twentydaysofmay · 3 days
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made him into a marketable plushie
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randaccidents · 1 month
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@kitkatriel I turned your god (Harmonia from omoriCCCC au) into a marketable plushie, whatcha gonna do now? /j
(Disclaimer: small parts, not meant for children under the age of 5)
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l1m3g0r3 · 1 year
Random reminder Nightmarionne as a marketable plushie has appeared more than the blueberry shopkeeper Mendo man
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I’m officially calling the Nightmarionne plush Plushmarionne now
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tally-ace · 7 months
Just remembered this is my blog so Thousand Images of Blorbo of My Own Creation ATTACK
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My two sons enjoying the snow.
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She is so pretty and not at all procrastinating the MSQ to power level every gatherer and craftsman skill.
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Taxes :(
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Dragon Dad chaperoning the child he got in the divorce and encouraging her gambling addiction. (They have no more money)
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Father son fishing trip (I hate fishing so much get me out of here)
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Who cares if the stats are way worse I'm wearing the outfit that lets him have his tits OUT.
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tinyspringtrap · 1 year
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I gave him less wacky teeth and I think he looks... so much better now...
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
So a question, how do you feel about djss?
I like him a lot ^o^! I think he has the BEST character design in the entire game, and his VA does so much to bring him to life.
I think I've said this before, but DJSS is the *reason* I decided to buy NSR over Mad Rat Dead (besides my music preference). I just really had to meet him, and I was not disappointed when I did.
He's the first character I ever drew from the game because I basically fell in love with him at first sight.
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(My very first NSR doodle.)
The only real "negatives" I have to say about him is that I don't find him sympathetic at all. I just don't buy into sad boi DJSS propaganda. He is an asshole, was an asshole, and will probably always be an asshole.
But, I don't think he needs to be sympathetic to be likeable. I love that he's just an unrepentant prick from beginning to end, but that does mean that outside his aesthetics, I don't have anything nice to say about him. However, him being such a big prick means that it's very fun to bully him, so he's great for comics when I need something bad to happen to somebody >:3c.
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So in short, I love him a lot, and do not take my lack of posting about him as meaning otherwise.
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ai-generated-hell · 1 year
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Cube With One Eye
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chaosandmarigolds · 2 months
(slowly sets random sting ray plushie I got for my birthday down) Brain-rot. so I present Dad!Simon and Ollie at the aquarium
Simon! Who was currently two weeks deep into babysitting oliver and it being the middle of summer almost everywhere and everything had been exhausted
"Library time with Miss Rue?"
Ollie frowns from his ice cream,- which you would murder simon for if you found out which is why they were both sworn to secrecy, "MIss Rue is jus reeed-ing Peter Bunny again. No want."
"No want." Simon echoed slowly, leaning against the kitchen counter as he tried to think.
"Big mall?" "No..."
"The zipline park?" (A normal park with a little kid zipline)
"The animals?"
"Nope. Momma said we stinky after animal."
Simon nods again, the local farmer's markets would normally have a little petting zoo- so that had also become a staple. "She did- rightoo laddie. Okay...okay, let Mister Riley think for a minute."
Ollie nods to his babysitters words and takes another hefty bite of the ice cream, "We could....we could see fish? We see fish."
"We go fish, in-in big pool."
Simon who spent ten finding which aquarium within a fifty mile radius had the best reviews because if he is...might as well make it memorable
Simon who made sure Ollie wore is water proof shoes because...well he just knew the kid was going to jump into the little kiddie water pad the aquarium had
Simon who packed a towel and change of clothes for that exact reason too
Simon who so has baby shark stuck in his head
Simon who once the tickets are purchased is already trying to trick the tyke down, basically playing marco polo
Simon who held up Ollie without a second thought to see the Jelly fish, telling him how he was once stung while he was down in Japan, smiling to the childs laughter
Simon who spends the extra fifteen dollars so Ollie could feed the stingrays, keeping an arm looped around him to keep him stable
Simon who of course notices the looks he's getting from the group of moms, he ignores them though
Simon who tried to politely turn down the one who came up to him, nice woman, seemed kind- yet...she wasn't...you
Simon who had to get more firm and did lie when she wouldn't get the message-
"Listen lady- I could kill ya without even blinking 'n you are really testin my patience so ho' bout you leave me 'n my son alone before i get annoyed?" Just how he assumed it would've gone down the woman became flustered and excused herself, meanwhile, Ollie was still being held in the air to look at the catfish.
Ollie looks to Simon as he then lets out a sigh and adjusts his grip on the boy, "Ister Riley?"
"Yeah, lad?"
"Mommy said killing people isn't nice."
Simon clears this throat, "Mum is real smart like that."
Simon who gets Ollie a plushie and teehsirt
Simon who feels really proud of himself when Ollie is fast asleep for the entire car ride home
(annnnyway thats it<333 any feedback and all that jazz means the world to me!!)
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thetrashyflower · 2 years
my merch.... WHERE IS MY MERCH MARIA??
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miaonon · 3 months
the c in NRC stands for cat
synopsis: in which heartslabyul deals with a cat loving no-magic having ramshackle prefect. (headcanons) gn!yuu
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when he saw you clinging to the raccoon-cat-thing at the entrance ceremony, he did not know how to react.
normal people would panic. normal people would avoid a fire-breathing monster-cat-whatever that was spewing absolute nonsense.
apparently not you, though. although, one could say you already aren’t normal, considering the lack of magic. it wasn’t just not that much potential, you were basically in the negatives.
anyways, cats.
he got a peek under your ceremonial robes, and you were wearing..
a pajama shirt with a cat print on it. it looked horrendous.
riddle himself grew up with.. well, a cat. beastperson. so he probably would only have a surface level of appreciation for their greatness.
6/10 for cat lovers, i guess. he wouldn’t really mind, but he’d think it a tad strange. lower points because it took him a while to finally start letting grim into areas of festivity. 
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this guy has siblings. like, siblings siblings. he’s used to being around people with strange interests (his brother tried to feed him a live insect once. not fun).
so, i’m sure he appreciates that your interests are on the much safer side of the wide, wide spectrum. 
except when the two of you hang out while he’s baking and suddenly ace and deuce are complaining about cat hair in their tarts.
please do not bring your cats in the kitchen, thank you very much.
he’d feed your cat(s)! very sweet guy.
8/10 for cat lovers! good ascend from riddles, except two points taken from him because one, the Cat™ isn’t allowed in the kitchen and two, he just seems like a dog person to me.
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please do not turn the great grim into a marketable plushie.
just kidding, he wouldn’t do that.
or would he?
i think he’d be a good cat co-parent! just like trey, i think he’d feed your cat when you can’t, he’d catsit while you’re in class.. etc, etc.
mostly because the posts he makes of your cat blow up, but also because he likes your cat!
the level fluctuates depending if this cat is grim or not. please do not ask me why.
8/10 for cat lovers! not bad, not bad at all! except, now there’s merch of grim- and while he’s proud of himself (this is only to be expected for the great grim! according to him), you just wish you got some of the revenue.
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just, no.
i think he’d look at a cat litter and go, “what’s that?”. maybe he’d even try to sniff it.
gives off grew up with a dog vibes, i don’t know why.
he goes like “EUGH” when he finds cat hair in the food you made for him.
you felt kinda bad, but he ate it anyways while complaining. you were pretty conflicted.
he’d be.. i don’t know. unremarkable. not that good, though.
5/10 for the cat lovers. no comment. this gremlin, i swear.
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he LITERALLY isn’t any better than ace.
maybe he used to feed some of the stray cats on the way home from school when he was in elementary, but that’s probably the extent of his experience.
will also complain about cat hair. politely.
“uhm.. i think grims hair is in my soup?” kind of polite. except he’s grimacing and staring at grim like the cat just insulted his mother and all his ancestors.
he will also sniff your cat litter. and grim will laugh in the heartslabyul first year duo’s faces.
thanks, grim.
5/10 for the cat lovers.. again. he’s really just the same. he’d probably be nicer than ace, but the latter just has more experience with pets. probably. hopefully.
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special guest, IDIA SHROUD!
do i even need to say anything?
you two have matching cat print pajamas. ortho would cry tears of joy if he could.
you bring your cats to ignihyde and you all hang out. <3
you, idia, and your 23 cats. it really is the life.
he paid you in genesis crystals for permission to pat one of your cats on the head.
you two have a cat lovers gc where you just send cat pictures and talk about your cats, very fun.
10/10 for cat lovers!  first ever 10/10, and it’s from idia shroud? riddle is seething. great cat parent! though, he’s a bit attached. it’s okay, though, he buys your cats toys.
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muchosbesitos · 5 months
here, spider spider
pairing: miguel o’hara x fem reader
contents: masturbation (m), oral (f receiving), unprotected p in v (wrap it 🤨), use of pull out method, orgasm denial
author’s note: hope you all enjoy and i hope you had a good nye :p
word count: 1.7K
inspired by this ask lol
You've been ovulating.
And it's been torture for Miguel.
Your scent covers every inch of the house when he comes home, almost taunting him since he wasn't able to do anything about it. Every time that he came back from work, you were either already asleep or you were out doing errands. He'd even resorted to masturbating once more, something he hadn't done since before the two of you started to date. Luckily for him, you'd worn the red lingerie that he adored so much so he was able to use it for his depraved fantasies. The material bunched around his fist as he slowly dragged it through his shaft, precum slowly dribbling onto the pretty bow in the middle.
The tangy smell of your discharge clouded his mind as his hand wrapped around his cock, pushing the flimsy material up and down. He looked over at you as you slept, seeing the way that the nightgown slightly raised above your thighs. He felt perverted as he jerked himself off, knuckles starting to turn white as he tightened the fist wrapped around his cock. He couldn't help himself though, you just looked so pretty when you slept with your lips parted and arms wrapped around a Spider-Man plushie you'd bought to support a flea market vendor. The worst part was that his fist couldn't replicate the feeling of your cunt, his orgasm offering no sense of euphoria afterwards.
He'd left the house before you had the chance to wake up, his frustrations following him into the workplace. "You don't think you should chill on the recruits? You've been working them like a pack of dogs," Peter had taken notice, teasing Miguel at every opportunity that arose. Miguel pushed him away with a small grunt, unwilling to entertain the obvious bait that Peter was setting in front of him. "You look stressed. Maybe you should let us go home early," Peter had told him before lunchtime, an idea sparking up in Miguel’s head after he said that. "Maybe I will," he muttered to himself, looking through the monitors to make sure nothing too catastrophic was occurring.
After scrolling for a while on social media, you'd discovered a couple of reviews about a Sol de Janeiro lotion that was presumed to attract wolf spiders by mimicking their mating pheromones. While that seemed to warrant the lotion a one star review by the people affected, you couldn't help but wonder how it would affect your boyfriend. You knew that he must've been struggling to contain himself with the smell of your hormones lingering around the apartment, planning to intensify that feeling by adding the body butter.
"Are you sure you want to buy this? Some of our customers have been complaining that they're attracting spiders," The Sephora associate at the counter asked you after scanning in the product. You were certain that it was the best purchase you could've made, an investment towards your pleasure if you will. "I'm sure, but thank you," you responded, putting your card into the reader and grabbing your bag after the payment processed. The butter itself didn't seem too special when you scooped some up into your hand but you were willing to indulge for the sake of the experiment. After lathering the butter onto your skin, you dressed up in your nightgown and waited for him to get home.
"¿Mi cielo? Ya llegue," Miguel called out from the living room, the sound of the front door closing behind him. (my darling, i’m home) "In the bedroom!" You called out, his heavy footsteps padding closer and closer to you as he made his way through the apartment. He came into the bedroom, having to take a step back as the scent engulfing the room made its way to his head. "Did you buy a new perfume or something?" He asked, sitting down on the corner of the bed as he pressed some buttons on his gizmo. The material of his suit disintegrated, leaving him completely exposed to you. "Or something. Why, do you like it?"
You hoped that he did, you'd had about two spiders crawling on you before he came home. He brought his head closer to your legs, his eyes almost rolling to the back of his head as the combined scent of your arousal and the lotion overpowered his senses. "I don't just like it, think I'm starting to love it," he murmured as he licked a stripe up your leg, already starting to feel his cock pushing into the mattress. He ignored the growing arousal leaking onto his shaft, focusing on the task that was presented right in front of him. He spread your legs open, exposing your cunt. "It's like you've been wanting this. No panties underneath that nightgown?" He mused, bringing his head closer as he started to kiss his way up your thighs.
"Wanted to be all ready for when you came home," you responded, the words slowly dying out on your tongue as he ran his tongue through your folds. His eyes shut closed as your arousal coated his tongue, the different amount of pheromones lingering in the air making it difficult to maintain his composure. He wanted to take his time with you, ease you into it but his cock throbbed with anticipation. His tongue pushed in and out of you, fingers spreading your folds open to expose your cunt to him. Your hand made its way down to his hair, fingers running through the strands before slightly tugging on them.
His fingers replaced his tongue, the thickness of his middle and pointer filling you up with ease. They were longer than some of your toys so he was never able to go in knuckle-deep, but he enjoyed the way you seemed to write underneath him with just half of them inside of you. His tongue started swirling around your clit, eyes opening and locking up on yours as he gauged for your reactions. While he enjoyed tasting and eating you out, the one thing that he enjoyed the most was listening to the way that you moaned out his name. Especially when you tried to give him a broken segment of a sentence, unable to speak from the sheer bliss that he brought you.
Your thighs enclosed around his head, holding him in place as he sucked on the swollen nub. "Oh fuck Mig! Don't stop!" You moaned out as you felt his fingers curl upwards inside of you, the tips hitting that spongy spot inside of you. Your toes curled as he hit that spot inside of you repeatedly, the grip on his hair tightening as you felt yourself growing closer and closer to your orgasm. He pulled his mouth back just as your cunt tightened up against his fingers, the prospect of your orgasm subsiding as he did so. "Why'd you do that for?" You protested, a small smirk appearing on his features as he got on his knees. "Only place you'll be coming around is my cock, princesa." (princess)
He brought your legs up to his shoulders as he aligned his cock with your entrance, the tightness of your cunt engulfing his tip as he pushed it in. The arousal from the prospect of an orgasm that was rudely ripped away from you made it easier for him to slide in, though every inch of his cock made it seem like it was pushing past your limits. "Tan apretadita. Have I been neglecting you for too long?" he teased as he felt your walls flutter around his cock, struggling to adjust to the sensation of having him inside you once more. (so tight) All you could do was nod along to his question, receiving a small chuckle in response as he retracted his cock. "I'll make it up to you," was all that he said before he pushed his cock back inside of you.
He was unable to help himself, bringing his head closer to your legs as he smelt the remnants of the butter lingering on your skin. The angle that he was thrusting in allowed for him to hit deep inside of you, the tip of his cock almost reaching your cervix. "You take it so well for me, made to take this cock," he told you, looking down to meet your eyes. You looked so needy, laying there and taking everything that he had to give you. His thighs slapped against yours with every thrust that he took, his pace speeding up to fulfill the desire that had been building up towards this moment. The sounds of skin slapping together mixed along with the scent of your arousal and the moans slipping from your mouth, the room reeking of sex.
"Mig, Mig," you started out, unable to finish the sentence but you didn't need to. He just tell from the glassy look on your eyes that you were close to your orgasm, his pace remaining the same as his cock pushed in and out of you. "I know baby. I’ll be nice this time and let you cum," he cooed, his thumb coming down to your clit to stimulate the bud. You felt a small shudder running down your spine at the contact, your legs starting to spasm as you slowly approached your orgasm. Your walls clenched around him tightly, almost sucking his cock in deeper as he thrusted into you. When your walls unclenched, your arousal completely flooded his shaft and formed a creamy ring at the base of his cock.
He had half the mind to fill you up with his cum, knowing that his sperm would take much easier given the state that you were in. He reluctantly pulled out, giving himself a couple of strokes as you got onto your knees. Your doe eyes stared up at his while you swirled your tongue around the tip of his cock, hand wrapped around his cock as you pushed it up and down his shaft. He let out a small grunt as he reached his orgasm, some of his cum drooling down your chin. You swallowed the sticky residue, one of his fingers coming up to your chin as he cleaned what had leaked out of your mouth. He brought his head down to meet yours, his lips meeting yours for a passionate kiss as your eyes fluttered shut. His cock grew hard again within seconds, the smell of the butter still managing to last through the previous session.
"Get on your stomach, hermosa. We're not done for the night."
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burningcrab · 3 months
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rorywritesjunk · 8 months
I will never ask you for anything, Except to dream sweet of me
Look, everyone has some kind of secret. You just didn't want Buggy to find this one out. Rating: PGish, honest. Warnings: None really. Girlfriend references making one threat. Buggy feels just a little bit insecure. A/N: I wrote this quick and had fun with it. I wanted some light hearted fluff nonsense. For once no one is having a bad day in this. Song title comes from "Heaven, Iowa" by Fall Out Boy.
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Whenever you knew Buggy would be gone for several nights in a row on raids, pillages, and whatever he did when he was gone for nights on end, you made sure you had your own way of coping with missing him. It was hard not having him around in bed to keep you company because hey, you loved that silly guy, but you also had your own needs, and one of those needs was tucked in a box in your side of the wardrobe underneath some shoes. He never looked there because you always put away the laundry, so whenever he was gone you made sure to sneak it out and keep it in bed with you.
You expected him to be gone for four nights total, which was perfect because you knew if he discovered what you had he may be offended or mortified that you used it as a substitute for him. Buggy was sensitive about certain things, you have known this, which is why it was a secret. You never told him what you bought during one of your grocery runs. You couldn’t help it when you saw it. You needed it.
Again, four nights. Buggy wouldn’t be back for four nights. That was fine with you, but what you didn’t expect was him to show up on the third night as a surprise.
It was late when he showed up in your shared quarters. He was a little disappointed to find you asleep, but he took notice that you were in one of his shirts and on his side of the bed, even using his pillow. He tossed his jacket over the back of a chair and set his captain’s hat on the seat before making his way over to you. You had the covers pulled up to your nose as you slept, looking adorable and peaceful. 
Yea, he was definitely going to wake you up because he wanted a kiss.
He pulled the covers back and leaned down, only to freeze when he saw what was clutched to your chest. 
“What the fuck is that?” He demanded, waking you up from your slumber. Your head was spinning from the sudden wakeup call and it took you a moment to realize he was standing there.
“Buggy!” You exclaimed as you tried to hide what you didn’t want him to see under the blankets, but he was too fast, snatching it out of your hands as he held it out at arms length, looking a little horrified. “Let me explain!”
“Where did you even get this?!” 
“I don’t… what is this?!”
“I miss you when you’re gone!” You told him as you scrambled out of bed to try and snatch it from him. He held it out of your reach.  “I bought it at the market, okay? Some little old lady was making them!”
He stared at the little plushy that weirdly resembled him, from the orange captain’s hat all the way to his nose. Buggy touched the plushy carefully, turning it over as he inspected it before touching the nose. “Who made this?”
“She based them off wanted posters. She's made a bunch of different pirates.” You huffed as you finally snatched it from him. “I just miss you when you’re gone, so I bought it, but I was embarrassed and didn’t want you to get weirded out, okay?” You poked him hard in the chest accusingly. “And you said you’d be gone for four nights, Buggy! Why are you home a night early? I didn’t want you to know about this!”
“We finished early.” He said, his eyes never leaving the little plushy in your hands. “And I missed you.”
You pouted at him. “Well, I missed you too. I always miss you. So I have this little Buggy to hold while I think of you, but I’m never going to ask you to stay when you gotta go do stuff, okay?”
“That’s not to replace me, right?” He asked, pointing at it. 
“What? No!” You told him. “I’d never replace you!”
He reached for it and you hesitated for a moment before handing it over to him. You didn’t want him to wreck it because you adored it, but you also didn’t want him to be too weirded out by it. “Look, if you really don’t like it, I’ll get rid of it…”
“No, I don’t want you to get rid of it.” He said as he looked it over again. The construction of it was pretty durable, and the clothes were made to come off if desired. He touched the nose, finding it held on by just a few stitches. He frowned at that.
You hesitated when you saw he noticed that little detail. “I told her she needed to add your nose. She… didn’t include it when I picked it up so I told her to add it or else.”
“Or else?” He glanced up at you with a bit of a smirk. “Threatening old ladies now, babe?”
“It wasn’t you without the nose, Buggy!” You shot back as your cheeks flushed, both from the slight embarrassment of this whole situation and from recalling the conversation with the old woman. “She didn’t think it was necessary and we argued, and finally I told her to add the nose or else she wouldn’t have a booth anymore.” You huffed. “I may have overreacted, but I love it.”
He flicked the nose of the toy before handing it back over to you. “Keep it on your nightstand if you want, I guess.”
You took it back and gave it a hug. “Really?”
“However, If I catch you hugging it while I’m home and in bed with you then I’m torching it.” He warned you. 
“Ass.” You retorted with a grin. “I love you.”
“Yea, whatever.” He muttered as he took it out of your hands and tossed it on the bed before grabbing you and pulling you in for a kiss. He mumbled against your lips, “Love you too, babe.”
btw if you've never seen the Buggy plushy this is what inspired this because I bought it and it's so ridiculously cute.
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whalesforhands · 5 months
kaizen daycare! 3
previous masterlist next
“Are ya gonna follow us home t’day?” Megumi rubs at his little eyes as his puppy-themed socks come to a stop before you, trying to stifle an incoming yawn. He sounds hopeful, dare you even say, excited.
“Daddy said you were gonna eat at our house too.” He’s suddenly holding his arms up towards you, asking to be carried as he awaits with still half-opened eyes.
“Oh? Megumi-kun, are you excited about moving in?” You’re bending down, your hands picking him up and supporting his weight, letting the child’s head loll and rest against your chest. His cheek squishes against you, a sleepy comfort overtaking him once more now that he’s in your arms.
“Mn.” You feel him press his ear against your heartbeat, smiling at the steady, slow vibration, his innocent eyes already starting to close once more as he cuddles himself against you, getting comfortable in your embrace. “I just wanna see you there…” His words trail off with his sleepy haze, going limp in your hug as he finally falls back asleep.
You feel a blush overtake you at his words, the gentle chime of a nursery lullaby flowing into your ears, accompanied by the adorable snores of your other children as you sat upon a nearby cushion with a sleeping Megumi in your arms. So cute.
Maybe it was a good idea to accept their family’s invite afterall?
Sometimes, you’re utterly at a loss for words at a certain trio within your class. Even as Mimiko sips on a cup of milk whilst sitting on your lap, Nanako humming, sprawled out on the floor next to you and drawing with her plethora of crayons and Megumi playing with the toy trucks by his sisters.
(“Hmm…” Mimiko leans back, staring up at you, hands fiddling with her now empty milk carton. She’s always been one to speak her mind.“(name)-sensei…”
“Mm?” You look down at her, snapping out of your dazed out trance, your fingers that were mindlessly combing through her hair stopping abruptly.
She doesn’t respond, her eyes scrutinizing you as you give her the moment to collect her words. Is something wrong? Did her milk taste bad? You had the same one, you don’t think—
“You’re so pretty.” Just as pretty as her Papa and Daddy. Maybe even more? She’d have to ask her plushies one by one later on who they think is the winner. She’s betting on you.)
“Nanako-chan, do you need me to call him? It isn’t like your Papa to be late…”
“Nope!” She pops the ‘p’ as she skips over to her cubby. “It’s realllll good that we’re the last ones left, and so earlyish! Pap— We thought we were gonna have to wait longer!!” She digs around the frog themed backpack, her tongue stuck out in concentration before she pulls out her phone.
Her very expensive, high-tech, latest in the market phone that was leagues better than yours and probably costed around an entire month of your salary. “Papa said to just text him if he’s late, and Daddy’ll come zooming the fastest around!”
That was approximately 4 minutes ago.
“(name)-sensei, (name)-sensei! I drew this for you!” A sheet of A3 paper is thrusted into your face, a burst of colour that dyed your eyes in fascinating intrigue as they slowly focus in on the drawing.
Matching blonde and brunette bobs, right next to a darker ponytailed brunette and spiky black. Shiny, smiley faces that were drawn on with an attempt to scribble the characters of their names just above them.
Though, that wasn’t the main focus. You notice 3 more figures upon the paper, characterized by neon-blue crayon for eyes, another having long shadowy black for hair… And the unmistakable pink of your apron you wore for work.
(You can’t even deny that it’s you. You saw her peeking over and trying to see and copy down your name embroidered onto the top of your apron.)
“That’s a wonderful drawing, Nanako-chan! What made you want to add me in?” Megumi and Mimiko have now gathered near you, squeezing in under your arms to stare at their sibling’s art work.
“That’s cause we love (name)-sensei a wholeeeeeee lot!” She draws a circle in the air with her arms, the widest circumference she can go. “Wayyyyy more than this!”
We…? Why, you feel flattered— A knock at the door sounds, a boisterous voice disrupting your train of thought.
“Daddy’s here!”
“But Nanako wants to sit on (name)-sensei’s lap!” A pouty complaint as she tugs on her dad’s jacket, narrowed brown squinting up at him as she hugs her frog plushie backpack close to her.
“Nope!” The grown man makes an X cross with his arms. “Papa’s gonna have my head if you’re not in your booster seat.”
“Then you sit in the back and Nanako will drive!” She’s determined to be able to be next to you on this short drive back.
You’re already helping Megumi buckle himself into the booster seat, a sleeping Mimiko all strapped in as her soft breaths are barely heard. You notice the soft, chubby fingers that rests themselves over your hand just as you were about to pull away.
“Hmm? Megumi-kun, what’s wrong?” He says nothing as he stares at your hand, eyes downcast and as if too conflicted to let go. “I dwon’t want you to go…”
You think you’re going to die from cuteness.
“I’ll be with you real soon, okay?” You ruffle his hair, watching as he grunts lightly at the sensation before he lets you go.
It isn’t long before Gojo gets his blonde daughter to behave and obediently settle next to her siblings, hugging her plushie close as she receives a wave from you from outside.
It’s just you and their other father now.
“Gojo-san, thank you for offering me to drive me back.” You’re smiling up at him, oh so innocently. It almost makes him want to—
“Sa. To. Ru.” You feel a tap to your nose at the last syllable. “We’re gonna be neighbours, aren’t we?” He sends you a charming wink. “Plus, I don’t mind driving you back. I’d even it rather be a regular occurrence, if you left it up to me.”
(S-so forward! Isn’t he scared of what his husband will think?! Driving another adult around so casually in his car!)
“That isn’t necessary at all, Gojo—“ You see him pout, his cheeks starting to puff up. “Sa…Toru-san. You really don’t have to.”
“Hmm.” He leans in— Almost intimately close as you back off slightly, your back coming into contact with his car. Vibrant blue stare into your own, as you tilt your head in innocent confusion.
“You know, (name).” His voice trace over your name with such a deep, almost fulfilling tone that makes your heart stir. “I’m been kind of worked up lately.”
An arm that extends past, lightly brushing your hip as he gets the door for you. Except… He doesn’t seem to be opening it anytime soon, choosing to box you in between the car and his body. “You could say that I’m even a little… Excited.”
(“Oh? I suppose it is a little nerve wrecking to have a guest over when you just move in.” You nod, ignoring the warmth that was exceedingly close to your waist, your gaze still holding his own intense orbs. “Even I wouldn’t dare to invite someone over when I’ve barely got everything set up yet, so I get you, Satoru-san.”
He blinks, the tension diffusing in mere seconds before he starts breaking out into a boisterous laugh, tilting his head downwards towards the ground and a hand over his mouth.
“Ahaha! That’s right, sensei!” You’re so cute.)
“Hello!” A sparkling set of eyes and rocking feet, hands clenched into excited fists that pump into the air. “Welcome to our new house!” A little girl no older than 3 or 4 appears in front of you, her brown hair fluttering with her bouncy joy that radiates off of her in waves.
“My name is Tsumiki! I like drinking strawberry milk and being praised!” She ends her introduction with an eager V-sign, bright teeth out in a grin and eyes upturned into the cutest little crescents, before she flattens her arms at her sides, bowing to you. “It’s a pleasure to meet you!”
“My, you’re so polite.” You lean over to pat at her head, your bag long placed on top of the counter at their genkan. “I’m (nam)—“
“(name)-sensei! You live in the apartment right next to us, you work at the kindergarten my brother and sisters go to, you’re super, suuuuper sweet like kikufuku mochi and, and—!” Her eyes are sparkling more intensely, practically reflecting a constellation of her thoughts as she looks up at you. “And you’re even super, super pretty!”
(Even prettier than all the other times she’s seen you.)
You’re honestly at a loss for words right now. How much are you talked about here…?
“Mmm, but I suppose calling you sensei when you aren’t my sensei is a little strange, right, sensei?~” She’s strangely playful, big grin and eyes that gleamed with something you can only describe as a yearning want.
She taps her chin in thought, eyes averting to the side and upwards as if in deep thought. “Ah!” She claps her hands together. “Can I call you Mama?”
(W-whaaaaaat?! So upfront!)
“Please, please?” She’s already wrapped her arms around your legs, her pouty, mischievous eyes pleading up at your blushing form, her head buried into your tummy as she’s on her tiptoes.
You’re blushing hard— Your eyes swirling with bashful shyness that makes you so, so nervous. Sure, she’s adorable— So forward and so cute pleading you like this…! You did always tell yourself that you wanted kids—
“Now, now Tsumiki. You’re teasing our poor guest too much.” A tut and a ruffle of her head from behind as an all too welcomed figure appears.
“I’m sorry. She takes after Satoru a little too much in that sense.” She turns his gaze downwards. “Tsumiki, help me set the table, please.”
“Okay!” And she patters off, socked feet against the wooden floors as she skips away. “Talk to you later, Mama!”
(Ohhh… You feel like you’re going to burn up from gratified embarrassment… You like the way it sounds but it’s so embarrassing—! Especially when she’s not your child…!)
“No, no, Geto-san. It was lovely being able to talk with her! You raised all your kids so well!” You’re gushing as you talk to him, a hand pressed over your stuttering heart, letting him lead you around, not even noticing the hand that had intertwined with your own as you lost yourself to your overactive mind.
“I sometimes wish they were my own.” You’re turning sheepish, body turned slightly to face his with the still all too cute, all too adorable smile of yours. He stops in his tracks, fingers closing in on your face to brush a strand of your hair back, the graze of his skin against yours makes you shiver in a sense of delight… It always felt strangely— Good whenever he does this.
(He can make that happen, you know?)
“Trust me, sensei—“ He feigns a tired sigh, pulling away, causing your shoulders to slump in visible disappointment, much to his adoration. “They can be up to no good if they want to be.”
Now that you’re actually in their house, it definitely feels a little high class. Their cushions that looked and felt like they were too out of this world, their curtains looking a little glamorous… Not to mention how amazingly soft the couch you were sitting upon felt…
You were so sure you passed by your own apartment next to theirs not too long ago. Now you’re not even sure if you’re even living in the same realm of possibility…
“Dinner’s about to be finished up. Do you mind waiting a bit?”
“If you don’t mind,” You tilt your head to the side as you watch him. “I could lend a hand.”
“Gumi, c’mere.” Tsumiki beckons her younger brother towards her, the little boy waddling over with his towel wrapped around him, dripping with water as he holds onto his sister’s hand.
(It’s normal for them to wash up a little bit before dinner, they’ll take their bath later.)
“Don’t they look like a marriage?” A proper one. Like in those late-night soap operas one of her Mother’s ‘friends’ used to leave on. The way Papa is smiling as you taste test his cooking, the way Daddy tried to eat whatever you touched, the way you all laughed in an emotion that cannot be anything else but utter joy.
“Get— Suguru-san, I think it needs a little salt.”
“Mm, is that so?” He doesn’t even hesitate to place his lips onto the spoon you had just used, tongue peeking out to lick up any leftover remnants that could be there. “It might be the lack of dashi stock. I need to go to the market soon.”
“Oh, there’s one nearby, I could show you—“
“Suguru! No fair! I wanna taste too!”
“Aren’t you meant to be helping the kids dry off, Satoru?”
“Mmm, I will if I get fed!” He opens his mouth towards you, “Pleaseeeeee? I’m getting hungry!”
You’re the one. Tsumiki knows you are. She just does. Her grip on the door frame tightens ever so slightly, a twinkle of longing, of yearn in her gaze.
“Better than Mother ever looked with any of those men…”
previous masterlist next
It’s very important that you do not leave the nap room for very long during naptime. You went out to do some administrative work and you came back to a crying Mimiko that was biting into her plushie, trying to silence herself so as to not disturb the rest while she huddled into a corner and silently wailed for you.
“(name)-sensei…! D-don’t leave Mimiko again…!” Her tears are soaking into the front of your apron, her small hands gripping onto the fabric of upon your shoulders as she clung onto you. Desperate, scared.
The other children do not like it when you’re not around. Stay in the rooms with them.
“Aww, I thought I heard something from outside. Was it you, Megumi?” Geto Suguru soon scoops up a blank, sleepy little boy dragging a blanket in.
“Oh? What do you have in your hands for me, Gumi? It’s—“ He continues to smile. “Are those my… Contact lenses? Thank you very much…” The transparent item is plopped onto Suguru’s open palm, a silent Megumi burying his face into his father’s chest soon after.
What a peculiar child.
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shomixremix · 4 months
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this popped into my head as i was cleaning out my closet. hope you lovelies enjoy!
tags: Arataki Itto, female! reader, fluff, teasing, lots of touching, smutty
-> you decide to surprise Itto on one of your date nights with a brand new, pretty outfit. however, the way it hugs your body makes him drool, wondering if the two of you should just stay home...
reqs open!
"itto? are you okay, hon?" you ask worriedly. as soon as you opened your door once the oni's heavy palm knocked on it, his jaw fell and his crimson eyes widened.
even when you asked him a question, no response came out. he continued staring quietly - which was very unusual. itto never did anything quetly.
"holy fuck, baby!" he suddenly exclaimed, wiping his face off shock. "you look.. wow. i mean, wow wow WOW!"
you chuckle at his praise, a soft tint rising in your cheeks. you catch one of his much larger palms in your hands, gently leading him inside your house.
as soon as he was inside, the oni made himself comfortable, sitting at the edge of your bed. that same dumbfounded yet extremely amused look still sat on his face as he looked at you, his demon eyes scanning the entirety of your figure.
"wow, sweets, ya' haven't shown me that one before!" he exclaimed with a large, toothy smile on his face, looking like a mesmerized puppy. if he had a tail, it would definitely be wagging.
but yet, his words were the truth - the silk, red dress you were wearing was purchased only the day before, and it was having its debut.
"oh, i got it yesterday at the market! this one was imported from liyue harbor, isn't that amazing? i love the gold details and this black bow on the back!"
oh, he loved them as well. gold, red and black were itto's favorite colors, of course he liked seeing them on you! especially on a short dress that barely covered your plump curves! hell, any color would look great on that perfect body of yours!
your hair was put up stylishly and elegantly, exposing your soft neck and that little almost-faded bite mark that itto left on you the last time you went out. the dress was short-sleeved, perfect for this early-summer weather, and so tight that it perfectly showed off your figure. and fuck, your slender arms that always eagerly wrapped around his biceps, and that beautiful waist he loved to hold, and those incredibly sexy hips he kneeded whenever he had the chance... and that beautiful plump ass that made him lose his mind, and holy shit, those heavy, pretty tits that were so beautifully framed by the heart neckline...
it was making itto lose his mind.
"it looks incredible, love bug! the dress is so pretty, but honestly, it's only that gorgeous 'cause you're wearing it, baby"
you smiled at his compliment, walking a few steps closer to him.
"aww, itto... you're so handsome too, you know? my big, handsome oni..." you say, your palms on his cheeks as you kiss the top of his head.
as soon as these words left your rosey mouth, his greedy hands grabbed your ass, sharp claws digging in the soft flesh. he looked up at you from his place on your bed, that same smile on his face.
"aww, sweets, you're makin' me blush over here! i try my best, ya know, gotta clean up a lil' if i'm takin' my girl out!"
clean shaven, with sharp eyeliner that for sure took him multiple tries (untill he just gave up and let Kuki do it) and a little bit of gel in his mane, you could tell itto really put in the effort in his appearance!
suddenly, he got up, offering you his hand: "c'mon, love bug, give me a little spin, yeah? go on, show off that pretty little dress, baby!"
you did as told, spinning around to give him a better view. he drooled at the sight, his hands instinctively grabbing your plushy tighs and running under your dress.
"itto!", you scold through a laugh, "don't do that, we're supposed to go out tonight!"
with a toothy grin on his face he pulled your bodies closer, hiding his face in the crook of your neck.
"aaww, but- but, sweets! we don't have to go out, yeah? we could stay here, you know? get nice and cozy, have a night in? yeah? you'd like that, baby, hm?"
every word he uttered was followed by a squeeze on a part of your skin, your tighs, hips and ass constantly violated by his playful yet suggesting grips.
"no, sorry babe, i'm hungry! but we're definitely having a "night in" later..." you seductively say, batting your eyelashes at him. "plus, if you like this dress, you're gonna go crazy about what's under it, too"
his eyes go wide as you walk out the door, motioning for him to follow you.
"you're such a little tease, love bug..." he growled as he followed you, one muscular arm wrapping around your waist.
"and you have to promise me you'll give me a nice, long fashion show later with whatever's underneath that dress, 'kay? even if there's nothing there. especially if there's nothing there!"
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f10werfae · 11 months
Ass too cute
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pairing: Biker!Henry Cavill x Bimbo!Reader
summary: Henry takes his baby home and shows her (and her ass) some tender loving care(Slight ddlg)(softDom!Henry)(Smut)(aftercare)
Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated/Disclaimer 18+
Full Masterlist, Henry Masterlist
“What you need baby? You want my lips? Wan’ me to teach you how a woman should be loved?” Henry cooed tracing his thumb under her bottom pouting lip, his hands were holding in place the same toy she had made for him, her voices coming out strained as she ground her hips against the soft plush; Henry’s other hand cupping her face affectionately as he denied her of his kisses
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Y/n bit her lip in anticipation as she watched a rough group of men entered the Saturday market, the stuffed crochet toys she had made all laid out on the table; her eyes widening as she watched all the other stall owners leave in such a hurry. Eventually leaving her as the only stall in the whole street. Her smile never faltered as the head of the group approached her, his facial hair grown out, his hair black and short. His blue eyes staring into hers as his heavy books clinked while he walked over, his skin slightly tanned and glowy with sweat.
“Hey sir welcome! I’m (insert business name) and I make crochet cuties based on your aura” Reciting her business selling phrase, she played with the ears of one of the woollen rabbits on the table as he simply just looked at her. His other companions dawdling by their bikes near the entrance, cheeky grins on all their faces as they watched their supposed leader interact with such a pure innocent soul.
“Really? What one would I be then dollface?” He inquired looking over the array of absolutely adorable stuffies on her wooden table. Y/n’s stomach grew warm and flutter just at the simple nickname, her face felt warm and dare she admit she felt a certain wetness start to pool at the core. “U-uhm I think maybe” Y/n cut herself off trying to distract herself, looking up at the big burly man in front of her, before returning her gaze back to her works. “This one is you dadd- sir, big n’ cuddly, a bear”
“How’d you know i’m cuddly?” His southern accent thickened, leaning forward onto the table, his head cocked to the side. “Well I uh”
“I’m just playing sweetcheeks, how much for the bear then?” Chuckling he brought out his leather wallet, “Since you’re here visiting, you can just have it! I think he needs a nice adventurous lovin family” Wrapping the brown bear in nice tissue paper she handed the plush over, her eyes widening at the mere size of his hands, thinking about how he could man handle her into any position he wanted.
“Ya from around here then?” Quirking his brow up, “Hen stop it, you’re scarin my customers away” Y/n whined when Henry walked around to the back of the stall where she was, his hands reaching around her waist, leaving her breathless as little one of his hands pushed her into him. Her arms trying to swat away the grabby arms of her playful man, he loved rocking up to her work acting as if he was trying to pick her up. Leaving his woman bashful and bothered, with her wanting nothing more than to just come home with him already. Their own little game of roleplay.
“Awk m’sorry pumpkin, ya know I can’t be away from my doll for too long, m’goin through withdrawals” Henry growled into her ear, lowkey grinding his hardened cock onto her dress covered thigh. Her voice coming out in gasps, quietly thanking the tarp that was covering them from the rest of his rowdy group of bikers. “I’ve- I’ve only got a few more hours here at the market” She whispered feeling him nip her ear, his hands gripping her waist tightly. “A few hours too long pup, I need you now, you gonna deprive me of my pussy?”
“No but- but you know the rules! You get me at home daddy, not here, not in front of them” She nodded towards all the small plushies facing them, her hands on each of his pecs, “Fine. Whatever” He grumbled chasing her lips with his, his scruff scratching her cheeks in all the best ways, giving her the tingly burning sensation. “I live for your lips, want them all over my body” He gasped breaking their kiss, his tongue swiping over her bottom lip, Y/n’s lip gloss already covering his lips in pink speckles of glitter.
It was an understatement to say that Henry was in love with Y/n, he was absolutely obsessed. The way she talked, walked, breathed and just everything about her made him swoon and hard. Henry first met her on one of his bike stops on the other side of the country, she had been working as an ice cream girl when he stumbled upon her sweet self. He devoured her being, teaching her about herself, helping her to explore her own body. How to pleasure herself.
“Don’t leave me please, i’m tired of bein’ people’s summer romance” Y/n whimpered after one of their lovefuck sessions, his hand grazing up her arm affectionately as they lay on her bed, the sound of crickets ringing through her small bungalow home. Small trinkets decorating her room of all her own little travels around the country. She hadn’t given herself like this to anyone before, but she had her fair share of romances from the different men that had travelled through the town. Only for her heart to be broken each time when they would leave to go back home, to never return.
“This isn’t a summer thing, this is a for life thing doll, if you’ll have me” He whispered looking down at her, leaning forward for a soft kiss onto her lips, her eyes gleaming up at the man she had now fallen in love with over this new summer. “I’ll have you, forever” She giggled wrapping her arms around his torso, nuzzling her head to his hairy chest, his warmth enveloping her with so much love and affection. “Come with me baby, travel with me” He suddenly said out of the blue, leaning up on his body to look down on her, brushing back some of her hair behind her ear.
“W-wait what? Just out of nowhere? What about all my things? Where would we even go-“
“shh babydoll, just tell me yes or no n’ i’ll handle everything else. I just wanna hear your answer” Henry’s hand traced along her jaw, a smirk growing as she nodded into his hand, “Yes, I-I wanna go with you Henry, take me with you”
That sentence was all Henry needed before he packed up his babygirl’s belongings over the last few weeks of summer, hauling them into a truck and got it delivered to his stationed home somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Where Y/n now found herself truly chasing her dreams, living her days out in the sun with her own hunk, using her passion of crochet for a small side business.
Soon enough they fell into a dynamic where Henry found himself wanting to do nothing more than to care and provide for his baby, with them finding comfort in the newfound love they had for each other.
(Back to present time)
“Can I have a few of these ones delivered then? I want them to delivered home” He said pointing at the whole bunch of stuffies on the table, “All of them? You want all of them?” Y/n tilted her head with furrowed brows, “Yes pup, I want all of ‘em, put each of them in the nurseries m’building”
“Shut up, we still got a ways to go with babies” Y/n whined pushing him away playfully, feeling his fingers cup her face to make her look at him, “m’ bein’ serious, I wanna buy them all and I want them delivered home”
“Y-you just want me to come home” She smiled swaying side to side, she knew how much he loved her, in fact it was as if he couldn’t breathe without her right beside him. “Is that so wrong doll? Wanna feel your tight little pussy clench around my cock, been thinkin’ about you all day, even had this just to sniff at every so often” Looking down he showed her, her purple lacy underwear from the night before which undoubtedly had her juices on it. “You’ve had my thong in your pocket? All day? Really Henry?” She whispered shocked, shoving the fabric back in quickly just in case anyone walked in.
“What you embarrassed pup? You smell fuckin’ divine, the way you took control n’ fucked yourself all on me” Pulling back he looked up and down, taking her in, the way she looked so fresh and ready for the day. “You’re so annoying sometimes, now go away”
“You want me to go away? Your future husband n’ father of your kids? C’mon pup don’t play like that” Henry joined her in putting all the cute animals into a huge ikea bag, hauling it onto the back of his bike. Helping her secure herself onto the second seat, her turned around to give Y/n her own customised helmet. A pink fluffy one with bunny ears, made just for her. “Y-you have to make me your wife first Hen” She smiled widely as he secured the fastening of the helmet, his heart pounding at just how adorable she looked in her own biker jacket and pink helmet.
“You wanna be my baby wife? Want me to take care of you pup so you don’t have to think about anythin’ but lookin’ pretty n’ makin cute little toys for our babies?”
“Mhm yeah, wan’ it so bad” She giggled leaning forward and kissing the cleft of his chin through the stubble, the prickly feeling reminding her of when he gave that same sensation between her legs just last night. “Yeah you do pup, I want it bad too”
“Then jus ask me already!” She whined stomping her foot that was on the ground only to pout when Henry lightly tapped her on the thigh, “Ey you know I don’t do well with attitude pup, that’s not the same happy girl I know”
“M-m’sorry” She whispered leaning up for another sloppy short kiss, her hands gripping onto the bottom of his shirt, watching as he then settled in front of her with her hands wrapped tightly around his waist.
“Right pup you’ve got five seconds” Henry whispered as soon as they got through the front door of their home, Y/n’s arms filled to the brim with the animals she made, only the top of her forehead peeking out as she insisted to carry in her woollen babies. “F-five?” She squealed out quickly throwing the stuffies onto the couch as she ran upstairs in a hurry, her heartbeat quickening once she heard his thundering footsteps chasing after her.
Her breath getting caught in her throat when she felt his arms latch around her waist and ironically lay her down gently onto the soft cotton sheets of their shared bed. “You look so pretty pup” He gushed showing his canine smile, pulling her down towards him as her dress went up to her waist. “Really pretty?”
“Soso pretty baby, prettiest of them all” He leant down unbuttoning the front of her beautiful dress, her bare breasts popping out all sun kissed from the recent heatwave that had hit their small town. Courtesy of the fact that she had spent the weekend tanning nude (as per Henry’s request) by the pool in their backyard.
“What you need baby? You want my lips? Wan’ me to teach you how a woman should be loved?” Henry cooed tracing his thumb under her bottom pouting lip, his hands were holding in place the same toy she had made for him, her voices coming out strained as she ground her hips against the soft plush; Henry’s other hand cupping her face affectionately as he denied her of his kisses. Using the same bear from earlier which he had hidden for himself, he held it under her pussy just letting her play herself with it
“W-what are you doin’ pup?” Henry looked taken aback as Y/n threw off the rest of her dress before turning onto her stomach, her ass in the air as she looked back at him playfully, wiggling her hips just to add on some tension.
“I-I think I wanna try somethin’ new Henry, I want you here” She said shyly once again shuffling her ass back onto Henry’s denim covered shaft, feeling it start to strain against the zipper he just had to strip himself down, still in disbelief.
“Baby, you finally gonna let me take your ass? Is that what’s goin on here? You’re givin’ yourself to me whole”
“Yes, i’m all yours, b-but be careful i’m nervous” She rushed out leaning on her elbows, “Aw pup don’t worry, daddy’ll take care of ya well” Henry whispered feeling that primal animalistic side of him come out, opening one of their bedroom drawers to reveal a bottle of lube they had, “This might feel cold but i’ll warm it up okay baby?” He whispered pouring a generous amount of lube onto her ass cheeks, using his hands to massage it onto her puckered backdoor. “Feels weird”
“Does feel weird doesn’t it honey, but you’re doin’ so well for me pup, let me just feel it out with a finger or two” He softly shushed her whines and moans as he pushed in his index finger into her tight ass, her thighs tingling already wanting more. “F-feels so good daddy” She whispered feeling herself fall into a more vulnerable headspace, wanting nothing more than for her Henry to coddle and fuck her to sleep.
“Fuck pup your ass is so tight, can’t believe you’re givin’ me this sweet treat tonight, so desperate to be my wife huh?”
“n-no that’s not why!” She argued back only to be interrupted by her own moan when Henry slid his finger back out only to insert back in two, ultimately stretching her poor muscles even more, “gah look at it clench over nothin’, my pup is a slut for her daddy” He cooed pulling his two fingers out, watching as her ass basically winked back at him with every pulse of her muscle.
“what are ya baby” He whispered out more to himself, looking over her face which was looking over her shoulder, her expression flustered as her skin glimmered in the soft light of their bedside lamp. “M’your baby” She whispered out, her hand reaching behind her to graze up his slightly pouched belly and wide chest. “Yeah? What does my pretty baby wife want”
“I-I want your cock in my ass, please daddy”
“m’so proud of you pup, always rememberin’ your manners, gotta reward you haven’t I” He state slapping his cock onto her behind while she nodded eagerly, her hands fisting the sheets out of anticipation. Henry took a deep breath in whilst he pushed the reddened head of his cock inside her warm wet hole, the lube helping a fuck ton. “A-ah daddy, so big” Y/n gasped out arching her back more, Henry leaned over to affectionately rub her back to help soothe the stretching pain, kisses being placed on the dimples of her back. He himself struggling to find words as his cock was being squeezed tightly in the best way possible.
“you okay baby? you want to keep goin’?”
“Y-yes, wanna feel full” She gasped once she felt him push himself in inch by inch, stopping every few seconds to let her catch her breath, Henry on the other hand was really holding himself back, her ass just felt too damn good on his cock. Both of them finally let out sighs of relief when Henry had bottomed out inside her ass, although none of them dared to move knowing it would cause the start of a very hard fucking. “Fuck me daddy, please, I want it”
“Ya remember your safe word baby?” Nodding her head eagerly Y/n herself started moving her ass up and down his cock, squealing at the burning yet amazing feeling it gave her, ultimately making her weak in the knees. “Oh fuck yeah, my fuckin’ whore” He growled out, his head falling back as his hands gripped onto her soft hips while they together rocked back and forth slowly. Everything was going more or less smoothly until the friction between Henry’s cock and her ass made an embarrassing sound, causing her to completely clench around his cock.
“s-so embarrassing” She whined plopping her head down onto the sheets in front of her, “a-ah baby don’t squeeze daddy so hard or else he’s gonna finish real fuckin’ fast and you don’t want that do ya?” Shaking her head she listened to the rest of what he had to say, “Baby that was not embarrassing, fuck do ya think we can make that sound again?” Smirking darkly he pulled his cock all the way back out before pushing it all in slowly, hearing that same airy sound from their fucking.
“Can daddy play with your clit sweetheart? Is that okay?” Henry whispered kissing again the dimples of her back watching as she nodded, his one arm reaching under her to play with her slick wet folds. Running his fingers through her folds thrice to lube it up with her own slickness, he started toying with her little swollen nub, her body immediately jerking forward at the sensitive touches. “gonna cum daddy, real soon” She gasped writhing in his hold, his hips smacking against her ass as he slowly picked up the pace, all the while circling her clit over and over again until she saw stars.
“Let go for me sweetness, let daddy see his pretty baby let go, wan’ me to cum in your ass sweetheart?”
“Yes daddy want you to warm up my ass, flood it with your cum pretty please” She whined half screaming into the sheets as Henry continued to rub her clit whilst she orgasmed, it was slowly causing her to feel overstimulated, his own cock following soon after as he felt her ass pulse around him; completely milking him of all he had to offer. “You take me so good pup, my best girl, you did so well ya hear me”
In a strained voice he continued to spill out heartfelt praises to his baby who was still lying limp and tired on the sheets, slowly pulling his cock out he winced, “p-plug daddy” He heard her whisper making him smirk, his baby loved being full of him, who knew that the best souvenir he’d bring back from his travels was her. Reaching over to their bedside drawers he found her purple sparkly plug, inserting it carefully with shushed tones, taking extra precautions to make sure it went in comfortably.
“I wanna be here, daddy here” Y/n smiled turning her head, crawling up to claim her spot on his chest, his arm coming around her to pull her even closer to him. “You want me to put on somethin’ in the background?” Teasingly he put his thumb onto her plug, tapping at it, causing Y/n to move away and whine, “stop it!”
“m’sorry baby couldn’t help it, you n’ your ass are too cute” Softly scratching her back, he watched her eyes focus on the random Disney movie he chose on the TV, her lips smacking until she reached up for Henry’s hand to put his thumb in her mouth; another soothing act of aftercare reserved just for her, “night night daddy, l-love you”
“night baby, love you so much”Her face squished against his chest until she eventually started drooling, once she fell asleep “You are just too precious for your own good pup, thankfully you’re mine”
psa: Found this so cute and intimate, hope you guys enjoy it:))
Library blog: @f10werfaes-cosy-collection
taglist: @pandaxnienke @thereisa8ella @kimhtoo17 @beck07990 @dumb-fawkin-bitch @madebylilly @kebabgirl67 @marvelgurl @uwiuwi @girl-of-multi-fandoms @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @nikkitc0703 @mischiefsemimanaged @oliviah-25 @aerangi @alina02 @alexxavicry @hp-hogwartsexpress @angelmather1 @acornacre @ggmimitf @thebaileybugle @thoughtsofreid @theekyliepage @cookielovesbook-akie @elenavampire21 @hoya122 @rosiesluv7 @yaminax @esposadomd @meyocoko @disaster-rose @severewobblerlightdragon @kemillyfreitas @adoreyouusugar @buckybarnessweetheart @sweetybuzz25 @k3ira13 @shecamedowninabubble @ridingthehotmessexpress @animez96 @angelic-dreams13 @squishyturtle @marvelloki23 @livesinfantasyland @luxeydior @slut4henrycavill
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