#Virtual Team Building Programs
eagle-flights-india · 2 years
Building Strong Connections in a Virtual World: Best Practices for Remote Teams Virtual team building programs are designed to help remote teams establish stronger connections and work together more effectively, despite being physically separated.
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ipc021group · 2 years
VR and AR Programs
Learn more about Virtual and Augmented reality, which creates an immersive experience of a 3-dimensional artificial world for the users.
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wishlings · 23 days
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As you may have noticed, the project has undergone some changes!
The name 'DigiPet' was just a placeholder (trademark owned by somebody else), and based on our recent lore-building, we have changed the name of the project to:
🌠 Wishlings 🌠
Wishlings is an in-development virtual pet game for mobile (PC planned eventually), with evolution and sandbox mechanics. We are inspired by Digimon World and Tamagotchi!
🌌The team:
Art: @tofupixel @ilta222
Programming: @luckycloverdev
Audio: @theogbaschfire
🌟 As for the world itself:
The game takes place in a dream / imagination land, which you first arrive at in your sleep. These creatures are basically imaginary friends, dreamed up by people all over the world. They can take many fantastical forms, but they all seem to be a bit magical.
They're going through some trouble right now, as Nightmare creatures are threatening their existence!
Treat them well, evolve them, train them and fight the Nightmare entities to bring peace back to the dream world. 🌠
🌟 The gameplay:
At first, you start with a dream egg. It will soon hatch into a baby monster! Treat it right, feed it and take care of it to influence how it grows up and evolves.
There are (so far) 5 evolution levels: Egg, Baby, Youth, Adult and Elder.
You can grow your own food and ingredients in your own backyard farm.
Cook the ingredients to make better meals. Different pets have different food preferences, some are carnivorous, some vegetarian!
Decorate your pet's habitat to influence it's personality and mood. We hope you will experiment a lot with the treatment of your pets to discover more evolutions! 🌠
🌟 Planned minigames:
Farming (growing food and ingredients)
Sky Fishing (catching food)
Walks (exercise your pet and find items)
Cooking (combine ingredients to make better food)
Battling (defeat enemy monsters to make your pet stronger and get items)
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We are happy to have you here, it means so much that you're interested in the game!
And if you have any suggestions, or want to keep up with development more, please join our discord server! 🌠
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radiance1 · 1 year
Tucker finds a game installed on his pda one day.
He didn't know where it came from, nor what it was supposed to be and it looked more high quality than a few other games he's seen. So what did he do with it? Surely he should've not touched it and tried to delete it, right?
He wouldn't be apart of team phantom if he didn't also embody the "Fuck it we ball" energy.
So he plays it, finds it to be some dating sim based on the title screen and went through a good fair portion of it, it was fairly normal, if not really up his alleyway of games. But it had its moments though.
Then came Monika.
He didn't know what to do with her, in all honesty. She seemed to be a sapient Ai trapped in a dating sim, which was weird but not that weird compared to everything else in all honesty. She also killed off her friends, though her reasoning was because they weren't real and that it was the only way for her to have a romance route.
Kinda extra in his opinion, but he can see the reasoning.
So what does he do? Rummage around in the game's coding and makes a route for her.
(He swore he saw another pair of hands indirectly helping him when he did it, too.)
Monika was downright ecstatic when he was finished with it, he outlined a route for her but then she just took control of it, coding in events, mini-games, gifts and other sorts of things for her route. She thanked him immensely for outlining a route for her, since even with all of her control she couldn't directly go against core programming when it came to herself like that.
He was glad to help her out, really, she seemed like a pretty nice person, pushed outside of her core programming because of her sapience. He even coded Monika outside of the game and let her roam around in his pda, which accidentally added another layer of protection to his firewalls, but he isn't complaining.
Then she wondered how it would be like in the real world, with him and everyone else.
It really just went off from there.
Jack and Maddie are genius inventors, and now that they no longer have such a driving, blinding hatred towards ghost due to their son being revealed as a halfa, they no longer spend all of their time on ghost themed weapons and stuff.
So he went to them, showed them Monika (Which they were extremely impressed with) and decided to help him in building her a body! Probably also because they liked the challenge of building a body too, but meh.
Tucker drew up a design based on Monika's wishes, and tweaked it a bit here and there to ensure perfect human functionality.
Monika told Jack and Maddie that they didn't need to spend too much effort on it, since she would be fine with just a body, but Jack went no and they went all in. Did Tucker know what they were using to built her body? No, no he did not.
Apparently they made her body out of some rare metal they obtained from Vlad, who is trying very hard to redeem and put himself back in the Fenton's good graces after having some sense knocked into him, a rare metal called nth metal that Vlad apparently lost a lot trying to get, even had to use less then clean methods to get, but not anything he can't make back in a while.
Her blood was ectoplasm, with a fully functional heart made from the same metal and basically every other organs as well. Her brain was basically a supercomputer that'll let her connect to the internet whenever she wants, as well as allow her access to wifi from virtually wherever.
Her skin was made from another metal, one that imitated the feel and look of human skin, while also being more durable. They also added in features that'll simulate touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing as well!
Monika was honestly floored when she was downloaded into the body, it was much, much more than she had asked for and she didn't even know if she could repay them for it. To which Jack and Maddie just waved off because the chance to make a body from scratch out of a rare metal that was basically just gonna lie there for a sapient Ai wasn't one that would come often, so the experience was invaluable honestly!
Monika tried out everything she could after that, just happy to be among real people after becoming aware. She could finally be with her boyfriend, physically, no longer bound by a wall between them.
Then a while later, she may have accidentally hacked into what Tucker later told her was the Justice League Watchtower. It wasn't even her fault, she just wanted to hack into a nearby satellite, honest!
It's not like Tucker could talk, really. He's been hacking into the local government database for a while now, and why, it's not like he could do better, could he?
He saw a challenge when he saw one, and he should shy away from it because it was the Justice League.
So then the both of them competed to see who could hack into the Justice League database the fastest. A romance game Ai who grew sapience and got into the real world, versus a guy who's insanely smart and good at hacking who got her into the real world.
Of course it couldn't have been that easy, though, and really, it wouldn't have been a true challenge is they didn't engage in a cyber battle against the people they're hacking into, right?
Meanwhile, the Justice League is watching as Batman, Tim, and Oracle is fighting against two unknowns hacking into their database and having what is no doubt a cyber battle of such intensity they're wondering how the hell that keyboard is still standing against how fast their fingers are flying across it.
Some of them can swear they can see Batman release an aura of impressed, annoyed, and amused all at once.
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emergency-plan · 6 months
DPxDC Idea
I had a little idea an have no time to actually write a fic, so I just wrote a sorta-summary and am posting it like this.
This is inspired by the game Home Safety Hotline and may contain hints to spoilers for that game. It's really clever, I really like it. I recommend you play it if slightly spooky without any "real" horror appeals to you.
Alright, Danny's been Ghost King for a few years and has realized more than just his usual rogues make their way to the living world, and a lot of those ghosts don't stay in Amity. By himself, it'd take forever to track down all those spirits and specters that are out causing mischief. Luckily, not many that escaped his notice are all that powerful and could only cause minor disturbances, just enough to get noticed by the living.
Many people outside Amity don't even recognize the activity as ghosts, so they blame other sources. Scratching in the walls is mistaken as mice, whispers and apparitions are mistaken as hallucinations and carbon monoxide hallucinations, attempted overshadowings mistaken as stokes or migraines. In this day and age, where does everyone turn to when looking for advice or how to solve problems? The internet.
Team Phantom devise a method to try and track down ghosts that are stuck or tormenting the living by building a website meant to look like a help hotline, and with some algorithm trickery make it one of the top options when searching for signs similar to ghost presences. Add some bits and bobs to make it appear as a more normal-looking website on any computer affiliated with government organizations, and you’ve got some protection from the GIW.
Calls start slowly, so the three of them can handle it by themselves. Once more people are calling, they decide to start a call center. They hired some trusted people around Amity and even a few ghosts who want to help. To get around worrying about the ghosts messing with the tech while personally taking a call, they decide to automate the system to record caller’s reports for the employees to listen to, and then send a report back, offering their services to bring the spirit back to the Realms.
It’s been surprisingly lucrative, and Danny hasn’t had to dip into his kingly funds much other than at the start. He still keeps prices low, just enough to not garner suspicions at offering a free service while paying his workers fairly (he doesn’t want to know why some of the ghosts want mortal money). What he’s started having more trouble with is not enough employees to take the calls. Sometimes ghosts lose track of time and don’t show up for their shifts (he doesn’t blame them, time gets weird in the Ghost Zone), and he’s run out of people he trusts who want the job.
Eventually he decides to put out an ad, deciding he’ll slowly trust whoever takes the job with a little more information over time, see how they react, and measure to see if they’re trustworthy.
What he doesn’t think about is how posting it on the website will let more people than just those that live in Amity apply.
Meanwhile, in Gotham, one Cassandra Cain is looking for a job. She doesn’t need the money, B gives her access to way too much, but she wants the experience. She’s at the age she’s heard most kids get a job, and she wants to see what it’s like.
And she quickly found out retail and fast food are NOT for her. She doesn’t think those conditions are fit for anyone, honestly. She’d have to see if she could get Bruce to work on that. But that still leaves her out of a job. She got overwhelmed with a lot of people, so virtual options would probably be best, and something that let her interact with people without having to speak. There weren’t a lot of options out there, and she wasn’t skilled enough with a computer yet to take programming ones.
That’s when she found the listing for the hotline call center. Based in a small Illinois town, but had virtual options, listen to recorded customer calls, diagnose their issue, and send an information packet on potential next steps. It was indirect, could also help her practice her reading, and flexible. It was perfect.
It didn’t take long to hear back after she applied (Danny was freaking out, he didn’t think anyone outside Amity would apply. He’d turn this kid down, but she’d mentioned her difficulties with speaking in her application and SWEETY YOU DONT MENTION STUFF LIKE THAT ON AN APPLICATION. But she said the job would be perfect for her and he just couldn’t…) and she got the job!
Her first day rolls around and she’s given access to the database. A lot has been redacted, but she has descriptions for common problems like mice, carbon monoxide, black mold, etc. she gets her first call recording and carefully reads through the entries before selecting the one that sounds right. She sends it off and waits for the next. The calls come a little too regularly, with too similar intervals between them, so she figures her new employer is testing how well she’s doing (Danny’s giving her previous resolved calls that weren’t anything supernatural. She even got the ants right! He had even gotten that wrong!)
Eventually, her shift ends and she tells her family how well her first day went at dinner. They congratulate her and go on patrol as usual. The next day, things ramp up a little.
She logs into the database at the beginning of her shift and noticed some new entries. She now had access to descriptions of shades, blob ghosts, will o’ wisps, and more minor spirits. She gets a recording reminding her all this info is confidential and that she’s not allowed to share it with anyone. She’s a little confused, but she reads through each just as carefully. The calls come less regularly, so she figures she’s actually connected to the system now (Danny gave her access to the most common ghosts they get calls about and is listening in while he’s handling ghosts to make sure she doesn’t get anything she’s not prepared for).
Her shift ends and over dinner, she mentions that she’s had to diagnose some odd things. They assure her there’s more pests and hazards out there than you’d expect. She doesn’t tell her family about the distraught woman haunted by the Ecto-Echo of her husband’s habit of making her coffee every morning after he passed a few weeks ago. Or the person who had a Shade masquerading as their shadow. Just about one of her caller's cockroach problem.
The next day follows a similar pattern; more entries, slightly more powerful ghosts, reminder that the info she's been given access to is confidential and could get people hurt if it got in the wrong hands, congratulated for her good work, read through carefully and learn signs of each, diagnose calls, before calling it a day (Danny was so proud of her, she'd only confused a blob ghost with a ghost animal once, and it hadn't caused him any trouble when he went to collect them).
She'd used the bat-computer to check up on some of the callers she'd diagnosed, and they seemed to be doing fine. Some had posted about their weird experiences on their social media and how her employer had somehow helped them, but often didn't quite know how (Danny liked to hide his powers, so most of what customers saw was him using ghost tech. When it couldn't be solved with just a quick souping, he had to pull a little ghostly trickery while the customer wasn't watching). She didn't know how her boss was somehow across the world multiple times a day to help clients in different countries, but he seemed to at least be helping people. She started not having any stories she could tell her family at dinner.
At some point, she heard reports that one of the speedsters probably messed with time travel again before clocking into her shift. She had almost all the available entries and had gotten very good at recognizing tricky cases. She answered a recorded call, just like at the beginning of each of her shifts, but this one was a little different. Danny had sent out an announcement to be on the lookout for a specific phenomena that often occurred after shifts in reality, as they were highly dangerous and needed to be dealt with swiftly.
She studied each entry and paused on what she was supposed to keep a careful eye out for. Revenants, corpses that came back to life, often seen shambling around the graveyards they were buried in. Something about that sounded familiar. A section in their entry said the person brought back often had a ghost in the Realms (which she still didn't know what that was) that was in terrible pain from shifts in reality trying to pull them back to their body, but the separation of dimensions preventing them.
Expectedly, she did get a call from someone convinced there was a zombie wandering somewhere along the east coast. She double checked it couldn't be anything else before submitting it and notifying her boss.
Curious, and she knew no one would be in the batcave around this time of day, she brought her laptop with her down to the bat-computer. She found cameras in the area the caller reported, and froze at what she saw. Shambling across an abandoned street was a rotting corpse. It really did look like a zombie. It was covered in dirt, wearing an old-fashioned suit, and had skin sloughing off its bones.
But what Cass could only focus on was how much its movements read that it was in pain. It was suffering in such a horrible way its mindless being didn't even deserve. It was horrible.
Then, there was a flash of green and an area of the cameras were covered in static. The glitched portion somehow read with kindness and pity. It slowly approached the corpse, simple reaching out gently (what was presumably a hand), ignoring the way it lashed out. It suddenly fell, caught and slowly lower to the ground by the strange being she couldn't see. It closed the thing's eyes before carrying it off in the direction the map said a graveyard could be found.
After that, she finished her shift and went to dinner. Her family asked if she was alright, and she only replied it'd been a long day.
She clocked in early the next day and messaged her boss for more information on Revenants. Dinner that night was one of the few times Jason agreed to come by, and if he noticed how she kept glancing at him, he didn't say anything.
A week later, she asked her boss what might happen if a Revenant was exposed to, as it was called in its entry, a "Corrupted Ecto-Spring" ("...an ugly hole in the fabric of reality that connects the world of the living to the Realms. The ectoplasm that leaks through the tear stagnates and festers into toxic pools that kills humans and makes ghosts sick."). Danny requested a video call.
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0fps · 3 months
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transcript of the factions from the pre-release special program! 6:51 - 8:21
These groups, each with their own specialties, are the partners Wise and Belle are responsible for guiding. They're Agents, on the frontlines of Hollows. So? See a lot of familiar faces?
CUNNING HARES The Cunning Hares are always available for the right price!
Such as the Cunning Hares odd-job agency. As an old name known on the streets of New Eridu, they rely on cunning and wit to seize any chance and adapt to any situation.
BELOBOG HEAVY INDUSTRIES Our goal is not to build a house, but a home.
They're also the rising star in the construction industry: Belobog Heavy Industries, who challenge the Hollows with bravery, technology, and teamwork, building up their own rep and prestige.
VICTORIA HOUSEKEEPING CO. Thank you for using Victoria Housekeeping. Your wish is our command.
Of course we can't forget about Victoria Housekeeping Co. Non-traditional domestic helpers offering traditional housekeeping services for their urban clientele. An air of mystery always accompanies their elegance. Their stories are waiting for you to discover.
Apart from these old friends, there are several new companions, too, who are looking forward to meeting everyone.
CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION SPECIAL RESPONSE TEAM If you encounter any trouble, please contact New Eridu Public Security.
Some of them come from Public Security, who keep peace in the city. Reaching out a helping hand to citizens in need, whether they're in a Hollow or on the street.
HOLLOW SPECIAL OPERATIONS SECTION 6 Eradicate evil - we decide for ourselves what "evil" is.
Some come from special organizations that deal with Hollow disasters. Elite operatives primed to face unknown dangers, they form the tip of the spear against disasters in New Eridu.
SONS OF CALYDON I come, I see, I crash!
Some are even based outside the city. Joyriding about the wilderness of the Outer Ring on a motorbike or in a truck, enjoying their unique lifestyle.
Plus, there's the meticulous Defense Force Sergeant and her squad...
VIRTUAL IDOLS (temporary name)
... And these idols who made a surprise appearance before.
Apart from the content already out there, we'll have many more exciting stories to show and brand new factions waiting to meet everyone.
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bits-and-babs · 1 year
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↳ summary: prompt: “on your knees” — A ‘basics’ training course enforced on Task Force 141 after a failed mission causes Simon Riley to lose his cool.
↳ pairing: Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x f!Reader (Delta)
↳ [1k] content: mentions of injury and violence, oral (m receiving), exhibitionism, rough oral, hair pulling (so inevitably mentions of hair, length not specified), Dacryphilia, swallowing. Ghost is a big massive slut and so am I.
ghost masterlist [coming soon] I| main masterlist |I join taglist
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Attempting to get a prolific and deadly team of elite soldiers to engage in a ‘basic self-defence’ training course must have been the most perilous and mortal task Laswell had undertaken in her twenty-year career. You have no doubt that she had already prepped for the uproar it would cause amongst Task Force 414; ‘you’re actin’ like we’re amateurs, Laswell,’ and ‘It’s not as though we’ve stopped missiles or anything.’
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The grumbles of the men behind you indicate that they’d been unsuccessful in convincing Laswell that the training program was gratuitous, all looking as though Captain Price dragged them by their ears. 
“Ghost, Delta. You’re up first,” he grumbles, his lack of enthusiasm almost comical. Despite the complaints, you couldn’t exactly condemn Laswell for her enforcement. Alejandro’s ribs had cracked wide open when thrown off the roof of a building, caught off guard by a narco he hadn’t seen obscured by the shadows. Ribs L3 to L8 had snapped, L5 managing to pierce through the soft flesh of the Colonel’s lung and rendering him utterly defenceless as the mission descended into chaos.
It goes without saying that Laswell had dressed the unit down to your socks when you returned, Ghost hauling the wheezing Alejandro over his shoulders and into the rendezvous vehicle. 
The insulting level of competence that the demonstration requires notwithstanding, Simon steps forward into the makeshift ring, the virtually impossible size of his soles barely making a sound as he walks across the floor. Under Price’s watchful gaze, you’re hot on Ghost’s heels. 
It’s a simple task. Simon just has to dispatch you. 
Ominously fixed on your face, the skull mask’s obsidian eyes do little to obscure the amber of Simon’s irises in the daylight. He’s gazing fixedly at you, readying himself and widening his stance for the demonstration. The prop pistol in his hand is near comical given the brutality those giant hands had enacted; though, you can’t help but think that someone as savagely efficient as Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley would still, somehow, find a way to annihilate you with the plastic munitions. 
“On your knees!” Ghost barks out, his booming, gritty voice startling you despite your anticipation. You barely have time to react to the onslaught of motion, your temporary enemy pressing the barrel of his makeshift firearm into your temple with a bruising force. 
Per Price’s instructions, you sink slowly to your knees, hands raised and palms flat to show your lack of armament. The barrel of the plastic G18 lets up against the pulpy skin of your temple, an aching sensation settling into the flesh it had compressed. When you lift your eyes to Ghost, however, you feel as though he’s pistol-whipped you across the face. 
Lieutenant Riley’s honey eyes ooze with arousal, something dangerous flitting through the black pools of his pupils. Blown wide, they bore down at you, betraying his stoic composure.
Battering against your ribcage, your heart rate picks up under his stare. Blood rushes to your face, heating it as you gaze up at your captor through your lashes. 
You hear Ghost’s shaky exhale from his nose rattle against the plastic of his mask. 
Dragging his fingers through your hair, Ghost’s gloves fingerprints massage your scalp as you kneel perfectly still, his hot, ridiculously large cock balanced on the flat of your tongue. His chest heaves quietly, winding strands of your hair around his digits before curling them upwards into a tight fist. 
“Deep breath, love,” he rumbles before pushing his hips forward. He clasps your chin with his free hand, keeping your mouth wide open for him as he drags the length of his throbbing cock across your tongue and down your throat. 
It’s impossible not to— you gag around him, eyes watering slightly as the blunt head of his cock notches at your throat walls. His nostrils flare, golden eyes beaming in the fluorescent lighting of the hallway.
You barely get a chance to inhale as he’d ordered, using his grip on your hair to yank your head forward onto his dick. You moan loudly, warning a tight squeeze of your strands that cause your hair follicles to strain under the pressure— a warning. 
Ghost’s breathing falters slightly as he sets a brutal, punishing rhythm. However, it doesn’t take you long to establish a breathing pattern of your own against his rapid strokes, inhaling every time he slips out of the confines of your fluttering throat. 
“Fuckk~” he groans, eyes settled on you like a cross-hair as you make an effort to hollow your cheekbones around his ridiculous girth, eyelashes wet with tears. “You belong on your knees. Looking at me like th—shit — like that in front of the whole unit.”
You’d like to ask him what he means, but he rocks forwards again with a significant snap of his hips that bumps the back of your throat in a bruising collision. Retches threaten to spill from your lips, but his width fills your throat, and Ghost relishes in the constriction around his cock with a growl. 
“Yes,” he urges, teeth clenched behind the midnight black balaclava, “Yes, just like that, Christ!”
Ignoring all urges from your body to expel his intrusion in your throat, you swallow around him. It shakes a loud groan from his lungs, the lecherous sound ricocheting off the walls like he’d just shot a pistol. 
“You naughty fuckin’ girl,” he chastises you, punishing you by amping up the impossible pace of his rocking hips until tears begin to spill down your cheeks. It only appears to spur him further, a loud, rumbling groan drenching his words, “They’re gonna fuckin’ hear us—“
Moaning in agreement, you nod your head. It’s only slight; you can’t manage much more than a subtle tip forward of your chin. The vibrations seem to rock down his length to his balls because they pull up tight suddenly, and he’s wheezing out a haggard “Delta!’”
He spurts down your throat, coats the insides of your cheek, dribbles down your chin and drips to the floor. There’s so much of him, and you swallow down as much as you can as he leans back against the wall, winded as though an assailant had just punched him in the gut. 
Basics lesson number one: Ghost likes you on your knees. 
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mariacallous · 3 months
Can a video game teach you to resist disinformation?
The U.S. government certainly thinks so: In May, the State Department’s Global Engagement Center (GEC), the government agency tasked with countering foreign disinformation, released a request for proposal offering $1 million for “an evergreen game in a sandbox platform, with an existing fan base, in which participants play a game that builds cognitive resilience to authoritarianism and promotes democratic norms and values.” The call for a sandbox platform refers to open, multiplayer game spaces such as Minecraft, Roblox, or Fortnite, which allow players to build forts, explore virtual worlds, experience short stories, and share experiences. This request is asking for proposals to use creative mode in Fortnite (or a similar platform) to design a custom game experience—only instead of being fun, it is meant to train people to resist Russian disinformation.
It’s an intriguing way to combat an existential challenge for democracy. Can play undermine lies more effectively than speech does? There is a lot about this idea that is compelling, but there are just as many reasons to be skeptical.
The GEC’s idea certainly has some validity. It wants to leverage the emerging field of prebunking—the art of making people aware of disinformation before they encounter it—to help build media literacy skills and contribute to online safety. This is a process that researchers call “inoculation,” which treats disinformation like a virus: You need to train your psychological immune system, so to speak, to learn how to identify and reject bad information. Researchers have suggested different methods for this, ranging from a very literal metaphor of exposing people to “weakened” forms of common disinformation up to complex media literacy training intended to prepare people to identify disinformation on their own.
Using games as part of the battle over information isn’t new. The United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism has an entire project devoted to understanding the role of video games in what the U.N. calls “countering violent extremism.” Late last year, the Swedish Psychological Defense Agency—which, like the GEC, is empowered to combat foreign disinformation—sponsored research into foreign political interference that uses video games. And the European Journalism Observatory has highlighted video games, specifically, as a vector for disinformation during Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine.
So, the GEC is addressing a serious problem with global implications. And the sandbox anti-disinformation proposal is not the only video game program that the agency is funding. As Aftermath reports, it is also offering $250,000 for a program at the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine that will use the process of building an esports team and hosting an esports tournament to provide “counter disinformation/conflict resolution training to confront foreign propaganda and disinformation in competitive online gaming spaces.” While these sums may seem high, a typical “indie” game (one that is not developed by a major studio) can cost a million dollars or more, and so-called AAA games (such as Grand Theft Auto, Fallout, or Call of Duty) can cost hundreds of millions of dollars to develop.
One challenge that inoculation programs face is establishing success conditions. After all, how do you know when someone is successfully protected against disinformation? There is no good answer for this yet—we can design experiments and surveys to measure how messages are being accepted or rejected by a population, but—like other preventative measures—success is negative. You know the program worked if you don’t see people repeating disinformation, rather than knowing it worked because some tangible finish line has been crossed. It is a problem requiring constant vigilance. In that sense, the GEC’s call for an evergreen (permanent) game to counter disinformation is aligned with broad aspects of disinformation research.
But is a game the best way to do this? For decades, games studies have adopted an argument put forth by Dutch cultural historian Johan Huizinga in the 1930s: Games and play are essential to civilization, because they (however unintentionally) teach children how to socialize and move within rules-based systems in a mirror of society.
Building on those ideas, media theorist Ian Bogost coined the term “procedural rhetoric” in the 2000s to argue that video games instruct players to view the world through a certain set of rules and to discard others—even when trying to “break” a game system, he argued, players are still learning how rules and games work. If one accepts this line of argument, then it would naturally follow that an effort to design a game to inoculate against disinformation has the potential to be highly effective.
There are some problems with this approach. The research into so-called serious games, which are games intended to do something other than entertain, suggests that they are the most effective when they are also fun to play. This is a bit of a contradiction, since a serious game is not made with entertainment as its primary purpose, and that is reflected in the GEC’s call. There is no mention of the evergreen game being fun for its players. The agency, understandably, is focused on the outcomes of the game, not the game itself. But making serious games fun is a hard challenge that researchers are still working on, and without it, the effectiveness of any serious game will be limited.
The fun challenge has plagued efforts to use video games to do achieve goals in foreign policy, statecraft, and human rights since the start of the 21st century. Games such as the International Committee of the Red Cross’s LifeRun (2020) or 11 Bit Studio’s This War of Mine (2011) try to cultivate in players a concern for civilians in warfare. The Lebanese militant group Hezbollah released Special Force (2003) so players can battle against Israeli soldiers in South Lebanon, and Fursan Al-Aqsa (2022), places players in the shoes of a Palestinian student who seeks revenge on the Israeli soldiers who tortured him in prison. Fursan is available on Steam, an online video game marketplace used by players around the world that (relevant for the GEC grants) also restricts sales in Russia and Belarus due to sanctions stemming from Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine.
Militaries have used games for propaganda, too, from America’s Army (2002) to China’s Glorious Mission (2011). Some of these games went nowhere. (Hezbollah, for instance, did not make a fun game.) But others, such as America’s Army, endured for decades because they were fun—and that game became fun by abandoning some of its more serious pretensions as new editions were published.
While it is clear that the GEC is drawing on a large number of precedents, ideas, and projects, is there evidence that any of it works? After studying the Red Cross’s LifeRun game, which seems to be a close analog to the GEC’s call for proposals, scholar Jolene Fisher concluded that there are structural limits to what these games can be expected to do, given their small distribution and limited scale. In a recent report, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace observed that initiatives to support local journalism and media literacy education were far more effective at undermining disinformation than statecraft or counter-messaging, but the former are also much more difficult to fund, implement, and scale.
Bogost, the media scholar, reflected in 2018 on his experience trying to make “persuasive games” and concluded the concept was more promise than delivery. “It was emotion and novelty that drove much of the interest in this work,” he wrote, not concrete or supportable projects. It could be that games are just an accessible channel to do this work compared to more effective methods.
There are broader issues with the GEC’s plans, too. I wrote my Ph.D. dissertation on the U.S. Army Esports (USAE) team, an effort launched in 2018 in an attempt to use esports to bolster years of flagging recruitment. The U.S. Defense Department certainly seems to be convinced that the team has been effective in growing its recruiting pipeline and boosting morale, however controversial it may be. But it also does not release data to support its claims of effectiveness, and in 2023, the Army announced a major overhaul of the recruiting process due to multiple consecutive years of missing enlistment goals. If the USAE is effective at growing recruitment, that growth was hard to see. (The service claims that it is on track to meet a much lower recruiting goal in 2024).
I wasn’t alone in observing the limited effects that games on influencing thinking. A couple of years ago, games scholar Philip Hammond observed that decades of U.S. military influence on video games has coincided with declining recruiting and less public trust. If games can persuade people, it’s hard to see how.
This does not mean that such programs are a failure, nor does it mean that the GEC’s program is futile. Rather, it indicates that, as Bogost cautioned, we should be clear about the gap between promise and delivery, and mindful of where that gap emerges.
The GEC’s success in persuading social media companies to moderate away Islamist extremist content on their platforms (the most effective way to counter disinformation, according to researchers) suggests that it sometimes can do this work effectively. After all, while the growing presence of extremists in video games is a real concern, it is the community and discourse around games where that extremism tends to emerge, not within the storylines and play of the games themselves.
Games scholar Sky LaRell Anderson calls these conversations “extraludic narratives,” and in studying them found that they form an important basis for building communities around sharing gameplay experiences. Such a dynamic leaves open the potential for the GEC’s sponsored esports team in Ukraine to influence some of those narratives about Russia, or even to cultivate a community of resistance against Russian narratives in Ukraine’s Esports spaces. But researchers find this dynamic hard for outsiders to understand in real time, much less to intentionally shape beforehand. Governments just aren’t cool, and the USAE’s own engagement scandals point to the many scenarios where government sponsorship might be a poison pill.
The GEC has experienced this with its other efforts to counter disinformation. Its successful campaign to contain Islamist disinformation online, when applied to countering Russian disinformation, resulted in the center being subjected to unfair, partisan attacks by far-right politicians in the United States. Republicans in the House of Representatives tried last year to block the center’s budgetary reauthorization, falsely claiming that it targeted conservatives for censorship. Embattled Rep. Darrell Issa disputed the need for a counter-disinformation agency and claimed that the GEC had no successes to justify its budget despite the agency’s successful work countering disinformation.
The dishonest nature of these attacks points to a difficult political environment emerging for the agency. It could be the case that sponsoring games and gaming events is all that the agency has left if platform governance has become closed off by toxic right-wing politics. The GEC is a meaningful organization that treats the threat of disinformation with the appropriate seriousness.
But if politics prevent the agency from responding effectively to disinformation in the venues where it can be the most effective, it is hard to blame it for trying something else. Still, we should be cautious and keep our expectations in check: As unfair as the right-wing attacks on the agency are, and as hard as it works to address disinformation globally, those same attacks will also be carried over to the teams and games the agency sponsors.
Even in an ideal environment, there would be modest expectations for such a small program, but those may be impossible to meet. Disinformation is ultimately a political challenge, not a technical one, and the politics of disinformation in the United States have already tied the GEC’s hands. It’s just not clear how this political problem can be solved with a video game.
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Yeah, Robo-Dog is great and I'm glad you have so much passion in developing it, but I have to say, hearing you talk so much about Robo-Dog and his abilities makes me worry a little about the pups.
Due to the progress that Robo-Dog is on right now, it may come to a point where you don't need the pups at all, and just replace them with a whole team of Robo-Dog's.
That legitimately scares me
"I would never do that! As great as Robo-Dog is, he will never be a replacement for my pups, be it the current ones or any others I might adopt in the future."
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"Robo-Dog is a robot, he can malfunction, and it already happened quite a few times before. It's not impossible to hack into his system and operate him remotely, communication can be jammed to prevent him from operating at all, he's not indestructible, his batteries can go out or get damaged, magnetic fields can disrupt his systems, the list goes on and on."
"Not to mention I can't possibly program him for virtually any situation that might happen ever for him to know how to respond and act when things go different than planned. He can assess situations and find something alike to try and adapt, but he can't really improvise, which is an essential skill that's needed for a Search & Rescue team."
"If I were to have a team made only of programmed robots, even with an advanced adapting AI such as Robo-Dog's, one single issue could put the entire team down. It hardly can happen with the pups all at once. We might use Robo-Dog for driving so we can focus on our missions and rescues, we can send him to dangerous missions where we can't go, exactly on the goal of keeping my pups safe, but I will never replace them like that. Robo-Dog is here to be our helper, maybe our last resource when we can't act for whatever reason, but he's not a replacement, he's just a member of our team like any other, with his own special tasks, duties and job."
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"And on a last note, the very pups know I won't replace them with robots. They accepted Robo-Dog from the very start as a member of the team, Rocky himself helped me to build him. There was no uneasiness, no jealousy, none of them felt not even slightly wary. They supported me on developing Robo-Dog for our team and now they care for him just as much as me. I've even seem some of them whimpering sometimes, like they're mourning somehow when he was taken down, and they wouldn't be back to normal until I'd fix him back up."
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simslegacy5083 · 4 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9 Ep 80: Easy, Breezy, Love
The lovebirds started their final semester of university that spring happily hunkered down in their nest.
Luigi had never been much of a cook, but he started chopping up some fresh fruit for breakfast to show his girl he cared. Fitness loving Noemi appreciated the hand-crafted healthy eats; her boyfriends tasty and nutritious offering becoming one of her favorite ways to start the day.
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They had turned the spare bedroom into a small, shared office space but Luigi often preferred to bring his laptop to the kitchen table where he could enjoy the sight of his girlfriend dancing along to the funky beat of her favorite aerobics DVD.
Luigi promised to join her one day soon but just then he was deep in the E-Sports trenches with his co-captain. Beau had suggested regular virtual team meetings outside of practice to build relationships, which he believed would help them work together even better on the playing field.
The sessions ate up more of his precious free time, but Luigi could see the value in the exercise and did his part to encourage participation. He and Beau were both eager to build up a winning team that season.
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Of course, the couple still carved out time for their hobbies in-between classes, homework, and their extra circulars.
They had always shared an interest in programming, though Noemi had mostly applied it to robotics and coursework. She loved hearing about the mods and the app Luigi had created for Sims Forever, his enthusiasm for the real-world application of the skill deepening her own appreciation.
Never having been much of a gamer herself she couldn’t pretend to fully understand all his excited ramblings, but she had to admit the game looked interesting. She even helped him work out the fix to a tricky bug players had been reporting in one of his programs!
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Their lives hadn’t suddenly become perfect, but the couple found facing their difficulties much easier when they weren’t facing them alone.
Luigi’s anemia was prone to reasserting itself the minute he let his healthy habits slip. The iron rich meal and relaxing lavender bath Noemi prepared for him went a long way towards relieving his symptoms and getting him back on his feet fast the next time he neglected to take good care of himself.
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After Luigi noticed that Noemi always had to get closer to signs around town to read them than he did he suggested they take a trip to the eye doctor. To her surprise Noemi discovered she was nearsighted and ended up leaving the office in a shiny new pair of distance vision glasses.
When he later saw his girl frowning at herself in the mirror at home, a loving hug and a seductive whisper helped Luigi’s “sexy librarian” get over her embarrassment and see the beauty in her new look through the far more flattering mirror of her lovers' eyes.
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With Luigi’s days, nights, and even dreams filled with the kind of love he’d been searching for since those long-ago days pining over Haylee in the halls of Cooperdale High, he felt full to bursting with joy.
He was sure there was nothing that would be able to ruin this happy feeling, or tarnish these easy, breezy spring days with his best girl.
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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eagle-flights-india · 2 years
Effective Intervention for Team Building that You Need to Know
These phrases have in common the word ‘team,’ which essentially means that effective team performance is nothing without team building Research shows that leadership styles, trust, support between team members, communication, and feedback are the pillars of highly productive teams. Dynamics associated with team function result in positive outcomes. Teams fail and succeed depending upon the passion by which the group of people works towards their goal. The environment and the motivations all impact the performance of the team in the long run. A team consists of different members who bring different roles and responsibilities and can work independently and interdependently by adapting to changing circumstances. Motivating changing behavioral processes is essential to inculcate a shared value system and objectives.    
Interventions for Team Building 
Interventions for team building mainly constitute different exercises, games, and interactions between team members that will facilitate action and foster trust and communication. 
Activities- This can be of different types, for example, outdoor activities where various team members are placed in groups and have to compete with other teams. You can organize a cricket match or a football tournament to encourage trust and communication between your workers. 
Problem-solving- These interventions mainly consist of virtual team-building programs customizable according to individual needs and are focused on enhancing the cognitive and problem-solving abilities of the individual. Online games such as mystery/crime games which focus on group ability to solve problems reflecting real value teams, help increase participants’ communication and leadership styles. These virtual games can also be played by several people encompassing geographical boundaries.    
Skill-based- These interventions include a workshop or specific courses focused on a distinct skill base. If an individual lacks communication, a course or a workshop is designed to help them enhance their abilities. For instance, leadership courses train individuals in different styles according to various organizational instances to focus on team building initiatives. Crisis management is also a skill-based course that helps a person understand how to solve and make critical decisions quickly.            
Behavior-based- These interventions mainly utilize different psychometric analyses and skill-based tests to understand the behavior of every individual. The test provides strategies and other vital solutions towards helping the individual gain control of the behavior and solves problems effectively.    
Team building in Coming Years 
Implementing the hybrid work mode will reduce the number of face-to-face interventions to reduce the chances of internal conflicts and disagreements. Reduction of cost and time will be the main motives while designing a team building program. Virtual team-building programs utilize new state-of-the-art AI systems to educate the participants. These programs are customizable and skill-based, focusing on developing different aspects of the personality and behavior of the candidate. In 2023, it will be about an interactive approach by utilizing the hybrid or virtual team building processes, as these will be cost-effective.
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disneytva · 1 year
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August 2023 Programming Highlights
Wednesday, Aug. 2 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney XD Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures “The Girl and Her Gargantua/The Show Must Go On” (1-09) (9:00-9:30 a.m. EDT) “The Girl and Her Gargantua” – The younglings track an escaped creature.
“The Show Must Go On” – Nash’s Jedi friends help reunite her favorite band. TV-Y7
Friday, Aug. 4 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Firebuds “Roller Coaster Rescue/The Night Shift” (1-22) (7:00-7:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/1:50-2:20 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Roller Coaster Rescue” – The Firebuds must rescue three young wee-hicles from atop a roller coaster. *Keith David (“The Princess and the Frog”) recurs as daredevil Manny Kablamee. “The Night Shift” – The Buds’ first sleepover at their new HQ is unexpectedly interrupted. *Nat Faxon (“Loot”) recurs as getaway car Throttle. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Pupstruction “Professor Frazzle/A Crabby Neighbor” (1-12) (8:00-8:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Professor Frazzle” – Professor Frazzle keeps wrecking her lab with explosive experiments.
“A Crabby Neighbor” – Underwater, Pupstuction helps separate a cranky crab and his neighbor by building a wall between their houses. TV-Y
Original Shorts – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series Shorts “Grill or Be Grilled” (8:27-8:30 p.m. EDT)} Zed and Addison use lime soda to try to win a barbecue contest, but instead, they create a culinary disaster: a pizza monster that wants them on a plate. TV-G
Saturday, Aug. 5 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel The Ghost and Molly McGee “Carbon Zero Heroes/Davenport’s in Demise” (2-14) (8:00-8:30 p.m. EDT) “Carbon Zero Heroes” – When Molly and Ollie decide to embrace a carbon-zero lifestyle, they realize it’s harder than it seems.
“Davenport’s in Demise” – When Davenport’s closes, Andrea must figure out who she is without her family’s store. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! “Leather Jacket Hailey/In a Pinch” (1-14) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EDT) “Leather Jacket Hailey” – Hailey finds a leather jacket that brings out her rebellious side.
“In a Pinch” – When Hailey gets distracted by her list item instead of babysitting the school mascot, she lands herself in hot water. TV-Y7
Friday, Aug. 11 Original Series – Special Premiere – Simulcast on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Funhouse “Dino Safari” (2-18) (8:00-8:30 a.m. EDT) Mickey, Minnie and friends visit Prehistoric World to dino-sit some dinosaur eggs. When the dinosaurs start hatching and running loose, it’s a safari adventure to get all the babies back together.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Marvel’s Spidey and his Amazing Friends “Dino-Rama/Daytime at Night” (2-24) (8:30-9:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/1:00-1:30 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Dino-Rama” – The heroes stop Gobby and Rhino from wreaking havoc, but Reptil’s jewel turns them into dinosaurs.
“Daytime at Night” – Team Spidey must stop Electro from disturbing nocturnal animals in the forest. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney XD Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures “The Princess and the Jedi/Kai’s Bad Day” (1-10) (9:00-9:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD/7:30-8:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “The Princess and the Jedi” – Nash and the young Jedi transport a princess.
“Kai’s Bad Day” – Kai’s bad day worsens when a simple mission goes awry. TV-Y7
Original Shorts – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series Shorts “Cabin in the House” (8:27-8:30 p.m. EDT) Zed wants Eliza to go camping, but she has already programmed a lifelike, virtual campsite inside her bedroom and refuses to leave. TV-G
Saturday, Aug. 12 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel The Ghost and Molly McGee “Web of Lies/Kenny’s Falling Star” (2-15) (8:00-8:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD) “Web of Lies” – Molly and Scratch spiral with guilt when they think they’ve killed Darryl’s spider.
“Kenny’s Falling Star” – When Kenny Star escapes to Brighton, Molly helps him reconnect to his country roots. *Tony Hale (“Arrested Development”) guest stars as Calvin Redtop, and Yvette Nicole Brown (“Community”) returns as Dianne. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! “The Fart of War/Who Let the Dogs Out? (Hailey)” (1-15) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD) “The Fart of War” – When Scott has an awesome idea for a social media filter, A.C. claims the idea as his own.
“Who Let the Dogs Out? (Hailey)” – After Hailey reads an online rumor about Dingles Chips, she, Scott and Beta go to the factory to expose the truth. *Legendary satirist Al Yankovic (professionally known as Weird Al) guest stars as Chip Dingle. TV-Y7
Saturday, Aug. 12 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel The Ghost and Molly McGee “Web of Lies/Kenny’s Falling Star” (2-15) (8:00-8:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD) “Web of Lies” – Molly and Scratch spiral with guilt when they think they’ve killed Darryl’s spider.
“Kenny’s Falling Star” – When Kenny Star escapes to Brighton, Molly helps him reconnect to his country roots. *Tony Hale (“Arrested Development”) guest stars as Calvin Redtop, and Yvette Nicole Brown (“Community”) returns as Dianne. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! “The Fart of War/Who Let the Dogs Out? (Hailey)” (1-15) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD) “The Fart of War” – When Scott has an awesome idea for a social media filter, A.C. claims the idea as his own.
“Who Let the Dogs Out? (Hailey)” – After Hailey reads an online rumor about Dingles Chips, she, Scott and Beta go to the factory to expose the truth. *Legendary satirist Al Yankovic (professionally known as Weird Al) guest stars as Chip Dingle. TV-Y7
Friday, Aug. 18 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Funhouse “The Kooky Paleontologist!/That’s My Jam!” (2-17) (7:30-8:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/12:00-12:30 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “The Kooky Paleontologist!” – Von Drake whisks the gang off to Prehistoric World to find hot lava to repair their game.
“That’s My Jam!” – The gang embarks on a journey to gather instruments for a big jam session. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Pupstruction “Luna’s Bad Hair Day/Happy Maya’s Day” (1-14) (8:00-8:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Luna’s Bad Hair Day” – Luna avoids a haircut because she’s never had one before but learns it can be fun.
“Happy Maya’s Day” – Phinny helps Bailey build her Mother’s Day gift but struggles to complete his own in time. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Marvel’s Spidey and his Amazing Friends “Stolen WEB-Quarters/Spideys in Space!” (2-25) (8:30-9:00 a.m. EDT) “Stolen WEB-Quarters” – When Zola takes over WEB-Quarters, Team Spidey must decide whether to destroy it to save the city.
“Spideys in Space!” – Team-Spidey goes to the moon in their new Web-Spinner suits. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney XD Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures “Visitor’s Day/The Growing Green Danger” (1-11) (9:00-9:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD/7:30-8:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Visitor’s Day” – Jedi track down artifacts stolen from the town fair.
“The Growing Green Danger” – Nubs plants a seed that grows out of control. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior SuperKitties “Fruit Loot/Buddy Wanna-Be” (1-21) (9:30-10:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/1:25-1:55 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Fruit Loot” – The SuperKitties stop Zsa-Zsa from stealing all the oranges in Kittydale.
“Buddy Wanna-Be” – Bitsy wants to be strong like Buddy but learns she’s pawesome just the way she is. TV-Y
Friday, Aug. 25 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Funhouse “Dino See, Dino Do/Pete the Mighty Baby!” (2-21) (7:30-8:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/12:00-12:30 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Dino See, Dino Do” – Mickey and the gang head to Prehistoric World for a sleepover with some baby dinos.
“Pete the Mighty Baby!” – On a visit to meet Pete’s mom, Donald and Pete step into a fountain of youth which turns them into babies. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Marvel’s Spidey and his Amazing Friends “Hide & Seek/Whale of a Time” (2-26) (8:30-9:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/1:00-1:30 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Hide & Seek” – Team Spidey and The Thing must stop Gobby from using invisibility to cause trouble in the city.
“Whale of a Time” – Team Spidey must stop Doc Ock’s mechanical whale from disrupting the real whales. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney XD Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures “The Ganguls/Bad Eggs” (1-12) (9:00-9:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD/7:30-8:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “The Ganguls” – Nash’s Jedi friends set out to find her missing speeder.
“Bad Eggs” – Hap’s kitchen is overrun by creatures. TV-Y7
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ipc021group · 2 years
Best Team Building Company in Singapore
Team building strengthens team bonding. Visit our page Team building strengthens team bonding. Visit our page to check out our team-building activities power-packed with learning skills and training. to check out our team-building activities power-packed with learning skills and training.
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Virtual Character Tourney - Bracket B - Round 2
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Propaganda below (May contain spoilers!)
Monika propaganda:
She existed in a fake anime world and gained consciousness only to realize everything around her was fake. Her friends and family weren't real. Just 1 dimensional creations to serve the purpose of being cute anime waifus. She fell in live with the MC not because she liked him, but because you (the player) were the only real REAL thing. She only loved you because you had something shed never have but constantly dreamed for
A virtual game character who discovers the nature of her existence and the unfairness of her world.
Very complex character, who messes with the games files.
Eris propaganda:
She's a virus! She's kept in a mysterious box on each space station designated for the communications officer. She forces the (human) crew into a team-bonding exercise where they often end up killing their crewmates (it's in cyberspace so they're usually physically okay at the end but very very very mentally traumatized, for one person she put them through what felt like month of solitary confinement). After finishing the team-building exercise, the program must be terminated by shooting Eris. If the team leader/survivor doesn't do so, there's a back-up program that does. No escape or survival for this AI. Her data is then sent back to earth to improve her programming (get better at psychologically torturing people).
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It's been mentioned that Kokichi has some phantom pains and he has clear mobility issues (love that btw as someone who uses a cane), so I was curious how the rest of the class is doing in that regard. Does Kaito ever struggle to breathe or have coughing fits? Do Rantaro and Angie get migraines?
[Talent Acquisition Pilot Program AU Masterpost]
This one. This one got away from me.
tl;dr: Absolutely, Anon, we are on very similar pages! This ask really got me thinking about how the whole TAPP!cast is doing fresh out of the Killing Game. Every student in Class 79 is going through something, about now, be it physical or mental; in fact, it’s usually both.
Also: for sure, I want to try and be relatively true-to-life with their struggles, especially Kokichi’s. I write from personal experience living with chronic pain, but haven’t used a cane before. Apologies if I miss the mark at any point.
Obligatory disclaimer: I am not a healthcare professional of any kind and the AU’s premise is largely sci-fi, so there may be inaccuracies. That said, I am fascinated with biomechanics and always looking to learn, so I’m trying to keep things at least semi-plausible.
Full spoilers for Danganronpa V3 (and some for the end of SDR2) ahead!
Very Long Loredump (~6.2k words) under the cut:
Everyone is traumatized. That much is obvious, sure, but the Talent Acquisition Pilot Program (TAPP) is a virtual reality simulator based on the bones of the Neo World Program (NWP). In much the way SDR2’s NWP is purported to replicate death in the simulation in the players’ real bodies, the TAPP simulation is built to alter the brain chemistry of its participants. TAPP builds muscle memory and ‘burns’ new neural pathways to a participant’s Default Mode Network (DMN), a collective term for parts of the brain responsible for letting us “autopilot” common tasks like riding a bike or typing on a keyboard. The V3 cast’s experiences in the simulation impact their real bodies in a very literal sense to ‘speedrun’ them through orientation at Hope’s Peak and mainstream them in the curriculum as quickly as possible so its researchers can start collecting useful data on the merits of HPA for investors.
The problem is, nobody programming TAPP anticipated they would start killing each other.
Class 79 were the first human test subjects for the program with zero peer review or board approval, of course, because HPA is morally dubious and can pass off “dude, trust me” as genuine credentials to several world governments. Even if this massive oversight was not noticed until after the fact, V1 of TAPP did at least include one quasi-safety feature: if any player became “significantly injured”, that player would be ejected from the simulation. Everyone else would be locked in the simulation (in case one of them was involved and tried to evade consequences) until an administrator could come and manually assess the situation. In theory, the physically-unharmed student could rejoin the simulation once the conflict was resolved.
But TAPP was built to write data to the brain. It was not built to identify what data it’s actually writing, and cannot differentiate between playing the piano and getting smashed in a hydraulic press. Data is data.
It does not help that Team Danganronpa (the group of Reserve Course kids, including Tsumugi) are foolish teenagers entirely unaware of this, assuming that “none of it is real, so none of it will actually matter! we’re just scaring them!” While skimming through the code and thoroughly Knowing Not What They Do, they manage to remove any defined cap for what constitutes ‘significant injury’ before player ejection. The only flag that can set it off is a lack of any other player flags. Virtual death.
This is where Rantaro earns the title of “Ultimate Survivor”. The shotput ball put him down too quickly for the damage to be fully reflected in his physical body, so he managed to get ejected with post-concussive symptoms, short-term memory issues, and persistent migraines instead of fully dying. Were his method of death much slower, he’d likely have been screwed (and wouldn’t have Komaeda’s luck cycle to save him).
Time scales differently in TAPP than in the physical world; while Rantaro’s been at the virtual Academy for several days, the students have been strapped in their pods for a few hours at most. Between the Responsible Older Sibling Energy seared over the person he may have been before and an extant knack for escape room puzzles, Amami is The Man with the skills and motivation to call in backup.
It’s a good thing he did, too! Their “observer”, having tired of watching a bunch of students play the piano and run around outside, only figures out something has gone horribly wrong the moment Rantaro practically busts down the door. The next tense hour-plus is spent doing damage control and imposing limits on the code of the simulation to prevent TAPP from letting the students actually die. Unfortunately, the TDR kids and their takeover took a sizeable chunk out of the spaghetti code holding the whole thing together in their haste. TDR, with proposed talents like Ultimate Cosplayer on their side, are primarily concerned with artistry and are only competent-enough programmers. As a result, there is no obvious way to manually override the lock completely and just let the students out without significant defragging, even as TDR members are still actively messing with the code, and who knows how long that will take. (About 6-ish chapters)
Instead, for now, they’ll have to settle for putting as many programming-adjacent talents as possible on the case and exploit a loophole that panicking overseer managed to write: if the remaining students are systematically ejected, the program will bypass the lock and let them out. During the rescue operation, the main objective is first to minimize the physical damage TAPP can inflict by lowering the tolerance required to eject the students (which is easier said than done) and by dampening its neural-carving functions, then to get everyone left out of there.
It is a very good thing they sprung into action as quickly as they did, as it doesn’t take long for Kaede to arrive.
The first thing Kaede notices coming out of the simulation is that she can’t hum the notes to get back on-pitch after the worst rendition of Der Flohwalzer she has ever heard. The second thing she notices, because it is far easier to be angry about something trivial than face the slow-dawning realization you are having, is that she can only barely speak. It hurts.
I think Kaede learns to sign early on, but still finds herself trying to speak aloud anyway since she’s so used to having her hands busy already playing piano. Shuichi often reminds her to take it easy, treat it like a vocal rest, and steadily she begins to improve. She is as exuberant as ever, with determination fitting of our protagonist. Kaede is the Class 79 representative, though with his renewed confidence Shuichi often accompanies her. Not only are they best friends (though it is strange, at first, to see her alive after spending so long grieving. Kaede last saw him, like, yesterday.) and Kaede will inevitably tell Shuichi all about the meeting anyway so why not cut out the middle man,  but Shuichi initially came specifically to speak at meetings so Kaede wouldn’t strain her voice. She is immensely proud.
Rantaro doesn’t hold the shotput ball against her; desperate times, and all. It made sense her proactive attitude would make her first to act for the ‘greater good’. She aimed to end the whole thing, not just comply. Even if she swung and missed, he (an older brother with faint recollections of failing to protect the people depending on him and guilt knowing he doesn’t have the stomach to take a victim and thus will be failing people in need of protection again) can’t fault her for swinging. She is confused when he asks her how she launched the ball that hard, though. Odd.
Tenko has neck pain issues like Kaede, but hers are more acute. The seesaw effect was heinous but relatively precise; as the magnum opus of TDR’s homebrewed serial killer, they un/fortunately made him pretty good at it when he has a plan. Tenko has some of the least devastating lingering physical injuries of the class. Given the severity of her classmates’ injuries, though, that still leaves her with minor vocal strain, susceptibility to sore throats, and severe neck pain, among other things.
A lot of Tenko’s lingering trauma is mental: she isn’t quite as willing to immediately throw herself into the fray to help her friends, and certainly doesn’t want to leave her back exposed (a tendency she shares with Kokichi, of all people). While it did numbers on her perception of men again for a while, hearing about the trial left her with a lot to reconcile. In a ‘cool-motive-still-murder’ way, she does not forgive Kiyo (nor is she obligated to) but doesn’t hate him as much as she expected, either. Processing the idea that a girl could be horribly abusive, especially to a guy, and catalyze a cycle of violence… gets to her. She’s more wrapped up in the tragedy of the entire situation than the righteous indignation that’d fueled her for so long. Everybody lost that day.
She’s pleasantly surprised to see Himiko trying to lift her spirits now. Those two have a lot to talk about and boundaries to set, yes, but Tenko is still touched Himiko took her words to heart and seems to be benefiting from it.
Angie had bit more complicated situation than Tenko, getting KO’d before the fatal blow. Her migraines come on more often than Rantaro’s with high light, which is a special kind of awful for the SHSL Artist, but they’re generally closer to a dull ache. Once she gets going on a project she sets out to grin and bear it; Tenko and Himiko often check up on her. She does her best to stay just as upbeat as in the simulation, and if anything it seems more genuine now. She can actually relax, rather than mind-game her way to relative (unsteady) peace under duress.
(Angie is really interesting to me for many adjacent reasons to Kokichi, since they’re both willing to get morally gray and manipulative if it’ll keep everyone from killing each other. Angie-Kokichi compare contrast essay when?)
She hasn’t “forgiven” Kiyo either, but isn’t hostile while she evaluates whether or not his conviction in getting help and being better is genuine. She was pretty heavily affected by TDR’s “character rewrites” as well, after all, and empathizes with the feeling you’ve been used as a glorified dress-up doll. To some unknowable extent, she is a different person now, and it is frightening.
She’s trying to step back and re-analyze her sense of spirituality, particularly how it relates to her art. It’s existentially harrowing, having been made to toe the line between faith and fronting to either get people to either listen to her or not see her as a threat. She’s not even positive “Kami-sama” (not going with the localization here, my understanding is the Japanese version was deliberately more generic and at least a bit less disrespectful towards real people and their beliefs) is the same deity she’d believed in before TAPP, but it’s difficult to try and reconnect with your roots when none of you have any information on your previous lives.
They do, at least, have a resident anthropologist that might have a clue how to even start looking.
Hah. They sure do, huh.
I think Angie is the type to nominally forgive and never, ever forget. She holds the kind of grudge that lives beyond logic as all the compartmentalized emotions you don’t want to admit you have. A grudge that co-exists with an active desire to move on and seeps into her art.
Kiyo got burned.
Also dead, somehow, an extension of the Ultimate Placebo Effect we have going on in the simulation; Kiyo was so certain ghosts were real and he’d be one that, through earnest conviction, the simulation made it so. I think this is how Komaeda’s luck works in SDR2 as well; the original Neo World Program was developed for therapy, and in doing so assesses whether or not it would be completely devastating (do more harm than good) to actively disprove something about the patient’s worldview at that time and adapts the environment accordingly. Hence you get a reality-warping luck cycle and ghosts are Definitely Real. Is either true in the outside world? No idea! Komaru talks to a ghost in UDG, once, but considering it’s unclear if Kiyo’s sister was ever a living person to begin with there are bigger fish to fry.
Or not. He’s pretty damn-well aware much that hurts. Or at least being boiled and seasoned does. Going by that kind of simulator-logic, I think in a technical sense it was the salt that killed him, not the torture. There’s probably something to unpack there I haven’t fully explored yet.
Rumors start going around campus that Kiyo is a vampire. It makes enough sense for watercooler gossip, the mask covering up fangs and an aversion to lingering out in the sun; Class 79 knows it’s actually because sunburn, for him, is a new brand of Unfun. He prefers to hole up in the library or his lab anyway, so it could be worse. He’s honestly kind of into becoming a school cryptid. It helps transition him from “avoiding my classmates and other people because they hate me, i also hate me, and we are all correct to do so. i am an extension of her so it does not matter what i want” towards “i am not my past, i cannot make up for what ive done but i can move forward and be better, i am forging a new self and it is mine this time and it always should have been”.
(Kokichi is particularly proud of having kickstarted the cryptid thing. Of course Shinguji would love to watch the evolution of new local lore in real time! Now he doesn’t mope in the corner half as much. He’s still in the corner, granted, but its probably reading while Rantaro sits next to him on his phone instead of moping!)
Kiyo’s also in therapy now. They all have therapy scheduled into their school weeks, but Kiyo has a session besides. Fabrication or not, everyone’s backstories are functionally now ‘real’ and need to be dealt with. Kiyo, Maki, and Kokichi got hit particularly hard on that front. Those scars run deep, but are starting to heal.
Of the students with whole-body injuries, Kiyo probably has the most manageable physical symptoms at this stage. He has to have long sleeves and generally keep as covered as he can so that he can subdue the part of his mind that expects the skin is still raw and flaking (it isn’t, but phantom sensations suck). Overheating pushes him toward a panic state like the end of his trial, which doesn’t exactly gel with the first point, but he’s working on it. Rantaro and Kokichi, occasionally Shuichi, tend to notice and start to defuse the situation. Part of me wonders if he’d have a black lace parasol on sunny days to lean in to the ‘mystery’ around him, plus for the sheer Aesthetic of it.
Speaking of full-body injuries: Kirumi. She has similar ‘got-to-keep-covered’ issues to Kiyo, particularly wearing heavier work gloves now just to minimize any potential for cuts (and, in the back of her mind, ropeburn). Breaking several bones on impact was rough, though fast enough that she’s had remarkable improvement in a relatively short period of time. She started out on crutches, which made it difficult for her to keep up with her workaholic inclinations, but unlike some of the other students she has at least an idea of “when to quit” as not to make things worse. She’s still genuinely lost some bone density resulting from her treatment and coping methods, finding that she really does need to lean on her friends on occasion, but she is still resolute she is a care-giver, damn it. On both physical and mental fronts she’s dealing with reclaiming her agency and independence.
Kirumi is one of the few, with Maki, whose talent courses actively discourage the kinds of behavior they need for personal growth and mental health maintenance. Kirumi is still reconciling her “rewrite”, the encoded passivity in her and clash of her “selfless devotion” against her own will to live and thrive, a nightmarish reminder that You Are Not Your Own. The “Ultimate” maid needs to be agreeable, to follow orders, and hasn’t the tampering just improved her proficiency at her craft? Why be so upset? Never mind having to reconstruct her proper ability to tell people “no”, having to re-learn it’s okay to do things for yourself; according to her programmed instinct, her classes, those very things are antithetical to her talent. And everything relies on that talent, doesn’t it?
Kirumi and Kokichi are the two in Class 79 who were discharged with mobility devices that got students in the other classes… more than mildly concerned about what the hell happened to all of these freshmen (well, first year at HPA anyway), but luckily for HPA administration they’re also probably the two people least likely to offer details.
There are enough students who have chest pain and associated issues that they made a club about it. It started out as Miu, Ryoma, and Kaito all independently concluding there was no way in hell they were making it through a mile run and sitting on the bleachers. Once they’d had an opportunity to gather themselves again, they do as teens are wont to do and started talking to each other. Hypoxia is an oddly effective experience to bond over. They call themselves the RIBs, standing for “Respiratory-Issue Beleaguered” (students), mostly because it made Miu laugh and for as irritating as the sound could be they’d missed it.
Kaede, Tenko, Gonta, and Kokichi also stop by from time-to-time, meaning precisely half of the 14 active Class 79 students revolving-door through this unofficial student group. HPA took notice. Class 79 has its own gym class, now, taking into account the state of everyone. One could argue that should have been the case from the onset. They would be correct.
Ryoma is fairly elusive. He generally keeps to himself and remains a Fairly Chill Guy with a cool temperament everyone wants to emulate (he doesn’t see what they see in him) and some Complicated Feelings now knowing he hasn’t killed anyone in the certified Real World and, by logic, should not have to have the memories of a hardened prisoner. He still does.  The persistent rasp in his voice now surprises nobody, but it took a few days for everyone in the class to stop flinching a little hearing it. He frequently hangs out in the animal shed with Gonta, Gundham, and Peko to take care of the cats.
We’ve seen quite a bit of Miu in the AU so far, but to recap a lot of her deal:
She loathes having to “take it easy” but will do so reluctantly
She tries to talk less to stretch out her working time as much as she can (even if she can’t resist just a little banter when Kokichi swings by)
She’s trying to approach her death with a sense of humor. A choker with a huge heart-shaped buckle replaces her usual necklaces with full awareness of the irony. Ha-ha, a choker. It’s a dare for anybody to bring it up, ‘I’ve said it before anyone else could’. The first thing she did waking up was try and make an autoerotic asphyxiation joke. It did not make her feel better like she thought it would.
Miu spends most of her time in her lab, now. Granted, she did that already, but she’s particularly fixated on re-creating a certain Ultimate Robot, ground-up if she has to. Fortunately, she has a team assembled (re: two upperclassmen and the Ultimate Supreme Shit-for-brains). We’ll see how this pans out soon enough.
When not re-building Kiibo outright, she ““takes a break”” innovating in other areas (re: prototyping potential features for kIIbo, usually testing them on a bored Kokichi. He usually complies because Miu is one of the few who doesn’t look at him with a patronizing amount of pity she’s Not boring. Mm-hmm. All there is to it.)
Miu does not resent Gonta (or Kokichi, for that matter) for killing her. There's a small extent to which she's a little relieved she was stopped from going through with her plan to kill Kokichi, and a much bigger disconnect between her idea of reality and her memory of Chapter 4. Miu died in a VR game within another VR game. Having messed around with the programming and guts of the nested simulation personally, it still seems fake. She didn't really die, no matter how real it felt; they were in a simulation. Logically, she's well aware of how it works and the consequences, but it doesn't feel like it was more than a glorified fever dream on an emotional level. Both Gonta and Kokichi are more outwardly traumatized by her death than Miu as a byproduct of how she's processing it. She's not "better off" or "less impacted" so much as "disassociated from the whole thing and very much wanting to put it behind them before it catches up with her", thus burying herself in work and trying as hard as she can to bring back the one person she wants to comfort her.
Kiibo's absence is not great for her abandonment issues. It is hard to blame him when he never had a physical body to begin with, though. 
Gonta is also with the RIBs, and reeling from it the most visibly of everyone on account of just how. Much, his death was. An allergic reaction blocking off the air, puncturing at least one lung for certain, and living long enough to feel the shrapnel of the laptop lodge into the wound alongside the scythe, the fire quickly eating away any oxygen, any hope of gasping another breath… yeah no he acts as much the gentleman as ever but he is not okay. As Resident Buff Nature Boy Gonta tanked it better than anyone else in the class could have, but the sheer excess of the thing gets to him. Fond memories of setting a campfire in the woods with his adoptive family are overwritten, vespidae in general… hitting differently. But Gonta is kind, to a fault. More resolute than ever to make himself into a kind of person not perceived as ‘too intimidating’ to be friends with, acknowledging the capacity he has for violence is difficult. Somewhere deep down he knows that everybody does, especially in their circumstances, but still acts as though his case is exceptionally bad (nobody else does. This does not deter him, becoming a little less gullible when its least helpful).
He is also not as disconcerted by the occasional spontaneous sensation that your insides are going to lose structural integrity, even with no stitches to pop, that with only the damaged wake and no piercing sharp pain to focus on and blame for the mess could potentially be perceived as a bizarre, abstracted kind of crawling feeling from the inside-out. Things in motion, displaced from where they are meant to be. He knows it isn’t bugs, isn’t glass and metal and plastic, that it isn’t anything but himself. A teeny-tiny part of him wishes it were. At least being shelter for a hive of some sort would be helpful. Aren’t gentlemen helpful, they improve life for people, make things better and how could anyone even look at you again knowing what you’re capable of, who in their right mind would talk to you, you’re going to end up alone again talking to stray cats in the alley since not even the wolves would stay—
Gonta also has extra therapy. He already had to work out self-worth issues, but the game pushed them to interfere too much in daily life not to actively work on.
Kaito has made several background and supporting appearances without much central attention just yet. It's not that I don't like him or anything (I do!) but I guess because it seems like well-worn territory in V3 fic to me? Kaito is endlessly proud of Maki and Shuichi (Himiko too, less personally) for "winning" in the face of the killing game, and the training trio of them meet back up again regularly. Only.
It's different, now. 
He's no longer sick and dying, but his lungs 'top out' at a certain level of activity and refuse to take in more air, this burning sensation that leaves him only able to huff and wheeze and brings his training regiment to a dead stop. He treasures those last moments in his failed execution where he got to see the stars, because a lingering anxiety in the back of his mind won't let him forget that he never will again. Not the way he'd dreamed of, the way he'd planned to, the way he'd centered his identity around. There is no way, as things are, that he will pass all the physical exams to become a proper astronaut. 
The drawn-out deterioration of his health during the simulation chipped away at his physical lungs at a rate too gradual for the countermeasures the rescue team implemented; TAPP did more overt physical damage to Kaito than anyone else. It could certainly be worse and he is gradually improving, but some degree of it is permanent. It haunts him. He's trying not to think about it.
It does, though, drive a wedge between him and his sidekicks; the survivors are planning their futures, and Kaito is not too far from a slight tailspin without any idea what his might look like for the first time he can recall. Space has been the dream since he was a kid (as has getting there in this specific role) and it almost feels like a rejection. Like he got too cocky, and the cosmos decided it didn't want him. 
It starts to make a little more sense, then, that he starts willingly hanging out with Kokichi. They went through the hangar together, of course, but even besides the traumabond (and a need to, after he woke from his coma, make sure the little brat is still alive, damn it, you can't run away anymore it counts now) but. If anyone else gets having such drastically shifted circumstances that life as you'd imagined it no longer makes logistical sense, it's probably the leader without an organization. There's no need to explain the feelings of inadequacy, or the aimlessness, going through the motions of classes and formal education because what the hell else am I going to do, right now? It's familiar. 
Kokichi needs someone willing to chase him, no matter how circuitous the route becomes. Kaito needs someone willing to shake him by the shoulders and snap him out of his own head, so sure it's all-or-nothing and that if he can't be the Luminary as he'd dreamed of it whatever happens next is immaterial in comparison. Kaito needs to adapt and roll with the punches, Kokichi needs to double back from his logical leaps from point A to point Q and articulate his thoughts clearly to other people (at least some of the time.) The two of them concoct little daily and weekly rituals, like Kokichi stealing Kaito's notebook and drawing in it, just because the consistency of company reminds them both that they aren't the only one going through this. 
None of the other students quite get it, but have come to accept it.
Then there’s Kokichi.
Ah, Kokichi, whose whole deal in this scenario inspired me to write about this AU at all (and who manages to weasel his way into every comic and a other entries in these notes) . I’m biased, I know, but there are also a few reasons he’s singled out in-universe as well:
A) So a hydraulic press does not slam down quickly. The pause-and-play of the video deliberately makes it look much faster than it was; watching enough of the hydraulic press channel makes it abundantly clear that it was not instant. Kokichi was impaled with two crossbow bolts (the one in the back being bad enough already), poisoned by those bolts, and then pressed. He had to have felt non-zero of the Pressing, which, considering it already had to be agony before bones started breaking… the rest of the class might not have been fond of him, sure, but he’s right there with Gonta on “sheer level of excess.” Not even Maki is at a point of wishing that on him. Not after finding out how drawn out and excruciating it was. Veering into headcanon, I’m going to add “sleep deprivation” on the pile as exacerbating the whole thing, given his conspiracy whiteboard and everything after the concussion, honestly.
Combined with the World’s Worst Placebo Effect, King Horse takes the crown for top “my entire body hurts most of the time” severity. It’s not a desirable one, but when your previous life is all but erased there is exactly one choice available between Big and Home. Let it be said Kokichi Ouma has never half-assed anything he’s set his mind to, ever.
B) Ouma is paranoid and distrusting, which adds the psychological angle of “you literally shot me in the back” to a poison-laced crossbow bolt in his mind. TAPP will very literally never let him forget the bolt burying itself in the muscle of his back, barely kept from severing his spinal cord; he won’t forget the shivering and shaking from the poison, or the bile rising in the back of his throat handing Kaito the antidote. (He still wanted to live. He forfeit the right, he thought, after getting Gonta and Miu killed, but he still wanted to. That was all the more reason to quadruple-down on the press idea and making their three deaths mean something, damn it. Three, because Kaito could live. If the killing game ends there is no execution. It’ll be over. Can’t take back the past, but at least one of the pair of you has to walk out of this forsaken place!)
(… Can you really believe that? Or is it just another lie.
A lie you want, with all the heart they’re so sure you do not have, to blithely believe. There has to be a cure for whatever the hell has gotten into Kaito once the game ends and they can look for it, it might even stop cold the moment the game ends. That dumbass space cadet can go back to his sidekicks and he better appreciate it, the comradery you’ll never have, because he is the designated Hero and Heroes get happy endings. You want-want-want-want to trust in that lie, to trust him with the collected thoughts and notes and pieces of you spilled across reams of paper that have been so pointlessly important for you to keep secret this whole time. For once in your life, you want to believe you will not be betrayed. You want to believe in the closest thing you have left to a friend.
It will, in fact, be the last thing you do.)
C) Ouma is paranoid and distrusting. Again. Only this flavor has more to do with his persistent denial anything is wrong, in turn making things a lot worse for himself. Mental trauma and impressions of physical sensations can have physical effects. Clinging to his persona and trying to keep bouncing around like nothing ever happened turned a very difficult but potentially manageable condition into small amounts of permanent nerve damage within the first day of waking up. It screws with his coordination; just what he needed at a school that prizes talent above all else, when he is a leader with no organization and proficiencies in sleight of hand, forgery, lockpicking, and generally evading anything that might threaten him because he can’t take very many hits.
D) Kokichi was last of the class to wake up from the simulation, even after the survivors. They thought he was actually dead for a bit. Just when they were thinking of  giving up on him Kokichi Ouma, SHSL Stubborn Son of a Bitch, refuses to stay down for the count.
HPA already knew Class 79 would need accommodations on account of their negligence, but it became much harder to sweep things under the rug when they thought they’d actually killed a student. Even worse, thirteen witnesses have been actively fraternizing and scaled the flashback-gaslighting required to cover it up to easily exceed what their current technology is capable of.
Half the class was positive Ouma was playing dead specifically to fuck with them and light the fire under them to act. He and Kaito are the only ones to know without a shred of doubt that he was not. He still gladly takes the credit, though.
E) Class 79 as a whole already adapted to Ouma Being Ouma, so when the definition of ‘Being Ouma’ expanded he’s still pretty distinct. He hangs out around the people closest to him often, particularly Miu, Kaito, and Rantaro, but the entire class knows now that he’s pretty much beyond the point of perfidy. Even if he were to lie about being in more pain than he is at a given moment, there’s constantly enough underlying truth in how vulnerable he is that it’s not strategically worth trying to use as a manipulative tactic. It’s too real. Plus, he knows better than to boy-that-cried-wolf his way out of help from his classmates after getting lost on campus once and fainting before he found his way back.
K1-B0, as far as has been established, is being re/built. Miu is spearheading the project. Presumably, he is currently hanging out on at least one computer in the school, somewhere. Per the AU, though, Chapter 6 did go a bit differently than canon, so we’ll catch up with him soon.
Nobody is exactly certain what happened to Shirogane. Or, at the very least, nobody in the class knows. Admin is certainly not about to tell them. Wouldn’t it be just like the Ultimate Cosplayer to Theseus her way back into their lives following a single loose thread…
Shuichi, Maki, and Himiko each emerged from the simulation minimally physically harmed in a lasting sense beyond initial fatigue from being hooked up for so long. Each is still moving forward on their established character arc: Himiko is finding her motivation, Maki is learning to open up, and Shuichi is becoming more sure of himself and his detective abilities.
I think Himiko begins embracing the 'stage' side of her magic, considering that TAPP was blocking my mana, and you know what? I survived a killing game, and I didn't even need it. What else can I do without my mana? As time goes on, she'll likely value her own practical skills more rather than relying on her want of more fantastical powers. Not to say she'd disown them, but more that she could admit to herself it's more for fun than a need to affix something exceptional to her identity. She is enough as she is.
Maki enters HPA and immediately requests transfer out of 'Ultimate Assassin' classes. She hates fighting, per canon, and after going through the simulation she is no longer afraid of any authority figure that may deny her because she has certifiably seen worse. She initially tries to pivot and become the Ultimate Child Caregiver, for Real This Time; she is genuinely pretty good with kids. After a little incident nearly choking Kokichi, though? It confirms what she'd been afraid of all along: her patience is too thin, her instinct to defend too heavy on the trigger. She talks to Peko about it, among other people, Mukuro and Sakura chief among the other classes. She'd made their acquaintances during combat training in the first few days at HPA. She especially confides in Kaede, who carries a more-domestic-less-battlescorn perspective on it she can't help but appreciate. Kaede takes her to not-Claire's, playing with accessories and make-up and generally reclaiming some of the girlhood Maki has effectively never been allowed to have. In the whole process, Maki realizes she wants more than anything to protect the ability to have that kind of frivolity, that freedom: she changes tracks again, to become a SHSL Bodyguard.
Shuichi is a difficult one to place for me, exactly. He's in a state of becoming significantly more confident in the wake of the simulation, but the deviation from canon has turned the main conflict away from ending a destructive cycle and towards fighting the idea of predetermination by an external force. Shirogane was predetermined to stay in the Reserve Course despite her skills and aspirations, and railed against it; Kiibo was predetermined to be an AI helper and not a person, but embraced the role so hard he developed a soul of his own; Maki denies her talent and changes her destiny, Himiko embraces hers.
I suppose Saihara must fall somewhere in the middle, then. An observer steadfastly declaring that yes, there were aspects of life shaped for them beyond their control (entry into the simulation if they wanted a taste of success, the killing game, the "character rewrites" overriding the people they were before...) and yes they cannot control everything. What happened has happened. There are always going to be things you can't control (like how severely you burn in the sun, or whether you get headaches with the lights up too high, or even if your dream life rockets away too fast for you to catch unless you want to lose what you still have) but you can adapt to it. It's tempting to give in, to consider it all a lost cause, to submit to the forces you feel are puppeting you, but see. You keep living anyway, because you have to. The only way forward is through. Even if you were a puppet, you're still an independent you, and that means something. Maybe you can't snap your strings, but you can sure as hell stretch them out and bend them in a way you like better than this one.
Not having total control doesn't mean the control you do have doesn't matter.
So Shuichi is taking up cases as a detective, now. Seeing how he likes it. If not? Well. Skills are transferable. 
He'll be okay.
They all will.
(The first screenshot I took of this ask to begin drafting vs. the last one:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I'm sorry I am bad at timely responses but I hope they are Good.)
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Modern!AU Phantom of the Opera Headcanons Part 2: College/University
More modern!AU headcanons for our favorite squad of weirdos. Enjoy!
Major: music performance, Masters program (originally in creative writing but took an elective music class and was so good/loved it so much that she decided to switch)
Meg is her roommate, Madame Giry is one of her professors and is super strict
Met Raoul at a party that Meg dragged her to, she wasn’t really enjoying it and was about to leave when Raoul recognized her and they started talking (they were middle school friends)
Met Erik super late at night in a library when she was feeling really stressed/burnt out for an upcoming test. Erik noticed her struggling and found some books to help her, leaving them in obvious places for her to find. She eventually catches him hiding a book for her and thanks him for his help; it soon becomes a routine for them to meet up and study together in the library.
Has a part-time job at Starbucks to help pay for tuition, has Erik’s order memorized and ready for him by the time he walks in at the same time every day
Joins a bunch of clubs freshman year, had a hard time managing it all and got really burnt out, she learned her lesson and quit most of them the next semester
Major: double major in music theory and history, working on PhD in architecture
Takes most of his classes virtually or watches the online posted lectures so he can stay home and not have anyone see him
Goes to the libraries/lecture halls really late at night to study (this is how he met Christine)
You know the threatening notes he sends to the managers? Those are what his emails to professors are like; he’ll find dirt on them and blackmail them into boosting his grade
For example he found out a science professor was having an affair with a student and threatened to tell administration; now he has his own private lab space in the basement of the science building
Cannot study without music, has the ultimate study playlists
His notes are messy and practically illegible, but he can somehow decipher them enough to study from them; you definitely want his study guides, they are so thorough
He can hack into the school’s records and access all of the test questions from previous years, uses it to help Christine study
Major: originally business (his family wanted him to take over the family business) but he hated it, was undeclared for a while before settling on law
Secretly loves the movie “Legally Blonde”, always talks about how realistically it portrays its court cases
He is 100% in a frat (but like a rich kid frat), has a lot of events involved with the fraternity that take up a lot of his time
Partied a lot in freshman year, scaled it back the next year when he failed a couple classes
Joins the intramural tennis team on campus, tries to get Christine into it too but it is just not right for her
Always wants to be in a group with Christine for group projects, mostly because he likes her but also because she is really smart and responsible; she motivates him to study
Almost started a fire in the dorms when he snuck in a contraband hotplate
Has a car and offers to drive Christine everywhere, but parking on campus is a nightmare and he can’t parallel park to save his life
Definitely ~experimented~ in college before becoming Christine’s boyfriend
His first official date with Christine was at a college football game; they left during halftime because they were bored and their team was losing anyway, got pizza and watched a movie instead.
He is a history professor working on his tenure
One of those “cool” professors who lets his class out early and super easy to talk to
Responds to essay-long emails with “Ok”
Wears suits to lecture; you will never see this man in jeans except at the grocery store
Erik shows up to his office one day to complain about a mistake he thinks Daroga made in class while lecturing, and Daroga brings up the fact that Erik doesn’t even attend class so he has no right to talk. They have a conversation about Erik’s insecurities and eventually make a deal where Erik can watch class online but has to make up his attendance grade for the class by completing an extra project by the end of the year.
From then on, Daroga is like a mentor to a begrudging Erik
Daroga even makes him be a TA for his class; Erik hates the idea at first but actually proves to be a pretty good teacher (but a harsh grader)
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