#Original Writting
dreamauri · 7 months
flat line, just like my motivation 🥹
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honestly the difference between og work and fanfiction is strangling me to death my ego's never been this negative size before
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vampiiriic · 1 year
I have never killed to feed, a fact that others of my species often ridicule me for.
"What kind of vampire is she, if he's never killed for blood? Doesn't she crave its sticky crimson flavor? Doesn't he feel the thirst buried in his very marrow?"
I have always been a bad vampire. I've never drank blood before. The only reason I am tolerated by others is because of this fact.
I'm not technically even a vampire. My mother was human, you see. And although I don't believe her husband (my step father? My mothers husband?) ever figured out that I was not his, he never treated me like his own. Always ridiculing and jeering.
I have never killed to feed, a fact that others of my species often ridicule me for.
But I have killed for other reasons
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troyan-light · 2 months
When I speak with you, why are you so afraid to show me what's inside of you?
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thelandswemadeofpaper · 10 months
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mj-iza-writer · 3 months
"Why are you pulling away from me?", Whumper pulled Whumpee's leash harshly making them fall forward, "whatever is going on better stop before you get punished."
Whumpee whimpered as Whumper grabbed their collar and pulled them close.
"Please", Whumpee gulped, "please don't hurt me, I-I'm I'm", Whumpee started to stutter and shake.
"You're what?", Whumper impatiently pulled Whumpee until they were face to face.
"I'm nasty, and-and dirty. I think I smell", Whumpee gasped as the collar tightened.
Whumper looked at Whumpee with disgust, "what did you say?"
"I saw myself in the mirror earlier. How can you be okay with touching me and being near me", Whumpee gasped, "I-I can't breath very well."
Whumper realized and released their grip on the collar.
Whumpee fell down into Whumper's lap and scrambled to the floor to get away.
"Do I own you?", Whumper sat back.
"Huh?", Whumpee looked up in fear.
"Do I own you?", Whumper repeated, "is that not my collar around your neck?"
"Ye-yes master", Whumpee looked down and began fiddling with the dog tag.
"Are you saying I own things that smell and are dirty?", Whumper frowned, "is that a thing you should say about your master? That they own something gross."
"I-I'm sorry", Whumpee bowed, "I didn't mean it like that. I just..."
"It's not a pets place to say that they are dirty, it's their Master's place", Whumper sighed, "you are not allowed to have such human thoughts. Am I clear?"
"Y-yes Master, please forgive me", Whumpee kept their face into the carpet.
"Remember what belongs to me can't be dirty", Whumper lifted their leg and rested their foot on Whumpee's head, "am I clear?"
"Y-yes mas-master, please have mercy on me", Whumpee pleaded, face now shoved into the carpet by Whumper's foot.
A while later Whumper stood from their seat.
Whumpee shyly watched from the corner of their eye as Whumper left the room.
'They're mad at me', Whumpee sighed to themself, 'I'm an idiot.'
Whumpee heard water running, it sounded like it was coming from the bathroom.
'Here comes my punishment', Whumpee groaned, 'I wonder if it will be scolding hot or ice cold', Whumpee almost wanted to run to Whumper to plead for forgiveness, 'will they hose me down, make me sit in it, or hold me under', these thoughts made Whumpee shake.
Whumpee shook their head a little to get rid of the thoughts.
"Are you deaf? Come here", came the command again.
Whumpee quickly looked over to where the voice was coming.
Whumper stood with their hands on their hips, making their impatience known.
Whumpee quickly crawled to Whumper.
"About time", Whumper sighed, "you were thinking again, weren't you?"
"Yes Master, I'm sorry. I was just thinking of all the ways you were going to punish me. I hope I may find grace in your eyes, please", Whumpee begged.
"I'm not going to punish you", Whumper sighed, "I considered your feelings, and have decided to let you have a bath."
Whumpee looked at Whumper in shock.
"You mean it Master?", Whumpee couldn't believe what they had heard.
"Follow me", Whumper led the way to the bathroom.
Whumpee looked into the tub and saw a bath had been drawn with bubbles.
"These are for your hair and of course soap. Do you need any help, or can you manage?", Whumper pulled out a towel and wash cloth from a closet, "you can take as much time as you like."
"I can do it Master", Whumpee happily looked at Whumper, "thankyou so much for allowing me to clean up."
"You're welcome. I'll allow you to have a spa day once in a while as a treat that you must earn for good behavior. The better you are, the more I will add for you to enjoy", Whumper frowned, "I will help with your teeth and nails as I normally do, the rest you can do for yourself. I will continue taking care of your hair as well."
Whumpee nodded, "I could hug you right now, this means so much."
"I'd rather you didn't", Whumper frowned, "I'll be in the living room. Come find me when you're all done."
With that, the door was closed and Whumpee was alone.
They reached their arm into the water. It felt so warm, it sent goosebumps down their body.
They climbed into the tub and just sat in the water for a while. The bubbles sizzled on their skin.
A few more minutes passed, and they started to clean themself. They scrubbed every body part they could reach.
"This feels so good", Whumpee sighed in relief.
When the water started to cool, they unplugged the tub and watched the water level go down. They frowned at how much dirt and grime had come off.
Whumpee turned on the shower head and started to clean their hair.
When satisfied they lathered up their body one last time, and did their final rinse.
Whumpee dried themself with the towel, then wrapped the towel around their soaked hair.
They fiddled with their collar for a while. The thing was soaked, but Whumper didn't remove it, and they had no right to remove it on their own.
"Master didn't leave a brush for me", Whumpee looked around, "they did say they wanted to continue taking care of my hair."
Whumpee opened the bathroom door and got down to crawl.
Whumper smiled as Whumpee rounded the corner.
"Feeling better?", Whumper sat up.
"Y-yes master", Whumpee crawled to Whumper's legs and happily nudged their head against Whumper, "thankyou so much."
"Good, go ahead and sit down", Whumper pointed then reached for the brush, "I'll brush out your hair."
Whumper unwrapped the towel from Whumpee's hair and watched it fall to Whumpee's shoulders.
"I will admit you do smell better", Whumper started to run the brush through the damp hair, "I suppose that's nice."
"Did your pet have a good idea Master?" Whumpee looked up at Whumper, "I hope I did."
"Yes I suppose you were due for a wash", Whumper untangled some of the hair, "did you enjoy the bubbles?"
"Yes Master, they felt good", Whumpee looked up at Whumper again, "it all felt good."
"That's good", Whumper continued to brush until they were satisfied, "your hair feels softer as well."
Whumper eyed the collar, "I forgot to take this off, it's wet", they reached for the clasp and removed it, "we'll let this dry for a while."
Whumpee happily nudged their head against Whumper's leg again.
"I guess you are feeling better", Whumper leaned back, "climb up here, come on. I'm sure you would love a nap after that shower. Too much for a dog to do in an afternoon."
Whumpee did as they were told and climbed up onto the furniture. They rested their head on Whumper's lap.
Whumper patted Whumpee's head for a few minutes before resting their hand on Whumpee's back.
"My silly little pet having human thoughts", Whumper chuckled, "that stupid brain of yours should only worry about pleasing me, that's all it's good for."
Whumpee gently nodded, "yes Master, please forgive me", Whumpee whispered, "I will work hard and be a good pet for you Master."
"Very good", Whumper grinned, "now go to sleep."
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109 @idontreallyexistyet @thebejeweledwatercat @painfulplots @whumpbump @everythingsscary @skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr @theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee @candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
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a-dreamersjournal · 2 months
Can you hear me?
Listen to me, please. I have been talking to you since forever. Way before there came concepts of This and That, Here and There, Life and death...prior to space and time there used to be US. The magic of YOU and I. Remember how we could never tell where you ended, and where I begin? An eternal truth of a majestic existence.
I want to remind you of the truth, why won't you listen? Why won't you Notice me?
Why after all this time, do you continue to cry? I am here. I am here, right?
Why do you still wait for a sweet escape, why do you not look at me? I am always here. I am in all of those NOWs which make up that fantastical Always.
Look at me, hear me, touch me, but not with your Body. You know we will reunite when you see beyond the veil of everything you think you Understand about me. About Us. A love like ours transcends every logic, look deeper within you and all you will find is me.
Come back Home, to me. Let's be whole again, let's drown in love again.
An Infinitely boundless unconditional Love.
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rui-drawsbox · 2 months
happy 19th birthday to me woo🎉
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+past years bday drawings bc woo progress (2023 -> 2020 and so)
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Mournful Tears of the Starlight, Hopeful Solace of the Starlight
As night fell, the young woman began to feel dread
She knew from the bottom of her heart
The stars above will be not as merciful to her
The anticipation is slowly killing her
Her body began to shake uncontrollably
Along with her sense of self
Her eyes began to get watery
Then she knew that the starlit hour had begun
The hours of her agonizing torment have commenced
The stars above began to brightly flicker
Suddenly tears streamed down from her face
Flickering lights constantly reminded her of her past faults and mistakes
As she cried even more
The constant stream forms a large reservoir
She began to experience agonizing pain
With each tear, she shed
With teardrop, descends from
Her reservoir of tears is expanding
With sheer determination to push through the pain
No matter how much it hurt her
As the night proceeds on
The stars didn't let her have a reprieve
And yet she didn't want to accept that she was at fault for her constant suffering
Now, she has a decision to make
To reconcile with her past faults and mistakes
There's no other way around it
She has to forgive herself
Before it is too late
The crying woman begins to reluctantly approach her reflection
Silently stood there staring at herself in the starlit glint
She was stunned by its glimmer
Again, can she see the luminescence of the starlight?
If she can forgive herself and them as well?
One way to find out
She was exhausted
Her tears have withered and shriveled
Her eyes are reddened and swollen
Her dress was drenched and soaked
Her body was sore and sensitive
Seeing herself in the starlit glint, and realizes that she has some hand on the ongoing misery
She started to forgive herself in earnest
Now, the curse has been lifted
The starlight softly graces her with its brilliant glint
Afterwards, she felt relieved and content
Reassures herself that she wouldn't be hurt again
Directly and indirectly through or by her past omissions
Finding genuine solace within herself
Feeling at ease with its brilliant glint
Finally redeemed by the starlight
Accepting both sorrow and solace with equanimity
She's finally faced her fear and released her burden
Eventually, after a tearful hour, the heavenly stars shine bright upon her
Like heavenly flicker from above
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unreversedumbrella · 5 months
i really hate the current idea of canon (not that i've been around long enough to understand the history behind it) because there is this idea that only things explicitly stated by the story should ever be considered to be "true", regardless of what is implied by the story
i think that a good example is Shigeo Kageyama from mob psycho 100, and his autism. Shigeo Kageyama is not autistic. not canonically. not by the author. yet i have seen multiple real life autistic people describe both him and his story as 'the most autistic ever'. not only that but there are a lot of people with dissociative identity disorder who claim that Shigeo has DID, and the symptoms they use to base their claims are crucial plot points - the other 'shigeo' inside shigeo's head, who acts as his protector and was created as a result of trauma. shigeo doesn't have DID. not canonically. not by the author. the same way he doesn't have autism. yet his story is fundamentally related to these things
and characters and stories like these are everywhere. from 1930 to 1980 there were no explicit homossexual characters in american movies. but they were there, implied
im not saying being explicit is bad. having a character say out loud "i am autistic" or "i am gay" is very good and very needed, specially when someone need's to understand what it is being autistic to understand when a character is implied as autistic
what im saying is that you shouldn't approach a story with the idea that only something being explicitly stated makes it true. and seeing a story through those lenses won't help you gain any understanding of it
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remnantofabrokensoul · 2 months
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"From morning to night,
And from a single day
To extended weeks,
Your fear of me leaving
Seems to be an unstoppable force.
I'll say this:
From the moment I have met you
In that secluded part of the world,
Still finding ourselves,
I think I was ready even then,
As I am now,
To completely let myself fall,
Rapidly increasing speed,
With not a one thing on my mind
Except the embrace of myself
Into your warmth.
The truth of course,
Which will never be accepted,
Is the fact
I don't feel deserving
At all
Of a person
Like you."
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beeduoo · 2 months
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originnssssss who remembers origins i Loved origins
#origins smp#i heard theres been like three failed origins revivals WHAT EVEN HAPPENED i was only there for the first one😅#beeduo#otubbo#oranboo#beeduo fanart#i rewatched some origins streams a little while ago oh my god theyre SO FUNNY#DUDE DOES ANUONE REMMEBER THAT ONE STREAM I COUDLNT FIND RHIS ONE STREAM#IR WAS LIKE THE ONE WHERE TUBBO WAS SINGING SUGAR BY MAROON FIVE and they were being really Funny thay shit h#ad me CRYING in 2021 Please i swear this happened imnot crazy but also they might have been separate streams actuallu i dont rememebr its#been wayyyyyyy too long#BUT IT HAPPENED I PROMISE Sorry i've been gone for a while ive been very busy lots of Things going on went to Six flags then jad a surprise#bday party then i had to buy shoes for prom then Go to prom and also i do figure skating and am out like every day idknt have Time im sorry☹#had a crepe yesterday it was sooooo goood im like learning to drive too that shit is boring as hell my dad kept gettign 😑 bc i couldn't stop#yawning DRIVING IS SO BORING its not my fault😭😭😭😭#ok what else ohhhh. y god i locked in SO HARD for this physics essay u guys dont even knowim getting ONE HUNDRED on that trust i just really#wanted to share ok i love you bge#WAIT ACTUALLT SORRU IM LIKE REMMEBERJNG THE ORIGINS STREAMS K WAYCHED#RANBOO WAS SO FUCKING FUNNT IN THOSE STREAMS TOO LIKE I REMEMBER NIKI WANTED TO SEE THEIR BASE and tubbo was like ooh maybe we can put like#water down here for you niki we need a water system and ranwas like Do we though?I WAD WAYCHING THAT .LIKE DAMMMNNNNNN OM LIKE GIGGLING WRIT#ING THIS RIGHT NOW I CAN HEARTHE CLIP HE DID NOTTT WANT HER IJNTHEIR BASE😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#I NEED TO FIDN THAT STREAM WHERE IRS LIKE TOMMY AND JACK A D FHEHRE LOKE TALKING ABOUT DUOS AND THEN JACK SAYS THE MOST OUT OF POCKET SHIT I#VE EVER HEARD LKKE I LITERALLU HAD TK PAUSE. H PHONE AND BURST OUR LAUHJIMG MY JAW WAS ON THE FLOORRRRR DO U GUYS R EME ER WTF IM TLAKING AB#OUT IDK HOW TO FIND THESE STREAMS Oh my god u really Had to be there early 2021 that was liye the funniest era of mt life i wlild be#Tearing up from lauhjimg every day I MISS WAYCHING STREAMS LIVE CHAT WAS SO FUNNY I wishe it was archivedI WISH MORE STREAMERS KEPT CHAT ON#SCREEN i defiently understand why most didn't like Wyd when chats annouing ad hell but also Me 3 years later is interested in what the pub#lic had to say.... ok Now bye
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troyan-light · 20 days
You didn't lose, just you tried hard as you can, it's better than nothing.
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sarcasmhellion · 3 months
I use violence to show my love
Because I don’t want to show who I really am for all to abuse
I use my quick witted, sharp tongue to express myself
Because I can’t take the toll of speaking my truths to them
-because then they will walk away
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mj-iza-writer · 2 days
"Whumpee can I see your teddy", Caretaker reached out for it, "it needs to be cleaned, I'll give it right back when it's done."
"No, no please", Whumpee squeezed it tighter, and shook their head.
"I'm sorry Whumpee, but you were very sick last week. I'm pretty sure you have puked on it", Caretaker knelt down beside Whumpee, "I know it's your comfort item, but how about we find something else for a few hours while I take care of Teddy."
"Nuh-uh", Whumpee squirmed away.
"Whumpee, do you want to help me clean it, or we could make cookies while Teddy gets washed", Caretaker rubbed Whumpee's back comfortingly, "I promise Teddy will come right back to you."
A friend of Caretaker's was listening in.
"If I were you I'd take it from them, they're to old to be acting like that. Honestly to old to have a stuffed toy", the friend frowned.
Caretaker watched Whumpee's eyes squeeze shut as tears streamed down their face.
"I think you need to stop freaken talking", Caretaker growled at their friend, "you have no idea what is going on here. Just mind your business, and let me do my job."
Finally, after a few more tears and bartering Caretaker was given Teddy.
Caretaker had promised to make Teddy smell really good, and Whumpee now walked around the house wrapped in giant soft blanket.
Lastly, Caretaker handed Whumpee a bowl of ice cream.
"I still think it would have been easier to take it away, and let them get over it", the friend frowned as Whumpee walked past with the ice cream.
Whumpee stopped and looked at Caretaker.
"Don't worry about them, go eat your ice cream. I started a movie for you", Caretaker slapped their friend in the back of the head.
"Oww", the friend complained.
"Are you dumb?", Caretaker gritted their teeth.
"No, I just...", the friend started.
"Whumpee came here with that toy. The person who hurt them gave it to them to signify that they were done hurting Whumpee", Caretaker sighed, "if they had the teddy bear, they wouldn't be hurt. They were safe. If it was pulled out of their hands, torture was starting. It wouldn't end until the toy was given back to them."
"Do you see what kind of issues could have happened if I just pulled that away from them. What kind of trauma response I would have to deal with for the next several hours", Caretaker looked at the friend, "it does take more time, I'm aware of that. I had to have some losses to get the win of getting that from them."
"You told them it needed to be cleaned and it had puke on it", the friend pointed out, "you knew what was best, and they didn't listen to you."
"You should have seen how bad it was when it first came here", Caretaker sighed, "covered in blood, and probably several other body fluids. It was dirty and absolutely disgusting. They still clung to it. To them, it means safety. It's familiar to them."
The friend still frowned.
"You smoke right? Do you have your box and lighter?", Caretaker stood.
"Feeling like a smoke Caretaker?", the friend chuckled as they pulled out the box and lighter.
Caretaker quickly grabbed the box and lighter and walked away.
The friend followed, "where are you going? You don't smoke."
"I know, just proving a point", Caretaker went into his office and closed the door behind him.
The door was locked before the friend could grab the door knob.
The friend gulped when he heard the heavy safe door slam shut. Caretaker came out soon after.
"Where's my smokes", the friend went into the office and pulled on the safe door, "Caretaker?"
"I figured I knew what was best, so I took them away. You won't like it for a little while, but I'm sure you'll get over it", Caretaker grinned as their friend tried to guess the combination, "you're acting like a child you know, aren't you to old to have a crutch like cigarettes."
"Okay, okay, you've made your point. I'm sorry", the friend frowned, "can I have my smokes back now?"
Caretaker grinned as he pulled the cigarettes and lighter from his back pocket.
"That's cold", the friend frowned as they grabbed their things back."
"What's cold is telling a trauma survivor, one who has been through so much more than what we will ever know about, that they need to grow up", Caretaker frowned, "have some sympathy."
Caretaker heard the timer for the teddy's wash go off.
"You could have easily went out and bought another pack and lighter. You would have soon forgotten I had those", Caretaker sighed, "Whumpee doesn't get that luxury."
Whumpee rounded the corner, "is Teddy done?"
"Not quite Whumpee, I just need to dry him", Caretaker held up a few scent capsules, "which smell do you like?"
Whumpee smelt every capsule twice until they picked one.
"Good choice Whumpee", Caretaker smiled, "I promise thirty minutes you will have Teddy back."
Whumpee nodded and sat beside the dryer.
"Can I wait here?", Whumpee's lip quivered.
"Yes, you can. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me", the friend followed Caretaker.
"So what did we learn here?", Caretaker looked at his friend.
"That I shouldn't judge. And, that you have a harder job than what I realized", the friend sighed.
"I think you owe Whumpee am apology", Caretaker frowned, "that was quite mean of you to act like that when you didn't know the whole story."
"Caretaker?", the friend frowned.
"No, no", Caretaker waved in disgust, "you know I am protective of my patients that stay with me, if you can not make yourself safe to be around, you will not be welcomed in my house when I have patients here."
"Okay, okay", the friend sighed, then turned to walk back to Whumpee.
They rounded the corner in time to see Whumpee wiping away a tear.
Whumpee looked at them nervously.
"I'm sorry for being mean earlier, Caretaker explained the importance of that bear. I'm sorry if I caused you any flashbacks", the friend tried to make a comforting smile.
Whumpee nodded, "thankyou", they whispered.
The dryer dinged, causing Caretaker to quickly walk in.
"Alright let's see", Caretaker opened the dryer.
They carefully pulled Teddy out and handed it to Whumpee, "I made sure to use the gentlest wash and dry cycles."
"Careful Whumpee, we have another hole to patch", Caretaker frowned as they looked into the dryer to see clumps of cotton.
"Another hole?", Caretaker's friend eyed Whumpee.
"Yes Teddy is well loved, they need some patching every once in a while", Caretaker sighed, "Whumpee do you want to fix it now or later."
Whumpee gently cuddled their face into the toy, they took in the warmth and scent.
Whumpee's body shook, "what if... what if there is a time Teddy can't be fixed? What do I do then?"
"We will have to figure something else out then", Caretaker frowned, "I'll try my best to make sure that doesn't happen. Here come help me, you can hold Teddy's hand while I sew."
The next day Caretaker's friend called.
"Hey I have an idea, do you think Whumpee could go to the mall", the friend asked.
"They can, though they are having a hard day, so they will need their wheelchair", Caretaker smiled, "what are you thinking?"
"It's a surprise, can you meet me their with Whumpee", the friend asked.
"Yeah, I can do that. Whumpee probably wouldn't mind getting out, they've been distraught because of Teddy", Caretaker stood, "see you soon."
Caretaker pushed Whumpee through the mall until they found their friend.
"Hey Whumpee", the friend knelt down to eye level with Whumpee and smiled, "Caretaker", they then looked up.
"Hello", Whumpee whispered.
"Whumpee is being extra brave right now. They decided to let Teddy stay at home to rest", Caretaker gently rubbed Whumpee's shoulder.
"That is very brave.... I know that now", the friend smiled and patted Whumpee's leg.
"So we are both curious. What brings us to the mall?", Caretaker smiled.
"I had this thought last night while I was looking at online pictures of my niece and nephew celebrating their birthdays", the friend stood.
"There is a store here where you pick a stuffed toy and they stuff it for you", the friend smiled, "I was hoping you would allow me to buy one for you. You could pick whatever you like. There are even some cute outfits to dress the stuffie in."
"But what about Teddy?", Whumpee whispered.
"This will not replace Teddy at all, but maybe give them a little break", the friend smiled, "you're also trauma bonded to Teddy, maybe you are holding onto a lot of bad memories. Maybe a new stuffie will help you move forward in your healing, and you can make new memories."
"B-but Teddy deserves to heal with me also. They went through everything I went through, then helped me", Whumpee let out a small sob, "I don't want Teddy to be forgotten."
"We will never forget Teddy" Caretaker quickly came around, "I promise Teddy will never be forgotten. Can you take a deep breath for me."
Whumpee nodded and took a shaky breath.
"How about this", Caretaker smiled, "we can set up a place for Teddy. A place of honor. Teddy will be able to watch over you, and you will be able to get them at all times."
"We can even pick out a stuffie for Teddy to cuddle, and they can start healing as well", the friend smiled.
Whumpee thought for a second before nodding, "I-I think Teddy might like that."
"Yeah?", the friend smiled.
Whumpee nodded with a weak smile.
The friend looked up at Caretaker and smiled.
Caretaker smiled back and nodded, "you might have it in you to be a caregiver yourself."
"I don't know about that", the friend started to wall and Caretaker followed pushing the wheelchair with Whumpee, "I don't think I would be able to do what you do. I'm sorry I just now figured that out."
"That's alright", Caretaker winked.
Whumpee shook as they walked toward the different stuffie options the store had.
Caretaker helped hold them up as they looked.
"You said they were having a hard day today... I didn't realize", their friend followed with the wheelchair.
"Yes, Whumpee has good days when they can get around just fine. Days like today, their body just doesn't have enough strength", Caretaker continued supporting Whumpee, "their captors did a lot of bad things to them. Their body had to hold up to a lot of abuse, and it's broken."
Caretaker watched Whumpee, "are you doing alright? Do you want to sit down?"
"I-I think I should", Whumpee wobbled forward, but Caretaker held them up.
"Do you see any you like?", the friend held the chair still while Whumpee sat down.
Whumpee nodded, "uhm, I keep looking at that tan bear. It kind of looks like Teddy."
"It does?" the friend went back to look. They thought about the old bear.
"Well I guess what Teddy used to look like", Whumpee was pushed closer.
"This one?", the friend held it up.
"Yes, but are you sure about this?", Whumpee whispered, "you don't have to."
"No, I would absolutely love to get this for you", the friend smiled as they handed the bear to Whumpee, "I was very mean to you yesterday, and I feel bad that Teddy is falling apart on you. Are you sure this is the one you like though?"
Whumpee looked it over, then nodded, "yes... please."
Whumpee helped push the peddle to stuff the bear, and followed the instructions on the heart.
"Give it a big squeeze to see if you like it", Caretaker smiled.
Whumpee squeezed it tightly.
"How does it feel?", the friend watched.
They both watched as Whumpee began to cry.
"Good", Whumpee whispered, "really good, thankyou so much."
Whumpee didn't pick out any clothes until the friend pulled down a shirt that said °Emotional Support Bear°
Whumpee giggled lightly and then nodded.
Caretaker had just covered Whumpee with a blanket when they heard their phone vibrate.
"How are they doing?", their friend had texted, "did the bear work out?"
Caretaker grinned as they sat down across from Whumpee.
They looked up and watched Whumpee's chest rise and fall. They were deep asleep now. The new bear cuddled tightly in their arms.
They snapped a picture and sent it to their friend.
"I can't tell how much this meant to them", Caretaker wiped a tear away from their eye, "you helped them take a big step forward in their recovery. As their caregiver and your friend, thankyou so much for helping heal them."
"You're welcome, I'm glad I was able to do that for them and for you", the friend replied, "have a good night."
"You too", Caretaker stood and retrieved Teddy.
"Alright my dear friend", Caretaker gently carried Teddy to a shelf Whumpee had agreed on.
This shelf overlooked Whumpee's bed, and they would have easy access if they ever needed extra comfort from Teddy.
Caretaker sat Teddy in a weaved basket chair. They rested Teddy's head on a pillow. Lastly, they pulled out the stuffed toy Whumpee had picked for Teddy, and cuddled the arms around the toy.
"Rest well Teddy, you did a good job protecting them. It's my turn now", Caretaker poked the bears faded nose, "I promise they will heal."
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
@villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst
@generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109
@idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots @whumpbump @everythingsscary @skittles-the-whumpee
@expressionless-fr @theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee @candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
@lavndvrr @ivymyers @starfields08000 @a-living-canvas @lumpofsand
@watermeezer @indigoviolet311 @whumpy-mountains @3-2-whump @risk606
@electrons2006 @paperprinxe @whumprince @kaz-of-crows
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loveforangst · 3 months
Hero weakly glared at those perfectly polished shoes, barely an inch away from his face, as they rhythmically tapped on the bloody floor.
Tap tap tap.
The usual sickly sweet lullaby echoed in his ears distracting him from his racing heartbeat and he found himself unwillingly calming down, his resolve leaving his spirit along with the blood from his veins. "Shut up.." he murmured as his eyes closed, his body preparing for another nightmare filled sleep.
The smiling Villain carefully cleaned the tools that were ever so helpful during their wonderful playtime, humming the song he knew the Hero loathed. "Now now, no need to be so rude, " he peered at his shiny reflection before placing a scalpel on the tray, "after all we're having so much fun together aren't we?"
Hero didn't have the energy nor will to respond to his taunts and simply flexed his fingers on the cool tiles as he felt his consciousness slipping-"AaAgh!!!" When an all too familiar sharp pain shocked the nerves in his hand and forced him to shoot his eyes open, spotting the previously clean scalpel deeply lodged into his flesh. "Aren't we?" Villain's eyes had lost their playfulness and his smile fell into a bemused frown.
"Y-YES!" Hero coughed out, his eyes painfully closing once again when Villain yanked out the scalpel, a trail of fresh blood following it.
Villain sighed and brought the tool close to his face "Was that really so hard?" His smile returned in the form of a playful grin, eyes becoming crazed as he slowly licked the blood off the scalpel "Now I have to clean it, again, " he shot a pointed look to Hero even though he knew he'd already passed out. "And you know how much I dislike cleaning"
The Villain cackled by himself in the spotless room, in exception to the dark red stain, that only increased in size and surrounded the man on the floor, as he thought of what tomorrow's playtime entailed.
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mutantthedark · 5 months
What if Sigma dies instead of Soap?
(Insporation of the pose credits gonto @/sleepyconfusedpotato)
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Sigma gasped as her shoulder got shot by Makarov. He knocked Soap out to the ground as he and Captain Price tries to defuse the bomb, while Sigma is covering their backs. Makarov also shoots Price's shoulder, he comes up to him, putting his foot on his chest, aiming his pistol at Price's face.
"Take this to hell with you, Captain... Never bury your enemies alive..." Makarov said bluntly, until Sigma comes right behind him and stabs his shoulder with her combat knife.
Makarov grunts in pain, but he fought back. He grabs Sigma's left arm and breaks it, Price was about to get up and help, but Makarov kicks his face, throwing him on the ground again and he shots Sigma's temple, blowing her brains out. She passes out on the ground in cold blood. Soap's eyes widens in shock, And also did Price's. 
Soap feels his heart shattered in thousand pieces. "NOO!!" He yelled, now seeing Sigma's dead, cold body on the ground. 
Ghost and Gaz came a little too late. But arrived as quickly as they could to return the fire, "Price, Johnny, Sigma!" Ghost yelled, killing the Konni group, Makarov ran away, Price was about to stop him, but the bullet train ran right into it, losing Makarov's tracks.
"Bloody hell!" Ghost cursed.
Soap quickly runs to Sigma's lifeless body, she laid there, the blood splattered around.
"No..." Soap mutters, he carefully picked Sigma's body up, holding her in his arms, his expression turns into pain, her bright ocean blue eyes who are still open, her temple is bleeding too, he carefully brushes black bangs out of her face.
"Sigma... No...!" Soap's voice cracks into sadness, Ghost kneels down in front of them, Gaz sighs shakily. "She's gone, Captain... the bomb-- how do we stop it?" 
Gaz crouches and looks at the bomb's components. Price looks at Soap who's holding Sigma in her arms, Price grits his teeth and turns into bomb.
"Alright, find the red wire. RED ONLY -- Soap said we cut it together --on "3". Copy?" Price grabbed the red wire. 
"Rog. On three!" Gaz also holding the red wire, in Countdown.*
"One...Two...Three!" By that, they together cut the red wire, the beeping stopped, Price and Gaz sighed in relief, the bomb is defused. They turned their heads to Soap and Ghost, who's still examining Sigma's body, Soap is still holding her. 
Price feels the pain too in his heart, Gaz has no words left out of his mouth. They lost a perfect soldier who's supporting the most dangerous situations...
Price immediately went through his comms on his vest, pushing the PTT, "All stations -this is bravo in the blind. Threat neutralized. Bomb is safe... One KIA."
Price informs it, staring at Sigma's cold body. A young, American brave ex-airwoman fought till the very end. 
Soap's eyes sting in pain, then a tear fall down his cheek, he hoped Sigma would hug him back. They were close friends, they understood each other right, protecting their backs. Now she is dead, never to return. 
"I'm sorry..." Soap mutters in his Scottish accent, putting his forehead against hers, he hoped it was all a nightmare, a horrible one, just a nightmare. But it's not a dream anymore, it's a cruel war, war is suicide. But the chaos is real.
They put Sigma to rest, still not ready to say goodbye, yet. Soap is not happy how it ended, the fear is running on his mind. Sigma's aunt, Lala, also fell apart, not believing her ears what she heard.
With that, the funeral began outside. The sunset is almost setting, giving beautiful red colors in the sky.  Gaz, Soap, Price, and Ghost. Of course, Sigma's allies and soldiers from the Air Force academy, they also cared about her. Soap is lost in thought, with no emotions in his eyes.  Sigma's aunt, Lala brought Ruby in the furenal, she runs to the coffin and puts her paws on it, the coffin is also coverd with American flag. Ruby whimpers softly in sadness, putting her paws on the ground and lays down.
With that, a young woman, who has red hair and amber eyes, puts her hand on the coffin, paying respect.
"Aim High... Fly-Fight-Win... You were one of the best, Connors... Sleep easy." She says with full in emotions, tears in her eyes.
Soap remembers something that he wouldn't never forget... Sigma promised them when the chaos is over, they'll go to the Hawaii, make a vacation to relax. Now it's no use, and he knows the chaos will never stop...
With that, he feels something inside, like Sigma is hugging him, because she is...
"Yep, I know I made my promise, but you should move on. I'm leaving everything to you. Goodbye, Johnny..."
Okay, I wrote this 2 months ago after Cod mwiii was released, again. I'm sorry for this. This is originally posted on Ao3, but I fixed a few stuff here. So yea, don't attack me... I'm not a good writer so I apologize.
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