branzycrafted · 2 years
Syscourse about littles is so weird HDJGBDJG
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partsofapuppy · 19 days
(his post is made by an endo neutral, anti leaning, cdds first alter who is critical of both pro endos and anti endos.)
i do have a problem with the... hypocrisy of syscourse.
the amount of things anti endos do that would get death threats sent to pro endos if they did the same is WILD.. and i think some of you need to take a step back. what happened to treat others the way they want to be treated?
1. hiding responses debunking information
yeah i think everyone knows who im talking about. you make a post with faulty sources and when someone makes a post debunking your sources and information, you hide it. that's blatant disinformation at this point.
it's Okay to be wrong by the way. you don't have to be right.
2. wishing death upon endogenic systems
ive seen NOBODY talk about it but there's an art piece going around depicting someone holding a sword, with the text "death upon endos" (paraphrased.) and for this one i KNOW people would react badly because i remember the kill the anti endo inside of you merch. that was HEINOUS. but this is fine? i dont know how to break it to you guys but wishing death upon people is not. the leftist take you think it is. id say its actually pretty ableist. i wouldnt call it fascistic because that's a bit extreme (for both pieces of artworks) but Dear God
3. infantilization (for lack of better terms) of pro/endos
assuming endogenic systems or even pro endogenic (cdd) systems are being groomed or are just misinformed or what not. these are people. ive said it before and i'll say it again but people have the right to have different opinions. than you. it doesn't mean they've been groomed, it doesn't mean they're idiots, they are autonomous human beings who have decided, "hey, i think pro endos exist."
4. accusations of grooming
im really upset about this one. as a survivor of grooming i really think you guys need to learn what grooming means. grooming is inherently sexual.
"One tool common to those who sexually abuse kids is grooming: manipulative behaviors that the abuser uses to gain access to a potential victim, coerce them to agree to the abuse, and reduce the risk of being caught." from RAINN. stop flippantly using such words. as a grooming victim it genuinely grinds my gears that you are watering this term down. imagine if someone said anti endos were grooming people into thinking endos weren't real.
5. invasion of tags
this one i also know you'd be upset about because ive seen endos invade tags and they (rightfully so) get called out. i dont quite like how it's okay to do this for anti endos.
6. claiming singlets can't be in syscourse
this one especially makes me mad. i know if a singlet said "endos aren't real" a lot of anti endos would be leaping for joy. but when a singlet says "endos are real" it's all "singlets need to stay out of syscourse." i hate to break it to you. i really do. but singlets are autonomous people who, regardless of whether you like it or not, have the right to an opinion. especially because fused systems may count themselves as singlets.
please think before you do something. please put yourself into other people's shoes.
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aneggofmystery · 23 days
The Monkie Kid Style Shift
(from the perspective of a fictive. i promise that's important)
To start, for those who are unaware of my existence bc you only know mills or just dont know us at all, hi! I'm Cicada, he/she pronouns, and I'm a Tang fictive. I wanted to give my opinion on all the shit that happened today, because I believe I and other fictives have unique experiences regarding source media changes :3
(the rest of the post will be under the cut, scroll away if you'd like to avoid spoilers from the trailer) (and, quick side note, NO MATTER WHAT I SAY HERE, PLEASE DO NOT HARASS ANYONE. CHRIST I CANT BELIEVE I HAVE TO SAY THIS, BUT PLEASE DO NOT HARASS REAL PEOPLE OVER THESE LEGOS. K? K.)
Okay, so we all know that Flying Bark's animation has always been an integral part to the spirit of Monkie Kid as a show, and is the main reason why a lot of people love it. As a semi source-connected fictive, seeing that style is like literally seeing me and my family in photographs.
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like, y'all have no idea the emotional damage this shot specifically does to me whenever i see it.
and while, yes, there is a possibility that WildBrain can simply just be learning the style (hell, even FlyingBark had to kinda learn their own style in the early days), it's an extremely drastic change and, thus, is bound to cause collateral damage.
I love speaking about my husbands, for example, and the FlyingBark style luckily gives me a great outlet to do so (pignapped lives in my mind rent free).
However, and I can't speak for any other fictives, but the art style shift is kind of like if you watched your family get replaced by aliens or robots right in front of you and couldn't do anything about it. Stiff, doesn't really have a lot of character. I've seen people theorize that they're gonna be animating on rigs instead of handrawn, which matches up. That means, however, that we can't achieve awesome shots such as. every lbd scene ever.
I know plenty of Singlet but neurodivergent people who are also distressed about this, there's familiarity. Especially in my fellow autistic folk, that feels natural, good, and we wouldn't give it up for the world.
(We mod in one of the biggest Monkie Kid discord servers and, dear gods, the fucking backlash. we're all going through it.)
I'm kind of worried that this was pushed, not only because of the ATLA movie, but also because everyone on the staff team was worried because the fandom was antsy.
Can't speak for anyone else, but all the "save me s5" jokes I made were just light hearted, and I'd much rather have quality over quantity. Personally, i'd be willing to wait years for the next monkie kid season if it meant that we could still have it animated by FlyingBark.
Now, of course, this isn't what we're getting, and we'll have to accept that, I just think it should also be valid for fans to be reasonable skeptical at the quality, no matter if it's still the same writers and VAs. It's a huge change, and all I ask is that you're patient with me.
WildBrain is an amazing studio, but I'm not sure they can adjust to the shift in style. Of course, someone's bound to be dissatisfied with it, including myself, and I ask that y'all are patient with people like that. Don't say shit like "if you're a real fan, you wouldn't care about the art style change." That's not nice.
sorry if this isn't coherent in the slightest, I have been crying for a while for the reasoning i mentioned about feeling like I've lost a part of myself. This is terrifying for me, and i ask that you please be kind to others like me <3
anyways, follow if you wanna hear me yap ab BreakfastShipping
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milf-harrington · 10 months
Ooh tell me about trailer park neighbours please
gladly!! it's one of my steve-has-an-older-sister fics, and it's a mix of pov's and a bit of a relationship study w/ a side of steddie it's just not the focus. i also think i might end up making it a 5+1 fic, but im not sure yet.
louisa, older than steve by about 5-ish years, lives in the trailer park after being kicked out by their dad. her plan was to move to chicago and go to school or something, but she couldn't bring herself to just leave her mum or her little brother, so she stuck around. despite being really close as kids, their parents manage to turn steve against lou by basically just brainwashing him, but when steve starts reevaluating his life in s1, he realises he misses her and reaches out and they wind up having weekly dinners
in the beginning those dinners tended to end in arguments that cut the evening short and steve would storm off and drive home, it happens less and less as they grow closer again and stop feeling like they constantly have to have their guards up around eachother
and then there's eddie, who is one of lou's neighbours and doesn't really know who she is - he sort of thinks shes one of king steves conquests at first, what with the way they were yelling at each other that first time he saw them, but then steve just keeps coming back and eddie can't really make sense of it
and then, july '85, someone starts banging on eddie's door and it's louisa and she's like "i need to borrow your first aid kit" and eddie ends up following her back to her trailer and finds a very bloody, slightly delirious, steve harrington on her couch which is when he finds out they're siblings. and steve's like. still a tiny bit drugged and also finally coming down from the adrenaline of the whole night so he just sleepily babbles about how pretty eddie is and eddie's like o///o
here's a lil snippet also:
Someone was knocking on his door, frantic heavy slamming like the slap of an open palm. "Alright, alright!" Eddie yelled, trying to wrap his hair in a towel and yank on pyjama pants at the same time. He threw open the door, hinges groaning and skin still damp from the shower, to find the woman from down the road standing on his porch. Her name was Lisa, or Lucy, or something, and she looked frazzled, dressed in a grey singlet and pink pyjama shorts, hair falling out of its scrunchie. There was blood smeared on her shoulder and jaw, staining her fingers. "I need to borrow your first aid kit." Alarmed, Eddie let go of the towel half wrapped around his head and felt it fall, hot and damp, around his shoulders. His hair followed, cold strings of wet spaghetti down his neck, but he ignored it. "Are you okay?" "I just need your first aid kit, do you have one or not?" "I- yeah?" He stuttered, automatically stepping back to let her in. She glanced down the road, towards her own trailer, eyes worried, before following him inside. "It's just in the kitchen." He told her, somewhat uselessly but unsure what else to do, as he reached up to pull the box from the top of the fridge. "So, what do you-" "Can I just take the whole thing?" She asked, clearly itching to get back to whatever emergency she needed the kit for, and Eddie paused. "Do you need help?"
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thestarseersystem · 2 years
I think it's okay to view your other alters as people. It doesn't stop recovery, in fact, it can help promote communication.
Treating alters as ignorable parts can just cause worse dissociation and leads you back to square one. You're not a singlet, just learn how to accept that.
Final fusion isn't bad either, if you're doing it right. But if you're going into it with the mentality that you could be a singlet, it's not helpful. It will cause you more pain, especially if you're not ready to accept all the trauma you went through.
It's okay if you don't feel like a whole. It's okay if you don't feel like the same person. It's okay, you don't have to be a single person. I need people to stop forcing that onto systems. I'll never reach final fusion, because we don't want to. Don't force that onto other systems.
No system has to prove singularity to you, they're not problematic when they're inconsistent. Please respect systems, no matter how healed or unhealed they are. We literally have complex post traumatic stress disorder. It's built into dissociative disorders. No system needs prove wholeness or singularity. Stop making that the goal.
The goal is to accept trauma, to work together. You can't do that if you're ignoring your own damn needs.
It's okay to be a little emo kid sometimes, it's okay to be a vampire or a fairy or a mermaid, it's okay to be a doll, it's okay to like things that you did when you were 10. It's okay to remember only some memories sometimes. It's okay to be inconsistent, it's okay to have multiple opinions, it's okay to feel conflicted about someone. It's okay to be contradictory. There's nothing wrong with that. It's okay to feel confused. Be okay with being different. Be okay with changing. You're allowed to be 50 rats in a trench coat. Don't blame yourself for this.
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bendyy-blog · 3 months
I think it's fucked up how people think purality starts Only when ya get traumatised as a kid, since the most common form tends to be that, but. Fuckin hell I may be a singlet but I have had moments where I Felt a split occuring, or it actually happened temporarily. My experiences under cut
I had an episode where I felt my conciousness split into another, I called it Being and it was just an asshole inside my head and made me non-verbal in the moment and after 30 minutes it was gone. I once was thinking and forced myself to do so in a Wally Franks voice since his voice is pretty close to what I imagine toon has/had and he started to ramble on and it felt less and less like myself. Told him to shut up out loud and heard "Alright jeezzz fine !" and he "recombined" for lackofa better word. I also keep having kin shit where imagining myself as Bendy but being aware of my physical body fucks with my brain and causes some weird feeling, best I can describe is how some cardboard has dotted lines where you tear. It has the line but is yet to be torn in the moment if that makes sense.
What inspired me to make this post was feeling like. Two forms I guess. States maybe since they're pretty much the same. Felt small-ish but also like the "glitch" (unwanted kin/one i don't consider myself) I keep having of some au guy that's Very much not a young fellow and does a lot of adult things, at the same time. It felt seperate in that cardboard metaphor way.
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2-wuv · 1 month
For the ask game: 1, 5, 13, and 26, if you'd like.
1. What's your name and source?
My name is Mind, and my source is This Very Cool Album I Think Everyone Should Listen To :]
5. What do you think of your source's fandom?
They're alright! The canonically vague relationships between Soul, Heart, and I means that the fandom is split on whether we're related or um. Shippable. Which is. Quite funny to see, since in our canon we're siblings fhfhsjskfj
I do have... More thoughts on the fandom but that's more paranoia based. They're fine it's just. Gestures. As far as we know they're all singlets fhdjsjfkfjdj and sometimes singlets are Weird.
13. Any funny exomemories?
Nothing specific, but I do remember Heart being very energetic and manic once they got used to someone, and them being a tad immature, which did lead to us fighting a lot. I also remember them fistfighting me out of fucking nowhere... Christ alive I see why Soul was the way he was now fhfjsjskfjdsj we were exhausting to be around
26. Talk about anything you want, relevant to the rest of the questions or not!
Fucking okay so Heart recently fused with another sysmate to create The Saint, right? And. Holy shit this kid reminds me of Heart SO much. That's to be expected I guess, given Heart's part of their fusion, but it still like... Shocks me I guess. Like I miss Heart a lot but at the same time it's like he never really left. Like instead of leaving he just Grew more wings and horns and gained electricity powers and Oh my god they won't stop zapping me somebody help [lighthearted]
Like. I do consider The Saint to be my little half brother now. I'd do anything for this kid. But also I cannot stress this enough that them having electricity based powers is a bad idea because THEY KEEP FUCKING SHOCKING ME!! LMAO
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anendoandfriendo · 7 months
FUCK IT here's the stupid dilf twinks + their adoptive children + context to this nobody asked for
The idea is their plural asses were raised in a superhero city but at a time that plurality was demonized (not that it isn't by the time Amethyst and Remix exist tbqf),
We kind of half-ripped parts of the powers Empathy from The Aspects (book two) has where if they're around people for any amount of time their general physique starts to shift and an overlay occurs where they're still themselves but like...identity crisis because they have a "veil" of anyone and everyone they see even if it's just on television down to their skills, which can kind of be handy but also suck a lot sometimes
Because they're plural they can just stabilize themselves. So Black Star (left) actually looks like Bright Dawn (right) to the outside world and it causes all of this dysphoria not to mention when they were nineteen they could've been hatecrimed!! Murdered!! You see!!! So they had to also figure out various ways to pass as singlet while maintaining their secret super hero stuff on top of that, try not to get institutionalized at best, etc etc etc
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So what happens is like
One day they see this little homeless kiddo in the middle of the street basically just becoming a massive amalgamation of everyone's face and/or rapidly changing faces because Halycon is a Massive Fucking City so Black Star and Bright Dawn kind of go "Oh Shit we should probably take this kid in" thinking she's just a singlet and that they can just teach them simplified methods of their own thing that's going on and everything will be fine and dandy,
they can continue pretending to be singlets and whoever is doing the saving the day thing will depend on who's fronting and they can just...switch to the "default" guy or whatever when interacting with Amethyst, stating the reason they look so different when in their super-powered magical boy form is because they have a mental representation in their brain that does the work for them to keep them stabilized, nothing much really —
Alas, this was never meant to be
Amethyst (left) has a secret sibling. In her head. Called Remix (right).
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Amethyst took this advice very literally, and that is how BS/BD now have a "oh, double fuckshit" situation on their hands. Black Star and Bright Dawn share the literal exact same body elasticity powers as this other system and didn't even realize they were a system until the moment they learned to stabilize their face and entire body basically just a little too fast.
"What do you MEAN the self-representation isn't supposed to be autonomous?!" And so it's like. Their own faults because they're the ones who advised, and then asked how Amethyst learned as fast as she did.
And they're absolutely convinced it is much safer for Amethyst and Remix to keep their multiplicity on the downlow so they also at least have somewhat of a chance to make it until 40 years old.
Amethyst and Remix, obviously, do not like the idea of pretending they're anything but a system and at the time the game is being played, they're reaching a bit of a breaking point with BS/BD where there's all of this tension
Because Amethyst and Remix hate any advice BS/BD has to give now regarding how to do anything and they think BS/BD are being overly harsh
But Black Star and Bright Dawn literally are like "these are our children we understand this line of work is dangerous, but it's going to be even worse if they keep doing this and being open about their existence," and are really seriously convinced what they are trying to say/do/etc. is in the best interests of this tiny system they've basically raised since like, elementary school or whatever
The "twink" part of that is because Black Star chose magical-boy-esque costumes to fit the more unique facet of their system's superpower (impossible fighting skills/superhuman physique...we think it was the latter?) when both of them were like, 19 years old, thinking it would just work out and they'd look different enough from their civilian clothing. And just....neither of them realizing they would be stuck with those uniforms forever. :'D
These MFs have been heros long enough they are. Mentoring. Another not-even-19 year old system.
We imagine the superhuman physique aspect of this plus their body elasticity (the definition of which we stretched to hell and back to justify how we plan to play this Masks RPG game for both this NPC system and our PC system) would make it fucking unusual but entirely possible they look waaaaay younger than they actually are as a result
And to add insult to injury they have a magical boy transformation so like, even the like one or two people who would even know they're a system would have no fucking clue which one of them is Black Star and which one is Bright Dawn because the flashing pretty lights or whatever would just fuck with a normal person's senses. :D It's perfect for them. :D
We imagine, if it gets approved by the rest of the players, BS/BD are like those MFers who are like, super strong and like they're super well-known for that mostly but also, for some godforsaken reason, they absolutely slay in their outfits so they have these groups of fangirls or whatever (even better and much funnier in our heads if the groups are like, "rivals" or whatever) that fuckin' can't stop talking about them, so Remix and Amethyst keep getting clocked as asexual because of shit like:
"Omg did you see Bright Dawn's latest appearance???"
"...fighting crime is a very serious job you know..." *Amethyst trying not to tell this person/friend/whatever BD is literally their impromptu parent....and also that is BS, not BD, so she's now trying not to drop anything about their multiplicity per their request...they might both be annoying but they still raised her y'know*
"OH so you're more of a Black Star fan??? That's fucking ridiculous he's way too edgy and what is with that fucking hat, fighting style is soooo ugly too like who even taught the mothe —"
*at this point Amethyst just fuckin' tunes it out, she's heard it ALL at this point* Mate, I'll tell ya what, I'm just not into EITHER of them.
It would probably do literally nothing to the plot for the RPG we think but would add some very funny flavoring to the game we would appreciate haha.
"Why are these twin headmates so fleshed out and not your player characters Rusanya," well, we're glad you asked — you see, these two are called backstory characters and we NEED them fleshed out for the purposes of the RPG and that means we need to know how they think, especially if they're the mentors to our player characters Amethyst and Remix.
Amethyst and Remix, on the other hand, their purpose is literally to be fleshed out as we play our game with our friends, so like, of course they won't be as fleshed our currently. They're like literal teenagers if that and also our player characters.
We tried to infodump about all of this to our braindbody's 55 year old mother, who somehow caught the word "twins" from all of this even though we think it's pretty clear it's not QUITE twins. Which. On one hand that is sad, but on the other hand Thank God.
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petrichorvoices · 1 year
ok actually i'm gonna get all my annoying fictive thoughts about that episode out while everyone's asleep. i try really hard not to be too attached to my source, as that's unhealthy and i've seen what taking it personally can do, but i think it'd be impossible to ask me to not be affected by it any more than your average fan. how can it mean nothing to me, when that's my name, my voice, my everything? i try to keep quiet about my fictivity around singlets, and to an extent even around other plurals, because frankly i'm embarrassed. it feels.. childish, almost, to be a fictive, one of those peculiar little things that applies only to me and not to others, like i'm some kid playing pretend, like it makes me immature to exist in the way that i do. for many months now i've been meaning to bring it up now to some of my friends, just air my anxieties about my own fictivity, but i can never work up the courage, it's never the right time, and so on. if i can work up the courage to not delete this by the morning then hopefully that courage can carry over and i can finally talk about it, but i digress
it's validating in a shameful sort of way that when reading the transcripts, i didn't realize that he was pulling a trick until lubelle explicitly said so. i don't know. maybe i am stupid. i can get our schoolwork done just fine, but i do rely a lot on my headmates for assistance with, well, everything. i act as a face and a voice and a public figure with my system, same as i did with my show. but i rely on the others a lot. and my source, it takes that fact and just kind of smacks me in the face with that. i don't think i'd be able to do any of this if i weren't just one headmate out of many. i'm getting off track. trying to be in the fandom of my own source makes me feel like i'm constantly walking some shaky tightrope. i have to be a normal fan and not take things personally. what people say about my source self doesn't apply to me, they're not saying it to me. i think i'd rather leave my source's fandom entirely than let my presence change how people interact with my source; i don't want people to feel like they can't treat it like the fiction that it is just because i exist in the general vicinity. and at the same time, i can't separate myself entirely from my source self; i can't brush off what's said just like that. i've tried, and it simply causes more pain and instability. how can i continue to try and balance these, especially with the current arc of the show? how can i exist as who i am without making my friends uncomfortable simply due to my identity? i don't know. i see a lot of fictives who do engage in their source a lot and they seem to not have these worries, and it just makes me worry more. i just feel like maybe i'm the broken one here, the one overthinking it, and that that somehow makes me even more immature and child-like
i don't have a good way to end this. it's just a dump of thoughts and rambling i'll probably delete in the morning. goodnight
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pine-tree-system · 1 year
Thinking about that last post I reblogged made me remember an older post that folks have forgotten about it. So rather than find it, I'm gonna rewrite it in my own words with my thoughts added to it.
(if anything, it'll be my interpretation of it and an encapsulation of how our system runs things. I wanna say the original post was made by @/system-of-a-feather but I could be wrong)
Littles won't always "act their age." Littles are not actual children. They are alters, a part of a whole identity that has been fractured off to cope with complex trauma via dissociation.
In our system, most of the littles embody parts of our childhood and that can include "pure, wholesome" parts. That can also include "unwholesome" parts, like sexual trauma or physical trauma. So you can expect their worldview to be a bit different from the average child. Hell, some littles will hold different perspectives of the SAME memory and will react accordingly.
We have littles who curse, watch Markiplier, read/watch things that are aimed at an older audience, make references to adult concepts, and some are even hypersexual. Yes, I know it's not pretty, especially when you picture an actual child. But guess what? They're not actual children. They're a reaction to trauma. So don't expect us to "react pretty."
For us, as an adult system, who is currently 24 years old, we cannot hide adult concepts from them. We can help them cope and stay safe, but all of them already know that the concepts exist. Especially when they're in the presence of our protectors and caretakers.
Now, while final fusion isn't our goal, some systems do have that goal. And to achieve that, you cannot hide these concepts from littles. I'm certain that if you do that, you'll only strengthen dissociative barriers, which is bad for recovery, final fusion or not. I mean think about it. How can you be fully fused while also sectioning off parts of your brain because you're treating those parts like actual children?
Littles are a case-by-case situation, just like all alters. They're people. They're not actual kids, but they're still people with a specific worldview. All we can do with ours is teach them that things are now safe and they don't have to be scared anymore. They can cope in ways that help them. They can be treated how they want to be treated. They're worthy of respect and love and deserve autonomy. They can grow up. (And if them growing up means not being a little anymore, then that's fine. But if they still wanna be a little who can act like a grownup when needed, that's also fine)
We do worry about them acting in ways that are immature and unhelpful but that is the same for many other alters in our system, little or not.
This also reminds me of age regression, which may not be the same for singlets, but for us, even during regression, we still understand adult concepts. We may interact with them or maybe we avoid them. It's situational! All that matters is making sure we're not fucking things up and that we're not doing things we'll regret. That includes making sure we are able to cope with triggers, should they happen, and avoid making decisions we KNOW we are not able to in the current state of mind.
All in all, do not expect littles to act like children and do not shame them for acting any differently than you expect them to. They are not physical kids, especially if the system they're a part of is not a child.
I would not expect a 40 year old alter in a physical body of an 18 year old to act their age. So I'm not gonna do the same for a little. It's case-by-case. It's up to the system, mainly the protectors and caretakers, to decide.
Our system goal is healthy multiplicity, lowering dissociative barriers, and communication through all parts. Sheltering our littles from adult concepts and treating them in ways they don't want to be treated will NOT help that. We're not going to force adult concepts on them, but we're not going to hide them from the littles either.
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syscourse-confessions · 10 months
I am (diagnosed by a trauma specialist) traumagenic. I have DID.
I feel like being traumagenic comes with so much pressure. You cant support non-traumagen systems, it feels like. That's the reason i havent said anything on my blog. it feels like a hot take in traumagen world.
Tulpamancy is a bad word, I listen to what people say about it, specifically people who are from the groups having their culture appropriated... but non-traumagenic systems aren't all bad. I can acknowledge the parts of the whole community that can be improved while still being a bit of a fan of them.
You know what all of this reminds me of? Neopronouns. Bear with me.
I used to be disgusted by neopronoun users, when i was way younger. Before i used them, obviously. I bought all the rhetoric! "They make trans people look bad", "they make nonbinary people look bad!" "they're making a mockery out of us" "they have so many excuses!" "they aren't really nonbinary, they need to find a different word for it."
Sound familiar? I don't think i need to spell it out. Replace some words with others and you get anti-NTG syscourse.
I know pointing out similarities in discourse is not mind-blowing. You can do this with lots of things. But i feel like if you take a closer look, think about *posts* that you are *casually reading* EVEN IF ITS NOT ESSAYS OR ADVERTISEMENTS and even if you aren't boosting them, then you'll notice a good amount of syscourse boils down to kneejerk reactions, bad analysis of good facts, fair points that propose insane solutions.
You cringe at them, look at the science for traumagenic systems and say "they aren't like us, but they're using OUR resources and OUR words!" not even realising that they *also* need our resources and our words. They aren't appropriating our language, they're using it. Getting top surgery as a trans person isn't depriving breast cancer survivors, to use an analogy of a recent ask from an anon. The science doesn't even matter, and if they're trying to justify their experiences by proving they can be the same as us just sans trauma, that's because YOU have made them feel like they have to in order to exist. You make fair points about cultural appropriation, really good points actually, points that I can't contest and do not want to. You make good points about singlets and normies looking at NTGs as freaks and then dismissing our whole community. But then a lot of you decide that means all NTGs are ill-willed and that the opinions of fucking *singlets* should scare us into hating completely innocent people. You hate them.
I guess I'm unique in this discussion. I can't hate anybody as much as my abusers. All of my hate is away from syscourse, busy with other things. I'm not made of the stuff, it's a finite resource of mine. I guess I spare some for people who post videos of their children, people who are attracted to kids, etc. But those are obviously extreme people that I don't find myself encountering so often. I can't hate NTG systems because they aren't the types of people who would've caused any of my trauma. I guess it's my fault for setting that as the bar? You tell me. But I can't hate them, and the more that others do, the more sympathy I feel. The more I start to actually kinda like them, as a community. They don't seem like the types to tell me my trauma didn't happen, and that I'm not a system. They would never be the doctor who said I don't have DID just because I didn't know what dissociating was. They would never tell me I'm not traumatised based on my good grades. They just wouldn't, I've met a lot of them outside of tumblr. They're decent people, and they don't hate traumagenic systems. And yet I can think of traumagenic systems that have told me I'm not traumatised enough. Getting molested as a little kid and surveilled and shit wasn't traumatising enough! They had it worse :rolling_eyes:. I can easily picture a traumagenic system doing any of the bad things I just said NTGs wouldn't.
I hope someone out there considers all of this. At least enough to look at supporters and refrain from harrassing them and being disgusted by them (I've been bullied about it before. My heart goes out to NTGs that have to put up with bullying.)
By the way, are people allowed to submit things un-anonymously?
(Answering your question: You can post non-anonymously! Whatever your preference is.)
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faesystem · 1 year
(Reupload from a few days ago from a sideblog that was not showing up in the tags)
I am "endo neutral" because endogenics have nothing to do with me. Non-CDD systems and singlets are pretty much the same in terms of how much I relate to them and their experiences. I do find any shared community with non-CDD systems and I do not consider our experiences conflatable. Therefore, I do not think I somehow have an authority to speak either way on whether or not they exist or whatever and I also quite frankly do not care.
I have seen the argument of "oh but if someone was aspec neutral you'd feel upset about it because how can they be neutral on who you are"
I think people who think this care a little bit too much in an entirely unhealthy way and should genuinely take a step back and talk to a professional about their black and white thinking. This is not a joke or snarky commentary, this is a genuine statement of concern.
Most people will not care what you are, but they'll care about you as a person. For example, in 2016 when gay marriage was being voted on (I'm Australian) most people did not care. But they still voted yes.
They don't give a shit about if someone is or is not gay. They do give a shit if someone's lacking rights.
Most people will not give a shit about my or anyone else's orientation. (Most adults, anyway, kids too into everyone else's business.)
A lot of people do not give a single shit about the aspec community, and that's really good. It's really good when they don't give a shit, because forcing those people to pick a side by guilting them over it is just going to make them pick the bigoted side.
Those people who don't give a shit will still care if people are being assholes. If someone were to give an aspec person shit, people who don't give a fuck will still give a fuck circumstanctually.
Someone can be neutral to you and your very specific things while not being a dogshit person who's supporting peolle being assholes to you.
Often times people who are neutral have a complex stance.
Someone could personally think that aspec people don't belong in the LGBTQ+ community but not make it my problem, and I do not care. I am alloaro for context. There's a difference between them thinking that but not really caring that much and them being an asshole every time someone aspec calls themself LGBTQ+ or aspecs are included in the community.
People cannot care about shit that has nothing to do with them.
Also, I'm not anti endo because endos aren't the problem with the endo with the endogenic community. It's the bigotry that's very very very prevelant within the endo community. If you think that it's a moral failing to not be an asshole to someone who's just living their life for how they personally percieve themselves, then you're a dick.
Do you know how many fuckers I know/knew who gave themselves sides like Sanders Sides? There's an entire fucker on tiktok who I'm convinced has DID with how he talks about his, and thousands of followers who definitely do not all have but emulate this exact thing. It's not harming anyone, they're not harming anyone, and it's also not not a thing they're doing just cause I think they can't compartmentalize themselves into different little identities with different names and personalities that they talk to.
It sure as fuck isn't CDD, but it's how they navigate the world. That's the plurality shit that endos are talking about. It's not CDD and it is my place to talk about it if they claim it is or act as though they can talk about our disorders when they don't have it, but it's not fucking nothing. It's not alters in the CDD sense but it literally does not harm me if that's how someone lives their life. The harm is the way a lot of non-CDD systems behave, but its not them considering themselves plural that's the problem. Not only are you just being an asshole, but you're detracting from the real issues and also invalidating your points because no one really wants to listen to you when such an asshole.
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aita-systemized · 2 months
AITA for feeling angry at my partner for relating to my problem?
Earlier today I vented in a server about my dissociative amnesia and how distressing it is. I was close to tears thinking about how so much of my life is just... gone. My partner (who I love to pieces, please don't misunderstand) replied with something along the lines of "yeah, me too, I remember not a lot of when I was a kid."
I know they meant it to be comforting as I was complaining about feeling abnormal but I wish I could tell them that it's not the same. It feels selfish to think that? They don't know the extent of the amnesia. They don't know that I don't remember anything from before we were 14 (I downplayed it a bit in conversation with them before) and I don't remember what happened this yesterday and I won't remember most of what happened today by tomorrow morning. They don't even know we're a system.
I'm afraid I'm thinking too selfishly. They're trying to be caring and I get that. It just hurts to be told that by someone who isn't a system and doesn't really get how bad it feels to have so much of your life taken from you.
TLDR; I complain about dissociative amnesia, singlet partner (who doesn't know we're a system) tries to relate but it makes me a little angry to have them compare the different experiences.
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softprince--moved · 2 years
I really want to follow you cause I like your content and you have it for agere/petre and sys kids but i can't find anywhere that says you're anti endo :(
I'm antiendo and I want to make sure I only follow safe accounts
Hello nonnie! I ended up rambling, so I apologize for that >.< To short of this long post, I am not anti-Endo. (If you're interested in my reasoning, that's below the cut.)
I never share discourse, any reblogs typically have DNI banners attached to them, I have certain tags blacklisted so I can avoid cross-tagging, and this blog is 200% child-safe. If, despite this, you or your alters would feel unsafe interacting, that's alright. I'm glad you like my blog, but you gotta take care of you first and foremost.
[And remember, the block button is your friend! it's there to help you! Someone tries to give you some heck, poke that button real hard!!!]
*puts on Big Self Hat* *cracks knuckles* okay, here goes nothing...
(Cw for discourse elements (obviously))
To be perfectly honest, I'm completely neutral when it comes to Endogenic systems. I'm not against them, nor do I see myself as a 'supporter' (I don't advocate for them; but, to be fair, I don't advocate for anyone on this blog, because that's not what it's for).
I, myself, am a singlet, I don't understand the workings of plurality in any practical sense, because I don't experience it. However, I have done a fair amount of research because a friend of mine thought they might have DID (this was a few years ago; and no, they don't.)
I do know that DID, and similar dissociative disorders, are trauma-based - as in, they don't just happen without the body/core personality experiencing some kind of trauma, no matter the 'severity' of said trauma (since 'severity' is subjective).
So I don't understand Endogenic systems, because they don't make sense to me? BUT, I'm not against them. I'm not going to say "hey, this can't be something you experience" because,,, how do I know? I'm not them, I can't say what they do or don't feel or experience. How I see it, personally, is like how I see xenogenders, and non-dysphoric trans people - I don't understand them, but that doesn't mean I'm going to deny their existence. Some people say they invalidate "real" trans people (like how some say that Endos invalidate "real" - ie Traumagenic - systems). Is it true? Maybe to some, but I don't think so. Some people are going to continue simply searching for ways to invalidate others, no matter what.
On the other hand, I do see how Traumagenic systems may feel invalidated; something awful occurred that caused their personality to split, and it can be hard to see someone else that's basically like "oh hey, I'm just like you!" because, essentially, they're not really the same. One system may see another and feel a connection because they know that this person (or persons) has experienced something awful, too, and they'll know they're not alone. With Endos, they won't get that. [Again, similar to non-dysphoric trans people -- as someone who deals with a lot of dysphoria, it's hard for me to relate to them; I don't understand, and I may never] With either, though, I'm still not going to say that their experience is fake, or not valid. I don't have the authority to say that because I'm not them.
So I understand the discomfort, but I don't understand the discourse. It may just be how I'm personally wired, I seek peace in all things, I'm highly empathetic, I generally don't understand discourse, because I'm of a live and let live mindset.
TL;DR: I interact with both Pro-Endo and Anti-Endo blogs, you may see reblogs with either in their DNI banners. I myself am neither.
Note:: Comparing DID to being Trans is simply how I'm able to process it, I'm not saying the two equate at all.
Note 2:: I do have one (1) issue with Endos - those that use "Tulpa." Please don't do that. It's appropriation of a specific culture's mythos.
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fencesandfrogs · 2 years
Hi 👋 as a singlet thinking about writing DID and systems and moon knight, have you watched sense8? I know it is not a story about DID but I couldn’t help but notice similarities. Could you give us an opinion on that fictional portrayal of multiple people sharing a body?
hm well ok one. love sense8. sense8 au has been fav tag on ao3 since they invented fav tags. have. there's a check please sense8 au i reread a lot.
it is a very good show. not surprised by why i love it now. used to latch onto anything like that. grew up very lonely. daemons, sense8 clusters, anything like that. favourite fantasies.
two. while i like sense8, it's not really anything like osddid. there r many reasons. no trauma. multiple bodies. not from childhood. etc.
these things r important.
oh n the eye contact thingy. that's. urgh. i don't want to go further bc it is. well. if u know u know and if u don't know i apologize but i will not tell u.
three. i think sense8 is a very good show. i think it explores an interesting idea. there r elements that feel very.
ok u know how. they share space? and it's cool and fuzzy n stuff?
that's how i feel abt my system a lot. i don't like. literally see them where they're not. but a lot of time. i like to see them filling space with me. s'kinda like. a game? oh ur sitting on that chair. not a hallucination or anything i just. like doing it. have lots of practice as a kid xd.
problem is that the show is nothing like did because there's weird interactions stuff that doesn't happen when ur just like. thinking oh that guy would b there etc.
so like.
idk i relate to parts of sense8. sharing ur life hard. sharing ur life fun.
but it's not very much like osddid. there's a lot.
okay i didn't understand this line at first. but u see a lot of people say "osddid is not just alters disorder." and i didn't really understand that at first. for many reasons.
but if i can try to break it down.
the guys in my head and i are one person that just never integrated. s'like. i'm not a full person. that's okay. i'm one part of a full person. n if u add us all together i'd like to think we're more than a full person. at least one and a quarter people. there's some complicated unpicking to do here: we're different people. me n mari n current host r not the same person at all at all at all. but we're not separate either.
but the. the things. urgh.
there's memory loss and terrible dissociation n arguing with urself n. y'know. i was hurt as a child in a way that was incomprehensible to me.
(people with osddid sometimes say that but like. "to you." i don't like that phrasing. my trauma is very comprehensible to others. but it wasn't to me, as a child. n that's what matters.)
i like sense8 a lot. i am now maybe going to bug my guys about imagining us as a sense8 cluster. i think that would be a fun bonding activity.
but other than a few things, it's nothing like did so it's hard to compare.
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a-dragons-journal · 3 years
If you're a singlet you have no place involving yourself in syscourse and you ESPECIALLY have no place calling us or agreeing with hurtful, offensive words that mock us for having a trauma disorder that were coined by a known abuser who preys on mentally ill people. For someone who claims to give a fuck about people "traumatized" by dumb kids roleplaying you sure don't have any respect for any other traumatized group
Anon, as gently as possible, here is the first post in this conversation, which kicked it off. You may notice that I am not the one who brought up syscourse. I don't know if you're the same anon I've been speaking to or not, though I think you are based on your writing style and what you're saying? But either way, I did not "involve myself" in anything - the anon who brought this directly into my inbox involved me. If I were inserting myself into a conversation, I would agree with you that it's not really my place, but I didn't - I've done nothing but reply to people who brought it directly to me.
And if you are the same anon, then frankly, you don't get to bring this argument into my inbox unprompted and then be mad when I participate.
(You may also notice, if you've been following me for any length of time or if you scroll through my blog for a bit, that I very rarely post about plurality at all, much less syscourse. This is for the most part because I am aware it's not really my wheelhouse, and in the rare instance I do reblog something like that, it's almost always signal boosting plural voices. And I've been very transparent about that from that first post I linked onward in this discussion.)
I would also point out that, as I've acknowledged at least once and I think more than once during the course of this discussion, that everything I've said, I've gotten from other plural people. I'm not making these arguments up for myself; they're the arguments that have been presented to me that make the most sense, are the most internally consistent, and don't entail insisting that people are lying about their own experiences. Again, if I were pulling these opinions out of my singlet ass, you'd be completely right that I'd be out of my lane, but I am listening to plural folks - it's just that I've listened to both sides of plural folks, and the side that seems correct to me (both morally and logically) is not the one you're presenting to me currently.
With that cleared up:
First: please, genuinely, point out to me where I have mocked you or agreed with things that were mocking you. If I've done that somewhere, I want to know so I can avoid doing it in the future. Nothing I've said has been intended to mock or make fun of, and I genuinely am not sure where I've come off that way (other than possibly in some slightly snarkier tags in a response to a recent ask, which to be honest weren't meant to be taken too seriously and are more me letting off a little frustration steam re: this conversation than anything, but I do apologize if they were offensive). But me supporting one group of people in no way equates to me mocking another group. I've said nothing disparaging DID/OSDD systems at any point.
Second: regarding this:
with hurtful, offensive words that mock us for having a trauma disorder that were coined by a known abuser who preys on mentally ill people.
I honestly don't follow you at all - what words are we talking about at this point, and who is this "known abuser" you're referencing? There's been a jump here where you lost me, I think, sorry. (Possibly there's some community history I don't know about, or possibly I do know about it and am just not connecting the dots, ha.)
Third and finally: Whether you are the original anon or not, you haven't... actually addressed any of the points I presented here. If you have rebuttals to them, I genuinely would love to hear them. Otherwise, with all due respect, you're kind of just repeating things that have already been said louder and expecting a different response.
(But I suppose if you would prefer me to not "involve myself," I could just start deleting your asks instead of answering them, if you'd prefer that? /hj)
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