anothermansjeans · 9 months
if anyone was wondering how my day went…
3rd grader: is this how you spell “robin’s house”
me: that just says “robin’s”. now sound out “house”
3rd grader: h…o…….e. is that right?
me: *trying so hard not to laugh* close! let’s try again.
0 notes
blushweddinggowns · 9 months
Prompt number 2 bc I’m praying for more jealous Steve content. Bc Eddie can be so oblivious and Steve can be such a bitch and those things are so important to me
Eddie was a glutton for self-punishment, that was the only reasonable explanation he could come up with on what the fuck he was doing here. Sitting at some random gay bar as he watched the man he loved dance the night away with his bestfriend.
He just had to volunteer to be their designated driver. Maybe it was stupid, but Eddie thought that y'know, a gay bar meant that no he would not have to watch Steve flirt with some randos. But he forgot the small detail that bisexual people existed. And he had seen at least three damn girls slip Steve their number.
Which was just...so fucking cruel. Why did life always have to do him so dirty? Eddie had thought that maybe...if they went to this type of place together Steve's mind would open up a bit. A stupid fucking thought honestly. Based off of nearly nothing. Like, okay sure, Steve was all touchy feely with him sometimes. When he was high or drunk suddenly Eddie became his personal chair. And he would say just...the sweetest shit. Going on and on about how happy he was to have met him, how he's so glad he's alive and well, how funny Eddie was, how nice and sweet and pretty and...and all of it had sent his traitorous brain into a tailspin that had him thinking he actually had a chance with a straight guy.
And the fucked up part was that Eddie had really tried to start doing the right thing. He put a little distance between them when he figured out that he was past a silly crush. No he was head over heels for the guy and he needed to get over it. Fast. And if he could just start saying no when Steve called to get high or have a few beers together he probably would have made some progress by now.
But no, he was still to eager for contact with him to say no. Which made him feel like a creep, always waiting around for Steve to be a little out of his mind just so he could get a hug.
When did he become so pathetic?
The only slight comfort he had tonight was the fact that he wasn't alone. It really wasn't fair to bring a straight guy to a place like this, but at least every guy who had eyes on Steve was going to have to suffer in silence with him.
And some of them were kind of cute. Cute enough for Eddie to try and use one as a distraction. He was sitting next to a preppy looking guy, talking to him a little bit. Maybe he shouldn't have set his eyes on someone that kind of looked like Steve, but fuck it. His name was Andrew, and he was nice, a good flirt. The perfect diversion for when Eddie could tear his eyes away from Steve.
And things were actually getting a little interesting with him. He had his hand on Eddie's arm, leaning in to loudly whisper everything he said in Eddie's ear. He was smiling at him, close enough for Eddie to see the pretty gold flakes in his eyes.
They weren't as pretty as Steve's but they'd do.
Andrew tucked a bit of Eddie's hair back behind his ear, leaning in again. But he didn't go for his ear this time, no, he was zeroing in right to Eddie's lips. Not that he was complaining, he let it happen, a sweet, light kiss that had zero time to escalate to more.
Because suddenly, someone was tugging at his arm, hard enough to force Eddie's whole body back, nearly out of his chair. He blinked, more than a little startled to see Steve coming out of nowhere, clinging onto him with that stupid, gorgeous smile.
"Eddieeee," Steve whined, completely ignoring Andrew's presence, "Robin ditched me to make out with someone in the bathroom."
Eddie couldn't help but smile a little bit, despite the fact that he was definitely interrupting what was probably the first good thing about this night. He glanced over at Andrew, who was staring at them, wide-eyed before saying, "Uh, I didn't know you had a boyfriend."
"I don't-"
"I can't hear you in here," Steve loudly interrupted, looking adorably confused, "Come outside with me?"
If Eddie was smart, he would have gently pried Steve's hands off him before sending him off to find Robin. But...a drunk Steve was also a very cute and cuddly one. So fuck it, Eddie could find a rebound for his non-existent relationship next weekend.
He shrugged at Andrew, mouthing a quick apology at him before Steve started to drag him outside through the back door. Eddie half expected Steve to do his usual routine when he was toasted. Sweetly asking for a piggy back ride that Eddie literally could never refuse before falling asleep on his back. Then he'd get him in the car, wrangle Robin from wherever the hell she was, and they'd be off.
But the second they were stepping outside Steve was straightening up and stepping back, to Eddie's immediate confusion. He leaned against the wall, glaring at Eddie in a way he had never seen. Or at least directed at him.
"So," Steve started, his tone way too close to how he sounded when one of the kids pissed him off, "Who was that guy? You looked pretty cozy in there."
Eddie's brain was still struggling to catch up to the change in atmosphere here. But he tried to answer anyway, "I mean we were but-wait. Why are you not drunk? You were literally just-"
"It's called acting dipshit," Steve mumbled, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Which ow, rude. But his next words hurt even more, "Not like I have a choice, since you only seem to like me when I'm fucked up."
Eddie could feel his heart stop in his chest. He didn't-oh no. Oh god. Steve figured out he was a creep. A creep who was probably moments away from getting his ass handed to him.
Eddie swallowed, at a loss for what to say. But he still tried, "I-look dude it's um, it's not like that. I didn't- I wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable-"
"Then why the fuck would you kiss another guy right in front of me?"
Okay. That was enough of that. Yes, Steve could be mad about him being creepy, but no he couldn't be mad over having to bear witness for a gay kiss at a gay bar, "Well if I had known that you were apparently only okay with seeing girls kiss each other I wouldn't have come out tonight at all! Honestly Steve, how can you even say that? Like that is some real dumbass levels of homophobia, even for you. I thought the King Steve thing had died-"
"Shut the fuck up oh my god," Steve hissed out, "Are you really that damn dense? That's what you think I'm upset about? Are you fucking kidding me? And I'm the dumbass?"
"Then why are you mad?" Eddie half asked, half yelled.
“I’m not mad," Steve seethed, like he didn't look about five seconds away from choking Eddie out, "I...I just think you can choose better people to kiss.”
Maybe he really was drunk after all. Because now he wasn't making any damn sense.
Eddie pinched the bridge of his nose, beyond frustrated, "Who Steve? Like, I'm sorry to break this to you but not all of us can fucking look like you do alright? We're not all charming, golden Adonis basketball players okay? And sometimes you need to take what you can get. And there was nothing wrong with Andrew-"
"You think I look like a golden Adonis?" Steve interrupted, a weird expression on his face. He looked almost...hopeful? But that didn't make any sense.
"That's what you got out of that?" Eddie asked, exasperated, "I-come one dude. You know you're hot. But that's not my point."
"Well it's mine!" Steve groaned. He was biting his lips, a very distracting nervous habit that Eddie had picked up on, "Because what the fuck are we even doing? You think I'm so hot, so charming, so great, and you decide to kiss someone else in front of me? What the fuck is that? Do you like seeing me jealous? Do you get off on me pining? Please explain."
You see, that was the funny thing about Eddie's brain. One second he was lost, staring at Steve's red, bitten lips, and the next he was desperately trying to catch up with what just came out of his mouth. All of it the perfect blend to effectively shut his brain off completely.
Eddie stared at him, his words as dumb as how his face probably looked, "I-what? Huh?"
Steve narrowed his eyes at him, "Are we really doing this? Are you going to pretend like it's all in my head?"
"I-no. I just-please explain," Eddie is pretty damn sure he had never stuttered through a sentence that hard in his life.
"I've been coming on to you for months and you just keep giving me all of these mixed signals and..." Steve sighed, looking away, "I'm so sick of it Eddie. If you don't like me just say that! Stop whatever this is. Because it's mean and you know it. If you want a better option then just take it already and leave me alone."
He-what-that didn't even- Steve was straight, wasn't he? And now the stuttering had invaded his thoughts. Because if he actually understood all of that then...
He was the biggest idiot on the planet.
And his stunned silence was not helping anything.
Steve sighed, pushing himself away from the wall. He turned away, "I'm going to find Robin. We can just...act like this didn't happen I guess. I'm done."
Eddie had to give himself on thing, at least his body was working a lot faster than his brain. Steve barely had time to take a single step away before he was shooting his hand out to grab his wrist, stopping him in his tracks.
"I didn't know you were an option!" Eddie blurted out, his heart hammering in his chest, "I-Stevie I thought all of it was in my head. I-I thought that you were straight and we were just hanging out-"
"You think I sit in the laps of my other guy friends?" Steve asked, completely unimpressed, "While playing with their hair and calling them beautiful? Really, dude?"
Eddie nodded, sure and fast, "Steve, I had to do my senior year three damn times. I'm not always the smartest okay? And in my defense you never mentioned like dudes-"
"Yes I have," Steve interrupted, "When you came out to me, I told you to your face that I understand. That I could relate about hiding things and not talking about it. I literally said we were in the same boat. What else could that mean?"
Eddie remembered that, crystal clear. But..."I thought you were talking about PTSD, not secretly being into dudes."
"One dude," Steve corrected, but he was relaxing a little, thank fuck. Maybe Eddie could still fix this.
He took a deep breath, using his hold on Steve's wrist to pull him closer. His hands were fucking shaking, bad enough for Steve to almost certainly notice when he rested them on his hips.
This was it, he might as well be as clear as humanly possible, "I am so into you. Like a scary amount. Like I'm...borderline in love with you."
He was completely in love with him, but he didn't have the balls to say that bit out loud. He kept going, "And I didn't know you felt the same way. At all. Like I am dangerously close to having a stroke from hearing all of that. You kind of flipped my world upside down there."
Steve huffed out a laugh. Eddie may have fucked up everything leading up to this point, but Steve was eating his little speech right up. He shuffled a little closer, wrapping his arms around Eddie's neck with a small smile, "Keep going."
"I thought that I had no chance. I mean even tonight, people couldn't stop looking at you. And you got those numbers-"
"I threw them away," Steve interrupted, "You missed that part."
He had definitely missed that part, too caught up in his own head. But that didn't stop a smile from breaking out on Eddie's face, "Good. Because if you want me, you have me. I'm all yours, in any way you want me. Understand? Fuck, Stevie if I had known any of this we'd be the ones making out in the bathroom right now. And I'm sorry about..."
For the life of him Eddie couldn't remember his name, not when he had Steve smiling at him in his arms, "The other guy. But it literally means nothing to me. Not if I get to have you. Do...do I get to have you?"
Steve hummed, pretending to think about it while he played with a lock of Eddie's hair, "I guess that depends. Is making out in the bathroom still on the table?"
"Fuck yes it is."
Steve grinned, leaning up to press the sweetest little kiss to the side of Eddie's mouth, "Then I guess you have me then."
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thedrunknextdoor · 2 years
everyone: so what happened on ur journey to find bruce
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[ID: Shane Madej grinning and saying, "I did meet some of the most insufferable people. But, they also met me." End ID]
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jackadudle · 23 hours
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It's Jason's turn to drive Tim to his favorite local Cafe but he's easily distracted.
Somebody please get this poor boy his coffee ~ ☕
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After Eddie and Steve get together Eddie reveals he thought Steve just wanted to be best friends.
Steve: I guess I can sort of see how you’d think that, but best friends don’t think about having sex with each other as much as I did.
Eddie: You-
Steve: plus, Robin is my best friend.
Eddie: okay but you can totally have more than one best friend!
Steve: we’re Platogamous.
Eddie: …
Eddie: …
Eddie: you two are exhausting.
462 notes · View notes
thatharringrovehoe · 2 years
Roommate AU where Billy has noise cancelling earbuds on and jerks it to a video of Steve at the beach he has saved on his phone. Only, his headphones aren't connected. And because they aren't connected, he just thinks he has the volume way to low so he cranks it. And because he has noise cancelling earbuds in and the volume on his phone cranked, he doesn't hear Steve come home from work and walk towards the living room. The living room with the couch that Billy is currently spread out on, jacking it to a video of Steve in a tiny speedo being knocked over by a wave and laughing into the camera.
Steve 100% doesn't say anything. At first it's out of shock, but after that wears off he's ashamed to admit he just can't bring himself to walk away. He tells himself it's not a big deal, it's the living room; Billy has a bedroom all to himself he could have used. But he didn't. Steve doesn't notice the earbuds, but he can tell that Billy doesn't know he's standing right there, lost in his own fantasy. Before Steve can make a decision over whether or not he should say something, Billy cums with a shout, back arching off the couch as he bites his fist on a whine. As quiet as he can, Steve tiptoes to the front door, opening it and loudly slamming it closed. He hears a hissed "fuck" from the living room while he pretends to just get back from work, hands shaking and dick harder than it's ever been in his life.
He avoids Billy for a whole week. Which, given that they live together, is a feat in and of itself. Because Steve doesn't really know what this means is the thing. Was it a mistake? He hadn't been overly loud coming home but surely Billy would have heard him. Right? Probably.
Why was he watching that video? Did Billy want Steve to catch him? To see him bring himself off to a video that Steve wasn't even aware he had taken? He remembers that beach trip. Billy had tried teaching him how to surf for hours, laughing every time a wave knocked Steve off his board. And every single time, Billy would help hoist him out of the water to try again, smile patient and amused.
Maybe Steve is reading to much into this. He knows he looks good. He works at a damn gym, so he ends up working out every day just to look like he's doing something when his boss is making her rounds. So maybe that's all it is. A means to an end.
Steve doesn't think to hard about why that makes his chest hurt.
Billy knows something is wrong. And not like, roommate wrong either. This isn't Billy not taking out the trash when it's his turn or leaving a mess in the kitchen. No. This shit? It's serious. Because even though their work schedules have lined up perfectly the past week, Billy hasn't seen Steve once. If it weren't for the fact that he updates his Instagram everyday Billy would think the guy had been murdered.
And like. Okay. Look. Billy knows he's not owed Steve's time or whatever. Alright? It's just-
He misses him.
Everyday when he would normally come home to Steve blending another one of those fucking protein shakes and complaining about customers leaving their underwear in the change rooms, now it's just. Silence. Absence. An empty apartment with a note on the counter that says anything from 'Went out with Robbin' to 'Picked up an extra shift'. Which. Okay. But Billy knows for a fact the gym Steve works at closes at nine, and Steve stumbled home that night at around one in the morning. It's got Billy feeling like a jealous girlfriend, staying up late while the dinner he made goes cold on the table.
Or whatever.
He doesn't know what to do. Tells as much to Heather over their lunch break, a rare lull in beach goers giving them a chance to draw it out longer then usual.
"Maybe he's seeing someone" Heather says casually. Like the mere thought isn't a rusty knife to Billy's gut.
Aggressively chewing the rest of his granola bar, he shoves the wrapper in his bag to throw away later. He fucking hates when people leave trash on the beach. As if there isn't a garbage can every twenty feet up at the boardwalk.
"Why would he lie about it though? It's not like he hasn't brought girls home before"
"Mhmm. And I bet you were really normal about that. Didn't give them dirty looks or anything"
Billy's cheeks heat.
"Shut up"
They fall into a comfortable silence, the sound of waves gently lapping at the shore a comforting backdrop.
A thought occurs to him then, devastating in a way that leaves him nauseous. Billy's voice is quiet. Small.
"What if he moves out?"
Because that would make sense wouldn't it? That Steve finally got tired of Billys bullshit. That Billy finally somehow ruined the brightest light in his life since Steve asked him if he wanted to go to Los Angeles together. Like he hadn't been chomping at the bit to come home ever since the 'Leaving California' sign disappeared in his rearview. And *sure*, he had thought Steve meant something different at first. Something more intimate than living together to cut down on rent while Steve went to art school. Billy was going anyway, having gotten into UCLA. It was stupid of him to hope for something more in the first place.
Heather seems to read his mind, in that way only best friends who listen to all your bullshit really can.
"You really have to stop falling tits over ass for straight boys babe"
"Fuck off" he says without any real heat.
As if Billy doesn't know.
Heathers phone pings from her jacket pocket. She swipes it open with a small smile.
Billy grins, a shark scenting blood.
"Speaking of falling for straight people. What sorority pledge has you pulling a face like that Holloway?"
Heather scoffs, punching him in the arm.
"For your information, dick head, she's a lesbian. And we've already been on two dates so fuck you"
"Careful babe, wouldn't want your new girlfriend to hear you've got designs on me"
Heather rolls her eyes, checking her pockets for something. Billy nudges her shoulder with his own, voice sincere.
"Hey, for real. I'm happy for you"
She smiles, exasperated and fond. After rooting around in all her pockets and coming up empty handed, she huffs. Irritated.
"Hey can I borrow your headphones? I must have left mine at home."
"Sure" he says before grabbing them from his bag and handing them over.
"Not your broken ones, you ass."
"They're not broken, I just got those!"
"Yes they are! These are the ones you had in your pocket when you fell into the pool at what's his face's frat party. Look, the case doesn't even have a charge light. They're hella busted"
That can't be right. That was over a month ago and Billy's been using them just fine.
In a panic, Billy snatches the headphones out of Heather's hand, ignoring her indignant 'hey!', before jamming them into his ears. He picks a video on his phone at random and presses play.
Oh fuck.
Oh god.
When he looks over, Heather goes from annoyed to concerned in a blink.
"Billy? Hey, are you okay?"
No. No he's not and there's a very real possibility he never will be again.
"I think-" Billy can feel his heartbeat thumping in his neck, a breath away from an anxiety attack "I think I fucked up"
"You can't keep avoiding him forever"
Robin sticks another post it note to Steve's head while he pretends to ignore her, eyes closed as he leans back in the second comfiest office chair. It's not worth the trouble fighting her over the top spot. She always wins anyway, pestering him until he gets up even if he got there first. Which at this point seems to be pointless however, considering he has what feels like an entire package of post-its in his hair.
"I'm not avoiding him. I'm just-" Robin sticks another note on his nose so it flutters when he sighs "-busy. God, stop that!"
He sits up, shaking his head like a lion shedding it's mane, neon pink squares littering the ground. His manager is going to chew his ear out if she sees the mess. And by the smug look on Robbin's face as she kicks her feet up on the desk, she knows it to.
With a sigh, Steve's picks them up, blowing limp hair out of his eyes. He hasn't had the opportunity to grab any of his styling products and bring them to work. You know, to save on time. Not because he's avoiding Billy. Which he isn't.
"It's not my fault Shauna hates you. Maybe stop being such a tart and luring in gym manager's unsuspecting husbands"
"I turned him down! If anything she should be mad at him, not me!"
Robin isn't even paying attention, furiously typing away on her phone while biting her lip on a smile. She's been absolutely insufferable since her and 'Mystery Girl' went on their second date. Steve's happy for her.
"We're at work, Robin, stop sending your girlfriend nudes"
He's also petty.
She doesn't take the bait though, just looks up from her phone, unimpressed.
"Oh fuck off, don't use my full name"
"Stephano Giovanni Harrington-"
"I hate that you found my birth certificate -"
"I have been listening to your 'boy problems'" Robin makes quotations with her fingers, ignoring Steve's indigent splutter "for going on a full week. If you're not going to take my advice, then I don't know what you want from me."
"Okay, first of all-"
"Jesus God Steve.."
"First of all! It's not boy problems. Alright? It's a very real, very important crisis. And second, 'Just tell him you're in love with him' is not advice. It's a death sentence."
Robin rolls her eyes before pulling her hoodie over her face with a groan.
"Stevie, he was straight up jacking it to a video of your smile. That's the gayest shit I've ever heard and I'm an out lesbian who runs a weekend theatre group."
"Wow, way to stereotype."
Robin lobs her balled up sandwich wrapper at his face. It bounces off his cheek.
And. Okay. Fine. He knows Robin is at least partially right. He should say something soon. This whole thing has been eating him alive all week. Or-. No. That's not right.
Because Billy Hargrove pulled into Hawkins two years ago now. And Steve has been in love with him for eighteen months and twenty two days.
Or something.
"Robin, what if-" Steve hesitates. And Robin, being the very patient and understanding best friend that she is, pushes herself out of the comfiest office chair to cross the room and pull him into a hug. Her sweatshirt smells like sunscreen and cotton candy body spray and Steve wonders if Mystery Girl knows that Robbin wears her clothes.
"What if he doesn't feel the same?"
Robin squeezes him tighter. "Then you can help keep me from U-hauling with my new girlfriend and come live at my place. I'll roll out a blanket for you in the corner and everything."
Steve chuffs a laugh into her shoulder. "How generous."
"I mean it Steve" she pulls back enough to look him in the eye "if this goes tits up? You'll always have me."
And that's true. He and Robin have been through Russian interrogation and customer service together. So. Trauma bonded for life.
"Go home early, Stephano. Your boy is probably waiting up for you." Gently, Robin pushes him towards the door "And when you confess, because I'm covering your shift in the name of true love, text me. No matter which way it goes. Kay?"
Steve nods, feeling braver than he has in a long while. Glad to have the kind of friends he does. Steeling himself, he grabs his stuff from the employee locker room, ducking Shauna on his way out the front door.
He's going to tell Billy.
Billy paces the front entryway of their apartment, Heather's words ringing in his ears.
Just talk to him Billy!
Yeah. Sure.
'Hey Steve, did you want to order Chinese tonight? Oh, and before I forget, did you happen to catch me stroking my cock to a video of you at full volume because I'm an absolute fucking dumbass who didn't realize his headphones were broken?'
His phone is burning a hole in his pocket, the "I need to talk to you" from Steve heavy and foreboding.
Rubbing the heels of his palms into his eye sockets till he sees starbursts of color, Billy stops.
Growling in frustration, he looks at his reflection in the mirror hanging by the door. The one Steve put up 'Just as a final check before I leave the house'.
"Don't be a fucking pussy, Hargrove. You can do this. Since when does someone like Steve scare you?"
The Billy staring back at him looks unconvinced.
He can't fucking do this.
Just as Billy's about to grab his shoes and bolt out the door, the metal grinding of a key turning in the lock has his lungs seizing.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck-
"Oh hey! You're here."
God, how long has it been since he's heard Steve's voice? It's got Billy all fucked up, palms sweating so bad he has to discreetly wipe them on his jeans.
Steve looks-. Tired, honestly. Like he hasn't gotten a good sleep in days, bangs flat and flopping adorably in front of his face. There are bags under his eyes, dark purple like a bruise.
He's probably up all night fucking his new girlfrie-
"Yeah, I uh. I got your text. So. Here I am."
Just like I've been all week, every day you didn't come home
He searches Steve's face for any kind of levity, anything to ease the nauseating tension swirling in his gut. Steve is biting the inside of his cheek, looking anywhere but Billy's face. Like he's nervous.
I can't fucking do this
Steve slips off his shoes and closes the door, plastic liquor store bag clinking at his side. A quick glance tells Billy's it's that fancy brand Steve got him hooked on back in Hawkins. The one he grabbed out of his dad's mini fridge to press against Billy's black eye while they hung out on the side of Steve's pool.
Please don't make me fucking do this
"I'm just gonna put the rest of these in the fridge if you wanna sit on the couch. I ordered pizza on the way here so we don't have to worry about dinner or whatever."
Steve shoots him a smile that doesn't reach his eyes. Billy swallows down the urge to beg for another chance.
Mechanically, he makes his way to the couch. He can hear Steve shuffling around in the kitchen before the click-hiss of a beer bottle being opened, one after the other. When Steve rounds the corner their eyes connect and Billy watches in real time as a blush spreads up Steve's neck and ears, fire engine red.
He knows.
And Billy cant fucking do this
"Listen, Steve-"
"Billy, I wanted to tell you-"
They both pause, an awkward silence settling over the livingroom like a wet blanket. Steve is the one to break it, chuckling quietly as he walks the rest of the way over to sit on the coffee table in front of the couch, handing Billy a beer. It tastes like chlorine and the roar of cicadas on a Hawkins summer evening.
Steve clears his throat.
"You go first."
Billy squeezes the glass bottle in his hand so hard he thinks it might crack, muscles locked in fight of flight. This is it. The end of the road. He looks up at Steve and commits this moment to memory. Needs to keep this version of Steve tucked away for a rainy day, to think back on after he never speaks to Billy again.
He chugs half the bottle in an attempt to sooth his nerves.
It doesn't work.
"Okay. So. I uh-. I leant Heather my headphones today."
Steve cocks his head to the side like a confused puppy. Billy's heart cracks right down the middle.
Please please please, don't make me do this
"And it turns out they're broken. Have been broken for a while actually. Which I definitely didn't know by the way." Billy watches in a resigned kind of horror as Steve's eyes widen in understanding. As the puzzle pieces snap into place.
"So, you didn't know I was home when you were out here rubbing one out to that video of me?"
It's like a punch to the solar plexus. The world comes to a screeching sickening hault around him as Billy fights not to puke up expensive beer all over Steve's feet.
He knows. Steve saw and then avoided Billy for an entire week. Can't even manage look him in the eye. Bought Billy's favorite beer and pizza to let him down easy because he found some girl and he's going to get married and leave him behind because everyone always leaves Billy Hargrove in the end.
Warm hands squeeze his shoulders, dragging him back to reality. Steve's big brown eyes are concerned and pretty and right up close, him having put down his beer at some point and scooting forward into Billy's personal space. He smells like sweat and expensive calogne and a different laundry detergent than he normally uses because he's washing his clothes at some girls house-
"I'm sorry. Steve, I'm so fucking sorry. I didn't mean for you to find out. Okay? I promise. We-. We can just forget this ever happened. Right? Because I can't-. I don't want-"
To Billy's complete mortification, he can feel the burn of tears prickling his eyeline.
"Just-. Please. Don't fucking move out."
Neil's voice is there in the back of his head, mocking him like it always does when Billy's fucked up.
Grow up
Stop crying like some kind of-
"I love you."
Billy freezes, whole body locked and rigid. Because there's no way. One hundred percent no way that straight boy Steve Harrington, King Steve, said-.
That he loves-
Steve's lips are soft when they press against his own. Warm and cautious but not pulling away. His hands move from Billy's shoulders to tangle in his curls, sending goosebumps pebbling down his back.
After a moment, Billy comes back to himself. Grabs Steve's shirt and hauls him into his lap, straddling Billy's thighs. His mind a constant litany of I love you I love you I love you I love you I love-
The door buzzer for the lobby entrance sounds off like a gunshot. With a jolt, both Steve and Billy pull away.
Right. The pizza.
Steve groans, moving to get up and answer the door, before Billy pulls him back down for another kiss. Something hungrier. With teeth.
"Leave it."
Steve huffs a laugh that breaks into a moan as Billy trails kisses down his neck to his collar bone.
"I can't. That's like, seventy dollars worth of pizza."
Billy pulls back to look at Steve's face, the sheepish expression doing nothing to dissuade him from ravishing Steve right here on their threadbare couch.
"What the fuck did you buy seventy dollars worth of pizza for?"
Steve's blush deepens in embarrassment. "I panicked! I just wanted to like. Woo you, or whatever."
Affection spreads like warm honey in Billy's chest. Fills him up to bursting.
This boy.
"You caught me getting off to a video of you. I don't really think you need to woo anything."
Without warning, Steve leans forward to peck Billy on the lips.
"I wanted to."
Billy's not going to survive this. He's going to melt into a gooey puddle right into the couch befor they even get to the fun part.
"Steve, I-"
"Hang on a fucking second!" Billy hollers. Steve is looking at him expectantly.
Deep breath
"I'm in love with you, Steve. Fucking, butterflies in my stomach, scribbling your name on my notebook. The whole bit. You're it for me."
The smile that spreads across Steve's face is brighter than sunshine glinting off ocean waves. Smooths out all the jagged pieces catching on each other in Billy's chest.
With a roll of his eyes, Steve pushes himself up and points at Billy.
"Hold that thought"
He walks over to the front door, grabbing the four large pizzas (Jesus Steve), before shutting the door and dropping them onto the coffee table.
Grabbing Billy's wrist, Steve hauls him up and towards his bedroom.
Billy smirks.
"Thought you wanted to woo me, Stevie"
"I am. Figured we could make a better video for your phone first"
And just like that, heat roars from the top of Billy's head to the tips of his toes, settling deep in his gut. He pulls Steve back towards him, hauling him up over his shoulder and charging down the hall, Steve's laughter finally filling the apartment again.
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goferwashere · 1 month
busy as fuck today but Robin came out and I wanted to pull for her, ended up losing the 50/50 but as a result I can now say I’ve assembled this new team comp of all of the sexiest characters in HSR
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theofficialdailyplanet · 10 months
i hc bruce being short as all hell and damien pissed at him forever he's the only bat son that never grew to hit 6ft
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dreamersolacey · 1 year
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It's literally them.
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shadowingfas · 20 days
85 pulls
I have pulled 85 times since getting aventurine, maybe more and nothing....
no 5 star
no robin
no topaz
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dollya-robinprotector · 11 months
POV: a hoe successfully kept her chastity vow for three months
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sleepire · 8 months
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thomasbrodiesandwich · 9 months
hello tumblr!
anybody in the mood for some ~drarry angst~ in this fine day? i mean don't we all need a bit of HurtTM from our ship from time to time??? (pls say yes)
i present you... my drarry oneshot fic inspired by fleabag the series :D
me, a genius, choosing a title for this fanfic:
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Title: This is (not) a Love Story
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationship: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (Drarry)
Words: 1,386
Additional Tags: Infidelity, Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Inspired by Fleabag (TV), Fleabag (TV) References, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Harry Potter-centric
Summary: He was alone. And that was a fact, and a fact that will never change.
Until Harry met blue-grey eyes like storm clouds and white-blond hair that glows under the sun, with pointy nose and pointy chin and pointy cheekbones. Pale skin and little freckles under his eyes and on his forehead. Long eyelashes that rest on his cheek beautifully when he laughs from his belly, eyes closing, nose wrinkling, laugh lines visible, and tense jaw relaxed. Draco Malfoy, all grown-up. It gave Harry hope.
And it ruined him, too.
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parasitoidism · 1 year
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jasontoddsguns · 2 years
Me falling in love with tim drake
…are you sure?
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eastwardbound7 · 2 years
Tim Drake except he has a bunch of smaller staffs he just harpoons at people when in danger
Just start whaling people
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