#Such salt
emerald-dragonflame · 2 months
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I had a vision
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kiddokori · 26 days
Donate eSims through Connecting Humanity or Crips for esims for Gaza
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crehador · 9 months
so when food is too salty we might say "打死卖盐的" basically meaning "did you beat the salt merchant to death" but one time in an attempt to be a little polite and a little funny to the chef (my mother) i said "……是不是又跟卖盐的有矛盾了" meaning "are you... having a dispute with the salt merchant again" and now it's a whole thing in my family
anyway point being there has been another altercation with the salt merchant
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hjartasalt · 1 year
One time I was working as a waiter at a burger joint where the fries were tossed in salt and coriander and as I was bringing food over to the table for these two huge beefy guys one of them asks what the green stuff is so I go "it's coriander" and his friend goes very seriously "he can't have coriander" and I'm thinking shit ok maybe he's allergic and guy 1 starts pulling up his sleeve to show me something and I'm thinking shit shit shit he's probably breaking out in hives rn and it's my fault but he just shows me his arm and he has this huge cursive font tattoo that just says "I fucking hate coriander"
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thunderstruck9 · 1 year
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John Salt (British, 1937-2021), Black Ford in Field, 1972. Oil on canvas, 48 x 72 in.
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jacqcrisis · 1 year
Put salt in your baked goods. Put salt in your desserts. Just do it. Please. Salt isn't just for savory, it's literally a flavor enhancer so even a pinch can take a meh recipe to one people can't stop eating. Listen to me. Your cookies and cheesecake bars are bland and uninteresting. I'm taking your hand. I'm guiding you with a gentle touch to the back. We can do this together. Trust me.
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myclericalromance · 1 year
i went to a tiny counterserve diner once and accidentally poured sugar instead of salt all over my hashbrowns and was eating them sadly anyways. the waitress took them away and started making me another one and I tried to protest, but she just snorted and said "we're not catholic here". now every time i'm doing something painful out of obligation i think about how that is not repenting, this body is not a catholic establishment, there is no nobility in suffering.
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utilitycaster · 8 months
I should note, I hate the soulmates "we would fall in love in every universe" trope for the aforementioned "where's the tension and interest and really anything worthwhile" reasons. However, "we would find each other in every universe" fucking rips. We would interact meaningfully in every universe but sometimes we are lovers and sometimes we are friends and sometimes we are bitter enemies and sometimes we'd simply both be in the same HOA.
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saltjams-art · 2 months
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It's tim's birthday, happy birthday to that nerd
also a bonus batfam doodle
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bluejayscrying · 3 months
Jason decides not to go batshit insane on Tim and instead starts subtly and occasionally trying to kill him.
Tim, tired: I’m hungry…make me food? It tastes special when you make it…
Jason, who as been adding poison to his food for the past week: that’s because I make it with love <3
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foolsocracy · 4 months
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identity reveals are always fun
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salt-baby · 10 months
yes, doctors suck, but also "the medical ethics and patient interaction training doctors receive reinforces ableism" and "the hyper competitive medical school application process roots out the poor, the disabled, and those who would diversify the field" and "anti-establishment sentiment gets applications rejected and promotions requests denied, weeding out the doctors on our side" and "the gruesome nature of the job and the complete lack of mental health support for medical practitioners breeds apathy towards patients" and "insurance companies often define treatment solely on a cost-analysis basis" and "doctors take on such overwhelming student loan debt they have no choice but to pursue high paying jobs at the expense of their morals" are all also true
none of this absolves doctors of the truly horrendous things they say and do to patients, but it's important to acknowledge that rather than every doctor being coincidentally a bad person, there is something specific about this field and career path that gives rise to such high prevalence of ableist attitudes
and I WILL elaborate happily
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metamorphesque · 1 year
i don't pay attention to the world ending. it has ended for me many times and began again in the morning.
― Nayyirah Waheed, Salt
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fleshmonger · 2 years
Rotating Sandwich Mood Board
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Rotating Sandwich Mood Board
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saltlordofold · 3 months
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double tank team issues 😔
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pangur-and-grim · 14 days
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Hope you don’t mind unsolicited kitty cat pictures of my new worm-beast! Forcibly reminding myself that randombred cats can look like anything and that this elongated fella I found living at the local zoo is not in fact an oriental-type/lemur hybrid.
I'll be honest, this is the first cat I've seen that could actually be a Balinese cross.
if you'd only shown me the first photo, I would have 100% believed that was a Balinese. the fur and body type are so specific. and then the last photo couldn't be a Balinese (because of the white spotting), but I'd still believe it was an Oriental Longhair.
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it's only the second photo that made me go oh......that's not quite right.....that's not how that should look.........
so I'd say the possibilities are:
you found a cat that has coincidental similarities to a Balinese/Oriental (cool!! awesome cat! the breed had to get the traits from somewhere, makes sense!)
you found a badly bred Oriental Longhair with a wonky face (not likely, OLHs are rare and tend to have a more standardized show-type appearance)
you found a Balinese cross (cool!! awesome cat!)
in any case, they are very beautiful and I'm an admirer of their special white stripe.
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