#Valley Ghosts
amaliazeichnerin · 4 months
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Rezension: "Vom Geist heimgesucht" (Valley Ghosts 2) von BL Maxwell.
Klappentext: Wade Rivers und Jason Thomas haben es endlich offiziell gemacht: Sie sind ein Paar. Ihr erstes Date, hoffentlich das erste von vielen, beginnt mit einem einfachen Abendessen, aber Wade hat eine Überraschung für Jason auf Lager und nimmt ihn zu Halloween zu einer Spukhausattraktion mit. Es wird schnell klar, dass Jason gerne paranormale Phänomene untersucht, aber er ist nicht so begeistert von den verschiedenen Attraktionen. Als sie sich mit Jimbo, einem anderen Erforscher von paranormalen Phänomenen, treffen, wird ihre lustige Nacht mit jedem Raum der Spukhausattraktion gruseliger. Vom Anfang bis zum Ende durchleben sie jeden erdenklichen Albtraum, und sie erfahren einige Wahrheiten übereinander, von denen sie nie gedacht hätten, dass sie ans Licht kommen würden. Eine paranormale friends-to-lovers Novella.
Rezension: Wohliges Gruseln im Kurzformat: Diese Novelle habe ich innerhalb eines Tages gelesen. Sie ist etwas episodenhaft aufgebaut, durch die verschiedenen Räume in der Spukhaus-Attraktion, die Wade und Jason mit ihrem Bekannten Jimbo besuchen. Und die haben es in sich, dank wirklich gruseliger Gestalten und unheimlicher Dinge. Die Geschichte wird diesmal komplett aus Jasons Sicht erzählt. Was die Romantik betrifft, diese ist hier eher im Hintergrund vertreten, während die gruseligen Elemente im Vordergrund stehen. Wer Angst hat vor Spinnen, gruseligen Clowns, Zombies oder (gruseligen) Puppen, sollte entweder zu anderem Lesestoff greifen, oder die Novelle mit Vorsicht genießen. Es ist aus meiner Sicht empfehlenswert, erst Band 1 der Reihe zu lesen, da in dieser Fortsetzung mehrfach auf Ereignisse aus Band 1 eingegangen wird. Die Novelle ist erschienen im Dead Soft Verlag.
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bigschlongus345weed · 6 months
Me when… me when… the identity is horror. Who are you? Can you be replicated? Is that replication you? If someone looks just like you, acts like you and is interpreted by others as you, are they you? Do your thoughts count for anything? If everything you actually think stays in your head and never comes out then you die do people grieve you? Do you respond to your name or to any name?
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 254
So. Danny might have accidentally become a bit of a cryptid. He didn’t mean to, but he’d become a bit nocturnal- like many an Amity Parker- and it wasn’t his fault that he couldn’t be bothered to make sound when he was tired. Or pretend to breathe or, okay, he could see why he kept freaking people out at the grocery store he kept going to. 
But it wasn’t his fault! He has to get food too! And really is it anyone else’s business? Seriously he thought that people wouldn’t be so surprised with how much magic is everywhere. Like you’d think they’d never seen someone who wasn’t fully human before or something. 
Oh great, there’s a journalist at the grocery store now- he’s going to ignore that and finish his shopping and then continue his online work. Ooh, and eat icecream. He deserves it for potentially putting up with this. 
Oh, it’s a little baby reporter, first couple of article thing. Adorable. 
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gomzdrawfr · 6 months
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candlecoo-sideb-art · 1 month
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Decided to attempt to draw myself in my favorite medias, which was such a fun challenge!
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vulture-jack · 2 months
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whats up everybody im zak bagans here in stardew valley, a town with a dark history that is reportedly haunted by shadow people and the ghost of some old guy
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waterdragon1995 · 2 months
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aidenlydia · 7 months
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Love Spring, me. 💀🌱
I don’t think I’ve ever posted these Stardew Valley SoapGhosts on here, I just remembered them and had to share~
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little-pondhead · 5 months
I have a simple fascination and joy in the thought that, for the Ghost King AU, most of the time Danny is literally so normal compared to other ghosts.
Like, he’s a kid. He looks like a kid. Going by canon appearances, he is the most human looking ghost we see (aside from Ellie). Even Plasmius is more inhuman, which is where all the vampire jokes come from. Every single one of this enemies is off even in a human disguise. They’re not human, and people don’t expect them to be.
So aside from the implications of Danny looking like a child ghost, I wonder what other characters would think if they summon the Ghost King, expecting this huge monstrosity worse than anything they’ve ever seen, and getting a totally normal human-looking kid.
I’d be terrified. Because if horror movies have taught us anything, it’s that the most innocent and normal looking people are the worst monsters you’ve ever seen.
Like, what is he hiding??
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junicult · 1 year
!! the bachelors & hot features they have / things they do
contains ; gn!farmer. written w fem!farmer in mind, but nothing that specifies. established relationship. nsfw. body / facial hair headcanons. suggestive content. mostly sfw w fluff. not proofread.
note ; ok so this is a prompt i made like a year ago on my other blog, so i just decided to bring it here w stardew valley characters!
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- he’s literally the loml.
- he’s so well groomed, his hygiene is genuinely perfect.
- ofc we know he has his famous mustache, super clean and neat. he trims it every so often to keep it that way.
- and i feel like he can grow a beard, but it doesn’t come in as thick so he decides to just shave it.
- this man has a happy trail 🫡
- a dark, thick patch of hair that trails up to his belly button. it progressively thins the higher it goes, but it’s definitely prominent when he’s wearing low shorts or even just boxers.
- he keeps that nice and trimmed too. i’m tellin you, he’s so clean.
- he also smells so good. whether it be cologne, or just him, it’s so good.
- he’s a boxer briefs kinda guy. they make him feel secure.
- he probably sleeps in a matching pair of pants and shirt. lol.
- but likely during the summer, he’ll end up falling asleep in just his boxers every once in a while.
- this man is the perfect husband.
- wakes up to make you breakfast, makes dinner to give you before you get home.
- on lazy days he’ll clean up the house, make sure it’s all nice and tidy while you work on the farm.
- he recognizes you have a lot to do, so he wants to give you as much as you give him.
- a househusband, if u will.
- he’s a cuddler.
- whether it be just sitting on the couch, watching tv, or lying in bed—he’s cuddling u.
- big spoon, little spoon, wrapped around your body one way or another.
- if he knows you hate cuddling, he’ll be cool about it. but you’ll probably have to compromise and give him something, like his hand holding yours or your head resting against his chest.
- your presence is enough, he just likes to feel you’re there before falling asleep.
- he’s huge on emotional intimacy.
- after a long day, and he gets to just unwind with you, and maybe a glass of wine every once in a while is like heaven to him.
- the type to set up a nice bubble bath with candles and stuff, just so you two can sit and catch up.
- “hm? no, my day was fine. much better now.”
- i’m just saying, harvey, with his hair slightly damp, glasses low on the bridge of his nose, head tilted to the side while listening to you intently, and his body all covered in bubbles. he’s so…
- fuck i love him.
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- a thinner happy trail, but still goes up to his belly button.
- it’s like a slightly darker patch of blonde hair.
- he doesn’t really have to groom it or anything, but he does make sure it’s fairly neat every once in a while.
- he honestly doesn’t really dwell on it though. it’s just there, and since you’ve expressed interest in it, he’s more then happy to leave it.
- i feel like he could grow facial hair, but it always comes in super patchy and thin, so he just shaves it off.
- he honestly prefers it that way too. it just doesn’t look good on him.
- boxer shorts 🤭🤭🤭
- those baggy, plaid shorts that look so fucking good, especially when he wears them low on his waist.
- that’s all he wears to bed lol.
- CUDDLER!!!!!!
- spooning with him is so cute, swear.
- probably bc he wants to strictly be little spoon.
- even if you’re significantly shorter then him, he loves feeling like you’re his little backpack.
- i almost wanna say he moves around a lot in his sleep. it’s really interesting to wake up and see where he’s laying.
- like, he can go to bed with his whole body tucked under the covers, head on the pillow and feet at the end—but he’ll wake up with his limbs hanging off the end and entirely upside down above the covers.
- all of that but somehow he knows not to touch you, so it’s like a little surprise every time you both wake up.
- he absolutely loves pda.
- not an inappropriate amount, but there’s no way he can go even an hour without kissing you somehow when you’re together.
- holding your hand when you’re standing together, leaning over to give you a kiss on the cheek just cus.
- he loves going 1 on 1 with you during pool, but mainly because he just loves how sassy you get when you’re winning.
- or, whenever he’s playing against sebastian and he has you by his side cheering him on.
- he feels on top of the world.
- he’s so in love with you, swear.
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- 😵‍💫
- he’s got what i’d like to say is a dad bod.
- round tummy, large arms, broad shoulders. he’s attractive in a realistic sense, and he may not be incredibly confident, but your attraction to his physique makes him a lot more self assured.
- especially when your eyes wander a little when he takes off his shirt, and he can mask his flattery with a teasing comment.
- “wanna take a picture?” so smugly, just so he can see your lips purse and you immediately look away.
- *sweats* h-happy trail….
- it’s thick; and dark, and not necessarily groomed, it just kinda grows one way & he doesn’t really touch it.
- literally 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
- not to mention he also definitely has chest hair, but not enough that it’s disgusting, y’know?
- and he has facial hair.
- just subtle scruff all around his chin and jaw, mainly because he couldn’t care enough to shave but also bc he knows you like it.
- that’s about all he can grow, anyways.
- it’s extremely (and i mean EXTREMELY) rare he’d shave, but on the occasion he does…
- tease him about it.
- loves when you rub your fingers against his cheeks, especially when you’re sitting in his lap just like, “it’s so soft, you look prepubescent.”
- he doesn’t, not in the slightest, but it’s still funny to see him swat your hand away and his face gets all red.
- after u got married and he got better with his addiction, i’d like to think he became much help on the farm.
- you need trees chopped? he’s ur guy.
- clean the chicken coop? obviously.
- maybe even sometimes if you’re not feeling good, you can bet he does everything you need for you.
- so his body definitely builds from that, but don’t fear! he’s still got his chub.🫡
- he sleeps in boxer shorts also.
- that or some pants, but never a shirt.
- if he’s wearing a shirt in bed, something’s seriously wrong with him. that, or it’s like the dead of winter (but even then it’s so rare.)
- this dude is like a FURNACE at night. he’s literally radiating heat just by laying there.
- and he’s not an initial cuddler.
- he loves you, but he likes his space getting ready to fall asleep.
- but i can promise you, somehow during the night he’ll end up wrapped around you entirely, squeezing u and practically lighting you on fire w his body heat.
- it’s endearing, tho.
- no matter how much he says he hates cuddling, he still ends up like that somehow (so who’s to say he really hates it?)
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- 🤭🤭🤭
- lean build, pretty skinny.
- super pale too, and i’d like to think he has a ton of random freckles spotting across his body.
- not very many on his face cus he doesn’t get much sun (lol) but yeah, little moles here and there.
- his skin is also super smooth all the time for some reason.
- he’s not weak by any means, lowkey sleeper build except nothing really comes out when he uses his muscles LMFAO.
- like, if you give him a bunch of logs to carry that are really heavy, you expect him to only grab a few, not the whole bunch.
- and he can carry it effortlessly. it’s easy to forget he’s genuinely strong.
- but anyways, he doesn’t have chest hair or a happy trail.
- no facial hair, either. literally none. he’s just never been able to grow it, and he’s actually totally fine with that lol.
- his pubic hair is so well groomed, and that isn’t even by cause. his hair just naturally looks like that.
- a small dark patch around his shaft, fairly short but still just utterly average.
- if he whipped his dick out, you wouldn’t be shocked or anything.
- he strictly wears pj pants to bed, no shirt.
- he has veryyy subtle definition in his abs, so subtle you’d have to squint to see it.
- and he’s the kind of guy that (if he wanted to) no matter how hard he tried to get bulkier, it just wouldn’t work.
- he’s just genetically a pretty lanky guy, and while growing up he was embarrassed by it, right now he couldn’t care less.
- he’s grown to be more confident in himself after being with you.
- this man loves being praised, and when you reassure him he’s the ideal man for you.
- “you look so handsome today. did you do something with your hair?” hearing that first thing in the morning, when he didn’t even do anything & he actually doesn’t feel super attractive at the moment: yeah he’ll be thinking about that for weeks.
- it makes him feel so good whenever you randomly shoot one-liners that’ll catch him off guard like that.
- like in passing during a busy day, you’re just coming up to check on him for a couple minutes and you wrap your arms around his shoulders, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
- “you make it so hard for me to stay on task all day.” you sigh, grinning when he clearly gets all flustered.
- and he may not be as bold as you, but he has his moments.
- “mm, what if you just stayed in bed with me today?” “wish you’d stop pulling away whenever you feel gross, y’know it doesn’t bother me.” 👀👀
- this probably doesn’t need to be said, but i’m gonna say it anyways,
- he doesn’t like pda. the most he’ll do is hold your hand if you’re in public together, maybe kiss you on the cheek if he’s feels particularly affectionate / protective every now and then.
- he likes to keep his relationship private, it makes you feel a little more special to him.
- like, he loves the fact that only he gets to see you in specific ways.
- such as just being together on sappy evenings, softly mumbling things you love about each other while being in his arms. things like that.
- cus for him, if he does stuff like that in public, well for starters he’ll get uncomfortable. he’s too introverted for stuff like that.
- but really, it just means anyone can look over and see what you both look like when you’re all vulnerable with eachother, and to him he’d much rather keep that private.
- now, that being said…this man is so clingy lol.
- if you both are having an indoor day, and he’s working on the computer, while you’re just sorting through stuff inside, he’ll want to be near you.
- you’re at the stove? he’s at the kitchen table.
- you’re in the living room? he’s on the couch.
- you’re brushing your teeth? so is he.
- it can be dead silent between you two, just as long as you’re nearby, he’s happy.
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- he’s one of the guys with a more toned physique.
- he’s got some pretty nice arms, can i just say.
- they’re toned, grow larger when he flexes, even resting they look pretty nice.
- and his abs too, they’re not crazy, but they’re definitely there.
- a nice definition you can see even when he’s not flexing. there’s at least four there.
- as for facial hair, he has none.
- i feel like if he could grow some, he’d definitely leave it. it’d make him feel more “manly.”
- but he just doesn’t LMFAO.
- now, non-facial hair is a different story👀
- he’s got a happy trail folks!!!
- it’s a dark, thick patch of brown hair that trails (once again) all the way up to his belly button.
- and it’s so fucking hot.
- it might be the prettiest (next to harvey’s, ofc.)
- believe it or not, he’s actually pretty neat with it.
- he takes pride in being attractive! ofc he’s going to groom it.
- trims it whenever it gets untamed, but never shaves it off. he loves it, and he knows you do too.
- he’s also a boxer briefs guy. 99% of the time, he’s walking around wearing only his boxer briefs in the house.
- especially whenever it’s an indoor day, yeah, he’s not even bothering getting dressed at all😭😭
- that’s all he sleeps in. even if it’s the middle of winter.
- another pda fan.
- but this time, dare i say…he’s a little more bold.
- he’ll kiss you like he does when you’re private, even if there’s people around.
- cupping your cheek, pulling you in for likely more then 5 seconds sometimes.
- he’ll hold onto your waist when you’re standing together. he’ll stand behind you with his arms wrapped around you, even.
- and well, yes there’s empty seats all around you, but that’s too bad. cus he’s pulling you into sitting in his lap.
- he loves knowing everyone’s jealous of him.
- you’re so attractive, he knows all the other men look at you thinking the same thing.
- and he just loves how he’s got a rock on your finger that’s similar to his. he loves the fact that you said yes to him, not to anyone else who would’ve asked.
- so he loves showing you off.
- he’s got such a high libido, so he’s fairly sexual all the time.
- rolling over to kiss you after fucking you for literal hours, and even just the sight of you lying there, trying to catch your breath has him ready to go again.
- he’s one to grope you (consensually!)
- like, if ur walking by him, he’ll grab your ass and shoot you a grin like nothing even happened.
- but he knows when to be more serious, like if you had bad day and you just need a good cry.
- i’d like to think he’s really good at comforting people.
- he was there for his mom whenever his dad was treating them horribly, and he definitely helped her through a few tears, so he’s perfect at just holding you.
- he’s genuinely a sweetheart. yes he’s cocky, and flirty, but when it comes to people he loves: he’s so perfect.
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- *cracks knuckles*
- he can grow facial hair, but he normally goes without it.
- it comes in thick, but it won’t grow past any stubble (or at least he doesn’t let it before shaving it all off.)
- but omfg…his facial hair looks so nice when he lets it grow for a bit.
- especially when he kisses you, or lets you cup your hands around his jaw during that phase.
- he’s another one that loves to feel your fingers rake through his hair when you’re just commenting on how handsome he looks with it.
- despite how attractive it is, he still prefers it gone. so it’s rare when he lets it get to that point.
- his has a very subtle happy trail. it’s mostly just a patch of hair that peeks above his waistline, and it doesn’t go all the way up to his belly button,
- but it’s still as handsome as ever.
- his sleepwear is literally silk. stg.
- he’s so extra.
- he probably even got you a matching pair with your initials engraved “just cus.”
- but when he isn’t wearing all of that, he’s probably just wearing some regular pj pants and a shirt.
- it’s rare tho, cus like i said—he’s so extra.
- something so casual, but so attractive that he does is when he’s super exhausted with writing for so long, that he just leans back in his chair and sighs.
- like…he throws his arms over his head, manspreads just a little and sighs.
- or or or
- after you’ve had such a long and exhausting day, he’s quick to place his pencil down and open his arms to slot you on his lap.
- “tell me what’s the matter, my love. want me to make you some tea, get you some water?”
- and while you’re talking, he’s just gently rubbing your thigh and kissing your arms softly.
- he’s just so gracious and endearing.
- this man 😮‍💨😮‍💨
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ilaneya · 2 months
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i’m rewatching word of honour rn and just keep screaming WEN KEXING because why is he serving so hard in every episode 💅🏻✨
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smoluglies · 1 month
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Brighter Days ☀️
Hey everyone! I hope you’re doing well 🫶 I had this idea of adding animated elements to some of my illustrations :) here is one I’ve done recently of a frog and his lily of the valley ghost friend.
This piece is available on my inprnt store (please check the link below if you’re interested!). I’ve also turned it into a phone wallpaper which you can grab for free on my kofi shop ☺️
Wishing you a lovely weekend and bright days (regardless of the weather 😉)
• Prints of this piece are available here: https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/smoluglies/brighter-days/
• Phone wallpaper on kofi: https://ko-fi.com/s/43c4e2b9ec
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nelkcats · 1 year
The Ghost King Wants To Rest!
After years of discovering about his immortality and living through the death and reincarnation of his loved ones, Danny was tired. The world had changed: it had destroyed, rebuilt, reboot, he honestly lost the thread over the years.
Although he could admit that it was interesting to see the evolution, the arrival of heroes on his "original" dimension. And maybe he forced Technus to build him a radio that would alert him to space-related issues there...
He was thrilled when Martian Manhunter was heralded as a hero (Superman was a pretty cool alien yes, but too... human?), though that was basically all the news he had of current civilization (not that he needed further)
The years passed and at the end he decided to live out his retirement on earth out of nostalgia (and by that he means Clockwork got his ass out of the Realms for a break) in what was once Amity a long time ago, he built a nice cabin in the mountains and settled there.
His relationship with Clockwork had evolved over the years, and Danny understood that his mentor (sometimes father) was very concerned that immortality would negatively affect him.
Seeing how he locked himself in his castle for the first few years after Jazz death didn't help alleviate his fears. So Danny didn't complain when the ghost threw him to Earth on that dimension (besides, it had Aliens now! and he missed Amity...even if it was not Amity anymore)
But people won't stop pestering him during his retirement! "Save us" "Help us balance the world, chosen one" "Play with me, let cause chaos!" And more ridiculous phrases. Can the horned boy and wizards leave him alone!? He just wanted to rest!
He couldn't even ask his loved ones for help because their reincarnations didn't recognize him (or did, and made fun of his situation).
On the other hand, Justice League Dark and Klarion have spent years trying to bring the powerful entity that lives in the mountains to their side but nothing works! Why is it so intent on pretending to be an old man with an appearance of 20!?
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 168
So. Apparently halfas are like phoenixes or something, which Danny would’ve really liked to know. 
See, usually with ghosts if they’re forced to retreat to their cores they reform as was, but apparently, since they’re still partially living, schrodinger's people and all that, halfas have to regrow their body from scratch. At least that’s what he’s understanding from Frostbite. 
But how come he has to deal with it? It’s Dan’s fault for trying to pull such a stunt! Oh, it’s either him or Vlad? Well fuck, he might have calmed down and is going to therapy in both the living realm and the Zone, but he’s waaay not equipped to raise a child except for like, monetarily wise. 
Well dammit, how long will this core incubation thing last, he has his new job in… let him check which offer he accepted again… He has his new job in Coast City that he needs to finish packing for and then all the rest of the stuff to do. 
What do you mean it’ll take months?! He doesn’t have months?! Urgh, fine. At least being a mortician isn’t that exciting, nor dangerous. Just hand him Dan’s core and he’ll figure things out for the living side of things. He’s sure Tucker and Sam wouldn’t be against helping, if only to try and claim favorite aunt or uncle spots. 
#dcxdp#dpxdc#prompts#Coast City is where Hal Jordan lives hilarious enough#I just chose a random city but honestly a green lantern city is hilariously on brand for where Danny would choose to move#He’s just a cheerful space core dude who is glaring down several ghosts & helping others move on while he’s working#He’s also slightly uncanny valley to people outside of Amity & doesn’t realize it#He runs into a reporter Wes at some point & okay the fact he looks like the lady doing math meme when seeing Dan?#Utterly hilarious#Danny holding a newborn with matching slightly pointy ears and claws :)#Wes who is *pretty sure* Danny is cis but is second guessing everything now:#Danny is going to do his best to avoid any hero BS#He’s trying to do his JOB#Who cares if he brings his baby to work he needs to eat and he isn’t going to hire a babysitter#Bby Jordan tried to set the house on fire during his last tantrum do you THINK anyone else can deal with him? That’s what he thought now ou#Ellie visits as well & straight up melts out of the wall sometimes like a horror movie#She has weaponized her goo powers and is also excited to show her dad her new gravity ones#Space Core Danny + Fire Core Vlad = Sun Core Dan#Ellie has a Moon core (something something phases of the moon & travelling across the night sky)#Danny is encountering so many rogues and heroes and just doesn’t acknowledge it because he has a literal BABY who can destroy the entire JL#He’s very tired and would like a nap now
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izzybluebell · 9 days
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a little sketch sheet of a bunch of things im a big fan of
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geekynerfherder · 2 months
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Showcasing art from some of my favourite artists, and those that have attracted my attention, in the field of visual arts, including vintage; pulp; pop culture; books and comics; concert posters; fantastical and imaginative realism; classical; contemporary; new contemporary; pop surrealism; conceptual and illustration.
The art of Peach MoMoKo.
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