#There Ain't No Justice
a-life-in-books · 1 year
James Curtis (4 July 1907 – 1977)
"Arthur could have his undivided attention. Tommy jumped at him and jerked him to his feet. He stood there, blubbering and slobbering. With his left hand clutching the back of Arthur's neck Tommy hit six times hard into the blood bespattered mask. His knuckles were sore. Arthur's eyes were closed now.
'Stop!' Shouted Dot. 'You're killing him.'
'Bleeding good job too. Poncefied son of a bitch. This'll teach him to ponce on girls and fix fights. I'm fighting bloody straight now.'
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There Ain't No Justice
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emacrow · 5 months
Danny the universal immortal babysitter pt 2
Previous post
It was only a matter of time before he got summoned after his rise in power in the ghost zone.
He still kept all the little gifts and trinkets from all the children he had babysit, most are adorable drawing, plushies, some being cursed or tiny forever screaming heads of imp demons even though it been seemingly years.(the ghost zone time is wonky)
He can already feel another summoning trail pull him through and all he can see is the grown up John Constantine who look worn out, panicked and tired before the look of surprise overwhelmed him.
"BabE J?" Danny said not realizing he is speaking ghostly as he look at the sight before him.
As the Justice league was fighting and currently losing against Vortex.
Before John could say something, Danny point his finger against his own lips. Danny can see the years and years worth of nasty demons and Gods/Goddesses claims symbols on one of his most favorite well tamed babies he used to babysit for free out of charges.
"You don't need to offer me something you already paid for." Danny said softly as just meeting him still alive make the perfect offering to the Protection core.
Baby J was actually the well-loved baby he ever poured through babysitting back then, even though his mother died after his birth and was a mostly neglect by his own alcoholic father even though his sister raised him the best she could. John remind him of his life as Danny fenton.
After Danny easily dealt with Vortex and float back down with ease where the Justice League was.
A familar faces here and there, people and aliens he had babysitted over the years, all group up made Danny's teared up a bit from how overwhelmed his core was to see the people he took care of were still alive..
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 89
 The young justice team is in a bit of a pickle. It had been a usual mission, Klarion causing mischief again, before someone had mentioned the date. 
 The literal chaos lord had shrieked, stopping his attack, and asked for clarification. Maybe that wasn’t a good idea because one moment they were in Happy Harbour, and the next they’re somewhere else with green everywhere and floating islands. 
 And Klarion doesn’t explain- not that they were expecting him to- and just bolts into a… wow that is a very big and scary looking castle. Keep? Honestly it’s if someone combined a gothic citadel with a clocktower of some sort. 
 Not important, because they had chased after Klarion who uh… Oh no, that is a Very big entity, that is two Very Big entities that could crush them in their fingers. And they are now stuck in this place seeing as the portal closed behind them. 
 Honestly Klarion is happy he made it home before curfew! Even if he had to bring his sort-of-friends with him to make it in time. It’s not his fault, he’s not used to having a guardian, nevermind two! Not to mention siblings, which he’s now the oldest of too, so he has to be a positive influence. Like teaching them how to properly do chaos without destroying a world. 
 Oh, but this is perfect anyway, one of his dads has been wanting to talk to the speedsters anyway, and his other dad is still under house arrest for the whole, trying to take over the living realm thing. But that’s not important, he has little siblings to introduce! 
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medusagorgongirl1 · 2 months
Kon fell first, Tim fell harder
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radiance1 · 6 months
Pariah watched as his vessel paced around the room, worried beyond belief by something that the king, personally, couldn't see as much importance. He jumped down from the couch, his far to small feet hitting the light thud muffled by the fluffy carpet and walked away.
He opened the fridge, squinting his eyes in distaste at his newfound shortness, and shuffled around for a moment before deciding to simply levitate to the top and swiped a popsicle.
Pineapple. It was no mint, but it would do.
He ripped off the wrapper with his teeth, chewing the material for a bit before swallowing and pushed off the fridge with a light kick of his legs and let the momentum carry him off from the kitchen.
He turned around in midair to stare at his vessel from upside down, lightly chewing on his treat.
The boy was still pacing around, muttering to himself as if something actually worrying was going to happen.
He bit off a piece of the treat, chewed, then swallowed. Did he want to get involved in whatever this was? Not really no, but it was annoying how his vessel kept at this habit for.... he took a quick glance at the clock (he idly entertained the thought of if Clockwork was watching. Knowing the ghost always was) and back at his vessel... A few hours at the least.
Pariah Dark sighed, took a hard chomp of his ice cream and then swallowed.
"Vessel," He called out, pointing his treat in said boy's direction. "Whatever causes you such worry? It is annoying."
Danny paused, muttering and all, before slowly turning to stare at Pariah Dark. Or, well, the small piece of him that for some reason bonded itself to him after he passed out. "Oh, it's nothing, just that the Justice League is going to pull up on my doorstep any second now." He shrugged, voice practically dripping with sarcasm as he leveled the fragment with a flat look. "Nothing much."
Pariah Dark let out a small, confused hum as he ate what was left of his ice cream -stick and all- and moved himself into a cross-legged sit, still upside down. "Then what ails you so?" He made a gesture at the imprints made from his relentless pacing on the carpet as an example, looking at him in curiosity.
Danny's turned blank for a moment, before remembering that Pariah didn't exactly have a proper gasp on what sarcasm was. He sighed, placing a hand on his head before sighing again. "It was sarcasm."
Pariah Dark watched as Danny went back to pacing, less than impressed at the rather blatant dismissal as if the worry over this situation was of actual importance. As far as he knew, this 'Justice League' were just a band of mortals who fought for peace, the good of others and were strong, yes.
But they were still mortal, nonetheless.
Even with one of their core members being a demi-goddess herself, and another of their members being a powerful vessel of the gods in his own right.
Danny was a vessel of the king, one of the most powerful ghosts across the Infinite Realms and its history. He knows the boy denied such a fact at first, but was he simply not as confident enough in his own strength as the king had thought?
He righted himself in the air, no longer upside down as he crossed his arms. "Vessel." The boy paused again, this time a bit more rigid as Pariah Dark, for the first time in a while, used the voice of a king. "Whatever worries you have for that band of mortals, put them aside. You are my vessel; you have defeated all of me in combat once before-"
He tactfully avoided mentioning that he had aid and was draining his lifeforce to do so.
"-so that is a full testament to your own strength. If you can fell me, then I believe you are fully capable of felling this so called 'Justice League' if the need ever arises."
Pariah Dark stared the boy hard in his eyes, reaching out in ghost speak to transmit his own confidence in his vessel while also smoothing said worries more than he ever could in words. Then snorted as the boy untensed and walked over to flop face first onto the couch.
He floated down to land on the boy's back gently. "If you so wish, I can even lead you a portion of my power." He let out an amused huff. "I cannot have you losing to the vessel of those arrogant gods after all."
Danny turned his head to stare at the ghost king and gave him a look. It was extremely hypocritical for him of all beings to call another arrogant, but you know what? He didn't care anymore. He turned his head back to sink his face into the cushions and let out a muffled "Fine."
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spacedace · 1 year
Okay dp x dc prompt:
Clockwork is the Ancient of Time
Danny is the Ancient of Space.
Elle is/becomes the Ancient of the Speedforce.
And she curious about these fast little dudes that keep merging with her core and refusing to stay there. So, obviously, she's got to go to the universe they're from and say hi and see what's up and maybe hang around for a bit and actually get to know this crazy fast time traveling/dimension hopping family that are driving her Grandpa CW up the wall.
The Justice League are not ready for the Flash Family’s newest addition. The fact that she sometimes looks like prime Bat Adoption bait is not helping.
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respectthepetty · 26 days
I support queer rights AND queer wrongs, but I need to make it clear that Tonkla has never done anything wrong.
Tonkla is the poster child for queer rights!
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I would have beat Title's face in with a rock too! Just like the cat, Korn better be dead and buried by time this over. Great deserved that shot to the chest. Win's ass is on my list, and I hope he gets shot with his own gun.
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I'm being serious when I write that everything Tonkla is doing is absolutely right, and my boy has to be alive and well when all this is done because I don't give two fucks about Great after he flung Dome into the water like he was a useless bag of flour.
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Murder in the streets. Murder on the dancefloor. Murder on the Orient Express. I don't give a fuck!
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forgetfulmachineart · 29 days
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[ID: Three images of the same digital drawing with different backgrounds and a close up. The drawing is of Megumi Fushiguro, Yuuji Itadori, and Nobara Kugasaki sitting very close together. Megumi has an arm over Yuuji's shoulder as Yuuji talks to Nobara who's holding her phone out to Megumi who's selecting something on it. Both Megumi and Nobara have a ankle hooked around one of Yuuji's legs. The second picture has no background and no shading. The third background is a gradient box from orange to dark teal. The fourth is a poorly drawn train interior. /End ID]
I couldn't decide which I disliked the least
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I want to write a long ass staticmoth backstory fic just to do a joke where Vox tries to hypnotize Val and because Val is so baffled in the moment that someone would try to do that to him, he goes along with what Vox told him what to do. Later Vox tries again to hypnotize him but this time Val doesn't react and when Vox freaks out about it Val says "don't tell me you didn't know whores are faking it all the time lol"
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leohttbriar · 1 year
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i LOVED this episode and have a lot of thoughts about it and think odo's journey was just superbly done and the tension was perfect and the direction deft and odo's conversation with thrax will go down as one of my favorite scenes in all of star trek. but also hwat. in this fictional universe, i genuinely cannot believe any bajoran believes this: that odo stood apart. like. a collaborator is a collaborator y'all. like renault has to join the french resistance to get rick to say "this is the start of a beautiful friendship."
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abrthephantomq · 7 months
Turnabout Storyteller.
I had already vaguely known about Uendo having DID due to me not necessarily avoiding spoilers when reading fanfic, but...
I have so many thoughts on this as someone who HAS the disorder they're representing here.
Like, one, I definitely appreciated the way they revealed it -- during a Mood Matrix session. Having multiple sets of feelings and having them switch on and off like that is def a thing. I've/we've experienced that before.
But also -- before that, when Uendo was switching between his "characters" and everyone thought he was just putting on a performance? Yeah, see. They did that really well considering that like -- yes, the way alters hold the body/the face can be really different. They certainly felt like different people, which was really cool to see. I liked the different poses they had because as I played I was like, "Huh... is he the character with DID...? He is, right?"
The thing is, I'm like 80% certain that Uendo is the murderer, and THAT annoys me -- but I'm not done playing through the case, yet. I just started the second half of the trial, so.... I'll comment as I go.
But if I'm right and Uendo IS the murderer, I'm gonna have to roll my eyes because soooo many pieces of media use my disorder to show HEY SOMEONE WITH THIS COULD BE A KILLER AND NOT KNOWWWWW and I hate that. Because like.... no.
OH THANK GOD. Like 3 seconds into the send half of the trial and it's NOT Uendo. Yay. Yayyyyy. I'm actually really glad they did that subversion of the person-with-DID-is-the-killer trope. Thank fucking GOD.
SIMON GRABBING ATHENA when she starts to doubt she can prove Bucky's innocence is just -- fuck. Okay. Yeah, I see why the fandom loves that particular moment. (I love Simon so much omfg).
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I am honestly loving this case and I actually really like the way they've presented Uendo -- it's simplified a bit for the sake of the audience, but at the same time, switching DO be like that. And you can certainly be co-conscious and share memory.
Like.... that's legitimately how our System works -- there's usually 2-3 of us up front at any given time, with someone generally more forward, while the other(s) listens / watches. Sometimes others push to the front. And there are 4 of us who more or less have access to the continual life happenings even if we don't always recollect specific details (or what we were feeling) later.
Also Owen being a LITTLE makes so much damn sense? Fuck, idk man, I love it. I kinda adore them.
I really really really got weary when Uendo's diagnosis was revealed because, y'know, the whole oh God pls tell me you're not the murderer even if it was kinda looking like you were.
That fucking balloon girl did it, didn't she? Jesus fucking Christ. I love that, but I also hate that. Also it's so unfair they made this chick so goddamned pretty.
Also man can I also say just how like.... they legitimately refer to Owen as a child, and Kisegawa with Ms., and -- that's actually a nice little piece of the writing here. Like... is it absolutely perfect? No. It's not. But let me tell you -- as someone with this disorder? Writing it and showing it for an audience is hard.
That whole, "everyone is unique" thing applies here -- every System is different. They all develop ways of functioning in order to blend in and protect themselves. Uendo may not have the denial bit that comes with this disorder (do you know how many times I find myself asking if I'm sure I'm not faking this thing? do you??? because like, it's a "rare" disorder, right? and was my trauma REALLY bad enough for me to have alters???? etc) -- but considering the confident way he, Patches, and Kisegawa speak about their experience with the disorder, I would imagine they've been in therapy for it for a while, now.
But also -- the three of them not being aware of Owen? Or denying his existence, at least? Well, they were either protecting him because he's so young, or they legitimately did not know since apparently he may only come forward when the body is drunk.
idk I love that Uendo et al was not the killer. Like so much. Thank FUCK.
Also that was a really fun case even if it was like, not entirely relevant to the overall story happening here in SOJ. I definitely enjoyed it.
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thepromiscuousfinger · 3 months
Sometimes I like kicking the proverbial hornet nest in the group chat because I love watching friends with specific hyperfixations go apeshit :3
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quackarooz · 4 months
Its the way that I've been replaying the games recently and every now and then I feel compelled to rant to my friend about how STUPID Phoenix Wright is
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padmerrie · 1 year
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Faro's Tomb: A Summary
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some-pers0n · 5 months
Never forgiving Valve for giving Engineer the most in-depth and story-relevant backstory, having him be the grandfather of the creator of the life-extender machines, the son of the TFC Engineer, and establishing a key connection between the Conaghers and Elizabeth/Helen/Mann family, only to then relegate him to a supporting character, have him appear for only 10 pages in the main comics, and then never say or do anything
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hisohisoart · 2 months
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Halsin and his support boys have a sit by a tree
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