#Stomach and food problems are no joke
I just think it would be very nice if someone (coughSamBellamycough) took Izzy’s tummy troubles into account and doesn’t treat it like a joke or a burden. Whether it’s a sensitive stomach from anxiety or ARFID or food intolerances/allergies or IBS. Sam would definitely have the money and—in my head and general fanon it seems—the care and devotion to give Izzy gentle food that still tastes nice. Or just, you know, making sure Izzy has a healthy relationship with what food he can eat.
Here I go again with my food as a metaphor for love kick…
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teddybeartoji · 2 months
zombie apocalypse au where you end up in a settlement and meet a cutiepie satoru. he's lived almost his entire life there – sure, he goes on runs every once in a while but you've been out there. it's different.
the dark bags under your eyes have yet to fade but satoru has never heard you complain. he knows everybody gets a talk when they first come to this place; where they can get help, who they can talk to when if they have any problems. if you can't sleep. or eat. or if you still feel restless. it's understandable that the change from having to fight for your life on a daily basis to not even having to carry a gun with you is hard.
the food tastes weird when you're not starving and drinking water seems like a complete waste when you're not dying of thirst. the bed you sleep on is too soft, the sheets feel like silk and it makes your skin itch. it's off-putting.
and yet, not a single complaint has left your lips. you observe your surroundings while handing out pretty little smiles like they're candy. you say thank you and goodbye, you offer to help out with the chores that weren't even yours to begin with and you're willing to entertain the kids with silly jokes. it's an almost perfect mask.
but you're tense; your eyes are always scanning your environment despite the fact that you've been at the settlement for almost a week now. you stretch your lips to show your gratitude, but satoru sees the way your fist tightens whenever the room is too crowded. the way you pocket smaller snacks when you think that nobody is looking. the way you flinch at a faraway sound of a child's laugh.
satoru finds you utterly intriguing.
people come and go, but you... there's something different about you.
maybe it's the dark, murky look in your eyes whenever you're handling a knife. carving a piece of meat like it's something you do every day; your eyes are the only things that change – you give a small smile to the lady working next to you as a thank you for whatever kind of advice she just gave you. she pats the steak while laughing and satoru doesn't miss the way your lips twitch.
you lick the remnants of the meat that stick to your fingers, the liquid that dribbles down the side of your hand the second she turns around. and satoru can't look away.
but there's no obvious malice.
it's interesting.
satoru is no detective, but he's done his fair share of people looking. what else is there to do when you're locked behind big walls; people are interesting, especially now that the world has ended. they tick faster, they explode bigger. they shiver more, they cry more. the lies have more consequences. it's hard to trust others, it's hard to trust anybody at this point. but satoru's eyes are keen, more so than anyone else's there.
you're not some caged beast, you're no dog on a leash, but you're an animal nonetheless. satoru just doesn't know which one yet. which of the living things that reside in the woods is calm enough to get so close to other people? confident enough. arrogant enough.
which one of them is as curious as you are? as sly? which one of them knows how to hide their sharp teeth behind a warm smile? satoru promises to himself that he'll figure it out, no matter what it takes.
or maybe the 'something' is the way you handle yourself when things go south. you didn't look away when a walker that managed to slip in through the gates sank his teeth into a man's neck. when everybody else was in shock, their eyes set on the gory sight in front of them – you were the first to grab the closest thing resembling a weapon and to deal with it.
blood splattered all over your clean clothes, your hair, your face. but you paid it no mind. this is what you're used to, this is what's normal. taking a knife to the poor wailing man laying on the ground was nothing special either. you kneeled down beside him and looked him in the eyes as you did it.
desperate hands reached out for you as fear settled in his stomach. he grabbed onto the collar of your shirt and pulled you closer, pleas stumbling from his lips like a waterfall. but to you, he was dead already. there's no remorse, there's no guilt. you're not a killer, you're a survivor.
satoru's mind raced as he watched you work while all the other had turned away, their sobs barely reaching his ears. no remorse, no guilt.
he just thought the blood looked beautiful on you.
but you're keen, too.
you try not to pay him too much attention, you try not to look but you feel his curious eyes wherever you go. you hear him laugh and you see his big smiles. he likes to play with the kids and he likes to tease his peers. he seems to know just about everybody, mingling in their lives by acting like a cupid or just indulging in gossip like some high schooler.
but something rotten sprouts deep inside him as well.
there's blood on his hands and you know it the second your gazes meet from across the big dining hall. the corners of his eyes crinkle and his dimples make a show as he gives you a grin, sharp teeth shining right at you. he knows you and you know him.
a survivor always recognizes a survivor.
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TW!! 111 harsh wl quotes
nothing tastes as good as skinny feels
eat for the body you want, not the body you have
it may be a difficult process, but quitting won't speed it up
fat lasts longer than flavour
a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips
stop rewarding yourself with food, you're not a dog
30 minute workout, or 30 extra pounds?
whatever your problem may be, the answer is not in the fridge
you can't out exercise a bad diet
an imperfect body reflects and imperfect person
hungry to bed, hungry to rise, makes a girl a smaller size
what you eat in private, you wear in public
suck it up and one day you wont have to suck it in
you get what you work for, not what you wish for
it's better to resist than to regret
if you eat what you've always eaten, you'll weigh what you've always weighed
eat wise to drop a size
junk food you've craved for an hour, or the body you've craved for a lifetime?
every time you feel like giving up, remember why you started
every taste adds to the waist
this month's choices are next month's body
don't stop when it hurts, stop when you're done
summer bodies are made in the winter
if you're tired of starting over, stop giving up
in two weeks you'll feel it. in four weeks you'll see it. in eight weeks you'll hear it
just because you don't read food labels doesn't mean the calories don't exist
if you don't see the calories on the label, you'll see them later on your hips
every time you say "fuck it, i don't care" and eat that cookie, there's a 100% chance you'll care later
your stomach isn't growling, it's applauding
don't stop until you're proud
someone busier than you is running right now
when you lose all excuses, you'll find results
one day or day one
use food as fuel, not therapy
if you can't handle the fat jokes, lose the weight
overeating is always a decision, nobody forces the food into your mouth
suffer the pain of discipline, or suffer the pain of regret
follow your plan, not your mood
do what is right, not what is easy
you can't expect to succeed if you only put in work on the days you feel like it
i'm not starving, i'm perfecting my emptiness
not eating light makes your clothes tight
sacrifice is giving up something good for something better
if it was easy, everybody would be thin
craving is only a feeling
skip dinner, wake up thinner
the difference between want and need is self control
a cat says "meow meow" a dog says "woof woof" a pig says "i'll start tomorrow"
it's easier to workout than to wake up every morning and not like what you see
hunger hurts, but starving works
don't give up what you want the most for what you want in the moment
you've come too far in life to take orders from a cookie
thin is beautiful, even thinner is perfection
a month from now you can either have a month's worth of progress or a month's worth of excuses why you didn't
if you can pinch it, you can lose it
eat to live, don't live to eat
you can never be too rich or too thin
perfection is reached not where there isn't anything to add, but when there isn't anything to take away
respect yourself, put down the fork
when you resist the pain of hungry, it means you're not a slave to your body
every time you say no to food, you say yes to thin
empty is pure, starving is the eure
it's the mind that makes the body
there is no try, there is only DO
pain is temporary, pride is forever
thinner is the winner
if you don't fight for the body you want, don't cry for the body you have
imagine having one life on this earth and you spend it as a fat fuck
would you rather be at the gym covered in sweat, or at the beach covered in clothes?
until you're being accused of having an ed, you have a couple more pounds to lose
"i'm so fat" you say, taking another bite
eating won't kill you, but not eating will make you thin
aren't you tired of making the same excuses over and over again?
i don't even think you need to wear oversized clothes, your amount of body fat is oversizing you enough
you'd look so much prettier 20 pounds lighter
you don't want to embarrass him do you? then lose weight
you already know what it tastes like, so why eat it again?
you're fat. i'd sugarcoat it but then you'd eat that too
you binged? that's ok! somebody has to be the fat friend
if you have a skinny friend just remember, they probably use you as fatspo
skinny privilege is real
your morning skinny is someone else's evening bloat
if you can find the time to eat, you can find the time to workout
food is made to provide you with energy, not to fucking entertain you
if you treat food like an addiction, you're destined to fail
junk food is not a reward, it's a punishment
work out for 1 hour and feel amazing for the next 23 hours
if you're tired of starting over, stop giving up
if you want it, work for it
somebody else's starting weight is your goal weight
stop being jealous of her body and start doing something about yours
the fact that you aren't where you want to be should be motivation enough
it's all fun and games until your jeans don't fit anymore
need motivation? just sit infront of the mirror naked
making excuses burns zero calories
don't let the weekend become your weak end
three months from now you will thank yourself
imagine the weight you are losing is going to the person you hate
do not use your stomach as a trash can
you are what you eat. eat shit. feel shit look shit. or, eat good. feel good. look good
make it happen girl, shock everyone
so you can sit down and still have a flat stomach
losing weight is hard. being fat is hard. choose your hard
no matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you're still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying
a little progress each day adds up to big results
if not now, then when?
you are what you eat, so don't be cheap, fast, easy or fake
look down at your plate and ask, "is this going to make me feel good?"
i am powerful enough to resist temptations
you're not hungry, you're just bored
look in the mirror. that's your competition
this took a long time so please enjoy xx
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marvelfilth · 1 year
Professional help (18+)
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x f!reader, Wanda Maximoff x f!reader, brief mention of Peter Quill x f!reader
Warnings: AU, gynecologist!Natasha, assistant!Wanda, smut, oral, fingering, cheating, Peter being an asshole
Summary: your boyfriend makes you see a doctor to get yourself "fixed", luckily Natasha and Wanda know exactly what to do
A/n: I'm not a doctor, so bear with me pls
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You sit in the waiting room, anxiously waiting for your name to be called. Your leg bounces rapidly against the marble tiles of the clinic, drawing the attention of other patients. You cross your legs, sanding a sheepish smile to an old lady who's been eyeing you for the last few minutes, wishing your boyfriend just stayed with you like he promised he would.
He's the one who made the appointment after all.
You sigh for a hundredths time and check your watch, debating on leaving. Peter will be disappointed, sure, perhaps even mad, but you still can't stomach the idea of admitting something so embarrassing to a stranger.
You've been dating for almost six months now, and after a lot of persuasion on his part, you've finally allowed him to take your virginity. Your jaw clenches when you remember the night. It was very romantic, sure, the wine was expensive and as old as your grandma, the food was delicious and his jokes were perfectly timed, but when it came down to it, you were both left disappointed.
Peter is attractive, sexy, and you know any girl would kill to be in your place, but when he took off his clothes and climbed on top of your naked body you couldn't feel a thing. You went to sleep unsatisfied. He went to sleep with a bruised ego and a promise of getting you right the next time.
And now you're here, ready to see a gynecologist, because there has to be something wrong with your body, there's no other explanation.
"Y/n Y/l/n?" A voice pulls you out of your head.
You look up to see a young woman, smiling down at you politely, her green eyes sparkling in the blinding lighting of the hospital.
"Yes?" You speak up hesitantly, torn between following the woman and trying to make it for the door.
Her smile turns genuine. "Follow me."
You walk behind the woman, your eyes pinned to the intricate braid, strands of brown hair clinging to her neck. You swallow, looking away. It's definitely not the time to stare at a pretty woman. She leads you to the last door down the hall, opening it and following behind you once you step in.
"Take a seat." She gestures at the chair in front of the doctors desk. You swallow nervously when you notice a gynecological chair behind a folding screen.
The woman squeezes your shoulder
"Don't be nervous. Dr. Romanoff will take good care of you," she says with conviction. For some reason it helps you relax, your shoulders dropping. "My name's Wanda," she says, "I'm Dr. Romanoff's assistant. I'll be here the whole time."
You gulp. "Like… the whole time?"
She smiles, mirth flickers in her eyes.
"Yes, the whole time." Another voice enters the conversation and you crane your neck to see the woman striding into the room to take place in the white leather chair behind the desk. "Is there a problem with that?"
She eyes you intently. You feel like it doesn't matter what your answer will be, Wanda will stay either way. And now, looking at the stern looking woman you feel like you'll need Wanda's soft reassurance. Maybe that's why she's here in the first place.
You shake your head at last, not trusting your voice not to waver.
"Good. Now tell me what's bothering you." The redhead flickers through your medical file, barely sparing you a glance.
You look at Wanda for help and she sends you an encouraging smile, her hand sliding lower down your arm. "Um…" you start, not sure how to broach the subject. "Well, you see, me and my boyfriend, we-" you swallow nervously, and Wanda takes hold of your hand, squeezing your fingers reassuringly. "We've been intimate… a few times. But it seems there's something wrong. With me, I mean." You cringe, biting your lip.
You can feel their gazes on you.
Dr. Romanoff's eyes narrow dangerously and you feel like getting up and running away.
"What do you mean by that, sweetheart?" Wanda asks, her breath fanning your ear.
You gather your courage and meet her eyes. "I can't- I can't finish." Now that you've started, the words come out easily. "I mean, it doesn't bother me, not really, but my boyfriend-"
"It doesn't bother you?" Dr. Romanoff cuts you off. You feel small under her eyes, ready to fold in on yourself.
She sighs heavily and closes her eyes for a moment. You feel like a child about to get scolded.
"So you're here because your boyfriend can't make you come." The words leave her mouth the second her eyes open.
You flinch, scooting deeper into your seat. Wanda wraps her other arm around your shoulder, softly nudging you to continue.
"He- he told me he's never had that problem before, and I… well, when I tried it myself, you know…" You look at Wanda and she nods in understanding. "It didn't work either, so he must be right. Can you help me?" Your cheeks are crimson red by now, you can feel how hot your face is.
Dr. Romanoff stands up abruptly, making you flinch. She walks behind the folding screen and you can hear her fiddling with something. Wanda squeezes your shoulders reassuringly and tells you to follow her. You do so without a second thought.
"Take off your clothes," Dr. Romanoff says, settling on a rolling stool.
You gulp, folding your arms in front of your chest. "A- all of them?"
Dr. Romanoff looks like she wants to roll her eyes before stopping herself and looking at Wanda, her brow quirking. You can feel Wanda inhale sharply behind you.
"Yes, sweetheart, all of them." Her tone's urgent. "You need a thorough examination."
Dr. Romanoff smirks at that, shaking her head almost unnoticeably.
"You heard her." She nods at you.
You look around for a spot to undress, but figure it doesn't matter if they'll see you naked anyway, so you hesitantly start to undress under their scrutinizing eyes.
"Let me help." Wanda's fingers skimp over your skin as she helps you take off your bra, your nipples hardening from the cold. Dr. Romanoff's eyes dart to your pebbled skin, her lips parting slightly.
And then Wanda cups your breasts from behind you, whispering, "I'll start right now, okay?"
You can only manage a small nod.
Dr. Romanoff must've noticed the state you're in, because suddenly she's kneeling in front of you, tugging down your pants along with your underwear, humming at the sight of a string of your slick connecting to your panties.
You close your eyes in embarrassment.
She cups your face. "No need for that, angel. You're doing good."
You shudder at the tone of her voice, slurty and breathy. Having no idea on why your body is reacting this way, you lean back against Wanda, granting her more acces. She massages your breasts, kneading and tugging until you're left breathless.
Then, as quickly as she came, she pulls away and nudges you into the other woman's arms. Dr. Romanoff leads you to sit on the chair and you swallow your embarrassment when she spreads your legs and puts them on the knee rest, sliding between your legs on her rolling chair.
You look away, wincing.
"It's okay, sweetheart," Wanda whispers from your side, taking hold of your hand, "Natasha is best at what she's doing."
You breathe out.
You think her name fits her very well.
"How long does it usually take?" You ask, not daring to look away from Wanda.
Faint scraping noises sound around the room as Natasha writes something down in your chart, humming in thought. She hasn't touched you, not yet.
"Not long, usually, but you're here for a special reason, aren't you? So it's going to take a bit longer," Wanda says quietly.
You nod in understanding, finally looking down to meet Natasha's eyes. She's holding a speculum. You shudder, backing away. Wanda pins you in place with a strong grip on your shoulders.
"Please, don't. Can you use something else?" You ask. Biting down on your lip, you look at the redhead pleadingly. The last time a doctor used that thing on you, you were hurting for days.
"I don't think there's anything else I can use. I promise I'll be gentle," she tries to reassure you, but you shake your head no, gripping Wanda's hand fighter.
"Please, just use something else. There should be something else, right?" You plead.
Natasha's eyes flicker to Wanda, a silent question swimming in the emerald pools. After a tense moment she gives the younger woman a brief nod. She slides away and Wanda leaves your side, taking Natasha's place between your legs.
Dr. Romanoff takes hold of your face, gaining your attention. "My assistant needs some hands-on practice and this is a perfect occasion, since you're adamant about the speculum. You don't mind her using her fingers, do you?" She rubs your chin gently, coaxing you to agree.
You wet your lips, feeling your pussy clench in anticipation. Natasha's eyes follow your tongue, her pupils dilating. You nod your consent and Wanda wastes no time in spreading your folds open and teasing your entrance. Your hips jolt violently.
"Try to keep still, sweetheart, or we'll have to restrain you." Wanda fingers glide around your folds, barely grazing your clit and you're already drenched and gasping for air. "You're doing good so far, angel, keep it up." Wanda smiles softly, gently easing one of her fingers inside.
You bite back a moan, gripping the cushion below you with all of your strength. Natasha keeps taking notes, occasionally glancing down at your pussy and exchanging quiet words with Wanda.
Wanda's finger pumps into you at a gentle pace, hitting a soft spot deep inside of you.
You didn't even know you could feel that good.
When her finger curls you let out a loud moan. Your hand flies down to take hold of Wanda's, but it's intercepted by Natasha's, who pins you back down with surprising strength.
"You're not allowed to move, remember?" She scolds. You nod dumbly and relax in her hold. She nods in satisfaction and looks at Wanda. "One more."
Wanda obeys and slides two fingers in the next thrust, pushing down on your hips with her other hand. You try not to squirm, but your legs still shake from the way her fingers curl inside you. Your eyes begin to water as your stomach tightens, you feel like you're about to explode.
"How does that feel?" Natasha's whispers against the shell of your ear, her hair tickling your neck.
"G-good, so good," you whine, desperately clutching the chair.
"Mhm," she hums, putting her hands on either side of your breasts, rubbing the skin in soft circles. "You're taking Wanda so well, kotenok. Make me proud and hold it for me, okay?" She asks as her hands cup your breasts, pressing down on your nipples.
You don't have to ask to know what it means, you just shake your head desperately, not daring to touch her. Tears gather in the corners of your eyes, making your vision blur.
"Please, Natasha, pl- ah!" You cry out when Wanda adds another finger, stretching you out deliciously. She thrusts into you hard and fast, making your body move up on the chair. "I can't-" you bite down on your lip, pleading Natasha with your eyes. "Please, let me come."
The doctor chuckles with mirth, rolling your nipples between her defty fingers. "Stop."
Wanda pulls away immediately, making you whimper. You want to cry out, you want to tug her back, but you do none of these things, obediently laying back and waiting for Natasha's instructions.
You pussy clenches around nothing while Natasha takes her time stepping around you and taking Wanda's place, the younger woman coming to stand near your head, wiping her fingers.
"Natasha's gonna take a good look at your pussy, sweet girl, just don't move."
Dr. Romanoff's fingers slide in without any struggle, immediately making you whine and buckle your hips in her hold. She spreads her fingers inside you, opening you up even more and you feel like you're about to burst from the stretch. You moan loudly when she adds a third finger.
"Keep quiet," she says, pinching your inner thigh.
You swallow back moans as she starts circling your clit with her thumb, the added pressure sending shivers down your spine.
"Such a perfect body," Wanda murmurs, trailing her fingers down the length of your torso. "You deserve to be worshiped." She leans down and licks a long stripe from your ribs to the underside of your breast, sucking the tender skin there.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head, your fingers burying in her brown locks. She hums softly as her arm slides along your waist, holding you tight.
Natasha doesn't waste another second waiting and sets a rough pace, thrusting her finger deep and spreading them with each thrust. "Look at you, malyshka, your greedy pussy is swallowing my fingers," she smirks, bending down to kiss your inner thigh.
"Natasha!" You cry out loudly, your back arching. Lips wrap around your nipple, sucking gently, and you choke on your moan, your pussy clenching around Natasha's slender fingers.
"You're doing good, baby, so good," Wanda mumbles around the pebbled skin, "You deserve to be filled to the brim. Fuck, you'd look so pretty with both of us deep inside you, sweetheart."
Your hips buckle to meet Natasha's thrusts and this time she doesn't stop you. She curls her fingers, hitting a spot you didn't even know existed and you come, your orgasm hitting you hard as spots of white cloud your vision.
Natasha's fingers don't stop moving inside you, if anything she thrusts faster, rougher, your sensitive clit pulsing rapidly.
"We're not done until I say we're done, got it?" She leans down to wrap her lips around your bundle of nerves and sucks, fingers moving inside you with a violent pace.
Wanda releases your nipple with a wet pop and focuses her attention on your neck, teeth leaving purplish marks on the tender skin. You cry out, another orgasm fast approaching and Wanda pulls you into a bruising kiss, your moans disappearing between her full lips as Natasha licks long stripes up your slit.
"You're doing so good, baby. Fuck I want to make a mess of your pretty face, sweetheart," Wanda whines and takes hold of your hand, pushing it past the waistband of her scrubs. You follow her lead and soon your fingers disappear in her wet heat. She gasps and bends to rest her weight on you as you quickly pump your fingers inside her.
Natasha pulls away to admire the scene in front of her, fingers lazily circling your clit before she plunges four of her fingers back inside, stretching you to the brim. Your back arches as you moan loudly, clenching around slender fingers. Wanda comes with you, burrowing her face into your neck as you both come down your high, gasping for air.
Dr. Romanoff presses a kiss to your thigh before gently prying strands of hair away from your face. "We'll have to schedule a follow up appointment, kitten."
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jeondesu · 6 months
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── ✧ ˚. ꒰ pairing ꒱ ˒˓ ot8 x gn!reader ˒˓ established relationship genre: fluff warnings: not many… just some mentions of food & kissing <3
this is an old repost from my deleted blog !
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chan is the most perfect boyfriend you could ask for. he’s the type to never let you lift a finger when he’s around you. whether it be fixing a broken pipe in the house or carrying all of the groceries; it wasn’t a problem for him at all. he may get consumed in his work sometimes but that didn’t mean he spends less quality time with you. he’d call you throughout the day to check up on you and tell you how much he misses you. he’d share what he was working on and update you on small things. always smothering you once he comes home— no seriously, he does not let you breathe. he’d pepper kisses all over your face whilst having you wrapped tightly in his arms. the warmth of his loving embrace made you feel the safest and utmost protected.
lovesss taking you out on fun interactive dates. movies, bowling, mini golf, fruit-picking, and candlelit dinners were a just a few to name. minho enjoyed going to small family owned restaurants, he loved desserts and would order a milkshake with two straws on each side. you’d be playing footsie under the table like little kids, teasing you while staring into each others eyes trying not to burst out laughing. he loves you just as much as he loves his cats and that’s saying a whole lot. he has a picture of you playing with soonie and dori as his lock screen, it was probably the cutest pic he’s ever taken of you. he calls you and his cats a little family >\\< he loves the way they all get along with you and it affirms even more that you really are the one for him.
constantly showers you with dozens upon dozens of compliments. could write a full-fledged novel on simply everything he adores about you. he’ll write sweet notes from time to time and leave them in random areas for you to find. your relationship with him always kept you guessing, he was so full of pleasant surprises. he noticed the littlest details about you and could practically read you like a book. he knew immediately when you were in a slump, it became his personal mission to cheer you up. is super touchy feely with you but does it with the most pure intentions. pressing feathery kisses along your hands and the insides of your palms, then trails further up your arm. he loved seeing how flustered you’d get by it, only wanting to keep doing it more.
treats you as his artistic muse. his deep infatuation with you fed his inspiration with new ideas constantly. his paintings were a reflection of his mind, his most inner thoughts and emotions. almost every painting he’s done was inspired by you in some way, shape, or form. art and photography are one his favorite hobbies so naturally he’s going to always wanna snap pictures of you. whenever you two go on dates he takes pics of you without you knowing, smiling to himself and thinking how lucky he is to have you. he tells you often how much you mean to him, he was a very vocal partner. you didn’t need to ask for reassurance because hyunjin would just give it to you anyway. it was like he could read your mind, he understood you on a intuitive and spiritual level.
he is completely and authentically himself when he’s with you. your relationship is the most easy going thing in his life, he couldn’t imagine life without you. he loves that your humor is the same and you’re both always goofing off. he feels most accomplished if he can make you laugh until your stomachs start hurting. almost everything was a joke to him but the love he had for you was definitely not. he share’s everything with you, his clothes, favorite snacks, deepest secrets, nothing off limits for him. never stops talking about you with the other members, every little thing reminds of him you so he has to announce it. he could be doing something serious and then one of your inside jokes would randomly pop in his head, smiling like an idiot to himself. he was so proud to have you as his lover and best friend.
the most sweet, nurturing, individual in the universe. put a million heart emojis next to your contact name and never fails each time to get a stomach full of butterflies every time he’s with you. hears a song that reminds him of you and instantly sends it; will make monthly playlists for you too. he gets lost in your eyes all the time, can’t help but feel his heart beat out his chest by your ethereal beauty. you could be having an in-depth conversation with him and he’d zone out from just looking at you. he can’t stand being away from you when he’s gone and gets real sad and lonely if he can’t hold you >.< will send you LENGTHY messages of what he loves most about you and how much he wants to be with you. if he can’t physically be there, he’ll do all he can to still feel like he’s right beside you.
thoughtful gestures were his love language. he would notice your shoe is untied as you’re both walking and stop everything he’s doing to fix it for you. will do anything you ask him to at the drop of a hat. does chores and tasks around the house when you aren’t feeling up to it, he never complains about it either which you love. lots and lots of hugs and kisses !! he especially loves hugging you from behind and resting his head within the crevice of your shoulder. he’d kiss your knuckle before dancing with you in the kitchen and acting like an old married couple. the two of you would be slow dancing and lock eyes, your lips would collide as you both sway to the melody of the song. it was soft moments like these that proved seungmin owned all of your love.
very much into showing PDA and lots of it. doesn’t really care about what the other members think when he touches or kisses you in front of them. likes to give you unexpected forehead and neck kisses, intertwining his fingers with yours while doing so. he bought you a necklace with his initial on it as a gift and you never took it off since the day he gave it to you. whenever he’s gone for long periods of times that necklace would get you through it all. he’d also buy matching couples pajamas and plan a night in where you do face masks and watch movies (^o^). late night cuddling was his forte; you’d be all tangled up in bed together and he’d leave short series of pecks to your cheek until you lull asleep in his arms.
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catssluvr · 1 month
𝓬𝓸𝓯𝓯𝓮𝓮, spencer reid
spencer x shy!r
spencer brings you coffee <3
warnings: mentions of stress? just fluff 🫶🏻
You sighed as your eyes scaned the paper in front of you, not bothering to take a look at the mountain of files standing at the corner of your table. You were pretty much sure that if you did, your headache - that would soon turn into a migrane - would start showing signs way too soon in the day. 7am was definitely too early for that.
This week was particularly kicking your ass and the only thing you wanted was to go back home, curl into your sofa with some takeout and watch a junkie romcom.
You couldn't help but frown at the empty chair of the table in front of yours that belonged to spencer, it was unsual for him to be this late. Well, technically he wasn´t late but knowing him he would usually arrive 30 minutes earlier.
Before you could think too much about it, Derek´s voice sounded behind you, "You alright, pretty girl?" He asked with one of his teasing but loving smiles plastered on his face.
"Yeah, just tired of paperwork. Hotch knows how to make me get as grumpy as him." You joked with a smile, trying to mask your tiredness.
"Well if you need me to kick his ass just reach out." He joked, looking aroud to make sure there was no sign of your boss before walking back to his desk.
You were about to get back to your paper when you noticed Spencer walking through the doors, clumsly carrying two coffees and what happeared to be a box from the place where they sell your favourite bagels.
You couldn´t help but smile as you watched him take small steps to his table, careful not to spill the coffee. You would have helped him if your mind wasn´t concentrated on how much you miss him lately. Aside from the fact your stomach errupts in a thousand butterflies when you see him, he is the best bestfriend in the whole world and having to cancel friday´s movie night was probably one of your most heartbreaking decisions. You usually wouldnt miss it for nothing but files don´t yet fill themselves alone so it was your only option.
Friday nights were the only oportunity you had to relax completely, Spencer was probably one of the only people that you were completely comfortable around, he understood you like no one else - which leads to the big question: how could you not fall in love with him?
"Hi." His voice interrupted your thoughts, he was now standing beside you with his signature smile, a cup of coffee in one hand and a bagel wrapped up in a paper in the other.
"Hey Spence." You smiled shyly at him, embarrassed for getting caught in your daydream. Gladly, he hadn’t ´t even noticed you staring, him being just as oblivious as you when it came to the feelings you shared for eachother.
"I- uhm- bought you this. I just noticed you haven´t been taking breaks at all, not even for lunch. And if you're not eating enough during the day, particularly carbohydrate-rich foods, you may have decreased levels of serotonin, a hormone that has a calming effect. That increases the chances of getting stressed." He rambled on, not that you minded - at all. In fact, your heart skiped a beat at the thought of him caring so much about your health that he came in late just to buy you breakfast.
"Oh Spence you really didn´t have to. But thank you so much." You grinned sheepishly as you got up from your chair, taking both the coffee and bagel from his hands and setting it on your table, blushing when his knuckles brushed against your hand. It was silly, really silly, but you couldn´t help but get flustered every time.
"It´s no problem, really." He mumbled softly before going on, "I hope i got everything right. Four cubes of ice, three fourths of milk and one fourth of coffee. Oh and i made sure to choose the bagel that contained more carbs so you would have energy for the day." He smiled proudly at you.
But honestly your attention was mostly focused on the way his fingers were fiddling with the cozy sweater that covered your arms as he rambled on. It had became an habit of his, he claimed it helped his concentration (it was a pretty lame excuse to get to touch your fluffy sweaters) but you were pretty sure he did it when he was feeling nervous about something.
Reality hit you suddenly as you realised he might feel like you were upset at him for canceling friday night, after all it was a very unusual for you to cancel plans with him.
"Hug?" Was all you could muster out, the longing you had felt throughout the week from barely even talking to him finally coming to the surface.
His hands pulled at your sweater, bringing you close to him before you could overthink your request. He wrapped his arms arounds your waist without hesitation, his face snuggling against your neck.
Your arms went around his shoulders, trying not to squeeze him too hard, as you stayed there for a few moments. He made no sign to pull away from you until you did, you loved that about him - you loved a lot of things about him.
When you were finally out of his embrace, mourning the lack of warmt right after, he smiled as he whispered softly, "Let me know if you need any of those again." Before walking back to his desk, almost tripping over his desk as he looked at you with those doe eyes of his the whole way.
How could you not fall in love with him?
love you,
cat 🤍
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astrow1zar6 · 9 months
Astrology Observations- 013
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I notice Cap Mercurys think so maturely even from such a very young age. These were those kids that always wanted to hang around people older than them. They are old souls at heart and sometimes it’s harder for them to connect with more childlike energies. People their age can see them as boring because of their serious demeanor.
Leo Risings never like to show the sides to them that make them look bad in anyway. These people have big egos so any assumption from others that they aren’t anything but great can take a big toll on their self esteem. They come off so confident but most are really insecure & don’t think they are interesting so they tend exaggerate a lot of facts about them to keep people thinking they are really interesting and amazing. (U guys don’t need ti do that people already think you are before you even speak)
Capricorn risings always look so annoyed when people are speaking to them. Most of the time they are. They have very honest expressions and when someone says something stupid or uninteresting they are more willing to show their uninterested while most are just willing to smile and take it out of being polite. This is why they can come off as rude or snobbish but really the just don’t have time for bullshit. (I definitely think Wednesday Addams has this placement) many don’t know they are being rude but most don’t have the energy to be fake if they really don’t like what the others saying. Very Real people many mistake them for being Scorpio risings.
Venus in Scorpios were probably shamed a lot for their their sex appeal/drives. I notice these people have a very provocative vibe to them that causes a lot of ppl to sexualize them ( especially the women). I’ve seen women with this placement be virgins and still get slut shamed. People always assume they sleep with mad people even if it’s not true.
Moon in 5th housers are actually very secretive about their talents. A lot are so talented but most tend to keep their hobbies and interests to themselves unless they really trust you.
When someone with Venus in the 7th house likes you they will talk about their future a lot with you. This one guy had a big crush on me and would always joke about getting married and starting a life someday ( he made it sound as a joke but in a way I can tell he meant it). Also can be obsessed with weddings. I have a friend with this placement who says she’ll only wanna get married to experience having her dream wedding lol
Venus in 2nd house women always have people buying them things bro. They don’t even have to ask and men will be buying them expensive gifts or paying for their food or trips. Definition of pretty privilege.
Mars in Aquarius like very eccentric things in bed. It’s almost like they enjoy the opposite of what should be expected in bed. Like the women would like to take normally the male role in bed and vice versa a man with this placement could like a very submissive role. The weirder and more out of place the more turned on they get. Can also be really experimental they are willing to try anything once even if it’s outlandish.
Mars in Aries are usually natural athletes. They have amazing endurance and can become pros faster than most.
Virgo moons usually have bad stomach problems or eating disorders. They are also always giving unsolicited advice no one asked for. They feel this need to solve everything but it can come off as kinda judgmental.
Mars in Pisces are usually victims to bullying. They usually have a hard time asserting themselves and standing up so they get pushed around a lot easier by stronger more dominant energies.
Cap moons are always in denial of their feelings
Mars Square Venus synastry can be really awkward at times in a friendship. Theres this bizarre sexual and touchy tension usually that both aren’t fully comfortable with. The mars person can come off a little too strong and can treat the Venus as if they own them. This attraction can be one sided sometimes with the mars person wanting the Venus and the Venus getting repulsed and distancing themselves. I’ve seen the mars person get jealous if the Venus would hang out with others whether it be other friends or family. And if the Venus is dating someone else this can get really heated on the mars end. Venus will feel the attraction but I notice it’s not as strong.
Venus in 5th house synastry is soooooo flirty. These are those cheesy cringey couples that are always acting like little kids around eachother. It’s actually a really sweet placement. This person will be able to bring out your inner child.
Venus in Libras are always crushing on someone. They jump into relationships I think faster than people with Venus in Aries the only difference is that they can maintain longer term partnerships & don’t bore as quick (even if their feelings are a little superficial). They just don’t know what to do with themselves when they are alone.
Scorpio risings I notice get really strong reactions out of people (like Lilith/asc people) their words make others blood boil even if they really don’t say anything offensive or rude. Most people are jealous of their authenticity which is why a lot of Scorpio risings are quiet and not as willing to open up. People just hate on them so intensely for the littlest things. They also have this ability to know if people are genuine or not which can be intrusive to certain people causing intense reactions. They can see thru everyone’s mask which can make other feel uncomfortable to be around them. This is why they usually have few friends and the friends they do have are as authentic as themselves. Literal human lie detectors
Men that have a water sun with a water moon are BIG SIMPS
Cancer sun women will be passively rude to you if they don’t like you or are jealous of you. They won’t straight say it but they will say little comments in a nice way that’s actually really rude. Then usually play victim if confronted
Everyone’s crush in high-school was either a Scorpio sun or a Libra sun/rising. Tell me I’m lying
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jeonginsleftcheek · 3 months
Sweet Reunion
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pairing: hwang hyunjin x afab!reader
genre: fluff, smut, high school crushes to lovers au
description: your best friend since high school is getting married, throwing a lavish wedding in a private resort on the bahamas. a week of having fun, drinking cocktails, eating nice food and enjoying the luxurious resort await for you. the only problem is, you don't have a plus one. your friend has an idea that just might light up some old forgotten flames.
word count: 14.4k
warnings: switch!reader and switch!hyunjin, multiple sex scenes, semi-public sex, unprotected p in v (wrap it up), smut with feelings, fingering, creampies, oral (f and m receiving), shower sex, lots of praise and pet names, reader and Hyunjin are in love fr, squirting, face fucking, brief foot job and foot massage (lmk if i missed something)
important: for people with thalassophobia there's a scene of a night swim in the ocean
a/n: reader is depicted as chubby and with tan skin but you can imagine yourself however you want to!
i wanted to write romantic and infatuated hyune, hope you enjoy!🫶🏻
also sorry if the ending seems rushed asjksls
~check out my: Masterlist
"Look how pretty they came out!"- your best friend Nicki practically vibrates with happiness as she hands you her wedding invitation, wrapped in a baby blue envelope, gold details etched into the expensive material.
"It's beautiful, Nicki."- you smile.
"Open it, open it!"- she almost knocks the table over with how jumpy her legs are.
You chuckle at her giddiness and carefully open up the sealed envelope. The paper inside is also nice and feels expensive under your fingers, and golden letters are engraved into it, inviting you to witness the happiest day for Nicki and Josh, who've been high school sweethearts and your best friends for years.
You were more than happy to be a part of their beautiful love story, but you can't lie and say you weren't at least a little bit jelaous. You were still single, a few of your relationships never too serious, never growing into something more. Coming home to an empty apartment wasn't horrible since you didn't mind being alone but sometimes you needed comfort and arms wrapped around you, someone to be there for you and tell you that feeling sad and lonely sometimes is okay and normal.
But, you didn't want to wallow in your loneliness and bring down Nicki, even though you were pretty sure almost nothing could bring her down in this moment, in fact, you felt like you have to hold onto her so she doesn't fly up into the sky like a helium balloon with how excited she is.
"They really came out beautiful. You always had an eye for aesthetic stuff like this."- you smile at your friend.
"Thank you. For everything, you know. You helped me a lot with the wedding, and in general. I'm happy to have you as my maid of honor and I wouldn't dream of choosing anyone else for that."- she says as she holds your hand.
"God damn it Nicki, don't make me cry now."- you chuckle squeezing her hand.
"Sorry, but you already know the both of us will be like waterworks on my wedding. Better to get a head start already, hm?"- she jokes and both of you laugh.
"Also, I know you were worried about your plus one and not wanting to be dateless at the wedding."- she adds after your fit of laughter. "But you don't have to worry anymore."
"What? What did you do?"- you narrow your eyes at her.
"Well... I might've invited Hyunjin to be your plus one."- she smirks.
"Hwang Hyunjin?! The Hwang Hyunjin from high school?"- you start freaking out immediately.
"You're still in contact, right?"- she asks.
"Well, we text sometimes for birthdays and Christmas, and like each other's posts on Insta. You do know I had the biggest crush on him, right?"
"I do, that's why I asked him."- your friend wiggles her eyebrows.
"And he's okay with that?"- you swallow, butterflies swarming in your stomach at the thought of Hyunjin, something you haven't felt for years.
"He sounded happy to me."- Nicki keeps smirking.
"You actually called him?"- you chuckle in disbelief.
"Josh and I still talk to him sometimes too. I was gonna invite him anyway. So why not as your plus one?"
"I will literally faint when I see him in person."- you say.
"Oh, I hope you don't because he's walking towards us right now."- your friend announces, waving as the door of the diner open.
"He- what?!"- you snap your head towards the sound and see Josh walking with Hyunjin, both of them laughing.
Your jaw collides with the floor as you stare at your high school crush, you can't believe that he looks even more beautiful than he did back then. You're suddenly self-aware, cursing Nicki in your mind for bringing him without telling you first because you didn't even put on any makeup and it's unfair that he looks so good effortlessly, like it's normal and casual to roll out of bed looking like a god. Nothing is normal and casual about that. You also hate your choice for an outfit, only wearing some stupid old t-shirt and a pair of jeans you deemed clean, running out of your apartment this morning to what you thought was just a coffee with your best friend.
"Oh, hello Hyunjin!"- Nicki stands up and hugs him, patting his back.
"Hi, darling."- Josh smiles and Nicki gets instant heart eyes, even after so many years they were still in love with each other like they've literally just met.
"Hi, baby."- she cooes at him as they peck each other's lips shortly.
You stand up awkwardly, ready to shake Hyunjin's hand but he smiles sweetly at you and pulls you into a hug.
"It's so nice to see you, y/n."- he says as he wraps his arms around you and you swear you've stopped functioning. You barely register lifting your arms up and returning the hug. Hyunjin smells so nice, and despite the cologne he wears you can smell that distinct scent of him that made you feel drunk whenever he got closer to you in high school.
It's like you're 16 again, stealing glances at your crush during class, hoping he'll say hello to you in the halls, hoping you'll sit next to him during lunch. The nights you spent daydreaming about holding his hand, kissing his lips, the diary you kept that's full of Hyunjin's name and little hearts around it, all the memories flood back to you so vividly and you feel giddy and embarassed as you lean back.
Hyunjin still wears the sweet smile he always does, and you can see the tips of his ears reddening as his eyes take you in.
"It's nice to see you too."- you manage, your voice almost breaking from nervousness.
"This feels like high school, doesn't it?"- Nicki claps excitedly as the four of you sit down.
"Except I don't have the embarassing bangs I thought were the coolest shit ever back then."- you sigh, your cheeks warming up under Hyunjin's gaze that hasn't left you since he walked in.
"I thought they were cute."- Hyunjin says and you chuckle, your heart fluttering.
"And I got rid of my braces. Those were a pain in the ass."- Nicki sighs.
You spend at least an hour reminscing together, about your teachers, the shenanigans you got into, the first time you got drunk, gossip about people you knew from back then and you can't believe just how much of those memories somehow involve Hyunjin.
You're thankful for your friends as they made your high school experience less hard and embarassing, and more fun and filled with positive memories you can always think back on with fondness.
"Well, you two feel free to stay here but Josh and I have some more wedding stuff to get to. So, I'll text you later y/n."- Nicki winks at you and you wish you could convey through your eyes just how panicked you are to be left alone with Hyunjin already.
You feel awkward when they leave, and as you look up at Hyunjin he suddenly seems shy too as his eyes flutter away and then back to you again multiple times, his cheeks rosy.
"So, we didn't really manage to catch up."- he starts. "What do you do?"- he asks.
"Oh, I'm a veterinarian."- you say and Hyunjin smiles.
"You always wanted that. I'm glad you made your dream come true. Although, I had no doubts that you wouldn't."- he says, looking at you fondly and you melt into the chair you're sitting on.
"Thank you, really."- your face is warm again. "What about you?"
"I'm a painter. And a photographer. Mostly doing comissions and sometimes events."- he says shyly, like he's cautious not to sound like he's bragging.
"Look at you! You also made your dreams come true."- you say, smiling at him.
"Eh, I'm far from that. I still need to make a name for myself. I wish to own a gallery one day too."- Hyunjin says.
"You're being modest. Not many artists can say they live from their art. Plus, I believe you'll make it. I always did."- you confess, your heart hammering in your chest.
"T-thanks for believing in me."- Hyunjin smiles sheepishly. The tension between the two of you feels tangible, like you can cut through it with a knife.
"Thanks for agreeing to be my plus one."- you chuckle embarassingly.
"Oh, well it's my pleasure."- Hyunjin shifts in his chair, a slight smirk playing on his lips.
This is going to be interesting.
Nicki calls you that afternoon excitedly asking for details of your "date" with Hyunjin.
You tell her it wasn't a date, and after you tell her what the two of you talked about you almost shriek loudly into the receiver when she informs you that Hyunjin and you would be sharing a suite at the resort.
Nicki invited around 200 guests to her wedding which you thought was too much, but it's not your place to comment on it. If she wants to throw a big lavish wedding, she should do what her heart desires. But only about 20 of the guests, including hers and Josh's immediate family and closest friends were invited to come a few days earlier and enjoy the pre-wedding activities and the luxurious resort fully.
This ofcourse includes you and your plus one, with whom you'd be sharing the suite.
"And you didn't tell me this earlier because?"- you pace around your living room.
"Because I knew you'd be freaking out."- she laughs.
"I'm not freaking out."- you say, trying to sound calm.
"Yes, you are."- Nicki chuckles.
"Yes, I am! You want me to basically live with Hyunjin for almost a week?!"
"Y/n, this is a great chance for igniting some old flames. Obviously everyone knows you two were head over heels for each other except the two of you. Which is so funny in retrospect. Like how you'd stare at Hyunjin and sigh dreamily. And then he would stare at you every time you looked away. We actually had bets on who'll make the first move."- Nicki tells you and you can't help the chuckle that escapes your lips at the silliness from high school.
"I guess all of you lost because neither of us made a move. I didn't think he ever saw me that way. He's you know... Hyunjin. And I'm me."- you sigh, sitting down on your couch.
"What is that even supposed to mean bestie? Don't start with the pity party because Hyunjin would literally kiss the ground you walk on even now. Didn't you see the way he was looking at you?"- Nicki says.
"Don't exaggerate! I did see it but maybe he was looking at me like that because he didn't see me in a long time and-"
"Y/n, face it. Hyunjin and you have some feelings left from high school that need to be explored. Don't feel nervous and trust me. As soon as we come to the beautiful resort, as soon as you drink your first cocktail and take a swim in the ocean, you'll be seeing things differently. You need to loosen up. We all do."- Nicki sighs happily.
"I hope you're right. I'm honestly kinda excited."
"You better be more than kinda excited for my wedding!"- Nicki threatens you jokingly.
"I'm beyond estatic for you."- you chuckle, shaking your head even though she can't see you.
You can't sleep the night before the flight to the Bahamas. You checked your suitcase like a hundred times, making sure you packed everything you'd need for the trip.
You decided to also pack some cute lingerie just in case and since it was the Bahamas and you were basically gonna let loose as your best friend said, you packed the skimpiest bathing suits and the shortest dresses you had. Hoping in your mind, Hyunjin would be the one to take them off of you.
You slap yourself internally, annoyed at how far you're already thinking about Hyunjin in all kind of unholy scenarios when the two of you had barely just begun hanging out again.
You toss and turn in bed in anticipation, unable to sleep almost all night, your alarm blasting at 6am. You arrive at the airport feeling like a truck ran you over and meet up with Nicki and Josh, and their family.
Hyunjin joined you not too long after you came and again he looked like a model for a luxury brand who just woke up looking perfect. You felt a bit embarassed but what was making you even more nervous is that he hasn't taken his eyes off you yet again.
You made small talk while waiting for the plane, like there wasn't a break in your communication since high school ended. Being next to Hyunjin and talking to him felt so natural and weirdly normal.
Sitting in the plane next to Nicki and a few other close friends, you listened to music and daydreamed about all the possible romantic scenarios that could happen between you and your high school crush.
You were ready for almost anything.
As soon as you leave the airport and arrive at the resort, you already start feeling like another person. The air is different, better, more fresh. Everything looks more vibrant than the dull city and the resort looks expensive as fuck and you feel excited to be at a place like that, knowing that even with your decent pay you could never afford something like this, especially for a huge wedding.
Not that you wanted a huge wedding like your friend did, on the contrary, you'd rather have a small and intimate ceremony with just a few people who matter the most to you.
You scoff at yourself, thinking about a wedding when you can't even have a serious relationship.
"What is it?"- Hyunjin appears next to you with a smile and you shake your head quickly, cheeks heating up from how close to you he's standing, his shoulder brushing yours.
"Nothing, just thinking how expensive this place looks."
"Probably costs an arm and a leg."- Hyunjin nods, looking around.
The staff welcomes you, taking your luggage and bringing it to your rooms, with Nicki and Josh at the front, probably making sure that everything is okay with the reservations.
"Your suite is number 14."- Nicki strides towards you with a keycard, a smirk on her face as she looks between you and Hyunjin.
"Thanks."- you chuckle at her expression as you grab the keycard.
"We're gonna have so much fun! We should all freshen up and then meet up for lunch."- Nicki smiles at you and Hyunjin, and your other friends who are all couples.
Everyone agrees to meet up in the lobby in an hour and you make your way to the suite with Hyunjin.
The walk is comfortably silent but your heart is beating loudly in your ears. Being alone with Hyunjin and a bed brings all kinds of dirty thoughts to your mind.
As soon as you walk in, both you and Hyunjin gasp. The suite isn't just a room, it's like a small apartment. There's a huge bathroom, kitchen, living room, balcony and a jacuzzi in the yard.
"This is insane."- you whisper in disbelief.
"I've always wanted to go to a place like this."- Hyunjin admits.
"Me too, honestly. Like I'm not that fancy as a person but just sometimes you wanna drink expensive champagne and sit in a jacuzzi, you know?"- you say and Hyunjin laughs.
"Ah, to be rich and without worries."- he sighs dramatically as you two look around, finding your luggage neatly placed next to the closet in the bedroom.
"Well, we can pretend we're that while were here."- you say and Hyunjin agrees with you.
Both of you start unpacking as you glance at the bed, it's a decent size to where both of you would fit and it makes something stir in your gut. Hyunjin notices you staring at the bed.
"If you're uncomfortable, I will sleep on the couch, I really don't mind."- he smiles at you.
"What? No way, I'll sleep on the couch."- you say and he snorts.
"There's no way I'd let you do that. I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing you're cramped on that couch, no matter how soft it looks."- he says and you feel your face heating up again.
You can't believe the words that come out of your mouth next.
"We can share the bed."
Hyunjin looks surprised, his eyes widdening and lips falling open silently as he tries to answer. His cheeks are pink as he smiles.
"Alright. If you're okay with that, I'm okay with it too."- he says.
Both of you continue unpacking and talking and Hyunjin insists you take a shower first while he waits like the gentleman he is.
You grab your shower stuff and a change of clothes and head for the bathroom.
As soon as you walk into the huge shower, you're confused. The shower looks more like a spaceship with buttons you don't understand, it's fancier than any shower you ever used you have no idea how to turn it on.
You play on luck and press a button, making hot water spray over you and you shriek as it burns your skin, quickly turning it off by pressing the same button.
"Y/n, are you okay?!"- you hear Hyunjin's muffled voice on the other side of the door.
"Ugh, yeah, just a sec!"- you call out, walking out of the shower and grabbing the robe that the resort staff left in the bathroom.
You quickly put it on, tying it and trying to cover up as much as you can before you open the door.
Hyunjin's face becomes deeply red as he gives you the elevator eyes, taking your appearance in.
"This is embarassing but I don't know how to turn on that shower."- you say quietly as Hyunjin stands there, catching flies with his mouth open, eyes lingering on your cleavage.
"Oh. I'll- I'll check it out."- he says and you step aside, letting him come in.
It's awkward as he fiddles with the buttons while you peer at what he's doing, standing behind him on your tippy toes.
He presses a few buttons and both of you scream as soon as the water starts spraying from the ceiling, bursting out in laughter the moment you lock eyes with each other.
"This is a shower running on quantum physics."- Hyunjin says as he fiddles with the buttons again. "But I think I get it."- he finally manages to adjust the water.
You step in closer and Hyunjin explains which buttons he pressed and how to control the temperature.
"Thank you."- you say, embarassment seeping into you once again.
"Yeah, no problem. I'll... leave you to it."- he steps out, and you try to calm your breathing, with the prospect of having Hyunjin in the shower with you dancing around in your mind.
The shower is big enough to fit two people, especially if they wanna do certain activities. You scold yourself as you do your skincare, thinking that you must be really touch deprived to be this horny. Or maybe it's just Hyunjin's fault, for looking that good and being so sweet.
By the time lunch comes around, you are so hungry you can barely think.
You meet up with Nicki and Josh on the terrace of one of the resort's restaurants, and the view is simply breathtaking.
The ocean kissing the sand looks alluring and it invites you to dive in and find out all the secrets it hides. You briefly forget about your call to the ocean as Hyunjin brings out your chair and smiles cutely at you, his dimples showing as he looks at you through his sunglasses.
"Thanks."- you mutter and sit down.
Two other couples join you and everyone starts conversing about how beautiful the resort is. Nicki asks about the rooms and you tell her about the confusing shower to which she laughs, saying that it's some new technology and that she would love to have a shower like that installed at home.
You order your food, ready to even eat the plate with how your stomach is growling.
"So, how long have you and Hyunjin been together?"- Sophia, Nicki's friend from work, asks you as you eat the delicious food and you almost choke on the bite in your mouth.
"W-were not together. Were just... friends."- you say hesitantly, unable to look at Hyunjin, missing the look of embarassment and disappointment on his face.
"Oh, sorry."- Sophia makes an awkward face.
"Friends. For now."- Nicki smirks.
"Nicki!"- you smack her arm and she laughs like she just said the funniest joke.
Josh reads the awkwardness between you and Hyunjin and quickly changes the theme to all the things the resort offers.
You steal a glance at Hyujin and he seems to be contemplating something, deep in thought as he stares at the ocean. You wonder if it calls to him too.
"I wanna swim in the ocean."- Hyunjin says suddenly, like he can read your mind.
"Me too."- you agree immediately and he looks at you like he didn't realize he said that out loud.
"We should all go swim-" - Sophia starts but Nicki kicks her under the table making her gasp.
"No, no. There's a thing I wanna show you, Soph. You know."- Nicki nods towards the two of you as you talk quietly and Sophia realizes Nicki's plans.
"Oh. Yeah, I know."- she nods quickly.
"So, should we go to the beach?"- you ask Hyunjin after you get back to your room from the lunch, feeling a pleasant buzz from the good food and a few drinks you had.
"I was thinking more of a night swim."- he smiles mischieviously.
"A night swim? Isn't that kinda scary?"- you ask.
"I think it's exciting."- he says, looking at your every move as you take the bottle of wine in the kitchen and take out two glasses.
"Have you ever tried it?"- you ask him, struggling to open the wine.
"A few times. You?"- Hyunjin asks as he makes his way towards you.
"No, never."
"Do you want to?"- Hyunjin's breath hits the back of your neck as he suddenly appears behind you.
Shivers run down your spine as his arms wrap around you but his hands reach for the wine bottle you're holding.
"Let me help."- he whispers.
"I want to. I mean go on a night swim. But, I'd like to try the jacuzzi first."- you swallow as Hyunjin manages to open up the bottle with a pop.
"Sure, I'd like that too."- he smiles as he steps away from you, like he wasn't just all up in your private space leaving you hot and bothered. "We can do whatever we want to, really."- he adds, and you look at him trying to read his mind but all you get is him looking at you warmly, like you're the most beautiful and precious thing he's ever seen, you can even swear there's a twinkle in his eyes as he smiles at you.
Is he flirting with you?
You're sure at this point that you're feeding into your delusions and you turn around to pour two wine glasses.
"Here. To Nicki and Josh."- you say and Hyunjin chuckles as he takes the glass from your hand.
"To Nicki and Josh."-your glasses clink together. "And to us."- he adds and your chest flutters.
"To... us."- you nod and both of you take a sip.
The sun is just starting to set as Hyujin lowers himself into the jacuzzi, waiting for you to join him.
You're in the bathroom, trying on your third bathing suit and checking yourself out in the mirror.
You're usually not this self-aware but you saw how toned and lean Hyunjin's body is and looking at your slightly chubby figure, you wonder if he'll like the way you look. You always said you'd be damned if you ever let a man's opinion on your body change the way you see yourself but Hyunjin looks at you with such intensity that you're scared he will see all the flaws clearly.
Ultimately, you decide on the first one, a white bathing suit with gold details that compliments your tan skin, and you finally gather the courage to actually walk out of the bathroom. As soon as you step out into the private yard, Hyunjin looks up at you. You catch the quiet gasp that leaves his lips, redness spreading on his cheeks all the way to the tips of his ears and down his neck. He barely conceals the smile that breaks out on his face.
"I like your bathing suit."- he says as you step into the jacuzzi slowly, and he mentally slaps himself for saying that instead of telling you that you look like the most beautiful goddess he has ever seen.
"T-thank you."- you chuckle as you quickly sit down into the water. Hyunjin turns away from you, a smile still playing on his lips as he grabs your wine glass from before and passes it to you.
For a few moments, all that can be heard is the sounds of the swirling water in the jacuzzi and the light jazz that Hyunjin probably put on coming from the room, as the two of you admire the orange and pink hues painting the sky above the ocean.
"So, do you still dance?"- you ask him, after taking a few sips of the wine.
"Oh yeah, in my free time. What about you? You used to like dancing too."- Hyunjin tilts his head at you.
"I did. I mean, I do like it, I just don't have that much time anymore. Plus, I wasn't really good."
"That's such a lie!"- Hyunjin chuckles. "You're a great dancer. Almost as good as me."- he jokes with a smirk.
"Yeah, almost."- you chuckle with him.
"So, what takes up all your time except work?"- Hyunjin asks, and you notice he's sitting closer to you now.
"I do volunteer work too, I help out at animal shelters and such. It's hard for me to resist helping animals in need. I don't have the heart to turn the blind eye."
"That's really sweet of you."- Hyunjin smiles. "So, basically you work all the time."- he chuckles. "No significant other?"
"If there was, they'd be here with me now."- you say and feel Hyunjin's thigh slightly press against yours under the water, making your core throb immediately. "W-what about you?"
"Still waiting for the one."- he smiles at you, his arm sneaking behind your upper back.
"Forever the romantic soul, huh?"- you chuckle nervously, he's so close to you.
"Do you believe in love?"- his eyes roam all over your face like he's analyzing it and it's hard to focus and not be on edge when you can literally count his eyelashes and when he's asking questions like that.
"Ofcourse I do. Honestly, I'm just a little disappointed with love right now."- you sigh.
"Bad experiences?"- he asks.
"More so bland than bad."- you answer, and Hyunjin goes silent for a few moments.
The sun has almost completely gone down, leaving your faces illuminated by the fairy lights in the garden.
"You know... I have something to confess."- Hyunjin says suddenly, his knee resting on yours and he's even closer now.
"Y-yeah?"- your voice trembles.
"I had the biggest crush on you in high school."- Hyunjin says, his eyes softening.
Your brain short circuits as you try to process what he just said. The biggest crush of your life, the one you pined over for years, the most beautiful and sweet man you've ever met felt the same way about you?
"Y/n?"- Hyunjin says unsurely as you stay quiet.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't... I never knew you felt the same way as me."- you accidentally say and Hyunjin looks at you, before he realizes what you said and his eyes widden as he gasps.
"You had a crush on me too?!"- he asks, seemingly excited.
"Come on, Hyun. Everyone had a crush on you in high school. People called you Prince. It's not exactly news."- you chuckle awkwardly, trying to ignore the way your heart is beating fast.
"I don't care about everyone. I care about you."- he says, his cheeks rosy. "I never thought you'd feel the same though."
"Me either. Actually, Nicki told me that everyone knew. And that they made bets on which one of us will make the first move."- you chuckle and Hyunjin laughs.
"Our friends really are something."- he says. He looks like he's about to say something again but you feel so nervous that you get up abruptly.
"I feel like I'll melt into the water if I keep sitting in the hot tub. I think I'm gonna take a shower and go to bed. I need to catch up on some sleep."- you talk quickly as Hyunjin looks at you, the look on his face slightly confused and a little bit dejected.
You basically run away from him and lock yourself in the bathroom. You try to catch your breath first, thinking what the fuck just happened in there?
Hyunjin's confession coupled with his body so close to yours intoxicated you more than the expensive wine ever could. You needed a cold shower.
You leave the bathroom on your tippy toes, dressed in your night gown and ready for bed.
You hope you can avoid Hyunjin at least for tonight, while you gather courage to face him again tomorrow and your plan is to get into bed and act like you're asleep if he asks you something or tries to talk to you.
You know it's childish but the figurative butterflies in your stomach are making you nauseous each time Hyunjin smiles at you.
"I'll go get ready for bed."- your plan is interrupted as Hyunjin appears seemingly from out of nowhere, grabbing his clothes.
You sigh and sit in bed, grabbing your phone and checking your messages. You see that Nicki had texted you asking how's it going with your 'lover' and if you're getting any 'action'.
You snort at your phone, quickly typing out an answer that he isn't your lover and that there is no action whatsoever.
You toss your phone aside and lay down, your muscles instantly relaxing into the bed, and you think how it's definitely the most comfortable bed you've ever touched.
You hear Hyunjin shuffling towards the room and he walks in wearing only his boxers, his hair damp from the shower and you swear your heart skips a beat or two.
"I'm actually feeling tired now. I think the plane and change of scenery are finally catching up to me."- Hyunjin talks as he gets under the covers and you wonder why this feels so casual like it happens every single night, like you're a couple that has been sleeping next to each other for years.
"Yeah. I'm barely awake."- you answer, your eyelids becoming heavy despite the fact that Hyunjin is laying next to you half naked and you can feel the heat radiating off of his body, inviting you closer to him, making you wish you could melt into his arms.
"I wanted to show you some of my recent art but we can save that for tomorrow. I'd also like for us to continue our talk."- he whispers the last sentence.
"What talk?"- you ask, already falling asleep.
"About our feelings."- you think you hear him say, but you can't fight the sleep anymore.
There is an arm around you. There is an arm around you.
Your eyes snap open and trail down towards your waist.
There is an arm around it, holding you tightly and there is a warm body attached to your backside.
You panic and then you remember where you are and who you're with and then you panic even more.
"Hyun?"- you whisper, trying to look back at him. "Hyunjin?"- you try again.
"Mmh?"- his voice is muffled, half of his face smushed into your pillow.
"I think Nicki wanted to see us for brunch or something."- you say awkwardly.
"Mm yeah, I'm awake."- he says, moving away and then you hear him gasp. "Oh my god, I am so sorry for getting all into your space and practically sleeping on you."- his face is red when you turn to look at him finally, and he looks even more embarassed than you are.
"I'm used to hugging my pillow every night."- he says sheepishly and you chuckle, deciding to tease him.
"Am I the equivalent to your pillow? Is that what you're saying?"- you smirk.
"No, no! You're way better than a pillow. I mean... you know what I mean... Nevermind, I'm gonna go get dressed."- Hyunjin rambles as he gets up clumsily, almost tripping over nothing as you stare at him and chuckle under your breath.
You can't believe you actually have that effect on him, and you also can't believe he looks so good when he just wakes up. It's like his lips look even more pouty than usual and you wish you could kiss those pretty lips until they're bruising.
And with the morning sun rays peeking through the window, you can see Hyunjin in all his glory and the sight makes your mouth water.
He grabs some clothes and you quickly look away as he turns around, busying yourself with your phone. There are a few texts from Nicki asking if you're up, and to come down to the restaurant you ate yesterday at for brunch. You quickly text her that you'll be there soon as the two of you get ready.
You didn't expect for Nicki to drag you and her other friends away from the guys claiming the girls need to go shopping and have some fun on their own. You're actually thankful for that because with the way your heart's beating fast the whole time Hyunjin is near you, you think you're seriously gonna have a heart attack.
"So, tell me, what happened last night with Hyunjin?"- she lowers her voice as she hooks her arm with yours, while you walk through the mall.
"Nothing happened. We talked."- you shrug.
"Boo! Boring! Give me some juicy details."- she shoves you a little and you laugh, shoving her back playfully.
"Well, we sat in the hot tub. Like real close."- you say and Nicki gasps. "And then Hyunjin told me he had the biggest crush on me in high school."
"Y/n!!! That is huge! I knew it, oh my god! What did you do?"- Nicki asks excitedly and you chuckle at her.
"I basically ran away and went to sleep."
She shakes her head looking like a disappointed mother as she narrows her eyes at you.
"You should've kissed him."
"Yeah, right."- you scoff.
"I'm telling you, don't miss out on a good thing."
You had a fun time with the girls, getting to know some of Nicki's other friends more, ofcourse with a cocktail or two in your hands because who cares, you're practically on vacation.
But your mind wanders to Hyunjin the whole time and you can't wait to be alone with him again.
He texts you telling you he came back to your shared room and asking if you're hungry to which you answer that you're starving. It's somewhere around dinner time as you walk into the suite, leaving the bags from your shopping trip in the living room.
A nice smell spreads from the kitchen making your stomach growl as you walk towards it.
You didn't expect to see Hyunjin in an apron, actually making dinner.
"Oh hey, you're back just in time. Dinner's almost done."- he turns towards you and smiles.
Your heart flutters when you see that the table is set, and there's flowers in the middle of it and a few candles and it all looks so romantic.
"I hope you like what I made. I'm not the best cook but I tried. I know we could go to any expensive restaurant here but honestly, I wanted it to be just the two of us."- Hyunjin rambles.
"Oh, it already smells really nice. I'm sure it'll be delicious."- you say, finally snapping out of your trance as you come closer to him. "Thank you."
"It's my pleasure."
The food is actually delicious, and the expensive wine adds to it, and the fact that Hyunjin cooked for you just makes everything much better and tastier. You both share how you spent the afternoon, agreeing that this is probably the most relaxed you've ever felt in your life.
Hyunjin remembers the night swim you promised him and you glance out the window at the almost completely dark sky.
"Let's do it."
Both of you get ready for the beach, giggling like little kids as you make your way towards it. You feel giddy and adventurous, like you're having an out of body experience cause there is no way you would do something like this usually.
You find a quiet part of the beach and sit down on your towels first, Hyunjin sitting close to you again, leaning on his arm that's placed behind your back.
He turns towards you and you can barely make out his features in the almost complete darkness while his eyes roam all over your face illuminated by the distant lights of a beach bar.
"I have to say, I'm so happy to be here with you. I'm happy that Nicki's and Josh's wedding brought us together again."- Hyunjin says quietly and you swallow as butterflies rise up to your throat.
"Me too."- you whisper.
"You have no idea how many times I wanted to just dm you on Insta and ask you to meet up."- he confesses.
"Really?"- you chuckle.
"Yeah. But I always chickened out, I don't know why. I guess it's because of the same reason I never asked you out in high school."
"Which is?"
"Which is that I always thought you could do better than me."- Hyunjin sighs and you can't help the scoff that leaves your lips. The Hwang Hyunjin was insecure next to you? What dimension did you fall into?
"That's absurd. I thought the same thing for you though."- you add and he laughs.
"We were dumb, both of us. But I hope we've grown and we know better now, hm?"- Hyunjin asks, his hand resting on your lower back, his eyes landing on your lips as he slowly leans in closer.
"I would hope so too."- your voice trembles as his leg presses against yours.
"Can I kiss you?"- he asks and you don't even answer verbally, you close the gap and your lips land on his.
He reciprocates immediately, his hand wrapping around you as yours tangles in his hair. Kissing his soft lips feels even better than you could ever imagine. You can't believe you're finally kissing your high school love, you feel like you're actually floating on clouds and also exploding at the same time.
Hyunjin's kiss is slow, purposeful and sensual until he gets drunk on you and then his kisses become more passionate and desperate, tongue prodding at your mouth. Your lips part to let him in, his free hand is on your cheek now as he angles your head to push his tongue in deeper and explore your mouth. You grip at his arm and his hair and Hyunjin grunts into you, the sound going straight down to your core.
"H-Hyunjin..."- you whisper as you part for air. He chuckles and then full on laughs as he leans his forehead on yours.
"You've no idea how long I wanted to do that."- he licks his lips.
"Same."- you say and he leans back and smirks.
"How about that night swim, hm?"- he wiggles his eyebrows as he takes off his t-shirt. You gulp and look around before taking your dress off.
You're in your bathing suit, but Hyunjin doesn't stop at his shirt. His fingers hook into his swim trunks as he stands up and slides them down, his dick in front of your face and your body feels hot as you gasp and turn away.
"W-what are you doing?"- you almost shriek and Hyunjin laughs.
"Swimming naked. Your turn."- he says and you look up at him. "I mean, don't feel pressured, you don't have to if you feel uncomfortable."
"I want to."- you bite your lip, your hands behind your back as you untie your bathing suit, letting it fall down. Your breasts spill out of it and Hyunjin's eyes are full of lust as he stares at them, wishing he could bury his face between them in that moment. You stand up and slide your panties down, now completely naked in front of Hyunjin.
Your heart hammers in your chest as he looks at you and you feel a little self-conscious.
"You're beautiful."- he smiles sincerely and you think you're gonna have that heart attack right about now.
"So are you."- you say and Hyunjin laughs sweetly as he grabs your hand, fingers intertwining with yours.
"Are you ready?"- he asks.
"I'm a little scared."- you say as you look at the dark ocean in front of you.
"I'll keep you safe, darling."- Hyunjin looks at you softly.
"Okay."- you say and the two of you get into the water, both of you screaming because it's cold but you're already in it so you wanna go all the way.
"Oh my god!"- you shriek as Hyunjin laughs and screams at the same time, his arms flapping around funnily.
"It's cold as fuck!"- you say.
"We'll warm up."- he swims closer to you, winking at you and you roll your eyes at him playfully.
"Something- something's touching my leg."- Hyunjin's serious suddenly and you panic a little.
"Don't joke around."- you warn him but he shakes his head.
"I'm not, I can feel something-" - he says and then screams as something tugs on his leg, almost pulling him under water.
"Hyunjin!"- you panic, trying to swim closer to him as he flaps around.
You're scared until you come close to him and he suddenly stops the dramatic flapping and gives you a dumb smirk.
"There's nothing, I was joking."- he says calmly and you smack his shoulder.
"You asshole! I was really scared for a sec! Why would you do that?"- you whine at him and he pouts at you, arms wrapping around your waist as he pulls you into his body.
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to joke around a little. I wont do that again, I promise. I'll make it up to you, please don't be mad."- he continues pouting as you try to ignore him, even though your arms are wrapped around his shoulders.
"Start making up for it now and I'll think about forgiving you."- you smirk and Hyunjin presses himself closer to you, your breasts pressed against his chest. He leans in and you make out in the water, forgetting about the cold and the fact that someone could catch you in that moment. You don't care about any of that, you only care about Hyunjin's arms around you and his tongue licking into your mouth.
"Let's get out of here."- you smirk and both of you swim back to the beach and get out of the water, still holding hands.
You sit on your towel and Hyunjin grabs his, wrapping it around the both of you. You start kissing immediately, feeling like you're finally making up for all the years of pining over each other.
Your limbs tangle together, hands roaming all over each other's bodies and both of you heat up again after cooling down in the water. Hyunjin's hands come up to cup your breasts and you moan into his mouth as he runs his thumbs on your perky nipples.
"Hyun..."- you moan, arching into his touch.
"I want you."- he whispers on your lips.
"Here?"- you giggle, caressing the back of his neck.
"Mhm. Here. I can't wait anymore."- he whines.
"Ah, me either. I want you too."- you say, your hands tangling in his wet hair.
"I have a condom in my pocket somewhere."- he tries to find his pants but you grab his hand.
"I want to feel you completely."- you say, your voice low as you look at him with eyes full of lust.
"Fuck... Okay darling, whatever you want."- Hyunjin says, his pupils blown.
He can't wait anymore as he lays you down, plump lips attaching to your neck, his hands massaging your breasts and you feel arousal drip between your legs, you need him more than you've needed anything in your life ever.
He bites down into your skin, sucking on it and you moan, gripping his bicep. Your hand slides to his wrist and you guide his hand between your legs.
"Touch me, please."- you whimper.
"Gladly."- Hyunjin whispers, his fingers on your clit immediately, massaging the bundle of nerves in circles as he kisses you again, his tongue playing with yours. He swallows every moan you release, your hips lifting up into his touch as he runs his fingers over your wet folds.
"So wet. All this for me?"- he asks as he leans back and looks at you, caressing your hair.
"Only for you."- you answer and he presses two of his fingers on your entrance, silently asking for permission as he looks into your eyes. You nod and he bites on his lip, slowly pushing his digits into you.
"Ah!"- you moan, nails digging into the towel below you as he pushes in deeply, curling his fingers to find that gummy spot that drives you crazy.
You spread your legs for him, his hand speeding up, the tips of his fingers hitting that sweet spot over and over again making you see stars. He scissors his fingers inside you, the wet sounds of your arousal melting into the sound of the waves crashing together in front of your heated bodies.
You spill your juices over his fingers as you arch you back and grip his wrist, pushing him deeper into you as you ride out your orgasm.
"Fuck, you're so hot babygirl."- Hyunjin groans before pulling his fingers out of you and putting them in his mouth.
"Mm."- he moans around them. "Taste so sweet."
"Please Hyun, I need you."- you whimper, grabbing at him and pulling him closer to you.
"You don't have to beg, sweet girl. I'll give you anything you want."- he smirks at you, stroking his cock before pushing between your folds slowly, his eyes staring into yours intensely.
You moan loudly, the stretch is delicious as he fills you up, sliding himself slowly into you so you feel every inch of his hard cock opening up your pussy.
"Mm you're so tight."- Hyunjin moans into your ear as he leans down closer to you, his hands resting on your hips. "Feels so good to finally be inside you."
"Ah, Hyun- move, please."- you whine, burning up for him and him only.
He starts slowly fucking into you as you wrap your legs and arms around him bringing him even closer to you, wanting your bodies to melt into each other like the sea foam melting over the sand. Everything disappears around you except the ocean and Hyunjin. He's deep inside you, his tip kissing your cervix repeatedly as your pussy stretches to take him perfectly, like it was made just for his cock. And as you rock together, you realize you love him, you've loved him for years and even though you never had a taste of him before tonight, none of the people you tasted before made you this hungry for them. No one could compare to Hyunjin, nothing could compare to the feelings running deep inside you, deeper than the dark ocean murmuring before you.
"Y/n, are you okay? Am I hurting you?!"- Hyunjin looks panicked and just then you feel the tears sliding down your cheeks.
"No, no. You're perfect."- you say and his eyes soften as he slowly starts moving his hips again.
"Then what's wrong, darling?"- he asks.
"I... I love you, Hyunjin."- you say with all your heart and Hyunjin practically melts, his face breaking into the happiest smile you've ever seen.
"I love you too, y/n. I've loved you for years. Don't cry, my darling."- he wipes your tears away.
"Make me yours, Hyunjin. Fuck me and make me yours."- you plead as you grab onto him desperately and he grips your hips, eyes rolling back as he starts fucking you faster.
The feeling of his cock splitting you apart, his hips slapping into yours, your mixed breaths and moans makes the sea inside you rise, the waves crashing over you as your hearts wild inside your chests, the ocean wilding together with the two of you, almost tickling at your feet.
"I'll make you mine, darling. Only mine."- Hyunjin groans, one of his hands on your breast and his mouth busy with your nipple as he fucks his cock into you harshly. You can't take anymore and with the crashing wave you snap and explode, squirting on his pulsating cock.
"Mm Hyunjin!"- you moan his name as he fucks you through your high, hips becoming sloppier before he twitches inside you, and then paints your insides with his warm cum, pushing as deep as he can to make you only his.
"Wow."- he breathes hard, leaning his forehead on your shoulder as you wrap your arms around him and hold him tightly.
"Wow indeed."- you say and he lifts his head up, giving you the cutest smile that reaches his eyes.
"I love you."- he whispers.
"I love you."- you whisper back and he pecks your lips gently, sweetly.
"Let's get out of here before we freeze our asses off."- you add and he chuckles, kissing your forehead.
"I really needed that warm shower."- you shiver under the blanket that Hyunjin found in the wardrobe.
"Same."- he says, sliding under the cover with you. "Are you still cold?"
"Mhm."- you nod.
"Come here, we'll warm each other up."- he says as he opens his arms and you roll into his embrace lazily making him giggle. You wrap around each other, limbs and hearts tangled together as you breathe each other in.
"I feel like I'm in high school."- you giggle, your fingers playing with the hair on the nape of his neck. His hand rests on your waist as he caresses you gently.
"Yeah, like were sneaking around from our parents after our curfew."- Hyunjin chuckles. "Oh, would you let me sketch you? Or maybe paint you even?"- he asks, his hand coming up to caress your cheek.
"You brought your supplies with you?"- you ask.
"I don't go anywhere without them. Just in case inspiration hits, you know?"- he smiles, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Okay, I'll be your inspiration then."- you smirk and lean in to kiss his soft lips.
"Remind me... to show you... some art tomorrow."- Hyunjin mumbles between kisses.
"Mhm."- you mutter against his lips, unable to detach yourself away from him. You wish you could stay like this forever, close to your Hyunjin, your lips attached to his like he was giving you air.
You have no idea how long you kissed each other like that before the two of you fell asleep, holding each other as close as you could.
The sunlight is almost blinding as it comes through the window, the warmness of it and of your lover's body so close to yours make you wanna spend the whole day in bed, wrapped in the blanket and wrapped up in Hyunjin.
His face is smushed into your chest, his arm and leg around you holding you tightly. You chuckle quietly, lips pressed to his forehead as you comb your fingers through his soft hair.
"Mm."- he mutters, nuzzling between your breasts.
"You having fun there?"- you poke at him and he chuckles quietly before rubbing his face on your skin gently.
"I don't wanna move."- his voice is slightly muffled and you giggle, knuckles brushing his cheek.
"Me either but we kinda have to get up."- you say.
"Says who?"- Hyunjin mumbles, leaving little kisses on the valley of your breast.
"Nicki. She wants us girls to go to the beach and then have a spa day."- Hyunjin groans at that, holding you tighter.
"So, you're leaving me again?"- he finally looks up at you and you chuckle at his squinty eyes and pouty lips.
"You'll have me later again."- you smirk.
"Okay, deal."- he nods, pouting at you cutely like he's begging for a kiss. You lean in, still smirking, so close to his lips but you stop there, waiting for him to react to your teasing.
Hyunjin whines and opens his eyes.
"Kiss me."- he pouts again and you chuckle, pressing your lips on his, both of you melting into each other instantly.
"I'll miss you until later."- Hyunjin whispers and your heart flutters as he caresses you everywhere he can reach, his lips on your skin.
"I'll miss you too."
"You what?!"- Nicki screams when you tell her the details of last night.
"Lower your voice, please."- you smack her arm as you look around the beach.
"You fucked on this beach?! You guys are more adventurous than I thought."- she wiggles her eyebrows with a sly smirk, pushing you playfully.
"We couldn't wait to get to our room so..."- you smirk and she almost screams again, both of you giggling like crazy.
"What else?"- she asks.
You thought about telling her how you've already confessed love to each other, but for some reason that felt so intimate to you that for now you wanted to keep that between you and Hyunjin.
You told her some other details and Nicki was estatic for you, as happy as you are for her and Josh. You talked about the bachelorette and the wedding, Nicki being so excited about all of it that she was practically walking on water.
You had a fun time actually swimming during the day, when you can see how clear the ocean is, the sun reflecting off of the water making everything look a hundred times more special and wondrous.
After the beach, you and the girls hit the spa, needing a self-care day and you tried all the different massages you had no idea even existed.
Feeling extraordinarily relaxed after the spa and yummy lunch, you were basically ready for a nap.
As you walk back into your suite, you hear some faint music coming from the balcony.
You follow the sound and peek out of the door, Hyunjin's sitting on one of the chairs, a sketchbook in his hands as he draws.
You lean on the door frame, staring at him fondly as his hand glides expertly over the rough paper.
"You can admire me from afar, but I think you'd like me better up front."- he smirks, eyes not leaving the sketch he's working on.
"Haha, very funny, Prince."- you say mockingly and he chuckles, looking up at you.
"I mean it, pretty. Come closer."- he wiggles his finger at you, you roll your eyes playfully but make your way to him.
"Closer."- he tugs on your arm gently as you stand in front of him.
"A little bit closer."- he adds as you start leaning in.
You smirk and tease him, your hands coming up to cup his cheeks.
"Almost there."- he whispers, your lips close to his and you give in and kiss him with a smile on your lips. His free hand comes up to hold the back of your neck as he deepens the kiss, breathing you in like you're his oxygen.
"What are you sketching?"- you ask when you part.
"I was sketching the sky but now that you're here, I'd like to sketch you."- he smiles.
"Alright."- you nod, sitting down on the other chair. Hyunjin pours you some lemonade, flipping his page as he gets back into his drawing.
You talk about anything and everything, he lets you look through his other sketchbooks and you admire how far he's come with his work. The drawings and paintings are more intricate, more heavy and emotional, deeper than the doodles he made in high school.
He seems proud of his work but also bashful, the paintings bare the artists soul to the world after all.
"Here."- Hyunjin gives you the sketchbook so you can look at his sketch of you.
"Oh wow, you made me so beautiful."- you say and he laughs sweetly.
"I draw what I see."- he smiles.
"Stop that."- you say embarassingly, your cheeks heating up.
"Never."- Hyunjin smirks and you shake your head at him.
"No, but really, all of your work is so beautiful. You really deserve to have it hung in a gallery so the whole world can admire it."- you say and Hyunjin's cheeks are pink as he leans towards you, his hands resting on your thighs.
"You're so sweet, you know that?"- his eyes fill with something you recognize as desire, the same look he gave you on the beach last night.
The nap you needed is long forgotten as Hyunjin starts massaging your bare thighs.
"Let's get inside."- you whisper and he smirks.
Teeth clashing and fingers digging into your skin, you clumsily make your way to the bed, kissing and bumping into furniture on the way.
Your hands slide under Hyunjin's shirt and you explore his waist and abs, fingers coming up to play with his nipples, your lips attaching to his neck. He groans, gripping at your dress as you suck on his skin, just below his ear.
"Mm, darling."- he moans and you slide his shirt up, signaling him to lift up his arms so you can take it off. You throw it somewhere on the side and push Hyunjin down on the bed.
He falls with a thud and a giggle, his face red as he looks at you like you're the sun itself.
You straddle him, leaning down to attach your lips on his skin again, worship his beautiful body as you kiss him everywhere you can reach, the sweet scent of him filling up your nose and taking over your brain.
Little grunts and moans leave Hyunjin's pink plump lips and you keep sliding lower, your fingers hooking into his pants as you kiss his abs.
He looks down at you with lust, lifting his hips off the bed and you slide his pants and boxers down, throwing them aside carelessly too.
Your hand wraps around his length, his pretty pink tip glistening with precum and you lean in and lick at it, making Hyunjin's eyes roll in the back of his head.
"B-baby..."- he whines quietly, legs spreading subtly and you smirk, wrapping your lips around him, your tongue playing with the sensitive underside.
Your hand is still wrapped around the base of his cock as you keep teasing him, moving slowly and only concentrating on his tip.
"Darling, more, please!"- Hyunjin whines, pushing his hips towards your face desperately and you oblige, gripping his hips to hold him still as you slowly slide down to take more of him.
"Mm, fuck!"- he whimpers as you start bobbing your head up and down, your hand working what doesn't fit in your mouth, your other hand fondling his balls, squeezing them gently.
Pretty moans and grunts keep spilling out of his lips as he struggles not to fuck up into your mouth harshly. You keep speeding up and trying to take as much of him as you can, you eyes watering when he almost hits the back of your throat, making you gag.
"Fuck, darling you look so pretty like that."- Hyunjin moans as you give it your all, sucking on his dick like it's the tastiest lollipop ever.
Hyunjin buzzes with arousal, legs shaking as his fingers tangle into your hair. You moan around him, sending vibrations through his cock. Hyunjin looks down at you with so much lust in his eyes that it makes you shiver.
You're almost sore but you don't wanna stop, not until you make him cum and it doesn't take Hyunjin too long to explode, his cum hitting the back of your throat, making you choke on it as you swallow as quickly as you can.
Hyunjin gasps and whimpers, his hand gripping your hair harder as you milk him dry. He shakes from oversensitivity and gently tugs at your hair.
"P-please... sensitive..."- he whines and you lift off of him, licking at your lips.
He leans on his elbows, his eyes fluttering as he shakes his head slightly.
"Let me return the favor, darling."- he says and you crawl closer to him, your lips on his, making him taste himself on your tongue.
"Can we- can we continue in the shower? I've always wanted to try that."- you say shyly, your face warm, your cunt wet and throbbing for Hyunjin.
"You're so naughty, babygirl."- Hyunjin smirks, hands wrapping around you and gripping your ass. You moan in arousal and embarassment as you accidentally grind against his thigh.
"Can we?"- you ask again.
"Ofcourse baby. Your wish is my command."- Hyunjin kisses you and you make your way to the bathroom, peeling your clothes off on the way there.
Both of you step into the shower, Hyunjin attaching his body to your back, his semi hard cock pressing into your plush ass as you fiddle with the buttons on the shower.
He gently moves your hair to one side, his lips on the back of your neck as he kisses you slowly and gently, his hands coming up to cup your breasts as he runs his fingers on your nipples.
You moan, relaxing into him as your eyes flutter closed, the warm water from the shower spraying on your legs.
Hyunjin slides one of his hands down between your legs, his fingertips finding your sensitive clit as he starts playing with it, pressing it in circling motions.
"Mm, Hyunjin please!"- you moan, leaning into his touch. He's all over you, playing your body like an instrument and you can't get enough of him, you just want more and more.
You grab his hands and turn around.
"You still wanna return the favor?"- you smirk.
"Yeah, yeah."- Hyunjin nods eagerly.
"Get on your knees."- you say and he looks surprised before he chuckles.
"Alright, I don't mind kneeling for you."- he smirks and kneels in front of you. A gush of arousal drips between your legs when you see such a pretty man looking up at you like you're everything to him and waiting eagerly to please you.
You hook your leg around him, your foot resting on his back as you bring him closer to your dripping cunt.
Hyunjin whines and buries his face into you, his tongue lapping at your sweet pussy greedily. His eyes are closed, long eyelashes fluttering, his nose massaging your clit in the right way as he buries his tongue deep inside you and fucks you with it.
"Oh my god- Hyune, ah!"- you moan, gripping his hair harshly and pushing his face further into you.
He moans and whines as he keeps moving his tongue expertly inside you, his eyes opened and staring up at you. The look in his eyes as he grips your ass makes you almost double over and you're sure you would slip and fall if he wasn't holding onto you. Your moans echo in the small space of the shower but in that moment you don't give a flying fuck about anyone hearing you. You can't help it as your hips start grinding on Hyunjin's face and his eyes flutter shut again as he lets you use him until you're almost screaming, the coil inside you snapping as you squirt on his face and lips. Hyunjin moans with you, cleaning you up with his tongue as you whimper, your legs shaking and ears ringing.
He leans back, smirking at you and you see that his dick is fully hard now again.
"So good, Hyune. So good."- you whine, grabbing at him as he slowly lifts up.
He leans his forehead on yours, his cock slotting between your hips, dragging against your wet pussy.
"I can't get enough of you."- he whispers.
"Me too. I need you, I need you inside me."- you gasp, rubbing your pussy against his heavy cock.
"I'll give it to you, babygirl."- Hyunjin smirks, eyes glazed over with lust as he grips the underside of your hips and lifts you up. You squeal and wrap your legs around his waist, the tip of his cock pressed against your entrance.
You move your hips towards his and he wastes no more time, lining up with you and pushing his cock in.
You groan, nails digging into his shoulders as he slowly pushes in until he bottoms out, his tip kissing your cervix, his cock stretching you deliciously again.
"So big."- you whine, throwing your head back and he chuckles.
"Hold onto me, darling."- he grips your ass, lifting you up slightly and then pushing you down on his cock again. You moan loudly, your arms wrapping around his shoulders as he keeps ramming you on his hard cock, hips fucking up into you at the same time, making your brain turn into mush.
He kisses your neck and grunts into your ear as you surrender completely, your head thrown back, eyes shut tightly, limbs completely wrapped around him, pussy stuffed with his cock.
You've gone delirious at this point and you can't even think or form coherent words, and you can see that Hyunjin's in the same state of disarray.
"Cum. Need to cum."- you whimper.
"Let go, babygirl."- he whispers into your ear and you release your juices all over his cock, making everything even more wet and slippery as you clench around him.
"Shit, ah!"- Hyunjin keeps pushing his cock harshly into you, burying himself as deep as he can and making a home inside you as he groans your name and spills his cum into you.
Both of you hold onto each other as you slowly move, riding out your high. Hyunjin's legs tremble for a second and he slowly pulls out and puts you down, his arms wrapped around you.
Your arms are wrapped around his waist, your bodies pressed together, your face buried in his neck as he caresses your head and you find comfort in his embrace and in the warmth radiating from his body and his heart.
You're sitting on your side of the bed, texting Nicki about some details for the bachelorette party tomorrow when Hyunjin joins you.
He slides on the bed comically, laying his head in your lap and poking at your arm to get your attention. You put your phone aside and chuckle at him.
"It's almost over."- you sigh.
"What is?"- he asks.
You put your hand in his hair and caress him gently and his eyes flutter, lips pouty.
"This wonderful dream. Soon, we have to go back to the real world."- you say wistfully.
"The good feeling doesn't have to end. We can carry it back with us."- Hyunjin smiles at you, grabbing your other hand and kissing your knuckles gently.
"You think so?"
"Mhm. Especially if... if you wanna give us a chance."- he looks at you hopefully, his cheeks rosy.
"Ofcourse I do. It's all I've wanted for years."- you smile and he chuckles in relief.
"Then we can continue dreaming together."- he sits up, hands cupping your cheeks as he kisses you lovingly, pouring his emotions from his lips to yours.
"You know, I have sketchbooks from high school that are full of drawings of you."- Hyunjin smiles bashfully as you lay down and hold each other.
"I have like 4 diaries worth of simping over you. Oof, that was so cringy!"- you cover your face in embarassment and Hyunjin laughs.
"Oh my god, that's so adorable!"- he says, pulling your hands away so he can look at you and you feel your face burning.
"Nooo, it's embarassing!"- you whine.
"You gotta show them to me."
"God, no!"
"Yes, please y/n! It's cute, we can laugh at it together!"- he pouts, batting his eyelashes at you.
"Alright, alright. You know I can't say no to that face."- you sigh and he smirks.
"Hehe, fun."- Hyunjin mocks and you roll your eyes.
"You're lucky I love you."- you say.
"Damn right I am."- he kisses you.
Between all the sweet kisses and the whispered words of love, you know this is what you were waiting for.
You and Hyunjin decide to wake up early the next morning so you can go to the beach before Nicki snatches you away for some girl time.
You cut up some fruit to take with you with Hyunjin hovering behind you the whole time, his hands roaming all over your body, pulling you into him.
You grab your towels and some other things you need before you skip down to the beach, holding hands.
It's pretty early when you arrive and the beach is not crowded, making it all feel more intimate as Hyunjin and you strip to your bathing suits and make your way to the water.
It all feels like a dream you don't wanna wake up from, the two of you relaxed and playful with each other, splashing around and racing each other.
You feel partly like a kid again, just enjoying the simple moments in life, that veil of wonder covering your eyes and making everything look beautiful and mystical again. And partly you feel like the luckiest woman alive when Hyunjin pulls you into his loving embrace, your heart giddy as electricity runs through you waking up every neuron inside your brain. If this is what being in love is like, and having your feelings reciprocated, you never want it to stop.
"Bestie, you don't understand how happy I am for you!"- Nicki squeals excitedly, throwing her arms around you and almost throwing you off balance.
You and the other girls are gathered in her suite, getting ready for her party, and you finally told her how you and Hyunjin already said 'I love you' to each other.
"You don't think it's kinda going too fast?"- you ask, biting on your lip nervously.
"God, no! You've been crazy for each other for years. It's about time you came clean with your feelings."
"I'm just worried, something that goes up fast usually crashes and burns down fast too."- you sigh.
"Don't be ridiculous. Those are years worth of feelings. You and Hyunjin were made for each other, and deep down you know that. Don't let any bad thoughts or insecurities make you believe otherwise."
"You always know what to say."- you chuckle at your friend. "But enough about me, let's get ready for your party!"- you add excitedly.
You decide to wear one of the lingerie sets you brought, lacy and almost see through, your mind already making up scenarios of Hyunjin taking it off of you. You put on a sparkly short dress that accentuates all your curves perfectly, your make up is sultry and smoky. When you finish with the final touches, you look into the mirror and feel so happy that the whole outfit looks even better on you than you've imagined.
The party is held in one of the resort's 'dance rooms', and there is so much food and alcohol around that you have no idea where to start.
It starts off with all of you taking shots and congratulating Nicki and as the night goes on, more alcohol is being poured into your glasses, there's laughter, tears and dancing as all of you celebrate Nicki's last 'free' night and the beginning of a new chapter in her relationship.
By the time you stumble back into your suite, you're a bit tipsy and not expecting Hyunjin to already be there. He peers from the kitchen as you shut the door too loudly on accident.
"Oh, Hyune. You're back already."- you make your way to him and he chuckles as he takes your hands in his.
"Are you a bit drunk, baby?"- he asks as you face plant into his chest and whine.
"Just a little bit."- you say, your voice muffled.
"Luckily for you, I just made some coffee."- he smiles and you lean back, wearing a stupid smile on your face, making him laugh.
"You're cute."- you coo at him, your palms on his cheeks, squishing them together and making his lips pop out.
"I think that's you."- he manages to say and you chuckle and kiss him.
"Drink some coffee."- he adds when you part.
The coffee is warm and just how you like it, the two of you sharing the love for the bitter taste of the dark liquid.
You end up on the couch as you sip on your coffee, some light music playing in the background as the two of you talk. Hyunjin's hand ends up on your bare thigh as he squeezes it.
"You look sexy."- he says, always so forward with his compliments and you feel arousal pool between your legs, already under his spell just from the way he looks at you and gently massages your thigh.
"Oh yeah? Are you gonna do something about that?"- you smirk, now sobered up.
"As a matter of fact I will."- he smirks back at you, grabbing your face and crashing his lips on yours, making you whimper as he bites on your bottom lip, his tongue licking at it. You open your mouth and your tongues dance together, battling for dominance until you let him have it and moan into his mouth. The muffled sounds and the shared kisses make you both throb for each other.
But Hyunjin has other plans in his mind, no matter how much he just wants to lift up your dress and fuck you into oblivion.
He leans back, his eyes dark and narrowing at you. You gulp as he slowly kneels in front of you, the carpet giving some relief to his bare knees.
"Your feet must hurt in these."- his hand covers the top of your foot in your strappy heels.
"Actually, they do."- you nod, catching your lip between your teeth in anticipation.
"Let me."- he whispers as he starts undoing your heel. He slowly takes it off of your foot, before his hands wrap around you and he starts massaging you. You gasp, having no idea how much your feet were actually hurting until Hyunjin started pressing his fingers into them.
You relax, leaning back on the couch as he takes off your other heel, his hands kneading your feet. You've never had a man touch your feet like that but the fact that it was Hyunjin, made your head float. You throw your head back, little grunts and moans of relief leaving your lips, as you spread your legs subtly, your panties now soaking wet.
Hyunjin notices your legs opening up and your body shivering a little and he leans in, one of his hands on your thigh and the other still holding your foot. You look down at him as he leans in, leaving kisses on your inner thigh and you whimper as he keeps touching you and kissing you. Your foot reaches down to press his erection through his shorts and Hyunjin jerks his hips up, gasping in surprise.
"Y/n!"- he whines and you smirk, massaging his hard cock with your foot, moving it up and down until you feel his shorts dampen with pre cum. Hyunjin has a death grip on your thighs, his nails digging into your flesh as his eyes close, brows furrowed and lips parted. Pretty groans and whines spill from his lips as you start circling his wet head with your toes.
"Fuck!"- he grips you harder, glassy eyes looking up at you.
"I didn't know you were into feet this much."- you smirk.
"P-please don't judge me."- he whines, his hips moving up into your touch involuntarily.
"I'm not judging you, baby. I think you look so pretty right now, Hyune."- you coo at him, your hand cupping his chin and making him look up at you.
"Mm darling..."- he whimpers as you speed up. "You better stop now cause I'm gonna cum."- he licks his lips and you chuckle, pressing into his cock harder before you move your foot completely.
Hyunjin seems on edge already and you feel proud that you can make him unravel with just your foot on his clothed dick. He slides his hands to the hem of your dress and slowly rolls it up, revealing your lacy panties.
"Fuck, sweetheart."- Hyunjin chuckles darkly. Before you can even say anything, his hands hook under your thighs and he pulls you closer to his face harshly, his nose and lips pressed into your lace covered cunt immediately.
"H-Hyunjin!"- you gasp as you grip at the couch, your heart leaping out your chest for a moment. He licks over your damp panties, making them even more wet. Your legs rest on his shoulders and you tangle your hands in his hair as he grips your ass, pushing his face into you.
"M-more, please!"- you beg and Hyunjin sneaks his hands between your thighs, spreading them apart before he grips your panties and rips them apart.
"Oh my god!"- you whimper as you peer down at his lustful face.
"I'll buy you new ones."- he chuckles and dives back in, tongue lapping at your juices.
"Mm. Don't care."- you moan, gripping his hair and holding him in place. Hyunjin closes his eyes and eats you out like a man starved as your legs close around his head, pressing him between your thighs.
You're going crazy for him, grinding on his face and he lets you take control as you keep fucking his face faster, chasing your release.
Hyunjin thinks his head is gonna explode with the strength you squeeze him with as you get closer, your moans getting more high pitched, movements getting more erratic and desperate.
"Ah, ah, fuck Hyune!"- you scream out as you cum, squirting all over his face.
Hyunjin seems surprised for a second and you feel a little embarassed.
"Shit, I'm sorry! I kinda lost myself in it."- you say, your cheeks heating up.
"God y/n, don't apologize. That was the hottest fucking thing ever."- Hyunjin licks around his lips and you feel your pussy clench around nothing.
"Really?"- you ask and instead of answering, Hyunjin stands up, taking his clothes off fast before he hovers over you and starts slowly sliding your dress off.
He loves the lacy bra you wore but he doesn't want any obstacles in his way so he snaps it open and takes it off of you, tossing it aside.
He leans down to kiss you, his lips pressing hard into you, bruising and making you taste yourself on his tongue. You grab at him desperately and he slides his arms under your thighs again but this time he lifts you up like you're as light as a feather. You whine and he sits down on the couch with you on top of him.
"I want you to ride me, darling."- he smirks at you, hands on your breasts, playing with your perky nipples.
"As you wish, Hyune."- your lips tremble as you grab his painfully hard cock, he gasps and pushes up into you, his lips parting as he stares at you.
You move his tip against your wet cunt making both of you moan as you lean in to kiss him and bite his pretty plump lips. You can't wait anymore and by the twitching of his cock against you, you know he can't wait anymore either so you sink down on him slowly.
He looks down at where the two of you are connected and groans.
"You take me so well, baby."- he praises and you mewl, slowly moving your hips in circles.
"Your cock was made for me, Hyune."- you lean your forehead on his and he breathes out a shaky breath.
"Mm yes baby, only for you."- he whimpers as you grab onto his shoulders and start slowly sliding up and down on him.
Hyunjin lets you set the pace as his hands roam all over your body, mapping you out, sketching you in his mind already.
You press your chest into his and the two of you kiss as he starts slowly fucking up into you, matching your movement. You fuck on each other slowly for some time before you need more, your cunt stretching more and more to adjust his length and girth and you need him harder, deeper.
You lean back and start bouncing faster on him, fucking yourself on his hard cock as he hits you so deeply, where no one has ever reached before. Your nails dig into his shoulders, and you throw your head back as you keep rocking on him faster and faster. Hyunjin looks at you mesmerized, his cock twitching inside you and he knows he wont be able to last much longer. The way you lose yourself in pleasure, your tits bouncing as your pussy takes him in deeply, keeping him wet and warm, clenching around him in a deathly grip has him counting stars.
He grips your hips and starts fucking up into you relentlessly, hitting your sweet spot with every strong thrust. You almost scream out in pleasure as you cum hard, squirting on his cock, the pleasure spreading through your body, from your head all the way to your toes.
Hyunjin grunts and moans your name as he throbs inside you, his cock twitching as he explodes, the warm cum spurting inside you and hitting your cervix pushing you over the edge again.
You collapse into his opened arms and you hold each other tightly as you come down from your high.
"You're gonna be the death of me."- Hyunjin whispers into your hair. "I don't mind it, though."- he adds and you chuckle, still trying to get yourself together. You slowly lift off of him and feel his cum drip out of you.
Hyunjin looks down and whines, his hand coming between your legs as he gathers some of his and your cum mixed together, and then brings his fingers to your lips. Your eyes flutter as your wrap them around the tips of his fingers and lick them clean, slowly and sensually, never breaking eye contact with him. You slide down taking more of his fingers in and sucking on them.
Hyunjin bites on his lips before slowly pulling his fingers away from you.
"I think we should sleep now, if we want to be awake for the wedding tomorrow."- he chuckles at your pouty face.
"What time is it even?"- you ask.
Hyunjin looks around for his phone that's also the source of music you've completely forgotten while the two of you were intertwined with each other.
"Oh wow, it's almost 4am."- he laughs and you gasp.
"Okay, you're right, we really need to sleep."- you say and the two of you clean up and get ready for bed.
"Tomorrow's the big day."- Hyunjin mumbles as you melt into his arms.
"Mhm. And basically our last day here."- you say, pressing your lips on his neck.
"We gotta use that to our advantage."- he wiggles his eyebrows, making you giggle as you look up at him.
"Sure, we will."
"I love you."- Hyunjin whispers, lips brushing your forehead.
"I love you."
Immediately after breakfast the next morning, you and Hyunjin had to start getting ready for the actual wedding.
He offered to help you style your hair and you helped him with his tie.
Your hands tremble in excitement as you tie it, Hyunjin's eyes never leaving your face.
"Too tight?"- you ask and look up at him.
"No, it's perfect."- he smiles, seeing you in the beautiful dress you had on makes his heart beat wildly in his chest.
You look him up and down, the sight of him looking so freaking handsome in a suit has you folding for him.
"You look unreal."- you say and Hyunjin laughs, throwing his head back a little.
"Really? Have you seen yourself, baby?"- he asks.
"Just take my compliment, okay?"- you chuckle.
"Okay."- he shakes his head, smiling fondly.
The setting of the actual wedding on the beach is ethereal, even though there were so many people and you feel a little overwhelmed, Hyunjin is there to hold your hand.
Both of you are glued to each other, you being a little anxious and him being an introvert, and you feel like you're still in this bubble where it's just the two of you there and no one else.
Nicki looks absolutely breathtaking, the smile gracing her face is probably the happiest one you've ever seen.
You and Hyunjin stand together on her side as she exchanges vows with her soon to be husband. Ofcourse, you can't help but start crying and Hyunjin puts his arms around you, comforting you with his gentle touch and whispers of love.
"Fyi, I want a small wedding."- you say between sobs.
"Oh?"- Hyunjin chuckles and you gasp.
"Ignore that. I don't know why I said that."- your face heats up as you wipe your tears away.
"Good to know. For the future."- he smirks, leaning into you and kissing your cheek.
Everything seems absolutely perfect, the weather, the food, the music, the overall vibe feels impeccable. Especially after the first dance of the newlyweds, when the dancefloor opens for everyone else, and Hyunjin takes your hand in his leading you out to dance under the stars.
It's cliche but you feel like your feet aren't even touching the ground as you glide with your lover, it's like you're floating on air and the rest of the world doesn't exist.
"What happens when we go back?"- you ask, a sudden nervousness washing through you.
"I was hoping you'd be my girlfriend and we can continue loving each other just like this."- Hyunjin smiles, his eyes shiny.
"I love the sound of that."- you smile back at him and lean up to kiss his lips.
You hope the feeling of weightlessness with Hyunjin lasts forever.
(Hyunjin accidentally catches the bouquet later on and everyone teases you that you're next.)
Taglist: @moonchild9350 @janepg @velvetmoonlght
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a-hazbin-reader · 7 months
To move away from all the angst I’d like to request a VERY fluffy request please!
I don’t know if Y/N has given birth to their third child yet but if they haven’t what about like having really weird cravings late at night and waking Alastor up so he can make us what we crave
As we should
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
Tumblr media
TW: None, I think???
Description: ☝️⬆️
Your pregnancy cravings never failed to surprise Alastor with your first pregnancy but the second time around knocked him off his feet
The first pregnancy had you asking for some pretty strange but not totally disgusting combinations
Alastor was pretty sure he saw you trying to take a bite out of one of his tentacles once
Even then, he didn't think it was all that crazy that your body craved that
But this time? Alastor is worried that his unborn spawn is trying to kill you via poisoning
He just doesn't understand what he got himself into this time around because your cravings are HORRIFIC
You asked for things that made him want to gag but he never let it show, not wanting to upset you
Sure, he'll joke about it, but he doesn't want you thinking that you're disgusting because you have a craving that you can't help
Your hormones were an entirely different beast to tangle with, one pregnancy problem at a time
Alastor hadn't really had a need for sleep before but that's changed ever since his family started growing
Now he's waking up nearly every night out of a dead sleep to you, shaking his shoulder and asking him for some monstrosity to eat
You're whispering something to him but he's too tired to understand what you're saying
"Alastor... Darling... Wake up, I'm really hungry..."
Your persistent shaking of his shoulder begins to rouse him and he turns his head towards you, eyes still shut
"Hn... Hm..?"
He can hear the whine in your voice, some dreamy part of his brain thinking that you sound cute like this
"I really want to eat fried squid and strawberry ice cream...please..?"
The overwhelming disgust he feels at your request makes him wide awake, sitting up to give you a baffled look
"Why would you-HOW-Where would I even get that at this hour!?"
You blink and stare at him like it's obvious, then you put on a faux pout and rub his arm slowly, scooting closer to him
"Get it? No, I want you to make it for me...please..? You always make the best food..."
Stroking his ego always works for you, the poor man knowing his been got as he signs and gets out of bed, you waddling after him happily
He dutifully makes everything for you from scratch, your happy cooing behind him making it feel a little less ridiculous for him to be up and cooking at this hour
Alastor genuinely can't watch you eat it, having to look away to keep his gagging under control, even if you look like you're in heaven right now
When you ask for pickled peppers to dip into the rest of it is when he has to leave the room, what you're doing to food is monstrous
And he's a cannibal
Once he gets a grip on his stomach, he comes back to find you no longer alone in the kitchen, now feeding his darling twins some of your food
They make disgusted faces at the combination and instead try to take your ice cream, something that makes you laugh
"I suppose it is pretty gross, huh? Your poor papa can't even begin to wrap his head around these cravings~"
You smile and feed each of the twins a bite of ice cream before noticing Alastor, blushing at the fact that you got caught
"I walk away for five minutes and you're poisoning my children?"
You gasp and hug the twins close to your body, making a shocked face as you pretend to be flabbergasted
"Poison? MY babies just wanted a little treat before they went back to bed..!"
The way his twins turn to stare at him with wide innocent eyes as they cling to you makes his heart melt at the sight
"Is that so? Well, they've had their treat, and now it is time for little fawns to go back to bed~"
At first they put up a fight, whining and climbing you until you threaten to give them another bite of your midnight snack, pushing a bite in their faces
Suddenly, running into papa's arms and going back to sleep doesn't seem as bad to them now
Together, you two manage to get your children back to bed before laying down in your own bed, cuddling close to each other
Alastor is rubbing your baby bump and nuzzling the back of your neck, soothing you back to sleep
You're practically purring from all the attention, stomach full, muscles relaxed, and your husband wrapped around you
"Mn...thank you for the food, darling..."
He can't help but chuckle as you put your hand over his own, your cravings finally subsiding and allowing you to sleep
"I'm not sure that concoction qualified as food, but you're welcome, nonetheless, my dear~"
You elbow him playfully as he kisses your neck, less than amused by his jabs at your pregnancy cravings, you couldn't help it
"Maybe you should sleep on the couch."
"So sorry, darling~"
He doesn't even try to sound a little sorry, instead pulling you closer as you two fall asleep together, blissful
The next night, when you ask for something even worse than before, Alastor gets up and is ready to do it all over again
He thinks your cravings are horrific and probably doing damage to his sanity but he'll do anything for his wife
Especially when it's somewhat his fault you even want to eat these things
Even if it means making food combinations so terrible that if he died, he would go to double hell for it
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This one took so long I'm so SORRY
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year
They find out your hands are rated E for Everyone
Just me on my Goofy Shit-
Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Buggy, Mihawk and GNReader!
Support me on Ko-Fi
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Luffy had been in your families restaurant with his crew, all of them eating and enjoying themselves. As a part of the waitstaff you made your rounds- Stopping when a customer was being rather mean to one of your peers.
"Excuse me what seems to be the problem?" You ask sharply, Pulling the crying waitress behind you.
"Problem!? That stupid fucking waitress told me that you can't do the simplest thing of switch out the baked potato with shrimp!?" The man yelled angrily. Your face twitching at his screaming-
"No we don't, Plates come as is- If you got a problem with it you can leave" You say calmly, ready to just have him escorted out till he smacked you across your cheeks.
"Go Get me your Ma UGGHHH!!" You punched hum right in his fat stomach in an instant, watching him crash into the table of food 6ft away with a single blow. The whole Strawhat crew sewing this and was blown away by the force on one punch!
Luffy smiled brightly at this- You were just what he needed on his crew. Those punches he knew could be devastating and needed on a ship. Waving you over with a grin.
"You're a wonderful Fighter! Wanna be apart of my Crew?"
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Sanji had taken one hell of a liking to you- You didn't know if it was because he was a natural flirt or possibly just that you had a charm to you- But quickly it was lime two partners in crime.
As Partners in crime you two would shop together the most and pick out what the menu would be.
"We should do the Curry tonight and the seafood pasta tomorrow since we will be closed to Shrimp Bay tommorow" You argue with Sanji who laughs you off with a wave. Insisting he knew better of what to make.
As you two walked tou saw a women who looked at the two of you in disgust and sneered specifically at you. Ignoring the look you wanted to just walk past. However she intentially shouldered you rather hard and You heard it- as the Snooty women passed you by.
"(Insert Slur)"
Before you whipped around like a rocket and punched her square in the jaw sending her stumbling to the side with a past and shriek. Sanji staring in shock at this as he saw how hard that punch was-
Sanji knew then, He had to either Date you or pray you find his flirting funny cause he could not take that level of ass whooping.
"You know what- We can make that Curry like you want"
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You and Zoro have become rather friendly since you joined the crew- he had warmed up to you faster than others had mainly due to how kind you were and open.
The crew had stopped on a small island to restock supplies, you and Zoro going together to get some toiletries and to keep Zoro from getting lost again-
As you two were walking holding the supplies needed for the ship and talking, when you felt it. A quick and hard slap to your left ass cheek which almost made you drop your supplies, turning around quick you saw a women and her friends laughing as they passed by- Clearly having been the ones who had done so.
"(Y/N)? What was tha-" Zoro tried to ask before his eyes widened as you proceeded to punch the girl square in the nose- Her screaming out loudly as you wooped her ass right there in the Market for all to see. Zoro just watching with what can only be described as a amazed look on his face. When you returned he smirked.
"That was one hell of a punch"
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You and him are sitting at a bar together on a date, You two had been dating for a short time but it was amazing to say the least.
Sharing drinks and nice conversation. Flirting back and forth with each other it had been a lovely time to say the least- That was till a drunk came stumbling towards you two.
"Man what's with the tomato on your nose!! Ha!!"
"Does it glow if you touch it? Is it real? Hahaha"
He started to laugh at his own jokes as Buggy eyes darkened.
Buggy face twist up in anger at hearing this, ready to rip apart the man himself- However his train of thought is stopped as you stood up suddently and gave the hardest right hook he had seen in his life.
You proceeded to quite literally beat the drunkards face black and blue right there in the bar and drag him outside like he was trash- Your face twisted up in anger and blood splashed with blood.
His eyes sparkled at such a sight- He knew right then and there. Not only was he just a tiny bit scared of you.. But he was defiently going to marry you!
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You and Mihawk had been very well acquainted with each other for a long time. He respected you and you him-
Today was similar to all others, He had been called to this Marine Base for an unknown reason- walking together side by side you
"I still can't believe they let monsters in the Marines..." You heard a young cadet hiss to his fellow peers.
You turned sharply at hearing this looking right at the Cadet.
"Care to repeat that Cadet?" You ask sharply, the others quickly shrinking away from your gaze however the stupid cadet stood up and walked straight up towards you two.
"I said- I still can't believe they let monste-" He was cut off by the hard rear uppercut you gave him, Hearing his teeth clatter as you began to beat up the stupid Marine.
Mihawk stared with his eyebrows raised, watching you beat the dog shit out of the Marine who dared to insult him. Typically he would have cut just the ignorant man down himself however this was more amusing to him.
Once you were finished and walking back over to him he pulled out a handkerchief to clean.your hands.
"That is very impressive Darling. Come, Id hate for a mess to be on your precious form"
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This is just a thought what about sick reader and Eddie takes care of her and acts like it's the end of the world they're sick because now he can't kiss her
Oh, he would be so upset he couldn't kiss you because you're sick. He'd try to sneak one in quickly as much as possible (Request are currently open)
Eddie munson x reader
Warnings: none, fluff sick reader.
A/n: Not proofread.
𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅 𝒂𝒔 𝑬𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒆 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘𝒔 𝒊𝒕.
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Your head was throbbing. Your nose burned from the number of times you had to constantly wipe it. You couldn't smell anything. Your skin felt raw. You could barely taste anything. Off and on, you'd feel icky like you had to throw up.
You felt okayish yesterday morning, but by that evening, that's when you really felt it. You were sick. Obviously. Not only were you sick, but you were sick and staying at your boyfriends home for the weekend. All the plans he made for you two are canceled. You hated being sick. You turned into the biggest baby when you unwell.
Eddie had been waiting on your hand and foot all night, and now, all day. He kept telling you he didn't mind it. But you still felt bad. Not only that, but you just really wanted him to cuddle you until you got better. He couldn't. You wouldn't allow him to. Instead, you made him sleep in the living room with Wayne. You didn't want to get him sick, too, so you wouldn't let him get too close.
You could hear Eddie's feet stomping on the floor getting closer. His voice yelled out to his Uncle Wayne about something. He had his metal music playing quietly out in the living room as he cooked you some lunch. You barely could smell anything. Your stomach growled. Food just right now didn't seem appealing. You knew eddie was going to make you eat a little something anyway to help you keep some strength in your body.
"Nurse Eddie reporting for duty!" He sang, kicking open the bedroom door a little hard."Oops."
You had your face covered with the blanket, trying your hardest not to spread your germs to everyone.
Eddie looked at you with a smirk. "Do I smell or something?" He joked.
You shook your head. "Nooooo."
"Then don't hide that pretty face from me." He smiled down at you, trying to hold in a laugh. You really were so cute when you're sick, he thought. "Got your soup."
He had a tray full of soup, toast, juice, and lots of tissues. You carefully sat up in bed. Your body felt weak, and your head was getting foggy. Your eyes were bloodshot and droopy.
"Thank you." Your voice croaked.
He sat the tray down over next to you on the bed. "it's no problem, beautiful."
You grimaced but didn't argue.
Eddie picked up the thermometer, and you instantly opened your mouth as he stuck it under your tongue. You waited a couple of seconds before hearing that beep.
"Hmm, still have a low fever." He gave a weak smile going in for a kiss.
"No, eddie!" Your raspy voice protests, and you pull away fast.
He frowns. "Awe, come on, it's just one little kiss. I'm dying over here."
"How do you think I feel?" Your voice kept going in and out the longer you talked.
"All I want is for you to cuddle me, but I don't want you getting sick too." You had a sad pout on your face as you crossed your arms.
"Sweetheart, I can still always do that, but you banished me to the unknown out there with Wayne. He spoke softly, setting the thermometer to the side.
"I didn't banish you." You frowned. "I don't want you to feel like I do."
His face softened, and his heart melted. If you would give in, he'd pull you into the tightest hug possible. He was so worried about you. Yes, it was only a little virus you had. That still would not be enough to keep him from worrying about you. Seeing you in bed looking so defeated broke him.
Eddie moved the tray closer in between you both, making it easier for him to reach everything. He picked up the spoon sitting in the bowl full of tomato soup. Your favorite comfort food. He stirred the spoon around before scooping up some of the soup. He brought it close to his mouth, lightly blowing on it to cool it off for you.
"Come on, pretty girl, open up." He continued speaking in a soft tone. He knew his voice was also soothing to you somehow.
You opened up, allowing him to spoon feed you. You didn't mind this. You were actually loving how he was taking care of you. The tomato soup was creamy and warm. It soothed your sore irritated throat as you swallow it down.
Eddie continued spoon feeding you your soup. Each time he stirred the spoon around and blew on it, cool it down for you. You watched his movements and how careful he was being with you. He kept his distance some what. You knew he was going to get sick, too. Even after all the trouble and fussing you did in order to prevent that from happening. You knew deep down it would.
"Kiss?" Eddie held the spoon over the bowl looking at you. His eyes pleading for you to say yes.
"Eddie, you can't kiss me." You whined and quickly covered your mouth to cough in the blanket.
"Just a tiny one. That's all I need. I just need to feel those soft lips on me for a split second." He pleads blowing on your soup.
"No." Your tone stern as you squint.
Now it was Eddie's turn to pout. He brought the spoon back to your lip for you to eat. "I can't believe this is happening to us."
He was being his over dramatic self again. You were used to it. You figured he would be after you kept denying him of a "simple little kiss."
Of all the years you and him have been together. Neither one of you has been this sick before. The two of you are not dealing with it well. The separation is killing you both. Even though he's only in the other room in the same trailer. The lack of physical affection is taking its toll. You wanted to cry. You were always very sensitive when you got sick.
"I can't believe it either. Who did we piss off?"
"Your mother." He mumbled under his breath.
He was just joking. Well, not really, but maybe a little bit. You heard him and shot a look before shivering.
He dropped the spoon into the half empty bowl. He looked proud at how much you ate since you wouldn't touch anything last night.
"You look so pitiful, baby. I hate seeing you like this." He took a napkin, dabbing some of the soup from your chin.
Eddie pushed the tray of food to the side and pulled the blankets up higher on your body.
"I really need a cuddle." Your eyes were getting heavy. Your throat was sore, and it hurt to talk. Your head was spinning so fast.
He gave you a weak smile. "I really need a cuddle too."
"I'm sick." You whispered, but it was a reminder of why he couldn't get in bed with you.
"I really want to kiss and cuddle that sad look off your face-" He looked over to the bowl of soup and back to you. "Make ya feel better"
"You can't right now, Eddie." Your raspy voice reminded him yet again.
He shook his head. You could see the prominent stubble on his chin. His eyes looked like he's barely slept, too. All throughout the night, Eddie snuck into his room to check on you. He'd put a cool cloth on your forehead. There were extra blankets draped over your body. He constantly checked to see if you had a fever by putting his wrist to your forehead. He was exhausted but didn't want to show it.
Eddie gazed at you for a moment. He saw how much this fever has taken out of you. If you were going to be sick, then so was he. He couldn't bear seeing you go through this alone. Yes, he knows he's not thinking rational, but he also doesn't care. He's an action and consequences, first kinda guy. Then he can think everything through after.
Without hesitation, Eddie picked up the spoon you were eating off of and stuck it straight in his mouth. "See, now I'm sick too."
"What the hell you can't do that." You tried to sit up, but your body was too weak.
"Ah, ah, lay back down, sweetheart." He pointed his finger. He picked the tray off the bed, placing it down on his nightstand.
Eddie got under the covers with you. He got right up next to you. You readjusted to lay on your side with your back pressed to his chest. His body heat instantly helping warm you up fast. You felt his hand go underneath your pajama shirt to rest on your tummy.
He gave your cheek a gently kiss. Then another one and another one. Soon, he was peppering your face with kisses all over. You started squirming around in bed, both laughing like crazy. He finally stopped, not wanting to make you lightheaded or anything.
"Jesus christ, ed-stop, I swear to God." You warned between giggles. That turned into a small coughing fit.
"There -" He patted your back while you coughed up a lung. "I feel sooo so much better." Eddie chuckled, cuddling up against your back.
"Buuut, you're gonna get sick." You whined and placed your hand on top of his as he pulled you closer.
"Then you can be my little nurse next." He gave you one last kiss to your temple.
You rolled your eyes. "Fine, I guess. Do I gotta wear that dumb nurse costume from Halloween last year?"
"Oh, you can bet your sweet ass you do." He sighed in content. "I love you baby, now get some rest."
"I love you too."
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togrowoldinv · 3 months
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Natasha helps you feel better when you’re having a bad day and dealing with cramps
Note: Just a soft little thing. Allusions to more mature things, but overall very soft fic. Hope you enjoy it!
Natasha Masterlist 1, Natasha Masterlist 2, Natasha Masterlist 3, Main Masterlist
You walk through the door and drop your shoulders with a sigh. It was quite possibly the longest day ever.
The morning started off decent, but by lunch you were hurting from cramps beyond anything medicine would fix. To make matters worse, your work day was dragging. Your manager was on your case and your coworkers were on your nerves.
“In here, babe!” You hear Natasha’s voice from the kitchen.
“One second,” you reply.
You slip off your shoes and drop your bag on the table next to the door. That’s tomorrow’s problem.
The moment you reach the kitchen threshold, Natasha wraps you in a hug. It’s the kind of hug that makes you feel like it’s only the two of you that exist. The entire world fades. This is all that matters.
“I know you didn’t have the best day,” Nat says. Your face is still buried in her neck. “So I made your favorite dinner and dessert.”
“You did?” You ask, voice muffled by her skin.
“Mhm. Anything for you, sweetheart. All for you.”
Natasha kisses the top of your head and you feel tears falling down your face. The gentleness of it all makes you feel so deeply in love with her.
“Hey, it’s alright,” she says softly. “I’ve got you now. Let it all go.”
You only cry for a moment longer. Natasha never falters in her hold on you. She walks you to the table and makes you both plates of food.
You eat and have light conversation. Feeling much better, you agree to a movie night on the couch. Nat sits in the curve of it and leaves space between her legs for you to sit against her. Her chest presses against your back as you sink into her embrace.
In possibly the cutest way ever, Nat rests her chin on your shoulder as you pick the movie. She kisses your cheek every once in a while and rubs her hands over your thighs and stomach. You feel so comfortable that your pain from earlier is practically gone.
“Are you okay, detka?” Nat asks when you sigh aloud.
“I’m good,” you reply.
“You sure?” She raises a brow.
“I’m sure,” you say. “I’m really good. Thanks to you.”
You turn your head to face her. She’s wearing a huge smile on her perfect face.
You can’t help but lean in and kiss her lips. Natasha deepens the kiss and pulls you closer until you’re turned around in her lap.
“Forget the movie,” you say.
“What movie?” Nat jokes.
You can’t help but let out a laugh and she takes the opportunity to capture your lips again. The movie stays out of your minds as you focus on each other.
Natasha always knows exactly what you need to feel better and you’re so lucky to have her.
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mkjskmk · 1 month
Day 1
Reasons for ana:
- I can die in an angelic way
- Clothes will look better
- Pretty privilege: People are nicer
🤍 You're more likely to be the favourite student than the piggies
- If you're thin, everything you do looks aesthetic
- People will envy you
- Chubby = stupid
- I'll never have to be the "Funny fat (embarrassing) friend" who everyone thinks is stupid and get's left out
- My thighs won't look disgustingly fat when I sit down
- People can't make jokes over me which are connected to being overweight
- I can make aesthetic pictures of my body
- Having n Excuse for P.E. Class
- I can eat whatever I want while being out with someone, without feeling bad
- My parents don't deserve to have a "fat child"
- My mind has less energy to think and make thoughts
- People will be kinder to you than others cause of the unconscious empathy that develops
- The pressure that you have to lose weight will be gone
- More money cause I didn't spend it on food
- People look more after you, if you're okay and they'll be more interested in you
- I'll be the skinnier friend
- The Ana Community is actually really nice to be in
- Perhaps people will gift you food
- I just feel more mature and adult if I'm not fat
- Eating is not the point of living
- Eating is selfish
- I don't want to be pitied for a reason like "people were so rude to me cause I'm a fat pig"
- Less sweating, getting out of breath,
- My steps won't make much noise
- To look good in photos
- Getting rid of chubby cheeks, a babyface, big thighs, flabby arms and everything else
- To feel like I have the control in my life
- Jewelry and Tattoos will look good on me
- I already managed to do this once so I can do it again.
- To be the best version of myself
- So things like eyebags, thin hair, and everything else looks aesthetic
- Having an excuse for everything
- Not having the need to think food is necessary or will solve your problems, never feeling like you actually have to eat = freedom
- Better skin
- An empty stomach
- More time for my hobbies
What to we learn from all of this? Ana is your friend,
eating is your enemy. Ana is maybe not easy, but it's worth it. Eating will destroy you.
🤍 Choose freedom
Date: 10/08/2024
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angel1010xx · 4 days
a kiss in the rain
Pairings: Monkey D. Luffy x Reader, Sanji x Reader
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“Luffy. Luffy, you’re joking,”
You laid your head in your hands, absolutely exasperated. It had already been a long day for you—the crew finally reached an island, yes, but it was just so dense with exuberant foliage, tree roots lifted so high from the ground that they could trip a giant, with low visibility due to the canopy up above formed from condensed trees. Everyone had split up into groups to go hunt and find food, and you were designated to be your carefree captain’s companion. Seriously, it was too much for you.
He had run rampant all day, and you were oh-so tired from chasing after him. Luffy was determined to tackle the biggest and baddest creature in the rainforest. Honestly, he was fueled by his desire for meat. Aaaaaaaall the meat that he could eat. You and your captain found one. There was just one problem. 
The beast was way, way too fucking huge to drag back through the crowded thickets back to the ship. At least, there was no way to do it and keep your sanity intact. You gazed on as Luffy leapt through the air, waving his fist in victory. Yes, his smile was adorable. No, the puppy dog effect was not going to work on you. 
“Captain, there’s no way that you and I can bring this… thing back in one piece,” you sighed. Was there really any point in trying to reason with him? “I’m a swordsman, ‘Cap. I can cut this thing up, and we can haul part of it, or rendezvous with one of the other groups and carry pieces…”
Luffy seemed to contemplate what you told him, putting his fingers to his chin and rubbing it. He flicked his eyes upward, pausing his jubilance for just a moment. He turned back towards you. “Nah, we can drag it!” 
The conversation was interrupted by a droplet of water that hit his forehead. And then another. And then a droplet hit you. The pace escalated to a downpour before either of you two could blink. A surge of rage bubbled in the pit of your stomach. You were not just tired now, but tired, soaked, and freezing. 
“Please, Captain,” you pleaded. “It’s going to be too much to drag this thing through all of this.” Luffy moved to lay his eyes on you, noticing how your body began to shiver. “You’re cold!” He emoted. He bounded over to you, and morphed to wrap his rubber arms around you like a snake would wrap around a branch. “Y’know, you’re ‘posed to get real close, for body warmth and stuff like that, when it’s cold.” 
Even though you were used to your Captain hugging you, as it was not out of the ordinary for him to hug any of the crew, a blush still started tinting your face. His signature shit-faced grin was close to yours, unmoving, and that was a lot for you to handle emotionally in that moment. Sure, Luffy was clueless. He was as dense as the forest you two were unfortunately in. But he was so caring, so loyal, and so handsome when he was this close.
The rubber man held your gaze for a few short moments. “I think we can take just part of this back,” Luffy said. “’M hungry. I wanna eat now.” You sighed in relief. “Thank you, Captain. I’ll get started on that.” 
You paused for a moment, with water dripping down your face, waiting for Luffy to unwrap himself. He did not. Instead, he kept staring you down with an intensity that was unnerving you slightly. You could spot the cogs moving around in his head, and he had a reputation for never using his head. 
And then he kissed you. 
It was just a quick peck, and you would have missed it if you blinked. His arms unraveled, and he took a step back and settled into a pose of triumph, with his hands on his hips and a smile bigger than the sky on his face. He giggled gleefully.
“Wh—whuh, what was that?!” You jittered from the shellshock, the adrenaline making you feel an immediate, overwhelming flush. Luffy just shrugged. “I felt like it. I like you.” 
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When you had received the news that Sanji was to be married off to someone else, it broke you.
Nami, bless her heart, had held you for multiple nights while you cried yourself to sleep. Sanji was a flirt, but Nami knew the feelings that you had for him. You just did not want to confess those feelings, for fear of complicating the dynamics amongst the crew. You loved Sanji, but Sanji loved women, and how would the crew deal with the tension if you two ever broke it off?
Your emotions really came to a head when you got stuck in the mirror dimension with Chopper and Carrot. You were overcome with excitement when you finally had found Sanji through the mirrors, even if you could only see the back of him. You leaned forward, eager, but paused as soon as your head and shoulders made it through the portal. He was talking to a woman. Even worse, he was talking to the woman he was to be married off to the very next day. “I won’t let our marriage be hell to you too!” The stranger sobbed out. 
It felt like you had been frozen in time. There was no desire in you to hear this exchange, but you eavesdropped all the same. His fiancée rambled on, passionate and powerful. The power in her cries made you feel weak. Sanji took a step forward, bringing the woman into an embrace. “Let’s get married tomorrow.” He spoke reverently. 
Your heart shriveled up and dropped down to the depths of hell below. 
With all eagerness now dissipated, you slunk backwards from the portal and stood still in the mirror realm. This was really what he wanted. How were you going to be able to croak the words out to your captain?
“Give it up, Captain! Sanji is not coming back!” You wailed and fussed, desperately trying to get Luffy to comprehend what you knew. He simply sniffled in response. You two were drenched from the pouring rain, surrounded by bodies, and Luffy was leaning against a plateau with his strength sapped. He needed to eat—but Sanji was not coming, you tried to explain. He did not want to be a part of the Straw Hat pirates anymore. 
“He’s coming,” Luffy wheezed out. “I won’t eat any other food except from my cook.” The gurgling of your captain’s stomach and his stubbornness were pushing your emotions even further off the ledge. 
You hung your head and closed your eyes. Everything just felt hopeless. 
The sound of approaching footsteps made you perk up. You tensed, hand reaching for the sword at your side, as you anticipated another one of Big Mom’s pirates to come after Luffy. Turning around, you narrowed your eyes just to see…
…Sanji, holding a picnic basket. 
“I didn’t tell you to wait…” he mused. “If you can eat this, then eat.” Sanji walked past you to hand Luffy the basket, earning him a weak chuckle from the famed Straw Hat. He wasted no time to dig in, shouting proclamations of praise on the taste. 
The two men began to deliberate. Once again, you just listened quietly, your shriveled up heart beginning to throb again when Sanji explained that he indeed could not escape the wedding. He and the other Vinsmoke family members were to be slaughtered like pigs. 
“For these three reasons, I cannot return with the rest of you! Just get out of here—” Sanji was interrupted when your palm collided with his face, making a crisp thwack. Now brimming with anger, you came chest-to-chest with the soon-to-be groom and stared him down. “Arrogant bastard, tell me what you really want!” 
Sanji returned the gaze, and tears started to prick the corners of his eyes. His brows began to relax, and he was soon letting the floodgates loose. He fell to his knees and wrapped his arms loosely around your legs. “I want to go back to the Sunny…!” 
You knelt to the ground as well, wrapping your arms around the chef’s larger frame. “That’s where you belong, you stupid, stupid idiot,” you whispered, moving to cup the black-leg fighter’s face in your hands. He was sopping, he was sobbing, but he was stunning. “We love you. I love you.” 
Finally, you closed the gap and kissed him. Despite the rain, Sanji was still warm. 
Luffy giggled from behind the two of you. “Let’s crash this wedding!”
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tradgedyinwaves · 12 days
Touch - Ch. 2
By the time the other three members of Task Force 141 made the drive to Ghost’s hometown, he had already determined where you were living by following you from the market and was back in his own flat, swirling a glass of whiskey. The team sat down to make a game plan, almost treating you as if you were one of their missions while sitting around Ghost’s beat up old dining table. You’d be theirs, one way or another. 
A Week Later, Saturday. 
Bleary weather had plagued Manchester for the last few days, gray clouds hovering overhead while you attempted to find your motivation for your job. It wasn’t helpful that you’d received news from your mom that your cousin and Kit would be getting married soon. A brick settled in your stomach at the news, ending the call with your mom quickly as you forced down the tears you refused to keep crying over him. 
In an effort to cheer yourself up, you headed out of your flat and down the street to the sweet little flower shop you’d found your first week in Manchester. The owner, Magda, was a kind, gentle old lady who essentially took you under her wing when you had trouble finding your footing in the new country. She’d been a boon to you, telling you the best shops for everything from groceries to clothes. You’d helped her find her cat when the mangy thing had slipped out the back door to fight the stray living behind a neighboring shop.
The bell chimed above your head, banging against the worn wood. You were immediately greeted by the scent of the most beautiful flowers and Magda’s voice talking a man through the best choices for an apology bouquet. You caught her eye over his shoulder and waved, a soft smile on your face as your eyes drifted to the back of the man’s head.
He easily stood a foot and a half taller than the elderly owner, cropped mohawk adding to the already egregious height difference. His shoulders were broad, though not quite as broad as your masked man back in New York. Why were you thinking about him all of sudden? You shook your head, clearing your mind like an etch-a-sketch and headed straight to the hyacinths and lilacs, wanting the sweet scent of your favorite flowers to brighten up your flat and completely missing him turning to take you in.
“Pretty flowers. Almost as pretty as you.” A low voice startled you out of your reverie, spinning on your heel to face the man Magda had been helping previously. Now, you could see that his eyes were a shocking blue and the lopsided smile he provided you made your heart stutter against your ribcage. But the size of him was what intrigued you. 
You’d accepted that this was the way you were now. Despite doing months of working out and eating well, your body hadn’t changed much from when you’d left the States. The cleaner food of England helped you feel better though, breathing a little life back into you after everything you’d dealt with. But that also meant that men weren’t as courageous in approaching you, their bravado faltering in the face of society's expectations. So when an attractive man approached you, blatantly flirting, your first response was to think it was a joke, snort and walk away, effectively blowing him off.
A gentle hand on your shoulder a few minutes later had you whipping around to ask what the guy's problem was, but was greeted by Magda instead. Immediately, you looked around for the mohawk guy, but he was nowhere to be found and you could have sworn the bell hadn’t dinged against the door. Weird. Bringing your gaze back to the elderly woman, you raised a brow at the scrap of paper in her hands. “That sweet young man paid for your flowers and left this as well,” Magda handed you the piece of paper with a number and a messy name scrawled at the bottom. 
You’d gone home with your overly expensive bouquet and the scrap of paper after, staring down at it as if it would burst into flames at any moment. You took a deep breath, telling yourself “Why the hell not?” as you punched the number into a new message chain. 🪻: Uh, hi. Is this Johnny?
🧼: Ay, it is, Petal.
🪻: Petal? 
🧼: Well, I don’t know your name, do I?
He made a good point, making you sigh as you released your own name to him in spite of your reservations. But maybe, just maybe, you could manage to make a few friends if he ended up not being interested in you.
The next few days were spent lounging around your flat, going to work, and texting Johnny. What you didn’t know, though, was that he was reporting everything back to his boys. It had only taken Simon’s word and the one picture to have each of them wagging their tongues and readying their arms to protect what they now saw as theirs.
By the time you were winding down on Wednesday night and brewing tea that Johnny had insisted you know how to make, you were smiling at your phone that lit up every few minutes with his messages. The two of you had discussed everything from your favorite color and food to what had brought you to England. When he’d heard the details of that night, sans your interaction with Ghost, and paired it with Simon’s recollection, he’d been furious. His fingers tightened around the phone to the point that Price had taken it from him in an effort to not have to buy another replacement.
Simon had been in the same boat as Johnny, opting for stomping out of the flat to walk off his rage and guilt, feeling it gnaw at him for not stepping up before and then abandoning you after. His feet carried him to your building, watching from the ground as you paced around your space. When your pacing brought you in front of the window, you paused and looked through the glass, heart hammering as you saw a dark shape of a man standing on the sidewalk. But the light of the lamp posts made one thing stand out very clearly,
the white skull painted on his mask. 
______________________________________________________________ I didn't want to offend any Scots with trying to type out Johnny's accent. I have a feeling this is going to turn into some long winded fic, so buckle in if you're ready for that.
Thank you so much for your support!
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bia-wayne-west · 8 months
Pregnancy — Barry Allen x Reader
Characters: Barry Allen (The Flash), Reader (You).
Synopsis: You have been married to Barry for two years. One fine day, you start to feel a hunger worthy of a little speedster.
Warnings: Pregnancy, seasickness, pregnancy discovery
N / A: I did this imagine in 10 minutes. I watched a pregnancy movie with my cousin, and then we went to watch The Flash, she suggested the idea to me and I loved it. Hope you like it.
I'm a Latina girl who doesn't speak fluent English, so I want to apologize for any writing errors you find. Feel free to correct me.
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The day had begun. The sun came through the window, causing you to curl up even more in the duvets.
You ran your hand over the bed, feeling the sheet to feel Allen's warm body. There was only an empty space, indicating that he had been awake for some time.
Your mind tried to sleep again, however, a sweet smell flooded his nostrils. You could have sworn it smelled like pancakes and condensed milk.
The sheets were set aside as his feet touched the ground. With delicate steps, you made your way to the kitchen, being guided by the wonderful smell. You had no intention of surprising Barry, as he could see everything happening in slow motion and could easily see you approaching.
 Allen held a frying pan, trying to flip a pancake. On the kitchen counter was a stack of pancakes and two coffee cups of Jitters.
With a smile on your face, you approached your husband, placing your hand on the speedster's shoulder. Barry's face lit up, showing a sweet smile.
“Good morning.”
“Good morning, my dear.”
“What are you doing?” You ask.
“You always make coffee, I decided to make it for you today.” Allen placed the last finished pancake on the plate, enjoying the view of what he had just prepared. “Are you hungry?”
“I think I could devour a whole cow.” Your stomach churned, complaining of hunger.
 You usually didn't eat much, unlike your husband. Barry had to consume at least fifteen thousand calories daily, so he could stay upright and healthy. He literally ate all day and kept him body skinny.
Unlike you, who hardly felt hungry. You were the perfect couple. When you couldn't finish your snack, Allen was able to eat everything and still had plenty of room in his stomach. A few weeks ago, you began to feel extraordinarily hungry.
 You ate almost the same amount of food as Barry. It seemed like you were a speedster, too. Her sense of smell could sense food being prepared in other rooms, as well as feeling terrible nausea and dizziness. You thought it was vitamin’s problem, and you bought some to make yourself feel better.
 Within seconds, the breakfast table was fully set. Without much ceremony, you joined your husband to enjoy their morning meal.
“I could have sworn you have hypermetabolism too.” He joked when he saw you steal a pancake from him after eating yours.
“I don't know what happened. It feels like I'm eating for an army.” You verbalized, picking up the dishes to wash them. As soon as your hand placed the last glass in the sink, a horrible sensation gripped your entire body. You ran to the bathroom, feeling a terrible urge to vomit. Your body leaned over the toilet as the breakfast was poured out.
In less than a second, Barry appeared at your side, his face full of concern. One hand held your hair, while the other smoothed your back.
 “Are you okay?”
“I am. I think I ate more than my stomach can handle.”
“Let Caitlin examine you.”
“I told you I'm fine, dear.” You got up with Barry's help. Along the way, you felt your vision darken and your body vibrate, as if you were a speedster. “I think going to see Caitlin is a good idea.”
“I have two new features.” Caitlin said, as soon as she finished examining your blood. “A good one and a bad one, depending on one's point of view.”
“What's the good news?” Barry asked. Cisco, Joe, Barry, and you were waiting in the exam room. Caitlin held a sheet of paper with the results of your exams.
“You're pregnant.”
 Your world spun. Your chest collapsed with happiness. A year ago, you and Barry were planning to have a child, but you never had any luck.
Allen took your hand. The speedster's face was flooded with a smile. Everyone in the room was happy with the news of yet another person being added to Team Flash.
“And what's the bad news?” You asked.
“Very well.” She seemed to be looking for the right words. “I did an ultrasound, and it looks like the baby's heart has stopped.”
“You mean he's dead?”
Everyone in the room asked at once. Tears had already appeared in your eyes, you had barely gotten used to the idea of being a mother, and your little Allen was no longer with you.
“Theoretically, yes.”
“Explain it properly.” You demanded.
“When Barry was struck by lightning, his heart stopped several times. Doctors believed he had died because the machines couldn't record his heartbeat.” She explained. “But his heart had never stopped, what happened is that he was so fast that not even the machines could keep up.”
“So your theory is that the baby is like Barry?” Cisco chimed in. His face was in an expression it was always when he was thinking. “My God, that completely explains your extraordinary hunger and why you started vibrating like a speedster.”
“Our son is also fast.” Allen said, grinning from ear to ear. He deposited a beak on your lips, still holding your hand.
 Ten years later…
 You've finished setting the lunch table. The dish of the day was pasta with broccoli and cheese. Benjamin Allen's favorite meal.
After putting the last dish on the table, you called your child. Benjamin quickly descended using his powers.
The wind caused by your little one's speed left one of the glasses on the table unbalanced. Before Ben had a chance to catch him, another speedster came in front of him. Barry put the glass right where it was before, and went to meet him.
The brunette wrapped his arms around his body and pressed a sweet kiss to her neck. A laugh escaped his throat as he saw his son utter an exclamation of disgust.
“Please, your son is here watching you be completely disgusting. Ben said, sitting in the chair.
Benjamin has the same hair color as yours, but he had the same green eyes as his father. Everyone who saw him always said the same thing, that he was a faithful copy of Barry Allen.
 He and your husband were the guardians of Central City. The little one has not yet obtained all of his father's abilities, but he has the super speed and the ability to vibrate his body and molecules.
 In the middle of lunch, you smiled when you saw the size of your child's plate, which was three times larger than yours. That scene reminded him of something.
“Ben, would you like to hear the story of the day I found out I was pregnant?”
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