#Sirius: bi
wolfstarshipping · 1 year
Snow in June by BrigidFaye (25.561 words) Rating: Mature Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, minor Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes, minor James Potter/Lily Evans Potter
magical AU
Summary: Remus Lupin clashes with every old money, pureblood New Yorker he meets. They’re the trustees he shouted at from protests, the college president whose office he picketed, the board members whose orders he ignored. They are elitists who look sideways at his blood status and back away in alarm when he’s not cowed by their lunaphobia. Currently they're the guests who don't always respect the wilderness retreat where he now works as a caretaker. This winter, Remus has been working with the wealthiest, most impeccably pedigreed downstater he’s ever known. And damn it if James Potter isn’t growing on him. Working with James' best man isn't going to complicate anything… is it?
Comment: This was such a wonderful magical AU, and it has awakened a deep love for lumberjack Remus in me that I didn't know I had before, but now I want MORE! I love BrigidFaye's writing, and all the magical elements in the story, especially the tume bubbles were just so wonderful, I loved everything about this fic!!
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beans-core · 4 months
(After James comes out as Bisexual to the Marauders)
Sirius: I thought you were straight!
James: *points at Regulus* I thought I was too until he went and did that!
Remus: ...You just gestured to all of him.
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moonyswarmsweaters · 3 months
Remus: So you lived in a closet?
Harry: Well, technically it's a cupbo-
Remus: I have some experience with that
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while i will always love and appreciate the bisexual dean winchester agenda, i truly believe that if he was raised differently—or maybe if he grew up today instead—that boy would have been gay. like his love for women in a romantic/sexual context was always such a caricature and was continuously used as a symbol of masculinity that played against the roles assigned to him by his father growing up for the sake of suppressing any queerness he might exhibit. now whether that suppression was purposely written into his character or was a reaction to the character they had created, i’m not sure, but it’s there regardless.
i don’t mean to dismiss the love he felt for cassie or lisa, but particularly with lisa, i’m not sure he was ever in love with her, despite the fact that he did care for both her and ben. i get so frustrated watching the end of s5 because him going to her house and his perfect “apple pie life” being with her in suburbia genuinely came out of nowhere and i’ve never understood a) why it had to happen, and b) why it had to be lisa. but thinking about it in this sense, she was the closest thing he had in his life to everything he was raised to believe he should want by one john winchester, who lost his perfect wife, perfect family, perfect apple pie life and sent all of them down this path in the first place. so of course to dean, his happy ending would be with someone like lisa. but that’s the important part. someone like lisa, not lisa herself. he may have had love for her and he may have been able to picture a life with her, but it wasn’t necessarily because she was everything he wanted; she was a symbol of the things that tore his family apart and so to be with her felt like he was finally able to put some of it back together. and that makes me so sad for him because all of that is a result of the sense of responsibility ingrained in him growing up by john, not something he wanted for himself.
but back to his general attitude towards women, there was an excellent post that said he only acts like the typical womanizer he has a reputation for being around women deemed “stereotypical” by the misogynistic perspective. otherwise, he tends to take on a fairly brotherly role; he doesn’t tend to pursue any women he can “take seriously,” and is more intimidated or impressed by them than anything else. with the exception of cassie (which was pre-series and we never got full context for in the first place), he only ever pursued women with whom he would have a definitive ending—by that i mean women who he knows he’ll never see again or who would have a clearly defined role during the time they’re together that wouldn’t threaten the status quo. and yes these could also be the traits of a commitment-phobe or someone chronically on the move, but for one, sam doesn’t tend to do the same thing (see ruby, amelia, and eileen), and for two, given the things i mentioned already, it makes me consider it more of a result of him not actually being interested in women romantically.
his reaction to women when not purposely used as the butt of a joke or to perpetuate the “womanizer dean winchester” agenda is often so innately fraternal, caring in a way that doesn’t have any expectations behind it. and when there is a romantic context, so much of the relationship can be attributed to the way john raised him and the beliefs he has as a direct result; it’s never simply been built on the foundation of love.
every time he is dismissed as this macho het guy, it also dismisses so much of what makes him a wonderful character, and yes a lot of that is his queerness. so in a world where he didn’t grow up with roles and responsibilities that shaped him into someone he knew his dad hated and forced him to create this character for himself in order to survive? i think he would have been gay and he would have been okay with that.
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impishtubist · 5 months
I still want fic where R/S doesn't get together for the first time until OOTP, but not in a "we've been pining since we were 11" way, but in a "we both thought we were straight until our 30s" way. Give me bi Sirius who was even engaged to someone during the First War, and literally never once considered that he might also be attracted to men. Give me gay Remus who has had a few lackluster encounters with women and just thought that was how it was supposed to feel (or virgin!Remus, I will push the virgin Remus agenda til the day I die). Give me the two of them stuck together for weeks/months on end in OOTP and grappling with the confusing realization that they find men attractive and they REALLY want to put hands/mouths on each other.
I know everyone on Tumblr loves to push the "we've been in love all our lives" narrative, because I think people just can't conceive that just because you fall in love with someone doesn't mean you would have loved them at any age, at any point in their life. Love isn't just about the right person, it's also about timing.
Anyway give me Wolfstar thinking they were both straight until their 30s and then both having a sexuality crisis.
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starmoondany · 5 months
I'm sorry guys but James wasn't Regulus' gay awakening.
It was Remus.
Sirius took it upon himself to show everyone at Hogwarts his little brother as soon as Reggie entered the train in his first year. Reggie was embarrassed, Sirius was loud and talked to everyone, and little eleven year old Reggie wasn't used to talking to people he didn't know, much less crowds. He held his older brother's hand as Sirius went around the train introducing him to every person he met. He was surprised by how many people Sirius knew.
Reggie's cheeks, which were chubby because of how small he still was, were red and he looked like a little strawberry. After his brother introduced him to so many people that he couldn't even remember their names -even though little Reggie tried hard to remember each one of them- Sirius said he would introduce him to his friends. Sirius looked especially excited about that and Reggie couldn't help but feel excited too, copying the smile Sirius had on his face.
The first person Sirius introduced him to was a chubby, blonde boy; his name was Peter. Reggie shook his hand politely, although he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable at how sweaty the boy's hand was. Surreptitiously, Reggie wiped his hand on his uniform as he waited for Sirius to introduce him to the second person.
For a second, Reggie thought an adult had stepped between them, but that wasn't the case. Reggie looked up, looking at the boy who was looking over everyone else's heads. Looking down at him, the tall boy Sirius called Rem offered him his hand to shake. Regulus blushed.
There was something; Reggie was too young and too innocent to know what, but there was something that had shaken Reggie's stomach at the sight of that boy. And not in a bad way.
He shook his hand, as he had done before, not taking his eyes off the tall boy until Sirius introduced the third person.
“And this is James” Only then Reggie stopped looking at Remus and saw him. A boy with messy hair, as if he had never combed it in his life, with his tie wrong and with his glasses taped together.
That was the first time Regulus saw James.
“Hi I'm James” The boy said, smiling at him, extending his hand towards him. Regulus couldn't help but notice the dimple that had formed only on his right cheek and his canine tooth that stood out from the others. Regulus looked at his hand and then back at him, and, for some reason, he smiled.
“I'm Regulus” the younger boy said, shaking the other boy's hand. This time, it was James who blushed.
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lectric0onme · 5 months
"I ain't mocking about! He swings both ways, 'e said it hisself!"
Remus is at the muggle call box, the only one in Hogsmeade. And his muggle friend is telling him David Bowie, David fucking Bowie, came out as Bisexual on yesterday's interview with Playboy.
Oh, all of the gryffindor tower is going to have the best bloody party they'll ever get, and no one is even going to know what's about.
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aithusarosekiller · 5 days
Dorcas and Regulus dated for a year before they realised they were queer
They were so far in and she went 'I don't even like men wtf am I doing' and he was all 'I actually don't think I'm attracted to the majority of women....shit, he's cute'
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messervixen · 3 months
RIP Sirius Black, you would’ve loved Conan Gray’s new album
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wastingawayinmyroom · 3 months
sirius giving james a lap dance
that's it that's the post
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pandoras-boxs-world · 7 months
"It's not gay if you have socks on"
-Sirius Black after kissing remus for the first time
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brigid-faye · 4 months
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——remus lupin @ some point
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moonyswarmsweaters · 2 months
Sirius: It‘s a package from my mother
Remus: What‘s in it?
Sirius: It‘s heavy. Must be her disappointment in me
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werewolflupin7 · 7 months
Sirius 'want to fuck Remus so hard on his special day' Black
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brokoala-soup · 4 months
sirius being hit on by random people cuz ofc he's flaming hot cheetos and then he points to remus, his boyfriend, the Casanova of gryffindor tower and everyone's sexual awakening it's just-
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loserboyfriendrjl · 1 year
sirius black headcanons because i am having intense brainrot over him
after he ran away from home, he fooled around with a muggle london boy. with his help, he got his first job (either a bartender or a mechanic, i’m not sure)
has a thing for men with light-coloured hair
pretty intimidating
effortlessly the top of the class, he never studies but always gets the best grades. has both great short-term and long-term memory, lily is absolutely jealous of him for that
is actually pretty good with kids, but he’s a bit scared of them and of the possibility that he might hurt them
has an abnormally high pain tolerance
and a high alcohol tolerance, too. it does take him a while to get drunk, but when he does, he’s absolutely hammered, and has the worst hangovers in the world
gave himself piercings and tattoos with needles in the dorm’s bathroom
has absolutely no sense of shame
his love language (receiving) is physical affection, but he was slightly averse to being touched at first
never wears his uniform properly, the neatest he will ever look is have his tie loosened
had a pretty good relationship with walburga as a child. he was definitely his mother’s son through and through, they looked and acted alike, too. walburga was devastated when sirius ran away
chainsmoker, and his fingers always smell like cigarettes
manspreads (remus finds that hot)
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