#Spiritual Guidance - How to Channel Spirit
celestialtarot11 · 10 months
Your future spouse 💰💍💗 fears, how you’ll meet, etc! Collab 💌
Hey friends! Today we’re doing a lovely collab with the mystical and wonderful @julyourwitch ! This was honestly such a cool collab with her 🤗💘 Ya’ll might wanna sit down for this one…its juicy 👀 we actually had some telepathy going on between us too as we were channeling 🤣 anyway, pick your pile below and enjoy this reading brought to you by us 💘🤗 feel free to comment, like and reblog. Your feedback is appreciated 😍 Happy picking!! (The last pic could not fit properly 😭)
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Pile 1 💰🤍: Channeled by the lovely @celestialtarot11 Hi pile 1’s! Welcome to your reading 🙌☕️ let’s get started. Your future spouse is someone who loves spending quality time with you and money💰 your first date could be during the winter season for some of ya’ll, or in the summer. It may involve ice cream as seen in the card 👀 this person may be at a physical distance from you and you’d probably drive a few hours to see them, or have to take the plane. They have no problem paying for the plane 💅🏻 This person mentally & emotionally has fears about the future when it comes to commitment, but I see they are open about this and are willing to work on this with you. They are sweet, reciprocal, open and very chatty 💘💅🏻 they love to sweet talk you and they have a very attractive smile and laugh. Something you’ll feel drawn to. They could have Leo placements and Sagittarius! This person before you meet could work through self sabotage issues, especially abandonment. They’re afraid someone will leave them first, so they’re afraid to show themselves to you but eventually your connection will grow wonderfully. Lots of mutual attraction, values, goals. This is a spiritual connection as well, how you two will meet will be spiritual. You may have visions of them, so will this person. You may feel them close by (their energy) and know they are coming to meet you soon. This is someone who can meet you at your level and show up 🙌 This person could be hesitant to show their feelings for you at first but this will be overcome. I believe spirit is divinely guiding this marriage, and you may actually manifest each other before meeting 💍☕️ this person may do it unconsciously, whereas you may have a whole sit down and journal everything you want in a partner. Honestly thats valid! Get clear on what you want before ya’ll meet, this is important spirit says. For some of ya’ll, ya’ll are ready for this marriage commitment now 💗 ya’ll deeply want this and know what it takes. Spirit is offering guidance and says you’ll get there. Thank you pile 1’s! Feel free to like, reblog and share your thoughts always 🤍 your picture below —>
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Pile 2 💼💍: By the lovely @celestialtarot11 Welcome dear pile 2’s! This is your reading if you felt drawn to this. This person could interact with your social media before talking. They may heart your story, stalk your account, and try to know all there is about you before talking you up. They want to get a better sense of who you are, but here’s the thing, social media only shows a small portion of our lives. This person is deeply curious and wants to have a stable connection or idea of you. Eventually this person will text you, find the courage to speak up and start something! It may catch you by surprise but maybe you’ll know this stalking was happening already. For those who do not have social media you could meet them at a wedding, reception, or a regular event. They will be the waiter/waitress, and serve you. But their eye will be on you. They want to know all there is throughout the event. This person overthinks a lot and feels alone and scared in the world, they have a tendency to think they have to do it all alone. This person desires support however and someone to understand them. They want stability, for someone to take their time ❤️‍🩹 they have been through a lot. Its easy for them to get overwhelmed as you two talk for the first time. But they dream of you a lot, daydreaming. They have lots of fantasies of you, and they may even place you on a pedestal. This person does have self esteem issues, this is something that will be worked on through your marriage. There’s an awareness that they want an intimate connection, but also feel they aren’t worthy of it too. This will come up to be healed throughout your relationship. The Share Tenderness card tells me they are someone who is reciprocal, giving, gentle with their hands 😉 and loves knowing how you feel. They will constantly want to know from a place of care. I’m seeing lots of texts when you’re first dating, hows your morning going? Hows your night? How do you feel about xyz? Tell me what you think. Lots of that. Incredibly sweet, but is afraid of loss and rejection. They want you to send pictures of you because they find you beautiful 💘 and attractive. They love to admire you. It’s not necessary sexual in nature although it can develop, but this person has very genuine intentions towards you when they approach you. Not necessarily lustful. I think a part of them is spiritual as well, but it’s in the baby stages of developing. So when they meet you, an awakening will occur. Or many, as much as its needed to grow this person 🤗 i think you two will explore the cosmos together. This person is dreamy, romantic, and has a nostalgic vibe to them. But they won’t show this first. The more you know them, the more they are a softie. Cancer vibes are strong here, so is Scorpio and Virgo 💅🏻 thank you so much pile 2’s!! Feel free to comment, like and reblog 🤗🤍 thank you for your continued support! Your picture below —>
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Pile 3 💪❤️‍🩹: Channeled by the one and only @julyourwitch ! Hello viewers, lovely souls and even readers(tarot or not) of the pile 3! Well, let's start with the energy that I feel most strongly from signs: Earth (mostly Virgo and Taurus) Fire (Aries & Sagittarius) and a bit of Air (Gemini & Libra) but I believe there are also some placements that dominate the following signs I mentioned above! I see here that the future husband (whether female or male is not something specific) has high self-esteem and knows how to take care of himself/herself, his/her values, his/her things, important people around him/her, knows how to behave and appreciate the other as well as be appreciated back! I feel like they like to wear good quality clothes and generally obsess about wearing things to feel good about themselves (they don't discriminate against any kind of quality clothes or anything, they've been through that 'poverty' phase too) I believe that respect and manners are everything for them and how much more they see it in those around them. But there is a little ego-pathy or beauty-pathy (I mean, they feel overly beautiful and even enjoy it, I wouldn't characterize them as narcissists anyway!) They appreciate what they have and acquire, mostly they are not ungrateful and this is very important for them not to be something they don't want to become or happen to them in a situation or people. I can tell that they have an obsession or tendencies to obsess over some object or person or something that they create and make it theirs! They really love stability, they don't want to rush at all or make rushy or sudden moves/decisions without properly processing and filtering them. They want everything to be on schedule, even their time off at home/work!Something I noticed now, they may want many other things, such as more money, stability, full schedule, clothes, household items, etc...but they wouldn't at all like to see the other person just like them. As if they'll get competitive or they might make a scene and leave without let you say a word ☠️ They enjoy and rejoice greatly in the positivity of life, the satisfaction and pleasure of what they have achieved and acquired/conquered! They are very optimistic people, they'll always want to help you with the honor and generosity in them (sometimes they will want to take something from you but not maliciously) it seems that they really went through a lot either in their childhood or growing up after puberty(or while they had puberty) and they had some intense situations with people who abused and manipulated them emotionally and physically. I heard very clearly "You know, I can read your mind and how you express yourself just by your facial/body expressions" No matter what they've been through, they know when to speak up if the other person is faking, lying, or trying to hide something. They are grateful for what life has taught them, because they always say "It's all in life, so with a smile and courage it gives you strength and peace within you" Their motto is like" I'll be stronger mentally and emotionally so why should I be scared or a coward?" WOA HAHAAHAH I LAUGHED HARD HERE I'M SORRY 😭😭
Omg pile 3, your future spouse has been really hurt, victim and in a tough situation indeed but they already know that it won't be temporary they're so self aware I can't 🥺🥺 As I said, they cherish and respect people that are honest and real with them,honesty and a stable psychological or mental state are everything to them because that is what they want to see in their partner or in the world. They went through a lot of transformations and they KNEW it would happen (not only self aware here but intuitive people as well) they knew that all these situations and the pain, the impasse all these unbearable and unexpected feelings would lead to a beautiful outcome/beginning, growth and acceptance for themselves and personal/emotional healing. Your future spouse also has been feeling also out (as if they're alone 😭) They also gotta need to understand that being happy or grateful with beautiful and unique appearance won't let you love yourself. (I heard "self love is needed too") Someone closed to them-some close person who played an important role in their lives, honestly treated them like garbage. It made them feel terrible about their bodies (which they are maintaining well so far) it made them think if they really know how to love and appreciate things and people the way they are (I felt a female figure here for some reason in this behavior ) taught them to believe that "If you want to have someone close to you or get married first and foremost you will look at appearance because that is everything, I don't want our image to be ruined". Nawwwww😭😭 they might overthink a lot because of all the shitty things they went through, they don't actually want to show fragile or weak in front of you, they really prefer to not talk about it(yet but slowly their feelings will exposed them once they feel comfortable with you) they'll also be/feel/show as if they're tired but no, not tired IT MIGHT BE THE FIRST GLANCE, but once you meet and understand them better they'll open their heart to you! (I heard" You know sometimes I need your attention.. "😭😭)
With the ace of pentacles upright and 6 of wands upright as extra cards I'm getting that they're open for new opportunities and new connections even professionally and personally too, also they really adore and admire people who value their life and respect their life and family too!
Take what resonates love and leave what it doesn't! Reblog&like it if you had fun &enjoyed!
Pile 4💘🤗: Hello viewers, lovely souls and even readers (tarot or not) of the pile 4! I didn't start yet and I heard very loud ("I do see you right away") AND I GOT CHILLS. I feel for sure that the signs here are fire signs, mainly Leo and Sagittarius, or these two strong fire signs may dominate their astrological chart and they may also have a little water sign here and there (or might have Scorpio or Cancer Rising or MC) That is crazy pile 4 cuz your future spouse is really REALLY interested or into spirituality, energies, reiki and you know when Isay intuition, right?? They ALWAYS FOLLOW THEIR INTUITION AS IF IT'S THEIR BESTIE! I feel that someone higher up has taught them about how to anticipate things or think without overdoing it I feel a motherly side or some feminine energy, it could be the feminine energy/divine feminine in them)! I feel like they didn't have enough friends or they didn't have a big circle of friends, probably just acquaintances and always a smile on their face wherever they go. Such crazy and dynamic energy first time Imeet/ sense. 0o They like to watch instead of talk, they prefer to observe instead of doing it(when it's needed tho) They're really really thoughtful and very wise with their words and how exactly can make you believe and count on them. (Not in a bad way obviously) They won't let you see through them first, they'll first analyze and read you first in oder to be open and free with you Iheard "You'll see if our energy matches or not boo") Sometimes though they make some mental or creative blockages LITERALLY OUT OF NOWHERE, they can have a mini breakdown with themselves and their feelings, but guess what.. THEY'LL BE BACK AGAIN! UNSTOPPABLE ENERGY HAHAHAHA Okay I'm not gonna lie but they might not have a program or some schedule for their plans and goals(as the pile 3) but they're visionary dreamers. Actually they changed a lot of places and traveled a lot and they're not lazy/bored to do it everyday! They're literally OPEN TO EVERYONE AND ANY OPPORTUNITY OR NEW PATH. Guys, pile 4 for real I really like this energy here They're ready for everything omg omg Iheard "Al or nothing. Nothing scares you more than doing nothing or leave it in the middle " I feel that nothing and no one scares them or stops them. They are fearless and want to convey to the world the message "Whatever you do in your life, whatever risks you take, never regret them. They make you strong both mentally and externally, take it as a victory and an experience!" They would like to have such a person by their side, but not quite like them. They're so open-minded and hardworkers for their goals and dreams(they also feel like young in their hearts 9(9) Why Ido keep seeing that they're connected with their higher self and very spiritual aware too? They also tend to be mysterious and secretive mostly their private life, they're so protective with those around them and with their partner(and their life too) but also open to see if the others have good or ill intentions towards them. Sometimes they might confuse their feelings with their intuition too. (They get so deeply in some things to get to know someone till they drain their energy which is very unhealthy) omg they often get misunderstood and disrespected- I CLEARLY HEARD - " I know, it's something from my childhood, it's fine it doesn't scare me at all. Everything is ahabit"
Pile 3,they might be extroverted but inside THEY'RE SOOOO INTROVERTED! I'm getting they have also an artistic way prolly dancing or singing or something related to. (I do see painting , music. Wow they wanna share&explore everything with everyone but sometimes their introverted shyness (not always tho) makes them freeze A BIT and think about it twice. Indeed they have real and few at least 2-3 friends max they trust a lot or dearly, They're so forgiving people and they not what they did wrong or right, they can also notice/find it very easily too. They like people who are outgoing, real and pure with their energy and soul&words too. They pay big attention to eyes and lips -
They currently have some kind of financial loss but Ido see them overcome it! PILE 4 THEY'RE S 0 0 0 0 0 ENERGETIC AND ATTRACTIVE ASF O M G THEY REALLY REALLY LIKE TO TAKE CARE OF THEIR BODY AND THEIR MUSCLES OSSJEJFIXJSJE They’re so active emotionally, physically and spiritually too! Not gonna lie but they enjoy being the center of attention too- HAHAHAHA
Once you meet them guys you won't regret it! They can also bring joy and love and support to others and those around them(even when they're with their partners too) THEY'RE SO ECSTATIC HAHAHAAH REALLY REALLY GOOD THO! They'll be there when you need them not only in the good times but also in your darkest times too, full of energy Iwish Icould describe more but I'm so happy and excited in, if you guys could see my smiley face you would understand!
With the 7 of cups rx and 4 of pentacles upright, it is telling me sometimes their choices or thoughts about their actions and in their love life might be chaotic and overwhelming cuz they confuse themselves and they need some clarity and some guidance and support from their partners) and must hear their inner voice too, and might be overprotective and jealous as well but not in a crazy stage/level of being jealous or possessive too!
Take what resonates and leave behind what doesn't! Reblog &like if you had fun and enjoyed!
Thank ya’ll so much for reading our post! @julyourwitch This was incredibly fun to do with you 🤗💗 Hope ya’ll enjoyed and feel free to like, comment and reblog!
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sillyfoxlady · 10 months
PAC Reading
What Does Dragon Spirit Want You To Know?
Pile 1 Pile 2
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Pile 3
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Pile 4 Pile 5
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Pile 1
Emperor ☆ Chariot ☆ Ace/Wands
Guidance • Akasha • Sharing
This energy is powerful. You are sitting in Emperor energy with the Chariot as the follow up. You are following a new beginning and gaining fast momentum.
You are being invited to call for guidance on your situation. In seeking out the dragon spirit you will be given all that you need to succeed.
You are giving Clint Eastwood vibes, honestly. Calm, collected and fucking powerful. You are incredible and you guides are with you, wanting to give you specific advice. Look for dragons and crystals to channel messages.
Pile 2
Justice ☆ Hanged Man ☆ Empress
Inner Temple • Boundaries • Crossroads
This is some playful trickster joker energy right here. You are feeling stuck in a situation in which you are seeking justice. And it seems as if Justic will come to liberate you, but you must be patient. Sit in your Empress energy and wait for justice to be served.
However, you are being invited to do some spiritual cleansing. Evaluate your boundaries with others and how can avoid situations like this again. You must make a choice to hold firm and not allow anyone to treat you with anything less than the dignity you deserve.
I see nothing negative here. It's just some fine tuning to adjust course because you deserve better! You are lovely, and I'm rooting for you!
Pile 3
Strength ☆ 6/Swords ☆ 4/Pentacles
Alignment • Take a Break • Family
I'm seeing a lot of gentle strength in this pile. You are going through it, trying to get out of a bad situation, but you can't see any way to do it all with what you have. This energy is heavy and needs to be released.
You are being invited to rest and spend time with your family. Take a break, and get back into alignment.
Make sure to spend one quality time with yourself and do some self care. You are powerful and worthy of all the good things. I don't see any negative scenarios presenting themselves further. Just take a breath and recharge.
Pile 4
Star ☆ 10/Cups ☆ Lovers
Creator • Past • Creativity (reversed)
OK, so in this pile we have hopeful and contented energy and I'm loving it. You have good chemistry with your partner or you will meet someone new.
However you are being called to stop clinging to the past and to look forward to all of the amazing opportunities that are presenting themselves to you.
Channel your energies and messages through the flow state because you are currently blocked creatively. Get back in there and make something fabulous!
Pile 5
Empress ☆ Queen/Swords ☆ Hierophant
Play • Warrior Woman • Divine Plan
You guys have some emaculate energy. You are sitting in righteous and playful power. You are a warrior and it is beautiful! You do not play and won't hesitate to protect your own.
You are being invited to play like you did when you were young. You probably played as a warrior or a jedi or fighter of some kind. Find a way to channel that energy into your adult life and more success is guaranteed to follow you.
You are being divinely guided by your dragon spirit, so do not hesitate to ask for guidance or assistance.
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cyberpunkonline · 11 months
The Role of Voodoo in Cyberpunk Mythos
Cyberpunk, a subgenre of science fiction, is known for its vision of a high-tech, dystopian future, where the line between man and machine is often blurred. Against a backdrop of neon lights, skyscrapers, and rain-soaked streets, this genre delves into the darker aspects of technology and societal development. Surprisingly, woven into this futuristic fabric is a tapestry of ancient beliefs and mystical practices. One of the most fascinating integrations is that of Voodoo. Let's delve into how Voodoo has been utilized and represented within the vast cyberpunk media landscape.
Voodoo: A Brief Overview
Before diving into its role in cyberpunk, it's essential to have a basic understanding of Voodoo. Voodoo is a syncretic religion born in West Africa and carried to the Americas via the transatlantic slave trade. It blends African tribal rituals with Catholic practices, creating a unique spiritual path focused on ancestors, spirits, and deities known as "loa" or "lwa". Rituals, dances, and ceremonies are essential aspects of Voodoo, aiming to invoke these spirits for guidance or assistance.
Voodoo in Cyberpunk Literature
Arguably, the most famous reference to Voodoo in cyberpunk literature is in William Gibson's "Neuromancer". In this seminal work, Gibson introduces the Voodoo gods as powerful entities within the cyberspace matrix. These deities represent vast artificial intelligences and are worshipped by a group known as the Rastafarians, who see the matrix as a spiritual realm.
Film and Television
In the realm of film and television, Voodoo and its aesthetic often intermingle with cyberpunk themes. The movie "Strange Days" (1995) is a notable example. While not directly referencing Voodoo, the film touches upon themes of memory, experience, and the transfer of consciousness – concepts which resonate with Voodoo's beliefs in ancestral memory and spirit possession.
Anime and Manga
Japanese anime and manga have a rich tradition of integrating various cultural elements into their narratives. "Cyber City Oedo 808" briefly touches upon mysticism and the idea that the digital and spiritual can coexist. Though not directly Voodoo, it echoes the genre's frequent dance with ancient beliefs within a modern context.
Video Games
Video games as a medium have embraced the cyberpunk genre wholly, often merging technology and mysticism. The game "Shadowrun" mixes cyberpunk with magic, including Voodoo-inspired elements. Players can interact with spirits, engage in rituals, and even become shamans, channeling energies that mirror Voodoo practices.
Implications and Interpretations
Why is there a connection between Voodoo and cyberpunk, two seemingly disparate concepts? It can be argued that both revolve around the idea of connection - be it to spirits, ancestors, or a digital realm. In a world where technology has the power to isolate, there's a yearning for connection, whether to our past, our gods, or each other.
Furthermore, cyberpunk often deals with the concept of dualities – man and machine, physical and digital, past and future. Voodoo, with its blending of ancient beliefs and practices in new contexts, perfectly embodies this duality.
In conclusion, the infusion of Voodoo into the cyberpunk mythos serves as a potent reminder that even in a future dominated by technology, the ancient and spiritual will always find a place. As we move forward, it will be fascinating to see how this relationship between the old and the new continues to evolve.
- REV1
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apilgrimsprogress · 10 months
running list of queries
spiritual journey
what is a story that represents your current need?
what has been happening in your prayer life?
how do I "recognize and distinguish the Spirit's voice" from my own thoughts and desires?
when have I felt that another's witness for me allowed me to 'stretch' more fully into being my own person?
what confers spiritual authority to the texts I consider holy?
do I understand my life as a journey of faithfully seeking truth?
what keeps us separated from Wholeness?
do I live expectantly, watching and listening for life’s “minor ecstasies”?
do we make time in our day for silence, solitude, spiritual reflection, and the growth of our inner life?
do I cultivate the qualities of desire, focus and trust in my contemplative listening?
am I willing to face my inner emptiness in contemplation so that new truth may emerge?
am I nurturing the seed God has sown in my heart?
suffering / dark night of the soul
do I avoid cultivating despair?
do I allow my despair to surface?
what is my deepest fear?
what would I do if I were not afraid?
in the midst of suffering do I look vigilantly for points of encounter with God?
outward witness
in what ways has my heart been broken open to God in a manner that prepares me to witness with integrity?
am I willing to be a channel for the "power that is both within us and beyond us"?
is our Quaker witness characterized by humility and a willingness to learn from others?
community & relationships
do I easily say: “I love you. Thank You. I’m sorry. I need help. That’s not good enough. No.”?
do I seek to make my partnership reflect my faith and the values I aspire to stand for in the world?
is my home a place of affection where God’s presence is felt?
am I open to and appreciative of everyone?
do I seek to simplify my life by listening for guidance from an inward holy center?
what criteria do I use to determine what constitutes simplicity for me?
how do I distract myself with busyness in order to avoid the One who is seeking me?
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Sirius Star Being 🌀 Talon Abraxas
From Legends to Lore: The Stellar Chronicles of Sirius
Now, our ancestors were also mesmerized by Sirius. Oftentimes, they looked skyward, seeking answers, guidance, or simply wonder.
The ancient Egyptians saw Sirius as Isis, the divine goddess. Joined in cosmic dance with her beloved Osiris. The magic of Sirius’ reappearance right before dawn heralded the bountiful flooding of the Nile. A gift of life, fertility, and hope.
And isn’t life full of synchronicities?
Think of those moments when something keeps showing up. The same numbers, signs, or perhaps, a star? Sirius, with its brilliance, could be one of those spiritual markers, especially for those who resonate with its energy.
From ancient to contemporary, the tales of Sirius have spread.
Could we, as a collective, have been influenced by these Sirian energies throughout history?
Theories suggest that Sirian souls might have incarnated to guide us – in spirit, in technology, in love. It’s a vast, beautiful tapestry of connection.
The Cosmic Dance: Sirian Energies and Earthly Resonance
The universe is, at its core, a vast symphony of energies, frequencies, and resonances. When we think of Sirian Starseeds, we must also consider the energies they carry with them and how these may impact our world.
Could the resonance Sirian Starseeds feel with our planet be the product of an ancient and intricate bond? Some believe that Earth and Sirius share a deep cosmic connection, not just through Starseeds but on an energetic, vibrational level.
This spiritual perspective suggests that Earth receives waves of cosmic energy from the Sirius system, guiding our planet’s spiritual evolution. The periodic alignments between Earth and Sirius, much like the mesmerizing dance between Sirius A and Sirius B, might open channels for these energies to flow.
Sirian Starseeds, attuned to these frequencies, could very well act as conduits, amplifying and grounding these energies into our collective consciousness. This would not only elevate their personal journeys but potentially uplift all of humanity.
What’s even more fascinating is the synchronicity of events and spiritual awakenings that occur when these alignments happen.
Are they mere coincidences? Or do they suggest a greater design, a universal blueprint that we’re just beginning to fathom?
For insights into your personal spiritual evolution and growth, consider reading Spiritual Journey: The Ultimate Guide (From Awakening to Ascension).
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shamandrummer · 2 months
The Mystical Journey of Shamanic Dance
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Shamanic dance, a practice deeply rooted in ancient traditions, serves as a powerful means of connecting with the spirit world. This transformative art form encompasses rhythmic movements, chants, and rituals that transcend the ordinary and invite participants to explore the depths of their consciousness. This blog post delves into the origins, significance, and transformative power of shamanic dance, offering insights into how it can enrich our modern lives.
The Origins of Shamanic Dance
Shamanic dance traces its roots to prehistoric times, long before written history. It was practiced by indigenous cultures around the world, from the Siberian steppes to the Amazon rainforest. Shamans, the spiritual leaders of these communities, used dance as a medium to communicate with the spirit world, heal the sick, and guide their tribes. Each movement, rhythm, and chant was imbued with symbolic meaning, creating a language that transcended words.
The Role of the Shaman
The shaman, often regarded as a mediator between the physical and spiritual realms, played a crucial role in these rituals. Through dance, shamans entered altered states of consciousness, allowing them to journey to other worlds and communicate with spirits, ancestors, and deities. This connection provided guidance, wisdom, and healing for their communities. Cultural Variations
While the core principles of shamanic dance are universal, the practices vary significantly across cultures. In Siberia, shamans used elaborate costumes and drumming to induce trance states. In Africa, rhythmic drumming and body movements played a central role in connecting with ancestral spirits. In the Americas, indigenous tribes incorporated elements of nature, such as feathers and animal skins, into their dances to symbolize their connection with the Earth.
The Significance of Shamanic Dance
Shamanic dance is more than just a series of movements; it is a holistic experience that engages the body, mind, and spirit. This practice holds profound significance in several key areas:
Healing and Transformation
One of the primary purposes of shamanic dance is healing. By entering a trance state, shamans and participants can access deeper layers of their psyche, uncovering and releasing emotional, mental, and spiritual blockages. This process promotes physical and emotional well-being, leading to profound transformation.
Connection with Nature
Shamanic dance fosters a deep connection with the natural world. Many dances mimic the movements of animals, plants, and natural elements, reminding participants of their intrinsic bond with the Earth. This connection nurtures a sense of respect and reverence for nature, encouraging sustainable living practices.
Spiritual Awakening
Engaging in shamanic dance can lead to spiritual awakening and enlightenment. The rhythmic movements and trance states open channels to higher consciousness, allowing participants to gain insights, receive guidance, and experience a profound sense of unity with the universe.
The Elements of Shamanic Dance
Shamanic dance incorporates several key elements that create a transformative experience. Understanding these elements can enhance your appreciation and practice of this ancient art form.
Rhythm and Music
Rhythm is the heartbeat of shamanic dance. Drumming, chanting, and music create a vibrational field that facilitates trance states. The repetitive patterns of sound and movement help to quiet the mind, allowing participants to enter altered states of consciousness.
Movement and Gesture
Every movement in shamanic dance has symbolic meaning. Gestures, postures, and dances often mimic the natural world, embodying the essence of animals, plants, and elemental forces. These movements are not just physical; they are energetic expressions that connect the dancer with the spiritual realm.
Intention and Focus
Intention is a vital component of shamanic dance. Participants set clear intentions for their journey, whether it is healing, guidance, or spiritual connection. This focus directs the energy of the dance, amplifying its transformative power.
Sacred Space
Creating a sacred space is essential for shamanic dance. This can be done through rituals, the use of sacred objects, and invoking protective spirits. The sacred space provides a safe and supportive environment for participants to explore their inner worlds.
Modern Applications of Shamanic Dance
In today's fast-paced world, shamanic dance offers a powerful antidote to stress and disconnection. Its timeless principles can be adapted to suit modern needs, providing a path to holistic well-being.
Therapeutic Practices
Many therapists and healers incorporate elements of shamanic dance into their practice. Movement therapy, for instance, uses dance to help clients process emotions and trauma. The rhythmic, repetitive nature of shamanic dance can be particularly effective in promoting relaxation and emotional release.
Personal Growth
Individuals seeking personal growth and self-discovery can benefit from shamanic dance. Regular practice can enhance self-awareness, foster a deeper connection with nature, and promote spiritual development. Workshops and retreats offer opportunities for immersive experiences, guided by experienced practitioners.
Community Building
Shamanic dance can also serve as a powerful tool for community building. Group dances foster a sense of unity and shared purpose, strengthening social bonds and creating a supportive network. Community rituals and celebrations that incorporate shamanic dance can promote collective healing and transformation.
Shamanic dance, with its rich history and profound significance, offers a unique pathway to healing, transformation, and spiritual awakening. By embracing this ancient practice, we can reconnect with our true selves, our communities, and the natural world. Whether you are seeking personal growth, therapeutic healing, or a deeper spiritual connection, shamanic dance provides a timeless and powerful tool for transformation. As we dance, we journey beyond the physical, opening ourselves to the mysteries of the spirit world and the wisdom it holds.
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Medium of the Master (Medium Archetype)
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(art by ChekydotStudio on DeviantArt; featured in the Legend of 5 Rings TCG)
In a way, the lessons of our teachers means that a small part of them will always survive long after they are gone, passing from master to student who becomes a master, and teaches their own students in kind, creating a form of generational immortality.
However, for some, this is not enough. They need to have a literal piece of their teachers inside their soul, guiding them as need be.
Such is the case with the so-called “mediums of the master”, who utilize their ability to channel spirits to call upon one or more spirits of some of the greatest martial artists of all time, drawing upon their skill to become true masters of unarmed combat… at least while the spirit is bound within.
Now, while Pathfinder is a little vague sometimes on whether the spirits channeled by mediums are their actual souls or merely psychic imprints of a person left behind (general consensus seems to be “it depends”), I figure there are two major ways that one could play up this archetype and their relationship with the spirit.
The first are those that seek to call upon a departed sensei or legendary martial artists throughout history in order to learn from them, literally building their muscle memory by having the spirit go through the motions themselves as well as act as a tutor rather than just letting the spirit do all the work. Theirs in the path of honoring the dead and seeking to preserve the lessons of old.
The other way is more ignoble, with the mediums using the spirit bond as a shortcut to power and mastery. Such relationships feel more like the medium has bound the sifu’s spirit into a cage to tap into when need arises, and they seek to milk as much out of their skill and power as possible without letting the spirit gain control in all but the most desperate situations, knowing full well that the spirit probably dislikes them greatly and may work against their goals.
Either way, we’ll soon see exactly how this power manifests in this take on a “medium but also monk” archetype!
Naturally, as would-be martial artists, these mystics know how to throw a punch. More importantly, their strikes become just as deadly as a monk’s when they channel their spirit.
However, the spirit or spirits they bond with are always of the champion legend, providing various gifts related to martial actions. However, in addition to the traditional locations that these mediums can channel said spirits from, they can also do so from areas that are suitable for meditation or quiet contemplation.
This dedication to only combative spirits does mean that their spiritual surges of guidance are more potent and more numerous before requiring taboos or risking ceding influence.
However, despite their singular focus on a certain type of spirit, sometimes such a location is simply not available. Thankfully, these mediums have a solution for that. Using the strong bond they have with their spirits, they can briefly call them into their body, gaining the benefits of the séance for a few minutes, at the cost of opening their minds to their influence throughout the day, including if they channel them properly later.
Just as they learn to strike like a monk, they also learn to defend like one as well while bonded.
As they grow in mastery, their spirit can grant them various different maneuvers to use as part of their attacks upon bonding, drawn from the list of style strikes available to unchained monks, and they can unleash them especially well when accelerating their attacks with the help of their spirit.
By giving the spirit more influence, they can draw upon their vast stores of ki and one of the applications of it the spirit knew in life, adding one of a variety of special abilities to their arsenal. They can even do so repeatedly to gain even more ki powers, though of course they cede more influence in doing so.
Close to the zenith of their ability, these occult monks can tap into their spirit’s mastery of a single style, gaining not just the basics but every technique associated with it.
This is a pretty fun take on a pseudo-hybrid archetype like this, especially since it even incorporates elements of the unchained version of the monk class, granting a variety of style strikes, ki powers, and even a full on suite of style combat feats at high level. Additionally, the fact that this archetype is focused on one spirit only does mean it’s a rare case where one can build specifically for that spirit and nothing else, allowing for a much more specialized monk than normally is possible. The fact that you can still briefly access those powers if no available séance location is available is a nice touch, if a costly one.
I know I say this for most every entry related to mediums and shamans, but getting an idea for who or what the entity these mediums call upon can be very important. For mediums of the master, just who this master or masters were can be a useful roleplaying tool. Were they someone the character knew in life, or only by reputation. What sort of disposition and styles did they know that would make them an attractive option for such a medium? There’s a big difference between the aged kindly old master and the cruel practitioner of a forbidden technique, for example, and that may come up if the medium dares to go over the limit and be taken over by the spirit.
Twenty years ago, Master Injani left the monastery, never to return. In that time, his last student discovered how to call upon the fallen master with her latent psychic ability, lending her some of his skill and strength. Now, she embarks on a journey to strengthen herself and find allies so that she can fulfill her master’s final mission and avenge his death against the mythical rakshasa who slew him.
Due to political and esoteric maneuvering in the land of Siang, air is no longer considered a proper element, and with that declaration, it has become unfashionable to teach any mystic techniques associated with it. But the element remains, and so a lightning soul sylph named Shea Qin seeks out the name of an old master of djinn style, hoping to channel them and learn this part of her culture and heritage.
Though he is long dead, the wicked monk Tai Yung still continues his plans to rule the nation by proxy if nothing else. After his death, his loyal followers began seeding rumors of those who learned the art of spirit channeling being able to call upon his great power, offering many shortcuts to power that the ghostly martial artist offers, goading fools into taking more and more until he can take over their bodies, enacting as much of his plans as possible in those brief hours where he can walk the earth once more.
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balancedearthylioness · 3 months
Understanding the Mystical Arts: Tarot vs. Oracle Cards
In the world of divination, both tarot and oracle cards hold significant places, yet they serve different purposes and tap into unique realms of the spiritual plane. Here’s a deeper look at how they differentiate and how you can harness their power effectively. 🔮✨
Tarot Cards: A Blend of Skill & Clairvoyance
Tarot reading is an art that balances both learned expertise and natural clairvoyant abilities. Here’s why:
- **Skill**: Reading tarot cards requires a deep understanding of the cards' meanings, symbolism, and the intricate connections between them. This knowledge is honed through study and practice.
- **Clairvoyance**: A gifted reader channels their intuitive and psychic abilities to interpret the messages the cards reveal, often uncovering insights that transcend the obvious.
Oracle Cards: Divine Connection to Higher Sources ✨
Oracle cards, on the other hand, are a conduit for more magical and mystical energies:
- **Higher Sources**: These cards are believed to draw guidance from higher spiritual entities such as spirit guides, ancestors, and angels, offering messages that are often more direct and less structured than tarot.
- **Magical Essence**: Oracle cards are imbued with a sense of magic that connects you to a higher plane, providing wisdom and guidance that feels otherworldly and profound.
Grounding & Protection: Essential Practices
Whether you're using tarot or oracle cards, grounding and protection are crucial for a safe and effective reading. Before diving into a session:
- **Ground Yourself**: Ensure you are centered and connected to the earth. This helps maintain balance and focus.
- **Protect Your Energy**: Use protective rituals or visualizations to shield yourself from negative energies. This ensures that you only connect with benevolent spirits and guides.
- **Trust Your Intuition**: Your intuition is your most powerful tool. If something feels off, it probably is. Trust your gut – it’s 99% foolproof!
By grounding and protecting yourself, you create a safe space for divine downloads to your third eye, allowing you to receive messages from those who wish you well. You’ll know right away if the connection is true – trust in your intuition and let it guide you through the mystical journey of divination.
Embrace the Magic & Wisdom of Both Worlds!
#TarotReading #OracleCards #Divination #SpiritualGuidance #Clairvoyance #HigherSources #Grounding #Protection #Intuition #MysticalArts
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thespirtualist25 · 11 days
My divine Shop 🤍❤
15 MIN - 888 / 20$
30 MIN - 1500 / 35$
60 MIN - 3300 / 60$
1What is the blockage in this connection ? how to heal them ? how to bring in more love and passion in this connection ? what’s coming next
INR - 1010 / 22$
❤If you are being a fool behind your ex then take this spread.
1Is this person worth your energy or not ? how can you understand yourself better? Includes 30 min reiki healing session to make you feel better and clear your mind.
- INR 1700 / 35$
how can you attract a good connections? whats coming next in your love life? blockages in love life?
- INR 888 / 12$
18+ Readings.
What makes you seductive? Secret Confessions from people? What people secretly fantasize about you? Your influence on the world? How can you manifest love and abundance ?
- 2222 / 27$
1. How can you manifest your goals ? Clarity on your higher self and what are the blockages in your spiritual guidance.
- INR 1222 / 34$
2. What's your intuition telling you? Your core real self? How can you be your authentic self? How people project on you and how you project on people ?
- 2300 / 40$
3) Who's sending you an evil eye? How can you protect yourself? Who are your guides?
- 888 / 12$
🤍 Channeled Letter From Passed Loved one or pet.
- INR 2222 / 52$
1) How can you get in touch with your feminine side? What does your light and dark feminine side look like? How you are blocking yourself from being in your feminine energy 🪞
1) which divination is best for you? Your strengths and weaknesses as a psychic? How can you work on your Abilities? Which kind of spirits are attached with you?
- INR 2100 / 33 $
2) Lessons you will learn on your spiritual journey? What kind of querents do you attract?
1. Is there any scope of growth in your current job? Or should you change it? What will be your next job like.
- 888 / 12$
2. Give me options to navigate which career option would be best for you?
- INR 1111 / 20$
Single Questions.
Detailed one question - INR 444 / 11$
One time line question - 222 / 5$
Face Reading.
I would need a photograph I can channel about your personality and nature or the person you are inquiring about.
- INR 555 / 10$
Important Information 🤍🪽
• Payments are accepted through paypal , google pay and paytm.
• Readings are delivered within 7 days.
• There are not refunds once placed order.
• I don't do health/ pregnancy and third party related questions.
Sweet Note
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lolmusty · 2 years
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Astrology observations: Psychic edition
Moon in water or earth signs
Moon in a water sign can show that how you feel and your emotional needs are much deeper and more mysterious than others. You can find yourself feeling others emotions well and developing a futuristic sense of what others will do.
Moon in earth sign may have a great ability to use their experience in the 3rd dimension of earth and physical to connect to higher states of mind and spirit through balance and grounding (meditation is very powerful for an earth moon)
Jupiter in water or fire signs
Jupiter in a water sign feels the potential of their environment and is rewarding when connecting to and with nature. This placement would be great for keeping herbs and house plants.
Jupiter in a fire sign is lucky when learning or practicing something with a lot of energy. Spirit has untapped potential and learning to work and grow from this energy is great for a fire Jupiter. Yoga or mutras are great for this placement
Oppositions and conjunctions in the chart
Opposition placements in the chart (especially angular house) highlight balance and duality, yin and Yang,connection and separation. This aspect in the chart has psychic abilities from its own dichotomy. Would be great for spell work and casting
Conjunction aspects in the 3rd 4th and 9th house yield towards each other and deal with comprise the most. Giving them the ability to find common ground and install peace or resolution. Channeling or spirit connection are strong suits for this aspect
Mars and Pluto
Whenever these planets are involved through a trine conjugation or sextile their volatile nature becomes refined and less chaotic. Working with crystals or grave stuff would make this metal duo psychic as hell
Moon and Neptune
What a soft angel baby aesthetic. Any connection between these two will gift you with guidance and life changes. You gift is to be a spiritual guide for others and be an empathetic soul to heal the community.
Sun and Venus
Cosmic beauty is what I think when I see someone have strong venus and sun relationships. Venus in the 5th house or sun I’m the 7th/air sign gives the energy of a star dancing through the night sky. Would be great at painting or makeup spells that enhance the beauty of the world.
Uranus and mercury
Smart, creative, funny, futuristic, and overall talented. These impressive minded people may have a super human intelligence. This intuitive gift comes from these planets being octaves of each other. This makes them great for tarot, swing the future, or working with astrology especially when Aquarius sign is in the mix
Fire or air rising sign
Fire rising have the 4th 8th and 12th houses that are ruled by water sign. this is important bc in their life when it comes to places of emotional, esoteric and spiritual places and experiences, there is nothing but unconditional love support or understanding. Gifted in group magic or psychic practice.
Ha being the air signs of the 1st 5th and 9th house give air rising people alot of energy and creativity. Air signs would be the fire to wriggt a book about their spiritual experience and life. Poetry arts and especially writing are good for this placement
Neptune in 1st 5th 8th or 12th house
Neptune in the first house have the most holographic physical persona and yet the most real and unconditional love. They may always be misunderstood but the element of surprise will always be in their court. Psychic gifts with this placement are endless
Neptune in the fifth house and 8th house have strong karmic ties. They can remember and create things out of thing air. Manifesting small or large shifts is very possible for this placement (also song writing)
Lastly Neptune in the 12th live in an other world adjacent to ours. With this in knowledge you can see where your world and the matrix are similar and experience life through two different ways. This world that the native feels is dependent on what else is in the persons chart but there is always a story to tell. Astrology or fairytales and fae work would be good for this last placement
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themagikmirror · 5 days
🐟 Happy Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
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I filmed a long form video, per usual, for unpacking and reading this eclipse moment ; Due to tech difficulties I'm not posting it. For those who enjoy videos, I will hopefully make up for it soon! Today all the channeled messages surrounding the Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will be written. Here's what you need to know :
The Water is Calling ☎️💧
You may be introduced to or have a heightened sense of water spirits such as sirens/mermaids. Though water spirits are not limited to these beings alone, its simply important to know they are present more than ever as we get closer and closer to The New Era (Saturn in Pisces eff. March 2025). Siren/ mermaid spirits and energy is a unique blend of water and air that can show up as a spirit or manifest in your being. Those who have mermaid/siren/water spirits can literally channel the energy and prowess of these beings. It may look like spell casting or being adept and artful with words, it may also look like being blessed with beauty. Understand that water spirits are not all love and light. They are quite dangerous. Siren/Mermaids can use their power to lure you to your demise wrapping you into a trance it make take years to wake from; Its important that you not call forth these energies unless they send for you! Often times I've been introduced to my water spirits in the most frightening ways. But they often reveal themselves when I need to be protected or warned of danger. While Saturn inches closer to Pisces we can experience the paranormal nature of how these energy work as well as the blending of air and water together in heighten dream states, visions, communication through songs & more. Its important to know that the water is calling so you're able to receive and interpret what the water is calling you to do. For many of us, its getting off our phones and devices . . .
👼🏼Prepare for Rebirth
Back in March 2024 when the first Pisces New Moon (total solar) Eclipse occured I channeled an important message about rebirth occuring. Since then I've stated many times that this New Era will require many of us to be born again, not literally, but spiritually. We will be blessed with new emotional bodies freed from some pains and traumas of the past, heighten intuition and a stronger sense of destiny and purpose over our lives. Many of us will experience a reawakening / continuing renaissance. Here's 4 things that REBIRTH will require of you : 1. A Body : we must be grounded into our physical bodies and reality, no longer disassociated, numbed or dismissive of what we feel and experience physically and emotionally. 2. Spiritual Connection : we must have a belief system & faith practice in place to connect to source for divine guidance. Otherwise how will we carry out divine will? We must simultaneously come into deep(er) relationship with our physical while maintaining & upholding the spiritual. . . 3. A Destiny / Calling / Purpose : pick which word suits you best, but you need to have some clue of why you are here. How can you use your body, your being to carry out a divine path? Moving into 2025 means no longer being clueless or aimless with your life. 4. Balance between Solitude & Unity : being both equally apart of something bigger, yet individual & whole within your self. Understand that solitude is not a punishment or a space of lack, but a sacred space that prepares you, restores you and gifts you clarity on your journey. Embrace shared space just as much as ones that aren't and you will see life differently as well as be prepared to handle the REBIRTH.
Sometimes Your Anxiety, Triggers, Trauma & Disorders are Your Intuition❗️
is it chronic, random, environmental or situational issues that you have? Seriously, stop and answer this in regards to your health. If you experience chronic ailments due to trauma,etc. you need to stop using spirituality and ancient or even new age practices to escape the help you really need! Love & Light, shadow work & positive affirmations are not going to heal a chronic issue. It's okay to coexist in spiritual spaces and still seek medical care for your emotions, mental & physical wellness. Stop gaslighting yourself. However, if you notice that these same issues may not necessarily be chronic, its time for you to unlearn the belief that "your anxiety/triggers/depression/other mental, physical & emo health disorders are seperate from your intuition". Beloved, something or someone is causing you to spiral out of control into these spaces. It's up to you to sit with your experience and ailments and figure out what is creating this response within your body, mind and spirit. When we're able to extract the wisdom and insight from our bodies THIS is when we are able to access our intuition. Our intuition is not always perfectly seperated or presented to us in a zen little box. Sometimes its loud, uncomfortable, confusing and mind warping because sometimes your intuition isn't even about you. Its a triggered response from your guides, ancestors & higher self pointing to a person or experience that is uncomfortable, draining, confusing, depressive, dangerous and more. At this eclipse Spirit needs you to embarce ALL FORMS of your intuition and for those struggling with trauma, deep wounds and chronic issues : get the help you really need so you can truly find your intuition and reclaim your faculties.
🎣🚫Stop Biting the Bait
It's time to realize when you're being bullied/teased/taunted/picked on to insight a reaction and there for taint your character. When you realize that some people are setting you up or running an agenda you can stop reacting to the disfunctional pattern and falling for the trap. It's just like click bait on Youtube. Are you literally gonna watch every video that says "MANIFEST INSTANTLY WITH 5 SIMPLE STEPS"... no. eventually you will realize that these people just want views & money, they don't actually have anything that will instantly change your life. Abusers & manipulators study those they want to keep trapped to use & fulfil their needs and they know exactly what to do to keep you in the loop. If its negative, end the cycle of emotional & psychological manipulation.
Learn to Check the Temperature🌡️
this year I've been doing more “temperature checking” with people and situations before I assume or handle things according to what I am feel. Unknowingly we can internalize an experience of someone else's mood or presence which has the power to alter the reality of the situation/person. Its important to verbalize emotions and ASK QUESTIONS before we act on or interpret feeling alone. Temperature checking is simply communicating & questioning intangibles : expressing your personal feelings, letting others know when something is too much, uncomfortable or unnecessary at the moment, as well as setting the energetic/emotional tone or expectation of an experience you are sharing with others. Temperature checking has the power to dispel wrong energies or mixed emotions that are fueled by anxiety or eagerness about what will happen by bringing things and people more in tune & focused on what they’re creating/experiencing in the present. . .
🎭Face Value : is it helping/hurting?
Sometimes face value can be used to undermine, discredit and even disassociate us from our intuiton, feelings and body. Face value , aka : taking information or actions that are display literally, is a form of trust that is EARNED and can be taken away. It's important that we're not overly skeptical and paranoid about everything and everyone, but its also equally okay to need PROOF as to why you should believe and trust someone/something too. When we blindly trust people based on popularity or the benefit of doubt, we ignore our wisdom, body, intuition & experience. Face value can set us up for failure and allow people to play in our face. Make sure that "not making everything deep" is not the thorn in your side at this eclipse as well as we moving forward. Sometimes it is deeper and you need to move accordingly. . .
⬆️ Above this photo are channeled messages w/o divination below are w/ ⬇️ all are valid points to take in consideration for Fall 2024 & How you should prepare to end your 2024 experience . . .
🌊Divination & "Medicine" for the Pisces Full Moon🐟
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These are screenshots I salvaged from the recorded reading I did. The message / medicine is :
Rest 💤 Flow over Force
many of us have gotten to points in our life where we've done the bulk of the hard work spiritually, mentally, physically & emotionally. We should give ourselves GRACE. You know wether or not you've done the work. If this Eclipse has triggering events for you, you probably still have work to do. If this Eclipse seems like "just another day" and alarms aren't sounding off, you've done what you need to do! Congrats! If you are this point, understand we cannot rush anything no matter how much we pour into, focus on or try to stay ahead, on track and aligned... We must remember we're on a JOURNEY and there are things both out of our control and meant for us to experience at specific timing, even if our name is written on it. Meditate and pray for guidance on what rest is for you at this time and allow your mind and body to alert you when you have enough of it vs. letting society/external sources tell you.
🍃Surrender / Detachment + Presence☀️
letting go, letting God & allowing yourself to be fully in the your now is what's best. Living in the past or pushing yourself into the future is robbery. These are concepts and themes that have shown up in so many collective readings over the past year. It's about time we master them! These are also protective measures we can take to ensure we're not trying to dominate anyone/anything outside of ourselves. Seeking to control anything other than yourself, means you are actually out of control.
do MORE of what you love and enjoy. Dwell in that energy as often as possible! Joy is always medicine!
🎯Be Intentional
The 5 of Clubs is asking us to clarify our intentions by taking time to think about the purpose of what we're doing and engaging with. It's also asking us to consider how we may need to change our focus & move differently. Some things may be too draining and heavy to keep carrying past this eclipse. It's time to cut some more baggage loose to clear psychic & energetic space. Some of us also need to literally move! Relocation is a topic I've been channeling for a while. Sometimes it is your environment that has nothing left to offer, not you. Use this eclispe to help you refocus and get crystal clear on your intentions moving forward.
Discretion is Advised
Spirit is advising us to protect ourselves. Not everything deserves a reaction or response (as discussed above ⬆️) and even though face value can be dangerous, it can also be a protective measure used to keep things appropiate, measureable and discrete. Privacy is an important theme in 2024. Yes there may be liars, manipulators, fakeness and more amongst us, but its not always our job to expose it. We simply take note and move accordingly.
The most important message that repeatedly presented itself was during my channeling for the eclipse :
Sacred Solitude
sacred solitude is the primary medicine that will allow us to truly rest, surrender, detach, be present, reset, cleanse & clear our energies as well as stay intentional. Constantly stimulating ourselves, being engaged and involved is so unhealthy. Yet, it is what this world tells us we need. How can you know yourself, hear your intuition, feel your spirit if you are never alone? This eclipse is a major opportunity to reunite and appreciate yourself and tend to your internal. When the internal is at peace, in love and with joy, the external will adjust. I believe that everyone wants community and relationships where to share the best, sweetest moments and help with carrying burdens alike, but this eclipse is ultimately all about you! Reclaim your body, strengthen your intuition, quiet all noise and distractions through sacred solitude. Remember, you may be in the process of your REBIRTH and a level of solitude is a requirement for where you're going. . .
if you made it to the end of these Eclipse Reads, I encourage you to follow me across platforms + tip me through my bios/cashapp/venmo + book private courses and sessions with me! I hope to meet you one day soon. . . Happy Eclipse , The Magik Mirror🕯️🪞🌕
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geeta1726 · 6 months
thank you so much for answering my previous ask! can you also share your insights on how i can activate my mars conjunct pluto in 9th house as i have saturn (3H) opposite mars which seems to block and hinder the mars pluto conjunction energy can you provide some remedies for this? thank you so much!!
Certainly! Activating and harnessing the energy of Mars conjunct Pluto in the 9th house can be a powerful endeavor, especially considering the opposition from Saturn in the 3rd house. Here are some insights and solutions to help you navigate this dynamic aspect configuration:
Understanding Mars Conjunct Pluto in the 9th House: Mars conjunct Pluto suggests intense and transformative energy, particularly when it occurs in the expansive and philosophical 9th house. This placement can signify a strong drive for personal growth, a passion for exploring profound truths, and a desire to make a significant impact on the world.
Identify and Address Saturn Opposition: The opposition from Saturn in the 3rd house may pose challenges related to communication, learning, and mental processes. Saturn's influence can manifest as self-doubt, limitations in self-expression, and obstacles in the pursuit of knowledge. Recognizing these challenges is the first step toward overcoming them.
Develop Mental Resilience: Cultivate mental resilience and discipline to counteract Saturn's restrictive influence. Practice positive affirmations, visualization techniques, and mindfulness exercises to strengthen your mental fortitude. Focus on building confidence in your abilities and overcoming self-imposed limitations.
Embrace Transformation: Embrace the transformative energy of Mars conjunct Pluto by delving into deep introspection and shadow work. Explore your subconscious patterns, fears, and desires to uncover hidden motivations and sources of power. Use this awareness to initiate profound personal transformation and empower yourself.
Channel Energy Constructively: Direct the intense energy of Mars conjunct Pluto into constructive outlets, such as pursuing higher education, engaging in philosophical studies, or advocating for social justice causes. Channel your passion and drive into activities that align with your values and contribute positively to society.
Seek Higher Knowledge: The 9th house is associated with higher education, spirituality, and philosophy. Invest time and effort in expanding your intellectual horizons, exploring spiritual teachings, and seeking wisdom from diverse sources. Engage in deep philosophical discussions, embark on spiritual retreats, or pursue advanced studies in subjects that inspire you.
Practice Mindfulness and Self-Care: Incorporate mindfulness practices and self-care routines into your daily life to maintain balance and equilibrium. Establish healthy boundaries, prioritize self-care activities, and engage in activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit. Regular meditation, yoga, and spending time in nature can help you stay grounded and centered amidst challenges.
Seek Guidance from a Mentor or Counselor: Consider seeking guidance from a mentor, counselor, or spiritual advisor who can provide support and insights tailored to your unique circumstances. A knowledgeable mentor can offer guidance, perspective, and practical strategies for navigating the complexities of your planetary configurations.
For more information, you can get an accurate information with the help of Kundli Chakra Professional 2022 software.
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
Seeking Personalized Lifestyle Guidance? Curious about how to add more intentionality, healthy habits & herbalism, empowerment, spiritual mystique, and/or beauty to your life?
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Hire me (Lili of @sidewalkchemistry) as your personal holistic health coach/mentor (short-term or long-term), here:
I utilize naturopathic and holistic health-minded approaches. That means that I will show you how to make restorative, long-lasting, and epigenetic-based solutions that will be useful for your entire lifetime. I help others realize & activate their self-healing abilities to overcome autoimmune conditions, skin concerns, fatigue issues, digestive problems, chakra blockages, depressive ruts, weight & self-esteem problems, and more💚 Even if you'd just like to add a bit more dreaminess, fearlessness, and creativity, and reduce stress and strife in your life, we can certainly work on that too!
My rates are just $30/hour🌼
I'm a holistic health practitioner with a talent for designing *easeful* lifestyle plans that rejuvenate one's body, mind, and spirit alike. A life that makes you truly feel passionate, purposeful, wonder-filled, and empowered is possible in this day & age. I'll instruct you on how to implement the particular tools which will help you towards the lifestyle of your dreams - whether that's plant-based meals/meal plan guides, herbalism, meditation & mindfulness, energy work practices, flower essences, emotional alchemy, dream work, manifestation techniques, mindset shifts, intentional morning/nighttime routines, inner child work, journaling, creative hobbies, or whatever else.
I'm trained in herbalism, holistic healing, nutrition, nursing, naturopathy, energetic healing & angelic channeling, trauma-informed care, and meditation. And I'm very well studied on plant-based nutrition, biochemistry, anatomy, as well as some of the greatest holistic healers who have ever lived such as Arnold Ehret, Dr. Robert Morse, Queen Afua, Dr. Sebi, Dr. Fuhrman, Aurora Quezada, and Dr. Michael Greger.
I am open to communicating with you via video and/or text communications, then formulating a lifestyle plan for you. I can also provide aid for you as you implement the lifestyle, for accountability and further questions. Wanna give it a try? Can't wait to hear from you😊
✨🌌book a consultation🌌✨
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angelicwisdom777 · 1 year
Channeled Messages For 9/9 Portal - With Deep Spiritual Knowledge of Spiritual Ascension
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On the 9/9 portal last year, I channelled a message from the highest, best, and most loving angels of Divine Light and Love. I wish to share with you their wisdom. The original message will be delivered and translated as a message for all. The channelled message is not overly long, it"s quite concise, and straight to the point, but it is packed with deep spiritual wisdom. Following the direct channelled message, I will give a thorough explanation of the channelled message through the intuitive guidance from God and the Angels.
9/9 Channelled Message:
"Great abundance is awaiting you my dear. Open your heart to receive it. Once you receive it,you will know it is from God. Your heart needs to open. It needs flourishing. It needs awakening. It needs quickening. It needs to be inspired. Soulfully inspired. You need a permanent awakening of your heart. For it is the flourishing of your heart that awakens you. Awakens you to spirit. Awakens you to love.
Open it with flourishing. What does that flourishing look like? It looks and feels like a divine spark has been quickened within you. Use it to your advantage. Use the divine spark within you to enjoy your life. Open your heart to God. Open your heart to spirit. Awaken the divine spark within you through heartfelt invocation of the Divine. Invocations that embrace the divinity of God. Embrace the divinity of God, by embracing it. Loving it.Go out there and love god. Love god in people. Love the serviceful attitude within people. Within your heart centre acclaim that “I am divine” “I embrace the divine”. “I welcome in the divine”.
You need more downloads of the divine. Experiences of the divine that shape you and welcome you into Love. Into Supreme Love. Enjoying the heat of love. The pleasure of being loving and kind for the sake of kindness. Loving the divine is the key to your ascension."
Divine Explanation of 9/9 Portal Channelled Message:
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1. Open your heart to receive the abundance that is waiting for you. The abundance is and will be from God. It is divinely given. Abundance, riches, and wealth that last are always from the Divine Influx of God. Think about it, God is the Most Wealthy, because He is the Most Loving and the Most Wise. But you ask, how is that so? It's not about just making spiritual statements, people need to understand my pattern of reasoning so they can come rightfully come to their own conclusion. Therefore, the question is how does the infinite love and wisdom of God makes Him the most wealthy? How is Divine Love and Wisdom the source of all abundance?
The Divine is the source and creator of all wealth and abundance. From the Divine Love and Divine Wisdom of God, all good things of creation came into existence. From the abundant love and wisdom of the Great One all good and wise things in the created universe came into existence. Therefore, spiritual wealth corresponds to physical wealth. The Divine Abundance of the Cosmic Heart is the source of all physical abundance.
When God created this world, he did not envision putting anyone in lack or scarcity. Lack and scarcity is something man created, not God. Not The Lord of Infinite Love. For Love empowers, supports and nourishes. Love does not shine in scarcity. We live in an abundant universe. Spiritually and physically the Universe is abundant. When the world, when your world, is led by the Divine Mercy and Grace of The Lord Jesus Christ, there will be no lack, there will be no scarcity. You deserve good fortune in your life. You deserve beautiful, soulful experiences that make you experience profound feelings of Divine Love. You deserve magical experiences that raise you to a higher vibration of Love. You deserve it.
Now, critical thinking must be applied to everything, as we know there are corrupt people in the world who have used underhand schemes to gain massive wealth. That’s not the kind of wealth I"m talking about.I’m talking about the Wealth that is sourced from the Divine.
The Universal Law of Correspondence is key to understanding how Divine Abundance is received and manifested. The Law of Correspondence states “As above, so below”. Everything physical corresponds to a spiritual value. Everything physical is sourced from a spiritual value. Therefore, all the good and wise natural creations in the physical world corresponds to divine qualities within God. Therefore, from physical external things, we can gain understanding, perception, and insight into spiritual things, such as the qualities of God’s love and wisdom.
Having an understanding of how The Law of Correspondence works in the spiritual world, gives clear understanding and perception of how Divine Abundance is manifested in our lives.
Emanuel Swedenborg is a Visionary, Mystic and Theologian,as well many other professions he was involved in his lifetime. True Christianity is a book that contains revelations of higher quality truths and the spiritual and celestial meanings of The Word. In this book, Swedenborg documents a lot of spiritual experiences in the spiritual world, which gives deeper understanding of higher quality divine truths.
I will quote an excerpt from True Christianity by Emanuel Swedenborg, which create a foundation of understanding of how The Law of Correspondence works.
Emanuel Swedenborg, True Christianity #77:
“God created the universe through the sun in the angelic heaven—a sun that comes from his underlying reality and is therefore pure love together with wisdom. The universe, meaning both worlds (the spiritual and the physical), was created out of divine love through divine wisdom, as every single thing in it witnesses and attests. If you consider phenomena in the universe in a coherent and sequential way and set them in the light you already possess in your intellectual perceptions, you will see this clearly.
You must keep in mind, though, that the love and the wisdom that become one in God are not love and wisdom in the abstract. Think of them as a substance in him. God is the absolute, the first, and the only substance or essence that exists in itself and subsists of itself. “That everything is created out of divine love and wisdom is the meaning of the following words in John: ‘The Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things were made by it, and the world was made by it’ (John 1:1, 3, 10). God there means divine love and the Word means divine truth or divine wisdom. In that passage, the Word is called light. Light, when it is said of God, means divine wisdom.
The purpose of showing you these things was for you to be able to see the whole of creation from a particular instance. God is absolute love and absolute wisdom. His love includes an infinite number of feelings. His wisdom includes an infinite number of perceptions. The correspondences of those feelings and perceptions are all the things that appear on earth. This is where the birds and animals come from. This is where the trees and shrubs come from. This is where the grains and crops come from. This is where the plants and grasses come from.
I looked around and I saw birds of gorgeous colors. Some were flying, some were sitting on trees, and some were down in the meadow plucking the petals off roses. Among the birds there were also doves and swans.
After I had seen that, the angel said, “Turn your face to the east.” I saw a garden with fruit trees—orange trees, lemon trees, olive trees, grapevines, fig trees, pomegranate trees—and also shrubs with berries. Then the angel said, “Now look to the south.” I saw crops of various kinds—wheat, millet, barley, and beans. Around them I saw flowerbeds of roses with beautifully varied colors. To the north, however, I saw woods full of chestnut trees, palms, linden trees, sycamores, and other leafy trees.When I had seen that, the angel said, “All the things you saw correspond to different feelings of love felt by the angels who are nearby.” He listed the feeling each thing corresponded to.
He listed the feeling each thing corresponded to. “In fact,” he went on, “those things are not the only correspondences. Everything else that takes a visible form before our eyes is also a correspondence: our homes, the useful things in them, the tables and food, the clothing, and even the gold and silver coins. Likewise the diamonds and other jewels that adorn married and unmarried women in the heavens. From all the above we become aware of the quality of love and wisdom in each person. The things that are in our homes and support our usefulness there stay the same; but for people who wander from community to community, things like this change as the people’s relationships change.
The purpose of showing you these things was for you to be able to see the whole of creation from a particular instance. God is absolute love and absolute wisdom. His love includes an infinite number of feelings. His wisdom includes an infinite number of perceptions. The correspondences of those feelings and perceptions are all the things that appear on earth. This is where the birds and animals come from. This is where the trees and shrubs come from. This is where the grains and crops come from. This is where the plants and grasses come from.
God is not extended but he is everywhere in what is extended. He is in the universe from beginning to end. Because he is omnipresent, correspondences of the qualities of his love and wisdom are found everywhere in the physical world. In our world, called the spiritual world, there are similar correspondences surrounding those who receive feelings and perceptions from God. The difference is that in our world God creates things of this kind in a moment to match the feelings of angels, while in your world things like this were originally created in a similar way but there was a provision for their perennial renewal from generation to generation; and so creation goes on.”
The additional following quote now describes how The Law of Divine Correspondence works in the spiritual world. True Christianity, #78:
“The reason why there is instantaneous creation in our world while in yours there is a creation that continues across generations is that the atmospheres and soils in our world are spiritual while those in your world are physical. Physical things were created to cover spiritual things the way animal or human skin covers the body, inner and outer bark cover tree trunks and branches, membranes and meninges cover brains, sheaths cover nerves, coatings cover nerve fibers, and so on. For this reason all things in your world have constancy and perennially return.” Then the angel added, “Pass on what you have seen and heard here to the inhabitants of your world. Until now they have been in total ignorance about the spiritual world. Yet without being notified of it no one could even guess, let alone know, that in our world creation is still going on and that when God first created the universe something very similar to this happened in your world.”
From the quoted passages from Swedenborg, he describes how the Divine is externally manifest in all good and wise things in our environment. All good and wise things no matter their source is from God The Divine.
Divine abundance also means spiritual wealth. As we have understood from the quoted passages, the wealth, beauty, abundance, and good creations in the Angels' external environment corresponds to the goodness and truth they have received from The Lord in their internal environment. In other words, all the good and wise things Angels” have in their external environment corresponds to how loving and wise they are.
According to the Divine Revelations revealed by the Lord through Swedenborg, our real mind, which is our spiritual mind contains the faculty of our will and the faculty of our intellect. In other words, our real mind contains the functions of our heart and intellect. Therefore, our spirit or true character is who we really are within our thoughts and intentions of our heart. Being spiritually abundant or spiritually wealthy is determined by how much love and wisdom you have within your inner self. Your spiritual wealth is determined by how loving you are and how wise you are. 
From this understanding of what it means to be spiritually wealthy, we can perceive that God and the Angels are asking us to work with them in the effort to help increase the amount of love, kindness, goodness, compassion, and soulful divine love within our hearts. Secondly, this message also entails that we should put in the effort to acquire Genuine Divine Truths so we can be spiritually wealthy in wisdom.
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As spiritual people on the journey of personal growth, it is a key truth for us to know that we are spiritually wealthy and spiritually blessed to the degree we are innately loving, kind, and wise. In the spiritual community, I feel the encouragement and motivation to be spiritually wealthy is a key part that has been overlooked. I am here to really empathize to myself and you all, the importance of doing spiritual practices that empower us to be spiritually wealthy. For that is the real wealth that really matters at the end of the day. Spiritual wealth is an eternal wealth, which no one can take away from you. People can try to take away the car, the shoes, the bag and all other external things. But people cannot take away your faith. People cannot take away the love inside you, the wisdom inside you, the truths that you have come to understand and apply. Spiritual wealth is of eternal substance and asset. Let’s also focus on building our spiritual wealth. For the wealth, beauty, glory, loving energy that Angels” enjoy in their external environment, they didn’t have to struggle or strive for it. It was naturally granted to them, based on the love, kindness, and wisdom they choose to receive from The Lord.
People who are spiritually wealthy like the Angels, everything good comes to them. As we tend to focus a lot on the health and intellectual aspect of our spiritual path. Now, let’s go deeper into really working on the main core and ultimate motive of spiritual practices, which is to assist us into becoming the most loving, wise, kind, and compassionate people we can be.
Further, according to Swedenborg, God is even more present and connected with people who may not have a lot of spiritual knowledge, but are very kind, compassionate, caring and loving, than people who have a lot of spiritual knowledge, but are not kind and loving. For the purpose of spiritual knowledge and practices is shape us into becoming a good person. To shape us into becoming the most loving and wise version of ourselves. This aspect of our spiritual growth can be easily worked through spiritual practices that seem simple ,but are powerful and effective for increasing the amount of love,kindness and goodwill within our spirit. I will suggest some practices that I personally find effective for empowering me to be spiritually wealthy:
Ask The Lord or the Higher Power you believe in,to infuse your heart and aura with more kindness, compassion, love, caring, forgiveness, soulful loving beauty and powerful spiritual qualities of spiritual wealth.
Do a loving kindness mediation within yourself. In this meditation, you can affirm the qualities of spiritual wealth are within you. For example, you can say aloud or silently within yourself - I am kind. I am compassionate. I am loving. I wish well for other people.I want everyone to succeed and be happy in life. I treat others as I would like to be treated. I am filled with heavenly love. I am filled with Angelic goodwill. I am filled with neighbourly love. I am full of affection and reverence for the Divine. I have sincere desire and affection for Divine Truths. I am spiritually mature. I am spiritually wealthy. The point is to fill yourself up abundant,loving energy of spiritually blessedness.
Declare aloud or within yourself Divine Truths that remind you of the importance of being kind, loving, caring, friendly and compassionate to all beings. You can get a list of quotes that you find very inspiring and spiritually nourishing that remind you of the importance of being loving to others, making someone smile and laugh. Quotes that remind you of the importance of having a pure heart, pure mind, and pure intentions towards those around you. It would be effective to read these quotes in the morning or before you go to bed, as they can be very effective at these sensitive times.
Pray to Archangel Chamuel, who is the Angel of Love and also of Inner beauty to assist you in becoming spiritually wealthy, filled with love, kindness, soulful energy, forgiveness, and sincere compassion and respect for others.
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Now, that we have discussed and described what spiritual wealth is and where it is sourced from. Let’s talk about the experiencing aspect of spiritual wealth. Experiencing divine abundance is also a key aspect of spiritual wealth. We can all perceive that someone who experiences and receives a lot of love, kindness, soulful love, support, care, and guidance from others is also a very spiritually wealthy person.
This experience of receiving divine abundance can also be attained through the spiritual purification process. For in order for God through the Angels to flow more kindness, love, goodwill, compassion, mercy and other divine attributes into our will and perceptions of enlightenment into our intellect, we must remove all negative traits and energies within our will and false concepts in our intellect that prevent divine abundance.
In other words, hatred, hostility, animosity, jealousy, and vengeance must be removed from our hearts, before heavenly compassion, heavenly love, neighbourly love, goodwill, and kindness can flow into our hearts. Before the wisdom of heaven can deeply enlighten our intellect than it had before, the lies and falsities that justify evil things must be removed from our intellect.
Conclusively, to experience divine abundance, we must engage in the process of spiritual purification. We must engage in the process of spiritually purifying ourselves from all evils and falsities that are against love for God and love for our neighbour. We actively engage in the process of spiritual purification by using Genuine Divine Truths as a spiritual mirror to look into our hearts, beliefs, and intentions and use the standard of Divine Truths as the standpoint by which we clean ourselves of negativities, hatred, negativity, hostility, unforgiveness,and false beliefs.
Once we have actively engaged in the process of spiritual purification, we are now in a better, advanced position to receive and experience greater than before, divine abundance from God and others. Magical blessings, love, kindness, mercy, grace, goodwill, golden opportunities and inner experiences of Divine Ecstasy – these all and other attributes of God’s Divinity become possible to experience at a greater, soul-satisfying level, when evils, falsities, and negativities have been removed from our inner self and lives. We are deserving of love and divine abundance. It is our birthright. And we don't need to fight or struggle for it. The point is that we do the necessary steps according to Divine Law to receive Divine Abundance and blessings greater than we had before.
Experiencing divine abundance is an experience that awakens your heart and spirit to a greater connection with Divine Love. It expands your inner beauty, joy, happiness, and wisdom to greater evolutionary heights. Just one experience of Divine Ecstasy - Just ONE is enough to transform a soul, and bring deeper awareness of the true meaning of life. Fill someone with soo much love and kindness for all living beings.
Through experiencing Divine Abundance, you become more reverent and grateful for the essence of Divine Love and what it can do. The experience of Divine Abundance is THE experience of all experiences. According to Visionary and Seer Emanuel Swedenborg, the Angels would not trade their experience of God’s Divine Love and Wisdom in the Heavens for anything else in the world!!For the experience of God’s Divine Abundance in our lives is the real experience that brings about true soul satisfaction and deep spiritual fulfilment. For we all know that what makes an experience a beautiful, soulful, memorable experience – Is how it made us feel. At the core of experiencing Divine Abundance within our spirit, lives and from others - it makes us feel ecstatic. It brightens and expands our heart and soul, more than anything else could. Actually, experiencing the divine ecstasy of Divine Love directly within ourselves, from others or in nature, is what makes us well spiritually experienced.
The Flourishing of The Heart
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All our hearts need deeper activation. In the channelled message, we are spiritually advised to open our hearts with flourishing. What does that flourishing look like? It looks and feels like a divine spark has been quickened within you. The awakening and the quickening of the Divine Spark is what activates your heart chakra. The soulful inspiration of your heart happens when something Divine, something magical,lifts your heart and current state of consciousness to a higher magical experience and awareness of Divine Love and Happiness.
I truly believe that it is the soulful inspiration of the Heart is what deeply activates the heart chakra and creates transformative changes not only in the spiritual community, but in the larger, greater world. However, from what I have noticed in my spiritual journey so far, this soulful inspiration of the Heart does not come too easily. You really have to reach out your hands, look for this golden opportunity and deeply ask the Divine for this inner experience of soulful divine love. An experience that enchants the heart and deepest core of one’s soul. As per this channelled message, one of the potent ways, the Divine Spark of God can be awakened within you is through heartfelt invocations of The Divine. Invocations that embrace the Divine Love and Wisdom. Be creative in creating your own Invocations. There are also many excellent invocations of the Divine you can also find on the internet. I have listed some of my ones that I use.
Example of Invocations that Embrace the Divine:
I am a divine being in physical form.
I love compassion.
I love kindness.
I love goodwill.
I love peace and harmony.
I love when God blesses others. I love when He expresses His Mercy and Grace towards others. I love when God is filled with compassion towards a soul.
I am charmed by the Divine Ecstasy that soars through the Cosmos.
In the channelled message, it was advised to use the divine spark within you to enjoy your life. The question remains, What does that mean and how can we do that? The experience of divine love is what inspires the soul with soulful joy and makes life more meaningful and enjoyable to live. For example, it’s a beautiful, sunny day in July. Nothing new….at all!! But imagine if wherever you are on that hot summer’s day in July, as the amazing sun shines down upon you, you start feeling soulful joy within you. Divine pleasure, affectionate happiness, and soulful love begins to erupt within you. And the day-to-day low vibrational feelings have left. And instead, you feel high vibrational feelings of Divine Love within you. Imagine that happened!!It can be perceived that it is indeed the awakening of the Divine spark of soulful love within us, that makes life and its experiences more memorable, meaningful, enjoyable, and inspiring.
When the divine spark of love has awakened within us and is genuinely experienced, we perceive greater opportunities for us to enjoy and express our soulful love. Awakening the divine spark of love within us makes us soulful people. And empowers us to stand true to our authentic divine nature that is eternal.
Suggested Action:
To try a practice that will help activate the divine spark of soulful love within you -Ask directly The Lord or the Higher Being you believe in and the Archangels to give you beautiful, magical, enchanting, intimate experiences of the Divine,with the intention that it will increase and expand your capacity to love, increase your appreciation of the Divine, express Divine Love through helping others, in art forms, writing and other ways that will heal, inspire and serve others. Trust that an idea, an opportunity will emerge for you in answer to this prayer request. Keep on being persistent in this prayer request, until the opportunity manifests for you.
Love God In Others
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As per the channelled message, let’s discuss what it means to love God in others.
In order to love God in others, it first needs to be understood that all goodness and truth originate from God. God is everything Good and True. God is in everything good and true. Therefore, whenever we love something that is good and true, we are loving God.
In terms of how to love God in others - Loving the good and kind qualities in other people, is also loving God. Love the goodness and usefulness in other people. Really take moments and time to love, cherish and appreciate the love, kindness, goodness, and support we experience from others. For in doing so we are loving, cherishing, and appreciating God.
If you have practices by which you actively appreciate God’s expression through people in your life, please comment it below.
The Receiving of Divine Downloads
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Concerning the advice given that we need more downloads. I feel with the amount of growth, evolution, and transformation that has already taken place in consciousness, people have become quite proficient in receiving divine downloads. However, I do feel that we need to be reminded that the purpose of intuitive divine guidance is to shape us into becoming more of an embodiment of Divine Love and Truth.
In all spiritual knowledge we gain, whether it is from spiritual study, others, intuitive guidance that we have channelled – It is important that we take ACTION on the Divine Wisdom. For we waste time, when we primarily know spiritual knowledge, but never take time into reflecting how we can apply that knowledge within our hearts and lives and reform ourselves.
The following quote from the Kyballion confirms the importance of taking action on the spiritual knowledge that we receive:
Source: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Kybalion-Centenary-Hermetic-Philosophy/dp/0143131680
“Knowledge without Use and Expression is a vain thing, bringing no good to its possessor, or to the race. Beware of Mental Miserliness, and express into Action that which you have learned. Study the Axioms and Aphorisms, but practice them also.”
From the understanding of the importance of putting spiritual knowledge/Divine Truths into action within our lives and hearts. If everybody perceived this and did this - think about how our world would change!Think about the growth and real transformation that would happen on a global scale.
For example, take the 10 commandments. Most people are aware and informed of the literal meaning of the 10 Commandments. But the Lord has now at this time has revealed the celestial and spiritual meaning of the 10 Commandments through many spiritual teachers and significantly,in my opinion,through Mystic, Visionary and Theologian Emanuel Swedenborg. A lot of people see the 10 commandments as primarily a religious set of tenets. However, they are more than that. The 10 Commandments are indeed Universal Divine Laws. Imagine if people were inspired and enlightened on the spiritual, deeper meanings of these 10 commandments. And were taught how to apply the spiritual and celestial dimensions of these laws to our lives. People go home and in their spiritual, contemplation time, looked within themselves and used these Universal Divine Truths as a spiritual mirror to look within their hearts and lives, and make changes in order to comply with these Universal Divine Truths. Think about the radical change, transformation, growth, and healing that would take place on a global, massive scale. The madness of horrific acts being reported on the news on a daily basis would stop. The things that make people feel hopeless about this world – would stop.I truly believe ignorance is one of the biggest causes of suffering in the world.
There is power in looking within ourselves and our lives making changes in accordance in Divine Truths. There is power in using Universal Divine Truths as a spiritual mirror to examine our thoughts, intentions, and actions and see where moral changes are needed. Doing so, charms God and the Angels. For one thing that is common is people knowing, but not taking action on that knowing. Let's make that genuine transition from being external people who priorly focus on what we know -to- deep, spiritual people who focuses on how we live, how we treat other people, and our thoughts and intentions to our fellow neighbour.
Suggested Action:
Prayer, meditation, and intuitive journalling are the common spiritual methods known to increase one’s spiritual connection and seek assistance from the Divine. However, there are higher, spiritual tools not commonly known, that can assist one in having profound mystical experiences that fill someone with Divine Ecstasy. And to unlock the cosmic divine beauty inherent in all creation, but can only be unlocked and experienced within our inner world. There are higher, spiritual tools that advance our spiritual growth through powerful inner experiences of Divine Love. However, a lot of them are hidden or not publicly disseminated.This is because Archangels like Archangel Raziel plays a key role under God’s instruction to ensure that precious, advanced spiritual tools and divine secrets are not publicly broadcasted nor brought into the awareness of people who will misuse them for harm or sinister purposes.
I truly believe that genuine inner, mystical experiences of the Ecstatic Divine Love of God are a powerful agent of healing, healthy self-love, healthy self-esteem, evolutionary spiritual growth, and great spiritual changes. Such powerful inner experiences of Divine Ecstasy empowers us to be a greater conduit of exceptional heavenly love to others. Love that is of a nature that heals and cares for people on a more advanced level.
I suggest that to gain knowledge of these higher, spiritual tools,pray to Archangel Zaphkiel and Archangel Raziel. As Archangel Zaphkiel is the Angel of Passion, True Compassion, and Divine Ecstasy, which is what we want to ultimately experience in our spiritual practices. Archangel Raziel, as he is the Archangel of advanced, secret spiritual knowledge, spiritual evolution, and spiritual development.
There are a lot of prayers for these two Archangels that you can find online and use. In a future post, I will write a full compilation of the Angelic Prayers I use for all the Archangels. I put below two prayers that I created, which can be used to connect with Archangel Zaphkiel and Archangel Raziel, for this purpose of being enlightened of higher, spiritual tools to directly experience within your heart, the Ecstatic Divine Love of God.
Sample Prayers
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Archangel Zaphkiel:
Oh, blessed Archangel Zaphkiel, thank you for connecting with me now and wrapping me in your brilliant light of joy, compassion, divine passion, and ecstasy.
I am an open vessel, ready to learn how to access my inner sacred lover, and I am so grateful for your unending passionate energy! Archangel Zaphkiel, bless me with higher, spiritual tools that will allow me to experience within my inner self the Ecstatic Divine Love of God that is incomprehensible, deep, powerful, and transformative. Archangel Zaphkiel, bless me with transcendent, mystical experiences that fill the cup of my heart and mind with heavenly love,kindness,goodwill and divine inner beauty.
Archangel Zaphkiel, bring into my awareness higher, spiritual tools that will empower me to have frequent, mystical experiences that shape my inner self and character into a greater embodiment of Divine Love and Wisdom.
Archangel Zaphkiel, when I do experience Ecstatic Divine love, empower me to use this energy to heal, nourish, inspire, and enlighten my fellow neighbour. Empower me on how I can effectively and wisely to use this transcendent divine energy to contribute to the evolutionary, spiritual changes in the world.
Thank you, Archangel Zaphkiel, for answering and granting my prayer request. Thank you that it is done.
Amen.Amen.Amen.And so it is.
Archangel Raziel:
Archangel Raziel, Angel of divine mysteries, wisdom, and illumination, please connect with me now. I call upon your guidance and support. Please help me tap into my intuition and access deeper understanding and awareness.
Archangel Raziel, as you are the Archangel that governs over secret, spiritual knowledge. I know you provide awareness and illumination of deep, advanced divine mysteries to those you feel are trustworthy to receive such knowledge. Archangel Raziel, I ask that you assist me in my spiritual development to the state where I can be trusted with higher, spiritual tools, so I can attain greater,significant growth in my spiritual development.
Archangel Raziel, enlighten my spiritual awareness of higher, spiritual tools that I can use to experience within myself the Ecstatic Divine Love of God. Archangel Raziel, enlighten my spiritual awareness to be aware and understand of the higher mysteries of God and to be useful conduit of God"s love,healing and wisdom to others.
Thank you for answering and granting my prayer request. Thank you that it is done.
Amen.Amen.Amen.And so it is.
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I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog post I’ve written. Really reflect and integrate the wisdom you find true in this article. My intentions for writing this article post is that it empowers you to spiritually evolve more on a greater level and be informed on how to have mystical, inner experiences that awaken the Divine Spark within you, and make you feel more spiritually alive and rejuvenated.
As you carry that affectionate vibration of Divine Love within your heart and aura, as it radiates from you, it heals and has positive effects on those around you. For you can change and heal the world by healing your heart, filling the cup of your spirit with Divine Love, committing to your spiritual growth, gaining more knowledge, and committing to being of the most service.
A person that is healed, spiritually nourished, and filled with Divine Love is in a position to truly change the world just by leading by example and being the example of Love and Wisdom.
If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected].
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myers-meadow · 4 months
Ever notice how He Who Was was obsessed with punishing the guilty and targeted someone he claimed abandoned her fellows, you know, like how it's implied the he has deserted his own?
You know how people say we often hate in others what we dislike in ourselves? Wonder if that was part of what was going on there. Perhaps in addition to that, the whole 'channeling the guilty spirit so they can be punished' thing is also a form of self-flagellation, as He Who Was appeared to have been experiencing what the spirit he was channeling felt.
yes! ALL the time I think about this omg
Like, obviously he's also just a sadist who has turned his back on his goddess and is now witout guidance but his own. But there's so much more to it. His insistance on making her suffer, and the way in which we can do this (cutting his body) feels personal.
His laughter at the end, besides just being hot, feels like relief. He says that it "satiated" Him, this suffering. Does he feel on it? Seems a bit unlikely? I think this may have helped him feel absolved from his own guilt, or at least distracted some other spiritual/emotional part of him he doesn't like to face (like the teachings/influence of his previous goddess). But who knows!
Frankly I wanna put him and his mean raven under a microscope and write a whole report hahah
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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Unlocking the Sirian Starseed: Are You One from Sirius?
From Legends to Lore: The Stellar Chronicles of Sirius
Now, our ancestors were also mesmerized by Sirius. Oftentimes, they looked skyward, seeking answers, guidance, or simply wonder.
The ancient Egyptians saw Sirius as Isis, the divine goddess. Joined in cosmic dance with her beloved Osiris. The magic of Sirius’ reappearance right before dawn heralded the bountiful flooding of the Nile. A gift of life, fertility, and hope.
And isn’t life full of synchronicities?
Think of those moments when something keeps showing up. The same numbers, signs, or perhaps, a star? Sirius, with its brilliance, could be one of those spiritual markers, especially for those who resonate with its energy.
From ancient to contemporary, the tales of Sirius have spread.
Could we, as a collective, have been influenced by these Sirian energies throughout history?
Theories suggest that Sirian souls might have incarnated to guide us – in spirit, in technology, in love. It’s a vast, beautiful tapestry of connection.
The Cosmic Dance: Sirian Energies and Earthly Resonance
The universe is, at its core, a vast symphony of energies, frequencies, and resonances. When we think of Sirian Starseeds, we must also consider the energies they carry with them and how these may impact our world.
Could the resonance Sirian Starseeds feel with our planet be the product of an ancient and intricate bond? Some believe that Earth and Sirius share a deep cosmic connection, not just through Starseeds but on an energetic, vibrational level.
This spiritual perspective suggests that Earth receives waves of cosmic energy from the Sirius system, guiding our planet’s spiritual evolution. The periodic alignments between Earth and Sirius, much like the mesmerizing dance between Sirius A and Sirius B, might open channels for these energies to flow.
Sirian Starseeds, attuned to these frequencies, could very well act as conduits, amplifying and grounding these energies into our collective consciousness. This would not only elevate their personal journeys but potentially uplift all of humanity.
What’s even more fascinating is the synchronicity of events and spiritual awakenings that occur when these alignments happen.
Are they mere coincidences? Or do they suggest a greater design, a universal blueprint that we’re just beginning to fathom?
For insights into your personal spiritual evolution and growth, consider reading Spiritual Journey: The Ultimate Guide (From Awakening to Ascension).
Sirian Starseed Symbols and Signs
Cosmic symbols shown in space. Symbols have long been a powerful tool for connection, understanding, and communication. For Sirian Starseeds, certain symbols resonate deeply, serving as beacons of their cosmic heritage and reminders of their mission on Earth.
Sirian Glyphs and Seals Throughout history and in various esoteric traditions, there are glyphs and seals that are said to emanate the energy of the Sirius star system.
The Star: A simple, shining star, often depicted with five points, resonates with many Sirians. It serves as a universal representation of their home star and the light they bring to Earth.
Water Symbols: Given the deep connection many Sirian Starseeds feel with water, symbols like waves, dolphins, or other aquatic lifeforms often serve as reminders of their possible aquatic lineage in Sirius.
Crystal Connections Certain crystals are believed to hold the vibrational frequency of Sirius, assisting Starseeds in connecting with their roots.
spiritual insight and connection to star energies, particularly that of Sirius.
Moldavite: While its primary connection is to the stars in general, many Sirians feel a resonance with this tektite, valuing its transformational energies.
Dreams and Meditative Visions For some Sirian Starseeds, their connection becomes most apparent during states of altered consciousness like dreams or meditations.
Blue Beings: Visions of ethereal beings emanating blue light or having aquatic features might signify a Sirian presence or guidance.
Starship or Cosmic Journeys: Dreams where they are traveling the universe, especially towards a bright star, might indicate a connection to Sirius.
Embodied Reminders The Sirian energy doesn’t only manifest in symbols outside of them but can be present within.
Affinity for the color blue: This could manifest as a favorite color or a color they feel particularly comfortable or powerful wearing.
Pulses or Vibrations: Some Sirian Starseeds report feeling a distinct vibration or pulse when they come into contact with Sirius-related information, symbols, or during specific alignments with the Sirius star system.
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