#Voltron fic ideas
Voltron Fic Idea: Opaline
Set during the time where Keith was the black paladin.
Voltron had been invited to a planet they had previously saved from Galran control for a ball. They were asked to arrive a few days earlier than when the ball would occur, so they did. The locals seemed nice enough, welcoming them like one would welcome their savior and what not. However, they seemed to have a preference among the paladins. They adored Pidge and Keith for their ability, while they were mostly neutral towards Hunk, Allura, and Coran. But as for Lance, they treated him as if he were just dirt on the bottoms of their shoes.
No matter how poorly the locals treated Lance, the team couldn't see it. The locals were practically geniuses when it came to keeping things on the down low while still having an impact on their target.
The ball finally arrived, and the team attended. They mingled with the locals, discovering that only the highest classes of people on the planet were in attendance (think nobles and royalty). In the center of the ballroom sat a large ornate well of some sort, filled to the brim with a bright shimmering liquid that seemed to shift colours with the light. The team noticed, however, that none of the locals entered about a 3 meter radius of it and when asked what it was they managed to veer the conversation away from the topic smoothly and without raising red flags.
Eventually, the ballroom dancing began. The paladins danced well, Lance in particular danced like he was born for it. Each of them were constantly changing partners throughout the dance but were able to see each other for most of it. Soon enough, Lance vanished. Nobody thought anything of it until the music stopped and all the locals immediately turned towards the well in the center of the ballroom. Where Lance was being cornered by multiple guards, all with weapons out and ready, should Lance prove to be violent. The guards backed Lance up until his heels hit the edge of the well and then pushed him. Lance vanished beneath the surface of the shimmering liquid.
The team was furious and about to attack when the planet's leader spoke up and talked to them. They informed the team that the well in the center of the room was filled to the brim with liquid quintessence.
If you choose to write with this, you can finish it however you like but my idea was that Lance would be fished out of the well and the first thing everyone notices are his eyes, which would have become like beautiful opals (hence the title). Enjoy!
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fioleespring · 5 months
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i had this klance fic idea about an atla au where team voltron is alive during the avatarless 100 years and the waterbending purge
lance and allura live in one of the southern water tribe villages. one day the village is attacked by a fire nation ship where keith is one of the soldiers. lance and allura are captured. lance meets keith who is on guard duty and they start talking. one day keith isn't as careful with the water and lance manages to incapacitate him, free himself and allura and escape. he takes keith with them as a prisoner for information. then the three of them go on a quest to free the other captured waterbenders
some more details:
allura has white hair because she was blessed by the spirit of the ocean who saved her from drowning. her family was killed in one of the fire nation attacks. her waterbending style is powerful moves and controlling big amounts of water
lance is better at waterbending that requires precision. not as much power as allura but is better at control. one time he heats up water and keith starts thinking lance did some firebending and is the avatar which lance finds hilarious
keith's mom was from the fire nation but she opposed the rule and keith's dad was from the colonies. keith was orphaned though and the orphanage threw him into the army as soon as he was old enough. keith hates it there
later they meet pidge (nonbender, looking for her family), hunk (earthbender, offers them a place to stay when keith gets injured), shiro (nonbender, sailor who helps them get to the island prisons)
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bleh1bleh2 · 1 year
I'm thinking about keith and how he grew up as a mixed kid but didnt know he was mixed. But there has to be Some things he did that was more galra
So like. As he grew up his hair got a bit of a purple twinge to it (not super noticeable, but definitely there). He gets very slight fangs. I think purring/growling is so fun in concept (but before voltron the last time he purred was probably around shiro. If not that than his dad. Keith growling is more common)
Also i feel like his dad would have taught him some galra shit he learned from krolia and when keith went to school everyone was so confused about some of this little boys interactions
Anyways voltron time now. Pidge and hunk are like "guys. I swear i heard keith purr. This is crazy" and lance is like "yeah? He growls too. This isnt news." Bc he pays so much attention to his rival 24/7
And when keith joins the blade he sees them do the some of the same shit that he did as a little kid and hes like "oh. It was galra traditions. Thats cool"
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justaz · 4 months
lance grew up in a large family that is used to so much noise that a lot of the time, lance isn't heard. it's not that his family is ignoring him but things just get lost and for someone like lance who cannot Shut The Fuck Up it happens very often. then his friends grow used to his prattle and it just becomes like white noise for them. lance is so used to being ignored that when he realized keith was actually listening to him and comprehending his babble, he is just a puddle.
keith is silent as he listens to every word lance says while lance is like barely paying attention to what he says (adhd x autism ftw) and it happens in front of the rest of the team but whatever lance just said caught one of their attentions and they interrupt to ask him to repeat what he said and lance is just like "you think i know what was coming out of my mouth?" and keith repeats what lance said perfectly. lance stares at him and is Soft but all he can manage is a smile.
it gets so much worse, lance turns his prattle to keith instead of the room in general and is so excited that someone is actually listening that his speech grows faster and faster until he's barely speaking anything intelligible (bonus hc lance speaks many languages so when he gets excited its just a combination of various different languages. it starts with spanglish then he incorporates samoan and then portuguese and italian etc etc)
i love yapper!lance x listener!keith
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soulreapin · 6 months
keith who always has an earbud in. there are never words without whiskey-strong music behind them.
without the comfortable ache of his earbuds in his ears there is the sound of fighting and slamming doors. children crying and panicked breathing.
there is not a thing that convinces him to take those earbuds out.
he lives a life of white noise and soft rock.
until lance. lance who’s mouth runs and runs like a track star set loose.
lance who speaks like a fourth of july sparkler and is right at keith’s ear, trying to pry past the molded cushion of his earbud.
when the earbuds come out doorjambs rattling becomes lance pouring his coffee and yapping in spanish. hushed yelling becomes the pad of socked feet on floors and quiet storytelling.
the earbuds stay tucked away one day and do not return. keith has found a better white noise. one who’s words make sense.
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It has been many, many days since Lance has seen his bed.
Actually, he’s not sure how many days it’s been since he’s seen his dorm, either. Probably more than four. What he has right now is the app Pidge made him for his birthday, where he can input several alarms in advance and thus set up reminders for every single one of his classes and assignments et cetera, and empty can of Redbull, and an equally empty wallet.
He looks blankly at the vending machine in front of him, in the dilapidated old hallway in the science building. The lights in the machine are long broken, so the clearest thing he can see in the dark glass is his own reflection. He looks busted as hell — there are more bags under his eyes than actual eyes, his hair is a logic defying mix of flat and greasy and frizzy beyond gravity, his skin seems to almost sag, and there’s a grey quality to him, as if he’s a cartoon in a black and white TV show. Tired does not begin to cover it.
Midterms are hell.
“C’mon,” he mutters, wrapping his hands around the sides of the machine and shaking slightly.
More people die per year from being crushed to death by vending machines then via shark attack.
Lance squeezes his eyes shut. The image of his Marine Bio II textbook and all its dorky fun fact graphics still burns behind his eyelids. He’s read it so many times at this point that he’s not sure if he’ll ever be able to forget it.
“Please,” he says again, half begging and half praying. To what he doesn’t know. The vending machine, probably. He honestly cannot remember the last thing he ate. It was probably takis, but. Still. He needs sustenance again. Preferably the kind that is less than two dollars and he can eat while filling out calculus problems.
He fumbles with the little flap at the base of the machine, managing to tug it open on the third try and stick his arm in it. He stretches, managing to brush his fingertip on the corner of a dust-covered Snickers, but can’t quite manage to tip it out of its little cell.
He sighs, resting his forehead on the glass. He’ll just — close his eyes, maybe. For three seconds. His alarms will go off twenty minutes before class starts, so it’s fine. And no one even comes into this hallway so it’s not like he’ll get robbed, or anything. Not that he has anything to rob.
Rest. Just a little one. If he can’t get snacks he’ll rest. It’s fine. He doesn’t need to study for the next few minutes anyway. He can afford one or two percent on his midterm. Probably. Or not, but that’s a Future Lance problem. Present Lance needs to power off for half a second.
He registers, vaguely, the sound of rumbly growling accompanied by heavy footsteps coming from behind it, but dismisses it easily. He’s gone at least half a week without sleep. He knows science. It’s hallucination time. It’s not his first and it won’t be his last. He’s been hearing pterodactyl roars periodically for the last six hours. It’s whatever. It’ll chill out by the time he opens his eyes again.
The footsteps stop, and Lance sighs a little, and then the vending machine moves as if shifted, and Lance thinks, huh.
Then the sound of glass shattering echoes in the dusty hallway, and Lance thinks, louder, h u h.
And then Lance opens his eyes, blinking away the grogginess, a — person stands in front of him, dressed in the dweebiest GI Joe meets James Bond outfit of all time, seven foot four, covered in purple fur. Fangs protrude from his mouth. His ears are massive and fluffy. His sclera are yellow.
He holds out, in clawed hands, a bag of takis, pulled from a hole punched clean through the old glass.
Huh, Lance thinks, for the third time.
Slowly, because what the fuck, Lance reaches out and grabs the offered snack. In the three seconds it takes for the snack to travel from the stranger’s hand to his, he decides, whatever. It’s been a long period of time. He is thinking half in math. He is starving. He did not, technically, steal these takis, so there’s not even an issue morally. There’s not an issue anywhere, really. It’s a non-issue.
“Thanks,” he says, muffled from the eight chips he’d immediately shoved in his mouth at once.
The person (he’s a person, probably, right, he got him takis, non-people don’t generally get people takis) makes some kind of — growling noise, at him, but not a scary one. A fairly neutral one, if Lance had to categorize it.
Or maybe he’s wrong and he’s about to get eaten. Who knows. That’s an issue, once again, for Future Lance.
“I’m Lance,” Lance says, sticking out his non-chip dust covered hand to shake.
The person brightens, grabbing Lance’s hand and shaking it so vigorously it nearly pops out of its socket. He garbles something in what Lance assumes is French, too fast for him to make out. He must be an exchange student. Lance would usually try to strike up a conversation, ask how he’s liking it here — he knows how hard it can be, struggling with a new language in a new country — and he even took a semester of French in high school, and it’s decently similar to Spanish, so he could probably keep up with the guy.
But Lance is probably medically brain dead, at this point. Thoughts outside of practice exam questions are just…so hard.
“I’m gonna call you Keith,” Lance says (because someone at the local starbucks has a thing for Keith Richards so those are the only songs in his head right now. The matching mullets also come into play).
Keith offers no protest.
Lance’s alarm goes off in his back pocket, startling him. He pops the last taki in his mouth, wiping the dust on his jeans, and swipes open his phone, reading the notification. Physics tutorial in twenty minutes on the other side of campus. Oh, he knows that one. The TA is a ninety year old retired air force pilot who sits at the front of the classroom with a random tangentially-related-to-class-material wikipedia article open on his phone and reads out loud when he finds something interesting. Finally, Lance can nap.
“Well, Keith,” Lance says, crumpling up his package and tucking it in his pocket. “I appreciate the chips. You cannot understand how much. I’m gonna head to class. See you around?”
He pats the guy’s shoulder as he walks past him. Or, well, tries, he ends up kind of tapping his upper bicep because lordie the man is tall. Keith doesn’t say anything back, but Lance isn’t really paying any attention to him anymore, as rude as that is. There’s this one cupboard, in his physics class, in the very back corner, and there’s a space in between it and the wall that he just barely fits in between, right on top of a heating grate. It’s heaven. It might even be more comfortable than his dorm bed, not that he can remember what that feels like. Ha. He’s so looking forward to it. This nap is going to hit so hard. He can feel it in his bones. He’s gonna nap through physics, then stop at the cafe in between the building and the library, espresso up, and study until close. And then his last midterm at six thirty tomorrow morning. And then he can collapse in bed and stay there for four days. Freedom is so close.
As he hauls ass to the classroom, slipping and sliding on the icy November sidewalks, he catches someone following him out of the corner of his eye. Like the footsteps from earlier, this is not the first time he’s seen this. When he looks he’s sure there’s going to be nothing there.
But…earlier there was something. With the footsteps. So. What does he know.
He looks.
As he half-expected, Keith is following him.
“Do you…need something?” Lance asks, tilting his head curiously. Now that he’s had some food and is less out of it, Keith looks a lot more normal. He’s still absolutely stupid tall, but the purple fur and giant ears he’d been convinced he’d seen are no longer there. His skin is pale, now, fuzz-free, and while his nails are a little long, they certainly aren’t claws. When he smiles, his teeth are still sharper than what Lance would call normal, but not fangs. Probably.
Keith shrugs. He has a certain look in his strange, indigo eyes that remind Lance of his dog back home, following him to the door with her leash in her mouth, expecting to be taken along.
“It’s a boring class,” Lance warns. “And I’m gonna sleep, man. The whole time.”
Keith doesn’t seem bothered. He simply takes a step forward so he’s beside Lance instead of behind him, even reaching down and grabbing his hand.
Lance glances down at their clasped fingers. He asks his brain if it has to power to analyze how that makes him feel. It responds that it does not. He resolves to handle it later, deciding to just go with it for now.
“You’re a strange guy,” Lance mumbles, walking them both to the class. He wonders if this is how people regularly act in France. Probably. He’s never been. Regardless, though, Keith is nice enough to offer a shoulder for Lance to sleep on when he finds his beloved corner occupied with some kind of new equipment. His shoulder is quite soft.
Lance thinks he might be able to get used to Keith.
based on this post
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coolnonsenseworld · 2 years
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Cause they are wingmen.... get it? Because of wings of Voltron???
Anyway it's what friends are for - when you don't have the guts to explain the idea of engagement and marriage and are too shy about it, your buddy got your back. To completely mortify you before you even have a chance to get drunk.
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currentlyinflames · 1 year
I just had possibly greatest/strangest fic idea
so character A is a math nerd and character B is in their math class and they like each other, the usual. Character A decides to show their love by literal equations to solve to confess. So every day they give character B a literal equation to solve and in the end they spell out "i like you"
[Bonus: The teacher helps with the equations and silently cheers them on]
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nostalgicish · 8 months
thinking abt fic ideas as someone who can’t write is painful…. like. i’m obsessed w modern aus rn
(i have a few mutuals that write so if you guys wanna……….. 👀 take inspiration from this…… 👀 tag me so i can read it !!)
Lance and Hunk work at a library and like to people watch, guessing what genres they like to read. a grunge/punk guy with the worst RBF walks in and they’re really surprised to see he’s checking out classic romance literature.
idk something with public transportation? like they take the same train/bus/subway every day but they never actually talk— just eyes that meet occasionally and a polite smile but nothing more. until one day, the other guy just.. stops showing up? and Lance is pretty bummed but what can he do? (and then he sees a familiar mop of black hair at the grocery store or a café or something and is like “!! it’s you!!”)
The trio go out to see the next installment of their favorite movie series, but Lance keeps sneaking out of the theater to buy more snacks (and definitely not to talk to the hot guy running the concession stand)
Keith works at a convenience store/gas station and this tall, beautiful man comes in occasionally, but no matter what he buys, he always always always gets a bag of candy that just so happens to be Keith’s favorite too— he always has a bag at his station so he can snack on it throughout his shift. One day, the man is in line without the candy and he honestly looks like shit— he’s definitely not his usual, happy self. Keith asks about the candy. The man replies, “Oh, i couldn’t find any today... You guys must be out.” So Keith gives him a bag from his stash. “You look like you need it more than me.”
Lance goes to the campus library to check out books for his literature class, but every single time, without fail, someone else has taken the last copy. “What do you mean someone else checked out the last copy?? Who??” “That guy.” *insert Keith* (it would be funnier if Keith isn’t even reading them for class, he’s just reading classic literature for funsies)
Lance checks out a novel from the library and there’s an envelope inside with a name written neatly on the front of it. it looks like it’s important so he resolves to find and return the envelope to K. Kogane, whoever that is (another library one?? yeah sorry idc i love public libraries and books and love stories . sue me.)
Keith is a barber/hairdresser and Lance’s regular stylist isn’t available so he’s stuck with Keith -OR- Lance takes his nephew to get his hair cut and Keith looks kinda scary but he’s actually?? really good with kids?? (insert mullet joke here)
Keith meets Pidge’s friends from a different class. Keith is super into Pidge’s hot, tall friend but is discouraged from acting on it because he’s constantly glued to Hunk’s side and making comments like “this is why I love you, Hunky” and (wrongfully) assumes they’re dating (but Lance is just that kind of guy! yk! he says “ily” to his friends all the time!)
bartender Keith is so good but think abt bartender Lance……… yeah….. need i say more??
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frostyblustar · 5 months
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What if: when Lance was revived by Allura instead of it just being a singular event that bore no further consequences (other than trauma) to Lance, his quintessence was screwed up?
(So, quintessence. The essence of all life, energy and vitality. Certain species are more in tune with quintessence and are able to control and interact with it. This includes Alteans. There is a limited amount of quintessence within everything. This amount dictates the lifespan of the creature. The longer the lifespan, the greater the quintessence held within them, and the less likely they are to succumb to injuries and illness.)
When Lance was brought back, instead of his quintessence remaining stored within his body 24/7 with no regeneration or leakage, the containment type thing was broken. Quintessence is constantly ebbing in and out of his very being. His lifespan is greatly increased to near immortality, at times the quintessence flow can greatly weaken to the point where his body may collapse, and he gains the ability to manipulate it to his will. However, this ability does not come without danger. To use this ability he must widen the flow, allowing more quintessence to leave and enter him. This makes him extremely unstable and susceptible to collapse and quintessence overflow or quintessence deficiency.
Quintessence Overflow: when the amount of quintessence within an entity far exceeds the physical limitations of its being. This can cause emotional instability, susceptibility to illness and injury, spontaneous injury, high risk of poor moral choices (such as murder, arson, thievery, etc), increase of negative thoughts, etc.
Scientific explanation: human brains create and release chemicals responsible for maintaining and creating emotions. Quintessence, while it is an energy outside of most physical limitations, effects the chemical and hormone releasing cells in the brain. If there is too little quintessence it may cause the brain to attempt to fill in the gaps by releasing excessive chemicals including serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin. Resulting in manic episodes of pure euphoria, and a loss of inhibitions. However, if there is too much quintessence the brain may try to create more room for it by releasing less chemicals than is healthy. Resulting in depression, self-loathing, an increase in murderous/suicidal thoughts, and more illegal tendencies.
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wildglitch · 3 months
Heres 25 fics I really wanna write but havent gotten around to yet
For those that wanna know before reading the list, the fandoms include are
Marvel, Spider-Man, Loki, DCU, Batman, Justice League, Pokemon, Shazam/Captain Marvel, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtels (The Last Ronin), Danny Phantom, Sonic the Hedgehog, Voltron, Gravity Falls, Over The Garden Wall, RWBY, Camp Camp, Rise Of The Guardiens, Star Wars (Rebels), Miraculos Ladybug and Chat Nori, Ninjago, How to Train Your Dragon, Final Space, My Hero Academia.
Thats one long list of fandoms-
I swear its not a big ass crossover fic with all these fandoms.
The rest of the Wiz! Fics. Though one of them is almost done
Winter dad fic. Peter is dealing, Bucky dosent remember him, but the solder definetly does.
Parksborn fic post NWH. Peter and Harry meet at collage and become roommates (this was canon for like a day lol) Harry has issues, Peter has more.
Parent Loki and Son Jack frost. I love the concept and already have some plot planned out
Billy Batson has somehow been the child host of Whiz radio for about 70 years
The Last Ronin Time Travel fic
Dadow time travel fic. A few fics continuing my first dadow fic starting with Silver in the future and present, and later on future shadow goes to the past. Its a lit if feels
Sonic was raised by egg man. No one knows this
5 times Sonic confused people by acting like tails dad, and the the on time tails suprised them by acting like his son
Babysitter James. Basically, the geovani is Ash's dad theory + What if team rocket are juat there to look after Ash theory. He takes him in, James becomes one of the best in team rocket, and as a sign of trust, he makes him be his newborns babysitter.
Back to Jack Frost, A fic following his time alone and time people he meet
Dead On Main fic were Jason despretly tries to keep his ghost boyfriend away from his family
Rosegarden Fic where Ruby and Oscar are childhood summer friends who lost contact.
Ezra time travel fic because Im obssesed with them
Skybridge fic taking place during Twin Suns because Im also obsesed with those fics
Dadvid fic. David Adopts Max and the 2 of them are trying to find a new normal
Pinecone lost in the woods fic.
MLB fix-It. Cat becomes a night time vigilante as a way to deal with the stress, lower class people become more fond of him.
Klance fic. Congratulations, you got through 15 fics before Klance appeared. Ex's au, Lance dose hate Keith foe a reason, they used to date. No one knows about this and think their just being stupid
Httyd fic where toothless wasnt discoverd in the first movie.
Final Space fic were Little Cato deals with the trauma if spending so many years alone.
Ninjago Kai fic for the Time he spent alone. I have talked about this before I think
RodyDeku reunion fic.
Nightguard Denki au. A Fnaf x Mha fic
Rai: The Phantom Theif of hero society. My TodoKami fic I have been trying to write since 2022
Thats the List. If your curiouse about any of these or just wanna bug me into finally writing them, let me know in my ask box.
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lokh · 3 months
it is the year 2024 and i have just posted a shlav fic. enjoy
“So I’m going to assume you all know that there’s a universal translating device.” “We do?” “Well, now you do.” or, team voltron finds out there's a universal translating device when it stops working. they play go fish about it. slav is there and becomes the subject of an impromptu field methods class in linguistics. shiro tries to figure out if he's good at linguistics or just good at understanding slav.
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justaz · 4 months
lance who always wanted to be a fighter pilot would NEVER be a farmer and we can throw hands if you disagree. anyways au time. allurance happens or doesn’t happen doesn’t matter but they aren’t together now. allura is queen of new altea with her advisor coran and close “friend” romelle. shiro is retired on earth w his husband adam. pidge also stays on earth and works with her parents on advancing earth’s technology. when they make breakthroughs, they relay it to matt when he pops by earth and then he takes it up into space to the rebellion who spreads it to planets that are behind on the galactic scale. hunk travels planet to planet with his moms and they connects all these different cultures and essentially does what he does in canon.
keith sort of takes over the blade and (since the war is over) turns it from a hidden rebellion group to a public aid and relief organization. they go planet to planet and help rebuild the worlds as much as they can. lance is on earth with his family but is Torn. he longed to be a fighter pilot since he was a kid, but being in space was almost unbearable bc of how bad he wanted to come home. when keith is visiting earth and talking about his travels to different planets, theres this flash of envy within lance and he comments about it. bada bing bada boom lance is joining keith into space once he leaves (he really has no idea how he gets into these things). he tells his family who are hesitant but ultimately supportive.
lance joins keith with the blade and finds himself greatly enjoying his time back up in space. he isn’t sure why until he mentions that he forgot something back of earth and keith asks if he wants to go back and grab it. lance has a choice now. he can go home if he wished and he can go up in space if he asked. when they were all kidnapped by the blue lion and jumped thru a wormhole, lance hadn’t been expecting staying up in space, away from his family, for years. the last bit of unease in lance settles and he thoroughly enjoys his time with the blade. by the time he’s set to go home, he barely even noticed time passing but he’s glad to be back.
he happens to return right as summer kicks off and he joins his family down in varadero. by the time august rolls around, he’s growing antsy again and staring up at the night sky with longing. his parents join him one night and encourage him to chase his dreams, to make younger him proud. lance says he doesn’t want to be away from his family like last time. they reassure him he won’t and point out how he could come home whenever he wished.
lance now spends end of august to beginning of june in space with keith helping planets, then june to august with his family on earth. its a good balance and makes everyone quite happy. eventually, keith starts to spend a bit more time on earth. he stops by toward the end of july and happens to catch lance’s birthday but that’s definitely purely a coincidence. keith spends a week in the states with shiro and adam then a couple of days with pidge and her family before going back down to cuba to spend the rest of august with lance before they fly back out.
rachel is the first to notice when lance and keith begin to share a bed when he stays. his mother catches them wrestling out in the water and chuckles to herself. veronica watches their hands linger against one another while doing the dishes after a family dinner that keith had attended.
its not long before keith’s time on earth extends until he’s practically following lance’s schedule. it’s not a surprise to anyone when marco walks in on lance and keith making out. he accepts responsibility as he did not knock before entering. his father had instructed them all to do so. thats on him.
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gilyoungroach · 9 months
the overwhelming urge to make a depressing gruesome klance fanfic about Keith getting trapped in a time loop where each repeat Lance dies a bloody death and the only way for Keith to break out of the loop is by giving up >_0
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thelyinggrapevine · 4 months
Allurance or Klance?
I can't decide if I should make Allurance or Klance the main ship for a "watching the show" fanfic for Voltron.
Like, I would like to stick to cannon and make it Allurance, but my Klance heart just wants to stick it's head into the work. Because of this dilemma I've put off writing tis fic.
I literally can't decideeeee
Also, I'm already writing a time-travel fic centering around Lance that has past Allurance (coming from the aftermath of the show) and slowly turning into Klance in a (relatively?) canon way, I think.
Idk, this is just a problem I've had in mind for a couple months and wanted to rant abt lol
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