doodlingbot · 11 months
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Some stuff I did for a swap au that my friend vaguely offhandedly mentioned as a what if but then I latched onto fairly hard immediately and started doing stuff for it. The basic concept thrown my way was simply a swap between Neon J and Tatiana.
Whoops there's so much to think about now.
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hiya-im-mary · 11 months
Sooooo…I’m working on some theory stuff on NSR’s lore!! Spesifically on something that happened in it’s history…The Kewan War!!
I’m doing my research on what it could’ve possibly been about. Searching why it was even called that and such!! I’m learning quite a bit honestly!!!!! IT’S WONDERFUL!!!!!!!
Though while I am doing my research…I also would like some help from fellow No Straight Roads fans who could be more knowledgable on the lore than I am!! I’d love any help I can get!! I WELCOME RESEARCH AND SPECULATION!!!!! :D
So come on down and help me out if you wanna!! Let’s get WORLDBUILDING!!!!!! :D
(I also left some Kliffnotes [Pun Intended] in the tags for more info!!)
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starryinkart · 7 months
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so I’m allowed to make a MD human AU…right?
I wanted to get back into drawing some human characters and I wanted to do some studies of N as a human at the same time, the result- these awesome drawings 🤗
Basically some small information about the human versions of them:
- When a “drone” becomes “dead” or is disposed of incorrectly and the solver takes control, their skin becomes paler then when before they were disassembled. CYN used to have a similar skin color to N, but dying can in fact…make you a bit pale.
- When N, J and V become Murder Drones, their skin also mirrors this quality.
- Due to the nanites in their bodies, their eyes glow, and their headbands and tails are connected to their spines. Their ears have also mutated to be more large and sensitive due to CYNS modifications on them, helping them in their hunts trying to wipe out the “drones” beneath them.
-When they bleed, the Murder Drones blood is neon, matching their headband bulb color and tail color, instead of gray, due to them you know…not being filled with oil and blood instead.
- Their scars tend to glow neon yellow as well when they are in their Feral Murder Modes, due to the scars skin being thinner than their normal skin.
- The scars they have received were mostly given to them in Elliot Manor from Tessa’s parents, except for N’s neck scars resulting from all the times his head has been lobbed off by J and V.
- CYNs left eye was stabbed by a fork by James Elliot before her death, making her permanently blind in it and sporting a not so pretty scar she tends to be self conscious about until the solver takes over her entirely.
- N’s face scar was given to him by Louisa one day while protecting CYN when the others weren’t around, by throwing a glass at his face. And of course, he still had to clean it up while injured. 🤕 Most of his scars come from protecting the ones he loves, such as V, Tessa and CYN.
- N used to have hazel eyes and light brown hair before he died and got his warm yellow Murder Drone color, pale skin and sandy brown hair. Out of his squad, N’s neon yellow is the most warmest color, leaning towards more orange than yellow.
- N also has stretch marks around his shoulders, torso, belly and legs, from where his growth process and body modifications were more…painful.
- P.S this is my first time drawing CYN! I have to draw her drone form!! She’s so fun to draw!💛💛
- I will be doing study’s of human V, J and Uzi!! I’m working on Uzis as I type this!!!
I hope you enjoyed this little practice of mine, more art coming soon! I’m also so glad you are enjoying my new chapter of my Absolutely Fanfic on Archive of Our Own! And for those who don’t know what that is, you can read it below!!!
YOU CAN FIND UZI’s human form HERE !!
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velvetcloxds · 1 year
if you're too shy- send me a character and a scenario and I'll write a little baby blurb for it
Enemies to lovers kinda thing where reader or spencer admits feelings accidentally, like a slip of tongue maybe.
word count: 1.6k (stop)
warnings: one-bed trope, fem!reader- also I didn't literally have them say ily but he does admit to not hating the reader and in fact caring for the reader which is basically ily in enemies to lovers
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You had spent nearly an hour next to Spencer considering the very creative and unprofessional things you’d planned to text Penelope in the morning once you could charge your phone on the jet, all of which would surely be forgotten in the morning, but it was a very good distraction from your current situation. You and Penelope had a general disagreement about the status of your relationship with Spencer Reid, your partner for the last few months. You were sure without a single doubt that he absolutely hated you, Penelope believed that what felt like hate was really pent-up tension that needed to be released- by putting the two of you together in one room with only one bed, she had clearly decided it was time for the tension to be released.
You were lucky the case had taken so much out of the team, neither of you thinking too much of the little double bed you were stuck in, just skipping through the shower and crawling under the questionable sheets. Spencer was asleep by the time you got into bed, and you were quite grateful he didn’t have to witness the sight of you shivering in the skimpy Bambi pajamas that should’ve been thrown away ages ago. How were you to know on the night you’d be there it would all of a sudden be cold? Basically, the sleeping arrangement wasn’t all that encouraging to sleep, you were cold, in the bed with someone you found alarmingly attractive that just so happened to hate you, and being in said bed with him meant you had to leave your comfort stuffed animal in your go bag.
You were careful when you rolled over, knowing you’d be much closer to Spencer than you should be, balled up still, holding an extra pillow against your chest and the neon sign just across the street made for good lighting in the supposed to be dark room. He was much prettier like this, you decided, quiet and unconscious, perfect to look at without being met with some dismissing comment or gesture that you’d replay for the rest of the day. Like this you could appreciate the little dimple that dipped right beside his lips even when he wasn’t smiling, or the little beauty marks you wouldn’t see if you weren’t looking for them, or the fact that his hair smelled like pomegranate- you were always sure it was something fruity, never sure which fruit but now you knew, you’d think about him every time you smelled pomegranate.
Your head dipped further into the pillow when he moved, sighed as if something interesting was happening in his head even asleep, of course it would, his hair fell over his eyes, and you had to clutch the pillow tighter to stop yourself from reaching forward and moving the hair away from distorting your view. You wondered as you wondered before what had made him so very set in his distain for you, you’d been very encouraging of all his quirks and habits, in fact you thought they accommodated your own surprisingly well. Yet he’s been acting a proper nightmare since Hotch reassigned the two of you to the same car, as if all of a sudden, your very existence was a thorn in his side and you wished you could remove yourself for his sake but Hotch was adamantly against the paperwork of it all.
“Why do you hate me, Spencer Reid?” you sighed, the question too quiet for even you to hear but you had to put it out there for even a second, shifting into the little cocoon you’d created by tucking the blanket under your bum and around your feet, but you were interrupted. Spencer was still moving, another sigh, much less dreamy this time as he tried to tug on the blanket, probably just as cold as you were, one more tug and you realized he was trying to pull it away from where it was tucked under you, his eyes opened with a disgruntled question.
“Y/n?” it sounded like a mixture of surprise and realization, like he’d somehow forgotten you were there in the first place, or like he’d assumed you’d find some other sleeping arrangements after your shower- you’d tried, Emily wasn’t fond of sharing or rather wasn’t fond of kicking you off the bed through the night and JJ was stuck in a single bed, not like you’d ask Derek or Hotch though the thought had definitely crossed your mind.
“Sorry,” you whispered almost on instinct, moving forward completely accidentally and his tired gaze focussed instantly. “Sorry,” you whispered again, and when you allowed him to take more of the blanket his hand brushed over your shoulder. The shiver it created was both due to the sudden touch and the sudden warmth. “Sorry,” you tried to move back, save him from the cold of your skin.
“You’re freezing,” he noted, and you wanted to explain yourself, apologetic even for your own disdain of the weather but he didn’t give you much time, gently stealing the pillow from your grip and chucking it across the room, silencing your indistinct questions by pulling you against him. “I was waiting for you to get out of the shower and I must've fallen asleep," he explained, and you didn’t know what to do with yourself when he gently guided your head to rest against his chest, on his pillow, in fact, you were sure this was some sleep-deprived hallucination that you’d have to scorn yourself for conjuring. “I assumed that you hadn’t packed for the cold even though I always tell you to.”
“It was supposed to be sunny,” you argued, and he scoffed a soft sound, you felt it against your ear, and you didn’t know what to do about that either. He dragged a finger up your arm, flicked the frilly pink sleeve of your shirt, and shook his head, you felt that too. In fact, you could feel him breathing, could feel his pulse right through his long-sleeved shirt.
“I told you it wouldn’t be,” he fought, and you had to see him, couldn’t let him scorn you with your face buried between his pecks, so you tilted your head back, trying to ignore that it forced your bodies to shift closer somehow.
“And you know more than the weathermen now?” he shrugged, and the roll of your eyes was the closest you’d ever come to taking him on for his attitude towards you, it was also his signal that you were done so he tightened his hold, fighting a smirk when you didn’t fight him. He was warm, impossibly warm considering the room, you wished you could steal every ounce of warmth right from him, and the hand that slid up his arm under his sleeve to wrap around his wrist had a mind of its own and you’d be embarrassed were you not so desperate. “Sorry,” you realized but he stopped you before you could pull away, fingers circling your arm to keep you still.
“Stop apologizing,” his tone was odd, you couldn’t read it, you could rarely read him to begin with but enough to know just how far to stay away from him that day, but this was new, rushed, forced, like he didn’t think it through which isn’t a characteristic the man holds. “I don’t mind, I don’t want you to be cold,” he explained and he made it sound just as logical as one of the little facts he’d share with the team, as if cuddling someone you disliked was entirely logical as well.
“Why not?”
“What do you mean, why not? Why would I want you to be cold?” why on earth was that such a silly thing to expect of him, you shrugged, you didn’t know what to say, like you’d ever for a second considered that the man cared enough to even think about what you feel let alone care about how you feel. “I don’t want you to be cold,” he was softer when he repeated it and the grip he had turned to something so soft there wasn’t even a word for it, like he’d realized what he was doing and in a second it became less about keeping you warm and more just about keeping you in his arms. “I care about you, why wouldn’t I care about you being cold,” Your thumb brushed up and down his skin, too comfortable.
“You care about me?”  he’d never admit to anyone, let alone himself how much it pained him to hear the surprise in your voice, the genuine disbelieve you’d feel towards such a simple statement, such an obvious declaration, you were his partner, his teammate, his friend, his- well you were someone he cared about, and he’d made a proper mess of things if you thought otherwise.
“Well, I sure as hell don’t hate you,” you bit your lip, of course he’d heard that, even in his sleep he’s a proper pain in the behind, hear all, know all. “It’s late,” he decided even though he had no clue of what the time was, he just couldn’t talk about this anymore. “We’ve had a long day, you should get some sleep.”
“Spencer." Why you wanted to explain yourself you didn’t know, it’s not like he hadn’t given you copious amounts of evidence proving he disliked you, so why would he expect you'd thought he felt anything else. “I’m sorry,” he scoffed, squeezing you lightly.
“Stop apologizing to me,” his chin rested on the top of your head, the most foreign feeling yet it came so naturally to him, just like leaning into him felt natural to you, like your bodies knew what to do when your minds didn’t. “Get some sleep,” he relished in the feeling of you melting into him, like he was giving you permission to do so. “I’ll keep you warm,” and he did, even when he’d convinced himself to fall asleep, he was sure to keep an arm around you in whatever position you’d shifted to, to keep you warm, only to keep you warm- even when the sun came up, even when the cold fled the room. In the morning he’d wonder when the cold had fled from his heart.  
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chlobliviate · 2 months
Wolfstar Microfics - Outsider POV
Words: 952
Lily had reluctantly agreed to go on a blind, double date with Remus, Benjy, the guy Remus was seeing, and James, Benjy’s colleague. The fact that it was at the funfair was a big selling point, even if just for the nostalgia with Remus. They hadn’t been since the summer before university, when they’d drank too much strawberry wine and it had been very difficult to hold back the neon pink vomit until they were off the waltzers.
Lily wasn’t a huge fan of Benjy’s, he was alright, she just found him dull. Too normal for Remus, somehow. Nevertheless, she was prepared to make small talk with one of his friends for an evening for her best friend.
James was, as it turned out, objectively, very attractive, with dark brown eyes and untameable hair. Plus he was funny and charming in ways that Benjy really wasn’t. She had half a mind to ask if he’d got a different friend for Remus.
The four of them were having a good time, to be fair. Maybe Benjy was lightening up a bit. They went on the waltzers, the Wall of Death, and the dodgems. They’d stopped for candy floss when Remus noticed the cutest cuddly toy dog on one of the games. Benjy immediately declared that he’d win it for him. James met Lily’s gaze and she swore that he rolled his eyes.
£35 and almost twenty minutes later, Benjy was no closer to winning anything, let alone the cute dog. Remus had told him several times that it was fine and they should just go and ride the Miami or play the arcade but Benjy was having none of it. Remus turned to look at them and shrugged.
It was at this moment that another man stepped up to the stall and exchanged his money for darts, while Benjy was pulling out more money. James’ face did something strange when he saw the man and she was suddenly intrigued by this admittedly very attractive stranger. He was wearing a leather jacket and his long black hair was pulled into a messy bun which only served to accentuate his cheekbones. She didn’t even need to look at Remus to see his reaction, because if Remus had a type, this man was it.
He paused for a moment, before looking at Remus and asking ‘It’s that dog you want, yeah?’, and Remus could only nod, stunned, as the man threw each dart and popped a balloon with all three. The fairground worker frowned at him before grabbing the fluffy black dog and handing it to him. He passed it over to Remus, “Here you go, darling.”
“Are you sure?” Remus’ cheeks were pink and Benjy looked mutinous.
“Yeah, felt like you’d be there a while otherwise.”
“We’d already been here a while!” Lily said before covering her mouth apologetically.
“Thank you,” Remus took the dog and held it in the crook of his arm. “That was seriously impressive,” Lily swore she heard James suppress a snort.
“I would have got it soon!” Benjy snapped. “I’d almost got it.”
“Oh yeah, for sure.” The stranger smiled, “Just wanted to help. Misspent youth coming in handy and all that.”
“We all appreciate it,” James said. His face was still doing the weird thing, grimacing but with a twinkle in his eyes. “We should probably get going though.”
“Of course. Have a good night.” The stranger let his eyes linger on Remus for a few seconds before he turned and walked back into the crowds.
“Who the fuck does that?” Benjy growled. “Are you going to keep that?” He asked Remus.
“Well, it would be wasteful not to, right?” He chuckled, “I can’t believe a stranger would do that, that’s so nice.”
Benjy sighed audibly, “You could probably catch up with him if you wanted.”
“Oooh bad move, Benj,” Lily said under her breath.
“Lily, let’s go grab us all a drink. We’ll be back in a minute, guys.” James grabbed her hand and practically dragged her away towards the bar. When they were out of earshot, he looked a little sheepish. “Hey, are you and Benjy close?”
“We get along ok for Remus I guess, but other than that, nope. Why?” She looked up at him.
“Because uh, the guy that came and won that dog for Remus is my brother. Well, best friend, basically my brother. Long story.” He ran a hand through his tousled hair. “I didn’t invite him or anything, he just showed up and…”
Lily started to laugh and James felt his stomach do a little flip. “He’s your brother?!” She wiped a tear from her eye, “Oh my god, I don’t even know what to do with that. The way that we were all so uncomfortable about competitive Benj that we somehow manifested your brother to put us out of our misery is the fucking funniest… Thank you James’ brother.”
“He’s a fucking menace, but he’s wonderful.” James shrugged, “I know I probably shouldn’t say but your Remus is just his ty-”
Remus appeared behind Lily, without Benjy. “James, Benjy said to tell you that if you want a lift home you need to go now.”
“Nah, I’m good,” James said, sneakily pouring some vodka into the coke he’d bought them all. “Unless you’d rather just hang out the two of you, of course.”
Lily made eye contact with Remus and smiled. “Nah, stay with us. We’re more fun than Benjy anyway. See if your brother wants to join us if you like.”
“You have a brother?” Remus asked.
“Yeah, I think you’ll really like him.” James grinned as he saw Sirius round the corner of the dodgems and head towards them.
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the-bi-library · 1 year
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Here is the final part of the bi4bi books posts!
I'd appreciate it if you let me know if there are any more bi4bi books that I didn't include here 💕
Books listed: They Never Learn by Layne Fargo If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio Silver Nitrate by Silvia Moreno-Garcia The Drowning Summer by C.L. Herman Case Sensitive by A.K. Turner Missing, Presumed Dead by Emma Berquist Her Soul to Take by Harley Laroux Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao City of Shattered Light by Claire Winn City of Vicious Night by Claire Winn The Light Years by R.W.W. Greener The Apocalypse of Elena Mendoza by Shaun David Hutchinson Tell Me Anything by Skye Kilaen Her Scarlet Letters by Cat Giraldo Break Free by Raleigh Ruebins Modern Divination by Isabel Agajanian Caroline's Heart by Austin Chant The Door Into Fire by Diane Duane The Stone Prince by Fiona Patton Swordspoint by Ellen Kushner Wolf, Willow, Witch by Freydís Moon When the Stars Alight by Camilla Andrew Love at First Set by Jennifer Dugan Cleans Up Nice by Margo Phelps Educated by Nellie Wilson Queried Sick by Dallas Smith Chance Agreement by Margo Phelps Sirens & Muses by Antonia Angress Release by Suzanne Clay Orphia and Eurydicius by Elyse John Crown of Starlight by Cait Corrain To Beg or Not to Beg by Cat Giraldo Two Winters by Lauren Emily Whalen Electric Idol by Katee Robert Neon Gods by Katee Robert The Scandalous Letters of V and J by Felicia Davin The Spinster's Swindle by Catherine Stein Rocky Mountain Freedom by Vivian Arend Um traço até você by Olívia Pilar Biforia by Rebecca Romero Escalando Você by Rebecca Romero Entre estantes by Olívia Pilar → translated Between Bookshelves by Olívia Pilar Honor Among Thieves by Rachel Caine Victories Greater Than Death by Charlie Jane Anders The Stars Undying by Emery Robin Legend of Korra: Graphic Novels Harley Quinn: The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour Novels Seven Days: Monday–Sunday by Venio Tachiban Brimstones and Roses It Would Be Great If You Didn't Exist My Werewolf Girlfriend The Fiancée Farce by Alexandria Bellefleur Xeni by Rebekah Weather
Part 1
Part 2
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(Most) NSR characters reaction to receiving flowers from their S/O
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Request by: I forgor
Warnings: None
Readers Gender: Gender Neutral
Fanfic Type: Headcanon
Fanfic Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1028
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For being the chillest dude in the city, he honestly grows confused, yet flattered. He isn't much into flowers, but he appreciates them never the less with a growing blush on his cheeks. He's never gotten flowers from anyone before, but he'd rather buy his S/O flowers instead cause he loves to see their reaction (including giving them lots of kisses right after.)
DK West
Same as Zuke (cause he's his older brother obviously, duh) but acts very excitable as he picks his S/O up in a big bear hug. He's quite surprised they did something quite out of the norm, but he appreciates their enthusiasm when they show him the flowers with a jolly yet anxious look on their face. 
Oh boy. If you thought she was already cracked, she'd be even more cracked tossing the thought of personal space out the window when her S/O gives her flowers. She's always excited getting anything from her S/O in general really, but the flowers they picked out were her favourite colour (and they smelt nice.) Since she lives in a sewer, she couldn't keep the poor things alive. Zuke told her so after all.
Poor thing grows into a blushing mess, basically speechless. She's just so appreciative while loving the generous gift. The flowers that her S/O gifted her gave Eve the inspiration she needed for her next art piece. This new sense of inspiration lead Eve to taking the flowers (including their S/O) to her studio and started a new project that evolved all around them, the flowers, and every amount of love Eve has for her S/O into it. 
Doesn't seem amused or impressed by them at first, but she takes the flowers from her S/O and thanks them anyway. Tatiana is quite a softy when she's alone so when no ones looking (including her S/O) she's able to finally use a somewhat-expensive-vase that was the perfect size for the flowers, leaving them in her office. When her S/O comes up to her office, they seem them on the table while Tatiana admired them. Let's just say after that happened Tatiana and her S/O have an "argument" about who's the cutest one now in their relationship. 
Neon J
He finds it weird at first (regardless of his S/O's gender) Neon only acted like this not to hurt their feelings of course, but this was just something he wasn't used to. Time passed by until Neon grew flustered, but his S/O caught him read-handed, pulling him into a hug. Neon J admits it while hugging them back, no longer being able to hide it behind his tough exterior anymore.
Rin (1010)
Would be in complete shock. He thought it was supposed to be the other way around. The bouquet of camellia's where beautiful to his eyes though. He's quite flattered either way, (and very blushy) and doesn't know what to say or do. Being the emotional robot Rin was, he almost bursts into tears, but holds them in and brings his S/O in a bone crushing hug after snapping himself out of his shocked state.
Zimelu (1010)
His face is as bright as a lava lamp once he sees a bouquet of amaryllis's in his S/O's hands. He felt strange receiving flowers, but thankfully takes them into his hands with a quick thank you. He basically turns very tsundere. He won't admit it, but after he received the flowers, he immediately looks for a vase and got them all nice and pretty on his nightstand right by the window, admiring them.
Purl-Hew (1010)
Acts very tsundere receiving the flowers. They were gorgeous blue flowers. He tries to hide his blushing, bright cheeks, but fails miserably. He also tries to hide a growing smile on his face. If him and his S/O are alone, he'd hold them close and kiss them all over their face. Since he's too shy to speak at that moment, his actions spoke for him.
Haym (1010)
Knowing how Haym is receiving any gift from his S/O, he was a thrilled blushy boy after receiving the bouquet of blue violets. Yeah, they'll die eventually, but it's the meaning behind the flower and the thought that counts! Haym showers his S/O with affection after receiving them.
Eloni (1010)
Doesn't know how to react to the bouquet of pink roses. He was pretty shocked. His cheeks grew the brightest they've ever been, blinding their S/O's eyes slightly. He apologizes and says he can't help it with a giant smile on his face while picking up his S/O to take them to his room to shower then with affection.
DJ's reaction was... not too pleasant at first. He acted like his egotistical self, but he was a bit more rude about it (cause of his masculinity, but he wouldn't tell his S/O that) He kept calling them simpleton, but not in a joking way like he usually would. This left his S/O saddened, feeling tears start falling down their eyes. They begin to walk away as the flowers plopped on the ground. After hearing them leave, DJ huffs, feeling bad that he reacted the way he did. He turns around in his chair to see the flowers on the ground. They were a mixture of colours just like the galaxy. DJ then realized he fucked up, getting up to grab the flowers and looked for his S/O. He felt his heart sink as he quickly grabbed his phone to call them. Not to get too personal or anything, but when his S/O picked up, DJ was already driving to their house to cater and love them to apologize for him being such an asshole. 
This rat of a man acts quite tsundere. He acts like he's upset and despises the flowers, but truly he doesn't. He's always appreciated and loved plants, but he wouldn't tell his S/O that so they could embarrass him even more with their way of expressing their love and affection for him.
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vasito-de-leche · 1 year
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;NSR DJSS - General Headcanons
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Compilation of headcanons and analysis about DJ Subatomic Supernova and other related things.
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I got an ask asking for DJSS' love languages (don't worry! working on it!) but then it hit me that I don't think enough about DJSS to talk about love languages right away, so I'm getting this out of my system to try and fleshen out the way I write him!
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The most healthy and solid friendship DJSS has is with Eve.
Eve's post is still fresh on my mind, so it got me thinking about how DJSS and Eve are very similar - like, two sides of the same coin, or two opposites in the same spectrum. But before I get carried away, let's talk about DJSS.
Out of all megastars within NSR, DJSS is very clearly the one with the least amount of connections to other characters, at least in the way he's presented in-game. Like, all of them are connected to NSR and Tatiana because they work for her, that's obvious - but the Sayu Gang have each other, Yinu has her parents, Neon J has 1010, Eve and DK West both have Zuke and Tatiana/NSR respectively. Tatiana has Kliff, the Goolings and Mayday.
DJSS is just. There?
Maybe it's because he's the tutorial boss, but very similarly to Eve, themes of loneliness and not being appreciated enough or understood are prominent in his background. The casettes literally show him spiraling from an underappreciated but very passionate teacher to a very influential but egocentric megastar.
There's just something about how DJSS and Eve share loneliness as a theme. And how both of them also fully embody their work, becoming a personification of their craft and passions so that their self-worth and identity is DIRECTLY tied to how said passions are received and perceived. To others, music and art are simply an extension of themselves, an important part of their lives, not the whole of it. But DJSS and Eve? You can't separate them from their work. Again, the Sayu Gang are a bunch of teens bonding over a shared interest. Yinu is a megastar BECAUSE of her family, not by CHOICE, she plays the piano FOR her deceased father. Neon J is, first and foremost, a war veteran and protector of Vinyl City before he is a musician, even if dancing and music are his passions.
There is also something to be said about how their respective journeys are opposites of each other yet end the same way. They've gotten what they've wanted, but they're stagnant and unfulfilled.
We see DJSS starting as a starry-eyed teacher, thanking the THREE students AND A JANITOR who came to his lessons because he's grateful for anyone who will listen to him. He's using his passion and work to teach others and expand their minds and whatever other cool one-liners he says in his videos and cutscenes. This directly mirrors Eve, who starts as a self-loathing, deeply insecure artist who uses art as a way to cope and vent. (If you read my Eve post, throwback to the duality theme - outside and inside. DJSS is channeling his work to the world, to the outside. He's looking for people who understand him. Nadia is channeling her work to herself, to the inside. She's looking to understand herself.)
The middle part of their whole journey shows a moment of introspection and healing for both of them.
DJSS reconnects with his love for music and the reason he even became a teacher in the first place - not out of love for teaching (which is another point I wanna talk about later in this post) but for a genuine love and intrigue for the universe. After years of trying to get anyone to listen, he finally remembers how it feels to look up at the sky. He finds a way to merge both music and space as a means to further his goal.
Eve heals because she believes she's found someone who can complete her, someone who isn't herself but who can understand and see her just as good. She doesn't hide her pink side, she doesn't hide her face with her hair, she is shown to be very, very lively, excited and intense. This is the moment she realizes she can be understood and loved, all the things she saw as impossible before meeting Zuke. Her art reflects this, she can now focus on something other than hating herself.
(It's very important to me that we remember her heart piece with Zuke is made out of recycled bottles. Both DJSS and Eve were shown to have this thing for helping others - DJSS through teaching and Eve through art.)
And then, their last collectible shows them at their worst.
DJSS has finally managed to be influential enough to have thousands of people actually pay attention to what he's saying. And he explicitly says that, even though he's gotten this far, he feels empty. And he feels empty because all of his work will disappear, because he will be forgotten in a few generations. And we see how music has replaced his love for the universe, it's a subtle shift in which DJSS goes from wanting to learn and teach others about something he's deeply passionate about from wanting his music and hard work to live on forever through space.
There's a metaphor somewhere in there about DJSS' legacy being not his work as a teacher, astrophycisist or even a pillar of the EDM movement - but a few of his songs. Attached to an NSR satellite. Going through the empty void of space.
And then there's Nadia, all alone again. Because she's gotten so comfortable with the idea of being understood, that she expected Zuke to see everything the same way she did, and therefore setting his hair on fire wouldn't be that big of an issue. And this is her worst fear, but it doesn't hurt as much as she thought it would - because she's expected this to happen at some point, even when she was at her happiest with Zuke.
I want to draw a line between this moment and the way their loneliness permeates in their words and actions - DJSS who has tried for years to reach out to like-minded people, finally has an audience that respects him, he still feels unfulfilled and empty. And he further distances himself from everything by setting his sights and his legacy on THE COLD VACUUM OF SPACE. Eve, who has always believed she would end up alone, IS NOW ALONE AND ABANDONED (from her perspective anyways, since it would be unfair to say Zuke was a horrible monster for leaving a relationship this complex) and yet she doubles down on finding someone like her.
DJSS states that no one is able to think like him, no one within NSR shares his ambition nor vision - he's resigned. Eve states that she will bring everyone to her level one way or another - she's desperate. Two sides of the same coin. Two extreme opposites in the same spectrum.
It all boils down to believing that somewhere out there, whether in Vinyl City or the universe, there's someone who can really appreciate them.
The two conceal a sense of inferiority, the difference being that Eve's comes from a place of pure, genuine hatred for herself (if her work can't be understood, she can't be understood. if her work can't be appreciated, she can't be appreciated) and DJSS' comes from a place of blind confidence in his own potential and ideas (if his work cannot be understood, it's because no one has the ability to understand it. if his work cannot be appreciated, it's because no one is sensible enough to appreciate it).
There is also something about how, at their worst and/or when they feel threatened, they seem to switch?
This is most notable in Eve's boss fight, in which she acts condescending and dismissive to both Mayday and Zuke - saying all the things she knows will hurt just for the sake of hurting Zuke. She establishes her superiority over those who can't understand her, similar to how DJSS treats B2J initially. And in DJSS' case, hints of this reversal can be heard in his casettes, already explained above. He somewhat resembles Eve during her final section, a resigned and numb acceptance to being alone.
I think these two would be friends because they would be able to recognize their similarities - not openly address them, mind you, that's too much for either of them to handle - but enough to just chill with each other. There is an underlying feeling of understanding between them, even if all they do is hang out to do superficial things, gossip or rant about work.
And I like to think they're both fine with this arrangement, because sometimes people need relationships that aren't mentally or emotionally exhausting or intense! Sometimes you just need a buddy who shares a similar trauma that neither of you will address and who wants to go bitch about Stacy from HR! It's an unlikely friendship that surprises everyone, but once they stop to think about it, it just makes sense for them to click - at least with the façades they present to the world.
No matter how hard he tries to rebrand, DJSS knows that he'll always be a teacher at heart. Not necessarily a good one, but a teacher anyway.
I really like that one post I saw through the NSR tag about how DJSS makes sense as the tutorial boss because he used to be a teacher, we can assume that there was a time in his life where he loved to teach and shape the minds of the future generations. It's a little meta connection that makes sense to me!
And I like to think that this is something that DJSS can't ever get rid of - the need to just teach. It can come across as DJSS not being able to shut his mouth when it comes to telling people why they're wrong and why he's right, but at the end of the day, he's still trying to clarify misconceptions and teach others new things. It just happens through layers and layers of his condescending attitude.
Of course, this also doesn't apply to just teaching, it applies to learning as well.
DJSS strikes me as someone curious and very driven, instead of asking others why, he sets out to find out answers himself - either because it's easier and faster, because he has something to prove, because of he's so full of autism and hyperfixates easily or whatever other reasoning you like the most.
I like the idea of a DJSS who knows his worth and knows he shouldn't bother trying to argue with people who clearly don't care about facts, logic and research, let alone putting the effort to learn or have an open mind - those simpletons who aren't worth his time - but still struggles with keeping his mouth shut.
During his boss fight, he immediately dismisses B2J because they're small fry, they're not even here for him, they're here for inconsequential reasons that he doesn't have time for. Why should he even entertain them? AND THEN HE DOES. HE GETS RILED UP AND JUST GOES ON TO TALK ABOUT HIS ENDEAVORS AND GOALS ANYWAY.
He REALLY reads as a guy who makes the funniest of jokes and can't help but explain them anyway - and he gets away with it most of the time.
Very organized, detail-oriented person, loves routine and to plan things beforehand. DJSS cannot stand spontaneous decisions and has a hard time adapting to sudden changes.
Sometimes it might be easy to forget that DJSS is most likely the smartest member of NSR as a whole, specifically because of the way he acts and presents himself typically - even if he makes a point of constantly reminding others of his intellect and academic achievements. But! Nothing escapes DJSS' keen vision.
Out of other members of NSR, Tatiana trusts DJSS the most to keep up with his responsibilities as charter and many other projects benefitial for the company, like the rocket launch! He's proven time and time again that he's more than competent to be left to his own devices. Even if he doesn't care much for the other megastars, he still shows up on time for meetings and speaks his mind on things that need addressing (that he considers worth addressing, at least), never pulling his punches when offering his opinion.
Literally that kind of annoying coworker that loves to nitpick and someone you don't get along with but who makes the best points and arguments ever.
I like to think this is reflected in his position in Vinyl City - he's the furthest away from the NSR Tower, because he requires little to no supersion at all. He's also closest to the heart of Vinyl City: Festival Plaza and the Grand Qwasa, maybe because he can absolutely take care of any problems that might arise with it.
Even if he's extremely dismissive, DJSS does remember the people he works with - mostly based on their skills and how useful they are, just so he can know who to send away and who to keep around. He doesn't remember your name, but he remembers that you're competent enough to do a quick check on his turntables or other equipment. That sort of thing.
DJSS likes when things go his way, the way he expects things to be, the way he planned them out to be. He thinks of every possible outcome and prepares for it, without going overboard as to hinder his progress. So he can live with someone on his team messing up the rocket launch procedure - because that was already something he expected that would happen, even if he throws a little fit about it. But he can't deal with suddenly being told that someone else will handle the rocket launch entirely - because that's just not a possibility in his mind.
I can see DJSS being a fan of to-do lists or spreadsheets to stay on top of his game. He doesn't need them, he remembers everything he needs to, but hey, it's a fun flex!
I also just remembered one of the interactable things in Cast Tech - a drone that Zuke comments on, saying:
 "It must have crashed from all the conflicting signals. DJ Subatomic Supernova really likes the idea of blasting his signal into space..."
Which makes me think that yes, DJSS is great at solving things, he's careful and meticulous, doing anything to ensure his success in whatever he sets out to do - but his tunnel vision makes him careless enough to overlook some of the most obvious things in the world. Like how blasting his own signal might disrupt every other drone in the city or mess with other machines.
And this whole point is totally not me subtly trying to write DJSS in a way that compliments the way I perceive Neon J because I think the ship is fun and their dynamic is even funnier, absoluTELY NOT LETS MOVE ON
Cast Tech is the most academic district in Vinyl City. Basically paradise for nerds.
The same way Eve supports the arts in Dream Fever by having a lot of galleries and art studios, it makes sense that DJSS would support academic endeavors by having schools and other academic institutions, funding people's research and etc. It's another little thing that ties in with his background as a teacher.
In-game, Cast Tech is basically a short main road with two or three paths that lead to small areas. It's very lackluster compared to the rest of districts and I blame that on the way the game is structured, showing the boss first and then the district - plus the fact that DJSS is the tutorial boss so by proxy, he gets less content. But it's serviceable enough for the main plot in the game, which is to show us that NSR can be superficial, shallow and careless company.
And I'd like to argue that, maybe, the area Mayday and Zuke go through within Cast Tech, is not meant to be representative of the entire district. It feels more like an area meant for tourists or general NSR propaganda that ended up flopping massively because people weren't that interested?
DJSS is a megastar, sure, but he's not shown being that much of a public figure outside of advertisement. Compare him to any other member - Sayu and 1010's popularity rely on their fanbase, because they're public figures. Eve is an artist, we also see her dabble in all types of art, not just music, even fashion! Yinu is a literal child, but she's still in advertisements for healthy food and drinks.
Did you notice how Cast Tech and Club Planetarium are the only places that lack NPCs? Unique NPCs to be more exact, like Celine in Dream Fever, Mia in Festival Plaza, Yiruk in Metro Division, etc. People who most likely live there?
Once again, DJSS is an outlier. It makes sense to me that, even though this area has a statue of him and a store selling products based on him, literally just revolving around him, playing his advertisements and etc it's not... That important overall within his district. Even the Planetarium where he hosts concerts has a bunch of small stores outside, nothing grand. Even though it's HIS district, he's NOT the focus, ironically.
I would love to get into details about how the actual district works and what goes around, but I dropped out of my bachelor's degree and I don't know enough about science to get super in-depth about it! So anyone who DOES know or wants to develop this more, feel free!
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streaminn · 1 year
Does bodyguard au Enid ever wear an apron, for like cleaning and/or cooking purposes?(or other purposes 😏/j)
If so, Wednesdays reaction?
Enid's an efficient gal
She definitely has a dark apron to make sure her uniform doesn't get dirty along with matching gloves and disposable face masks around her car
But cooking wise? Boss bought her a black apron with the words kiss the cook in the most brightest and neon pink barbie writing
Enid has it stashed with her, so it's not surprising for her to bring it out when they stay in a place for more than a month
Wednesday is wondering if she should gouge her eyes out at the atrocious writing or appreciate the sight of Enid in her colors. It does something to Wednesday that despite how different her wolf looked from before, enid still bops on her feet to a random beat while doing chores/cooking
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loving-apparitions · 11 months
Hey um,, I’m unsure if your asks are closed or not- but I wanted to put this here for any time your okay with doing it-
Would you mind doing DJSS (and maybe even neon J) with an S/O that has issues with low self asteem/wanting to live? I don’t mind if you don’t get to this, or it’s too dark to do— I just have been having problems with these for a while now and I’d be extremely greatful for this as comfort :”)
He has lots of cosmic, poetic phrases to give you anytime you’re feeling down (many of them come from what he’s had to tell himself).
“This universe is over 13 billion years old, made of billions upon trillions of tiny, tiny little atoms. In all that time, with all that matter, do you realize how extremely unlikely it is for an individual life to be made? For you to exist, as you are? You beat all odds just to be here. Isn’t that amazing? Isn’t it a gift that you are on this Earth?”
He makes an effort to praise you whenever he can. He does appreciate you, after all, and it really is very special that he could meet you in this vast universe. He makes sure to express how loved you are.
If anyone is making you feel shitty? Nothing but insults for them. According to DJSS, anyone who looks down on you is clearly a closed-minded imbecile. They’re not worth your time.
As for you thinking poorly of yourself on your own, well in that case he says you just need to learn to see yourself better. You already are a radiant treasure, you’re just having trouble seeing that. One day, he hopes, it won’t be so difficult.
If you’re in the public eye at all, he tries to shield you from criticism. Usually in the form of blocking and reporting haters online, or physically shielding you from onlookers as you travel. On the other hand, every time someone is praising you, he likes to show it to you - holding his phone out to you with positive comments on social media, or quietly pointing at someone staring at you starstruck.
When you're feeling low, he wraps you in his arms and holds you close. He'll stay cuddled with you for as long as it takes for your mood to lift.
He usually stops you if you begin to hurt yourself. If that's saying something negative about yourself, he interjects with an objection or a contrasting compliment. If you have a habit of doing anything physically destructive, he takes both your hands in his and directs your attention elsewhere.
"Life is a fleeting thing, so short in eternity. I'd like to spend as much of mine with you as possible."
You actually get him to start paying attention to all the little beauties of life. He tends to be caught up more in the big picture, but as he's done to know you he's started focusing on how precious life is. It is pretty impressive that people made the buildings around you, isn't it? A cozy shirt really is something to be happy about, isn't it?
He tends to treat himself a lot, and so he treats you, and especially he gives you little gifts if he thinks it will help. You deserve happiness after all.
And if you are insecure about your appearance? "Who cares?" He asks bluntly. It's a house for your mind, as long as you feel good and healthy in it, what does it matter what anyone thinks? He thinks you l're attractive anyways, no way is a change to your appearance going to turn him away.
Neon J:
He often pulls you into activities. There's no time to dwell on dark thoughts if you're busy, he reasons. So he frequently invites you to join him for fun or for errands. Sometimes it's not so much an invite as it is him just showing up and saying "Get ready we're doing this, you have 10 minutes."
His ideal choice for an activity is something creative. It doesn't matter if it's new to you or how good you are at it. Neon finds that having an outlet and evidence that you've been working helps to pull you out of what-ifs.
Draw, write, sing, whatever. Neon encourages you to do it passionately and not give up until it's done. And then, you can look at it and say "I made this."
He isn't one to voice his own self doubts much anyways, but he's on extra alert to not talk down about himself around you. He doesn't want his problems to worsen yours.
If you're ever doubting his love for you, Neon sits you down and takes your hands in his. "Look at me," he'd say before telling you there's a hundred reasons he thinks most people wouldn't like him. But you don't see flaws in him. So why would he see so much wrong with you? Is it so hard to believe that the love you feel for others can be felt for you?
"I'm glad I'm still alive. That I survived to meet you. That you're alive now, here, with me. If you can't stick around for yourself yet, do it because I'm not done loving you. Someday you'll be glad you did."
He assures you that all of his compliments directed at you are genuine. He really thinks you're wonderful, inside and out, and he'll tell you that as much as he needs to until you believe it.
"Just one more day," he tells you when you're having a really rough day. "Just get through today and then see what tomorrow brings."
He gives you a lot of surprises - material gifts, tasty food, fun experiences. Breaking up monotony has helped him before, so he hopes that it will help you as well. He can also coax you to wait for a day or two, or to complete a task, or to say something nice about yourself so that he can give a little reward.
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efangamez · 5 months
Can I just say I'm proud of myself. I'm gonna rant a bit.
I'm also going to be using voice to text so if it gets up a bit verbose or if the grammar is off I'm sorry.
I keep forgetting a lot of the times that I'm a solo creator. I've only paid people to do art for my game twice and commissioned somebody to do the main theme for the GRIM soundtrack once.
All of the graphic design and artwork that you see in my handbooks are all done by myself. Only the covers to mourn and Riley's road trip in Neon Nights were done by artists. I've done everything else. And it's really cool to kind of understand that I put so much work into my games and I'm just one person. I'm also taking many steps to learn how to Pace myself and not force myself to work and I found my quality of games has increased almost doubly if not triply.
It's really nice to do things when I want and to have people who follow my games who understand that I'm disabled and will always reassure me that there's no pressure when it comes to release dates and stuff. I will have the Palace of eyes come out and I will have the physical editions of GRIM come out but this stuff takes time for one person to do and especially one that's disabled. And y'all know that and y'all understand that and I'm so thankful for that.
I also want to say that a lot of people who follow my games and who have done reviews have been the coolest f****** people on planet earth. Everyone that I've talked to has been pro Palestine and has been trying to do some advocacy work of some kind. I really dig that a lot. Also I've kind of cultivated a very neurodivergent and trans audience and I really dig that. I also dig the CIS people and the dudes who follow me but there's just something magical and special about having trans and queer people keep up and follow with your games.
I don't know I'm just really really thankful for everyone and I'm feeling a lot of love right now and I know that my bundle is probably not going to reach its goal but the fact that I was able to raise that much money and y'all purchased my games really means a lot to me. Like I was on the verge of breakdowns nearly every single day. My job is one that is self-employed and makes just a little bit above rent and groceries every month. With the money that I've raised I may not be able to get therapy and psychiatry but I'll be able to afford my meds and I will be able to enjoy life a little bit more. I went and saw Predator today at a local nonprofit theater and that was because of y'all. I wouldn't be able to pay for that stuff if it wasn't for you. So I promise you that all of that shmoney that y'all gave I'm not going to waste and y'all are going to get some pretty dope stuff in the near future.
I wish my trans and queer and neurodivergent and disabled people that are following me and who just may stumble across this post an absolutely magical evening and just know that rest is needed that you are worth it and that you were loved even if it's just by some rando game designer on the internet. I appreciate y'all have a wonderful night!
PS also get a game in my bundle or your transphobic / j
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pencilpat · 10 months
Sanders Sides: College AU - Part 6
Character sheets | Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
“Did you not enjoy meeting me?” Patton tries to ignore the sweat on their skin as though these simple questions are an interrogation. “I did enjoy meeting you, J! You’re fun to talk to.”
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Patton continues to be tangled in the coils of Janus's not-well-thought-out revenge plans. Virgil is struggling over the changes his partner is exhibiting. Remus and Roman decide some things matter more than drama from high school.
3,012 words
[CW: manipulation, drug mentions, character experiencing psychosis, mentions of panic attacks, alcohol mentions, discussion of holiday related trauma, abusive father mention, abusive mother mention, codependent familial relationship]
The charms on Patton’s phone clack against each other as they walk down the street, glancing hurriedly around for a particular park bench between a bakery café and a bar. They glance at the texts from their new friend J one more time, scrolling up slightly through several days of messages just to check they have everything right. It’s midday on a weekend, and Patton may or may not have had to tell a small fib to get time away from the others; nothing terrible, they just told them they had some shopping to do.
They clutch their phone at their chest, nervously glancing up at a bakery with the correct name. They look around the sidewalk as they come up to it, landing on a bench right outside. The green painted wood stands out cheerily in an area of town where most color comes from neon signs promising your wildest of parties. It’s empty, however, and they hum to themselves and sit down, smoothing out their overall-dress with a heavy sigh.
Pat: Hey J! I’m here, where are u?
They fire off a confused text, rubbing their forehead and adjusting their glasses. The bakery wafts warm smells out at them that nearly, almost, cover the reek of the bars all around it. It’s a quiet little spot that seems so out of place… It’s kind of cute, with a wood cabin façade on the front of the brick building and rows of pastries in the window.
🍏❤: Look up
Patton rereads her message twice, glancing up and blinking rapidly around. From the glass door of the café, they finally see her, waving them inside with a glimmering smile and black gloved hands. Patton sighs in relief and enters the store, face to face with her.
“Hi J! I thought you might have bailed on hanging out for a moment.”
“Oh, Pat, please. I would never turn down an opportunity with you.”
Patton giggles slightly. “You say that like we’ve been friends for years instead of this being our third time even meeting up!”
J shrugs at them, a wry grin crossing the corners of her lips. She gestures around at the incredibly cozy looking bakery with armchairs and coffee tables instead of restaurant tables. “Is this more your thing than the bars we tried last time?”
“Oh!” Patton touches their chest, appreciating being thought of like that. “Um, yes, this is nicer and calmer. Those bars were a lot for me. So was being drunk.”
J smirks. “Yes, I could gather that considering you almost threw up in the bathroom.”
“Hey, don’t kick someone when they’re down, J!” Patton jokes, patting at her arm repeatedly. Looking over at the counter and the menu above it, Patton sees pastries, several coffees, and a whole separate menu of hot chocolates. “I guess it is getting close to the holidays,” they murmur as the two of them approach. Janus glances at them, but just proceeds with ordering a mint cocoa. Patton ends up settling on a Mexican style hot cocoa, which has never let them down in deliciousness before.
As they both sit down, Janus leans her chin on her hands. “So, what is it about the holidays that made you look like a shellshocked war vet all of a sudden?”
“Oh!” Patton tries to wipe anything but a smile off of their face. “I’m sorry, you don’t need to worry about it!”
“Hm, who said I was worried. Curious would perhaps be a more accurate word. Don’t you enjoy them? Sitting down with those you love and pretending, for just a moment in time, that all is well…” Janus trails off in thought, eyes closing.
“I think it’s all that pretending that I don’t like about it, actually. I had to pretend everything was just fine one too many times on Christmas day.”
Patton flinches at their own revealing words. The distant image of their dad’s used needles on the coffee table alongside wrapping paper rotates in their mind, a thought they can’t banish. They knock their knuckles on the wooden armrests three times, taking a breath and holding it for a moment. The image moves on. “Yeah, the holidays weren’t… the best of times, growing up. Well, nothing was really the best of times back then.”
J says nothing for a moment, before realizing Patton has stopped. “Leaving me on a cliffhanger, Pat?”
“I don’t really like talking about it-“
The conversation is cut off by the appearance of a barista who sets their drinks in front of them with a wave. Patton picks up the red mug they were given, blowing on the steam and floating around a lone cinnamon stick inside of it. Decidedly not making eye contact. J stares at them, resting her gloved hands over the warm mug and drinking in the heat on her cold limbs. She massages her throat, deciding on a tone of voice to use. Concern? Guilt tripping? Passive aggressive? ‘Genuine’ kindness?
“You don’t have to tell me everything,” she says, settling on a compassionate, slightly upset tone. “But I just want to help, in any area I can.”
Patton shifts in their chair, and meets her eyes again with a tired sigh. “No, it’s okay, I know you just… just want to help. I don’t like talking about my childhood a lot of the time.” Janus nods, preparing to catalogue information for later. “It wasn’t a good one. My dad wasn’t a good guy, honestly, but- but he was very good at pretending to be. Went to church every Sunday, did substances in his free time, you know, typical hypocritical religious man.” Patton laughs uncomfortably, and Janus tilts her head, raising an eyebrow. Patton sips their still scalding cocoa, trying to hide or divert somehow. “A-anyways, he’s gone now. I don’t talk to my mom either, so… yeah.”
“Seems like you have a storied past, Pat. Does your… boyfriend take good care of you, at least? Did you take him out somewhere like I suggested?”
“Oh, he does take good care of me, yes! We both help each other with our mental health a lot.” Patton rubs their hand over the side of the mug anxiously. “I tried taking him somewhere during school hours as a surprise like you said might work, but I don’t know, I think it just upset him. There’s been some personal drama in our friend group.”
“Oh, has there?” she says. Janus represses the urge to be pleased with herself, because Patton seems upset in a way that even she doesn’t feel comfortable toying with.
“Yeah… Our housemate’s brother had to be kicked out.”
“Really?” she says, faux shocked. “And what caused that?”
“He was… involved with drugs,” Patton whispers. “And it was really- It- It could have put my friends in danger. We were being harassed by his dealers.”
“Was he not your friend as well?”
“Not… not in a real, genuine way. We would argue more than actually enjoy being around each other. We had very different ideas about right and wrong.”
“And what are your ideas on right and wrong, Pat?”
Patton chuffs out a light laugh. “Well, the main point of contention we argued on was that drugs are absolutely never a good thing, especially if other people are involved too.”
“Right, and that’s why you were out drinking alone when we met.”
Patton tenses up and hides in another sip of too-hot cocoa. “That was my first time ever- I do not go out. Not, at least, before we met.”
“Did you not enjoy meeting me?”
Patton tries to ignore the sweat on their skin as though these simple questions are an interrogation. “I did enjoy meeting you, J! You’re fun to talk to.”
“Well, at least I have that going for me. God forbid I secretly be a drug dealer or something, could you imagine?”
“You’re… not, are you?”
Janus’s smile falls dramatically into a near cartoonish disappointed frown, and she raises an eyebrow at them. “I was joking, no, I don’t do any substances but booze.”
“Okay, good, ha,” Patton relaxes a slight bit, breathing out a low breath. “How about you, J? I revealed some childhood of mine – how was yours?”
“Definitely just as bad as yours, sweetie.” It’s Janus’s turn to awkwardly sip at her mug, feeling small all of a sudden, as though the entire world is watching her rather than the single, spectacled gaze of her new 'bestie.' Patton stares at her curiously until the silence is making her uncomfortable. “I haven’t talked to either of my parents since I was 15 if that tells you anything.”
“Why’s that?”
Janus sighs through her nose, eyes closing tiredly for a moment as she picks her words carefully. “I got kicked out to put it simply. My parents were very traditional, only second-generation immigrants with a whole lot of strong ideals and desires about my future. They didn’t take kindly to having a trans kid, to say the least.” Patton nods, eyebrows creased sympathetically, encouraging her to keep going. “I made it on my own from there. Now, here I am. Voila.”
“That was a lot of words to tell me almost nothing at all, J,” Patton teases her lightly.
“I don’t prefer divulging so much information when I’ve met someone all of three times.”
Patton shrugs, humming. “That’s fair, I won’t pry! I don’t have a crowbar anyways.”
Janus chuckles, rolling her eyes just slightly. “Ugh, wordplay. Anyways. How is your drink?”
“Oh, it’s very nice! Hot cocoa never misses though, so it’s to be expected,” Patton smiles across at her. Janus hums, drinking deep from her mug, letting the warm feeling replace her pain just for a moment. She needs to remain unrecognized, but damn is it rough to get around without her crutches. The mint and chocolate taste does a good job of flooding her sense out. She sighs out a breath, peeking at Patton through one eye.
“This is nice. Very relaxing, quiet. Never thought I could enjoy an activity that is basically just sitting there.”
“Well, just sitting there can be nice! Especially with a friend.”
Janus smiles, though whether it’s a reaction to the kindness or a grim nod to how far from friendship this really is, even she couldn’t tell you. “I’m glad you feel that way, Pat. I suppose we can do more things at ‘your pace’ from here on; I’ve realized I just might need the relaxation. Plus, you are ever-interesting to learn about.”
Patton smiles at her sheepishly, and her lips split into a smile as well, teeth bared and glimmering under her thick black lipstick.
They’ve attempted to practice this song before, so Virgil lets himself get very, very into it, banging the drums like he has a personal vendetta against percussion instruments while Roman attempts to keep up on his bass guitar. Roman sweatily plays the last notes of the song, but Virgil doesn’t stop playing, seemingly just starting right back into the drums for the chorus in a loop, his eyes closed and face scrunched up.
“Virgil!” Roman attempts to call out to him four times, and eventually just walks up to him and catches the cymbal as he was about to hit it, muffling it and finally startling him out of his trance. “Earth to emo, the song’s over already!” Virgil just stares at him for a moment, panting with wide eyes.
“Uh- Sorry. I got caught up in it.”
“No kidding,” Roman snarks, leaning against his kit. “How are we supposed to have a successful recording if you are dead set on becoming the next Def Leopard?”
“Sorry, jeeze,” Virgil mumbles. He begins getting up and moving towards their water bottles, and Roman can’t help noticing how stiff and uncomfortable he looks.
“Virgil?” he stops him. “Hey, is something amiss?”
Virgil sighs, chugs a large gulp of water, and then wipes his brow. “Yeah, it’s- I’m fine, it’s nothing serious.”
“You are acting fishier than sushi Sundays, just tell me what’s up.”
Virgil groans. “I dunno. Patton’s just been… weird lately. Have you noticed it at all?”
Roman tries to think, tapping his chin. “Nothing outside of their usual oddities.”
“They’ve been veering into really upsetting territory for me lately.” Roman makes an inquiring hum, and Virgil grimaces. “Really quick to tell white lies and immediately assure me it won’t have any consequences. They also stay up in the living room most nights instead of coming to bed with me early like they used to. And they keep leaving the house for seemingly no reason.”
“Not necessarily the most unlike them they could act, but it is odd. Do you think it could be new rituals? Do they need their meds adjusted?”
Virgil shakes his head. “I mean, I don’t know. They haven’t needed their meds changed in at least half a year; they’ve been really stable anxiety-wise? It’s just- just weird, and I don’t like it. It keeps making me have panic attacks.”
“Well, we certainly can’t have that. Have you spoken with them about it yet?”
“No, I’m too nervous that I’m just being… being over-cautious.” Virgil pulls up his hood, gripping the sides of it and worrying with the fabric. “What if I bring it up and they think I’m being crazy?”
Roman touches his hands with his, for once gloveless, fingers, looking at him seriously. “You know for a fact Patton would never in their life call you crazy, especially when you are just concerned for them. Whatever it is, I know they’ll let us know when they feel like they can. Until then, I know it’s asking much from you, but trust them.”
Virgil grimaces, but it fades into a soft smile. “Thanks for reassuring me, Rom, I’m sorry. Just get a little anxious sometimes.”
“Oh please, in another universe, the name on your birth certificate is ‘Anxiety’ Addams instead,” Roman teases. Virgil scoffs, then swipes Roman’s bangs into his face, leaving him sputtering on his own hair as they both laugh.
Roman is already settled cozily in bed and half asleep when his phone begins ringing, and he groans at it dramatically for ruining his sleep. He fumbles on his bedside table and pulls the bright light into view. He nearly drops the phone in his urgency to pick it up the second his sleepy eyes register Remus’s contact name.
“Remus! You’re calling me?! You dick, just text me when I te-“
“Do you hate me, Roman?”
Roman just kind of freezes in place, listening to his twin’s very heavy breathing. “Remus? Are you okay?”
Remus laughs shakily on the other end. “Change of environment finally caught up with me. The stress of ignoring you did too, I guess.”
Roman cups the phone against his ear as though it could count as comforting Remus across the phone line. “I don’t hate you, no. I don’t think I could manage it as much as I like to pretend I can.” Roman replies to him with as much sober sincerity as he posed the question. “You’re my brother, you know?”
“Being their son didn’t make them love me. I don’t know why you’d uphold family ties so much after everyone else got rid of me.” Roman hears Remus’s breath hitch, and he knows instantly that he must be feeling things grabbing his legs again. It’s a common but very distressing hallucination for him.
“Remus, mom and dad can suck shit,” Roman declares, and to his happiness, it draws a more genuine sounding chuckle from his twin. He can’t help smiling at the sound of his stupid laugh. “Maybe family ties are bullcrap, but whatever you and I have isn’t anything like how mom and dad ‘showed love.’ We actually love each other, like real fucking family.” Roman pauses, listening to Remus breathe again, proving his twin is there to himself. “I did promise I’d always take care of you. Nothing about that has changed.”
“It has though, y’know?” Remus’s voice shakes slightly. “We’re adults, like fully now, and we can’t be that close anymore.”
“Why not?”
“It wouldn’t be healthy for two 20ish bros to share a bed, no offence but I don’t like you like that,” Remus jokes, making Roman snort out a laugh and roll his eyes.
“Remus, you’re such an idiot. I do concede that I never want to share a bed with you again because you stink,” Remus laughs on the other end, but Roman continues. “But us doing that isn’t the extent of brother-ness. You were sick, like really sick, back then. We can care for each other… outside the context of suffering, too.”
“Even though I went and stayed with her? Do you really think Virgil could handle you still talking to me regularly?”
Roman sighs. “Look- Just- Some things are more important than that stupid godawful fight from high school. You and I weren’t even involved, we just had to physically put ourselves between them.”
“Didn’t know Virgil was capable of being that scary TBH,” Remus mutters, pronouncing each letter of the acronym.
“Yyyeah, me either up until then.” He sighs. “We couldn’t exactly not take his side, you know?”
“We could have not taken sides at all!”
“Remus, look, Janus isn’t – or at least wasn’t – a good person or a good friend, and even if you’re talking to her, don’t bring her into me and Virgil’s lives if you can help it. Please?” Roman listens to him breathe in deeply.
“I won’t, don’t worry about that. Look your highness, I need to go and smoke a joint, or else this episode is just getting worse for the night, but Roman?”
“Yes Remus?”
“I promise I won’t ignore your texts anymore. See you never, loser.”
“See you in tartarus , you jerk,” Roman says playfully, rolling his eyes. “And… Love you.”
There’s a pause of silence and shifting for a bit longer than comfortable. “Love you too, Rom,” Remus says, quickly hanging up and leaving Roman alone in the darkness again.
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the-mad-closet · 10 months
A - Aftercare
Oooh baby do we have aftercare. Nine times out of ten, Kai is absolutely wrecked after a session, so Leo usually takes care of clean up. Once he's back to himself, Kai asks about Leo and if he's okay and if what they'd just done was okay, and Leo usually has to kiss him to make him stop talking or Kai will just worry himself into anxiety (and subdrop) and Leo would rather avoid that.
B- Body part
Leo likes his biceps and thighs. For Kai, Leo likes his hips and his hands (and his brain). It's a control thing, for him.
Kai likes his chest, but not a lot else. For Leo, Kai likes his legs, his torso, and his lips
C- Cum
Leo sees it as a way to please Kai because Kai likes being drenched in the stuff, but otherwise, he doesn't have a lot of feelings on it. Kai, on the other hand, really likes it. Most specifically, he likes it being on him.
D - Dirty secret
Leo and Kai both get off to a fantasy threesome with Kendrix. She won't say it, but she knows (and approves)
E - Experience
Leo has a fairly good amount of experience, he likes sex, he's not ashamed. Kai's experience is limited due to his studying habits. Like he knows how sex works in theory - porn exists for a reason - but otherwise? Nah. But it's okay, but Leo's got him
F - Favorite position
Kai likes cuddling, so his favorite two are spooning on the side and with Leo laying literally on top of him. Leo likes it when Kai's tied up and has no leverage so all he can do is feel
G - Goofy
Leo's a goof, but when it comes to sex, he and Kai are both very serious. That being said, he does sometimes do silly things in the bedroom before sex just to see Kai laugh.
H - Hair
Kai is very neat and trimmed, he's a clean personal in general. He's also hairless downstairs. Leo isn't exactly clean in all aspects of his life, but he takes very good care of himself. He's trimmed, but not hairless.
I - Intimacy
Little known fact, Leo actually had to put on a whole show before Kai would even consider a relationship because Kai's very insecure about himself. Kai didn't even think Leo would want him, even though Leo's literally spreading rose pedals on the floor of their shared room, all but waving a neon flashing sign that says "I WANT YOU". The point is, Leo is a big romantic. He does everything in his relationship like he does in his Ranger duties. He's thorough and pays a lot of attention to details.
Kai isn't nearly the romantic that Leo is, but he tries and Leo appreciates it. (Kai learned how to rollarblade for him, how can he not be in love?)
J - Jack off
Leo will get himself off as often as he can, because there's a lot about Kai that Leo just finds hot as fuck and he's is only human, man. Kai doesn't touch himself but once in a blue moon, because he's never found need to. (Nor does he find it interesting)
K - Kink
Leo likes control, he gets off on being the dominant party. He also really likes it when Kai wears his glasses instead of his contacts.
Kai gets off on submission. Leo could tell him what to do all damn day and Kai would be happy with that. Kai also likes blindfolds. Something about not being able to see anything really appeals to him.
L - Location
Kai's not into letting others see him vulnerable. Leo would show off his boy to the world if he could. Because of this, they've compromised on having sex only one other place outside their bedroom. The Ranger common room quickly becomes a favorite for them
M - Motivation
Everything about Kai turns Leo on. Leo would have Kai at any time in any place and Kai knows it. Kai can be doing something silly and mundane, like closing the curtains, and Leo would be on him in a second.
Kai's not at that level. He's actually somewhere on the ace scale, if he's honest. But when Leo spars, he takes off his shirt and that can get Kai hot and bothered.
N- No
Kai doesn't do like... pain-pain. He describes it as "if he's struggling to get away, he doesn't want it." Quick spanks are fine, but don't like all-out hit him. Also, urine and scat are a big no for him.
Leo's down for anything, but urine and scat as well. He likes being hurt sometimes, but it's not an everyday thing. Also, ever since the day Terraventure almost froze to death, he refuses to do anything sexual regarding the cold. It wouldn't matter if Kai asked and was okay with it, Leo isn't.
O - Oral
Kai likes giving it, it shuts his brain down. It's fun for him! He is not particularly skilled, but Leo loves that he doesn't have a gag reflex.
Leo like receiving it and giving it, he's very good at both
P - Pace
Their pacing really depends on their mood. If it's a quick fuck in the shower or Kai's late for work, Leo utilizes every trick he knows to get them both off as fast as possible. If it's a late night or after a long, hard battle, slow is fast.
Q - Quickie
Leo: 👀👀
Kai: What?
Leo: 👀👀👀👀
Kai: ffs
Listen, Leo likes sex, he's willing to do anything necessary to get it. Even hide in a broom closet and drag his unsuspecting boyfriend inside as Kai passes by.
Kai is fondly exasperated
R - Risk
Leo is a big risk taker. Kai is very by-the-book. They've compromised on the Rangers' common room
S - Stamina
Leo has a lot of stamina, he'll go six times in a single night (actually has on a few occassions) and will happily take every opportunity to jack off or get Kai off
Kai taps out at three. Sometimes Leo can squeeze out four if he's really trying. Kai can't always keep up with Leo, but he's always ready to challenge himself
T - Toys
Kai, despite his lower sex drive, has a few, which was the most surprising thing about him, Leo's found
Leo doesn't do toys for himself, but he'll happily use Kai's on him!
U - Unfair
Leo gets right down to business, doesn't bother teasing unless he wants to wind Kai up for something big later or if he's in a playful mood. Kai will tease Leo sometimes, when the mood strikes or when he's horny.
V - Volume
Leo is loud, very loud, but usually only after Kai's gotten off. Kai isn't loud, comes by nature. Kai goes about his life in basic invisibility. This carries with hum to the bedroom. When Leo does something particularly good, Kai will let him know, but Leo's plenty loud for the both of them
W - Wild Card
Kai likes being bound and breath play. He only found this out after Trakeena captured him and choked him. Leo, while not happy with how it was discovered, is happy to oblige.
Leo, on the other hand, is highly possessive of what's his.
X - X-ray
Leo is average sized, long and thin. Kai is a little shorter, but about the same.
Y - Yearning
Leo's is high, like through the roof high. Kai is almost the exact opposite.
Z - Zzz
Leo always falls asleep first, always cuddling Kai. Kai usually has to lay down and calm down for a while first. He usually snuggles Leo while he's calming down.
Thank you! More please! @estel-eruantien
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milophiliac · 2 years
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A/N: I haven't added everyone, simply because I ran out of ideas :| If I do get more however, you can expect a part 2. Keep your hopes low though- Also, my writing comeback era?? I'm aware I haven't written in a month, but uni has been kicking my ass <//3 Oh also, new wip to look forward to!! But beware, it's angsty >:) Word Count: 0.4k Genre: Headcanons [not x reader/listener] Warnings: not proofread.
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♡ Vincent’s notes were non-existent until the submission date was announced. He’d complete a whole notebook worth of notes in one sitting around a day before the submission day. Vincent’s handwriting was neat…but his notebooks weren’t. They were written so quickly and you could tell.
♡ Lovely did the same thing as Vincent. Except their notes didn’t look like they were written in one day and they often lent it to people who needed to complete notes after they did.
♡ Sam’s notes were so well-written and neat. He took lecture notes even though they weren’t always required. His notes were rarely with him, he lent his notes to other people a lot.
♡ Darlin’s notes were filled with little doodles. Small flowers and intricate geometric designs decorated their margins. 
♡ David’s notes were always neat and complete. He didn’t lend his notes to anyone except Milo and Ash. His diagrams were well-drawn but they were never colored in, he called it a “waste of time”.
♡ Angel’s notes… funny you think they even kept a notebook. They were always sent to the supervisor’s office, it was the norm.
♡ Asher’s notes were a pure contrast to David’s. The only things he completed properly were the diagrams [colored-in of course] and hands-on learning stuff like physics experiments.
♡ Babe’s notes were incomplete. Half the pages were blank. However, the pages that were complete were very neatly done.
♡ Milo’s notes were written in neat cursive and they were colorful. Not a single heading or important term was left blank, he made sure to highlight or underline whatever he could. 
♡ Sweetheart, like Sam, had the best notes in class. Their notes were highlighted [not as much as Milo’s] and marked properly. However, the diagrams weren’t very well-drawn, still legible though.
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♡ William’s notes were complete, well-written, and done on time. His handwriting, however… He wrote in the most illegible cursive and it was such a task to read.
♡ Gabe’s notes were such a task to read. His notebooks were always half-blank and the pages that were written were absolutely horrendous. I won’t take any criticism on this because I’m right/j ♡ Marie’s notes were always written in block letters [except in English]. Other than that, her notes were pretty neat. She didn’t like neon highlighters [which were the only things available at the time] so she shaded stuff with her colored pencils. 
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© All content belongs to @milophiliac. Do not copy, translate, modify or repost any work. Reblogging however, is very much appreciated.
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simpjaes · 4 months
when it comes to j-rock please dont forget oneokrock too! riki listens to it a lot too my recommendation are i was king, wherever you are and neon. everyone do listen to these!
😭 anon ur preaching to the choir, im p sure the majority of people know who ONE OK ROCK is when it comes to jrock, hell, even non jrock fans love them!!! they have like, millions of monthly listeners.
when i’m talking about my love for j rock tho, it’s almost exclusively visual kei bands with less than 200k listeners💀
ONE OK ROCK is very much an early 2000s emo band and not rly in the viskei genre, which is again, my fave genre. they are appreciated 100% i prommy 😭 sry for not recommending them but they’re def not the band on my mind when i get the chance to discuss my personal faves.
SO!! if yall want some early 2000s emo vibes, give one ok rock a listen! otherwise, stream whodunit 👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
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"Gbunny's NSR Relationship Charts: NSR Side"
Navigation (Will link as they become available):
B2J Side
Mixed Groups
1010 Expanded
In general, I think they're all like one big family, so if there isn't an explicit line between them, assume that their relationship is neutral to positive. Simplified list + some explanation under the cut if I thought the chart wasn't sufficient.
Note: In this chart, White represents 1010 as a group unless otherwise stated.
Has a brother-sister dynamic with Yinu. (They're instinctively kind to all children, but since she's also NSR staff, they treat her extra nicely.)
Has a complicated relationship with Neon J. (See the 1010 expanded chart.)
Trades dance inspo with Dodo.
Tila finds them all attractive, but would not pursue any of them romantically. (Since Tila is a minor, they don't actively flirt with her, but 1010's "charm effect" is strong and passive, so she still developed a little infatuation with them, though neither party would seriously pursue the other.)
Surprisingly good friends with Eve. (They relate a lot to each other's emotional shortcomings and have bonded over it. Due to her influence, he's developed a small appreciation for art when he previously found it a pointless endeavor in the face of inevitable oblivion.)
Refuses to ever talk down to Yinu. (He believes Yinu has suffered more than enough for someone her age, so he doesn't feel the need to crush her dreams further. That's what he says, but...)
Fears Mama more than his own existential dread. (He also fears Mama's retribution.)
Rivals to lovers to rivals to lovers to rivals to... with Neon J.
Basically family with Tatiana. (Post revolution, their relationship has improved dramatically. While Tatiana still struggles to be vulnerable and emotionally open, and Eve is still growing out of her codependency, they've formed a more genuine bond)
Is a part of the "Tatiana Simp Squad" with Neon J. (See the Mixed Group chart for more info.)
Surprisingly good friends with DJSS. (They relate a lot to each other's emotional shortcomings and have bonded over it. Due to his influence, she has slowly developed more rational modes of thought rather than letting her emotions spiral to the worst possible outcome at any given moment.)
Is feared by DJSS.
Is still protective of Yinu, but is trying to loosen up. (While she's still cautious of leaving her alone, she generally trusts NSR staff enough to let Yinu be alone with them, as long as they're all nearby. Otherwise, Mama is always with Yinu.)
Neon J.
Has a complicated relationship with 1010. (See the 1010 expanded chart.)
Rivals to lovers to rivals to lovers to rivals to… with DJSS.
Yinu doesn't trust him. (She suspects that Neon J. is involved in the disappearance of the original 1010.)
Is a part of the "Tatiana Simp Squad" with Eve. (See the Mixed Group chart for more info.)
Remi owes him a favor. (No one knows how Remi came into Neon J.'s debt, but whatever it was has made it difficult for him to refuse any of Neon J.'s requests (which are luckily benign in nature)).
He and Tatiana keep each other in check. (Usually this is a case of Tatiana reeling in Jay's eccentricities when White isn't around to do it, but occasionally it's Jay that has to bring Tatiana back to Earth when she starts drifting towards destruction. He is one of few people that knows about Tatiana's past.)
Basically family with Eve.
She and Neon J. keep each other in check. (Usually this is a case of Tatiana reeling in Jay's eccentricities when White isn't around to do it, but occasionally it's Jay that has to bring Tatiana back to Earth when she starts drifting towards destruction.)
"Aunty Tati". (Tatiana is close enough to Yinu's family to practically be a godmother to Yinu. Tatiana tries to take off as much pressure as she can from Yinu, but even Tatiana can only do so much to protect her from the ills of being a child star.)
"Aunty Tati". (Tatiana is close enough to Yinu's family to practically be a godmother to Yinu. She is also one of the few NSR members that knew that Tatiana used to be a guitarist since it slipped once during conversation, but she didn't know that Tatiana used to be a rock star.)
Has a brother-sister dynamic with 1010. (As long as they're not busy, they're Yinu's go-to babysitters.)
DJSS refuses to be mean to her. (Because of this and to the frustration of everyone else, she thinks of DJSS as a really nice person.)
Mama is very protective of her. (Yinu loves her Mama more than anything else in the world, and she wishes that Mama wouldn't push herself so hard. She tries her best to not cause Mama any grief, but she still tends to wander into trouble.)
She doesn't trust Neon J. (Because...)
She knew a previous 1010 model, and misses him. (Yinu was acquainted with an MKI 1010 very early in her career with NSR. However, as the MKI was retired shortly afterwards, she never got to see him again. The circumstances around his sudden retirement has made Yinu suspicious of Jay, but they still treat each other with respect and Jay himself is just as protective of her as he is the rest of the NSR staff.
Sayu Crew Friendship Circle
They're all best friends that can count on each other for almost anything.
In their downtime, they still hang out a lot together.
Met Remi through their school's anime club.
Supports Tila's pursuit of Remi, but hasn't had much success in pushing them together.
Trades dance inspo with 1010.
Met Dodo through their school's anime club.
Acts clueless, but the feelings are mutual. (He's a little scared of changing his relationship with Tila and worries that it would get in the way of working on Sayu. To this end, he's masterfully learned how to dodge the question.)
Owes Neon J. a favor. (No one knows how Remi came into Neon J.'s debt, but whatever it was has made it difficult for him to refuse any of Neon J.'s requests (which are luckily benign in nature)).
Was originally hired help, but has developed a genuine friendship with the others. (Sofa is a good few years older than the rest of the crew, and was hired for his editing skills after he found some interest in the project. It's not on the chart, but he'll sometimes have friction with Remi due to clashing visions, but their friendship usually wins out in the end.)
Supports Tila's pursuit of Remi, but hasn't had much success in pushing them together.
Has a crush on Remi. (It hasn't fully developed, so she hasn't seriously pursued him yet and questions about it fluster her. However, it's clear to everyone that she has feelings for him.)
She finds the 1010s attractive, but wouldn't pursue them romantically. (Despite working with them frequently, she's yet to develop a resistance to their charm effect. She has a preference for the Blue one.)
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