#Papa's imitation
kuhakukage · 5 months
You can love a character and still admit when they’re wrong. I love Sasuke but I acknowledge his flaws (none he’s perfect) and can hold him accountable for his wrongdoings (he’s never done anything wrong in his life) & call him out on his actions (which are always right)
@sassykinzonline This is how I imitate you right Papa?
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copia · 4 months
would anybody be able to help a clueless person out and let me know the fan names of all of papa iii's ghouls 👀 i'm aware of omega obviously
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aennasan · 2 months
Jealous Papa to Baby Emi (Kenji Sato x Reader)
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Synopsis: Yep. The title is basically the fic. I had so much fun with this that it became a bit longer than my usual drabbles and imagines.
Kenji Sato would never admit it but you know him well enough to say that he is a very jealous man.
However, right now, you are 100% sure that he would never admit it, especially because his number one source of jealousy is his very own kaiju daughter, Emi.
He is not even discreet in showing it. Watching him opening his secret fridge and pretending to count his coco water but his eyes and mind was never even tuned in on the task he had at hand.
His eyes kept straying to you and Emi while you're teaching her about human things. Scowling, lip pouting, and his body emitting a vibe yelling, “When’s me? I want to be next.”
You do your best not to notice or smile as his scowl deepens, he is so funny when he is like this.
At first, you thought he was jealous of Emi becoming a Mama’s girl.
The baby imitating the way you will put your hand on your hips if she’s being sassy, raising an eyebrow if his Papa overreacts about something, crosses her arm and rolls eyes if she's rebelling and the best of it all, is copying your crossed legs whenever you sit on the floor.
Yet, you found out that you were wrong when he suddenly wrapped his arm around your waist, nestled his face on the crook of your neck and asked, “How about Papa, Mama? When are you going to spend your time with me?”
It took you by surprise. And all his actions for the past few days are starting to make sense. His intense clinginess, to the point that he would find you wherever you are alone and wouldn't stop touching you. The way he wouldn't let go of a chance to have you sitting on his lap. Cuddling to the fullest before the baby wakes up crying. He would pout and grumble whenever you remove his hand from you.
Your mind goes “Ohhhhh” finally putting the puzzle pieces together, of his out of pocket intense change in showing his affection.
But before you could even answer, Emi is already throwing a tantrum because you turned your back on her while she was practicing and showing you her dance.
“Must be hard being so popular.” Professor Sato joked once when Kenji was busy scolding Emi for prying his arms away from you. She is scowling, head held high, as she crosses her arms, not looking at his Papa who is now yelling, “Bad girl! You don't act like that in front of your Papa!”
“It is harder knowing that the supposed to be eldest is the one who is acting like a kid.” You gave out a heartfelt chuckle and replied.
“Oh! For sure. He is used to having all the attention only to himself. He probably didn't expect that his competitor would be her own daughter.” He smiled as you two continued to watch their exchange which started to get hilarious the longer it takes.
“Baby, how about dinner, just the two of us, this weekend?” You asked the moment you caught his eyes, your hand resting on your hips, lips curved with a sly knowing smirk.
At first, he whipped his head down fast, immediately pretending to still be counting, while mouthing “Oooooh! I must have drunk a lot of augh….coco water.”
But when he heard the magic word, his head whipped up so fast and he started walking towards you like a dog being told “Do you want to go out?” by its owner.
“Really?” He asked. Purple eyes practically shining with hope and excitement.
“Yeah. I missed you. We haven't gone out together on a date for a while.” Your smile softened when he instinctively leaned forward on your hand when you reached for him to cup his face with pure longing and affection.
“Professor Sato and Mina would take care of her for us.” You cannot help the way your heart flutters when you see his boyish grin which makes his whole face glow with happiness.
You swallowed the twinge of guilt in your heart when you realized how much he must have felt left out and neglected by you these past few days.
You promised that this weekend would just be about you two. The both of you will enjoy the time of your lives, alone together as you two watch the sun dips on the horizon, your head resting on his shoulder, back pressed comfortably on his chest, while his arms wrapped around you, and his hand playing with your palm. It will be relaxing and you melt just by imagining it.
Or so you two tried your best to compromise.
When Emi saw the both of you dressed to the nines— the plan was to just tell her to be a good girl and bid her goodbye before leaving, she probably felt something was wrong, and the moment the two of you stepped on the glass elevator, preparing to leave, she screamed and threw the biggest tantrum.
The whole building shook from her roar. Her feet kicked the floor so hard that you swore it felt like there was an earthquake.
You and Kenji tried to console her but she didn't stop until Kenji promised that you two are not going to leave and Mama and Papa are going to have a dinner date with Emi.
As if knowing she had won, the baby kaiju stopped immediately and gave out the biggest smile.
Yep, you had been fooled.
So now you found yourselves at the side of the beach. Sitting in front of each other with a candlelight dinner. The sky is a beautiful mix of red, orange, and yellow as it slowly dips on the horizon. The perfect color and atmosphere for a romantic dinner date by the beach.
Except, beside your table is Emi’s own table with her fish, who was happy and chirpy as she looked around. Just content to be with her Mama and Papa. Cheery to be included.
“Come on now. Stop scowling. You're going to age faster with those deep frowns on your forehead.” Joking, you cupped his cheek, reached out to his forehead, and ran your thumb to the lines formed from frustration wanting to smooth it out.
With a deep sigh, he leaned on your hand and his lips formed a long pout.
“But how about a dinner date with just the two of us?” He grumbled.
“Hmmm…I guess maybe we could do that once Emi grew a bit more.” You smiled.
“That will be too long.” He sighed. Exasperated.
“How about sneaking out whenever she is sleeping or busy watching your games?” You compromised.
“We can do that.” He hummed, grabbed your other hand resting on the table, squeezed and kissed the back of it.
Sensing that your attention is not on her, Emi stood up, and started clapping and dancing to the new dance she learned. Mina instantly played one of her favorite songs.
“Show off. Mama’s mine either way.” You let out a laugh when you heard Kenji speak in a hush tone not wanting the baby girl to hear it and had another of her tantrums.
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artytaeh · 5 months
. . . this is a silly thought, but indulge me!
( i might write more elaborated headcanons about it, though. let's see, let's see. 🌷 )
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thinking about reader having kids with mattheo or theodore. and despite these two being so similar in some things, they'd be the opposite on this:
because there's a vital part of your baby growing up, where they start babbling, threatening to say their first word. the silent expectation to see which of you the baby will call for first— their mama, or their papa.
⋯ ⋯ ﹒ 🪻 ’
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THEODORE NOTT is a mama's boy; even at his adult stage, having left hogwarts with you and putting a ring on your finger, it's inevitable that theo's mother always had, always will have such a special place in his heart.
theo looks at you, looks at the baby created from the strong love you feel for each other— and his heart aches, somewhat bittersweetly, as theodore imagines his mother there with his little family; making the scenario even more perfect on his eyes. theo constantly thinks about how much his mother would absolutely adore you, and be the best grandmother possible for your baby.
so, being a mama's boy— and seeing the tenderness you have for your child as a parallel of the unconditional love that theo's mother had for him...
... theodore nott isn't competitive for the first time on his life, because truly, theo wants your child to call out for you first.
not because he's uninterested or doesn't care for your child! no, it's the opposite— theo loves you both so, so much, that his heart feels like bursting from so much love, so much tenderness and happiness. it's just that you deserve it more!
both of you made the child, of course; a human being isn't made alone. yet, as much as theo supported you as much as he could— it was you whose body developed this little human that theo adores so much. you went through all those morning sickness, all of those cravings and body changes; it was you who spent hours in labor to bring that child to the world— it was you who fed them on their first weeks of life.
so, seriously, with all his heart: theo felt like it was only fair for this little human of yours to call for his beloved wife first.
and he even makes sure that such a thing happens!
on a sunny day, you'd find theodore sat on the garden; during these first months of this little human's life, it was a joint decision to spend them in theo's childhood house— where he grew up with his mother, on these beautiful grounds of italy.
sat with his back against a tree, theo uses his knees to support the baby's back, as the little human giggles and trashes both chubby arms and legs, amused by the tenderness of their father; theodore nott. he makes sure that the baby has their beautiful eyes looking at him— pronouncing the syllables with patience.
'ma-ma. mama. maaaaaa... ma.' he'd say, slowly for the baby, exaggerating the movement of his mouth, so that in a way, it would be easier for them to imitate.
it didn't matter how long it took for the baby to properly say those two simply syllables— theo would keep mouthing 'mama' over and over again, carrying the baby on his arms, to then point at you: with a cheeky smile (proud to be the father of this little human, whose also your child. you're their mother. and his wife.), theo gestures to the baby.
'mama. that's your mama; the woman i love the most. ever since i saw your maaaa-ma, i knew that she would be la mia futura sposa.'
⋯ ⋯ ﹒ 🪻 ’
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MATTHEO RIDDLE, on the other hand, doesn't know how to lose; unless his loss brings some sort of benefit to him, obviously.
however this time... no, there wasn't much of a benefit, of a reward to let you win this time. it was a question of honor, of duty! to get this child of yours to call for mattheo first. (as silly as it is, mattheo needs a way to subconsciously assure himself, that he'll be a better father than his. that he'll offer support and unconditional love to this baby— not fear, resentment, and vicious bad habits to deal with the damage.)
and despite this tiny human being days, weeks or few months old— that doesn't really matter to mattheo, because he'd sooner than later teach your child about this corrupted world you live in. that this society, the human beings are nothing but weak meat, meant to fall into temptation, to indulge corruption and...!
long story short: mattheo tries to bribe the tiny human into loving him more.
and mattheo riddle is a creative man, you see; bribe is not just made with money, no, no. bribe comes in various ways:
demanding to be the one to mostly change the baby's diapers, so that mattheo could have more time alone with them, to manipulate that little brain to find it easier to babble the letter 'p' instead of 'm'— and one day, he might oh-so-dramatically say that he was the one to bear with the smell, who had to do the dirty work of changing diapers! because this being said, he deserves more acknowledgement, seriously!
encouraging this tiny human to talk. and when i say encouraging, i mean that mattheo indulges all those gibberish as if they were proper words, ones that mattheo assures to understand, and so mattheo and the tiny human engage a serious conversation. when the baby is quiet (which is rare), mattheo disturbs the peace and quiet, so that he can trick the tiny human into saying that simple, easy word. 'paaaaaa.... paaaa... papa. paaaa! pa!' he sing-songs.
by playing so much with the baby, be it with the amount of toys they have on their nursery, or by tickling, making sounds, already teaching the tiny human how to throw punches (just like his father! 🎀)— mattheo believes that he's associating himself to the feeling of having fun. so if not him, who else would they call for?! (you. because you're the most amazing mother, and mattheo knows that; he tells you that every night, so proud of this beloved family of his.)
another silly thing he does is pronouncing the word 'papa' really slowly, mouthing with such a dramatic and exaggerated movements, that it always makes you laugh when you testify it. however, when mattheo points at you, he says the word 'mama' in a faster way, purposefully making it sound very confusing for the little human on his arms.
and when you caught mattheo doing all of these things, so that he gets to be called by this baby of yours first— well, mattheo is already expecting a lighthearted slap on the nape of his neck, but oh well, the punishment and the effort are worth the prize.
⋯ ⋯ ﹒ 🪻’
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🪻 ; . . . fandom : harry potter.
— i'm on a huge slytherin boys brainrot. no, seriously, i have so many drafts about headcanons and drabbles about them; the comments and reposts of theo's drabble melted me into a puddle, i swear. :( tysm!
the headers + gifs + icons aren't mine. credits to the respective creators ! 🌷
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imitacionalarte · 2 years
Santa Takes The Lead
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bluefunkybeats · 26 days
ft. Gojo, Shiu, Toji
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PAPA GOJO who when watching television on the couch with his kid from his lap, only ever sets them down when Lazy Town comes on. Every four o’clock in the afternoon you can bet that you’ll find mister Gojo over here imitating whatever expert level push-up Sportacus is performing, with a big grin on his face knowing his little one is definitely impressed (and if you’re also watching, he’ll definitely throw in a wink doing said push ups).
“Easy peasy”. Well, good for him because his little tot firmly believes that your husband is the man on the TV.
Gojo just needs to practice his turn push-ups a bit.
PAPA SHIU on his day off, who’s woken up a bit earlier than usual, and the sun is shining a little too bright for him to be able to doze an extra 36 minutes comfortably. He doesn’t want to wake you up yet; doesn’t want to disrupt your system.
He goes on to wake up your son to have a slow leisurely morning with him, eating breakfast and watching cartoons on the couch. Once Shiu has stood by the door frame, checked that his son is enough tidy for school and waved him off to walk to school with his friend, then he start thinking about waking you up.
Well, Shiu just kinda waved him off still sat on the couch watching Batman 1998, hunched over holding his cereal bowl with one hand and hovering his spoon with the other, following the episode like an entranced kid.
You drag yourself in living room to join him shortly after.
“What’s this rubbish?,” you say, before flicking the channel with the remote to something else.
He doesn’t have the heart to tell you.
PAPA TOJI who’s sat on the couch with little Megumi, television on and playing Tom and Jerry. They’re both just mindlessly killing time really, waiting for you to finish whatever you need to finish. You close the laptop on the kitchen table and turn your head for a view of the back of the couch.
You can see the back of your husband’s large build sitting on one end of the couch, and you can already presume that little Megumi is on the adjacent end; both leaving space for you in the middle to receive their embraces later. You stray to look at the television screen: a familiar Tom cat running after Jerry with a big red hammer pulled from thin air, as Jerry hightails the corridor and into a mousehole.
Well you’re finished with your work now, and as you come round to join your little family on the couch, you notice how Toji’s leaned back comfortably with his arms crossed amusedly, his facial expressions changing with the show. Like he’s trying to decide whether Tom or Jerry has a more concordant plan.
Toji’s more into it than little Megumi it seems, who’s idly picking at a loose thread of his shorts. Not that he’d ever admit that.
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pucksandpower · 1 year
Ice Queen: Ice Princess
Kimi Räikkönen x daughter!Reader
(Future) Max Verstappen x Räikkönen!Reader
Summary: before taking F1 by storm as the Ice Queen, you rose up the ranks of single-seater racing (a prologue of sorts)
Series Masterlist
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How It All Began: Age 5
The air smells of rubber and petrol as you approach the karting track, your small hand wrapped securely in your father’s. His face is a mask of nonchalance but the slight tug of his lips gives away his excitement.
You look up at him, mirroring his stoic expression. “Papa, is this like your big car?”
Kimi glances down, raising an eyebrow. “Sort of but smaller. And no fancy buttons.”
You stare at the kart, then back at him, your tiny face serious. “Will it go brrr?”
He laughs, a sound seldom heard by the media but common enough for you. “Yes, it will go brrr.”
Placing you into the seat, he starts explaining the basics. “This is the steering wheel. It’s what you use to turn the kart.”
You grab it, imitating every race start you’ve seen. “Like this?” You make a vroom sound.
He chuckles. “Exactly. And remember, it’s not just about going fast. It’s about control.”
You squint at the track then back at him. “Will there be red flags?”
“No, no red flags today. Just us,” he says, fighting back a grin.
You nod sagely, taking in the information. “Okay, Papa. But what if someone wants to overtake?”
He leans in, whispering conspiratorially, “Then you do what I do.”
You pause in a replica of Kimi’s thoughtful pose. “Don’t let them?”
He winks, “Exactly.”
After strapping you in securely, he shows you how to start the kart and you begin to drive. The wind rustles your hair and excitement bubbles as you make your way around the track for the first time.
He shouts after you, “Hold the wheel tight!”
“I know what I’m doing!” You yell back.
As you circle back to him, he crouches down, ready to help you stop the kart. “So, how was it?”
You smirk, “Okay, I guess.”
He pulls you into a hug. “You really are just like me, aren’t you?”
You beam up at him, pride evident in your young eyes. “Yep, Papa. We’re a team.”
He ruffles your hair, a soft smile on his lips. “The best team.”
Signing with Prema Racing: Age 16
“Sixteen and in Formula 3, huh?” Kimi muses, sipping his coffee as he leans against the kitchen counter. “When I was sixteen, I think I was—”
“Chasing snowmobiles in Finland?” You interrupt, smirking as you take a bite of your toast.
Your father rolls his eyes playfully. “Very funny. So, Prema?”
You nod, trying to play it cool but your excitement still shines through. “Yeah, they want me for next season.”
He raises an eyebrow, “Moving up from F4 to F3 is a big transition. It’s faster, more competitive.”
You lean against the counter opposite him, mimicking his casual stance. “I know, Papa. More buttons.”
Your father chuckles, “A lot more buttons. And more media.”
You groan, “Oh, not the media. Can’t I just drive?”
“Trust me, I’ve tried that approach,” Kimi smirks. “But they’re like mosquitoes. Persistent and out for blood.”
You consider this for a moment. “Maybe I can give one-word answers like you do?”
He grins, “It’s an art form. But sure, give it a try.”
A notification pings on your phone. It’s an email from Prema, detailing your training sessions and media days. “Speaking of which,” you show the screen to Kimi, “Media training next week.”
Kimi makes a face, “A room full of people teaching you how to not be yourself.”
You laugh, “Should I tell them I already have all the training I need from the master himself?”
He winks, “They won’t know what hit them.”
You put your dishes in the sink, your thoughts racing ahead to the upcoming season. “You think I’ll do well, Papa?”
Your father walks over, placing a hand on your shoulder. His face is serious but his eyes are warm. “I know you will. Remember to enjoy the journey, not just the destination.”
You smile, pulling him into a hug, “Thanks, Papa. I promise to make you proud.”
He hugs you back, his voice a soft murmur in your ear, “You already have.”
Formula 3: Age 16
The roar of engines, the buzzing of the crowd, the palpable tension in the air — this is it. Your first Formula 3 race.
“So,” your father begins, leaning against your garage, “Nervous?”
You shoot him a look, trying to channel his signature coolness. “Do I look nervous?”
He tilts his head, a playful smirk growing. “You’re fidgeting with your gloves. You never do that.”
You glance down at your hands and laugh, “Okay, maybe a little. But can you blame me?”
Kimi shrugs, “It’s your first F3 race. If you weren’t at least a bit nervous, I would think you’re a robot.”
A rival driver, Dan, walks by, giving you a condescending wink. “Ready to eat my dust?”
You roll your eyes, matching his bravado with ease. “Only dust I’ll be seeing is from the podium.”
Your father snorts, “Well played.”
After a few minutes, it’s time to suit up. As you’re putting on your helmet, Kimi leans in close, his voice firm yet comforting. “Remember, it’s not just about speed. Strategy matters. Don’t be rash. You know what to do and how to race smart.”
You smirk, “Who do you think you’re talking to?”
He grins, patting your helmet, “Just checking.”
As you settle into your car, the weight of the moment hits you. All the years, the training, the early mornings, and late nights — it lead to this.
The race is a blur of adrenaline. Overtakes, near misses, and strategy calls. Every now and then, you hear your father’s voice in your earpiece, offering advice or just the occasional sarcastic remark. You’re not sure how legal that is but Kimi has never been one to care much for authority.
You pass the checkered flag, a respectable fourth place finish in your first race.
Pulling back in, you climb out of your car both exhausted and exhilarated in equal measure. Your father approaches, a proud smile on his face. “Fourth place! That’s solid.”
You lean against your car, catching your breath. “Could’ve been better.”
Kimi raises an eyebrow, “Could’ve been worse.”
You laugh, “Always the optimist?”
He smirks, “Always realistic.”
A reporter approaches, mic in hand. “Quick word about your first race in F3?”
You channel your inner Kimi, giving the shortest answer possible. “It was fine.”
The reporter blinks, taken aback by your brevity. “Oh, um, any challenges?”
You shrug, “It’s racing. There are always challenges.”
Your father, watching from the side, can’t contain his laughter. As the reporter leaves, slightly flustered, he walks over, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “You really are my daughter.”
You grin, “Was there ever any doubt?”
Moving Up to Formula 2: Age 18
“Papa,” you begin as you both lounge in the living room, “I have news.”
Your father looks up from his magazine, one eyebrow raised in expectation. “You finally cleaned your room?”
You roll your eyes. “No. And thanks for the vote of confidence. I got the call. I’m moving up to Formula 2!”
He sets the magazine down, his eyes scanning your face. “That’s big. Ready for it?”
You shrug nonchalantly, a gesture you picked up from him. “It’s just another race car, right?”
Kimi chuckles, “In a faster race car. With even more buttons.”
You groan dramatically, “Great. Just what I needed. More buttons.”
He smirks, “You’ll manage. You always do.”
Training days for F2 are intense. New circuits, new challenges, and, of course, more media attention. As you take a break between testing sessions, your father walks over with a bottle of water.
“Thanks,” you take a long sip of it.
He leans against a nearby wall, watching the other drivers on the track. “How does the car feel?”
You pause to think about it. “A bit more aggressive than the F3. But I’ll adapt.”
Kimi nods, “I know you will.”
A few days later, it is time for your first F2 race. The pit lane is a frenzy of activity with teams making last-minute checks and media personnel swarming about. As you are getting ready to climb into your car, a reporter thrusts a microphone in your face.
“Your first race in F2! Nervous about the competition?”
You don’t miss a beat, “No. They should be nervous about me.”
Your father tries to suppress a laugh but fails miserably. The reporter seems slightly taken aback, “Any personal strategies for today’s race?”
You look straight into the camera, “Drive fast. Don’t crash.”
The reporter, slightly flustered, thanks you and moves on. Kimi has never looked prouder.
The race is a whirlwind of excitement. The faster cars, the tighter competition, it’s all exhilarating. You don’t finish first but you hold your own, making some impressive overtakes and defending your position fiercely.
Your father glares at a cameraman until he turns the lens away from the two of you and then pulls you into a tight hug. “Not bad, rookie.”
You smirk, “Rookie? I’ve been racing since I was five, remember?”
He chuckles, ruffling your sweaty hair, “Yeah but this is F2. Welcome to the big leagues.”
You melt further into him, soaking the moment up. “Thanks, Papa. Here’s to many more races.”
He nods, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, “And many more one-liners.”
Formula 2 Champion: Age 19
“So,” your father starts, watching as you prepare for the final race of the F2 season, “are you ready to make history today?”
You smirk, pulling on your gloves. “History is just another record waiting to be broken.”
Kimi chuckles, “You really have a line for everything.”
You shoot him a mock glare, "Look who’s talking.”
The race is a high-stakes event. You lead the championship but need a win today to cement your position and make you the first woman to claim the F2 title.
The cars roar to life and you can almost taste the tension in the pit lane. Your father leans in, his voice steady despite the chaos all around you. “Drive like you always do. Focused and fearless.”
You nod in determination. “Got it, Papa.”
The race is an intense battle of strategy, speed, and skill. Every overtake, every defensive maneuver, every millisecond counts. When you see the checkered flag waving and cross the finish line in first place, the weight of your achievement truly begins to sink in.
Emerging from your car, you swiftly climb onto the nose and raise your arms triumphantly, soaking in the jubilation around you. The barriers surrounding parc fermé are immediately swarmed by your team and reporters, but through the crowd, you spot your father. The pride in his eyes is unmistakable and he even smiles publicly despite all the cameras undoubtably capturing the moment. He pushes through, pulling you into a tight hug as the team erupts in cheers around you.
“You did it,” his voice is uncharacteristically choked with emotion.
You grin, pulling back to look at him. “We did it.”
The post-race interview is a blur of questions about your historic win but one question stands out. “How does it feel to be the first woman to win the F2 championship?”
With a sly glance towards your father, you reply, “I didn’t set out to be the first woman to win it. I set out to win it.”
Your father lets out a loud laugh, drawing the attention of the reporters much to his chagrin. They turn their mics to him, “Kimi, thoughts on your daughter's achievement?”
He looks at you, his signature deadpan expression in place, “She’s okay, I guess.”
You roll your eyes, nudging him playfully, but the hint of a smile remaining on his face despite the media surrounding both of you reveals his pride.
The celebration that night is a mix of laughter, vodka, and memories. As you both sit, watching the team revel in the moment, Kimi turns to you. “I always knew you had it in you. But seeing it ... seeing you out there today … I’m beyond proud.”
You smile, resting your head on his shoulder as the liquor begins to take its toll. “Couldn’t have done it without you, Papa.”
When You Really Made It: Age 19
“You’re looking at that paper like it’s written in another language,” your father comments while sipping his morning coffee.
You glance up, the dual contracts from Red Bull Racing and Scuderia AlphaTauri spread out on the desk in front of you. “Sure feels like it. Formula 1! Can you believe it?”
He smirks, “Considering you’re my daughter and I taught you everything you know? Absolutely.”
You roll your eyes but can’t suppress a smile. “How modest of you, Papa.”
A knock on the door interrupts the moment. It’s Christian Horner and Franz Tost. "Ready to discuss the details?"
You look to Kimi, who gives a nod. “Let’s do it.”
As the team principals explains the nuances, clauses, and expectations, you occasionally exchange amused glances with your father, particularly when terms get overly convoluted.
After they leave, you sink into a chair, decidedly overwhelmed. “This is big.”
Kimi sits across from you. “It’s a step up. But it’s where you belong.”
You look at the contract again and then at your father. “Think I can handle the pressure?”
He raises an eyebrow, “Are you asking me or telling me?”
You smirk, “Maybe a bit of both.”
“That’s the spirit.”
The next few days are a whirlwind of race suit fittings, team briefings, and media obligations. The latter being your least favorite part.
During one press conference, a reporter asks, “How does it feel to be following in your father’s footsteps?”
You press your lips together, “I’m not. I’m making my own.”
Another inquires, “Any fears about competing at this level?”
You shoot him a deadpan look, “Fear is for the drivers who see me coming in their mirrors.”
Kimi, watching from a shadowed corner, struggles to keep a straight face and walks up to you with the tiniest of smiles that anyone else would miss after the presser, “You really have a knack for this.”
You smile back, “I learned from the best.”
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Taglist: @ironmaiden1313 @ilovedreming @jamie2305 @reidsworld @notyouraveragemochii @faithm120601
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juleswrites223 · 7 months
Dad!Carlos Sainz x Mom!Reader ❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
Context: Your son is a menace in a car, just like Carlos was at his age
a/n: This is inspired by that video of baby Carlos in a car, drifting like a boss 😂. Also for Mateo's face claim i just took Carlos when he was a child to really give the feel that he is a carbon copy of his dad. I used google translate for the spanish.
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“Mateo is an exact copy of Carlos no?” Reyes, Carlos’ mother says as you are out on a brunch date with her.
“Right?? Even the way he even scrunches his nose.” You say to your mother in law. “It’s unfair, I carried him for nine months, all for him to be a carbon copy of his papa.” You whine.
Reyes laughs and you guys continue talking then head to the car. As you’re fastening your seatbelt, the phone lights up with your husband’s caller ID.
“Hola cariño, have you picked up Mateo from preschool yet?” Carlos’ voice comes through the phone.
“Hi, I’m with your mom, we went out for a brunch date, I’m actually on my way to go pick him up right now, where are you?” You say as you pull out of the parking lot.
“I just finished golfing with my father, we were on our way back so I was thinking if it would take you more time then I would pick up Mateo.” Carlos says.
"No it's fine, the preschool is barely 10 mins away from here. How was golfing?" You say as you drive towards your son's preschool with your mother in law.
"I got a hole in one, th-", Carlos says as he's interrupted by his father.
"Hola Y/N, your husband cheated." Carlos Sainz sr, your father in law, says quickly.
"Eres sólo un mal perdedor, cariño. (you are just a sore loser, honey)" Reyes laughs as she tells her husband.
The conversation ends as you pull up at your son's preschool. His face lights up the moment he sees your car, as soon as you step in the gate, Mateo's joyous voice rings, "MAMAAA".
You pick Mateo up in your arms and carry him till the car while conversing with him. His face lights up even more when he sees his abuela in the car too.
"How was your day bubba? Abeula came too because she missed you." You ask him as you strap in him the baby seat.
"It was bueno (good). I did counting today." Mateo says as he imitates counting on his fingers.
"Mateo, tu papá te consiguió un auto en el que puedes conducir. (Mateo, Your papa got you a car that you can drive in)" Reyes says as you drive.
"¿Auto? como el de papa? (car? like papa's?)" Mateo tilts his head as he asks, clearly curious.
"Un poco diferente al de papa. (a little different that papa's)" You say as you guys arrive at you and Carlos' house.
"Hola hola." You greet your husband by kissing his lips when you enter and hug your father in law.
They seem to be watching moto gp but as soon as Mateo comes in with his abuela, he excitedly runs to his abuelo.
"Mateo ¿Qué pasa con papá? (what about papa?)", Carlos says as he feigns hurt.
Mateo's favourite one in the whole family is definitely his grandfather. Whenever people ask Mateo who is his best friend, he always says his abuelo.
Carlos sneakily goes to the abuelo-nieto (grandfather-grandson) duo and picks up Mateo and tickles him. Mateo's sweet laughter rings throughout the living room.
"Quiero ver bluey (i want to watch bluey)", Mateo whines and points at the tv when he sees the tv on but it's not showing his favourite show.
"Carlos, Sabes que quiere ver su programa cada vez que ve la televisión encendida (You know he wants to watch his show whenever he sees the tv on). You know what show him his new car, its in the backyard, that will distract him." You tell your husband.
"Mateo, vamos a ver tu auto (Mateo lets go check out your car)." Carlos says as he takes Mateo with him to the backyard. Mateo runs towards the car and immediately sits in it.
"Bebé, ten cuidado, ¿vale? No hay derivas, ¿vale? (baby be careful okay. No drifts okay?)", you say to your son.
Mateo, just like his father, drives fast and crazy. With every drifty turn he's making in his toy car, your heart drops to your stomach in fear he's going to hurt himself.
"Mateo conduce bebé lento! (Mateo drive slow baby!)"
This is how he's driving for context.
You shriek until he finally stops and smiles for the picture his abuelo is taking.
"Bien, comamos y veamos Bluey ahora, ¿eh? (Okay, let's eat and watch bluey now huh?", You try to convince your son and luckily it works. He gets out of the car and dashes to the couch.
"¿Por qué le compraste ese auto peligroso? (Why would you get him that dangerous car?) He could have seriously hurt himself." You smack your husband's chest as he comes up behind you and hugs you from the back.
"Haha, Si te estás volviendo loco por esto, ¿cómo reaccionarás cuando empiece a hacer karting? (If you're freaking out about this then how will you react when he starts karting?)" He laughs and kisses you lightly on the lip and you guys walk inside.
It's later in the evening when you go over to the couch and kiss your baby boy's head, who is peacefully sleeping. "I just want him to stay safe forever. ¿es demasiado pedir? Como su madre, eso es todo lo que deseo. (is it too much to ask for? As his mother, that's all i wish for.)
"No siempre podemos proteger a nuestros hijos, pero podemos hacer todo lo posible para garantizar que se mantengan a salvo. Sentí lo mismo que tú ahora cuando Carlos era joven y empezó a hacer karting. (We can't always protect our children but we can do our best to ensure they keep themselves safe. I felt the same way you do now when Carlos was young and he started karting.)" Reyes says to you in hoping to aid your worry. And it does.
You cuddle with Mateo on the couch as you continue conversing with your mother in law while Carlos and his dad are preparing dinner. You look down at your son who is sleeping and looking at his adorable face, you know he's gonna be alright, but it doesn't hurt if you wanna do everything in your power to protect him for a few more years, right?
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sv5hive · 7 months
c'est toujours toi | cl16
pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader
content warning(s): mixture of my bad french and google translate bcos in 5 years of learning that language i didn't pick up anything useful (if anyone wants to suggest any improvements please do!!)
word count: 951
note: i had to rewrite this 3 times bcos i didn't like it and it's past midnight again. help.
darkness encapsulated the room before a video flickered onto the screen and the guests fell silent. a sense of familiarity filled you as you realised just what you were about to watch.
"maman, arrête! c'est bon!" (mum, stop! it's fine!)
the boy pushed his mothers hands away trying to adjust his clothes.
"d'accord! mais c'est ton mariage." (ok! but it's your wedding.)
as much as the woman wanted to take her son seriously, she couldn't help but laugh at the situation.
they were enjoying a picnic in the park as a family when their three sons decided to go wander off and give their parents some relief. it hadn't even been fifteen minutes when their middle child had come tumbling back towards them saying that he was going to get married.
they had almost laughed but the boy was showing no hint of amusement on his face. it was then that their two other children returned with a little girl wearing a pink dress in the middle of them. once they reached them, the boy introduced her.
"c'est ma petite amie!" (this is my girlfriend!) he proudly showed her off to his parents as if to prove a point that he wasn't just telling tales this time.
his parents simply stared at the pair in disbelief and shock.
a tiny, almost inaudible, "bonjour" came from the girl as she fiddled with the hem of her dress. they could barely hear her over the birds chirping.
"charles! tu ne peux pas faire ça. où sont ses parents?" (charles! you can't do that. where are her parents?) his mother wasted no time in scolding the three boys for taking the girl away from her family.
before anyone else could reply, the girl came to their defence.
"mes parents sont à la maison. désolé de vous inquiéter, madame leclerc, mais on peut se marier maintenant?" (my parents are at home. sorry to worry you, mrs. leclerc, but can we get married now?)
"tu es sûre que, chérie? charles est un garçon très désordonné!" (are you sure, darling? charles is a very messy boy!)
"papa!" the boy blushed at his father embarrassing him for fun.
"je vais lui apprendre à ranger, ne vous inquiètez pas!" (i'll teach him how to clean up, don't worry!)
the two adults went along with the plans to make them happy and began preparing for an impromptu wedding as best they could. his father would walk her down the aisle, his younger brother would be his best man while his older brother would be the officiant, and his mother would record the special occasion on their camera.
an imitation of 'here comes the bride' was attempted and although it was pretty much unrecognisable, you could take a well educated guess given the circumstances. the boy's father leaned down to hold the girl's hand as he walked her down the makeshift aisle with daisies and buttercups sprinkled over the grass. she whispered a quiet "merci" and soon enough the bride and groom were face to face with each other.
the older boy quickly stepped into his improvised role of the officiant with what little knowledge he had and introduced the few guests to the ceremony. after all the formalities, it was finally time for vows.
"je promets de toujours t'aimer comme ma maman et mon papa. je jouerai avec toi tous les jours et te donnerai tous mes jouets." (i promise to always love you like my mum and dad. i will play with you every day and give you all my toys.)
the boy reached out to hold the girl's hands and bumbled through his vows which only included everything that was important to him, of course.
the girl blushed and went ahead with her vows which were just as innocent and clumsy as his were.
"je promets de t'aider à nettoyer tes bêtises et de vous soutenir lorsque vous deviendrez pilote de course!" (i promise to help you clean your messes and support you when you become a racing driver)
despite only having met an hour beforehand, the two had clearly bonded and learnt much about each other.
"vous pouvez maintenant embrasser la mariée!" (you may now kiss the bride!)
cheers erupted as the boy took a brave step forward and pecked the girl's cheek to her pleasant surprise.
whistles and claps echoed through the room from your family and friends as the screen faded to black and the lights were switched back on. the reception was just starting and the guests had left their tables to eat, dance and mingle. the bittersweet nostalgia had brought tears to your eyes and you had to blink them back to be able to see clearly. you couldn't believe you had forgotten the day you two met.
you were brought back down to earth when you felt a hand squeeze yours.
"tu va bien, ma chérie?" (are you okay, darling?)
you turned to the man beside you and squeezed his hand back before replying.
"ouais, mon amour. je ne pourrais aller mieux. regarde comme on était petit!" (yes, my love. i couldn't be better. look how little we were!)
charles laughed and kissed your temple. sometimes he found it hard to believe how lucky he was to find you that day. he found it even harder to believe that you two were finally married now. after years of friendship and not so secretly pining for each other, he had finally been bold enough to make a move.
"dès que je t'ai vu, j'ai su que j'allais t'épouser. c'est toujours toi, mon trésor." (as soon as i saw you, i knew i was going to marry you. it's always you, my treasure.)
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rizsu · 8 months
nonsensical questions — you must answer! tokyo revengers, jujutsu kaisen.
⤹ list ﹕ s. shinichiro + i. wakasa | f. toji + r. sukuna.
being a father means your child is either gonna humble you or throw questions only the divine can answer.
+ extra. for toji's part megumi's an older brother 😝
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SHINICHIRO SANO — “well...!”
“daddy, if the sun went boom what would you do?”
curiousity is a child's best friend. when his son asks a question, the boy will not stop until he gets his answer.
curiousity, on the other hand, is not a father's best friend. shinichiro's more experienced than his five-year-old, he's had his fair share of ‘curiousity killed the cat’ moments.
as if shaping the mangoes into star-shaped pieces wasn't enough for him, he just had to spice it up with a triple question-mark (???) question and his cute actions.
the little one, or as shinichiro calls him, mini shini, was the one who introduced the question. he stretched out both arms and drew an imaginary circle in the air to reenact the sun going “boom!”
a sweat-bead trickles down shinichiro's neck. he swallows hard. if he dares to answer the question wrong, it'll only result in a challenging battle to make him eat the fruit. he ponders on the question, what would he do if the sun truly went boom?
die? no, that's too intense.
stop it? a power he wish he had.
tell the sun “don't do that!”? sounds like a perfect answer.
shinichiro places the star-shaped cutter down, lifting the boy onto the countertop. stabbing one of the many mango pieces with the child's fork, he imitates the sound of an airplane, swirling the fork in a bee-line before it lands in his son's mouth.
the action sends the younger one into a fit of giggles. he happily chews on the fruit, kicking his dangling feet back-and-forth.
“and as for your question,” shinichiro begins, “i'll tell the sun to not go boom-boom before it booms.”
he ends the sentence with a smile, gearing up the fork for another airplane run.
his son, however, doesn't return the excitement. instead, he tilts his head, slows the pace of his kicking, and questions his father, “but the sun is all the way up there. you're down here. how would that work?”
shinichiro smiles ear-to-ear, finding the genuine curiousity of his son amusing. he uses his free hand to ruffle the boy's hair, feeding him the fruit as he speaks, “because i'm your dad!”
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WAKASA IMAUSHI — “realistically speaking–”
the backyard, wakasa, his toddler, a bucket of pink paint with a paintbrush, and a kid-sized vanity. it's finally daddy-daughter playtime and his little girl is energized and ready! after her well deserved nap, she's been more bouncy than ever. her steps have little jumps to it, her now messy pigtails still bounce with her, and her painted palms are evidence of the happiness.
as soon as the toddler woke up, she stared into nothingness to regain her senses. then, she immediately made it her mission to run to her dad.
“papa! papa!” was the only word heard throughout the hallways alongside her footsteps. it didn't take her any longer than a minute to find her father situated on the hammock outside.
she stopped in her tracks halfway there, raising a finger up to her mouth. it's an action she does whenever she's making a decision. wakasa looks peaceful; should she go to him or go back? of course, she goes to her dad!
when she arrived next to him, she stood on the tip of her toes to see inside the hammock. there he is, peaceful with his eyes closed. the slumber — or whatever he's doing — doesn't last for long. his newly found father instincts have been tickled and tingled. he sensed the presence of his daughter.
wakasa opened his eyes, greeting his daughter with a soft smile and lifting her onto him.
“slept well?” he asked, running his hand on top of her head in attempts to smoothen the stray hair strands.
“mhm, i did!” she nods.
“me too, princess,” he mumbles, yawning after the sentence.
the two sit in silence, enjoying the perfect weather.
toddlers aren't experts at sitting for too long. soon, she got bored and jumped off her dad's lap.
“papa, can i have a unicorn?” she pouts, patting her hands on his arm.
wakasa coughs. he accidentally choked on his saliva after hearing such a question. unicorns aren't real, and he's not going to rent a horse. it's not the same — his baby would be disappointed!
“an’ i want it to paint my table pink!” she disrupts his thoughts, adding another sentence to her previous one.
“i'm sorry princess. i can't get you a unicorn, but i can paint your table pink,” he breaks the news to her, immediately following up with a suggestion. although the unicorn won't be in the equation, the pink table will, and that's more than enough for her!
and that's the reason as to why they're surrounding her vanity with a bucket of pink paint. wakasa took his time to drag the vanity out, and his princess took her time to bring the paintbrush!
channeling his inner painter skills, he got to work as soon as she brought the brush. a little swish and swash of the brush and her vanity was eighty-percent finished. even though she lacked a brush, it didn't stop her from dipping her hands into the paint and using that as her brush. a bit of a mess, but nothing will ever get in between daddy-daughter time!
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TOJI FUSHIGURO — “*lost the war and the battle*”
toji experienced more in emotions today than he's ever had in his entire life. whether it's the five stages of grief or exhaustion, he felt it all. his three-year-old daughter made sure to run her father's pockets and his mind dry. what was supposed to be a monthly home restocking run ended up being an expensive whatever-fits-in-the-cart-daddy-buys-it run. megumi got himself two lego sets, and the baby girl got herself a dollhouse.
don't be fooled; it's not just any regular dollhouse. it's a walk-in, spacious, pastel pink and white with purple accents dollhouse. toji knew the moment she stopped in her tracks with her mouth agape his card would end up maxed out.
he gulped, hoping that she doesn't turn around to him. during toji's younger days, if he didn't want to deal with something he'd pretend he doesn't see it. if he can't see it, the problem does not exist. but now, he's a father — he has duties!
as the younger sister by four years, megumi's bound to do as his sister says. the seven-year-old boy made sure to be his sister's knight the very minute she came into the world. he was in love, a little jealous, and absolutely adored her. if she wanted that dollhouse, he'd back her up!
“not today, princess. not today.”
not today? such words are nonexistent in her world. something must be wrong with her father. she turns around, walking up to him with her arms stretched out. toji follows suit, bending over to lift her.
she squints at him, he pretends to not notice, megumi busies himself with his toy car while imitating the sounds of a sports car.
“i wan’ the dolly house!” she pouts, using one hand to repeatedly pat on his chest and the other pointing at the dollhouse in view.
“you can't have it today,” he explains, shooting her a small smile that has a double meaning.
again, she doesn't get it. once a child is confused, they begin using a word they won't stop using.
“'cause i said so.”
“why?” she tilts her head.
“not today, sweetie,” he tilts his head.
“but why?” she raises an eyebrow.
toji begins to feel the stress creeping in, “because—”
“i can put my toys back if it's too much,” megumi intervenes, he's been watching them for a minute now. he, too, wants the dollhouse, but he won't say that! it's not in line with his knight image.
“no, meg'. leave it in there,” he rejects his son's offer. toji's been strong on letting megumi know he mustn't sacrifice his wants for others... and it'll be unfair if he had to put his toys back.
this almost set the three-year-old off — she wants that dollhouse! seeing that megumi's toys fit in the trolley, maybe she can break down the dollhouse and fit it in the trolley too.
“daddy, break the dolly house ‘nd put it in the trolley!” she increases the pace of the hand patting on his chest. she had a bright idea and she's going to stick to it.
toji goes silent. the idea isn't the smartest, but he felt his proud dad senses tingle. his second baby had a suggestion! an actual one! and she didn't use “why” this time!
giving in he walked towards to house, still against it but what can he do in the faces of his children? they're his weakness. he didn't win this time, but he'll win next time. this counts as the fifty-seventh lost.
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SUKUNA RYOMEN — “apparently i do not have rights.”
“papa, let's play dress up.”
sukuna doesn't know if he's offended or proud. instead of a question, he was met with a statement. there weren't any greetings, any hugs, just nothing but a statement. she walked in with business! slowly, but surely, she's showing signs that she's taking after him and he's never been more proud.
however, such proudness doesn't mean he's going to twinkle and sprinkle. he's a man and will continue to look like it — not.
who told sukuna he had freedom of speech? what made him think his little carbon copy wasn't going to drag him? with her two hands securing their grip on his wrist, she walked backwards to her room. the only time sukuna accepts defeat is when he's face-to-face with her. he's a gun, but she's a bomb. it is evident that he's overpowered by her.
the moment he entered her room, he was met with instant sparkles and positivity. he knew he was about to be princess-fied and there's unfortunately nothing that can be done.
she sits him down on her stool. then, she grabs her tiara, standing on her tiptoes to place it on his hair. she gathers her toy makeup and her glitter-included perfume. sukuna's right eye twitches; he can feel the items laughing at him.
“it's makeup time!” she announces, opening the palette of six bright colours.
she dabs her finger in the purple eyeshadow. making sure there's enough pigment, she swipes it over on to his eyelids. one layer done, another to go. this time she goes in with blue just below his eyebrows. satisfied with the eyeshadow, she goes in with white in the middle to blend the colours. a perfect mix!
the next step is the blush. she whips out the blush, using three fingers to apply it this time. she repeats until she's satisfied with the amount. sukuna's cheeks are as rosy as a rose!
the last item is the lipgloss. it's also his most dreaded one. he despises the way the lipgloss feels on his lips — it's far too sticky for his liking! he'd rather use oil. in sad attempts to soften the stickyness, sukuna licks his lips.
she squeezes the tube until the gloss overflows. it's just the right amount to apply on and over his lips. her hands are a little shaky, but she's still a good makeup artist!
sukuna has now been princess-fied. due to his behaviour at her studio, she gives him a star sticker.
“papa, you're pretty now!” she compliments, clapping her hands at her creation.
sukuna took the compliment another way. was he not pretty before? did that mean she found him visually troubled? maybe she doesn't — kids are honest people, and she doesn't know how to lie yet.
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deucebox · 2 years
: ̗̀➛ our sweet adorable… child? wait-
scaramouche x reader
794 words
note: scara referred to reader as the kid’s mom once but they/them pronouns still used. not really proofread hehe.
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you didn’t know that having a kid around would allow you the opportunity to witness another side of scaramouche you thought you would never see.
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scaramouche could only look at you with furrowed brows with his arms crossed on his chest. “the hell is that?” he scoffed.
“a… child?” you answered unsurely with a hint of ‘isn’t-it-obvious?’ tone, hugging the frame of the little girl closer to your body.
the young man clicked his tongue in annoyance, tapping his foot impatiently on the ground. “where did you get it?”
“she spawned from the sky— for archon’s sake, i have no idea either!” you snapped back and cleared your throat after. “but really, i was looking at the stalls in the market a while ago when she suddenly held my hand and tagged along. i tried asking where her parents are but she seems to not know and i’m guessing she’s around four years old?”
he scanned the girl in your grasp and the kid stared back innocently. she turned her body to his direction and stretched out her arms.
you chuckled and walked closer to scaramouche and he reluctantly held her. “what’s your name, little one?” he inquired warily.
“yuina!” she cheerfully answered, craning her neck to the side and gazed curiously at the red strings dangling from his hat.
yuina leaned forward and rested her chin on scaramouche’s shoulder and reached out to pull the string downward, causing him to throw his head back a bit and you stifled a laugh.
scaramouche groaned and immediately went to lecture her. yuina couldn’t help but pout sadly as her ears took in all his scolding.
his head snaps towards you upon sensing the emphasis of threat in your voice. you irritatedly signaled him to look at yuina’s state and so he did.
scaramouche stared at her glossy eyes, red nose, and flushed cheeks while trying not to let out a sob.
his eyes widened slightly for a fraction of second before stuttering out an apology. “s-sorry. don’t cry, yuina. i’m not mad at you, hush now.” he gently pats her head before proceeding to wipe away her tears with his thumb.
“k-kuni…zuhi…?” she imitated but only jumbled her own words.
“you’ll get it right next time,” he sighed.
“kuni made my yuina upset? what should we do to get back at him?” you joked and squeezed her chubby cheeks softly.
“‘m hungry.” yuina cheekily smiled. with her simple gesture, both you and scaramouche were stunned for a moment with how cute she is.
“then let’s make kunikuzushi pay for our food!” you suggested and scaramouche could only let out a huff.
“yuina,” she pointed at herself and you two pay attention to what she was going to say next. “papa… mama…” she then pointed at scaramouche and then you.
“ridiculous. we are not your paren—mhmp!” you gently slapped his mouth shut and just nodded at her. “we can be your second mom and dad, yuina! we’ll take care of you.” you reassured and she let out a small ‘yay!’
he reached out in his pocket and fished out a chocolate candy. scaramouche unwraps it with one hand and brought it closer to yuina’s face.
she instinctively reaches for it but scaramouche brings his hand further away, making the child whine. “ah-ah-ah. if your hands get dirty, you might wipe it on my clothes. let me feed it to you instead.” he reasons out, voice uncharacteristically soft and gentle.
“how come you never feed me affectionately like that?” you shamelessly sputtered and he grimaced at your statement. “grow up, y/n.” he snarled, bringing back his attention to yuina as she gratefully munched on the treat.
“could be saying the same thing to you,” you whispered. “what?” he glared. “nothing!”
“don’t be like your mom, they’re always so mean to me.” he feigned hurt and yuina giggled before agreeing, scaramouche smiled in victory before insisting a high-five with her.
“why are you teaming up on me now, huh?” you playfully scrunched your nose disappointingly.
“let’s leave y/n now and we’ll buy you whatever you want to eat, yes? good.” he insisted.
yuina happily booped scaramouche’s nose. he stilled in shock and for once today, he breaks and smiles.
“feeling bold now, are we?” he teased and lowered his head a bit so that his nose could touch hers. being a witness of this tugged your heartstrings in the best way possible and you could just melt there and then at the sight.
you didn’t even notice that they were both looking at you expectantly. “are you just going to stare at us and not eat?” he sassed and you excitedly walked to his right side, your hand finding its way to hold his unoccupied hand.
perhaps it wouldn’t be too bad if you and scaramouche keep yuina for the rest of the day.
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and if i suddenly kill yuina then what
just kidding hehe. scaramouche’s backstory was my main reason for writing this in one sitting and i hope you guys enjoyed it as much as i do!
i really really hope this was to your liking nakskkw rbs are greatly appreciated ty ily pls take care *smooches*
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nonranghaes · 11 months
heads up! dad!jeonghan au (w/ step-parent reader).
ha-eun stands in front of you, tiny mouth pressed into a thin line as she's in deep concentration. she's listening to your heart through her fake-stethoscope, and you think you've never seen her this serious before. doesn't the thing have a button that plays a fake heartbeat...? you think it does. but she's far more concentrated on whatever pretend story she's coming up with now.
"well, doctor...?" you prod a little, and she pulls the stethoscope so it hangs around her neck. she's already given you three fake injections and smoothed colorful bandages over your arm (all while holding your hand and telling you 'it's okay, it's okay, it only hurts for a moment, you're so brave' in the cutest little imitation of jeonghan).
"i'm afraid," she says in a far-too-serious-for-a-tiny-child voice, "it's fatal."
you mock surprise. "what?"
she shakes her head in this woefully dramatic way. she's already tearing up, her own imagination moving her to tears. she seems unsure of what to do, and turns, calling out a loud "papa!" that seems to echo down the hallway.
jeonghan's in the room within seconds, panic evident on his face, fully awake now despite sleeping after his shift. "are you hurt?!"
ha-eun shakes her head vigorously, running over to him, already explaining the story. the tiny doctor yoon gets scooped up into her dad's arms, and she grabs at his shirt. "they're--" she hiccups, having fully worked herself up, "they're gonna DIE--"
(you and jeonghan decide to monitor what she's watching a little closer. she's too dramatic for her own good.)
"oh no!" he says, clearly holding back laughter. "what are we going to do, doctor yoon?"
ha-eun looks at you for the longest time, lips pressed together as she hums in thought. "i... i dunno..." she frowns.
jeonghan hums in false thought as well. you decide to take the chance to dramatically wilt toward the floor more and more, and ha-eun gasps, scrambling over to you.
"they're losing oxygen!" (again, you have no idea where she's getting any of this from.) "papa, you gotta kiss them!" she pushes on your chest, and it takes everything within you to not burst into laughter. "true love's kiss! i pres--" she stumbles over the word, "prescibe them true love's kiss!"
"prescribe," jeonghan corrects gently as he comes over. "will that save them, doctor yoon?"
she's already nodding. "you gotta, papa! you gotta save them!"
"are you sure they don't need another shot--"
"no!" her little voice squeaks. "true love's kiss! like--like sleeping beauty!"
jeonghan pulls you into his arms all too easily, and plants a fat kiss against your cheek. with a gasp, you come back to life, and ha-eun's eyes are sparkling with joy at her correct diagnosis (of... you dying?) and needing true love's kiss to cure you. jeonghan pulls her closer, and the three of you are a mess of giggles as you graciously thank the little doctor yoon ha-eun for her miraculous work.
it's the little things like this, you think, that make life even sweeter.
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emthimofnight · 4 months
Alright, I have to know who out of the four siblings is a Daddy's boy/girl and who is a Papa's boy/girl?
I can kind of tell that Stellar is a Papa's girl and Polarity is a Daddy's boy but what about Void and Andromeda?
Stellar would say she has no favorite parent, but she is definitely more emotionally close with Shadow! She and Shadow are also the most physically affectionate, with Stellar often running up to hug him or jump into his arms when he comes home. That being said, she can find him to be overbearing or overprotective at times. Contrastingly, Sonic is the fun parent. 😂 He lets her get away with way more stuff, so the two of them are often partners in crime. A common phrase whispered between them is, "Don't tell papa."
Andromeda would definitely find it easier to relate to Shadow! The two of them would go shopping, out to eat, or to the spa together. That being said, they'd also fight unlike anyone else in the house. 😂 If Shadow tried to stop Andromeda from doing something she wanted to do, it'd become a big argument that could result in them being mad at each other for days. She and Sonic relate less in terms of interests, but she really appreciates his presence regardless. To Andromeda, he's very calming and relaxing to be around (despite his cheesy jokes and sarcastic remarks). The two of them would often watch movies together!
Polarity would love both of his dads, but Sonic would definitely be who he is closest to. He would think he is the coolest!! He'd love nothing more than hanging out with him and trying to copy everything he does. 😂 People would tease Sonic for having a little mini-me following him around. Shadow would actually find his attempts at imitating Sonic to be super endearing. He would have a big soft spot for all of his Sonic-like mannerisms.
Void's favorite is definitely Sonic. He and Shadow have a tendency to bump heads a lot (mainly because Shadow sees a lot of things he doesn't like about himself in Void). Void doesn't appreciate being told what to do, and Shadow doesn't appreciate his disobedience. 😂 Void likes Sonic for a lot of the same reasons Shadow does (not that Shadow would ever admit those reasons) and he appreciates that Sonic knows when to give him space. Sonic just seems to know how to approach him better than Shadow does.
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celestialgalaxyglow · 4 months
Harry: Papa!
Leo: Papa!
James: What is it boys?
Leo: We didn't say Pitā, we said Papa.
James: Oh ok, I'll go get him.
James imitating Regulus: What is it boys?
Harry and Leo: ...
James imitating Regulus: What is it my little lions.
Harry: Mama!
James imitating Lily: Yes?
Leo: We said we want Papa!
Harry: Or Mama!
James imitating Lily: This is Mama! Can't you tell by my lovely voice?
Regulus: We can tell alright.
James frightened: My loves... how long have you two been there?
Lily arm crossed: Long enough.
James: ...
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bruciemilf · 2 years
is it just my " Bruce loves Alfred so much and just wants to be like him" brain playing tricks on my ears, or did Battinson have a slight british accent in the movie at times??
I like to believe he tried to imitate Alfred so much when he was little.
The dark hair and doe eyes, permanently sad but alluring and mysterious, he had from Martha. He has Thomas' roman mouth, elegant bow in the middle.
They both smile with their whole teeth first, moon glow bright, Thomas with a grin made for vintage magazines of American gentlemen with lips puckered around a cigar, and Bruce with Martha’s pointy canines.
He's their baby through and through.
But he wants to be Alfred's baby, too.
Alfred comes to pick Bruce up from kindergarten one day. He notices something unusual. His little sir socializing willingly.
Bruce approaching his newest friend, Oliver Queen, timidly, but eager, " I can talk funny like my papa. Listen,"
He does the worst British accent Alfred's ever heard, and he had to stand through Thomas' Queen Elizabeth impersonations. Bruce comes over to him and asks him why he's crying.
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bigjumpervibes · 4 months
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For NanagoFest24 / GonanaFest24 on twtr
Day 5: Single Dad(s) AU
Ficlet under Read More 👇
“So, where’s the little tiger? Oi Yuji, your favourite sensei is here!”
The call echoed its way through to the storeroom and pink hair popped up from where he’d been fetching some wrapping paper for his papa.
“Gojo-sensei!” Yuji beamed whipping his head towards the door, quickly grabbing what he came for, or hoping he did in his hurry as the young boy ran towards the front of the shop.
“Yuji, don’t run in the shop, and you, I told you not to get him too excitable” His dad’s voice fondly chided and then frustratedly scolded.
“Yes papa” They replied in unison to which Yuji delightfully added “Jinx! You owe me a Coke Gojo-Sensei”
“Ah I guess I do, but will a hot chocolate work for now?”
Yuji pretended to think about it imitating how his dad would reply to Gojo’s more obvious questions, a little hum coming from his lips as he passed the paper to his dad and then came around the desk to climb up his stool and sit on the desk.
“I think so, but only if it has a little cat on it”
“Ha! Did you think I’d forget? Here, check!” The barista boasted as he gave the small warm take-out cup to him and then handed a bigger hotter cup to his papa “Here’s yours too Nanamin”
“Thank you Gojo”
“Ah a little cat! Look papa, Gojo-sensei added shades this time”
Squealing at the small picture on his drink, Yuji truly thought Gojo-sensei was magic, he could do so many things and one was putting animals on his drinks, carefully he moved his cup for his dad to see.
“So he did”
“Aww come on Nanami, give me more than that!”
Putting his lid carefully back on Yuji watched as the adults talked around him, this was the morning routine they developed since moving here, Gojo would deliver drinks from his café across the road and his papa would give him some flowers to put on his tables.
They moved here a couple months ago and at first Yuji didn’t like the idea of leaving their old home behind but when they opened the flower shop he got to meet Gojo-sensei and Megumi - Gojo-sensei could do anything! And Megumi had some really cool dogs, he was teaching Yuji about all types of animals!
It turned out Papa knew Gojo from high school! When they met each other again they bickered a lot, it was kind of silly in Yuji’s opinion, but Gojo would always stop by anyway and Papa always saved him the prettiest flowers.
Now, he was quite happy with their new home and friends, especially since his dad looked just as happy
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