#Standing Stone Ministry
martyschoenleber · 6 months
A Standing Stone Ministry Update
September 2023 When we left our last church, we didn’t know what God had for us in the future. It was difficult saying goodby to friends and the thought that perhaps our years of caring for the people of God was coming to an end. We knew that God could be trusted, but we didn’t know what He wanted us to trust Him with. Then I met Shaun Dean. Shaun heard my story and asked some questions about my…
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distantdarlings · 8 months
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Theodore Nott x Fem Reader
+ SUMMARY - *Requested - based on this* You have been an Animagus for around a year now. You have quite a knack for learning everything you need to know about it quickly and Professor McGonagall really likes you. However, a fellow classmate, Theodore Nott, does not like you. And you couldn't care less. Both of you are in for a surprise when you accidentally meet in the library. (Fluff?, sort of Comedy)
+ WARNINGS - Language, nothing else really
+ MUSIC (listened to while writing) -
Fantasy - Mariah Carey (don't judge me)
“And, ladies and gentlemen, please remember: ten inches of parchment on the side effects of incorrectly transfiguring a toad back into a human!”
Professor McGonagall’s voice pierced the slight murmuring that had started amongst the crowd of students. You suppressed a groan at the assignment, knowing well enough that you’d be putting it off as long as possible. It wasn’t that you weren’t grateful to be here, it was just rambling on about the properties of toad warts left over on humans after unfortunate experiments didn’t really get you going, at least, not like they did Professor McGonagall. 
You had found a kind of special liking for her after you had put yourself through the very exciting—albeit brutally difficult—process of becoming an Animagus. It had been your absolute dream since accidentally discovering that your mother was also one. You had been wandering around the garden during the summer between first and second year and had come across an absolutely beautiful doe. You had stopped in your tracks, taken aback by the creature’s beauty. Just as you were going to hold your hand out to the creature and offer it some of the grass blades clutched in your fingers, the creature before you changed entirely. Its long, graceful body curled into a small flash of light and then, without so much as a breath, your mother was back. Standing in the place of the deer. You could hardly believe your eyes.
Your mother was an Animagus and you thought you should be as well. She had warned you of the difficulties and hardships of the process and how annoying it was to have to get registered with the Ministry of Magic but you didn’t care. The wonder that had been in your eyes when you’d seen your mother transform surpassed all the cons of becoming one. You were going to be just like her. And now you were. Well…sort of. You were an Animagus but, much to your disappointment, you did not transform into a beautiful doe. You were a cat. Not a sleek black cat or a graceful Sphinx. No. You were a large, overgrown, long-haired European Maine Coon. At least, that’s what you were pretty sure you were. You hadn’t exactly performed a DNA test on your Animagi identity. You wondered if that would even work. 
The crowd of students urged you towards the door and out into the grand hallway just outside the Transfiguration classroom. The light poured through the gorgeously carved stained glass windows along the stone walls and illuminated everything in its wake. You absolutely adored the castle and its beauty and reckoned you didn’t stop and admire it as often as you should. 
A body bumped into you roughly, nearly making you lose the books clutched in your arms. You gasped at the sudden shock that went through your body when you realized you’d nearly missed a step down the staircase, your heart dropping through your ribcage.
“Hey,” you shouted. “Want to watch where you’re bloody going?”
The culprit turned with an annoyingly charming smile printed on his lips. His darkened eyes found yours amusedly and sent you a single wink. Your blood boiled.
“Sorry, darling, I’m in quite a rush,” he smirked.
“Doesn’t mean you can break through crowds like a giant,” you retorted, rolling your eyes. “Maybe you should take a second to think about the other people in this school and not just yourself for once, Nott.”
“Bite me, love.” 
Asshole. You watched the back of his head disappear amongst the rest of the students as they waded around you as if you were an island in the midst of an ocean. You could not stand that boy. He and his stupid friends had been nothing if not the most obnoxious people you’d ever met. Even from your first day, he was rude, loud, and annoying. No matter how handsome he was, he couldn’t just steamroll over people. And yet, because he wasn’t ugly in the slightest, everyone just let him do whatever he wanted. Him and all his friends. It made you so angry. 
Your eyes found your watch. You probably—erm, definitely, needed to get started on the paper for McGonagall’s class. That’s what pointed your feet toward the direction of the library. The thoughts of the warm hearth and those plush green chairs that hovered around it were calming the worries for this assignment. The library was—in your opinion—one of the most comfortable areas in the entire castle. It oozed comfort and warmth, much like your dorm room. It just felt soothing. You had noticed the amount of time you were spending in there was increasing as the days got colder. The fireplace in the dorms and common room were just as warm, of course, but those areas tended to be more populated during the day. And if you were going to get this paper done, you likely shouldn’t be surrounded by friends. You could be quite talkative when it came down to it—especially when it came down to procrastinating an assignment. 
One of the large wooden doors to the library came into view slowly as you sauntered down the stairs just before the entrance. You could practically feel the warmth radiating from the vast room. Sweetened chills broke out over your arms and a small shudder passed down your spine. You clutched your books a bit tighter to your chest as you pushed past the threshold and felt the warmth on your skin. 
You smiled gently as you made your way toward your usual fireplace. The smile on your face seemed to grow exponentially as you realized nobody was even in the general vicinity of your favorite spot and…thank Merlin…the tea cart had been brought around. The silvered, intricately designed cart that the librarian left out for wandering and cramming students sat right beside the fireplace. On it sat a few tea cups, a large, enchanted teapot that filled itself back up as soon as it was emptied, two sugar bowls, a large cream pitcher, and a few crumpets and cream horns. You might have died and gone right to the afterlife. 
You set your bags and books in your favorite armchair—the one on the left—and made your way over to the wonderful cart. You shivered in delight as you prepared yourself some tea, just the way you liked it, and grabbed a cream horn—or two. Wandlessly, you conjured the wool blanket that sat upon the foot of your bed and snuggled in amongst the cushions. This was absolutely delightful. Between the tea, the snacks, the warmth, and the dim lighting, your homework was the last thing on your tranquil mind. Your books and bag remained untouched. 
Once finished with your snack and beverage, you found yourself closely watching the curls of flames dance in the fireplace. Soon enough, absolutely without your consent, you were gently lulled to a deep sleep. Your eyes fluttered shut and your breathing stilled, your hands were curled against your chest and your knees were brought up against you. 
Theo rounded the corner of the main stairway just before the library. He had an enormous amount of work to do and figured he wouldn’t get anything done if he stayed with his mates. He watched his feet as they jogged down the stone steps, his bag jostling on his shoulder every few moments. 
Once past the doorway, his eyes found that set of green armchairs in the corner just in front of the fireplace. There appeared to be no one in them and he smiled a bit. Hopefully he’d be able to complete all of his work without any interruptions. 
He set his bag down beside the armchair on the right. He reckoned he should start on the paper for McGonagall’s class since it was likely going to be the most difficult way. He should probably just get it out of the way, then everything else would be a breeze. 
As he began to rummage through his bag for the appropriate materials to get started, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. A white wool blanket lay spread across the other armchair and an empty tea cup, plate, and school bag were discarded beside it. He figured someone had been working there only moments ago and had slipped away for a quick bathroom break or something of the like. A groan began to build up in his throat as he realized he likely wasn’t going to be alone after all. Whatever…as long as they were quiet. 
Finally, his fingers brushed his quill set and the Transfiguration book. He pulled everything out and settled himself in the chair, preparing to get to work. A thought popped into his head as he spread everything out comfortably. He wondered who had been sitting there. If it was someone he didn’t know, he’d likely have no issue ignoring them. He kind of hoped it was none of his friends, though he could have sworn he’d seen that bag before. Maybe it was Enzo’s?
An hour or so of straight working went by before Theo came to a pause and set his things aside. He stood from the chair and pulled his body into a sweeping stretch that popped a few joints along the way. He groaned at the pleasurable release, grateful that he wasn’t so stiff anymore. His hands shoved in his trouser pockets and he began shuffling in place to try and work some feelings back into his legs. 
The person who had been there previously, he realized, had never come back. Being as curious as he was, he glanced around the library, spotting only a few fully concentrated students with their heads down. Whose stuff was this? He nonchalantly wandered over to the items and squatted down next to the bag. He picked it up gently and rolled the fabric around in his hands. He wasn’t trying to be too nosy, just wanted to see if there were any embroidered initials or names. Quickly, he flipped the top flap open only to discover a messily scrawled name imprinted over the white tag near the top of the bag. It was, much to his dismay, your name. That obnoxiously uptight girl in his Transfiguration class. Every day, in and out, rubbing everyone’s nose in the fact that you were bloody awesome at McGonagall’s class and everyone else was just shit. He wondered if you were cheating or doing some favors for other students. No way you were that good at that boring class. 
A slight movement out of the corner of his eye shocked him away from the bag. His hands frantically dropped the material and he backed away quickly, not wanting to be caught snooping. Yet, he saw nothing. He glanced around wildly trying to find the culprit of the movement but not seeing anything. He could’ve sworn he—
Another movement. From the center of the white blanket. A cat. A rather large one, at that. Yawning slightly and stretching its little limbs out. His heart nearly melted. 
“Aw,” he smiled, “hello there, love. You nearly gave me a heart attack.”
He slowly slid his hand over the edge of the chair’s cushion and rubbed the back of his first two fingers over your head. Unbeknownst to him and your sleepy state, both were blissfully unaware of who was touching whom. You yawned once more and curled into his touch. He laughed softly at the movement and began petting your head with a full hand. A deep rumbling purr radiated from your chest at his movements. 
You weren’t sure what about this dream was so real, but bloody hell was it comforting. An unknown character in your dream was ever so gently sliding a hand over your head and occasionally scratching under your chin. Maybe it felt odd for them to do that, but it was so relaxing you didn’t care.
He stood back up and gently scooped your curled figure up, keeping the blanket wrapped softly around you. He took a seat in your armchair and placed you on his lap. His fingernails ever so slightly scratched over your head and smoothed the hair along your back. Your thick, bushy tail curled lovingly against his chest ever so often. 
Something that you didn’t know and something that Theo didn’t know, either, was that you had the subconscious tendency to transform into your Animagi identity when sleeping. Whether as part of a dream or mumbling in your sleep, every once and a while, you would slip down to your smaller self and remain curled up as such. It had been going on for a couple of months now and you had yet to notice it. Your roommates most definitely had but they had said nothing as they assumed it was a purposeful action. They figured it would be nice to sleep as a cat as well. 
The purring emanating from your soft chest rolled against his leg as he continued to brush his fingers through your fur. Your head occasionally curled further into his stomach at these gentle actions. This might have been the most relaxing dream you’d ever had. 
“Hey, man, been looking everywhere for—”
“Shush!” Theo berated the loud voice. Mattheo came around the back of the armchair with a look of confusion plastered on his face. He glanced down to see the feline stretched across his lap, an eyebrow raised.
“The baby is sleeping,” Theo whispered, smiling gently. His hands never stopped brushing you. 
“Did you find him—?”
“Oh my god, shhhhh!” Theo repeated. Pansy and Enzo followed the same path that Mattheo had. And just like him, their eyebrows cocked awkwardly. All three of them glanced at the other.
“I told all of you I was going to the library to get some homework done,” Theo whispered.
“Yeah, it sure looks like you’re getting a ton done,” Pansy rolled her eyes.
“I was...,” Theo insisted, “before this baby wandered up. Isn’t she just the cutest?”
“Yeah, adorable,” Mattheo mocked, a smile building its way onto his face. “I’d love to have McGonagall Jr. sat on my lap, if you know what I mean.”
Enzo and Pansy’s faces blended from blank to confusion to realization to stifled laughter. Theo was extremely confused and becoming a little irritated. 
“Ew, what is that supposed to mean? I don’t think all cats are related to Professor McGonagall—wait, she’s not even really a cat, she can turn into one. I don’t think she’s really related to any cats,” Theo argued.
“Yeah, man—not what I meant,” Mattheo laughed. His two companions began to laugh with him. “Whose bag and stuff is that?”
Theo glanced down at the bag and snack plate that had been left behind as he refrained from rolling his eyes. He probably shouldn’t admit he knew who the stuff belonged to as he totally figured it out by snooping, but they didn’t necessarily have to know that.
“That’s that really irritating girl that’s in McGonagall’s with us, you know? The one I ran into this morning and was like ‘Why don’t you watch where you’re going, blah, blah,’ do you remember?” Theo spoke.
“Yeah, I remember,” Enzo giggled. “It’s almost like she's still in the room with us.”
“I know, that’s her stuff,” he nodded in the direction of the things left behind. “I was wondering when she was going to come back and get it but it’s been like an hour and she hasn’t come back.” Theo shrugged and returned his focus back to you who still remained curled comfortably in his lap. His thumb brushed over your closed eyes and ears. 
“Did she ever leave?” Pansy laughed. “Maybe she's still here.”
“Maybe so, I didn’t go looking for her, though,” Theo responded, brushing a finger down the slope of your nose.
“Yeah, she was acting kind of catty earlier,” Enzo spoke. The three students burst out laughing, clutching their stomachs and flicking tears from their eyes. Anger rose up the side of Theo’s neck.
“What is your deal? Is something funny? Anybody want to fill me in on the joke?” he asked. They remained laughing as hard as they could, almost as if they wanted to annoy Theo further.
“Whatever, me and my new friend are going to study elsewhere. At least she doesn't laugh at me,” he harrumphed and grabbed his things, keeping you cradled tightly in your blanket in his right arm. The three students didn’t stop laughing the whole way as Theo stomped off, taking you with him, and touching his nose to yours with a smile. 
“Oh, Merlin,” Pansy chuckled, a tear falling from her eyes. “So we all knew that she's an Animagus, right?”
“Yeah, she told me last year when her acceptance letter from the Ministry came in. She was pretty excited about it.” Enzo struggled not to start laughing again. “She's really nice and really smart, I think Theo can be a bit much sometimes.”
“Yeah, I agree with that….” Pansy responded. There was a few moments of silence before Mattheo tilted his head towards the other two.
“So, we’re sticking around for when she wakes up and realizes she's sitting on Theo’s lap wrapped up in a blanket like a child, right?” he laughed. The other two chorused a variety of ‘yes’ and ‘absolutely,’ as they made themselves comfortable at a table near the one Theo had assigned as his. This was quite possibly going to be the best thing that ever happened.
Part Two!
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minicopia · 3 months
Random headcanons about Papa's
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His bedroom is a second greenhouse;
No, really. He has a lot of plants in every room. Even in the office;
There's time for a nap every day in his schedule;
Knows herbal medicine better than anyone in the Ministry;
Loves tea and Italian pizza;
He also loves candy, but because of this his tummy often hurts🥺;
Pipo often gets cold, so he has a lot of sweaters and warm socks. I'll tell you a secret, he tied many of them himself;
Often reads books while eating;
He loves hugs so much! They don't have to have romantic overtones. A tight friendly hug is enough;
To the brothers and sisters of sin he is like a wise, kind and loving grandfather.
Stone Face 24/7/365;
He has bad knees, so he walks with a staff;
Despite his menacing facade, he's so sweet;
He has a chinchilla named Chessie. He constantly pampers her with treats and carries her with him to work in his pocket;
Prefers sweet coffee with milk and tiramisu;
He loves his younger brothers so much, but he will never show it to them, because showing feelings is not courageous;
He has a huge sweater that Primo knitted and Secondo often sleeps in it;
You will be surprised, but he is not the type who likes one-night stands. He prefers to help himself than to take advantage of an unhappy girl in love;
After retirement began to spend more time in the library. He reads a lot of books just to escape reality;
Sometimes he watches melodramas and dreams that that same beloved will appear in his life...
Everyone thinks he's a whore, but that's far from true;
Yes, in his youth he starred in several porn films and once participated in an orgy, but that is in the past... Most likely;
He just loves wine. And spicy food;
Someone told him about 30 years ago that he eats too much. Terzo still struggles with Eating Disorder;
He really loves flowers and often helps Primo in the garden;
Of course, he enjoys the attention of women, but not when they just want to sleep with him;
He is interested in sewing, especially toys. Every child in the Ministry has a special toy from Papa Emeritus III;
He also embroidered elements on costumes his ghouls;
He likes opera so much! And ballet. If he hadn't become the Satanic Papa and leader The Ghost Band, he would definitely have become an opera performer;
Sometimes he feeds stray cats that accidentally end up on the territory of the Ministry.
The only one who raised his ghouls himself;
Lover of good breakfast, lunch and dinner. And snacks. And afternoon snack. Oh, he often eats something. And drinks tea with condensed milk or juice;
That person who eats away his troubles with ice cream and watches sad films in the evenings;
His room is littered with comics, video games and various action figures (he especially loves Funko Pop);
In the evenings he goes to the infirmary to visit sick children and reads fairy tales to them. Sometimes he takes a couple of ghouls with him to entertain the children;
There are always sweets in the pockets of his cassock;
Yes, he is cute, shy and funny, but when he is angry... He is worse than the Sister Imperator. Don't make Copia angry;
He is simply an amazing cook. Everyone loves his peach pie with ice cream;
He has serious problems with sleep, so very often at night Copia can be found in the garden while he admires the starry sky.
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blueiskewl · 4 months
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A Major Tomb With Gold and Ceramic Artifacts Discovered in Panama
In an archaeological find in the El Caño Archaeological Park, located in the district of Natá, province of Coclé, in Panama, a tomb has been discovered that sheds light on the sophisticated Coclé society of pre-Hispanic times.
The tomb thought to belong to a Coclé lord and dating back to 750 CE, was found to contain a wealth of funerary offerings, including ceramic and gold artifacts.
The El Caño Archaeological Park is well-known for its necropolis of tombs and stone monoliths that date back to 700–1000 CE. American explorer Hyatt Verrill first realized the importance of the site in 1925 when he discovered ancient monoliths beside the Rio Grande River.
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Linette Montenegro, National Heritage Director of the Ministry of Culture (MiCultura), explained that this discovery is part of the ongoing archeological project in the park.
The project, started in 2022 and financed through a cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Culture and the El Caño Foundation, aims to thoroughly explore Tomb No. 9 during the 2021-2024 campaigns.
The tomb’s contents, consisting of 5 pectorals, 2 belts of gold beads, 4 bracelets, 2 earrings in the shape of human figures, an earring in the shape of a double crocodile, 1 necklace of circular beads, two bells, bracelets, and a skirt made with dog teeth, and a set of bone flutes, is testimony to the cultural and social wealth of the Coclé society.
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Dr. Julia Mayo, director of the El Caño Foundation and leader of the archaeological project since its inception in 2008, highlighted the importance of this discovery.
The collection, which probably belonged to a high-status adult male, represents a window into life and death in the Rio Grande chiefdom. The tomb, built around 750 A.D., is especially intriguing due to the presence of sacrificial attendants buried alongside the lord, indicating multiple and simultaneous burial practices.
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Dr. Mayo noted that the excavation process is ongoing, making it difficult to determine the exact number of individuals buried within the tomb. She said that this type of burial, known for burying a variable number of people in the same tomb, provides valuable information about the beliefs and funerary rituals of the Cocle society.
Dr. Mayo explained that the Coclé lord was buried in a face-down position, a customary practice in this culture, often atop the remains of a woman.
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El Caño Archaeological Park, built around 700 A.D. and abandoned around 1000 A.D., has yielded significant archaeological discoveries. In addition to the known monoliths, the site includes a cemetery and a ceremonial area with wooden structures. This discovery stands out for its uniqueness and the insight it provides into Cocle society’s funerary practices.
By Oguz Buyukyildirim.
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smoke-and-silver · 4 months
Summer Solstice
Ghouls / NSFW / Outdoors
Minors DNI.
The ghouls herding you outside on the night of the summer solstice to a clearing they decorated just for you.
It's a warm lovely night and the grass is soft and there's fires lit to see by, courtesy of Dewdrop.
Mountain brushes out your hair as they lead you to a smooth stone slab in the middle of the clearing. Aurora is rubbing a scented oil over your skin, her claws tickling your arms as she runs her hands down them.
You've barely sat down, the stone cool against your skin, before a drink is pressed to your lips. It's sweet like berries with a bit of spices. You gulp it down greedily.
Cumulus is giddy to get you undressed as she pulls at your nightclothes. If you notice her impatience and give her permission, she'll tear them off of you with ease.
She reassures you in a breathy voice that she'll buy you something even nicer as she looks over your bare body in wonder.
They lay you down and you see Cirrus approach with a bottle in hand. You recognize it as a special drink that the ghouls love and make themselves.
The ghoulette uncorks the dark glass and begins to trickle the liquid over your sternum, slowly moving down the length of your torso to your navel.
You feel it running across your skin and dripping onto the stone below and you watch it pool in the middle of your belly. One by one the ghouls lean down to drink off of your body and they each press grateful kisses to your stomach and chest afterwards.
Swiss tilts your chin up gently from where he stands near your head and kisses you softly. His warm calloused hands rub over your shoulders and slide down to massage your chest.
You feel other hands join his, the other ghouls beginning to feel you and rub any aches or soreness from your body.
Someone massages your legs, someone else kneads your hands. Rain gently removes your shoes and kisses the tops of your feet before beginning to rub those too.
You're loose and receptive from the full body massage when Phantom shyly nudges his head between your legs, offering to please you with his mouth. He wants to be the first to taste you and he's thrilled when you accept him.
You are staggered by the new summon's performance. He has you seeing stars, your toes curling.
(Phantom is very proud of himself, excitedly telling the other ghouls to "look!" at your flushed face as you catch your breath afterwards. They laugh warmly at his eagerness and praise his work. Aether pulls him off the altar and gives him a pat on the head.)
Dewdrop approaches the altar next. He playfully "shoos" the other ghouls back with his flicking tail and climbs up onto the altar. He spreads your legs open again and you watch him wink at you as he wets two fingers with his tongue.
His hands are strong and hot and dexterous as he easily works you through two more orgasms. He makes sure you're stretched out and ready for when the real fun starts.
It's Aurora who has her turn first, crawling up onto the slab and prowling towards you with wild giggles escaping her lips.
Each ghoul takes their turns pleasing you. They sit you up when you need to recover or rest for a few moments and they use that time to feed you, pressing small cakes and fruit and bread and more drink to your mouth.
Aether only offers himself when you assure him that you're ready to take him. He's the biggest ghoul and doesn't want to hurt you.
He's gentle, but he's so big that each thrust rocks your entire body. You're a mess when he's done no matter how careful he tries to be. He's wonderful at taking care of you afterwards, though. He kisses your teary eyes and thanks you for taking him.
When the night is done they drape a blanket over your shoulders to cover your body and lead you back to the ministry. A hot bath is waiting for you.
You almost nod off to the soothing noise of their chatter and laughter as they help you scrub up and wash themselves too. It's a little party in the bathroom.
Your favorite ghoul carries you to bed in the den, and the rest follow to curl up with you. You finally fall asleep in a warm, peaceful haze surrounded by snuggly demons.
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lyrablack1883 · 10 months
Illustration inspired from A pocket full of stones by @amywaterwings
The animatic edit is on TikTok :D
Here’s the frames based on Chapter 3 , chapter 12 illustration is here :D
“The spectacle,” the man says, simply. The tenor of his voice changes a fraction. Harry swallows hard and tries to focus.
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“Wouldn’t it be nice?” And then the stranger’s words melts away into something familiar. The voice in his ear is one Harry knows.
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“If we could force them to tell the truth for once. If we could punish them for their lies.”
Harry turns, eyes wide and panicked. Beside him, Draco Malfoy slowly lets the glamour obscuring his sharp features fall away.
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“Shh,” Malfoy says, pressing a finger to Harry’s lips and everything inside of Harry’s mind goes quiet. “Watch me.”
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A wand slips down Malfoy’s arm and his lips are moving, a combination of Latin words that Harry doesn’t recognize.
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As the spell comes to life, some of the colour drains from Malfoy’s face, leaving his skin pulled tight and pale.
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He sags into Harry’s shoulder, and Harry turns to catch him. It’s reflect. It’s right.
“So chivalrous,” Draco huffs, his breath tainted with frost.
“Draco, what are you—”
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“Potter,” Draco says, trying to stand up straight on legs that are clearly wobbly. “Look.”
His voice must be charmed, Harry thinks, because he does exactly what Draco says. Harry’s head turns back to the marble stairs, so smooth and white against a drab day. The words “this is an unprecedented event, of which the Ministry had no previous knowledge” echo around the square, magically magnified so that everyone can hear. “We would, of course, have acted sooner had the reporter in question only sought us out with this information.” Just as Draco predicted.
“What exactly am I—”
“Just look.”
It’s slow at first. A spark of red creeps up the hem of McLaggen’s robes, and then turns into a flame consuming the bottom half of his body, and then spreads to consume his paper and his hair and then the screaming begins. McLaggen is burning alive on the steps of Gringotts.
Harry is a fish out of water and he stares at the impossible—the spectacle, Malfoy had called it.
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rotdistressxox · 2 months
Headcanons: The Ghoulettes + Mountain first meeting / Developing a crush on you
Part 1
• She immediately stands out to you because of her long, curly, white hair. She flashed you a smile and welcomed you to the team.
• The more you got to know her, the more she stood out as the mom-friend of the group.
• Bascically adopts you into the ghoul-friend group. Anyone says anything bad about you will have the 'lioness' to deal with.
• You help her with practicing piano and keyboard. She likes to harmonize with your voice, and sometimes she sings along.
• Winter arrives and the fire ghouls are usually working to heat up the ministry. She invites you to cuddle, since that's what ghouls do to preserve body temperature.
• Presing your body close to hers, you tuck your head under her chin. She whispers an 'Oh my' as she feels her heart beat getting faster. She purred as you fell asleep in her arms.
• Swiss wanted to join, but she growled and swiped at him. "My bad"
• That's a thing that became more common between you two, even if it wasn't cold outside anymore.
• She starts to fuss over you more like she's your wife, which you jokingly call her.
• Is pretty similar to Mist, the only thing that's different is how quickly her mood changes. It's super scary
• At first she was stone faced like the previous Era of ghouls, but as soon as you said hi she was smiles and rainbows.
• Was the one who seemed the most trust worthy at the time, so she's your main ghoul to talk to.
• Pretty playful and flirty, like a mix of Aurora and Swiss. Loves it when you pet her or scratch under her chin.
• Started to feel more attracted to you once she realized her attraction to you wasn't just friendship. It was romantic. Pretty simple when she came to terms with it.
• Overthinks her crush. Is it real? Is it just ghoul hormones or your pheromones? Does she just want you, or does she want all of you?
• Gets jealous pretty easily. Doesn't like it when the Ghouls flirt with you, or you give them attention.
• Almost starts a fight with another ghoul because they stared little too long at you
• Is bascically the stereotype of that one girl that wants/ is friends with everyone.
• Very excited to meet you, shakes your hand vigorously. Introduces you to the rest of the ghoulettes instead of letting them do it.
• "Yeah, Aurora's one of the newer ghouls" Cirrus tells you.
• Wants to hang out with you 24/7. You are her bestie afterall! Sleepovers, making friendship bracelets, gossip or shit talking. Her personality is heavily inspired by chickflicks.
• Her hair is naturally a very light green which fades into a dark blue at her roots. One day she decides she wants to dye some strands a neon pink. You help her ofc.
• You had changed into a shirt that was way too big on you, it slid down your shoulders and it took every ounce of her willpower not to shove her nose in her neck. The smell of a human was irresistible to a ghoul.
• "Shit, I can't get this one spot" you sit on her lap and hold her face while you use the brush to finish the bangs. Her ears turned red and her tail wrapped around your leg.
• "Uh, Rora. You good?" "Yeah totally!"
• Didn't keep it a secret that she had a crush on you when talking to the other Ghouls.
• "Ugh I want them so bad" "(Reader) and I already have 27 children in the scenario in my head" "I would kill for them ngl"
• The most imposing ghoulette, despite her stature.
• Doesn't say anything the first time you see eachother. She only stares you down, watching your every move.
• She's so serious at first, so you start teasing her. The Era 1-3 ghouls have darker skin, so a way you could tell she was blushing was when her cheeks turned a dark purple.
• Doesn't want to admit it, like it all. But she loves it when you tease her.
• "Where's (Reader)?" "They're in the left wing working today. Why?" "Nothing, if you tell (Reader) I asked about them I will end you"
• Not good at emotions. At all. Conflicted all the time because she fell in love so quickly. She has never been in love. Never.
• Refuses to talk about it with the others so she doesn't ruin her 'tough chick' persona.
• One time you snuck up behind her and poked her waist. She let out the cutest whine/yelp you had ever heard. She chased you around though.
• Also very protective
• Oh where do I begin.
• Scares the living shit out of you because of how tall he is, by accident because bro just appeared out of the ground and dusted the dirt off his shoulders.
• Doesn't usually interact with the siblings of sin if at all. He's afraid of them
• Is actually very sweet though, he thinks you're a little weird at first. Not a bad weird, just very unusual.
• Stuff you say is usually hilarious. Your humor shocks him at first, but he gets used to it
• Mountain is usually very stressed, there's a lot going on in his head. Practice, more practice, duties, mental health. But for some reason, the loud thoughts in his head disappear when you say "hello"
• When you're not looking, he'll put flowers in your hair until you notice them.
• Ofcourse he knows he's in love, the earth ghouls at usually the ones most aware of emotion.
• When he follows you around the lawns and the gardens, a small patch of purple flowers are left in his footsteps
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Can you do a Sirius x reader where the reader goes to visit him in Azkaban
winter’s only pretty when you’re warm.
tags: sirius black x gn!reader,, soft angst,, azkaban,, ambiguous ending,, mention of yn,, short around 1k wc or so
a/n: thank you for the request,,, i hope you like it anon! <3
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“jus’ hand over your wand, empty pockets, that’s it—“ the security, if you can even call him that, was a lanky, gaunt-looking man. he looked to not even bother to weigh your wand before stashing it away and waving you off. though you imagine, there’s hardly any need for him anyway, no one would even dare to step foot in this place.
the stone walls, dusty and narrow. the windows, hardly even considered as such for how small it was, was unreasonably high. like they don’t even want the inmates gazing at the sky. there was no light fixtures in place, except for the small weak fires lining up the hallway.
you hear the howling winds outside, and waves crashing against the the building, the silent echoes of groans, the crying pleas and the manic laughter deep inside the building.
the doors slammed open by the rough winds of the sea. you jumped, whirling to look at the source of the sound, fingers circling around your absent and locked up wand. an occupational hazard, moody calls it. you unclench your fingers, stretching out the tension.
you asked, no, begged dumbledore to do this. to be the one to talk to him, at least once.
the guard called over another, barking out, we have a visitor. as if it was a joke.
it could be. rarely anyone gets granted visits to azkaban, but dumbledore isn’t just anyone. you even had the absolute pleasure of getting bloody tips on where to go and what to say and who to say it to.
it was another guard, a familiar man that once worked for the dmle, though you fail to remember his name.
“i’m here for—”
he clicked his tongue, “i know who,” standing up with a groan and adjusting his trousers, “not like we have a line-up of visitors shceduled in this charming place. follow me then.”
elevators don’ work, always malfunctionin’, someone almost died last year, if you could believe it. ministry didn’t want to be liable so they jus’ removed it. didn’t even think of the older employees working here those bastards, the familiar man ranted.
on a regular day, strangers talking to you would have been your nightmare come to life, but you’ve come to appreciate the noise in your ears rather than the raging heartbeat echoing in your chest.
as you go further, raising floor up to floor, the colder it got, the more unsettled you feel. for once, it wasn’t because of the dementors that caused the chills down your spine but something greyer and darker than they are.
he led you to a room, locking it as he says wait, off to fetch him.
you stare at the scraped up table, the scruffs and scorch marks on the walls. wondering what must’ve happened from past visits before.
you pick at the skin around your nails, biting and ripping, until the red bead of blood seeps out.
the metal door creaks open, murmurs of warning exchanged between prisoner and guard, and then all you can see is grey and dark.
his sunken eyes, holding the once vibrant grey eyes that have now gone dull and misty. the dark luscious waves now in knots and matted down. he looked so different but he brightens up all the same once he sees you.
he runs to you, engulfing you in a hug. one that you know he needs more than anything. you see the guard reach for his wand and you stop him with a shake of your head, assuring that it was fine. he reluctantly nods and leaves you two alone.
you hear sirius take a deep breath in the crook of your neck as he clutches unto you for dear life. “angel, i di-didn’t—“ he sobbed, arms tightening as he did so, “i would have n-never, i would never betray james like that. you believe me, don’t you? please say you believe me. please say.” his voice cracking, body shaking like a damn leaf. he felt so cold, shaking in thin, shabby looking clothes.
you slowly raised your arms around his waist, hugging him back.
“i believe you,” you whispered, offering mere words as a consolation for losing everything, he cries harder. “shh. sirius. i’m here, i believe you,” you breathed, repeating this like a mantra, as he hugs you more and more into his chest. one of his hand smoothing out your hair at the back of your head and the other firmly wrapped around your waist.
the way he hugged you, and looked at you hadn’t changed, why should anything else?
you stay like this until he resembled the warm heat of a living person. sitting in front of each other but clutching each other’s hands. you struggle as you remove your, his, jacket but you did, placing it on his shoulders right after. hoping the heat from your use, can warm him just a bit more before the inevitable arrives.
“i c-can’t believe they let you be here.” he breathed, voice rasping like it was the first he’s used it in weeks. it probably is, you imagine dementors to be rather dull conventionalists.
“they had to,” you laugh bitterly, imagining the loud protests from the order, when you requested a visit. “else i would have never stopped. i had to come see you no matter what.” you look at him, dirtied and thin. chest clenching and something heavy dropping into your stomach as you gulp, “i should’ve come sooner, if i had known—“
he softly smiled, grey eyes looking so tired but actively roaming around your face, as if memorizing every minute detail. every blemish, mark, scar, mole and line. like it was the last time “no, this is perfect. i didn’t even think i could see you—“ he looked down at your hand completely engulf by his, an overtly misplaced fond smile on his still handsome face, “let alone touch you.” raising your hand to his cold lips as if to emphasize his point.
you dragged your chair over to him, clutching at his arms, pulling him to you—hugging him once more, unable to look at him as you bury your face to his shoulder. it hurt seeing him so happy here, of all places, just for the mere fact that he got to hold your hand.
resting your head on his shoulder, and him nuzzling your hair, taking deep breaths in. as if hoping your smell can somehow be engrave into his brain before the inevitable.
it was easy to forget where you were, being with him like this, but the distant moans and screams was just as easy to hear.
running your tongue over your dried bitten lips, knowing of the time and the limit set. “i don’t how to get you out, sirius,” you sniffled, clutching his dirty and muddy clothes. “they won’t listen to reason-”
he whispers back to you, face still buried into your hair, “because they’re afraid, angel.”
“they have nothing to be afraid of,” you scoff. “you don’t deserve to be here. you’ve done nothing wrong.”
“haven’t i?” he laughs, “i mean it was my idea—“
you shook your head, “don’t. you thought of it as a strategy, a damn good one if that. it was him. he was the one who couldn’t be trusted. it isn’t on you.”
“but i trusted the wrong person—“
“that doesn’t make you responsible for his actions, i don’t even want to—“ taking a deep breath, calming yourself down, “i just want to focus finding a way to set you free—“
“jus’ you here is fine,”
you frown, pulling away from him to look at him in the eyes. grey still misty, still dark.
“why do you sound like you’re just giving up.”
not a question. an accusation, a soft one—a disbelieving one.
he reaches to you. rough hands on your cheeks that used to be so soft, sullied after a year. “because it wouldn’t matter, james is gone, lily is gone, pete—“
“i’m not.” you cut in, smothering the rage at even hearing the traitor’s name. “remus either.” you steered your voice to be firm, “and harry, we’re still here waiting for you.”
conversation became quieter after that. less important, less imposing, more normal. like you were in your flat rather than a cell. in front of a comfy fire, rather than the howling sea winds and cold chills of the floating spirits around you.
chatting in the living room, talking about your day and the plans for the week after a hearty dinner.
hands, arms and even ankles twisted and tangled with each other. needing nothing else but to melt and meld with one another, never to part.
but then the inevitable, the door clanking and creaking open, indicating the end.
you pull each other, hugging fiercely just like the first.
sirius kissing your neck and cheek and forehead and nose and mouth. whispering promises, you don’t know if he’ll be able to keep.
he wasn’t shivering now, all warmed up and looking content but this offered no peace of mind knowing what he has to come back to. how sensitive he is to the cold.
he was escorted back to his cell, a lingering look sent to you as he goes, and each step he takes away from you makes you feel a little colder, a little more frustrated and a little more hopeless.
sooner than you’d like, you were already going down again, your jacket warmed by him hanging off your shoulders.
you get your wand and your portkey and leave.
the portkey beeps, counting down the seconds before it activates, as a trickle of snow softly fall down from the sky. snowflakes catching into your sleeves, beautiful shapes and designs in each one. the howling winds, cold and strong, but warmed by your jacket, you can hardly feel it. then you think of the thin, shivering, man holding your heart, trapped in the tower. with his cold lips and tired grey eyes.
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whorediaries-09 · 2 months
can i use you up?
pairing- sirius black x auror!reader warning(s) - angst. a/n- a different take on my style of writing.
little train series masterlist.
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sirius wanted nothing more but to punch the wall beside him. his feet were atrociously restless and he felt something within him that he'd never felt before. he was sure his knuckles would turn white with the grip he had on the newspaper.
in a span of a few years, he'd escaped the treacherous hold of his nightmares, been accepted into a place he could happily-safely call home. he'd escaped the prison- the hell hole that bound him down, depriving him of the ever sweet freedom. he had found people he could keep close and call home.
little did he know his home was really only just the town where he'd be arrested.
he didn't know he'd be barricaded to his ghosts, tied together with his pasts and prison. he didn't know he'd been bound by shrieking dementors that'd reminded him of his memories he'd so carefully concealed within the corners of his mind.
and with each passing day, when his trial is put off, he feels his hope blur and the fire of rebellion seeded within the crevices of his heart die.
he feels his last bit of sanity fade.
sirius doesn't get any visitors. he never expected any the moment he'd been thrown away into the cell. so when the dementors rattle down on the cell, he grumbles, turning and tossing onto the stone floor.
'sirius!' moody's loud voice bellows. sirius recognizes it, he's learnt to memorize it and hate it so very well.
'what is it alastor!' he screams back. he fills the rage fill him up again. he likes it when he's left alone - when he's not treated like an animal in a zoo. he feels revolting, it scars him into the very depth of his skin.
'the ministry has decided to look into your case once again.' alastor says. his fake eye moves erratically. sirius has learnt to not let the joy affect him. the dementors don't scare him, no. the memories do. so with lifeless eyes, a true contradiction to the gaze of sirius black, he stares at him.
'i thought the ministry was far too fed with injustice? did their big fat brains come back to senses again? or is today april fool's alastor?' he spits.
'black, mind it. i might change my mind.' he piercingly glares at him. he chooses to stay silent and not give him a reaction upon his statement.
'who's taking on my case?' he asks, silently. he's quietened down. he doesn't want the emotions to overrule his logics.
'i am.' a new voice replies. sirius stares for the source of the voice, suddenly interested.
you appear from the shrouded darkness. staring ahead into his piercing gaze, you stand determined on the floor. as formality you offer him your name. he shakes his head, gazing at your form up and down. you shiver under his cold gaze.
'what interests you in my case, young lady?' he asks. to establish your seriousness, you stare right through his cold gaze.
'the injustice.' you whisper. he stares at you before his face breaks into a mocking smile which turns into a harsh, cruel laughter. his head heats up with rage he's never felt before.
'injustice?' he spits. 'i've to believe suddenly all you have gotten your senses back and you should hold a trial for someone who was arrested without proper evidence?' he waits for you to say something. he notices a shift in your body language as you relax your shoulders and shift your eyes on the ground before staring into his again.
'i don't care if you believe me or not. what i can promise you is that i'll give you your freedom.' you say, so serenely. for a moment, he feels a pang of jealousy at your calm state. but it quickly dissipates when the rage controls him over again.
'is that so? what lovely words! why should i believe that you don't think i'm the killer? what confirmation do i get, young lady?'
'that's a fair point you've got there mr. black. but i believe you because...well there's no way you could've been the cold blooded killer. i can only promise you and give you the surety of my words. if you insist, i can make the unbreakable vow with you.'
'you can't do that,' grunted moody, 'it'll trigger the dementors.'
'fine. if he wants, i can make the vow on the day of the trial.' alastor grunts.
'yes,' you emphasize. 'do you want me to make the vow? will you believe me then?' sirius stares at you. he tries to decipher through the curtain of your blank stare.
'yes.' he says, his voice quiet and seemingly calm. within him, however, he breaks. he hears the hurricane with his name on it, coming nearer and nearer. the blood rushes to his ears, and he buries the heat within himself.
so, he does his best to lay to rest all of the feelings that have been in his heart. but in his mind, they sink into a swamp.
original idea posted by - @lilwnet
taglist - @reggieisfit @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @jamespottergf @eternallybipanicking @fictional-magic @iamgayforyourmom1510
(if you want to be tagged please send a request through my inbox.)
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petriwriting · 2 days
Vero amore - Theodore Nott X Reader (Part 1.)
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Summary: Theodore is on trial for being associated with voldemort due to his father and family history, His odds arent looking so good. Luckily for him you are called to the stand to testify on his behalf, and you just might be the key to his innocence.
Fluff, established previous relationship, Exbf!Theo, Older!Theo and others. Post hogwarts.
A/N: My first longer(ish) story. Let me know if you want to be tagged for part 2 and if you like it overall, I always like feedback! also if it is poorly edited I will go back and change a few things here or there. nothing major though. Please heed my warning this will have a lot of time jumps and memories but it will all make sense in the end promise. (Mini Series is now a WIP)
Italic is memories
"This could be the end of me." 
Theodore sighs in defeat, he is exhausted, and takes a swig of butterbeer to calm his nerves. The years past had not been kind to the man, his shoulders were low, as if they were fatigued from carrying the weight of the world had weakened his posture. His eyes had sullen dark circles beneath them, and his hair was long and un-kept. There was a cigarette between his fingers, it was unlit, but waiting patiently. He wasn't so much nervous, as he was ready for this to all be over. He was more than ready to leave his family's reputation in the past and move forward to better things. He was slightly jealous of Draco Malfoy for that reason, Draco had even become much more acquainted with Harry Potter after the war, leaving his reputation in the past now as a mature adult. Theodore felt partially he hadn't matured enough, and that he was still the boy who was stuck in his 6th year. It was a harsh adjustment for everyone, but Theo was completely alone now, with his father pronounced deceased shortly after the war and an estate left to him. He was an only child, his mother was gone. He pushes away all his friends for the most part and had not bothered making new ones... Theodore Nott was a mess. With one hand holding the beer bottle and cigarette, his other hand found its way to his pocket, pulling out a tiny black stone, rubbing it between his fingers to self soothe. 
"Let's not be too dramatic." Blaise says, with a slighty comforting tone. luckily for Theodore, Blaise had been helping him through his depression despite his best efforts to push him away. It was an effort that was silently appreciated. "I doubt Y/N would lie to the council, especially since it happened so many years ago." He said, standing at the other end of the kitchen island looking over at Theo. 
"Well, considering my behavior... I broke their heart. I wouldn't honestly wouldn't be upset if they did, Maybe I deserve it.." Theodore said, running his hand through his messy curls. 
Things had been tense for him lately. The ministry began investigating all those who were suspected to be involved with Voldemort's operations, one by one. Some trials were famous for their unhappy endings, others not so much. With Theodore Nott being his father's son, he was one of the first people to be questioned, going through the lengthy process of trying to prove his own innocence. His fathers action had ruined his son's reputation. Of course many of his friends had tried to speak on behalf of his good character, but the court's jury still seemed unconvinced. They had called you to the stand to testify for him, and he was utterly terrified. Although some may argue that the odds were stacked against Theodore, with the trace of a dark mark still plaguing his arm, Though others stand to believe he was innocent. Many of his friends had gotten through unscathed, although due to his father's high esteem, Theodore felt conflicted and angry. He knew it wasn't right to put you in that position, especially after all the time that has passed. Being a pureblooded slytherin associated with all things evil, the cards were not exactly in his favor.
"Well, let's hope for the best, shall we?" Blaise says, after pouring himself a small glass to toast with Theo. They had managed to stay relatively close throughout the years, despite all the chatter.
"thanks, I'll need it." Theodore says, finally lighting his cigarette.
.    .    .You were relaxing one evening when a stocky brown barn owl nearly crashed into your window, with it came a letter with a familiar silver wax seal. The ministry of magic. You were quite alarmed, as you had no reason in particular to be contacted by them. Was your wand permit expired? or maybe there was some urgent matter to attend to? These questions flooded your mind as you carefully opened the letter. It was a summons. "You are hereby summoned to testify in court regarding the alleged innocence and character of Theodore Nott."  Readinghis name made your heart flutter. 
You had to stop in your tracks, taking a deep breath. You would be in the courtroom, testifying on behalf of your old ex-boyfriend from your school days. You could not believe it. The rest of the letter was a blur, something about instructions and court behavior expectations and what not to bring. You and Theodore had had a very Illustrious history together. He was your first love after all. It was all you could think about, for days on end until the court date finally arrived. It felt like months of sitting and waiting in anticipation and anxiety. Your mind turned over every interaction you had that would somehow frame you in a bad way, you were scared they might open a case on you just for the affiliation. Part of you, maybe even the tiniest part, felt that this was some kind of fate. Perhaps you were simply destined to relive the past, even if it was some of the most painful memories, maybe you could finally progress and heal after this.
You ran your fingers over your hair, readying yourself for what was about to come about, how it could all blow up in your face, or worse... You simply had no idea what to expect. You didn't even know what Theodore was up to these days apart from the slight mentions you overheard from friends and gossip. Aside from everything you were scared to face the man who broke your heart.
With a sigh, you apparated to the ministry's main office. Rushing past you were business men and women, Aurors, and some office workers. everyone seemed in a hurry, which didn't help your heart rate at all. It was beating fast as the seconds ticked on by. You scurried through the busy halls to the elevator, you were instructed to meet outside courtroom Ten, on the tenth level. You approached the doors steadily although nervously. You were waiting to be escorted into the main room. This level was so silent, almost as if it was void of any people at all. 
Someone in a plumb robe appeared, with a soft smile. It was a much older woman, something about her was oddly comforting. "Alright love," she said, sensing how nervous you were. You were fixing your collar for the third time. "No need to be scared, You'll see a bright light, then I will escort you to your seat." she explained. "Very simple." you nodded along. You could feel your heart-beat in your chest, wanting to run away or apparate somewhere you were familiar with, but you managed to keep yourself collected. 
It wasn't that you were scared of the court or being sentenced, you knew you were innocent and that you had nothing to hide, but you were anxious about seeing Theodore. The clever and mischievous boy you fell in love with may not be in that room, he may have changed completely. You were scared of that change. For you, it was devastating, He was your whole world and you loved him with all your heart, but you were starting to think that you must not have been the same to him, as after the war he had moved away from the city with blaise, Never even bothering to send an owl or talk to you. You tried to justify it, maybe he had his own reasons. He was going through a lot, without a doubt. above all you were scared you would fold under the pressure of being on the stand.
"Alright dear." the old woman whispered, taking your arm. you were led into the hall, it was dark. The woman was truthful about that bright light, it was blinding, like a spotlight. You could feel the enchantments that had been done in this room, there was a fuzzy, but calming feeling washing over you. The jury were all dressed in the same robes, sitting in near rows of curved benches that opened up into a central clearing, where there was a large chair on a podium. That must be where they would question people, you thought to yourself. The bright light began to disappear more and more as your eyes adjusted, as most of everything else was dark. The Wizengamot stood, everyone followed suit. you were standing on the sidelines with your escort, there was so much going on you almost didn't see Theodore sat across from everyone. There were two Aurors on either side of him and he was in restraints. It pained you to see him treated like a criminal, especially after seeing how gentle he really was. He looked older, still as handsome, but tired. Exhausted even, with dark circles under his eyes and his curls a mess atop his head. For a moment, you saw him and your heart skipped a beat.
"Witches and Wizards of the court, we are gathered today for the testimony of Y/N L/N on Behalf of Mr. Theodore Nott. shall the information and insight given to us today be conclusive, we may not need perpetuation of this case."  The wizengamot says. "We will proceed with a brief summary of our evidence, and our trial shall commence with Mrs.L/N's Testimony."
A small, short stubby man wanders up to the front of the jury to recap the evidence. He explains the case in short detail. Theodore was being accused of being affiliated with his father's operations, and since his father worked for Lord Voldemort the evidence was conveniently stacked against Theodore. The first piece of evidence was Theodore's dark mark, and the jury had apparently stated that this was a choice made by Theo, although you knew deep down it wasn't. The second piece of evidence brought up from collections was a broken time turner, you could clearly recall the memory of this. Although that was the only physical evidence against him, The other witnesses were named. One of them was a Slytherin student who had a class with Theodore, but you quickly realized whatever she had said must have been against his innocence, since it was someone Theodore rejected countless times, and he even left her alone to pick up a project worth most of their grade during fifth year granted, he did have a good excuse it didn't matter. The other witness was named Theodore's neighbor, an old man who had been acquainted with his father. It was clear the old man hated the Nott family, having lived in silent hatred next to the Nott manor for many years. And then, the final witness was you.
After turning the thoughts over your head, and imagining all possible outcomes you realized that they were about to try Theodore Nott for an affiliation with Death Eaters that was not his doing. Theodore was about to become a criminal  .  .  . 
You knew in your heart that this wasn't right. It was unjust. You would be guilt ridden for the rest of your life if you didn't at least attempt to unravel these lies. You could disprove most of the evidence anyway, you also knew that it might not be enough. Your escort stood behind you as you stood on the central platform to be seated for the jury. The same man who spoke before and welcomed everyone to the trial turned to you. "Mrs. L/N," he said, you gulped and took a shallow sigh. "How do you wish to proceed?" he asked you. 
You looked at him for a moment, and then back to the jury. They seemed like they didn't particularly care about being there. Without thinking much, "I would like to request to present my memories as evidence." you said. "Very well." the man replied, receding back into the room. At this time, you had to be sure you were providing the best evidence even if it meant showing everyone in that courtroom your most vulnerable moments. It was a brave gesture. 
After a few moments of silence, some Aurors emerged into the room with a Pensive. A small silver bowl with runes and symbols carved on the inside and outside, within it contained a shiny silver liquid. It was placed in the center of the room. The Auror approached you, asking for your permission before proceeding with extracting your memories. You had read about this in school, but you had never seen one let alone used one for yourself. He placed his wand up to your head, twirling gently. You felt a tear escape your eyes, it wasn't painful, but it felt like a sudden rush and headache. The Auror added the memories to the silver bowl, and in almost an instant it began to glow.
"Mrs. L/N," one of the jury members began. "are you sure you wish to proceed?" they asked, you nodded quickly. 
You took a deep breath as you looked into the bowl, It was enchanted to allow everyone to see your memories, and the glowing ball of light sprung up to illuminate the center of the room, within it was your memory.  .  .
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martyschoenleber · 1 year
Making a Place / Room for God
This is the path and my new place for getting alone with God. That’s my house in the background. And this is the new path I cut on land I don’t own to a pond that is not mine either. But it is a short walk from my garden and with the chair in a pack and my Bible in one hand and coffee in the other, it gives me a new place to meet with Jesus. For the last two months, this has been the most…
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sentientgolfball · 18 days
Same Old, Same Old
if you couldn't tell I've been possessed by these two recently
Read here or on Ao3
Pairing: Zephrit
Word Count: 3730
Tags: pup as a nickname, Zeph is kinda(?) mean...a little?, so much nipple
Summary: Ifrit takes a trip down memory lane by playing dress up with his old uniform. Zephyr catches him and makes the most out of it.
A bored ghoul never meant anything good. Ifrit had been sitting in his room all day, bored out of his mind. No chores to help with, no Siblings looking for him, no call to action. He laid in bed for an unreasonable amount of time, alternating between texting Zephyr and scrolling on his phone. Another hour passed before he huffed and tossed it on the bed next to him. There were only so many cat videos he could take. 
He heaved a sigh before standing, stretching with a pop in his shoulders. He figured a walk will do him some good, anything to get his blood pumping. Fire was an element of energy and Ifrit could not stand the thought of staying still any longer. Maybe he would even find something to do while he was out and about. Even if he did not, at least he would not be laying around anymore. 
He thinks about where he will go as he changes out of his pajamas. His phone buzzes, another text from Zephyr. From what Ifrit could tell, they have been having a day. They have been helping a new Sibling tasked with sorting through the older books in the library which is not a problem on its own, it is a certain Sister. Sister Gracie. She has been the problem in all of Zephyr’s workday stories recently. She checks out hoards of books and keeps them well past their due date. On multiple occasions, Zephyr has had to go directly to her and ask for them back. They were at their wit's end for today though. Apparently, she actually returned the stack she checked out on time, but when Zephyr went to collect them from the bin they had been damaged. All of them were either soaked or had some mystery stain on the pages. So all day it has been running between helping the new Sibling, talking with Imperator and Sister Gracie, and trying to salvage the books. 
Another ping from Ifrit’s phone. 
If I see her in here ever again after this I will be more than tempted to break that stupid human rule they can send me back to Hell it’ll be worth it to claw her eyes out
He stares at the message and quickly decides he will make the library his destination for his walk. It was on the opposite end of the Ministry from the ghoul den, so surely it will be enough to get some energy out. Plus seeing Zeph right about now sounds nice, for both their sakes. He sends them a quick text telling them he is stopping by before lacing up his boots and leaving the den. 
The halls aren’t as filled as they usually are, he passes a few pockets of Siblings and ghouls filtering about but that’s it. He greets them all with enthusiasm, a bright fang filled smile. It seems to be a lazy day for the entire Ministry, though the heat from the late spring sun might have something to do with that. 
He decides to take the longest way possible to the library, taking every twist and turn he can. He can feel his fire crackling just under his skin. Now that he’s finally moving around he feels ready to burst. When he passes the doors to the practice room he pauses though. He stares at the metal doors, out of place against the stone architecture of the ancient building. It’s been a long time since he’s gone inside, since he’s been on this wing of the Ministry. He hasn’t needed to, when Dew changed guitars Ifrit took the fantomen to keep in his room. When he gets that itch to play all he has to do is take it off the wall. 
He opens the door just to peek inside. When he sees the room is empty he figures a quick trip down memory lane won’t take too much of his time. He steps in, lights and air conditioning coming to life when the sensors pick up movement. He takes a deep breath, it smells of artificial cold and polish. Underneath all that though, the dull scents of various ghouls filter through. Quintessence and fire smell the strongest. Ifrit briefly wonders which combination decided to lock themselves in here for a few hours. Omega and Alpha? Dew and Aether? Phantom and Dew? Or maybe it was Swiss? The multi ghoul’s scent was always hard to pinpoint unless it was fresh. 
Ifrit shrugs, not too concerned with the details. He bounces around the mini rehearsal stage; eyes closed to let muscle memory take over. He bends backwards, throwing a hand into the air to show off to a ghostly crowd. If he’s quiet he can almost hear the cheering. He misses the energy of performing, misses the pleasant ache in his body after a ritual. Even so, he would not go back. Nothing would stop him from being where Zephyr is. Nobody had asked him to leave, but when Zephyr said they couldn’t  handle it anymore it wasn’t even a question. Reliving the memories is enough as long as Zephyr is with him. 
Oh shit Zephyr!
He pulls himself back to the present with a shake of his head. He already took too much time by stopping, Zephyr is probably waiting for him outside the library doors. He jumps off the mini stage, bounding towards the exit when a light catches his eye. One of the soundproof practice rooms has a light on. He thought he was alone. He can’t help it when he turns, heading down the short hallway. He peers into the window when he’s close enough only to find it empty. Well not empty, all of the spare practice rooms were being used as storage while the band wasn’t actively preparing for a tour, but there was no one inside. 
He goes to open the door, but it hadn’t been closed all the way. He pushes it open and steps inside, surveying the space for any signs of who the mystery ghoul may have been. Whoever they are, they left in a hurry. Uniform bags are open, a mask box sitting on one of the few chairs in the room. Ifrit moves to clean up the small mess, but seeing the glint of the mask has him stopping. It’s not one of the helmets like he was expecting. Its silver, no opening for a mouth, curling horns, and sculpted hair. Empty eyes stare up at him. His eyes. His mask. 
He doesn’t think as he takes it out of the box, bringing it up to his face to look into the eye holes. It’s surreal to hold it again. The only one who stills wears this version is Omega; feeling the cool metal feels wrong but almost right in a strange way. This was his face for his first few months Topside and now it just sits in a box. 
An idea crosses his mind. One that would surely get him in trouble if he was caught. Whoever was in here before him clearly thought the same thing, only Ifrit didn’t stop. He put the mask back into the box, closing the lid and picking it up before his conscious could catch up to him. His eyes quickly scan over the rack of costume bags until he finds the right size. If he was going to steal pieces of Ministry history he needed to do it quickly before someone else wandered in. 
He shuts off all the lights in the practice room before slinking out of the metal doors. He figures if he goes the short way back to the den he’ll make it to his room before running into trouble. The library is all but forgetting as he scurries back with his contraband. He won’t have it for long, just the evening. He’ll return it first thing in the morning before anyone notices it’s missing. It’s been a long time since he’s seen this uniform, he just wants to taste it again. 
He makes it back to his room in the den with no trouble, suddenly very thankful for the slow, lazy day. He has the uniform out of the bag; still on the hanger but laid across his bed. He stares at it. 
“What the fuck am I doing?” He runs a hand through his hair. 
Despite his conscious finally catching up to him, he shrugs his leather jacket off before pulling his shirt over his head and dropping it to the floor. He discards his pants next, adding to the pile of clothes next to the bed. He stares at this old uniform in nothing but his underwear for a moment long before grabbing it. He puts the pants on first. It’s a little tighter than he remembers, meeting a bit of resistance as he pulls them over his thighs. After a bit of tugging he gets them all the way up to sit around his hips. The waistband slightly digs into his skin. The top comes next. He unbuttons it with practiced ease before sliding it onto his shoulders. 
“Oh shit,” he says with a mix of surprise and panic. 
It’s already tight around his shoulders and he hasn’t even rebuttoned it yet. He turns to look at the floor length mirror that sits in the corner of the room. The fabric is pulled taut and he briefly worries about the seams bursting if he moves too fast. He didn’t risk stealing this for nothing though. He begins to close the buttons one by one. It becomes a struggle once he’s halfway up his abdomen. He has to suck in deep breaths of air just to be able to pull the edges close enough to slip the button in. It’s a fight once he gets over his chest. No matter how he moves he can’t close it. He breathes, he relaxes his shoulders, he hunches forward, yet nothing gets him closer to his goal. Did he really get that much bigger since his summoning? 
He stares at his reflection, the uniform so close to being all the way on. If he could just get the buttons over his chest closed. He ponders any possible solution, so lost in thought he doesn’t hear the door open. 
“So, this is what you did instead of coming to see me?” Zephyr leans against the doorframe with their arms crossed. 
Ifrit whips around, a slight flush to his cheeks as he tries to stammer out an explanation, “Zeph! No you see I was coming to see you, swear on the Lords, but I…well you see it’s funny really—“ 
“Save it,” Zephyr holds up a hand “I can see you’re having lots of fun playing dress up. Please, don’t let me stop you.” 
They watch him, waiting for him to continue. Yellow eyes look him up and down expectantly. Ifrit almost flinches under the intensity. 
“I can’t.” He bows his head, looking at his feet. 
“What? Too shy now that you’ve got an audience? Come now Ifrit, I thought you loved the spotlight.” 
He shakes his head. “No that’s not…I can’t Zeph.” 
He tries to pull the buttons over his chest once more, showing Zephyr what he means. They watch him struggle for just a moment before it clicks. Their eyes scan over his figure again, only this time they notice how tight the uniform is on him. It's clinging to him, no wrinkles or extra space in sight. The way his chest bulges out of the unbuttoned front. They can see the outline of his nipple piercings. They can see everything. When the silence stretches on for too long, Ifrit lifts his head to look at them, guilt and shame written all over his face with how deep that blush has gotten. Suddenly Zephyr couldn’t care less about having to walk back to the den all by themselves. 
“Poor little pup can’t fit into his old uniform?” Zephyr pushes off the doorframe, stepping into the room and closing the door behind them. 
Ifrit’s eyebrows shoot to his hairline at the tone of their voice. Zephyr stalks over to him, running their hand over his shoulder and down his arm. They can feel the muscle ripple under the featherlight touch. They can’t help but squeeze his bicep, feeling the solidness through the fabric. Ifrit shudders, watching a small grin appear on their face. They meet each other's eye for a moment before Zephyr slips one of their hands into the opening of the uniform to grab at one of his pecs. 
“Why bother trying to button this thing? Leave it open so everyone can see your perfect tits.” 
Ifrit chokes on air when Zephyr pinches one of his pierced nipples harder than what could be considered pleasurable. 
“This is certainly an improvement. Could never touch you like this backstage.” They fondle his chest, squeezing as much of him as they can with one hand. 
Ifrit allows himself to be pushed until his back hits the dresser, hand shooting out behind him to keep his balance. Zephyr presses themselves tight against him, standing in between his legs to cage him in. He stares down at them as they start to mouth over his chest. The whiplash of Zephyr catching him to having that cool tongue gliding over heated skin makes his head spin. He isn’t sure if he should stop them, telling them to wait so he can take it off lest he rips it, or let them continue to grope his sensitive tits. 
When he feels them bite close to his nipple his brain shuts off, hand flying up to stop the whimper that catches in his throat. Zephyr does it again. And again, and again, and again until his chest is covered in purple. His hips grind forward against them when their other hand tweaks his nipple at the same time they suck the other into their mouth. They squeeze their tail around his waist to stop the movement of his hips. 
“Not yet pup, I want to take my time with you while you’re like this. Don’t want it to end too early.”  
“Zeph, Birdie. Come on, we…you’re going to rip it,” he struggles to form a coherent thought with the way they’re rolling that sensitive bud between their teeth. 
Zephyr pulls off of him slowly. They stand from their hunched position to stare at him, hands still roaming over his chest. “Are you telling me no?” 
“‘No!” He says in a hurry “, that’s not what—“ 
“Then shut your mouth. You’re the one who wanted to play dress up, so let’s play.” 
Zephyr steps away from him before reaching up to wrap their hand around one of his horns. They drag him to the bed, tugging and pulling at him to get him to lay flat on his back. Ifrit’s helpless to it, he allows them to move him however they want with nothing but the grip on his horn. When he’s down, Zephyr straddles his hips. Ifrit stares up at them with wide eyes, waiting for them to make a move so he can figure out how to not burst every seam on the uniform while they use him. 
They tilt their head smiling at him; something sweet and simple before spitting directly onto his tits. Everything moves quickly after that; they unzip their pants just enough to pull their cock out, jacking themselves a few times before sliding up farther on Ifrit’s abdomen. They reach into the uniform to squeeze his chest together, moving their hands in quick circles to smear the salvia around before letting up on the tension just enough to shove their cock between them. 
They squish his tits together until they’re hissing with satisfaction before slowly rocking their hips. He itches to replace their hands with his, do something other than stare slack jawed up at Zephyr, but every thought dies when he sees the tip of their dick peek out from his cleavage. His hips twitch up searching for friction when he watches a bead of pre drip so close to his chin he could lick it up if he craned his neck just a bit more. 
Zephyr laughs at the hazy look in his eyes, at the way he’s just staring at the way their tip glides closer and closer to his face with each roll of their hips. The laugh is cut off when his brain finally catches up and he flicks his tongue out to swipe over the slit, drinking down the pre pearling at the tip. Zephyr shudders with a groan, hips bucking forward to get closer to the heat of his mouth. 
“Not as dumb as I thought you were.” They huff, resuming a more rhythmic grind albeit it faster than before. 
Ifrit is craning his neck to keep his tongue out, licking over their cock as they fuck his tits. He can feel the drool running down the side of  his mouth, dripping onto his collarbones only to slide down and pool in his cleavage. 
“Making a mess of yourself pup,” Zephyr groans. 
Ifrit doesn’t respond, doesn’t have the brain power to. His senses are flooded with the taste of them, with the sight of their flushed cock, with the breathy little sighs that fall from their lips each time Ifrit flicks his tongue. He wants to get them in his mouth, properly suck them off until they cum down his throat. He moves without thinking, trying to grab their hands and surge forward to flip their positions. He doesn’t get that far. The moment he lifts his shoulders a deafening pop accompanies the sound of skin gliding on skin. Ifrit is slammed back into his body when the tension around his shoulders suddenly feels lighter, less constricted. 
“Birdie shit wait. Stop, I think it ripped.” He panics, squeezing Zephyr’s wrists. 
“How is that my problem? You stole it now you’ll live with the consequences.” They huff, doubling down. They squeeze his chest tighter, rocking their hips faster. 
Ifrit could easily throw them off, truly ask them to stop, but he can’t find it in himself to move. He’s paralyzed by the realization he damaged the uniform, but also by the ache between his legs and the weight of Zephyr on his chest. Caught between his want to stop and his need to continue. 
His mind is made up for him when a particularly hard thrust from Zephyr pushes the tip of their cock against his lips. His hands fly to their hips, urging them to do it again. They oblige, pressing closer to his face. Ifrit shifts just enough to be able to wrap his lips around the head, sucking and licking over it. Zephyr’s head falls forward, cursing under their breath. Their thrusts turn into quick little grinds, shoving more of their cock into that hot, wet mouth. 
Ifrit lets the weight of it rest on his tongue as drool runs down his chin. The awkward angle makes it difficult to take more than an inch of them, but he doesn’t care. He’s content to run his tongue over them, licking at their slit and the sensitive spot on the underside. Ifrit sucks, working his lips around them and Zephyr is unable to stop their talons from digging into the meat of his chest. Ifrit moans, eyes fluttering and hips bucking into the air from the prick of pain. 
Ifrit does it again. Instead of talons tearing tendering flesh he feels Zephyr go rigid. They cum without warning, coating the inside of his mouth. He instinctively swallows around them and they shudder as another glob squirts over his tongue. Ifrit suckles on his dick until it’s too much and they’re pulling away from him in overstimulation. They’re both panting, staring at each other with flushed cheeks while they catch their breath. When Ifrit runs a hand through the mess on the chest Zephyr groans. 
“Get out of that thing before I ruin it.” Zephyr slides off of him, knees cracking when they stand. 
Ifrit sits up to sit on the edge of the bed, turned to stare at his reflection in the mirror. He runs his hands over the deep marks littering his chest. His brain supplies him with memories from backstage closets and hotel rooms as his eyes rake over the disheveled uniform. That is, before he remembers where he’s at. Why he has the costume to begin with. His head snaps to Zephyr who’s just smiling at him. 
“Don’t worry I’ll fix it before someone has your horns.” 
Ifrit sighs a breath of relief. “Thank you birdie.” 
“It wouldn’t be the first time and I certainly hope it isn’t the last,” they press a kiss to his temple ,” now strip.” 
He stands, taking off the top as carefully as possible to not make the tear worse. The seam on his right shoulder is ripped down to the armpit. He cringes at the sight, handing it over to Zephyr before shucking the pants. Zephyr nearly doubles over at the sizable wet patch on the front of his boxers. The fabric clings to him, outline the shape of his now soft cock. They palm at him, squeezing him through his underwear and smearing the mess around. Ifrit shudders at the feeling. 
“Filthy,” Zephyr muses. 
“You’re one to talk,” Ifrit huffs a laugh. 
They shrug, gathering the discarded uniform and folding it neatly before putting it on the desk to work on later. 
“You’re the one who put it on. I’m not to blame for my actions.” 
“Hm,” he thinks for a moment, “maybe next time I’ll wear the mask.” 
“Oh so suddenly you have no reservations about stealing Ministry relics?” They eye him with a grin, something dangerous glinting in their eyes. 
He grins back, “Not when it makes you like this, birdie.” 
They hum, pressing kisses along his jawline “Good.” 
There’s a moment of silence before Ifrit feels their hand wrap around his throat, “But if you ever leave me waiting like that again I’ll make sure you suffocate, understood?” 
Ifrit swallows and nods. He shifts the weight on his feet, feeling his cock try to kick back to life. Zephyr grins at him. With the uniform gone he had no protection from their talons. He almost hopes they’re still upset with him. 
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iamthecomet · 4 months
If the ministry/Abby have a glamour is it just the outside or is the actual building broken
That's the beauty of magic, it could be either. I think, for most people, the glamour extends. It's a broken building. Dangerous. Rotting floors. Cracked stone. Broken glass. The peices are all there. Nothing extra, nothing missing. They're just in the wrong places, the plants are a little more wild. Pushing up through the stone, climbing through busted windows. Quintessence is a hell of a drug. We talk about it being used for hallucinations all the time. So, it stands to reason that there are wards, protections, hallucinations, that extend to anyone who walks in without the right intentions. That being said I think it's a little goofy when you're inside the real ministry and some outsider is walking around. The siblings/ghouls/clergy members can see them--but they can't see the clergy. It's almost like they're the ghosts. Walking through, eyes darting around. Stepping over felled beams that no one in the actual abbey can see. They're given wide birth, the people who need to know about them are summoned (Swiss, usually, he really loves to fuck with them. And Dew, on occasion, though he tends to be a little more malicious. Omega or Aether to make sure the hallucination holds). And they are watched/tormented/followed until they leave or die.
No wonder people feel so weird when they go into certain rooms. Sick, cold, dizzy. They attribute it to EMF fields or ghosts, but really it's just Aether dragging his fingers down their spine and pumping them full of quintessence. I'm also plauged by the idea of these people wandering into ghoul rooms. Seeing overturned bookshelfs. Trinkets littering the floor. Bending down to pick up a small glass turtle and roll it between their fingers before they're unceremoniously shoved over and the turtle just disappears. Rain really doesn't like it when they touch his things.
On the other hand--those with good intentions. Or those who do a very specific ritual in the basement ritual room--will find the glamor draining away when they step into the main abbey. They'll find themselves in the real abbey. How else do you think Siblings get recruited? They have to pass the test (do you know the ritual OR are you "pure of heart" for lack of a better phrase). And if they do--they'll find themselves welcomed home.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 3 months
Theory Masterpost
So, I decided to make this post that I'll edit to keep all my essays organized by subject and pinned to the top of the blog (partly for myself, partly for ease of reading and finding things). It's only Harry Potter theories for now about anything I find interesting either about the characters, the Wizarding World at large, or magical theory and how magic works in the Harry Potter world.
So Here are the organized links to all of my essays:
Harry Potter
Character Analysis
Harry James Potter:
Harry Potter is Actually Really Clever
Harry Potter is Really Magically Powerful
Harry Potter is Probably Gay and Here's Why
Why I don't think Harry actually likes Ginny
Should Harry have been in Slytherin?
What would Harry's Animagus form be?
Harry was never really Dumbledore's man
Hermione Granger:
Some rumbling about Hermione's character
Hermione's and Ron's Animagus forms
Weasley Family Dynamics:
The Weasleys Aren't Great Parents
Ginny and Quidditch
Tom Riddle/Voldemort:
The Riddle of Tom Riddle:
The Death Tool of Voldemort's Wars
Voldemort Isn't Insane, At Least, Not in the Way You Think
Wool's Orphanage
Home Sweet Hogwarts
After Graduation
The Rise and Fall of Lord Voldemort (the first time)
The Rise and Fall of Lord Voldemort (the second coming)
Other Tom riddle/Voldemort Meta:
Voldemort and Harry's Horcrux
What would Tom Riddle's Hypothetical Patronus be?
Tom Riddle's Hogwarts Timeline
Sirius Black:
Sirius Black was a good godfather to Harry
I don't think Sirius saw Harry as a James stand-in
James Potter: Character Overview
Regulus Arcturus Black: Character Overview
Barty Crouch Jr:
Justice for Barty Crouch Jr: Part 1/2
Justice for Barty Crouch Jr: Part 2/2
Severus Snape:
Snape, his abuse, and his dynamic with Lily
Snape and his treatment of his students + abuse in the Wizarding World
Theodore Nott: Character overview & Nottpott
Luna Lovegood: Character overview
Albus Dumbledore:
Dumbledore, Tom Riddle, and what makes a psychopath
Did Dumbledore care for Harry?
Dumbledore's manipulations:
Halloween 1981
Fidelius Charms, Secret Keepers, and Sirius Black's Trial
The Prophecy
Harry's Abuse
The Deluminator and Spying
Secrets of the Darkest Art: How to Make a Horcrux
Horcruxes: Could the diary have returned using Ginny's life and how sentient is a Horcrux
How could you remove the Horcrux from Harry without killing him
Magical Theory:
How Magic Works in Harry Potter? And More Specifically What is Dark Magic?
How the Trace in Harry Potter Works
Wandlore: How the Elder Wand Chooses its Master
The Veil, Death, and its Master
The half-life curse of slaying a unicorn
Lily's Love Protection and Dumbledore's Blood Wards
Wandlore: Why Harry's wand shot golden flames at Voldemort
How to make the Philosopher's Stone
Why did Voldemort pass out when he killed Harry? Answer: Lily's magic at it again!
Pensive memories
Mind Magic: Obliviation, Legilemancy, and false memories
Prophecies and Fate
Wizarding World:
How many muggleborns actually are there in the UK?
Wizarding IDs
More about calculating the size of the magical population in the UK
Magic and Genetics
Magic and Genetics: Magical Beings
A little bit about magical owls and pets
The wizarding world is a bit of a dystopia
Religion in Magical Britain
Religion in Magical Britain: Godparents
Ministry of Magic:
Legislative Processes
The Wizengamot
What was actually going on with Ariana Dumbledore's magic
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oncethrown · 11 months
Steganography Cut
"Okay," Ron sighed. "I'm just going to say it. I'm not convinced about Percy."
"Convinced?" Bill asked. "What the fuck does that mean?"
"He shows up at the 11th hour saying he knows Aberforth— "
"He was in danger," Charlie cut in. "They were arresting dissenters, and he didn't have anywhere to go, what did you want him to do?"
"Saying he knows Aberforth," Ron continues. "Mum let him bring Oliver Wood back to the burrow with him for some reason, and now they've been holed up together since the end of the battle. I didn't even realize they knew each other."
Hermione opens her mouth to speak, but Bill raises a hand to cut her off. "No. We're not going to do this. The war is over. We're not digging out spies and detractors any more. Percy is back now. None of of us know what he's been through, he was there when Fred," Bill stumbles over his brother's name and the temperature around the table drops several degrees. He clears his throat. "He was there when Fred died. People grieve in their own ways and shit like this- Ronald- is not making easier for him to be with us instead of 'holed up with Oliver,'" Bill huffed. "Besides, according to Oliver, Percy has been working against the ministry for years. Oliver says he saved a ton of people and he knows where all the bodies are buried "
"When did you even get a chance to talk to Oliver? When did you get him away from Percy? What are they always doing up there?" Ron jabs his finger toward the house, encompassing the window to the twins old room, where Percy and Oliver have spent the majority of the last few days, only surfacing to sit silently through meals or walk out to the old paddock in the evenings and come back red eyed and loose limbed. 
"I think they are just boyfriends," Fleur says with a shrug. Everyone around the table stills so much they may have turned to stone. She looks around at all of them, then to Bill. "Is this not the word? Ills sont les petit amis, non? Les copains?" She looks around at the assembled Weasley's, Hermione and Harry. "Lovers. What did I say? What does 'boyfriends' mean?"
"Lovers?" Ginny repeats, horrified. 
Charlie and Bill exchange a look. Charlie shakes his head. "Oliver can't be… surely. He's a professional Quidditch player."
"Oui," Fleur insists. "Bill, when you were attacked- Percy came to see you after Dumbly-dorrs funeral. You were not awake, of course. We talked a little, and I left him to sit with you. 'e was so sad, I thought I would bring him something, a tea. When I came back, Oliver was there, and they were in a…" She looks up at the sunset kissed sky, around the table, then back to Bill "ils se tenaient l'un l'autre. Romantique."
"I understood romantic," Harry said. "What did she say?"
"She said they were holding each other." 
"And you're just bringing this up now?" Ginny demands.
Fleur straightened. "I 'ave barely spoken to Percy! I do not know Oliver! I am supposed to know this is a surprise?"
The back door creaks open and they all freeze again as Percy and Oliver step out into the garden. Hermione lets out a peel of fake laughter, realizes its the first laugh there has been in the house since the battle and turns it into a cough. Percy and Oliver exchange a look and walk self consciously toward the table. Percy executes an awkward wave. Oliver seems to be hiding something behind his back.
"Hey,' Percy says. "Everyone. What's up out here?"
"Just a nice night," Bill says. "Hard to be in the house, and…"
"You're welcome to join us," Charlie says. "If you weren't… doing something else."
Oliver looks at Percy and shrugs. "Uh, no. We were just going to get some fresh air and uh," he pulls a bottle of wine from behind his back. "Alcohol. But… we can.." He looks at Percy again and sets the bottle on the table "Break out the old refillable charm and split it, uh. Nine ways."
"Ginny's underage," Charlie says.
"No I'm not," Ginny argues. 
"Yeah. Yes," Bill says, standing and pulling his wand out. "Stay. Come talk with us." He waves his wand and everyone is so busy watching him conjure a chair that they miss the back door opening again. 
"What's everyone up to out here?"
In a night of stops and starts, they have still not frozen like this. Slowly, they all turn to George. 
He swallows deeply, looks back at all of them, and lets a slow, hesitant smile roll over his face. "You all look like you've seen a ghost." 
No one laughs. No one moves. 
George nods. He leans over, grabs the wine bottle off the table. "Percy, can we talk?"
"Uh… of course. Yes." Percy says. George nods again and starts to walk away. Percy rocks strangely on the spot, as though cutting off a movement, touches Oliver's back, and scurries after George. 
Oliver watches them go, then settles himself down into one of the vacant chairs. 
They stare at each other in silence for a moment. 
"I will go get some more alcohol," Charlie volunteers. 
"Yes, god, yes, please do that,"Bill agrees. 
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im-a-wonderling · 3 months
Survival Mechanisms ~ George Weasley
This is part three, so make sure you read Is It Still Punishment if It's Worth It? and Clumsy, Clumsy first!
Warnings: none
Word count: 4k
Tumblr media
The N.E.W.T. preparatory witch was absolute rubbish.
With the exams looming, Umbridge had allowed for a dodgy witch from the Ministry to host an exam study session of sorts on the Patronus Charm. It was hard to believe that Umbridge could hate so many things and yet endorse a witch that wore a hat with green shamrocks and orange balloons.
A load of the Gryffindors were lounging around on the seats that had been pushed against the walls, having produced a fully corporeal Patronus. They cracked jokes and laughed with each other. Every so often, one of them would lazily sweep their gaze across the room at the students still struggling with the spell. Their palpable arrogance seemed to bounce against the stone walls, weighing down the room. 
I gripped my wand tightly enough to feel every ridge of it against my skin.
Why were they still here? If they’d successfully completed the exercise, they could take their boisterousness somewhere else, preferably over the balcony of the Astronomy Tower. 
“Expecto Patronum!” I said firmly, circling my wand. The most pathetic stream of silver yet flowed from the tip of my wand, disappearing in an instant. I grit my teeth, circling my wand again. “Expecto Patronum!”
“No, dear,” said the supervising witch, waddling over to me. “The wand movement must flow. Like this.” She demonstrated, and the silver form of a dog burst forth, running through the air in the classroom with its tongue hanging out.
I ducked my head in thanks, and she walked away to help a Hufflepuff. I glared after her, imagining transfiguring her stupid hat into a flower pot of marigolds. When I turned back to the fake dementor, it wasn’t the only dummy standing there.
George leaned an elbow on the dementor’s shoulder, looking at me with his grin reeking with complications. “All right?”
I extended my wand towards the fake dementor, waiting for George to get out of the way. But he remained squarely where he was. “What?” I asked tersely. 
“Nothing.” His tone was far too smug for that to be true. “You’re just cute when you’re frustrated.”
Just then, George Weasley should’ve thanked every star in the sky that I wasn’t born a Welsh Green, otherwise he’d be a pile of cinders. Gritting my teeth, I flicked my wand at him, trying to scare him away, but George didn’t so much as flinch. “Go away,” I finally said. “I’m busy.”
George stood up straight, his arm leaving the dummy. But instead of going to join his housemates, he ambled closer. He had such a funny and easygoing way of walking. He put one foot in front of the other like it didn’t even matter where his feet ended up, because he was content wherever he was. “Struggling, are we?”
“Expecto Patronum!”
George side-stepped the spurt of silver that left my wand, and when it faded, he looked back at me. “Do you want help?”
“George, I’m not in the mood,” I warned. 
“What’s your memory?”
I shot him a withering glare. “I’m not telling you.” 
George brought both his hands to his chest, sticking out his lower lip. “You wound me.”
“I will if you don’t get out of the way,” I seethed.
George tilted his head to the side in the way he always did when he seemed to be sizing me up. Then he bent down and leaned in, and I prepared my wand, ready to cast the Revulsion Jinx if he so much as laid a finger on me. “Meet me on the sixth floor,” he said quietly, his words tickling my ear, “by the portrait of Edgar Stroulger.” 
“So you and your Gryffindor pals can ambush me?” I bit back, turning my head to look him directly in the eye. “Absolutely not.”
“Do you never trust anybody?” George’s soft question paired with his unassuming eyes almost made me feel guilty.
“If you want trust,” I replied, “go bestow your relentless charms on a Hufflepuff.”
George straightened, looking down on me with furrowed brows. For a moment, we simply stood there, staring at each other. Had I finally gone too far? Was he going to throw in the towel? Would he take the advice I wasn’t sure I meant and go find someone easier to talk to?
Then his face split into a grin. “You think I’m charming?”
How could he do that? I’d never known someone who could receive such acidic words from someone and spin them as if they’d been given a compliment. “Why would you help me?” 
“Because we’re friends now.” 
I raised an eyebrow. “What makes you say that?”
“Well,” George’s eyes flicked over to the witch who’d just finished demonstrating how her own patronus walked on all fours, “you said you don’t snog your friends. We’ve never snogged, therefore we’re friends.”
I rolled my eyes, ignoring the flipping of my stomach. “I don’t think that’s how logic works.”
“Innit?” George straightened. “If you want help, you know where I’ll be.” And with that, he walked in his unhurried way out of the room. 
The dark eyes of the dementor dummy bored into mine as I considered my options: staying and hoping the witch somehow became more helpful or taking a chance on George. I glanced at the witch, who was leading one of the other Slytherins in what appeared to be a breathing exercise. 
Okay, clearly George could offer as much, if not more than, the witch. But the humiliation of failing in front of the witch meant nothing compared to how I would feel if George laughed at me. 
Could I take that risk for the benefit of learning this charm?
I looked out the door George had just walked out of. 
Stopping at the entrance of the Study of Ancient Runes classroom, I glanced around the corner, waiting for any sign of danger. Seeing none and walking slowly, I rounded the corner, coming face to face with the portrait. 
Edgar Stroulger, the inventor of the Sneakoscope, looked warily down at me as he reached into his wrinkled purple robes to pull out the Dark Detector. It didn’t light up, spin, or whistle, which meant no one was doing anything untrustworthy nearby. 
Did George pick this portrait to make sure that I wasn’t planning anything sinister? Or did he pick it so that I could be sure he wasn’t planning anything sinister? 
Suddenly, the portrait swung outward.
My wand slid into my hand in an instant, and I pointed it, ready for action. “Calm down, it’s only me,” George said lightly, stepping out and closing the portrait behind him. 
I waited a beat, just to see if George would start squirming, but he didn’t look the least bit concerned by having the tip of my wand an inch away from the tip of his freckled nose. 
“Another make-out spot?” I asked, finally lowering my arm. 
“Not yet, but there’s always time,” George replied with a cheeky grin. I waited for him to lead me somewhere, but he just stood with his hands in his pockets, looking at me. 
“What?” I finally asked.
“You came.”
Were the words born of surprise? Excitement? Disappointment? I was unnerved by the fact that I couldn’t tell. “I don’t like failing.”
“Everyone knows that,” George chuckled. He gave a grand bow, indicating the hallway I’d just come through. “Shall we?”
I eyed George. Were we going to the Ancient Runes classroom? Or did he have somewhere else in mind? Was he bringing me to a second location? Wasn’t it common knowledge that one was never supposed to let a kidnapper take them to a second location?
“Well, we can’t practice charms in the hallway, can we?” he said, correctly interpreting my silence.
I sighed. “I’ll follow you then.”
George smiled and swept down the hallway, walking straight towards an empty stone wall. Was George about to walk right into it? And if so, did I have time to get snacks to watch? Just as I started to debate this, before my very eyes grew a large door, as if it’d just pooled out of the wall like melted chocolate. 
“How did you–” I started to ask, a bit breathless. “How did that door just…appear?
George looked pleased at my response. “Hogwarts is full of surprises.”
I shook my head. If anyone would know about a secret door in Hogwarts, my money was on the nosy Weasley twins, but still. 
George opened the door and made a little bow. “After you.”
My curiosity winning over my paranoia, I walked inside, glancing all about the room.
There was no furniture, only a wide-open space with a fire burning in the hearth across from the entrance. A few training dummies, similar to the ones the witch had been using, lined the walls. There lay an inherent conflict in the room between the cool, blue light from the windows which bounced off the mirrors and the yellow light of the glowing chandelier.
“Alright,” George said, rolling the sleeves of his uniform above his elbow as he brushed past me to stand in the very center of the room. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”
I followed him, dutifully pulling out my wand and keeping my eyes focused on one of the training dummies and not George. “Expecto Patronum.”
“You’re spiraling too big,” George said.
I tried again.
“No, not like–here.” The next thing I knew, George was at my back, his hand moving down my arm to encase my wand hand. “Smaller, softer.” My lips parted as his warm breath skittered across my cheek. His wrist moved, guiding my wand through the motions. “It’s not meant to be harsh.”
I glanced at the mirror across from us to see that George’s eyes weren’t focused on my hand, but on my face, which was steadily turning crimson.
If bringing me to this room was some sort of romantic move, I was determined that it would fail. The portrait of Edgar Stroulger would not become another make-out spot, and neither would this room. At least not with me. I kept my eyes studiously forward, waving my wand as instructed.
“Brilliant.” He spoke in a whisper, but it felt as though he were shouting. 
"Expecto Patronum!" Silver mist flowed from my wand, more than before, and it didn’t fade as quickly. 
“Better,” George said encouragingly. “Again.”
“Expecto Patronum!” Same result. 
“Try again.”
I repeated the action, and the silver mist was gone in a moment. “Augh, this bloody charm is impossible!”
George rubbed his chin thoughtfully, and the appraising manner with which he looked at me made me nervous. “What are you picturing when you’re trying to conjure it?”
I lapsed into silence, keeping my lips stubbornly closed. Under no circumstances was I going to give him ammunition.
“I’m not trying to hurt you,” George said softly. “I’m not harboring some secret plan to humiliate you. I’m trying to help, so will you please let those walls of yours down and let me?”
I just glared back at him, folding my arms tightly.
George sighed, moving to stand between the dummy and I. “Mine is a food fight with my family.”
The admission made me blink. Why would his response to my closed doors be to open his own? In spite of myself, I was interested. “Not some prank?”
George ducked his head, and I suddenly missed his smile. “No, not some prank. We were sitting down to dinner, and my dad leaned over to give my mum a kiss and he accidentally knocked over the cauldron, spilling pea soup everywhere.” George wrinkled his nose, as if he could smell it still. “My brothers and I were covered in it, and the whole dining room was dead silent…and then Fred threw his soggy roll at Bill, and next thing you know,” George smiled broadly, “we were all throwing food, even Mum, and Mum never willingly creates a mess.” 
Even though I hadn’t been there, his memory was captivating enough that I could picture the large family laughing and slipping as they reveled in each others’ company. 
George lifted his wand, and a burst of fear shot through me. 
But before I could hurl a spell in his direction, he whispered his own: “Expecto Patronum.”
A magpie flew forth, soaring about the room with minimal flapping of its patterned wings. If patronuses could make noise, I had a feeling this one would sing the most beautiful song. Not because it was trying to compete with or impress anyone, but for itself, to represent the sheer joy that kept it aloft.
Then, it veered towards me, flying so close that I could’ve sworn I felt the brush of feathers on my leg as it began to circle. It flew higher and higher with every rotation until a silver cloud of mist surrounded me. Then, it shot away again, flying about the room. 
“The Patronus is an outpouring,” George said quietly. “It’s the happiness that can’t be contained, therefore it must leap forward.” 
I’d never been much good at outpouring. Everything I held dear was held behind my walls, for sharing things was the fastest way to spoil them.
But I wanted to learn this charm. How could I protect Clem if there was a gap in my magical prowess? 
“What are you picturing?” George asked again. 
I folded my arms. “I’m not telling you.” 
“C’mon, Y/L/N, your wand movement’s good, you’re saying the incantation right. There’s only one thing that could be keeping you from casting it.” 
I grit my teeth. If there was anything more insufferable than George Weasley, it was George Weasley when he was right. “I was…thinking of…getting my Hogwarts acceptance letter.”
George didn’t burst into laughter or devolve into mocking like I expected. “Why’s that a powerful happy memory for you?”
I looked away, staring at the door and stifling the wish to run through it. “My parents were going to send me to Durmstrang.”
“Oh.” George rubbed his neck. “Well. That would’ve been a shame.” There was a silence before I finally nodded, not wanting to say anything else on the subject. “Maybe try a different image?” he suggested. 
“Like what?” I said hopelessly. “Hippogriffs tap dancing?”
George’s eyes gleamed, and the magpie landed on top of his head. “Now that’s a good one.”
“George,” I said warningly.
George rubbed his chin, looking thoughtful. The longer the silence extended, the more I wished I could simply use George’s memory of his family food fight. Finally, George blew out his cheeks, imitating a frog’s vocal sac extending with a croak. “Don’t curse me for asking this–”
“No promises.”
“–but why do you protect Clem so strongly?”
I stared at George, confused. Not by his actions, but by the small part of me that actually wanted to answer his question and share about the biggest love of my life. But I couldn’t shake the deep-seated fear that this information would somehow be the key to bringing me down.
“I swear to you,” George said softly as the magpie ruffled its wings, “Clem’s safer from me than my own siblings, because I won’t turn his teddy bear into a giant spider.” 
I debated inquiring about the story that clearly lingered behind his oddly specific word choice, but decided not to. Letting out a long breath, I looked away. 
“I was six when Clem was born,” I told the floor. It was much easier to speak to the stone floor than to the intently listening redhead. “I’d always wanted a sibling, but my parents struggled with having kids. Even when my mom was pregnant, the healers at St. Mungo warned her that she might lose the baby at any point, but my father…” I sighed. “He wanted a son. You know, carry on the family name and all that.”
Mercifully, George stayed silent, as if he knew one word from him would make me clam up and one joke right now would earn him a trip to the Hospital Wing with a pair of permanent elephant ears.
“They let me hold him, and he was so much heavier than I thought he was going to be.” I smiled softly. “I’d never seen a baby before. I thought babies were just…small people, but they’re not, they’re chubby and wrinkly and they’re red all over.” I glanced at the mirror and George’s unmoving reflection staring intently at mine, willing me to finish.
“I don’t think six-year-olds know much about anything. I definitely didn’t, but when I held my brother…” My courage quailed. I shook my head, raising my wand to attempt the charm again.
Suddenly, the magpie flew past me and then George was in front of me, his hand holding mine still as he looked down at me with something I couldn’t name or deny. “Finish it,” he said softly, but earnestly. “Finish the story.”
I couldn’t form the right words at first, but George didn’t say anything to break the silence as I struggled. “When I held my brother,” the image of my baby brother started almost glowing in my mind, “I knew what love was.”
George’s slight, answering smile was quite possibly the most genuine thing I’d ever laid eyes on. He released my hand but didn’t step away. “Try it now.”
I didn’t look away, not wanting to puncture the peace of the room with the incantation. I looked deeply into George’s brown eyes and whispered it. “Expecto Patronum.”
The room lit up with the silver mist that poured forth from my wand, more than before. At first the mist pooled beneath my wand, and then, rising up from the pool, rose a large but graceful four-legged creature that ran around the room.
A lioness. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I mumbled, but there was little heat behind the words. I couldn’t be ungrateful for the creature, not when it moved so freely about the room, as if it were as glad as I was that it existed. “Don’t laugh,” I warned George as the patronus walked a circle around him. “And if you make a joke about me being in Gryffindor, I’ll turn you into a toad.” 
“Wasn’t planning on it.” George followed the lioness with his eyes as she trotted closer to me, leaving trails of mist behind her. “Makes sense though.”
I studied the markings by the lioness’s noble face. “How?”
“Strength. Ferocity.” His eyes flicked up to mine. “Beauty.” 
I blushed, and the lioness started running again, as if energized by the heat in my cheeks. The magpie swooped to join the lioness, who playfully swatted at it before leaping into the air to join it. 
“So…what other spells are you and your friends mastering in this room?”
George’s glance cut quickly towards me, and the magpie dissipated. “What?”
I allowed the lioness to dissolve as well. “There are multiple training dummies, and whatever spell you have on that door, clearly you don’t want people inside.” I tilted my head at him. “And you’re brilliant, George, but Defense Against the Dark Arts has never been your strongest subject, and considering Umbridge’s educational skills…I can't believe you're doing it on your own."
George looked scared, and as much as I enjoyed finally seeing a bit of fear on his face, I couldn’t let it remain there for long. “Don’t worry. I’ll keep your secret as long as you keep mine.” 
George furrowed his brow. “Your secret?”
I stared at him, tongue-tied with disbelief. Did he really have no idea that he held a vulnerable secret? Had he not recognized that the knowledge of how deeply I loved Clem was a valuable piece of information? A vulnerability that could be easily exploited?
Too late, it seemed to dawn on him, and the sheer delight in his demeanor made me quickly walk for the door. “Wait–” he said.
“Time to leave, isn’t it?” I said shortly, but George caught up with me, blocking my way.
“You’re trying to blackmail me?”
I groaned, hiding my face in my hands. “Can we forget about it?” George burst out laughing, doubling over. I shoved him, hard enough to make him stumble. “Stop laughing at me!”
“I’m…sorry,” George wheezed, clutching his stomach. “You’re just so cute!”
“Excuse me?” I shrieked.
“What do you think you are,” he said, gasping for air, “MI6?”
“It’s a survival mechanism,” I mumbled, and his laughter started anew. Heat rushed into my cheeks. 
George only laughed all the harder.
My goodwill evaporating, I shoved him. Hard.
The aggression in the gesture didn’t move George that far, but his laughter stopped as I stormed out the door. “I’m sorry,” he said, jogging after me, still looking amused. “I didn’t mean to upset you, I’m sorry.”
I turned to look at him and saw the door melting away again. 
“Besides,” George leaned against a pillar, “friends keep each other's secrets.” He looked so comfortable, so unbothered. I didn’t know many Gryffindors who would willingly share the same room with a Slytherin, and here was one of the most Gryffindor of Gryffindors, staring down at me without a hint of a long-suffering sigh. 
“Why do you want to be my friend?”
George rolled his eyes, pushing off from the pillar. “Enough with the paranoia, Y/L/N.”
“No, I’m not paranoid, I just…I’m confused.” 
George looked at me suspiciously for a moment before the suspicion dropped. “Well…why wouldn’t I?” he asked, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “You’re smart, and I happen to think your survival mechanisms are extremely endearing.”
“I’m also a Slytherin.”
George groaned. “Not this again.”
I stepped forward, craning my neck to look up at George. “You’re goofy, but you’re not naive. And I can’t believe that you haven’t been given any grief about your interest in me.”
George pursed his lips, clearly unable to disagree and wishing he could. 
“So why are you risking it?”
His brown eyes searched my face as he seemed to gather and ponder his response. “Maybe I was curious,” he said at last. “About the terrifying, mysterious Slytherin that never lifted a finger to harm anyone.”
“I’m not compassionate, George,” I replied. “I never lift a finger to help anyone either, and that’s just as bad.”
“No, I know you’re not, that’s not what I’m saying,” he replied. 
“Well, then what are you saying?”
“It’s…it just…it seems like…” He trailed off, and while the suspense wouldn’t kill me, I was considering killing him.
“It seems like what?”
“It’s like you try not to exist.” George’s face took on an expression of deep perplexity. “You don’t make yourself smaller, not like some people do, you just…float through this castle like the ghosts, leaving no trace and only the occasional word.” 
He stepped closer, and it took everything in me to remain still and allow him close enough to easily step on my toes if he wanted to. “You’re more than just a Slytherin, Y/N. Just like I’m more than just a Gryffindor.”
“Are you sure about that?” I replied, more breathlessly than I’d anticipated in my head. 
“If I wasn’t more,” he smirked, “we wouldn’t be such good friends.”
I blinked at him. He really was curious. And his curiosity was, in turn, making me curious as to what kind of man stood in front of me. “George?”
“Hmm?” he said. 
I gnawed on my lip. “Thank you.”
George’s face went slack. 
“For helping me,” I added, hoping confusion was the only reason he was looking at me like that. “I…appreciate it.” 
There was a beat while George stared at me like my breakfast pumpkin juice had been spiked with Nose-Grow potion and my nose was starting to resemble Professor Snape’s.
Then, a bright, dazzling smile spread across his face. “Cheers, Y/N.”
I lingered for another moment before giving George a sharp nod and quickly descending the stairs, silently asking the universe why my heart felt like it was swelling.
Overall tag list:
@thelastpyle @valiantlytransparentwhispers
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