whorejolras · 11 days
am i the only one who thinks celebrating pride month in the middle of an ongoing genocide is a bit................... 😒
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iloveplayrehersal · 9 months
Okay peeps idk if this sounds selfish or not but I wanna see if anyone can guess how tall I am! I'll tell ya I am somewhere in the 5ft range so take your guess if you want to lol
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goldrushenthusiast · 6 months
no way someone just said that Peeta is selfish and manipulative and that AARON WARNER is more bbg than him did you even read the books at ALL? gtfo like right now how do you finish THG thinking Peeta is bad person at all
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goodnessgraciousgal · 2 years
I would like to argue that I’m not so good @ tumblr because I will NOT repost something nor post anything that I’m not absolutely in love with or see myself in. I’m stubborn to the millionth degree, but I suppose that is what keeps me untainted by half-desires.
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ophanim-vesper · 11 months
obsessed with how the entire movie is just this
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thepeacefulgarden · 7 months
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its-the-3nd · 3 months
I feel like a terrible person. I have such strong feelings for someone, and sadly they aren't over their ex (per se). I don't know what happened between them but I know that it wasn't good. She hasn't said much at all about it (and I respect that she doesn't want to) but I can tell it's really hurt her emotionally. In saying all this, with how great things were for the short period of time we were working towards a relationship. I just really like her a lot and not being able to be with her in that way sucks. I know she's hurting and I know she's trying to deal with/heal from what happened, so I feel super shitty feeling the way I do about all of this. She has a lot going on in her life outside of that and in being so stressed she's isolated herself from most people (including me) which also sucks. I feel so much sadness from how distant we've now become because of all of this, but I also feel bad for feeling sad because we were never officially together. I from a conversation we've had that she's not mad at me nor does this distance have anything to do with me (per se) but it's just tearing me up inside, because I want to talk to her so badly. Unfortunately for me I don't know how NOT to feel things deeply, and having her treat me as well as she did, I got attached pretty quickly. I've never met someone like her who actually appreciated me and cared about me like she did. To feel actually valued by someone is such a great feeling. Ultimately I really hope she comes back in the near future. I don't want to lose her, as I'll never find another woman like her, but I feel so f*cking selfish for feeling that way. Of course I want her to be able to heal from the trauma and be happy (even if she doesn't want to be with me in the end), I don't just want her to heal so she'll date me. It's just with how good things were going, and the connection it seemed like we had, I'm just so terrified that in the end she wont want anything to do with me, and even though I'd respect her feelings in that way, it would still be devastating. God why am I such a terrible person?
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brucedinsman · 8 months
Daily Service: Selfless or Selfish? (Whose side are you on?)
Updated for Daily Service 19 Okay, this came up one night recently in a discussion with our dear Palauan sister. Jacob and Esau (Genesis 25-17); read the whole account and write down each interaction as selfless or selfish. God wasn’t in that discussion at all and both parents were guilty of favoritism. But at its base, the actions and reactions are based on selfish…
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stil-lindigo · 4 months
This is a verified fundraiser for a family of four to evacuate to Cairo. The fund's creator, Amal Abu Shammala, reached out to me personally to share this since she's failed to get her fund on Operation Olive Branch and Let's Talk Palestine's fundraising linktree.
As of right now, she has raised €2,397/ €42,000. You can see the breakdown of what the money will be used for in the fund description.
Please give generously!
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swordfright · 3 months
this might just be because i'm a bit older than your average mcyt fan, but it makes me kind of sad to see all these younger fans scramble to wipe their mcyt fanworks off the internet the second a content creator is revealed to have done something awful.
don't get it twisted, I'm a big believer in rescinding financial support to ccs you no longer agree with or admire by unsubscribing, deciding not to buy merch, or refusing to give them ad revenue by watching their content. if you don't feel comfortable giving someone money, don't give them your money. material support isn't what i'm talking about here - I'm talking about fanfic, fansongs, fanart. yknow, content that fans create for themselves and each other, stuff that's not for ccs.
in the past year (and especially the past week, obviously) i've seen tons of mcyt fans saying they're planning to delete their art (or that they already have deleted) because they don't want their work to be associated with content creators who behaved badly, and that they want "a fresh start." I've seen fan writers say the same thing about their fics. and like, this is fine, do what you want with your stuff, but i'll be honest...it does make me sad that so many younger fans seemingly have been made to feel such a high degree of responsibility for ccs that they're unable to enjoy fandom (a thing that is FOR US! FOR YOU!) or take any measure of pride in their past fanworks.
again, at the end of the day you should do what you want with your own shit. but what i will say is, if what you want to do with your work is delete it, at least think first about why you're considering the nuclear option. you aren't responsible for a cc's behavior, and that goes for literally anyone who's ever had a hand in making anything you like: books, movies, games, anything. you shouldn't be made to feel ashamed of having created fan content for a piece of media that a shitty person was involved in making. straight up, this kind of shame isn't something i believe should exist in fandom, because it's parasocial in the same way that positive emotions towards media/creators can be parasocial.
and also, as someone who's been involved in fandom for a long time, i can say with confidence that creators will keep disappointing you like this. there are shitty people out there. if you're searching for a piece of media with zero shitty people ever involved in the project, you will not find it. i'm not saying this to normalize shitty behavior on the part of creators, I'm saying this to emphasize that bearing the shame and guilt of every creator to this degree is not sustainable or healthy (and it's not how fandom used to operate, but that's a conversation for another day, perhaps.)
i understand why so many folks are considering deleting their fanworks, and if that's you...think about it before you do it. that's all i'm asking. you don't want to create a habit of divesting yourself of all evidence of having been passionate about art created by someone who sucks, because if you do get into that habit, then your chances of ever truly enjoying a fandom again are, unfortunately, pretty slim.
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itsdefinitely · 3 months
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i dabble
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kaban-bang · 7 months
Do you have a website where you read “she loves to cook she loves to eat”?
I do but I'm gonna urge you to buy the volumes.
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I got mine recently but a moot was posting about it so I read the rest online to not get spoiled.
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finally at that age where i'm thinking i should get a tattoo. not bc i feel strongly about it, just seems like a waste not to. i've got so much skin i'm not using
#feels so selfish like. all this skin what am i saving it for?#open to design suggestions! (please make me regret this offer)#maybe some deep sea horrors. a pretty watercolor of a gulper eel#once saw a person on the subway with various Skeleton Tattoos on all their limbs#i respected their commitment to the theme#but more than that i respected how all the skeletons were engaged in Activities#dancing in a ballgown. juggling its own (and two other???) skulls. swordfighting. being a mermaid skeleton#ANYWAY. the only reason i haven't already gotten tattoos is i just couldn't be bothered#i'm old enough to know i don't have any strong-but-potentially-temporary feelings driving me towards it#aesthetically i prefer decorated to non-decorated surfaces. but i'm not artistic or thrilled with commitment#honestly it feels like sheer laziness. indecisiveness--nay. immaturity!--that i HAVEN'T gotten a tattoo yet#letting all this blank canvas go to waste. tut tut i need to grow up and be an adult and get a tattoo sleeve already.#really i've put off my responsibilities long enough#(in fairness i DID at one time have 18 different piercings)#(but i took most of them out bc they interfere with wearing headphones and/or shoving my face in my pillow during Sleep Time)#(i only kept the nape piercing bc oddly enough it ended up being the most convenient. and the least painful to get now i think about it.)#(neck piercing? no problem. normal pair of earrings? Tribulations And Suffering. i don't make the rules i just poke them with a stick.)
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gravitysoda · 2 months
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refusing an impossible wish and settling for one last game of chess.
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thepeacefulgarden · 11 months
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ironunderstands · 2 months
The way some of yall mischaracterize Ratio as being stoic in chill when in reality he is 24/7 resisting the urge to rip everyone around him a new one is crazy to me like. He cares so much, so much. It’s unhealthy, he loses the idgaf war every time because Ratio is the least nonchalant person ever like
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He was this close to breaking character and throttling Sunday like you cannot tell me he wasn’t planning a murder in this scene. Ratio straight up calls Sunday a crazy bitch but everyone brushed it aside 😭
Honestly his entire conversation with Screwllum is just him tweaking, watch it on YouTube the VAs performance is amazing, you can here just how much He Cares
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Genuinely, Aventurine is way better at concealing his true feelings that Ratio. Ratio may be acting for the sake of the plan but the way he truly feels about anything he’s doing always seeps through, it’s why he apologizes to Aventurine in 2.0 in their staged argument scene. It’s why he is as mean to Sunday as he can be. It’s why him pretending that he “hates” Aventurine makes him act so silly. Ratio can’t fully commit to the bit, he can’t force himself to not care or to be someone he isn’t, because fundamentally Ratio CARES and that is something he is incapable of hiding, alabaster bust or not.
The problem is that him expressing his care is often done in a rude and/or blunt manner which people tend to interpret as stoicism or apathy when it’s anything but. Ratio’s vial that he gives to Aventurine is short, sweet and gets straight to the point, because that’s the easiest way for Ratio to express his emotions, even if it’s often detrimental for him and anyone else around him. However Aventurine understands him quite well, and knows that although brief, Ratio telling him to “stay alive, survive this and keep on living” is how he truly feels towards Aventurine, and that’s enough to keep him going.
Underneath Ratios carefully crafted marble facade is a man who cares so much and is so bad at expressing it and I wish the community in general, especially Aventio shippers would acknowledge that more. Ratios true moments of sincerity are brief, but they are anything but stoic. Let the man be soft, it’s in character.
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