#The Deed and the dilemma
enchantingepics · 6 months
Story Prompt 56
In a world plagued by darkness, where the skies were a permanent shade of gloom and the land lay shrouded in despair, two figures emerged as opposing forces. One was hailed as a hero, revered for their courage and selflessness. The other was branded a villain, feared for their ruthless ambition and disregard for life.
The hero, adorned in armor gleaming with the promise of protection, stood tall against the shadows. Their every action spoke of duty and honor, a beacon of hope amidst the encircling despair. But beneath the facade of valor lay a heavy burden—the knowledge that to save the world, they might have to make the ultimate sacrifice.
Across the realm, the villain plotted in the depths of their fortress, surrounded by flickering torches and whispered secrets. Their gaze pierced through the darkness with a chilling intensity, driven by a singular obsession—to protect one individual at any cost. For them, the lives of countless others paled in comparison to the value of that single soul.
As fate would have it, the paths of these two opposing forces collided on a fateful day when the skies trembled with impending doom. The hero, with sword in hand and determination in their heart, confronted the villain atop a windswept cliff overlooking a desolate landscape.
"You cannot comprehend the magnitude of your actions," the hero declared, their voice ringing with conviction. "You would sacrifice the lives of innocents for the sake of one."
The villain, unfazed by the accusation, met the hero's gaze with a chilling calmness. "You speak of sacrifice as if it were a sin," they replied, their tone laced with icy resolve. "But what is the worth of a world devoid of the ones we cherish most?"
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luna-azzurra · 4 months
Some tips for writing a devil character
Give your devil character a clear motivation that drives their actions. Whether it's a desire for power, vengeance, or simply spreading chaos, having a well-defined goal will make them more engaging to readers.
Avoid making your devil character one-dimensional. Infuse them with depth by exploring their backstory, internal conflicts, and nuanced emotions. Show that they are capable of more than just evil deeds, perhaps even harboring regrets or moments of vulnerability.
Devils are known for their silver tongues and persuasive rhetoric. Write dialogue that showcases their charisma, manipulation tactics, and penchant for twisting truths. Dialogue exchanges with other characters should be tense, revealing the devil's cunning nature.
Challenge stereotypes and clichés associated with devil characters. Consider giving your devil unexpected traits or vulnerabilities that add complexity and surprise to their portrayal.
Use your devil character to explore deeper themes and allegorical concepts. Their interactions with other characters can reflect moral dilemmas, existential questions, or societal critiques.
Devils are often depicted as master strategists who think several steps ahead. Demonstrate their intelligence through intricate plots, manipulation of events, and anticipation of their opponents' actions.
Pay attention to how your devil character is described visually and how they carry themselves. Their appearance should be striking and memorable, reflecting their otherworldly nature and commanding presence.
Explore the gray areas of morality through your devil character. While they are undeniably evil, consider adding moments of ambiguity or moral complexity that challenge both the characters in your story and the readers themselves.
Explore the potential for redemption or consequences for your devil character's actions. Whether they ultimately face downfall or find redemption, their journey should be impactful and meaningful.
Maintain an air of mystery surrounding your devil character. Hint at their true motivations or origins without fully revealing them, leaving readers intrigued and eager to learn more.
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deception-united · 5 months
Before you kill a character...
Consider the following.
Does it advance the plot?
Killing off a character should serve a purpose in propelling the story forward. It could introduce a new conflict, escalate existing tensions, or trigger a series of events that drive the plot in a new direction. If the character's death doesn't contribute to the overall narrative arc, it might feel gratuitous or unnecessary.
Does it fulfil their personal goal?
Each character has their own arcs and objectives within the story. If the character's death aligns with or resolves their personal journey or goal, it can add depth and closure to their character arc. Conversely, if their death feels disconnected from their goals or character development, it may come across as arbitrary or unsatisfying.
Does it emphasise the theme?
The death of a character can highlight or support key themes by demonstrating their consequences or illustrating the moral dilemmas faced by the remaining characters. A well-executed death can deepen the audience's understanding of the story's themes and add layers of complexity to the narrative.
Does it motivate other characters?
Character deaths can serve as catalysts for growth or change in other characters. The loss of a loved one or ally can drive characters to reevaluate their beliefs, make difficult decisions, or embark on new paths. The impact of the death on other characters can reveal their strengths, weaknesses, and relationships, adding depth to the story's interpersonal dynamics.
Does it create realism?
The inclusion of death can lend authenticity to the story world. If the character's death feels earned and plausible within the context of the narrative, it can enhance the story's credibility and emotional resonance. However, if the death feels contrived or forced, it may strain the reader's suspension of disbelief.
Is it a fitting recompense?
In some cases, characters may meet their demise as a consequence of their actions or decisions. If the character's death serves as a form of justice or retribution for their deeds, it can feel narratively satisfying and thematically resonant. However, if the death feels arbitrary or disconnected from the character's arc or the story's events, it may feel unsatisfying or even unjustified.
Don't kill off a character for the sake of shocking the reader or invoking sadness; when considering whether to kill off a character in your story, it's crucial to ensure their demise serves a purpose beyond mere shock value or convenience. Ensure each character serves a purpose that enriches and enhances the story to avoid having to eliminate them solely for convenience. Don't use death as a means to remove an extra or irrelevant character—you shouldn't have them in the first place, if they're disposable. Doing so will undermine the depth and integrity of the narrative.
Hope this was helpful! Happy writing ❤
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allpiesforourown · 17 days
Okay, okay, permanent-pregnancy for Shizun anon back again. I have read the worries people have, but have been too sick meanwhile to answer, but here it goes! Like, there is no reason to worry about the potential child, because you just have to decide what is your goal when making Shizun pregnant??? Children don't have to be involved at all!
Like, we know Shizuns love of the monstrous right?? What if he had a little accident when finding a new plant and after he is saved he finds it left a little something behind? And of course this plant is extremely rare so he couldn't possibly just let it's offspring die, no the only option is to carry it to term and then safely release it back into nature! He would be so cute and excited about learning about it, but also sooooooo shy, why did it have to be like this, oh, but he can't show that to the other lord's if they then decide to remove it, he is way too protective for that! So as his disciples it is of course our responsibility to make sure Shizuns is cared for and all his needs met while the little baby plant grows inside him!! (And if afterwards Shizuns realised this is the only way to keep the plant from dying out... Shizun is so kind and sometimes sacrifices have to be made)
But what if it is us breeding him that is the point? Well, I imagine Binghe and Shizun having shameless sex doing dual cultivation and as Binghe *AHEM* in Sizhun their cultivation mix and a new spirit is created. Something between demonic cultivation and human cultivation, something never seen before! Something only they could make together and now have to foster and grow! Since this isn't a normal pregnancy who knows how long it will last, just how it will affect sweet kind Shizun? Certainly, it is up to dear Binghe to make certain all Shizuns needs are met no matter what!!! (And if suddenly other cultivators want that new cultivation core and tries to kidnap Shizun? Well, then it is ours Binghes responsibility to save him each time which means Shizun would gladly reward us in any way we wanted!)
Okay, but what about some darker drama?? Shizun stuck in the Water Prison and Binghe can't have him running, what do he do? He finds an artifact that keeps Shizun pregnant and vulnerable (Not with actual child, it is just a curse), because how can he run when his feet hurt and stomach grows? How could he show himself to the rest of the world when he is like this? No, now he has to stay with Binghe and hopefully this will give Binghe time to prove himself for Shizun! And once they finally talk and clear the misunderstandings, then Binghe of course undoes the curse and they live happily ever after! (And if they keep the artifact for some... More adventurous evenings, that is between Binghe and Shizun)
And of course, what if you want to go full horror? Shizun becomes cursed without his knowledge and nothing we do can find the source or undo it! As he gets morning sickness, slowly grows larger, has all these weird cravings, there is no doubt what it is! But how could it be possible? Shizun knows he is a virgin, never even thought about the deed, how could this have happened? And he is a man, this shouldn't even be possible! He would be so scared and lost and we would be there to hold his hand and for him to have a shoulder to cry on as he shared all his worries and we would stay by his side during it all, so he never felt alone. Who knows what will happen, but we do know we will never leave Shizun! (And as long as he is like this... Then I suppose Shizun could never leave us...)
The point is, you need to ask yourself, what is the goal with the preggers Shizun kink?? None of these examples require an actual child to be involved, like we don't need to consider ethical dilemmas here! Do we want Shizun protecting the rare life growing inside of him? To we want to see him fill out with something we Binghe gave him, something created together? Do we want the drama of using the vulnerability against him until we finally understand each other? Or do we love the horror and a scared Shizun who can only go to us for support? So many different directions to go and each of them delicious in their own way! The wonders of fiction mean there are no limits of what we can put Shizun through OR how we save him <3
Sorry about my ramblings, just wanted to share my thoughts <3 Hopefully one or more of these scenarios will be written out soon, just have to write a few more chapters for my fic first!
Have a great day!
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Op I am genuinely flabbergasted. I don't think anyone has ever out-horny'd me like this when it comes to shizun. I am listening and learning. Pondering all these mpreg alternatives. Thank you
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tylermileslockett · 1 year
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"Clytemnestras Wrath"
Here we are folks! Its all been leading up to this climactic, grisly act. Ancient horror at its finest! Clytemnestra has ushered Agamemnon into the house under the guise of a loyal, loving wife. And even with Cassandras poor pleas to the chorus, she could not escape her own demise under the blades of the queens double axe! The chorus hears the violence, and they separate and panic, calling out different suggestions, but unable to unify on how to act on the horror. But now, its too late. The doors re-open, and Clytemnestra appears holding her double headed axe over the her victims caught in a net like a spiders web. 
In previous versions of this myth, Clytemnestra's lover AEGISTHUS (and Agamemnon's cousin) is the killer. But here, Aeschylus has the the wronged wife, still furious over her daughter's sacrifice, perform the dark deed herself. Indeed, when the chorus try to denounce and exile her, she counters by asking them where was their decrees of banishment for Agamemnon when he sacrificed her daughter? So, this is one thing i really love about Greek tragedy, is that, even when these characters perform actions we may find repugnant, we can still empathize. These characters exist in shades of grey. Amazingly complex and elegant for such ancient tales. 
But this harrowing tale is far from over, for in the 2nd play of this Oresteia trilogy; "The Libation Bearers," Clytemnestra's son, ORESTES, journeys home to avenge his father. Will he be able to kill his own mother? his own flesh and blood? And if so, what will the consequences on his soul be for such a blasphemous act? i don't envy this character's moral dilemma one bit! 
Thabks for looking and reading as always!
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brabblesblog · 1 month
Lore Dump: Whither and Remember
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Art by my bestie Leira Art
With Remember ye not the former things finished, I can now post a sort of look into the internal logic or lore for these two fics.
Spoilers for the fics below!
Disclaimer: I am by no means saying this is absolute truth. We are all welcome to headcanon as we want, and that is the beauty of fiction.
The main premise for Whither is that the Rite of Profane Ascension did not do anything to alter Astarion’s personality. He was the same person as he had always been - irrevocably changed by what he (and Tav/Ban) agreed to do in the process, yes - but there was no fundamental alteration. The Vampire Ascendant is a new creation by Larian. I interpreted it as him taking a step in combining the benefits of being mortal and vampiric. Raphael after all, had said that the rite would return the 'arousals of man' to him.
Then what are the consequences of such a deed? This is where a quick delve into infernal pacts makes itself valuable.
As revealed in Remember, there are two: the Pact Certain and the Pact Insidious.
From the Forgotten Realms wiki on devils, under Faustian Pacts:
The Pact Certain was a contract that the devils favored, because it was fast. The mortal immediately handed over his or her soul to Baator on death for some services. Barring proving that the pact was signed under some form of duress like threat of torture, these pacts' terms were impossible to adjudicate.
The Pact Insidious was a bit different. Here, a mortal and a devil agreed upon exchanging services. Namely, the devil provided the mortal with something and the mortal had to act in some manner that the devil wanted to. It was possible to make multiple follow-up contracts that gave the receiving mortals more benefits in return of additonal behaviors it had to follow. Failing to act in such manner meant that the mortal lost the contract's benefits. Agreeing to such a Pact Insidious in itself was not an act that shackled one's soul to Baator, but acting in ways that were specified within the contract or contracts meant that one acted in ways that put him or her ever closer to reach Baator on death.
The rite could have concievably been a Pact Insidious. Seven thousand souls for the luxuries that mortals enjoy and vastly increased power. In this situation, Astarion would get to keep his soul until his death, at which time he would inevitably end up in Cania.
This is the dilemma Ban and Astarion encounter at the end of Remember, and what they attempt to address in the third installment, For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell.
Why does his behavior change post-ritual, then? The fics are framed and informed by a background story for the pair that follows in-game dialogs and events faithfully. Readers of Whither already know the answer to this, and I will say the answer is best discovered reading through its chapters.
Anyways. Thank you for listening to me yap! I've had this idea in my pocket for the longest time, and I'm glad it's now out in the world. And if you ever hear these of these pacts anywhere else - you'll know what its origins are.
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chaoticsoulsword · 5 months
Let's do this again.
The most harmful and irreparable damage the MCU has ever done is definitely Wanda's characterization and how the "fandom" perceives her even when non-cb readers migrate to the 616 side.
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(This is screenshot depicting a fan reacting to Russell Dauterman's redesign of Lore, an evil Wanda variant who first debuted in 1993 in Scarlet Witch #1. She will return in the new Scarlet Witch series this year)
In addition to all the "she's always been white" constant, toxic and racist comments, which only reinforces their lack of ability to recognize issues such as colorism, Rromani representation (when they actually know the difference between Rromani and Romanian, that is) and straight-up whitewashing, they also fail to identify a most essential trait of her entire characterization: her desire to do good and become a symbol of heroism.
Wanda despises doing harm to others. Her first iteration is legitimately a depiction in which she and Pietro are being forced by Magneto to work for him and his brotherhood of evil mutants, all thanks to emotional manipulation. She never means to hurt the original X-Men except when Pietro is hurt and/or in danger. It's her protective side, not her "evil" side.
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(Uncanny X-Men v1 #4; #11)
It's also fundamental to be aware that Wanda and Pietro come from a place where there's trauma for being abused by Magneto when it comes to their powers. This is why they are hesitant to join the Avengers, and yet their sense of responsibility is stronger.
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(Avengers v1 #16)
Now, when it comes to Chthon, it's another rabbit hole of struggling with independence, power and agency. Being controlled by an evil force is as an old trope as any other in comic books. Still, I can't help but notice that her relationship with Chthon is never truly solved as other magic characters' issues, so why does it stick to Wanda the hardest?
Allow me illustrate with other examples:
1. Magik and the Darkchylde.
For those who don't know, the Darkchylde is "an evil side" of Illyana Rasputin, result of her captor and abuser's tampering with her soul.
The Darkchylde has several interpretations, from abuse to struggling with self-worth, and it has been established for decades as a side of Illyana that she despises, fears and suppresses.
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(New Mutants v1 #71)
Illyana took years to make peace with her inner self and even had an arc to leave her reigning place of power in Limbo to Madelyne, another character who was villanized by the narrative for the very same reasons. Which begs the question.... why would a fan root for the Darkchylde to be her standard self when this is precisely what she hates the most? When it's precisely what causes her pain and leads her to a process of isolation and unhealthy behavior?
2. Doctor Strange and dark magic
Throughout sixty years of stories, there are a few moments in which the Sorcerer Supreme is faced with the old dilemma if he should use dark magic or not. And yet, from everything he went through, even in his darkest moments, he still chooses to do good. This is an intrinsic part of him. Yes, we've seen alternate evil iterations, but the main version is still a recognized, praised character for all the good deeds he performs on a daily basis.
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(New Avengers v3 Annual #1)
3. Loki against fate
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(Immortal Thor #2)
Loki's most recent and important journey throughout the years is precisely changing their fate, from the god of mischief and lies to the god of stories. They know they also have antagonistic roles to play as such, and yet they look forward to building a better relationship with Thor and the Asgardians. They're as complex as they come, but never back to their first and oldest iteration.
There are others, of course, like Nico Minoru and the Staff of One, Daimon Hellstrom and his will to deny his father's desires etc etc. I can even point a famous non-magical one: THE HULK. Yep, the guy who has spent his entire existence struggling with said dichotomy.
So you see, this is not a situation where "women can't be villains, god forbid women do anything" like some of them love to claim. You have Amora, Morgan Le Fey, Umar, even Lore now. The fact is, the MCU pushed the main version of its Wanda to be an irremediable character. Fans may or not defend her actions, but the truth is, they went too far for a role of opposition/antagonism justified by mental issues, which is yet another problematic, hellish rabbit role that we discussed so many times, over and over and over.
House of M is by itself such a harmful event in Wanda's entire characterization that, even now in the 616 universe, she still struggles to be (re)accepted by the hero community. She's still demonized by mutants, she's still depicted as mentally unstable.
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(X-Men #7 - 2019)
Meanwhile, few writers are doing their hardest to give her some independence and agency (praised be Orlando and McKay). She has finally showcased her resolve to deal with Chthon by absorbing the Darkhold. She finally built a place to help people in a small community. She's an avenger yet again.
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(Darkhold: Omega #1)
However, despite all that, she's still being patronized and lectured on (for instance, Agatha trying to take the Darkhold from her).
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(Scarlet Witch v3 Annual #1)
The fact that she hasn't given up on the role of super hero only showcases how fundamental, intrinsic, unshakeable is her desire to do good. The fact that she's a nexus being and that the Scarlet Witch is a role passed down through generations are enough reasons to reiterate how important she is as a defender of the universe, same importance we often see in the role of the Sorcerer Supreme.
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No fan has ever advocated for readers to be feared by a Sorcerer Supreme. Those are roles of heroes.
So yeah, "evil mother" and "serving cunt" will not do it for me. Because being evil means embracing everything Wanda hates the most and fights the hardest. So you come here and tell me that Wanda was supposed to be evil incarnate, to the point of comparing her to Voldemort, is plainly offensive and shows how little you understand her. You have other mothers to kneel to if you so desperately need one. Wanda is not one of them. Leave her alone.
TL;DR: Saying Wanda should be evil is stupid and harmful.
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pumibii · 4 months
i have a dilemma. i’m wondering if some of y’all can help? i’m religious, i believe in God, the trinity, Jesus, the saints, and i believe that good deeds can get you into Heaven. i hold a very Catholic belief system but at the same time the church feels suffocating. i’m queer and non binary and i feel like i don’t have a place in the church because of my gender. i feel like i’ll never be fully welcomed in the church or by any Pope in my lifetime. am I still a Catholic if i don’t go to church and follow the pope?
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comikadraws · 2 months
Would you have wanted orochimaru to die or just be punished for his evil deeds in a way that doesn't involve him necessarily dying?
Don't get me wrong. I certainly wouldn't have minded Orochimaru's death. And I agree that some people are, for the sake of humanity, better off dead. That's all your Voldemorts, Palpatines, and Saurons - The cliché "dark lords". The problem is that Kishimoto treated Orochimaru with far too much kindness to begin with.
Orochimaru doesn't really fit the "personification of pure evil" caricature, and is characterized as a person instead. On top of that, unlike the aforementioned villains, Orochimaru didn't pose an active threat to the world which then hits us with an ethical question:
Do humans have the right to decide who lives or dies?
And what justifies killing? Survival? Improval? Feelings? Can we trust humans to determine these parameters?
And now add to that that I grew up on ATLA as a child and generally do not believe in death sentences...
The problem is, in real life, people like Orochimaru don't change and don't redeem themselves. There is no "I killed 59 newborns for funsies but now I'm a loving and responsible parent".
I think the better question to ask here is whether Kishimoto should've given Orochimaru a redemption or not. Because if Orochimaru had never been redeemed, he would've remained as a danger to the world, and killing him would have been the obvious choice. But Kishi instead redeemed him, leaving us with this moral dilemma.
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melloollem · 4 months
Cat and bird||Damian Wayne × No reader gender
Summary: You, like your mother, try your luck on one of Gotham's hunting nights
Warnings:No gender specification, teenager Damian, please read the warning at the end of the reading.
(DC masterlist)
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Robin was standing on top of a building when he felt a presence behind him. Before he could turn around, two arms encircled his shoulders in an unassuming manner, and he let out a tongue click as he noticed their presence.
"Tsk, what are you doing?" Despite his serious tone, there was no real reproach in his words. "Just walking, and you?" He ignored your question and looked straight ahead, you rolled your eyes in response to his behavior "Shouldn't you be with your mother?" He said as he looked down for any strange movement.
"She's probably with your father" So that's why he didn't hear back. Damian couldn't help but scrunch up his face at the thought.
"Relax, they're not doing that, she's trying to rob a bank" What was supposed to be a relief drew a weary sigh from the boy, now he was responsible for you.
"Come on, I'll take you home," he said, moving away from the edge of the building. You turned away from him and wrinkled your eyebrows as you said "This isn't happening" Damian looked at you as if to challenge you and you returned the look. The competition didn't last long, ending when Robin started walking towards the fire escape.
"Let's go, your mother will be angry" He always had the right arguments for victory and you were always a sore loser by rebuttal. "Maybe or maybe she sent me here to distract him" You and Damian knew it was just a bluff. Despite all your skill and effort. Selina would never allow you to help her with any robbery, even if it meant distracting Robin.
"You're not a good liar" Damian made light of the remark and continued to leave you behind. You gave in, but you weren't going to go out in total defeat.
"Let's bet" Damian turned in time to see the slow way you were walking backwards towards the edge of the building. "Whoever gets to my house first wins." At that moment, he walked towards you, understanding the hand to take your arm.
"No, we're not doing that. You don't even have any proper equipment." The moment he said that, you raised one of the hook guns he was using in front of your face before jumping.
He let out a sigh and went after you. Damian and his father had a very complicated relationship with the nickname "cat", it was the only thought he had in that brief fall before he got to you.
"Now you're here, stop resisting" you said as you walked around the table, you dodged the furniture majestically, that must have been a craze taken from your mother. "Agree to keep me company tonight" At that moment, the realization that you had planned to go to him just for this proposal struck Damian.
"I'm on patrol, my father will notice I'm missing," Damian said without revealing his desire to stay. His words brought a mocking smile to your lips as he said, "My mother's taking care of that." You nodded towards the television, which was broadcasting a story about a major robbery being carried out at the Gotham bank; you didn't even need to show Selina's face to know that she was responsible for the great deed.
"My brothers, they-" You rolled your eyes, interrupting him by saying, "God, boy. This isn't my problem, I've already done my bit, stay and do yours." Your gracious and endearing tone was abandoned, you weren't the only expert at pinching nerves in that room.
Damian debated internally whether it was worth staying, he knew how much Selina avoids any kind of contact you might have with someone from his family, it was her way of keeping you away from the world of vigilantes, something that wasn't very useful the second you and Damian ended up in the same room.
"I can tell my mother that you were protecting me," you said when you realized the dilemma the boy was in, although the proposal was true, the mocking tone was present in your voice.
"That's not happening," he said, walking over to your apartment window. You let out a humorless laugh at yourself for thinking that for a moment you had managed to convince Damian of something." See you tomorrow," he said, leaving you alone in the apartment. Your gaze fell on the television, where the headline read that Batman had managed to prevent the robbery. Today was not Kyle's lucky day.
When I write about minors (teenagers) even if I age them, I'll write everything as carefully as possible and the romance will be a subtext, and I'll also make a point of writing them more mature (there's no point in aging the character and leaving them acting like a child). I have no control over who reads this and I prefer to do it this way.
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srbachchan · 7 months
DAY 5849
Hyd,Koh Feb 22, 2024 Thu 9:25 PM
🪔 ,
February 23 .. birthday greetings to Ef Girish Badave .. and Ef Swati Seth ..
💐 .. wedding anniversary greetings to Ef Ashesh Dave and his respected wife Bhumika .. for February 23 .. 🙏🏻❤️💐
💐 .. wedding anniversary greetings to Ef Amit Fuhaar & his respected wife Sarita .. for February 21 .. 🙏🏻❤️💐
Birthday - Yash Goveas Friday, 23 February .. wishes and the wellness for this day .. Love from the Ef brigade 🌹
( IS THIS DATE 👆🏼 CORRECT OR IS IT JANUARY 30TH ) .. please clarify
A day of work endeth and another day of work stares within .. how to approach it, what would be the right give , how can it be bettered .. and such be the many that arise before the day ends ..
It is and has been the challenge or the fear of creative expectation - if it can be called that .. and that be the driving force for the professional .. will it wont it .. and what next .. complete one and the immediate mind think is , what of the next and whether it shall succumb or survive .. works at times , and not most of the time ..
Leave it to fate they say .. whoever 'they' be .. then it is proclaimed fate be made , not written on some divine blessing .. leaving it to fate and not in endeavour shall ever end in .. no play ..
And thus does the dilemma continue ..
What be in hand to be in judicious usage .. if addition comes good .. if not it was never fated , or desired , or expected .. so say the purists of proclamation ..
Many though work in defiance of the mode, and succeed .. they be blessed .. but endeavour never be ignored .. it does register ..
I endeavour with hope and strength of fulfillment - fulfillment within - all else is peripheral ..
'Success comes to those who dare and act' ..
the words ingrained within .. words written in my autograph book, in my very young days by the great legendary poet , Ram Dhari Singh 'Dinkar' .. his writing his presentation his voice reverberating in volume .. filled with the passion of life and living ...
Many misinterpreted the 'act' word to be in connection with an actor on stage or film .. NO .. 'act' is the act of action, perseverance, tenacity and determination .. when you 'dare' to bring tenacity in your thought word and deed .. then does success embrace you ..
Love and wellness ever ❤️
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Amitabh Bachchan
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enchantingepics · 6 months
Story Prompt 86
"Why bother being a hero, ya know? You end up just saving the very ones who caused you pain," one of them remarked, stirring his coffee absentmindedly.
The other, leaning forward with a furrowed brow, countered, "But isn't that what makes being a hero worthwhile? To rise above the hurt and still extend a hand to those in need?"
A cynical chuckle escaped the first person's lips. "Sure, but why put yourself through that? Why not take the easier route, embrace the darkness, and be the one pulling the strings instead?"
"Because being a hero isn't about taking the easy route. It's about doing what's right, even when it's hard," the second person insisted, their gaze unwavering.
The first person leaned back in their chair, a sardonic smile playing on their lips. "But tell me, what's so right about not being able to save everyone? Isn't it better to be in control, to have the power to shape your own destiny?"
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lonicera-edulis · 8 months
Bofur 10,16,24 (art is not necessary, just text is also fine - up to you)
Interesting choice for questions! Thanks for choosing Bofur, and I'd like to make more art with members of Thorin's company, so here it is.
10. "Describe the character in one sentence." - Class clown of Middle Earth.
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16. "A childhood headcanon." - I like the idea of him getting his hat from his dad (my lotro character also got a hat from their father; I just came up with this recently, ok xD).
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24. "What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?" - Oh woah. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
I've seen somewhere that in a draft script he was supposed to confront dragonsick Thorin (instead of Dwalin (?), but I like the final version more because it is more difficult for Dwalin to do this). We still can play around this scenario and maybe create some backstory?
Maybe back in Ered Luin when he was a young miner he found some rare relics. And the other miner who worked with him (and maybe was in some illegal band with Nori too) offered to keep it hidden from a supervisor and sell it to Men for extra cash.
Bofur doubted, he knew well that these relics are important to dwarves. He kept treasure to himself while thinking on the offer from another miner. At the time he and his younger brother were under supervision of Bifur (parents are already gone due to tragic circumstances). And both Bifur and Bombur were very sick and Bofur had to work alone and also to take care after them.
So there is a dilemma in front of him: to help his family or to betray his people's values which I believe also is a big crime. And he chose family, which saved them. But he never told of this deed, he was both glad and ashamed. And yet, he would do this again, choosing saving people dear to him over items.
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if you’re still looking for inspo for a new fanfiction ☺️ its kind of a ridiculous prompt and i get why you wouldn’t wanna write it. but as you can see on @fruitybashir s account a lot of people want it, me included haha
im struggling with finding a proper plot for this prompt tho. i’d just say something along the lines of bojan is trying to suck kris’ dick or the other way around, but bojan is too short for either. they both end up laughing about it and then go to their bed instead to do the deed. some time after kris and bojan are at their studio and kris discovers a stool standing somewhere. he makes a joke to bojan how this would solve their little blowjob dilemma and mocks him for his height (typical kris). this joke ends up becoming reality and they fuck in the studio (again) because they’re too horny to keep it in their pants as always.
Omg I did see @fruitybashir talking about this haha it is a hilarious idea!!
I have like 4 WIPs I should be focusing on... so naturally my mind is now latching onto this idea and thoughts are being thunked... I am very tempted 😂 like they could "demonstrate" fully dressed how the might do it and talk eachother through it and it starts as a joke but then where did their clothes go??? Fuck it I just might do something with this if people are interested and Sophie isn't going to, and if no-one has already said they will...
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 10 months
i know the easiest way to resolve my two wolves dilemma about the near miss notfic is for buggy to be the one in disguise, okay? i know. i just haven’t been able to figure out why he’s in disg—okay, no, i’ve got it now.
(another self-indulgent “shanks/buggy post-roguetown, pre-luffy” encounter below the cut)
buggy, lately called “the clown,” is not usually a pirate given to subtlety or discretion. he wants word of his wicked deeds to spread far and wide! if people are afraid of him, they’ll give in faster, so he won’t have to work as hard to get what he wants!
but usually, there aren’t rumors of monkey d. garp in the area.
buggy’ll thumb his nose at most any marine, but garp is an exception. that guy has a monstrous strength on his old captain’s level, plus he’s equally famous for his incorruptibility and his bullheadedness. all in all somebody buggy absolutely does not want to deal with.
and sure, his bounty as it is probably doesn’t warrant a vice-admiral’s involvement, but garp’s been around a long time. he might recognize buggy as “one of roger’s brats.” and while they never had bounties of their own back then, surely the marine still want their heads. they went after tom, for fuck’s sake, there’s no way buggy is safe.
so until he hears from a reliable source that garp has left this particular corner of east blue behind, buggy is not leaving the sanctuary of his ship without a thorough disguise.
he’s gone without his distinctive makeup, of course. his hair he’s tied up and tucked away under an old knit cap, which he’s sewn an ink-black wig to the lining of to better conceal his identity. he even rubbed a bit of ink into his eyebrows to be doubly sure. and, last but hardly least, he’s chop-chopped his nose off, sticking an ordinary-looking prosthetic in its place with spirit gum that will be very annoying to remove later—but better a little adhesive rash than prison.
looking in his mirror at a stranger, buggy sighs, clapping his hands together. “right!” his ship needs a resupply, and buggy sailed his favorite little skiff here to take care of it so he doesn’t have to explain this disguise to his crew. “rope, sailcloth, gunpowder, food,” he mutters as he heads out. just a few essentials for any sailing vessel, nothing obviously piratical about it. a perfectly safe supply run.
a squad of marines go thumping past, and buggy can’t hold back a flinch at the sight.
he breaths in deep. this will be fine. all he has to do is not draw attention to himself, and…
“hey, you!”
buggy freezes, and fights the urge to turn around. freezing is bad enough, that would make him look super guilty. and anyway, with a call like that how could anyone possibly know who the marines are after?
“you in the hat!”
ah, fuck. buggy can’t lose the hat, that’s half his disguise gone right there. he glances back, curses under his breath when it sure looks like that squad of marines is coming for him, and makes a break for it.
“this is navy business!”
“like hell,” buggy mutters, rounding a corner into an alleyway. he blinks when he hears his own words doubled, and realizes there’s been someone else running from the marines the whole time. ah, shit, was he even their target after all? has he been running for his life for no reason? he turns to give the guy what for and just about chokes on his tongue, because—
well, because it’s shanks.
same stupid, distinctive hair, same stupid, distinctive hat. a cape, which is more style than buggy would have expected shanks to develop, but which is also stupid and distinctive. a pretty nasty scar over one eye. buggy takes his first reaction to that—i wouldn’t have let that happen!—and violently shoves it down into the bottom of his soul, where stupid thoughts go to die. what-ifs don’t matter, what matters is this entire guy is stupid and distinctive.
shanks gives him one of those soft-hearted, empathetic looks buggy always hated. “ah, sorry, i think i got you tangled up in my business.”
…he doesn’t recognize buggy.
good! this is good, this is—salvageable, anyway! buggy clears his throat, tries to throw his voice a little higher, speak a little more politely. anything to avoid that soft look becoming one of recognition, or that awful heartbroken look from all those years ago. “that’s okay! anything to inconvenience the marines.”
as the rhythmic sound of boots thumping gets closer, an idea occurs to buggy. “speaking of…” he grabs hold of shanks’ cape, pausing only when shanks puts a hand on his wrist and gives him a wary look. right, shanks doesn’t know him from adam like this. “sometimes it’s better to fight smarter, not harder.”
shanks considers him for a moment. he lets go of buggy’s wrist.
permission granted, buggy moves quickly. goodbye, stupid hat! flip the cape around, the lining’s a different color so that will do nicely. adjust the closure so the fabric that’s supposed to be the top hem instead functions as a hood, all the better to hide that hair and scar… sure, it probably won’t hold up to a close inspection, but who needs it to? low-level marines are idiots.
buggy leans back against the alley wall and spreads his legs wide to make himself shorter and easier to hide. when shanks doesn’t seem to get the memo, buggy rolls his eyes and tugs him closer, until shanks is standing almost too close for propriety, his cape hiding both of them from view.
hands pressed to the wall above buggy’s shoulders, shanks stares at him intently, an eyebrow going up as they hear the marines run past without giving their hiding spot so much as a first glance, let alone a second. “impressive,” he says.
buggy snorts. “naturally.”
something about this response amuses shanks, who smiles, drops one hand on buggy’s shoulder, and squeezes. “thanks for the save, gorgeous.”
buggy’s mind goes blank.
well, mostly. “gorgeous?!”
shanks frowns, though his eyes are still smiling. “don’t tell me nobody’s ever called you ‘gorgeous’ before.” buggy doesn’t react—has no idea what shanks is doing—as that hand slides up his shoulder, his neck, to cup his cheek. shanks leans just that little bit closer, taking the lack of space between them from the appearance of improper to actually improper. buggy still has no idea what shanks is doing until his thumb starts to rub small circles near the corner of buggy’s eye. “that’s just not possible. i mean, your eyes alone are stunning…”
he knows that move. shanks told him about that move, about the barmaid who’d used it on him the first time, using a compliment about shanks’ eyes as an excuse to touch his face, right before she—
it’s a very sweet kiss. probably the kind of kiss buggy would have expected of shanks, if he’d ever let himself think of things like “shanks” and “kissing” at the same time before. (face hot, it occurs to him that maybe the way he’d always violently shut down such thoughts might mean something. he violently shuts down this line of thinking.) shanks pulls back after a brief moment, a curious look in his eye that buggy takes to mean ‘more?’
whatever look happens to be on buggy’s face must say ‘no’ for him—though probably not in as insistent a tone as he’d like, his mind is still pretty fuzzy—because shanks steps back, casually giving buggy space. like of course after… that… all he wants is to fix his cape and retrieve his hat.
“wh…?” is all buggy can manage.
an eyebrow goes up, and shanks smiles a little smugly as he slides that stupid hat back into place. “like i said. thanks for the save.” and with that, he’s gone.
buggy’s knees give out.
he spends ten minutes sitting in that alleyway, definitely not remembering anything that just happened in particular detail, or wishing he’d answered an unspoken question in a different way. eventually he remembers that he has duties to attend to, and he’d better attend to them soon if he want to get off this island today.
which he does.
he certainly doesn’t have any reason to want to stick around here.
no sir.
“rope, sailcloth… limes?” suddenly buggy can’t remember the last thing on his list. well, it can’t be that important if it was the last one, right? right. surely they can go without… whatever… until after garp’s gotten tired of this part of east blue.
because buggy is never going out in disguise ever again.
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Why is Rassilon everywhere?
Why is Rassilon everywhere?
Ah, Rassilon! Praise be upon his mighty beautiful head! If you ever feel like you can’t swing a Dalek mutant without hitting something named after Rassilon, you’re definitely on Gallifrey.
Here's a few pointers to why Rassilon is so mighty:
🦸 The Founding Father
As one of the founding fathers of modern Time Lord society, his influence is in every aspect of Gallifreyan life. He's credited with many of Gallifrey's greatest advancements, including the discovery of time travel and the creation of the Eye of Harmony. Multiple powerful artefacts bear his name, like the Rod of Rassilon and the Ring of Rassilon, which I assure you aren't as dirty as they sound.
🐉 The Man, the Myth, the Legend
Rassilon's story is written into the very fabric of Gallifreyan mythology and legend. Stories of his heroic deeds, cunning strategies, and formidable powers are told to Time Tots from the moment they're capable of hero worship. It's said he battled great cosmic entities, outwitted ancient gods, and secured Gallifrey's place as the pinnacle of civilisation. What a guy.
📜 The Eternal Administrator
Even after his supposed demise, Rassilon's administrative policies and laws still guide the Time Lords. He wrote foundational texts that every budding Time Lord studies meticulously, and Rassilon's fingerprints are all over the rule book. It's like every bureaucratic form and procedural guideline has a little note from Rassilon saying, 'do it like this'.
🖥️ The Technological Genius
Rassilon's technological innovations are still in use millennia later. From TARDIS designs to the Matrix, his genius ensures that his presence is felt every time a Time Lord takes a trip through time or consults the grand repository of all Gallifreyan knowledge. Any piece of tech you can think of, Rassilon probably invented it.
🗳️ The Political Powerhouse
Politically, Rassilon’s legacy is unshakeable. His time as Lord President set the gold standard for Gallifreyan leadership. Subsequent leaders often find themselves compared to him, and many of the political structures and titles are relics of his era. He's even so generous as to return from the dead to lead Gallifrey in times of crisis.
🗿 The Cultural Icon
Culturally, Rassilon is the ultimate Gallifreyan icon. Festivals, holidays, and even everyday idioms are sprinkled with references to Rassilon. 'By Rassilon's beard!' is a common exclamation of surprise, while, 'What would Rassilon do?' is the go-to question for moral dilemmas, and the Horns of Rassilon is a hand sign you probably shouldn't do in polite company.
🧪 The Supreme Scientist
And let's not forget his contributions to Time Lord biology. Rassilon’s Imprimatur, a biochemical mark, allows Time Lords to safely pilot TARDISes, effectively bonding them to the fabric of time itself. There’s also the little matter of regeneration. This ability to cheat death every now and then is the cornerstone of Time Lord, and without Rassilon, it wouldn't be possible.
Some would dispute this was Rassilon's invention, but of course, they're liars.
🏫 So ...
Rassilon is everywhere because he's the ultimate Gallifreyan hero, lawmaker, inventor, politician, and cultural icon. His influence spans the practical, the mythical, and the everyday lives of Gallifreyan people, as well as all of you. Just remember—it's Rassilon's universe; you're just privileged to be living in it.
GIL adores Rassilon of course, in alignment with the views of our benefactors, the High Council. On a completely unrelated note, GIL also wishes the Celestial Intervention Agency a lovely day.
What's the structure of Gallifreyan DNA?: How their DNA is structured including the fourth strand, Rassilon’s Strand.
What is looming and how does it exist alongside natural reproduction?: Overview of looming and its place alongside natural reproduction in Gallifreyan society.
What does the Web of Time look like?: Overview on the Web of Time and its relevance.
Hope that helped! 😃
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired😴
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