420-what-you-smokin · 9 months
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Some more designs for my diamond cutters au!
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nanaten · 5 months
I'm sorry for not requesting a drawing with this space, but I just have to ask... what is the appeal of Clausten? I am not trying to be mean or anything, I legit am very curious.
I can kinda understand Nesscas, it's the result of fledgling mother fans from Smash going "these two would be cute together" (at least that's how I always took it, apologies if that seems rude), but Clausten feels kinda like... those same mother fans finding out about claus and ninten and going "gasp! leftover stripe boys" and mashing them together like... idk what a good term is for this.
Again; sorry for misusing this space, i kinda just want to understand this ship. Not dogging on you or others for enjoying it, just wanna understand it.
I suppose while I am here, I guess I could request a doodle of Lloyd. Maybe of him blabbing about Superman comic stuff to Ninten or what have you. Lloyd needs more appreciation.
Also sorry this may be a mess to read, it was just kinda stream of consciousness
Hi! No need to apologise, I think this is a very good question!
I understand that the ship, on a basic level, doesn’t really make much sense at all! It began as a crackship enjoyed by a small percentage of the mother community and slowly developed into what it is now— a ship with many enjoyers, but not many that know exactly why they enjoy it.
I want to preface this by saying, I do not speak for every person who enjoys Clausten. I am just one of many, and this is all my personal perspective. Thank you for enquiring about it, honestly, because I love speaking about them. So, here we go!
First and Foremost: It’s a crackship— so more than any other reason I can give, it’s just plain fun! These are two characters I love and adore with my whole heart, so it’s just fun to have them interact, and of course, it’s fun to view them as a potentially romantic pairing! Ninten is my favorite character of all time, and Claus is my favorite in Mother 3 specifically, so it’s like a personal wish fulfilment to draw them together.
It’s fun to not take strict canon all too seriously. I pull my silly guys from the source material and I mess around with them whichever way I desire B).
I definitely don’t think it’s entirely fair to view Clausten as, like, Nesscas leftovers either, lol. Ultimately these characters are all very different in terms of stories, how they’re written etc, and both ships have very different qualities that make them loveable in their own right! Liking ships like Clausten has alot to do with how you view these characters— What do you gather their personalities are, how compatible would they be, etc? And the way I characterize Ninten and Claus, atleast in my head, make them very compatible. (Ninten being adventurous, outgoing, snarky, and boyish, and Claus being similar— but more reserved, and more careful as a product of his experiences.)
And finally— I really think them as people— not my own view of their personalities, but judging based on canon events— that the two are very similar, and could find solice in their similar experiences. I think the characters are weirdly connected, in a way, for starters— Claus, if you think about it, is Porky’s second Giegue/Giygas. A new puppet, a new ace, a new strength that he takes away the humanity of.
Ninten, being directly related to Giegue, who I can imagine feels somewhat responsible for the corruption of Giegue alongside what comes after the events of Mother 1 , is also connected in some way to Porky, and then Claus. This is basically an extended way of me saying “Their stories are linked in the overarching tale that is the Mother series”.
Claus’s feelings towards Ninten would be complicated initially, or atleast I think so— for his inability to defeat Giegue weirdly, inadvertently caused a chain reaction that lead to the events of Mother 3. (Giegue lives —> Invades Eagleland —> Porky Gets corrupted —> Giegue is then defeated by Ness and Co by going to the past but Porky Escapes —> Porky goes to the future, Mother 3 time —> The Plot Of Mother 3 Happens You Get It). The two’s distant but important connection in the story of the games leads to some extremely interesting food for thought, or at least I think so. How would Claus view the situation? How would Ninten feel after finding out what happened to Claus? How would the two bond over this weird experienced they’re both tied in?
And that is made all the more interesting to me when possibly viewing it in a romantic lense, or atleast something that could become romantic. It’s complicated and messy and there’s so much history behind the two, it’s interesting to think not only about how they’d meet and how they’d feel about eachother, but how they would handle romantic feelings— how a relationship between two very troubled people could work and be okay, and help them mutually heal.
All this is to say, they’re tied in the story and I think putting the two in a romantic relationship is very interesting. Also, it’s just fun :’)
(This post is a TOTAL mess, it’s midnight and I should be sleeping, but I got too excited to write about them hahaha. Thank you so much for the question! Also, I’ll make my next post a big lloyd appreciation, I like to draw him. Thanks again! X))
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nekorinnie · 1 month
Warrior+inquisitor twins! They’re so fun as a concept and I’m always delighted when I see someone else have them
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Starting with two random doodles!
We have Valkyrai
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And Raysosho!
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Ray and Val are Evorurt's and Lana's twins...
Ray, when the two were small, was kidnapped and never found
Alot of angst, alot of searching
But the lil one was not found
His kidnappers were... and did not escape,
Lil Ray? Nope
Until many years later, when the twins reunite on Korriban
More later on... someday , sorry about the wait ^^'
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spaghetticat3899 · 8 months
Scug co-op adventures
Me and two friends messed around in Jolly co-op and ended up beating survivor’s campaign with our little group of recolors. I made some small doodles to celebrate, since it was alot of fun.
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The spearmaster’s colors weren’t decided until late, so the default colors were used as a stand-in until then. The face is also completely different in my friend’s vision, but I altered it for the sake of easy-to-read expressions (they’re fine with it, don’t worry).
Gild was played by renteduwu, Sprite by robotcowboy6969, and Alby by me.
All the scug names were given by me, lol
Screenshots of the nonsense:
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It initially started out with a baby artificer instead of spearmaster, but that run had to be deleted due to the game breaking (sticking the host irreversibly in the wall without warning). Also have the Sprite Swarm:
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strawglicks · 9 months
Sorry for the ramble in your inbox incoming- I'm a really huge fan of your analysis type posts like the ones about Cathal and recently Flint ;A; So I hope its ok to maybe throw in my own 2 cents about Cogs/their society- (Sorry this gets rambly I thought about this last night and writing this like an hour after waking up lol)
I think what alot of people kind of (I wouldnt say ignore- more of:) don't really get is that I dont believe characters like Cathal or Flint have bad tendencies because they really want to in a way, (I kind of worded that poorly but point is) but because their society rewards and encourages that type of behavior. I think you said something kind of similar on Cathals post- But especially for Flint, whose a Bossbot (Who are literally the embodiment of a toxic workplace and elitism. I believe a old snippet from the TTO magazines says "They have no real skills of their own, just the ability to push down others and stay on top!" Or something to that nature.) he has to be demanding and imposing. There is no benefit to him in being kind. (Like looking at Misty for example) And don't get me wrong I don't believe that if Flint and Cathal were removed from Cog society they'd be better/objectively nicer (Like Flint not being condescending to Toons and Cathal not making people do things for him and being encouraged to try) But I do wonder how much of it is pressure, or how much of it is egged on and rewarded. Atleast in the aspects it relates to how they treat others.
(..And also I wonder what happens to Cogs that don't get jobs and are seen as ..not functioning. Since Graham was freaking the hell out in "Meeting Of Two Minds" over the possibility of not getting the job. I have a whole thing about this actually in my oc lore but thats another thing entirely I'll write about someday I swear)
Also I gasped when I saw the doodle of Graham in the MSI shirt finally a MSI listener Graham truther. I think he'd like the album "How I Learned To" and of course "You'll Rebel To Anything". I associate him mainly with the songs "Lights Out", "On It", and "You're No Fun Anymore" :p (This has been my favorite band since I was like 13 and now I get to spill all my opinions xD) I always imagined him doing the guitar backbend their bassist does! And my final hc is that Flint plays bass and Graham plays the main guitar. I think it fits them .. some people overlook bass when its actually pretty hard to learn from what I hear and vital to the song. (Like heres Feel Good Inc w/o the bass.. feels wrong x_x)
Anyways thanks for reading ;A; take care and happy new year!
THe biggest issue with Cogs Inc is that it REWARDS and ENCOURAGES these poor behaviors, worsening these characters as people. ESPECIALLY cathal considering the position of power they’re in. I’m sure it applies to a ton of other cogs too, but unfortunately I haven’t gotten to them yet bc I’m not as insane abt them . LMAO
And yeah since cogs are literally built for work, it’s a wonder what happens to those who can’t find a job as easily as others. Hoping that gets built on since it’s clear in MOTM that these cogs have to actually apply and go to interviews and probably face some trial and error to land a job, just like people IRL.
ALSO. THE BAND HCS. I love it and you’re SOOOO RIGHT about the backbend that is so grahamcore. And yes I’m pretty sure Flint does play bass, I think his creator mailman said smth abt that on their blog . AND IM SO GLAD YOU BROUGHT UP FEEL GOOD INC bc i did draw flint in a demon days shirt in that same animatic . And ive def drawn them in the same shirt a couple times in the past too . I’ve always imagined him to be a Gorillaz fan, maybe graham too
Anyway ty for these thoughts im eating them up and leaving no crumbs . I love when ppl come to ramble in my inbox bc discussing this stuff IS SO FUN and a good outlet for me esp when i might be having art burnout rn .
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vanixing-thts · 10 months
[A bit more about my ears…]
I wanted to make a master post about my ears but I don’t have many DIY photos of most of them. Still I will do my best for anyone interested!
Long post ahead ….. ٩(─︣ ‿‿ ─᷅)۶
🗝️♥️🗝️ ..
The first pair I made was for Vanitas, because he’s the best boy! I was meeting up with some irl KH friends for the first time and I doodled a pretty cool design so I made them. It took me around a week to make them:
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I put the teeth of his keyblade around the ears, incorporated his gold, black, and red colors, and used a clear garden stone for his helmet. The bow is comprised of his “skirt” and the helmet. As you can see they are cool but… alot. They were really top heavy too. So I remade them and added some tweaks, like using thinner foam:
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I was satisfied with them and they were less top heavy, then I commissioned my new friend yuri (suba_rashii on twitter) and it became my official al vanitas ears!
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Next I made a pair for Roxas! He was my first ever favorite kingdom heart’s character and I fell in love with the checkered idea. These only took two days to make. I hand glued the squares which is why they’re crooked but I still love them. The little roxas is felt, I wish I was good at resin or acrylic but thats a-whole-nother beast by itseld. Art by me, featuring me!
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After that I took a brief break from Kingdom hearts and made a pair based off inosuke from demon slayer! These were a bit more challenging because I decided to used plush ears instead of foam ones but I loved how they turned out. Amazing art I commissioned from @nanariemi went along with them! Fun fact: The disney employees liked these so much we got to skip the line once. 👀
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And… there is so much more to show and share but that’s all tumblr will allow me to put for now. Maybe soon I will do a part 2 to this post. Regardless, thanks for making it this far and I’m so happy people were interested in what I had made! Everyone has been so nice here, haha.
🗝️♥️🗝️ ..
Have a good day everyone, and may your heart be your guiding key! 🗝️
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hazelthevixen · 11 months
It was my birthday :D + Happy halloweeeen!
2 days before halloween, on the 29th october, it was my birthday! :D I am now 24 as for now ^w^ Before my birthday we went on a nice relaxing train ride to big city where I was doodling some sketches on the way there and on the way home :3 You can get to see them here! I also had alot of fun at big city, it was nice looking at all the fun things and cool toys at the shops X3 Though after we got off the train, we also went to pizza hut which was before the shops, and me and my helper had some really good hawaiian pizza with ham, cheese, and pineapple, and we had em with bbq chicken wings, onion rings, and nachos with a dip and salad of our choosing! and for dessert I went for my childhood favourite: the ice cream machine! where you get to add your own sauces and toppings to your ice cream! it was great :D so that was before my birthday :3 But on my birthday I had a mcdonalds happy meal at big town! And in the happy meal I got a triceratops squishmallow X3 in The Land Before Time, they call the triceratops the threehorn dinos! that's what Cera is :3 I also got chicken mcnuggets, chips, and an oasis drink at McDonalds :3 They always do the best chips there X3 unfortunately no mcflurries this time, Mcdonalds said the machine wasn't working :c but that's alright, the food and the happy meal toy still made me happy ^w^ It's been forever since I had a happy meal so it felt nostalgic finally getting one again just like I use to do :3 I also did some fun shopping and got all kinds of cool things while I was out, including a make your own milkshake that comes in bubblegum flavour! yum! ^-^ There was also a pink version with strawberry, but I like bubblegum best so that's why I got the blue one :D it also came with candy which you can decorate the milkshake with so that sounds really cool X3 I saw some really cute pets at the pet shop too, I was saying hello to the really cute rats, gerbils, hamsters, and guinea pigs :3 The guinea pigs reminded me how much I love my ones at home so I said hello to mine when I got home, they were happy to see me ^w^ There was two black gerbils that looked just like my Dusky 💜 I miss him, he was a black gerbil too, and a very sweet one that is <:3 there was also a dark grey gerbil and a really cute light brown one with black here and there :3 I also said hello to the pet fish at the pet store, they were so cute and colourful, fish always make the funniest of faces lol X3 derrrp! XD I love how guppies have a big colourful swishy tail as they swim :3 so prettyy ^-^ I'm actually interested in getting more pets sometime if I'm allowed :o I'll see if I'm allowed birds, like zebra finches or whatnot. if not, I'll see if I'll be allowed some pet guppies because I've always loved guppies and I hear they're super easy to care for :3 and if not, I'll still be happy with my sweetest lil guinea pigs >w< They're my family and I will treasure them forever 💛 If I ever do get anymore pets they'll be family too ofcourse! ^-^ After that we came home with a bucket of kfc to enjoy at home :D The kfc people were super kind, they even gave a free cookie when they found out it was my birthday X3 I was also wearing my new Spongebob tee on my birthday that day too and I got a unicorn snowglobe for my birthday that plays a music box :3 well it's actually an alicorn because it has wings :D I have a princess castle snowglobe already that plays a music box already and I love it, it's very fantasy like ^w^ what's great about these ones is that they not only play cute music box tunes, but they also have colourful lights, and you don't even have to shake the snowglobe as the snow or glitter goes around for you when you turn it on :3 I also got some Spongebob comics which I'll enjoy and I got a squirrel plushie that's just like my old one I use to have when I was as a kid ^-^ The old one I think I may of had on my 5th birthday before, but sadly not long after back then, I was forced to send that one away or my parents will beat me up, because my abusive family always tries to take me away from the things I love, that's why I think families are stupid and a waste of time and I don't like them. Friends are so much better and I choose friends over family any day.. ÚwÙ But it's okay if you like your family tho! But I don't like mine so I hope you can understand why I don't support mine. But I'm glad I can finally be able to get my old squirrel back without my stupid family telling me otherwise and telling me what to do all the time, cos I missed my squirrel so much QwQ But now my new squirrel will get to join me as I relive my childhood <=) and she's just like my old one too! ❤️‍🩹 I can't remember what I called my old one but I think I'll call this one Acorn :3 She's a cute red squirrel ^-^ I already have a cute grey squirrel stuffie too and he's called Peanut! :D I like him aswell X3 Oh and me and my good friend Wolfypoof were having a fun discord call aswell on my birthday and after it too :D I got to play Miitomo again thanks to an unofficial revival by Kaeru X3 You have no idea how many times I stuttered that name on the call because I wasn't sure what was the correct pronounciation was XDDDD And I still don't know how it's pronounced >=D I dare you to tell me to say the...the abonibal snowman on voice call-see I even can't spell the adomino snowman either XDDD and they get confused with the yetis alot of the time too lol XD AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS THE DIFFERENCES XDDD /lhj Also for once I did a birthday song and cake with friends instead of family and it was actually alot better! :D Heck even my friends put way more heart into birthday songs so much more than my family would ever do UwU even if some of my friends aren't confident singers, at least they're not lazy like my boring old family lol. Had alotta friends join me for last year on my birthday, but this year they were all too busy :< but I appreciate that my good friend Wolfypoof made the time to celebrate with me so shoutouts to Wolfypoof, check out her amazing works :D https://www.weasyl.com/~wolfypoof It also feels like forever since I had a birthday song and cake, so it felt so nice to have it again y'know? ^-^ I dunno why I stopped, but I'm glad I managed to do it again because it helped make birthdays more special, and it was my first time doing it with friends so it was even better this time, because I was with people who actually make me happy X3 Unlike my family who brings constant fuss, negativity and drama lol, don't like their toxic vibes. I'm glad I chose to be nothing like my family when I grew up too! cos I am my owwnn person.. UwU Feels good to be free and good to be me! :D 🎵 Cos I'm free, to do what I want! Any old time..🎵 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPqQ-TQw9F8  So we talked alot about the birthday celebration, lemme tell you how I celebrated halloween! :D So before halloween on different days, I've been listening to my halloween playlist on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0VzstQqoMDWT3AzzNwyus7?si=7daab703aed5487b and I've been checking out all the cool halloween displays too! At shops and at other houses too X3 I've also been watching Hotel Transylvania 1 and 2 on different days aswell as watching Funnybones before bed on some days :3 I also watched some spoopy Spongebob episodes such as Squidferatu and Slappy Daze. I also plan to watch the Scaredypants episode and The Legend Of Boo-kini Bottom :D I'm a huge fan of Spongebob hehe X3 Oh and this halloween night I actually been out trick or treating in my fursuit! :D My helper was surprisingly a really good fursuit handler for her first time, it was fun hanging out and meeting all kinds of people and their reactions hehe X3 there was nice kids too! I was about to take my head off so I can go back to the car, but I didn't in front of the kids because I didn't want to break the magic <X3 with adults it's different ofcourse, because they know I'm dressing up, while some kids would probably think I would be a real walkin' talkin' fox XDD I actually wanna go public fursuiting more often :3 I might start doing it more on the autumn and winter because I'm not fond of the cold weather during those times, but fursuiting makes it easier to handle cold weather. I hear you can overheat more during the spring and summer if it's hot <:o So while I'm more of a summer girl, I think there's something to look on the bright side when the cold weather is bad UwU I could go out public suiting more :D hey who knows, maybe I'll get to be a sports mascot one day XD Or maybe be like my good friend Aoi and help with charities! ^-^ Shoutouts to Aoi too tho, she's doing a really good thing helping the disabled and vulnerable :3 https://www.weasyl.com/~aoithedragon I came home with a bag o candy and some toffee apples X3 I gave some candies I didn't like as a thank you to my helper also :3 She likes those ones more than I do at least X3 I also noticed I had a regular apple aswell, but I kinda already had apples at home so I hope she don't mind me giving her that one too <X3 the apples at home are pink ladies, my favourite kind of apples, so I gotta eat em up first. Wait I should probably eat the toffee apples first, not just cos they're great, but also cos I dunno how long it'll last with the toffee 'n' all.. <:3 ah well, good treats! :D The people were very kind, and the one with the toffee apples said I was allowed more than one, but I didn't wanna take too many cos they might not last long enough for me to finish em fogiufogufiofuod I also didn't wanna be greedy so that's why I sticked to just the two ^-^; There was plenty tho, dw! so I'm sure everyone got some ^w^ Oh yeah I actually had a spoopy story I was working on! Sorry it's taking a while, it's quite a biiiig literature.. ^-^; So I might be late again sorryyy! But I'm almost there so I'm gonna see if I can actually share it in time for halloween this time >:3 No promises tho! I'm even still working on the cover too <=D But you'll get to see it on my weasyl when it arrives https://www.weasyl.com/~hazel3 Stay tuned! ^-^ But for now, enjoy my new zodiac oc I drew for my birthday :3 She is the Scorpio Bunny! https://www.weasyl.com/~hazel3/submissions/2319225/scorpio-bunny Anyway, I hope you guys had a really good halloween! This is the first time in ages I had a really fun halloween so I'm glad I got to go trick or treating again! I hope I get to go to halloween parties again X3 those were fun too! I actually had more fun cosplaying and meeting everyone than getting the candies X3 but the candies was a nice thing too ofcourse! One of my favourite ones I got was a chocolate rolo and I love rolos X3 It's been a while since I had rolos and I forgot about them for a while, so today also helped me remember a candy I loved so that was awesome too ^w^ Anywho, happy halloween, trick or treat, and thank you for reading! :D
Please be nice when commenting! I refuse to be criticised so please accept that. If you're gonna be mean, don't say anything at all. Thankies for checking out my post! Meep meep! ヽ(◕ヮ◕)ノ I'm on other places too! ^-^
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creweemmaeec11 · 4 years
The Under Used Adorable Prompt/Trope
Hi yes I'd like to make a formal complaint to the tumblr writing community?
The trope of light tickles is incredibly underused and under appreciated!
Lightly tickling someone while their asleep so they do that sleepy/dopey smile and wake up giggling
When person A is trying to be mad at person B, so person B tickles person A juuuust enough to make not smiling hard, while teasing them until they eventually crack a smile
Person A absentmindedly tracing random shapes on person B, bonus if it's on their palm
Something causes person A to cry, so person B comforts them, and then tickles them just to help/see them smile again.
Person A claiming they arent ticklish, but instead of person B tickling them alot right off the bat, they slowly tickle more and more while person A struggles to hold out as it gets worse untill they eventually crack.
Super light kisses on skin that tickle and make the person squirm, (usually on neck or stomach)
Person A focusing on something while person B is being needy trying to get their attention, so person B lightly tickles person A, who struggles to ignore person B now until they finally crack.
Person A absentmindedly drawing shapes on Person B, who finds it adorable. However, person B is really ticklish, so they have to try really hard not to squirm or laugh and ultimately disturb person A, who is adorable when they are off on their own world. At some point though, person A notices what they and person B are doing, and now tickles on purpose to see how much they can get away with.
Ear/Neck tickles.
Person A complaining they hate their laugh, much to the disagreement and annoyance of person B. So person B lightly tickles them just to get Person A giggling so they cant disagree with all the compliments person B continues to give them.
Person A challenges Person B to a round of video games, claiming they can beat their score. The winner gets an agreed on prize. However on Person B's turn, Person A begins tickling them just lightly enough to be distracting, so person B ends up loosing.
Person A doodling with a marker on Person B, but they're too ticklish and are struggling to stay still, and mess the drawing up so Person A has to restart.
Similar idea as previous prompt. Person A is doing Person B's makeup, but the makeup brushes tickle and they are struggling to stay still, much to A's chagrin and amusement, causing them to have to continually redo things. (Can also be done with things like body paint)
Not really tickling but Person A brushing Person B's hair and Person B accidentally falls asleep.
Person A doesn't like their smile, so they always cover it when they laugh, much to Person B's disappointment. In retaliation, Person B starts lightly tickling Person A, who covers their smile, but it means they cant use their hands to stop Person B's tickles, as they slowly get worse and worse and Person A eventually breaks
The classic Person A gets stuck and Person B takes advantage of it to tickle them
Using tickles to help tire someone out so they can sleep, (A great way to get a persons mind off a previous nightmare and cheer them up too)
All of these are meant to be light or medium tickles, more so giggling and squirming and not screaming and thrashing. Few people enjoyed being tickled that rough, many hate it. Keeping the tickles light and bearable so the other person secretly has fun too makes the situation way cuter
Scientifically speaking, laughter, even forced laughter, triggers the release of dopamine in the brain. Being tickled actually does help someone who is depressed or upset feel happier.
It's always sweet when Person A can tell when Person B is tired and has had enough and they stop before pushing them too far
Teasing. Teasing the person who's being tickled and cant argue back 10/10
Many people find super light tickles soothing, like when someone traces on your back gently, these are also cute.
When tickles boarder right on the line between soothing and actually tickling and Person A can't decide whether they like it or not. Bonus if person B is aware and enjoys tormenting the other.
Person B saying they will stop tickling when Person A agrees with them/repeats something they say. Example: "I'll stop when you admit how cute you are!" (Even in this scenario, avoid thrashing rough actual torturous tickles, you want person A to cave rather then actually being forced by desperation for person B to stop)
Please share to help me correct this crime against humanity! ♡
**Note: nothing about this is meant to be sexual or a fetish. Interpret/use prompts as you wish, but don’t assume and never shame others either way**
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hannahhook7744 · 3 years
Red Beauty;
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Requested by @greyxanderblack.
Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling/vice versa?;
Belle. She'd be too busy reading to pay attention to the door sign.
Who doodles little hearts all over the desk with their initials inside them?;
Both but Ruby more often than Belle.
Who starts the tickle fights?;
Both because they both enjoy them. More often Ruby than Belle though.
Who starts the pillow fights?;
Both because they're trying to catch up on old times (and not having many friends as children).
Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smile?;
Belle because she's a total night owl and Ruby usually falls fast asleep as soon as she hits the pillow.
Who mistakes salt for sugar?;
Belle because Ruby sees that happen to often at the diner to make that mistake. Plus she knows where everything is in the diner and at the kitchen at home.
Who lets the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1am in the morning?;
Belle because she's absent-minded and a total night owl. Ruby is a heavy sleeper so she doesn't mind at all.
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?;
Ruby. Belle loves them though.
Who rearranges the bookshelf in alphabetical order?;
Belle because that matters more to her than it does to Ruby.
Who licks the spoon when they’re baking brownies?;
Ruby because she's more of a foodie than Belle is.
Who buys candles for dinners even though there’s no special occasion?;
Both. They own alot of candles.
Who draws little tattoos on the other with a pen?;
Ruby because she finds it more fun than Belle does.
Who comes home with a new souvenir magnet every time they go on vacation?;
Belle because she thinks they're neat.
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys in the back of magazines?;
Both of them because they both find them to be fun.
Whether they're a big spoon or little spoon?;
Ruby is big spoon. Belle is little spoon.
Who would bring a random animal home and make the other have it as a pet?;
Belle probably. Animals don't tend to like Ruby because of her werewolf side.
Who is more accident prone?;
Ruby because Belle is more observant than she is and isn't as impulsive as Ruby is.
Who is sickly and who never gets sick?;
Belle is the sickly one. Ruby almost never gets sick because she's a werewolf.
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ekgfiction · 3 years
I don't remember if I've asked this, but I've been seeing this alot on other blogs so I wanted to ask you too! How would the ROs react if MC stared at them all day and when they finally ask why, mc just says "you're really pretty!"
Archer: The entire day, they glance back at you. They feel like they’re in high school again, almost doodling “Mr/Ms. MC” on their briefing papers and fight the urge to ask Mishra for love advice because they’ll make fun of their situation. When you finally explain why, they’ll be stunned for a moment, but are comforted that you at least like them a little bit. "No, you're really pretty!"
Mishra: They’d be putting on a show for you. Whenever they feel your eyes on them, they’d do something hot. Roll up their sleeves, licking their lips, anything to get a reaction out of you. If you give them nothing, they’d start doubting themself and finally ask you. When they hear your answer, they sigh, an amused smile on their face and say "I know. It’s a curse."
Botha: Botha wouldn’t wait an entire day to wait for an answer. They are way too curious for that. After establishing that you staring is a pattern, they’ll confront you. When they hear your answer, they’ll be confused. "Thank you?" They definitely talking about it to Archer afterward. 
Nezha: They first time, they’d say nothing, because it’s just their imagination going wild. The second time, they’ll look around them, because there is no way you are actually staring at them. The rest of the day they are hyper tense whenever you look at them. Did they do something to piss you off? Do they have something on their clothes? When they hear your answer, they’ll be shocked and confused. "wh-uh-what?"
Smith: Smith also wouldn’t wait, because they’ll be too annoyed (flustered) to wait. They’d go right up in your face and ask what your problem is. And when they hear your answer, they’d back away and clear their throat, turning their face so you don’t see the slight blush at your forward compliment. "You just noticed that? I'm a bit insulted."
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zodiacrant · 4 years
💜Astro Notes💜
(All about Mutable signs)
(These may or may not apply to you, please keep an open mind and take it as entertainment rather than life changing facts. Please credit me if you’re going to use my work, or ask me beforehand.)
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💜There’s no denying that this is the wack-a-doodle squad
💜Mutable Placements adjust and assimilate into other placements qualities and elements. This makes them hard to identify in a person, especially Rising.
💜Sagittarius Moons always have this underlying tone of sadness. My best friend in high school was a Sagittarius Moon and he would talk about anything and everything but real and serious things. His mother had cancer and passed away and he did not show emotion in his words or in his eyes. I don’t know why they feel like they always have to be happy and fun all the time.
💜Geminis are actually very stubborn but not with what they believe in but in what they do. Don’t tell them what to do or how to do it. And most definitely what they should and shouldn’t like.
💜Virgos and Pisces are opposites that clash by default. The ground level view of Virgo mixed with Pisces aerial view doesn’t go well. Not because of how they view things but because of their strict stance on how things are. One says 2+3=5, the other says no 1+4=5. The only time I saw those pairs get along is when they grew fond of their differences.
💜Sagittarius to me is the least Mutable Mutable sign. Even though they’re naturally curious and expansive, they have a habit of assuming and beating people to conclusions. This is why some people label them as know it all’s, cause while you’re talking they’re preparing an answer instead of listening to what you’re actually saying.
💜I believe I have said this in another post but I’ll say it again. Pisces placements are indicators of being either a genius or a complete bum.
💜Virgo Moons are high functioning emotional machines. No matter how much work they do or run around it, they’re very sensitive to every single thing.
💜Gemini is not as fun loving as people perceive them. Most that I have met were into taboo topics. As a Gemini Venus I would ask if you would like to be eaten by animals after death, with a smile 😊.
💜Virgo and Gemini represent the youthful and playful curiosity of Mutable signs. Both ruled by Mercury they represent childish and teen like thinking and view of the world. Wanting to try everything, do everything and everything having to be as perfect as they imagined. Jacks of all trades yet masters of none, they represent the novice and early stages of communication and learning.
💜Sagittarius and Pisces are the higher mind and what’s beyond the self. Ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, respectively, they represent religion, spirituality, the subconscious mind, and large scale worlds. They view the world as the teacher and/or the elder, passing down the knowledge they acquired along the way.
💜Mutable Mercuries can be very sneaky and manipulative.
💜Don’t underestimate Pisces. The preconceived notion that they’re some cute bubbly magical mermaid can be very far from the truth. People with Pisces placements, especially the Moon, are very interested in twisted and dark topics.
💜 Virgo/Pisces in North and South Node is the hardest life purpose to achieve. For Virgo N.Node your life purpose requires you to be level headed, swift, critical and do the right thing. With Pisces N.Node you have to elevate your mind, be insync with yourself, have an out of body view of the world, follow your instincts and do the good thing.
💜Most twins I know and are in my family are either Geminis or Virgos
💜Virgo Mars people blabber on when nervous. This apparently supposed to buy them some time to think but it just ends up making it worse.
💜I have noticed that Virgo and Sagittarius Suns and Moons get frequent migraines
💜Virgo in 8th is as kinky as Scorpio. Only they’re more of a bottom edging the top than the top edging the bottom
💜Mutable signs in their opposite’s planet creates constant confusion at best and delusion at worst. This can be seen alot with Sagittarius and Pisces Mercuries. No shade but y’all can really live in the world according to your mind, which can be far from reality. However, I did find many good actors with this placement which makes sense cause it’s conducive to the trade.
💜If you’ve known a Gemini long enough then you know not be surprised by their antics or what they’re going to say. I have found that they do and say things for reactions not because they’re seriously thinking of doing so.
💜Sagittarius on the other hand will do a dare just to prove they will do it.
💜Sagittarius in 4th house might run away from home
💜Pisces Venus is much more timid than you’d think. Virgo Venus, however, that is another level kind of “hoeing”
💜Mutable MC’s careers depend alot on who they know and always being on the go. They can’t be stagnant with their positions and require constant reinvention.
💜Pisces in 6th rarely get sick
💜Mutable Risings house patterns create, from what I read, a “cycle of completion”. They more than others have to focus on intrapersonal growth before going too far into their journey.
💜For a Mutable sign Virgo is not “mutable-like” but their quick adaptation and reactions to complex things is what makes them mutable.
💜Gemini Mars is the most energetic placement.
💜Sagittarius in 3rd and Gemini in 9th will have to unlearn almost everything they grew up learning. The opposite process from Gemini to Sagittarius where you keep on learning.
💜Mutable dominant people will forever have an existential crisis
💜Sagittarius Venus is the OG paradoxical queen
💜People with Sagittarius in 7th house, especially with Pluto residing there, will be hung up on “the one that got away”
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devistrol · 3 years
hi!!!! could you write some todd headcanons???
I always have headcanons for this sweet boy
Little heads up, all of the head canons I make will take place in a version where Neil lives and Mr.Keating doesn’t get fired unless specified!
Writes poetry for all of the dead poets regularly, especially Knox, Charlie, and Neil(ofc)
It took him a while to work up the courage, but once he did he started leaving the poems in envelopes on their desk
He always gets super fancy with the envelopes, sealing them with wax and putting pressed flowers in them
He even wrote a few for Mr.Keating, who instantly hugged Todd after reading them and hung the poems in his office
He researches the language of flowers for fun and knows the meaning of ALOT of flowers
He uses this knowledge whenever he includes pressed flowers in the poems he writes, he always makes sure the meaning applies to whichever friend he’s writing for
Is by no means the best artist, but he doodles on all of his assignments
Draws on himself constantly, has gotten in trouble for it a few times
If the other poets let him, he’ll gladly doodle on their arms while they’re all studying together or doing work
He has a little sketchbook that he carries with him constantly and if he sees pretty scenery he’ll always do a rough sketch of it
He doodles his friends sometimes too, but rarely shows them
Oversized sweaters 24/7, even during the summer (much to the others disliking)
Steals Neils sweaters constantly
Is surprisingly opinionated for being so quiet and anxious
If he hears someone talking shit about his friends, he’ll definitely call them on it
He doesn’t yell or say mean things though, he just simply tells them that it isn’t cool and they need to stop
Very affectionate to all of his friends
Is the groups Teddybear, everyone loves his hugs and will always ask him for one when they’re having a bad day
Managed to get a Polaroid camera into Welton and takes photos on it constantly
He has photos of his friends, him and Neil, the poets with Mr.Keating, the sky, just anything or any moment he wants to remember
He has a notebook that he puts all of the photos in and he looks at it everytime he’s having a bad day,
If Neil isn’t around and he’s having a panic/anxiety attack he’ll look at the photos to calm down
Todd is definitely bisexual (or maybe Pansexual), but he’s not out to anyone except his friends and Mr. Keating
Loves birds, they’re his favorite animal
He knows how to identify almost any bird he sees and gets very excited and happy when he gets the chance to talk about them Bonus: Charlie knows how happy Todd gets when he gets the chance to talk about birds, so everytime they’re outside and he sees one he’ll make sure to ask Todd what kind it is and how he can tell, just to make him happy
Has definitely assigned each of his friends as a type of bird
Todd deserves nothing but the best, I love him 🥰
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cringeduo · 3 years
Fun lil random DSMP headcanons cuz i don't have enough character specific ones thought up!
PART ONE [also make sure to follow if u like these :) ]
- Jack manifold carries around red and blue highlighters and doodles on stuff like the lampposts and old or ruined buildings
- Niki has about a million and one outfits and bottles of hair dye and half of them are just scattered around
- Fundy's middle names aren't the names of other family members, they're different names that Wilbur and Sally came up with for him before he was born
- Sally is a shapeshifter and a trans woman
-Ponk has a few different prosthetic's and likes to change them out based on the occasion or whatever he feels matches best
- Ranboo prefers to wear skirts instead of trousers because they're less awkward on him and most trousers are too short for his long ass legs, plus they're just more comfortable generally
- People often mistake Philza as being either really weak or really ripped when in reality he doesn't have a lot of muscle built up since he doesn't fight much anymore (just a slightly larger chest from being a bird hybrid), but he's still a very capable fighter and could easily rival Technoblade
- The several explosions Tubbo had went through left him with several scars all over his body and even took out one of his eyes, so he trained his body to build muscle so he'd be able to take a lot of hits without causing more permanent injury
- Tubbo sees alot of Wilbur and Schlatt in himself and hates it, but it's most obvious when it comes down to his addictive personality, he very easily became more than attached to explosives after being put through explosions, and often times Tommy and Ranboo have to keep him away from things like gambling machines, potions, etc just incase
- Tommy has a huge soft spot for animals, even the ones that'd be considered dangerous, because he sees them as kind of replacements for the people who used to be his friends
- Quackity has alot of prosthetic eyes and sometimes switches them out to really creepy designs to see people's reactions
-Purpled is an alien but has been around humans for a few years, and although he can hide his alien features and has a small shapeshifting ability he chooses not to
- Purpled, Ranboo and Slimecicle accidentally break stuff because they don't quite understand how they work, Purpled does it pretty rarely because he's been around people for years, and Ranboo doesn't do it as much because he's been around people for a while, but they both still catches themselves smashing a plate or two by dropping it instead of putting it down normally. Slimecicle cannot stop breaking shit, he has no clue what he's doing most of the time
- Slimecicle moulds their body into different shapes and forms, and often mimicks other people, Quackity encourages them to as long as they don't mimick him. It can be really creepy with how accurate they get and sometimes the only noticeable difference is slight green tints left on the skin
- Hypixel and all the mini games are just different phone games, because of this Purpled gets called an iPad Kid by the Las Nevada's crew since he plays Bedwars non stop
- MCC Is an alternate universe consisting of everyone as characters, but occasionally the universe breaks slightly and some of the cast gets memories from their own universes and joke about it, before quickly forgetting
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kaaytea · 3 years
heyhey !! can i request some hcs of jun, tetsuya, n chris having a very soft but artistic s/o who draws them a lot? and maybe one day they find her sketchbook open n it’s just sketches of them? no pressure if you’re not inspired by this or anything tho n ty !! <33
Sketchy Secrets
⤷Includes: Chris, Jun, Tetsuya
A/n: I'd be more than happy to write this! The 3rd years make me unfathomably soft so I'm going to have a bunch of fun with this! Thank you for requesting and I hope you like it ♥️
Chris wouldn't consider himself a very nosy person
He's always respectful of your space and never pries when he can tell you want to keep something private
But nothing has ever tempted him to break that boundary more than the worn notebook you keep on you
It's in your hands constantly and you're so secretive about the item your behavior was bound to garner some curiosity on his end eventually
Nevertheless, Chris fought his inquiring mind out of respect for you and let the contents of the notebook remain a mystery
Chris could definitely appreciate art but he wasn't much of an artist himself, so it was quite the surprise when he opened the notebook he used the keep baseball notes in and be met with a bunch of sketches
Immediately he understood that this must be the oh-so mysterious notebook you've had on you for months. By some miraculous force the two of you seemed to have accidentally swapped notebooks
The damage was done and he already knew what resided in the book so how much worse could it be to give into the hungry curiosity he's been harboring the past few months?
Chris handled the pages with care as he flipped through the book. Most of the pages were filled with what he assumed to be anatomy studies and the occasional silly doodle here and there
When Chris reached the middle of the notebook he noticed a trend in your art begin: All of your sketches were of him
His cheeks were most definitely tinted a soft pink the further he flipped. He was dumbfounded that you found him to be a source of inspiration, he wasn't always a ball of sunshine and rainbows as you've seen him on his worst days
But he found it interesting to look at the conjured up version of how you saw him. It was like he was looking at himself through your eyes
It was then that you barged open his dorm door, hair messy from running and his baseball notebook clung to your chest. He saw the fear flare in your eyes when you spotted the open book in front of him
"D-did you..."
"I looked through it. I'm sorry, you wanted to keep this private and I spoiled that for you."
"So did you see the...uh sketches?"
"I did and I think they're remarkably beautiful, I had no idea you were so talented, love"
A wave of relief crashed into you at his words. You honestly thought he'd think it was creepy you had pages and pages filled with sketches of him
Chris chuckled at your reaction before he stood up and pulled you into a warm embrace where he placed a kiss to the top of your head
Jun is...a very brash person
He's loud and rambunctious by nature but the man instantly developes a softer side when around you
Seeing the normally boisterous outfielder morph into a far gentler version of himself was quite the sight, and the occurrence had definitely become a topic his friends would make jabs at
Jun never let their teasing remarks bother him much, he enjoyed spending quiet time with you and was more than happy to sit through his friends bad jokes if it meant he could continue hanging around you
Recently though Jun had noticed an odd habit of yours
You stare at him alot. Not in a 'checking your boyfriend out' kind of way but as in blatant staring even if you knew he caught you looking
It was a bit odd in his opinion seeing as you never addressed or hinted at why you actually do stare at him so much
Jun didn't question it, maybe he was just catching while you were spacing out and didn't realize what you were doing
What he didn't know was that he would unintentional find out what was driving this habit of yours only a few weeks after becoming aware of it
He spotted you alone at a table in the schools library one afternoon while searching for some research material he needed for a project
You were sitting with your back to him, leaning heavily on on of your arms. From where he was standing it looked like you had either fell asleep or were zoning out like you often did around him
Jun decided to go "wake" you up, as leaving you there in that state would be defeating your purpose of coming to the library in the first place
Before he could tap your shoulder after approaching your table, his eyes flicked to the book sitting wide open infront of you
More specifically he was watching your hand roughly sketching the outline of a person's hair style
The longer he looked the more he realized that the entirety of the two pages in front of you were drawings of him
Anything from small, quick doodles of him catching a ball or swinging a bat to more detailed sketches of him laughing or reading a book
You must have finally sensed someone looking over your shoulder as you jumped slightly in your seat and quickly turned to find Jun (whose face was beyond flushed might I add)
"This is why you stare at me all the time?!"
Despite how embarrassed you both were he still pulled a seat up next to you, gruffly mumbling out how you shouldn't let his presence keep you from your art
He then quietly complimented your artistic skills, sealed with a soft kiss to the back or your hand
If there is one thing that Yuki Tetsuya loves about your relationship it's the fact that you always pack little bentos for the two of you to share after games
Obviously he loves YOU for many other reasons! But if he were asked what quirk or abnormality he loves the most in your relationship it'd be the bentos
Which he was currently rummaging through your bag for
You usually have a specific spot in your bag for the small containers, a place that would keep the food cool so it wouldn't get spoiled in the Tokyo heat, but Tetsu couldn't seem to find them
Eventually he spotted the familiar teal and green box after shuffling the contents of your bag around a bit
With an accomplished glimmer in his eyes he pulled the bento out from your bag
As he was retrieving the container, said bento caught the corner of a small notebook causing it to tumble out and flop open on the concrete
Tetsuya quickly scooped the book up from the ground fearing that he had gotten it scuffed or dirty, but those worries left as his attention was captured to the contents of the notebook
At first he thought the image was a digital picture you had printed out but the longer he looked the more he picked up on the smudgy finger prints littering the page
And then it clicked for him: You drew this!
Right next to the portrait of him was a smaller doodle of a scene he recognized as your phones lockscreen (a second year version of the two of you happily smiling at eachother, his arm wrapped respectfully around your waist as you struggled to look up at him due to the brim of his Seidou hat blocking your view)
The sketched version looked exactly the same as the real photo! It was beautiful and somehow you had managed to enhance the tender emotions portrayed in the picture
"Tetsuya, did you find the ben- oh.."
"Do you think you could draw a larger version of this? I want to put it on my desk."
You just laughed at his bluntness before giving him a nod in response
A small smile graced his features as he looked from you back to your messy sketch. It wasn't a look you saw very often from him, but that smile made your knees weak as you fell in love with him all over again
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dourpeep · 3 years
Sooo i had the idea of face painting with yantaoreader
Hu Tao probably saw face paint on sale and decided to buy it for fun
She wanted to draw a butterfly but completely ruined it
She goes to you and yanfei in the living room and asks for help
It ends with you 3 painting on each other's faces
Painting flowers, cats, birds,and alot of other stuff
-no primogems
(This one is short because I want to take a nap heh)
"Hey, hey--give me your arm."
Hu Tao wiggles her fingers, reaching towards you with a paintbrush loaded with color in her other hand. Of your exposed skin, it’s one of the only surfaces left that isn’t decorated with colorful squiggles and doodles.
In fact, as you extend your arm out, Yanfei’s diligently applying some of the paint to your shoulder.
“What are you going to do this time?”
Curiosity laces your tone and you watch her scrape some of the red paint off her paintbrush. With a wink, she sticks her tongue out.
“Nope! It’s a surprise~!”
So, hunched over your arm so you can’t see (it’s a little uncomfortable for you, but she assures you it’ll be quick), Hu Tao gets to work. Occasionally, she lets out a little laugh before cleaning her brush and switching out for another color.
This time, it’s brown, next it’s a fuchsia—the same color as her tank top.
From the sudden feel of the cool paint over still-drying red on your arm, you’re guessing she’s mixing the colors? Or maybe painting over?
Who knows.
Yanfei exclaims, suddenly, and you look to where she’s seated just to your side. With the paintbrush now held between her teeth, she gestures to the finished…well you’re not quite sure what it is. It’s small, pink, with two downward facing antlers. Like some kind of jackalope…? It’s beside two other similarly-cute animals that you can’t quite see because of their placement.
But she’s proud of her little creation so you like it all the same.
“I made us as animals!”
“Jackalopes don’t exist-“ Hu Tao mumbles, after a quick peek at the doodle on your shoulder. She laughs when Yanfei shuffles over to flick her nose.
“And we aren’t animals so it doesn’t matter.”
Another ten minutes pass before Hu Tao finally finishes up her work, your arm feeling sore from holding it in the strange position for so long.
Despite the discomfort, you admire the carefully painted image of a flowering branch.
“Tadaaa! They’re plum blossoms!”
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Okay that single doodle of your porcelain Jekyll au you just posted has finally dragged me into the pit and I'm fully interested,,, is he turning into a doll? ~jjba anon
For a fun short answer: basically it's You're at the Party by Lemon Demon
For an actual(?) answer:
Jekyll sort of gets stuck? In like, I'm not sure, a supernatural nightmare? Its basically a never ending dinner party filled with porcelain dolls
He's not allowed to be rude or "ungentlemen-like", and he cant leave without a proper excuse or reason (No excuse or reason ever works, the dolls always find a way to say no to it) If he breaks any major rules/Breaks too many, the dolls will attack and kill him. If he just slips up they'll all stare at him
But the longer he stays there, and the longer he follows all the rules, he'll turn more into a doll himself . So it's a lose/lose situation really
The more he turns the less he'll want to leave, at the point in the recent drawing he would actively resist and may even attack if forced to leave
When turned fully he'll completely be one of them, acting like all the rest and attacking any rude new "guests". The current hosts of the party (the host title cycles between dolls) will also provide him a new outfit to better match the party and himself (first posted (and not a w.i.p) drawing of the au)
A fun fact! Once turned enough, but not fully. They'll even ask the "guests" if they wish to leave, they always decline
Uh that's all I got. No idea how he gets there or how long he's there. What happens when hes out if he ever gets out. If the lodgers or other characters try to save him. Most likely creature could get him out by just picking him up and running really fast. I've had this au practically since I first joined the fandom but alas, it is a doodle/daydream au, everchanging and never making sense
Speaking of, I did write notes on it once! (Highlighted) they're notes for myself so they're pretty vague and only touching the important bits so I can just remember what the au is about. Not everything has stayed. Doodle aus tend to change alot
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