ineffable-ezra · 4 months
I found the song that sums up all my thoughts at any given moment.
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skincareroutine · 3 months
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what a photohog (waiting in the car like a chauffeur)
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photoglitz · 4 years
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#photo #photoyourworld #photohog #photoage #photoartis #photoshopn #photoaguasanta #photographay #photododia #photoreflection #photomorrior #photohuntingbandung #photobypowell #photographychiangmai #photocollagecanvas #photoboothlabuan #photographietime #photographyhat #PhotoSchlamp #photographybalikpapan #photoslovenia #photograferweddingmalang #photofieflower #photosidrisima #photokada #photokece #photographicuniverse #photoartbykulpixx #photografyday #photofishing https://www.instagram.com/p/CCqQ1Dsl5ok/?igshid=1cn8sbhh64a4w
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hologramcowboy · 3 years
Take a Step Off
Her face when the photohog tells her to take a step off and the resulting attitude. LMAO #entitled #arrogant Also, there is so much airbrushed make-up on her face it looks like it's about to enter into wax territory. #makeupfauxpas
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thebluenebula · 4 years
First Xmas Gala
Ashleigh Wayne Au Fic Masterlist
The day of the Gala has come, and Ash couldn't be more nervous, but with her family by her side everything will be fine, right?
Preparing for the Gala
. . . . .
I didn't sleep that night. I got up at five, shower, shaved, and cleaned myself up. I tried to do something with my hair, but there wasn't much I could do, so I ended up leaving it as it was.
As I headed back to my room, I spotted the boys in Dick's room, getting ready. The five of them were wearing similar black suits, each had unique accessory matching the Wayne wearing it. Dick, Duke, and Damien all had ties, blue, yellow, and green respectively, Tim a red bowtie, and Jay a loose floor length skirt.
I stared in aww at my brothers. "You guys look stunning."
Dick looked up at me curiously. "Thank you. Are you wearing that?"
I was still in the clothes I'd worn the day before. "First off, I already look better then you."
Jay snickered. "That's not hard."
"Secondly, no. I'm going to get changed now."
Duke adjusted his tie. "Well hurry."
I headed to my room, stripped and looked into wardrobe. The suit, or the dress? The suit was nice, and I knew I'd be comfortable, I wouldn't stand out, but I had to wear the dress. I wanted to wear the dress.
I examined myself in the mirror. The blue dress hugged my body, not too tightly, but enough. The long skirt hid the sneakers, and tracksuit bottoms I was wearing underneath. I rubbed my bare arm. It felt right, but could I really wear it in front of all those people? In front of Cassie?
Someone knocked on the door. I recognised Harper's knock. "You decent, Ash?"
"Yeah, I am."
"Mind if we come in?"
I unlocked the door for them. Carrie, and Harper walked in. I looked at the girls. Harper was wearing a black suit, with a blue undershirt, while Carrie was wearing her green sun dress
"You look amazing." We all said in unison. It was followed by a burst of giggles.
Carrie leaned against my dresser. "So, are you ready for your first Gala?"
"I guess so."
"You look worried."
"All things considered, the Galas the least of my worries."
I turned back to the mirror. "Yes. Do you think she'll like this dress, or should I wear a suit?"
Harper came up behind me, and wrapped her arms around me. "Do you like it?"
"Yeah, but-"
"No buts. You like it, so nothing else matters, plus I know Cassie will love it. You want to know how I know?"
"Cause you're in it."
I leaned my head back into her. "Thank you, Harper."
In the mirror, I watched as Carrie pick up my pair of fishnet gloves. "You've been taking fashion tips from Dinah I see."
I took them from her, and pulled them on. "Zee, actually. She's got great style. Would one of you mind taking a picture of me?"
Carrie grabbed my phone. "Not at all. Strike a pose."
I smiled as she took a step back to get a proper shot. As the camera flashed, I felt a sudden weight on my back.
I tried to steady myself as Harper clung to my back. "Photobomb!"
I giggled as we fell onto the bed, knocking her off of me. "Photohog more like it."
When we were done laughing, Carrie took a proper photo, then one of the three of us together. I sent them to Siobhan, then the three of us headed downstairs.
Everyone was gathered in the living room. Bruce was the first to spot us. "Ashleigh, you look stunning."
Kate appeared behind him. "Understatement of the century."
I could feel my face reddening. "Thank you."
The same could be said for them. Bruce was wearing a pitch black suit. In a dim light room, he'd be hard to spot. Maybe that was the point. Kate's outfit was at least bit more colorful. Her black dress had intricate red lines swirling through it.
Carrie coughed, drawing our attention to her, and Harper. "There are other children in the room looking for positive verbal reassurement."
Bruce russeled their hair. "You two are just as stunning as ever."
Carrie fixed her hair in one motion. "Good. Thank you."
Harper was not so lucky. She gave Bruce a sour look as she pushed the loose hair from her face. "Yeah, thanks."
I looked around the room, admiring everyones outfits. I'd seen Bab's dress the day she got it, but it looked even better on her. The green empire dress worked so well for her. As for Steph, and Cass they both wore matching sun dresses. The only difference being the colours, purple, and black respectively, both with splashes of yellow.
We took the obligitory family photos. First, all of us together. Then the adults. Then the kids. Then a couple more in our own little groups.
Steph had taken on the role of 'parent who wants way too many pictures'. She insisted on getting dozens of pictures of everyone. After what felt like a hundred pictures, Steph left me alone, and went to get pictures of Bruce.
Kate took my hand in hers. "You nervous?"
"More then I've ever been."
She gave it a gentle squeeze. "You'll be fine."
"What if I fuck it up?"
"You won't."
"I'm going to do something wrong or forget something- The flowers! What did I do with the flowers?"
"Calm down."
I thought for a minute as to where I left them. "They were in my room. I'll go get them."
I turned to go get them, but Kate grabbed my shoulder. "You stay here, I'll get them."
Kate left, and returned a few minutes later with my flowers. She set them down nearby, and we chatted as we waited.
Since the Supers and the Wonders were also going to the Gala, Bruce had suggested they all carpool with us. It wasn't long before the Supers arrived, much to Tim, and Damien's delight.
Clark wore a lovely tan suit, Lois a very professional looking black suit, she was still very much in reporter mode. Conner, and Jon wore near identical Superman-esc suits. They we're adorable, and clearly Tim agreed, considering how quickly he jumped into Conner's arms. Kara had a lovely yellow bouffant dress, and Karen a green sheath dress. It made her look like a news anchor. Of course a news anchor wouldn't wear a green dress.
Artemis arrived soon after to pick up Jay. She had a beautiful red dress on, that ended just past her knees. I was kind of expecting her show up with the other Wonders. She assured us that the others had just run into some delays and would be here soon.
As the two went to leave, Jay stopped, and turned to me. "Piece of advice, make sure to use pro- oww!"
Artemis smacked the back of his head. "Don't you dare finish that."
"I was joking."
For just a moment I was worried that if I messed this up Artemis would break my arm, then I realized how ridiculous that was. Cassie was more then capable of doing that herself.
The two left on Artemis's motorbike, because leaving in a car or limo would have been far too boring for them.
Bruce leaned into me, and whispered. "You did have 'the talk', right?"
"Yes! What do you people think is going to happen tonight?"
Kate flashed a cheeky smile. "All cards are on the table."
I was spared delving any further into that conversation by the doorbell. Alfred left the room to answer it. It had to be the Wonders. Too late for me to back out now.
Alfred with Diana, Donna, and Cassie. I felt my heart beat faster as I saw them. Diana was wearing a blue bodice gown, Donna a sleevless black sheath dress with stars down both sides, and Cassie was wearing a red spaghetti top, and a blue skirt with stars, it looked like the one from Wonders Woman's old costume.
"Sorry for the delay." Diana apologised. "Someone forgot to check the tank before we left."
Donna sighed. "I said I was sorry."
Cassie hit them. "You two, stop fighting."
Once Cassie managed to stop the two bickering, they split off to socialise. Diana went to Bruce, and Clark, Donna to Dick, and Babs, and Cassie found her way to me.
She had a beaming smile on her face. "You look amazing."
"Thank you. You look beautiful."
She gestured to my gloves. "Got them from Zee?"
"She recommended a store."
I gestured to her skirt. "Diana's?"
The two of us began chatting. Tim, Cass, and Steph joined us. We giggled amongst ourselves until the time came for us to leave.
Alfred walked over to us. "Miss Ashleigh, Miss Sandsmark, I believe it is time we leave."
Alfred, and Cassie began walking off. I went to follow them, but Steph grabbed my arm, and gestured to the flowers. "Forgetting something."
"Oh yeah." I quickly grabbed them. "Thanks."
Cass kissed my cheek. "Head up, be proud." 
I caught up with the two. Cassie looked at me. "What held you up?"
"I forgot something." I presented the flowers to her.
She examined them. "They're beautiful. What are they?"
She punched my arm. "I know that. What kind?"
"Oh. The red ones are amaryllis, the yellow are orchids, and the blue ones are larkspur."
"I've never heard of that last one."
"Neither have I."
"Did you just choose these because of my costume?"
"For the most part."
"Dork. I love them."
We wandered out to the car that Alfred had for us. We sat into the back.
"Flowers, and our own car, not a bad start to a date."
"The seperate car was Dick's idea." I admitted.
"In that case I'm surprised it's not filled with rose petals and candles."
"Oh don't worry, he wanted to."
"He's like a cliche romance novel, in the best ways. What stopped him?"
"Babs had him a short leash. He wanted to arrange a romantic candle lit dinner in the fanciest restraunt in Gotham. I figured that might be too much."
"That's ridiculous but sweet. Someone going to be lucky to have him one day."
"Yeah, they are. Would you have liked that?"
"I'll love whatever we do, as long as we do it together."
"I'll remember that for next time."
She smiled "Already thinking about a next time?"
"No. I mean yeah, but- sorry."
"It's alright, Ash. You don't have to be nervous."
"Says you. I don't think I've ever seen you nervous."
"I'm nervous right now."
"About the date?"
"You have nothing to worry about, this is going to be the best date I've ever been on."
"How are you so sure?"
"I've never been on a date before."
Cassie laughed. "Doesn't that mean it will also be the worst date you've ever been on?"
The rest of the ride was filled with our typical banter. It felt so natural that I forgot it was a date. I only remembered as we pulled up to the Gala. I stepped out of the car, turned, and offered Cassie a hand out. "M'lady."
She took my hand, and giggled. "You're such an idiot."
We headed into the building. As we walked in, hand in hand, I realized something. I was so worried about the date portion, I forgot to ask what you actually did at a Gala other then dance.
I guess I have to do as I usually do, figure it out along the way, and pretend I knew all along.
The first thing I spotted once we were inside was the huge Christmas tree. It was bigger then any I'd ever seen, and beautifully decorated.
I was quickly whisked away as Cassie pulled me along behind her. Hours passed as we chatted, and joked. It really didn't feel much different then when we normally hung out.
We talked to people, the Bats, the Wonders, others who I'd never met before. When it came to that, it was more Cassie talking, and me hiding behind her. I did notice that Artemis, and Jay were no where to be seen however.
Eventually, we spotted them standing by the food table. Cassie gently dragged me along behind her as we headed over to them.
Closer now I noticed that Artemis had her hand up Jay's skirt. The two were so busy with whatever they we're doing, they didn't hear us approach.
Cassie coughed. Artemis quickly straightened up, her hand accidently pulling Jay's skirt up. He quickly pushed it down. "Hey!"
"Don't blame me. You should have worn trousers under it."
"I like the breeze."
Cassie, and I giggled at the two. "Should we even ask?"
Jay reached into his skirt, and pulled out a resealable bag full of treats. "Stealing."
I looked at him curiously. "Where were you keeping that?"
"I have the inside lined with pockets."
Cassie shook her head while chuckling. "Why are you even stealing that food, it's free?"
Artemis shrugged. "It's more fun."
I nudged Jay. "You can't go one night without some kind of mischief can you?"
"God, no."
Artemis began whispering to Cassie. Jay, and I watched them curiously. The two girls looked to us. "One moment."
They walked away, still whispering. I turned to Jay. "What's going on?"
"I have no idea." He turned back to me. "Anyway, how's the date been?"
"And the ride here?"
"It was good, yeah. We chatted."
Jay smirked. "Is that all you did?"
"I'm going to hit you, really fucking hard."
"So is that a yes?"
"This close, Jay."
"You wouldn't hit me."
"Keep pushing, and you'll find out."
Jay was about to respond when music suddenly came on. I watched as people gathered into the center of the room.
He nudged me. "You should go dance with her."
"I might mess up. The last thing I want is to fall over her, or the other way around."
"You've been practicing all week for this. You never once knocked Cass."
"That's Cass."
"Good point."
"If she doesn't bring it up, I think I'll just avoid it."
"Too bad." He grabbed the scruff of my dress, and dragged me towards Cassie.
I tried to pry his hands from my dress. "Jay, I swear to god."
"You are going to dance. Babs, and Cass spent all week teaching you."
We got to Cassie, and Artemis. They looked over at us. Jay kept a hold of the neck of my dress. "Ask."
I turned to Cassie. "Would you like to dance?"
Cassie smirked. "Depends, is Jay going to dance with us."
I elbowed his stomach. He recoiled, and let go of me. "No. He won't."
Artemis laughed as he grabbed her arm to stabilise himself. Cassie, and I headed out to the dance floor. She took my hand. "You know how to slow dance?"
I placed my free hand on her shoulder. "Yeah."
She placed her other hand on my side. "Guess I'm leading."
"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking. I can lead if you'd prefer."
"It's alright, Ash."
We moved around the ballroom elegantly to the song. Eventually Cassie closed the gap between us. "You know, Ash. For a someone who seemed like they really didn't want to dance, you're quite good at it."
"I've been practicing."
"With Dick?"
"No. He wanted to show me, but Babs wouldn't let him. She, and Cass showed me."
"That explains it."
The song stopped, and we stepped apart. "What now?"
"Wanna take a walk?"
We soon found ourselves out to the balcony. It was empty. The silence was nice, as was the cool winter breeze. "Tonights been nice, Cassie. Thank you."
She leaned her head onto my shoulder. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."
"I'm sorry if it wasn't what you wanted."
"I wanted a date with you, Ash. The Gala was just a great excuse for it. Tonight's been everything I wanted."
"Tonight's been a night of firsts for me."
"Oh, yeah?"
"First Gala, first date, first slow dance, even my first time wearing a dress out. It's been an amazing night, Cassie, and I have you to thank for all of it."
"This nights not over yet, Ash."
"Something you had in mind?"
"I was thinking we spend more time out here."
"That'd be nice. Maybe we can do this again. The whole date thing."
"I'd love to. Any suggestions?"
"How about the restaurant Dick was on about?"
"Sounds like a nice place."
"It would be with you there."
Cassie looked at me. "Did you just attempt to flirt?"
"Depends, was it any good?"
She kissed my cheek. "Awful, but you tried."
I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks. I stared out into the darkness. It got dark so quickly during the winter. The Bats, usually, would be out on patrol by now, and I would be home worried sick, but not tonight. Tonight, I knew they were inside, enjoying themselves, safe, and that made me happy. As did Cassie's hand in mine.
Today was a good day.
. . . . .
Writing this fic was so hard for so many reasons. The primary one was just to find the motivation to finish it. I set a deadline for myself of the 10th. It is not but the 10th but close enough. I think this turned out great, hope you enjoy. I also intend to post a Xmas fic soon aswell, so look out for that if you're interested. Though it might not be out by Xmas if I'm not feeling like it.
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rastronomicals · 4 years
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Saw this on here the other day and didn't reblog for some stupid reason, maybe 'cause it was in an 8-part photohog.
Anyway, 1979, somewhere in England? The Stiff T-shirt and the pack of Juicy Fruit are at least as cool as all the synth gear
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mila-dans · 4 years
Jensen Ackles Song ( Jensen Ackles Great Man)
Jared Padalecki Song ( Women Love Jared Padalecki A Lot)
Misha Collins Song ( Misha Collins, Girls Love You Because You're Handsome)
YouTube. By: Papa Razzi and the Photohogs.
Find them.
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maplestreetsims · 6 years
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Arlo: photobomb!! Blossom: more like photohog
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andibear10 · 7 years
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#photohog #ilovemypuppy 🐕
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glennguy · 7 years
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#photohog #pulp #illustration #artistunknown #female #prisoners #bluesky #noodles #noodlestheparakeet #colorized #oneeffect
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rafawriter · 3 years
Kiryu vs. Speedo Photohog
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mrcrowleyscorner · 6 years
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Ok Mom take my picture, I’m ready! Get my good side! . . . #photohog #ham #beauty #sweet #friday #angel #whiteboxers #blackandwhitephoto #photooftheday #boxersmile #boxer_feature #Boxer_HNP @blueberry_pet_usa @boxers_petsagram @boxerdogs_ig @boxergram @puppyofday @pet_fanatics_page @boxersmile @boxer_hnp @doggyworld.dog @petsofinstagram @puppy.addiction @drbarkleyspetcareproducts
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hologramcowboy · 3 years
I remember Danneel doing the “gazing lovingly” at him on the red carpet and Jensen completely dismissed/ignored her. And then she looked hurt when they told her to step off. Well she didn’t look hurt per say, but she looked annoyed. I can’t remember if this was 2018 or 2019, but some people said she had an attitude. I didn’t think much about it until a few months ago, when Jensen fan page posted it, since Danneel wasn’t giving any content, and still isn’t.
Depends which one you mean, Anon, there's an overabundance of awkward, high-tension red carpet moments from these two and Danneel is always arrogant on the red carpet. I am guessing no one on her team told her that's the very worst thing you can do and photographers will hate you for it. It's one thing to display confidence and another to look like you feel above humans and hate everyone. Anyway, you can find the "Take a Step Off" video here though I am sure that's not the first time she's been told to get out of the way even when alone, aside from her ex projects basically the only reason she has red carpet moment is because Jensen is there and the paps are interested in him, otherwise her star is irrelevant and people would ignore her. At events only famous stars get to be photographed attentively, besides there's little reason to ever step on the red carpet at an event without having an ongoing project or being somehow involved in something that's relevant to the event, because if you hit the red carpet for no reason people just side-eye you, it makes you look unprofessional and famewhorish. There's a right moment to do things that's why every Actor needs to have a good strategy in place. Photohogs are really good at reading people so I'm not surprised Elta rubbed them the wrong way. That's enough blabbering from me. As always, take what resonates and ignore the rest.
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tvasasphotography · 6 years
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PhotoHog Stock Photography – The Start of a Photo Stock Agency Hello, everyone.  I'm in the planning stage of starting a photo stock agency called PhotoHog.  PhotoHog will be runned and maintained by me (Thomas Vasas) of T.V.
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No mom I look better at this angle. #suchaham #photohog #puppy #dog #loves his #photo taken
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maplestreetsims · 6 years
hola! wcif these boots? /post/183360763302/arlo-photobomb-blossom-more-like-photohog
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you can find them here
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