irradiatedsnakes · 2 years
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whateveriwant · 3 months
Ghost is the type of dad that starts baby-proofing the house a few weeks after you’ve given birth because he’s convinced your kid will already be crawling at three months old.
Gaz is the type of dad that when someone asks him “What’s got you smiling like that?”, he turns his phone around to show them a picture of your most recent ultrasound.
Soap is the type of dad that always speaks/plays recordings of his voice right against your belly because he’ll be damned if his kid pops out of the womb with anything but a Scottish accent.
Price is the type of dad that has four or five kids, none of which are twins/triplets/etc. but all of whom are born exactly nine months after their father’s birthday.
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mrsparrasblog · 5 months
POLY 141 reaction to when they are the biological father
poly 141 with pregnant reader if they are not the Dad
Price: He never thought he would be the dad. The doctors told him many years ago that he would never be able to have kids, so when you got pregnant, he was there for you but knew he would never be the biological father, and he was okay with it. When the baby was born and was hairy as a bear and had a dot on his nose just like John, he didn't believe it. He didn't want to raise his hopes. "It is Soap's, definitely." After a week, the paternity test came back, stating he is the father. John couldn't stop crying; he was the biological dad despite all the odds. He was the happiest man on earth.
Kyle: He held your hand while you gave birth, so concentrated on you that he didn't even look at the boy when he came out. When the nurse placed his boy on your chest with the remark "prettiest baby they have ever seen," he looked at the boy who looked like an exact copy of him, with beautiful amber eyes, his skin color, and already forming a charming smirk. It was over. "Just a pretty boy like his dad." The baby turned out to be like Kyle, and you were so proud of him. Gaz was such a wonderful father, treating every one of your kids, whether it's Simons, Johnnys, or Johns, as his own.
Soap: He knew it from the beginning. MacTavish genes are so strong, so he was always sure he was the dad. To cut him some slack, you and he had the most biological children together, three copies of Johnny, who made you rethink all of your life choices. It was a bad birth since the baby weighed already 10 pounds, a typical MacTavish baby. He started to cry when he saw the striking blue eyes. "You did such a good job, Bonnie, gave me a perfect bairn," he kissed you and the baby all over, apologizing to you about the birth, and overall became the perfect dad. And all the kids loved him, whether biological or not, so bad that you had four boys with mohawks all the time.
Ghost: He was more afraid to be the father than anything else. "What if I turn out just like my dad?" He didn't. He was one of the best dads you could ever imagine. When he looked the first time at the girl, he was 100% sure it was his. Blonde hair, pale skin, and already way too big, it was a Riley. He always held the baby on his bare chest, a thing he learned in all the books he read. Skin-to-skin is so important. He became the international best girl dad. This bulky man wore her pink backpack, made tea parties with your daughter, and overall was smitten. He loved all your children equally, but still, his little girl was his world.
Author's Note: All of them treat the children equally, whether they're biological or not, but it's still somehow something so deep for them when they see their mini-mes. You, on the other hand, are pissed how none of the children turn out to look like you despite being in labor for hours. "Not fair." "No more sex." "Go away, Johnny, with your fertile genes." "Mhm, Kyle and John can stay."
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witchthewriter · 7 months
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Poly141! | Mission Pixie Dust
Okay so... I was making up scenarios in my head as I was falling asleep last night and I made myself cry ... so I obviously had to share...
Poly141; the four men are your husbands and all deployed at the same time, leaving you home with your three kids at the beginning of the school holidays.
This turned out longer than I thought it would but I just had to write it out. I love Poly141 AND them being dads :')
Da = Johnny
Papa = John P.
Dad= Simon
Daddy = Kyle
School holidays had just started, and your three pups were buzzing as soon as they came home. Bags were thrown on the floor, school shoes unlaced and scattered around the shoe stand. They knew the rules, but first day of school holidays meant they were allowed to get a little wild.
Your oldest, Paesha, had just turned eight and her father was obvious. Thick curls, dark skin and warm brown eyes made it plain to see. But all your husbands loved her the same. In fact, she had a special bond with her Da (Johnny).
Malachai, your second, could have been any of the three other men's. Light brown hair, fair complection, and utterly/overly protective of his sisters. He had been born a year after Pae.
And your youngest, Felicity (known as Flick), had started her first year in big school. She was known for having exceptional blue eyes.
None of your husbands wanted a DNA test, they thought it useless because everyone treats the children with the same love, compassion and warmth.
Throwing your keys on the counter (Paesha picked them up and placed them on the hook). You rubbed the bridge of your nose and tried to quell the longing in your soul. You didn't know if it was worse when the kids were gone or with you. Being completely alone let the terrible thoughts attack but you didn't want your kids to miss out on having their fathers'.
Calming the oncoming tears, you turned around and asked, "who wants pizza for dinner?"
"YES!" Yelled Mal, a fist punched in the air. Paesha nodded her head enthusiastically while Flick did a little happy dance.
Paesha halted and squinted at you, "Not homemade right?"
After dinner arrived, the four of you sat on the large dark green couch. Your two ex-military dogs, Moth and Teddy, sat on either end of the lounge.
Turning onto the streaming service, you found the exact movie you were looking for. The 2003 version of Peter Pan.
With the lights off (except for the kitchen, the kids were still scared of too much darkness), you watched as one of your cats jumped into Pae's lap. Barnaby started purring instantly. His fluffy white tail settled around his body.
The seven of you settled in. Your four human babies snuggled up to their mama, smiles already on their faces.
When the movie had finished, your kids still wouldn't go to bed.
"Oh wait, I know why it isn't working - we don't have the pixie dust!" Flick pulled on your sleeve with a huge gap-toothed smile.
You had been watching as they jumped around the room. Lights flicked on, bodies flinging from one couch to another.
"I know! But ... we don't have any in the house..." You grumbled.
Paesha was staring dreamily at Peter Pan, a cheek resting against her face. "Where do we get some?" Her head turned slightly to look at you, her eyes nearly heart-shaped.
"Ugh-" god trying to keep childlike wonder alive was bloody difficult. Like a sign from the Universe, your phone started to ring.
All three kids ran over to it, knowing exactly who was calling at this time of night. Swiping the screen, four familiar faces popped up.
"Da! Papa! Dad! Daddy!" Smiling through the screen, the men had been just as eager to see their kids as their kids were to see them.
"Hello little munchkins, ya been good for mum?" Simon greeted first. His mask was off and no black could be found around his eyes. He never showed that side to the children.
"We're going to fly!" Flick chirped, her arms outstretched and running around.
"You're - what?" Price said with a slightly panicked face.
"But we need pixie dust," Malachai explained. Shaking his head like this was obvious information.
"I introduced them to the ... live action Peter Pan," you explained and a smile of regret grew on your tired face.
"Oh honey," Kyle replied, understanding the situation. He was the first of the men to.
"But we don't have any and we have to go buy more!" Pae said while leaning against you.
"Eh, pixie dust ...?" you heard Johnny mumble in the background.
"Oh! I have an idea!" You said with a faked expression, "why don't the Dada's get us the pixie dust!"
The chorus of cheers was heard throughout the house. Alerting the the tired Moth and Teddy.
Kyle shook his head. And Price's nose flared. Mum: 1 - Dads: 0.
"We'll bring back the goddamns finest," Simon said. You couldn't help but let out a small laugh.
"See! You heard Dad! Now get your butts' upstairs and in bed."
"Yes ma'am!" They said in unison (a nickname they'd heard their father's use one too many times.)
Once the kids were upstairs, your face dropped.
"I miss you guys," you whispered into the phone. The tears welling and spilling down your cheeks.
"We miss you too," John said, his words strangled with his feelings.
It was always hard to hang up.
It hurt.
But tonight's farewell felt like the hardest. You could just imagine how the scenario would've played out if their father's were there with them. With you.
'Can't always get what we want,' you thought bitterly.
"Not long now," Kyle said. You stared at his eyes and then his lips. God how much you wanted to kiss him.
"You better make sure you bring back some fucking pixie dust or there'll be a riot."
"Aye, Laswell definitely knows someone-" Johnny replied, giving you a wink. "Miss you gorgeous." He always tried to uplift the mood. And it nearly always worked.
You fought out of your misery, knowing the four soldiers couldn't bear to see you upset. And as they said their goodbyes, you said so in return.
"We love you, our precious wife. We'll all be together soon."
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celestialprincesse · 6 months
Just going to leave this here and then sneak away! K bye! 🎀🩰
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John Price is a man who runs on instinct. After years in the forces, he has to be. He's learned that the feeling in his gut is almost never wrong, and learning how to trust it is a skill. Right now though? He's wishing that his stomach would stop roiling. He's so anxious he feels like he might actually be sick. Kyle sits earnestly at his side, hunched over in the plastic hospital chair nursing a long gone flat vending machine Coke.
They've been tuning out your screams for a good three hours now.
Something within John breaks with every guttural cry that sounds from under the doorway. He's heard so many countless screams of agony from faceless people. They've been and gone in his head like a passing storm. Yours, he thinks, will stick for a lifetime.
Realistically, he knows that you're safe. Receiving the best care you possibly can, safe within the walls of the modern private hospital his insurance more than covers. He also can't help but remind himself just how complicated giving birth can be - and you're so delicate to him.
He's not actually sure when Kyle got here, having been running on autopilot since your contractions started yesterday. All the boys love you just as much as you do them, and when he'd messaged their shared group with a simple: > On way to hospital now. they'd been so shit scared.
Each one of them had opted to take up shifts staying beside their captain in the hospital, waiting earnestly for if they were at all needed. Johnny had picked up groceries, claiming that he' d best know what to get for a new mum, seeing as he's the only one besides Price who actually has sisters, and a niece of his own. None of them would ever admit that they also wanted to be the first to see little baby Price, and to check in on his wife who'm they'd grown to love so much, but there'd definitely been attempts on all three sides to work out when the baby would approximately pop, so that they could time their stint accordingly.
"Think she's okay in there?" John croaks, lifting his head from his palms, squinting at the fluorescent hall lights with a tired grunt.
Kyle swallows the sip of Coke in his mouth before responding. "She's a trooper. I think if anyone can handle having a baby, it's your missus."
Hours later, your small hospital room falls silent, and John is immediately up on his feet, back ramrod straight, everything alert. And then, a baby cries. It's a little hiccuping whinge at first, but then his baby seems to find their voice, wailing up a storm.
"You should go. See them." Kyle prompts quietly, noticing his captain's reverie as he just stands there staring at the closed door.
Nurses file out one by one, whilst he makes his way in, a dazed sort of look on his face as he sees the swaddles blanket you hold close to your chest, gurgling softly as tiny fat fists reach out to your nose.
The stillness in the room is like time stops entirely, only finally broken by a soft "Hey." as your husband makes his way quietly to your side.
"Hi." You breathe, a soft smile blossoming on your tired face, scooting along in the hospital bed so he can sit beside you.
The reverence on his face as he looks down towards the face of such a small creature is a look only talked about in fairytales. A look that tells you that your baby is the luckiest child in the world to have a dad like John.
"She's a girl." You laugh softly, noticing the look on John's face, the one that says he's holding his tongue.
"Oh, my baby girl." Tears spring to his cerulean eyes as he brushes a gentle finger down the soft slope of her tiny nose.
For a moment, the two - three - of you sit in total stillness, entirely enraptured by the tiny human you currently keep held so closely to your chest. Until there's a quiet, tentative knock on the door.
"Mrs Price? Can we come in?" Kyle's voice comes softly from the other side, but before you can even finish your "Yes" not just Kyle, but also Simon and Johnny are practically barrelling into the room, barely able to contain their intrigue as they lock eyes with the little blanket wrapped parcel they've been waiting nine months to meet.
The minute you invite them to look at the sleeping face of your daughter, they're practically tripping over themselves to see the much anticipated baby Price.
"Looks jus' like her mam." Johnny observes, whilst Simon just stares, and Kyle busies himself with taking a picture of you, John and your baby girl.
"Bought 'er a present, mrs Price." Simon admits a little sheepishly as he pulls a haphazardly wrapped parcel from his coat pocket. A stuffed ghost teddy only just the size of your fist. "To remind 'er that uncle ghost is always looking out for her."
You're practically crying at the thought behind his gift, carefully side-hugging the lieutenant with the arm that's not holding your daughter.
"We're all here for her. And for you. Always. One for one and that."
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ink-n-shadow · 2 months
[ DADDY ISSUES ] 𝜗𝜚 the text series where price hires you as his babysitter
⤷ part 𝜗𝜚 one , two , three , four 𝜗𝜚 pairing: single dad!price x babysitter!reader 𝜗𝜚 cw: none, just price being a cute dad
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wokelander · 1 month
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ft. leon s. kennedy x fem!reader
tags. dad-daughter incest, dad/daddy kink, groping, emotional incest i hope, dub-con
note. comm for @slovakbabe sorry this took so fucking long omg. I hope this is worth the wait 😭 writers block is hell so if anything is clunky.. omg. I changed the storyline like 7 times and landed on this so I hope it’s good!!! edited but ignore any mistakes or I’ll kms.. not fond of this so um 😓
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Tonight is a big night.
Tonight you’re going to break a month-long dry spell.
Tonight you’re going to have a three-way, a four-way, a five-way and get fucked every which way.
Tonight you will not let dad’s stupid face weigh you down. Every time you look at him you feel guilty. Like you’re obligated to take on the task of towel-drying dishes while he washes them just like mom did, like you’re supposed to make his eggs how he likes them, like you’re supposed to massage his back and feet after work, suck his dick—
You book a table at a rooftop bar. You’re looking for guys with wallets fatter than their dicks, you’re looking to drain someone’s balls and their life savings, you are looking for someone a little older.
Older, like, old-as-your-dad older. You don’t have any problems with your dad, no issues or qualms, he takes care of you so well, and that’s exactly why you need someone in his age range.
You joined a hiking club in hopes of finding one, you were reading obituaries to find widowers, you started getting friendly with ugly men, you know how desperate they are—But it had to come to an end, you can’t price yourself that low.
Dad has always told you what you’re worth, and you’re deserving of someone who treats you right. No more splitting the bill, you don’t want to carry any shopping bags, and no fucking way are you paying for your own drinks tonight.
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“Where are you going, young lady?” Leon hasn’t seen you all day, you grace him with your (always welcomed) presence at 9PM on the dot.
“Uh, out?” You place a hand on your hip, giving him a pointed look.
Huh. Okay. He has to go about this carefully; you’re like a powder keg. Maybe you told him about this but he wasn’t listening. Leon is only ever half-listening.
“What is that?” He lowers his reading glasses. “A headband?”
“It’s a miniskirt, dad?” You supply, raising your brow - you’re challenging him, that means, but Leon isn’t up for it.
“Yeah, no, I can see that.” He can see quite a few things a dad shouldn’t really ever be able to see on his daughter. “You got any, uh, regular skirts?”
“What counts as a regular skirt?” You take a step forward, the skirt shifts upwards, your everything is flashing everyone everywhere.
Okay, okay.
He can stand up for himself—Giving in the only option, he decides a mere second later.
“Listen, pumpkin, I’m not up for all that smart talk today.” Leon holds his hands up in surrender. You’re like your mom, deliberate and ballsy and everything that he isn’t. You could argue with your echo, Leon not so much. He lets you win when you’re right and when you’re wrong.
“Then stop, like, policing me, dad, I’m not a baby.” You’re his baby though, and that’s what really matters. It’s hard for Leon to see you like this. Since when did dolls turn into dildos? Barbie pink turned into what? Like, pussy pink? God, he doesn’t know—You’re just so big now and you’re getting away from him, out of reach.
One half of Leon wants to say ‘since when did you start shadowing a hooker’ and ‘I sent you to college, not the strip club’ but instead, he very patiently says, “I’m not trying to police you, baby, okay?”
All because he knows you haven’t been doing so hot lately—Also that’s just not a nice thing to say to a girl, and if Leon does say so himself he’s a pretty nice guy, he aims to be one at least. “You win, alright, sweetheart? It’s none of my business what you do, you go out and have a good time.”
“Thanks, daddy.” You beam and reward him with a kiss on the cheek. It’s the sort of kiss that reminds him to stay in his lane if he wants anymore.
You’re spoiled, but he’s made his bed so he’ll die in it.
He sees you out, trying his best to keep his eyes off your ass which as a father should be a very easy task, but it’s all in his fucking face.
“When are you coming home?” Leon asks, sounding more like an insecure housewife than he is a dad.
“Later, dad, don’t forget your meds,” you tell him simply, stepping over the threshold and into the dark, click-clacking in your gogo boots after blowing him a kiss.
“Later, sweetheart…” He says into the breeze.
It’s not fair. Whatever’s wrong with him is not fair. It might be that your mother, his wife, is faint in his head, nothing more than a poorly projected film.
And you’re right there.
So much older, tougher, prettier—You have an ass now, and god it’s a good ass. That’s not a bad thing to say about your daughter. Leon is appreciating what he gave you. You have a nice ass - it’s factual. Not wrong. Not sick. Not twisted or fucked up. Or any other thing, it’s just something he noticed. A change he picked up on as any good dad would, and Leon is a very good dad.
He attended every ballet rehearsal, he spent his days packing your lunch and learning how to style hair and he stepped away from the fucking President to be your father. He is a good dad, a great dad goddamnit.
Ass or no ass, Leon would love you no matter what—See, he’s a good fucking dad. He is.
God, if he really was a good dad he wouldn’t be spending his time with his back pressed to the front door, head bowed as he thinks about your ass.
You're more than your ass, you are, Leon’s proud of you—You’re the only thing he’s got to be proud of, he never went to college, but you do. And Leon’s never gotten through a novel, but you have. Truly, despite it all, you’re a good kid and you don’t deserve any of it - Leon’s moping ever since your mother passed.
He’s supposed to hold it together, but he's so tender he falls right off the bone, and you’re tough.
Didn’t cry when it happened, didn’t cry at her wake, you didn’t even cry when the two of you came home to silence. No dinner on the table, no sitcom playing on the TV, no black pumps kicked off by the door. You cried when you went to bed that night, and Leon heard it through the walls, and he is such a fucking pussy. He didn’t get up to hold you, he just sat there and listened and thought ‘I wish I could help.’
He brushes his teeth while mulling this all over - the possibility that he might be attracted to you. His wife. Those cheetah print panties on the floor, an inch away from the laundry basket.
(It wouldn’t be the first pair he's taken. Ever since your mother died her underwear drawer has become yours unbeknownst to you.)
Leon goes to bed early and he thinks about you—Not your ass this time, well, maybe just a little, that only takes up a fraction of his thoughts—More than a fraction ‘cause it’s a lot bigger than a fraction, and he wouldn’t insult you by insinuating your ass is only worth a fraction of his time, it’s worth a lot more than that—
He thinks about how you used to have gaps in your smile, and the dollhouse that’s gathering dust in the cellar, and your less-than-impressed face when he says anything ever. God, Leon could step on the wrong floorboard and you’d blow up at him, and he likes that part of you.
You’re so much like your mother and thank god you are, if you got anymore of Leon, he thinks he’d be a little less fond of you. When he looks in the mirror he only seems to like whatever he passed onto you. Whether it be your nose or your smile or something as little as a mole - Leon finds himself liking it more.
By the time you get home, Leon is sound asleep, your ass finds its home in your dreams among other things. The distant hum of an engine has him stirring, muscles relaxed but mind always alert, as if on a hair-trigger. Leon’s breath slows until it’s near silence, listening out for the slightest noise, anticipating a threat that hasn’t yet materialised.
The thump of your heels kicked off near the stairs for him to trip over, your heavy footsteps, your nails skittering over the wooden bannister as you try to get a hold on this inanimate and completely still object. He thinks you stumble halfway up the stairs, but you make it there safely, your bed creaks and Leon closes his eyes.
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“Afternoon,” Leon greets when you press into him from behind, wrapping your arms around him and kissing his shoulder softly. It’s intimate, but he can’t really call it that.
“Please, it’s barely twelve, dad.” You kiss his shoulder again, it means nothing, but his heart feels light. “Did you take your meds?”
“Stop calling them that.” He shakes you off gently, gentle being the only manner he can handle you in. “Makes me sound insane.”
“Okay, well,” you start with patience that is far too mechanical to be human, “they’re important, and I don’t really want to pay for any hospital bills, daddy, we’ve had enough of those.”
Jesus. Daddy. Don’t call him that. That’s not fair.
When he’s not facing you, Leon’s resolve takes a little longer to crumble, it sort of cracks and wobbles and threatens its own stability, then he makes eye contact and it all comes crashing down.
He stays with his back to you, but you float around the dining table and pull out a chair. Bare-faced and older. Pretty, he finds you pretty. You’re not so cute anymore, not a harmless little girl or a sweaty-palmed teenager, you’re pretty the same way his wife was.
“I’ll take them, give me a minute.” He gives you a once over. “You look, uh, good.”
“Like, for—You got home later, you don’t look tired.” Your complexion doesn’t look so bad either, no bloating, no puffy under eyes.
“Oh, yeah, I didn’t drink that much.” You smile down at the table absentmindedly, like you’re thinking about something, about someone—Leon doesn’t want to know.
He wants to die.
He gets up to take his medication. Anything to get him away from this conversation that wasn’t really happening, it wasn’t going anywhere, but he’s smart enough to pick up on implications—He did not like those implications, he doesn’t like where his thoughts are taking him.
“Hey, dad, by the way, are you free today?” You call from the kitchen over the whizzing of the blender.
“Yeah.” It’s not loud enough to be heard over the blender, he does that on purpose because he’s feeling especially petty.
“Yes! I said yes, turn that thing off when I’m talking!”
“God, okay, sorry, I was just asking.” You’re pouting when he returns - medicated and very pissed off, but the pout softens him right up. He’d like to kiss it away, but Leon settles for patting your head.
“Why, you need to go somewhere?” Leon cups your face, it feels different from all the other times. This isn’t being fond—It’s something worse, something so sinister it makes his balls shrivel.
“Mhm, I wanna go shopping.” You nod, batting your lashes at him, it’s something he would’ve taken as cute before, but now that’s—That’s hot.
He drops his hands before they drift downwards, grab at something he's not supposed to grab. Leon is not normal, nothing about this is right, but he is who he is.
“Get ready then,” Leon says, clearing his throat and looking anywhere but your face, “I’ll be waiting here, okay?”
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Dad is looking a little pale these days. He hasn’t looked so worn out since mom died - that shirt does good things to his biceps though. You hope he catches some eligible widow’s eye, it’s what he deserves.
You feel a little guilty for forcing him to drive you around, to carry your shopping bags, but that’s what dads are for, and it’s not like he’s ever minded. Dad literally lives and breathes to spoil you.
“You can go get food or something, daddy, but can you give me your card?” You grasp at his arm, and there’s a faraway look in his eyes.
You wait for him to say yes like usual, but he doesn’t.
He shrugs and says, “I’ll come with you, sweetheart.”
Fuck. You should’ve just taken his card and got an Uber. “I need to buy, like, girl stuff dad.”
“Okay, sweetheart, I bought you your training bras, didn’t I?” Dad’s not backing down for once, and it’s the one time you desperately need him to back down.
“Yeah… Doesn't mean you need to come with me.” You don’t want him knowing what panties you buy, or what cup size you are - none of that concerns him.
“What, you just used me for a ride?” Leon’s good at making that face, the dejected face, the face the dogs at the shelter make when they know they’re going to be put down and you walk right past them to a cuter, fluffier pup.
“Pretty much.” You shrug, and he pinches your cheek softly. That’s as stern as he gets with you.
“It’s only a big deal if you make it one sweetheart,” he says, and then Leon does something he never does—Not in public at least. He takes your hand in his like he does when the two of you cross a street - it’s an instinct for him and embarrassing for you.
“Dad?” You say quietly, but he looks on ahead like this is normal between the two of you. Once upon a time it was, but not now. Not when you’re grown, you have a job, you don’t need your daddy to hold your hand. It does feel nice though, his hand is slightly bigger and it’s soft considering all those years of hard work. You give it a squeeze and the corners of his lips twitch.
What is up with him?
“Forty dollars for a pack of seven, what a joke.” Is the first thing that comes out of his mouth after that long, silent and slightly tortuous walk. “We could always go somewhere else, sweetheart.”
(Victoria’s Secret happens to be on the top floor and farthest from the entrance dad decided to park in. Did he want to hold your hand for longer?)
A girl lingers on that same pack of seven, her eyes are on your dad and she flushes a nice shade of pink when he looks her way as most girls are prone to doing. You wonder if you could find a bra in that colour.
While Leon frets over prices, you find a nice selection of bras and panties and head off into the dressing rooms. You’ve always hated the lighting in the fitting rooms, it makes everything seem so much darker, and you can never pick up on the undertones. Like, you’re looking for baby pink not rose gold or mauve.
“Your girlfriend went through here, sir.” You pay no mind to the voice of an employee.
Shoes scuff against the ground outside, the squeak of leather as someone takes a seat outside the fitting rooms. “Thanks,” says a man who sounds exactly like your father. It is your dad. That’s your fucking dad, and he just let someone call you his girlfriend without even correcting them.
What is going on? The handholding and now this?
Maybe he didn’t hear her, Leon never listens to you, so why would he listen to some random girl? You still feel weird. Like you’re coated in a layer of something sticky.
You hold your breath when you hear footsteps, and then the curtain is pulled open. Why do fitting rooms have curtains? What is so wrong with having a sturdy wooden door?
“Dad!” You gasp and cover your chest when he steps inside, backing you into the mirror when he closes the curtain behind you.
“What? Dad—Get out, what are you doing? Do you want me to scream? I will scream, dad, I’m not joking.” The air is too thick to breathe in and your anger is spreading like a wildfire.
“I picked you some out,” Dad says so casually, like his eyes are not zeroed in on your tits. He holds up a selection of frilly bras and scanty panties and what is—Is this fucking real?
You’ve got to be having an awful, awful nightmare. Then he has the gall to touch you, and it’s really like dousing a hornets nest in gasoline—Oh, that’s real. This is real. He just touched you and you felt it.
“Sweetheart, don’t be angry.” Leon cups your face, his brows are pinched together in worry, the lines in his forehead are getting worse. Dad’s getting older by the second.
“They’re not… They're not even my size.” You’re paralysed by the absurdity of it all, you’re so upset you went numb, anger cauterised by that stupid fucking face of his. God, you’re whipped for dad the same way he is for you. He could give you a look and you’d just melt. You want to take care of him, you want to be there for him now that mom isn’t. Shit. What the fuck?
“Yeah, well, if you let me have a little feel, I bet I could guess.” Leon smiles his perfect white smile like there is nothing strange afoot—Like this is an everyday activity. A father-daughter pastime the two of you partake in often.
“Dad, what..?” Time itself seems to forget how to move as you stand there staring at him - with your tits out by the way.
“I… Sweetheart, don’t be mad at me.” Dad presses his forehead to yours, and his eyes are so gentle you find yourself trembling. How could you ever be mad at someone for giving you the world?
“I’m… Dad, I’m confused, I don’t understand where—You’re scaring me daddy.” And you know you sound like a little girl ‘cause his face changes and he takes you into his arms like you’re still the tiny pink bundle the midwife dropped on his chest so many years ago.
“Oh, baby,” Leon sighs into your neck, “I’m sorry, okay?”
“Yeah…” You tremble in his grasp, this is the smallest you’ve ever felt in your life. “…Dad?”
“Yeah, pumpkin?” His hands smooth up and down your back, it doesn’t feel like it usually does.
“It was you wasn’t it?” Bras don’t go missing that fucking easy—Socks, sure, but underwear? Jesus Christ, you thought there was a pervert in your walls—There's a pervert in your house, and it’s you father.
“What… What was?” Leon’s face says one thing, but his eyes carry a muted suggestion. The verdict is? Guilty as fucking—Guilty as a a dude who’s committed vehicular manslaughter.
“My stuff, I thought—I seriously thought I was going crazy, or the washing machine was eating everything, but it was you, wasn’t it?” You ask him quietly, voice void of the anger you initially held. God, you feel bad for him.
“…Yeah, pumpkin.” Is all Dad says. “I’m sorry… I think we need to have—To have a family meeting.”
“Dad that’s… It’s just the two of us? That’s just a conversation.” You can’t help but laugh, Jesus, what is going on right now?
“Yeah—I just, fuck, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” You can’t be mad at him, no matter how you behave, the tantrums you throw—You can’t be mad at him. You know dad could leave you behind in your annoyance, but he stays behind to placate you, and he always does that. Fuck. Holy fuck. Are you seriously forgiving a fucking panty thieving pervert ‘cause he’s your sad old dad?
“Yeah?” Dad asks, breathless and he’s looking at you so reverently—Can you look at someone like that? If you can, that’s how dad’s looking at you. Like you’re something to behold. Something pretty and worth it and he’s made you feel like this since you were little.
“Yeah.” You give a curt nod, and when he pulls back, Leon’s hands come to squeeze your hips, gliding up your sides to toy with the lace hem of a bra you’ve been wearing a beat too long—It’s all sweaty, you’ll have to buy it. Slowly, but surely, he takes your tits into his hands. “Happy?”
You can’t help but be amused by his pleased hum, and fuck—His dick is pressing into you, you didn’t need to know that your dad is hung like a fucking witch.
“You should buy this one, fits well.” Dad nods appreciatively, like he’s a bra expert and not a pervert.
“Oh, yeah?” You huff out a laugh, you can never help yourself around him. You’re just as weak as he is when it comes down to it.
You stop by the bathrooms after a trip to the food court where you treat dad to Shake Shack courtesy of his card, he waits for you outside, standing taller and brighter and happier. Was that all it took? God. This is weird. You wonder if by the time the two of you get home, Leon’s going to pretend this never happened and the two of you will have to live in knowing silence.
“Did you see him? The guy in Victoria’s Secret? The one near me?” You hear two girls conversing while you’re in the stall, staring down at the wet patch on your panties. “He was, like, fucking cute.”
“Didn’t he have a girlfriend?”
“So? She could’ve been his daughter, he was, like, old, but hot old.”
“They were way too close for that to be his daughter.”
You step out of the stall wondering if you’re going to be his girlfriend or his daughter, you weigh up the options as you wash your hands, you’re still thinking about it as you hold the door open for the two girls.
Your hands are still wet, but Leon doesn’t seem to mind as he takes them in his. Their eyes are on you, and this little, jealous nagging part of you says go for it. Do it. So you stand on your tip-toes and kiss him. It’s barely a kiss by your standards, more of a peck than anything, but dad is fucking lovestruck. “I’m ready to go now, dad.”
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the-raindeer-king · 7 months
The 141 and having kids with them :) This was fueled by a random thought I had at work, and it was written at like 3am. Pls be kind.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
Due to his personal experiences, I think he probably would be against having kids in the beginning. Like he's seen and been through so much, and I think his main fear would be ending up like his dad. So he always just wrote it off as something he never wanted to experience
And at some point, maybe after Johnny starts having kids, Simon sees you interacting with one of the babies. And something about seeing you with a baby on your hip flips a switch in his brain. 
He wants a kid and he wants one now.
Anyway y'all definitely don't stop at just one kid. I like the idea of Simon with 3 kids, all girls of course. He just exudes girl dad energy. 
He's a great dad too btw. Retires from field work after the second girl is born, and absolutely adores them. Encourages them to engage in extracurricular activities. Would coach their sports team if any of them join. Never misses a recital (totally doesn't try to get the other task force members to show up. 🙄 They just happened to be free lmao)
If any of the girls enlisted, he'd probably try to talk them out of it at first. War is brutal, and the idea of any of them going through what he did makes him sick with worry. But he comes around to the idea, and in the end, is so proud of them. 
He's proud of them regardless. All three are firecrackers with big personalities, and he loves them so much. 
John Price
I think, when he was younger, Price wanted kids. Liked the idea of a wife/husband, a house with a yard, and a couple kids. And it just… never happened. Life got in the way, and how could he bring a child into this world, with all the things he's seen? He made his peace with it, and moved on. 
And then he meets YOU. And suddenly he finds himself hoping for these things again. Especially kids. 
Give this man a baby, please! He exudes fatherly energy (in more ways than one ;p) 
After y'all have the first kid, he retires from the military all together. He's paid his dues, and he's got something far more important now: you, and your sweet baby boy :)
I could see Price either only having one, or having a handful of kids. Probably no more than 3 (two boys and a girl) 
A good dad. Maybe gets a little too invested in their sports games, probably ends up as a coach after correcting the old one too many times lmao 
Would be so proud if any of your kids followed in his footsteps. If none of them do, I think he'd be quietly disappointed but proud of them nonetheless. The two of you raised some wonderful kids. 
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Probably never really gave it much thought. Like having kids would be cool. Not having them is fine too. Kyle definitely wasn't stressing it, he's got bigger things to worry about.
I mean that is until YOU come along. And now he's thinking about getting married and having babies. 
Definitely talks with you about it in detail. He wants your opinion on it, what method to go about it, if you think you're ready for that. A very lengthy conversation that ends in a mutual agreement. 
I think Kyle wouldn't want more than 2. Like you could convince him, if you want more. But he's fine with a small family. 
2 boys. Twins. Absolutely a handful, and Kyle's there to help when he can. I don't think he'd leave the military until the boys are older, maybe 10/11. But he steps up when he is home, giving you a well deserved break from parenting. 
Loves your boys. Play wrestles with them when they're little, brings them trinkets back from his deployments, takes note of their interests and different personalities. 
Wouldn't mind either way if they enlisted or not. Kyle would be proud of them regardless. You've raised two fine boys, what's not to be proud of?
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish 
Oh, Johnny boy here wants a big family. He's dead set on having kids. It absolutely is a deal breaker for him. His partner has to want kids too.
So when he meets you. And you want kids too, he's over the moon. 
If you've got a uterus, the first kid definitely happens unintentionally. Y'all weren't actively trying, Johnny just can't keep it in his pants lmao. 
If not, then it's all planned out and everything goes smoothly, whether that's surrogate or adoption. 
Like I said, BIG family. I'm talking like 5 kids at the least. You cannot talk him out of it.
Also gives big girl dad energy. Probably ends up with 4 girls and 1 boy. And he's fine with it! Loves getting his nails painted and throwing tea parties, just as much as he loves playing soccer and wrestling 
Like Kyle, Johnny doesn't immediately retire. Sometime after the girl 4 and the baby boy, he'd retire from field work. But he's always facetiming with the kids and bringing them stuff back. Being dad doesn't stop just because he's halfway across the world. 
Would be so proud if any of them enlisted. Would probably cry unashamed. But he's equally as proud of them if they don't. 
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corroded-hellfire · 6 months
Okay this is random but I work at a daycare and this little boy who’s about two years old looks exactly like his dad and their eyes are just so blue and distinctive but he has his mom’s hair and I was just wondering if you could write something like that with Eddie x reader, I just think it would be so cute to see their little mini me ! I love your work so sos much no pressure if you don’t want to of course:) 
Eddie as a father? If only I had some experience writing that 😜 I hope you enjoy your and Eddie’s little mini me!
Words: 900
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“Can you believe it?”
“No. I mean, it’s been two years and no.”
Max and Dustin sit on the floor of your living room, watching your son rummage through the toy box on the other side of the deep brown coffee table until he finds something suitable to play with his babysitters.
Bret settles on his Fisher Price Rescue Hero action figures and tries to collect as many of them in his tiny arms as he can. A few curly strands of hair fall into his eyes which he shakes out of the way as well as he can manage in this position. Satisfied with the haul he’s gathered, he lugs himself out of the toy box and toddles back over to his favorite aunt and uncle. At least that’s what Max and Dustin tell themselves. 
“He’s like their clone,” Max speaks softly as Bret sits down and spreads the toys around his small body to get a better look. “Dad’s hair curls. Mom’s hair color.”
“Dad’s eye color, Mom’s skin tone. Jesus, I’d swear Eddie grew him in a lab if he knew the first thing about science.”
“Technically, Bret is here because of biology,” Max teases as the two-year-old in question hands the redhead a construction worker action figure.
“The one aspect of science Eddie’s willing to experiment with time and time again,” Dustin says. 
“Hmm?” the little boy asks Max, having heard her say his name.
“Huh?” Max asks, looking down at the youngest Munson. “Oh. Um, what game are we playing?”
“We playin’ heroes!” Bret announces, having the firefighting action figure he’s holding fly in an arc over his head. 
“Are they superheroes?” Dustin asks. He lays flat on his stomach to be more on an equal level with the toddler. Action figures of every occupation are spread out in front of him on the plush navy blue carpet. 
“Not all,” Bret says with a shrug, which is the spitting image of one of your usual quirks. 
“Which one do you want to be?” Max asks. 
Bret’s eyes scan the variety of toys laid out around him, his small tongue peeking out from between his lips as he thinks about it. Max can’t help but chuckle at the familiar image in front of her, just on a smaller scale. 
“I don’t know!” Bret pouts, his lower lip jutting out. He slumps down on the carpet, his head coming to rest on his Uncle Dusty’s shoulder. 
“Aw, come on, Mini Munson.” Dustin rolls onto his back and lifts Bret over his head. The two-year-old giggles wildly and starts to kick his feet as if he’s trying to swim away. The laughter is so loud and piercing that none of the three hear the front door opening.
“Careful,” Eddie says as he walks into the room, you trailing just behind him. “He had a few waffles for breakfast, and I don’t want to see them come back up over Uncle Dusty’s face.”
Bret giggles—slightly evilly—as if this would be hilarious.
You set your purse down and slip your shoes off, throwing Max a smile.
“How was the troublemaker?”
“The usual amount of trouble,” she tells you.
“So, nowhere near as much as his father. Got it.” 
Your husband walks towards Dustin, ready to scoop your son up out of his grip, but the little boy squeals and dodges his hands.
“Hey,” Eddie pouts, which only makes Bret giggle. “Bret Michael Munson. Are you trying to escape your old man?”
“Yeah!” he replies cheerfully, making Dustin laugh. 
Eddie softly kicks his best friend’s shoulder with his socked foot. 
Across the room, Max accepts the glass of water you hand her.
“How was your afternoon date?” she asks.
“It was fun. The weather’s really nice and I beat Eddie by three points because he couldn’t hit his ball through the little windmill,” you say with a giggle.
“You’re definitely going to have to be the one to teach Bret to play mini golf,” Max says. 
The two of you look over to your son, where he seems to be the object of a game of keep away between Eddie and Dustin. Bret giggles wildly, his face scrunching up in a way that makes the tip of his nose wiggle.
“It’s so crazy how much he looks like you when he scrunches his face like that,” Max says, shaking her head in amazement. 
Bret must’ve caught his aunt’s words because he looks over at the two of you, a tiny furrow between his brows.
“But Mommy’s a girl!” he protests. 
You blow him a kiss and he’s quickly sucked back into whatever game he’s playing with the guys. 
Once Bret is tuckered out from the roughhousing, he plops down on Dustin’s chest and Eddie makes his way over to you. He catches wind of your and Max’s conversation of how your son looks just like the two of you. When Max slips away to grab her things, Eddie places his hands on your hips from behind and rests his chin on your shoulder. 
“Wanna make another one and see if they look more like you or me?”
Just the thought sends a pleasant tingle down your spine.
“You’re on, Munson. Meet me in our room. Nap time.”
“Bret’s or mine?”
A snort of laughter bursts out of you, causing Eddie to smile and only hold onto you tighter. 
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698 notes · View notes
The four times you fell asleep on Ghost and the one time Ghost fell asleep on you - three.
simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
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word count: 4,057
synopsis: you get wasted in a pub and Ghost has to take care of you.
warnings: mentions of drinking, occasional swearing, tooth-rotting fluff, Ghost being a softie
notes: I had a lot of fun writing this. Here are the main videos that inspired some scenes (potential spoiler alert): one, two
reader's callsign is Bambi (she/her)
find it on ao3 part one part two part three part four part five
The traditional post-mission gathering at the pub was in full swing in the late hours of the night, despite it being a Tuesday evening. The atmosphere was almost cosy and relaxed if you were to overlook the three people on the karaoke stage and the way their out-of-sync voices resounded throughout the room.
Seated at one of the tables with a glass of sparkling water, Captain Price exchanged a distressed look with Ghost, who was nursing a shot of Kentucky Bourbon. It was the captain's turn to drive so alcoholic drinks were out of the equation for him.
So he had to spend the entire night watching you, Gaz and Soap getting wasted and trying every form of entertainment the pub offered. You'd started slow with a game of darts, the loser having to drink a shot of whatever the winner decided. As the night progressed you went on to the pool table, had a break to tell stories and debate the key moments of the mission and eventually ended up at the karaoke bar, drunkenly singing to whatever songs were popular at the moment.
You were currently wedged between Gaz and Soap, leaning against each other for support, swaying and gesturing with exaggerated expressions when a new song would come on. You had lost track of the quantity of alcohol you consumed a while ago, yet everything seemed brighter and more colourful than before, so you didn't mind. You didn't know most of the songs that were playing at the karaoke bar, but that did not stop you from singing along, even if your voice was slightly out of tune. What you knew is that you were happy, perhaps happier than ever and, out of a sudden, you felt the need to express that in the loudest way possible, by taking Soap’s phone from his hands and picking the next song.
Surprised by your sudden move, Soap chuckled and gestured to the bartender to prepare three more drinks, even though he had his arm sloppily thrown around your shoulder, and was fighting a tough battle with gravitation. On your right side, Gaz was sloppily reaching towards the microphones, almost tripping over an imaginary wire. You caught him in the last second, grabbing a seat and forcing him to stay put as the first notes of the song echoed through the pub. A surge of drunken determination rushed through your veins as you took one of the microphones and turned towards the table Ghost and Price were seated at, wobbling slightly in the process.
“Captain, Lieutenant - I just… I just wanted to say this is for you. To Price - always being the helicopter, yet cool dad of the group!”. The drunken cheers of Soap’s and Gaz’s quickly accompanied your words, none of them realising how quiet the room had got. Everyone else left in the pub at that hour seemed to put whatever they were doing on hold and watch the inebriated toast with interest.
“And to Ghost!”, you went on unaware of the mood shift, your voice gaining momentum with each word, “who is always taking care of us during missions and let me fall asleep on him once! Cheers!”
Shaking his head in an attempt to hide the grin dancing on his lips, Price raised his glass and beckoned Ghost to do so too. At that moment, Simon was glad he was wearing the balaclava - he could feel an uncharacteristic blush spread across his face, not to mention that he could not control the visible twitching of his lips. The public seemed to be satisfied with the makeshift speech as a round of applause rippled through the crowd, but stopped as suddenly as it began. A familiar tune began to play in the background, and Simon almost pinched his forehead in frustration and disbelief when he saw the drunken determination and the over-confident grin plastered on your face: he had seen that expression before, it meant you were up to no good. His fears were instantly confirmed when the opening chords of Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You” filled the space, being quickly accompanied by the shouts and whistles coming from the crowd.
You, Gaz and Soap began swaying to the rhythm of the music, humming along to the first part of the song. Ghost was actually impressed that you made it sound nice, keeping your voices low and soft and singing in sync for once. He turned his head to Price, not surprised to see the older man had reached for his phone and was filming the trio like a proud father on recital day.
That is until the part of the choreo came. And literal chaos ensued, as the three of you began screaming because that was definitely not singing, the high notes, even stopping to gasp for air every once in a while.
"I hope life treats you kind And I hope you have all you've dreamed of And I wish you joy and happiness But above all this, I'm wishing you love!"
He did not know when he made eye contact with you, but Simon found himself trapped inside your E/C eyes. The bourbon tasted sweet on his lips, but it did not compare to the joyful and carefree expression you wore on your face as you tried to keep up with the lyrics of the song, occasionally stumbling across Johnny and Kyle who were just as inebriated and dedicated to the artistic moment as you were. The familiar feeling of warmth and comfort was once again blooming in his chest, and for the first time, he decided to let it grow and see where it would take him.
You hadn't meant to lock eyes with Simon, definitely not when you were singing a romantic song you handpicked for the occasion. Yet your judgement was clouded by all the alcohol you'd consumed up to that point and now you couldn't tear your eyes away from his chocolate ones. And from his soft blonde eyelashes that made your heart flutter every time you saw them- making you even stutter on the lyrics of the song that you kept close to your heart. At one point you weren't even aware of the words leaving your mouth, just going along with Gaz and Soap, the two literally putting their hearts into the song.
That was until the second part of the choreo came. And you were so into it that you all fell down on your knees, pathetically crying and shrieking the high-pitched notes that Whitney Houston handled with ease.
Simon did not even know why the three of you bothered to come to training and shooting practices. In moments like that, your voices were lethal weapons alone.
And when the song came to an end, the crowd politely applauded you, secretly glad that it was over. Price was careful to save the video twice so as not to lose it, the proud and amused expression on his face not faltering once:
"I think it's high time we took them home, don't you think?", he asked Simon in an unusual cheery mode, downing his glass of sparkling water.
Ghost could only nod as his eyes were trained on your swaying figure. You were leaning against Gaz, a drunken smile on your face as you downed the drink the bartender slid to you with a wink. For a moment, Simon was too caught up in studying the way your eyes crinkled at the corners to notice them widen in an instant as you brought up a hand to your mouth. His jaw tightened when he realised you were stumbling towards the bathroom, probably sick from one too many a drink, and subtly gestured to Price that he'd get you and meet him at the car, before heading towards the bathroom himself.
However, he slowed down in his steps when he realised he wasn't the only one headed in that direction; the bartender had already beaten him to it. Ghost stopped dead in his tracks, his fists involuntarily clenching as he noticed the man standing near the entrance to the ladies' room, wearing an almost expectant expression, his gaze directed towards the toilets. The sound of you throwing up was the only thing that could be heard against the muffled background sound of the pub, followed eventually by the rush of flushing water.
Washing your hands and face, you took a look at your pale face in the mirror, closing your eyes in defeat. It was definitely time to call it a night and find a ride home or crash on someone's couch, and you accepted the thought as you made your way out of the restroom. Yet you didn't manage to go far as a man you vaguely recognized as the bartender stopped in front of you, hands crossed over his chest in what was supposed to be a masculine stance. You internally scoffed at his posture; you have seen it all during the years you've spent in the military.
"Hey!", he eventually said, a light smile on his face. "Hello! Do you mind, I would like to go back to my friends?", you briefly asked, already trying to sneak past him.
But the man was insistent and stepped in the same direction, making you stop once more.
"Look, I just wanted to say I really enjoyed the show you put on tonight!". You raised a single eyebrow, a poker look on your face. "You and your friends, I mean!", he quickly added, blushing slightly. "And I was just wondering if you would like to stay for a drink after my shift is over and, you know, perhaps go to my place afterwards and…" Rolling your eyes in frustration, you let out an impatient sigh and tried to go past him again, only to be stopped by a firm grip on your arm.
"Look, you should really think about it-" "I wouldn't do that if I were you. She may be drunk, but she can still kick your ass in at least six different ways."
Drunk as you were, you couldn't hide the grin that spread quickly across your face as you took in the imposing figure of the Lieutenant, his skull balaclava lending him a threatening air in the dim light of the hallway. The bartender swiftly let you go, his eyes darting between you two as you staggered towards Ghost, too busy to fully take him in to take note of the hand that was softly placed on the small of your back.
"Oh, mate, I think this is a misunderstanding! I was just… but who the hell are you actually? Do you know him, darling?"
You grimaced at the unjustified use of the endearment, a plain expression of distaste replacing the previous smile. You swayed slightly, having to lean against Ghost as you mumbled something unintelligible about the toast. An unexpected wave of fatigue hit you out of nowhere, making you nestle your head against his chest, your arms weakly wrapping around his shoulders.
"I'm tired, I wanna go home, Ghost!", you murmured gently into his shirt, the vibrations of your voice sending a quiver down his spine. Yet if Ghost was affected by the unexpected display of clinginess, he did not let it show. Instead, he made a quick job of scooping you into his arms, your head nestling in the crook of his neck. Letting out a satisfied sigh, you closed your eyes and unconsciously nuzzled your cheek against the soft material of the balaclava, breathing in the scent of his cologne, your hands still clinging onto his shoulders in a koala-like grip.
For a fleeting moment, he became utterly oblivious to his surroundings, his mind consumed by the moment, struggling to make sense of the situation in which both of you had found yourselves. He didn't exactly freeze, but his brain didn't work properly either as the feeling of your breaths against his balaclava sent an electrifying jolt through him. You may have just washed your face and the perfume you wore must have faded during the night, but the subtle smell of your shampoo lingered, sweet enough to leave an impression that he knew would stay with him for the days to come. When he eventually realised you weren't alone, that the bartender was still loitering by the restroom's entrance, Ghost shrugged, remembering your previous words:
"You should have listened to the toast, mate!"
Carrying you to Price's pickup trunk proved to be no easy feat for Simon; he was too distracted by the hold you had on him, both literally and figuratively. It was as if his mind had turned to jelly and he could not distinguish dream from reality. And at that moment, he experienced the sensation of living within a pleasant dream, you being in his arms just as he often yearned for when trying to fall asleep in the solitude of his room.
If Price was surprised by the state you found yourself in, he showed no signs. He had just managed to secure Soap in the passenger seat, while Gaz was passed out in the back, head leaning against the window, an empty look on his face.
"I'm sorry Simon but you'll have to sit in the middle tonight", the captain chuckled under his breath as he was watching Ghost put two and two together while you were still clinging to him as if your life depended on it.
He would not be able to get in the car while also preserving the position you found yourself in, yet he did not want to give it up. For a passing instant, he actually thought of walking to your place- a weak attempt at trying to make the moment last longer. But he could feel Price's badly concealed smirk like the heat of the sun in July and he had to fight, actually fight the groan that threatened to leave him as he nudged you with his shoulder.
"Wake up, Bambi! We've got to get you home, come on!" His words reached your ears as a distant sound and instead, you chose to relish in the vibrations that resonated against your skin, letting out a small hum of approval.
"Ok means okay, come on!" "Mhm, sure…" "Y/N…" "Simon…"
Clinging on him like a koala had no visible effect on him, but you saying his name, his real name, made Ghost freeze and set his dark eyes on you. He could not control the cocktail of feelings swimming in his orbs, ranging from surprise to pure adoration, and the thought of hiding them did not even cross his mind at that moment.
Until you were both showered in a sudden burst of light, quickly followed by a camera shutter. Behind the Polaroid camera, Price did not even bother to hide his satisfied expression as he watched the picture develop with a soft whirring sound.
You, on the other hand, instantly jumped from Ghost's arms, the flash of the camera making you look like a deer caught in the headlights. You were still inebriated, as the world was spinning much more than it should have, but the drowsiness from earlier had evaporated in an instant. Shaking his head in disbelief and muttering something along the lines of "fucking hell", Ghost did not even bother to answer Soap's cheers. He just squeezed into the backseat of Price's car, seating himself next to Gaz and trying his best to ensure you would not hit your head and get in safely. And the giddy smile he got as a response was worth it.
Price was the last to get in the car. As he positioned himself behind the wheel, Ghost couldn't help but wonder where he'd hidden the Polaroid camera and the picture. Knowing the older man, he could only hope the instant shot would not be displayed in the lounging room, alongside other just as embarrassing moments.
Not that he had something against you or the picture.
He just thought that the moment was rather special, even intimate to him and that it should not be shared with all other SAS operators who spent their time in the lounging room when on base.
"You three did quite a show out there!", Price half-turned towards Soap and the backseat riders, a comic expression on his face.
"Thanks, dad!", you replied in an awfully cheery tone, swaying slightly from one side to another. You kept humming to yourself, not taking note of the awkward silence that had settled in the car.
"Bambi, did you just call Price 'dad'?", Soap asked from the front seat, his shit-eating grin being reflected in the rearview mirror.
"Do you see me as a father figure, Y/N?", Price quipped in, smiling softly at your confused expression. Simon did not even dare to glance in your direction - he knew the doe eyes were making a comeback and he was definitely not inebriated enough to handle them.
"I certainly do!"
Gaz's voice was muffled as his cheek was currently squished against the window. But the message got across and you reached across Ghost to pat his shoulder, aggressively nodding in compliance.
"And this is why", you began by raising a finger in the air as if to strengthen your point, "you are my brother, Gaz!".
Your drunken determination was almost comical to watch, but it topped when you squealed in excitement:
"Let me give you a kiss!"
"No, you won't! I'm definitely not getting caught up in the middle of this!"
Ghost's answer, more of a growl actually, was instantly followed by Soap's booming laughter as the Scot was trying to turn and face the backseat, extending a grabby hand towards you:
"I'm happily accepting your kisses if you'll let me, bonnie!", he slurred half of the sentence, his head comfortably propped on the headrest as he puckered his lips in your direction.
"No one's getting any kisses!"
"Come on, careful, there's a step there!" "I wanna go home…" "We are almost there, Bambi. Now, do you have your key?" "Yeah, it should be in my pocket. Let me… let me look for it…"
Murmuring to yourself, you fished the keychain and held it before your eyes, a small chuckle escaping your lips as the keys kept jingling. The tiredness from the pub was making a comeback and Ghost had to carry you inside after he managed to open the door while also balancing your swaying silhouette.
"Oh, this couch looks good!", you muttered to yourself, letting yourself fall on it.
But instead of touching the plush pillows, you felt two strong arms sneaking around your waist and keeping you partially suspended in the air. You opened your mouth to protest, but before you were aware of it, you were headed in the direction of your bedroom, a warm hand placed on the small of your back.
"You should change into something more comfortable…", Ghost muttered, frowning when you started shaking your head and slurring: "I'll do it in the morning."
He already felt like he was prying, being inside your home, in the privacy of your bedroom, so he did not push the topic and instead, knelt down and removed your sneakers.
"You should at least clean your face." He pressed on the issue, all too aware of your fixation with skincare and how you would complain to anyone on the base about the latest breakout on your face. "Mhm.." "Mhm means yes, Bambi!", he groaned in frustration as he bent down to scoop you in his arms again and carried you to the bathroom, where he laid you on the fitted furniture so that your faces were at the same level.
Ghost was no stranger to makeup removal techniques - he had his fair share of experiences he had gone through when learning what worked best for the black paint he used to smudge the area around his eyes. But he began to grow tired as well, and being in your house took him way out of his comfort zone, so he resumed reaching for a pack of makeup wipes, instead of looking for a cleansing balm or micellar water. His touch was gentle against your face, his fingers applying the suitable amount of pressure needed to get rid of any traces of eyeshadow and whatnot. There was a faint tremor in his hand when he reached your lips, but the remnants of lipstick had to be removed too.
He was not prepared for the sudden shiver that raced down his spine the moment his fingertips brushed against your lips. His breath hitched, his heart skipping a beat as he continued to delicately trace the outline of your lips, the warm and comforting sensation he'd felt before, making a return. For a moment, the room seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you locked at the moment, Ghost's eyes fervently searching for yours, as he rested a gloved hand against your face.
Letting out a soft sigh, you closed your eyes and leaned into his touch.
"Don't fall asleep on me…", Ghost hummed under his breath, involuntarily rubbing his thumb against your cheek. His gentle touch was a far cry from the deadly one that had become second nature on the battlefield.
"I trust you'll catch me", you whispered back, a delicate smile on your face.
And he did. With a tender grin under his balaclava, Ghost lifted you into his arms once more, cradling you like the treasure you were. Your head rested against his chest as he carried you back to your bedroom, each step filled with a quiet intimacy, completely new to him.
He entered the dark room, gently lying you down on the soft sheets, almost amazed at how quickly you passed out, again. Yes, you may have been wasted, completely inebriated, but you also trusted him to let him take care of you in your state.
Even if the action was foreign to him, Ghost tucked you in as best as he could, gently brushing a strand of hair from your face. His internal conflict was a raging storm, but he eventually let the few shots of bourbon get to his head. With shaky gestures, he peeled the mask up to his nose and brought his lips to your forehead in a chaste kiss. His warm breath lingered over your face for a couple of seconds before he quietly exited the room, leaving you in a peaceful slumber.
Bonus scene
Sitting by himself at the small table in the kitchen, Simon lifted the balaclava up to his nose and breathed in the scent of Earl Grey, a satisfied sigh leaving his lips. He could see the tendrils of steam rolling out of the freshly brewed mug, the late autumn morning sun filtering through the blinds and bathing the room in warmth and light.
After every single evening spent celebrating in the pub, you, Gaz and Soap had to take the day off and volunteer yourselves for the night watch. Ghost had grown so accustomed to the usual agitation, whether it was Gaz jogging in the kitchen for a snack, Soap casually napping in the lounging room, or you, asking everyone where they had hidden the cookies, and he was finding it weird to spend the day in relative silence and peace.
And he was so lost in his thoughts, replaying the events of the previous night in his head, that he failed to notice the private who was lingering in the doorway and looking at him with a mixture of fear and admiration. It wasn't until he reached for the milk, that he took note of his presence and gave him a questioning look. "Captain Price asked me to deliver this personally to you, sir!" The private placed a white envelope on the table, saluted and quickly left the room. Simon had no time to analyze the interaction as his eyes settled on the letter.
Only it was not a letter, but a photograph. And after double checking, he was alone in the room, Simon actually let out a small chuckle as he held the polaroid in the sunlight, his eyes softening at the sight of you cradled in his arms, nuzzling your head against his chest.
taglist: @neoarchipelago, @thecorruptedlovely, @mitchlow, @fieldsofbats, @thaprilks, @stars-andfreckles, @that-napa-know-how, @preistinajamjar
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python333 · 1 year
task force 141 reacting to [reader] giving them a 'happy father's day' card — python333
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synopsis you give the tf141 boys some happy father's day cards!!
relationships platonic!taskforce 141 & younger!reader.
characters cap. price, soap, ghost.
warnings 2nd person pov [you/yours/yourself], usage of c/n [code name/call sign], reader is intended to be around 16/17-20/21 but can be interpreted as older as long as they're below 24 (just so that the headcanons make more sense), maybe ooc?
note i'm so sorry but there's no gaz in this one BUT i can explain why!! i was doing my research (going through three different tumblr posts) to figure out the actual age of each character and gaz is apparently 24?? in new updates or whatever?? anyway, even before i found that out, i could only ever imagine writing him as an older brother, simply because he doesn't feel fatherly to me but still has those protecive-familial vibes so if yall want me to write something on him being ur older brother then feel free to request/reply/comment or whatever and i will! :3 this is all comfort no hurt and pure fluff so enjoy!!
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➥ man i don’t even have daddy issues and i’m crying.
➥ gives you that one dad smile he has—y’all know the one. don’t pretend you don’t—and thanks you for it.
➥ gives you a lil hug too because why not?
➥ tears up just the tiniest bit but it’s pretty unnoticeable but i need you to know that it’s there.
➥ either keeps it propped up on his desk, in one of the drawers of his desk, or puts it in a small frame and puts that on or in his desk.
➥ definitely reads it at least once a week.
➥ he’s so genuinely flattered by it i think that after you leave his office he’d tear up a bit.
➥ you thought he was acting as a father figure to you before?
➥ be prepared for him to take it to a whole nother level.
➥ starts getting you cheesy birthday cards after you start giving him father’s day cards.
➥ is he a father biologically? no. is he one mentally, emotionally, and spiritually? absolutely.
You were reasonably pretty nervous.
It wasn’t ever really a secret that you and Price had some sort of father-child-like relationship, what with the amount of hair ruffles, head pats, shoulder pats, etc. that you’d received from him and the swatting at his hand with your own that you had given back. But none of that took away the nervousness you had when you gave Price a father’s day card for the first time.
It’s not that you thought that he would be weirded out by it, you just had a small habit of overthinking things, and this happened to be one of those things. The card didn’t say too much inside of it, a simple ‘happy father’s day!’ and a sentence you wrote that mentioned that you were grateful to know him. That’s it. That’s all it was. And yet, your hand shook as you held it, the other hand knocking on the door of Price’s office.
He nodded in greeting and opened it, and stepped out of the way to let you walk in and sit in front of his desk. He sat at his usual seat after shutting the door, and you set the card in your lap, not wanting him to see it just yet.
“Is there any particular reason why you wanted to come into my office?” Price asked, breaking the silence. You took a deep breath and nodded before you quickly handed over the card, slipping it onto his side of the desk. He took a good look at it for a moment, reading the ‘happy father’s day!’ on the front and looking over the cheesy illustration on the cover. You anxiously waited for him to say something as he simply stared at it, before he picked it up and opened it, reading the short few words that were written on the inside.
You watched as his expression melted into a softer one, and he stared at the card for another moment before wordlessly getting up. Before you could say anything, or question anything, he knelt down to the level of the chair you were sitting in and hugged you. You were frozen with surprise before you hugged him back, loosely wrapping your arms over his shoulders, a little confused by the hug but appreciating the embrace nonetheless. He rubbed your back for a quick moment before standing back up straight and patting your shoulder.
”Thank you,” He said, smiling down at you. “I really appreciated that, kiddo.”
Oh, wow. I don’t know why, but I think I might start crying. “Yeah—yeah, of course,” You’d replied, quickly getting up and giving Price a quick hug before swiftly walking to the door, “I’ll just, uh, I’ll be in my room. Or, actually, no, I’m gonna go—I’m gonna go bother Soap in his office, so if you need me I’ll be in there okaybyeCaptainI’llseeyoulater!” You rushed out, not looking back as you closed the door behind you.
Price had blinked at the door for a moment before huffing out a small laugh and sitting back down in his chair, looking at the card you’d given him one last time before sighing and letting himself tear up a bit. Eventually, after just sitting there and staring at the card, he unlocked one of the few locked drawers at the bottom of his desk and put the card there, for safekeeping.
➥ he’s so excited when he reads that card.
➥ he’s so flattered?? and is so happy?? and oh my god he might pass out?? from all the positive emotions he feels??
➥ be careful with what you say because you might break him beyond repair.
➥ it’s like you’ve given a puppy it’s first treat, honestly.
➥ won’t cry but is very close to!!
➥ will definitely show off the card to everyone.
➥ when i say everyone i mean EVERYONE.
➥ he will talk everyone’s ear off about it, no matter who they are or what they’re doing, hell, the man could be pissing with his dick out at the urinals and everything and he’ll still be ranting to the poor soul in the bathroom about what a sweetheart you are and how you gave him a father’s day card.
➥ he starts calling you ‘lamb’ and ‘duckie’ after the whole ordeal.
➥ no i didn’t ask chatgpt for terms of endearment scottish parents use for their children haha!!
➥ he buys a corkboard just to pin the card to in his office.
➥ like it’s literally just in the middle, nothing else on the corkboard, just that singular father’s day card.
➥ the whole thing is just reserved for father’s day cards tbh. he hopes to fill it up with as many cards as you’ll give him, and if you only give him the one, then damn it, the corkboard’s only gonna have one thing on it and whoever questions it can mind their damn business.
You didn’t really know what to expect with Soap when you gave him the card.
You felt pretty confident giving it to him, knowing the guy could probably receive a rock with googly eyes on it from you and still cry tears of joy knowing you gave it to him of all people, so giving this card to him was no big deal, right?
You found him in the recreational center, lounging on the couch, reading a book—shocking, I know—and quietly reading the words out loud to himself. The moment you had entered the center, though, he looked up from his book and nodded in greeting at you with a smile on his face and watched as you walked over to him.
Before he could say anything, you quickly put the card in his lap and watched as he looked up at you, a surprised and amused expression on his face.
“What’s this?” He asked, not looking down at the card just yet.
“Read it,” You’d insisted, gesturing towards the card in his lap. He blinked at you for a moment before muttering, “Alright, then,” under his breath and looking down at the card. He picked it up and read the three short words on the front and looked over the illustration on the cover, and the moment the words registered in his brain, his face broke out into a grin and he looked up at you.
“Aww, this is sae sweet,” Soap gushed, “Thank ye!”
He got up before you could talk and hugged you tightly, lifting you off the ground a bit, cooing, “Ye're jist the sweetest, ma God, when did ye get the card?”
“I got it a while ago,” You had admitted, “Decided to give it to you now.”
Soap set you down and put both of his hands on your shoulders, gently rubbing circles into them with his thumb, looking down at you with an elated grin, "I'm gonnae hang this up in ma office—I'll get a corkboard an' everything, jist for this."
You looked up at him with a confused, but amused look on your face, asking, “And you’re just gonna hang that card on there?”
He nodded in confirmation and responded, “Aye, it'll be deid center, naething else on there."
➥ oh my goodness.
➥ the moment you hand him the card, it’s like he already knows what it is without reading it.
➥ probably thinks it’s a joke at first.
➥ when he realizes that you’re serious he straight up tears up.
➥ like in front of you and everything he’ll tear up.
➥ “... Are you crying?” ghost, tearing up and literally about to start sobbing, "No.”
➥ he treasures that thing and would literally cease to exist if he ever lost it or if it got destroyed.
➥ won’t flaunt it at all, instead he keeps it in the pocket of a jacket he never wears anymore.
➥ if you ever give him more cards, he’ll consider getting a box to keep them in.
➥ he’s always called you ‘kid’ but after this he starts calling you ‘kiddo’.
➥ listen kiddo is more affectionate and its softer and its not as playful as kid its more personal and and and [explodes]
➥ the others notice the small change in behavior he has towards you (being more lighthearted with his teasing, generally being less cold with you, etc.) and will tease him endlessly about it.
➥ by others i mean soap and gaz. those two team up and tease him to death.
➥ he could care less though!! he tells himself that they’re idiots anyway and that his behavior hasn’t changed that much.
➥ he’s in denial and i think that him and me are the same fr.
You had practically searched every corner, crevice, nook, and cranny of the base searching for Ghost. When you finally found him, he was in the armory and weapons room cleaning the barrel of his rifle, hyperfocused on wiping away the gunk on the gun. You stopped by the door, hesitating in giving him the card. It really shouldn’t be that hard, You thought, What’s the worst that could happen?
You were aware that there were many things that could happen, most of which were bad, but you ignored them for the sake of building up your confidence to give him the card. You stood there for a while, just sort of staring at him, before he—not even looking up from his gun—called out to you with a simple yet firm, “Do you need something?”
You probably could’ve died right there, his firm voice almost completely shattering your confidence for reasons you couldn’t specify, but you instead cleared your throat and walked out of the doorway and completely into the room. You walked over to him and before he could ask any further questions you held the card out to him, your hand having a small tremble to it, an uncomfortably visible display of your nervousness.
He stared at the card for a moment before setting down the cloth he was using to clean his gun and grabbing it, reading the front for a moment before huffing out a small laugh and looking up at you to tease you for it. He was going to tell you what a ‘funny’ joke it was, to tell you to just go do whatever work you’re probably skipping out on when he sees the look on your face that tells him that you’re pretty serious about the card.
He looked back down at the card and read it again, the words ‘happy father’s day’ echoing through his mind as he opened it. He read the few short words on the inside of the card and the shitty drawing of a ghost right next to one that was scribbled out—because of course you had to use pen and weren’t satisfied with the first ghost you drew even though Ghost could make out through the scribbles that they practically looked the same.
You were pretty nervous the longer the silence stretched out, and you were about to take back the card and go jump off a cliff to avoid ever looking at Ghost again when suddenly you hear a sniffle.
“Are you… are you crying?” You’d asked, more confused than nervous now, watching as Ghost shook his head negatively and continued to stare at the inside of the card.
“No,” He answered, sniffling again.
“... You sure?” You’d asked again, far less nervous now, your tone becoming more teasing.
“Positive.” Ghost said firmly, though his voice had wavered a bit. He looked up at you and reached his hand up to give you a pat on the shoulder, muttering, “Thank you for that, kiddo.”
"Yeah, no problem," You had said back, smiling down at Ghost before taking a step back, "I'll leave you to keep cleaning your gun, or whatever."
Ghost had simply nodded and looked back at the table where your card and his gun laid, and you didn't stay long enough to watch him tear up all over again at the sight of the letter.
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Do you know who my daddy is?
Captain price x Fem reader (single mom)
You brought your kid to the base, she has an important homework, talk about what mom/dad does at work. The little kid is in trouble and the best she can do to get out of the problem is lie about who her daddy is.
Warning: it's not very interesting but I had a lot of fun writing it. I like to think about Price having a daughter. Anyway, as usual, grammatical and spelling errors. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
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- hey my little sunshine! how was your day?
- it was fine, I have homework though.
- oh, what is it?
- I have to talk about your work, what you do and things like that.
- Oh well, I have to talk with my superior and let him know that you will go with me for a few hours just to see what we do, ok?
- Okay
That was the small conversation with your kid, she was very excited to go with you, you talked her a little bit about your comrades and your very handsome captain, she made fun of you for the way you talked about Price and sang «Mommy and the captain, sitting on a tree giving little kisses and falling in love...», of course you warned her to not say that at the base, as every kid, she thinks your job is full of action and adrenaline, because that's what she watches on tv, she certainly wasn't expecting to see you writing reports and reading files, attending some calls, just like you're doing right now.
Price was very kind to let you bring her today, he also told you to give her a small tour around the place to make it more exciting, your poor girl is dying of boredom sitting in the chair of your office, observing the ceiling and the light over your heads.
- I'm sorry darling, we will give the tour as soon as I finish this report, okay?
- I thought we would fight against bad people or that you would show me guns, this is so boring!!!!!
- Honey, making all this paperwork is also a way to fight against bad people, also very important.
- B-O-R-I-N-G...
You sighed, certainly it's not the funniest activity but you needed to finish it as soon as possible, a knocking on your door was perfect to interrupt your girl's complaints, Gaz appeared with a small bag of candies.
- I heard you brought a mini you today, I wanted to say hi.
- Oh Kyle, thanks, come in, this is my daughter (____). Honey this is my friend Kyle, be nice and say hi.
Your girl smiled at Gaz and took the small bag, she started to eat some jelly beans and talked for a few minutes with Kyle.
- (...) And now I'm here! Bored!
- I already say Sorry like a thousand times baby!!!
- I can take her to give a walk while you finish... just if you want (y/n)
- that would be great, I will finish soon I promise!
Your daughter took Kyle's hand and left the office, you laughed and continued your work.
Gaz went to the common room so your daughter could say hi to Soap, Ghost and other soldiers. needless to say that your girl was enchanted to meet Soap who played with her and gave her a small gel blaster, both made a mess with those gel bubbles, Gaz and Soap were cleaning up while Ghost and your daughter were painting one of Ghost's skull old masks, but your daughter was impatient to be with you and see the rest of the place as you promised her, she took her opportunity to escape from the three men when Soap attacked Ghost with some of the gel bubbles that were still on his blaster, Gaz was recording so, none of them noticed when your daughter left the room.
«Ah, Guys... Where's (_____)?» «Shit» «Was Johnny's fault»
They started to look for her, while your daughter was walking unsure of where she was going, she brought the blaster that Soap gave to her and started to shoot and play, her fun ended when she accidentally shot a soldier in his eye. The guy saw her alone and started to try to scare her.
- Hey kid, Did you forget the way to the daycare? who gave you that toy? This is not a place for babies.
- I'm 6, I'm not a baby!
- Aren't you? Then, maybe I have to tell you that you can go to prison for what you did?
Your daughter really believed that, she started to feel nervous, she was in serious trouble, what would she do now?. This guy kneeled down in front of your daughter and smirked.
- What will you do now? Cry with your parents?
An idea popped up quickly to her mind.
- I won't get in trouble, Do you have a clue of who my daddy is?
- Do you know who my daddy is?, oh please tell me who's your father, dwarf, I will tell him you're being a troublemaker!
He imitated your daughter's voice.
- The Captain Price is my daddy! He will beat your ass if you don't let me go!
This soldier was ready to say something until someone appeared behind you, he stood up quickly and paled, the little girl thought it was Gaz or Soap who found her and arrived just in time to save her, until she heard the soldier said «Captain!», she paled too and looked behind her, a tall man was observing the soldier with a cold look.
- Is this young man bothering you, my dear?
- He says I will go to prison just because I was playing a little and I hit him by accident.
- I'm sorry Sir, I didn't know she was your daughter...
Price didn't act surprised by the soldier's comment, he continued looking at him and put a hand on your daughter's shoulder.
- Next time I see you bothering my daughter or anyone else, you will be In serious trouble. Do you understand?
- Yes Sir.
- Fine, now leave. Let's go my little princess.
Price kneeled down a little and carried your girl over his shoulders, he talked with her about your work and maybe, your girl talked about how you feel about him, on their way they found Ghost, Soap and Gaz running through the entire base looking for her.
Finally you finished your work and went to the common area to see if your daughter was there, on the way you noticed some soldiers were whispering and talking secretly while you were passing by but you tried to not pay much attention, you arrived to the common area and indeed there she was, she fell asleep on Soap's lap, who was sitting on a sofa.
- Hey y/n you found us!
- Sorry guys I had a lot of things to do, thank you to everyone for taking care of her.
«No problem» «Soap is always here to help» «it was your fault that we lost her!»
- You what??
- Don't worry, nothing happened to her, the Captain found her!
Before you could say something, Price caught your attention and asked you to go out with him to have a small conversation. You felt a lump in your throat and stomach, you felt you were in problems, as soon as you and Price were alone you started to apologize.
- I'm so sorry John, I mean, Captain, it won't happen again I can assure you that...
- Y/n, you're not in trouble.
- wha..?
- I was going to say, you have a sweet and smart daughter and... Very... chatterbox...
- Chatterbox?
- Yes, she said she was my daughter, and then she told me about... Some feelings you have.
- Oh...
- Oh...
You instantly started to try to fix and look for excuses.
- Sir, I'm... She's just a kid, she fantasizes a lot about her father and... Also she understood all I said in a different way, I'm really sorry Captain...
- I see, well y/n, you don't need to apologize, I understand she's just a kid, and as she's just a kid, tell me, who are we to ruin her fantasies about have a father?
He smiled mischievously at you, you were speechless, what the hell was happening?.
- Ah... Excuse me, what?
-Well, she's a brilliant girl and I always wanted to have a daughter and a very attractive wife. There are a lot of reasons to make this come true.
You're still processing all that is happening right now.
- Really?
Price took your hand and squeezed it softly, without losing eye contact with you.
- For sure, by example, everybody around the base is already talking about us and our little daughter and the other reason is that those feelings your daughter talked about, are mutual.
You couldn't say anything, you were lost in thoughts, but your silly smile was enough for Price to go a little bit further.
- So, if you allow me, I would like to take you to dinner tomorrow night. What do you think?
- I would like that, but who will take care of (____)?
He laughed a little and then simply said.
- I think Soap said he's always ready to help, no? And if you don't think he will be a good babysitter... well, I think your daughter has another two uncles that can help.
That definitely made you laugh loudly, Price looked at you with tenderness still waiting for an answer, then, after a few minutes of silence you nodded, that was the story of how you and your daughter won the Captain's heart and three new uncles for your little girl, it would be the story that your daughter would talk about in every opportunity she had.
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sleepymccoy · 26 days
I have some general anxiety about going to supermarkets aimed at specific cultures because the intended clientele is not lil white me and the staff often don't speak english and I feel inappropriate. But not once has this been true, and I've always enjoyed my visit. Anyway, that's a preface so you can appreciate how brave I am
My colleague recently made me lahpet which is a Burmese salad including pickled tea leaves, dried beans mix, and tomatoes. I loved it and wanted more. I live in a densely Chinese area and thought one of the many supermarkets might have something Burmese, so I brought the empty jar to every store.
Many don't speak english, but that's fine. I had a jar! All interactions basically went like this;
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None of them knew Burmese so couldn't even tell me if they had something similar
I gave up and bought it online. Also had a hard time with that cos they don't deliver to apartments (got the vibe that it's just the shop owners son doing deliveries and he couldn't be fucked going upstairs. Valid). But I persevered and got three jars! And the dried beans mix I needed. Way too many dried beans, I totally misjudged the size of the bag being sold
I used one to show my friends this salad. They didn't go as insane over it as I did. I gave another jar to my dad who did go appropriately insane. He said he liked it, then five min later interrupted to say he really liked it, then after dinner spent time with me going through the ingredients and trying to figure out if he can pickle tea leaves himself. Booyah.
Regardless, this left me with one jar which I swiftly finished. So I'm on the hunt again and the online store stresses me out now cos they don't like apartments
I found a Burmese supermarket a few suburbs away and a twenty min walk from the station. Fucking worth it, it's added two hours to my commute home but I want these jars so much. I enjoyed the stroll. It rained a bit, so I saw a couple rainbows
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In the store I was, again, immediately stressed. I went down an aisle and back again and found nothing. I found other pickled things! But not my tea leaves! I did not want this trip to be in vain, it was long and I had a shit day at work. I was really only doing it today cos the days a write off as a bad day so I may as well run an annoying errand
Anyway I pulled up the website and showed the lady at the counter a photo of the jar and she pointed me to them immediately. I returned like fifteen seconds later with four jars and she was already on a phone call with someone. I love workers rights. You're awesome, lady.
So I say four and hold four fingers up and pass her one jar. She scans and sets the price right. She then interrupts whoever's talking on the phone to ask me, "How you know this?"
So I quickly explained that my colleague made me the salad and I loved it. She pointed back at the aisle and said, "the beans, you need beans." So I was like "I have so many beans, I bought too many, I just need the pickled leaves." And she was already waving her hand at me in disinterest so I stopped talking and paid lol.
It was a long haul home. I passed and remember to take a photo of my favourite art installation, the tower of coffee cups in a pole.
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There's no starbucks in my suburb so one of these at least has taken a long trip to get here. So did I today, my feet are sore
Anyway, I have four jars of miraculous pickled tea leaves. If you can figure out how to buy these ingredients I recommend it to serve alongside very fatty meals like lasagne or sausage cos it cuts through nicely. I also take a serving to work every day because the tea leaves are caffeinated so I'm skipping the second coffee
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I love lahpet
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hihhasotherfixations · 5 months
Theme Park - Price x Reader
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CW: none, no gender mentioned for the reader so anyone can read ^^
This is pure fluff and just Price being the dad I know he is
While you’re out at a theme park for a day, a little girl approaches you, saying she’s lost her dad.
Not wanting to leave her alone, you decide to help her reunite with him
Word Count: 5542
Standing by the little food stand, you were eagerly looking at the delicious - yet overpriced - food in your hand.
All around, people walked, shouted, laughed and ran. You were at the amusement park and by god was it busy. Or at least too busy for your liking.
Just earlier, you’d stood in line for a water ride for 30 minutes, only to be constantly bumped into and crowded forward by a group of teens too rowdy for their own good. After the fourth time and the fact that you were only halfway in the waiting line to a ride you didn’t even want to really go on in this chilly weather, you just gave up.
So now here you stood, buying overpriced but deliciously warm food from a vendor.
Thanking the saleswoman, you gave her a little smile and nod as you took your precious new treasure, intending to move to a secluded place where you could eat it in peace while people-watching.
Or at least, that was the plan for twenty whole seconds. For all of a sudden, something slammed into your lower back, curling around your waist with lightning speed.
Letting out a terrified yelp, it felt as if you jumped a meter into the air while people abruptly turned to glance at you, only to quickly calm and move on.
Snapping your head down, you saw a pair of tiny limbs wrapped around your waist, holding onto your stomach.
Wide eyed, you glanced behind yourself, being met face to face with a doe-eyed, pigtailed, brunette girl, staring right up at you.
“H-Hi there.” You said in surprise, lowering your arms from where you’d still been holding them up after the scare. When she didn’t seem to move or realise she must’ve had the wrong person - simply looking up at you with teary eyes while continuing to hold strong - you softened your eyes a little. “Can I help you, darling?”
“I’ve lost daddy.”
Just three simple words and you immediately calmed completely — her voice was soft and a little broken from her trying so clearly not to cry.
Using your free hand to lift one of hers away from your stomach, you carefully turned around in her hold to face the girl.
With a small smile, you crouched down, sitting on one knee so that you could look at her. “You lost your dad?” You asked and she nodded while pulling her hands back to her sides as she sniffled, making you hum a little. “You need me to help you find him?”
Immediately, she nodded again, tugging at the adorable bear scarf around her neck with a sad, pouty lip.
Seeing that, your smile turned fond as you shifted a little to get more comfortable. “What’s your name, darling?”
“Sophie.” She mumbled, eyeing the food in your right hand.
Seeing that, you chuckled softly, reaching and breaking off a little piece, holding it out to her. “You hungry?”
Tentatively, she nodded, looking up at you almost as if to ask for permission despite you literally holding the food out to her.
So she was polite, good to know.
“Go ahead.” You encouraged and she carefully took it, immediately starting to eat as if she hadn’t for three days, making you frown a bit.
“Thank you.” She mumbled with a shaky voice and a full mouth and you smiled at her before looking around, your smile dropping as you instead scanned the large throng of people, looking for any man seeming even slightly worried. Despite your thorough scan though, you didn’t see anyone who seemed to be looking for their child, nor did you hear anyone call the little girl’s name.
Looking back down at her, you saw she was still shaken up and took a deep breath, putting on a big smile. “Take a big breath for me, okay? Do like me.” You spoke, taking in a few loud and steady breaths, which she followed immediately.
“Daddy does that too when I’m upset.” She mumbled and you smiled, pointing at her.
“Your dad sounds like a wise man then.”
At even the mention of her dad, Sophie seemed to perk up as she vehemently nodded, wiping her nose as she sniffled. “He’s real smart.”
“Is he?” You asked, getting a little idea as you then tilted your head before tapping your finger to your chin. “Okay, well if he’s smart then does he knooww… two plus seven?” You asked and Sophie nodded. “Oh, okay, okay.” You spoke animatedly before exaggerating a thinking face again. “Does he know… where the moon goes at night?”
“Yeah!” Sophie nodded, forgetting about the food in her hand, completely believing in her father’s abilities.
Hearing that, you nodded and squinted your eyes at the brunette, making a long ‘hmm’ sound before waggling your finger. “Does he know- rocket science?”
“He can build two rockets!” Sophie boasted and you let out a pretending gasp.
“Oh well it sounds like your dad knows everything!”
“He does!” Sophie smiled, seeming to have forgotten her anxiety from earlier and you grinned back, successful in your efforts.
“Well, then let’s go find him! You and me. It’ll be a little adventure and at the end, we can ask him a question.”
“We can ask him why cotton candy is pink!” She spoke and you slapped your knee.
“That’s a perfect question.” You nodded sagely before calming a bit with a relaxed smile, looking at the girl. “Sophie.” You hummed. “What does your daddy look like? So that we can find him quicker to ask the question.”
“He’s big.” She immediately said. “And he has a hat like yours!”
At that, you looked up, bringing your hand to your head to touch the black beanie currently keeping your skull warm. That was good to know, that did actually narrow it down a small bit. “Anything else?” You asked, hoping for maybe a shirt or other distinct piece of clothing.
Sophie thought for a second before perking up. “Oh! And he has a mustache, like this!” She spoke excitedly before putting both her pointer fingers under her nose before dragging them out and straight down to her chin, only to then pull the small digits back to her ears.
“That’s your dad’s mustache?” You asked, a little skeptical. It felt almost cartoonish in how she described it; like a supervillain from an animated movie who would twirl their mustache any time he did something sinister. It was also however, the only information you had to go off of. And given it was a very unique description, you certainly hoped it’d be true, for that would be a lot easier to spot than ‘a large man with a beanie’ - which described about three people in the vicinity already.
“Alright. So your dad is big, has a… mustache and a beanie?” You asked and Sophie nodded.
“Brown mustache!”
“Brown mustache.” You corrected. Looking around a second later, you saw a large group of people approaching and realised you were very much in the middle of the road and cleared your throat. “Why don’t we go stand to the side for a bit and you can tell me some more?” You suggested, getting to your feet and Sophie just hummed, reaching up for your hand, which you gently took.
Taking her to the side, you sat down against the barred fence, feeling a twig or two poke into you from the hedge behind it, though you ignored it in favour of being shocked when Sophie just clambered onto your lap.
“Oh, okay.” You chuckled, setting your bag down to the side of you while you instinctively put out your left arm for her to lean her back against, sitting sideways on your lap so that she could look up at you. “So. Your dad.” You hummed. “Where did you see him last?”
“By the pirate ship.”
Frowning, you reached into your bag, taking a map of the park out. Though you’d been here enough to know the general layout of things, it was more that your feet automatically knew where to take you than you actually knowing where things were. Especially relative to each other.
“Okay, let’s see. Can you hold this bit?” You held out the top left corner of the map to her, to which she instantly took it, seeming happy to help while you stretched the map out (never mentioning that your hand around her waist was holding the bottom left of the map). “So, we’re here.” You hummed, pointing at the lefthand side of the map. “And the pirate ship is here.” You pointed near the top, just right of the middle seam where the map folded.
“Is that far?” Sophie asked, her eyes scanning back and forth over the map.
Worrying at your lip, you looked between the two places as well. “It’s not super far. About fifteen minutes.” You spoke, hoping to not alarm the girl. After all, it was way further than anything any parent would be comfortable with in a park like this.
“Oh, okay.” Sophie hummed.
Seeing her frown, you quickly bounced your leg a bit, getting her attention. “How long have you been walking?”
“I dunno…”
“You don’t know? Did it feel long?”
At your question, the brunette shrugged and you took in a silent breath, trying to figure out what to do.
“How did you and your dad even get separated?” You instead decided to ask, to which the little girl froze a bit, her little head bowing down as she awkwardly played with her fingers.
“I was following ducks…” She guiltily admitted, looking down at her lap. “Daddy was busy and then I saw them. I… I’m sorry.” Her voice shifted in pitch near the end as tears filled her eyes and you panicked, quickly rubbing her back.
“No, hey, it’s okay, sweetheart. Like I said: we’ll find your dad together, okay?” You smiled reassuringly. “So you were following ducks and what was daddy doing?” You ask softly.
“He was buying food…” She mumbled and you chuckled, to which Sophie looked up, a little curious and hopeful.
“That’s why you’re hungry, huh?” You smiled at her, shaking your head. “Cause you never got that food.”
“Yeah.” She hummed and you just smiled and offered her the rest of your meal.
“How about you eat this and then we’ll go look for your dad once you’re done.”
At that, she nodded in agreement and you smiled.
While she took the stick between her hands and started eating, you looked at the map, glancing between the distance the little girl walked.
It was fifteen minutes for you, so she probably took longer. Which also meant this poor man had lost his daughter for at least twenty minutes, maybe even half an hour.
There hadn’t been a staff member who walked up to the girl yet so he probably hadn’t gone to one to ask them to look out for his daughter - because however fun this park was, it wasn’t exactly up to date. The speakers planted every other corner played music and pre-recorded announcements. Anything else? That had to fall onto the shoulders of the staff. And good luck spotting a little kid in a crowd.
Figuring the man would probably spread out from the pirate ship, you decided it would be best to head there as well and hope for the best that he was still around somewhere.
Glancing down, you saw Sophie take the last bite, holding up the empty stick to you with almost a proud motion.
“There you go, thank you!” You smiled and took the stick. “Was it good?” At your question, she nodded happily, mouth still full and your smile widened. “That’s good. You feel up for walking a bit?”
At that, Sophie swallowed her food before shaking her head no. “I have to use the potty.” She said, a pout on her face.
“Ah.” You cleared your throat. “Well, we better get that done first then.” With those words, you folded up the map and not-so-carefully stuffed it back into your bag. Sophie got the hint and slid off your lap, standing on her feet as you then got up as well, holding out a hand for her which she quickly took.
“Stick!” Sophie then exclaimed and tugged on your arm as she reached over, grabbing the left over food stick you had momentarily put beside you before. Holding that, she looked around, briefly releasing your hand as she then jogged over to a bin and reached up, getting on her tippy toes to throw it away.
Blinking a bit in surprise at how fast she’d ran away, you quickly noted to hold onto her at all times as you walked over and held your hand back out. “Come on, bathrooms are this way!” You called out and Sophie came bounding back, instantly latching onto your hand again.
With that, the two of you made it over to the bathrooms not far to the right. Walking in, you swallowed nervously, not really feeling like you belonged there with this little girl. “Uh, can you do this alone?” You asked hesitantly but to your relief, the brunet happily hummed.
Leading her into the stall, you waited outside of it by the sinks, letting out a deep sigh, processing all that happened in the last fifteen minutes.
It didn’t take long for Sophie to come out. She opened the door before seeming to remember to flush as she leaned up to push the button, rushing over to you after where she held her hands under the soap dispenser, seemingly waiting for you.
“Ah.” You jolted into action, yanking the handle to deposit the soap into her hand, which she used to wash them, slapping her soapy palms together.
Once done and dried, the two of you started out the walk to the pirate ship.
“Do you think we’ll find daddy quick?” Sophie asked, bouncing beside you and you chuckled a little, thinking for a moment what to answer.
You didn’t want to lie but you also didn’t want to make her anxious about the separation from her father.
So, you decided to take the middle ground: avoid answering the question.
“I don’t know.” You hummed. “But I know this park like the back of my hand, we’ll be fine.”
That seemed to satisfy the brunette as she nodded, settling down a bit in her hyperactivity as she instead just walked beside you.
After that, it was quiet for a minute or two.
Your head was swimming with thoughts, unsure of whether to speak or what about. Yet deep down you knew that silence wouldn’t be smart.
To your side, Sophie was taking small steps, playing with her scarf. Yet the way she held your hand betrayed her growing anxiety over the whole situation.
So, to get her attention, you gently squeezed her fingers. “Sophie, I have a question.” You asked kindly. “You say you lost your dad, but what about your mom? Is she at home?”
Your voice had been gentle as you spoke, but at it, the brunette averted her gaze and looked down, dropping her hand away from her scarf as she sadly shook her head.
Instantly, your heart lurched into your throat as you realised you hit a nerve. “Oh, sorry, Sophie.” You quickly said, trying to send a reassuring smile, though she didn’t see as she was still looking down.
“That’s okay.” She said in response, shrugging. “Daddy said she wasn’t really ready to have me.” The little girl spoke softly, looking down for a moment longer before turning her eyes up to look at you, a content look in them as she smiled. “But it’s okay! Cause I have him!”
At her words, you smiled.
“Yes you do.” You squeezed her hand as you spoke the warm words. “And from what you tell me, it sounds like he really, really loves you.” You exaggerated your words slightly, seeing the girl stick out her chest in pride.
“Not as much as I love him! I win in the love contest!” She boasted, making you chuckle.
“Do you now? Wow. You better be careful or I’m going to eat my hat in jealousy.” You joked and Sophie gasped.
“No, don’t eat it! It’s a special hat!” She pointed at your black beanie.
“And why is that?” You smiled.
“Cause it’s daddy’s hat.”
Chuckling softly, you hummed, intrigued because of the little girl’s near reverence of her dad.
“So, what does your dad do for work?” You asked, curious.
“Daddy is a captain!” Sophie exclaimed in excitement.
“Is he?” You asked, looking down at the little girl currently swinging your hand back and forth. “What kind of boat does he have? Big or small?”
At that, Sophie stopped swinging your hand and giggled, looking up at you as if you just said the sky is neon green. “Not that kind of captain, silly!”
“Oh?” You asked, confused as you looked down at her. “What kind then?” You hummed as you gently tugged her arm so that she’d move to the side and not walk into the pirate barrel bin in front of her.
“He’s a soldier captain!” She smiled, proud of her dad in a way that had your heart melting.
“A soldier captain? So your dad is saving people?” You asked and Sophie vehemently nodded.
“He won’t tell me much but I know he is!”
Smiling gently, you then looked forward again. “That’s very good.”
“And what do you do for work?” She then continued instantly. “And why are you alone? Shouldn’t you be at work? It’s the middle of the day.”
At the barrage of questions, you blinked for a second. “I’ll have you know I’m here because it’s my day off. And I’m alone because I don’t have anyone to go with.” You said, pouting a bit.
“Why not?”
“I just don’t.”
“But you could?”
“Then why not?”
“Can I have more food?”
Huffing a chuckle, you stopped walking and looked down at the girl. “That hungry?”
Shuffling her food, she nodded, almost holding puppy eyes as she looked at you. “Please.”
“Okay.” You chuckled and looked around, seeing a hot dog stand across the square. “You like hotdogs, Soph-“
Her voice practically exploded from her chest and you flinched back before letting out a startled laugh. “Noted. Let’s go.”
Moving to the hotdog stand, Sophie was practically dragging you there. Her little arm outstretched as she jumped and bounced in excitement, trying to tug you along faster.
When you got there, she practically begged you for a hotdog with everything on it. Repeatedly yanking on your coat while giving puppy eyes - and how could you resist when she looked at you like that.
So now here you stood for the past fifteen minutes. By a tiny round standing table, holding your own hotdog while Sophie was sitting on the single available high seat, directly under a heat lamp installed in the parasol that covered the table.
“Y/N, it’s warm now.” Sophie suddenly whined, her voice soft and mustard smeared on her upper lip.
Huffing in amusement, you leaned in with a tissue, wiping the sauce away before reaching for her zipper. “Come here then. I’ll open your coat until we move on, alright?” You said, opening the zipper and letting some air in for the young girl.
“Thank you.” She said through a mouthful of hotdog.
Chuckling, you pulled back. “Not a problem.” Right as you said that however, you saw a glint around Sophie’s neck, catching your attention. “Sophie, what’s that?”
Her eyes opening a bit from where she had been sluggishly focused on nibbling, she looked down at herself, her chin against her sternum.
“No, around your neck.”
“Oh.” The brunette craned her neck a bit more to see the chain around her neck. “Daddy gave it for when I get lost.”
The shoe didn’t seem to drop for her but for you, you felt like slamming your head into the wooden table you were standing at. “Sophie…” You sighed. “You are lost. Can I see those?” You placed down your hotdog and reached for the little chain, pulling it out from her shirt and seeing two dog tags dangle on it, each spelling the same information.
‘Sophie Price
Telephone number:
+44 7627 374041’
“Sophie, is this your dad’s number?” You questioned and the girl lifted her head, blinking a few times before humming.
“Yeah.” She seemed to almost be discovering it herself, her energy from the past half an hour seemingly having seeped away completely. “Does that mean you can call him?”
Wetting your lips, you forced a smile onto your face and just hummed, pulling your phone out of your pocket. Dialling in the number, you hit call and brought it up to your ear.
Instantly, a deep, baritone voice sounded in your ear.
“You’ve reached John Price. Leave a message after the dial and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.”
The drawn out beep sounded after and you groaned, shutting off the call. His phone must be off. Or empty, most likely. Cause who would turn off their phone when their kid is missing.
“Is he coming?” Sophie asked from her seat, halfway through her hotdog.
“No. He didn’t pick up.” You said, clearing your throat. At your words, the brunette frowned, a worried look overtaking her features and you softened a little. “It’s okay, we’ll stick to our old plan. We’ll just go to the pirate ship to see if he’s there, okay?”
“Okay...” Sophie mumbled, placing her food down in the little basket and pushing it away. “I’m not hungry anymore.”
“That’s okay.” You soothed, eating the last bite of your own hotdog before wiping off your hands. “Come on then, little rascal.”
Holding out your arms, you grabbed her under her armpits, lifting her down towards the ground, yet when you tried to put her down, instead she lifted her legs.
Frowning, you tried again, but she refused to stand, simply sinking through her legs.
“Sophie.” You frowned, trying again. “Sophie, stand up, come on.” You spoke, grunting a bit as you once more tried to get her to stand up. You also didn’t want to just drop her and let her lay down on the dirty ground.
“I’m tired.” She pouted, keeping limp in your arms. “Can you carry me?”
“Sophie.” You sighed but she interjected.
“No… My legs hurt.” She whined.
Letting out a frustrated breath, you lifted the girl with a grunt.
Sitting her on your left arm, she instantly wrapped her arms around your neck, burying herself into it and you just closed your eyes for a second to collect yourself.
Blowing out a breath, you then opened them again and placed your free hand on her back. “Tired?”
At your question, the little girl nodded.
Shifting her onto your hip, you bent down to grab your bag, slinging it over your free shoulder with effort.
Grabbing her leftover hotdog, you started out walking.
“I want daddy.” The little girl mumbled while practically nuzzling into your throat and you glanced down, your eyes softening.
After the distance she walked to get to you, and then the distance you’ve taken her to get back, you can imagine why she’d be tired. Especially if she already had a day of trudging through the park.
“We’ll find him soon, I’m sure.” You reassured, rubbing her back as best you could while carrying a hotdog. You didn’t even know why you were bringing it along, other than the fact that the food here was too expensive to throw.
After that, a silence stretched out while you walked. In the distance, you could finally see the mast of the pirate ship, seeing the actual body every once in a while whenever it swung up.
“Do you like Disney princesses?” Sophie then asked after a little while, pulling her head back from your shoulder to sit a bit more upright while you carried her.
Looking at the girl, you smiled. “I’m guessing that you do?”
She nodded, lifting her foot up to show you her shoe.
Glancing down, you saw several princesses depicted on her pink shoes. Aurora, Tiana, Cinderella, Ariel and more.
Chuckling, you looked at the girl with a kind look. “Do you have a favourite?”
“I like Pocahontas. She’s brave.”
“That she is.”
“But I like Merida too.” She then said, grabbing the end of her bear scarf and showing it to you.
Looking at it, at the bottom you saw the logo for the movie ‘brave’ embroidered. “Oh, I see. Yeah, Merida is really cool.” You hummed before shifting Sophie to your other arm.
Cute or not, she was heavy.
“You wanna walk again, Sophie?” You asked but immediately, she gripped your neck tight and held on with a firm pout.
“No! I like it here.”
Sighing through your nose in amused exasperation, you just bounced her a bit to hold her better and kept walking, continuing to talk about Disney princesses.
After about another ten minutes, you were finally near the pirate ship, hearing the screams of people inside the attraction as it swung up and down.
“What about other Disney movies, like the lion king?” You asked and Sophie put her hand on her chin, humming as she thought.
“I like it. But it has no princess.”
Smiling, you nudged her. “Yes it does. Nala is a princess. She becomes queen later, doesn’t she?”
Suddenly, the girl’s eyes widened as if a million doors had opened. “Really?!”
“Yes really!” You laughed.
“Nala’s a princess!” She yelled and threw up her arms.
“Sophie!” A deep voice suddenly called out and you snapped your head to the right to see a tall man running up, a black beanie perched on his head and a peculiar mustache on his face.
“Daddy!” Sophie yelled happily, immediately holding out grabby hands for him.
Running up, the man scooped her up under her armpits the moment he came within reach, pulling her into his chest and holding her tight, a hand under her bum and the other on the back of her head, keeping her close.
“You scared me to death!” The man exclaimed before huffing, his eyes closed as he just hugged his daughter for several seconds. Sophie didn’t seem to mind as she just happily hugged him back, burying her head in his neck.
Watching the scene, you just smiled softly, a flood of relief crashing through your stomach now that you’d finally found the girl’s father.
A deep sigh made you focus your eyes back to the duo as you watched the man pull back a bit, checking the little girl over - most likely for any injuries - before he pressed a kiss to her forehead and pulled her back into the hug, his eyes finally landing on you. “Thank the lord you found her.” He said, genuine elation sounding in his tone of voice despite the stern look he seemed to constantly hold.
At his words however, you just waved it away - literally. “It’s more like she found me. I just helped her wander for long enough to find you.” You smiled.
At your words however, Sophie finally pulled back from her father’s hold, her little hands reaching to hold onto his face to get his attention as she smiled. “Yeah! Y/N helped me!”
“I’m glad for that, but you are very much in trouble, young lady.” His brow furrowed into a stern look as he gazed at his daughter. “You know better than to walk away from me!”
“I’m sorry, daddy.” Sophie mumbled, looking down sadly and the man - John Price, as you recalled from his voicemail - just sighed and pulled her into another hug.
“Don’t ever do that again.”
“Okay.” Sophie mumbled.
Hearing that, John nodded at her before looking back at you, his stern look cracking to be more apologetic. “I’m very sorry to have taken up such a chunk of your day.” He spoke, filled with remorse.
“Oh no, it’s not a problem! I live about a 30 minute drive west of here so I come here a lot.” You reassured, waving his concerns away. “I hope your heart is okay.” You then joked, smiling softly.
At your comment, John chuckled shaking his head while he bounced Sophie to hold her better on his arm. “Not really, to be honest. I can handle a lot. Losing my child for two hours? That’s the line.”
Laughing softly, you nodded. “I can get that.”
“Did you see she was alone and pick her up?” He then asked and you shook your head no.
“She kinda just… latched onto me. From behind even, I didn’t even see her.” You chuckled and John frowned, looking at his daughter for an explanation, to which she pointed to the both of you at the same time.
“You have matching hats.”
Almost comically, the both of you looked at each other, noting that indeed you were both wearing a black beanie.
“I- oh boy.” John sighed, realising he had a lot to school his daughter on when it came to strangers. While you? You simply chuckled because the girl adored her father so much, anything that was like him was trustworthy to her.
“Oh, she had half a hotdog and a potato swirl stick by the way.” You mentioned, remembering the half-eaten hotdog in your hand as you held it out to him. “She was hungry.”
Frowning, John took it, briefly remarking the hotdog before placing it to the side and rummaging in his back pocket. “Let me pay you back.”
“No, there’s no need-“
“Food here is bloody expensive and you found my missing daughter. I should pay a lot more than a simple meal price.” He said, not taking no for an answer as he opened his wallet, using his left hand to hold the wallet - with Sophie sitting on his arm - while his right flipped it open and reached in.
“No, really, we had a fun time, it’s fine.”
“Here, take it.” John held out a ten pound note, pressing it into your palm and holding his hand there, making sure you had no other option but to accept it.
Sighing softly, you curled your fingers around the note and he pulled his hand away from yours, smiling kindly. It made his beard shift and you couldn’t help but smile back.
“Well, I hope the two of you have a lovely rest of your day. If you haven’t been there yet, I recommend the fairy fountain. It’s attraction is indoors and very pretty.” You spoke, holding your hands in front of yourself.
“Y/N.” Sophie frowned, holding out her arms for you.
Getting the gist, John placed her down on her feet and she walked over while you crouched to be on her level.
Immediately, the brunette hugged you tight. “Thank you for helping me find my daddy.”
Smiling softly, you hugged her back. “Of course, Sophie. Now you listen to your dad and stay with him, okay?”
Pulling back, she nodded before looking back, seeing her father hold out his hand for her.
Rushing over, she grabbed it and John looked at you. “Thank you so much once more.”
“My pleasure. You’ve raised her well.” You complimented, seeing him soften a bit before he took a deep breath in and looked down at his little girl.
“Well, we best get going to a fairy fountain then, eh?”
“Yes!” Sophie cheered and the man chuckled as they started walking.
“Remember, you’re still in trouble when we get home.”
You vaguely heard the girl whine, her voice getting quieter as they walked away. “Okay…” She was silent for a moment before speaking up. “Daddy?” He hummed to let her know she heard, before quietly, you heard her ask. “Why is cotton Candy pink?”
You didn’t hear his answer, but you chuckled to yourself before turning away to start walking back the way you came, happy that you managed to reunite the family.
For now, you just enjoyed the rest of your day before going home once it got too cold for your liking.
About three weeks after that day in the park however, you got a text.
‘Good afternoon. This is John Price from the amusement park, I still had your number saved inside my call history.
I’m sorry to barge in like this and if this is a bit too forward, but Sophie has been pestering me about you non-stop ever since the 13th. You’ve truly made an impression on her and it’s left her barely able to sleep. I honestly don’t know what to do.
I happened to hear you mention you lived not too far from us and I was wondering if maybe you’d be willing to come visit Sophie? Her birthday is in a month and she can’t stop asking me to invite you. I’ll pay any expenses and if you have questions, feel free to ask.
This is not a must. I understand it’s even a little weird so don’t feel obligated to say yes just because it’s her birthday.
Kind regards.’
Part 2 is in the works :3
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trashmouth-richie · 1 year
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𝚕𝚎𝚝’𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚔𝚎𝚎𝚙 𝚜𝚌𝚘𝚛𝚎
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older! college coach! steve x fem! reader
summary: your mysterious coach was always hot headed and pushed you harder than the other girls, after losing an important game, you both find ways to release your frustrations.
triggers: 18+ ; steve is thirty and reader is early twenties and plays basketball in college. smut, light use of pet names, no y/n, steve is a dick to reader and has a huge one, biting, hickies, p in v no condom. Very slight mention of blood, indication of simp behavior at the end.
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  “Hustle girls!”
  “Box her out!”
  “Are you fucking kidding me 22?” 
  His workout tank was ringed dark around the hem of the neck, glistening drops of sweat travel from the column of his neck down into the gray cotton blend fabric. 
  He was pissed. When wasn’t he?
  A rogue strand of hair escapes from the style he had down to a science, red blotches flashed across his cheeks and neck, veins poked out from his vacation tanned skin. 
  Last night's game ended horribly. And today you were all paying the price for it. 
With only 10 seconds left on the clock in the 4th quarter, the play he had drawn up on the marker board was the exact same one you had been practicing since your first year at college. Only this time you were getting the ball after Mel faked to Blair, with just enough time to shoot that beautiful three point shot you had been perfecting since high school. 
   The squeak from the black expo marker under his thick fingers wrote out his code: Hawkins for the play that was drilled into your brain by coach for the last year. 
  “Run it just how we’ve been practicing, I’m telling you it’ll work.” 
  Mel’s fake out didn’t work and you had gotten the ball late. Each dribble from the floorboards into your sweaty palm felt like a heartbeat. The girl guarding you swatted at the ball, missing just barely as she attempted to make a steal, trying to force you to foul her when she had the ball to waste more time and grant you your fourth foul, ending your playing time. 
  A quick move around her and a cross to your left hand had her stumbling over her ankles like Bambi, and you cut to the three point line, lined up your Nike’s to the hoop like your dad had taught you, and arched the ball into the air. 
  The buzzer was blaring when the orange ball left your finger tips, tongue poking out and your ponytail fluttering behind you. the gymnasium lights were hospital white, piercing your eyes and making you see dots as you landed on your feet, your competitor reaching for the ball at the last second. 
  Anticipation filled your lungs as the ball circled around and around the rim. The girls and coach all rose from the bench and waited with hands on their heads or holding hands watching the ball spin.
  And with a sick twist, it fell out. Landing to the floor with a silent thud as the bleachers erupted into a nascar loud roar. 
  Bulldogs: 60 Pirates: 58 
  He was furious. 
  Clipboards snapped on his khaki thighs as you all sat on the wooden benches of the sweaty walled locker room. He didn’t yell, he didn’t speak to anyone other than glaring into the ceiling. 
  “Pack your shit, bus leaves in five.” 
  No times for showering or debriefing, you and your teammates were hustled to the bus as he snapped his fingers, let’s go let’s go let’s go! 
  Refusing to let the bus driver stop to get water or any sort of snacks on the way home. “They don’t deserve it.” He preened, looking at your sad faces with a disapproval that cut so deep it had some of the girls in tears.
   His mossy green eyes stopped on yours and the disappointment brewed to hatred, his eyes burning emerald, he blew air through his nose and clenched his knuckles, “none of them.” 
  Mel had thrown up twice during Coach’s infamous Hellfire Sprints. Her and her boyfriend Trevor, who was practically your 5th suitemate, had stayed up until dawn doing pulls from a tequila bottle and hitting his dab pen. 
  You hadn’t slept either. 
  Laying on top of your comforter with wet hair and lotion slicked skin, racking your brain with how the shot felt a tiny bit off from your fingers, how coach’s eyes looked like a fucking demon’s when he glared at you on the bus. 
  How the Sunday morning practice, which was usually laid back and games of pig and watching game tape, was going to be hell on earth. 
  “22 if I have to tell you one more time to move your ass I’m cutting you from this team do you hear me?” 
  You rolled your eyes as you pushed yourself faster to touch the black line, beating out the other girls by a full few seconds. 
  After the sixth set of sprints he had you all go to the workout room and max out on squats. Your legs shook and nearly buckled under the heavy weights. And all he did was stand behind you and tell you how pathetic you looked, he shook his head and scoffed. 
  “We’re gonna stay here all day til you rack this up, don’t care if you fall on your ass— you’ll do it.” 
  His breath fanning your ear drove you mad. Spearmint gum and that rich boy cologne he always wore stung your nose as you grunted in defiance. 
  Through bared teeth and burning lungs you extend your legs to stand. 
  You wanted to kick him in the dick, make him shut the fuck up for once, but you bit your tongue. Driving the bar up and slamming it loud against the rack  Looking back at him with a glare in your eyes, you wouldn’t let a single tear wet your eyes, never giving him the satisfaction. 
  He looked you up and down quickly, but his eyes felt like hot pokers dragging against your skin. Before he crossed over to another one of your teammates to add more weight to their bar, he dipped his head, and muttered just above a whisper, “Thatta girl.” 
  You didn’t know much about him but what you did know was that he kept to himself. 
  Coach Harrington was only a few years older than you, he had a small mustache that he more than likely grew to make himself look a little older than he was. 
  From what your suitemates had found out by spending hours scouring online archives from his hometown local newspaper to his social media footprint that didn’t exist— and even going as far to stalking his ex girlfriends Instagram— he had played college ball at Perdue for two years before blowing out his knee and ending a full ride scholarship and any rumored possibility of making it to the NBA. 
  From locker room gossip, you had learned that he drove a black Jeep Wagoneer, and lived in one of the newer apartments downtown. 
  The university had paid double what they had for the last coach's salary to get Harrington through the doors. The athletic director, Mr. Hopper, had picked him to coach because he was one of the best. But all he was to you was a fucking asshole. 
  The other girls had ooed and awed over him, the other teams coaches flirted with him before the games, trying to get his number and find out more about the brooding coiffed hair hottie. And maybe you would feel different about him if he wasn’t such a raging prick. 
  But he wouldn’t budge. 
  He didn’t get personal with anyone on the team, barely even talked to his assistant Dustin. Refusing to call anyone by anything other than their jersey number or their last name. 
  Practice lasted for three hours. And by the end of it his voice was hoarse and gruff. Having screamed practically during the entire time. 
  It wasn’t anything new. He was always high strung and losing his shit when it came to the girls, but mostly you bore the brunt of his anger. 
  He always used you as an example on what not to do. 
  “You’re doing it wrong 22,” he’d bellow, his voice echoing loud across the empty gym, his arms crossed tight across his chest, muscles popping under the strain of his tight gray shirt, “drive to the left then cut right, this isn’t fucking hard… do it again.” 
  You did as you were told, fighting through anger that seeped through your skin and riddled your face with shaking muscles of anger, a twitch to your eye.
  You were pissed and had had enough. Not only were you the youngest captain your school had ever seen, you were averaging triple doubles nearly every game. 
  Showing up to practice early to shoot free throws and leaving late to make sure all the equipment was put away. Spending weekends in the gym running drills or pushing weights instead of at the nearest rager popping pills and snorting coke like everyone else your age. 
  You put in the work and it showed, but he couldn’t see it. 
  It was equally frustrating and heartbreaking.
  When practice was finally through and all of the girls had either thrown up, left mid practice to go to the nurse or screamed that they were quitting, the locker room was an endless groan. Muscles were slicked over with the menthol burn of icy hot, and sore shoulders wrapped with bags of ice. Tape was torn from ankles and jammed fingers wadded up and tossed into a nearby waste bin. Sniffles were heard from some players and you stood in a sports bra and shorts when Coach Harrington entered the locker room. 
  “Don’t get too comfortable, we’ll be back here in 3 hours to run more Hellfire Sprints.”
  The girls groaned and slammed lockers, bitching under the breath. 
  “Hey!” Coach Harrington shouted, a thin vein bulging in his forehead, matching the ones in his arms, as he stood with his hands on his hips, the retro fit of his athletic pants swishing under his thick hands. “You want someone to bitch to? You can thank your captain.” 
  The room falls silent as all eyes land on you. And your breath hitches in your throat, cheeks burning with embarrassment. 
  “Me?” You question, “what the hell did I do?” 
  “The question you should be asking yourself is what you didn’t do. How did you sleep last night knowing you blew that game for your teammates?” 
  A gasp escapes from your lips and you stare at your Air Forces to hide your pained expression. 
  “Now, the rest of you get recharged, be back here at 5 o’clock, I don’t want any excuses.” As the room starts to file out, through the heavy wood door,  Coach Harrington still stands in the middle of the room,  eyes burning holes  into your skull, “22 meet me in my office in 10, we need to discuss your position on this team.” He turned on his heel and headed through the doors, pushing them open with a straight arm and his pants swishing down the hallway, 
  You wait til everyone has gone, Mel giving you a slap on the shoulder, her skin unusually pale on her olive complexion under her charcoal braids, “good luck.” 
  Lifting your chin you nod and wave, throwing an oversized crew neck over your head and pushing your arms through the holes. Gym bag strewn over your shoulder and you pull your socks up a bit before making the long trek down to Coach Harrington’s office. 
  Contemplating what you would do when you walked through his office and he kicked you off the team, your long basketball career over because your coach couldn’t fucking stand you. 
  Never in all your life had you had a coach like him. He pushed you to the limits and started to make you despise the sport altogether. 
  And since you were about to be booted off the team, you didn’t have anything to lose. 
  The gold plate reading: Coach S. Harrington- Women’s Basketball on the large mahogany door nestled between the cream cinder block walls almost made your stomach lurch. He never asked anyone to come to his office, not even when Zoey got pregnant last semester and had to quit. 
  Nerves shook your fist as you knocked on his door, your other hand fumbling your car keys around the silver ring. 
  “Yeah.” He barked curtly, anything but friendly. 
  Turning the enormous brass knob, you keep your eyes to the floor when you step into his office. For being down an abandoned hallway, it was almost cozy. The walls were painted fire engine red to match your school's colors. His college degree was framed and hanging on one wall, along with signed pictures of Michael Jordan that you knew cost more than your car. 
The oak desk was neat with a MacBook and cup of pens and pencils. A markerboard hung the expanse of one wall covered in scribbled plays and code names. 
  It smelled like musky expensive leather and cologne and neatly stacked paper  Pictures from his glory days were on the shelf behind him, and he cleared his throat when you stared at him flying through the air towards a hoop. 
  His hair was messy, tufts of brown sticking up, like his fingers had been raking through it so many times out of frustration that the flexible gel wasn’t holding anymore. 
  He peers at his screen without making eye contact with you, fingers tapping noisily on the keys. 
“Do you hate basketball?” 
  His question has your head spinning.  And when you don’t answer right away he asks again. 
  “N-no,” you stutter, voice shaky and on the verge of screaming at his stupid question. 
  “Sure about that?” He seethes, still not looking up from his laptop as he clicks away furiously on the keyboard, “The way you played last night could have fooled me.” 
  Moon shapes indent your palm as you try to keep it together without ripping his head off like a praying mantis “It was a mistake.” 
  “We don’t make elementary mistakes,” he says slamming his laptop closed and peering over his desk at you through his thick eyebrows, “a fucking third grader could have ran that play better than you did.” 
  Your throat is dry and chalky as you try to stick up for yourself, being accustomed to keeping rage boiled hot in your belly, “I-I’m..” 
His torment continues, pointing around the room at the awards from the last few years, “We’re a nationally ranked team, and your performance last night was embarrassing, and pathetic!”
  A single tear threatens to slip down your cheek, and he notices the watery look in your eye, and licks his lip, but he keeps going. 
  “I expected more out of you, 22– you let your team down last night, and most importantly, me.”
  You burst before the dam does, annoyed and sick of his threats, sick of his constant nitpicking of every move yoj make, “That’s not anything new.”
  “Excuse me?”
  “You treat me like I’m a dog! It’s almost like you want me to quit, you don’t bitch at any of the other girls like you do to me, and I’m tired of it!” 
  “Watch your mouth.” He points, eyes squinted and nostrils flared.
  “No! I work my ass off for you, come in early and stay late. My game has improved and I’m top of the charts for scoring and rebounds, yet you fucking hound me and are constantly cutting me down.” 
  He doesn’t say anything so you keep going. 
  “Last night could have ended with us winning and you wouldn’t give a flying fuck, you’d still make us run your dumbass drills, you’d still wake up and find something wrong with what I do— stop taking your failed career out on me!” 
  he slams his fist into his desk and stands up quickly, the picture frames wiggle as his chair hits the shelf. He crosses the small office in one long legged step coming to stand before you as your back hits against the heavy door,  he points a thick finger into your face. 
  You struck the last fragile nerve he had like a guitar player busting a string playing a solo. Any reserve he had left was gone, his eyes clouded over into hue deeper than a dark forest. 
  His hot breath fans your cheek, spearmint intensely strong with each bite of his words.
  “Don’t you ever talk to me about my personal life again, you got that? You,” he surges pointing into your shoulder, “are supposed to be a leader for this team, and right now you’re acting like a spoiled fucking brat not getting her way.” 
  The tear you were holding back spills over over your lashes and, his eyes break from yours to watch its southward path on from your cheek to your chin. A low grown rumbles in his throat.
  “I’m not a brat!” you scream at him, wiping your cheek hastily,  “you’re crazy, and we all hate you!” 
  His eyes stay moody and dark as he peers into your face down the slope of his nose, “really?” he says no louder than a whisper, “you hate me huh?”
  A thick hand wraps around your ponytail, and his body crowds yours into the door, back flat as it would go despite your curves. 
  Your breathing is erratic, bubbled into your throat with anxiety like you might throw up. His face is so close to yours you can see the definition of each of his eyelashes, and tiny flecks of gold in his eyes. 
  He’s staring at you with pure hatred, like he’d kill you if ever given the chance, and you’re almost embarrassed by the way your pussy clenches.
  “Say it again,” he murmurs, mouth barely moving and barely an inch from your own, his eyes only leave yours when your mouth opens to speak. 
  “I fucking hate you, Coach Harring—”
  His mouth slams into yours with such force your teeth clack together and the taste of blood trickles on your tongue. Your back is pushed flush against the door, likely to bruise from the force alone. 
  His full weight is pressed against you, his taut body firm and rocked with muscles. He locks your hips in place with alarge hand, fingers gripping your skin beneath your sweater.
  Firm and taking what he wants without a second thought, his lips are intoxicating. The roughness of his mustache tickles your lip in an itching way, more than likely leaving a burn behind in his feverish take on your mouth. 
  His hair is soft in your grip, and you nearly roll your eyes thinking about his hair care routine, but you find yourself rolling your eyes in a different way when you feel his cock bulging through his pants.
  Thick and heavy against your thigh, if you had to take a guess it was probably as veiny as his forearms were. And you stifle a moan when it kicks up. 
  His teeth bite at your lip and you yelp in pain, a noise that only drives him further into you, his hand tightens around your ponytail and yanks your neck further back so your head hits the door. 
  His shirt is fisted into your hand and you pull him further into you, sliding your tongue against his—sharing the taste of your fresh blood and his spearmint spit. 
  You scratch at his scalp with your dull nails and he fights back a melty groan. 
  “Such a fucking brat.” He breathes, as his fingers work the hem of your crew neck up, his fingers feel like lightening strikes against your body, and you welcome the dulled pain with a moan, “Need’t be put in your place.” 
  You whine when your sweater hits the ground with a soft thud and the cool air of his office ices over your still sweat slicked skin. His lips suck deep bruises into your throat, and his fingers dip into the waistband of your shorts, shoving them down in a hurry. 
  Expert fingers find your clit and he smirks when you whine for more, “thought you hated me?”
  You pout when his fingers come to a halt, eyes flicking open to see his confidence boasting on his stupid perfect face.
  “But this pretty little pussy doesn’t, does she baby?” 
  “Coach,” you moan out for him, his title on your lips in a sloppy whine make him harder than he’s ever been. 
  His thick fingers dip into the silky warm folds of your pink pussy. The combined noises you make, echo loud in his office. “Fuck baby,” he groans, his fingers sucking up into your gummy walls, he pops them out licks the juicy wetness of your arousal from them. “So wet honey, all this for me?” 
  Your fingers pinch at his sweats and pull them down in a swift motion along with his boxer briefs. He’s hung more than you thought. Making any guy you had been with previous look like something in a funny museum.
   His abs are sculpted and dip into a hard cut v, leading to a small patch of trimmed hair, housing the longest, thickest dick you’ve ever come across. 
  And you were right it was veiny. 
  The pretty mushroom pinked head was presenting a pearl of pre cum, so pretty it could make an angel cry. When you try to lower yourself to wrap your lips around him, he stops you. 
  “Not today,” he groans, fisting his hearty length, your eyes going dumb watching him, brain numb and drunk on him already, “not enough time.” 
  He wraps your legs around his waist and hoists you up against the wall, your bare back stings against the rough cement wall, he’s grabby, his lips pressing heat into your neck, his moan tingling your skin. 
  With a quick shift of his hips, your tight pussy sheaths his thick cock. And you scream out. 
  “Shit, fuck honey..” he’s fighting to keep composure as you are practically lifeless against the wall. His thrusts are filled with purpose and want as your ass is slammed harder and harder into the wall, clapping along like a round of applause, ankles crossed around his lower back at your Nike socks and the laces of your air forces bouncing in tandem. 
  He’s sweaty and grunting, with each pull from his cock brings more deep and pretty noises from you and he sucks into your shoulder again, knowing damn well his mark will last for weeks. One you’d have to explain to your friends and your teammates, and your boyfriend. 
  He didn’t know if you had a boyfriend and frankly he didn’t give a fuck, you were his for the time being and he would do as he pleased. 
  He was fucking you stupid and you were letting him, holding his neck in a lazy grip as he hammered into you, and when you tightened around him, he knew you were close, “look at me,” he begs of you, “you’re gonna come for me, yeah?” 
  “Yes,” you choke out, barely registering what he’s saying from the tight coiled pleasure of your orgasm ready to fire away. 
  His cock drags slow as your eyes connect, yours lazily spilling over with fresh tears, “who’s makin’ you feel this good, 22? Huh?” 
  “Y-you Coach!” you whine, nearly ready to crumble under his thick fingers when he rubs your sensitive clit. 
  “What was that baby girl?,” he croaked, holding back his release, “couldn’t hear you.” 
  “Oh fuck oh fuck mmm you, Coach Harrington! Fuck I’m coming!”
  Your orgasm breaks and it’s like a dam has busted, his dick is soaked by your arousal and he’s losing any bit of cockiness he had left when your face smooths and your lips blur a pretty round ‘o’  as you hum and your body tingles. 
  He follows not far behind you, muttering sentences that make no sense, drunk on your pussy as he paints your walls with his release. 
  You’ve never seen him look hotter, his forehead rests on your chest as you both catch your breath. For a split second he shows you a sly smirk, like he actually was enjoying himself.
  “you might just be my fav-”
  before he can finish, before he can pull out and offer you a towel, a loud knock scared everything in him stiff. Besides his cock that went instantly soft..  his blood ran cold.  
  His face stares at the door, and you stare at him, your grip on his shoulders tighten.
*let me know your thoughts on this, should there be a part 2? I love hearing your comments ♥️
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indigosunsetao3 · 4 months
Older CIA Alex
Tumblr media
NSFW | 18+ | Age gap/dad's employee/forbidden
Perspective: Female reader
We're going to work this like Ex-Husband Price where I expand on things here and there. I just had to get this listed out.
So much for 'next few days'. I swear these ideas will eat me alive if I don't write them out.
OCIA!Alex - Was in your father's office when you walked in to meet him for lunch. He rose from his chair the moment you entered, a sign of respect and also that he would be leaving. You give him a small smile which he returns before slipping out the door.
OCIA!Alex - Casually asks your dad about you, and how the lunch went, when he returns from an overseas mission weeks later. It's not very out of place, Alex is an observant man, but the fact it was over a month later and he recalled where you went to lunch together struck your dad as interesting.
OCIA!Alex - Accepts your father's offer to join a few of the group for dinner. Your father always extended the invite to his whole team which Alex declined each time with an excuse. Except this time when he finds out, you'll also be at this dinner. Your father questions his sudden change of heart to which Alex answers charity is important.
OCIA!Alex - Is careful to make sure he is seated next to you at the charity gala. He's in his dress blues looking polished and the attention he pays you has you flustered. All evening he keeps you engaged in conversation, pulls out your chair for you, and makes sure your glass is never empty. In an effort to make a friend you give Alex your number as if he didn't already have it, and your social media accounts, saved in one of his burners after a bit of digging so he could learn more about you. Your father notices the friendly exchanges and makes sure to have a conversation with his subordinate. (Lunch and Dinner Date can be found here)
OCIA!Alex - Barely bats an eye at the fact you are almost twelve years younger than him. What's age really when you were both adults? He's even less phased by the fact your father lets him know you're fresh out of a long-term relationship which is why you were living with him for the time being. That explains why Alex hadn't seen you before and why you subconsciously ran your thumb over your ring finger all evening to play with a ring that was no longer there. Your father warns him, in a casual but firm tone, that you are off limits; he kept family and work separate for a reason. Alex assures him he was just being friendly, Sir.
OCIA!Alex - Volunteers to assist you in moving to your new apartment in exchange for a couple of beers. You texted him out of desperation, no friends in town, and your father is not the young man he used to be. It was the first time you had messaged him, he had been waiting none too patiently. Alex agrees, he's got the time and it's an excuse to see you again. Your father would have been more suspicious of this if he wasn't relieved to not be the only person lugging your furniture up three flights of stairs. (Move In Day can be found here)
OCIA!Alex - Swings by when you send him a message at one in the morning that the AC unit is on the fritz. The landlord didn't deem it an emergency and your father was out of town. The apartment is beyond sweltering and there isn't even a breeze to help. It was more of a venting session, you had been talking more often via text through the past couple of weeks, but Alex takes it upon himself to give you a hand.
OCIA!Alex - Fixes the unit enough that it's at least blowing semi-cool air. He insists on hanging around to make sure it doesn't go out again, promising it's not a problem. "Too hot to try and sleep without some air." You offer him some leftover pizza before joining him on the couch, a good distance away because it's too hot. Yet somehow you end up with your feet resting in his lap and his fingers massaging out the soreness from wearing heels all day.
OCIA!Alex - Texts you even when he's gone overseas. He's polite in his timing, making sure he doesn't disturb you when you should be sleeping or at work. You are less restrained, finding you stare at the phone waiting for the next message like an impatient teenager. You tell yourself it's because he's the only real friend you've got around and it's lonely when he's gone. Then when he sends you an audio message you nearly fall out of your chair listening to his silky smooth voice as he tells you about his day.
OCIA!Alex - Smirks to himself in his bunk at night when you start sending him pictures. Innocent ones of course. Things you saw on your walk, sighing in frustration at another video meeting at work, the dinner you made (and didn't burn!), and the weird neighbor downstairs who only checks her mail at night. But then a not so innocent one pops on his phone after you've had a few glasses of wine.
OCIA!Alex - Avoids your father's questions as he tries to probe and see just what your relationship is. He had tried you when he saw your phone buzz with a text from Alex when he stopped by. You maintained you were just friends, that Alex was a nice guy but too old for you. That was, if friends sent lingerie and shower pictures to one another...and instructed the other just what to do when they were feeling particularly needy and lonely.
OCIA!Alex - Doesn't let your dad know he took a flight back two days early, and neither do you. He barely makes it into your apartment before you jump him and insist the uniform stays on. Those two extra days are spent solely at your apartment before Alex reports back to your dad, who is none the wiser. Even if Alex has hickeys all over his neck and his clothes reek of your perfume.
OCIA!Alex - Has to play nice when your father has an award ceremony and he insists you meet a few of his friend's sons. Your father determined you've been alone for too long, not enough friends, and is trying to get you back out there. He doesn't see Alex staring down each man as if they are his next target. Nor does he see the two of you slip away before his speech.
OCIA!Alex - Is unimpressed when you start spending time with others, men your own age in particular. You insist it's to keep your dad's suspicions away because he's been asking very leading questions, he's not dumb. And also, you had both agreed that whatever this was it was only a hookup, no commitment. Alex had his job and you wouldn't risk your father's ire.
OCIA!Alex - Agrees, two can play this game. He starts making some other 'friends' of his own and grins as he notices the worry in your tone that he's turned the tables. Jealously is a young person's game and he knows exactly how he feels about you, it's just getting you to admit it yourself. Your father seems a bit more relaxed that the two of you seem to spending less time together.
OCIA!Alex - Is sent out on a particularly long assignment in Europe. After three weeks of being gone and radio silent he knows he won this battle of wills when he gets a notification of an airfare purchase. He's hardly shocked to find you waiting outside of his hotel room he booked under his fake name. You are your father's daughter after all.
OCIA!Alex - Tells you to let him worry about your father as you lay sprawled on top of him. He's dealt with bigger issues from smaller targets before. You attempt to talk about it more but he silences you as he rolls you under him.
OCIA!Alex - Has a conversation with your father. (We're not going to give away the ending here 😉)
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