "you too" before walking out and heading back home. Simon appreciated the quiet and emptiness of the cafe and decided he would definitely be returning tomorrow.
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kpopscruggles · 7 months
The Urge to Let Go - Anton
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Genre - Smut
Word count - 3k 😭
Warnings - Mature Language, Sexual Themes, fembody, SwitchAnton, mentions of alcohol, footplay, cumplay, panty sniffing, receiving oral from both ends (in a car), anton is literally obsessed, jakesim is a vv small character, hint of cheating at the end(iguess),
Summary - Anton decides to stay alone at his family's vacation home for summer break away from college. Deciding one day too head and swim at the community pool he meets you. Holding back the filthy urges he has throughout those two days he soon has a chance to have you...he finally can't hold back the dirty things he thinks of.
lil sequel
He decided to go to the family vacation house instead of spending his summer with his family, and what did that get him? Nothing. Anton was already bored and if he would've gone home, he could've been bothering his brother or even his mom. An average person would just take the shit they had unpacked, repacked, and went home but Anton refused. Looking on maps he tried to find anything that could become a staple for the summer till he went back to university. Cafe? he did not want it, Greek restaurant downtown? highly uninterested, Community pool? He could go for a swim. Looked like the pool was his destination. 
Upon arrival, he paid the simple five-buck fee and walked in. He watched the lifeguards' changing spots so the recent ones could have a break he assumed. Placing his things down he peeled off his shirt before pausing, glancing a bit higher than face view he saw you, your bare back as you climbed up the ladder to sit in the signature strawberry red lifeguard chair. The sunscreen giving your skin glow, the matching red one piece you wore that showed your figure, the sunglasses you put on to hide your eyes from the sun allowed the uncomfortable look to leave your face, a simple anklet shining in the sun, and the gorgeous red that painted the most pretty feet he had ever seen. Letting out a sigh he caught himself and turned away before you could realize he was looking. 
Diving into the water, he felt a small refresh in his skin from how hot it grew under the summer sun and from how he started to blush once looking at you. Swimming around he thought it would relax him, though he could not bear but look at you again. He could feel his body growing warm again; he did not understand why you suddenly had such a strong hold on him. Was it the fact he had not found any female appealing in a while? meaning he had not gotten laid in a couple of months? Was it just the stifling air messing with him? How does the sun make you look? He had no clue. He wanted you; he knew that. 
He began questioning himself, why he was weak enough to think about you in such a way. How he wanted to taste the mix of your skin and sunscreen. Your pretty feet too just run against his now growing package, his cock. Oh god. Looking around he immediately reached for his towel and climbed out of the pool, he needed to leave if you were going to rest up there for a good while. He wished he could speak to you but had no courage to do so.  
He rushed himself to the restroom while drying his hair, he almost felt anxiety creep in as he questioned if you found him weird or seen him watching you. Getting in the opening of the pool he saw the restrooms, walking that was he noticed the cubby wall for the workers to put their belongings. Looking around he saw the concession stand was not open, so no one was in there besides him and anyone who could be in the restrooms. He felt disgusted with himself, but his cock was begging for him to do so, no. No! He was not going to do such a thing. 
"Are you wanting something from the stand?" Anton jumped only to feel his cock do the same when he turned to notice you "I noticed you've been standing here for a while". He nodded because no words could leave his lips, he took a whiff of your perfume as you walked by. The simple coconut perfume everyone uses smelt so different to you. Walking to the concession he looked around; he watched you up close now. Your breasts practically fell out of the one piece you wore. 
"Uhm just a lemonade" he muttered before hearing you chuckle then grab it for him. "Your voice is so quiet" you respond before he watches you take the two dollars from him. Oh, your voice, your giggles, he was already hooked deep. He just smiled back and took the drink, watching you close the stand then head back to the pool area he gulped, turning back to the cubby wall he lost it "Fuck this.". Walking to it he noticed the perfume...the yellow beach-themed bottle with the water-blue words "Tropical Coconut.". 
Once mumbling the words to himself, he snatched the bottle and tossed it in his towel's folds. Once wanting to walk away he then paused one last time, he wanted to take everything, but he could not bear to let himself do such a thing. Walking out he got in his car and left. His heart pumping out his chest, but his cock felt some relief that he had something of yours. The drive home was so peaceful yet the shameful pervert in Anton's head was not afraid to remind him, but it was too weak to change his mind. 
He pulled at the bit of chapped skin on his lips, his throat dry as he stared at the lemonade and then back at the perfume that sat dead center in the middle of the coffee table. His cock still begging to be touched but his brain was still too busy whirling around in circles to even think about how much ache he was in. A filthy pervert. That is what he was or at least what he was trying to call himself instead of a genius for the fact that once he smelt this perfume and stroked his cock, he would not have a care in the world. Holding the bottle now in his hands he looked at the spray nozzle, spraying it above him he took another guilty whiff. The smell now stuck in his nose, he chuckled, this was not a guilty whiff, it was a pleasurable one.  
He sprayed it everywhere, his pillows now drenched in the coconut scent, the kitchen, the hallway, everywhere! Even in the hit shower, it lingered enough for him to grow eager once again. His hands took his cock which caused a hitched sigh to leave him. He chuckled once again at how he finally was going to get relief. He was going to paint the shower walls. 
Stroking his length, he felt a tingle run down his spine, closing his eyes he let his imagination run wild "Oh baby~ that's it.". Moans after moans leaving him as his wrist allowed him to pick up the pace. His hips stuttered as he fucked his hand. "I-I'm going to cum..Shit I'm going to cum!". A whine left him with each rope of cum that left his cock. 
He thought that was the end but smelling it on his sheets could not help but go repeatedly. Loud moans echoing his room at how sensitive he got from overstimulation. Wiping the cum from his stomach he sighed "You return the perfume tomorrow then she won't know a thing.". He had to repeat this in his head before falling asleep. He was not going to let his cock rule out his mind.  
He wished doing such a thing was just as easy as speaking it, he once again faced to face with your cubby. Staring at where your stuff was yesterday, where were your things? For some reason he began to panic, he had to deeply think if he left it there would you think he took it? surely not. You'd think someone just borrowed it or lost it. Placing it in the empty cubby, he immediately turned on his heels and walked to the pool area.  
He felt a shocking pain between his legs as he bumped into someone, looking up that tingle from his dick was now satisfactory to him. It was you, I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention!". look at you, so sweet looking while panicking. Holding himself together he nodded "I-It's okay, just a simple accident" He added before looking at the tote bag that struck him. He had to hold himself together and pretend he didn't want to beg for you to do it again. 
"If you were going to the pool, they closed it because a kid got sick" you informed him causing him to nod "You could come with us though, we're going to the lake not too far from here". He couldn't lie, he was incredibly grateful for your friend and what he assumed you thought was her blabbering mouth. Seeing how you weren't too fond of this he felt bad at how needy he was for you and agreed. "Great just follow us." Fuck this was it. 
Anton was now quaking once he got in his car and followed you, he was now going to see you in your comfort and relaxation which didn't seem like much but for him, it was fucking exciting. Once you park, he notices it was a small get-together with friends, and two guys who were already there were pulling the alcohol out of their trunks. Once again though, for Anton, they weren't the main priority. You were his only goal, no matter what it was going to involve you. Getting out he followed you and introduced himself to the others. 
Immediately one person wasn't fond of him, Jake. Jake also was trying to get in your pants; Anton was far from intimidated though. If it was between him and Jake, then so be it. He wasn't going to lose when the prize was to swoon you over. "So, are you still going to be soft-spoken?" you chuckled making Anton smile "I'll try my hardest not to, hopefully, the alcohol will make me a bit louder.".  
Grabbing a beer from the cooler he saw you smile "I can make you loud if I have to" you whispered before taking a beer yourself. Anton was stuck by your words, once again he was growing warm. If only you knew how much you had affected him. Taking a huge gulp of his beer he then sat next to you "You really think so?" he smirked. "I know so.". 
The night went on and Anton could feel the tension between the two of you, the multiple beers you had before sharing a bottle was enough for him to get louder and more courageous for you. He could see on your face that you were enjoying him too. "So, do you stay around here?" the question caught him off guard a bit, Were you that curious about him? Was it a sign that you wanted to go home with him? "Yeah, I'm about ten minutes from here". 
He watched your eyes widen a little before biting your bottom lip. Fuck, you looked so sexy when you did that. "Maybe we should ditch?" his breath hitched at your words. Nodding at what you said he then got up from the picnic table and took your hand. The others were too busy drinking more that they almost didn't notice you two lefts till Anton got the view of seeing Jake pissed. Anton couldn't wipe the smirk off his face. 
"Do you live down here or just for the summer?" you asked as Anton responded with a nod "Yeah, just for the summer. My family has a vacation home down here, so I've been staying here.". He watched you nod as you listened to him, or at least he was. It wasn't until you ran your hand over his thigh "You seem like a sweet boy Anton...kind of wished I would've known you sooner." "You shouldn't let that stop you though, it's only the second day of summer and I could be yours all season if you want.". He meant that and he made it clear as he glanced at you one last time waiting for a response. 
"Yeah? You'd be my all summer? I could do what I want with you?". Anton nodded at every question that left your lips, a shiver running down his spine at your tone. The way you talked to him like a lost dog was enough to put him in shambles. That cute giggle left your lips as your hand was now placed on his growing bulge. "I don't know. You don't seem needy enough. 
Those words were enough for him to pull the car over, which caused you to glance at him like he was insane. Turning to you, he let out a shaky sigh, his eyes now glistening a little from needy tears "You don't understand how bad I want you, you don't know how much I've craved you since I watched you yesterday...I would throw all of my manhood out the door if that meant you'd touch me and treat me like your filthy mutt." This left you in slight shock and he could tell but didn't care. Taking your hand, he forced it to grip his semi-hard cock. "Please...I'll bet my life away.". 
He watched a smirk form on your lips before you leaned closer, running your lips against him he whimpered trying to lean in for a kiss. "If I knew you wanted me that bad, I would've fucked you then and there". "So, make up for it.". Now you both were in shambles once you pulled his lips in for a kiss. His cock now twitched in his swim shorts. 
Pulling away you chuckled against his lips before placing your finger at the corner of his mouth to try and wipe the lip gloss off, it being no use once he took your fingers into his mouth sucking on them while more moans left him. "I bet you love this. Knowing you're sucking the fingers that I fuck myself with." Anton immediately nodded as saliva now ran down the corner of his mouth. pulling your finger away you licked it up before pulling him back in for a kiss. Holding your leg, he brought your foot up to his clothed cock, a small whine leaving him "Please rub my cock~". The closest thing you had ever seen, you couldn't help but oblige. 
"My feet too? you must love everything about me" You chuckled only to see him nod eagerly. Using your hand to pull down his swim shorts you placed your barefoot back on his cock, the precum being smeared with each movement you made. Licking the fingers he was once sucking on you watched him lean back in the seat, brows knitted together, and fingers laced in your anklet before placing a small kiss on your knee. "I-I think I might cum.." Chuckling at his breathless moans I pulled my foot away. "Lick it up" you added showing him the precum on your foot, and he followed exactly what you asked. 
Licking up his precum he then kissed your ankle before you pulled away to crawl into the backseat. Your pussy dripping at how eager he was to follow behind you. Letting him sit you then pumped his cock "You want to cum? Hmm? You should cum down my throat. Would you like that baby?". Biting his bottom lip, he pulled you into a kiss while nodding "Mhm~ please let me cum~". You nodded before taking him into your mouth. 
"Oh shit!" a huff of air left him as you felt him run his hand down your back and slip into your bottoms. You felt his slick fingers run against your anus; he must have licked them. You couldn't help but moan around his cock once feeling him push two fingers in your tight hole. "Anton~" Oh god you were moaning for him, moaning for his fingers to fuck you. Anton was already getting fuzzyheaded at your moans let alone your warm mouth take all of him. 
His hips shuttered causing him to try and apologize but it was no use feeling the cushion of your throat against his begging tip. His stomach tightened, his breathing was uneven, his cock twitched from how much he was holding back. Anton knew he was going to cum at any moment. His eyes rolled back "D-don't move! Oh god!". the whine being the last spoken word before he filled your throat with cum and his bottom lip shivering with every breath he took.  
Pulling away he watched you swallow it before pulling him into a kiss, the taste of his cum and your salvia now sending him into overdrive. Removing his fingers he moved your bottoms to the side "Lay down...". He leaned closer to your pussy, a sigh leaving him as he felt the warm creamy substance swimming through your slit. Looking up at you he smirks before licking his finger only after smelling your sweetness. He was going to devour you finally. 
A gasp left' you once you felt his warm tongue against your clit, his soft eyes looking up at you while doing such sinful acts. He wanted you to know that he was here to please you and that anything you wanted he would easily do. Your fingers ran through his dark hair, tugging with each quick lap of his tongue. "Just like that... you're doing s-so good..." you sighed watching the windows fog as you tilted your head back feeling his tongue swirl around your clit. You felt a sigh leave him which only made you shiver due to his warm breath running up your soaked slit.  
"Please cum on my tongue, please, please~" you couldn't hold back much longer hearing his begs for your release, gripping his hair tighter and practically pulling on it you felt your stomach drop and your release rush from you. You could hear every whimper, whine, and slurp from Anton as he licked you clean. Gasping you slowly began catching your breath as you watched him lick his lips clean with a smile "Feel good?". The confidence on his face only made you drip more as you nodded. "Best I've had" Now this had Anton blushing extremely.  
The summer went by in a flash, Anton was growing eager to come down to his last week and still not being able to be inside your pussy. He'd text you every night praising you more than any man has ever done, but when Anton came to the pool there was just no courage to speak to him. You could easily say the alcohol helped by getting you both comfortable but at the same time drifted you apart once the alcohol was sucked up and put behind the two of you. You could tell it was killing him inside when you acted like what happened didn't at all. He wasn't going to stand for it. 
Waiting for you to close the pool for the day you turned to see him leaning against his car, trying to walk past him you failed as he stepped in front of you "Did I do something wrong? I didn't push you, did I?". You didn't answer and just looked at your feet before backing up at him "That's not it at all I just...It's an awkward situation at the moment.". "How is it awkward? We had oral sex, exchanged numbers, and still text like normal," Anton added while following you to your car, it was no use as he watched you just start the engine and drive off. He was fuming, he felt like he just wasted his time. Getting in his car he went back to his place. 
The rest of the week he was packing his things and pulling his hair out at the fact that he didn't know what went wrong. He also expected that once he tasted you that would be it but no, it was far from finished on his end. Putting the last few things in his bag he knew he was going to see you again; he could feel it. It was a gut feeling he knew he couldn't run away from. He wasn't going to run away either. 
Putting the last shirt away in his suitcase we looked at the swimsuit bottoms you had worn, he washed them and kept them for himself because you agreed he could. Taking them in his hold he sighed before smelling your scent on them still, he chuckled at how mind-boggling it was that was still possible. "I'll never get over your smell". Whispering those few words to himself he then zipped his bag up. Leaving the house he began his drive back to campus. 
Arriving, he was getting a new dormmate, not that it mattered, but he was intrigued. "You are again.", Anton turned to see Jake bringing his things in, rolling his eyes at Jake he went back to unpacking "Awe are you hurt that she left you behind?". Anton turned to him "She didn't leave me behind". Jake chuckled "But she did, Anton hates to spill the news so quickly but she came back with me...She's mine. Anton chuckled "Just because she came back with you doesn't mean she's yours.". 
Anton had no care what Jake had to say because as Jake was blabbering, he got a text from you. A text that made it truly clear who you wanted, and it was him. Anton knew you'd miss him too much just like he missed you. Jake may think he won but like Anton kept telling himself...When it came to you, he was always going to win. 
I'm in town, you should come by my roommate's place, she's gone. 
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casper-spills · 2 months
| Tarot Cards: Places they represent |
✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁𝟑𝟎𝟎 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥!▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
Hey guys! Welcome back to another post ♡
We reached 300 followers! And I'm gonna do a special for you guys because I seriously am so grateful for all of your support. My blog has been growing so fast and I literally never expected to be where I am today. Thank you! ♡
This post will be a little different to my usual stuff. I was thinking I might start a series like this where I give some tips on how to read your tarot! I'll also include the sources I use at the end in case you wanted to check those out too.
Anyway, here is a list of places that the cards represent ♡
Cassy the friendly ghost ♡
✦Masterlist ✦Paid Readings ✦Support me through Kofi
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𓆩♡𓆪 𝙎𝙐𝙈𝙈𝙀𝙍 𝘿𝙄𝙎𝘾𝙊𝙐𝙉𝙏 50% 𝙊𝙁𝙁 !! 𓆩♡𓆪
Ends on September 22nd
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1. Magician - Kitchen, labatory, shows, music, magic, performances
2. High Priestess - Secret place, secret society, library, somewhere quiet, reading rooms, theatre, halls
3. Empress - Old/stately homes, old school building, old hospital building, boutique, beauty parlor, restaurants
4. Emperor - Royal palace, business establishments, schools, univerisity
5. Heirophant - Church, univeristy, temple, place of worship, corporate building
6. Lovers - Sweet shop, date locations, love hotel, honeymoon places
7. Chariot - Car ralley, racing fixtures, garages, horse racing, highway
8. Strength - Zoo, petting zoos, gym, fitness studios
9. Hermit - Cave, retreat centres, hill walking
10. Wheel - Ferris wheels, london eye, casino, lottery tickets, shops selling wheels
11. Justice - Court, arbitration offices, counselling institution, police department
12. Hanged Man - Bungee jumping, sky diving, thrilling activities
13. Death - Church yard, funeral parlor, butcher, cemetary
14. Temperance - Cocktail bar, queues, waiting rooms, chemist dispensary
15. Devil - Adult shops, clubs, casinos, brothel, strip clubs
16. Tower - Chop shops, tall buildings, skyscrapers, stormy areas, fire
17. Star - Water, ocean, river, stargazing
18. Moon - Nighttime, stargazing, movie, stage, theatre
19. Sun - Birth centre, midwifery unti, hospital, holidays, tanning booths, abroad
20. Judgement - Rehabilitation centres, church, treament centres, spa
21. World - Airport, flying, dance studios
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☁︎ 𝒔𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔 ☁︎
Ace - Editor's room, skyscrapers, office, library, radio tower
Two - Statue of liberty, new york, seashore
Three - Hospital, rainy place, cloudy areas
Four - Bedroom, quiet places, funeral parlor
Five - Debate club, near water, themepark, competitive environments
Six - Boats, river, cruisers
Seven - Archery, secret location, casino, bomb shelter
Eight - Prison, therapy
Nine - Psychiatric hospital, confessional
Ten - Surgery room, accupuncture clinic, dentists
Page - Fraternity, rowdy places, sports arena
Knight - Windy places, windmills
Queen - Fenced off places, great walls, boundaries, spikes fences
King - Lawyers office
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🕯 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒔 🕯
Ace - Workshop, construction site
Two - Balcony, overseas, historical travel, boat
Three - Seaside, boat travel
Four - Fastfood, cafe, outdoors, wedding, celebration
Five - Sport centre, pool game
Six - Market, downtown, show, event, someone/something noticable
Seven - Competitive/violent environment
Eight - Road trip, highway
Nine - Competitive environment, barrier, wall, bouncer, high security
Ten - Workplace, labour, sweatshop
Page - Disco, dance, party
Knight - Hot and dry place, bonfire, abroad, holiday
Queen - Social events
King - Active place, fast moving environments
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꒦꒷ 𝒄𝒖𝒑𝒔 ꒷꒦
Ace - Lake, pond, birdbath, birds
Two - Luxury, home, common dating places
Three - Bar, pub, party
Four - Under a tree, graveyard
Five - A place of regret, place of bad memories, hospital, flooded areas, bridge, after party cleanup, alone in a bar
Six - Flourists, schoolyard, playground, nostalgic places
Seven - Highup places, views, drug suppliers, spots where people do drugs, drug shops
Eight - Bookstore, library, cave, quiet
Nine - Bar, party, pub, dinner, home
Ten - Family gatherings, park, outdoor, bbq party
Page - Aquariums, fish tanks, sea parks
Knight - Picnics, peaceful/romantic areas
Queen - Bathtub with cancles, home, skinny dipping, swimming
King - Beach, lake
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˗ˏˋ 𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒄𝒍𝒆𝒔 ˎˊ˗
Ace - Dispensary, bank, currency exchange centre
Two - Circus, arcade, carnival
Three - Fashion show runway, art gallery, boutique, museum
Four - Uncle scrooge's home, gold reserves, saferoom, secret hideout, vault
Five - The streets, people living in powerty, homeless spots,
Six - Pawn shops, currency exchange shops, trade stores
Seven - Nursery, orchard
Eight - workshop, construction site
Nine - Gardens, green parks
Ten - Market
Page - Field, farm, family business
Knight - Workplace, chores, school
Queen - Home, nursery room
King - Bank manager's office
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♥Thank you for your support!♥
Dividers by @cafekitsune, @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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equallyshaw · 2 months
a night in paris | john marino
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౨ৎ masterlist. ౨ৎ word count: 3.1k ౨ৎ warnings: none ? just some cigarette use. ౨ৎ this was started weeks ago in honor of his birthday and now...its a little gift after the news ౨ৎ started strong...then fizzled out lol ౨ৎ also, french is in italics
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john had just arrived in the city of love, meeting up with nico, dawson, jack and alex for a little european excursion. the five of them all met up in the historic hotel's lobby before heading down to avenue de cameons for some croissants and expresso, before heading towards the eiffel tower. his jet lag began to set in as soon as they stepped foot down the street and towards carette which was about a 10 minute walk. nico was busy talking about the city of love and some places he thought they should visit since he'd been coming here since he was a child. john took in the sights and sounds, the expanse of the block, and the sheer chaos that ensued around the hockey players. after a quick stroll, the group quickly took the two open tables next to each other in front of the cafe. nico had explained that since it was only 7 in the morning, it was free for fall.
nicolette was not enjoying the city of love at this current moment. she had just gotten off from her shift at a 24 hour cafe and was in line for a croissant at carette, and thought she was going to lose her mind as somebody dumped their expresso on her. her and the perpetrators eyes went towards her white button up shirt and then met eachothers gaze.
"im so sorry madam!" they apologize quickly and she put her hand up, "maybe you should be paying attention to your surroundings you fucking phony!" she screamed, as a cafe worker handed her napkins. which were no use at all.
the cafe went silent as they all looked towards the young woman who had insulted the middle-aged man, and quietly snickered. nico looked back as soon as he heard the french insult and made a shocked face before laughing. "whats so funny?" jack questioned as he looked between the young woman and nico. "she just insulted the man." nico smirked before sipping on some of his drink, "it doesn't really translate well. it just means 'phony' which in the french language, is just an insult." he explained and the guys nodded. the woman was still rambling in french before she handed the napkin back to the worker, and turned on her heel. her brown locks swaying as she walked out of the cafe with the middle aged man still apologizing. she rolled her eyes as she ignored him and hoped he would catch her drift. she pulled her vintage black sunglasses down from her head and looked both ways before crossing the street. before she was out of their view, she flipped off the man. jack being the little kid that he is, immediately giggled which in turn made the group laugh.
nicolette scurried back to her apartment two blocks over, as quickly as her ballet flats could take her. she was still quite upset that her white shirt was ruined, one she'd recently gotten in milan for a quick holiday. a deep sigh of relief came from the petite brunette as she spotted the familiar red doors of her apartment building, and picked up her speed. she wanted to get out of these clothes and into some pajamas. her roommate and best friend camille was up on the couch with a cigarette freshly lit, who smiled widely once nicolette stepped inside. her smile faded once she saw the state of her shirt and frowned, "don't tell me that's -" and nicolette cut her off, "yes yes." she snipped pulling it off to reveal a bralette underneath and threw it in the garbage. nicolette held out her hand for the cigarette for the brunette to take, and camille quickly gave her it, "i thought you gave it up," she paused, "6 months ago?" camille teased as she watched her friend's eyes close and a sigh of relief pool from her body.
"to hell with resolutions." she shrugged and handed the cigarette back.
nicolette plopped herself down on the green velvet couch, looking at the current state of the apartment. her anxiety rose with how cluttered it was and groaned loudly as she heard the tea kettle scream. camille rushed over to pour it in the french press, for their morning coffee. "how about we go out tonight?" camille asked from the kitchen and to which, nicolette rubbed her hands down her face. "it'll be funnnn!" camille said angelically from the kitchen before leaning on the missing door - frame, taking in her friends distressed state. "how about no?" nicolette snipped turning on her side.
"tony invited us out... yknow how big of a crush he has on you!" camille teased walking back to the french press. nicolette rolled her eyes, if she never had to see him again - her world would be alright. but no, he found her everytime they went out and she was honestly quite sick and tired of it. "i'd call it stalking." nicolette murmured as she stood, and headed into the kitchen for a cup of coffee.
john and the rest of the group went to the eiffel tower after croissants and coffee and then headed towards a market that held produce, small gifts, and many, many delicacies for them to try. nico being quite the man, translated and spoke for the group in french. the boys gave him the most teasing as they strolled down the market street, before feeling the real effects of jet lag. "how about we go back to the hotel, nap, food, nap, dinner then drinks?" alex offered and the group all agreed.
nicolette and camille stood outside the club around 12, smoking a cigarette as they tried to catch their breaths. that evening in the club was hot and claustrophobic nicolette thought. "oh oh oh." camille said hitting her friend in the chest and her hand quickly went to go soothe the sting, "christ cami." she murmured as she followed camille's eyesight. "americans." camille grinned with delight in her eyes and that made her friend giggle. "i don't think they're all american." nicolette said pointing out the fluent french also being spoken and she thought her friend just about fell in love right there. the group of 5 men were currently trying to get into the club and was having little success, and now one of them was trying to tell them they should try another place.
"how about we pull them in, and say their our friends?" camille questioned turning back to her friend with puppy eyes. nicolette shook her head with a small giggle. "nicole! come on!" camielle begged and nicolette rolled her eyes at the nickname she didn't care for. camille did not wait for answer before stalking over there and began to speak to the bouncer. her expressions and hand movements were theatrical and nicolette gave her friend a pointed look, when camille pointed back toward her. nicolette felt many pairs of eyes on her, as she still leaned against the wall. she dropped the last bit of cigarette before stepping on it and crossing her arms. camille smiled and kissed the bouncer's cheek before telling the group to follow her. "do i even want to know?" nicolette murmured to the girl and camille could only respond with a giggle.
the guys all followed camille, and eyed the two as they spoke in hushed french. "im camille!" camille beamed, eyeing each of them and they all nodded. "nicolette." the other girl hummed more softly, and the guys nodded as well. the guys all introduced themselves and then nicolettes eyes landed on the very friend that just a few minutes ago was trying to get them to go someplace else before camille swooped in. she took in his curly hair that was just about to cover his eyebrows. then she moved on to the tall, strong build of the mysterious person. before landing on the two dark, shimmering orbs, like melted caramel - that were his eyes.
his voice matched his eyes, warm, inviting, and smooth.
"well boys, come follow us!" camille announced confidently as four of them followed her back through the club doors. while leaving john and nicolette behind, briefly. she smiled softly before taking the door from the one named 'jack', and held it for john who slipped in behind.
the club was hot, steamy and had a rhythmic pulse to it. french club music was playing out from every corner as they all made their way back to the table they had been at before. as soon as her and john made it to the table, all the guys began scoping out the place as a waiter came to take their order. "chartreuse, please." nicolette ordered and then he was off.
"so where are you all from? i hear different accents." camille questioned loudly over the music. one was from switzerland - who was currently ogling camille, who lets be real; was ogling him right back. three were from the states, including the one with chocolate eyes. and another was from canada. "ah! i have family who live there , i think-think, newfoundland area?" nicolette said with a slight glint of curiousty. dawson's eyes skyrocketed and the two quickly began a conversation. they had realized their families had a mutual friend in common and laughed over it being a small world.
"i haven't been since i was a young girl, about 5. but i do remember -oh whats it called- a beavers tail?" she questioned unsurely, and dawson laughed. "yes! beaver tails are so good! do you remember the poutine?" he questioned and she shook her head for a brief second before nodding, "oh ofcourse! gravy and cheese- so good!" she smiled widely before turning towards the waiter who was setting down the drinks. dawson entered the conversation with the other guys while john looked around and simply, people watched.
"so." nicolette said leaning in towards the boy, and he quickly looked towards her. "when did you all get in?" she questioned, sipping her drink that was sweet, tangy, and a bit spicy. "this morning actually." he said sipping his. "who got you guys to go out with jet lag?" she teased and john pointed towards the swiss who was currently talking with camille. "cheeky man he is." she grinned bringing the quartz glass to her rosy lips. nicolette looked around briefly before making eye contact with the one person, she did not want to see. tony.
she felt her blood run dry as he made his way over towards the group, with nicolette looking back at camille in a panic - who didn't notice because she was currently locking lips with the swiss man.
"fuck." nicolette mumbled before setting down her drink and dragging the closest one to her - onto the dance floor.
nicolette pulled him into the middle and rather closely, beginning to sway to the beat; while nonchalantly checking for tony. nicolettes heartbeat felt like it was going to beat out of her chest, as they danced. john's hands fell to her upper hips, trying to keep them at a respectful spot. the two danced for what felt like an eternity, finding each other's eyes in the middle half.
the smell of sweat and peony filled johns nose, as she pressed herself into him as the two continued to dance. butterflies ever-present, as the two continued to dance. nicolette found herself softly smiling as her back was facing him. she turned towards him now while her hands found his neck, and again made eye contact. "do you wanna take a breather?" she questioned loudly, and he nodded quickly. she took ahold of his hand and pulled him through the crowd to the back door where she had been previously with camille.
cool air hit the two as they stepped outside, now finally able to catch their breaths. nicolette wiped some sweat off of her forehead with her shirt, as she leaned against the wall. she felt herself itching to have a cigarette but decided against it. john let out a sigh of breath, before turning to look at the girl. her soft blue eyes were shut as her head tilted up towards the night sky. her leg tapped as her thoughts swirled, trying to calm them. "you good?" he questioned softly, knowing something was eating at her.
her eyes opened in a flash, before looking away. she swallowed harshly, hating how her skin still burned.
"i take it there was somebody walking up that you didn't want to talk to?" he said with slight hesitation and she nodded. "yeah and won't take the hint i don't like him like that nor really as a person." she giggled nervously. john understood and nodded, before looking out towards the busy streets. "wanna get out of here?" he questioned and her eye met his before she nodded.
the two headed out towards the small square while making small talk.
her eyes found the custard cart, le maison glacee.
"ice cream?" she questioned with a twinge of giddiness and john nodded, allowing her to take the lead. the two walked in silence before nicolette took over and ordered vanilla for her, and then turned towards john who answered with chocolate. the way the words effortlessly rolled off her tongue, created even more butterflies for john. she thanked the cartman as the two grabbed their bowls of french custard, and headed towards a small table nearby. "do you guys even sleep?" he teased as the two sat down and she shrugged with a slight grin. without a second to pass, their heads whipped towards a loud noise - a box falling - and then two voices began to scream. nicolette giggled mischievously as the two screamed at each other.
and then john realized.
"it was you!" he said with realization and nicolette gave him a slight head tilt of confusion as he chuckled. "you were the one who screamed at that man this morning." and nicolette felt her cheeks turn rose before giving him a cheeky grin. "it was me unfortunately." she hummed, taking a big spoon of icecream. johns eyebrows furrowed before she began to speak again, "that shirt was from milan recently, thrifted it from a boutique there and on top of that, my shift was shit and that was the last thing i needed." she groaned throwing one leg over the other as she leaned back.
"how come?" he questioned softly, eating a bit more. she sighed, "shitty boss and shitty customers." she shrugged looking off towards the distance. john watched as her eyes moved with the movement, as couples danced to the street singer who was serenading the square before they found his. "i work at a cafe not far from here and it wasn't a good night shift that's all. but it'll due for now." she shrugged as she looked back towards the dancers.
she absolutely adored dancing, whichever the kind, and found herself now swaying to the song.
"what do you want to do?" he questioned as she smiled softly, "i'd love to be a journalist. not much pay or glitz and glamour but i love writing, and id love for it to be my career." she said finishing up the bowl. john looked down at his, before looking back up. "have you gone to school for it? or do you not need it over here?" he asked and she nodded. "yeah, i finished a year ago at de paris with honors, but haven't found anything that would be good." she explained wiping her lips with her napkin. "have you always wanted to be a journalist?" he questioned. "since i was a little girl i loved to write, when i received my first journal when i was about 6, it was technically a drawing book but i just began to write. mostly nonsense but as i got older, it continued. once i got to highschool, it really took off. i joined the school newspaper and started writing once a week for the local newspaper back home before transitioning to the paper at universite." she explained with a wide smile, "being able to bring important heartfelt, and deep stories to light is my passion." nicolette finished. "what do you do?" she questioned giving him her full attention.
"im a professional hockey player, all of us are." he explained, " but i just got traded to a different team though. i played with them the past few years. besides lukey, who's only been here a year." he added. nicolette nodded softly, and then the two began to talk about anything and everything for the next hour, when john interrupted the conversation, "let's go dance." john said abruptly before standing up. he took the empty bowls of icecream and then her hand, before pulling her towards the singer. the singer was performing a slow french jazz, and john instantly pulled her in closer to his chest.
her heartbeat could be heard in her ears, as it felt like it was going to beat out of her chest. her body became warm and filled with butterflies. his chocolate eyes had pulled her in, and swooned her. yet, they were soft and inviting and safe.
his mouth opened softly, as if he was going to speak; with her butterflies swarming at the thought of hearing his voice. his eyes searched hers as the world and the music slowed around them. a soft hand came up to cup her cheek, ever so delicately. his thumb softly tracing her cheekbone before pulling her in for a deep kiss. her lips immediately returned the favor, before they pulled apart after a few seconds. her ever-pale cheeks turned rosy as the two foreheads rested against one another. a small smile formed on her lips, while a toothy smile appeared on his; the same feeling running through both of their bodies.
she was quite the enigma, john knew almost immediately after speaking to her. so down to earth, quiet, gentle, and inviting. she made you want to open up about everything and share the most wildest dreams and goals. he could see why she and camille had been thick as thieves since they were 6 years old, after meeting in ballet class. she was quite rare in a fast-paced world, and he adored that about her. it made him want to keep her in his life, somehow some way. even as friends.
her head found his chest, as the two continued to sway to the music. smiles covering their faces as the night went on. the city of love pulling them towards one another, giving the two a beautiful night to remember. and possibly, many more.
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SO not the greatest, but am very rusty and really wanted to get something up! hope you enjoyed (:
if you did, please like and repost!
xx Anna
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His Second Chance on Love
Nanami Kento x Reader
(Song Inspiration: What Once Was by Her’s)
Everyone said bye to each other and went separate ways. You continued to walk down towards the train station, your hand holding the strap to your bag tightly that rested on your shoulder. You pulled your hair tie out of your hair and ruffled the back of your head.
“Just one more night,” you said to yourself. You squinted your eyes at the bright sun blinding your sight as you walked. Cars drove by and people were rushing to their jobs. You slowly walked to your destination.
It was a crowded morning, a little more crowded than usual. You stood up from your seat when an elderly woman entered the train. You held on to the handle to keep balance and watched the speeding window view until the train stopped. When more people left, more entered inside. You yawned and closed your eyes.
But a sudden call of your name made your eyes snap open. You looked around but didn’t notice anyone you knew. But when you heard the voice again, your heart dropped and you looked in front of you.
“K-Kento…” you whispered quietly. Nanami gave you a soft smile. He wore a beige suit, blue button up, with an orange-black spotted tie. His hair was parted and pushed back. You don’t think he even changed one bit. Even when three years passed, he appeared the same.
Even with all the people inside, you can feel tension in the air. You wondered if it was from you or maybe from him. Your heart sped and your hands trembled. You couldn’t find your voice and just looked at him.
“Do-Do you have time?” he asked softly. It brought you back to reality. You gave him a cold glare. The train stopped and you let go of the handle.
“No,” you said and quickly left the train, bumping his shoulder.
Nanami shook his head and immediately turned around and left. He paused and watched you quickly walking away. Before the crowd of people could block you away, he followed you until the two of you were outside.
“Wait!” Nanami yelled and held you by the shoulder to stop you. He turned you around and was shocked when you gave him the coldest look.
“Nanami-san,” you said, his last name feeling so foreign escaping your lips. Both of you winced slightly at the sound of his name. “Just leave.”
“I’m sorry.”
“You’re three years too late.”
“I know.” You turned around again, but Nanami held your wrist. You couldn’t pull away with his strong grip. You struggled, but he refused to let you go. “Hear me out, please.”
“God! Kento just leave me alone! You’ve been doing it for a while and now you want me to stay and listen to you?!” Nanami sighed. He knew that you were right.
“If I let you go, I won’t see you again,” he said. “I won’t ever get the chance.” Your vision blurred with tears but you refused to let them fall as you shook your head and harshly pulled away from him.
“No, those are excuses,” you said.
Nanami watched frowned and shamefully looked away from you. He was about to make you cry. He broke your heart. And he knew you were right.
“Please. Five minutes.”
“I can’t. I have to work tonight.”
“I—“ Nanami sighed and nodded. “Then, if you ever change your mind, I’ll wait at our frequent cafe. Sweet dreams, love bug.”
He turned around and left. You stared at him with wide eyes. You let your tears fall silently as he walked away. Memories of the pain he caused you made you shake your head and turn back around to go back home to sleep.
But you couldn’t. You tossed and turned in bed. Nanami ran through your mind. You would mutter out curses every now and then.
“Kento! Are you coming home?” you asked excitedly on the phone. It was a Friday, and he usually comes home early or on time on a Friday.
“I can’t tonight,” he said tiredly. Nanami rubbed his tired eyes.
“Okay, Kento,” you replied. You frowned. It’s been a consecutive three months. He’s been working a bunch of overtime. When you needed him, he wasn’t there. On your nights off, you often fell asleep before he came home.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he said. “This project I’m doing might just be it for the promotion.”
Like every project.
You thought bitterly. You sighed on the other line. You stared at the calendar in your kitchen. You looked at the oven and stove where you were making dinner.
“I’ll leave dinner in the fridge for you. Goodnight, Kento.”
“Goodnight, love bug.”
Another shift over. You tiredly walked to the train station. But you stopped. You looked up and saw the cafe that you and Nanami would often go to. Amazing coffee, amazing pastries, and amazing sandwiches.
I’ll wait at our frequent cafe…
You stood there still. You debated if you should go in or not. Memories flooded again. Three years of happy and sad memories.
“It’s been almost a year, Kento!” you yelled.
“And I’m trying to make sure we can be secure in the future!”
“What future?! A future where I’m constantly waiting for my future husband to come home from work? Where I sit at home and wait? We’ve been dating since college, Kento. I don’t even know if you still love me right now,” you said with tears streaming down your face. “Did you know that you missed my birthday, your birthday, our anniversary? You left me alone on holidays!”
“For our future!” he yelled. You jumped back. He’s never raised his voice at you before. It made you cry more and Nanami remained silent. Quickly, you wiped them away.
“I don’t want this kind of future with you, Kento.” You saw the distraught look on his face but he immediately looked relaxed when he looked at you.
“I-I can’t stop you, love bug.”
You shook your head and held your bag tighter. You walked by and couldn’t help but take a peek inside through the windows. Inside, at the corner, Nanami was drinking his coffee. He was on his laptop, assuming he was busy working. You looked at him closely. Soft, fine lines were apparent on his face. His eyes were tired, his back tempted to slump in relaxation.
“Five minutes,” you mumbled and hesitantly walked inside.
Nanami noticed you pause. He kept his eyes on his computer, praying that you would stop inside. If not, he knew that he would try again and again and again. His leg started shaking with nerves. All he could do was hope.
“Five minutes.” His heart sped up with anticipation. You walked towards him tiredly. Your hair still in a messy bun, your scrubs wrinkled and half untucked. “You I said five minutes. Start.”
He mentally cursed at himself as he was lost for words. Nanami cleared his throat.
“Take a seat first,” he said. He stood up immediately and pulled a chair out for you. Silently, you sat down. “Do you want tea?” You shook your head. Nanami nodded.
“I was wrong,” he said. “You were right. I’m a man with excuses. I prioritized work when I should’ve prioritized not just you nor myself. But I should’ve prioritized us. And when I came home and everything was gone, realization hit me. That I love the woman that I had only love and care for is now gone from my life. That I hurt you and made you cry so much because I was ignorant and selfish.” You were silent. You looked at the time and back at him.
“One minute.”
“I don’t expect you to forgive me, love bug. I just want you to know that I still love you and that I miss you. And I’ll do anything and everything to make it up to you. If you tell me to quit my job, I’ll quit. You want me to stay home, I’ll stay home. You need me, I’ll be there in a heartbeat. And—“
“Time’s up, Kento,” you said, but you didn’t stand up like Nanami expected you to. He frowned. You weren’t the cheerful woman he grew to know. But either way, he still loves you.
But you sat there silently. Your hands laid on your lap and you felt them shake. You held in the tears that wanted to spill out, but you made sure that it didn’t happen. You made sure to show Nanami that you were strong. That you didn’t need him. You don’t. You didn’t want to need him.
“A-Are you alright?” he asked softly and slowly. You shook your head. “Let me bring you home.”
“I don’t need your help, Kento,” you said. The words leaving your lips broke both of your hearts. “I didn’t need you for the past three years.” You looked at the clock. You needed to get home. You looked at him with sad eyes and stood up. “Goodbye, Kento.”
You left the cafe at that. You let your tears flow. You replayed everything that he said. You wished he realized it before. You wished it never ended.
“Wait!” You felt your arm get pulled back. You were turned around and you see Nanami look at you with wide eyes. “Don’t leave.” He hated seeing the tears he caused. He held himself back from wiping them away.
“Kento please—“
“One chance,” he said. “Give me a chance to make it up to you.” You pulled your arm away and immediately walked away. Nanami sighed, watching your figure disappear in the crowd.
A few days passed. You dragged yourself back to work. You tiredly greeted your coworkers before clocking in. You suddenly heard your co-worker call your name. You turned around and looked at her.
“Someone delivered these flowers for you. And the past few days when you were off, you got cards and chocolates.” Your eyes widened. Your co-worker gave you a sly smile. “Secret admire? Who is it? Someone from here for sure.” You blushed.
“I-I don’t know,” you replied shyly as you held the bouquet. Sunflowers, roses, and lilies. Your favorite. Your coworker brought the rest of your gifts. You picked up a card. Your heart stopped.
Love bug,
I won’t give up.
But you couldn’t let him distract you. You put the gifts aside and looked at the computer, reading on your assigned patient before getting report from the nurse.
13 hours. Your shift was long, you were still sitting by the computer after you gave report to the nurse.
“We’re just maintaining his vitals,” you said. “I’ve been titrating his meds. The epinephrine is slowly going down and they’re doing well on a lower dose.”
“Okay,” the nurse said. “You’re back in the morning?” You nodded and logged out of the computer. The nurse looked at the desk you were nearby. “New boyfriend?” You shook your head. Her smile widened. “Secret admirer? Is it the attending?” You blushed.
“N-No,” you said. You will admit, the attending is handsome. But you found it hard to have new feelings for anyone else.
“Well, get home safe and get your rest. I’ll see you tomorrow.” You nodded and gathered everything before going to the locker room to get your things.
You sat on the bench and stared at the flowers and the cards. All the cards noted that Nanami didn’t want to give you up, how much he loves you, and how sorry he is. You took a deep breath before leaving. Mentally, you cursed. You didn’t realize that it was going to rain. You stood by the front, sheltering yourself, and grabbed your phone. You were about to get a ride, but you felt something go over you. You looked up and followed the arm holding the umbrella.
“I’ll take you home,” he said. “My car’s up front.” You were tired, so you nodded. “Give me your flowers, I’ll hold it.” He took the gifts and kept the umbrella over you, letting raindrops wet his shoulders and upper back. He opened the door and you entered inside. You took the gifts from his arms and placed them on your lap while he walked over to the driver’s seat. And quietly, he drove off while you gave him directions to your apartment.
“Thank you,” you said.
“You’re welcome.”
“You’re not working?”
“No, I took the day off,” he said. You nodded. Nanami glanced at your tired expression. He frowned. You were more tired than usual. “Do you work often?” You nodded. “A-Are you working tonight?”
“I’ll drive you. You’ll have more time to sleep and get ready.”
“Thank you for the offer.”
Nanami parked in front of a nice apartment building. He was relieved that you weren’t anywhere that would concern him. He quickly got out of the car while you gathered your things. You heard him open your door and saw the umbrella over so you wouldn’t get wet. You couldn’t help but blush. The things Nanami had always done for you before.
“You don’t need to walk with me inside. Thank you, Kento,” you said tiredly. You watched him give you a small smile and nod.
“Sweet dreams, sweetheart,” he said softly. You watched him walk back to the car. But he didn’t leave. He sat there and watched you, waiting for you to safely go inside the building before he left. So you did. And reluctantly, he drove away
Nanami would wake up early everyday for the past month. He wanted to make sure he made it to the cafe by the time your shift ended. He wanted to make sure that you were okay. And maybe you would see him and stop by. But his heart dropped when he saw you walking side by side with another man in scrubs.
His eyes remained on you. You were nodding while he spoke. A soft smile appeared on your lips. And your eyes moved towards the window. You stopped walking, both of your gazes locked on each other. He watched you turn away and look at the man with a smile. He continued to walk ahead, but you stayed for a moment longer before walking away. Nanami grabbed his things and ran after you.
“Who was that?” he asked when he held your wrist. You stared at him flatly.
“Why is it your business?” you asked. “We’re not together.” Nanami kept his eyes on you, his grip slightly tightening. “Let go of me, Kento.”
“I can’t. Especially not knowing if you two are going to—“
“He’s just a friend,” you answered softly. You averted your gaze. “He wanted tips. He likes another friend of mine.” Nanami hesitantly let you go, feeling embarrassed for letting his jealousy get in the way. “No reason for you to get jealous.” Nanami blushed.
“I-I mean…we’re single. You’re beautiful and sweet. Who wouldn’t want to be with you,” Nanami said. You shrugged and looked at him.
“You.” It was sudden when your tears fell from your eyes. Your eyes widened and you quickly wiped them away. “S-Sorry…” You felt his hands wrap around your wrists and gently pulled them away from your face.
“Don’t be,” he said. Slowly, his hands moved up to your face and used his thumbs to wipe your tears away. “Please? Just one chance, sweetheart.”
“Take your time to think about it then,” he said. “I don’t want to push you away again. Can I at least take you home again?” Slowly, you nodded. Nanami softly smiled and held your hand, leading you to his car.
The drive was silent. This time, Nanami remembered where to go. You sat there with your head leaning against the wall, your eyes staring up at the sky.
“It’s scary,” you said once Nanami parked by your building. “It’s hard to have feelings for anyone else. And I kind of hate you for that.”
“I can’t either nor did I want to.” You and Nanami slowly looked at each other. “I got to my goal and it meant nothing because you weren’t around to share it with. Life with you isn’t life at all.” You cleared your throat and straightened your back.
“All I ask is for you to prove it,” you said. “In any way that you can. Prove that you changed.” Nanami smiled and nodded.
“Then, I’ll walk you back.”
Nanami picked you up to and from work every shift. And every now and then, he took advantage of knowing your address to stop by and bring or deliver you food. You let him take you out to eat every now and then. And you would call him to ask to go shopping with you. You receive good morning and good night texts. He always asked how work is and after your busy nights, you received foot rubs and back massages.
“You look so happy girl!” You looked up from your computer and chuckled to see your co-worker friend.
“You do too, Shoko-chan! Are you and Haibara-san official yet?” you asked curiously. Shoko blushed and nodded.
“Two days ago. I was just about to tell you.” Shoko leaned in closer to your face and smiled. “So, who is he? Do I know him?” You slowly nodded, nervous to tell her. You remembered the profanities and anger Shoko showed from your break up with Nanami.
“K-Kento,” you answered. “He-He changed.” Shoko raised an eyebrow, her frown prominent on her face.
“What do you mean?”
“At first, I didn’t want to give him a chance,” you said as you typed your notes. “But he never stopped. So I decided to give him a chance. We’re not official or anything but—“
“Are you sure? I don’t want him to hurt you again.” She watched you struggle through work. She saw the tiredness in your eyes and the weight that you lost. You looked so lifeless. Your red and teary eyes before coming into work. The lability you had in your mood that appeared now and then.
“I’m sure.” Shoko gave you a small smile.
“Then, I’m here to support you. And if he hurts you again, I’ll be here to cut his dick off.” You laughed and nodded.
“That’s harsh, but I do deserve it if I do hurt her.” Both of your eyes widened. The two of you turned around and Nanami stood there with his beige suit and flowers in hand. “For you, sweetheart.” You blushed and slowly accepted the flowers in your hands.
“T-Thank you, Kento. How did you even—“
“I have my ways.” His smile was sly yet sincere. You couldn’t help but blush. “However, I know I shouldn’t stay for long. I’ll be on my way. I’ll see you later, love bug.” He gave you a quick kiss on the lips before he quickly turned away and walked away. You stared at him until his figure disappeared the large double doors.
You looked at the bouquet and caught the note inside. You opened the small card and giggle.
Love bug,
I’ll be here in the morning. I have a surprise for you.
“Oh! Surprise?” You nodded. “Any important dates?” You shook your head.
You sat in his car, in a dress similar that you first wore on your first date with him in college. You couldn’t stop giggling. You were excited. It has been a while since Nanami did anything like this.
“What are you laughing about?” Nanami asked as he let out a few laughs with you.
“I’m just excited,” you answered happily. “It’s been a while. You used to surprise me.”
“I did,” he replied softly and moved a hand to hold yours. He laced his fingers with yours and held your hand tightly. “I’m sorry.” You swallowed the large lump in your throat. Memories of lonely nights when Nanami worked overtime. Memories of Nanami promising a date but never coming home.
“Kento? Have…Have you ever…” You started to feel guilty for asking. Nanami took a glance at you. He watched your lips quiver. With his thumb, he gently caressed the top of your hand.
“I promise that I remained at work. Butt to a chair, eyes planted on my computer,” he answered. “I never once had someone else other than you.” You nodded, holding in the tears that formed. “I’m sorry I made you think that.” You only nodded and leaned your head on his shoulder as he drove.
You were asleep when Nanami parked his car. He softly smiled, his eyes never leaving your sleeping figure. With his free hand, he softly caressed your cheek and then kissed the top of your head. You stirred a bit before you slowly your eyes. You slowly sat up and rubbed your tired eyes. You squinted from the bright sun and looked around.
“Where are we? Did you drive us to the beach?” you asked. Nanami nodded and unbuckled his seatbelt. He left the car to go around it and open your side. You smiled and took his hand as you stepped out of the car. Nanami held your hand tightly and lead you to the destination.
“Are you hungry?” he asked. “I know you don’t normally eat after your shift.”
“Mmmmm I can make room for my tummy,” you answered as you rubbed your stomach. Nanami chuckled. The closer you two got, you noticed something from afar. And when you got closer, you see a small picnic set up in front of you. There was a large bouquet of flowers, soft music playing in the background, and a white basket.
“It’s like our first date,” he said. You nodded. “Come on.” He gave you a small blanket for you in case you got cold. You covered your legs and took the plate that Nanami set up for you. You giggled. A nice breakfast sandwich with a hash brown.
“My favorite. Do you have orange juice?”
“Even better.” He pulled out a champagne bottle and popped it open. “Mimosas.”
“Nanami Kento, you genius.” Nanami laughed lightly and made you glass before serving himself. After eating the two of you cleared up the mat and lied down. He laid on his back, his arm around your shoulders while you lied on your side, your hand resting on his chest. “This is a beautiful surprise. Thank you.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it, sweetheart,” he said softly and kissed your forehead. You can feel his heart speed up from your hand. You smiled widely. You slightly pushed yourself up with your elbow and placed your hand on his cheek. You can see the adoration and love that he has in his eyes when he looked at you. And he can see the same from you. You felt tears slowly blur your vision.
“You hurt me so much before,” you said. “And even when we weren’t together, I couldn’t stop loving you. I only got used to not having you around. I couldn’t help but think what I did wrong or if I’m lacking anything. The worst nights are when I think you are cheating because another woman has stolen your heart.” Nanami sat up and you did the same. He pulled you in closer to him so you would sit on his lap.
“And I was wrong for making you think such things,” he said. “You were the one I wanted to go to first with bad or good news. I stare at my empty bed every time I woke up and go to sleep. I wonder if you were doing okay. If you were safe, sleeping, and eating. If you were doing things that made you happy. I worked 24/7 to distract myself when you left.”
“Was that even possible?” Nanami just chuckled and buried his face in the crook of your neck.
“Apparently,” he answered. “I love you so much, sweetheart. For the rest of my life, I will love you and show how much you deserve and are worth. I’ll do anything you ask and give everything you want.” You smiled.
“Then I want you to kiss me and tell me how much you love me. And then I want you take me back,” you said. Nanami’s smile widened. You turned around and the two of you softly laughed. Nanami cupped your face and softly kissed you. Your arms were wrapped around his neck. When Nanami pulled away, his forehead rested on yours. “I love you so much. I can’t take back from what I did to you before but I won’t do it again. You can upright leave because you don’t deserve someone that doesn’t prioritize you and show their love to you. But, I won’t let it happen. I’m going to love you every second of everyday. We’ll get married and live a happy life like we always planned to. As long as you let me take you back, you are mine. Forever and ever.” Nanami let out a chuckle as he wiped your tears away. You nodded in response, not able to find your voice at that moment.
“I love you too, Kento,” you said. “You’re mine.” Nanami kissed you again before the two of you lied down on the mat again. The two of you listened to the crashing waves and the sounds of the birds. He held you tightly in his arms before the two of you packed up and he drove you home for you to rest and for him to stay, waiting for you.
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uniquexusposts · 2 months
A cafe, a newspaper and Carlos
Summary: Y/N and meets Carlos in a cafe and they bond over a newspaper and a book. Genre: fluff Read the full story here
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Y/N was on her way to the nearest city in Spain. It was sunny, it was warm, and it was not like her home country. She had been in Spain for three months now. Y/N was glad to leave the house for a day. She tried to get out of the house at least once a week for a whole day, but that rather failed than worked. Once a week became once every two weeks. Renovating a house was more challenging than you would think. Y/N would say she underestimated it.
After twenty minutes, she arrived in the city. The first thing she did was visit the supermarket to buy a newspaper from her home country and a local newspaper. Y/N was young; you wouldn't say that she belonged to the target audience for reading newspapers. She was a journalist, she had to keep up with the news. Y/N and her dad tried to get the newspaper delivered to their house, but that didn't work. They had to buy it every morning now - which wasn't bad at all.
Tourists were strolling around on this beautiful day. Y/N agreed with them. Because Y/N began to know this village more, she knew the best hotspots by now. There was a new coffee shop hidden in one of the alleys, it was her go-to spot. It was one of the hidden gems and there were a few people who knew about it, they hoped it would stay this small and unknown. How did Y/N find this? She was kinda friends with one of the baristas: Maria. Maria used to work at a cafe that fired her for no particular reason. So the 'savage'? Stealing customers.
Y/N entered the cafe. The amazing thing that made this cafe unique? It was on a rooftop. It wasn't a chic cafe. The cafe reminded her of one of her favourite places back in her home country; warm, open, happy. Y/N walked up the stairs.
"Hola, Y/N," Maria said as soon as she saw the young lady.
Y/N smiled. "Hola," she said. "¿Cómo va todo?"
"I'm fine, today is a busy day," the woman smiled. "What can I get you? I will bring it to you."
"I would love to have a coffee," Y/N said. "With a yogurt bowl and a glass of water."
"The usual," Maria warmly smiled. "We only have free chairs inside, but I think a few people leave in a bit. It's up to you what you will do."
The eyes of Y/N were gliding over the people on the terrace. "I will just look around," she smiled. "But thanks."
"Anytime, girl."
Y/N walked outside, it was indeed filled with people. However, she had spotted a free chair. But every table was occupied. Could she just ask one of the people to sit at their table? That would be rude. She was here to enjoy the day and the sun... And if you don't ask it, you don't know it. Besides, everyone in The Netherlands - Amsterdam - would share a table if everything was occupied.
She bit her lip and walked towards the free chair. Her eyes fell on the man who sat on the other side of the table, he was enjoying a cup of coffee and reading a book. Could she bother him?
"Hi," Y/N politely said. When the man looked up, she pressed a smile on her face. "Do you mind if I sit here?"
The corners of the man's mouth curled up. "No, have a seat," he said.
"Gracias," she said and turned around the chair to face the sun and view, not the man. Y/N placed her leg over her knee and grabbed the newspaper from her bag. This was the ultimate moment to enjoy the warm bursts of sunshine.
Five minutes later, Maria walked to Y/N. "Found a free chair, I see," she smirked and put the coffee, glass of water and yoghurt on the table with whom Y/N shared a table. "How are you?"
"Thanks, Maria. And I'm fine, finally a day off."
"I already thought so. I haven't seen you in a while."
"It's so busy," Y/N breathed and closed the newspaper. "But I missed this; I had to make time to drink a coffee at yours."
Maria widely smiled. "Things I love to hear," she said and looked at the man behind Y/N. "Can I get you anything?"
The man looked up from his book. "No, thanks, I'm fine."
"Also perfect. And for your information, for both of you, everything is on one bill. I couldn't split it. So when one of you is leaving, we will split the bill for your own consumption. Just to let you know when it's unclear when you will pay," Maria explained to both of them. The man and Y/N nodded. "I will speak to you later, yes?" She said to Y/N.
"Absolutely. Good luck," Y/N smiled. "Thanks, by the way."
"No need to thank me." And Maria walked away.
Y/N opened the newspaper again and continued reading. She took some sips from the cappuccino and ate the yoghurt. It was still morning, well, late in the morning. A few people were enjoying a morning off, others were working, and some were only here for a cup of coffee in their break.
One thing Y/N enjoyed about this, was that she could read and look up after a while, watching the surroundings and the people. If you didn't feel like reading for a couple of minutes, there were enough other things to fill the time.
Hours passed. The newspaper made place for a book, and the coffee made room for a refreshing juice. A lot of the same people were still present, a few left and a couple of new faces came in return.
"Excuse me," the man behind Y/N said.
She looked over her shoulder, locking her eyes with the man's. Now she noticed the afternoon was coming to an end. And she could feel it, a soft breeze flowed through her hair. "Hi."
"Hey, I'm leaving. I accidentally paid for us both..."
"Oh," Y/N softly said. Actually, she forgot that they were sharing a bill. And the man just has been too. "How much is it?"
The man looked at the bill. "13,20 euros," he said.
She nodded and grabbed her wallet. She gave him a bill of 5 and 10 euros. "You can keep the change."
The man got something from his pocket. "Here do you have two euros," he said and placed it on the table. "You can keep the 20 cents," he softly chuckled.
"Oh, eh, thank you." Y/N politely smiled.
"It was a good day," the man continued. He looked around with a satisfied look on his face.
"It was a good day," she agreed with him. Y/N closed the book she was reading and took a sip from her juice. "We all needed it. People somehow seem nicer." Her eyes fell on the time; she didn't have to be somewhere next, but perhaps it was also time to go home.
The man looked down and smirked. He nodded and looked up again. "They somehow do. I saw how you enjoyed the sun. It's somehow amazing to see how much people can enjoy the warmth and sun."
"People are desperately in need of the sun and the summer." She looked at him. "Thank you for letting me sit here."
"Yeah, no problem. The chair was doing nothing anyway," he replied. He noticed the smile on her face; she looked grateful. "What are you reading?" His eyes fell on the book.
Y/N got up and turned around her chair. "Sorry, my neck begins to hurt," she mentioned. The man nodded and was wearing a smile. "But The Secret History by Donna Tartt. My grandma recommended it, and I have to say... I'm impressed. It's a good story so far."
"I never heard of it before," he honestly mentioned. Y/N gave the book to him, so he could read the back - luckily this was the English version. She figured he might get interested in it. His eyes scanned the words on the back. "It looks good," he said and gave back the book.
"It is." Her eyes fell on his book, but she didn't say anything of it.
"Grand Hotel Europe," he mentioned. "By Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer?" He looked doubtful when he pronounced his name. "I'm not sure what to think of it, to be honest. I got it from a friend, but I'm not quite sure whether I like it or not." He slid the book to Y/N. His brown eyes were scanning the woman in front of her. She didn't even read the back, she just smiled and nodded. It made him curious why that was her reaction.
"I think it's brilliantly written. It's tough to read it, but I like it."
"You have read it?" The man looked perplexed when Y/N nodded. "Wow. No offence, but you're the first person I know who read it." He smiled. "I'm Carlos, by the way."
Carlos nodded. "Y/N... Nice to meet you."
"A pleasure to meet you too," Y/N replied. Of course, she knew the man in front of her was Carlos. Carlos Sainz Jr.
The small kept resting on his face. However, his eyes fell on the two newspapers on the table. Carlos knew one of them. But one of them was in a language he couldn't make sentences of. "What language is this?" He looked at Y/N. "Sorry for looking into your stuff, but since the moment you finished reading it, I've been trying to figure out what language it is."
"It's just a newspaper, Carlos," she amusingly said. Y/N folded the Dutch newspaper open. "It's Dutch, de Volkskrant, the newspaper for the people."
He nodded impressively. "Makes sense now."
"Don't you have to go? I don't want to bother you, you already paid..." Y/N knew it was direct, but in her experience, they were leaving when someone paid.
He looked at his watch. "Nah, I don't have to go anywhere, actually," Carlos said. "Unless you want me to leave you alone."
"No, no, I mean, you already paid, so I assumed you had to go," she softly mentioned and looked away. Sometimes being Dutch in a foreign country was quite...different.
"I have the day off," Carlos mentioned, also making sure he didn't give her the wrong intentions. "But since that newspaper is from the Netherlands... I assume you're Dutch?"
Y/N nodded.
"Holiday or..?" Carlos raised his eyebrow, sharing a questionable look.
Y/N looked around and doubted what she could call this. "I would say it's an adventure," she replied. "Also, a little bit of a vacation."
"An adventure sounds exciting," he warmly smiled. "What kind of adventure, if I may ask?"
She bit her lip and made eye contact again. "Building a new home."
Taglist: @itsjustkhaos@crashingwavesofeuphoria@maryvibess
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Pairing: Aizawa x Black!Catgirl!Reader
Synopsis: In which you find yourself in the weirdest predicament after you’re scooped up and taken to a cat cafe after you decide to take the streets to fight some crime, and you’re adopted by your very anti-social and hot coworker Aizawa aka Eraserhead.
Story Warnings: Smutty Smut, 18+ (MINORS GET AWAY), Swearing, Adult!Reader, Ear and Tail Stroking, Light Degradation, Spanking, Exhibitionism, Multiple Positions, Creampie, Unprotected PIV Sex, Facial, Scent Play, Collaring, Deepthroat, Cunnlingus, Begging, Edgeplay, Power Play, Rope Play/Shibari, Master Kink, Some Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Some Action
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: I done had this idea for YEARS & finally decided to write it. Idk how long this will be BUT I hope y’all live for some coworkers to friends to lovers type shit. Enjoy! -Jazz
Read on AO3 here!
Other Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty-One. Twenty-Two. Twenty-Three. Twenty-Four. Twenty-Five.
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After what feels like an eternity, the bell signaling your third period and your lunch break has finally rung its joyous sound throughout the halls. You don’t even mind the way it sounds shrill to your overly sensitive ears. But that’s the way of a cat: everything is sensitive to you.
Even as a cat hybrid.
You turn to the student who has become a regular in your office, smiling kindly at him. “That’s for you, too,” you say with a wink. “I don’t think you’d wanna eat lunch with the school counselor, Katsuki.”
Katsuki Bakugou, with his intense stare and a permanent scowl that reminds you of a bulldog, grumbles as he stands and slugs his backpack over his shoulder. He turns to head out of your office without another word.
“Hey,” you say, stopping him. He looks over his shoulder expectantly. “Remember what I said: if someone says something to piss you off, just breathe. Think about what you’d be giving up if you resort to violence. You’re a very intelligent and good kid, Katsuki.”
Bakugou doesn’t reply, but you see something shift on his face. He looks taken aback at your words. But just as quickly as it came, it’s gone and he’s back to his usual cool stare. With a suck of his teeth, he’s leaving your office, slamming the door as he does.
You sit back in your seat and turn towards the window, exhaling slowly. Your view from your office showcases the gorgeous cherry blossoms that are about to bloom–they’re just pink buds right now. You sigh dreamily, so glad spring is here. Finally, you’ll be able to crack open your window to breathe in the sweet scents of blooming flowers and sun.
You remind yourself once again to thank Nezu for such a wonderful spot for your office. Not only do you have the best seat in the house for the view, but you also have your own couch for naps in between breaks and a mini fridge under your desk where you store your lunch and snacks for the kids who come in here to chat about their problems or incidents with other kids (mostly Bakugou).
“As the UA school counselor, it’s important that you’re just as comfortable as our students here!” Nezu brightly proclaimed after giving you the tour of UA on your first day at work. That was at the beginning of September.
Now that it’s March, you’ve been here for six months now. You couldn’t have asked for a better job! You get paid what you weigh with your degrees, you live in an apartment on campus you don’t have to constantly dish out money for public transportation, and everyone you work alongside is so, so nice…
Well, almost everyone.
Not wanting to waste any more time before another kid comes crying into your office about their issues, you take your lunch out of your mini fridge and hurry to head off to the UA teacher breakroom, locking the office door as you do.
When you enter the cozy-looking breakroom with its mini sofas, expensive coffee machine, and sterling steel microwave, you find Nemuri and Mic already sitting at a table. Nemuri glances at the door and grins at you. “Ah, there she is!” she coos. “My favorite cat girl!” Her eyes trail over your form, humming suggestively. “And looking quite fine.”
“Absolutely,” Mic agrees as he pops some rice into his mouth. “Pink is definitely your color, Y/N.”
You flush at the sweet compliments, glad you went for a pink blouse and a nice skirt today. “Why, thank you,” you giggle as you sit next to Nemuri–your usual spot. Your trail curls around your legs, relaxed and content. “So, what’s on for the conversation today?”
“Tonight,” Nemuri replies, wiggling her brows mischievously at you. “We’re still on for tonight, right?” She grips your arm dramatically. “Please tell me we are! I’ve been needing to get my ass in my clubbing dress for months!”
“Yes, drama queen,” you laugh as you unzip your lunch bag. A bento box, a yogurt cup, and a bottle of Kombucha tea sit inside. “We’re still on. I’ve been needing to shake my ass for the one time, too.”
“And get yourself someone to take back home tonight you watch you shake your ass,” Nemuri adds. You roll your eyes while Mic laughs. “Aw, come ooon, Y/N!” she whines. “You’ll never know the thrill of bringing someone back for a hot night at your place until you try it.”
Nemuri has been trying to get you to try casual sex for the longest time after her plans for being a matchmaker fell through. When you told her you didn’t have a boyfriend during a night out after becoming fast friends, she just about fell out of her chair. “No,” she gasped into her cocktail. “A woman as gorgeous as you? There’s no way! This is a tragedy!”
And because of this “tragedy”, she took it upon herself to try and match you up with other pros she knew.
So far, it’s been All Might, who was very nice but you found you liked as a friend, and Snipe, who was fine as hell behind his mask and amazing in bed, you felt like you were leading him on because of your feelings for another person. Snipe told you he understood but if things never worked out with “the other guy”, he was always there.
What Nemuri didn’t realize is that dating never seemed to work for you. It always ended in casual sex due to you being a cat girl. Most men you’d dated or slept with always seemed to want you for the cat girl they thought you to be…which was usually out of a hentai.
So you steered clear from dating, feeling more than happy being single if it meant not putting up with the BS. Cat girls had a bad rep because of the shit Hollywood thought of for pornos, which meant you had to work ten times harder to get what you wanted. Including being taken seriously in a relationship.
“First of all, that’s against the rules, ‘Muri,” you sigh despite your friend’s pouting. “Nezu is against bringing any outsiders onto campus, especially in our dorms.” Nemuri and Mic glance at each other, knowing damn well they’ve broken that rule many, many times. “And two, you know I’m too busy with work to date.”
“It’s not dating though,” she protests. “It’s sex! Tell her, Mic.” The blonde pro looks between the two of you, bunching on a rice ball.
“I’m not in this,” he mumbles, making you laugh. “And the last time I brought someone to my apartment, I shattered some windows in the entire complex because I was so loud.” Your eyes widen at his confession and he flushes. “He was good, okay?”
Hysterical giggles rise to the surface in your chest, Nemuri laughing with you. “That’s hilarious,” you sigh, wiping at a tear, “and exactly why your idea is a bad one.” You poke Nemuri’s side with a fork. “Besides, you know I don’t want just anyone in my bed.”
As soon as the words are out, you realize your mistake. Your friends stare at you expectantly, leaning in as if desperate to know your deep, dark secrets. “Then who do you want, Y/N?” Nemuri purrs, raising a brow at you.
Mic nods. “Yes, do tell!”
You flush, popping a piece of chicken kara-age from your bento box into your mouth to keep your mouth occupied. They both knew who you were referring to; they just wanted you to say it aloud. The truth was, you could never date just anyone because you already had feelings for another. It was stupid, really. A pathetic, schoolgirl crush because you knew he could never return them.
As if on cue, the man of the hour and your dreams walks into the room, as quiet as a church mouse. He’s so quiet that you jump, your tail fuzzing up, when you see him round the corner wearing his signature jumpsuit and scarves, hands in his pockets. He truly is an attractive man despite his tired eyes–about six foot something, a nice build, black locks of shoulder-length hair that frame his handsome face, and a five o’clock shadow.
When he glances at you as he walks in, it’s so hard to breathe suddenly. No matter how many times he looks at you, it always has the same effect on you. His stares are intense and bothersome; haunting almost. You shift uncomfortably in your seat, suddenly hyperaware of the fact that your skirt rises just above your knees, giving a tiny slip of thigh behind your nylon stockings.
“Aizawa!” Mic exclaims, grinning at his friend as he slinks into the room. “To what do we owe the pleasure of seeing your gorgeous face?”
Aizawa doesn’t spare his friend as much as a glance as he looms over the coffee machine. He grabs one of the Plus Ultra mugs above the sink and takes a pod of the dark roast. “Lunch break,” he blandly replies. “Needed coffee.”
You can’t help but watch his hands as he works to whip himself up a cup. His hands are just so big! And his fingers are so long. You wonder if he plays piano by any chance.
And if one day, he could play you by any chance. Would his hands be calloused and rough from years of hero work? Would they be gentle and careful with you? Would he know how to touch you? Would he be willing to know how practically begging you to show him how to make you feel good?
You can picture him now, his eyes drilling a hole into you as he kneels between your thighs, his fingers plunged deep into your sobbing wet–
“Oh, Shouta!” Nemuri calls, scaring you half to death out of your nasty thoughts. She’s smirking at you while Mic silently laughs beside her. “Will you be attending our nighttime activity after school ends? We’re going to Hot Spot. You know, that one club all the pros go to?”
You flush, knowing what she’s doing. She knows damn well Aizawa isn’t going. He never goes anywhere except when he’s forced to. “Of course, you are,” he mutters, tapping one finger on the counter as he waits for his coffee to finish brewing. “And no, I’m not. Don’t know why this is even a question.”
“Oh, sorry,” Nemuri sarcastically replies. “I forgot you’re anti-social and you hate anything related to socializing or people.”
Aizawa gives her an irritated glance. “Not the reason,” he growls. “It’s because I have better things to do than be in a room with a bunch of drunk people I don’t know. Like grading papers.” Once his coffee is done, he takes the mug along with one packet of sugar. No cream or anything else.
He walks to the door but glances back at his friends before he makes his grand exit. “And I’m not anti-social.”
“Sure, you’re not!” Mic yells to him once he’s gone. He then turns to you and Nemuri with a smirk. “He totally is.”
You smile along with Nemuri’s laugh, but you can’t help the way your body feels from Aizawa’s presence: hot and very, very bothered.
You could burn a hole into someone as you watch Nemuri giggle and charm the man trying to sweet-talk her next to you at your booth.
The man is so obviously eyeing your friend’s cleavage that she flaunts in her dress with the sweetheart neckline. This is the fourth man that’s talked to her tonight since she, you, and Mic arrived at Hot Spot an hour before.
‘Horny bastards,’ you think to yourself, though you can’t help but be jealous.
Why can’t you be more like Nemuri and just be free with your inhibitions like her? She flaunts, flirts, and fucks without care. But then again, everyone wants to fuck Ms. Midnight.
Nobody even knows who you are. And you’d like to keep it that way. Plus, being a cat girl gains you unwanted attention anyway. It’s bad enough you get the occasional weirdo asking you about your tail and if you poop in a litterbox.
Mic, in his Hawaiian shirt, wraps an arm around you. “What are you doing later?” he asks you playfully. You giggle, poking at his chest. “Not you,” you reply wittingly.
“Oh, that’s right!” he recalls, giving you a smirk. His eyes look slightly hooded from the several shots he, you, and Nemuri did. “Because you’d like to be doing my friend right now. And don’t deny it either!”
You say nothing. Instead, you stare down at your hands clamped firmly in the lap of your skinny jeans. You went for a nice sequin top and heels tonight to pair with the jeans that made your ass and thighs look fantastic. You swear Mic and Nemuri told you that at least five times tonight.
Nemuri finally turns around to face you, placing a folded napkin in her bra. “Got a number,” she sings. “Might just give it to you.” She goes to take the napkin out and give it to you, but you push her hand away.
“No,” you protest. “I already told you, Nemuri; not interested in fuckin’ someone I barely know.”
Nemuri puckers her lips at you, giving you a scowl. “Leave her be, ‘Muri,” Mic chuckles, wrapping his arms around the both of you. “You know her heart is set on another.” He and Nemuri begin to pucker their lips at you, moving to kiss your cheeks.
“Cut it out!” you laugh, slapping them away. “I don’t want your drunk ass kisses either!”
“I don’t know why you don’t just talk to the guy, babe,” Mic chuckles, already on his fifth shot of the night. “He’s really not that bad! He’s just extremely shy and doesn’t have that much experience with talkin’ to women. If he happens to meet one, it’s usually just a hookup.”
You wither at his words, silently drinking your cocktail. You don’t want to be just a hookup to Aizawa if you ever manage to get that far with him. But those changes are slim to none since he barely speaks to you. The most you ever get out of him is a “good morning” or a “see you tomorrow”.
You’ve been working at UA for six months now and you barely know anything about him except for the fact that he’s pro-hero Eraserhead, he’s fine as fuck, and all his students love him like a dad, even calling him “Dadzawa” which you think is utterly adorable. You’d love to know what’s underneath that stoic expression and intense eyes, but Aizawa purposely keeps to himself and barely speaks to anyone.
Despite this knowledge, your body still quivers at the memory of those damn eyes setting dead on you. Then you just feel stupid. You know that you and Aizawa could never date. It’s just not in the cards for you right now, with your job as a counselor and your “nightly activity”.
So when is this stupid crush going to end?
“Oh, wow,” Mic suddenly says. He’s on his phone, scrolling through Apple News. “Look at this!” he excitedly says, practically shoving his phone in your face. “Can you believe this shit? Street crime has been down more than 50% in the past few months. More than it's been in the last five years!"
Nemuri glances at you, a knowing smirk on her face. You flush with pride and do your best to bite back a smile as you match Mic’s astonishment. “Wow, them underground pros must be workin’ hard, plus the night patrols.”
As if not wanting you to be blue over this weird ass man the entire night, one of your favorite songs comes on too. You take Nemuri and Mic’s hands in yours. “C’mon’ let’s go dance.”
Nemuri squeals and practically drags you to the dance floor, Mic following close behind you. The music is good tonight, the DJ playing mostly hip hop, transitioning between 90s tunes and modern stuff.
The alcohol you consumed gives you the confidence to dance the night away, your hips swaying and ass bouncing in time with the different beats. You’re well aware you’re catching eyes from many different people out on the floor, pros or not, and it fills you with the sense of confidence and sexiness Nemuri must feel every time she walks out of the house.
As you dance under the strobe lights, sweating out your makeup and braids, you feel like you could take someone home if you wanted to. Who needed Aizawa? He had no idea what he was missing.
That intoxicating feeling doesn’t let up for a moment, even as the night comes to an end hours later. It is about 11 PM when you, Nemuri, and Mic finally depart outside the club. “Thanks for inviting me,” you say, hugging Nemuri. “You sure he’s gonna be okay?”
You nod at a very drunk and sleepy Mic who has his arm slung over Nemuri’s shoulders, his head lulling. “He’ll be fine,” she giggles, wrapping an arm around his waist. “He thinks he’s a steel bull when it comes to shots, this one.”
She laughs at Mic’s light mumbling as he sings the lyrics of a Beyoncé song. “Where are you about to go now?” She asks, shifting her weight in her heels to accommodate Mic’s.
“Where do you think?” You playfully ask, giving her a wink before you begin to strut away from her at the club down the street. “Just be careful!” You hear Nemuri call after you.
You turn to her, seeing her concerned gaze, and you give her a reassuring smile. “Don’t I always?”
You laugh, blowing her a kiss before turning around and strutting away back to UA just as Nemuri and Mic get into the Lyft she called beforehand. But you know you can be faster.
You don’t stop moving until you’re finally behind a nearby building to a jewelry shop. You turn to look in the glass window at the woman staring back at you standing in her leather jacket, skinny jeans, and sequin top. With a slow exhale leaving your nostrils, the reflection of the woman vanishes, now replaced with a teeny, tiny, black cat.
To anyone who was to walk through this alley, all they would see is a stray walking the streets. But only you know the truth.
Though the streets are empty and quiet at this time of night, you can’t be too careful, so you decide to take the rooftops, jumping from one building without a care in the world to the next with your heightened agility and senses.
All sounds of Musutafu at night–the chirping of birds; the drilling machinery of constructing workers in the streets; the honking of traffic; the occasional bark of dogs–drift to your ears, making them twitch. Everything in your sight is ten times as close, even the farthest tree where you can clearly see a couple going at it in the park.
It only takes you ten minutes you get back to UA, faster than Nemuri and Mic. You hurry across campus to the faculty dorms and jump onto the trunk of a nearby cherry blossom tree. Your claws immediately shoot out and stick into the bark, allowing you to climb up the tree with no problem.
You then creep along the long branch that stretches right to the window of your dorm that you keep cracked specifically for you–just enough for you to slide through. When you’re finally inside the clean, dark apartment, you quickly shift back into your human form (clothes still intact) and proceed to hurry to your closet.
You open it, your eyes falling on the black box pushed to the back behind your shoes. Trembling with excitement, you pull the box out and look inside where your hero’s outfit, complete with fingerless gloves, knee-high boots, and a mask, sits inside.
“Hey, baby,” you coo, taking out the mask. It’s simple and black with two cat ears popping out of the top to protect your ears. You slip the mask over your head before putting on the rest of your gear.
The black leather bodysuit stretches across your skin and accentuates the curve of your ass, the fullness of your breasts, and the best parts of your body. Decorated along your front, back, and thighs are silver, glitter-coated slashes to appear like claw tears. You thought that was a cute touch. The back isn’t tight enough on your backside to hurt your tail, but you don’t like it out when you’re fighting. It’s too risky since you know your opponents could pull on it.
The mask covers the top half of your face, making you feel like a stranger as you stand in your mirror, admiring yourself. The knee-high boots are high enough to make you feel sexy, but low enough for you to kick ass or run if need be. But half the time, you’ve got the running thing covered with your cat form.
With a smile on your glossy lips, you admire the sexy woman standing in the mirror in front of you. The Night Claw. Musutafu’s newest and cutest nighttime vigilante. And your alter ego–one that you’ve secretly had for months now after starting UA.
“Time for some trouble,” you purr.
With another inhale, you transform back into your cat form. You stretch, arching your back and yawning, before jumping up on the window and then leaping from the ledge.
You praise yourself when you hit the ground on all fours. Then, with a happy meow and a blink of your yellow eyes, you race out into the night, yowling happily as you do, for another night of excitement.
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simpxxstan · 2 months
strangers to lovers with junhui
this is part of my 550 followers celebration event! find the rest of the members' headcanons in the event too as i post them through this month!
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warnings: mentions of one night stand. very mildly suggestive tones, rest is only fluff!
thinking about strangers to lovers with tour guide!junhui who's your designated guide for your first overseas trip to singapore
it's a twelve-member group for the tour, but you're the only one who's travelling solo and of age less than forty. perhaps this is why junhui is naturally drawn to your side. ever since you got off the airplane, junhui has been tagging near you, although he doesn't forget the other members of the trip as well. he's a professional tour guide after all- only five star ratings in the last year. he's not going to make slips in his work just because of a pretty passenger.
and yet, he's oddly drawn to you. he's not staying at the hotel the group is put up at, and he's not even supposed to be there at the dinner for that night. and yet, he does go. he goes, wearing his best shirt, even as the rain pours on, and he makes sure to sit at your table. you look even more lovely after resting post that long flight, and jun knows, that he's lost it even before the trip has begun.
the first day is scheduled for the tour of the gardens by the bay. "i'm so excited to see the flowers! i really like flowers. i have my own garden, you know. well, it's not too big, but i try." you're wearing a blue sundress, and jun thinks you look like a flower yourself, but he can't say that. instead, he grins. "i've seen them so many times on account of these trips, and yet the charm isn't lost on me."
thankfully, the group isn't a very taxing one. everyone seems to be happy sightseeing on their own, as long as jun remains close at call. and jun takes full advantage of this to stick to your side. he maintains a healthy distance at the start to ensure you don't get uncomfortable, because the last thing he'd want is for you to think he's a creep. but then, you specially seek him out during lunch and sit on the bench next to him, the edge of your sundress fluttering and brushing against his body, and jun feels slightly more hopeful of reciprocation.
thinking about tour guide!junhui who's just what you need for your tired heart when you whimsically decided to go on this trip after an extremely exhausting month at work
not only is he excellent eye candy, but also so sweet to you. you're suspicious of his oddly cute nature for the first hour or so, but then you realise there's no point in suspecting him. you've been betrayed enough and you have nothing left to lose.
he's also an A class guide. you've never been on a guided tour before, so you don't have a metric for comparison, but he's certainly way better than what you had imagined him to be like. he's extremely friendly, and under all those silly jokes, he's very knowledgeable and good at his job.
for example, he takes you to a beautiful photo spot where you can get a perfect view of the entire city of singapore, but it's not half as crowded as the designated viewpoint. he knows the best restaurants and cafes to eat at, hidden away in alleys you can't spot even on google maps. he knows what's the cheapest rate at which you can buy souvenirs, and he helps you bargain too.
you don't know if this is behaviour towards all his guests on all his trips, but a fanciful part of you thinks he is slightly partial towards you and you want to relish that. it's been long since you've had the attention of anyone. and it works wonders for you and your mental health.
thinking about tour guide!junhui who sees you wear even prettier dresses and makeup from the second day of the tour
he wonders what may have brought about this change. perhaps it's your mind unconsciously reflecting the beauty of the city? there's so much he wants to ask you, but he cannot, because he's a professional. but no one can stop him from picking up observations.
for instance: he sees no ring on your finger, and you're travelling alone, and there's no one calling you at all. so it's highly likely you're not in a relationship, although he can't rule out the case of a very secure partner who doesn't call through the day and only calls at night, even if time differences are wild.
he hears you talk about the fact that you work late often and that's why you often don't have time to go out and wander as you'd like to. so it's same to assume you're employed and perhaps a corporate job (if the exhaustion in your voice while talking about it is anything to go by).
he hears you talk about family, but only in passing, not like you're close to them. he doesn't want to assume anything, but he can only hope you're not lonely. because then his heart would break ten times over.
thinking about tour guide!junhui who deviates from the trip schedule and takes you out to a night market to enjoy street side delicacies
"you mentioned once that you prefer street food to restaurants." he tells you while the two of you walk to the market. you gasp a bit, quite taken aback by the fact that he remembers. no other words come to your mouth except, "i do. thanks for this, junhui."
jun shows you all the delicacies of the market, and you make sure to try each. it's a whole lot of fun going around with him, because even though he may be shy, he's a great conversationalist. especially because he doesn't intrude or ask personal stuff, but is happy with conversations that flow naturally like two friends catching up after a long time.
"where do you live, jun?" "umm, near the outskirts." he runs a shy hand through his hair, "about an hour away from here." "an hour! it's already eleven and we have to leave for sentosa tomorrow at eight am! how are you going to rest!" he smiles in embarrassment. "it's fun going out with you. i have no one to go home to anyway."
because of the crowd in the market the two of you end up standing very close to each other. so close that you can see the exact spots of his moles and the way his front teeth are slightly jagged at the edges. his smile looks like the most beautiful thing on earth, further warmed by the stars in his eyes and the short brown bangs that curl around his pretty face. if you tiptoe just a little bit, you could kiss him.
thinking about tour guide!junhui who knows he missed an opportunity to kiss you last night
it's a six-night-six-day tour and it's already the fourth day. and while jun should be distancing himself from you, because he can very well see how this is going to end in a crushing heartbreak for him, he cannot find the strength to do it.
because there's something that you're doing that keeps dragging him in. perhaps it's the way you lightly clutch his arm while navigating through crowds. or the way you spot that he's left a seat next to you on the tour bus and you take it. or the way you let him have a bite out of your ice cream last night.
you're just friends. friends can share food. friends can share bus seats. friends can touch sometimes. and jun needs to keep reminding himself of this.
but it's oh so hard. "junhui? do you think this hat suits me?" "junhui, do you wanna go on this ride with me? it's a haunted house ride, and it's embarrassing but i'm a tiny bit scared." "junhui, we can share the umbrella, and you can give your umbrella to mrs myers. she needs it more than you do." "junhui, can you take a photo of me?" "junhui-"
he's sick of it, the way you're playing his heart along. but worse, he's sick of the way he's responding to it, like a loyal dog. because he can't help it. he will regret this closeness when he watches you leave, but he will regret not getting close to you too and taking a shot at destiny when he had the chance to as well.
thinking about tour guide!junhui who doesn't turn up for dinner on the fourth night
you wear your best dress that night, and even heels. but jun, the rascal (endearingly), the damn brat (even more endearingly) just doesn't turn up! not just that, he doesn't even text you or anything. just leaves you sitting at the restaurant, alone at your table for two, while the rest of the group enjoy their dinner. it's like a date that dumped you, but it's not his fault at all.
it's totally your fault for thinking you could even have a date with a boy you'd met three days ago and fallen for immediately. for all you know, he may have a girlfriend (even if there's no one waiting for him at home), he may have a doctor's appointment (although doctors don't generally work at night), he may be a criminal (pretty sure he'd lose his job then) or he may be a practiced playboy (but he's too shy for that)!
you barely eat anything that night. mr and mrs myers, an elderly couple enjoying their second honeymoon, ask you if you're quite well, because you look distraught and lost. "no, i'm perfectly fine! just not much of an appetite, i think i'll just sleep early tonight." mrs myers adds, "oh. have you heard from jun? funny that he didn't turn up tonight." "yes, well, no. i haven't- no. not heard from him. but why would i? like, he'd text in the group, right? not me personally?" she smiles in that mysterious way that only older women can do. "i thought he'd like to inform his girl. well, this is the tragedy of youth- no sense of timing."
thinking about tour guide!junhui who's confused at the way you're maintaining distance from him on the morning of the fifth day
is it because he didn't come last night? he has a perfectly good reason- his brother turned up suddenly, and he couldn't really desert him when it's been a year since he's seen him.
so, when jun finds you alone staring at the penguins displayed at the singapore zoo, he takes the opportunity to read your mind. "how was dinner last night?" you jerk a bit at his voice, but quickly mask your surprised expression. somehow, you look especially good today. the pale green shirt makes your skin glow, and jun is suddenly jealous of whoever your future partner will be.
"good enough. enjoyed the nasi goreng that they served us." he's feeling a bit bold, so he asks, almost too softly for you to hear. "did you miss me?"
you don't immediately reply, but he sees the way your shoulders freeze. jun's mind panics and he immediately covers it up by rambling no no that came out in the wrong way i didn't- " i did. i did miss you." your words shock him to no end as you turn around to face him. there's an equal vulnerability in your eyes that reflects his own state.
"really? i'm sorry, i am. my brother arrived last night. he was supposed to come next week but he said-"
and then you lean in and kiss him. kiss him on the the mole that's on his cheek. "y/n?" "you have a brother." another kiss on the mole near his eyes. "yes, but-" "is he like you?" another kiss on a mole above his lips. "not much, we're step-" "did you have fun with him?" another kiss on the mole nearly on his lips. "yeah, but y/n, what are you doing right now?" "i missed you, junhui."
thinking about tour guide!junhui who you're going too fast with, but you can't help yourself
not with the way you crave for his touch all morning when you finally see him after... twelve hours. it's a little concerning, how hard you're falling for him. to be honest, you've never experienced this. is this love? or is this just you being infatuated?
"y/n, you go home tomorrow." "i do, but i couldn't stop myself. is this wrong? do you not want this? have i read you incorrectly?" "no. i do want- fuck, i need this, y/n. but i don't know if i can have you, so i can't continue." "we can just have one night together."
fuck. that's the wrong thing to say, clearly, because jun's face immediately changes from a constrained elation to a dejected puppy. "is that all you want? a one-night stand?" "jun-" "because i don't want that. so it's best if we don't really do anything about this because you'll be leaving tomorrow."
you can hear the way jun's voice breaks towards the end of his sentence, and you lean forward to kiss him again. "i don't want just a one-night stand with you, jun. you're wonderful and all i've been looking for, and honestly? fuck one-night stands. i want to have a house and kids with you. but we know that can't ha-"
jun giggles, and breaks your stream of thought. you pause, smiling at the cute way he's giggling. "what?" "house and kids?" you blush, averting your gaze, but jun's hand cups your cheek. "you're so bold, y/n." you gulp, "i'm just being honest." but then jun stops laughing. "but you know we can't. even though every cell of my body is aching to touch you after knowing that you like me too, i... i can't. we live in different countries. we've known each other for not even a week. we can't do long distance, it won't work."
you place more of your face into the cup of jun's palm. "you don't need to remind me of it. i've spent all night thinking about it. i really like you, but it feels cruel to know i can't do anything about it. that's why... i want to spend these two days with you. just you. i didn't want to deny my feelings anymore. not when i'm leaving tomorrow and i have nothing to lose." you smile, a bitter, sad smile. your heart aches with each word of truth you utter, but it's your only option left.
thinking about tour guide!junhui who kisses you next, a warm, soft kiss that makes you forget your surroundings
the guard near you interrupts your kiss and asks you to keep your pda private, because this is a zoo for kids, and the two of you double over with giggling. "sorry!" jun says, before he whisks you away towards a secluded spot for bird-spotting and kisses you more.
his hands rap around your waist, and he thinks, he'd rather die here than live without you. because everything you're even better than what he's imagined. the way your soft curves mould into his hands, the way your chapstick tastes like honey, and the way your shampoo smells of vanilla. you're a dream, a cloud melted into reality for him, and he wants to do nothing but hold you close.
"junie-" you moan into his kiss when he bites your lower lip, and your body clings to his even more. it's an exhilarating sensation, and jun craves it. "do you wanna come home with me tonight? meet my brother? eat dinner i make for you? i'm a good cook i swe-"yes! don't have to convince me, jun. yes, it's always a yes."
so he does. after the day's scheduled trip is over, he comes up to your hotel room, and sits with you on the couch as the two of you drink coffee and he helps you back your bags. it's a constant ache in his chest- the reminder of you leaving the next day. but it's too domestic and fulfilling a feeling for him to not take part in it. after that, he takes you home, where you meet his brother, who thankfully hides into his room soon after, so that he can get you completely to himself.
thinking about tour guide!junhui who cooks authentic chinese food for you, things you've never tasted before because your entire knowledge of chinese food is through takeout
perhaps it's the newness of the fond, warm feeling fluttering in your chest, perhaps it's the way the two of you eat from one plate as junhui shows you how to pair side dishes and even feeds you from his chopsticks, perhaps it's the way he cooks for you from scratch, or perhaps it's just the deliciousness of the food itself. but you're pretty sure that this is heaven, and nothing can beat it.
later in the night, jun and you sit on his sofa, curled up under a blanket, as the two of you make mindless conversation, sip beer and play games on his phone. it's only after midnight, that the initial happy vibes die down and the melancholy takes over. "we could be pen-pals," he says, spooning you from behind, as the two of you fit tightly into his sofa. "we could do video calls and texts and all..." "you said you didn't want a long distance relationship. and frankly, neither do i." you turn around to face him, and your heart breaks at the way his eyes water up slightly. seeing him, you break into tears as well, and he pulls you into his chest.
"i know. but i can't bear thinking that you'll be gone tomorrow. forever. that this is the end." your sobbing only increases at his words, and you can feel his tears fall on your forehead too, even though your eyes are shut.
"let me take you back to your hotel now-" "no. let me stay. please, jun?" your eyes are red with the crying, as you look up at him. and he presses a kiss to your forehead, and keeps his lips lingering there. "whatever you want, princess."
thinking about tour guide!junhui who wakes up to the smell of coffee and an omelette getting overcooked
he finds that you're no longer next to him on his sofa where you both had cuddled and fallen asleep last night. instead, you're in his kitchen, feeding breakfast to his baby brother, who's chatting with carelessly, as if today isn't the day of the apocalypse.
"oh, you're up! morning, jun." you walk over to him and place a kiss on the spot between his eyebrows. "i made breakfast. do you like tea or coffee? i didn't know, sorr-" "y/n? you have to get back to the hotel." "huh? no, i - i actually got my stuff sent over here. the hotel valet were so kind." "what?" "yea-" "i know i said the airport's close from here but you're supposed to leave with your group, you know." "eh? don't bother about all that, let's just eat breakfast now. good that your fridge is so well-stocked!"
jun's brain goes into overdrive because he's still sleepy, so he escapes to the bathroom to freshen up. "how did you brush your teeth?" he asks you when he comes out of the bathroom. "i used my finger." "finger? eww." "hey, it's better than using your brush!" jun grins and sits down on the kitchen counter next to you. you hand him a bowl of cereal with chopped fruits, and an omelette. "how did you know i like cereal?" "because your brother told me, dummy."
and for a few minutes, jun is in bliss. the two of you sitting on the counter, dangling your legs, eating cereal and slurping milk, and stealing kisses in between. but it's soon ten-thirty on his watch, and his heart rings out in alarm.
"y/n, you should leave soon. your flight's at noon, isn't it?" you look up from your seat, where you're eating the last piece of mango from your plate. "umm, so. i cancelled my flight." jun's plate almost slips and falls. "you what?" "yes, you heard me right. i cancelled my flight." "why?" "because i need time to think! i want at least two more days with you, so that we can figure out stuff. whether us shifting to one city is possible and-" "what? y/n? really?" jun's eyes are as wide as saucers now as he stares at you. you smile. "well, it was the only way out for me to make peace in my heart."
and jun kisses you. because it's the only way he can rein in his heart which is dancing with joy at the prospect of merely two more days with you and you even considering shifting to one city as a couple. "are you even real, y/n?" "i ought to ask you that!" "i love you." you smile, a little shocked, but it's a sweet smile. "i love you too, junhui."
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biteofcherry · 14 days
Happy Wetnessday 💦
How are you? I hope you're doing well, especially with fall around the corner. I also love your soup fall and look forward to those recipes! And those monster polls. 😏 I can't wait to see what you do with those.
This Wetnessday you find yourself in a coffee shop AU! You can't believe it but the cute barista in this cozy bookstore/ coffee shop you found a while ago finally made a move. He's really handsome and his smile turns blinding whenever he spots you. On more than one occasion you've spend hours in the cafe only to watch him work. He's ripped for a barista but you're not complaining. It gives you more to watch and the way his muscles move when he mixes up his fancy drinks make your mouth water. One day he asks you to come in right before he closes so he can show you a new drink he's working on. You jump at the chance and show up five minutes before closing time. It's already empty but you don't mind. It means you don't have to share him. His smile brightens when you step in and he directs you to sit at your favorite place - a comfy sofa in a cozy almost hidden nook that has perfect view to the counter. He's back within a few minutes and presents you the drink. It looks absolutely delicious and you compliment the purple flakes on the whipped cream. When you taste it his eyes are on you, waiting for your feedback. It tastes amazing and leaves a pleasant warmth within you. He urges you to drink more and with that the warmth turns into heat. The heat soon turns into need. The sweet smile on his face morphs into a smirk. "Finally figured out just the right amount to make you all horny and needy for me. I've waited so long for this and now that it's finally here I'll devour you in your favorite little corner. As soon as I've fucked the effect out of you I'll make sure to make you another drink. Keep you as my horny little brat." He says as he guides you into his lap, getting ready to take you apart over and over again.
Who's your barista hottie that added a dark twist to your coffee shop au?
xoxo Wetnessday anon 💦
Hi Wetnessday Anon! 😊❤️🧡💛 Fall is upon us and I'm loving it! I hope you're as excited and the weather and life is treating you well this week 🧡
Oh, the barista is such a dummy, because he didn't need to spike my drink, I'd be horny and needy for him if he only put his hands on my. I think it's what I've actually been kinda hoping for when coming to meet him right before closing. Though, probably, I also was counting on more sweetness and some flirting; maybe a cute date or two before letting him fuck me. What an impatient man.
On the other hand, he was slowly luring me in with that charm and smiles and he was dedicated and patient while he worked on the perfect combination to brew that super aphrodisiac drink. So maybe he's not at all that impatient.
When it started all cute, with that cozy autumn background and the thought of the scent of coffee and caramel and maybe muffins, I thought of Jake. But then it turned darker and, well, I could imagine darker Jake, but somehow my mind switched.
To this cozy, autumn-y man, who wields darkness a smidge better
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Andy felt burnt out after pursuing career in law for years. He was a fucking great lawyer, but he hated his life and the emptiness of it, the constant exhaustion and late nights. So he resigned and did something unexpected.
He bought a place and started a small coffee shop combined with a bookstore. Though he kept it away from the rich areas where his former colleagues could spot him, the shop was often visited by the law professor and students from a nearby campus. The students didn't know any better, until one time they were debating fiercely about a case for one of their lectures.
Andy listened to them, chuckling under his nose as he prepared their orders. When he served them, he mentioned a precedence that would solve their case and winked at their stunned faces.
He finally found peace and joy in his place. Though at times it felt, as if his life was still missing something.
It was your face as Andy caught you staring at him after you made your first order that made him realize what he needed.
A woman who was clearly slightly embarrassed at being caught ogling, but also kept her gaze on him and licked her lips in a shyly flirtatious move.
He observed that enticing combination of boldness and cuteness each time you visited the shop, finding himself amused and drawn to it.
You watched him, with more than just curiosity. There was a needy gleam in your eyes. Andy noticed the heavy swallowing, the shiver rocking your body whenever he leaned across the counter towards you, his voice dropping just a bit to say your name.
You were already into him. Andy just had to give you a push to unleash the needy, desperate slut in you.
You'd be a cherry on top of his new, good life. A companion to share his joys and passions. Someone to come back home with. To share smiles as you ran the shop together.
To see your nervous walk as you tried to move with your thighs closed tight, because his cum was dripping out of you.
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toasttt11 · 9 months
sixteenth birthday
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June 8, 2020
Carter looked up from her phone hearing a knock on her door and then three more knocks followings she smiled knowing it’s Connor, she walked across her dorm room opening the door seeing Connor standing there with a box in his hands, Connor stepped towards her handing Carter box, “Happy birthday!!” Connor smiled towards the person that had become his best friend in the last few months.
Carter looked down at the box smiling taking it from him, “Thank you Con, come in.” Carter moved out of the way letting Connor into her dorm, watching him jump onto her bed like he always does.
“We’ll go on Roo! Open it.” Connor put his arms behind his head smiling at her.
Carter fondly rolled eyes sitting next to Connor on her bed and untying the green bow on the box and taking the lid off seeing a stuffed animal gently picking it up seeing what animal it was, a kangaroo. Carter laughed knowing why he picked the stuff animal, “Thank you it’s adorable!” She held up to her chest feeling how soft it is.
“Thought it fit you perfectly Roo.” Connor smiled knowing how much Carter adores Kangaroos and that’s why he calls her Roo.
Carter layed down next to Connor cuddling her Kangaroo enjoying spending her birthday with someone as she couldn’t see any of her family for her birthday this year because of Covid.
Also because she was lent to the Sweden Hockey team being able to practice and play some hockey during Covid, not knowing when she would be going home luckily Connor had been lent too and their are sharing a common room that connects to their own dorms, meaning they are quarantined together and spend basically all their days together.
“Want to go to the cafe?” Connor turned on his side facing Carter, as she turned to look at him.
“Yeah!” Carter got out of bed slipping on a pair of sandals and setting her Kangaroo on her bed againt her pillows before grabbing her phone and slipping it into her small purse before throwing her purse over her body.
Connor hopped out of the bed heading to the door opening letting Carter walk through and then closing it behind them. They got into their common room both grabbing their masks that were hanging by the door slipping them on before leaving their common room and walking through the doom halls and. the million other hallways before walking down the staircase and walking out of the large building to the outside.
They walked for about five minutes before reaching their favorite street, a few of their favorite places they have found are all on this one street.
Connor helped open the door for Carter as they walked into the Cafe, “You go find a seat, and i’ll order.” Connor shook his head seeing Carter about to protest, “Nope it’s your birthday you’re not buying.”
Carter reluctantly nodded knowing Connor can be just as stubborn as her before walking away and going up the stairs in the cafe to the loft area, that has a small library in it.
The loft has Connor and Carter favorite spot, a small little booth and table in the corner right by the window with a pretty view of the city and the beach.
Carter and Connor found the cafe within the first week they were in Sweden and it’s become the place they like to hang out together, and where they end up doing their school work most days.
Carter sat down on her side of the bench looking towards the window, opening it and immediately getting hit with the smell of the fresh water from the beach close by, she was so focused looking outside she didn’t realize how much time had passed and Connor was already upstairs and setting their stuff on the table, gaining her attention.
“One Strawberry, Blueberry, Spinach, Peanut butter smoothie and a chocolate crossiant for the birthday girl.” Connor smiled sliding into his spot next to her, taking his mask off setting it on the table next to Carter’s who took her’s off already.
Carter smiled always touched that Connor always remembers her smoothie order, “Thank you. Chocolate crossiant?” She knew that wasn’t apart of their diet and usally Connor was the more strict of the two for following their diets.
Connor fondly rolled his eyes, “It’s your birthday.”
Carter just smiled at her best friend.
Carter never understood growing up how her brothers all had that one best friend that they were so insanely close with.
Carter doesn’t love making friends and has always been find with her brothers friends and her brothers but she met Connor and she understood.
Connor just snuck into her heart and she knows he has no plans to leave, not that she would want him to anyway.
Connor pulled out his phone, not loving having photos taken of him but he does like taking photos of and with Carter, enjoying looking at them later.
Connor snapped a photo of Carter smiling with her crossiant before holding the phone in front of them as Carter stuck her tongue out for the selfie and Connor silliy grinned at the camera.
Carter gently grabbed Connor’s face with her hand and squeezed his cheeks together with a big grin on her face as she looked at the camera and Connor looking at her.
Carter laughed with Connor as they looked at the photos together and they spilt the chocolate croissant.
Carter did miss her family that day but she ended up having an amazing birthday spending it with her best friend.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
If you want to could we have a scenario with the cafe tag role reversal au? Maybe readers first time going to the cafe and being met with Clyde and Saber as like a little callback to the first Cafe tag post?
The pet cafe's opening week. Lines spread down the block with the lure of being catered to by an adorable and friendly cast of hybrids joined by a special guest to kick off the launch. Saber was well known in the modeling industry for his looks and charm. Being a high class breed and a hybrid of one of the most common house pets were a clear boost to his popularity. It was no surprise the cafe reached out for his aid which was an obvious success. He had been everyone's first choice for a host, and booked the entire duration of the collab. All this attention was just too much for the poor feline.
"Hello, I'm here for my appointment with Clyde."
Saber's claws leave divots in the table. The hostess manning the front desk offers the customer a warm smile as they lead them to their table, depositing their umbrella in the bin beside the desk. A chipper bee that the customer has to speed walk to keep up with and leaves them a honey flavored sucker as they leave to get their coworker from the back. The poor unaware rabbit ducks behind the coffee table as the doors to the break room fly open.
"Clyde! Your twelve o'clock is here!"
Clyde's pale face drains of color as a menu is shoved in his arms. "What?! I thought you were joking about that...."
"I was at first, but then a real request came in like five minutes later." Robbie pushes their coworker towards the door." Well, don't keep your first waiting. Go, go, go!'
Clyde fits his hair as he's pushed into the dining area. He continues to smooth his curly locks, and tries to make himself look as presentable as possible for his first master of the day. He's never been called on before. He's used to taking meal orders for the guests waiting for more popular pets like that feline. Passing the table were Saber sat crowded by an entire group of people, Clyde feels a chill run down his back as his temporary partner shoots him an icy glare. Creepy. Saber's never been nice to him, but he's never done that before. He could worry about that later. Focus.
"Table six... table six.. Ta- Ah! Here we go. I apologize for the wait, master. Welcome to the cafe, can I get you something to drink to start you off?"
"I'll need a moment to decide. Can you sit next to me until then?"
"Certainly!" Clyde takes a seat on the edge of the booth. It was easier said than done. He couldn't figure out why someone had chosen him, especially a cute human like them if a side view was anything to go off of. Were they using him for something? Maybe they only requested him so they could watch Saber without the wait. Why was he dumping such accusations on a stranger? Why did they feel right?...
"I'll just take a water for now, and sip of whatever you want."
"....Pardon?" Did he hear them right?
The guest looks embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I'd use a separate straw of course, but I thought it would be okay since I saw others doing it and I didn't want you to be left out."
His ears had been tugged on a lot throughout the years - but he heard them loud and clear. They... actually wanted him. Was that him overthinking again? Clyde prayed not. Someone was asking about him. Someone was looking at him. He had been noticed.
The guest looks under the table as their silverware slides into their lap. "Are you alright?"
Clyde holds down his leg, face as red as the tie around his neck. "Y-yes, just- a bit excited. I'll go get those drinks for us."
In the split second it takes for Clyde to hop away from the table, a few face takes his spot. The customer had taken to watching the falling rain outside the window so they remain oblivious to his presence. The slippery feline rubs up against the guest's forearm much to their confusion. They put on their friendliest uncomfortable smile and pull their arm away, waving with a limp wrist.
"Um... Hello"
"Hi there." Saber purrs, switching one leg over the other as his tail falls onto their thigh. "Waiting for someone?"
"Yeah actually, I think his name is Clyde. I thought he was super cute, so I wanted to meet him."
Saber rolls his eyes, picking up the pieces of his friendly facade as he leans on their shoulder. "Awww, don't be like that. I'm sure we could have more fun together than you could with him."
"Really, I'm not interested."
Saber, ever the prideful, refuses to back down. He scoots closer, heavy rain pelting his ears. Thunder claps drilling his sensitive ears with tremendous boom that crumbles his ego and his body to the floor. He covers his ears with his hands and hisses, plugging the holes with his fingers as if trying to make himself go deaf. Hands pulling him away, and cushioning his head with their chest prevents him from doing just that. The guest strokes his head and hushes him as the thunder died out.
"There, there. You're alright." They help him back to the chair and check to make sure he didn't hurt himself. Their hands are so soft. They fade from contact as the guest looks over his shoulder. "Clyde's back. You going to be okay?"
Saber, admitting defeat for now returns to his original table. Clyde bites the flesh of his cheek to keep his smile from spreading too far.
"Master, I'm back. I hope you enjoy milkshakes?"
"Sounds good." The guest scoots back over to their side of the booth, petting the rabbit's hair much to his surprise. Through his salt and pepper locks, they notice a single black dot behind one of his ears. "You don't have to call me master if you don't want to. Y/n is just fine, but if we're handing out nicknames you mind if I call you Spot?"
Spot's leg starts to bounce again. Please let them become a regular.
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writerwithnofreetime · 5 months
Try Again
Pairing: Law x black!fem reader 
College! au 
You and Law were both willing participants in a summer fling that turned sour. You make it your life's mission (for three months) to make him regret tossing you to the wayside so carelessly. It all comes to a head at this party. 
wc: 4.025k
cw: mentions of alcohol, inebriation, smoking (weed and cigs), i say vape smoke like once, shit gets angsty at the end, crying 
a/n: this one is for my college girls :). I was planning on writing an Ace x reader, but I found a random draft and the spirit of Law took over me lol. I got way too into this, so I plan on turning it into a series (hopefully max 5-6 parts). Please please pleasee! Feel free to give me feedback and let me know how you feel about certain writing choices/ plot points. I hope you guys enjoy it!
Part 1- The idgaf War
He was not expecting to see you here. 
You knew it. You were counting on it. Law most likely remembers you as the super introverted girl who’d much rather stay inside with a glass of wine and a good book than go out partying with friends. You knew he viewed you as a fledgling of a woman, too naïve to be taken seriously.
It should also be known that all the heaviness in the atmosphere that contained you and Mr. Trafalgar (is what you called him in your head, using his first name feels far too intimate than he deserves) was mainly his doing. You always knew he existed. He was a friend of a friend of a friend, and you would see him out now and then, but there was no reason to speak to one another. The two of you officially met at a train station during the summer. After a week of sharing the frustration that train delays brought, he came up with the idea to exchange numbers. To- you know, let each other know about the status of the train. After a week of turning texts like ‘trains five minutes late’ into conversations about anything from tastes to relationship statuses, he suggested you guys catch dinner together.
Thus began a summer whirlwind romance, which swiftly swirled its way into a tornado as the fall semester's start was approaching. Law, who was interning at a hospital seemed increasingly busy at times he had previously allotted for you. He canceled plans he made. Phone calls went from once a day at lunch to twice a week- if you were lucky- at odd hours. You had no idea what to make of the situation, other than look at the optics and realize that you would be left in the cold if things went on this way. You made the call to end things, and to your dismay, he agreed. Although your fear had played a pivotal hand in the way fate fell, it could have been sated if the asshole had offered a sliver of reassurance at that moment. The two of you agreed to stay friends, but neither of you meant it. 
Staying friends was code for ‘let’s still follow each other on social media and kind of act like nothing happened, though we’ve seen each other's bare asses.’ It would be much easier to play it cool than to explain to any of your mutual friends why the two of you might not want to be around each other. 
The recluse version of you had played the front for 90 days so this plan would be most fruitful. To social media- and by proxy, Law- you were busy attending class, working, and studying. When you would post a selfie (semi-rare), Law would like it but never felt compelled enough to text you. Maybe the reminder of how gorgeous you were wasn’t enough for him. 
There was the possibility the two of you would run into each other, yet you accounted for this. It pained you, but you avoided the quaint cafe you introduced him to that quickly became your guys’ spot. The cafe (Puddings’) was not your favorite- you were smarter than that- but a former safe space. You also passed up on several parties and random outings Nami or any other of your friends invited you to if you so much as got an inkling he would show up.
Only you knew that those 90 days you went unseen were preparation for this month. You planned for this night to be the season finale of the fiasco that was you and Law’s (situational) relationship, and you would go out with a bang. For 90 days, you planned, scrapped, replanned outfits, and worked out ferociously. You salivated at the thought of this night. Your objective was simple- you would pop out looking like a knockout and the realization that he fucked up would hit Mr. Trafalgar so hard he would spontaneously combust. 
D-day was a party your buddy Luffy was throwing. Nami, one of your closest college friends was adamant that you made an appearance tonight, complaining about how long it’d been since everyone was together. You didn’t object. Luffy was known for throwing the best parties in the area, especially after winning a big boxing match. You knew of Luffy through Nami (his manager) who told you Law had recently become a part of Luffys medical crew for the biggest fight of his career thus far- against some guy named Doflamingo. He would be present for this party, even if only to stand on a random wall with his arms folded like Nami described on one of your Facetime calls a while back. 
Since you were here, like this, Law knew that it only meant one thing: A declaration of war. The scales were already tipped in your favor. Your armor of choice tonight was the tightest little black dress in your closet and a pair of black Converse. The dress had a square neckline and showed just enough of your chest, and if anyone got close enough, they'd see the frills from the lacy white bra you wore underneath. Your hair was piled on top of your head in a perfectly picked puff, with face-framing coils on either side of your face, right in front of your ears. Your lips were glossed clear and your makeup simple- the embodiment of cute and casual. To others, it always appeared like you were effortlessly beautiful. Mr. Trafalgar probably thought you didn’t know how to wield your beauty like a sword, to make him kneel at your feet with an offhanded glance. But he was going to learn very soon.
The smell of weed, vape smoke, and booze slapped you in the face as you made your way into the function. The two Buzzballs you pre-gamed with hit you halfway into your Uber trip, so the flush of party wind was disorienting. You pushed- well shimmied, it was pretty packed- on. Clung to your left shoulder was a small black purse with your necessities- lipgloss, debit card, ID, and some dum dums (real bad bitches keep candy in their purse). In your right hand is the unopened bottle of Bacardi Tropical you promised Nami and Vivi to bring. 
It didn’t take long to find them in the kitchen area of the party, with the usual crew- Luffy, whom you heard before you saw, solo cup raised with his signature smile. Sanji has a cigarette in his mouth, a blunt behind his ear (you would question him about that later), and a pretty brunette under his arm you hadn’t seen before (typical). Zoro is leaning against the counter closest to Luffy chatting with…. Law? Well, you couldn’t see the dickheads face, but you knew damn well that was the back of Law's head you were looking at. You smiled devilishly to yourself. This was just the situation you were expecting. You stride over and greet your friends. 
“Y/n!” Luffy exclaimed as soon as you set the bottle on the counter by the other ones. “I’m glad you could make it!” He put an arm around you and smiled even wider. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages!” You giggled. Luffy is always great vibes when you’re around him. 
“Yeah, I guess I have been a bit mia…” You trail off with a playful smile. Nami yanks Luffy’s arm, chastising him for almost spilling whatever was in his cup on you. Vivi laughs and greets you with a hug. Sanji introduces you to the girl you know for a fact he met no longer than a week ago as the ‘love of his life”. Her name is Viola and she has your blond-haired friend wrapped around her finger. Someone taps your shoulder, and as you turn to see who, your eyes transiently focus on Mr.Traflagar’s visage. It was hard to tell if he was looking at you, the brim of his hat was pulled pretty low tonight. His face was facing yours. It was pretty dark, but you noticed his lip twitch into a scowl as he took the joint from Zoro’s hand. Law clearly senses the bloodlust in your demeanor. You quickly adjust your gaze to the person who requested your attention.
“If I knew you were bringing more liquor, I would’ve texted you. We ran out of sake about thirty minutes into the party,” Zoro says, peering at you with an easy grin. You roll your eyes and display a cheeky smile of your own.
“Oh, please. You’ll drink anything you get your hands on so shut up, and let's take some shots.” You turn to face the counter full of liquor and grab a cup. Zoro moves past you and fills his cup with the Bacardi you just brought. Nami forces him to pour a shot for the girls before he makes off with the rest. The four of you cheer, then lean your heads back to take sips (in Zoros' case, gulps) of the vodka. 
The burn produces heat in your throat, forcing you to part your lips and exhale. However, it seemed the side of your head would catch fire long before your windpipe. Maybe the incoming tipsiness had you imagining things, but you swear you could feel his eyes on you, dancing across your body and soaking up your frame. Still, you refused to acknowledge his presence. 
No one has noticed that the area y’all are conjugating in had suddenly become a war zone, let alone the blaze emanating from Law’s stare. Your target was now to your immediate right since you and Zoro had traded places. Zoro and Luffy are going shot for shot, entertaining Nami and Vivi. Sanji and his new lover had quietly disappeared after you all took a shot together. 
“Y/n.” He said it loud enough for you to hear it over the music, but it wasn’t like he was raising his voice. His tone was firm and even, and clearly laced with the influence of weed. It seemed to ring in your ears and vibrate in your brain.
You faced him and scanned his countenance with your eyes. He looked… okay. Fine, more than okay. He looked the fuck good. He wore a black hoodie with a white top underneath, his favorite pair of jeans, and black Jordans. There was a decent amount of space between the two of you, but you were close enough to see that he was, in fact checking you out, with his eyes trained on your ass in particular. Shit, it was poking in this dress, which was the defining factor in you choosing it tonight.
You quickly downed the rest of your cup.
“Trafalgar,” you replied cooly, not faltering under his punitive gaze. Seriously. Law looked genuinely bothered by your presence. He was squinting at you, almost as if you were some mirage. The look in his eye made your chest burn with feelings you were actively trying to suppress. Still, he would not win this battle of wills. Not when you knew that simply being here was enough to ruin his night. You craned your head to the side and gave him an easy smile. A smile that you know for certain would weaken his composure. 
It strikes him, you’re sure—his right eye twitches.
“I…..” he trails off, scanning your figure again. You clear your throat and turn to face him. “I wasn’t expecting you to be here tonight.” 
The statement stunned you because it was exactly what you wanted. It also seemed- dangerously honest?  Law was never this forthcoming in the past. He’s the liar-by-omission, roundabout truth-telling type. What is he playing at? You glance at him, brows furrowed.
“Why wouldn’t I be here? Luffy and I are good friends.”
“You weren’t at the match.”
“I couldn’t make it. Besides, I’m here now, having a great time with my friends.” The two of you hold a gaze. Law parted his lips but quickly decided against whatever he was going to say. A chuckle escapes you. “Aren’t we friends, Mr. Trafalgar?”
He raises a brow at the use of his surname. 
“No,” He says after a ten-second pause. He takes one step toward you, and you have half a mind to help him bridge the gap. “I’m not your friend y/n.” His tone is resolute and his eyes, though half-lidded, reflect the same. 
The closeness of his voice resurfaces dangerous memories. Heat rose in your cheeks and the pit of your stomach, but you would not let that control you. You steadied yourself, remembering why you were in this position in the first place. How easy it was for Law to distance himself from you after the night the two of you almost crossed the line. How he responded to your rant at Zepplins with ‘ if that’s what you think is best for you’ then immediately left when you told him you wanted to end things. The text he sent you after saying the two of you would always ‘be cool’. He didn’t fight for you then, so he doesn’t get to make you horny now.  You smile sweetly, but the sentiment turns sour by the time it reaches your eyes. He recoils at the look. 
“Good,” you say warmly. There was more you could say, more you wanted to say, but you knew it would sting more if you kept it short. You spin around, not wanting to spend another moment looking into the asshole's eyes. You rejoin your friends' conversation as if you have never been missing. 
Zoro pours too much tequila into your cup, and you can’t even be bothered to scold him for it. You immediately down half and chase it with a Gatorade, hoping that the electrolytes will be enough to save you from a hangover in the morning. Zoro glances at you, one brow raised.
“You okay there?” Your moss-haired friend has always been extremely perceptive. You press your lips together and nod your head.
“I’m great. I just want to make the most of tonight.” He looks at you again, straight-faced. Zoro’s not buying your shit, but he won't pry any further. Not tonight at least. His eyes focus just past you, then back on you again. “What?”
He raises his cups to his lips to hide his smirk as he nods in Law’s direction. You feel your cheeks burn and a finger at your shoulder, followed by the side of Law’s head. You refuse to move anything but your eyes. Zoro turns around to give the two of you as much privacy as possible. 
“Y/n,” Law starts. His breath is heavy in your ears and his voice reaches every part of you. “I get the feeling if I don’t ask you to speak to me now, I’ll never hear from you again. Please, talk to me.” You lift your chin and pout in frustration. Law wasn’t playing fair. He straightens himself as you turn to face him, arms folded.
“You want to do this right now?” 
“Not here.” You squint. “On the porch.” He adds. You shrug at him and Law visibly relaxes. Two gulps emptied the contents of your cup. You grab a water bottle and previously opened Gatorade and make your way out of the party. Nami and Vivi catch you on your way out. You tell them you were going to get some air. They ask if you want company, but you shake your head and stride out of the party into the night air. Not once do you look back to see if Law is following behind you, though you hear his footsteps once under the plywood of the porch. 
Luckily for you two, there was no one outside- at least anyone who would care to listen in on this conversation. You move to the ledge and wait for Law to join you. You soak in the ambiance around you as you take sips of water. It was pretty, the audio blend of the bass and drums from the party mixed in with the night sounds. There was a light breeze you let wash over you as you closed your eyes. Law clears his throat, but you remain as is. 
“Hey, you alright?” 
“I’m fine.” You were not fucking fine. You’re racking your brain for a strategy, or any indication of how he would play it. This was a shocking turn of events. The Law you accounted for would never draw you out of a party to talk, where several eyes could witness. You played with the cap of the bottles you placed on the ledge. 
“Is it too much to ask you to look at me?” 
“Yes.” Law sighs. You place your hand on your chin and glance at him. He takes his hat off and runs his fingers through his messy waves before pinching the bridge of his nose. He looks up and his grey orbs widen, shocked that yours are staring back at his. 
Fuck it, you thought. I’ll just do whatever I want tonight and pretend it never happened later. 
You bit the inside of your cheek as the silence pressed against the two of you. The tension was so palpable you could see the air currents moving between you. You wish you could grasp it and throw it across the street.
“Y/n….” He straightens up and leans against a support beam. 
You followed his movement with your eyes. “How many times are you going to say my name?” 
He chuckles and looks up from the brim of his hat in his hands directly to you. The sincerity in his eyes softens your heart. 
“I know what I’m about to say might be too late, but please. I need to tell you this.” His words made you straighten up and turn to face him, fingers awkwardly drumming at your sides. The both of you were clearly out of your element here. Law clears his throat and continues, his eyes never leaving yours. “I tried to push you away back then. I’m sorry. After that night when we almost-”
“You don’t have to say it”
He rubs his shoulder with this free hand. “Yeah, sorry. Listen y/n, it wasn’t your fault. I panicked. I don’t know. I knew then that I liked you way more than I felt I should have, and I didn’t want to. I don’t know why- maybe fear- I don’t know. I just,” he exhales. “I thought that if I let you any closer, it would devastate me if I lost you. I didn’t account for losing you when I was icing you out. I wasn’t thinking about how my actions would affect you, only about saving myself. Leaving without talking about it was a big mistake, and I knew it as soon as I got up. But I couldn’t let you in back then. I was…. terrified.” 
The heaviness of the indignation boiled and anviled inside your bosom. Your hands were balled into fists at your sides. Tears prickled at your eyes, but you refused to let any fall. You refuse to hide your pain either.
“Law, I-” you started, unconsciously stepping towards him. “ I don’t believe you. This doesn’t make sense to me.” He raised his arms slightly as if to grab you, but lowered them again as his face studied yours.
“I- I know.”
“No, you don’t know.” you took another step. “Why didn’t you tell me this when I told you how I felt that day? Or any moment after that? You-” Your fist was raised, and two tears fell down one side of your face. “How dare you come and tell me you let me go because you were terrified! You? I thought you didn’t care about me. I thought you discarded me because we didn’t-” You were holding back sobs at this point, and your fists weakly hit Law's shoulders with every sentence. “You made me- I- I felt.” 
He pulls you into his arms and you collapse—everything you held inside escapes you in the form of silent tears against his hoodie. The faint smell of his cologne and weed fills your nose. You were too overwhelmed by the release to be ashamed of yourself for crying in his arms like this. Law presses you tightly as he whispers a slew of apologies into your ear. You honestly don’t know if you believe him. Right now, it didn’t matter. 
Laws hold felt like a steady anchor in the new waters that was the vulnerability between the two of you. He presses his lips to your forehead and you pull away slightly to look up at him. He grimaces and pulls away a little more, using his hoodie to dab at your eyes. 
“Fuck, y/n. I-” He pauses. “I don’t want to keep apologizing. I know it doesn’t do much for you. But it’s tearing me apart inside that I made you feel like this. I fucked up.” You inhale sharply.
“Yeah,” you whisper. Law lifts your chin to his gaze. You could see that a few tears had escaped him as well. You lifted your hand to his jaw, which clenched slightly at your touch. 
“I missed you so much, y/n.” You sniffled as you looked at his lips, suddenly wanting to watch his mouth formulate every word. You were soaking in this new side of Law, not caring about its potential expiration date. You ran your thumb over the outer corner of his eye, wiping away the wetness that gathered there. 
The sound of police alarms pierced through the night and the tender moment. You jump away from each other as Lieutenant Garp slams his car door and walks up the porch. 
“Evening, L/n.” He looks to Law and furrows his brows a bit. “Trafalgar.” His eyes train back on you, a bit of surprise mixed in them.
“I suggest the two of you get ahead of the crowd that’s about to disperse and call for your rides now. This party is over.”
“Uh, okay.” Garp walks away from the two of you and into the party of unsuspecting youth. You chuckle and shake your head, wishing you could be inside to witness the conversation Luffy and his grandfather would have. You’re sure Nami will tell you the next day. You turn back to Law, who had jumped back a respectable distance at the sight of Garp. His hat was already back on his head and he tapped at his phone screen awhile before looking at you”
“I’ll call you an Uber home.”
“You don’t have to-”
“Correction,” he interrupts. “I’ve already called you an Uber home. It’s ten minutes out.” Your body temperature went up five degrees. 
“Well, thanks.” He shrugs and looks off to the side, his jaw clenched again. Another five degrees. You pull at your dress and play with a pebble under your foot.
“Y/n,” Law starts, commanding your gaze back to his. “I know I don’t deserve it, but please, let me make it up to you. I want to try again. I want to do it right this time.” 
“Law…” He shook his head.
“You don’t have to give me an answer now. Text me when you get home safe. Goodnight.” He plants a quick peck on your forehead. Before you can respond, you hear Vivi call out your name from the doorway as the crew approaches you. When you look back in Law's direction you find his spot vacant. He disappeared in the growing crowd. You pull your phone out of your purse and two notifications stand out.
The first is the Uber details.
The other- is a text from Law’s Number. You deleted his contact in anger in August, but that combination of digits is burned into your memory. 
hey, it’s law.  sorry for stealing a kiss. couldnt help myself. brunch on me at Puddings tomorrow to make up for it. text me when you get home. please 
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
cat cafe date with the brothers
-> brothers x mc
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
a/n: I'm no expert, but I think there are cat cafes out there where the cats aren't being treated right, please do your research on a certain cafe you want to go to before visiting.
content warnings: none
he didn't expect the place to be full of cats when you told him you'd take him to 'a cafe for some coffee'
lucifer kind of ignores the cats at first, but you know how they might start to like the ones ignoring them?
he has no choice other than to pet the five kitties who curled up on his lap
mammon secretly loves cats
he tries to act cool and all in front of you, until you went to the bathroom and he was scratching an orange one's chin and speaking to it in a high pitched voice
it was quite the view when you came back, mammon didn't even notice you for a while and acted like nothing happened when he saw you
good luck trying to convince him to go outside with you first
when you first got to the cafe, the cats were kind of avoiding your table and levi was convinced it was because of him
until a tuxedo one started to rub against his leg, levi was freaking out because the kitty looked like the internet meme cat
you know there's a high chance satan will give the cats more attention than you at some point
he orders some coffee but it goes cold because he is too busy playing with a fluffy cat or two
expect to be stuck there for some hours longer than planned because this man will not leave the cats
he went there with his main intention being spending time with you and taking pictures of the food
while sitting at the table, a ragdoll decided to flop itself on asmo's lap, let's just say he freaked out because the cat is so cute
you ended up taking a lot of pictures of the cat, asmo and the cat, you and the cat and so on
for the staff there it's payday, beel will be eating everything they got
it was all relative to a normal cafe experience, until a calico cat kept trying to steal the food
beel ended up getting really attached to that cat, the staff even let you and him feed it some snacks
kind of the same story with levi, getting belphie to leave the house is a challenge
you had reserved a table beforehand, and when you arrived, turns out a brown tabby decided your table is a good napping spot
it did not move the whole time you were there, you had to hold your drink on your lap the whole time (it's okay though the cat is cute)
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Nosiness Isn’t a Virtue
A.N:  One-shot with the same artistReader as in the series Once upon a Time which can be found on my Genshin Impact MasterList.  
“Huh, you’ve been going out in the evenings a lot here lately.” Kaveh remarked as he came out of his study, holding his mug, in time to see Alhaitham open the front door. 
“Seeing as I own this house, I can leave whenever I feel like and not report to you. Meanwhile, you, on the other hand, don’t ever have to report to me if you move out.” 
Kaveh just glowered at him, “I make one passing short remark, and you blow it up as usual.” 
“Then mind your business.” 
“I was until you got sassy with me! Now where have you been going these past couple of evenings?” Kaveh laughed suddenly, “Not like you’re going on a date, and you don’t do overtime. So what, Pupsa Cafe having an event I don’t know about?” 
Alhaitham just stared at Kaveh over his shoulder for a long moment. 
“If you must know, yes, you had it right the first time. I’m going on a date, with my girlfriend.” With that, he stepped out the door and shut it. 
Kaveh scoffed as he heard Alhaitham lock the door, “A date! Please. What self-respecting woman would date him? You don’t have to come up with such a common lie!” 
Kaveh went to step towards the kitchen before he paused. Wait, this is Alhaitham we were talking about here. He had no need to create a lie just to appease the masses. Equally, he could have just left it at ‘None of your business.’ Even more than that, he didn’t have to say anything, and just walked out. 
Kaveh’s eyes bugged as he slammed the mug he was holding onto a random surface and ran for the door.  He locked the door behind him before quickly looking around for Alhaitham. 
The only logical explanation for all of this was that the feeble scholar was in fact telling the truth!! 
He did have a date, with a young lady. The only reason he would mention it, would be that he expected Kaveh to treat it like a joke. 
“Has to be joke! Has to be!” Kaveh murmured, refusing to believe there was any truth to his words until he verified it with his own eyes, “There was just no way!” 
He was about three seconds to giving up as he twisted this way and that, when he finally spotted that that familiar green. He ducked out of sight and peered closely, rolling his eyes. 
Alhaitham was sitting on the bench by a tavern, reading. 
“So typical. He needs a life.” Kaveh muttered. 
Five minutes passed and Kaveh growled, “He really was lying! He is just reading!” 
The architect was ready to give up and leave when suddenly: 
“Hey, Alhaitham! Sorry I’m late!” 
Kaveh got whip lashed when he saw a young woman wave to Alhaitham as she approached him. Alhaitham stood, shutting the book and putting it away. 
Who was that young woman? Kaveh watched amazed as you smiled up at Alhaitham, who returned it ever so slightly. Wait, he needed to get closer! This had to be a carefully crafted prank! He tried his best to get closer without being seen. 
“Sorry about that! Meeting with my client ran overtime.” 
“Not a big deal. Not like it happens all the time. Did you want to go in to eat now or…?” 
“I’m not quite hungry. How about we walk around a little first?” 
Kaveh’s mouth parted as he darted out of view. A shop owner gave him a weird look. Wait, Alhathiam was being considerate? Had the whole world gone mad? 
“How was your day, Acting Grand Master?” you teased. 
Alhaitham sighed, “I will be glad when they finally assigned a new Grand Master. I have to monitor the Inter-Darshan Championship next month. It’s mandatory, they said, as Acting Grand Master. Great, more work I do not need.” 
You giggled, “Well, when you are assigned back to Scribe, let me know and I’ll throw you a party.” 
“Please don’t.” 
“Come on, you know me. You know that just means I’ll cook a meal for us, and we’ll spend a quiet evening together, just the two of us.” 
Kaveh choked on air. Alhaitham actually had a young lady willing to cook for him? Just how long had he been hiding you? And how did Kaveh miss it all this time? 
Kaveh vibration of anger stalled when he saw Alhaitham give you a small smile.  
“That sounds agreeable.” the scholar replied. 
Kaveh choked on air and coughed as his eyes bugged, “It’s official, the world is ending…..” 
“Kaveh, what are you doing?” 
Kaveh jumped a foot in the air and whirled around to see Cyno looking at him reproachfully. Just then you looked up to see Cyno and waved. Alhaitham turned to see who you were waving too and rolled his eyes at who he found. You frowned at him. Did he know that blonde haired man? Or was he rolling his eyes at Cyno? 
You trailed down towards Cyno, “Hey, Cyno, you aren’t on the clock, are you?” 
Cyno folded his arms, “I just got off, on my way home, and found this miscreant disrupting public order.” 
Alhaitham folded his arms, “Book him, then.”  
You frowned up at Alhaitham in confusion. He wasn’t generally this hostile towards people. 
“Stop acting like you two don’t know me!” Kaveh pouted, “Anyway…” He smiled at you, “My name is Kaveh. And you are?” 
“I’m Y/N L/N, nice to meet you. Are you all friends?”
“No!” both Cyno and Alhaitham stated. 
“Yes!” Kaveh said at the same time. 
You blinked. Did you accidentally get into a situation? 
Alhaitham sighed, “Y/N, Kaveh isn’t really worth noting, but he’s my roommate.” 
Kaveh looked shocked that Alhaitham admitted it to a newbie so suddenly. But then again, this was the man who brought home the Traveler one day randomly. He hissed at him, “That is supposed to be a secret.” He looked around furtively hoping no one heard that. 
Your eyes lit with recognition, “Ahh, so you're that infamous roommate.” 
Kaveh felt a bead of sweat go down his back. Exactly what has Alhaitham been telling you? He needed to turn his impression of him around, and fast. 
Cyno’s eyes narrowed, “That doesn’t explain why you were stalking them.” 
“I wasn’t…stalking!” 
“You were following us because you were nosy, I take it.” Alhaitham interjected. 
“I wasn’t…I was….wait, you could tell?” 
“So you admit it!” Cyno asked. 
“No!” Kaveh cried before looking at Alhaitham, “How did you know?” 
“There is nothing about you that is subtle.” 
Kaveh glanced nervously towards you, who had a small smirk on your face. Why was this rather amusing, and you had just met him? You glance at Alhaitham to see he looked annoyed, but then again he looked that way 99% of the time. 
“I believe I can explain this.” Alhaitham turned to Cyno, “See, I told him, I had a date with my girlfriend, and he didn’t believe me.” 
Cyno’s eyes took on a look of understanding, “I see.”
“Wait, why aren’t you surprised? This is Alhaitham, we are talking bout here.”
But Kaveh got distracted by your head snapping up toward Alhaitham with wide eyes. Why did you seem so shocked? Wait, did you even know about this development?  
“G-g-girlfriend?” you stuttered. 
Alhaitham looked down at you, “Yes, girlfriend. I didn’t stutter.” 
Kaveh watched in awe as you slowly ducked your head, a smile spreading on your face. 
Alhaitham cocked his head, “Is that alright?”
You nodded, twittering on your feet, “Yes, it’s fine.” 
Cyno spoke, “Kaveh, this isn’t news. I already knew they were dating.” 
Kaveh gaped at Cyno before looking at you and Alhaitham, “How?” 
“Y/N knows Tighnari and Collei. They told me she was dating Alhaitham.” 
“So I’m the last one to find out?!” 
Alhaitham snorted, “I wasn’t aware that I had to keep you updated on my love life!”
“You are incapable of having a love life!” snapped Kaveh. 
You bristled at that, raising your head to glare at the architect, “Why?” 
Kaveh realize what he implied and backtracked, “I’m sure you are a lovely lady, Y/N. But this is Alhaitham, he’s not exactly sociable. He’s snappish and keeps to himself.” 
“He likes to mind his own business and have a meaningful use of his time. So do I. Point?” You returned. 
You returned it so quickly, Kaveh was at a lost for words. He looked at Cyno. 
“I’m not in this conversation. Since it seems you aren’t currently disrupting the public order, I’ll let it slid and be on my way. Don’t cause any more trouble, Kaveh.” Cyno stated before exchanging goodbyes with you and walking off. 
There was an awkward pause, where Kaveh turned back towards you and Alhaitham all the while sneaking peaks at you.  
Finally you raised an eyebrow, “Do we have a problem, or something? 
“No! No! Definitely not! It’s just…interesting.” Kaveh stated, “Let me get this straight: You actually like this lug?” 
You glanced up at Alhaitham before dipping your head, “Yes, I do.” 
Kaveh looked between the two of you as if he could not believe it. Alhaitham had an impeccable mask as he just stared drolly at Kaveh, “This foolishness has made me hungry. How about you Y/N?”
You nodded. You didn’t get very far on your walk but with all the commotion, you found yourself to be hungry now. 
Alhathaim gave a strong nod before glaring at Kaveh, “Then we will be on our way.” 
Kaveh glared, “I want to get to know this saint of a woman.” 
You busted out laughing, “Saint of a woman? How’d you figure that?”  
“Saint of a woman. Any woman who willingly puts up with whatever this is….” He gestured to Alhaitham, “...has to be a truly incredible woman and I want to get to know her.” 
Alhaitham snorted, “Well, it won’t be tonight and beside we are going to a restaurant. Where they pay with mora. Mora you don’t have.” 
Kaveh glared harshly at Alhaitham and would have said something if not for your laugh, “Yes, we really must be going so perhaps another time we can chat.” 
Kaveh gave a stunning smile, “I shall hold you to that, my lady!” 
“Please don’t.” sighed Alhaitham, “I don’t want to suffer him any more than I already do.” 
“You don’t have to be there.” 
“Like I’d leave you alone with her.” 
“Why? Afraid, she’ll wake up and find there is better out there.” 
“No problem with that. Better has mora, you don’t.” 
“Must you bring that up time and time again?” 
“You keep living in my house. You have a debt to me now, a mile long now. Yes, I’m keeping track of it. You literally have no mora and if you do, I ask, why are you still at my house? 
“Pipe down! I don’t want anyone else to know and I’m working on it!” 
“I was working when you left!” 
“Then why are you here? You got distracted didn’t you? Curiosity became so great that you let it override the time you need to try to collect some mora. Nosiness is not a virtue, you know.” 
By now you were laughing so hard you had to lean into Alhaitham to try not to make a fool of yourself. You buried your face in his arm as you stifled your laughter. This distracted Kaveh as he watched in awe once more. He was really anxious to figure out where your head was at. 
You finally lifted your face and looked at between two of them, mirth still lurking, “Is it always like this?” 
“Every single day.” Alhaitham sighed. 
“I try, just so you know.” Kaveh told you, “I try to be the bigger person but no, he doesn’t let you!” 
You gave a lopsided grin, “To be fair, this could have been avoided if you hadn’t followed us. Sounds kind of nosy if you ask me.” 
Kaveh’s mouth dropped and Alhaitham smirked at this.  Were you more like this feeble scholar than he thought? Was that why you liked him? 
“Close your mouth and go back, Kaveh. Stop disrupting public order. I’m not wasting anymore of our date time on you!” Alhaitham stated before tapping you on the arm. 
“I’ll see you around, Kaveh!” You stated as you walked ahead and around Kaveh. 
Kaveh finally breathed, “I swore the world just shifted and bounce. I felt it!” 
With a shake of his head he walked back to Alhaitham’s house. When he turned on the doorknob he ‘ahhed’, and reach for his key….
…that he didn’t have. 
Kaveh resisted the urge to scream, “Wait!! Alhaitham took both keys again and I locked the door!!” 
Meanwhile, after your dinner, Alhaitham pulled out his pouch of mora to pay when a key fell out. You picked it up and after he was doing situating the bill, you handed it to him. 
Looking at it he grimace, “I suppose I took both key sets again.” 
Alhaitham pulled out his own key set, making you laugh, “Even your subconscious wants him out of the house.” 
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nicsnort · 4 months
Cafe p1 (Nightcrawler/Fem!OC fanfic)
Cross-posted from Ao3 - same title, same user
Kurt had a German cafe that he loved to visit - not just for the German treats but for the lovely worker there. A silent crush that suddenly has a chance to be spoken aloud. ______________
There was a small family-owned cafe that was one of Kurt’s favorite spots in America; both to have coffee and cake and simply to be. At the school, the others had teased him for going out of his way for coffee when there was a Starbucks five or ten minutes away instead of thirty. Kitty had asked him many times to bring her so she could see if it was worth it; Scott and Logan had teased him, asking to bring them along to see the girl he was going there for. Kurt refused all of them the cafe was his spot and his spot alone. To him, it was special not just for the German theme and treats but also because of the people...one person - not that he would ever admit that to anyone.
Her name was Anna and she was the loveliest person Kurt had ever met. Her hair was the color of sweet clover honey and fell in soft curls around her shoulders. Her smile lit up the room and warmed him every time that smile was directed at him. Or perhaps it was her eyes that warmed him. They were a deep brown that he could easily become lost in if he stared too long; which was a problem once in a while. But despite her outer beauty, it was truly her personality that Kurt found the loveliest. Anna was always cheerful, she went out of her way to help people, yet she did not allow people to walk over her, and she had inner goodness that radiated out of her. Like a moth to a flame, Kurt was drawn to her.
There was one problem though. Anna had no clue that Kurt was a mutant. It was a few years ago that he started frequenting the cafe, and only last year that he had started going around in public without his image inducer. She had come to know him as Kurt Wagner, teacher and human. She had no idea that he was also Nightcrawler, X-man and mutant. While Kurt wanted to reveal himself to her he had no idea how she would react. He wanted to trust her kindness but he also recognized that he had been lying by omission to her for years. What kind of trust could survive that harsh blow?
“Going to the cafe, Kurt,” Professor Xavier asked as Kurt passed him in the hallway.
“Ja, Professor,” Kurt said with a large smile at the idea.
“Have a good time,” the Professor told him right before Kurt hopped over the railing of the staircase and down to the floor. When Kurt went to the cafe he never teleported beforehand as he didn’t want the smell of sulfur to linger on his clothes and fur. Once in the car, the cafe was only an easy fifteen-minute drive from the manor. The car ride was soothing and soon the sign of Konditorei came into view. As always there were a couple of cars in the parking lot but not many. The cafe was small and eclectic, with it’s German centered food and drink, it attracted just enough business to stay open.
Bells on the door chimed as Kurt stepped inside. “Guten tag,” a voice cried out from behind the counter.
“Guten tag, Anna,” Kurt returned in greeting. Carefully his eyes looked her over, drinking in the sight. She looked so lovely today in a dark brown skirt, light brown leggings, and pale green top covered by her usual beige and floral apron and with her hair up in a loose bun, a few strands hanging down framing her face.
“Usual table is open,” Anna informed him with a large smile. “I tested out a new franzbrötchen recipe if you wanted to try it or would you like the usual?”
“A chance to try your new recipe, Fraulein? Of course, I vould love that.” Anna smiled widened at his response and Kurt’s heart fluttered. 
“Aw,” she told him, pink coming into her cheeks, “don’t make me blush, Herr Wagner.”
“I have told you, Anna, my name is Kurt,” Kurt reminded her with a hint of complaint in his voice. 
Anna sent him another smile. “I know, and I told you as long as you are a customer, I’m going to call you Herr Wagner. So either don’t come here for coffee and cake any more or deal with it.”
Kurt grinned at her. Yes, they had this discussion every few months and that is what she always said. A part of Kurt wanted to think that she was asking him to ask her out. Yet the other part of Kurt recognized that it could never be, all because he was lying to her. Kurt didn’t want to ruin what they had.
Sitting down at his table Kurt waited for Anna to bring him over his coffee and his cake. It only took a couple of minutes for her to come over with a piping hot cup of coffee and warm scrumptious smelling pastry. Thanking her Kurt picked up the franzbrötchen and took a small bite. “ Wunderbar! Anna das ist erstaunlich! ”
“ Danke, Herr Wagner. Ich freue mich, dass sie das essen mögen. ” Anna replied with a large smile that lit her eyes up even more.
Kurt shook his head. “Nein, fraulein. Too formal. Ich freu mich, dass es dir gefällt. I’m glad you like it. None of this, I am pleased you like the food. Though the taste is amazing this is not a five-star restaurant.”
“Sorry,” Anna said, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. “I’m still trying to learn more conversational German.”
“ Dann sollte ich vielleicht nur Deutsch sprechen ,” Kurt suggested.
Anna took a second to process what he said, then gave a look of offense when she translated the threat of only speaking in German. “If you are going to be that way then I won’t give you the half off your additional cups of coffee anymore.”
“But that’s company policy,” Kurt complained.
Anna scrunched her face up and shook her head, a smirk on her lips. “ Nein, I just wanted you to think that.”
Turning around she left him to clean the table of the elderly couple that had just left. Kurt watched her thinking over what she told him. He had always thought that the discounted prices were for all customers. At the knowledge that she was giving him a personal discount, he felt a blush enter his cheeks. He took another bite of the cake before sipping at his coffee. As always all of it was delicious, made only better by the knowledge that Anna had made it.
“I’m going to wash some dishes if you need anything just call.” She told him and the one other person in the cafe before disappearing into the back. In his coat pocket, his phone buzzed. Taking it out he glanced down at the message. It was from Logan asking for a picture of the girl. A minute later Scott sent a similar text. Kurt sighed and set the phone on the table. They certainly were persistent.
Five minutes or so passed in contented silence until the other person who was in the shop called out at the counter and paid for their drink and food. After they had left, Anna cleaned their table bringing their dishes to the back before returning. She poured herself a coffee of her own. Over the rim of his cup, Kurt watched Anna as she walked to the front door and turned the sign. The moment she let go of the sign Kurt realized that this was the first time they had ever been alone. Even if he was the only customer there had always been the owners of the cafe, her parents, but they were on a two-week-long food tour of Germany and Austria right now. For the first time, he and Anna were completely alone.
Setting down his cup Kurt watched as Anna came over to him. She pulled out the chair next to him and sat down. “I hope you don’t mind if I join you.”
“ Nein, nein, natürlich .”
Anna smiled gently at him and once again Kurt’s heart fluttered. She sipped at her coffee before speaking. “You have been coming here for - what - over four years now?”
“Ja,” Kurt told her, “five come Christmas. I stopped in for Bethmännchen for my friends.”
“Yes, but it was late and we had just sold the last of them.”
“But your Mutter took pity und put in another batch to bake; vhile your Vater offered me rumtopf during the vait.”
“I reprimanded him for giving you alcohol on an empty stomach.”
“So you gave me bratapfel, to absorb the alcohol.” They both chuckled at the memory. Kurt looked at her as she took another sip of her coffee. “I cannot believe you remember that, Anna.”
“Of course, I do. I thought you were going to die in the snow because you didn’t have a car. But then you came back just after New Year. And you kept coming back. I didn’t think our coffee and cakes were that good.”
“I came back for more than just those, fraulein,” Kurt told her softly. She glanced over at him with her eyes a bit lidded and a small smile on her lips. Kurt took a chance. With his free hand, Kurt reached out and touched her arm. The touch was soft and only lasted a moment, she wouldn’t feel the oddity of his fingers.
“Herr Wagner,” she sighed, “Dad isn’t going to give any more free rumtopf.”
Their eyes meeting both began to laugh. The laughter faded naturally leaving them in a pleasing silence. Kurt finished his coffee and set the empty cup down. “Would you like another,” Anna asked.
“ Nehmen sie meinen rabatt weg, Anna ?”
“ Dieses mal nicht ,” Anna replied with a smile.
“Ja, I vill have another then.” Anna got up and went back behind the counter pouring him another coffee. Kurt didn’t know what grounds they made it with or precisely how that gave it its taste but the coffee here was uniquely delicious.
She gave him the coffee before sitting back down and taking her own cup again. He was taking a sip of the rich coffee when Anna spoke. “I don’t mean to seem pushy, but if I were to give you my number would you call me?”
This was something that Kurt never expected. Such was his shock that the coffee slipped from his hand spilling onto the table and rushing over his wrist. “Autsch!” He cried out in pain, leaping from the chair as the hot liquid spilled over the edge of the table.
Anna jumped up as well profusely apologizing as she ran over to the cleaning cloths. Grabbing a clean one she tossed it over to him before running to the back to grab others. Kurt dabbed at his lap trying to soak up the coffee as it soaked through his jeans. He heard a fritz of a frying electronic device and looked at his image inducer. Coffee had drenched it causing the sensitive technology to flicker on and off. With a swear Kurt tried to dry it, stop it from giving out.
“Nein, nein,” he muttered under his breath as the image inducer continued to alternate his skin between blue and pale cream. Off to the side, he heard the door swing open again, and Anna’s footsteps as she hurried out. Kurt looked up at her the desperation evident on his face as the image inducer died completely.
“Oh my.” Anna’s mouth dropped open with shock and she had halted in her steps as she stared at him. Her eyes were wide and Kurt saw her move a half step back. That was all the information he needed. She wouldn’t accept him.
“I am sorry, Anna,” he whispered before teleporting away. 
Part 2
Fanfic Masterlist The story as its whole, below.
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