#Still pretty proud of the flower ruffle
icedmetaltea · 2 years
Day 2 of Repostober!
Taking a majority of my art off tumblr for now. Fuck AI
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wardenparker · 4 months
For Valentine's Day
Joel Miller x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
Rating: E for Explicit Word Count: 12.2k Warnings: Cursing, mentions of food and alcohol, taking care of a baby in the post-apocalypse, Ellie being a big sister, established relationship, mentions of breastfeeding, fingering, unprotected sex, praise, talk of birth control methods. Summary: You, Joel, Ellie, and Caroline arrive in Jackson to find the town getting ready to celebrate Valentine's Day. Notes: These darling dears were long overdo for a visit, so Happy Valentine's Day from the post-apocalypse! The rest of the 'For' series can be found on my Masterlist if you haven't read it yet!
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Jackson is like another world. Joel is on edge, despite the friendly faces. Despite the relative safety of the town. He had been shocked to see Tommy here. Thriving, when Joel has lost so much to find him. To find that he isn’t needed. Although, he’s relieved to find a safe little spot for his baby girl and for you. Relieved that a comfortable house is available for you to rest in. It still baffles him to find an entire town getting ready for Valentine’s Day.
The trip was grueling, although all four of you made it in one piece. There were a hell of a lot of days that you weren’t sure if you would make it at all — but that wasn’t really an option. Not with Caroline sleeping on your chest in the homemade wrap carrier that Joel had helped you fashion out of ripped sheets you’d found and washed in an abandoned house along the way. You’ve been bonding with Ellie along the way, and she’s pretty good with Caroline, but your little girl is the reason you’ve been fighting so hard. Now that you’re in Jackson you don’t really know what’s going to happen with you and Joel. All you know is that you have four walls and a roof again, and Caroline is safe.
“Why are there so many hearts everywhere?” Ellie asks Joel, looking around as decorations are put up and the snow crunches under his new boots as he shoves his hands back in his pockets. “Holiday.” He grunts, sure that the kid is fucking with him. She seems to know all the old holidays anyway.
“Have you ever heard of Valentine’s Day?” Who knows what she learned in that FEDRA school back in Boston, or if anyone even thinks about Valentine’s Day anymore — outside of Jackson. You can't even believe that this town is decorating and getting ready for some mass celebration. It's surreal. And a little Hallmark. But in the post-apocalypse? It's amazing in a way you didn't even know you wanted.
“You mean that commercial holiday where men bought their ladies chocolate and flowers, took them on expensive dates?” Ellie asks with a smirk on her face. “You know, they said that soooooo many people proposed on Valentine’s Day. Or made babies.”
"That...is not wrong," you admit, ruffling her hair as you walk alongside the teen with little Caroline strapped to your front. "I guess the folks here are trying to keep as many older traditions alive as they can."
“So what are you going to do for Valentine’s Day?” Her voice takes on a sly, teasing tone and she cuts her eyes over to Joel, who’s shoulder seem inches higher than they just were. “Make a sibling for Caroline?”
"She already has a sibling." When the dubious teen wrinkles her nose at you in confusion, you knock her shoulder and offer her the warmest, softest smile. The real one — not one that teases or has expectations. "You, Ellie. You've been an amazing sister to her on this whole trip."
“Oh.” Her cheeks turn bright red and she ducks her head down slightly, but you don’t miss the proud look on her face. “She’s not so bad.” She huffs. “For a baby.”
"You're not so bad, either." A soft laugh escapes you, and you duck your own head to press a kiss to the top of Caroline's covered head. "For a teenager."
“The baby ready for a nap?” Joel asks. “It’s been a while.”
"We're almost home. I'll lay her down when we get in." The trip into town had been necessary, but Caroline had gotten fussy while Joel was talking to his brother and stepping outside had been practical. It's definitely naptime, no two ways about that. Especially not the way your little girl has been on the verge of tears for half the walk.
“Do you want me to hold her?” Joel asks. Knowing that it’s been a struggle keeping her calm and maybe you need a break.
"She might calm down a little for Daddy." Typically Caroline seems to find being held by Joel to be soothing or at least enough of a novelty to distract her from whatever was upsetting her, and you pause in your steps to carefully extract Caroline from her nest on your chest to hand over to Joel.
His hands are always gentle holding Caroline. As if he is scared to possibly hurt her or stain her with his blood-soaked hands. “Hey, baby girl.” He coos, smiling down at her tear-stained face. “Why so grumpy?”
His little girl — your little girl whimpers and moans a little but the tears stop flowing and you end up chuckling wryly under your breath. “I’m the one who brought her into the world and took care of her for months all alone and she’s still a Daddy’s girl. Go figure.” There’s no heat in it, no malice of any kind. After two months on the road together, you’re thrilled to see the pair of them still bonding so well.
"She's grumpy because she's yours." Ellie snorts, rolling her eyes and grinning when Joel cuts his eyes at her for a moment before looking back at Caroline. "See? Same grumpy looks."
“Like father, like daughter,” you tease, needling Joel’s arm with one finger.
He rolls his eyes and shuffles Caroline onto his shoulder, rubbing her back softly. “Come on, baby girl. Let’s get you out of the cold and into a clean diaper.” He murmurs. “Then we’ll see if you’ll get some sleep so you aren’t as grumpy as your old man.”
The house that was bestowed upon you is just a little further out from downtown and when the four of you get inside, Caroline’s trusty basket is right where you left it in the living room. “She’ll want to eat when she gets up, but I can manage that.” Managing to breastfeed here and there still works, but it’s good that there have been foods that Joel can feed her, too. “If you put her down, I can take care of her when she wakes up.”
“She had a rough night.” Joel argues softly. Caroline was a little under the weather, so she had been fussy. You had wanted to stay up with her, and now you look ready to drop. “Go take a nap and I’ll get her highness when she wakes up, okay?”
“Thank you, honey.” It’s an easy reflex to brush a kiss on Joel’s lips now, and you offer him a smile before pacing past him to fall into the bed that the two of you share upstairs.
Joel gently lays Caroline down, having a supply of cloth diapers and pins nearby. “Hey, baby girl. We’re gonna get you all clean and dry in just a minute.” He promises, finding it easier than he had imagined to fall back into a routine with taking care of a baby. It was decades ago, but he remembers soothing Sarah’s tears as he fought against diaper rash and colic with her.
“So.” Ellie smirks, leaning against the archway into the living room like the absolute picture of adolescence. “What’re you gonna do for her for Valentine’s Day?”
“Do for her?” Joel snorts, not looking up from his task since Caroline likes to pee on an unsuspecting victim when she’s being changed. “What do you mean?”
“The mother of your damn baby, Miller.” Ellie huffs, also as grumpy as her father figure. “There’s a whole holiday about love and romance and they celebrate it here.”
He frowns, realizing that you might have some kind of expectation given the atmosphere around town. “I’ve never been good at that kind of thing.” He admits.
“You can’t do nothing,” the teen argues, keeping her voice down so she won’t disturb the baby or be heard upstairs.
“Yeah.” He grunts, aware of that now. He has never really had to do Valentine’s Day. Unless you counted getting Sarah those boxed Valentine’s for her classes. “I’ll think of something.”
“What’s Tommy doing?” She might not know much about Joel’s brother, but she knows he has a wife and figures he must have a plan of some kind. “He might have an idea you can steal.”
“Haven’t asked.” Joel shrugs, carefully pinning the new diaper to Caroline with a slight frown.
“Probably should.” But Ellie shrugs. It’s no skin off her nose if the grumpiest old man in the world is bad at romance.
He pauses and looks up at Ellie suspiciously. “Has she said something to you?” He asks seriously.
“No.” If you had, she would have been kicking his ass about it a lot harder and a lot sooner. “But she deserves something nice. For like…putting up with us.”
You do put up with them. He snorts and lifts a brow. “Don’t you mean puts up with you?” He jokes. “She happens to like my grumpy ass just the way it is.”
“All the more reason to be nice.” As if he has proven her point completely, Ellie smirks. “Nice and romantic.”
“What do you know about romance, twerp?” He scoffs and shoots her a grin. “You’re too busy scaring off the girl that is interested in you.”
“S’not my fault your scary rubbed off on me,” she gripes in turn. “And you don’t know she likes me. Shut up.”
“You were scary before I met you, kid.” He chuckles, smirking slightly at the mortified expression on her face. “Maybe you’d find out if you didn’t run her off.” He suggests. “Talk to her.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t run off.” Ellie’s characteristic huff comes with a frown and a whole lot of blustering now that she’s the one being called out and she pushes away from the doorframe with a near-stamp of her feet. “Whatever, old man. I was trying to help you.”
“Yeah, you are.” He acknowledges with a grin. “Imma put her down and then run talk to Tommy. You good with listening out for her? She should sleep the entire time.”
“Fine.” Anything to end the torture, though Ellie does smirk that she might have given Joel a good kick in the ass.
He snorts to himself as he lifts a now sleepy Caroline to his shoulder. Patting her but as he moves over to her downstairs bassinet. It’s was odd, you had carried Caroline in a worn out sling and then luckily found a new one on the way, but supplies and space for them had been so limited, now his daughter has a downstairs sleeping area and one right in the room you share with Joel
“Well look what the cat dragged in.” Despite the cold, Tommy is out on his porch when he spots Joel walking up the road, and he leans over the banister with a dash of curiosity in his shit-eating grin. Any time his big brother comes to him for just about anything, he still considers it a win. “Back again so soon?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Joel shoots Tommy a half-hearted glare and shoves his hands in his pockets. “You got a minute?”
“Sure.” Tommy’s head bobs in agreement. “You wanna come in?”
“Maria home?” Joel asks, not quite sure if it’s a good idea. Tommy’s wife doesn’t seem to be his biggest fan and he can only assume it’s because his brother told his wife some of the things that Joel has done to protect the people he cares about over the years.
“Nah.” The younger Miller brother shakes his head and stands on creaky bones to open the door for them. “She’s got meetings today. I don’t pretend to know everything she has to deal with, but she comes home to a warm house and dinner on the table, so I guess I’m doing something right.”
“Well, ain’t you a good little house husband?” Joel snorts, busting his brother’s balls a little. The man had been a pain in his ass hellraiser when he was younger. Before outbreak. It’s nice to see him get to enjoy domesticity once again.
“Hell yes I am.” But Tommy snorts too, knowing it’s a far cry from the kid he used to be. As it turns out, the end of the world and the love of a good woman can change a man. “You think I’m not gonna do everything I can to keep that wife of mine? ‘Course I am.”
Tommy was always the optimist, something that Joel had lost after Sarah’s mother had left. He had been too busy trying to raise her right, and then he lost her. Joel frowns for a second and then nods. “And how are you doing that with this Valentine’s thing?”
“Not as easily as I would have before,” Tommy admits, but that’s also a pretty obvious thing to say. Nothing is as easy as it was before. “That cache of movies they’ve got has plenty to pick from and they’re screening…” He thinks for a second, hard, and shrugs. “Some damn 90s chick flick. I dunno, but she’s excited. And since she’s been eating carrots like a bunny with this pregnancy, I’m makin’ her a whole meal centered around it for dinner.”
“Carrots.” He snorts and smirks at his younger brother. “Your kid is gonna come out and say “what’s up doc?”.” He sniggers, imitating the cartoon character from long ago.
“At this point I wouldn’t be surprised.” It makes Tommy laugh though, and he puts a glass of water in front of Joel before pouring one for himself. “Watcha need?” He asks, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.
“It’s about….” He looks down at the water and says your name. “The kid says I need to do something for her. For putting up with my shit.”
“Smart kid.” But still, Tommy frowns. “Are you…not together? Is that it? Or am I not gettin’ something here?”
“We were together one time.” Joel murmurs. “And we had a kid.” He shakes his head and looks back down at his hands. “Don’t get me wrong, I love the baby. Caroline is sweet and her momma-“ he sighs. “She’s too good for me really, but she wants to be with me.”
“Just one time?” An impressed and slightly disbelieving whistle escapes Tommy’s lips. “Do you…wanna tell me what happened? Or is that topic off limits?”
“You remember that supply run I made right after you left to go out west?” Even though he had been with the Fireflies, Joel had told Tommy his plans, hoping he would come along.
“Sure. You left the day after I did.” That had been the plan at the time, anyway. He can’t be sure that’s when Joel actually left.
“Came across her in an abandoned house.” He smirks slightly as remembers your surprise and his own reaction to your beauty. “Bunked down together for the night.”
“Ah.” The younger of the two men chuckles in acknowledgement. He can very easily see Joel trading sex the way he traded favors and sold drugs. “And she found you again? Afterward?” He guesses.
“She told me where she was from.” Joel explains. “After we got in trouble in the city and lost Bill’s truck, we headed there. Hoping that we could somehow find someone with a car.”
“And maybe hoping to run into her?” He doesn’t believe it happened by accident. That Joel hadn’t been thinking about you when he decided to go to wherever you were from. He knows his brother better than that.
“She had told me she was going west sometime.” He gives a half shrug, but that is why he had chosen to go so far out of his way.
"Cut the bullshit, Joel," Tommy smirks, knowing that his brother's ability to evade admitting to emotion is legendary. He's been like this for most of his life. Since his wife left. And that is what it is. But Tommy knows Joel well enough to know that he doesn't go out of the way for just anyone. "If you don't want to be with her that's one thing, but you protected her and that baby all the way from the east coast."
He could argue that he has an obligation to you because of the baby. Caroline is his daughter, but it’s just delaying the inevitable admittance of wanting to be with you. “So what the fuck do I do for her, Casanova?” He huffs, scowling at his brother and wondering why the fuck he came to him for advice. “She’s too fucking good for me and I know it. All the women in my life have been.”
“Well you’re taking her to the movie, right?” It’s not exactly a common thing to be able to do, and is therefore a pretty damn big special occasion in the world you all live in now. “Even if you didn’t do anything else, you gotta do that.”
“Yeah, I can do that.” Joel likes movies, used to love them back in the days before the world burned. “She likes books, maybe I can try to find her favorite?”
“We made a library in town of all the books that were left in everybody’s houses,” Tommy tells him with a nod. “Same way we got all the movies we screen. If you’ve got a bookworm, I think a library card counts as romantic.”
“That night…” Joel looks down at his hands and smiles slightly at the memory. “She was reading a book to me that was sexy.” He huffs out a chuckle. “Guess she seduced me with her reading abilities.”
"Fell for brains, huh?" That makes his brother chuckle, and Tommy leans back in his seat with a grin. "Maybe you can talk to Jana — the woman who runs the library — and arrange a little date there? Rekindle a little romance?" He's trying to help as best he can, knowing that old chestnuts like taking you out for a fancy dinner or taking a little weekend trip away can't happen with the world the way it is. He could be patronizing and tell Joel to hurry up and make an honest woman of you, but that is also something that's changed in this world. Not everyone feels the need for the formality of a marriage anymore.
“That would be good.” Joel doesn’t sound completely convinced. “Although I’m sure jewelry would be better. Even now.”
With one eyebrow raised, Tommy cocks his head at his brother. “What kind of jewelry were you thinkin?”
“Somethin’ to celebrate Caroline. And give her something pretty.” Joel hadn’t quite thought it through but most women loved the thought of jewelry.
“Earrings? Necklace?” The way Tommy wants to pry is nearly a physical necessity at this point. “Whatever’s in the house you guys have moved into, wrap it up. Consider it our gift to you guys for being part of the town.”
“Was thinking about a necklace but I don’t know.” He frowns slightly. “Maybe a ring?” He looks up at his brother. “You didn’t remove the valuables from the house?”
“What’s jewelry worth in the apocalypse?” It’s something that only had to be worried about in the cities, it seems like. In the places where FEDRA still reigned. In the places where appearances still mattered. “We took the tools, the resources, split them all up evenly or kept them in reserve, depending on what they were. “Whatever water, food, warm clothing, shit like that? That’s what matters. Not jewelry.”
“True.” Joel shakes his head. “See why I’m not good at shit like this?” He huffs. “Too bad I can’t build her a stroller for the baby.”
“I mean I don’t think you would find very good suspension, but we can get you the stuff to build an old fashioned one.” Tommy snaps his fingers in quick succession, thinking hard. “What the fuck were they called? The one from black and white photos? Prambutrators?”
“Prams.” Why Joel knows that, he doesn’t have a clue. But like he was watching an old episode of Jeopardy, the answer falls from his lips easily.
“Strollers, but beds.” There’s a longer word for it, Tommy’s sure of that, but he shrugs it off. “You wanna do that for her? We can make it happen.”
“Might be a good idea.” Joel hums thoughtfully. “Especially since you’re about to have your own kid. “Need some way of transporting them when your back is aching.”
"It'll be a family heirloom," Tommy huffs, amusement makes his smile spread all over again.
Joel snorts and he taps the table. “I want to build it.” He decides. “I can find out about the library card and look for something pretty too. She did give birth to my daughter and took care of her alone until I saw her again.”
"So it'll be a big holiday." That seems to please the younger Miller, and he chuckles quietly. "She's a hell of a woman. And deserves it, if for nothing else than putting up with your ass."
Joel rolls his eyes and sighs softly. “I don’t know how much she puts up with me because of the kid and how much is because she’s insane for wanting me.”
"Oh, she's certifiable." Tommy can't help but laugh at that. "But it's obvious she loves you. For whatever that's worth. You can see it on her face."
He doesn’t see it, but he might still be in that stage of disbelief. “I better get back.” He pushes the chair back and stands with a groan. “Told her I’d get Caroline when she woke up. She had a long night with her last night so she’s taking a nap too.”
"Ellie's with the baby now?" It's obvious to everyone else in the world that Joel has taken in the teenager with the same ferocity that he's taken to his infant. It's who he is.
“Yeah.” He can’t help the soft smirk on his face as he thinks about the two of his three girls. “She’s taken on the role of big sister pretty well.”
"Sometimes you gotta get thrown in the deep end to figure out how to swim." Standing with his brother, Tommy claps Joel on the shoulder. "Go get back to 'em. We'll get your building supplies tomorrow."
“Thanks.” Joel’s shoulders relax slightly and he shakes his head. “Still can’t believe we’re gonna have kids that grow up together.”
“Musta done something right to deserve it,” Tommy laughs, the edge of disbelief in his voice obvious. “Can’t figure out what the fuck it was, but it must’ve been good.”
“I— I never actually congratulated you.” Joel murmurs after a moment. He had been a little raw when he realized Tommy had been living a charmed life here and he had lost so much, Tess, Bill and Frank, another piece of his soul, on his way to rescue him. Then Tommy’s disbelief about Caroline and his own budding joy about fatherhood had brought up the loss of Sarah. It hadn’t been pretty, but he had regretted his harshness. He reaches out a hand, hard from the man he had become and the work he had done, to shake Tommy’s. “I’m happy for you.”
“Thanks.” The handshake, warm and firm and full of things the Miller brothers aren’t very good at saying out loud, makes Tommy falter and clear his throat a little to push away the emotion. “I, uh…I’m doing my best. And that’s all I can do. Because Maria and the baby deserve the world, but the world is pretty fucked up these days.”
“It’s always been fucked up.” Joel corrects. “Now it’s just more obvious.” He lets go of the hand and shuffles slightly.
“Fair enough, I guess.” Tommy chuckles, but he rubs his hand on the back of his neck. “Did you…need anything else?”
Joel shuffles again and feels like a teenager. “Do any - uh, is there birth control available?” He asks, not wanting to get you pregnant again. At least not now. Although that afterthought shocks him.
A sort of lopsided smirk forms on Tommy’s face, and he chuckles — the sentiment clear as day. “The ladies have developed some interesting but not full proof methods. It’s sort of frontier-style out here. In that regard and a lot of others.”
“Yeah.” Joel nods and sighs. “I’m fucking fifty-six years old, Tommy.” He huffs. “Don’t need to be knockin’ her up every time I’m feelin’ frisky.”
“For her sake way more than yours.” Tommy laughs again. “I’d go see the Doc,” he advises. “She was a general practitioner before the world went to shit, so now she’s our town doc.”
Joel nods, knowing that it needs to be done. Tess couldn’t have anymore kids, so it had never been a problem. You’ve only had sex a few times since being in Jackson, and every time, Joel had pulled out the second you had cum so he could jerk off.
“Sounds like you’re planning a damn good Valentine’s Day,” Tommy teases.
He snorts, shrugging slightly and the slight grin on his face is purely male. “I don’t know if I’ve ever been this relaxed. And she’s a damn beautiful woman, who loves me.” He admits, proud of that fact.
“If you’re relaxed with a baby around, that’s proof she’s not your first.” Shaking his head once more, Tommy slaps Joel hard on the shoulder. “Go home to ‘em. I’ll see you tomorrow with the stuff you’ll need to build.”
“Thanks.” He sends Tommy a grateful look and quickly slips out the door. Eager to get back to you, Caroline and Ellie. Even though Jackson is safe, he feels better when you are close.
Ellie is sitting beside Caroline’s bassinet in the living room when Joel gets home. Her old, weathered joke book is in her hands and she glances up when the door opens to let Miller inside. “Shhh,” she puts one finger to her lips performatively and whispers. “She’s so fuckin cute when she sleeps.”
“Yes she is.” Joel can agree as he quietly walks over to the bassinet. “She slept the entire time?” He asks the other girl, proud of how easily she’s bonded with her. Despite not like diaper changes, Ellie loves Caroline and would often ask to hold her when you had stopped for the night.
"She fussed a little," Ellie admits, but she holds up her book. "I giggled her off to sleep."
“More like bored her to sleep.” Joel snorts. “You certain she’s still breathing?” He jokes, even though he can see that she is, it’s simply for the pleasure of watching Ellie scowl at him.
"Caroline thinks I'm funny." The teenager defends, though she knows making a baby laugh isn't too hard in the first place. "Even if you don't share our refined sense of humor."
“Yeah.” He huffs and rolls his eyes, resisting the urge to smirk. “Keep telling yourself that, cupcake.”
“Shouldn’t be surprised.” Though it comes with a huff, Ellie keeps her voice down. Caroline is sleeping, after all. “We’re cuter than you, too.”
He shoots Ellie a look that is half amused. “That’s not hard to do.” He admits. “But I’m smarter…..and meaner.”
“You wouldn’t be mean to us.” Ellie bats her eyelashes dramatically, knowing fully fucking well that Joel can be mean. That he has been mean. But never to the baby.
“No, I wouldn’t.” He might have been at one point to the older girl, but now he would die protecting her. “Did you know there’s a library in town?”
“There is?!” Her voice jumps up at that and she immediately ducks as though her volume were some kind of tangible weapon that she needs to get away from the baby immediately. “There is?” She hisses quietly instead.
“Yeah.” Joel chuckles at the way Ellie’s eyes light up. You aren’t the only one with an affinity for reading. “Planning on going over tomorrow to get a card. Wanna come?”
“Hell yes.” The teenager nods with enthusiasm. “Is it a big library?” He must have heard about it from Tommy, which means it’s worth bragging about. Tommy Miller loves to brag about Jackson.
“It’s filling up a store, so it has to be big.” Tommy had told him where to go. “They compiled all the books in town and any they brought in.”
"You're on, old man." Ellie hops up off the sofa, apparently having thought of something either extremely important or just imminently elsewhere that she needs to be. "I hope you're ready to carry books back, cause I'm getting out as many as they'll let me."
“Bring a bag, brat.” He reaches out to swipe her head with his hand, to mess up her ponytail, but she ducks. “Where are you going?” It’s a safety question, even though the town is safe. He still wants to know.
"Upstairs." She assures him. "I'm not leaving after dark."
“Good.” Joel lifts a brow. “Keep it that way. Even though it’s safe here, shit can happen.”
"I know." She agreed to follow Joel's rules, and she meant it. Even if he can be a complete nag sometimes, she knows by now that he is the one person to trust over anybody else in her life. Joel said not to go out after dark, so she doesn't. End of story.
“Thank you.” Joel relaxes slightly and rolls his shoulders back after Ellie agrees to stay close. “Don’t say anything to her about the library card.” He cautions her. “It’s gonna be a surprise.” He hopes you haven't heard about the library yet, but if you have, you haven't had time to get a card or you would have been raving about it.
“Got it.” The teen smirks and heads for the stairs.
Joel rolls his eyes again and looks down at Caroline softly before taking off his jacket and boots. He's comfortable here, and its a surprise to find out how quickly he could readjust back to fatherhood. He takes the soiled diaper from earlier and brings it over to the bucket that you keep them soaking in. Deciding that he will wash them so they can hang dry in the kitchen overnight. Having a baby in a post apocalyptic world is kind of like having one in frontier times, in his opinion. A lot more work, and those conveniences he had taken for granted with Sarah are a thing of the past.
It’s been a hell of a long time since you could feel safe enough to nap, but Jackson is unique in that it actually feels safe. When you wake up it’s after dark and the house is quiet — which really just means that Caroline is quiet. Joel and Ellie habitually keep their voices lower and their steps lighter because the instinct of having to stay hidden is so ingrained. The fact that there’s no sound from downstairs now is a good thing. Hopefully Caroline has managed to nap and Joel can do…whatever Joel is doing.
Joel stirs the pot on the stove, throwing together a stew to eat. The leftover vegetables from last year’s growing season were all canned, but he was grateful for them nonetheless. When he hears you on the stairs, he pokes his head out of the kitchen. “Got some tea ready.” He calls out softly.
"You're perfect," you hum with a grateful sigh, stretching languidly on the last step before you hit the bottom floor. The air of domesticity here is deep, in a way that could almost make you forget what the world outside is like. At least for a little while.
“You just love that I’ve learned how to make your tea.” He snorts and leans over to press a kiss to your forehead when you drift by him on the way to the counter for the cup he has set out.
"I'm appreciative." For so, so many things that Joel does. Not being the only person in charge of Caroline's survival and happiness as well as your own has lifted an enormous burden from your shoulders and you can only hope that you have helped him in even a fraction of the same way. "Thank you, honey."
“Of course.” He nods and turns back to the stew. “Figured I’d make some dinner, we still have half a loaf of that oat bread.” He shakes his head. “Amazing how we are actually eating bread….Considering.”
“We’re all eating like hippies,” you joke, leaning in to Joel’s side as he stands at the stove. It’s a comfort just to be close to him, and you’re much closer now than you were even weeks ago. “Anything but wheat flour.”
“That’s true.” He chuckles and reaches around you to snag your waist.
“Thank you for letting me nap.” A perfect rest is one you get to take together, but those were few and far between on the road. Now that you’re in Jackson, being able to sleep next to him every single night is an absolute luxury.
“You’re welcome.” Joel leans in and brushes his nose against your cheek. “You were up with her last night, you deserved to rest.” He reminds you. “I got the diapers washed. They are hanging up on the back porch.”
“What did I ever do to deserve you?” He’s been such a huge help, and even helped you get a better rhythm even in your one-on-one time with Caroline.
“Are you asking or lamenting?” He jokes and pats you on the butt gently. “So I talked to Tommy.” He murmurs. “There’s a doctor in town that we should go see.”
“Are you not feeling well?” Concern is written on your face instantly, eyebrows drawing up in worry.
“No, nothing like that.” He instantly replies, trying to ease your fears. “They have some….methods of birth control.” He feels his own cheeks heating up because of bringing this up. “If you— I mean, if we’re— you know— uh—”
"Oh." He's blushing, and that's just about the most adorable thing you've ever seen. "Then yes. We should definitely go see that doctor."
“I just— I don’t want you to— not if—” he’s never been great with words and he just shrugs after a moment. “I don’t think you should be havin’ another baby right now.” He murmurs. “I know back before everything, they told my….ex, that she should wait at least three years before another baby and fuck- by then I’ll be sixty fuckin’ years old.”
"Honey..." Turning into Joel's side completely, you tip your head back to offer him a smile and put your other arm around his waist to hold him close. "We'll do our best to keep up with effective birth control. We'll be as safe as we can be. Sometimes...sometimes things just happen. We know that. We have the result of that, sleeping in the other room. Family planning doesn't exactly work the way it used to."
“No, it doesn’t.” He leans in and presses his lips to yours. “But I want you to be healthy, not worn out because my pullout game isn’t the best.”
"If it happens again, we'll love them just as much as we love Caroline." You are absolutely certain of that, without hesitation. "And if it doesn't? She's already got one fantastic big sister around to help take care of her, and another big sister that she can hear stories about whenever Daddy is willing to tell them."
“I—” he bites his lip and shakes his head. “It’s been-“ air whooshes out of his lungs. “A long time since I’ve been called that.” Caroline being alive and healthy makes the last time he heard that particular phrase only bittersweet, the ache in his heart still there, but it doesn’t bleed this time. “I still can’t believe I have her some days.”
"We're lucky to have you, Joel." That is something you believe with all of your heart, even on the bad days and the hard days and the days when it all feels like too much. "All three of us."
“Everything changed.” Joel acknowledges. “But I’m glad I could keep the three of you safe. Get you here.” He tilts his head. “Do you know how far we are from your family land?”
"The last I heard from anybody, they were actually on the outskirts of Jackson." Having been too afraid to ask, you've kept it to yourself that you might actually have a family home out here with sentimental things that once belonged to your cousins. "I have the address, but...I assume that since the street isn't part of new Jackson, it must be either wrecked or overgrown."
“Do you want me to ask around?” He asks quietly, squeezing your hip gently. “See if I can get out there?”
"Honestly, if it's still around? I would want to go too. But I don't want to risk taking Caroline out to somewhere dangerous again." You shake your head at that idea, not liking it at all. "Not when she's finally safe again."
“No.” Joel is immediately shaking his head. “Our daughter stays behind the walls.” He insists, voice flat and final. Even though you don’t want to take her out, Joel wouldn’t allow it.
“Never a sentence that I thought I would find comforting, but here we are.” The two of you stand silently for a long moment before you sigh. “I know there’s probably nothing left of them,” you repeat, hating how final that is after everything. “But I’d rather know for sure. There might be a memory or two left in the house.”
“Then we will go.” Joel hates that you haven't found any of your people yet, although they may just not be around much. It’s a vain hope, but he has it for you.
“And we’ll go see the doctor.” That’s a more pressing trip, if you’re honest with yourself. Any birth control at all would be useful, even if it’s only by a little.
“I don’t have to be inside you.” Joel murmurs softly, knowing that as much as he loves your cunt around you, your health is more important.
“There are plenty of ways to be intimate.” With one hand on his chest, you rub small, soothing circles there for a second and kiss his jaw before his lips. “But we’re still going to go see that doctor. I like having sex with you too much to just give it up cold turkey.”
He huffs out a small laugh and he smirks at you. “Got addicted, huh? Even when you sometimes have to ride?”
“Don’t be so smug.” An attempt to frown or even look somewhat stern fails you, though, and you end up throwing a matching smirk back at him. “I…like that we don’t go our separate ways the next morning.”
“You and Caroline, Ellie…” he pulls you closer. “You’re all that matters to me. Keeping you safe.”
Cup of tea and simmer stew pot long forgotten, you turn in Joel’s arms to face him fully and put your arms around his neck. “We love you too, handsome. All of us. In very different ways.”
He grumbles slightly but he doesn’t argue. Knowing that it’s useless to argue with you. “Yeah, yeah.”
You hum, grinning that he doesn’t protest it anymore, and kiss the tip of his nose. “You’re cute when you blush.”
He rolls his eyes and his hands slide down to your ass. “Yeah? You’re cute when you’re naked underneath me and chanting my name over and over again.”
“Joel…” A knot in your belly forms instantly, making you squeeze your thighs together in turn.
He grins at you and winks. “Good thing you took that nap, huh?” He teases softly. “Now you need to eat a good meal to make sure you won’t pass out on me from hunger.”
“This,” you huff, laughing at the way the two of you have just clicked back together so easily over the last few months. “This is why we need that doctor. We’re too horny for our own good.”
“Kind of hard to fuck on the road.” He reminds you with a laugh of his own. “Now we have a bed, a door that locks.”
“And a real mattress and box spring for that old man back of yours.” Not that you don’t appreciate it too, of course. But of the two of you, Joel definitely has more aches and pains.
“Damn right. And the bed is comfortable.” He snorts, remembering that shitty, worn out mattress he had in Boston. “Did I mention that Ellie isn’t sleeping three feet from us?”
“And we don’t have to worry about Caroline rolling or crawling away, or any of a million other things.” The fingers of one of your hands thread into his hair and you hum as you press yourself against him right there in the kitchen. “Of course, there’s also the kitchen counter…”
The way his cock twitches in his pants is a good indication that he had been thinking along those lines too. “Kid’s upstairs, reading.” He grunts, pressing his lips under your ear just like he’s discovered makes you shiver. “Baby’s asleep. If we make it quick, we can do it.”
“I should just stop wearing pants around you,” you tease, already shifting both of you backward so that you’re the one pressed up against the counter. “So we can be as fast as we want.”
“We can always find you some skirts.” He hums, sliding his hands down to your jeans and around the front to unbutton them. “When you’re inside Jackson. I wouldn’t want you to wear them outside the walls.” He says seriously, frowning slightly at what could possibly happen. Clickers or humans.
The soft chuckle that escapes you is a little rougher than usual just because he's shoving your jeans down your hips, but you still shrug your shoulders. "We're horny, not stupid. Skirts are only for when it's safe."
Joel has become a little feral now that your relationship has progressed back to physical. There’s something about you being the mother of his child that seriously gets Joel going. He had never had that since his ex had disappeared out of his and Sarah’s life so early, but he was not upset with the discovery. Your body was softer, marked by motherhood and he found it incredibly sexy. “Then you need to see the doctor.” He growls. “Because I might just bend you over a table every time Caroline naps.”
He barely has your jeans pulled off in time for you to hop up on the counter, legs open for him to fill the space between even as you start to work open the belt he wears day in and day out. Frenzied kisses take up the space where there could be more words, but oxygen is precious when you're doing your damnedest to drown in each other while your baby girl sleeps.
Most intimate moments were rushed, quiet and out in the open. Using his fingers on you to give you pleasure while the girls slept. Because of that, he knows exactly how to touch you to make sure you are wet.
"Joel—" You have to bite back a whine the second his fingers find you, already wet and aching just from talking about sex and not even from him touching you. Hell, kissing him is still enough to make your cunt bottom out and you hope that never changes.
“That’s it, baby.” Joel growls against your neck softly. “Want that pretty pussy nice and wet. You want to cum before I fuck you? Or do you want to cum on my cock?” He swirls his fingers around your clit and then presses them into you to curl up and strike against that spongy spot deep inside near your cervix.
You could protest that there isn’t time for two, but you know Joel would make it happen. He’s learned your body fast, and how to wring pleasure out of you as fast or as slow as he wants to. “O—on you,” you manage to pant out two coherent words and try for a few more. “Want to cum on your cock, Joel. Please?”
“I love when you beg, baby.” He groans, having heard so many people beg him over the years. Often for their lives when there’s no saving them, but this is what he loves. You, begging for him to make you feel good. “You’ll cum on my cock, baby. All over it.”
“Always do.” The way you shift forward on the counter is proof of how eager you are, in case he wasn’t sure. Every time you shift or roll your hips, his fingers stroke that spot again and you have to bite back a moan.
“I know you do.” He grunts, unbuttoning his pants to pull his hard cock out. “Always so good for me.”
It goes back to the first time he called you his good girl, and you know it. That was the moment you called it quits on any resistance whatsoever. “Always. Fuck, always, baby.”
Joel smirks and pumps his cock, listening to make sure that the kid isn't coming downstairs. He doesn't want to scar her, but he doesn't want to wait to get you upstairs. He groans when he has to pull his fingers out of you and hums. "You ready?"
"I don't think there's ever a time when I'm not." You nod enthusiastically, glancing up at the closed door that leads from the kitchen to the living room, and when no sound can be heard from your sleeping daughter you look back to Joel. "Take what you want, baby. I'm just along for the ride."
It only takes a moment to notch himself at your entrance, his lips fused with yours as he starts to push inside you. Loving how tight you immediately squeeze his cock inside your walls.
Every sound you have gets poured into that kiss, muting your moans and whines so they don't echo through the house. In this position the best thing you can do is hang onto the counter and let Joel take what he wants — exactly as you said — and that kiss is another perfect way to stay connected to him as he starts to move.
There’s a perfect rhythmic pace he can keep that doesn’t hurt his back and still keeps your toes curling in their socks. He’s tested it, although he never told you and he uses that pace now. Holding onto your hips as he rocks into you again and again, swallowing your moans greedily as he basks in your utter want of him.
One hand has to move to his shoulder, clutching his shirt as he fucks into you hard enough that it feels like he's stealing your breath but not so hard that you'll end up walking funny and give away what you've been up to. No doubt Ellie has noticed by now, but there's no reason to rub it in. There's just nothing better than basking in Joel's full attention. In being his sole focus. lt's like coming home.
Once he’s broken away from your lips, there’s not a part of your exposed skin that Joel doesn’t kiss. Loving to nibble and kiss along your neck and chest. Inhaling the milky scent of your breasts, heavier since Caroline is due for a feeding when she wakes up. Though he doesn’t touch them, knowing they need to be left alone for his child. “Fuck.”
"So good." With his ear right by your mouth, you can just gasp and sigh right there for only him to hear. "Always fuck me so good."
“This little pussy was made for me.” Joel grunts, loving how you spasm around him when he pours filth into your ears. Sometimes his fingers and words get you off so quickly, he’s amazed you haven’t been worked up all day. “Squeezin’ me so tight.”
"Can't help it," you chuckle low in his ear and have to bite back a gasp when his hips hit yours sharply. "Your cock's just so fucking big.'
He snorts and twitches inside of you at the breathless praise. “You gonna cum for me, pretty girl?” He asks, moving one hand down so he can rub your clit as he thrusts into you.
"'M close, baby." The breathless promise comes on a whine and you have to work to not just let your mouth hang open and Joel's rhythm picks up and the broad pad of one of his thumbs skates over your slick, swollen clit. "So fucking close, oh god."
His teeth snap together, breathing heavily and his face is almost set in a determined frown. Watching you as his hips shuffle forward to fill you again and again. Loving how your body heaves and lurches every time he swipes his fingers over your clit, almost overstimulated - you’re so close. “Be my good girl, baby.” He growls. “Cum for me.”
Whether you’re responding to his praise or to the near overstimulation is anyone’s guess, but it’s only a moment later that your legs start to tense and shake around his waist and your mouth falls open in a silent sob as you come apart for him.
The heat, the pressure around his cock is exquisite as you start to cum. The rush of wetness helps him move when your walls squeeze tight and he loves the nearly non existent sound you make. Taking his hand off your hip, grabbing the back of your neck and dragging your lips back to his as he fucks you through your orgasm.
These are the times — mid orgasm with a foggy brain and no filter for your thoughts — that you wish Internally for another baby. Accident or planned, it doesn’t matter to you. It’s just that flash of a thought as your climax washes over you that you know will subside again but it makes you hold onto his kiss that much tighter. Grateful for what you do have. For him and for Caroline, above all.
He feels your body relax, going boneless as he continues to batter against your fluttering walls. He’s close but he can’t pull out just yet. “Fuck.” He groans. “So pretty when you cum.” The praise is whispered against your lips.
“Just for you,” you promise in a shaky breath, practically gulping down air as the intensity of your orgasm subsides.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” He hisses, regret lacing his tone because he’s having to pull his hips back. Letting go of you and wrapping his hand around his cock as he starts to quickly jerk himself off, the other hand poised to catch the mess so there isn’t a huge cleanup of the counters.
If you could have gotten there quickly, you’d be on your knees to catch every last drop, but you definitely move a little bit slower after he’s just gotten done fucking you — mostly just because your legs are jelly. Instead you watch Joel with dark eyes, satisfied temporarily but always wanting. It’ll be another few hours before he can even think of going again, but that doesn’t mean you won’t daydream about him.
It’s not as satisfying as when he’s buried to the hilt inside, but he can’t risk it, can’t risk you. Clenching his jaw, he hisses slightly as he stops stroking his cock, panting as he looks up at you and leans in to kiss you once more.
“I love you.” Simple words, but loaded with so much emotion that you sigh a little after saying them. “So much, Joel.”
“I love you too.” He promises, pulling back to take his cum filled hand to the sink to wash before he gets a rag for you. “Don’t ever think I don’t.”
“Well it was a little touch and go there while we weren’t anywhere near each other,” you tease, flashing him a grin. “But I don’t anymore. I promise.”
Snorting, Joel rolls his eyes at you and after washing his hands, he soaps up a rag and comes back over to you to clean you up. “Hush.” He grumbles, biting his lip as he spreads your thighs again.
“Never.” Instead your grin widens and you steal another kiss while he cleans you up. Only after that do you carefully hop down from the kitchen counter to pull your clothes back on.
Right as you are buttoning your pants, he hears the first little squawk from Caroline and grins. “I’ll change her.” He tosses the rag into the diaper pail to soak. “Drink your lukewarm tea before you come feed her.” He orders, kissing your temple before he walks out of the kitchen, already buttoned and buckled back up.
“Yes, sir.” There’s not even any point to protesting. You just pick up your tea and admire his ass as he strides out of the room.
Caroline is definitely feeling better, waving her arms and squealing when she sees Joel. The bubbly, happy grin on her adorable face never fails to bolster his spirits, which are always pretty high after being intimate with you. “Just like your momma.” He teases as he picks her up with a grunt. “Always squealing.”
With the door open it isn’t really difficult, but you still lean out from the kitchen and huff just loudly enough for him to hear. “I heard that.” Not that he’s wrong. Not at all.
Joel chuckles, nudging his nose against his daughter’s cheek and listening to her gurgle. “You were supposed to, baby.” He tells you, grinning at Caroline when he pulls back. “You were supposed to.”
Joel spends a decent portion of the next few days out of the house, helping Tommy with some vague project that you don't think much of. He had taken Ellie with him once but she has been mainly at home with you. The town is enjoying their preparations for Valentine's Day at the end of the week, and from time to time you've found yourself daydreaming about Joel doing something spontaneously romantic but you aren't expecting anything. It's not as though he can pop into a jewelry store or go down to the sweet shop for chocolates. Even flowers aren't really on the docket these days. It doesn't matter. Not really. All that matters is that he comes home safe every night, and Joel definitely does that.
It had been a pain in the ass, but the pram is finished; even Tommy is impressed with the final product and Joel had used some stuffing from cushions to make a padded layer on the bottom to make it more comfortable for Caroline. It’s got a back that can be adjusted to tilt up for when she’s older and a cover for the sun or rain. Now, he’s just waiting on the varnish to dry and it will be ready.
It’s late morning when he comes back from Tommy’s today, looking as pleased with himself as Joel ever does, and your plan to go down to Jackson’s seamstress to inquire about a skirt or dress goes by the wayside immediately. “Hey handsome.” Out on the porch with Caroline against your chest, you wave to him when you see him approach.
“Hey.” He climbs the steps with only a slight protest from his knees and gives Caroline a quick kiss before letting his own linger on your lips for a moment. “So, they are having a movie tonight for the celebration.” He reminds you, as if that’s not been the topic of the town for days.
“Did you want to go?” He hasn’t mentioned it at all so you wondered if maybe he was ignoring Valentine’s altogether.
“Was thinking that if you wanted to go, we could.” He shrugs one shoulder and shuffles his feet as he reaches into his jacket pocket. “Unless you want to stay home and read.”
“Read what?” You’re looking at his face, not his hands, and it takes an enigmatic smile from Joel before you glance down and see a very official card sitting in his hand. It’s a business card for the old Jackson public library, printed and crisp, but when he flips it over you see your name scrawled there in beautiful cursive and gasp. “What is this?”
“There’s a town library.” Joel explains. “They collected all the books out of the houses and any they brought back from scouting missions.” He smiles. “Thought you might like to go browse and check some out.”
“Honey.” Instantly your arms are around him, squeezing him into your side so you can show him how grateful you are without crushing Caroline between you in the process. “This is incredible. A library? That’s — it’s so sweet of you.” The grin on your face is wide, spreading to overtake you by the second. It might not be just anyone’s perfect Valentine’s gesture, but it’s definitely yours. “Thank you, love.”
He huffs in relief that you aren’t upset at his gesture. “You’re welcome. I knew you would want to read some more.”
“I wonder if they gathered up all the kids' books, too?” More bedtime stories for Caroline would be amazing as she gets older. Right now lullabies still do it when she’s fussy, but you don’t expect that to last much longer.
“I’m sure they have. Which will be amazing for Caroline.” He had read to Sarah from the time she was a baby and wonders if they have some of the books he had read to her. It would be a little tradition to read them to his other daughter.
“Thank you,” you murmur again, leaning against him and pressing a kiss to his cheek before you look down at your daughter. “Can you say thank you Daddy? For being awesome and loving us so, so much?”
“You have to come with me to get the next present.” He snorts, enjoying the way that Caroline automatically coos and waves her arms.
“There’s a next present?” Your head tilts in curiosity and a smile cracks across your face again. “Mr. Miller, you’ve been busy.”
“Not like I can get you flowers or chocolates.” He’s embarrassed by the surprise in your voice and he shrugs.
“You didn’t have to do anything at all. I still know you love me.” The thing about Valentine’s Day is that it has been so surprising to see it revived. It isn’t necessarily as surprising that he is embracing it. Not when he’s working so hard to relieve the sins of his past and whatever happened with Sarah’s mother.
“I know.” He picks up the backpack you had started using as a diaper bag for the baby and glances at you. “You want to carry her? Or do you want me to get our little princess?”
“I’ve got her for now, she’s comfortable.” Sometimes the biggest thing really is her comfort, so you’re not going to disturb your little girl for right now. “Where are we going?”
“Tommy’s workshop.” He picks up her little blanket and throws it over his arm. “Hopefully you like it, it’s more of a practical gift.”
“I’m sure I’ll love it.” If he thought of it? Put care and love into just thinking that you will appreciate it? Then whatever it is will be perfect.
Like all babies and families with babies, it takes a few minutes to get going. The pram should be completely dry, the fans blowing on it and he wonders if you will like to. Sure he could have tried to find one at an abandoned store, but for him, it was about making something. It had been a long time since he had done that and it had felt pretty good.
“Ellie seems like she’s adjusting okay to being back in school.” The walk over to Tommy’s doesn’t take long, and you’re curious to see what he’s been up to with his brother.
“She’s enjoying the school having zero to do with FEDRA.” Joel agrees. “I think she likes the days they take care of the livestock the best. She loves animals.”
"She loves them and she's great with them." Your free hand slips into Joel's while you walk, enjoying the sunny, clear day in spite of the cold. "That's a hell of a valuable skill set in this world. Keeping the livestock happy and healthy is vital."
“Yes it is.” Joel nods. “Tommy and John think they might have gotten that old grist mill working.” He tells you in passing. “The kids are going to have a class on that, come next week.”
"Everything but wheat flour," you joke with a shake of your head. "Although that oat bread was pretty good. John's got a good thing going in that bakery he set up."
“Exactly and there’s a sack of barley seeds they want to plant and make cornmeal.” He has been impressed with Jackson so far and wants to stay here. There’s no reason to go back to Boston and he would never put his daughter under FEDRA control.
Squeezing his hand, you smile up at Joel and cradle Caroline with your other hand. "It's nice here."
“It is.” There are moments where Joel doesn’t trust it, he’s waiting for the other shoe to drop. Waiting for the ugliness to infect Jackson, but he wants this to be a haven, for you and Ellie and Caroline. Especially for Caroline. He wants her to be able to grow up without being exposed to the rawness of the outside world as much as possible. To give her a chance at normalcy. “You want to stay, sweetheart?” He asks quietly.
"I can't imagine any place being better for us." On your chest, Caroline is looking around her with the characteristic wonder of an infant, and you grin and place a kiss on her little tuft of hair. "Your brother is here, there's reliable shelter and food. Ellie is safe to the point where she's enjoying school. It's...I'm not going to call it perfect but it feels like spitting in the face of the universe if we just walk away."
“I feel like the other shoe is going to drop, but it’s also the most relaxed I’ve been in years.” Joel admits. “I’ve- there’s more to worry about than me. And I’ve worried a lot since Lake City.” He had tried to hide the panic attacks, but you had seen signs of them. “I think we should stay.”
"You're entitled to worry." It's just a quiet reminder, but it's important that Joel remember that he has permission to feel whatever way he feels about things. Having a family and being a protector in this environment is a stressful thing. "But you're also entitled to be happy."
“That’s the hard part of this to swallow.” Joel admits, squeezing your hand gently. “It’s alright, baby. I want to stay, if you do.”
"If not for us, then for the girls." That's really the key here, and you pick up his hand to press a kiss to the back of it. "I would follow you anywhere. But they deserve whatever childhood we can give them."
“Yes they do.” The door to Tommy’s shop is just up ahead and he smiles slightly. “Hopefully this next gift will help that. At least for one of them.”
"What did you do?" At this point you're too curious not to feel bubbly about it, and you desperately wish the younger Miller brother's workshop had good windows.
“You’ll see.” He chuckles at your curiosity and lets go of your hand so he can open the door. “After you.”
"Come on, baby," you murmur to Caroline, grinning as you duck into the workshop.
Sitting in the middle of the space is a beautifully put together and obviously handmade perambulator, with a padded cloth bottom and a sun visor that...seems to be moveable as well as handcrafted. "Oh my god..." you breathe, stepping into the room further and bending over the pram with tears in your eyes. "Baby...did you make this?"
“I know I could probably find one, somewhere…” Joel can’t tell if you love it or hate it, so he shuffles slightly. “But I wanted to build one that you could use for a long time.”
"Honey, it's beautiful!" The tears in your eyes are pure love and gratitude, and you backtrack immediately to give him a kiss before going to inspect the pram that he put together with his own two hands. "It—it's incredible. You...how long did this take you?"
“It’s what I’ve been working on this week.” Joel explains, walking over to it to show you the shade and how it can flip down to become a basket to put things in.
"I can't believe you did this." There is such a wonder in your voice. Awe and love, and shock that anyone would put this much work into such an enormous gesture.
“Figured she was going to get too busy and too fidgety to haul around on your chest all the time.” He tells you. “Plus it can sit up when she’s really moving.”
"Do you want to see what Daddy made you, honey?" Caroline keeps reaching for the pram like she knows it's hers, and you look to Joel hopefully. "Is it ready for her to try out?"
“Yeah.” He holds up her blanket. “Figured you want a cover on her since she’s not right up against you.”
"It's perfect," you murmur again. Unwrapping her from your chest is a careful process, but soon a squirming little girl is ready to be set down in her very first pram and she giggles with glee just as soon as you lay her blanket over her. "Daddy made you the perfect little pram so we can push you around and let you see town without having to be attached to my chest the whole time."
“Tommy helped too.” Joel admits, pleased that you seem thrilled with the pram. “He wants to make one for Maria now.”
"Brand new family heirlooms." It's a magical and unexpected gesture, that you reach down to tickle Caroline's belly and can't resist kissing Joel, as well. "This kind of puts my Valentine's surprise to shame, babe."
“No it doesn’t.” Joel immediately frowns and shakes his head. “You don’t have to do anything for me.”
"You didn't have to do anything for me, either." With a grin, you lean over and kiss his cheek again while Caroline looks around her pram in wonder. "I went to see the doc the other day." He's been busy — apparently building you a damn stroller with his own two hands — so you had taken it upon yourself to go in the meantime.
“Yeah?” Joel’s eyes widen slightly and he looks Caroline in her pram to you. “And?”
"And." He looks like he might jump up and down from excitement, and you can't help but laugh. "She had a diaphragm for me."
He frowns and tries to remember what the hell that is. It’s been a long time since he’s talked about birth control in depth. “That- that’s that thing that goes inside you before sex, right?”
“Right.” Another giggle escapes you, and you lean into his side. “It’s not full proof, but it’s something.”
“Yeah.” Joel knows that no birth control is perfect, but he feels better with that. “Do you still want to have me pull out?” He asks seriously.
“Is it irresponsible to say no?” You just want to feel him completely, but you’ll understand if he declines. You’ve already brought one baby into the world, the idea was to prevent two. “It’s your decision, love. All I care about is getting to be close to you.”
“I say we keep track of your cycle like you normally do.” Joel murmurs. “I’ll pull out when you’re ovulating.”
“In that case.” The grin on your face turns absolutely devilish. “No need to pull out tonight.”
Joel blows out a loud breath and reaches down to adjust himself. “That’s the best fuckin’ Valentine’s you could ever give me.”
“I thought you might like it.” Compared to what he’s done? It’s barely anything at all. But the chance to be as close to each other as possible is something you’ve both been craving as you’ve realized the depth of feelings you have.
“Love it.” Joel growls, reaching for you to pull you close and press his lips to yours for a quick and harsh kiss.
“Love it a lot. Got it.” You melt against him and bury your face in his chest, glad to be held in his arms for even a few moments at a time. “We’ll have some grown up time after the movie tonight?”
"Already asked Ellie if she would mind the bassinet being in her room." He tells you with a grin. "Bottles ready."
“Scheming!” You erupt into giggles, cheeks burning hot and desire starting to ache in your core. “You have been scheming.”— Today at 8:02 PM
"I have been scheming." He admits shamelessly. "And there's one more thing that I have to give you."Today at 8:07 PM
“Joel.” A pout comes with a tilt of your head and you shake it immediately. “Baby, no. You’ve already done so much.”Today at 8:12 PM
"This is something from me....for you." He promises softly. "I wanted to give you something that shows you how much I love you." He swallows. "Do you want it now, or do you want me to - you know, make it romantic?" Today at 8:25 PM
“I want you to do whatever will make you happiest.” Another soft kiss between you makes you melt that much more. “I’ll love it no matter what.”day at 8:33 PM
"I kind of want to give it to you now, before I lose the damn thing." Joel admits with a huff of amusement, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a faded velvet box.at 8:42 PM
“What…?” It may be a long while since the last time you walked into a jewelry store, but you still remember what a ring box looks like as your eyes flick between the box and Joel. “Honey?”day at 8:52
"It's- do you know how fucking hard it was to remember birthstones?" He snorts, shaking his head. "I wanted to get you something that had meaning. That's symbolic of how we came together."
He holds it out to you a little more surely and you realize your hands are shaking a little when you reach to open it. The ring inside has been cleaned, it's shining in the dim sunlight streaming into the workshop and the tears spill over immediately. "You—you figured out Caroline's birthstone?" It had never occurred to you to even try to think of what it would be, although you did figure out what her zodiac was while holding her one night right after she was born. y at 9:13 PM
"Yeah." He looks down at the ring and smiles. "There was a book in the library." He admits, not wanting you to think he was some kind of genius. "You told me when she was born, and I'm never gonna forget that." He bites his lip. "I was thinking you could wear it like an engagement ring or whatever, if you want."y at 9:18 PM
"Are you saying you want me to wear it like an engagement ring, or that I can think of it that way if I want to?" Slipping the ring out of the box, it's obvious immediately that it will fit you pretty perfectly and you wonder if Joel tried to do any sneaky measuring of your ring finger while you were sleeping or something like that.t 9:21 PM
He bites his lip and resists the urge to fold his arms over his chest. "I want- it's kind of up to you, baby." He reminds you. "I should ask you though, right?" He's talking to himself, rolling his eyes at how he is bungling it up. "Do you want to get married? If they do weddings here?"9:29 PM
If you were going to tease him, you would remind him that his brother and Maria got married. That there is something like marriage here in Jackson, even without the way weddings were in the past. And the end of the world, marriage is about a commitment between people. Not about a thousand dollar dress or haggling over the guest list. And honestly? That is the way you would have wanted it even back then. "Yes," you nod, that smile spreading back across your face as you hold your shaky hand out to him. "Yes, I absolutely do."35 PM
Joel takes the hint, carefully pulling the ring from the box and taking your hand gently to push the ring onto your finger. "It fits." He sighs out in relief. "Tying a string around your finger to measure it worked." He looks up into your eyes with a grin. "How do you like it?"t 9:41 PM
"It's perfect." Wrapping your arms around his neck, you press into his space and let yourself just breathe him in. Grateful for the coincidence that brought you together, for the accident that has sealed your connection, and for the love that has bound you. "I love you."
“I love you too, baby.” Joel vows softly, pressing his lips to yours. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit @mikeyswifie @guelyury @lizzie-cakes @for-a-longlongtime @vabeachazn @purplerain04 @weho2kcmo @madnessofadaydreamer
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My Masterlist!
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 7 months
Pretty like the wind
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a/n the thirteenth part! I'm so so so sorry for the wait but girl drained her writing abilities too much and I just couldn't write and then couldn't give you all a shit chapter. I hope you will still enjoy this! ✨🤍 also, your girl is running on 3h of sleep so if there are mistakes, forgive me... I'll fix them when my brain is once again plugged to the internet.🙃
warning: kids, past trauma, substance use... low key seems too little of a list but nothing else comes to mind
Axel's been desperate for a couple of days now. He had managed to lift off the ground and do a couple of flaps with his wings at the start of the week. The excitement on his face when Azriel carried him back home was unmatched. Unlike anything you had seen before. He was glowing. Radiant. So deeply loved, and it showed. The boy had rambled about it throughout the whole dinner. But Azriel hadn't denied his excitement even once, a proud smile on his face as he let the boy babble on and on.
It felt easy. It was so easy to be there. In Azriel's apartment. To wake up next to him. To watch him come home after a long day. Fetch the kids for classes. Not to mention that his place was ever-shifting. After the first night on his mattress, which was rung by the furthest of walls, Azriel had shown up with Cassian the very next day. Boxes in hand, they got to work putting together the biggest bed frame you had ever seen. He covered the knives stand with some sort of spell. They were there still, a big part of him, but the kids could not reach them. His way of baby-proofing the space. Slowly morphing it into something that suited everyone's needs.
"Lift up and do ten flaps", Azriel's voice floated through the field. The day was beautiful. The sun was out. Warm rays of sunshine kissed the skin. You and Zofie were sitting on a big knitted blanket. The little girl beside you was threading flower crowns. Her tiny tongue was slightly out as she concentrated on her very serious task.
"I can do more", Axel urged. He was standing next to Azriel. His tiny Illyrian leathers clad his skin. His safety armor. A tiny little piece of comfort that the spymaster had gifted to him. Azriel shook his head as he smiled, "Start with ten, then we will see". You could tell that Azriel had also found comfort in teaching Axel. A second chance at a glimpse of a happy childhood. With him and only him in the center of someone's happiness.
For a moment, there was only a warm breeze humming through the field. You watched how Axel got into a position. His determined face faltered, and his eyes darted back up at Azriel. "You will catch me, right?", here it was, that same bitter fear of failing. Of not trusting himself. But Azriel didn't let it settle in as he kneeled next to the boy, "You won't need my help, but if you do, I will be right by your side". Axel's big, golden eyes blinked at Azriel.
"And if I don't make it...", the boy doesn't finish the sentence, but the premise of it is clear. Will you be disappointed? Laugh? Give up on me? Azriel cupped the Axel's cheeks between his scared palms. "Look at me", the spymaster muttered, "You will do it. I know you will. You have to believe in yourself". They looked at each other for a moment before Axel quickly nodded his head, "Okay. I've got this", the boy muttered, Azriel quickly ruffled his hair, "Hell yeah, you do!".
Axel found your eyes across the field. You smiled at him, nodding your head. He could do it, and you did not doubt it. The boy nodded his head one more. A deep breath in. And within seconds, his tiny frame shot up. Axel faltered ever so slightly. Gravity pulling him down. But with one determined flap after another, he managed to stay up above. "Look at me", he beamed from the sky, the wind dancing in his onyx hair. "Y/n! Zo!", he shouted. The girl beside you let out a gasp. Scrambling to her feet as she ran through the flower field to get closer to her brother, "Axel!", she squealed happily. "Good job, honey!", you called right after her, your hand on your chest as you tried to suppress your emotions. One beat after another. Just his energy strained as fast as it was mustard. And the boy slowly sank back down. But the smile on his face didn't seem to shrink.
"Did you see it?", Axel looked across all three of you, breathing heavily. "We did, my love", you beamed at him, leaning closer to kiss his sweaty forehead. "I flew like all of the Illyrians", the boy taped at his leathers proudly, his eyes darting up at Azriel, whose smile was just as big. "I'm so proud of you", Azriel said. "Thank you, pa-Azzy", Axel stuttered, his big eyes suddenly laced with worry, but Azriel only scooped him up in his arms, seating Axel on his shoulder, "You got it, bud".
The kids were far from, content afterward. Too much excitement rushing through their tiny bodies, and now that they were painfully aware that they had Azriel wrapped around their fingers, within a couple of hours you were back in the city, for none other than street pancakes. "You didn't have to say yes", you muttered to Azriel as you two trailed behind the two overly excited younglings. "Why, not?", he said straight away as if tending to their needs had already become second nature for him. "Well, I'm sure you have meetings or people to scare", you shrugged, making Azriel chuckle slightly. The expression easy to miss because his colder mask was back on. What you didn't miss was how some people looked at him. At you all. The emotions were hard to pinpoint, but it was clear evidence that one didn't find the spymaster of the night court casually walking through Velaris streets.
"Look, it's the fountain", the two little monsters came tumbling back, pulling at the skirts of your dress, tiny fingers pointing toward the water fairies. "Now, what did I say about pointing fingers, huh?", you huffed, and the two of them dropped their hands. Quick apologies swirled around, but the pulling didn't ease. Azriel took a heartbeat to look at you three. The way a laugh slipped past your lips as one of the fairy bopped Axel's face making the boy jump back slightly. All courtwork aside, the past couple of weeks have left Azriel feeling weightless. No burdens. No worries. And if something managed to cling to him after a long day, it would all melt away the moment he stepped through his apartment door, hearing your voices and laughter. It felt so good to finally have something that belonged just to him. And it wasn't that territorial fea-male thing. Well, yes, it was, but there was so much more. Azriel finally felt like he had a purpose. His bland days were finally filled with more color. He loved being able to take Zofie to her dance classes. Fetch Axel for training with Cassian. To come home and find you smiling at him. To kiss you softly.
"Can I get two?", Zofie's voice filled Azriel's senses, and his head instantly turned towards the pancake stand. An old lady was already smiling as she looked down at the kids trying to pick their orders. "You won't be able to finish them both, bug," you said as you brushed your fingers through Zofie's hair. "But I can't pick between jam and chocolate", she pouted. Azriel stepped closer, earning a slight bow from the owner, that he quickly returned with a nod.
"Azzy, you pick", Zofie quickly moved towards the spymaster, cleverly making grabby hands at him so that once the order was made, she would be able to see how they were made because, not like Axel, she couldn't see over the stand. "I would like apple crumble, please", Axel said, fingers twirling with the material of your skirt. "And jam and chocolate", Azriel followed suit. You shot him a look, but he was already too occupied by how Zofie was beaming in his arms.
"Add it to my account too", Azriel said firmly, and you shook your head. "Nonsense, let me pay for it", you reached for the satchel fastened to your corset. But Azriel softly took hold of your hand, lacing his fingers through yours. "Don't fight me on this, love", he simply muttered. And stop frowning; it doesn't suit you. Azriel's smug voice filled your mind, making you let out a huff. You're too full of yourself; let me pay for something. You muttered back, but Azriel only smirked. You are paying; it's our shared account. A breath hitched in your throat. A shared account? But only members of the inner circle shared accounts with their partners. And you... you blinked a couple of times. Had Azriel set his claim over you to Rhys? You're not an object. Azriel's velvety voice rang out once more.
You were about to answer him a gasp left Axel's lips, soon followed by Zofie. "Grammy", the two of them said in unison. Cordelia had just set her bags down as the two swarmed her. Jumping. Giggling. "My gorgeous bunch", the woman said, cradling them both in her arms, "I swear you two have grown an inch since I last saw you". They both beamed at her, pancakes long forgotten. Azriel's shadows made quick work of his mother's bags. Tiny little clouds got to work immediately as they moved to carry them back to her house.
"Azriel, Y/N", Cordelia said, turning to you both as you finally approached her hands full of food. "What are we celebrating?", the elderly woman asked. "Grammy, I flew. Azriel took me to the field. I was up in the sky", Axel said excitedly, and your eyes instantly filled up with tears, making you blink quickly. "Oh, sweet boy", Cordelia cupped Axel's cheek, "That's wonderful. Soon, you'll outmatch my Azriel. But don't tell him I told you so". The boy giggled sheepishly, catching a glimpse of Azriel, but his calm expectation didn't change.
"Why don't you two leave them with me", Cordelia said after a moment, "I'm heading home anyway". The kids instantly stepped towards her as if they didn't care for what any of you had to say. "No, ma'am, that...", "Cordelia, darling", Azriel's mom corrected you instantly. "You must be tired, and...", you tried again, only to be met with another smile, "Nonsense, these two are angels. Plus", she muttered, "When was the last time you two spent time alone?". Never. The answer was never. And the fact that the answers sank on you so quickly said it all. You and Azriel had never truly been alone. Had never been on a date.
"Exactly", Cordelia stated proudly. "I'm looking after my grandchildren, and if I see any of you at my doorstep before tomorrow evening", she narrowed her eyes, "Let's say you don't want to know what will happen". Azriel let out a laugh, shaking his head at his mother. "Thank you", he muttered. Cordelia simply leaned in to kiss her son's cheek before she squeezed your shoulder. "Have fun", she winked, turning towards the kids, already pointing them towards another stand.
"Do you want some more?", Azriel lifted the halfway-empty bottle, but you shook your head, "I still have some, thank you". Oddly enough, it felt strange to spend time with Azriel like this. No rush. No need to go places. No kids to look after. No serious worries. Just you two. A quiet apartment and a long night that was still ahead of you two. You shifted, brushing your hand through your hair.
"This feels strange in a way", Azriel breathed out, running his hand over his face, "I mean, I don't want you to feel like...", he was quick to point out, but you rested your hand on his thigh, "We're not used to being together like this". The shadowsinger nodded his head before he leaned back into the sofa, putting his glass on the tiny table that was set on the side. His arms reached forward, pulling at your hand. A chuckle slipped past your lips as Azriel tugged you closer to his chest. "What are you doing?", you breathed, still smiling. "Something I should have done at the start of the evening", Azriel mused, letting out a satisfied hum now that you were pressed against his chest.
Silence filled the room. You let yourself listen to the way Azriel's heart was drumming right beneath your ear. Warmth spread through your body. This, without a doubt, was how peace felt. "Should we play a game?", Azriel spoke up, finally making you lift your head from his chest. "A game?", you frowned slightly, pulling away. "Yeah, like, get to know each other game", Azriel breathed out, a slight pink tint brushing his cheeks. You let out a chuckle. "Okay, I am...", you breathed out, "Are Rhys and Cass your biological brothers?", "Straight at it...", Azriel let out a surprised breath, and worry instantly washed over you. "Was I not supposed to?", your big eyes looked at him. "No, no, it's okay; I like that you're taking the lead", Azriel reassured you wiggling his brows making you rill your eyes in return. You two moved to sit opposite each other. Your legs were tucked beneath you, but Azriel's hand still stayed on your thigh.
"And to answer your question, they are not", he said smoothly. "We meet in the camp. Rhys's mother pulled us under her wing; the rest is history but they feel like blood brothers". You found yourself nodding; you knew that they were in training together. Most people called them the inseparable three for a reason. The loved they shared always made you smile. It was rare. Especially between territorial Illyrian males. "Your mother was from Helion's court," Azriel stated, claiming his turn, "You've ever thought about going there?". You took a moment to let his words sink in. Rhys had brought that up a couple of times, but the idea of going to a place you knew nothing about to meet people you knew nothing about. "No...", you breathed out. "I mean, it'll sound bad, but Helion keeps his angels under tight wraps." Pulling the strand of your hair, you quickly twirled it around your fingers, "If he had use for me, he would have claimed me by now". A rumble left Azriel's chest, "No one can claim you; you make your own choices". His voice was thick with frustration. The thought, clearly, unsettled him. You reached for his hand once more, "Azriel, I know, hence why I said it would sound bad". But the frown between his brows didn't ease until your fingers carefully brushed over his skin.
You weighed your next question for a heartbeat before muttering, "Your hands, can you tell me the real story?", you watched as Azriel's face shifted with emotion. The man was almost a myth. The amount of stories told about him could easily be turned into a book but... most of them seemed so far fetched. For a heartbeat, you even regretted your question, but then Azriel let out a sigh. "You know about the basement...", the spymaster clenched his palms together. "This was one of their games", you shifted slightly, reaching for his hands as you clasped them in yours. Azriel's eyes lingered on your joined palms. "One night they wanted to test how quickly I would heal. So they dunked my hands in oil and set them on fire", his words sounded cold and distant. But then how else would you talk about the trauma that shifted your life. You bit the inside of your cheek as you leaned closer to him. But before you could fully rest against him, you pulled his hands up to your mouth, placing kiss after kiss on the scared surface. He didn't stop you. Didn't pull away. Soaking in the warmth of you. The tender touch.
But your movements stalled at his next words, "Your back", Azriel muttered. You let go of him instantly, drawing back, "What of it?", you asked, even if you knew more than well what he was asking for. In a way, your scars linked you both together. But you've worked your hardest to keep that side of you hidden from everyone. Even yourself. You let your head drop slightly, and Azriel's fingers instantly hooked beneath your chin. If there was something this man was against, it was you feeling small when you were with him.
"You don't have to", he breathed out, his gorgeous hazel eyes piercing through you. Eyes that had captured your soul the very same night you two had come for one another's throats in his room. You chose to swallow your words, turning away from him. Suddenly, your dress felt way too tight on your body. Azriel took that as a sign to drop the topic, ready to apologize when you muttered, "Undo the ribbon". Azriel swallowed thickly. Hesitation stilled his movements. But his trembling fingers still reached for the light blue material. Goosebumps trickled down your spine instantly.
Azriel could see the way your shoulders tensed the looser the fabric got around your chest. Leaning in, he placed a couple of loving kisses on your shoulder blades. He hesitated before letting the fabric fall off your skin, your hand instantly moving to cover your breasts in front. But Azriel was too far captured by the brutal slashes that even now shined red and black against your skin. The angel wings you had didn't start at the same spot where Illyrian wings rooted, which explained why the spymaster didn't catch a glimpse of them while you were in nothing but your silk nightgown.
"I hoped I could heal myself...", you muttered quietly, biting your lip. Azriel's eye snapped back up, and he instantly brought your trembling frame into his chest. Mother, strike him for letting himself gawk like that. He knew what being stared at like that felt like. The scrutiny. The pity. Blimey, his own family still shot him glances like that, and here he was. His strong arms cocooned your frame before he realized the lack of clothes covering your chest. Azriel's cheeks pinked, even if he couldn't see anything that he hadn't already seen. He moved to lift the fabric, but you stopped him, motioning for him to let you go. He got his clue here—you didn't want him watching, so his head wiped to a completely different side.
"I've never been with a male", you muttered after a heartbeat. Azriel's body froze once more. Something deep and territorial, way stronger than before, scratched at his chest. "Was I your first...", his words were barely a whisper, as you chased them away. "Everything so far...", you breathed out. Was admitting this to him awkward? Yes. But he was your mate. Surely, he would realize that eventually. Azriel turned back to face you. Realizing that he probably should have asked if he could turn around in the first place. But he found your shy eyes looking up at him. He reached for you once more. Pulling you over his lap, his hand resting on your hip.
"Thank you for sharing that", he breathed against your neck, brushing tiny feather-like kisses all over your collarbones. The tickling sensation made you giggle slightly before a frown washed over you once more. "I understand if it's not attractive", you breathed out, and Azriel halted in his movements, pulling back to meet your eyes. "Love, I'm more than okay with waiting till you're ready", he reassured you as he brushed his thumb over your cheek. "But that's... you have needs", you whispered, catching his wrist. Azriel let out a breathy chuckle, scanning your face before he leaned in to peck your lips. "I am no longer a teenager who gets a hard-on from any moving thing in front of him, but thank you for your concern, love", he said, utterly satisfied with his answer. "Ew, Azriel", you cackled, hitting his chest playfully. The spymaster's laugh matched yours in no time as he pulled you down on the plush sofa, nestling you deeper into his embrace.
You had hoped to wake up in Azriel's arms the next morning. The intimacy of last night's confessions still lingered. But once the slumber left your body, you quickly realized that the bed felt way too cold. A pang ached in your chest, but you knew that he was a busy man. A note you found in the kitchen proved just that. An urgent meeting. I hate that I had to leave you like that. I will see you in the evening, Az. You brushed your fingers over the paper, turning your attention to the bond, smothering it with soft touches, only to be met with a cold wall. You frowned slightly. But then, he always shut it off when he was out on duty. You knew that if something was seriously bad, he would answer. But nothing was seriously bad and you weren't about to become a needy partner. Brushing the nagging thoughts away, you smiled to yourself. No, nothing was going to ruin the plan you had for tonight.
And it started out so perfectly. From the way you had allowed yourself to explore the city. Wondering from one shop to another. Everyone greeted you with a smile. The streets were humming even in the early morning. All the smells and sounds fill your senses. You tested cheese from a local farmer's stand, listening to the stories about the sheep that he owned. You had forgotten what it felt like to live like this. Now fully understanding why Zofie and Axel loved it here so much. The white, quiet walls of the sanctuary felt more like a prison than a happy home when you compared it to the city.
Your arm was aching from the bag you were carrying, but it didn't seem to bother you today. Your eyes caught the stand full of freshly cut flowers. Like a little bee on a hunt for nectar, you turned its way. The lady greeted you with a wave. She, like the man before, shared her passion for the blooms before wrapping a big bouquet of peonies in paper. The smell of them made your lips taste sweet. But the moment her hands brushed yours, you felt a tight grip on your arms. Dark eyes looked at you. Sharp venomous teeth gleamed, "Silly child, he is not your happy ever after. You're burning in flames of pain for your mistakes", the thick words sounded, making you draw away, nearly dropping all of your stuff. You bumped into someone, pulling your eyes away from the lady, and when you finally blinked, a man was holding onto your shoulders. Steadying you. "Are you alright, dear?", the female called out to you, making you take a double look at both of them. "Yeah", you muttered, feeling your cheeks heating up. "I'm so sorry, I just got dizzy from all the smells", you breathed out, quickly taking hold of your things and hurrying away.
You hoped the feeling of unease would lessen eventually. That the image of that monstrous face would fade. But it stuck around. Sending shivers down your back all day long. The same way it did up at the house of wind. You had felt slightly better at Cordelia's house, where you stopped to get the kids, but the moment you crossed Azriel's apartment's entrance, it clasped right over your throat once more. "Do I put this in?", Axel called out, making you draw your attention back to the two kids. A pot of stew was bubbling on the stove. You pressed a palm against your temple, an odd throb aching there.
"Yes, sweetie, give it a mix too", the two of them had been desperate to make Azriel's mother's stew. Cordelia had cooked with them a couple of times, and now they had taken it upon themselves to show what they had learned. "I need help", Zofie muttered, pulling at your sleeve. She had been tasked with pulling some of the herbs from the stems and dicing them. Yet your body didn't seem to comprehend the request. Axel turned to her instead. "Show me", he said, but you could feel his eyes on you. Both of their eyes are on you.
"Y/N", Axel called out softly, "Is everything okay?" The real answer to that would be that you didn't know. It was the tightness and numbness in your chest that unsettled you the most. You've never felt like before. As if something was missing all of a sudden. You tried to claw out of the hazy daze, "Yeah, I'm...", but your voice died down to the sound of the knock on the door. Axel jumped off his step stool, but you caught him by his shoulder. "Stay here with Zo", you muttered. Deep down, you hoped that it was Azriel or someone from the family, but then Azriel wouldn't knock. He never did.
You cracked the door open as if you already didn't feel confused enough. There she stood. The prettiest pink dress framed her figure. Loose curls fell over her shoulders. Elain. You braced yourself against the doorframe. Mother, don't let this be what you thought it was. "Oh", the female gasped lightly. "I...", she stuttered, suddenly growing fidgety. "How can I help you?", you breathed out, trying to keep your racing mind at bay. "Azriel said we would meet here; that usually means alone", her tone was sweet, but every word sent daggers flying straight into your heart. Silly child, he is not your happy ever after. The voice echoed in your mind. You blinked rapidly, frown marking your features. For a moment, it seemed as if something flashed through Elain's eyes before she mustered a forced smile back on her lips.
"I apologize for interrupting", Elain turned to walk away but halted quickly as if changing her mind. "Actually", she muttered, "I forgot about a little gift", her voice trembled as she pulled her hand out of the dress pocket, opening her palm to reveal a crystal-clear powder. She blew on it gently, flecks flowing towards you. The same invisible hand clawed at your throat. You tried to gasp for air, but it felt useless. You staggered back, the sound of someone grinding their teeth drilled through your head. A scream echoed through the space as your body hit the floor. Muffled noises rang endlessly. Noises. Screams. Zofie and Axel. The last bits of your rational mind called out. You dug your nails into the floor, turning your body towards the kitchen. Black figures swarmed all around, both of the kids trashing in their grip. You reached your hand towards them, but before you could cry out to them, everything went black.
Taglist: @naturakaashi @hoemadegrace @just-m-2 @thereadinggremlin @i-am-a-lost-girl16 @hijabi-desi-bookwarm
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blue-aconite · 9 months
every little thing she does is magic || j.h.s
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Summary: What is really the best way to tell someone you love them? At 7, Jake doesn't really know. All he knows is that Dani makes his heart flutter, and she's just - she's just magic.
Warnings: fluff, fluff, fluff
Word Count: 1.7k
Pairings: Jake Seresin x OC
Authors Note: This is for @roosterforme's '80s Rocktober challenge! Thank you Em for creating such a fun event! Also, thank you to @demxters and @hangmanssunnies for beta'ing and being a huge support!
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Age 7
“Dad. How did you know you wanted to marry Ma?” Jake clambered up onto the couch next to his father, legs swinging back and forth as he sat on the edge. His dad put down the newspaper he was currently reading, pocketing his reading glasses as well. 
Jake could tell that his dad was thinking really hard about his question because his eyebrows dipped and he rubbed his chin, something he always did when thinking. He waited patiently for an answer, picking at his shorts where a colourful plane bandaid was sat over a scrape he’d gotten falling off the monkey bars at school. It hadn’t hurt very much and Dani had shared her cookies with him, making him feel better instantly. 
“Well, I love her more than I could explain, so I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.” Joseph said, leaning back in his airchair. 
Jake hummed, biting his lower lip. “But how did you know you loved her then?”
His dad laughed, reaching over to tug Jake onto his lap and ruffle his hair, much to his dismay. “Whenever I was around her, I felt light. I felt happy, just seeing her. Her smile brightened up my entire day. Still does.”
Jake pondered his dad’s answer for a moment, small fingers toying with the wedding band adjourning Joseph’s ring finger. 
“Dani always makes me feel better.” He admitted, once again thinking of how seeing his next door neighbour always brightened his mood.
His dad laughed. “Does she now?” 
“Yup. She’s like.. um.. she’s like magic.” Jake was proud of himself for finding the perfect way to describe Dani. 
His father oh’d, eyes sparkling. “Like magic? Well, then you gotta hold onto her. People like her are very special.” 
Jake made an agreeing sound, nodding his head determinedly. “Do you think Dani would want to marry me?” 
Joseph coughed, rattling Jake in his lap. “I think the two of you are a bit too young to be thinking about marriage, Jacob.” 
“But dad, you married Ma because you loved her.” Jake whined, stubbornly crossing his arms across his chest. 
Jake knew now that he did love Dani. She always made him smile, made him feel better and she was indeed magic. Everything she did was magical, Jake thought. 
“You have to wait until you’re a bit older, son. Me and your mother was adults when we got married.” Joseph laughed, finding his son’s crush on their neighbour adorable. 
He pondered for a moment, legs swinging back and forth. “But how will she know that I love her then?” 
“Who do you love?” Claudia appeared in the doorway, flour dusted on her apron. 
Father and son looked up at the interruption, watching as she leaned against the doorframe. “Well? Go on then.” 
“Dani! Dad said he knew he loved you because you always made him smile and he was always happy to see you. When I see Dani, I always feel better,” Jake rambled, missing the look shared between his parents. “And she shared her cookies with me last week, after I scraped my knee and she’s just so pretty and I wanna make her laugh all the time -“
“Jake, slow down.” Joseph smiled, ruffling his son’s hair once again. 
“Maybe you can pick some flowers from the garden?” Claudia suggested. Jake lit up, sliding off his fathers lap, almost tripping over the carpet on his way to the back door. 
“Dani loves flowers! Thanks Ma!” Jake pushed the door open, hurrying out into the garden, excitement seeping into his veins. Flowers would be the perfect way to let Dani know how much she meant to him. 
His mother had rows and rows of flowers in the garden. Jake wandered around for a while, trying to find the perfect ones. Dani deserved the best.
“Hi Jake! Whatcha doing?”
Dani was leaning over the fence, smiling widely at him. Jake felt his heart flutter and he quickly hid the flowers he’d picked behind his back. “Uh, I’m just -”
“What’s behind your back?” Dani asked as she climbed the fence, entering the Seresin backyard. 
Jake felt the blush creeping up his cheeks, suddenly nervous about his gift. What if she didn’t like it? What if it wasn’t enough? 
Dani was still smiling, bouncing on her feet as she watched him blush and stutter. Jake tried to find the right words but nothing came out. Eventually he just held out the small bouquet to her, hoping it would be enough. 
“Um, I picked them for you..” Their hands brushed as Dani took the flowers from him, holding them up to her face to smell them. Jake waited nervously with a bated breath for her reaction. 
Dani threw her arms around his middle, hugging him tight. Jake automatically wrapped his arms around her waist, heart thumping as her scent invaded his senses. “I love them so much! Thank you, Jake!” 
Her words were muffled against his shoulder but it didn’t matter, Jake heard her. She loved them. She loved the flowers. 
“Do you wanna come and feed the horses with me?” She asked, pulling back slightly. Jake nodded as they pulled apart, offering his hand. Dani laced their fingers together and Jake felt that rush again, the same one as he always felt when Dani was in the vicinity. It felt like magic.
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Age 18
“I’m going to miss this,” Dani sighed as she leaned back into Jake’s arms, pulling the blanket tighter around them. He pressed a kiss to her shoulder, listening as the car radio played quietly in the background. The truck bed was filled with blankets and pillows. He’d opted against candles even though it would have been a nice touch. But he didn’t feel like tempting fate playing with fire so close to fabric.
He let his fingers trace mindless patterns up and down Dani’s arm, content to just hold her as they watched the stars and listened to old 80’s songs. He hummed along to every little thing she does is magic, enjoying the moment. 
“What are you going to miss?” He asked, lacing their fingers together. 
“Everything, I guess? This, us -”
“It’s not the end, baby. You don’t have to miss us, I’m right here.” Jake interrupted, squeezing the hand he was holding. 
Dani twisted in his arms before sitting up. Jake instantly missed the warmth and tried to tug her back against his chest. “Dani -“ 
She frowned, trying to pull her hand from his. “Everything’s changing. In two months we’re going to be on the opposite sides of the country, you’ll be busy with flight school and I’ll -“ 
“Stop! Baby, listen to me,” Jake grabbed onto both of her hands, pulling her closer despite Dani’s attempts to keep a small distance between them. “Danielle, look at me.” 
Dani sagged against his side, sniffing slightly. Jake rarely called her by her full name, so he knew she would listen. 
He pulled her upright again and gently grabbed her chin. “I have loved you since I was seven years old. Maybe even longer. That’s not going to change anytime soon. So it won’t matter if we’re on opposite sides of the country, okay? We’re going to make things work.” 
Dani huffed, smiling at him with watery eyes. “Since you were seven?” 
Jake nodded, pulling her into his lap. “Yes ma’am. I think it was earlier but I remember asking my dad about love and stuff, and when he explained it, I knew.” 
Dani stayed quiet, fiddling with the hem of her shirt as Jake continued to talk. 
“I remember asking him if we could get married. He said we needed to be older but that I should hold onto you. I told him you were magic.” 
Dani barked a laugh. “Magic?” 
“Yeah. Every time I saw you, I instantly felt better. You always made things better, brighter. You made me feel warm, that fuzzy feeling in my chest whenever you smiled at me. And guess what?” 
“What?” Dani mumbled, nose pressed to his pulse point. 
Jake smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “I still feel that warm, fuzzy feeling when you smile at me. That’s how I know we’re going to be fine.” 
“I knew I loved you when you punched Micheal Pearson after he pushed me from the swings.” 
Jake laughed, shaking his head. “He deserved it.” Dani joined him, laughing together as they remembered their childhood. 
After a while their laughter died down and they sat in silence again, bodies intertwined tightly together. 
“We’re good, you and me, right? We’re going to be fine.” Dani whispered, kissing his knuckles. 
Jake smiled. “We’re better than good, baby. We’re magic.” 
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Five years later 
“When Jake was seven years old, he asked me how I knew that I loved his mother. How I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.” Joseph laughed, adjusting his tie. 
“At first, his questions caught me off guard. I hadn’t really expected to have that conversation with my seven year old.” The guests laughed, most of them turning to look at the blushing groom. 
“After I answered him as truthfully as I could, Jake promptly asked me if I thought Dani would like to marry him.” The laughter rose, many of Jake’s squad members making kissing noises at the newlyweds. 
“It definitely threw me, but I quickly told him that they needed to wait a little while longer. That they were too young. But me and his mother made sure to let him know that he should still let her know how much he liked her.” 
Joseph paused and took a moment to study his son and his new wife. 
“As we watched him trying to find her the perfect bouquet of flowers from our yard, I knew. I knew that one day I was going to have to speak at their wedding.” 
Dani was crying, leaning into Jake’s side as they listened. 
“I’m gonna wrap this up before I start crying. Jake, son. I am so proud of you, and what you have achieved so far. And most importantly, I am so proud of your choice of wife. Dani, keep him on his toes, he needs it.” 
“I told you once as a kid and I’m telling you now again as a man. Don’t ever let go of her. Don’t ever let each other go. What you have is special. Like Jake once said, it’s magic.”
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Taglist: @wildbornsiren​ @therebeccaw@imjess-themess@antiquitea@fuckyeahhangman@writercole@hederasgarden@yanna-banana@wkndwlff@bobfloydsbabe@hollandorks@anniesocsandgeneralstore@ereardon@luminousnotmatter@roosterscock@thedroneranger@fandomxpreferences@top-hhun@princessmisery666@bradshawsbitch​ @princessphilly@a-reader-and-a-writer@green-socks@angstybluejay@seresinhangmanjake@ayorooster​@notroosterbradshaw​ @indynerdgirl@gigisimsonmars@girl-in-the-chairs-void@bradshawbabes@unhinged-btch@horseshoegirl@sadpetalsstuff@bradshawbaby@ahopelessromanticwritersworld@ummjustfics​ @septemberrie​ @somenamewithepineapple​ @seresinsweetie​​ @crescentwolf​ @seresinhangmanjake​ @sylviebell​ @waklman​ @roosterforme​ @rosiahills22​ @dempy​ @i0veless​ @ilovewriting06​ @kmc1989​ @demxters@amortentiadrops@teacupsandtopgun@hangmanscoming
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nekohime19 · 19 days
Mini Mac #14 : Shrinked Monkey King
Today Wukong visits Mac home inside of the wall and they wrestled together like cubs.
Sun Wukong was looking at one of Macaque's gates in wonder. He was in the living room, leaning on his wooden couch. Summer was in full swing, the sun burning brighter than ever, and while the weather wasn't as bad as it could be, it was still pretty hot. The sage looked back at Macaque, who was floating inside of a bowl filled with cool water, and wondered if he should voice his desire. The lil guy looked good, he was dressed in some leaves (at Wukong's request), letting himself float in the shallow wooden bowl, serene as ever.
“You're enjoying yourself?”Snorted Wukong, fondness melting in his tone.
“Yeah, best idea you ever had.” Mumbled Macaque, a smile blooming on his lips. Wukong cooed a bit when he heard a hint of a purr stumble out of Macaque's lips.
The sage hesitated a little before shrinking himself, he didn't do it that often, mainly because he was still trying to control this power and he couldn't stay shrinked for long. Once properly shrinked (his clothes shrinking with him) he climbed the table and leaned on Macaque's wooden bowl. The black-furred monkey opened one eye and glanced at him, his eyes widened when he caught sight of the shrinked sage.
“Hey.” Chuckled Wukong, snorting at the lil guy's bewildered expression. Macaque blinked a few times before jumping on his feet (splashing some water around) and walking over Wukong. The black-furred monkey smiled when he noticed he was slightly taller than the sage.
“I'm taller.” Mumbled Macaque with a proud expression, Wukong fondly rolled his eyes at this.
“Because I let you be taller.” Huffed Wukong. “I was wondering… maybe you could make me visit your home? In the walls, I mean.”
“You're curious?” Chuckled the black-furred monkey, Wukong averted his eyes, cheeks reddening.
“A bit.”
Macaque got out of his bowl of freshwater and ruffled his own hair. He reached out to Wukong, his hand making a gimmie motion. The sage huffed, amused and slightly frustrated to be ordered around, and created a towel with one of his hair to put it in his palm. The black-furred monkey took the towel and dried up his fur, he then put the towel on his shoulders and stretched. He looked like a walking urchin with his fur sticking in all directions, Wukong found it endearing.
“Alright then, let's go.” Chuckled Macaque as he put an arm over Wukong and affectionately ruffled his hair, relishing in the fact Wukong was now his size.
“Hey, hey, my perfect hair!” Whined the sage in-between chuckles. Macaque ignored his whining and dragged him to one of his gates.
Sun Wukong went through one of the gates with curiosity, the inside of the walls was rather dark, lightened by various cracks that draw serpents of lights on their path. It was also rather narrow, Wukong couldn't be beside Macaque and stretch himself without hitting one wall. The sage followed the lil guy as he walked with ease inside of the wall, probably already used to the darkness. Macaque began to walk on nails studded in the wall, using them like stairs, Wukong readily followed after him. Macaque's chamber was embedded in the wall, a little wooden box hidden in the stones, lightened by wavering serpents of light. Macaque proudly showed his front door (a square cut in the wooden box) and turned towards Wukong with a huffed chest. Sun Wukong tied his tail on his waist to stop it from wagging, the lil guy was truly adorable.
The sage curiously entered the wooden box. The floor was lined with soft tissue, the walls covered in plants and flowers, there were some cupboards carved in the wooden walls filled with cut pieces of fruits and different vials. A spoon was put in one corner, it was tall enough to almost reach the roof. Sun Wukong passed before the silverware and chuckled at his distorted figure, he made silly faces and giggled at his reflection.
“Having fun?” Chuckled Macaque as he leaned on Wukong.
“Yeah that's fun. So that's your lair?” He asked as he twirled on himself and went to look at everything, he smiled at the doodles carved on the walls and chirped excitedly at the sight of a bed, or at least something resembling a bed. It was a nest made of hay and flowers carefully weaved together. Macaque sat on the nest and patted his side, Wukong immediately jumped on it. It was bouncy and soft, moreover it was drenched in Macaque's scent.
“I have multiple lairs though, that's the one in the living room’s wall.”
“Really?” Chuckled Wukong as he buried his snout in the tissue covering the nest. Macaque chuckled at his behavior.
“How come you don't shrink more often?”
“I can't stay like this for long.” Replied Wukong as he turned towards Macaque.
“Mh, then I have to enjoy this while it lasts!” Chuckled Macaque as he pounced on Wukong and began to tickle him. The sage hurled in laughter, curling on himself.
“Ha ha ha ha ha ha, w-wait ! Ha ha ha ha!” Wheezed Wukong as he was being assaulted by tickles. He tried to battle Macaque for a while, fighting against his hold on him. They stumbled in the bed, trying to pin the other down, chirps and trills escaping their lips. Macaque was usually not this playful, but seeing Wukong being his size was thrilling and he wanted to enjoy it while it lasted. They tumbled like cubs, hollering in laughter.
Macaque stopped tickling the sage after a bit and collapsed beside him on the nest, breath heaving. He looked up at the ceiling with a smile.
“You're okay there?” Asked the black-furred monkey when he calmed down a bit. Wukong giggled, still filled with adrenaline, and turned towards Macaque with a beaming smile.
“I'm more than okay!”Chuckled the sage with flushed cheeks and a beating heart. His gaze was guided downward and he looked at the lil guy's tail, he shyly guided his own tail towards the black-furred limb. He nervously flicked his tail on top of Macaque's and waited for a little. When he saw that Macaque wasn't bothered, he slowly tried to intertwine the two limbs.
He beamed when he felt Macaque tail squeeze his own and intertwine a little tighter. When he turned towards the lil guy he saw him looking at the ceiling with red-dusted cheeks and chuckled.
They both stayed on the nest, tail intertwined, gaze lost on the ceiling with silly smiles on their lips.
+ cut scenes
SWK *after an hour of chatting and holding tails* : Oh shoot, my shrinking is fading! 😅
Macaque : Like, right now ? 😨
SWK *with limbs already getting bigger* : Yeaaah 🥲
Macaque : Wukong I swear if you destroy my lair I'm gonna hide all the peaches on the island! 😠
SWK : 😭
SWK *later that night* : We held tails! 🤭🥰
Macaque *later that night* : Ew, now my bed smell like him 😑
Also Macaque *Jump on his bed and roll around in it, enjoying Wukong's smell*: 😆
The wind : 👀
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kittyball23 · 7 months
The Tough Questions (a Trolls fanfic)
Summary: While attempting to explain the arrival of a new sibling, Bruce’s daughter's line of questioning stirs up some old memories, and reminds him of what is yet to be revealed to his wife
A/N: Taking place before TBT :)
Art was not Bruce’s strongest suit.
Well, at least art in the pen-and-paper sense (or in this case, a stick and the sand underfoot from the beach). The only art that he had been good at creating was the kind that came out of his throat in a stunning, musical tune. It wasn't quite the same in the illustration department, though. Nevertheless, he tried his best at formulating the figures he was trying to depict. It wasn't for his sake that this drawing was being made. It was for the tall, giggling child who stood just behind him, snickering with each stroke he added to the creation.
"Daddy," she said, a hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh, "is that supposed to be a dog?"
Bruce turned to look at her. Brenda was a cute little girl, resembling her mother much in appearance with her felt-like skin, striped body, and yarn-like hair. A little white flower adorned her hair just above the right ear, adding a little extra pizazz, though he had to crane his neck a little to actually see it well enough. Err… maybe NOT so little of a girl, he suddenly thought to himself, considering her actual size when next to him. Despite his daughter only being four years old, he was dwarfed greatly, though this was not unusual since she wasn't 100% Troll. Residents of Vacay Island were unique-looking creatures who were at least ten Trolls high and had thin arms and puppet-like features.
As a kid, Bruce had barely been able to depict a Troll in the silly doodles he’d made within the song-writing journal he had. So, trying to make an illustration of his Islander spouse and daughter’s special features was certainly not coming out the best, either.
"No, darling. That's supposed to be Mommy. See?" He pointed out the figure in the drawing who was supposed to be his wife, Brandy.
Brenda cocked her head, pondering, looking at it this way and that, and ultimately giggling again. "Oh, okay, Daddy," she said in a way that was meant to say "Suuuure, I'll believe that dog-looking blob is Mommy."
"Oh, yeah?" Bruce said, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes playfully at her. "I'd like to see you try your hand at it."
His daughter immediately stopped laughing. He expected her to meekly step back and allow him to finish, knowing her child-like drawing would probably bear even less resemblance to her mother, but he was surprised when she stood straight up, plucked the stick from his hands and bent down over the sand with a chirpy "Okay, Daddy!" in response. Bruce watched with amusement as she started to draw, but soon that amusement shifted to awe the more she added. By the end of it, Brenda had drawn not only her mother, but Bruce and herself… and it looked photographic!
"Whoa…" he said, unable to help his jaw dropping a little. "Not bad, kid… not bad at all!" He stretched up to ruffle her hair, and she laughed sweetly. The purple-haired smiled at her and pointed at the drawing. "This is our family, right?"
Brenda beamed, proud of her work, and nodded. "Yep!" she chirped.
He grinned and bent down with the stick again. "Well, sweetie, pretty soon it's gonna look like this." He drew a little figurine next to her mother’s, smaller than Brenda’s but still bigger than his. 
"Huh?" the girl was confused. "Who's that?" she asked, but instantly turned around and answered her own question with "Oooohh, Daddy! Are we getting a puppy?"
"What? No!" Bruce was unable to believe that his artistic vision didn't seem to be coming across the way he wanted once more.
"Awww…" Brenda slumped.
"But," he spoke up, patting her hand, "you're getting something even better.”
She gasped. "Oh! Really? What?"
"A baby brother," he responded, "or a sister."
Brenda blinked her large eyes. "Oh," she said after a minute, not so enthused. "Um… well, okay…"
"It’s nothing to be moping about," Bruce said. "Actually, it's something really, really cool!" He spoke animatedly, and Brenda gained curiosity.
"The coolest," he assured. "Why, a brother - or a sister - is like a friend who's always gonna be with you. You guys can play and sing and dance - "
"And hug?" Brenda asked, tucking her hands under her chin.
"Yep, and hug!" he replied, tickling the girl at her sides and making her giggle. "And the best part is, you guys will make lots of great fun memories together that you'll keep with you forever."
"And ever?" she chirped.
"And ever.”
"And ever and ever and ever and ever and - !"
"Brenda," the Troll said with warning. She went on keeping that up, there'd be no more cookies before bedtime!
"Heehee, sorry, Daddy," the girl mumbled, shuffling her foot in the sand. In peering down at the drawing again, his daughter’s face lit up. "Wow," she murmured. "Where's he now?" she asked, and then added, "or she."
"In Mommy's belly," Bruce explained.
Brenda was surprised to hear this. "What?" She crossed her arms. "Doesn't Mommy know that we're not on the menu!" she demanded to know.
"Of course Mommy knows.”
"Huh," she said, "then how did the baby get in there?"
Bruce’s eyes bulged. "Uhh…" His face grew warm upon remembering exactly how, but that was not something to be discussed with the young girl. Luckily, Brenda decided she didn't care all that much to know, and piped up with another question in her curious mind.
“Hey, Daddy, everybody has a family, right?”
“Um, yes! Yes, they do,” he answered, grateful for the change in subject.
“So that means you have a Mommy and Daddy too, right?”
“You got that right, kid.”
Brenda nodded, and then shot right out with another question. “Daddy, do you have any brothers?”
She sure IS smart, Bruce thought, a feeling of pride washing over him. Maybe a little TOO smart, he then thought, apprehensively. This conversation was now going in the direction that he hoped it hadn’t. His mind blanked out a second as the recollection of four Trollings came into his thoughts and brought a pang of sadness with it. He didn’t want to answer no, but he didn’t exactly want to go on admitting that he did have brothers, for he knew his daughter would certainly flock him with questions that would require him to reveal much about his boyband past. So, instead, he stuttered an “I… I-I don’t know…”
“What?” Brenda was appalled by his answer. “Daddy, how could you not know if you have a brother?”
“Hey, you know what I do know?” Bruce said, making sure his tone remained as chill as he was hoping it was sounding. “That it is time for bedtime!”
The girl giggled. “Don’t be silly, Daddy, I’m not tired.” But her statement instantly became null and void when she opened her little mouth and let out a big yawn.
The Troll let out a sigh of relief. Whew, what a save! In reality, it was difficult to tell when exactly it was bedtime. The sun on Vacay Island never set. But, in time, he had gotten used to keeping track of the hours in the day. And for his daughter it really was time to hit the hay. “Come on,” he cooed, grabbing her hand and guiding her back indoors and back to her bedroom. Bruce helped in tucking her in, pulling the blanket over her and kissing her forehead.
“Sweet dreams, Bren,” he said.
Brenda yawned again, and sleepily smiled up at him. “G’night, Daddy…” It was only a minute later that she was snoring contently.
Give it up, Bruce, a voice in the back of his head chimed. They’re already shiny enough.
It was true. There was no need to grab any more globs of the goopy wax and apply it to his collection of surfboards. They were already ready to go, to be grabbed at a moment’s notice and go sailing the waves like he loved to do in the evenings. But Bruce couldn’t help it. The motion of running his hands over the board, of being able to be occupied with something to do was soothing to his nerves. And he had to soothe himself for sure, after the memories of that awful night returned to him.
It’s your fault! the voice in his brain annoyingly shouted. You were the first to quit!
He grabbed more wax and rubbed harder on the board, trying to push away the guilt. No, it wasn’t my fault… not COMPLETELY. Perhaps he had set off the chain reaction. He had known he was a big influence on Clay, so it was no surprise that the yellow-haired Troll had immediately called it quits not too long after Bruce had ripped his purple vest in two. But then he thought about why he and Clay had been so allied.
It’s because of John Dory…
If JD hadn’t gotten on both their nerves, the breakup could have been avoided.
Yeah, that’s right… it’s HIS fault!
But then he sighed. No… it’s not completely. Even though he wanted to pin the blame, he couldn’t. They all could’ve worked things out. But the reality was, they hadn’t.
He perked, turning to the sound of the voice. It was that of his wife. His very tall wife. If Brenda was already making him look small, that was nothing compared to Brandy. But they made things work out. Somehow… but they did! Otherwise, Brenda and her sibling wouldn’t exist. 
Brandy peered down at Bruce, her gaze almost knowing.
“Bruce,” she repeated gently, a hand subconsciously reaching up and rubbing a hand against her swollen belly. “What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong?” Bruce huffed, getting back to his work. “Nothing’s wrong. What makes you think something is wrong?"
“Because you’re waxing down the surfboards,” she stated, as though it were obvious.
Bruce paused mid-swipe. Once again, it was proven that she was his soulmate. She knew him the best out of any girl he’d been with in the past. She’d figure him out in one way or another. There were no secrets between them, as he sought it should be between a husband and wife. No secrets except one. But he would tell her in time.
But… is NOW the time?
“Brucie, tell me what’s the matter,” she insisted. She crouched down, tracing a finger down through his long, flowing purple hair.
“It’s nothing, really,” he said, trying to brush the subject off. But Brandy wasn’t having it.
“Is it about Brenda?” she guessed. She’d known that he had gone to talk to her about the new baby.
“Ehh… sort of…”
Suddenly Brandy narrowed her eyes. “You didn’t have ‘the talk’ with her yet, did you? I told you to save that for when she was older!”
Bruce put his hands up. “No, no! No talk, don’t worry, my love. All I did was tell her about the family. And yeah, she had some questions, that I answered the best I could…” All except that last question, he added silently.
Brandy eyed him a second, and then understanding seemed to flood her eyes. “Ohh, I get what this is about,” she said.
The purple-haired Troll held back a gasp. “Y-you do?” No, she couldn’t possibly know, could she? He was thrilled to know that nobody on Vacay Island had known about his true identity upon his first arrival, and he’d made sure to keep it that way for many years.
Brandy nodded. “Yeah.” Then she smiled. “You’re worried about being a Dad again, aren’t you?”
Bruce relaxed. “Ahhh, yes. You got me there, honey.” He tried to laugh, but it came out nervous-sounding and uncertain.
“Aw, Bruce,” she cooed, scooping him in closer to her. “I know it can be a little scary, but hey… you’ve been doing a great job with Brenda.”
“You mean we,” he said, winking at her, “don’t jip yourself the credit, baby.”
She grinned, leaning down to peck his cheek. “And I can assure you that there’s nothing to worry about this time around. Okay?”
He gave her one nod. Bruce was a little unnerved about adding another kiddo to their family, but he felt even more unnerved in hiding the full truth from her. His gaze drifted to her belly, enlarged with the few months’ pregnancy. “Hey, kid,” he whispered softly, reaching a hand out to caress the bump. “We’ll be meeting each other pretty soon. How’s it popping in there?”
To his delight, he felt a kick in response and had to chuckle. “Yeah, I’m excited about seeing you, too. You’re gonna love our home. And your Mommy,” he said looking up at Brandy fondly.  She was a wonderful mother, the best kind there was. And while they were both still fairly young parents, they found out that they were naturals.
"All right, it's about time we head in for the night. You coming? Or would you rather finish up here?" she asked amusedly.
He smirked. "Nah, I'm done. Thanks."
"Don't mention it, sweetie," Brandy replied, giving him one more kiss before grabbing him and heading for the bedroom. 
As the door closed behind them and she pulled the sheets back, he flopped onto the bed, lying flat. To him, their bed was as big as the ocean, given that he was so much smaller than she. For her, it was just right. Just like their daughter, she fell asleep quickly, understandably so with how the growing life in her belly was making her energy drain quicker throughout the day. Bruce had a bit harder of a time falling asleep though, still fretting over his inability to just admit it to her already.
I will tell her, he told himself. When the time is right. I promise, Brandy...
Bruce looked over at his wife, his heart full.
I promise.
A/N: This follows the headcanon I have that all of Bruce's kids' names start with "Br"
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kittenshift-17 · 7 months
Congrats on finishing!
Prompt - Zutara & a flower made of glass
Thank you! I'm very proud of myself and loved the feeling of vulnerability and relief and achievement when it was finally done so I'm probably addicted and will hopefully, finally, be able to chase down that feeling on the rest of my WIPs 😅🥰
"Uhhh, what is that you're holding?" Katara frowned at the object Zuko was gingerly clutching.
"A flower," he answered shortly, avoiding eye contact.
"A..." Katara frowned, stepping closer to try and examine what he held. "Are you sure? It... looks..."
"It's made of glass."
"Oh!" Katara's eyebrows shot up. "Can I see it?"
She huffed a laugh at the shortness of his answer.
"It's a gift for someone," he side-eyed her. "Why are you here, anyway?"
"I'm waiting for someone."
"Here?" Zuko frowned.
"Yes, I have a date," Katara smiled, blushing prettily. "A blind date, actually. One of Suki's Kyoshi Warrior friends set us up. Actually, can you go somewhere else with your glass flower? The guy I'm waiting on is late, but maybe he's here and doesn't know I'm who he's meeting because you're here."
"Oh, for...." Zuko cursed, his head dropping back while he breathed out a small puff of steam.
Katara flinched when he extended his arm in her direction, offering her the glass flower.
"You just said this was a gift," she scoffed, though she took it anyway to examine the fine blown glass petals, admiring the rich colours infused within.
"It's a gift for the girl I'm meeting. For a blind date. Setup by Ty Lee," Zuko scowled, his eyes back on her, waiting for her to get it.
"You... you're who I'm...? Oh, for crying out loud," Katara started to laugh. "They set us up?"
"I bet they're nearby, giggling about it too," Katara complained. "We both need better friends."
Zuko didn't say anything, only scowled deeper.
"Well... shall we?" Katara waved an indicative hand to the cafe across the street where the date was supposed to take place.
"They're already inside," Zuko shook his head. "I just saw a flash of one of them. They'll be watching."
"So? Do you not want to have tea with me?" Katara smirked since they’d never even considered dating in all the times they’d known each other.
"You want to go on a date with me?" Zuko frowned, his voice full of sneer.
"Well.... I mean, I'm already dressed," she waved to the nice dress she wore.
Zuko's eyes dropped down, trailing over her slowly.
"You look nice," he conceded quietly, his cheeks turning a bit pink.
"So do you," Katara smiled. "We could... what if instead of tea, we had dinner? I know a place a few blocks away where our friends won't be spying and laughing, if you still want to see the date through."
"Aren't you supposed to go on dates to get to know people?" Zuko frowned. "It's why I hate them. Getting to know someone over tea in a noisy shop is stupid."
Katara started to laugh at his disgruntled expression, reaching to ruffle his combed hair out of its attempted style because it looked ridiculous.
"Good thing you already know me then, isn't it?" She teased, giving a little tug to the front of his shirt as she started to turn, planning to lead his to the restaurant. "Come on. Let's get dinner, and you can tell me why you brought a glass flower instead of a real one."
Zuko pouted, but after a few seconds, he followed her, easily falling into step beside her, the two of them walking close enough that their shoulders occasionally bumped.
"Real one always wilt," he confessed quietly when they were seated at the restaurant. "I get nervous and my hands heat up and then live flowers wilt and go soggy. But uncle says you have to bring flowers on dates.... it's stupid."
He reached, trying to take the pretty glass flower back but Katara moved it out of reach, instead sliding her free hand into his and giving it a gentle squeeze.
"It's not stupid," she said softly when Zuko's eyes dropped to their entwined hands. "It's a clever solution. And besides, real flowers only last a few days... a week if you're lucky. This one will last forever."
She smiled, admiring it happily as her cheeks turned pink.
"I think it's nicer to give something with permanence," she murmured. "The point of dating is to find love, after all, and I would think it should be a goal in the search for love to find one that will be permanent."
When she looked up, Zuko was staring at her intently, his cheeks a soft pink and his eyes guarded as though he was waiting for the punchline. Katara only smiled and set the flower gently on her lap before reaching for the menu without releasing Zuko's hand.
"Should we get some tea?" She checked. "Oh, they have so many options! Iroh would spend days here sampling them all. Look!"
Katara slid her chair quickly around the table, slotting herself in close beside Zuko rather than remaining across from him, pointing at the tea list on the menu excitedly. Distracted as she was, she didn't see the guarded gleam in Zuko's gaze melt away into something soft and impossibly fond before he leaned in closer, silently believing dates were definitely nicer if you already knew you loved the person you were meeting.
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honeylations · 9 months
Prompt: Just you and Funa being an adorable uni couple <3
Warnings/Notes: reader is taller than Funa, both reader and Funa are the same age, reader is a sport major, Funa is a business major, soccer captain x popular girl
A/N: did this after fighting my mentality because Funa deserves the world and all my love
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“Are you even listening to me? Hello?! HWANG Y/N!!” Ruka had to rip out your right AirPod.
“Ow, what?” You grumbled at the shorter girl.
She returned the AirPod before sending you a stink eye. “Sometimes when I’m with you, I feel like I’m talking to a brick wall”
“I would’ve noticed your presence if you only grew a couple more inches, midget”
Ruka gasped dramatically and started throwing ‘hard’ punches at your shoulder, in which she had to go on her tip toes because of the height different.
“Quit picking on her, Y/n. You know she can’t fight” Moa came and slung an arm around Ruka who shoved her off.
“You both are unbelievable, and stop touching me!” The shortest hissed, fixing her hair that Moa ruffled.
“By the way Ruka, you’re still coming to me and Y/n’s soccer game tonight right?” Moa asked which sounded more like a plea.
“Yeah duh! I’m there to cheer on Iroha actually so cry about it”
“As long as you’re there” Moa shrugged. “Probably won’t even see you with your 4ft ass-OW!”
“I hate you!”
As the two continued to argue, your eyes drifted off to where your girlfriend was. Funa was sitting with Jiwoo, Moka, Yunah, and Youngseo at a table in front of the Uni’s cafe.
She had her hair down and curled at the ends, wearing a cropped v neck sweater and mini skirt, and paired with the white and pink dunks you gifted on her birthday. Her makeup was light but she still looked as beautiful as ever.
The morning light shone on her face like an angel, and although people don’t see it themselves, you do feel proud of being Takaya Funa’s girlfriend.
You met her last year when you found the poor girl sulking because the vending machine didn’t give her the KitKat bar, let alone return the cash. After admiring her adorable pout, you approached her and gave the vending machine a hard punch, thinking it would give her the beloved chocolate.
You didn’t expect the rest of the snacks to fall down AND the cash to be spat in your face. It was an embarrassing moment, especially in front of a pretty girl, but it was definitely memorable for Funa.
Turns out she was mutual friends with Jiwoo and you two got to see each other more outside of campus when Jiwoo organised outings.
That’s when you realised you fell for Funa and worked up the courage to confess to her after a movie date. To your surprise, Funa admitted she liked you back.
Funa was also super popular on campus, always volunteering in events despite her studies, getting great scores on all her assessments, and even being the leader of a fashion club where she used you as a model for her designs.
You on the other hand, you don’t really scream approachable. You kept this emotionless look on your face that scared a lot of students. Unlike Funa, you were somewhat known by others because of the Uni’s soccer team which you were the captain of and took very seriously.
Sometimes people question how you and Funa even click but that didn’t matter to her. She always told them she loved you no matter what people think. You appreciated her for that.
What you didn’t appreciate though was the guy that stood in front of your girlfriend’s table, holding a bouquet of lillies in one hand while the other scratched his ear shyly.
Your feet immediately started moving faster. Ruka and Moa looked at you confused mid argument. “Hey Y/n where you going?”
“Good morning Funa” The man bowed.
“Good morning Jake” Funa responded sweetly.
“You look so beautiful today and I bought these flowers earlier for you too”
“Oh…thank you!” Funa smiled but made no movement in grabbing the flowers.
“Are you free to go out on a date sometime? You and me?”
Jiwoo snorted. “Um, sorry she’s not interested”
“I wasn’t talking to you” He spat, surprising the group.
Yunah didn’t take that lightly. “What she meant was, Funa is not interested nor available” She fired back with darkness in her eyes.
“Funa can answer for herself”
“Jake seriously, I’d leave if I were you—“ Youngseo started speaking but she cursed under her breath when she saw your figure approaching closer.
“What’s going on here?” You asked in your usual blunt tone.
Jiwoo smirked while crossing her arms.
“U-Uh Jake was just leaving. Bye Jake!” Moka waved but the man did not move a muscle.
He pointed the bouquet at you. “And you are?”
“Sport major and Soccer captain, Hwang Y/n. Also, Funa’s girlfriend. And you are?”
Jake’s smile faltered. “You’re Funa’s girlfriend?”
“Is there a problem?” You tilted your head with a squint.
“I-I was just giving these flowers to her, nothing else I swear”
“She’s allergic to lillies” You deadpanned.
“I-I’m sorry! Goodbye!” Jake ran off while your eyes continued burning the back of his head.
“Must you scare people like that?” Ruka snapped at you.
Funa stood up from her seat and hooked her arms around your neck before pecking your lips. “Good morning baby”
“Good morning indeed” You grumbled and looked away.
“Hey don’t be like that, he’s gone now” she smiled and kissed your lips again.
“Ugh gross. Anyways, you ladies coming to watch our soccer game right?” Moa leaned her elbow on the table.
The girls nodded.
“Of course! I promised Chanelle” Moka smiled.
“Does no one wanna watch me?” Moa feigned hurt and clutched her heart.
“I’ll throw tomatoes at you, how about that?” Ruka teased, earning a hard pull on her cheek by Moa.
“You’re coming right?” You asked your girlfriend.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, babe. I’m your #1 fan”
And just like that, your mood got a little better.
The first match hasn’t started yet but you and your team stood by your bench, waiting for your coach to discuss formations. You took the time to look at the crowd and saw your girlfriend at the front waving a huge cardboard sign that read ‘NUMBER 1 IS MINE <3’
She referred to the number on your shirt which you specifically chose because Funa always claimed you were her number 1. It was extremely cheesy but if it kept Funa smiling crazy like that, you wouldn’t change it for anyone else.
You gave her a small wave but she returned it with a blow kiss, making you go red.
“Why are you red? We haven’t even started playing” Moa frowned.
“Whatever. Be right back!” You said and jogged to where your girlfriend was.
Unfortunately the bleacher’s fence was in between you two so you could only hold onto it when finally standing in front of her. “Hi, Princess”
“Hey cutie” She winked. “Did I ever tell you how hot you look in your soccer uniform?”
“All the time actually”
Funa smirked and bit her lip.
“D-Don’t look at me like that. I’m gonna get distracted” you looked away, going red again.
“It’s so funny how people are scared of you yet you’re all soft for me”
You rolled your eyes. “That’s because you’re my girl, baby”
Funa smiled at your words but noticed a group of girls within the crowd staring at you, being all giggly while whispering things to each other. Funa could see one of them mouth ‘number 1 is so hot’ to her friends, erupting a sudden feeling of jealousy within the business major.
Putting down her sign, she placed a hand on your nape and the other held onto your shoulder.
Your thoughts went out the window when you girlfriend pulled you in for a kiss. It wasn’t just the usual soft kiss she always gave you, but this one was sloppy, hot, and aggressive.
“Oh for god’s sakes, can you two not make out like your life depends on it?!” Ruka yelled, trying to cover Youngseo and Moka’s eyes.
Jiwoo cringed and screwed the cap of her water bottle. “You two make my water taste bad”
Hearing your friends’ complaints, Funa pulled away but kept her eyes on yours.
“What was that for?” You whispered, letting Funa cup your face.
“Sorry, these girls were just looking at what’s mine”
“Who are you and what did you do to my soft business major girlfriend?” You chuckled, placing your bigger hands on her’s that held your cheeks.
“Let me mark you just in case more girls look”
Your eyes widened while looking around to see if anyone heard. “Babe, we’re literally in public”
Funa slapped your shoulder. “I meant a lipstick mark you idiot!”
You nodded and released her hands so she could apply a thicker amount of lipstick before leaning in to place one on your neck and then on your cheek.
“Good?” You questioned.
“Hmm, not quite. Come here” she smirked and attacked the rest of your face with lipstick marks, surprising you and your friends.
“Alright, enough!” Jiwoo scolded, having to grab Funa’s shoulders.
You felt a bit dizzy, not used to your girlfriend’s possessive side but it’s something you definitely wanted to see later.
“If you win this game, I’ll give you a reward” Funa whispered in your ear.
Yeah there was no way you were letting that opportunity slide. “I’ve never lost a game, Princess”
“Looking forward to tonight then”
“Hwang get in here!” Coach called out.
You sighed and looked at your girlfriend once more. “See you in a bit, babe”
Funa pecked your lips. “That’s for good luck. Break a leg, baby. Not literally though”
“Oh wait!” You exclaimed and took off your necklace before putting it on Funa. “Wear this. Bye bye!”
Funa fiddled with the necklace and smiled like an idiot.
“I still question how you and Y/n managed to get together, considering she has a stick up her ass all the time, but I can really see she loves you” Ruka wiggled her eyebrows.
“People just don’t see how she really is with me” Funa giggled, reaching for her sign to wave around.
“You look stupid” Chanelle commented on the lipstick marks all over your face and neck.
“You’re just jealous” You chuckled
“Jealous of looking stupid? Not really”
“I hate you”
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The Same People (2/5)
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Drive folder - AO3
In which Mob has asked out Tsubomi and some other things start happening.
Click for bigger images. Notes and ID below.
notes: im sowwy the art on part 1 is so janky. i mean. jankier than this. i wanted to get it tf out to hold myself accountable for finishing the rest. might redo it eventually but right now onto 3 and 4! i promise there will be more jokes. and more locations than < < trees > >. im tryna let tsubomi be the weirdo i know she is. am i stretching believability how long mob stayed in the park before going back to reigen and dimple?? who cares. uh, lemme know if u like this, or if u have constructive criticism, i could use the feedback
ID: Four black and white comics pages about characters from Mob Psycho 100.
Page 1:
Tsubomi's head and torso are centered in an otherwise empty panel. She is hunched and her body is turned away, but she's looking straight at the reader, head tilted, a rueful smile on.
In the same view, Tsubomi straightens and puts her hands on her hips, leaning her head back. She tilts it to one side and looks down her nose at the reader, brow furrowed, mouth closed and wide.
Tsubomi centers her head, closes her eyes, straightens her arms, and suddenly (motion lines) claps her hands to the sides of her thighs in exaggerated formality.
She quickly (motion lines) bows. "I'm sorry, Mob. I've never thought about you that way."
Page 2:
Tsubomi and Mob are both visible in front of black silhouetted trees, Tsubomi leaning forward coming out of her bow, Mob leaning forward in dismay. Tsubomi looks blankly to one side and thinks, "I mean maybe when I was like, nine." Mob thinks, "But what about when we were nine??"
Over Tsubomi's shoulder, Mob looks cowed. Tsubomi is unhappy but frank, eyelids low, eyebrows high. "We've barely talked in, three years? We're not the same people we were." Mob: "Yeah…" Tsubomi: "I don't know you. I thought…"
An empty panel except for Tsubomi's head and shoulders occupying one side. She looks away, brow folded.
Tsubomi again looks down her nose at Mob, head tilted back and to the side, but this time smiling knowingly, arms spread out. Beside her is a damaged tree, wounded in two places. "I mean you're proud you did it though, right?"
Tsubomi's open hand is in close-up, and behind it Mob looking on. His eyes are empty. He is concerned.
Page 3:
Mob remains concerned and uncertain. "I--even if you don't want to uh, go, out, I'm still sad you're leaving."
Tsubomi sags. We look up at her as she and the trees twist away. "Yeah… I dunno."
Tsubomi's head and shoulders are upside down. She is facing away. Trees form abstract black stripes. The panel border is gone. "It'll be nice to have a change."
Mob's head and shoulders are in front of a bare tree with lots of small branches and twigs. He looks down.
Then a closeup of Mob's eye as he squints. "You waited for me here. Through the whole storm…"
The view zooms out, looking at Mob and Tsubomi from above. The trees are bent, leaves fly through the air, and Tsubomi's hair is blown back. Mob, standing tall, looks at Tsubomi, hunched and looking away.
Page 4:
The view is from underneath Mob and at an odd angle. Leaves ruffle around him. Mob says, concerned, "You must be pretty disappointed that I invited you here just to ask you out like everyone else."
A tiny panel. Mob is a black silhouette facing Tsubomi, who looks up from her head tilted away.
Tsubomi faces the reader, the otherwise empty panel framing her head and upper torso. In sadness her eyebrows are knit, her lower eyelids are up, and her mouth is small. "Yeah."
She shrugs.
Mob is in the same view, facing the reader. He leans to the side. There is a flower on his head. A petal has fallen off and is drifting away.
End ID.
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heeracha · 2 years
ep 8.2. / ep 9. — the look. what look? / ep 10.
buy one, take me. — l. heeseung
synposis: with his best friend asking him for help because said best friend was scared he wasn't "boyfriend material" enough, heeseung looks for flower shops for his best friend's girlfriend. thankfully, jake knows someone from the university who has an aunt that owns a flower shop, you. now, heeseung messages you and shyly, but shamelessly asks if he can get any promos or discounts to which you shamelessly answered him, "buy one, take me". heeseung doesn't pass on this, of course. after all, you are pretty damn cute.
pairing: heeseung x flortist!fem!reader
content/genre: college au, slowburn, fluff, angst and crack, smau.
warning(s): swearing, of course. two idiots aka heey/n.
note: boring chaps for today <33 anyway,, hope u still like it tho,, its the rising of heey/n friendship yay <3
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sunoo smiles widely when he walks to where you are, talking to heeseung about random stuff. heeseung laughs at what you say as you shake your head, looking up to see sunoo walking towards you. “what’s with the smile?” you say, lightly glaring at him because you exactly know why he’s smiling like that.
“nothing!” sunoo say, sitting beside you. “i’m just proud of how fast you made a friend here without me having to talk to heeseung hyung for you.” sunoo says, leaning his head on your shoulder. you frown, pulling your shoulder away from him, making him look up at you with a pout. heeseung only laughs.
“hey!” heeseung hears and he looks at the side, seeing jay and his girlfriend, ae-cha. heeseung waves, smiling. “you sure you’re not going to join us for lunch?” jay asks and heeseung nods.
“i’ll join my friend here.” heeseung says, jabbing a thumb towards you and you smile at jay as he looks at you smiling. “besides, you two need some alone time. i’m always with you two.” heeseung softly laughs and jay pats his shoulder.
“alright, i’ll see you later.” jay says as he continues walking, ae-cha not moving.
“jay, go ahead. i just have to talk to heeseung.” ae-cha says and jay nods, walking away to look for a table after ruffling sunoo’s hair. ae-cha nods to the side and heeseung stands up, looking at the girl with his confused doe eyes. “i just want to thank you for the gift and flowers.”
heeseung’s eyes widen, but he clears his throat. “w-what gift? and the flowers, yeah, i know someone who works in a flower shop, so, yeah.” heeseung says and ae-cha chuckles.
“heeseung, the limited edition books? i just have a feeling you have something to do with it.” she says, sighing with a smile. “it must have been so hard for you to find it.”
heeseung shakes his head, chuckling. really, it wasn’t. he only had to contact each and every library and bookstore in korea. and turns out, none of them has it, so he had to email the publishing brand to see if they had any stocks of it left. “it really isn’t.” he says.
you watch heeseung smile at ae-cha, his eyes sparkling at every word she says. it’s as if you could see flowers blooming around him at how much he looks at her with adoration. just like felix’s words, you could almost hear a sweet romantic background music. you look away, looking at sunoo. “jungwon texted you?” you ask and sunoo looks at you.
“what was that look?” sunoo asks and you raise an eyebrow. “you gave a look before you looked at me.”
“nothing.” you lie. “i swear.”
sunoo hums, looking at his phone as he texts jungwon. “his professor won’t let go of the block.” sunoo chuckles, typing in his phone as he texts jungwon back. you look at sunoo texting jungwon as you feel heeseung sit beside you.
“jungwon not here yet?” he asks and you look at him, shaking your head. heeseung looks at you as you slowly break your gaze, going back to sunoo’s phone. heeseung looks at you, feeling something shift.
you noticed. you noticed heeseung’s in love with ae-cha. fuck.
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au taglist [open]: @jongsaengseong @fairybangtan @viagumi @nyfwyeonjun @msxflower @cyuuupid @pluviophilefangirl @denyelee @tomorrowbymoa-together @sophhloaff @duolingofanaccount @precioussoulofmine @lhsng @deeznutsriki @starzvrse @atrirose @aalwaysreading @yabukkura @artstaeh @rrinsluvr @j4d @taeyongslilkitty @andii711 @markleepooh @poipoi01 @enhasengene @jjongsha @hannabugblog @raimbows4u @calumsfringe @kunhye @sodafy @skyvwonie @wtfhyuck @sungookie @leeis @kimmchijjajang @tnyhees @fadingera @lost-leopard-beanie @sonjuyeonnie @sim-kissed @vantxx95 @xyxlyn @harperwasstaken1
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scaryscarecrows · 1 year
Jason eases himself onto the grass, cool breeze ruffling his hair. In the distance, there's police sirens.
"Hi, Mama," he mumbles. "Happy mother's day."
Catherine sighs and looks at the stone bearing her name. It's nice, as stones go--it had better be, given who paid for it--but she wishes Jason would find something less morbid to do than bring flowers to a rock. Rereading The Nutcracker would be fine. Making himself an omelette would be fine. This...is sweet, but...she just wishes he wouldn't that's all.
"Sorry it's been a bit since I visited. 'Ve been busy."
She's aware. Oh, boy, is she aware. Some absolute nut called Sardonicus has been kidnapping women. Useless as the police are, and as proud as she is of her boy, she really wishes somebody else would deal with this shit. It's dangerous. He should be an English teacher or a mechanic or literally anything else.
"I think I'm gonna get this fucker, though," he says. "Think I'm close. I mean, I guess the stabbing's a pretty good tell, huh?"
Stabbing? What stabbing?
He laughs, a little pained, and she squints. There's blood, just a little but still, leaking through a rough bandage on his left shoulder.
She's been dead for over ten years. She's had ten years to come to terms with the fact that he can't hear her. That doesn't stop her from flying off the handle.
"Jason Peter, you go to a hospital right now!"
"I guess I should probably fix it, but." He swallows, fiddles awkwardly with a flower stem. "It'll keep for a few more minutes. 'Ve had worse and...day's almost over."
She's going to murder Wayne. She's not sure how, but she will. Jason had a little more self-preservation before that rich bastard got his claws in him.
"You get that taken care of," she says, hoping that this time, the...veil or whatever...will be thin or something. Something. "Right now. I raised you better than to walk around with a stab wound and you know it."
Unfortunately, she can't blame Wayne for Jay's stubborn streak. That's largely Willis's fault, for spoiling him as a toddler. And he looks like Willis now, when he flops down on his back and looks up at the sky.
"I guess I'm glad you're not hurting anymore," he mumbles. "But. I miss you. I wish you weren't...gone."
She does, too. She'd tried. She really had, but trying ain't enough all the time.
"Hope you like the flowers." He sits up, grimacing. "I'm never...y'know how it is with Ivy, they're kinda risky, but..."
"I'd like you to go get stitches," she says roughly. Perhaps he'll be able to at least sense her disapproval. "Chop-chop."
She wants to believe he heard her, but she's pretty sure she's just lucky. Either way, he gets up and says, a little sheepish, "I'm gonna. Fix this, I guess. Sort of. Maybe?"
"No! No maybe! You go see Dr. Thompkins or something, don't you dare try dental floss again--"
"Bye, Mama."
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liviavanrouge · 6 months
Mama's Boy: Zakai Backstory
Zenith: *Smiles, patting Zakai's head*
Zakai(2): *Lays asleep, his head in her lap*
Zenith: My beautiful boy...
Zakai: *Smiles slightly, gripping her kimono*
Zenith: *Grins, looking pleased* Mama loves you...
"Mama's boy, Mama's boy"
Zakai(4): *Places a flower crown on Zenith's head* Pretty!
Zenith: Thank you, it looks beautiful
Zorok: Little brother!
Zakai: *Hurries over to Zorok*
Zenith: *Grabs the flower crown and burns it, looking irked*
Zakai(4): *Walks into his mothers room* Mama...
Zenith: *Narrows her eyes* What is it....
Zakai: *Walks to her bed, dragging his stuffed dragon after him* Bad dream...
Zenith: *Huffs in annoyance* Climb in...
Zakai: *Climbs into the bed, smiling*
Zenith: *Turns away, wondering why she had a weak son*
"Mama's boy, mama's boy"
Zakai(5): *Hugs the families dog*
Zorok: *Laughs, grinning at his younger brother* Silly man!
Zakai: *Sleeps soundly, dog hair on his clothes*
Zorok: *Kneels down, dusting the hair off amused*
Zenith: *Scowls unamused then walks away* Great...weakening my eldest now...
"Mama's boy"
Zakai(5): *Picks flowers, his eyes sparkling*
Zorok: *Smiles, crouched down beside him, holding a few daisies* Those are pretty ones!
Zakai: *Nods, smiling wide*
Zenith: BOYS! Get inside before it rains!!
Zorok: *Smiles, taking Zakai's hand, hurrying into their home* Coming!
Zakai: Yesh! Coming!
"Mama's boy"
Zenith: Zakai...you love mama right?
Zakai(6): Yes...
Zenith: That's good...there's a few things mama needs you to do for her~
Zakai: *Nods, smiling wide* Okay!
Zenith: *Pats his head* Good boy!
"M-A-M-A-B-O-Y, mama's boy, mama's boy"
Zakai(6): *Sets a tray of tea and snacks down in front of his uncle*
Zenic: *Ruffles the boys hair* Thanks little man!
Zakai: *Nods, staring intently as his uncle ate a cookie*
Zenic: *Stiffens then grabs his throat, his eyes wide*
Zakai: *Watches his uncle choke then fall over going motionless*
Zenith: *Walks in smiling* Good job Zaza, Mama's proud of you
Zakai: *Beams, his eyes sparkling*
"M-A-M-A-B-O-Y, mama's boy, mama's boy"
Zakai(7): *Attacks Zorok, his eyes maniacal*
Zakai: *Stares intently at him, raising his hand*
Zenith: *Smiles, looking smug*
Zorok: *Shoves Zakai off and runs away, covering his slashed cheek*
Zenith: Don't fret sweetheart, mama still loves you
Zakai: You do...
Zenith: *Nods, grinning down at him pleased* I do...
"M-A-M-A-B-O-Y, mama's boy, mama's boy"
Zenith: *Sobs, covering her face* Zakai! How could you!
Zion: *Stares Zakai down*
Zakai(8): *Reaches for her kimono stunned* Mama...
Zenith: *Moves away, her eyes wide* All those people you murdered! You harmed and chased away your own big brother!
Zion: Seal my son away....make sure he cannot escape
Zakai: *Stares as the guards dragged him away disbelieving*
Zenith: *Grins at him, looking amused*
Zakai: *Looks down*
"M-A-M-A-B-O-Y, mama's boy, mama's boy"
Zakai: *Stares as Livia patted his head*
Livia: *Smiles down at him*
Lilia: Zakai wanna read a fantasy book, we got plenty!
Malleus: I can show you magic tricks
Silver: Or I can teach you how to use a sword
Kuro: I'll take you for a fly!
Sebek: I-I guess I could contribute to time with you
Briar: Hehe ignore Sebek, kiddo!
Vex and Nex: *Smiles at Zakai*
Bakunawa: *Smiles, offering Zakai cookies*
Zakai: *Stares then smiles slightly*
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Try, Try, Try
Read on Ao3 Part 1 Part 2
Warnings: implied/referenced suicide, implied/referenced bullying
Pairings: prinxiety, moceit
Word Count: 3974
Virgil comes home with flowers one day.
Janus blinks in surprise when the door opens to reveal Remus first, looking back over his shoulder followed by a bouquet with his other son's hoodie sleeves wrapped around the stems. He sets aside his book and stands up to meet his children, pulling Remus in for a cuddle first before addressing the, um, flowery elephant in the room.
"Those are pretty."
"Thanks. Uh, Roman gave them to me."
Janus blinks again. "Roman gave them to you?"
"Yeah." Remus shuffles but remains quiet as Virgil turns the bouquet this way and that. "We, um, we were just leaving school after the club meeting and he was there, with them."
A light pink dusts the top of his cheeks as he smiles almost unconsciously at the flowers. Janus watches as he looks up at him, smile slowly widening.
"I never thought anyone would give me flowers."
Oh, my precious boy…
"Well, then," Janus says, reaching out to ruffle his hair, "we'd better find a vase for those."
Virgil squawks in protest but allows himself to be guided into the kitchen. Janus follows, fatherly need to tease his baby warring with his fatherly need to check why Remus is being so quiet. In the end, when he glances over to check on Remus, Remus shakes his head subtly and indicates Virgil.
Not while he's in the room, then. Understood.
Dinner passes uneventfully, save for the glances Virgil can't help shooting at the flowers. Janus offers to have them in his room instead but Virgil insists the light is better for them down here, and, well, what is Janus supposed to do except ruffle his hair again? It's been so long since he's seen Virgil so genuinely excited and flustered about something, let him enjoy it.
Of course, when Virgil does eventually make the retreat to his room, he sobers. He watches and waits to hear the click of Virgil's bedroom door before turning all of his attention to Remus.
"I don't think Roman bought them for Virgil," is Remus's opening blow, "and I don't—I don't know why he did buy them."
Swallowing, Janus nods and beckons him over to the couch. Remus comes, sitting next to him and curling up into a little ball. "What makes you think that?"
"Roman looked surprised that we were still at school. He was walking past the building, not waiting for us to come out. And he looked super shocked that Virgil was staring at the flowers. I think he even went to hide them behind his back." Remus snorts. "Of course he doubled down on the whole 'bought them for you' thing as soon as he saw Virgil, so…"
Janus hums, fingers idly toying with the hair at the back of Remus's neck. A pit opens up in his stomach and he tries to swallow it down. "Did you tell Virgil any of this?"
"Hell no. You saw him, he's the most excited he's ever been. He's in love." Remus spits the word out like it's poison. "He thinks the sun shines outta Roman's ass."
Janus just barely manages to contain his snort but taps lightly on Remus's shoulder. "Remus."
Remus sighs and leans against him. "No, I didn't tell him. I—you saw how excited he was, he—"
A pause.
"I'm not gonna fuck this up for him before I know for sure, okay?"
"I know, little anomaly." Janus leans down to kiss his forehead. "I'm so proud of you for handling this so well, you know that, right?"
"Yeah, yeah, get off, Dad."
Despite his advice to Remus—and to himself, let's be honest—Janus can't stop thinking about his son's words. Is it possible that Roman bought those flowers for someone else? Is he cheating on Virgil? He's not too proud to admit he wouldn't put it past him. That dinner did some to allay his suspicions of Roman, but anyone can put on a facade for just one night. His heart clenches at the thought of Virgil finding out Roman's been cheating on him, of the meltdown and isolation that would surely come after, how much progress Virgil's made with coming out of his shell and how proud all three of them are for him because of it. And oh, what of the fight that would surely come between his boys afterwards, where Remus would barely restrain himself from saying I told you so, and Virgil would scream at him.
He hopes against all hope that whatever support he can provide for them would be enough.
He's glad Remus didn't tell Virgil, because he can feel the doubts niggling in the back of his own mind as he tries to continue with his life. He does his best to ignore them, saying he needs to trust Virgil's judgment, let what's going to happen happen, he can't protect him his whole life—even though he wants to—but when he sees a familiar figure walking down the street with a bouquet of flowers as he's sitting in his car one day, he contemplates doing nothing for a grand total of three seconds before he cautiously starts the car and pulls into the street.
He follows Roman down the blocks, past the school, past the theater, until they reach a stretch of empty road across the street from a wrought-iron fence. Roman turns into the gate and starts down a narrow path. Janus quickly pulls over behind the last parked car and watches him, frowning as he takes in the green grass and crumbling shed.
What could Roman be doing here? Unless he has very strange ideas about dating places, it's unlikely he's meeting someone here. And the flowers in his hands aren't going to make up for it for most people.
Then Janus sees the headstones and barely resists the urge to curse himself out.
A graveyard. Roman's going to a graveyard.
A quick glance around shows that Roman's stopped. He's stood in front of one of the headstones, his back facing Janus. He bends down, laying the flowers at the foot of it. After a moment, he reaches out and brushes some dirt off of the stone. His head bows, and even from so far away, Janus can see his shoulders start to shake.
He shouldn't be here, he realizes belatedly, this is clearly a private moment. He's intruding and being creepy. He should leave. Right now.
Right now.
But then another car pulls up across the street and another man gets out. He's near Janus's age, small round glasses perched on the edge of his nose, light blue raincoat over a buttoned polo and trousers. He goes to the gate and walks inside, right up the same path where Roman is.
Do as I say, Janus says internally to the memory of his sons, not as I do.
He watches as the man pauses next to Roman. Roman looks up and quickly gets to his feet, dusting off his pants and folding his hands behind his back. They're too far away for Janus to hear their conversation, but it's clear that Roman says something that the other man has heard before, because he shakes his head in that 'not this again' way Janus has perfected, thank you—and nods to the grave, saying something that makes Roman's shoulders tense and then slump. There's silence for a few moments before Roman mumbles something else and the man shakes his head.
Janus watches with a frown as the man reaches out to lay a hand on Roman's shoulder, but Roman flinches away. He mumbles something else before he turns, clearly wanting to run away but restricting himself to a brisk walk. The man watches him go, before he kisses his fingertips and touches the top of the headstone.
When he turns to walk back out to his car, Janus makes up his mind.
He gets out and leans against his car, waiting for the man to reach him. The man notices, because of course he does, and tilts his head before looking both ways and crossing the street.
"You were watching."
It's said softly enough that it's not a direct accusation, but Janus draws himself up all the same. "Yes, I was."
He nods to a retreating Roman.
"I do hope he wasn't bothering you."
The man glances over his shoulder too, before shaking his head. "No, he wasn't. Did you come with him?"
"What for?"
"Fatherly concern."
The man looks at him, his gaze traveling up and down Janus before looking at his face again. "You're not his father."
Damnit. "No."
The man spreads his hands, some of the friendliness beginning to leave his voice. "Then what're you doing here?"
"That boy is dating one of my sons," Janus says, caving in, "and my son came home with flowers that weren't originally meant for him."
"Roman's dating one of your sons?"
The man nods, glancing over his shoulder again, before he pinches the bridge of his nose and looks back up with a smile. "Sorry, I think we got off on the wrong foot. I'm Patton."
"Janus." They shake hands. "I apologize for intruding, but…I was afraid my son's partner was cheating on him."
"Yes, well, that would do it, wouldn't it?"
The two laugh for a moment before Janus nods to the graveyard again. "Forgive me if this is too personal, but…whose grave is Roman visiting?"
Patton looks at him for a long moment. "Do you have time for coffee?"
"Thank you," Patton says as Janus sets their drinks down on the little wooden table. The coffee shop buzzes around them as he takes his seat too, shrugging off his coat. "I do like this little place."
"Can't say I've ever been."
"They do incredible milkshakes in the summer."
"I'll have to try it out."
They both take a sip of their respective drinks before Patton sighs and adjusts his glasses. "Thank you for agreeing to sit down, by the way. I figured this conversation would be better had sitting down."
"I can't say my curiosity hasn't been piqued."
The corner of Patton's mouth quirks up before he takes a deep breath. "Roman was visiting my son's grave."
Janus blinks. "Your…your son's grave?"
"I—I'm sorry for your loss," he manages weakly, the bottom of his stomach freefalling toward the center of the earth, "I, um…"
Pull yourself together, man!
"I'm sorry for your loss," he says again, stronger this time, "I can't imagine how horrible that must've been."
Patton nods. "Thank you. It…well. One day at a time, right?"
Janus nods dumbly. The first thing I do when I get home is going to be cuddling both my little gremlins. No protests. Family cuddle night.
"How long?"
"A few years now." Patton glances out the window to the graveyard across the street. "Still feels unreal sometimes."
"Mm." What the hell do I say to that? "What was his name?"
"That's a wonderful name." Why did I say that? What the fuck does that have to do with anything?
Patton, thankfully, seems to be at least somewhat endeared by his bumbling, because he laughs. "Yes, I thought so too."
"Is—sorry, I don't want to ask so many personal questions."
"Ask away. I don't mind talking about him."
"Is the mother still in the picture?"
"Separated but still friends." Patton takes a drink. "It was…well, as I'm sure you can imagine, it was hard to keep going after losing him. We decided it wasn't going to last—the marriage, that is—and we're better off as friends now."
"Still, that must've been challenging."
He drags his finger along the rim of his cup. "It was better, actually, in a weird way. When we were still together, it felt like we were trying to force it. Actually talking about it and deciding the best way to move on was to, well, move on, it was…it helped."
"I'm glad to hear it."
Patton nods, still staring at the tabletop before he shakes himself. "Sorry, I don't mean to go on and on."
"I'm the creep who was watching you at your son's grave," Janus deadpans, "you're the more reasonable one here."
He laughs again and shakes his head. "Whatever you say."
Janus takes another drink before he steels himself and opens his mouth again. "I have to ask: why does Roman visit your son's grave?"
Patton smiles at him over the rim of his cup. "You haven't asked how Jamie died yet."
"Uh, should I have?"
"That's normally the order that people ask. 'Who is it,' then 'how long ago,' then 'how.'" He points a finger at Janus. "You broke tradition, though, you asked about his mother next. Well, I guess technically you asked about his name."
"Am—would you be comfortable telling me how he died?"
"It's part of why Roman comes to visit him, so yes." Patton sets his cup down. "Jamie committed suicide."
Oh, fuck.
Are Remus and Virgil too big to fit in my bed anymore?
"I'm so sorry."
Patton just nods because really, what are you supposed to say to that? "Thank you. But yes, in his…note that he left, he—well, he left two."
"One on his pillow for me and his mother, and one…" Patton takes a deep breath. "One he sent to Roman."
A horrible feeling rises in Janus's throat.
"We didn't know about the second one at first," Patton continues, "we were too upset that our boy had—well, that he wasn't going to be with us anymore. But then we read the note again and he—he blamed Roman for…he said if we were looking for someone to blame, it was Roman's fault."
Janus's back hits the chair with a thump.
"We'd heard about the bullying, but we didn't—I didn't know it was that bad. And I certainly didn't think he'd send another note to Roman, but…" He shrugs helplessly. "I guess we can only know so much about our children."
Janus just nods dumbly.
"He came to the funeral, you know?" He taps his cup on the table absentmindedly. "He didn't come inside the church for the service, and he stood far away from the grave while the burial was happening, but we saw him after everyone else was leaving and…goodness."
Patton shakes his head, fingers on his idle hand twitching.
"He looked like he'd been crying non-stop since Jamie died. He was wearing a suit he must've borrowed from his father and he'd clearly done his best to make himself look presentable. He brought his note—the one Jamie sent him—and he looked so young."
A child in his father's suit with his eyes still red and swollen from crying. Janus's heart clenches despite himself.
"We read the note Jamie sent him and…" Patton sighs. "It was hard, you know? Because we'd just buried our son and here was the boy who'd bullied him so severely, he felt the need to take his own life, but that note was…vicious."
Janus swallows around the lump in his throat. "…'vicious?'"
Patton shrugs. "Like I said. Jamie blamed Roman."
Oh, no.
"And then he said he wasn't going to make any excuses, because he didn't have any, and he—oh, he tried so hard not to cry." Patton closes his eyes. "He just said he was sorry. That he was so sorry and he would spend the rest of his life sorry. He asked us if there was anything we needed, or anything we wanted him to do, he would do it. He—are you a religious man?"
"Can't say so, no."
"Ever been to church?"
"Once or twice when I was younger."
"I swear to you it looked like someone put the fear of God into him. He looked like he was confessing—and I guess he was—but that we had the power to damn him for all eternity. I've never seen a child look so scared but try so hard to hold it in."
A car drives by outside. Someone at the counter calls out an order for Carol.
Janus's chest wars with itself. The part of him that's still sitting in Remus's room, holding his boy as he cries himself to sleep hisses that it's about damn time Roman learned that his actions have consequences. The part of him that ruffled Virgil's hair as his son blushed at having a boyfriend says that they're all still children.
He can't get the image of Roman in his father's suit out of his head. He knows that boy. He spoke to that boy. In his kitchen, while his sons weren't in the room, ready to be eviscerated.
"Sorry," Patton says suddenly, "that was a lot."
"No, no, it's fine. I asked." Janus pulls himself together and looks back at him. "Thank you for telling me. He—has Roman been coming to Jamie's grave ever since?"
Patton nods, tapping his fingers on the table. "Once a week, at least. Brings flowers with him each time, or he'll bring a letter. He's said I can read it if I want, he owes that to me."
"Do you?"
"No. I've…goodness." He shakes himself. "You said Roman was dating one of your sons?"
Janus nods.
"How…has he been doing with that?"
He sighs. "It's not been the easiest. On the surface, Roman's been very good to him, and he says as much. But Roman used to bully his brother too and so…it's complicated."
"What's your son's name?"
"The one Roman is dating's named Virgil. His brother is Remus."
"You're Remus's father?"
Janus frowns, then realization dawns on his face. "Jamie Everheart. Yes, I—I think I've met your son. He was—he was a wonderful boy."
"Remus DeLuca. Yes, I—oh, I can't—" Patton's expression does several comical transformations. "Yes. I can imagine having Roman dating Virgil would be complicated."
"That's one way to put it, yes." Janus shakes his head. "I'm…torn. Because at times it's hard to figure how the boy who bullied Remus is the same boy who keeps an extra hoodie and emergency snacks in his car for Virgil."
Patton shakes his head. "I don't know. Honestly, I don't. That boy is miles away from the bully I remember hearing about. Of course that doesn't mean none of it happened or that anyone is obligated to forgive him, but…"
He takes a deep breath.
"That boy walks like he's got the weight of the world on his shoulders. He looks too old and too young for it."
"Have you ever spoken to his parents?"
"I spoke to his mother once. Only once, when all of it was still going on. I thought—I don't know, giving her a piece of my mind would help straighten Roman out, but she—" He shakes his head. "I don't know if she didn't believe me or if she just didn't care. I've never seen his father."
"I haven't either."
"For whatever it's worth," Patton says, sitting up properly, "I think it'd be worth keeping an eye on Roman."
Janus sits up too. "What for?"
"He may not be the bully anymore, but that boy isn't alright. He's…" Patton hesitates. "I don't know. I don't think he's likely to hurt either of your sons, not anymore, but he's not as mature and collected as he presents himself to be."
"I know." He goes to take another sip of his coffee when he realizes it's gone cold. "Sorry. I didn't mean to keep you this long for something this…maudlin."
Patton laughs. "Would you believe me if I said I almost enjoyed it?"
"No, I don't think I would."
Patton stands, pulling his coat on. "It was good to meet you, Janus. We should get coffee again."
"Maybe without all this talk of sons and troubles, hm?"
"Yes, I think I'd like that."
"Dad? What happened, why'd you take so…" Remus trails off when he sees Janus all but stumble through the front door. "Dad?"
Janus fumbles out of his shoes and coat and lurches across the room with his arms open. Remus scrambles up from the couch and wraps his arms furiously around his waist.
"Oh, Remus, my little anomaly…my Remus…" Janus isn't even sure what he's saying. "My baby boy…"
"V! V, get your ass down here!"
"Why, what do you want?"
"It's Dad!"
Shuffling and banging and muffled curses come from upstairs and then his other baby is flying down to the living room and crashing into them. He just opens his arm and cuddles his sweetheart to his chest.
"Hi, Dad," comes the muffled voice, "missed you."
"I missed you too, sweetie," Janus mumbles, his voice cracking, "my boys…my sweet boys…"
"C'mon, Dad, let's sit on the couch."
"Yeah, let's—the pillows are already down here for movie night, let's just sit, okay?"
He lets his babies push him onto the couch and promptly pulls them close again, peppering kisses over their heads like they're six years old again. His boys…his precious boys. He holds onto Remus's waist and Virgil's shoulders, just closing his eyes and reminding himself that they're here, they're safe, they're okay.
"Are you—are you crying?"
"Yeah, sweetie. I think so."
"Do I need to kill someone?"
"What? Like you don't want to!"
He lets out a watery chuckle. "You don't have to kill anyone, sweetie. Just let me hold you."
"…okay, as long as you promise."
"I promise." He kisses Remus's cheeks and pulls him even closer. "My Remus…"
Virgil shifts to give Remus's head more room and squeaks when Janus holds him tighter. "Dad!"
"Am I hurting you, sweetie?"
"No, you're just—normally you're not this…clingy."
"I missed my babies, that's all."
"Oh, my god, Dad." Virgil's face gets warmer and Janus just ruffles his hair. "You're so embarrassing."
"Mhm. And there's nothing you can do about it."
They end up ordering pizza that night because Janus doesn't want either of his boys to leave his sight for very long. They watch a movie and fall asleep in a pile on the couch, still curled up around each other. Janus watches his sleeping sons and runs his fingers through their hair like he did when they were still small enough to fit in his bed.
My sweeties…my babies.
As he drifts off to sleep, though, he catches sight of the flowers, almost completely wilted in the vase. They're going to have to throw them out soon.
And he thinks of Patton, whose son is buried under flowers, and of Roman in a suit too big for him, standing with a note clutched in his hand.
And of how out of all the things he's heard about Roman, from Remus, from Virgil, and from Patton, the one that sticks out the most in his mind is scared.
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance@whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti@ultrageekygirl
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bluiex · 1 year
Not to still be on kid fluff kick or anything,,, convexian edition. The children do a scam.
The girl's wings puffed up in irritation, even as she grinned. "I assure you, uncle Ren, these flowers are entirely genuine."
"Mhm. Does Scar know you have them?"
"..." she scrambled for a moment, "that is entirely beside the point, do you want them or not. Think how pretty Scarland is."
Ren laughed at that. "Alright, I'll buy one flower," he ruffled her hair, "a diamond, was it?" Then he was over in his enderchest, taking out the shulker of diamonds.
"Mhm." She took several steps away from the shulker, and Ren followed, leaving it open in the middle of the room.
"Well, I could give you a discount if you buy more?"
"Not happening."
The girl pouted, but accepted Ren's answer nonetheless.
Business deal complete, she grinned and left with a flourish.
And her sibling was waiting outside. She flicked her latest diamond over.
"How many is that, now?"
"4 blocks, plus change."
"Wanna get another hermit?"
Big sister (the usual Scarian kid I use, who bless her heart I still don't got a name for) goes in and sells something to a hermit.
Little sibling (tentatively saying cubrian kid, still throwing ideas at a wall) sneaks in using magic and skims a few diamonds out of the unlucky hermit's diamond supply while they're not looking.
Menaces. Scar is so proud. He hugs them both and cries a bit. Gives them cookies.
Grian deals with the phonecall from whichever hermit it is who realizes they've been had, responding 'my kids wouldn't do that!' While, you know, he's trying not to laugh. He's grinning so much. The kids make silly faces. It's not helping with the whole trying not to laugh thing.
Cub's delighted too, but he's talking about how there's limits 'I'm proud of you both. So proud. But you have to be careful, and kind, they're still our family and we wouldn't want to genuinely upset them.'
Sweet babies they do no wrong ever!!! Scar the proudest father in the world. They learned from the best after all
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aromantic-enjolras · 2 years
i know this isn't exactly your thing but it's definitely mine, so do you have any headcanons for qpr ExR with aroace enjolras?
Okay, you are right that this isn’t exactly my thing, I’m sorry it took me so long to answer this, anon (I just checked and this ask is from April!)! This isn’t exactly what you asked, either, but I hope it’s enough for you.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about “friendly exes ExR”, and it’s close-ish to a QPR, so I’m just going to talk about that.
Enjolras and Grantaire date for a while when they are in their mid-twenties. Enjolras knows he’s ace, by that point, it’s one of the first things he tells Grantaire, but he’s still working through the internalized acephobia, and that means he feels very guilty about “taking sex away from R”. He kind of overcompensates by going full in the “romance” part of it.
And you can imagine, Grantaire is over the moon about it. They power through the early stages of a relationship. There are flowers. Anniversaries. Public Displays of Affection. They are living together in less than a year.
Enjolras is trying, really trying, but after a point he can’t keep denying that the whole thing is just stressing him out. He’s not proud of the fact that his first reaction  after they break up is relief.
Not long after their breakup, Enjolras comes out as aro. Grantaire consoles himself on the fact that he wasn’t the problem.
They keep a level of physical closeness that makes R’s partners squint suspiciously at them. Grantaire has a tendency to ruffle Enj’s hair whenever he goes past his chair, and Enjolras thanks him with cheek kisses whenever he does something nice.
Because of a misguided attempt at reconciliation at one point, Enjolras is the only Ami who has met Grantaire’s father in person. The man is all the way up with fascists in Enjolras’ “would happily shoot in the face” list.
Sometimes, when Enjolras is very tired, or feeling burned out, he approaches Grantaire and goes “can I have a hug”, very quietly. Grantaire doesn’t stop what he’s doing, but he opens his arms and lets him burrow his face in his chest. R laughing and joking with Joly and Bossuet with his arms around a curled up Enjolras is a pretty common image in the Musain. He’s soft and warm, you know?
On the other hand, Enjolras has gotten very good at recognizing the early stages of a dip in Grantaire’s mental health. He doesn’t usually handle them himself, because he knows he might make things worse, but he will absolutely warm Joly and Bossuet to go give him a hand.
On a happier note, they still go out for dinner a couple of times a month, or meet at one of their places if the money is tighter. They always make sure to have a free morning the next day, because they have rambly conversations/debates that span way into the next day.
I hope this scratched your itch a little!
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ennaku-sirri-da · 1 year
Rose hip November, autumn I'll remember
Gold landing at our door, catch one leaf and fortune will surround you
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[ ID: Traditional art colored digitally of Kamal Bora and Dr.Habit as kids from Smile For Me the game.
In the artists interpretation Kamal as a kid is much shorter than Habit. He has short straight hair and thick eyebrows. He wears a special new dress this time. He is seen in two circular gold earrings, a necklace with bells, and a slightly puffy dark purple space-themed frock with planets, stars, suns, moons and galaxies. It sports a pale ribbon at the mid stomach area.
Here Habit is a really tall kid. He has a thick build. He has a muppet-like appearance with yellow-greenish fur, very long rose-pink curly hair in two tones, pink blushing cheek patches with three freckles, ears stuffed with cotton fluff , deep red nails. The palms of his hands are coated with cotton and have a few stitches. His eyes are yellow, indicating happiness, circled below by red ruffles and have some pale purple eyeshadow. He wears a teal buttoned shirt with wavy darker pants that have yet darker stripes on them. Basically it's Kamal’s outfit from the game. Both of them are barefoot.
Kamal poses dramatically best as he can atop a tree trunk. He keeps a hand behind his head, juts the other out, one foot slightly bending outward. He makes some kind of awkward duck face, cheeks rosy. The tree trunk is in shades of yellow, green and brown with slightly rigid looking swirls engraved on it. The very top has more fluid swirls in a ring form. A number of fungi like bready-colored ones with caps, smaller greyish white ones with stringy structures descending from their caps, white bracket fungi with brown accents grow on and around the trunk and even from inside its cracks. Much moss also accompanies them. A few of the trunks leaves and branches also sprout up tall.
Beneath the trunk's sprawling roots there is a cover of lush green grass and small long-stemmed yellow flowers with brown centers, a scattering of some bready mushrooms too. Near it is Habit. He jumps and claps for Kamal's show, butter-yellow eyes sparkling with his wide smile.
Behind them is a tree in much the same shades as the trunk, thin with different patterns of lines drawn on its patchy-colored appearance. Each patch has its own pattern, some repeated. Like diamonds, ovals, short wavy lines. Numerous autumn-hued leaves with many points hang in vivid shades, but green appears too. It is a transition period between summer and autumn. Common wood pigeons perch the trees. Some sleep, some eat, some spread their wings, some sit, some puff up. Some bushes represented by bouncy shapes are seen in the BG.
There is a very warm-toned filter over the whole thing making it appear deeply colored in a honeyed way. The second piece doesn't have this filter. All colors used in both are mostly harmonious with each other. End ID]
---Talk below the cut as always!
YEAH this took a W H I L E
Another piece in the Roseverse AU for their halcyon days!!!
I'm really proud of the unlined look in this one. It's certainly a shitton more effort to put in ( half a MONTH )but the process AND product are both very worth it. I remember being really chilled and relaxed making this. I guess sometimes my hardassery to detail works out pretty good!
There are like a thousand little colors in this and I hope they speak for me more than I possibly can. You know, this was made not that long ago but since I've taken a step back from focusing solely on S4M things and have gotten into OCs due to unavoidable circumstances, its still really really sweet and good to remember. It feels like I AM there, reminiscing with those two old guys, heh heh.
My friend said it'd be silly but they'd like it if Kamal and Habit went back to this same place when they're grown and the trunks still there and I said HELL YEA this is ROSEVERSE where magic REAL bro
Habit still thinks Kamal looks like the stars in a dress.
I think when this actually happened Kamal would be really shy at first but Habby's a great hype man so his posing starts escalating HSHJSJDJS
Catch baby if he falls!!😤( huffing emoji )
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