#The sickness is seeping through my pores
Lmaaooo i think i got the flu brooo, i feel like im dying yoooo but i still gonna go to my final skrrrrr bap
But it explains the brain fog ive been experiencing for the past few days
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bugdogg · 1 year
i need
lazy *** oso or ichi artt
to poof in front of me
i dont wanna overwork myself to draw it
i am more frustrated than i have ever been this whole week
holy fuck
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itsnotgray · 10 months
what a duo | jack hughes
imagine jack hughes with a grumpy x sunshine trope
like you’ve got mr.sunshine personified, who somehow winds up with his own little storm cloud.
he meets her at a bar in jersey, where she’s sitting in the corner, fondly watching her friends, happy to stay out of their chaos. and jack just spots her from across the room, dead set on getting to know who she is.
now, the second she makes eye contact with him, she knows who he is. how could she not? his face is plastered all over jersey, the gem of the city. but does that make her change her normal attitude? ahahaha- no.
she immediately locks eyes with him, and says “no, nice try,” and makes her way to her friends, unable to see jacks entire body seemingly recoil at her rejection.
a few days later, one of nico’s friends is having a baby shower, and nico unfortunately couldn’t make it, claiming he was “sick” (jack knew the man had a date he thought jack didn’t know about) instead, sending jack in his place.
jack, while loving to be social, isn’t into being social with a massive crowd of strangers. so instead, he gravitated towards the corner. where, surprise surprise- he’s met with the face of the woman who rejected him.
upon seeing the man, she goes to move away, before seeing his demeanor not as cheerful as she remembered it (which she instantly decided she hated. he should always be cheerful- it looked so much better on him).
“what, not running away this time?” he snaps, eyes glued to the masses of people congregating in the backyard. after a few beats of silence, she sighs, before answering, “i’m sorry.” “stormy, apologizing to me? never thought i’d see the day!” he exclaims, cheerful personality seeping through his pores yet again, a brightness within him unable to be contained.
she giggles, quickly getting used to his antics, before pausing. “…stormy?” she questioned, head tilting in jack’s direction (jack thinks she looks adorable- a bit like an angry kitten).
“well when i saw you in the corner of the bar, you looked like the sad guy in the cartoons who has a literal storm cloud hovering over their head,” he shyly muttered, taking a sip of the now warm drink clasped in his hand, glancing nervously towards the sea of people.
a longer period of silence ensues, jack beginning to grow fearful of her reaction. so much so, that he goes to get up to relocate to the opposite corner of the room, before she suddenly speaks.
“well then i guess that makes you sunshine?” she questions in a teasing tone.
“excuse me?” he quickly answers, confusion radiating from his body.
“if i reminded you of a storm cloud, then i guess that makes you sunshine. because the minute you made your way towards me, despite my reaction, you lit up the room jack. so- that makes you sunshine,” she finishes, her cheeks growing red, matching the red tinge on jack’s cheeks
at her sudden outburst, jack has relaxed back into his seat, a comfortable silence now taking over.
the pair sit in a short silence before jack breaks it, “sunshine and a storm cloud- what a duo we are,” he states, causing the duo to burst into a fit of giggles.
and that- that was the start of something truly beautiful.
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sweetiecutie · 2 years
Pairing: dark! Sirius Black x fem! Reader
Warnings: NSFW, dry-humping, yandere themes, non-consensual touching, obsessive and toxic behavior, drugging, don’t read if you’re not comfortable with those things!!!
A/n: this is part 2 to my dark!Sirius drabble, just like promised. Better read it first before starting with this work. Turned out not exactly how I wanted it to be, but it’s better than nothing ig
Sirius has always been handsy, trying to touch you in any possible way at all times. And you almost got used to that, really, but now that you two were officially “dating” his touchiness increased tenfold - it felt like every minute of every day consisted of you swatting away Sirius’ prying hands and him trying even harder to lay them upon your body.
You’d look pleadingly at his friends, eyes watering and bottom lip trembling - Sirius’ behavior was obviously not normal. Remus seemed to understand that too, but still - he did nothing. He’d give you an apologetic look, eyebrows knitted together and corners of his mouth pulled downward in disapprobation, yet still he never intervened. James, as you got to know him better a bit further in your forced relationships with Sirius, was just as sick in his head. Not as dangerous as his best friend was, but certainly just as twisted. You saw how he was with Evans - following her everywhere like a lost puppy (or ravenous beast), suffocating her and everyone around with his heavy presence, attached to her like a chewing gum stuck in her pretty red hair.
So here you were, pressed against the stone wall in empty classroom of a huge castle, where Sirius made sure no one could interrupt you. Sirius’ lips were greedy, devouring you with such longing that made your knees buckle, and if it wasn’t for his thigh delved in between your legs - you’d be on a floor long time ago. Your tried to push at his shoulders, trying to get a boy off of you, but fruitless.
You’ve noticed a few weeks ago that something was off with you - your body became weaker by the day, as if all strength was seeping out of your pores hourly, leaving you a powerless rag barely able to keep up with all your classes. It didn’t take a genius to understand what was happening - Sirius was putting something in your food. You’ve stopped eating in front of him, only having an occasional toast or apple to not attract his attention too much; all the numerous sweets Black has ever given you as a gift ended up straight in trash - you didn’t risk consuming definitely drugged dainties. Madam Pomfrey blamed it all on your nerves and upcoming N.E.W.T.s, ignoring your numerous complains and advising to sleep and eat more. Yet still, continual trembling of your hands and weakness of your legs told that Sirius somehow managed to feed - whatever this shit was - to you, and pretty successfully.
Sirius’ hands snaked their way down your body, resting on your ass unashamedly. You squealed in protest, hitting his upper arms with shaky fists, but to no avail - Sirius just chuckled at your ‘shyness’ into your kiss, giving your butt a loving squeeze.
He forced your hips forward so that your bodies were pressed flush against each other. Sirius exhaled shakily at the feeling of his bulge rubbing against your stomach; he rutted his pelvis a few more times, moaning into your mouth sweetly at the feeling of his throbbing cock humping you through numerous layers of clothing.
- Fuck, I want you so bad, - he murmured softly against your lips, his hot breath hit your face, making you shiver unpleasantly. You gripped his upper arms, feeling his muscles flex under your touch.
- Sirius, please I-
- Shhh, I know, my dearest, I know. But not here. Not like that, - Sirius interrupted you with soft voice, red lips made their way along your jawline and down to your neck, scattering sloppy wet kisses on your skin, making sure to leave marks in all most obvious places.
- You deserve to be lavished, worshipped among finest silks like a princess that you are, not some quick shag on the desk.
You felt his hands moving up you back, caressing your body with tender touches - wide palms glided over your buttocks and up your lower back. One heavy hand came to wrap around your waist, giving it a firm squeeze; the other one followed the path of your spine, softly rubbing in-between your shoulder blades before cupping your nape, craning your head backwards for easier access. Soft wet lips slotted onto yours with such yearning, greedy tongue pushed assertively into your mouth; Sirius moaned as your taste engulfed him once more, he breathed hard and deep through his nose, hand on the back of your head pushed you even further into him.
You couldn’t help a little squeal tearing through your throat at the pressure. A few tears rolled down your cheeks - you were scared to near death; you still couldn’t understand Sirius’ emotional pattern, he was as unpredictable as weather, which only made him more dangerous. You knew he wasn’t all that scared of hurting you. And you were sure he would certainly do so if he deemed your attitude towards him unacceptable. You were scared to try getting him off yourself, especially since he had completely free access to your neck.
- But please, indulge me just this once. You’re driving me absolutely fucking mad, Y/n, I’ve never wanted anyone so bad, - Sirius blabbered, his hips humping against your stomach, strong arms keeping you firmly in place, not giving a single opportunity to inch away.
Sirius grunted and whimpered into your neck, you were sure that it was completely covered in bright hickeys and bite-marks at this point. Black moaned out your name quietly, his hips rutting against you erratically - he was nearing his high.
- I love you, I love you, I love you, fuck… ‘m so fucking close, - he mumbled mindlessly, hot lips pressed aimlessly agains your temple, hands gripping your shaking form as tightly as ever.
With a low growl and final jerk of his hips Sirius stilled; his tense body was trembling slightly, breathing uneven and shallow. He slumped against your smaller frame after a few moments, letting out an airy giggle. He buried his nose deeper into the hair on the side of your head, inhaling lungfuls of your scent.
- Sorry, shit. That was insane. I can use my fingers to make you-
- No, Siri, that’s okay. We’re gonna be late to class, - you interjected, gripping desperately on every opportunity to end all this as soon as possible.
Black-haired only huffed in reply, ducking down to lock your lips in a strong wet kiss. He broke away from you, unraveling his arms from around your body; Sirius did leave one hand on the small of your back though, rubbing your tense muscles with soft touches. His other hand came to fix your hair and askew collar of white uniform shirt, satisfied with the fact that it couldn’t cover all the dark marks he has left on your neck.
After quickly fixing each other’s clothes you hurried out of the classroom and through endless corridors of the castle, finally reaching your destination. Luckily, you came a few minutes before the start of the lesson, so you didn’t have to explain professor the reason of your yet another belatedness. Sirius sat you at the desk at the end of the row, saving himself a seat next to you by dropping his belongings there. He tilted your head up by your chin using his thumb and index finger, placing a what might be seen as loving kiss on the center of your forehead.
- ‘m gonna go clean myself up a bit. I’ll be back in no time, don’t have too much fun without me, ‘kay? - Sirius winked and placed yet another kiss on your forehead. ‘Quite a confidence he has for a guy with pants full of cum’ flashed in your head, but you quickly dismissed this thought.
You noted how Sirius gave a short nod in James’ direction, which, you figured, meant ‘watch over her while I’m gone’. Potter nodded back curtly and with that your “boyfriend” retreated.
You threw a short look around, catching your best friend’s - well, now ex-best friend’s - worried eyes, her eyebrows knitted together in worry as she noted your wet eyes and reddened face. You barely mouthed word ‘don’t’, knowing all too well how vicious Sirius would become if he happened to know about this short interaction between you two. If there was a person Black despised more than Severus, it probably was her - all because she could see right through his bullshit, trying to get you out of that hellhole despite all his numerous threats and blackmail. Her frown only deepened, but she turned away from you nevertheless; you relaxed a bit seeing that James didn’t notice anything.
For now, you were safe. Sirius’ needs were satisfied and he was practically purring with joy, hip pushed into yours as he sat next to you through the rest of your classes and at the great hall, babbling his usual Sirius nonsense. You forced a tight smile on your lips and nodded to his gibberish, your mind relentlessly giving ideas of all the possible nightmares tomorrow’s day may bring.
Likes, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated, they inspire me on creating even more content for you💖
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epiclamer · 5 months
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Sitting on the hard concrete floor of a jail cell with a singular water bottle was not exactly Hero’s ideal way to spend their Friday night. Not that they really had a choice during a kidnapping, but they sure as hell wished they could’ve at least fought off their attacker.
Instead, the bugger had drugged them out of their mind with a few roofies in their evening coffee and dragged them back to their holding cell. At least that’s how the hero was envisioning the last few hours since their brain was pulling a complete blank.
“Ah, Hero… Finally awake, hm?”
The crime-stopper looked up from their position on the floor, eyes darting around the dark room until they could spot a silhouette in the back, far off from the bars that contained them. It took a good few seconds of processing and a couple squints for the hero to make out that their kidnapper was in fact their one and only nemesis; Villain.
At once, the hero’s anxiety lifted and their stomach twisted. Villain was a good sign, the two of them had been fighting for months now and had somewhat grown fond of each other after sharing a few rather… intimate moments.
Villain was also a pain in Hero’s ass. All of their stunts brought on loads of paperwork and a heartache Hero couldn’t afford to call in sick to handle.
“L-Lucky me, huh?” They cleared their throat, taking another swig from the now half-empty water bottle they had been ‘generously’ left with. “Were you worried about me, darling?” They purred, winking with a confidence they truly lacked in this situation.
The villain scoffed, coming forwards out of the shadows as they stalked toward the hero’s prison. “Actually, yes.”
Their boots reached right before the cell bars, too close to be considered an enemy to the hero, yet too far to be considered a friend.
Slowly but surely, Hero pulled themselves to their feet, using the bars to help support their swaying weight, until they could look the villain straight in the eyes. “Is that so? Put a bit too much sedative in my coffee? Worried it might slow my heart all the way to a stop?” They punctuated their last word with a jab to the villain’s breastplate right where their heart lay.
The villain didn’t react. “Well excuse me if I get my dosage wrong when I try to mix a muscle relaxant into a brain stimulant.”
They both shared a small smirk, neither of them shared the same feeling behind it. Villain’s was conniving, Hero’s was cheeky.
“Oh poor Villain, hm? Next time tell me before you kidnap me that way I can buy a water bottle instead.”
Villain snorted, glancing over the hero’s appearance quickly before locking eyes with them once more. “I would’ve, and I will for next time. But today the occasion is a little different.”
It was crazy how fast the hero’s heart could lurch into their throat.
“How so?”
“Supervillain wants to see you.”
“What for.”
The criminal took a breath, probably able to smell the fear seeping from the hero’s pores all of a sudden and desperate for a simpler way to put what they were about to say next.
“It’s their birthday—”
“You’re gifting me to Supervillain!?”
The villain looked a little sheepish now, though not at all remorseful. “They’ve offered me a sector of their territory—it’s quite large really—in return for a day with the city’s saviour.”
Everything came crashing down onto the hero, all of their previous relief towards seeing the villain had vanished. What was left of their flirty behaviour and composure was long gone. They were going to be sick.
Sick or maybe they would just pass out, or black out and kill the villain in a violent stupor; they hadn’t decided yet.
“L-Let me get this straight.” Hero smoothed a hand through their suddenly sweaty hair. “Supervillain offered you a chunk of their made-up criminal territories, if you could deliver me firsthand in time for their birthday.”
“They said they would return you in one piece to the Agency, if that helps?”
Hero was definitely going to throw up. A whole day with the Supervillain? They were done for. “You mean return my dead body in one piece.”
Villain was definitely paler—as if the true outcome of their actions was just being realized—but hardly as panicked as the hero was. “Supervillain promised they wouldn’t hu—”
“Do you trust Supervillain.”
With wide eyes the villain blinked at the panicking hero and the crime-stopper could already tell the answer, but they wanted to hear it. Hero knew that Villain had gone through rigorous conditioning with Supervillain for years before they met the hero, but somehow they had thought they were finally getting through that shell and into the real Villain’s heart.
“Villain. Do you trust Supervillain.”
The criminal’s features darkened, body language shifting towards increasingly uncomfortable. They nodded—almost robotically.
“Supervillain knows what’s best for me—what’s best for all of us.”
Hero’s heart sank.
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steddieas-shegoes · 5 months
i wanna be your slave
for @subeddieweek day six with the prompt public sex
rated e | 1,596 words | please check ao3 for tags
Day one:  ao3 | tumblr Day two: ao3 | tumblr Day three: ao3 | tumblr Day four: ao3 | tumblr  Day five: ao3 | tumblr
Eddie should have taken the opportunity to run back inside and use the phone that he knew was sitting in the office backstage to call someone before the rain started coming down harder. He should have risked getting stuck inside the heated building instead of getting stuck inside his van that wouldn’t start in the middle of winter.
Rain storms shouldn’t even happen in December. Shouldn’t it all be snow or something?
He groaned and banged his head against the wheel.
The rain continued to pour down, louder and faster, to the point where Eddie could barely even hear himself think.
At least Steve would probably come check here when he realized he wasn’t at the trailer.
He just had to make it through the next 30 minutes or so. The rain might even stop by then.
Eddie hummed to himself, any song he could think of, even one of Corroded Coffin’s newest attempts at an original song. He played with his hair, braiding and unbraiding the same strands over and over to keep his hands busy.
He checked his watch more frequently than was helpful.
Eventually, headlights flashed in his side mirror and he heard the low rumble of another car.
He checked to see that it was Steve before unlocking the door and jumping out.
Steve barely had his car in park before he jumped out of, leaving the car running as he rushed over to pull Eddie against him.
“Shit, baby, I was so worried. What happened?”
For some reason, Eddie felt tears pooling in his eyes.
It was just an issue with the van, and probably a pretty easy repair for Wayne to do tomorrow. It’s not like he got stranded alone for hours getting soaked in the rain. It’s not like Steve forgot about him.
“Oh, baby boy.” Steve’s hands cupped his cheeks and Eddie couldn’t really tell if he had actually started crying or if the rain was falling down his face. “You’re okay. I’ve got you.”
“It won’t start,” Eddie shivered. It may have been a bit warmer than usual for December this week, but it was still barely 40 degrees, and with the ice cold rain falling on them, Eddie knew he’d get sick if he stayed out in it for much longer.
“C’mon, I have the heat on in my car. Let’s get you warm.”
Steve gently guided him into the backseat, surprising him by joining him instead of getting in the driver’s seat to take them home.
“Jacket and shirt off, c’mon,” Steve nudged his jacket off his shoulders and Eddie sniffed as he followed his instructions. “If you take everything off, you’ll get warmer faster.”
“You just want me naked in the backseat of your car, Harrington,” Eddie grumbled, but knew he was right. He managed to get his soaking wet jeans off and left everything in a pile on the floorboards. “Now what?”
Steve reached under his own body and pulled out a towel, unfolding it and gesturing for Eddie to move for a minute so he could lay it out across the seat.
“Were you a Boy Scout or something?” Eddie felt the warmth slowly seeping into his pores, though his hair was still dripping onto his bare shoulders and chest.
“Nah. Just learned to be prepared for anything.” Steve’s hand rested on his knee. “I’m gonna shut off the headlights while we sit here. Just hang tight.”
Eddie was naked in the backseat of Steve’s car in the parking lot of Hawkins High while lightning flashed directly across from them and rain beat the roof of the car.
If he wasn’t living this moment, he never would’ve believed it was possible.
Steve’s hands were warm when they circled Eddie’s wrists, pulling him into Steve’s lap. He’d removed his own clothes sometime in the last minute when Eddie was lost in thought.
“Just gonna stay here for a few minutes while you warm up, okay?”
Eddie nodded.
And then it actually hit him that they were both naked.
No one would be checking on them as long as this storm was happening.
No one would even see their cars in the parking lot with how heavy the rain was right now.
They could do anything they wanted.
As if he could read his mind, Steve huffed a laugh against Eddie’s shoulder. “You’re always so eager to get fucked, aren’t you sweet boy? Even if someone could see.”
“No one will see,” Eddie protested.
“Maybe I want people to see.”
Eddie felt himself getting hard at the thought of them being caught, of Steve Harrington having to explain to Officer Powell why they were both naked in the backseat of his car. Of how many people had probably been fucked in the back of this car, but how none of those people had gotten Steve like this.
“Maybe I wanna fuck you so good that you scream my name so loud the people in the neighborhood a mile away hear and call the cops. Maybe I hope someone stops by to check on the cars and sees me so deep inside you they couldn’t possibly separate us.”
Eddie whimpered.
Yeah, he needed Steve to fuck him. Now.
“You’re still wet from when I got my tongue in you earlier, baby,” Steve said as he ran his thumb across his hole, still slick with spit. “But I came prepared tonight.”
Steve held up a small bottle of lube. Was that travel size? Did they seriously make a travel size bottle of lube? And Steve bought it?
Eddie loved him so much.
“Relax for me, baby. Gonna open you up more so you can sit on my cock. Gonna be nice and warm after, okay?” Steve’s lips brushed against his neck, his collarbone, his nipple. His fingers, now coated with lube, rubbed at his entrance.
One finger pushed in, quickly followed by a second one. Steve was good at reading him, knew exactly what he could take and what he needed.
Eddie liked to feel full, even if it had just a hint of too much, just a tiny little twinge of pain.
“Gonna ride my fingers?” Steve cupped the back of his head with his free hand, scratching at his scalp.
Eddie hadn’t even realized he’d been doing it, didn’t notice the way he rose and fell naturally as Steve worked him open. He wasn’t even trying to get more from him, he never had to push really. Steve was eager to give him more before Eddie had to beg.
At least since they started referring to each other as boyfriends, anyway.
A third finger entered him, and Eddie groaned at the stretch.
“Feels good,” Eddie threw his head back, only getting a little frustrated at the way the top of his head brushed against the roof of the car. It wasn’t ideal to be doing this in such a small space, but it was hot.
“Gonna spread you out on my bed next time so I can watch. Love seeing you open up on my fingers,” Steve bit down on his shoulder, both of them moaning as Steve’s fingers worked faster.
“Need you, need you. Please.”
Okay, so maybe he still had to beg a little.
But the moment he asked, Steve’s fingers were being replaced by his leaking cock, pushing in slow enough for Eddie to tell him to stop if he needed a minute.
“Fuck,” Eddie’s head fell onto Steve’s shoulder, putting him at a somewhat awkward angle, but Steve’s cock brushed perfectly against his prostate. “Oh, fuck. Can I come?”
“Now? Already?” Eddie could hear the knowing smirk in Steve’s voice and he wasn’t a fan.
“Yes, now. Already. Please.”
“Come when you want. But I’m not stopping until I’ve filled you up,” Steve said as he moved his hips faster.
True to his word, when Eddie came not even a minute later, shaking apart in Steve’s lap, tears dripping onto his still slightly rain-damp skin, Steve kept thrusting in and out. He didn’t even slow down, just kept the pace that Eddie knew he needed to get off.
The constant pressure against his prostate after he came was almost too much, and definitely would be too much soon. He felt the haze of overstimulation washing over him, let his brain go a bit cloudy as Steve used him to get off.
They didn’t do this very often; Steve was very much against possibly actually hurting Eddie and fucking him after his orgasm usually led to him wincing in pain. But sometimes, when the timing was just right, Eddie would start to float into subspace just when things got a bit less comfortable.
“Color, baby.”
“Green. Feel good.”
“Yeah, you look like you feel good, sweet boy.”
The compliments always made him float faster, make him drift just that bit further away, where he could just be held by Steve and know that he was being taken care of.
The rain seemed to be quieter, but Eddie couldn’t be bothered to move his face from the safety of Steve’s neck right now.
Steve’s hands tightened against his back, pushing him down onto his cock.
Warmth filled him as Steve moaned against his ear.
“So good for me, baby,” Steve whispered, his hips slowing to a stop. “Wish I could stay inside you forever.”
Steve laughed. “I can’t stay inside you, sweet boy. Gotta clean you up and get you home.”
Steve gave him a minute or two, maybe longer, it was hard to tell with his brain checked out.
Day seven: ao3 | tumblr
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mistyresolve · 7 months
| This Isn't Normal - Simon “Ghost” Riley X Reader
Word Count - 560
Summary - Simon Riley believed himself to have moved past the anger issues. He never thought he'd have an outburst again, least of all have it directed towards you.
Tags/Warnings - Trigger Warning! Abuse, untreated anger issues, yelling, established relationships (ending of said relationship), angst, disassociation.
A/N - As some may know Simon canonically had anger management issues and I'd like to think my baby girl version of him would NEVER act like the Simon in this one shot. I would also everyone to know that this type of relationship is not healthy and if you find yourself in a similar situation please seek help. Everyone deserves love and respect.
Masterlist  ❤︎   
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It was nights like these where Simon truly wished he was anyone else, where he could step out of his own skin and turn away from himself. The nights that were made silent by his shouts and outcries of anger. He hated the putrid rage that seeped from his pores, how his fury rushed through his veins like fire. Yet, he couldn’t stop himself. He couldn’t control himself. His mouth had grown a mind of its own and words had left his lips before they were a fully formed thought. 
At some point, he’d stopped seeing. His vision of blur of colours and shapes. His perception of his surroundings was made skewed by the overwhelming disgust toward himself. He couldn’t remember what even started this fight. 
He was sure whatever it was wasn’t deserving of this reaction. 
But he couldn’t stop. 
You had long since stopped responding. Your eyes glazed over as you stared off into the distance, your mind undoubtedly protecting itself from the onslaught of his anger. You didn’t even try to defend yourself. 
He would never understand why you didn’t just get up and walk away from him. He didn’t understand why you didn’t lock the bedroom door behind you and call the cops on him. 
He has never and would never hit you. He never got violent like that. Never punched walls or threw glasses but he yelled. He spewed hatred like it was a sport when he was triggered. 
He thought he was doing better. It had been nearly a year since his last outburst. Or his first outburst with you, depending on how you wanted to look at it. He had promised you it would never happen again.      
A memory flashed before his eyes and he froze, his eyes widening his shock. His father's face, red from yelling at him and his mother, seared into him. The air was sucked out of his lungs and his mouth snapped shut. 
The silence in the room was deafening, and his ears rang from it. He backed away from you, biting hard into his fisted hand. 
Finally, your eyes shifted to his, emotionless, and his heart shattered. What was he doing to you? He was once again sick with himself. 
You took the pause in his attack as your time to leave. You stood from the couch and walked out of the living room. 
Several hours later he found you on the back balcony, leaning on the banister with a very full glass beside you. 
He opened the door to the balcony, stepped outside and leaned on the banister a few feet beside you.   
“I think you should leave me,” He murmured into the cold air, his breath curling in front of him, “I know,” he corrected himself, “I know you should leave me.” 
You turned to face him, your cheeks blushed from the cool air. Your eyes searched his face, before looking back out the skyline. You remained silent for a while before saying, “You need to get help…This isn’t normal.”  
He nodded, “Yeah. I do,” he had gone to therapy and gotten treatment for his anger before, and had thought he’d moved past this. 
“I think you should find a place to stay for the night. Maybe even the week,” you took a sip of your wine. 
He bowed his head between his arms, his chest tightening, “I do too.” 
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grapejuicestyless · 1 year
You Are In Love
Harry Styles x Fem!Reader
Summery: The one where Harry's going away on tour and promised y/n a souvenir.
(Not my GIF)
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Waking up was my favorite part of my day, or it had grown to be. 
The moon had never shinned so bright in the foggy London winters, nor had it ever seeped so deep through my skin, tickling the buds I could feel the warmth spread. It had never stretched so far to reach my eyes, peeling the heavy blanket laying peacefully over them late Friday evening. No, it had never really gotten that far before. Never that intense, but here I was, feeling the total contentedness of it all, wrapping my body in a cocoon of blankets and pillows, feeling totally at peace I let the clock tick by rhythmically.   
My eyes rid themselves of their sleep, clear as day I saw everything in high definition, the walls paint shining off the cracked beams of light, the curtains swaying so elegantly against the wind, the dust laying a thin coat across the warm toned floors, a homely sense to it all.
But trailing around the room, my eyes met to my right, silky h/c roots draped messily over the wrinkled pillow cover. Her skin was porcelain in the snowy downfall, cool breeze sneaking up on her pores, little bumps and chills shivering down her spine quickly and so smoothly it nearly looked like she had only shifted positions. Her lips jutted outwards, little puffs of air escaping freely past her lips, brows furrowed together intently, focused on her one track pace in her beautiful mind. 
I couldn't help it when I reached up, thumb placed between her brows to smooth out the creases, watching with such deep focus as her features softened and her intense focus bubbled over into a dozy huff escaping in salty morning breath, I winced. Yet she laid perfectly still, cuddled up against her pillow, holding it tightly, attached to the cottony whiteness stuffed between her fingers.
My eyes traced her features from afar, face surely mush by now. My lips were upturned, cheeks round and rosy, eyes scrunched and gleaming, relaxed and shifting to inspect her. I looked at her adorningly, admiring every inch of her face, how her lips sucked into lick the dryness covering them. Absolutely infatuated with the simplest things she did with no memory of even knowing she'd done it. Hopelessly devoted to the girl, I watched sleepily, besotted over everything in that memory I held close, a snow day for us, I felt awestruck and love sick. Doting over her, I ignored how her hot breath tickled my neck, or how her knee had pressed up so tight against my thigh I broke a sweat between our heated bodies. I barely noticed how her baby hairs stuck to her forehead in curls or how her eyes leaked with the mornings tears for no reason, bottling up nothing but the wetness they held comfortably all day. Barely even saw how her lips parted again, drool stringing onto the pillow. Everything about her felt like I home, I looked to her for home.
One look, dark room Meant just for you
Maybe that's why I couldn't help but hold the sigh falling between my lips, or how the air came out too quick or harsh, blowing against the curl in her eyelashes. Maybe that's why her eyes dared open this late, and I'd forever blame myself for not turning away for even a moment, admiring her for a little longer, quieter, softer. Something so magnetic drew my gaze to her, making the bonds too heavy against my iris I couldn't force myself to look away while she laid in front of me so peacefully. But I would never forgive myself for ruining that moment I got with her without her even knowing, a stolen memory.
Time moved too fast You play it back
"H..?" She mumbled, eyes barely open, they fell closed against in a blink. One long blink, she licked her lips again, head lifting shakily against the weight of her feeble arms.
"Sorry lovie, didn't mean to wake you." My hand laid perched under my ear, head leaned into its side, a pocket formed between my palm and untamed curls.
I took my left hand again, raising it flatly against her forehead I laid her down gently into the mattress, her eyelashes fluttering shut with the spreading warmth from my fingertips, nails dug into her hairline carefully I praised her with a relieving scratch to her scalp. 
"Harry, hun, why are you up this late? You need your rest, big day tomorrow." She coaxed me into her arms with her words, body leaning over to her chest, I rested my head in her hands, looking into her eyes body hovering far enough to only feel a sliver of heat come off of her tangled body beneath me. Her hands tangling through the dark sea of chestnut browns and golds swirling like cinnamon, sweet and strong.
I sighed contently against the smell of her lingering perfume, vanilla pastries and fresh strawberries mixing with my borrowed body wash that we now shared, soapy bubbles of dove tracing her skin delicately with the clean smell against her sensitive skin.
"Couldn't sleep. Just, can't stop admiring how peaceful you are. So beautiful against the moon it's unreal." I flirted, though, every word came off more as a confession than a flirtatious move. 
She smiled though, she smiled tiredly, drooping eyes staring back at mine with so much admiration and appreciation, her hands removed themselves from the patterns of swirls and rubs against my scalp and stretched outwards, inviting me silently, an offer to become closer, body pressed to body I couldn't decline. 
"Silly boy waking up a silly girl. Now bot of us are awake, wide awake." She added lastly, yawning and stretching out around my body, we lay tangled in each others limbs. 
And the room fell silent, comfortable silence, I let my breathing stop, forced it to stop. Only to match my breaths to hers. Silly, I felt it, but it made me feel so much closer with just a simple action. And so we breathed, heart to head, breath to breath, her eyes looking down on me, I could feel it.
"Harry?" She whispered softly, shaking my body gently against her ribs.
"Hm?" I hummed contently.
"Lets go out." She spoke softly, almost unsure of her words.
"Okay." I agreed, barely moving.
So we stood at the door, bundling up for the snow, she hadn't brought a coat, insisting she didn't need one, I knew she did. I knew how the bitterness would eat her up, nip at her nose, turning a vibrant pink, hurt the lobes of her ears and the back of her throat, and I only wanted to keep her safe. Or that's what I told myself. No, I was truly selfish, thriving off of being, feeling close to her, her arms hanging short in the sleeves of my long coat. She struggled with the buttons, much like me, but I would never admit it; bulky and stiff against the thick fabric, I couldn't help but suppress a laugh at her efforts. 
"Need some help buttoning up that prom dress of yours, hm?" I teased at the length, down to her knees, just a bit longer than where it fell at my thighs.
Buttons on a coat Light-hearted joke
"Shove it." She pointed towards me, a warning of a million deaths, shooting ice at my heart, only to melt it with the smile that followed and for a second in that smile. The very same smile that held a million hearts, a million frowns, millions of possible lovers, but she was with me. The same smile that made her cheeks perk up a the slightest angle out, like mine, made the skin gathered with freckles crinkle into a thin line, made her cheeks fluster a redish-pink. The smile I loved. And for a moment in that smile I felt something more behind it. Something growing, a warmth, a fuzz, some connection that grew nothing more than an unspoken agreement between the two of us. 
No proof, not much But you saw enough
The car fell quiet, soft humming like a melody in my ears from the rocks beneath the sleek blackness of it all. The moon was out, shining still just a bright down on me, if not even brighter on her. My eyes drawn to her complexion, enraptured in how perfect she always looked through his eyes. How even the hip dips and the bloating couldn't look bad on her. No, it never did. Nothing ever did, she looked stunning, a perfect painting from Van Gogh, brush strokes so small, even close up you couldn't see them. So detailed, so hyper-realistic, so easy to study. 
But her voice, her voice was so sweet. Each syllable dripped like honey past her plush pink lips, so sickeningly sugared I licked my lips every time my name fell past them. 
"So, where are we off too? Just driving or..?" I spoke clearly, graininess and rasp leaking with the tiredness in my throat.
"I dunno'. Coffee could be nice." There it was, dripping from the wand, plunging and scooping out handfuls of smoothness into the air, I could taste its syrupy contents. The honey that came from her voice soothing my aching ears.
"Coffee?" I repeated back, lacking the melody she had in each line she spoke. I turned my head to face her, eyes repeating the short motion of looking to her.
"Could be nice. You know, since you woke me up I don't see a point in sleeping anymore, do you?" She testified, pleading her innocence to me. She looked at me so sweetly, so gently, so homely, my bones turned to jelly. 
"Sure. Sounds sweet." 
Small talk, he drives Coffee at midnight
"One large black coffee and uhm..." I looked over to the girl on the window, palm pressed to her cheek, she leaned further into the window, forehead pressed against the coolness of the glass. 
"Actually can I get two?" I corrected myself, lips tugging upwards, I melt again, a puddle at her feet, a rope tied tightly around her finger, yet she didn't know. She never would, never could. She had so much power over me, so much and I adored every moment of it. Every second she was with me was something I held close, and this moment didn't weigh any less than the rest, something fresh to doddle over while she was away from my touch, my love. 
The crackling of the speaker pulled me from my winding thoughts, my trance shaken off, not far forgotten yet, I held the wheel firmly to get closer to the sliding windows, plastered with tired smiles and friendly faces. 
Still, I looked over to her every so often, making sure she was okay, just for a bit, she rested very still, breathing controlled and steady, she laid on the brink of sleep and consciousness. The drowsiness had lumped her shoulders, relaxing her muscles; she wavered from side to side with each little bump and movement. She almost fell, fell deeply into a sleep to be woken up from, from a sudden stop at a stop light. 
The coffee scent burned her nose, I could see it. I could see how it scrunched and shifted under her furrowed brows, I smiled through the rear view, tapping my fingers on the wheel delicately. 
"You weren't planning on sleeping, were you?" She asks delicately, as if I'll break though I know I'm so far from it. So desperately, madly, suffocatingly content with everything in this moment, I knew how the sheepish smiles I gave her looked. Scared, restless, sad maybe. But maybe I was just tired, or maybe it was her because I knew I had only been looking at her with admiration all night. Looking at her like the last sight I'd ever see before going blind. Seeing nothing but her in my memory. 
"Hm?" I hum back, peering over my shoulder to see her body stretched across the middle consul, resting her chin in the curl of her fingers, slowly rubbing her chin, thinking.
"You never took your rings off. You never wear those to bed, I know it. I've seen you try to sleep with them on, stresses you out too much you told me." She motioned towards the bright crimson red radiating off the golds and silvers of my rings, the shine  of the expensive bands wrapped tightly around my fingers, sliding on and off my like butter.  She motioned towards the repeating tune, fingers tapping at the black fabric covering the wheel, thumbs rubbing up and down the leather leisurely. 
"Oh. No, I must have forgot." I scratched my brain mentally, wondering if I really did plan to sleep tonight. I wondered if she hadn't woke up, would I have been able to pull myself from my state of conscious dreaming, eyes glued to her.
She laughed, I know she laughed, I heard it clear as day and my heart flipped. I felt all funny, hearing the breathy chuckles directed at my mindlessness, carelessness. I raised a brow, smirking in confusion, though I didn't seek an answer for her entertainment with my answer. 
"I don't think I've ever seen you forget before, except once. Always tossing and turning. You get so restless with them on, its like its own reminder." She breathed out.
"Oh, really?" I countered, side eyeing her just a few times while our conversation carried.
"Positive." She looked to me, the road becoming nothing but a distant memory while I looked to her for a stolen second of her time.
The light reflects The chain on your neck He says, "Look up"
"You know," She started, "I still remember the first time I slept over, first time after we'd moved in." She sighed happily.
"You were so restless, I thought you were uncomfortable around me, being so close in a home to call ours for once. I got so nervous, I couldn't sleep that night knowing you had been sleeping like shit." She looked into my eyes, lulling me in under her spell. 
"Sorry love, didn't mean to startle you, I had no idea, really." She brushed my concern off, picking back up her smile to continue her perspective of that night, a memory she held close, a memory of us, I was so infatuated with the way she remembered it so clearly I almost missed how she called it our home. Ours, like we were more than just a couple of kids who dated for a couple months then moved in. More than just a pair of twenty year old's with dreams too big for the both of them.
"God, I remember it so vividly now. You, you looked like a mess. I remember thinking how pretty you looked still, how I envied how perfect you were even in a state of lousiness. You-you had woken up with such tired eyes and a droopy frown. You had scooped me up so tight I couldn't breathe, I remember it, I adored it. I found it so cute how clingy you were to me, my back pressed against yours. I was sweating but you wouldn't let me move. So I started to twist the rings on your fingers, back and forth and you shot up. You sat up so quickly and practically ripped the rings off of your fingers, eyes blown wide. You made this whole speech about how stupid you felt too not have know. I found it so funny. You were so frustrated the whole day and slept right through your alarms the next morning." She though back on the memory, grinning from ear to ear, hiding behind her hand shyly. 
"I remember that. I was so stressed when I woke up, almost forgot my shoes out the door." I joined her, reminiscing over the memory just as she had been. 
"Didn't have the heart to wake you. You looked so at peace I didn't want to ruin it. I could only watch the clock from afar, listening to your snoring." She admitted honestly, and I could tell. Everything about her was honest, I liked that about her. Loved it even.
I smiled at her consideration. 
"Well, thank you." I joked.
"You're welcome." She tilted her head, craning her neck back to meet her eyes with mine, eyelashes hanging low over her bright eyes. 
Stopping at a stop sign briefly, I took the moment to lean down, eyelashes tickling mine, she pulled me in close by her cool red fingers, taking my chin between her hands and pressing a delicate kiss to her warm lips, spreading a wildfire through my body, it traveled down my spine and back up. I had never felt more loved, or happy to have forgotten my rings. So caught up, I almost didn't pull away. 
But her lips tugging on mine, teeth caught between the glossy skin pulled me from my thoughts, and my eyes opened slowly. The first thing I saw were those sleepy eyes, those tired eyes I fell totally head over heels for. The eyes that could mend every promise or break them. And I felt nothing but pure bliss and comfort for it. For everything she'd done in that moment. For kissing me when I didn't ask for it, for no reason even. And I felt loved.
And your shoulders brush No proof, one touch But you felt enough
Driving home, coffee warmed the back of my hand, pressed delicately against the dorsal side, my fingers curled gently around hers, a strong hold squeezing them between the cracks, forced to intertwine them by only ourselves. I held her there, upright with my grip while she continued to doze off, eyes growing tired and sleepy again, we didn't speak a word but instead relished in the perfect silence spread between us. The melodic puffs of breath escaping past her lips in an even, slow pattern. She began to sink further into the black indents of the slippery leather seats, a shining string falling from the corner of her settled face. Her seatbelt tugged on her chest, holding her in place desperately, hair pushing up against her neck, her eyelashes batted open again. 
You can hear it in the silence, silence, you
"Almost home, love." I assured her dozy conscious, knowing more would be too hard to translate into more than a jumble of words put together, so she only nodded, feeling the wave of exhaustion taking over her, only rambles being formed. 
Still, she wiped the corner of her mouth of the thin trail of drool, letting it shine while it dried slowly on her skin, settling it down by the crook of her thumb that rested now, against the apple of her cheek. Her palm pushed against her skin, letting it tug up with a push to the rise of her brow. Her hand found its way to her lap again, sleep covering the pinks of her hazy eyes she took her dry hand, snaking it above my hand gripping the gear shifter. I watched her unsteadily tether our hands together, holding my heart with an invisible sting with each brush against the whites of my knuckles.
Smiling to myself, I kept my eyes on the road the best I could, the wildness encaptured in the greens of mine reflecting off of her capturing e/c ones. My hand slipped away from the sun-swallowing gear shifter, the creases in the warmth of my palm holding the cool pinkness of her skin so delicately in my never loosening grasp. I smoothed over the creasing on her knuckles, thumb tracing the tiny hairs settled on top of her skin, my lips pressed against the backs of her fingers, curling so tightly around the bend of my fingers, the faint mark of the gesture stuck to her skin like a temporary tattoo applied to her skin. 
And she held it there, just like that, hand wavering with every bump, I felt her eyes land on the outline of my face, our voices silenced by nothing and everything at once. I watched her watch me from what felt like a distance, and I felt her hold me, enjoy this moment. Enjoy us. 
You can feel it on the way home, way home, you
The blow away gravel from the wind had crumbled and rumbled under the rubber of the wheels as we pulled in, the car falling again, silent except for the muffled sounds of her staggering breaths in an attempt to warm her skin and the sipping of the stinging coffee. Hers was almost gone by now, mine untouched, hand remained in its place against my lips for the whole ride I didn't dare to remove her touch I had longed for while I had been admiring her all night through the beginning of the morning, the blackness of the early morning filling the space around us with a spotlight of moon dancing across her skin. I had never been more thankful to had been swallowed by the dull dark, the blush heating my face in a rush of heated pinks and reds. The moon painted her like Da Vinci, hair falling around her hunched over shoulders, legs bent up in a crossed position against the seat and my jacket, my jacket I wish I had now, the goosebumps rising on my skin from the heartless coolness of the London winter, I watched her body become engulfed in the largeness of the thick article, fingers peaking out of the sleeve, the other bunched up to hold her hand in mine.
"Home sweet home." She whispered to me, the look on her face endearing and genuine. It was like the dark circles pulling at her eyelids didn't bother her at all. All she cared about, all she focused on was studying the way my expression changed, she lowered her hand from my face and let it fall to see how my lips curled at each word she spoke. Each word dripping with honey as she spoke with silk and velvetiness it played like a new lyric with each sentence. I sighed deeply, looking back to the now dark garage, headlights dimmed to a dark death, the shine of the buttons of the car gone, the rumble or the engine silenced. The car came to a stop. I was home.
"Our home." I whispered back, looking over to her, our eyes met and all I could want to do was admire her just like earlier in the evening. From when she laid there, sleeping peacefully as little puffs of air fell past her lips with each appreciative sigh for her tired eyes, moon beaming down on her cheeks, highlighting her dimples and apples on her face. How her face scrunched, casting shadows along her soft skin. Now, the moon shined just as bright on her, if not even brighter. Her lips did not push out sighs, but instead curled into warm smiles and toothy grins. Her skin remained creaseless, shadows dancing carefully around her frame, moonlight admiring her silently, for our eyes to share. 
You are in love, true love
I watched her slip up the stairs silently, afraid to make any sound too loud in the silence of the house. Nobody was disturbed in her presence, figure slipping between the creaky stairs and sinking into the plush carpet scattering between the creases in her socks. And I watched her slump further into herself so peacefully, lulling herself into a daze between sleep and restlessness. The coffee stung her tongue now I could tell, observing how carefully timed each time she jutted her lips out in a soft pout, lines forming delicately on her youthful skin, they bounced off as her tongue would push past the barrier of her raw lips, bitten away by the crisp cool air.
Her eyes pulled down just a little bit further, sleep gathering in every pocket between her eyes and the deepening hood she covered the dimming light with, blacks turning purple and purple to a deep blue resting faintly into her sunken bags. I watched her hands tug at the corners of her eyes in an attempt to rub away the sleep gathering. And I watched her fingers slip under her curled lashes, sweeping them away for a moment to brush away the crusting pieces holding her down from the darkened hallway, a siren luring her into the messed about sheets.  
She sat in the bed, tucked away in a ball on top of the covers still wrapped tightly into my large jacket, pockets serving a home for her trembling hands. She was tired, kept up for far too long but fighting her drooping eyes and lazy smile was the caffeine she'd sipped slowly on just moments ago. 
Smiling I reached for her elbows, my large hands hooking around her much smaller elbows and lifting her hands free from the coat to free her body of the outside smell and cool breeze lingering in the material. A chuckle left her mouth, smile wide and dazed as her eyes searched mine. My fingers working against those stubborn buttons, I was determined to hold her eye contact to mine do matter how much longer this took. 
Finally the last button slipped through the hole almost too small for it and the coat slipped from her shoulders leaving her arms bare once again. The air stilled around her, cool air not to be found anymore, she felt confident in throwing the clothing on the floor for tomorrow, sure enough she wouldn't need it any longer tonight. She patted at the bed next to her, allowing me to crawl up next to her with my knuckles popping softly at the pressure. She grimaced and stuck out her tongue, silently begging me to please stop making that sound.
"Come on H, don't ruin it now. Just got us back into bed." She smiled, allowing herself to become engulfed in my arms as I pulled her frame into mine with everything I could. her cheek pressed against my shoulder and her feet curled under themselves, digging into the mattress as we stared off into the room, admiring the home we'd made. 
"What time do you leave tomorrow?" Her question hung in the silent air, breaking it in half. I felt slightly tensed at the question. A reminder of everything he tried to prolong. 
"What time do you want me to leave?" I tried. 
"Never. Oh, never!" She pushed against my body, folding us backwards until our backs hit the mattress and all that was left was out hands intertwined. We stared at the ceiling, lips curled into a gentle smile. barely there, but presenting itself enough to see it even in the half lit room. She huffed out a breath.
"Be serious with me, H. How long?" She tried again, wanting the truth, the answer she dreaded.
I pondered my answer for a moment, not wanting to ruin what was built around us in the moment. My tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth and I swallowed nothing but dryness.
"My flight leaves at 7. Should be out of the house at 5:30, hopefully." The words were direct. The answer she wanted, but wish she didn't. I saw her nod her head out of the corner of my eyes, her lips twitching into a frown but quickly holding a smile again, smaller but upturned still.
"But you'll be back, right? We'll make it through this?" She was turned to me now. My attention pulled from the roof to her eyes. they were watery, much more leaky than before but I wouldn't point it out, nor would I point out the shakiness of her voice and the fear from her tone. It would embarrass her more.
"Always." I promised. She smiled at that. Bigger than before and she trusted me. She believed it, allowing herself to rest her head closer to me that before, hair scattered across my chest messily as her eyes finally closed.
"Always." She repeated, holding it close as her breathing steadied.
How could she even question it? She was the only one I ever wanted to spend my nights watching from the same bed. Who else would request coffee at such late hours of the night, technically day by this point. No, no one else could even hold a small amount to how cute she looked in my clothes, or how she made my heart swell by just being in the same room. She was the only one I had been able to promise this to, anyways. I was always left unsure before tour. I can always tell someone something, but it would never last very long. I was never sure if I was truly meaning what I was saying. Everything ended and I was lifted out of my heart broken state in weeks. But her, I was sure we would work. If she ever even mentioned how cold the bed was without me to fill the space beside her curled up body I would fly the damn plane home myself to hold her myself. I would walk the ends of the earth to see her happy and I couldn't be more sure of the fact that I didn't want to lose her. I couldn't. 
Morning, his place Burnt toast, Sunday You keep his shirt He keeps his word And for once you let go Of your fears and your ghosts One step, not much But it said enough
The next day came too quickly. Way too quickly for what I wanted. Secretly I hoped that it would be endless and we could stay cocooned together for longer. Just holding each other and whispering little jokes and promises to each other. She fell asleep in my arms where she laid when our promises were made. Her head on my chest and her arms draped around my ribs while I held her close on her side against me. Her soft snores broke out every so often when it got too hot or too stuffy and she would stop to wiggle her nose subconsciously. Her hair tickled my nose and so five minutes later it was tucked beneath my chin enough to keep the wisps from tickling my skin anymore but not enough to inflict enough feeling that her eyebrows bunched together in a sour thought. 
It was hard to move form the warm position but it was already much later than I had wanted to leave by, or told myself I would. I knew I wouldn't have been able to leave her so quickly. So I was up only twenty minutes before I was set to leave instead of hours ahead of time, playing with her hair while she gently stirred, tired and foggy in memory of what was happening. I whispered sweet nothings into her ears and ghosted my fingers over her curves to wake her from her sleepy state. Her smile was dropping but still bright as she crawled out of bed, ready to make a quick breakfast. 
She kissed my forehead longingly before slipping out of the room with a small mumble of what she could make in such short time before I left. She said something about complaining about eggs, fighting with herself on how easy they should be but how they always turned out slightly runny or too cooked to the point where they were too crispy and burnt tasting. I watched her shuffle along to her own voice without her realizing yet again, head turning to face her more and more. I let her slip away into the darkness until we were separated. Her from the darkness of the stairs and me the brightness blinding my vision from the bathroom lights. 
You kiss on sidewalks You fight then you talk One night he wakes
Though I had a ride, she insisted she drove. The car ride there was silent. Not the kind of silent that hung between us last night in the car. That was a light, comfortable silence that was created by the loss of topics that hung from our mouths. No, this felt more eerie. Like a darkness was waiting to encage us into it any moment. It felt like something was weighing the laughter and comfort down by a ball and chain. I was so busy analyzing the awkwardness I almost missed the tears forming in her eyes and her hand wiping them away just as quick as they came. I almost didn't see the airport just out the window. It was like the hangover or discomfort silenced the sound of tires stopping into a parking spot. 
She was quick to get out of the car, grabbing my bag from the trunk, not daring to take another step without me. I followed her like I always do, always will. My hand rested heavily on her shoulder, letting her lead me to the correct gate and sit us down. My hand stuck to her palm like superglue. I held it there, knuckles brushed against my cupids bow, eyes brows relaxed and eyes fluttering shut from the early mornings and late last nights. 
God, I'm going to miss those late nights and early mornings.
"Harry, baby." Her voice still dripped with sweetness and candies. Honey still soothing the burn in my throat. It woke me from my thoughts with a gentle shake.
"You're boarding. Don't want to miss the flight." She smiled at me, her hand not dropping from my lips I curled my lips into a smiled and stood with her. 
My arms were quick to engulf her in a bear hug. I swallowed her whole in my jackets and hats, swaying from side to side in an embrace that turned into a kiss. I leaned into her first, lips messily clashing with hers while steady our movements from the swaying. I kissed her hard and passionate, a kiss that begged her to come with me, or tell me not to go. To kick and scream until I had to stay. But she never would. this was my job, we both knew I had to go. I signed up to be in a band, I signed up for this. For tour. I signed up, not her. She didn't sign up. I felt wrong. Why did I feel wrong? 
She pulled away first, holding my biceps with a firm grip and a sparkle in her eyes. Her lips were bitten raw, from this morning. She tried to make me eggs. Sunny side up, my favorites. They became scrambled but at least she tried. But she didn't see it that way. She wanted to send me off with a good breakfast and worried about it the entire time spent over the stove. But they were pulled into a smile now, eyebrows not furrowed in anger or sadness. She was staring at me in pure admiration, holding me. But I felt sour about it all. 
"What's wrong, H?" She was quiet, not wanting to alarm anyone else who could recognize us. "Don't you want to go? Remember how excited you were a couple months ago? Used to always talk about how you would get to go to the states and bring me back the biggest snow globe you could find. Remember?" She questioned, making herself smile at the memory of us sitting drunkenly on the couch at the beginning of the year. My arms outstretched telling her to make room and get rid of her couch so she could replace it with a giant snow globe. It was the first time he'd realized it fully. But he was in love with her.
"You better...you better call someone to get rid of this couch be-because when I get back I'm bringing you the biggest snow globe I can find and it's going r-right here baby!" I slurred, falling back into the arm rest.
"N-no! I like our couch! We can get rid of the dinning table!" She giggled, covering her mouth to muffle the loud sounds escaping her lips.
"How about I just buy us a snow globe and we can live in it!"
"Yes...oh my god H, are you sure you didn't go to college?" She leaned closer, smelling the alcohol radiating off of both of their shared breath. 
"Let me tell you something y/n, flatter works on me and it's working!" I leaned in closer to her, our noses touching as we shared drunken giggles, feet tangling and eyes fluttering from the hot air below. 
"I know! I know you so well!" She had slurred, eyes looking into mine so closely they almost merged into just one eye in my intoxicated state.
"I know! I know!" I yelled louder than I meant to, y/n quickly pushing her finger to my lip and shushing me in a drawn out "Shhh!" sound making us fall into a fleeing giggle that quieted down after only a moment.
I let a beat pass before the words on my mind finally slipped. 
"Can I tell you something?" I smiled. She nodded enthusiastically.
"Okay but its a secret so you can't...you can't tell anybody!" I drew out my y's to add emphasis. 
"Okay I promise! I promise just tell me, H!" She had giggled. My face fell serious.
"Y-you're my bestfriend." I managed, hiccupping at the end of my poorly put together sentence.
She smiled at that, letting the silence take us over as we shared a knowing smile and began to laugh again at the silence, finding everything and nothing funny.
Strange look on his face Pauses, then says "You're my best friend." And you knew what it was He is in love
You can hear it in the silence (silence), silence (silence) you You can feel it on the way home (way home), way home (way home) you You can see it with the lights out (lights out), lights out (lights out) You are in love, true love
I smiled, tearing up in the corners of my eyes, laughing with ourselves quietly at the stupid memory.
"I'm just going to miss having my bestfriend around everyday. Love you so much, can't be without you." She admired my face for a moment, pausing to think of what to say, she bit her lip again, catching blood from the ripped skin between her canines. 
"I'll miss you too. Everyday for the rest of this stupid tour. And I'll call you every chance I get and make you answer. Keep calling until you do. Keep asking when you're gonna come home with that stupid snow globe." We shared a laugh again, my lips capturing hers softer this time, not as rushed or needy but in an acceptance.
"Better get on that flight then." I broke this kiss with a breath, smiling against her forehead.
"I guess if you have to." She joked, handing me my bags. "Call me when you land, need to know you're okay." She tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, holding her palm to my cheek for a second longer, trying to find the words she wanted to say. There were so many running through her head in this short moment, so many with not nearly enough time. It was hard to filter through the ones she needed to say and wanted to.
And so it goes You two are dancing in a snow globe 'round and 'round And he keeps a picture of you in his office downtown And you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars And why I've spent my whole life trying to put it into words
"I love you."
"I love you more."
'Cause you can hear it in the silence You can feel it on the way home You can see it with the lights out You are in love, true love You're in love
I kept my words, but I still felt sour without her. She had only been with me for such short amounts of time. Barely three years but still so long I felt I knew her for longer. I suddenly forgot how to eat, sleep, breathe without her around to lean on or to hold. So I am stuck clinging to the pieces I'm left with until I can see her again. I'll fill my time with her voice on facetimes that rack up the phone bills and I'll search everyplace I go to find her the biggest snow globes there are. And I'll fill the silence with her voicemails before I go on stage and I'll circle the days I get to see her again with red pen on my calendar. These are things she'll never see, but when I come back I know she'll know.
You can hear it in the silence (silence), silence (silence) you You can feel it on the way home (way home), way home (way home) you You can see it with the lights out (lights out), lights out (lights out) You are in love, true love You are in love
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inlovewithpandora · 1 year
Hey love💕 I was wondering if you could write a oneshot where neteyam finds out reader harms herself?
Thank for this request anon💗! I hope it meets your expectations!
If anyone has any requests leave them in my asks!
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Part 1 (here) || Part 2 || Part 3
This story was inspired by the song above^
- I'm tired -
Pairing: Neteyam x Fem! Omatikaya gf! reader
Both characters are 19!
Warnings: self harm ( very descriptive) suicide ideation, attempt, extreme angst, slight physical/ emotional abuse
If your not comfortable with this type of writing please click off
Word count: 1,645
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You and Neteyam just recently started dating a few weeks ago. The first time you saw him it made a feeling that was foreign to you course through your veins. When you meet him and got to know him he made you feel an emotion you've never felt before, Happiness.
Every time he came by your pod to whisk you away to somewhere special in the forest you felt nothing but pure bliss.
But when you weren't around you him you felt melancholic, lonely, depressed, and every other negative feeling under the sun. The environment you lived in was toxic and it was ripping a piece of you away every day.
You were trying to ignore the pain and heartache but it wasn't working. you were trying to find healthy ways to cope like weaving or hunting but it wasn't working. The only thing that would help is cutting, making small slits into your navy blue skin that would release crimson-colored liquid. Watching the blood drip down your arm is the only thing that would help you feel better and would make the pain stop.
You lived at home with your father and he was an alcoholic. When you were born your mother died while giving birth to you and that was the last day your father showed any positive emotion. He abhorred you for taking the love of his life away and he made sure you knew it every single day.
You were sitting in your part of the pod trying to avoid your father's alcoholic rage but you couldn't because he decided to come find you and spew his hatred all over you.
He came and pulled the curtain back which revealed you sitting on your woven mat. As he was towering over your small frame you could smell the alcohol seeping from his pores, "What are doing in here?!"
"N-nothing father I'm just making a necklace for someone", A couple of days ago you and Neteyam were sitting by a pond and he told you how he needed a new necklace because he lost his other one so you decided to make him one.
"Who is it for?! Is it for that boy you've been running around with?!" He yelled which startled you. You hated when he yelled because it always made you cry. Instead of responding you just sat there silently looking down at the floor which told your father he was correct about his assumption.
He let out a dark chuckle before continuing to yell at you, "He is only using you for your body, do you think someone could really like you?! That someone would want to actually mate with you one day?! You have to be the dumbest na'vi around to think that. Look at you, you're pitiful. Always crying and sulking around this house. You're always cutting your arm like some deranged freak! What boy would ever want someone like that?!" He yelled with venom coming out of his mouth with each word that escaped his lips
All you could do is break down into a crying fit. You felt like your father was right, why would someone want to be with someone who felt like their only escape was harming themselves? You felt like whatever you had going on inside of you could rub off on Neteyam and you didn't want to corrupt him with this sickness.
He crouched down to your level and harshly grabbed your bicep, yanking you up so you could stand on your feet. He then extended your arm, looking at all the scars that ran down your skin. He began to speak but this time he wasn't yelling, he was calm but you could still hear the maliciousness in his tone.
"I wish you were the one that died that day, not your mother. Next time you decided to cut yourself make sure you finished the job and go live among Eywa. I can't stand to have you living in my house and making me live in despair." He let go of your arm and threw it to your side. He lifted his alcoholic beverage to his lips and began imbibing enormous amounts of it before walking outside the pod.
As you stood there with sobs emerging from your throat you decided that you were tired. You were tired of your father's emotional and sometimes physical abuse, you looked down at your arm and could see a purple outline on your arm from his tight grip.
You were tired of feeling like this, you need the pain and heartache to stop. You needed this feeling of sorrow to go away. You looked around your pod and grabbed your knife and put it in its sheath and grabbed your shawl and wrapped it around your arms and began walking to Neteyam's Family pod.
You wanted to talk to him and tell him how you felt about him before you went to see the Great Mother.
As you walked you heard a group of girls talking about you as you walked by, "Look at her, She looks awful" one of the girls said while laughing
"Yeah I'm surprised she even came out of her pod, she's been locked up in there for almost a week" one of the other girls chimed in
They continued saying all these nasty things about you and it made you feel even worse than before. Neteyam was in the tree above, looking down at the event that was unfolding. He watched you run away to a deeper part of the forest. He immediately climbed down the tree and began to follow you to see if you were okay.
He hasn't seen you in almost a week and he's been worried about you. He came by your pod to try and talk to you but every time he came your father sent him away.
As you were running you didn't know where you going until you found yourself in front of a small pond. You sat down and looked at your reflection in the water, as you looked at yourself you couldn't even recognize the person you saw anymore. It was like you changed into a totally different person. You looked at yourself and felt disgusted, you felt like you looked repulsive. As you looked at your puffy eyes and the dark circles around them you felt so much pain and agony.
You pulled your knife out of its sheath and pressed it again your skin. You knew by doing this it would make you feel so much better, you would finally be at peace. You could finally see your mother and live among your ancestors.
As you were about to penetrate your skin and create a gash so deep that it would bleed out until you took your last breath, you heard someone call out your name.
"Y/N!" Neteyam called out. You turned and saw so many emotions on his face, he looked at you horrified by what he saw you doing to your body.
As you looked at him all you could is cry even harder, "Neteyam please leave"
You didn't want him to see you in this state, you didn't want him to see you so broken.
"Y/N what's wrong? What's going on?" Neteyam asked you as he sat down next to you. As he looked at your arm he saw multiple old scars on your arm and a bruise on your bicep, as you followed his gaze all you could do was apologize to him even though you didn't know why you were doing it.
"I-I’m sorry Neteyam I just can't handle the pain anymore, I'm tired of feeling so miserable. I'm always crying and I'm so weak. Nobody likes me not even my own father, the person who's supposed to love me the most. I feel like I'm going crazy, I feel like I'm a freak" you told him  as you let out sobs in between every few words
"I don't want to live Neteyam. I want to be with Eywa where I can feel peace, I need to feel peace."
As you rambled without properly thinking clearly, Neteyam was horrified by your words. "Baby, why would you say that?" Neteyam asked you as his voice broke a little. He hated hearing you speak about yourself so harshly and it broke his heart to hear that you wanted to end your life
"Because it's true! Every single thing I said was true"
"Y/N you are not a freak, you are beautiful and I love you with every fiber in my body. Whatever is going on with your father I will help you figure it out. I will be there for you and help you through these feelings until they have faded away. I will be here for you always, but you can't leave me. I want you to stay here with me so we can grow old together, Okay?" he talked to you with so much conviction in his voice some tears slowly streamed down his face
"Okay, Neteyam" is all you could muster up and say. You wrapped your arms around his body and clung to him. He embraced you and kissed you on the cheek " These feelings won't last forever, we'll get through this together" As you laid your head on his shoulder for the first time you felt like someone cared about you. As you laid in his embrace you felt a feeling you'd been longing for, something you wanted for a long time.
Love & Peace
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I hope you enjoyed💗!
Likes, Comments, and Reblogs are appreciated💗!
©️inlovewithpandora ━━━ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 | All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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beanzwrites · 1 year
Ruby Red
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Diluc Ragnivindr x Female! Reader
Description: (Y/n) ends up breaking something as the new maid of the Dawn Winery and meets Master Diluc for the first time.
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It wasn't necessarily hard work, but it was tedious. (Y/n) couldn't help but to dig at the puffy sleeves that framed her shoulders as the fabric seemed to irritate her skin. She wasn't trying to be disrespectful, and (Y/n) would visibly cringe every time Adelinde's gaze casted over her.
She was grateful, don't get her wrong. Without the mercy Adelinde gave her with no experience, (Y/n) would probably still be in the city of Mondstat looking for work. She just didn't feel like herself in the rounded dress that was given for this particular job. Why do you have to dress this way just to clean a rich man's house?
"(Y/n), dear. Did you hear me?" Adelinde's voice calls out. The other maids giggle quietly to themselves as it was clear (Y/n) was lost in her thoughts.
"I'm sorry. What did you say?" (Y/n) asks after clearing her throat awkwardly.
"Would you be alright with cleaning the upstairs while these two works down here? I will be sure to give you a schedule and check on you now and again."
It was clear that the other two were adamant to be together as they clung to each other's arms like schoolgirls. It honestly made (Y/n) sick to see their giddy expressions. "I suppose not."
"Wonderful. I will see you in your designated spots momentarily."
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Irritation seeps from (Y/n)'s pores as she dusts away at the mantle above her. The money was worth it, but doing double the work with something she wasn't used to make her muscles ache. Apparently, one of the girls who was training alongside (Y/n) got sick. Why the other had to leave with her made no sense, but at least Adelinde offered to finish up with her. Not that (Y/n) would leave the older woman to do this work herself; she had nowhere else to go anyway.
The sun barely lit the wooden floors of the Dawn Winery, and the servants began to light candles before their leave for the night. (Y/n)'s limbs ache from a long day's use, tiredness clawing at her eyes. (Y/n) found it harder to stand on the tips of her toes as she reached over her head to swipe the feather down brush behind the vases that stood on the shelving.
Unfortunately, (Y/n) hit one of the glasses with the edge of her knuckles and it slipped off with a loud shatter. She could barely process what happened before fiery red filled her vision.
"Step back, you'll step in it." A monotone voice commands, "What are you even doing here so late? All servants are required to go home before sundown."
(Y/n) observes the man dressed in black for a moment before kneeling down beside him. "I can clean up after myself, thank you."
She can feel his gaze on her as his hands still over the broken pieces. "Excuse me?"
The man sounded more confused if anything, but the tone caused (Y/n) to grovel regardless. "I, um... all I mean is that it was my clumsiness that caused this, so I should be the one that cleans it. Hopefully, I won't get into too much trouble." The last part was more to herself, but it caused the man to chuckle. Ruby eyes greet her as she looks at him in surprise. "What's so funny?"
"The vase had nothing of value, do not worry."
"How do you know?"
"Master Diluc," Adelinde says from behind, "I see you've met the new maid in training."
(Y/n)'s whole body feels as though spikes of ice went through her skin as the man beside her stands.
"I hope your day has been well," Adelinde says with a bow.
"It was fine, thank you. If you wouldn't mind, Adelinde, could you catch one of the workers from outside to throw out this glass. I request that this woman be sent home for the night."
"Yes, Master Diluc," Adelinde responds before turning towards the girl. "You may go home now, dear. Come back bright and early tomorrow morning."
It felt like time stood as (Y/n) lifted herself from the ground. She made sure to keep her head low as she passed by the two, embarrassment warming her cheeks.
"Goodnight, miss Adelinde," (Y/n) manages out before quickly shutting the door.
Adelinde lets out a sigh as she takes the broom off the wall to collect the smaller pieces of broken glass into a pile. Diluc remains fixated on the front door, eyes narrowing intensely.
"Adelinde... who was that girl?" He mutters.
"That was (Y/n). I found her looking for work in the city. I thought we could use the extra help," the woman answers.
"Hm... (Y/n) who?"
"She only gave me her first, sir. I didn't ask any further questions, I'm afraid."
"Interesting..." Diluc responds shortly before turning to the stairs, "I bid you goodnight, Adelinde."
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vivid-ink · 1 year
"To Know You Again"
Chapter 6 & epilogue - From Now Until Forever
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Pairing: Neteyam x fem!Omatikaya OC
Summary: “Do you remember our last night here? The night before my family left?” The warm, rumbling timbre of Neteyam’s voice washed over her. “Yes,” Naia whispered. How could she forget?... She had replayed the memory of his lips over and over numerous times. One corner of Neteyam’s mouth lifted in a small smile as his eyes tracked over the delicate bridge of her nose and over her steadily flushing cheeks. His gaze stopped to rest on her lips, “You gave me something that night. I think it's time I returned it."
An exploration of what if Neteyam had to leave a girl he was close to behind when his family fled to the reefs to seek refuge. AU - Set 7 years after TWoW, exploring the many emotions and the eventual romantic reunion between Neteyam and his love.
Warnings: Adult content 18+, MDNI Content: Romance, drama, angst, fluff, sexual content, smut, soulmates, bonding. Word Count: 10.4k
Previous Chapter 5 - Doubt No More Series master list HERE
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Warmth. Sublime warmth was what Naia felt all around her and within her as Neteyam flew them both back to High Camp on Tompa’s back: The warmth of the daylight kissing her bare skin; the warmth of Neteyam’s chest against her back; the warmth overflowing in her heart and soul after the most perfect night in his arms as his mate.
Tilting her face to her left, Naia nuzzled the skin of Neteyam’s bicep, loving the new scent that now seeped from his pores as well as hers. It was their scent now; a delightful combination of his scent and hers etched into their beings forevermore like a marker that they would both recognise anywhere going forward. It was commonly referred to as the mating scent and it was strongest in the days immediately after a mated pair had sealed their bond before Eywa.
They had stopped by a river spring prior to heading home to wash each other and rinse off the obvious evidence of their night in paradise, but their mating scent would still be evident to anyone in the vicinity like an unspoken declaration of their new union.
“We’re nearly home,” Neteyam murmured by her ear, “Shall we go to your family’s shelter first? Your parents will still be worried.”
Nodding in agreement, Naia turned her head with a query, “Although, I thought you said you’d told everyone that you’d found me so they knew I was alright?”
“Yes, but you know what your mother is like. She won’t stop worrying herself sick until she’s seen you with her own eyes.”
Naia snorted out a laugh and then immediately felt bad. Her mother was prone to being overdramatic, but Naia acknowledged that she would have caused her mother great concern with her prolonged disappearance yesterday. It was definitely best that she checked in with her parents first thing before seeking Mo’at out.
“And then we’ll go to the tsahìk to be blessed?” Naia asked.
A husky chuckle rumbled through Neteyam’s chest and he pressed a kiss to the side of her face, “Yes, my love, then we’ll go to my grandmother to have her bless our mating.”
It was well past the break of dawn now and the clan would be well into the swing of the day with chores and activities. Neteyam’s long-distance patrol had been gruelling the day before and it had been agreed amongst the warriors that today would be a day of rest for them. However, today was technically a work day for Naia.
Suppressing a tired yawn, Naia hoped to herself that the news of her mating to Neteyam, and her re-acceptance of her role as tsakarem, would be good news enough to tamp down any aggravation that Mo’at might hold towards her for her abandonment of duties yesterday and her no-show to work today. Naia’s yawn spawned one of Neteyam’s own and she giggled at the happening.
He nipped the point of her ear playfully, “It’s your fault I’m so exhausted, woman. You thoroughly wore me down last night.”
Naia narrowed her eyes at him with a sassy pout. Three times in a night after a long day was impressive, she supposed. The wicked part of her mused that she was going to thoroughly enjoy testing more of her mate’s limits in this area in the near future.
“We’ll see your parents and my parents, and then just take the day off to rest. We both need it. The rest of the clan can wait. I’ll tell my grandmother not to make any formal announcement for a couple of days.” Neteyam stated, urging Tompa towards High Camp as the familiar floating mount came into view ahead beyond the mist.
Swiftly alighting once they had reached their destination, Neteyam and Naia both thanked Tompa before sending the ikran on his way back to the rookery where Naia’s own ikran was surely awaiting her mate after a long day and night away. Feet firmly back on home ground, Neteyam smiled affectionately at Naia, instinctively holding a hand out to lead her to her family’s shelter. Naia’s hand slipped without hesitation into the larger warmth of his and flutters erupted in her belly as she once again marvelled at how handsome he was, how perfect, and all hers.
They passed several others on their way who gave relieved smiles and kind waves at the sight of Naia, all of which she returned somewhat shamefacedly. Neteyam had told her that Tarsem had mobilised most of the able-bodied yesterday in their search for her. Scout parties had taken to the skies, others had patrolled the forest floor on pa’li, while the rest had scoured the nearby cave systems around High Camp on foot.
Great Mother… all over one misunderstanding and a severe overreaction on her part…
Naia felt Neteyam squeeze her hand reassuringly and she breathed a quiet sigh. She just wanted to see her parents, share the news too with Neteyam’s parents and then spend the rest of today doing sweet, blessed nothing (preferably with Neteyam by her side). This was a sentiment she knew Neteyam shared too, judging by the darker rims around his eyes and his heavy eyelids.
Reaching the cloth-draped threshold of Naia’s home, however, any wish the pair had of a discreet return evaporated in the next instant when seven, no, eight pairs of eyes turned to settle on them as they parted the flaps to enter.
Naia froze in her tracks and she felt Neteyam bump into the back of her, before she heard him suck in a surprised breath at the discovery.
There were eight people crowded in her family’s living area. Ayepni and Tulut were expected, being Naia’s parents, but Jake, Neytiri, Mo’at, Leylani, Tarsem and Tupou, most certainly were not. Eight pairs of golden eyes were accompanied very quickly by their eight twitching, sniffing noses as they all undoubtedly scented the reason for Naia and Neteyam’s belated return to camp.
Naia wished the ground beneath her would open up and swallow her whole.
Eywa, she was so tired… She did not want to face so many people right now, Naia’s petulance grouched. With an almost inaudible groan, she began to turn away from their unexpected audience, trying to push past Neteyam to leave, “Let’s go.”
However, Neteyam stopped her with a gentle hand around her waist. He gave her a consoling look with a cock of his head, “Your mother, Naia.”
At his reminder, Naia turned on heel and sought out her mother’s form, finding her in the middle of the gathered circle next to her father. The older woman looked distressed, her eyes puffy and her cheeks wet.
Ayepni sprang to her feet with a cry and she hastened towards Naia with her arms outstretched, “Oh my daughter! We were so worried, Manaia!”
Naia received her mother in a tight embrace, apologising profusely and attempting to calm her mother’s sobs, “I’m sorry, sa’nok. My actions were rash yesterday. I’m sorry I worried you and sempu.”
In a flash her mother’s tone turned scolding, “You worried everyone, maite! Not just your father and I!”
Forced now to acknowledge the unanticipated assembly of people in her home, Naia lifted embarrassed eyes to them, “I apologise for the inconvenience I’ve caused. I wasn’t thinking straight.”
Ayepni was busy checking Naia over now, lifting her arms and circling her daughter’s torso, clucking at all the scrapes and cuts. She stopped to peer intently at a few bruises on her neck and collarbone, which made Naia squirm uncomfortably because she knew full well that those bruises were not in fact bruises at all, courtesy of Neteyam.
Slowly, the gathered group all rose to their feet, encircling the pair of them and ushering them into the space. Leylani was next in line to give Naia a hug, and Neteyam saw his mother and grandmother were close behind her.
Catching his father’s eye, Neteyam greeted Jake warmly as his father pulled him into a strapping hug. Neteyam took the opportunity to whisper a question by Jake’s ear, “Uh, why is everyone gathered here, Dad?”
Chortling softly, Jake nodded towards the spread of food on the floormats behind them, “Well, Ayepni was worried sick and so she did what she does best and busied herself with cooking. Leylani was here most of the night consoling her. Your mother and grandmother came to check in with them this morning, and Tulut invited them to stay for first meal.”
Neteyam’s eyes flickered to Tarsem and Tupou then in a silent extension to his original question and Jake continued, “Tarsem and I have reprimanded Tupou this morning. He’s here to make his apology. We figured you and Manaia would return here first thing.”
“Right, I see.” Neteyam breathed with a deep inhale and exhale at the irony of the situation. It was the exact opposite of the quiet return he had hoped for.
Tulut stepped up to Neteyam and gripped him firmly on the shoulder. He was a man of few words and also one of the few people Neteyam felt a little cautious around in life. Tulut was a master craftsmen and weaver who was well-respected among the clan for his work, but it was his position as Naia’s father that intimidated Neteyam.
“Our thanks to you, Neteyam, for bringing our daughter home safely.” Tulut stated in a genial tone, his shorter stature not making Neteyam any less nervous around the man, “Though, perhaps I should be addressing you differently now, son?”
Crouching immediately down onto one knee in a sign of deep respect, Neteyam took Tulut’s hand and brought the knuckles of it to his forehead and pledged, “It is an honour to have Naia by my side, sir. I promise you that she will want for nothing and that her safety and happiness are my utmost priority.”
Tulut gave an amused cackle and pulled Neteyam to his feet. Fighting not to be overwhelmed by his own humour, Tulut uttered between hoarse laughs, “I’m not worried for Manaia. I know she is in good hands, mated to our future olo’eyktan no less. However, my daughter is a handful like her mother is, with a tongue sharp like a whip, and a temper that could rival the fiercest of tempests. You’ll need an arsenal of skills to weather those storms, son.”
Jake laughed along with Neteyam at Tulut’s words, “All women are storms, but there’s immense beauty in their peril and strength. Your daughter is warmly welcomed into our soaia, Tulut. It has been a long time coming.” Jake jostled Neteyam lightly with his words, his eyes twinkling with meaning as he teased his son.
Tulut appeared to catch on to Jake’s meaning perfectly and he smiled at Neteyam, whose ears were fidgeting self-consciously after his father’s quip. He caught the younger man’s eye again and spoke, “I have never seen Manaia so happy as she has been in recent weeks. Likewise, there has only ever been one in her heart. Welcome to the family, Neteyam.”
Naia was not far from Neteyam, slowly disentangling herself from yet another one of Leylani’s very excited hugs. Leylani pulled Naia into a little nook, almost bouncing with glee, “Oh, my heart is so full for you and Neteyam, sister! Congratulations!”
“Thanks, Leylani.” Naia replied and her expression turned contrite again as she clutched at Leylani’s hands, “I’m so sorry for the way I reacted yesterday. I shouldn’t have thought the worst of you like that without clarifying. You’ve always been good to me, and I feel like such an ass now.”
Leylani waved Naia’s apology away with a good-natured scoff, “I’m just glad you’re alright.” She leaned in closer to Naia then, “Do you need moon-tea? I have a fresh batch that I just brewed the other day back at tsahìk’s hut.”
The question caught Naia off-guard and she blinked a few times while Leylani’s words sunk in. Moon-tea. She had not even thought of it or considered the possibility when she and Neteyam had sealed their bond last night.
Her surprise must have been evident on her face as Leylani felt the need to expound further, “The mating bond opens your body to conception, sister. I have the tea if you want it.”
With a small and wistful smile, Naia realised she did not want the moon-tea. There was no guarantee of course that she had conceived after last night, but the possibility was there. Everything happened in the Great Mother’s time as she willed it, and if Eywa deigned to bless her and Neteyam with a baby then Naia would gladly accept the blessing. “Thanks Leylani, but I’m alright.”
Leylani’s only response was another happy squeal and another bone-crushing hug that stunned Naia considering how petite the other girl was.
“Well, I suppose congratulations are in order!” Tarsem boomed over the throng of speaking voices. He had a vessel of drink raised like a toast to the good news, but he lowered it then and nudged his son forward, “But first my son has an apology to make.”
Neteyam moved to stand by Naia’s side as Tupou skulked up to them. The young warrior’s face was stony and his head was still held high, but Neteyam could see the cracks of shame in the surface of his haughty façade. Naia scowled at Tupou, unimpressed, but she wisely kept the multitude of sharp retorts waiting on her tongue to herself.
Tupou dropped to one knee before them, one fist placed on the ground next to him, “Please accept my apology, brother Neteyam. I broke the confidence you asked for and my actions have caused unwarranted harm.”
Pursing his lips, Neteyam regarded Tupou with a calculating stare, “It’s not me you caused the most distress to with your loose mouth, brother.”
Half-heartedly, Tupou’s eyes shifted to meet Naia’s before he dipped his head out of necessity, “I apologise, Manaia. Your feelings were an unintentional casualty.”
Naia ground her teeth where she stood, thinking that she had never heard an apology less sincere. But she muttered her quiet acceptance through gritted teeth nonetheless and reminded herself that the fault was not entirely Tupou’s. Neteyam had hidden the truth from her too.
Tupou unfolded himself to rise to his feet again, and his gaze shifted deliberately between Naia and Neteyam. With a telltale twitch of his nose, he spoke, “I assume, since you’re both mated now, that this means Manaia has reclaimed her position as tsakarem?”
A soft huff of disbelief puffed from Naia’s lips at the blunt and tactless nature of the question. She had not wanted to share the news of her re-acceptance with the clan for a couple of days yet, and she bristled at the way Tupou had thrown her out in the open in front of everyone, “By Eywa, this is so typical of you, Tupou. Still only concerned with your own agenda?”
As expected, Tupou met Naia’s rising annoyance head on and he spat, “I would just like to know where I stand. After all, I’m only making a logical conclusion based on your happy news.” His nose wrinkled visibly again as he scented the air.
A warning hiss and growl rumbled from Neteyam who took immediate objection to the erroneous implication of Tupou’s words, “Take care, brother. My intention to mate Naia was never in question. It was always the reclamation of my birthright that was dependent on Naia’s choice, not the other way round.”
Tupou’s lips parted, no doubt preparing to hurl another rebuttal, but Naia’s weariness had caught up to her and she just wanted peace. Exasperated, she interrupted and hissed at him, “But yes, Tupou, I have decided to re-accept the role of tsakarem. Eywa forbid we ever have you as olo’eyktan with poor Leylani doomed to your side as your minder and keeper for eternity!”
A loud and amused snort perforated the mounting tension in the air, and whatever tautness that remained quickly fizzled out as all eyes turned to see Mo’at’s wizened form quaking with laughter at Naia’s words, “Minder and keeper, hah! That’s a good one, Manaia.” The tsahìk’s eyes shone with mirth as she took in Tupou’s sullen expression at her laughing at his expense and she cajoled him, “Ah Tupou, don’t look so glum, child. You got your wish after all, did you not?”
“Sa’nok, a blessing for the happy pair, perhaps?” Neytiri suggested, moving to stand by Neteyam. She gave his cheek an affectionate stroke, noting the darker circles around her son’s eyes.
“Yes, come! A blessing and then some food and rest. You must both be drained after yesterday’s ordeal.” Mo’at agreed, swooping around the group and gesturing for Naia and Neteyam to kneel in the middle.
Neteyam’s ears caught the tail-end of a crass joke that Tarsem, Jake and Tulut were whispering between themselves; something about a particular part of him being well-drained indeed. Neteyam shook his head with a smirk. He took Naia’s hands in his and he guided them both down to their knees, facing each other. He could see Naia was uncomfortable with the audience.
Naia bit her lip as she knelt, preventing her words of protest from spilling. She had wanted an intimate blessing ceremony with just Neteyam and Mo’at. However, nothing about this morning was turning out the way she had envisioned. She was exhausted and everything around her at that moment just felt overwhelming.
Until Neteyam gently took her chin between his fingers to bring her attention back to him.
Naia’s eyes focused on his beautiful face and the tender smile playing across his lips mollified her frazzled senses.
Neteyam enveloped her hands in his and he breathed, “Just look at me, yawntu. Only me.”
Mo’at’s chanting filled the air around them, but the sound was dulled to Naia’s ears as she allowed herself to drown in the singular sight and scent of Neteyam. An idyllic smile stretched across her own lips. He was her world…
Most people would call her foolish for centring her happiness around one person, but for Naia, the habit was not new.
Neteyam had always been and would always be the focal point of her universe.
There were many things that Naia was learning and rediscovering about Neteyam now that they were mated.
They had been gifted their own home shelter shortly after returning to High Camp together that morning several weeks ago. Waking next to the warmth of his body and falling asleep in his embrace every night was bliss, and Naia knew she would never tire of the meaningful monotony.
Now that they lived and breathed daily life together, Naia learned that Neteyam was incredibly particular about certain things like the way the drink vessels and food mats were stacked on their shelves. It was imperative that they were stacked in size order from largest to smallest, running from left to right. Their sleeping mats and bedding also had to be neatly rolled and made up every morning. And Neteyam was prone to being what Tuk had taught her was called ‘hangry’ in their family, if he was hungry and last meal was still not quite ready.
Hangry Neteyam was a slightly surlier version of himself that had somehow lost the ability to speak in proper sentences and would only respond in a series of monosyllabic huffs and grunts. Naia found this side of him more amusing than anything else, but she still made sure there was a supply of fresh fruit and dried meat strips on hand for snacking on nonetheless.
The one thing, though, that Naia had discovered about her new husband that both surprised and thrilled her was that if she had thought Neteyam frisky before, during their evenings spent together, he was even more so in the mornings.
Naia swallowed back the small moan that tickled in her throat as Neteyam’s lips grazed the sensitive skin where her neck met her shoulder. She kept her eyes closed, continuing to pretend like she was still asleep where she lay on her side. She felt one of his warm hands stroke down her upper arm before his brazen fingers reached for the swell of her breast, the pads of his fingers toying with her quickly stiffening nipple.
It was a game they played most mornings. Neteyam would ease her awake with his secretive caresses, his smooth lips finding purchase on her neck and chest, while his hands stroked and roamed over her and inside her. All the while Naia would play the sleeping beauty, moaning softly in faux slumber until his touches stoked her desire past the point of being demure and she relented to their morning passion.
Truly, there was no deceit in their sport. Naia knew that Neteyam was aware she was awake because the first thing he always did was join his neural queue to hers, forming tsaheylu.
Good morning, Naia greeted through their bond. She rolled slowly onto her back and hooked a knee over Neteyam’s hip, consenting to his touch as his hand snaked its way down to the apex of her thighs. His fingers found her quickly growing slippery with want and a desirous growl sounded from Neteyam, muffled only by the fact that his face was pressed into the crook of her neck.
Afforded their own privacy now in their new home, they slept bare against each other most nights. There was no need for clothing when they were so in-tune with each other; when their hearts beat in time with each other’s and they kept no secrets.
Neteyam was extra restless this morning and he was impatient. Naia could sense it through their bond and she knew it also from the insistent press of his erection where it was attempting to find some friction against one plump cheek of her bottom. Beneath his intense desire though, Naia found an undercurrent of anxiety at what the day ahead would bring.
Of course… today was the day they would be formally presented to the clan as heirs to the leadership…
Opening her eyes so she could look at him, Naia kissed the crown of his head where he was busying himself with the plush softness of her breasts, and she teased, “Hey, my eyes are up here, skxawng.”
Neteyam snorted and ignored her request, choosing instead to enclose his mouth over one of her nipples in a hot, hard suckle that made Naia gasp and arch against him in pleasure. In a playful mood, however, Naia squirmed and pushed away from him to roll into a sitting position. She turned to look at him, finding him watching her through eyes of molten gold, his lips pursed into an unimpressed pout at the distance she had put between them.
“Come back here.” Neteyam patted the bedding next to him, where he still lay on his side with his head propped up on an elbow.
Naia was in a playful mood. Some mornings she eagerly surrendered to him, but where was the fun if she always acquiesced without some resistance? Eyeing him impishly, she reasoned, not untruthfully, “We don’t have time. The ceremony is due to begin after first meal and people are already eating.”
The lively sounds of the other clan members going about their morning outside their shelter was testament to Naia’s statement, but Neteyam was not swayed, “I know what I want for breakfast.”
You. The unspoken word was a titillating thrill down their bond and Naia had to suppress a pleasurable shudder.
“Well, that won’t fill my belly.” Naia remarked nonchalantly, shifting onto all fours to crawl slowly away from him.
“Oh I’ll fill your belly, just not in the way you mean.”
Neteyam’s racy retort made her nipples harden in want, and the pulsing ache between Naia’s thighs reminded her that it was not just her belly that was hungry.
Oh they had time, if they were quick…
Naia threw him a puckish look over her shoulder while she continued to slink away from him on her hands and knees. She lifted her tail in a suggestive curl away from her bottom, deliberately baring herself to him.
Neteyam pounced in the next instant.
Strong hands clutched at Naia’s hips, pulling her backwards towards him. She gasped in delight at the action. She rather enjoyed it when he was a little rough with her in bed. It was a sexy contrast to the gentle and noble side of him that she normally saw, and the notion that it was her that made him impatient like that was extremely arousing to her.
Neteyam pulled Naia’s bottom flush against his pelvis as he knelt behind her. He leaned down over her, one hand supporting his weight while the other moved to curl around her shoulders, pressing her slender back against the front of his muscular torso. He began to rock his hips against her, enjoying the way his throbbing erection smoothed over the flat of her slippery folds while he attempted to position himself to enter her.
Naia moaned wantonly at the contact, each stroke of his cock running past her sensitive flesh. Her core ached for him to fill her though and she angled her hips gently, arching her back to push her bottom out towards him. His cock finally found its seat at her entrance and Neteyam sheathed himself to the hilt with a single, hard thrust.
The groaning exhale that Neteyam let out was in perfect time with Naia’s inhale of pleasure as the physical and mental sensation of being joined washed over them. Making love like this with tsaheylu would never get old. But they did not have the time this morning to be languid in their enjoyment of each other.
With the arm around Naia’s shoulders serving as leverage, Neteyam set a punishing rhythm of thrusts that knocked the breath from her lungs in short, clipped puffs. His hot breaths ticked her cheek as he panted and grunted, and Naia let her head loll back against his shoulder as she moaned indiscriminately, “Oh Neteyam,”
Neteyam’s thoughts were a chaotic stream in the mental bond they shared; tender compliments, pledges of eternal love, his physical pleasure … You’re so beautiful, my Naia… feels so amazing… my love, I love you… I won’t last long… want you so much.. mine forever…
Naia loved this position. It was her second favourite after being front-to-front with him, and only because she could not easily kiss him like this. She could feel all of him like this, his cock reaching and filling her to its full capability, hitting a sweet spot inside her that made her toes curl in delicious pleasure. It was no issue that Neteyam would not last long today. Through their bond, his pleasure was hers and vice versa. Naia was hurtling towards her own peak at the same startling pace.
“Naia,” Her name fell from his lips in a pleading whimper and Naia could feel him teetering on the edge, stubbornly waiting for her to succumb first. She gave him a mental eyeroll, knowing full well that it did not matter. They always reached their peaks together now when they were bonded in tsaheylu. No matter who reached ecstasy first, succumbing to it always triggered the other’s climax simultaneously.
Deciding to grant them both the rapture they both hungered for, Naia reached down with a hand to caress the sensitive bundle of nerves at the juncture of her thighs. It was the last little push they both needed and they surrendered with a rhapsody of cries to the height of their mutual pleasure. 
Satiated and wilted from the climax, Naia sank down flat onto her front with Neteyam half atop her still. She hummed happily, enjoying the heavy weight and warmth of his body over hers. The moment was short-lived, however. The instant Neteyam’s growing drowsiness fed through to her, she wriggled to free herself from beneath him, remembering the upcoming ceremony that was now even less time away than before.
“Neteyam!” Naia hissed, intending to sound firm and failing when an amused chuckle ruined her attempt, “There’s no time for a lie in. We have to eat quickly, then wash and get ready!”
“We don’t need to eat now. We can eat after the ceremony.” A sleepy drawl from Neteyam.
“Well, I’m hungry. So I’m going to fix myself something without you.” Naia declared, successfully twisting herself free from beneath his weight and slapping his hand away when he made a half-wakeful attempt to reach for her again. She sat upright and sighed with a shake of her head, knowing what would wake him properly.
Reaching for their joined queues, Naia separated them and the now-familiar tingle and shudder of their bond ending washed over her. It was not an unpleasant sensation, just wholly unique and different in what it was to anything else. She knew the sensation would have broken Neteyam out of his dozy stupor and sure enough, she found his eyes open and alert when she glanced down at him again.
“The future olo’eyktan can’t be late to his own presentation ceremony.” Naia said, “That wouldn’t be a good precedent to set.”
Grinning mischievously as he rolled into a sitting position, Neteyam chortled, “Ah, that’s an easy fix. I’ll just tell them I was satisfying the needs of my wife. All the men will understand and all the women will approve.”
An indignant shriek sounded and a plump bolster roll was thrown.
Neteyam only just managed to duck out of the way of it, laughing.
The stagnant air in the enclosed space of the ceremonial tent felt stifling. The weather was not hot, but Neteyam’s skin prickled in discomfort and his heart palpitated at a quickened pace in his chest. The ceremonial tent sat at the back edge of the platform where clan rituals were conducted, and the excited chants and songs of the gathered Omatikaya clan outside could be clearly heard beyond the heavy entry flaps.
Neteyam licked his lips, tasting the earthy tang of the purple and yellow ochre that had been painted by his mother’s gentle fingers over his forehead, cheeks and lips. Matching patterns and stripes of paint adorned his chest, shoulders and back, and a blue-feathered armband hugged his left bicep. His warriors’ cummerbund was snug around his midsection and his hunting dagger was secured at his hip, next to his songcord that trailed down alongside a woven loincloth of regal blue.
Neytiri could sense her son’s nerves and she reached up to stroke his cheek, marvelling at how her firstborn son, her baby, had grown. He was fulfilling his destiny today, formally stepping onto the path of impending leadership that was his birthright, “I’m proud of you, son. Your strength of heart and your wisdom has led you here today. I cannot wait to see you walk on your path of greatness. I love you so much.”
Embracing his mother, Neteyam pressed a kiss to her temple, “Thank you, sa’nok. I wouldn’t be who I am without your or Dad.”
His grandmother hovered in the foreground, an expression of warm approval dancing across her wizened features. Mo’at dipped her head at him with a smile.
A cool hand came to rest on Neteyam’s shoulder and he turned to acknowledge Naia, who was dressed in her own ceremonial garb. The royal blue of her swirling chest piece and loincloth matched his own, and purple and yellow ochre had been swept across her face and torso in a matching theme to his. Eywa, she looked breathtaking…
“What a striking pair you make.” Mo’at pronounced sincerely, coming forward to tuck a stray beaded braid behind Naia’s ear, “Come now. It is time to face our people.”
“Wait, ah, can I have a moment alone with Naia?” Neteyam stammered, “There’s something I need to do before we head out there.”
Both Mo’at and Neytiri pursed their lips at him and they never looked more like mother and daughter than in that instant, united in their mutually unimpressed state. Neytiri clicked her tongue and stressed, “We’re already running late.”
“It’ll be quick. We’ll be out there momentarily.” Neteyam placated with a sheepish expression.
As the two older women swished out of the draping entry flaps, Neteyam turned on heel to his satchel in a corner. Searching through its contents, he found what he was looking for and he gently extracted the delicate article from its depths; his soul gift.
Returning to Naia with it in his hands, he heard her gasp and he grinned at her. He had spent several furtive evenings over the last few weeks fashioning a new cord for it, repairing it and also improving it. Where the iridescent and looping pendant previously hung from a single woven cord, Neteyam had now woven three strings from leather-hide and attached the pendant to their centre.
“These cords won’t be so easily sawn through like the last one.” Neteyam stated candidly.
A twinge of guilt stabbed in Naia’s gut and she apologised for her previous actions, “I’m sorry I cut it off last time. It’s beautiful, Neteyam.” She cupped the pendant in her hands and she pressed a kiss to the precious piece of jewellery that was a symbol of everything that they were to each other. She gathered her hair in her hands and instinctively turned away from him so he could affix it around her neck.
Naia noticed that Neteyam had also made the cords shorter so that the pendant did not dangle as low as it previously had. She felt him fasten it around her neck, tighter than before but not so tight that it was uncomfortable. The three woven cords sat flush against her skin and the pendant sat high over the hollow of her clavicle.
Finishing his handiwork, Neteyam came around to face her again and he cupped the back of her head with one hand, pulling Naia in for a slow and searing kiss. Pulling back with a soft smack of their lips, he rested his forehead against hers, “It won’t leave your neck ever again, Naia.”
“Never.” Naia breathed, “From now until forever.”
A thumping percussion beat began from beyond the intimacy of the moment they shared and the clan’s chants of anticipation grew.
Naia stepped back to regard her mate in all his handsome glory. She held her hand out to him, “We should go now. Ready?”
Neteyam’s throat bobbed in a tight swallow and Naia did not miss the clenching and unclenching of his jaw. He was nervous and alone with her now, he let the confident mask he wore fall. Uncertainty coloured his face and he fixed wide, gold eyes on her.
“Hey, it’s alright.” Naia soothed, stepping up to him again and smoothing her hands gently up his chest to rest on his shoulders, mindful not to spoil the dried pattern of ochre on his skin.
“What if I disappoint them? What if I’m not the leader they expect?”
“Listen, can you hear the people outside? They are rooting for you.” Naia assured, “You’ll make mistakes, make bad calls from time to time, because you aren’t perfect. But no one is perfect and you’re not expected to be. This is your birthright; you are the true heir to this leadership. I know that as long as you let the Great Mother guide you that this clan will back you like they backed your father before you.”
A crooked smile tugged at one corner of Neteyam’s lips and he took both of Naia’s hands in his, “And I have you by my side. Spoken like a true tsahìk in waiting.”
“We’ll do this together.” Naia squeezed his hands, watching as he took a deep breath and steeled himself.
“Alright, let’s get this ceremony over and done with.”
Naia grinned and parroted the advice he had given her a few weeks ago back at him, “Just look at me, yawntu. Only me.”
Parting the draping flaps of the ceremonial tent with an arm each, Neteyam and Naia stepped out onto the platform and the gathered Omatikaya clan broke into a chorus of jubilant cheers, howls and ululations.
Warmth flooded Mo’at as she surveyed the pair of them, the exultant greeting of the clan ringing in her ears. The picture of Neteyam and Naia before her was a familiar one. She had seen this very picture in a vision many years ago, even before the return of the sky people.
Back then it had seemed like nothing more than a pleasant dream, especially when her daughter’s family had been forced to flee to the Metkayina, and then even more so when the Long War beset them all with uncertainty and strife. Mo’at had forgotten all about it actually until that fateful day not long ago when they came home to the clan, when Neteyam had returned looking like the long-lost prince the Omatikaya needed.
Neteyam and Naia raised their clasped hands above their heads between them, their free hands also punching skyward in fists. The Omatikaya clan’s cheers thundered even louder and Mo’at smiled to herself.
The roar of approval had never sounded so irrefutable.
 Epilogue – Six moons later
“You haven’t eaten anything, Manaia. It’s a long journey ahead and you must keep your strength up to fly.” Neytiri remarked, her amber eyes tinged with concern as she held a niktsyey (food wrap) out to her.
Naia swallowed the biliousness that crept up her throat at the smell of the warm little parcel and gratefully accepted it nonetheless, “I’ll take it along for the first part of our journey. I don’t feel like breakfast currently.”
Neytiri cast her a gentle smile, “Neteyam told me you’re not fond of deep water. It is truly beautiful out in the reefs and Neteyam will be with you always. Don’t worry, we’ll look after you.”
Nodding and projecting an air of confidence, Naia tucked the food wrap into the satchel she had slung over her shoulder and tucked its flap shut. The smell of the food dissipated and she took a shaky breath in. Ordinarily the smell of niktsyey would made her mouth water, but in recent days, anything food-related made her stomach turn.
She was content to let Neytiri think her queasiness was due to her nerves about their imminent visit to the Metkayina and their oceanic home. It was true, after all, that Naia was anxious about being surrounded by so much water, but that was not the reason for her nausea. Naia had a fair inkling of the real reason, but their trip to Awa’atlu was for a joyous occasion and she did not really want to draw any attention away from the fact. Plus, she was still not fully certain.
Lo’ak and Tsireya had welcomed their little one and it was time for the family to meet the new baby. Jake and Neytiri were understandably excited to be grandparents, as was Tuk, who had spent the last week in the lead-up to their trip raving about being an aunt. Neteyam was less forward with his enthusiasm, but Naia could tell he was very happy for his brother.
Naia smiled as her husband approached her and he enveloped her in his arms. Pressing a kiss into her hair, Neteyam murmured, “You good? The ikran are all packed and we’re ready to go.”
Tucking her face into his neck as she hugged him, she inhaled several deep breaths of his scent. Neteyam always smelled good to her, but she was especially appreciative at current of how his scent seemed to relieve the rolling nausea that plagued her. “Yeah, I’m good. I do feel a little bad that Lortirea and Tompa will be away from their babies for an entire week though.”
“The young ones are four moons old now. Ikran mature quickly and they’re already flying. They’re practically toddlers now, by our standards.” Neteyam chuckled, “I’m sure they’re a handful. For all we know, maybe their parents will be glad for the break away from them?”
Naia laughed at the memory of the baby ikran. Lortirea and Tompa had brought them back to the rookery to introduce them shortly after the babies had hatched. Naia had been utterly enamoured by the little creatures who looked like adorable miniatures of their parents, with their soft wings and tawny eyes that had appeared a little too large for their heads. Unable to fly at that age, they had clambered all over her lap, demanding pats and scratches.
“A week surrounded by water.” Naia muttered, stepping back a little so she could peer into Neteyam’s eyes. She regretted her uneasy tone immediately. He had told her so many stories of his family’s time in the reefs; of the people, their customs and the magnificence of the ocean environment. She knew he was excited to show her this part of his life. Her apology was swift on her lips, “Sorry, I’m just nervous about diving.”
Neteyam placed a hand under her chin, “You don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with, OK? If you don’t want to dive under then we’ll just stay on the surface.”
“No, I want to see this underwater world that you lived in for so many years.” Naia pressed, heartening herself more than anything else. She placed a hand over his heart, “All those years you were gone and I used to wonder what you were doing, what the world around you was like. This is my chance. The Metkayina are a part of you too.”
Jake was calling out to the family now, announcing that it was time for them to depart.
Neteyam pressed a kiss to Naia’s forehead, noting absently that her scent was a little different than usual. She still smelled like she always did, but there was a sweeter note to it. “You sure you’re alright?”
“Yes, Neteyam, I’m fine. Just a bit tired.”
Naia knew from his doubtful expression that he was not convinced and she gave him one of her emphatic eyerolls to reassure him that she was fine, sass and all.
“We’ll break throughout the journey. Stay close to Tompa. And make sure you eat that niktsyey soon.”
“Yes sir,” Naia quipped sarcastically, earning her a shake of his head and a chuckle in response. Her nausea roiled in her belly again at the thought of the food wrap.
There was no time now, but she would see Mo’at as soon as they were home after their trip to confirm if her suspicion was right.
To say that Ronal was intimidating was an understatement. The Metkayina tsahìk was a silent force to be reckoned with.
Neteyam had warned Naia that Ronal was aloof with strangers, but she had not been prepared for the woman’s odd demeanour which seemed to vacillate between taciturn and tender at points. Their initial greeting the previous night had set Naia on edge.
The journey to the reefs had been a gruelling day-long flight on the backs of their ikran. It was well past nightfall by the time they had reached Awa’atlu. Ronal had embraced Neteyam openly with all the warmth of an aunt welcoming a nephew she had not seen in a while, whereas she had regarded Naia with calculating eyes and even given her a good sniff before frowning at her.
Exhausted and extremely queasy, Naia had gladly turned in to bed when the two families had completed their greetings and pronounced that they would reunite in the morning for a proper reunion. Blessedly, Naia had slept well and she had arisen in the morning feeling much more refreshed than she had in days. The crisp seaside air also appeared to ease her biliousness, which was a pleasant boon.
However, the moment the breakfast food was brought out, her belly began its roiling habit again.
“You know if there’s one thing I did miss about this place, apart from the people, it’s the fresh seafood!” Jake crowed cheerfully, tucking into a platter of raw, cooked and dried fish.
The rest of the Sullys appeared to agree and when Neteyam returned to her side with a well-piled wooden bowl with an assortment of food for them to share, Naia had done everything she could to tamp down the urge to wretch at the smell.
“Try a piece of this fish, it’s delicious when it’s dried and cured like that with sea salt.” Neteyam encouraged, handing her a small piece.
“Yes, and let us know your verdict. I daresay our fare of food is quite different to what you’re used to back home in the forest.” Tonowari added with a deep chuckle. Jake and Neytiri were smiling at her too with urging eyes and Naia found herself in the impossible position of not wanting to wretch if she ate and also not wanting to be rude by refusing.
Fortifying herself, Naia took a nibble of the dried fish, chewed quickly and swallowed with as expressionless a face as possible, “Thanks, it’s umm, it’s new.” Her stomach immediately churned and she swiftly reached for a piece of orange fruit from Neteyam’s bowl, popping it into her mouth and letting the juicy burst of flavour wash the salty and fishy tang of the fish from her tastebuds before it threatened to make its way back up.
Tonowari boomed with laughter at her reaction and Naia was glad for the Metkayina olo’eyktan’s light-hearted nature. She smiled guiltily and reached for more fruit from Neteyam’s bowl. Fruit was good. She could stomach fruit.
Naia’s gaze met with Ronal’s where she sat perched by her husband. The woman did not appear to share her husband’s mirth and though her eyes were once again calculating, they were not unkind, just astute in a way that made Naia feel like she was she being looked right through.
Maybe it was a tsahìk thing. Mo’at had often made her feel the same way, though Naia had grown close enough to the Omatikaya tsahìk now that she no longer felt uncomfortable in her presence. She vaguely wondered to herself if she would be the same in time to come when she took on that mantle.
“Naia,” Neteyam’s voice was soft by her ear.
“Hmm?” Naia turned to her mate to find him scrutinising her through concerned eyes.
“What’s going on? And don’t say you’re OK. You’re clearly not yourself.” Neteyam uttered under his breath, continuing to eat in order not to draw attention to themselves. “You’re normally a really good eater and I’ve never known you to be fussy.”
“I just don’t feel like food, but you need to trust me on this, there’s nothing wrong. I’m perfectly healthy.”
“You’ve barely eaten more than a few bites here and there for almost the last week. You’ve been like this since before we came here. It’s not the food here that’s making you like this.”
Naia felt irritation flash through her and she picked a small piece of cooked shellfish from his bowl and ate, cocking her head at him with an expression that challenged him, “Happy now? I’m eating.”
The shellfish rebelled the entire way down her throat though and she only barely suppressed the gag that came after it.
Neteyam’s jaw clenched and his lips pressed into a thin line, utterly unconvinced. “Maybe you should speak to Ronal, get her to look you over-”
“I’m tsakarem, Neteyam. A tsahìk in waiting.” Naia hissed in a whisper, “I think I should know if I was unwell, and I’m not-”
“Manaia, come sit with me.” Ronal’s voice called, and Naia almost flinched at the uncanny timing of it. She and Neteyam had been fairly quiet while they squabbled, so it was unlikely that the tsahìk had overheard them.
Naia looked to where Tonowari and Ronal had been sitting and was surprised to find that Ronal was no longer by her husband’s side. Glancing around, Naia found her perched by the marui’s entrance on the far side. Shooting Neteyam a hesitant look, Naia rose to her feet and made her way past the rest of the gathered family, holding her breath as she passed the platters of seafood.
“Come, sit.” Ronal said, patting the soft mat beside her.
Naia did as she was told, folding herself down alongside the woman. There was a cool sea breeze blowing through the marui entrance and she took a deep and languid breath of the fresh gust, gratefully letting it temper her queasiness.
“Better?” The tsahìk asked, and Naia turned puzzled eyes at her. Ronal chortled at her confusion and simply shook her head before gesturing to the ground before her, “I think you’ll find these things a little more palatable for the time being also.”
It was only then that Naia realised there were two small platters of food laid out in front of her. There was a colourful variety of sliced fruit on one and a range of plain, flat crusts on the other. There was also a small vessel of cool water. Before she could verbalise her thanks, her belly rumbled appreciatively.
“Thank you, tsahìk.” There was little doubt now in Naia’s mind that Ronal had likely surmised the truth of her condition for herself. Plucking a single crust from the platter before her, she took a tentative bite and was relieved to find that her body welcomed the crunchy plainness of it.
“So, you are the girl that Neteyam had to leave behind.” Ronal’s tone was affectionate and there was palpable warmth in her eyes as she regarded Naia, “Many years their family spent here as part of our people and yet Neteyam never truly considered staying for good.”
Naia glanced up at Ronal, not really knowing what to say in response to her remarks. She helped herself to more fruit instead.
Ronal continued, “You know, once the family had integrated into our way of life and proven themselves despite their differences, both Neteyam and Lo’ak became somewhat sought after by the women. They were different, exotic. There were many good females here who wanted to gain Neteyam’s affections, especially after Lo’ak and Tsireya made their romantic association known. But Neteyam refused them all.”
“Well, I’m glad Neteyam came home. Our clan needed him. You should have seen the moron we had as our replacement successor.” Naia snorted with a laugh.
“And you needed him too.” Ronal added, and her face was pensive, “I see now why Neteyam never found a home here. There is a way about the two of you; a blessed connection forged by Eywa that existed long before he ever came to us at Awa’atlu. You are meant to be. I am happy for the both of you and I hope that your clan thrives in time to come under your leadership.”
It was an odd conversation to have with someone she had never met until now, but Naia felt strangely at ease. She smiled at the older woman, feeling comfortable enough for the first time since she arrived to hold her piercing blue gaze, “Thank you for your kind words. I never forgot Neteyam, and every day I thank the Great Mother for bringing him back to me.”
“Yet, you’ve not told him your news. You’ve not told anyone.”
Naia swallowed her mouthful of fruit, and licked her lips uneasily, “It’s only really become clear to me in the last few days, and I want to check with Mo’at first to be sure.”
Ronal graced her with another warm smile, her voice quiet so their conversation would stay between the two of them, “Well, if you’ll take confirmation from me as tsahìk, I am certain of your condition. I can scent it on you and you are displaying all the signs; nausea, food aversion, fatigue. You are with child, Manaia.”
A bright feeling of joy burst in Naia’s heart. She had been more or less certain of her pregnancy, but the confirmation from Ronal was a welcome assurance. “I don’t want to tell anyone until after our visit here is done. This is Lo’ak and Tsireya’s moment. Their son is beautiful and I don’t want to take away from this celebration.”
Ronal tilted her head slightly at her response and Naia thought she saw a flicker of respect in the woman’s eyes.
“At least tell your husband.” Ronal urged, gesturing with another tilt of her head towards Neteyam who had made his way over to Lo’ak and Tsireya to get to know his new nephew.
Naia watched with loving warmth swirling in her belly as Lo’ak carefully placed the little bundle of waving fists and chubby legs into Neteyam’s arms. The baby was beautiful and Naia marvelled that she and Neteyam would soon have a little one of their own. Little Akahata had his father’s darker cobalt colouring and bright amber eyes, but his other features were of his mother’s Metkayina heritage. Softer, swirling stripes marked the baby’s torso, complete with a tiny, paddle-shaped tail.
“Jake and Neytiri have raised their children and taught them well.” Ronal affirmed favourably, “Neteyam and Lo’ak are strong husbands and they will be good fathers.” She placed a gentle hand on Naia’s shoulder and she urged again, “Tell Neteyam tonight, he should know. He’s already concerned about your wellbeing and he will worry himself this entire visit unless you give him an explanation for your behaviour. I will keep your secret from the others until you are both ready to share it.”
“I will, tsahìk. Thank you for the milder food.” Naia breathed gratefully, already feeling much better than she had previously thanks to the suitable food in her belly.
“I will prepare your food for you for the duration of your stay here.” Ronal declared kindly, holding a hand up when Naia was about to protest, “No arguments. You must eat what you can stomach, child. It is not trouble at all.”
The cool seawater rippled about her thighs as Naia gingerly waded into the ocean after Neteyam. It was after eclipse now and if Naia had thought Awa’atlu was beautiful in the day time, it was absolutely breathtaking after dark. The fine sand was phosphorescent beneath her feet and shoals of bioluminescent fish darted and swam about in the water around them. In the distance, the coral reef was a spectacular display of life and colour, the gentle waves rippling in the evening zephyr that blew.
“Are you sure you want to go out to the cove tonight?” Neteyam queried, turning to face her, apprehension etched over his handsome face.
Naia was getting rather sick of his fretting and fussing over her, and a part of her felt relieved that he would soon know the truth.
“For the last time, I’m fine. I said I wanted to go, didn’t I? Ronal told me it’s beautiful after eclipse and encouraged me to go tonight.”
“Yeah, but you got seasick this afternoon just swimming. I’ll ride gently on the ilu but it might still be choppy on the way there and-”
Naia silenced him with a kiss, “Call the ilu, Neteyam.”
With a resigned sigh, Neteyam emitted several whistles and clicks to summon an ilu.
Naia had succumbed to her nausea and vomited earlier in the day after a swim out into the reef, but it was not due to seasickness. She chortled at the memory.
Neteyam had been right about the beauty of the sea. They had not ventured beyond the safety of the reef and Naia had not dived under, content to just swim at the surface, but the myriad of the Great Mother’s undersea life had been stunning. It was an experience Naia would never forget.
An ilu responded to Neteyam’s call almost immediately, the friendly creature swimming up to the pair of them with a series of clicks and trills. Rewarding it with several fillets of fish, Neteyam patted the creature’s head and was about to mount it when it gave a low, burbling trill at Naia.
The ilu cocked its head to the side, regarding her with its set of four eyes. Its mouth was ajar as it emitted more squeaks and clicks and Naia thought it looked like it was grinning toothily at her. It dipped its head then to softly press its snout against her belly with another low burble, rubbing its head gently against her abdomen before raising its head to meet her eyes again.
No words were spoken, but no words were needed. Naia understood the ilu just fine and she stroked its smooth, muscular neck in thanks.
Neteyam mounted the ilu and deftly pulled Naia up to sit on its back in front of him, “What was that about?”
Naia shrugged nonchalantly, taking hold of his forearms and grinning shrewdly to herself, “No idea.”
They rode at the ocean’s surface, submerged only up to their waists on the ilu’s back. The creature certainly understood the assignment to swim gently and their journey to the Cove of the Ancestors was a smooth glide. Naia relaxed against Neteyam as they rode, one of his muscled forearms secured firmly about her waist to keep her from sliding off.
The glow of the Spirit Tree in the sacred cove could be seen under the water from a distance away. Naia straightened with a gasp as they approached the formations of floating rocks that hovered over the cove, which reminded her so much of Iknimaya back home in the forest.
“This is it. The Spirit Tree.” Neteyam whispered by her ear, both of them ducking their heads under a low-hovering rock formation to enter the sacred cove.
Sheltered from the currents out in the reef, the seawater in the cove was calm and clear, affording them an unimpeded view of the hallowed underwater tree that was the Metkayina’s gateway to Eywa.
Naia pressed the fingers of one hand to her lips, filled with emotion in the presence of their Great Mother. There were no words of adequacy to describe the magnificent tree beneath her. It blazed and pulsed with the essence of Eywa, its large, feathery fronds lilac and luminous.
“Not often you’re speechless.” Neteyam joked quietly with a nuzzle and kiss to her cheek.
Naia’s eyes were watering and her emotion was a lump in her throat. Her skin prickled in the nighttime air and she swore she heard the whispers of the Metkayina ancestors swirling about the points of her ears. Though she was not connected to the Spirit Tree, she could feel Eywa all around her and a pleasant heat filled her lower belly.
It was time to tell him.
“This place is so beautiful. I have no words for it.” Naia murmured wetly with a delicate sniffle.
Neteyam embraced her from behind, wrapping both of his strong arms around her. He pressed his cheek to hers and breathed, “I came here often during the Long War. I thought of you, prayed to Eywa to keep you safe. I always wondered how you were and what you were doing. Part of me wished I could speak to you through the Spirit Tree, to bridge the distance between us and communicate.”
Naia giggled and turned to kiss him, her lips finding his warm ones and instinctively slotting against them, “I did too, at the Tree of Souls. But that feels like a horrible lifetime ago.”
“Do you want to swim down there?”
“No, that’s not why I wanted to come here.”
Neteyam’s forehead wrinkled in question and he waited for Naia to continue.
Flutters of nerves sprouted in Naia’s gut and she mentally chastised herself for being nervous. It was silly to feel so when she knew it was good news she had to share.
Swallowing the lump in her throat, Naia began, “I wanted to come here to thank Eywa for the blessing she’s given us.” She clasped hold of Neteyam’s forearms and gently pried them from her waist. Taking his right hand in hers, she settled it over her still-flat belly, just below her navel, “Neteyam, you’re going to be a father.”
“What?” Neteyam gawped.
Laughing wetly, she turned her head to look at him again, “I’m not unwell and I’m not seasick. I’m pregnant.”
Neteyam still appeared dumbstruck, his mouth agape and his eyes wide with surprise. Naia giggled at the sight. It was not an expression that he often wore at all. But his lips stretched into a beaming grin then, teeth all on display and a warm laugh of elation followed. Still bonded to his ilu, the creature expressed his joy too, squawking and clicking and flapping its flippers against the water’s surface.  
“We’re having a baby?” He asked, absolutely brimming with excitement.
“Yes, Ronal confirmed it to me this morning.”
Neteyam’s arms encircled her again in a tight squeeze, his lips repeating prayers of gratitude to Eywa in-between the kisses he was showering over Naia’s face while she squealed with laughter. Remembering moments later, amid his delight that Naia was pregnant, he loosened his crushing embrace and settled one of his palms on her lower belly with an apology, “Sorry.”
“We’ll have our own little one soon.” Naia beamed, her tanhì twinkling bright against her skin, “A perfect little half of you and half of me.”
“You have made me the happiest man alive, yawntu.” Neteyam said, twisting his head down so he could kiss her again, “I love you so much, Naia, always.”
“I love you too. From now until forever.”
Author’s Note: THE END! Thank you so, so much to all of you who are still with me here at the finishing line. I’m sorry again that this last part took so long. I really thought I’d lost my drive to write over the last few weeks, but it came back to me this past week and I was able to churn this out. 😁
This is Neteyam and Naia’s happy ending, and I hope that it brought warm fuzzies to you. I’m thirsty for your thoughts and comments as always, so please do not be afraid to share them with me. Reblogs and likes are massively appreciated too. 🥰
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frenchkisstheabyss · 1 year
♡ touch tank♡
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♡ I created this for a friend of a friend. It totally warms my lil heart that she asked me to write this ♡
Pairing: boyfriend!changkyun x fem!reader
Summary: When your past trauma comes back to haunt you, your boyfriend reassures you that with him you'll always be protected
Genre: fluff/angst/smut
Word Count: 1.1k-ish
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Warnings: reader has some trauma w/ being yelled at, unprotected sex, fingering, creampie
A/N: Thank you @anyamaris for always supporting me & sending your super rad friend my way ♡
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"He tells me he's gentle when he wants to be so I think he wants to be gentle with me..." - Quinnie "Touch Tank"
On the 15th floor of a luxury high-rise a young woman twirls around her kitchen singing along to her favorite song. You might find her exact location by following the melodic voice ringing from her apartment. If her siren song fails to tempt you in her direction, the scent of dinner simmering on the stove will. The windows are open so she should probably put some pants on but she’s home after all.
What do you want from her? This is her safe space. Here she can be the vibrant creature that she is, a star burning bright against the night with no one to snuff it out. A past spent drowning in darkness, sick to her stomach with fear, is little more than a bad dream. The monster that haunts her is gone and she’s free…isn’t she?
Even with your music blasting you hear the lock to the front door click open, flooding you with joy. Flipping the stove off, you reach for your phone to turn the music down. “Baby, you’re home!” you sing, shuffling from the kitchen to greet your boyfriend as he kicks his shoes off. Your friends warned you that after living with your boyfriend for a few months the excitement would wear off but they couldn't be more wrong.
It’s been eight months since you and Changkyun got this place together and you still get butterflies when he walks through the door. You throw your arms around his neck, welcoming him home with a kiss. But he doesn’t kiss you back. He doesn’t even hold you in his arms the way that he usually would. He only lets out a heavy, tortured groan accompanied by a hesitant “Hi” before making his way over to the wine rack.
In an instant you deflate, a pretty little balloon springing a leak. Taking a deep breath, you catch the smile on your face before it fades away. Let’s try this again. “So, how’d everything go at the studio?” you ask, grabbing his favorite wine glass from the cabinet. Changkyun takes it from you, his expression cold enough to freeze you solid where you stand. “Can we just not talk about this, y/n? Is that okay with you?” he snaps, filling his glass with some expensive wine Minhyuk had insisted on getting him for his birthday. 
He doesn’t need to raise his voice for you to know something’s not right. You catch glimpses of it in the tightness of his jaw and the sharpness of his eyes. The anger seeps from his pores like a poison you thought you’d grown immune to. And just like that the monster’s back, darkness closing in around you demanding you to shrink yourself.
Be quiet. You’ll only make it worse. He’ll yell at you. It’ll be all your fault. “Um, okay” you murmur almost too low to hear. Shutting your music off, you quietly begin to straighten up the kitchen, careful not to get in his way. You're not walking on eggshells. You’re walking on glass and it tears you apart but you keep your mouth shut. “Ssh” the monster whispers, “Be quiet. Quiet. Quiet…” 
“Hey,” Changkyun says, taking you by the hand, his voice intentionally lighter than before. Placing a hand on each side of your face, he stares into your eyes, softening more with each passing moment. “Come back to me” he begs, desperate to pull you from that place in your mind you go to when you feel triggered. “What do I always say?”
You clear your throat, using his emotional lifeboat to drift back to safety, “That you’d never hurt me.” “And you believe me?” “Of course, I do,” you say it and you mean it because, despite the past attempting to claw its way into the present, you know Changkyun would die before he hurt you. He smiles, his hands slipping down to trace the edges of your figure, “Good because I wouldn’t. Not ever.”
You catch yourself getting teary eyed but there’s no time for tears when he kisses you, his tongue fervently seeking yours. He slips a hand under your shirt just enough to stroke the small of your back. The faintest contact from him is electric, his touch raising the tiny hairs along the surface of your skin.
You arch into him and feel fingers grazing your clit through the lace of your panties. “Changkyun…” you gasp, thighs parting as if to tell him you want more. “Should I stop?” he asks, hooking his fingers around your panties right where the moisture’s pooling. “No, don’t stop. Please don’t---mmph” You can hear the wetness seeping out as he enters you, his wrist rotating so that his fingers swirl softly against your sensitive walls.
“How could I ever hurt you?” he coos, taking in the angelic look on your face as he pushes deeper into you, “You’re so pretty, baby. I only want to make you feel good.” Your walls quiver around his fingers, reacting to the longing he pours into you. Bringing his arm tight around your waist, he guides you toward the bedroom. All the while pleasing you…stretching you…making you moan between his lips.
By the time he’s lifting you through the doorway your hands have developed a mind of their own, stripping him down to nothing but his boxers. He brings your shirt up over your head, his tongue finding your breasts before your back hits the bed.
Changkyun handles you with the patience of a painter working on a grand portrait of something close to his heart. His tongue makes purposeful strokes across your nipples, painting flowered vines down your belly as your panties disappear somewhere beneath the bed. 
On the 15th floor of a luxury high-rise, a young man buries his length deep in the warmth of the woman he loves. As he stimulates those spots that make her eyes roll back and her toes curl, she makes noises sweeter than his favorite song. You might find their exact location by following the sound of her crying out his name, melodic echoes of pleasure bouncing off of the walls.
The scent of her tempts to come before he’s ready, his need for her simmering out of control. The windows are open and neither of them give a shit if they have clothes on or not. They’re enjoying the beauty of each other’s naked bodies, bathing in the euphoria of her clenching around him. They’re home after all, giving each other every bit of what they want exactly how they want it.
It’s their safe space. Here they can surrender to each other, passion flowing vibrantly across sweat-slicked skin. This fire inside of her can’t be snuffed out. Her nails dig into his shoulders as she whimpers, the spasms in her pussy soaking him as she hits her high. She drowns in pleasure, her stomach pleasantly filling with his seed. This feels like heaven. Like a dream. She smiles, safe in his arms as they come down, and feels, at last, utterly and completely free.
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kissland69 · 7 months
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•simon “ghost” riley x f!reader
•enemies to lovers, age gap, reader is 18+ and simon is 26-30, reader is a nurse, description of deep cuts, medical stitches and blood, mild language
•if you guys have any requests for certain characters to write about please let me know! i’ll do them, just remember it’ll be f!reader
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simon fucking riley, just his name alone caused irritation and frustration to seep out your pores, the sound of his annoying deep voice and the way his heavy feet stomped onto the hard floors always made your eye twitch. “ghost” was the code name that everyone used for him, his stone eyes never made you feel any type of comfort which annoyed you because he always seemed to eye you down every chance he had .
while you walked to the infirmary, getting ready to tend to any infections, injuries, and sicknesses from your patients you spotted the only person who you least liked, standing tall with his freaky skull mask on, mud covered shoes and pants on his bulky built, dry blood covered his gloves as the room ringed with the soft sound of beeping from the heart monitors and his labored breathing
as simon stood there with his eyes piercing through your moving figure he suddenly spoke, his dark voice booming around the room “i need your assistance.”
that sentence caused your eyes to roll, you turned to the towering figure and said “with what?” voice flat and uninterested “this gash on my arm.” simon replied while pulling up his sleeve, showing a deep bloody cut which will definitely need stitches, you rushed to the cabinets that had all the supplies you’ll need to sanitize and close the deep cut “with someone who has all this experience and training you’re still so clumsy..” you muttered while gently cleaning the bruised up wound “doesn’t matter how much you train or how much experience you have, you still can get injured. you should know this.” ghost said, his forearm tensed up, you stayed silent while sanitizing everything and putting the medical thread through the needle. the room became silent again, your focus being only on the way the needle pierced his pale skin, the smell of rubbing alcohol entering your nose and the warm sensation of simon’s breathing “why does my presence bother you so much?”asked the deep, raspy voice, you didn’t answer right away, letting the question dance through the air your eyes still on the wound you’re sewing closed “you really don’t remember the way you treated me when i started working here? how rude you talked to me and didn’t even have the balls to apologize for your harsh words. you behaved so poorly when all i wanted to do was treat your wounds from infection.” you responded bitterly, the memory of that day resurfaced and left you going quiet once more…
the day you started working for captain john price and the rest of the team was a day to remember, you had made your way to the cafeteria after spending half of your day exhaustingly making sure all your patients were comfortable and tended to, as you reached the fridge to eat your first meal of the day you spotted a group of males sitting at a dingy table, one of the males wore a dirty looking skull mask and heavy military gear, your eyes stayed on him the most and took in his figure “they seem like they just came in..” you thought as you seen all of them still sweating and breathing heavily, you decided to make your way over and check out if any of them had any wounds to take care of, you feet lightly walked over and you calmly said with a smile “hello, my names y/n and i’m a nurse, do you guys have any wounds i should take a look at?” all eyes were on you now, one of the males spoke with a light smile “you must be the pretty new nurse captain told us about, training wasn’t too bad for us to have any wounds to worry about but ghost here has a-“ before the scottish man could finish his sentence a harsh deep groggy voice interrupted him “soap shut it. stop speaking for me i don’t need a newbie who doesn’t even know what she’s doing tending to my injuries.” the man with the dirty skull mask said, his eyes filled with irritation and disgust, as if you were nothing but a waste of space to him. his stupid little comment caused you to speak before thinking “you don’t know more than my name for you to sit there assume how well i do my job, that’s ignorant and unprofessional for you to do. whatever injury you have i will not tend to, now will you excuse me i have a job to do” you replied, anger laced in your tone as you spoke, you walked away from the group and continued with your day and ignored the hole ghost was burning into you…
after that day you befriended all the males in that group except simon which didn’t matter to you at all, the first impression he left wasn’t very tasteful and he didn’t seem to care about how he spoke to you that day, not even a “sorry” was said so you nor him decided to become friends or associated with one another, there was no reason to.
until now, he came to you for your assistance, he came to you even after he said you were a “newbie” and who “didn’t know what they were doing”, he spoke three sentences to you and now he’s asking why you seem to hate his presence, the lack of empathy he seemed to have set you off even more, this whole situation was so confusing and irritating, you just wanted to stitch him up and continue with your day and pretending he doesn’t exist and wallowing in your emotions for him…but that’s not what simon wanted, he knew how stupid it was to be so rude and unprofessional towards someone he barley knew or spoken to and there’s no excuse neither, he just felt like it’s long overdue for him to keep his feelings to himself, or for them to continue being bitter towards one another and he wanted to make it up to you and make things right. it’s not that he didn’t like you or didn’t like being in your presence, he actually liked it, he liked the way you smiled and talked to everyone on base, he liked the way your hair looked so perfect every single time, he liked the sound of your voice and how calm you were with your patients, he just liked you…but he seemed to realized a little too late but he was going to make it up even if you just wanted to be friends, as long as he was able to get you to be around him more.
“listen, i’m sorry sweetheart…i know this is far too late to say but i truly apologize for those words i said to you, i know i was unprofessional with my actions and i want to make it up to you, i feel like we started on the wrong foot and it was all my fault. just please give me another chance and i promise i won’t make you regret it..” ghost spoke with sincerity and tenderness, his deep brown eyes finally wasnt stone cold, they were warm and apologetic…this was the simon riley you yearned for, this was the simon riley you waited for “that’s all i needed to hear simon..it pained me so much to know that the man i eventually started liking never seemed to like me at all..” you relplied, stitching the last stitch in his muscular arm “trust me, i’ve liked you this whole time, i was just an idiot to not speak and acknowledge it sooner, please just give me a chance to make it up to you, please forgive me” simon said, softly grabbing both of your hands softly with his scarred up hands “…okay, i forgive you but you need to take me on the most fanciest, romantic, glamorous date ever, it’s only fair” you said with a teasing smile “what a sight…” simon thought to himself, he was grateful to see such beauty so up close “of course sweetheart, only the best for you” simon replied while caressing your hands then softly placing a kiss on them, you seen the healed scar on his plush pink lips and smiled “how does tonight at 8 sound?” he asked with a soft voice “it sounds perfect riley, don’t be late now” you say with a grin painted on your lips, you wrapped his arm with fresh bandages and watch him stand up, his body towering over you once more “i would never, now that i finally have you, i wouldn’t dare mess that up” he says with a chuckle, he then leaned in a gave you a gentle kiss on the cheek “can’t wait to see you tonight..” simon said while walking out of the infirmary with a permanent smile
“simon fucking riley, the man that you are” you say to yourself, smile matching his as you felt your heart beating with glee
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gretasimp · 2 years
Closer to Hers
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Pairings: Danny Wagner x Reader x Sammy Kiszka
Word Count: 6.5k
Warnings: complete and absolute filth, breeding, mmf threesome, f!oral receiving, m!oral receiving, overstimulation, pleasure/pain, multiple orgasms, mm!oral receiving, if I missed anything, ofc let me know!
A/N: This is purely smut, so walk away now if that’s not what you want. This also has extreme DannyxSammy so if you don’t want that either, please scroll now! For the rest of you heathens, enjoy!
“I’m not going to sit here and let you talk to me like that.” She spat in his face, rage seeping from every pore. The fire in the hearth illuminated her face perfectly to where you could see the flames reflecting in her eyes. Her arms were crossed over her chest and her hip popped to the side.
I was terrible with awkward situations. They made my skin itch and my brain pause, doomed to linger here until the interaction was over. I looked over to where Danny was sitting and I had to stifle a laugh as I found him staring back at me, eyes wide, a smile threatening to take over his lips. He pursed his lips and shook his head, looking to his feet to keep himself from laughing. To keep myself from doing the same thing, I aimlessly scanned the room, my eyes running over the various empty liquor bottles that littered the tables and floors. Red solo cups sat on every surface, making everything slightly sticky to the touch. I watched the bodies that roamed around these inanimate objects, the party still in full swing.
What originally was supposed to be a small jam session with a couple to our friends turned into a drunken hoopla that didn’t seem to have an end in sight. Our instruments laid strewn about the living room, amps and speakers accompanying them. The room was drenched in soft light, only the glow of fire and thrifted lamps illuminating the room. A small cloud of smoke hung in the air, the window to the back porch perched open, not doing much.
“Come on babe! It was just a joke!” Sammy said, leaning forward from his seated position, reaching to grab out to his fuming girlfriend. She moved away from his grasp, walking backwards towards the emptiness of the living room. Sam slumped back into the couch, placing his face in his hands and aggressively shaking his head. All of his mannerisms were slightly off as the Sour Diesel ran through him.
“Aren’t jokes supposed to be funny? Do you see me laughing, Sam?” She said, venom spraying all of the room, making everyone in the vicinity incredibly uncomfortable. There wasn’t much that surprised me about her anymore, but to yell at Sam in front of all of his friends? The bitter taste in my mouth unintentionally made a scowl appear on my face.
Sam had been seeing Sara for about two months now and in that time frame, I found the utmost disdain for her. She was by far one of the most distasteful women Sam had ever chosen to bring around us. Though, we couldn’t say a thing about it, because Sam had the habit of falling for the girls we didn’t quite get along with. He often would bring over girls that I couldn’t stand, just to get a rise out of me. I don’t know if it’s just one of his sick games or if he truly gets off on us hating on his girlfriends but Sara was no exception.
Determined to keep out of his business, I stood up from my seat on the floor and made my way over to Danny. He was comfortable sitting on the one of the loungers that sat in his living room. He instantly opened his arms, quietly motioning for me to accompany him in his seat. I gladly accepted, climbing up onto the reclined chair and sinking into his side. He gently pulled me into him by loosely placing his arm around my shoulders, giving me a small squeeze. As I got settled in my new spot, I looked up at him and he smiled down at me, planting a kiss on my lips. He lingered there for a minute, savoring the taste of my lips, mixed with the tequila on my breath. A sweet hum vibrated within his chest as he opened his eyes and looked down at me, my smile matching his.
Danny and I had been going out for about a year or so now. We had known each other from highschool, but never really became close until we bumped into each other at a bar back in our hometown. After that, we spent a lot of time together writing and singing, making music with each other until it blossomed into something more.
“I’m sorry baby, can you please just sit back down with me. Please?” Sam was pleading to her now, metaphorically on his knees. Now within close proximity to each other, Danny and I couldn’t contain our pent up laughter, both of us guffawing at his begging.
“Do you two have something you want to say?” She was staring at us now, her shuttering voice like nails on a chalkboard. Danny and I immediately went rigid, our smiles whipping clean off our faces. It was like we were taken back to middle school, our teacher yelling at us for talking during the lesson. He and I, comical sized frowns on our faces, quickly shook our heads in response to her incorrectly pointed anger. She scoffed and rolled her eyes at us, looking back at Sam.
Again, as the children that we were, we couldn’t contain our laughter as she continued to ream into Sam for the slightly off putting joke he made. I quickly placed my hands over our mouths to keep any lingering sounds of glee hidden, but it didn’t work. Danny only cringed harder as the giggles slowly seeped through the cracks of my fingers, his inebriated state getting the better of him. My attention was not on her but I could feel her daggers on Danny and I as she sighed an annoyed breath and started to march out of the room.
“Really guys?” Sammy said, getting up off the couch and walking around to chase after Sara. We let go of our mouths and belly laughed, Sam shaking his head with a small smile painted on his features. None of us took much seriously, especially when we were high, so to have her screaming at him like that was something so foreign.
“Really us? Really you!” Danny yelled at Sam’s disappearing silhouette. We watched Sam follow her down the hall and out of the house, both of them yelling at each other as they went.
“She’s the worst.” I said, pulling Danny’s attention from the front door to me. He pulled his arm tighter around me, effectively making me squeak in the pressure of his hold.
“You're just jealous!” He said, planting a kiss on my cheek.
“Oh please! Give me a break!” I laughed, nudging Danny in his side. Danny and I were honest with each other, brutally, which was so different from my relationships in the past. He was always open about how he felt, and encouraged me to do the same from the very beginning. We never lied, nor kept secrets. Now whether that was due to the healthiness of our relationship, or the amount of time we spend smoking was still up for debate.
I can clearly remember the night that Danny and I admitted our mutual like for Sammy, as more than a friend. He coaxed me with fancy wine that he brought home from Europe, my secrets spilling out of me faster than I care to admit. It took him by surprise but he was quick to agree with me, not letting me feel embarrassed by my attraction to his best friend. We didn’t talk about it much after that though, keeping that little secret hidden between the both of us.
Danny pulled my face close to his, nudging my head to tilt up as his nose brushed my jaw line. He kissed my neck lightly, trailing them up my throat all the way up to the shell of my ear. His breath teased my face as he spoke in a hungry voice, right into my ear.
“Maybe, if we are lucky,” he said, continuing to kiss and nip at the edge of my face, accentuating every word he said. “They will break up, and he will be free for the night.” My face heated at his words, a deep red appearing on my cheeks. My eyes were wide as Danny now started openly leaving love bites on my neck, trailing them down to the collar of my shirt. I instantly pulled my lip in between my teeth, concealing the smile that threatens to appear. His actions and words made my legs shift underneath me, causing me to squirm slightly in his touch. The music around us was loud enough to conceal your conversation, but my face only grew warmer as I thought of the implications of his sentence.
“One can only hope.” I whisper back to him, turning my face to look at him. He smiled down at me for the second time tonight, as he gently ran his hand up my cheek and into my hair, pulling me to a passionate kiss. He was always so warm, so easy to melt into, even when others were around. He made every moment feel so intense and personal, it was impossible to deny him.
The party went on as they usually did, the music never quieting, even into the early hours of the morning. Danny and I kept ourselves occupied by mingling and laughing with our mutual friends. Sam made an appearance shortly after, no annoying blonde by his side. Sam cared deeply for those around him, and I could see just by the way he walked into the kitchen that he was not happy with the end result of whatever conversation he and Sara had. Danny saw it too, looking briefly away from the red solo cup and nodding his head at Sam as he passed, to which he gave no response. Danny then looked at me, shrugging his shoulders and putting his focus back on the ping pong ball in hand.
Not wanting Sam to be alone, for multiple reasons, I left my place at the table and swam my way through the house guests and into the kitchen. Sam was already pouring himself a glass of whatever alcohol his hands landed on first. The amber liquid kept pouring out of the bottle and into the flimsy plastic cup, only coming to a halt when it reached the halfway mark.
“I take it Sara left?” I asked, leaning myself on the counter across from Sammy. He took a heavy gulp of the liquor, not a cringe in sight as he laid the cup back down. I gave him a disgusted look which made him chuckle.
“What do you think?” He said sarcastically, forcibly shoving more of the alcohol down his esophagus.
“I think,” I said, walking around the counter to his side and grabbing the cup out of his hands. “That you dodged a bullet.” I finished, setting the cup down and hopping on to the kitchen counter. The marble was cold but the warmth I felt in other places kept me warm.
“Is that so?” Sammy said, reaching for the solo cup again. Before he could grab it, I hastily pulled the drink into my hands and pulled it closer to my chest. My legs were crossed over one another to hid any evidence of my arousal. Sammy eyed me suspiciously as he place himself right in front of me, placing his hands on the counter on either side of my hips. “Care to explain?” He added, leaning in a little.
“Well,” I started, uncrossing my legs, allowing Sam to fit himself between them. “I think you could have so much more fun without her.” I said, falsely instilled confidence lacing my tone.
Sam seemed to understand what I was getting at as he stiffed. His eyebrows frowned at me, but quickly relaxed as he looked over at Danny, who was leaning against the wall in the living room. He was sipping on the drink in his hand, watching his girlfriend seduce his best friend and he could not be more turned on. Once Sam’s eyes met his, he gave him a sinister smirk and a quick wink.
To say surprised was the look on Sam’s face would have been an understatement. He looked back at me as I took a swig of his drink and handed it back to him. Sliding off the counter, I was mere centimeters from his lips. Trying to be subtle, I took my finger and lightly traced it on his exposed skin, his shirt not buttoned until about half way down. He looked down at me, his mouth slightly agape and his breathing quick. I too gave him a quick wink before walking away from him and straight to Danny.
Knowing Sam’s eyes were still on us, I quickly pulled Danny into a searing kiss, his hand quickly squeezing my ass. I took the drink from his other hand and began to lead him upstairs, back to his room. On our way out of the living room, I gave Sammy a quick look. He was ogling across the room, basically drooling as I curled my finger towards him, giving him the okay to follow. Before he could respond, I looked away and dragged Danny upstairs.
Once in his room, he quickly shut the door and pushed me against the wall next to it. He placed his hands on the wall beside me and started to attack my neck with kisses. His tongue trailed a line up my jaw and down to my chin before meeting me at my mouth. He kissed me like it was the last thing he would ever do before pulling away breathlessly.
“That was so sexy,” he started, grabbing the drink out of your hand and setting it on his dresser. “You’re so sexy.” He said, pushing his lips back onto mine while placing his hands on my waist, pushing up my shirt.
He pulled me away from the wall and guided me to the bed, letting me fall on the mattress. He quickly got on top of me, pushing my shirt further up my stomach. I quickly stopped his hands with my own, causing all of his motions to stop.
“We don’t want to start without him, do we?” I asked, a shocked smile playing on my lips. He gave a small chuckle and shook his head.
“You think he is actually going to come up?” Danny asked, moving to lay next to you on the bed.
“I can be pretty convincing, when I want to be.” I said, climbing on top of Danny and straddling his waist. I ground down on his crotch, eliciting a delicious moan from him. I could feel just how hard he was through his jeans, his hard on pressing so tightly against his zipper. No sooner did the door to the bedroom creak open, prompting the two of us to look back at the opening. There Sammy stood, looking nervous yet excited all at once.
I quickly rolled off of Danny and stood at the edge of the bed. I again waved at the brunette standing in the entry, giving him a nod and a small smile. He quickly shut the door behind him and walked over to where I was. As hesitant as I thought he was, he came straight up to me and encased my lips with his. His hand instantly went to my hips, looping his fingers into my belt loops and pulled me closer to him. His long hair curtained around our faces, his shampoo smelling heavenly.
His lips were so soft, his kiss melting me from the inside out. I quickly looped my hands around his neck, pulling him even closer to me, our chests touching. He moaned as my chest touched his, my tee shirt not leaving much to the imagination as I did not have a bra on. My hardened nipples pressed against him, making his one hand land on the top of my ass, closing the distance between us completely.
Completely entranced by Sam, I didn’t notice Danny come up behind Sam until I felt Sam's body weight pull away from me slightly. Pulling away from each other, Sam’s hands still wrapped around me, he looked up and back at Danny as he slotted himself tightly behind him. I could see the devilish grin on Danny’s face as he snaked his hand around Sammy’s slender waist and pulled him back into him. This made my already wet panties become soaked, Sammy only pulling me closer as Danny now laid gentle kisses across his clothes shoulder.
“Oh fuck.” Sammy let out, moving his hand to squeeze my ass and kiss me again.
Danny used his free hand to pull me into Sam, the three of us now fully pressed to one another. I could feel Sam whimper into my mouth as Danny’s hard cock pushed against his ass. Sammy pushed back causing Danny to groan loudly into his neck, where he was leaving sloppy open mouthed kisses.
The entire scene was arousing me to a point in which I had never been before. I felt so high and horny all at once, making my world spin around me. I couldn’t stop myself as I took my hand and began palming Sam through his trousers, causing him again to whimper in my mouth. I began to unzip his pants when he pulled away from our kiss and laid his forehead on my shoulder.
“Wait, let me play with you first.” He said in the crook of my neck, while he pushed my hips backward until they hit the edge of the bed. Danny walked around the other side of the bed and situated himself behind me, pulling my upper body onto his lap. His big fingers wrapped around the seam of my tee and pulled up until it was over my head and on the floor.
Sam’s gaze danced over me, his eyes moving to my chest and down my stomach to the zipper of my jeans. Under his intense stare, my arms moved to cover myself instinctively, but Danny held them still.
“Let him look at you,” he whispered into my ear, holding my hands onto the bed. “You’re just so beautiful, I don’t blame him.” My face heated as I closed my eyes and leaned back onto Danny’s chest. He kissed down my face while Sammy began to unbutton my jeans. He slid them down gently, my underwear coming down with them in one motion. My legs closed on their own, covering myself in front of Sammy. He was soft as he pulled off his shirt and climbed on the bed.
You had seen him shirtless before, but now being able to touch and admire him made you open your legs. Sammy slid in between them, laying down on you and capturing your lips again. Having his weight on top of you and Danny’s behind you, was immaculate. Their skin against yours had you mentally begging for more. Sammy, reading your mind, trailed his fingers up your hips and onto your chest, giving you breasts a light squeeze.
“Sammy, please…” I begged, needing his hands everywhere. Danny, releasing my hands, moved his touch up my arms and landed around my neck. Pulling my kiss from Sammy, he replaced him, sucking on my bottom lip. He quickly slid his tongue into my mouth, giving me no room to fight for dominance, not that I wanted too. I wanted the two of them to take everything from me.
“Is she always this needy? Such a sweet girl, already begging.” Sammy asked, watching Danny and I. Danny pulled away with hooded eyes and looked at Sam, licking his lips in the process. I looked over at them, noticing that Danny hadn’t responded and found them staring at one another. Their eyes slowly trailing over one another as Sammy continued his touches against my chest.
“No, you bring it out of her.” Danny replied, leaning forward as he did. Sammy didn’t hesitate as he too leaned forward and let Danny take his mouth in his. The two of them sighed, letting their tongues exploring one another as Danny replaced Sam's hands on my boobs. Sammy pulled his hands up to Danny’s face, pulling him and himself closer together. I watched them, moving my hand down to circle my clit. Watching them sent an entirely new wave of aroual out of me and down my legs.
Before I could let myself get very far, I felt Danny’s hand tighten around my throat and his other hand grab the hand I was teasing myself with. He pulled it away from my center and placed it on Sammy’s crotch. Not moving away from Sammy, the two of them moaned when our hands met Sam's hardened cock. Danny’s hand was over mine, both of us massaging him. I could see Danny’s tongue moving in and out of Sam's mouth, the two of them ravenging eachother.
Sammy pulled away, desperately out of breath and moaning heavily at the feeling of two hands on his dick. He released his grip on Danny’s face and began undoing his pants, feverishly pushing them down his legs. Before he could pull his boxers down, he stopped and looked down at me. He stared at me, his eyes ravishing me up and down, before stopping at my center. He licked his lips, tasting the remains of Danny before laying back down on his stomach.
“Fuck, I want to taste you so bad.” He said, his breath tickling my soaked cunt. He lauded kisses down my knees and tiled them to the top of my pussy. I clenched down onto nothing, letting out an impatient groan. I had never been this pent up before, I felt like I needed him and only him right this second. Sammy chuckled as he saw how much I wanted him, my hips bucking up slightly. Before Sammy could react, the hand around my throat jumped up to my jaw and pulled my face to look at Danny.
“You’re being such a bad girl, so impatient.” Danny clicked his tongue as he patronized me. “I don’t know if you deserve his tongue. What do you think Sam?” Danny asked, looking back down at him.
Without saying a word, Sammy smiled and flattened his tongue against me, licking a delicious strip up my wet slit. I cried out, letting my legs relax completely and arching my back. Danny, still holding my jaw, took his other hand and spread my lips, giving Sam more access to my hole. Taking full advantage of this, instead of using his tongue, he brought his hand up and sunk his middle finger into me.
“Oh fuck, Sammy. That feels so good!” I whispered, my eyebrows turned up and my mouth opened wide. My fingers couldn’t help themselves as they laced into Sam’s hair, pulling slightly on his roots. I heard his laugh again as he worked his finger in me while his tongue worked to collect the wetness remaining.
“Look at him eat you out baby, he fucking loves it.” Danny whispered into your ear, taking his hand off of your jaw and grabbing one of your tits. You felt Sammy nod his head, as if to confirm that he was in fact loving every second of his mouth on your cunt. “I bet it feels so fucking good, you love it baby?” I nodded hastily, looking back up at Danny and letting my other hand caress his cheek.
“I know you fucking love it, you’re so wet. Such a good fucking slut for us huh?” Danny continued, licking the shell of my ear in the process. His words made me hold Sammy’s finger tighter, causing him to moan on my clit. This sent my hips up into the air, the stimulation almost causing me to cum right there. Instead of slowing down though, Sammy added another finger, sending me into a moaning mess.
“Oh shit Sammy, I think you're going to make her cum.” Danny said, pinching my extremely sensitive nipple. The way that both of them were touching and grabbing at me, I couldn’t keep my mouth shut. The party was already dying down downstairs, but there was no way I wasn’t being heard by every house guest.
“You think we should let her cum Sammy? You think she deserves it?” Danny asked, his tones sound so sexy. He was breathing so hard, his chest rising and falling so quickly. His cock was so hard against my back, I could feel him dry humping me as Sammy nodded against my pussy. He was so determined to make me cum, he moved his tongue up and wrapped his lips around my clit. His fingers pumped into my fast, curling inward to hit my g-spot.
“That’s it Sam, that’s it. Make her cum all over your face.” Danny said, moving his hand to fold onto Sammy’s cheek. In doing so, Sammy’s eyes moved up to Danny’s and he smiled, holding my clit between his teeth. His tongue flicked it as his eyes moved over to mine, driving me absolutely crazy. The mixture of Danny’s touches on my chest and Sammy working magic on my cunt, my mind was racing.
“Fuck Y/N, cum in his mouth.” Danny said, slapping my nipple, causing my body to be sent over the edge. Feeling my walls clench down on his fingers, Sammy pulled them out, replacing them with his tongue. Danny reacted fast, replacing Sam's mouth with his own fingers, rubbing vigorously on my clit. I screamed again, their names falling out of my mouth as my head leaned back onto Danny's shoulder, exposing my neck to him. He wasted no time attaching his mouth to my throat, biting down and leaving marks as I rode out my high.
My breathing was labored as Sammy pulled his tongue out of me. Danny’s hand still on the side of his face, pulled him up so that he could capture his lips with his own. He moaned as he tasted me, Sammy’s face being wet from my cum. They broke the kiss and the two of them looked down at me, wicked smirks on their faces.
“I think it’s time for Danny to have some fun, don’t you think sweet girl?” Sammy said, pulling me off to Danny and into his arms. I nodded with a smile on my face as Sammy sat on the bed and pulled me onto his lap. With his boxers still on, he laid me onto this clothes cock and rocked my hips with his hand. I sighed as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. He tasted so good, a mixture of me and Danny tainting his lips. I could feel Danny get off the bed as one of Sam’s hands slid around my back and the other grabbed onto the flesh of my hip, leaving handprints as he pulled my soaked clit further onto him.
“I have wanted to do this for so long, you have no idea.” Sammy said in between kisses. I smiled, relishing in the irony of what he just said. I pulled him closer to me, our chests pressing together and placing my forehead on his.
“Believe me, I do have an idea.” I said, huffing as my naked pussy pushed harder onto his cock that was growing impossibly big under me. He looked at me then, pulling me into a tight embrace and crashed his lips onto mine once more. This kiss was passionate, and kind. Meaningful and sweet, showing me just how much he needed me. I sighed into the kiss, pulling my hands from behind him and holding his face, wanting to be as close to him as possible.
Feeling the bed dip again, Sam and I broke apart, looking up at Danny now completely naked. Sammy and I looked at one another before I got off of him, and pushed Danny onto his back. Danny, now laying flush on his back, looked up at Sammy and I and grinned. I moved in first, laying on my stomach and taking his leaking cock into my hands. Sam moved up the bed, meeting Danny and curling into him, capturing his lips again. The both of them moaned loudly as I took Danny into my mouth and palmed Sam through his now soaked underwear.
The two of them were panting above me, watching intently as I took Danny deep into my throat. I could feel the tears in my eyes as my nose nudged into his dark pubic hair. His precum ran down my tongue as I bobbed my head as fast as I could. I swirled my tongue around his tip, making him cry out my name.
“She’s so good at that.” Sammy said, pulling at the waistband of his boxers, eager to get them off. He pulled the wet cloth off of his crotch and his hard cock sprang free. My mouth still occupied with Danny, I took my empty hand and quickly grabbed his throbbing cock. I could hear his high pitched moans leaking from him as I gently massaged him. I could tell he was becoming restless as he began bucking his hips to my hand, seeking more friction. Wanting him in my mouth, I pulled off of Danny but was stopped short by Danny pushing my mouth back down on him.
“She looks so good with my cock shoved in her mouth, doesn’t she?” Sammy nodded in agreement with his mouth open. Lifting my gaze, I saw Danny’s hand now replacing mine, quickly jerking Sam and sucking on one of his nipples. Danny grabbed onto my hair as he continued pulling on Sam's needy cock, Sam pinching his other nipple while watching.
“Danny please don’t stop, it feels too good.” Sammy whined, closing his eyes and pushing his head back onto the pillows. Danny hummed in response, still sucking on his nipple. His hand not giving me any remorse, my throat tightened around his dick, making him moan even more around Sammy’s nipple. The three of us cried in pleasure, over stimulation setting Sammy into a frenzy.
“Danny, I’m going to cum. Wait…” Sammy said, reaching for Danny’s wrist. Instead of letting him go though, Danny harshly grabbed the base of his cock and squeezed tightly, making Sam’s eyes roll back into his head.
“Fuck Sammy, you’re so hard. I want to feel you in my mouth.” Danny’s words surprised us both, Sammy’s eyes immediately opening and looking into his. He didn’t waste a second, releasing his grip on my head and moving down to me. Danny laid down next to me and pulled me close to him. Both of us lay in between Sam's legs, one of them pulled over Danny’s shoulder.
“Want to feel us both on your cock?” Danny asked, wrapping his hand around Sam’s balls, effectively using them as a cock ring. I smiled at the sight of Sammy’s back arching as Danny now worked his cock with his other hand.
“Ahh, Danny…” Sammy cried, his hips uncontrollably shaking off of the bed. I moved to take Danny’s place, wrapping my fingers around his balls as Danny moved to wrap his lips around the head of his cock. He gave his tip a few gentle licks before pulling his veiny cock into his mouth fully.
“Sammy…” I called out to him, making him look at what was transpiring between his legs. His fucked out expression made my pussy quiver as I bit my bottom lip. He looked so good, a mixture of pleasure and pain covering his face.
“Please Y/N, I… I…” Sammy tried to form coherent words but was rendered unsuccessful as I joined Danny, licking a strip up one side of his cock, Danny licking the other side. We both worked his cock, his precum running down uncontrollably.
“I can’t! I can’t… please!” Sammy cried out, his hand grabbing out the sheets of the bed. He fisted the linens into his hand, his knuckles growing white from how hard he grasped them. Danny pulled off of Sammy, making his way back up to his face and smothering his neck in love. I didn’t let up though. I took him deep into my throat, moaning to give him more stimulation.
“I want to cum, I want to cum inside of you.” He said, tapping my shoulder to get my attention. Finally stopping, I pulled off of him with a pop. I could feel him relax and suck in a deep breath as I released the pressure from his balls. Smiling to myself, I crawled back up to him and straddled his hips. Before I could line myself up, Sammy sat up and again placed me on his lap. I couldn’t even react before Danny grabbed Sam's cock and lined it up to my entrance. Danny placed his hand on my shoulder and lightly pushed me down onto his best friend's cock.
“Oh fuck, I’m not going to last.” Sammy sputtered out as he became fully sheathed inside of me. He was so big, almost meeting the size of Danny. I sighed as I felt him already begin to twitch inside of me. Not wanting this to be over, I didn’t move, but instead pulled Sammy into a searing kiss.
“She so fucking tight, isn’t she Sammy?” He moaned into the kiss as a reply, pulling my face into his and squeezing one of my nipples. Danny left Sammy’s side and came behind me, sitting his chest flush with my back. I could feel his cock against my ass and I froze.
“Don’t worry baby, not this time.” Danny spoke into my ear while placing his hands on my hips. He pushed my hips forward, earning a pathetic moan from Sammy. He was already so close, his cock nearly vibrating inside of me.
“Next time.” Sammy spoke up, pulling away from our kiss and smiling up at me. Next time. It rang in my head as Danny placed his face into the crook of my neck and chuckled.
“You hear that baby, he wants there to be a next time.” Danny said, pulling my hips back so that I would be flush against him again. Sammy choked out a moan as I rode him, his hands roaming all around Danny and I.
“How does that make you feel, baby? Hearing he wants to have you again, with me in your ass?” Danny huffed out, licking up my neck and back to my ear. All I could do was nod in response, shaking my head up and down viciously as Sammy slid in and out of me.
“Are you going to cum when he cums inside of you? When he shoots his fucking load into my girls pussy?” He said again. Before I could respond, Sammy cried, all of his motions coming to a halt as his head fell back. Danny’s word sent him over the edge, his cock spasming as he shot his cum deep into me. Danny pushed me down, encompassing more of Sammy’s cock as he cried in pleasure, his hips jerking up wildly.
“Y/N! Please keep moving!” Sammy pleaded, wrapping his arms around my back, pulling me completely onto him. I did as I was told, bouncing on his cock, milking him dry. Sam had tears running down his face as he came, his handsome face contorted into pure pleasure.
“That’s it baby, you're taking him so well.” I heard Danny say from behind me. My movements slowed as Sammy slumped onto the bed, his limbs going limp. I smiled down at him, placing a small pack on his lips. He smiled up at me, his eyes barely open. I sat there for a minute, sharing a quiet moment with him, feeling his cock soften inside of me.
“Come here, my sweet girl.” Danny said, helping me off of Sammy and back onto the bed. He laid me down so that I was on my back, my legs already wide open for him. Sammy laid next to me, lightly letting his hands roam across my chest and face. Danny started up my stomach, placing soft kisses up my torso and onto my chest, sending a shiver up my spine.
“Danny please, I need you inside of me.” I whimpered to him. He looked up at me and smiled.
“Such a good girl for us, baby. Don’t worry, I won’t make you wait.” Danny closed the distance between us and kissed me, lining himself up at my entrance. He ran his cock up and down my folds, collecting my wetness and Sam’s cum that was leaking out of me. Danny pulled my legs up and wrapped them around his waist before burying himself into me.
“Holy shit, Y/N. I fucking love your pussy.” He didn't need to let me adjust, his cock slipping into me with ease. Keeping his lips on mine, he began a fast pace, his cock moving at an unrelenting speed.
“Fuck Danny don’t stop, she’s going to cum.” Sammy said, placing his hand on my swollen clit, moving it in fast circles.
“Make her cum, Sammy! Make my girl cum.” Danny said, planting his knees into the bad and forcing himself into me harder. I cried out his name, both of their names as they worked me closer to my end. I couldn’t keep my eyes open as the tightly wrapped coil inside of me finally ripped free. My orgasum shuttered through me, my body shaking uncontrollably as Sam continued to rub my clit, and suck on my breast.
“Oh fuck!” Danny yelled, his pace never yielding. His eyebrows creased together as he felt my cunt spasming around him. His mouth opened wide as he watched Sam worship my chest as my breathing became uneven.
“Baby I’m going to cum. I’m gonna fucking cum!” Danny said, his cock never stopping. He fucked me through his orgasum, his seeding planting itself deep into my cervix. His face landed into my shoulder, his body weight crushing me. His hips continued to rock themselves into me, his and Sam’s cum dripping out of me.
Danny turned us onto our side, my back now facing Sammy. He stayed deep inside of me, like he usually did after sex. He never wanted to leave my heat, always wanting to fall asleep connected. Sammy didn’t leave either, instead he turned himself to the side and spooned me, tucking himself as close to me as he could.
We laid there in silence for a while, gentle touches being shared between the three of us. The party music must have stopped while we were busy, as the quietness of the house lulled us into a quiet slumber. As the darkness of the room began to consume me, I could hear Danny ask.
“So next time, huh?”
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notesfrommori · 5 months
Journal Entries 0.2
This sick mind of mine has been seeping through the pores of my skin, eating away my sanity little by little. My mind cannot remain at rest. This rotten routine every single day. I, at the pits of my heart truly despise it. How can I get away from the clasp of this sickening tormenting cycle of life...
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haveyouseenamari · 1 month
The steam swirled around the bathroom, cloaking everything in a hazy veil, much like the foggy confusion that enveloped my mind. The hot water cascaded over me, the heat scalding yet oddly comforting, washing over my skin like a desperate embrace. But beneath the soothing warmth, the turmoil festered, a heavy weight lodged deep within my gut, crawling with anxiety and self-loathing.
In my hand, the bright orange gleamed, its skin dimpled and inviting, a deceptive promise of sweetness. I held it up, the citrus scent mingling with the heat, pungent and alive, a stark contrast to the rot brewing inside. I took a bite, the juice exploding, flooding my mouth with a burst of tangy flavor, sharp and vibrant. For a moment, I savored the taste, the coolness of the fruit tinged with guilt that seeped into my pores, grotesque and unforgiving.
But as the pleasure lingered for a heartbeat, the sickness swelled. I swallowed hard, the sensation coiling in my throat like barbed wire. A primal urge clawed at me, grotesque and unyielding, a relentless tide crashing against the fragile shore of my resolve. The orange, once a moment of solace, transformed into a disgusting betrayal, my stomach churning violently, agitating the remnants of the day’s intake—a medley of shame wrapped in the guise of sustenance.
An unbearable wave crested, gripping my insides with a vice-like fist. The shower’s warmth turned to ice around me as the urge clawed its way to the surface. I stumbled, each step feeling like wading through sludge, the walls closing in, suffocating in their familiarity yet alien in their filth. I was a marionette, strings pulled by a master so unforgiving, so ruthless.
Then it erupted—a full-body rebellion—to relieve the pressure, the nausea, the disgust bubbling forth like a foul geyser. My body heaved violently, the bathroom fading into a blur. The orange, in all its alluring glory, twisted into a repulsing parody of what it once was. The acidic burn, the garish world of color and taste turned bitter, vile; it was like purging sin from a wretched soul, only to encounter more filth lurking beneath the surface. I could feel the bitterness of defeat settling in, coating the back of my throat, mingling with the remnants of my earlier choice—a cruel reminder of my own weakness.
The porcelain bowl welcomed me like an old friend, its chill stark against the heat of my body. I gripped the edge, knuckles white and shaking, as I expelled the detritus of my day: each morsel, every bite, laden with shame, spewing out the remnants of fleeting joy now forever tainted. It was a cycle, an abhorrent dance of fleeting relief and relentless despair. I was left hollow, a twisted echo of the creature I once was, drowning in the filth of my own making.
Drained and shaking, I became acutely aware of the grotesque aftermath—the remnants of what once satisfied me now mingled with the detritus of my spiraling existence. The cooling water was a mockery against the lingering heat of shame that coated my skin. I shuddered, curling in on myself, realizing that beneath this façade of cleanliness lay a cesspool of disgust, feeding my darkest tendencies.
As the warm water slowly chilled around me, I found myself wishing it could wash away more than just the remnants of that damned orange—wishing it could cleanse the gnarled shame clawing at my insides with every breath. But here I stayed, trapped in my own grotesque reality, haunted by the hollow echo of my wish to consume without nausea, just as disgusting and filthy as the memories that lingered like a noxious fog.
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