kdinjenzen · 8 months
Hi Tumblr!
Local queer trans girl werewolf VTuber weirdo here letting your know that I am approaching nearly 12 Months of being unemployed.
Over the last 12 months I have:
Submitted 3,000+ applications/resumes.
Had 100+ interviews.
Got 1 job that I was constantly misgendered at, and upon informing HR, was then cyber-stalked by my bosses.
Got 1 freelance opportunity who, after two weeks, realized they had hired too many people and then let everyone go who was hired - me included.
Ran out of unemployment, drained my savings, maxed out my credit, and fully lost my insurance.
Unfortunately, even if I got a job RIGHT NOW, I would be unable to pay rent and bills for the foreseeable future.
I am constantly applying for jobs and trying to keep everything above water, but at this point I've become desperate for help.
If you have the ability to donate or contribute, you can use any of these below:
P@yPal: Paypal.me/kdinj Ca$hApp: $KdinJ Kofi: ko-fi.com/kdinjenzen
Additionally, if you have any leads on possible jobs you can feel free to message me as I'm actively applying to everything I can right now.
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thejanedoe1993 · 1 year
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intersectionalpraxis · 2 months
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"‼️Please Read. After a discussion with my Cousin we decided to start up a pilot Soup kitchen in Al Hitana Omdurman serving lentil stew fortified with peanut butter to double the available calories in the stew as well as bread.
The kitchen has been running for 3 days now and has served on average 80 people a day, representing 80 households so potentially we’ve been helping 400 people a day.
Over 90% of those who have shown up to the kitchen over the past 3 days have been women and Children and for some it will be the only meal they get that day.
From tomorrow we’d like to scale up to making two 65 litre pots of stew a day which is 160 servings (households).
Currently we’ve purchased enough supplies to run the kitchen at full capacity for two weeks but we’d like to make this a permanent thing and that needs external support.
If you would like to support this project and help this kitchen to continue working, then please donate to this gofundme which will be providing the funding support."
They provided the link to the gofundme, please share and support if you can!:
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sprinklethecat · 6 months
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Please read and reblog!!!
Need $200 by Christmas to avoid any overdrafts!!!
Please please please reblog!
Story under the cut!
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Our friend is visiting from out of country, and recently we had to argue very heavily with the bus company about the situation.
She traveled partially by plane then was supposed to take the bus from the airport to another station and then to us.
The initial bus was cancelled for some reason.
The next bus didn't stop by the station she was at.
We called and asked if there was any way to get her ON that bus and they said if we could get her a cab to the next station, the driver would wait.
So, we paid for the cab and she got there and the driver had already left.
They're going to pay us back for the cab and we're planning on getting a refund since she literally arrived more than a day later than she was supposed to, but as it's the holidays we likely won't see it before Christmas (we might before New Year's if we're lucky).
We had this money saved for upcoming bills, but spent it to try and get our friend to our apartment quicker-- which obviously didn't work out.
We're super stressed 😥
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arabaka · 2 months
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queer latina desperately needs help. ($495/999)
i'm drowning and i don't know how much more of this i can take. the last few months have been the worst of my life.
i've lost two close friends. i've been learning about my abuse as a child and later SA on top of my already existing mental illnesses and other diagnosis. as if i needed more trauma, my cats, my babies, have been terribly sick.
i've already lost one (chompy, bottom right) to kidney disease. toothless and copper (right side) needed emergency dentals and we nearly lost toothless. then chachi (top left), my light, got a tumor and i got the worst news of my life. her breast cancer is back and it's aggressive. idk what i'm going to do without her.
everything has amounted to $999 and that's only so far. i'm a struggling, queer latina who is the breadwinner of my family of 5 (two of which are my parents who were/are my abusers and i cannot afford to leave) and i make below the average salary.
i know this is a writing blog but i'm desperate. thank you for reading. love and light your way.
Cashapp $jacklynzapiain
Paypal @ jacklyng95
Venmo @ jacklynzapiain
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transgirlthanatos · 1 year
Hi yall!
My housemates, and now myself, have covid. We've all gone these 3 years without getting it, are very careful, and somehow got it.
I feel horrible and can't go into work, for at least a week. I cannot afford to miss all that money. Bills and rent were already hard to make.
Need at least $300 to make up for this.
Anything you can donate is so so very appreciated. Ty
Cashapp: $THEmilyMortus
Venmo: @THEmilyMortus
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twistedmixtress · 7 months
5 20-something queers in Tennessee need help saving their home. we're experiencing some major financial hardships and if we can't raise the money to save it we will all be homeless before december 1st. please, please signalboost and help any way you can. i'm terrified. we're desperate.
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galacii-gallery · 9 months
Emergency Commissions!
Just today my roommates car broke, I am desperate for commissions to help gather the funds to get a new vehicle. It was our only mode of transportation, and we may possibly lose our apartment and jobs due to this.
Any bit of help is appreciated. Apologies for asking for help like this, but we're both desperate and are both doing emergency commissions.
I will be prioritizing making merch for my Tee-public and commissions so apologies if I don't post art as often for now. I'll try to resume normal uploads when the car situation is handled.
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hybrid0wl · 7 months
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Our friend is 25% of the way to her goal!! Please help by sparing what you can and reposting & sharing on any platform. Feel free to repost on instagram from fire-tattu, a dear friend of mine. We have 6 days left!!!
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djungelblog · 6 months
help me pay my ridiculous copays for testosterone and crucial psych meds
hey sooo I’ve never done this before but I really need help rn. we increased my T dose recently and Aetna’s coverage is bullshit, so now I have a $40 copay every month (and that’s just for the T itself, the needles are also $20 for a month’s supply and I need 2 types of needles). Also bc of a recent psych med switch, I have another $30 copay every 3 weeks. I’m an unemployed, broke ass college student and I really need a little more support, at least until the end of the year when my family will switch to a better insurance provider (yes my parents are employed, but it’s difficult for them to support me financially bc they aren’t in a great spot either).
v3nmo: teaganhn
c@shapp: $TeaganNam
p@yp@l: teagannam
BTW I’m also working on an Etsy shop for my art, mostly lino prints/patches, crochet, and jewelry. I’ll update this when I finish the site, not sure when. In the meantime if you wanna commission me, dm me on ig @looseleaf_teeth
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gremlinvoidfish · 2 months
Told myself I'd never do this, but desperate times, desperate measures, etc...
Help a disabled, unemployed trans man make his bills/rent?
I lost my job in March and despite my best attempts and countless applications submitted, I cannot find a job to save my life. Rent is coming up, I need to pay for prescriptions, and my phone just got shut off - right in time to keep me from receiving a call from SNAP about potentially getting food stamps. Long story short, my life is in shambles and I need help. Anything helps, even if it's just a dollar or two!
Goal atm is $500
CashApp: $duckington91
PayPal: @docalithander
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tobideiweek · 8 months
🌈✨ Calling the Tobidei Nation! In just one week, we're kicking off The Tobidei Week! 🎉💖
🍡 Whether you're actively participating or just here to read or see the entries, join the fun, starting October 21. 📅✨
Don't forget to tag your posts with #Tobideiweek and #tobideiweek2023 so we can see them! 🍭💥
Spread the word, set your reminders and get ready!
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thejanedoe1993 · 3 months
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Cheesy diced potatoes
I’m a black trans woman fighting poverty and homelessness.
To support myself, I set up a patreon where you can get access to all my recipes, poetry, artwork and photography for just £5.
Links to support me here.
Something new EVERY SINGLE DAY. You won’t regret it.
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This mother needs a C section on May 11th she needs to get out ASAP
Fundraiser by Muni Olia : Innocent young family seeking safety - Gazan plea (gofundme.com)
I will also do a tiktok video for them later tonight when I'm back from work. Please share and donate if you can folks!!
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sprinklethecat · 7 months
Need!!! Help!!! Poor babies lost their cat tree 😭
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Need $50 to replace it and pay for shipping. (Can accept chewy gift ca rd)
Pay pal
Ko fi
[email protected] for gift c a rds
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amarriageoftrueminds · 11 months
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archived version of her US congressional campaign website. She ran in the 2022 Republican primary.
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