#School year
honeytonedhottie · 2 months
get ready to get back to school⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🗒️
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i can hardly believe that school is coming up. in like, two/one week. ISNT THAT ABSURD? i feel like summer just flew past but im very excited to start my junior year of highschool…💬🎀
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when ur school supplies are cute, you'll feel MOTIVATED to put them to good use. idek what it is. 99% of my school supplies are pink and because of that im motivated to take good notes, study my notes etc because seeing the sparks of pink just make me so HAPPY.
so ofc this year my school supply list has remained consistent in its color scheme of pink, pink and more pink 🎀. some things on my school shopping list are ->
a binder
dividers for the binders with adorable labels
pink and purple gel pens (along with black gel pens)
pastel highlighters
looseleaf paper
a fluffy pink pen
ik a lot of us (including myself some times) stay up for way to long and feel like our sleep schedule is BEYOND repair but it is not. u need to be getting back into a consistent sleeping routine that keeps u healthy and well rested not only for back to school but for ur own well being. you'll have plenty of time tomorrow for what u choose to stay up all night doing, i promise.
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so this year i'll be taking a semester online so i've been dabbling in figuring out the perfect routine for an online school regimen. one in which i could balance personal and academic life in a healthy way (get sunlight everyday, sleep on time etc) some things that im going to prioritize while doing a semester online are ->
♡ getting fresh air everyday
♡ going for a walk everyday and making sure to stay active
♡ NOT doing school work in bed
so a tip i've learned is that the things that u do in bed, your mind will like, associate ur bed with it. so for example if ur constantly playing video games in bed, when its time to relax and go to bed, when ur in bed your mind will be like "time to play video games". so i will not be doing school work in bed, also for a healthy change of scenery…💬🎀
♡ going out with my friends and calling them everyday so that im not isolated
♡ keeping a steady and productive routine
lets be goal oriented, A+ academic barbies this year ✍🏽. to make sure that ur doing ur very best its important to set goals for urself. having something to strive for is a great way to stay motivated and disciplined during the year. my goal for my junior year is to keep my straight A streak and finish with my law distinction (im 3/4 of the way done). and ofc its important to break down ur goals, and i'll give an example of how i did this.
so in freshman year ik i wanted a distinction in law, and to get a distinction in law i would have to take 4 separate law courses. there are 4 years in highschool so if i took one law course per school year i'd have my distinction. but i wanted to expedite the process so i took one course freshman year, and two courses sophomore year. this year i will take one more.
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this frees up SO much time for me to get another distinction and since i've already taken a course of business in freshman year, i'll strive for my business distinction too…💬🎀
if u dont know where to start with goal setting for school here are some ideas ->
♡ maintain ur current GPA or try and raise it
♡ never get below a B on any assignment or test
♡ do every single homework assignment (never take a zero)
staying organized is CRUCIAL for being successful in school. i use notion to keep myself organized during the school year. by putting down dates for tests in my calendar, ik when i need to start preparing. and by making a todo list everyday i can stay on top of my assignment.
if u struggle with school organization, set aside an hour a day to just make sure that everything is in its place. and it doesnt even have to be an hour, just set aside time every single day to make sure that everything it where its supposed to be. it'll save you SO much time in the future and you'll rly thank urself for it in the future.
and to end this post, i'll share some school/academic related affirmations 💗
🗒️ im literally the definition of beauty and brains
📔 im the top of my class
🗒️ i must have perfect memory cuz i remember everything im taught in class
📔 im literally a GENIUS
🗒️ i effortlessly stay at the top of my class
📔 wow, im smart, pretty, AND talented?? god rly does have favorites
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Sending good luck and love to all students starting their school year!
If you are in your final year know I am so proud of you for all of your hard work and progress and I know you can get through this semester, just remember to take good care of yourself!
If you’re somewhere in the middle know that this stretch may feel super long but it’ll be over before you know it. Keep putting in the work and enjoy everything you can! You will do amazing!
If you’re a freshman/year one I know you get a lot of judgement but I am truly so excited for you and I wish you the best luck on your new experience. Don’t be afraid to explore and ask for help. Remember that this is just the beginning, you have time to learn.
To all students remember to be kind to yourself. You are more than a grade or a score, and you have what it takes to succeed. As long as you move forward with love and patience you will get where you need to go through any twists and turns.
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thickdickdaddy444 · 2 months
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how the first month's been so far...
a (very) little school dump.
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mortalghost · 20 days
The winds of a new season falls upon
Wondering wanderers
Traverse through moments unknown
Into an awakening of life
Years of learning begin
-H Murcia 7:44 AM 9/5/2024
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lefluoritesys · 1 year
To all the systems who are going to school this year, have a good school year. It's hard to deal with school stuff with our disorder. I hope this year goes as smoothly as possible for you, and make sure to watch out for your mental health more than your grades.
You got this.🤎
-co-host & persecutor-caretaker
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speakofthedebbie · 29 days
so the radioapple fic recs sept 2024 edition is prolly not coming out on sept 1. js havent found the time/energy. still sometime during sept hopefully
gonna turn turn this into a more general announcement post and say posting will prolly slow down during the school year. i know i said that for summer school and it was bullshit but ontario and canada as a whole has been going harder on implementing no phone rules in school, and while it didnt work as much last time, i worry my new school will be much more ruthless and i dont want problems in my first year
wish all my fellow student moots/followers (there is a surprising amount of yall) whove already started/will be starting soon a successful year of forsaken academics o7
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eff-ston3mblogs · 2 months
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trying to be her this school yr
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shinyrhinestones · 1 month
School today sucked and my mind was really mean to my even though its my own mind ??? ☹️
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bobbiprintables · 3 months
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2024-2025 Academic Calendars - Free Printable Planner Inserts
Download Here
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lovinterstellar · 10 months
hii do you know good ways to catch up in school (month or so) and maybe provide a schedule and ways to look forward to and motivate to do things?
im so open to changing my entire schedule and life bc what im doing isnt working!! my school starts at 8:30 and ends at 3:40. i have to get leave the house at 7:40am. tysm i hope you can help me ilysm and ur blog!!
yes ofc!
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To catch up on school, I suggest waking up as early as possible to complete assignments. This will give you time in the morning without having to cram it into your afternoon. If you feel comfortable, try asking your teacher for extra help or advice.
To stay motivated in the future, think about how it would feel completing work. For me, having a to-do list works very well. If to-do lists don't work for you, try rewarding yourself for doing an assignment. For example, when I complete an assignment, I allow myself to talk to my friends for a little.
Another way you could stay motivated is to have a planner. Plan out what subject or assignment you will work on that day.
For your schedule this is what I recommend for you!
5:50AM- waking up around this time can be really challenging but I highly recommend it!! This will give you more than enough time to do things you need to do (I am planning on making a post about waking up early today!!)
5:55AM- Morning skincare, brush teeth, etc
6:10AM- Try to eat breakfast, even if it's small. This will help you have energy throughout the school day so you're not feeling drained!
6:30AM- Stretch (if you would like to), if not go ahead and change into your clothes
6:45AM- Work on some assignments/study
7:30AM- Reward yourself from working!
7:40AM-Leave for school
I'm not exactly sure what time you arrive home, but this is just an estimate
4:00PM- Go on a walk-if you already walk home from school, don't worry about this too much.
4:15PM- Grab a snack and do your homework before you shower and relax so you don't get lazy/forget
4:50PM- Start filling in your planner/making a new to do list for the day ahead
5:00PM- Shower and unwind
This is just what I recommend since this somewhat of my schedule!! So don't feel pressured to follow this
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honeytonedhottie · 1 month
how to be a whole new student this school year (A MASTERPOST)⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀📔
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TAKE ADVANTAGE. take advantage of extra credit opportunities, make sure to advocate for urself and take advantage in any way that u can. by simply doing ur homework you'll have a much better grade in the overall class which gives u wiggle room to make a mistake. but if ur slacking off on ur homework, ignoring extra credit opportunities AND doing bad on tests then ur basically setting urself up for failure. and by doing the opposite then ur setting urself up for success.
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something i've noticed (and im guilty of this too sometimes) is that i spend so much time making my notes aesthetically pleasing that i forget to actually go over them which defeats the whole purpose of notes. theres nothing wrong with having fun and creative adorable notes that spark joy and happiness but PLEASE actually use them, trust me you'll love them more…💬🎀
furthermore understand that getting good grades isn't as daunting and difficult as u may have imagined. just remember to always do ur homework, take advantage of extra credit, projects are an easy test grade, and get things done as fast as u possibly can.
the best way to stay motivated is through ROMANTICIZATION. when u learn to enjoy going to school, your going to be motivated to do well in school. because school is so IMPORTANT not only for ur education but also ur future. so take school seriously. and if u wanna become an academic weapon for the long term the best thing u can do is learn to make the best of, and enjoy it. some ways to romanticize school include ->
♡ create a school playlist that embodies the school vibes that u wanna have : i have lots of new jeans in my school playlist : i rly like the songs cookie, ditto and hurt for when im at school
♡ creating a study blog or study group to hold urself accountable in a fun and healthy way
♡ ur appearance : if u go to a school where u dont have to wear uniforms, i strongly recommend getting dressed and getting ready meticulously bcuz when u look good, u feel good, and therefore u perform well. if u do wear uniform, wear accessories or hairstyles that make u feel and look pretty. i wear leg warmers with my school uniform and my signature is hair clips and barrettes.
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♡ read at school : i always walk around with a book bcuz i like to read a lot but if reading isnt ur thing, listen to a podcast about something that interests u (i rly like true crime)
♡ take pride in ur notes : invest in cute stationary! i swear, sometimes i dont feel like studying but since my stationary is super cute and pink i get motivated to study just by looking at it lol. invest in quality stationary that u love and make ur notes look pleasing to you, and also effective. effective + aesthetically pleasing.
♡ doing homework/studying in the library : or at least changing the scenery and location that u do ur homework from time to time. do yk how boring it is to do work in the same place every single day? give urself a break from the places u see all the time and spend time studying or doing homework outside of ur home. in a cafe or in the library, inside or outside, just change the scenery a bit
♡ start a video diary : i started a little video diary with my friends so that we can remember our school memories. i just think its rly cute and a great way to bond with ur friends, make memories, and romanticize school.
try and formulate a PASSION for learning as a way to cultivate the school romanticization attitude. be passionate to learn and be an academic weapon…💬🎀
in my next point i talk about the importance of routines but its also important to change little things about ur routine. dont go and change the whole structure of ur school routine but make sure to add little changes to spice things up and not keep urself like a hamster on a wheel. i find when i do this i just feel a lot better and its easier to romanticize.
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make a pretty basic routine to stick to, to make sure that u balance school and personal life. having a routine can make falling into line and following through with tasks a lot easier. its easier to do things personally when u MICROMANAGE urself. at least from my own personal experience.
every single day study (at least for a little bit) ofc this will vary depending on ur personal schedule but the goal is to do a little bit of studying everyday, and if that isnt possible, designating 3 days a week to a thorough studying session.
the way that i divide my time with a study session is 40 minutes of work time and 20 minutes of downtime. during the 40 minutes of work time u need to LOCK IN. lock in on whatever assignment needs to be complete or lock in on whatever material it is that ur studying. ofc this'll differ between all subjects but dont study all subjects in one night!! thats ambitious, but i find it'll just burn u out so stick to studying for 2-3 subjects max.
♡ get off ur device. literally put the phone down. 9 times out of 10 the burn out that ur feeling is just the dopamine detox and laziness
arguably, the most important aspect to prevent burn out is ENERGY management. when ur burnt out u can literally feel ur energy tank on zero, so regardless of all the study techniques, however effective they may be, if u can't even muster up the energy to do them then they're useless…💬🎀
♡ get PRODUCTIVE rest. what is productive rest? scrolling endlessly on tiktok is NOT productive rest. productive rest is actually letting ur mind and body REST. like, taking a nap, indulging in self care, or whatever relaxes u.
find a tool and stay ORGANIZED. i personally use notion. and on my school notion i create a space for me to write my own notes, a calendar to put important academic dates, resources like passwords and logins, and a to-do list where i can put down some of my assignments. keeping everything organized is so so important. its non digital as well, make sure to keep ur desktop space organized, ur supplies and physical notes organized also. the more organized the better.
how to get good grades without excessive studying - by yours truly
ways to romanticize school - @4theitgirls
studying methods + tips - by yours truly
youtube channels to help u out this semester - @4theitgirls
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creating a study schedule and routine - @prettieinpink
how to study like rory gilmore - @itgirldiary
my studying plans as an accounting major - @iluvprettygirls
citation resources - @workitgurl
how to get good grades without excessive studying - by me
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google scholar - research
google calendar - organization
notion - organization
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kgiang · 1 month
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nothing like greys anatomy and bullet journaling.
setting up some routine goals for this school yr and some college application goals for this week. 🎓
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borntodoll · 5 months
I want misa amanes wardrobe
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sad-girl-shit11 · 2 months
My classes for the year
First semester
1. English 2 A- Highschool
2. American government -college class
3. Latin 2 A- Highschool
4. Old Testament- college class
5. Ap Art history - Highschool
6. Geometry -Highschool
7. Criminology -Highschool
Second semester
1. English 2 B -Highschool
2. Latin 2 B - Highschool
3. Geometry- Highschool
4. Us history - college class
5. Psychology- college class
6. Ap art history- Highschool
7. Applied medical terms - Highschool
What are y’all’s classes this year
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merf8 · 27 days
Me cause schools start in less than two weeks
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speakofthedebbie · 22 days
first day of school. wish me luck yall
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