#Why could each Ep. not be. 3 hours long
outismm · 2 years
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Who knew the thing that would cure my diseases would be a 30 minute Sandman ASMR podcast
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Uh h, happy birthday to me fjkekebrvjf-- u ye u said I could request so I will bfoenebbf,, thank u once again for that oml ilysm u the best <3<3<3<3
Anyway, what about Malleus, Azul and Vil reacting to the mc's birthday??? How would they celebrate it? Would they do anything special?? I've personally never had a birthday party dedicated to me myself n my friends tell me it's really sad- would they hold one for the MC on their birthday?? Would they give gifts?? (Self aware au btw pleas--)
To maybe summarise it, uhm, would the characters do a birthday party or anything else special to the MC if it was their bday?? Please I'm 18 now I want a birthday party dedicated to myself for once... thank u once again u made my day Veil fblenevfv--
Happy birthday! I wish you the best for the coming year! I'm sure that one day you can celebrate your birthday properly. Never give up on hope!
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Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, obsession, possessiveness, unhealthy relationship, death, murder, religion
Azul Ashengrotto/Vil Schoenheit/Malleus Draconia-Players birthday
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No matter where you look the Overseers birthday was a worldwide event
And believe it or not but *gasp* he doesn't use this to earn money
Azul always loved it. Even when he was a child
The palace would always prepare a huge concert with a lot of good and way too expensive food people usually couldn't afford on a normal basis (which led to his early love for the day)
His mother, father and he would always bake a cake for you, putting it on the window still
Sadly they had to take it down since... well cake is made out of material which deteriorates you know...
Did he stop though when he was in Night Raven College?
Nope. Nu-uh. I would even dare to say that it's even more grand
Baking isn't exactly what he is best at but cooking... I think his food is better than anything the gods of Olympus could have whipped up
Well, from a darker perspective it is a lot of food waste but hey! Your birthday is only once a year so screw that
Jade and Floyd know that they should, no, have to make a wide circle around the desk those delicacies are standing on
Why? Well, there was once that first-year snatching something. It wasn't even much but... you remember those transformed merpeople in Urulas cave? Mhm and the rest is up to your imagination
And also a small hope is connected to this
He is doing so much for you. Doesn't that mean that he is worthy of you? Doesn't that mean he could have a chance? Please tell him!
When you logged in on your birthday he was saying his line calmly but on the inside he wanted to grasp through the threats which held him in place and hold you properly, tell you properly how happy he was
Members of the Octavinelle dorm know to get a present for you even if they have to sell a kidney
Wouldn't want to end up like the brother of the fool who snatched some of the food
Mhm Ursulas cave again but at least they have each other so that the neverending pain and taunting voice of their oh-so-generous dorm leader isn't too bad. Just bad enough to drive them insane of course
And if you were already in TWST then please, indulge a bit in what he prepared
Otherwise even I don't know what he would do
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I think Snow White and the Fairest Queen have switched roles
Why? Well the sun rises, the birds are singing and Vil is opening the windows like some Disney princess, saying in a elated voice that today is the day of perfection
Vils morning routine is already taking (in my opinion) way too long and is way too polishing even for a model like him
But today? Ohboyohboyohboy....
All I am saying is that he went to bed the day before and woke up up three hours earlier than he usually would
The whole dorm looks like it's a mirror, that's how intense they scrubbed it to prepare for this day
Vil even paid Epel and allowed him to be a bit laxer in his skincare routine in exchange if the first year would use his apple carving skills for decorative purposes (jokes on us Epel still looks like he is ready to compete with a beginners model because this is the day and he wants to be good for you as well)
But what has he planned for the day?
Of course a celebration and when I say that those are real diamonds on that present over there's as mere decoration for the wrapping then I'm serious
The entire day Pomfiore is doing nothing else but praising your perfection and how wonderful you are that you allow them to celebrate this day as well
Not so low-key offended when he sees someone not celebrating your birthday
Well, suddenly he is using his special magic to make sure that they are celebrating or the poison will... shorten their life at midnight
But this isn't about him
This is about the perfect being from another world who was even capable of making the Fairest Queen bow in front of their perfection
Rook knows not to hunt today or rather not animals
You see Vil can poison as much as he wants but even a dorm leader runs out of juice for their magic sooner or later
And this is where Rook enters under the order of his Faires Queen
Now let's say you are already in their world
You are rich (if you weren't from Malleus before) is all I'm saying
This man has money and he will make sure to use it wisely (aka bury you in a mountain of stuff which would cost a normal person two hears of their payment)
But please don't deny him the joy of celebrating your birthday or greeting you on your birthday!
Otherwise he might think you have been dirtied somewhere and need some... polishing...
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It's the Overseer birthday! Offer the presents to the church, pray so that they feel your well wishes and burn all the traitors!!!
And this, my dear friends, is how the Valley of Thorns celebrates your birthday
Malleus started to love this day very early in his life which leads to him putting it over his very own birthday
It was one of the few days he was able to have a proper meeting with his grandmother (even though they only ate dinner together and chatted about how great you are)
This was also the day he would hold a grand speech about your wisdom, your perfection and most of all how mighty you were
So, a hundred years later and they are sitting as students in a place filled with little children (in their eyes at least)
Well now they have a way smaller budget and also they are far away from home so they need to tome do-no
Malleus would rather stab himself in the heart with a sword than making any cuts on this day
Even though he can't just waltz up to a church here but that doesn't mean you will be any less praised
Finest silk, jewelry made from gold and much, much more are being bought by him only to be sent back home to the church
And the dorm? Well the dorm is... how do I say this without disturbing you?
Well they are... celebrating... not like the other dorm though...
You see, the other ones were already extra but this is Diasomnia we are talking about
Even if there would have been school on that day (which isn't because it's a holiday)they wouldn't have gone to class
Heck, they would have probably ripped of the Headmages head if that would have been the case
And when he was done saying his well wishes on his day he fell over like a Disney princess in those dramatic scenes
So now that we know how special they are let's talk about you being in their world on that certain day
If you really, really need to see what they have prepared for you then do it in a bush whilst watching from the distance
That's because they would take you and send you straight to the Valley because the celebration over there is, in their words, “more fitting for you”
Safe to say you won't return after that happened
Just enjoy the other dorms, smell the flowers and stay away from the green
Malleus isn't even angry because it's your wish not to participate in their celebration
“Lilia, is that Overseer in the bush? It is, right? Maybe they are just too shy to come to us. We could show them Briar Valley after making sure that they haven't been scratched from the twigs, right?”
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shimmeringweeds · 10 months
EDIT: this is a outdated mid S2 analysis. It’s not a terrible read but - my thoughts are always evolving with new info and greater understanding. So if you’ve finished S2, I’ve got a better take :)
Cheng Xiaoshi always dives blind.
He knows his instructions: deliver the message, find the secret, change nothing. He may even have a rough time frame for when the information can be found. Still, Cheng Xiaoshi never knows what's coming.
But Lu Guang knows. (Spoilers through s2 ep 9 + ep 10 preview)
Buckle up. Long post. This knowledge has pestered me for two years. Since Emma. I've found ways to chalk it up. Lu Guang just scans the photos, and doesn't see details until they happen; or Lu Guang thinks this will ensure past remains untouched; or Lu Guang is doing this to protect Cheng Xiaoshi.
I've also chalked it up, predominately, to story telling. What fun would there be if Cheng Xiaoshi knew what was going to happen? There would be no surprises! Boooooriiiiiing.
I'm not satisfied with that.
You know, each time Lu Guang withholds information, I find a way to forgive him. That is to say, I feel distrust; a need to forgive him that Cheng Xiaoshi never seems to let linger because of his unyielding faith in Lu Guang.
There are many moments where, if Lu Guang had just told Cheng Xiaoshi what was coming, he could have prevented discomfort and pain.
Exhibit A: Emma.
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Instead of telling Cheng Xiaoshi that the situation is going to be okay, that nothing will happen, that her mom is going to call and interrupt. Lu Guang tells him to basically get on with it and then proceeds to lecture him in typical fashion.
"What a great personality," we think sarcastically, having known him for all of 5 minutes.
The scene is played off comically, because what else can Cheng Xiaoshi do? But he's visibly flustered on rescue, and I don't think that has to do with feeling Emma's emotions.
Okay, you say that this is how the writers are narrating the rules. Driving into our heads that the past cannot be changed. Yeah. You're right. How convenient for the writers.
That is not the only moment in this episode where Lu Guang essentially just tells Cheng Xiaoshi to be patient or ignore it instead of giving him the information he needs, but this post will be long enough. And again, we can chalk all those moments up to Lu Guang thinking he knows best (and being wrong).
Episodes 2 and 3 are tame. There are no surprises in the narrative except Cheng Xiaoshi's own mistakes, which cause Lu Guang to be sightless. Nothing to hide until episode 4.
The Earthquake:
Lu Guang makes the call to not tell Cheng Xiaoshi about the earthquake. Gods, I wouldn't either, spare him that pain. But that kindness backfires spectacularly, and the pain dealt is greater than the pain spared.
Does Lu Guang learn a lesson here? He's so careful with Xiaoshi, keeping his distance and not pushing him to do anything he doesn't want.
The next photograph is for DouDou. It's a surveillance footage and Lu Guang's knowledge is limited. Nothing can be done about the mess up. But the next dive is into Doudou. Cheng Xiaoshi smells the ball and looses consciousness. At the start of the photograph, Lu Guang says. "But the whole time, I was unable to get a good look at the human trafficker's face, as well as how she took DouDou away." He warns Cheng Xiaoshi to be careful, and when the ball rolls he declares, "It's here!" before falling silent. He doesn't warn Cheng Xiaoshi about the ball until it's already too late.
Chalk it up. After all we don't know what exactly it is Lu Guang can see in the photograph. Just that he can see 12 hours into it. Maybe he couldn't deduce sniffing the ball would lead to DouDou's abduction? That's reasonable. But how could he miss the ball entirely? Why not warn Cheng Xiaoshi in more detail? Even if Doudou needs to be taken, doesn't Lu Guang trust Cheng Xiaoshi to act? I'm left scratching my head.
For the rest of the season, the lead is predominately taken by Cheng Xiaoshi. Lu Guang is there, but he lets Cheng Xiaoshi have this. He trusts. And for the first time before diving, he warns. Before diving, he warns that Xu Shanshan may not be alive. But he doesn't know the future. And the decision to dive is Cheng Xiaoshi's to make.
Li Tianxi's photo.
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Lu Guang hides the photo. He say's he can't see all the details due to his condition. I'll believe that. Flash back to Lu Guang looking at his phone, like he's trying his power on other, familiar, photographs (before deleting them, I guess, but.....didn't they already do that? Is he trying photos of the present?)
Of course he doesn't tell anyone about the photo. He wants to protect Cheng Xiaoshi. He can't see what it is they'd be diving into.
Of course this is no big deal to Cheng Xiaoshi, because Lu Guang himself has ensured that Cheng Xiaoshi will be a pro at diving blind.
Cheng Xiaoshi makes the call and, by god, if Lu Guang doesn't look exhausted when he agrees.
Lu Guang doesn't even warn him that Li Tianxi is mute. Right out of the gate. Is that really how little he could see? Okay. So we operate with the assumption that, right now, Lu Guang cannot see far in advance. Cheng Xiaoshi stresses, did he mess up? Isn't this a big deal? Lu Guang assures him that he can still see where the are going. Doesn't say where. Okay. That just means the future isn't dark. Lu Guang really can't see ahead right now. That's reasonable. And so we let the rest of the dive go... watching in horror at the events that unfold. Lu Guang apologizing to Cheng Xiaoshi in the photo. That if he could have seen, he wouldn't have let him dive.
Here's the thing. Two(?) nights prior, Lu Guang shows off a pretty bad ass skill. He sees into the security footage of the WHOLE DAMN HOSPITAL. How is that easier, soon after surgery mind you, than quickly scanning the photograph for even a hint of what might happen? (Or maybe Lu Guang can only scan the photograph once, before diving in. And he really couldn't see in that moment with a freshly opened stab wound. Apparently that's my new "chalk it up" theory, as of just now.) Remember, Cheng Xiaoshi doesn't know Lu Guang did that. He thinks Lu Guang was guiding them using live security footage, not becoming the eyes of the whole damn hospital.
When it comes to any present moment between them, Lu Guang is quick to give advice, nagging after Cheng Xiaoshi's behavior like a mother hen. But giving advice about the future? He doesn't do that. Maybe he can't do that.
Maybe no matter how badly Lu Guang wants to shout the future loud and clear, he is being prevented. Maybe it's a rule bound to his power. Maybe it's a rule bound to this "game."
Episode 10 preview. We want answers. We suspect Lu Guang has them. But guess what?
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His lips are sealed. Literally.
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17snifflesandsnzes · 1 month
Hello! I have an odd request: can you do a Booseoksoon fic where Seungkwan gets sick while filming the fighting music video. But the odd part is can you include Youngji? Like as one of the caretakers if possible if not totally fine too!
Love your fics!
Thanks for the compliment! Sorry for the long waiting time 😅! Hopefully, it lives up to the hype! Hope you enjoy~!
We Will Always Have Your Back
BSS making a comeback after nearly 6 years was definitely a huge leap of faith for Seventeen. The song “Fighting” had been absolutely perfect for them, leading all 3 of them to want to work even harder for this comeback. Which is why Seungkwan was currently heading home at exactly 12 AM after having spent the entire day recording for the EP. As he was currently sharing a dorm with Chan, Seungkwan tiptoed into the apartment, careful not to wake the younger, only to find both Chan and Hansol awake and seated at the table. “You're back, hyung? It's pretty late…” Chan looked up from his phone, wine glass cradled in his hand and Seungkwan gave him a tired smile. “I know. I really needed to get my recording done perfectly, though.” Hansol gave him a deadpan look. “You should take better care of yourself, Seungkwan. You have to shoot the music video tomorrow, right? And here you are, out and about at 12 AM without a jacket on.” Seungkwan rolled his eyes before heading towards his room. “I'll be fine, guys. I've been through worse.” Both Chan and Hansol looked at each other skeptically as Seungkwan said that but he decided to ignore them. But just because you've been through worse doesn't mean that you won't be affected by the small things. Seungkwan definitely had to learn this the hard way.
Waking up the next morning was particularly difficult for Seungkwan. Mainly because he had a splitting headache. Cursing under his breath, Seungkwan forced himself to get out of bed. Even though his morning routine was basically muscle memory to Seungkwan, unsurprisingly, it took way longer today. When he finally dragged himself to the kitchen to get some food in his system, he found Chan already there, whistling as he made some ramen. “Morning, hyung!” Seungkwan winced at his not-so-loud-but-loud-to-him voice. “Morning.” Chan looked at him in concern at the utter lack of energy in his voice. “You okay, hyung? You sound super tired.” Seungkwan took a seat at the table and rested his head on the cool surface. “I'll be fine, Chan-ah. I'll have to be.” He heard the tell-tale sound of Chan sighing in exasperation as he placed a bowl of ramen in front of Seungkwan, but fortunately, Chan didn't say anything. After eating as much as his appetite could handle, Seungkwan was soon in his company car, driving to the music video set.
On arrival, Seungkwan was immediately swarmed by the other two members of BSS. Seokmin ruffled his hair and Soonyoung gave him a teasing look. “Oh, Seungkwanie~! How could you be late to shoot our first comeback in 6 years?!” He asked in mock-betrayal. Seungkwan rolled his eyes but there was no heat behind the action. “I got caught up in traffic, hyung! Of course I didn't want to be late!” Seungkwan pouted and Soonyoung and Seokmin laughed. “Let's get started then!” Seokmin said as he led the way to the cameras. Seungkwan braced himself for a long day. He could do this. He had to.
After about an hour into the shoot, Seungkwan had given up completely. His headache made him unable to focus on anything the director or his hyungs were saying, and he just wanted this day to end. After the first shooting was over, Seokmin approached him. “Seungkwan-ah, are you okay? You look like you barely slept last night.” Seungkwan sniffled lightly, the action causing a tickle to flare up at the back of his sinuses. He turned away from Seokmin and brought his hands up to cup his nose and mouth. “Hh'IkTChiHh!-” Seungkwan sniffled again, the sneeze having caused his nose to start running as well. When he turned towards Seokmin again, he could see the worry in his hyung's eyes. “Seungkwan-ah, are you sick?” Seungkwan shook his head, the action causing him to wince. Damn this headache. “I'll be fine, hyung. You don't have to worry.” Seokmin gave him an unconvinced look but didn't say anything.
The rest of the shooting was difficult, to say the least. Now that he'd sneezed once, it was almost impossible to hold back the tickling sensation at the back of his sinuses. After the first shoot, Seungkwan was supposed to shoot alone. Despite wanting to just curl up in bed and cry, Seungkwan tried to focus on the director's instructions. As he waited for the camera to start rolling, he felt the irritating tickle come back, and he immediately brought an arm to his face. “Ah, PD-nim, could you wait a sec…hh'IktChiHh!- hh'ItChiHh!-” Seungkwan sniffled wetly as the staff blessed him. “Seungkwan-ssi, are you ready to start now?” The director asked him kindly, and Seungkwan nodded immediately. Rubbing the bridge of his nose, Seungkwan willed himself to be alright.
Miraculously, Seungkwan survived the rest of the shoot. Well, that was until they got to the shoot with Youngji, who was featuring in their song. She was bubbly as always as she greeted both his members and patted him, slightly harshly, on the back. Seungkwan tried his best to be his normal self, but he could tell that Youngji saw right through him. Before they began with the shoot, she approached him. “Are you okay, sunbae?” Seungkwan rubbed a hand over his face, turning towards her, plastering the biggest smile on his face. “I'm fine, Youngji-yah. You don't have to worry.” Just as Youngji was about to argue, Seungkwan felt the overwhelming urge to sneeze come back, and he pinched his nose between his fingers, eyes fluttering shut. “hh'NgtChiHh!- hh'ItChiHh!-” Seungkwan blinked away the irritated tears from his eyes, and Youngji patted his arm gently. “Sunbae, I think you're sick,” She said kindly. “You need to rest.” Seungkwan rolled his eyes at the tone of her voice, which sounded so obvious. “Youngji-yah, I can't just go back home on the day of the mv shoot of our first comeback!” He said, his voice rising with irritation. At that statement, he felt someone's arm wrap around his shoulders. “But you can, Seungkwan-ah. You need to rest when you're sick. We can shoot the mv some other time, and your health is more important.” Soonyoung ruffled his hair as he said that, and Youngji nodded as hard as she could. Seungkwan sighed. “Fine. I'll rest if that's what you want.” Seokmin managed to catch his last sentence, and he joined the three of them immediately. “Finally! Let's get you back home, Seungkwan-ah.” Seungkwan nodded, feeling the tickle at the back of his sinuses flare up again. Sniffling softly, he rubbed his nose with his wrist. Unfortunately, that did nothing to hold off the intense tickle. Admitting defeat, Seungkwan cupped his nose and mouth with his hands, gasping softly. “hh'IktChiHhh!- hh'IktShUhHh!-” “Bless you.” Seokmin said softly, putting an arm around Seungkwan. Seungkwan leaned against his hyung a little, drained out by the day.
Soon enough, his hyungs brought him back to his shared dorm with Chan. Chan himself wasn't home, but he'd left some kalguksu for Seungkwan. Soonyoung laughed immediately upon seeing that. “We really do know our members best. How did he know you were sick?” Seungkwan smiled softly, making a mental note to thank Chan later. “I think he caught on that I was sick this morning. He said that I looked too tired.” Seokmin nodded thoughtfully while Soonyoung heated up the kalguksu. Seokmin and Soonyoung kept him company while he ate, and as he entered his bedroom, Seokmin pulled him into a hug. “Get well soon, Seungkwan-ah! Let's film the mv once you're better!” Seungkwan nodded against Seokmin's shoulder while Soonyoung patted his head. And as Seungkwan got into bed, he realized these really were the moments he cherished the most with the members. Because he knows they'll always have his back.
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heeracha · 2 years
ep 58. / ep 59. — the flowers weren't dumb after all. / ep 60.
buy one, take me. — l. heeseung
synposis: with his best friend asking him for help because said best friend was scared he wasn't "boyfriend material" enough, heeseung looks for flower shops for his best friend's girlfriend. thankfully, jake knows someone from the university who has an aunt that owns a flower shop, you. now, heeseung messages you and shyly, but shamelessly asks if he can get any promos or discounts to which you shamelessly answered him, "buy one, take me". heeseung doesn't pass on this, of course. after all, you are pretty damn cute.
pairing: heeseung x flortist!fem!reader
content/genre: college au, slowburn, fluff, angst and crack, smau.
warning(s): swearing, of course. two idiots aka heey/n. um,,,, jaycha (?), unproof read &lt;3
note: real one now, i promise HAHAHA okay i'll see u in a bit for last ep !! the playlist
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six years passed.
six years have passed and heeseung is still madly in love with you. nothing changed that much. ever since he found out that day, he let himself be sad for just a day and went back to his feet. he did things to take his mind off you, but nothing worked, so he just fully accepted that he is still in love with you. he started to help your aunt in the flower shop if he’s not in class for med school nor working in the hospital. he wasn’t miserable, but something was missing.
when you replied, heeseung was over the moon happy. he didn’t waste any more chances to text you everyday and neither did you. you two would call, talk to each other everyday ever since. heeseung was just happy you two talk as if six years didn’t pass by. as if you two never lost contact.
heeseung stands in front of the flower arrangement where it was displayed on the side of the aisle and he scoffs. but weirdly, he likes it? it was like the way you arranged them. he loved it. he doesn’t know how, but he just always knows if it’s your arrangement or not. speaking of, he pulls his phone out of his pocket to see no text from you. how are you still flying?
he looks at the side, catching something on his peripheral and he sees jay and ae-cha in their wedding gown and suit, reassuring each other that everything will be okay. fuck the superstition, as long as they both have each other, right?
heeseung sighs, typing a quick text to you and shoving his phone inside his pocket. “you like the arrangement?” he hears and he looks up to see jay walking up to him as he looks at the flowers.
“okay, it doesn’t suck, i admit.” heeseung says and jay rolls his eyes, shaking his head. “but i still believe we could have had a better arrangement and a discount from auntie!”
“hey, i got a pretty good deal here, too, you know?” jay says and heeseung gives him an unamused look. 
“what is it?” heeseung says. “probably not as good as my promo.”
jay chuckles. “uh,” he stammers. “i purchase the wedding package and my best man gets the florist.” jay says and heeseung’s eyes slowly soften. he turns to jay and the groom only smiles.
“but she’s in a business… trip.” heeseung softly trails off and jay nods, grinning.
“i’m sorry about everything.” he says. jay pulls out his car key, holding it out to heeseung. “her plane lands in a bit.” he says and heeseung chuckles, taking the keys as he pulls jay in a hug. jay pats his back, pulling away. “go fetch her, we still have three hours until the wedding.”
“alright.” heeseung says as he runs out of the venue, running to jay’s car.
so, that’s why he loved the arrangement.
as he drives to the airport, all he can think about is finally seeing you. what is he going to do? hug you? kiss you? what? he doesn’t know. all he wants to do is to finally hold you again and possibly not let go… if you can stay. 
just in time when heeseung pulls up, it was announced that the plane landed. he gets inside, seeing people swarm out as they waited for their luggage in the baggage claim. heeseung looks around, looking for you, but he couldn’t see you. he frowns when he sees you nowhere, but he waits. minutes pass by and the people have lessen. maybe you didn’t know jay’s plan and took a cab? he looks at the baggage claim, one luggage coming out.
he sees it was the same one you had six years ago. even the same color. but it was impossible that it was yours. you would change luggage within six years, right? nonetheless, heeseung comes forward, looking at it to see a white ribbon on the handle. something you always do. he grabs the luggage, examining it if the tag has your name, but instead he sees the bambi sticker he pasted six years ago. 
heeseung turns around, seeing you fiddling with your fingers and he immediately runs to you, hugging you by your waist as you wrap your arms around his neck. he lifts you, standing straight as you giggle, tightening your arms around him. you press your lips against his cheek, closing your eyes as you savor the moment of being in his arms again.
“did you see the flowers? were they dumb?” you softly ask and he laughs, putting you down as his hands come up to your cheeks, looking into your eyes. “jay had a promo, you know? lifetime promo, but he said you’d want it more.”
“yeah?” heeseung softly says. “what is it?”
“buy one, take me.” you say and heeseung laughs. “it’s for a lifetime, if you will have me.”
“i would love that,” heeseung softly says, smiling as you hold onto his wrists, thumbs softly caressing his skin softly. “you’re really here.” he mumbles and you nod. heeseung softly laughs, leaning his forehead against yours. “on the way here, i was thinking of what to say to you, but now, i just can’t believe you’re really here.”
“i’m really here, seungie.” you say and he nods, pressing his lips against yours and you close your eyes, kissing him back. heeseung softly pulls away, resting his forehead against yours as he runs his thumb through your cheek. “i’m sorry for everything.” you say. “i tried to tell you a lot of times before shit happened, but i just don’t know how to. and then, my parents… i just wanted them to accept me already and i had to do this, they didn’t even know until i was on the plane. i’m sorry, seungie, i just—”
“it’s okay,” heeseung softly says. “hey, hey, it’s okay. we’re okay, hm? i’m just glad you’re here now. i’m glad i get to talk to you again, i’m just really happy right now. and that night, you should know—”
“i know, seungie. i know.” you softly say. “i never doubted you.”
heeseung softly sighs, kissing your cheek as he slides his arms down to your waist and you wrap your arms around his neck. “i missed you,” he softly says, squeezing you in his arms and you rest your nose on the crook of his neck, relaxing in his arms.
“i missed you, too. a whole fucking lot.” you say and heeseung kisses your head. “come on,” you softly say, pulling away as you look in his eyes. “let’s go to the wedding. if it’s okay, let’s stick together throughout the whole event and when it’s done, let’s catch up with everything. you good with that?”
heeseung smiles, kissing your forehead. “you know that i always prefer being with you.”
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gennianydots · 1 year
Quotes of Our Skyy 2: Something Literally No One Asked For
Sponsored by Yamaha Fazzio Hybrid Scooters
Ep 1-2: Never Let Me Go
1. Whether it’s this or any other lifetime, I’m willing to fight for us to be together.
2. Distance is not an obstacle for our hearts to feel close to each other.
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Ep 3-4: Star In My Mind
1. Thanks to DaoNuea for guiding my way so we could meet again…KhabKluen
2. You are every shade of yellow for me…DaoNuea
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Ep 5-6: The Eclipse
1. Caring for those around you is a good thing. But you must not forget to care about the most important person…yourself.
2. Our space is where we dare to be ourselves and feel comfortable with it.
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Ep 7-8: Vice Versa
1. I can even hit on you every single day. Why are you such a cutie? Hehe.
2. Even though there’s only a little pink, Jigsaw completed his drawing with other colors, just like our story.
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Ep 9-10: My School President
1. If high school love is like a lit candle in the rain, I, Por, will hold an umbrella for you. -Por-
2. Why waste your time thinking about another universe, when the person you love is in this one? -Por-
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Ep 11-12: A Boss and a Babe
1. There are 30 hours a day for Laem. But the next 24 hours will be a living hell for the boss.
2. Still going strong in the new year and since the day we started dating.
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Ep 13-14: Bad Buddy (ATOTS crossover)
1. Every time I’m in trouble, you’re always there for me.
2. “I threw myself at you that much. Couldn’t you tell, black dog?” - Tian
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Ep 15-16: A Tale of Thousand Stars (BB crossover)
1. “I can’t live without you.” - Pat
2. “No matter how long it is from now, I wish for us to never be apart.” - Phupha
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jq37 · 2 months
VINDICATIOOOOOON! We were all completely within our rights to hate KP. Although, at this point the RG's seem to be victims that need help, maybe. Depends on how much getting Rage-vivified leaves your mind free or if they're all enthralled. Their personalities clearly took a turn for the shit end of the scale if Ruben's anything to go by. They could be Thralls that think they have agency. As much as I don't like them (Lucy being the obvious exception) they were just kids that got set up to die by an adult they trusted. Which is pretty fucked. That segues nicely into our new mystery, What is Jayce's deal? How long has he been a Rage acolyte/thrall/insert better word here? Did Ankarna's name getting released help his evil machinations?
Onto more lighthearted topics:
-Damn it, the gamer in me is salivating at what perks maxing out the other tracks gets you.
-Better late than never on those materials Arthur. I wonder if Adaine speaking up earlier might've gotten her this solution right from the start.
-Fabian apologizing to Gertie (the best new character this season) has fully redeemed his character and I now fully approve of his ship with Mazey (the second best new character this season). It can now sail with my blessing. Also, dude really needs to talk to the Kids about how lonely he's been this year. We're getting near the end and he really he needs to communicate his problems better. All of them do TBH.
-I hope Bobby Dawn gets his teeth kicked in before the season wraps up.
Anyway, shorter than expected episode. Hopefully next weeks will be a little meatier. Till then, Honor the Cock at Basrar's.
-I also hope Brennan puts the full downtime mechanics online or something at some point because I wanna know what they didn't get to cause they were too busy concentrating on other stuff.
-I understand why Adaine handled things the way she did--very in character for her--but the whole time I was like girl! Talk to someone! use your resources! Anyway, she's done with school but hopefully there are still some useful goodies in there (and something nice for Fig too).
-And yeah, ditto about Fabian. If Toxic Masculinity is dead and you dance now, tell your friends that you're lonely! But that's not an actual complaint of course. He's handled it in a very in character was as always.
-Bobby Dawn can go to hell. All my homies hate Bobby Dawn.
-We ended on the Jace reveal so hopefully we'll get into that pretty quickly and start to figure out exactly how much culpability we should assign to each party here. Even if I find Kipperlilly insufferable (in a narratively satisfying way), it doesn't mean it's her fault if a trusted adult led her into making a pact with a rage god that cranked all of her already intense personality traits up to 11.
-As I'm sure you know by now, the next ep is gonna be more than 3 hours long so you're getting your wish! And I think the moment that "almost made Brennan quit" is gonna be in this episode so I'm mega pumped!
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baddest-batchers · 2 months
@stars-n-spice here!
For the Bad Batch Ask Game! 3, 12, 25, and 40!
Wishing you luck getting through the finale 🫡🩵
Thank you for asking!!
3. What’s your favorite episode? Why?
My favorite episode (I have two but I think one definitely beats out the other for the top spot) is S3 Ep 4 “A Different Approach”. I absolutely loved getting to see Crosshair and Omega interact throughout that whole episode. Their banter was so good and so funny!! Seeing how their relationship had evolved over their time spent at Tantiss beginning to shine through in them trying to get back to the rest of the Batch just made it my favorite episode of the entire show.
12. Which Batcher do you think would be your best friend?
This is soooo hard to answer lol. Probably Echo tbh because I’m definitely the mom friend of my close group of friends and I feel like Echo and I would really vibe based off of just that fact alone 😂. We are really out here trying to get shit done and keep everyone safe lmao.
25. What are your favorite things about each Batcher?
Hunter: I adore Hunter’s commitment to doing the right thing, no matter how difficult the situation & circumstances. He carries himself with so much integrity and I think that is something I definitely love about him.
Wrecker: Ohhhhhh my boy Wrecker is such a sweetie and big softy. I love his gentleness towards others, especially Omega. He’s literally a giant muscly teddy bear and I love him for that. Wrecker, like Omega, is quick to forgive and give others a second chance. He’s such an underrated member of the Batch imo. Wrecker girlies, where you at??
Echo: I love Echo’s dedication to his brothers and to Rex’s cause. He so badly wants to help each and every single one of his brothers to safety so that none of them have to go through what he did on Skako Minor. I think Echo has such a big heart and he deserves all the love.
Crosshair: Oh gosh where do I even start with him. I truly admire Crosshair’s sense of loyalty. I have that same loyal-to-a-fault sense just like he does and it was so touching and heart wrenching at times to see Crosshair’s loyalties shift back to his brothers and sister after choosing the Empire over them. I’m of the firm opinion that Crosshair loves the hardest out of the entire Batch and he will do everything in his power, no matter his own feelings to keep his family safe. The reason why I think he’s one of my favorites is because he’s a lot like me: fiercely loyal and a person who loves incredibly deeply.
Tech: As a certified Tech Girlie™️, literally everything about him is my favorite 😂. He’s so smart and honest and kind. I adore his self confidence. In S2 Ep 4 “Faster,” Tech was such a badass and had no doubt that he could win that race. He is definitely the most confident of his brothers and that is what I think really attracts me to him. Not to mention he’s so cute with all of his quirks and endless knowledge. I could honestly listen to him talk for hours y’all. 🥰
40. Favorite scene(s)?
Okay this is soooo difficult to answer because there are so many scenes that I looooooove. One of the first to come to mind is in S3 Ep 4 where Omega finally gives in and tells Crosshair that they can try things his way and he replies with, “Finally.” Like my guy was chomping at the bit to shoot those Imperials lmfao. Another is the scene between Tech & Omega in the mine where he explains to her that he processes his feelings differently than she and the others do but that he doesn’t feel any less than she does. And when he confirms to Omega that they are a family had me tearing up 😭😭😭 That scene was so touching and beautiful. 11/10. And ofc, I cannot leave out the meditation scene with Crosshair & Omega. 🥺🥺🥺 I have sooooo many other favorites but then this would get wayyyyyy too long lmao.
Thank you again for the ask @stars-n-spice !! 💕
Good luck to you, too, tomorrow 🫡😭 may the force be with us all 💙💙💙
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Fourth Time
So, basically, Logan has been falling into a not-so-good place mentally for a while. With being unintentionally ignored and anything he finds important being pushed to the back burner for someone else's agenda [like in WTIT aka clean apartment vs. date] he begins to feel more isolated and alone [been thinking about this because of the plushy ep. with Logan's little "plushies are good for loneliness" quip]. Eventually he falls into a sort of depressive episode where he can't even get himself to work [which doesn't help with those sweet mental issues]. After a few hours or days or however long gives the best hurt/comfort, all the others notice he's staying closed off in his room and we get some nice comfort and reassurance. Again, no pressure, just a prompt if you have no other ideas! I'll read any Sanders Sides content you write! <3 – cry-to-sleep
Read on Ao3
Warnings: depression, self-doubt
Pairings: DLAMPR
Word Count: 3222
    Third time should be the charm, and yet perhaps this is yet another indicator that Logan is no longer as adept at being Logic as he would like to assume.
First, it was the courtroom. Putting aside the fact that they had initiated a courtroom scenario without him—how could they? Even putting aside his role as Logic, they knew he loved—er, had a passion for such things—they decided to bench him and stick him far away in the back of the room where he had to shout to even have a chance at being heard.
Then, it was the asides. Perhaps by making his contributions directly to the audience as opposed to through conversation with the others, he stood a greater chance of one, being heard, and two, not being interrupted. And what were his consequences? Slashed by Roman, skipped by Patton, and snatched by Janus.
The…date, really, now, this should have been his greatest indicator. He and the others and especially Thomas had all agreed it was far overdue to clean his apartment, they'd set aside the whole day for it, and he'd drawn up schedules, made allowances and backup plans, and thwarted Remus's attempts to throw the whole thing off…only for Thomas to go on a date with Nico.
Should that not have been the clearest sign that he must adjust trajectories? The whole day, the whole day, he'd been given, and it had been pre-agreed upon, and yet at the last moment, none of that had mattered. No, Logan's day had been pushed aside in favor of a date with Nico.
If he had been a different Side, he might've scoffed at Roman's function being prioritized over his, when clearly that had only backfired in the past.
But that would be petty and horrible and done an absolute disservice to how hard Roman had been working to just get along with him recently. He'd come to him almost as soon as that episode had been over and said I'm sorry, not just for the date, for the courtroom, for the slashing, but for making you feel as though I didn't value you, that I don't care about what you have to say.
But if you cared, Logan wanted to say but lacked the strength to, why are you only saying this to me, where no one else can hear you?
And yet, after all of that, after all of that, he'd tried one more time.
With the plushies.
If he'd been in a better place, he would've adored what that episode came out to be. Everyone, participating in a good-faith debate? Taking turns, providing evidence, supporting each other's ideas in the aim of actual discussion? It was everything he'd been advocating for; learning new information and letting it help you shape your perspective. And collaborating to make your thoughts heard and ensure the others did the same.
No, if he had been in a better place, he would have…
No use discussing what might have been.
What did happen is everyone, regardless of current disagreements and rifts, had come together against Logan. Against his perspective, against his ideas, and…well. They'd been…right. There were benefits to having plushies, in the ways they had said, and even if there weren't, who was he to tell people how they could and could not spend their money? Who was he to tell them how to form their own emotional bonds and manage them accordingly? Who was he to decide what forms of comfort were acceptable and which were not?
They had all been against him, and they had all been right.
…if Logic wasn't able to…to be right, or at the very least was selfishly emotional enough to be spiteful about being wrong, and couldn't even appreciate the way the others had approached the conversation, then…
…could Logan even be Logic anymore?
Fourth time, it seemed, was the charm.
He looks over at his whiteboard, upon which he'd spent numerous hours meticulously documenting his schedule. The pen holder, magnetized to the board where it always was, with all the colors he could ever need. And, of course, his notebook.
Logan gets up from his desk, walking over and picking it up. He flips through the pages, hoping that something, anything would give him an idea of how to deal with this, where to go next, what course of action would work—
Only, what was the point?
All of his other plans, no matter how much time he spent thinking of contingencies, no matter how careful he was to accommodate everyone's needs and desires, no matter if they were agreed upon by everyone or not, they were just as susceptible to being brushed aside at a moment's notice.
The words tumble across the pages.
Even if he'd taken it up with each of them separately, what was stopping another event like the date from barging in? He couldn't count on them to advocate for him, not when they'd never done so in the past. He couldn't assert himself with all of them like he did with Remus—shouting really was the only way to get his attention sometimes—and at that rate…
He probably had as much chance of success with that as Roman did after insulting Janus's name.
He winces as soon as the thought crosses his mind. There is no such thing as thoughtcrime, he reminds himself sternly, it is my reaction to the thoughts that matters. That was not something that was fair to me or to Roman, I will not act upon that thought, Roman is very dear to me and he understands what happened that day too.
See, if he could only behave so rationally when it came to all of the issues in his life, he wouldn't be in such a mess.
The notebook falls from his hands.
Perhaps…perhaps the solution is easier than he previously thought. Maybe he should give them some time…to work out what they're doing. Right? That made sense; it was hard to accommodate someone when they themselves didn't know what they needed, so…so maybe giving them some time would help?
But then how would he know when he'd given them enough time? Would they come and tell him? No, no, that would be stupid, they wouldn't do that, they wouldn't even know that's what he was doing—and what, could he tell them? After they had made it clear they weren't listening to him?
No, no, that wouldn't work either.
He stifles a mirthless laugh. He really isn't good at this after all.
"Hey, Princey!"
"You seen Logan?"
Roman frowns, closing his notebook. "No, not since…oh, no, when was the last time I saw Logan?"
"I can't find him anywhere," Virgil says, glancing over his shoulder as though Logan might magically appear, "and, uh…that's not good."
"Wait, did he come down for coffee this morning?"
"Uh—" he goes to the kitchen, squinting at the pot— "no, I don't think so. Wait, has this even been turned on?"
"Ooh, what are we talking about?"
"Go back to horny jail." Roman swats Remus's head with a paper towel roll. "And as part of your penance, tell us the last time you saw Logan."
Remus catches the roll effortlessly and chews off one end. "Lolo? Not for a while."
"Shit," Virgil mutters under his breath, only to turn around and face one disappointed dad-figure, "holy—Pat, don't do that!"
"Language, mister," Patton says, wagging his finger, "and you know how Logan gets when people mess with the coffee maker. You're not planning another prank, are you?"
"What? No, I wasn't—he didn't turn it on, Pat. He's not been—well, I don't think he's been down here all day."
Patton frowns, tapping Virgil's shoulder to get him to move aside. "Maybe he's just washed the pot?"
"No, pot wash is on Thursday. It's Sunday."
"I love that you know that."
"Hey, as another resident coffee drinker—"
"Oh, is there fresh coffee?" Janus raises an eyebrow as Virgil glares at him from his precarious perch on the staircase railing. "Something amiss?"
"Don't fu—don't do that, J."
Janus just chuckles and ruffles Virgil's hair. "You just make it so easy."
"No," Roman declares before Remus can open his mouth again, "none of that. Knock it off."
"Party pooper."
"Janus," Roman calls as Remus starts to gnaw on his shoulder, "when's the last time you've seen Logan?"
Janus frowns, idly grabbing Remus by the scruff of the neck and hauling him off of Roman. "Not for a while. Why, is he missing? Have you checked his room?"
"I knocked earlier," Virgil says, "but I didn't get a response. I checked the door to the Imagination, but it's still locked, so—"
"I haven't let him in. Re?"
"Nope! We're waiting for Ollie's brood."
"Oh, how's that coming?"
"Not now," Patton says as the two start talking about Kraken offspring, "we need to find Logan."
"Right, right." Roman stands up. "I'll—whoa!"
For the Mindscape had shuddered, something rumbling under the floor and sending them all staggering. Roman just barely manages to collapse back into the chair as the others hang on to bits of furniture and whatever walls they can scrabble against.
"Everyone okay?"
"Yeah, I'm all good!"
"What the hell was that?"
"I'm good, Janny." Remus shakes his head. "Was that Lolo?"
Roman frowns. "Didn't feel like him…"
"What, hold on, no, I'm not moving past that—" Virgil holds up a hand— "what do you mean, 'didn't feel like him?'"
"You know when you all have crises it affects the Mindscape, right? Oh, calm down, it's not that bad," Remus says quickly when poor Virgil looks like he is very much not going to be calm about this, "it just makes it feel a bit different."
"And you two can…feel it?"
He shrugs. "Part of the Creativity gig. We're kinda how it's made up, remember? Thomas? All that?"
"…okay, so…?"
"So," Roman continues, standing up warily, "whatever that was didn't really feel like Logan. It felt—more like…"
"Like—" Remus's eyes widen. "Oh, fuck."
"Language—wait, where are you going?"
The twins had sprinted for the staircase, leaving everyone else following frantically behind them.
"What did it feel like," Virgil barks, "Remus!"
"Like Logic!"
"You just said it didn't feel like Logan!"
"Yeah, 'cause it felt like Logic!"
"Logan is Logic!"
"No, he isn't," Roman calls as they dash around the corner, "he's—he's Logan. His function is Logic, but he's—did this hallway get longer?"
"Less talk, more explain!"
"That's not—fine, Logan's trying to separate himself from his function!"
"He's—oh, for the love of—stop!"
The sound of the Tempest Tongue shocks the twins enough for Janus to dart forward and grab them, shushing their frenzied protests and turning them to face an increasingly frustrated Virgil and an increasingly out of breath Patton.
"You kiddos are fast," he wheezes, "when—when'd you get so fast?"
They exchange a slightly guilty look before Virgil glares at them.
"Remember when you ducked out?"
"Re," Roman mutters as everyone winces, "delicate."
Virgil waves him off. "When I ducked out?"
"You removed Anxiety. No more. Ka-put. Bye-bye." Remus twiddles his fingers to mimic an explosion. "But you, you, Virgil, purple emo, you still existed. 'Cause you're not just your function."
"Is Logan ducking out?"
"No, no," Roman says quickly, trying to calm Patton, "he's—he's just having a crisis. I think our dear darling nerd is having some…insecurities and they're manifesting in a way that's trying to separate him from Logic."
"Like—he thinks he can't be Logic anymore?"
As if on cue, or perhaps to reward Patton's correct guess, the Mindscape shudders again.
"Here's an idea," Remus growls, thrashing against Janus's grip, "why don't we ask him?"
It's cold.
It's dark.
How long has it been?
Does it matter?
Something is making noise.
Does it matter?
"—gan! Logan!"
"Oh, you poor thing—no, don't turn on the light, you'll startle him."
"How long has he been like this?"
Does it matter?
"Shit—we should've come way earlier—"
"No use doing that now. We need to help him."
"Right. Patton, Janus—you two go downstairs and make sure we've got his safe food. Virgil—"
"Coffee, I know."
"On deck."
Does it matter?
"Logan," someone says, right next to him, "Logan, can you hear me?"
Yes, he can, but does it matter?
"Please, Logan, I need you to open your eyes."
His eyes are closed?
"Logan, please."
Oh. They said please. He should listen when people say please. It's the polite thing to do.
Something incredibly blurry swims into view overhead. It's…red? And white? And gold?
"There you are," the voice murmurs, "hello, little star."
Little star, that's…that's what Roman calls him. Is Roman here?
"Yes, little star, it's me, I'm right here. Can you look at me?"
He blinks. Why is Roman here?
"We got worried, little star, we haven't seen you in a while."
Is he talking out loud?
"Yeah, Logan, you are. Shh, shh, shh," Roman says quickly, warm hands landing on his shoulders, "it's alright, I don't mind. You're alright, little star, it's alright."
"Wha…what happened?"
Roman's expression morphs into something much sadder. "You…went away, Logan. We…we should've have come sooner. I'm sorry we didn't. Are you—no. You've been lying down for a long—a long time, can we get you up and moving around?"
Moving is good, a small voice in his head says, it will help.
"I'll help," Roman says immediately, "you can come hold onto me if you want."
His arms groan in protest as he drags them along the blanket, lifting to paw clumsily at Roman's chest. "I can't."
"You can," Roman promises, helping to sling his arms over his shoulders, "there, see? You did it, good job, little star, good job."
"I did?"
"You did." He leans down and carefully scoops Logan into his arms. "We're going to try to sit up now, alright? We'll go very slowly and if it becomes too much, tell me and I'll lie you back down."
Logan clutches Roman's shoulders and slowly, slowly, they start to sit up. He's panting by the time they make it, his nose mashed into Roman's collar. Roman doesn't seem to mind in the slightest, rubbing his back and whispering you did it, good job, you did it, little star, we're done now.
"Hey, Lolo," Remus says, coming closer, "you're not doing so great, huh?"
Logan shakes his head.
"That's okay. We're gonna help." He ruffles Logan's greasy hair. "Can we get you in the bath or the shower?"
"I don't…I don't know if I can stand."
"You can lie down, that's okay. Ro can carry you."
Despite himself, he lets out a noise of disbelief and Roman chuckles.
"Doubting me, little star," he teases gently, "can I prove you wrong?"
Logan nods carefully and promptly lets out a yelp as Roman shifts him effortlessly into a princess carry, making for the bathroom. "Roman!"
"You're not that heavy, little star," Roman murmurs, "it's alright. Shower, or bath?"
"Bath it is. Remus, can you—"
"On it."
The time between being in Roman's arms and being in the bath with Remus carefully nudging him back to wet his hair is a warm blur, filled with soft touches and softer words, culminating in a quiet noise as Remus patiently works shampoo through his hair.
"Hey, Lolo," he says gently, "you will me? That feel okay?"
"Mm. You're…good at that."
He chuckles. "I gotta be. You see the stuff I deal with every day?"
And it says something that he can't even summon up the courage to be snarky back, just letting out a loopy giggle as the bath laps gently against his skin. The warm water soothes his aching muscles, and they must have added something because the faint smell of lavender and bergamot wafts through the steam as his eyes droop closed again.
"Don't fall asleep just yet," Remus reminds, "we gotta wash this out first."
"Ro, can you—"
"Yeah, it's all warm."
Wait, what? There was still shampoo in his hair a moment ago, why is Remus telling him it's time to get out?
"Come on, Lolo, the towel's all warm."
And oh, yes, it is—they must've put it in the dryer—Roman wraps the warmth around him and grabs another for his hair, gently rubbing it over his head until he chuckles.
"Fuzzy little Logan burrito," he murmurs, "let's get you into something soft."
"But I'm in something soft," Logan protests, only for Roman to laugh, "can I just stay in this?"
"No, I'm sorry, little star. Come on, I promise these are warm too."
The soft things—pajamas, his tired brain supplies—are warm enough and he lets them help him into them, mumbling his thanks.
"No need," Remus says, "do you think you can make it downstairs to eat something?"
"Here, lean on us," he says, "Ro, get—"
"Right here, little star," Roman murmurs as they start helping him downstairs, "right here."
Perhaps, that should have been his first indicator, that they care. That the two of them took the time to make sure he was comfortable, that he was clean, that he was warm.
Perhaps his second indicator is that Virgil's made him coffee. Just the way he likes, he hasn't messed up any of the settings on the pot, it's even in his favorite mug. Virgil ruffles his still-damp hair gently and says something about go sit on the couch, bud, it's gonna be okay.
Perhaps his third indicator is that Janus and Patton have little bowls of his favorite snacks on the coffee table, and his favorite documentary on the TV. They make sure he has blankets and pillows and each whispers something like it's okay, sweetheart, we're here now, you're going to be alright, sweetie.
But perhaps his fourth indicator is that they all fall asleep like that, curled around him on a big mattress on the floor, each promising to do better in the future.
They didn't need to do that.
There was no Logic to doing that.
It was just for Logan.
Just because he was Logan.
Well, you know what they say, fourth time's the charm.
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thisisnotthenerd · 8 months
back at it again with thisisnotthenerd's d20 stats.
this time we're talking runtime. this is referenced directly from dropout--i manually entered each episode into the spreadsheet, no shortcuts. why. times are recorded as hours:minutes:seconds. anyway:
overall runtime stats:
total runtime for all seasons of dimension 20 (at the moment, including oneshots and the episodes of Burrow's End that are currently out): 462:43:30. That’s the equivalent of 19 days, 6 hours, 43 minutes, and 30 seconds. Almost 3 weeks.
average runtime per episode: 2:10:21. around 2 hours per ep.
longest season by time: fantasy high sophomore year, with 52:13:31
shortest season: shriek week, with 7:49:30
season with the highest average: fantasy high sophomore year, with 2:36:41. this one is skewed by the long finale episodes, and the fact that this season was livestreamed rather than pre-recorded, as most d20 seasons are. this stat doesn't include oneshots, as those tend to be longer in order to contain a full narrative. the stats are listed though.
season with the lowest average: fantasy high freshman year, with 1:39:43. as the first season, fhfy tends toward shorter episodes overall--combat episodes usually ran shorter than non combat episodes.
longest episode: Spring Break! I Believe In You! (Part 2) from Fantasy High Sophomore Year, with 5:06:42. by far the longest episode of dimension 20. truly an unbelievable finale.
shortest episode: Brawl at the Black Pit from Fantasy High Freshman Year, at just 1:07:53. like i said, combat ran short during fhfy.
total number of episodes (as of 10/17/23): 219. this will change tomorrow, i know. i'll update when the season is over so i'm not neurotically changing this
total number of battle/encounter episodes: 106. again, this will be updated at the end of the season. quick note about battle episodes: this category includes all of the episodes with a designated battlesets, whether that was physical, on roll20, or on talespire. for theater of the mind, i narrowed it down to specific episodes that had designed encounters, and not just spur of the moment encounters, unless those spur of the moment encounters were significant enough to take up an episode. key example: fabian's no good very bad day in leviathan.
i marked whether you could finish watching a season in one day, with no breaks for each one of the seasons: this doesn't mean could you do it in 24 hours, it means you could do it without losing sleep. in the waking hours.
d20 season runtime data
fantasy high freshman year:
total runtime: 28:15:12
average runtime per episode: 1:39:43 seconds
number of episodes: 17
number of battle/encounter episodes: 9
longest episode: episode 12: the sisterly showdown (1:57:11)
shortest episode: episode 6: brawl at the black pit (1:07:53)
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ❌
escape from the bloodkeep:
total runtime: 14:02:07
average runtime per episode: 2:20:21
number of episodes: 6
number of battle/encounter episodes: 3
longest episode: episode 6: the tomb of ultimate evil (2:57:59)
shortest episode: episode 5: bloodlines and lifelines (1:56:44)
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ✅
the unsleeping city:
total runtime: 34:11:27
average runtime per episode: 2:00:40
number of episodes: 17
number of battle/encounter episodes: 9
longest episode: episode 14: showdown at the stock exchange (2:35:07)
shortest episode: episode 2: mutant santa melee (1:28:12)
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ❌
tiny heist:
total runtime: 12:27:12
average runtime per episode: 2:04:32
number of episodes: 6
number of battle/encounter episodes: 4
longest episode: episode 1: big little crimes (2:11:12)
shortest episode: episode 5: fighting with fire (1:55:38)
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ✅
fantasy high sophomore year:
total runtime: 52:13:31
average runtime per episode: 2:36:41
number of episodes: 20
number of battle/encounter episodes: 8
longest episode: episode 20: spring break! i believe in you! (part 2), with 5:06:42
shortest episode: episode 7: the friendship section, with 2:08:50. even the short episodes in fhsy are over 2 hours.
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ❌❌ (double because you couldn't do it in two days)
fantasy high oneshots:
total runtime: 8:11:31
average runtime per episode: 2:02:53
number of episodes: 4
number of battle/encounter episodes: 4 (they're oneshots)
longest episode: Boys' Night! (Roll20Con) with 2:45:17
shortest episode: Fantasy High LIVE at RTX Austin with 1:26:53
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ✅
a crown of candy:
total runtime: 36:18:00
average runtime per episode: 2:08:07
number of episodes: 17
number of battle/encounter episodes: 9
longest episode: episode 11: at the mountains of sweetness, with 2:30:34
shortest episode: episode 10: blood & bread, with 1:36:59. this came down to emily not coming in as saccharina in this episode.
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ❌
pirates of leviathan:
total runtime: 13:02:06
average runtime per episode: 2:10:21
number of episodes: 6
number of battle/encounter episodes: 3
longest episode: episode 4: i'm worth this, with 2:25:55
shortest episode: episode 5: scramble to the ramble, with 1:52:21
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ✅
the unsleeping city chapter 2:
total runtime: 42:35:35
average runtime per episode: 2:21:59
number of episodes: 18
number of battle/encounter episodes: 10
longest episode: episode 6: collaborators, with 2:46:31
shortest episode: episode 2: heaven and hell on earth, with 1:40:52
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ❌
mice & murder:
total runtime: 20:46:20
average runtime per episode: 2:04:38
number of episodes: 10
number of battle/encounter episodes: 4
longest episode: episode 10: unfinished business, with 2:46:06
shortest episode: episode 8: outfoxed, with 1:22:43
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ❌
misfits & magic:
total runtime: 9:45:13
average runtime per episode: 2:26:18
number of episodes: 4
number of battle/encounter episodes: 2
longest episode: episode 4: we're the heroes, with 2:54:57
shortest episode: episode 3: family on six, with 2:08:58
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ✅
misfits & magic oneshots:
total runtime: 5:19:32
average runtime per episode: 2:39:46
number of episodes: 2
number of battle/encounter episodes: 2
longest episode: misfits & magic holiday special, with 3:14:57
shortest episode: misfits & magic live at gencon 2022, with 2:04:35
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ✅
the seven:
total runtime: 23:55:12
average runtime per episode: 2:23:31
number of episodes: 10
number of battle/encounter episodes: 6
longest episode: episode 6: belles of the baronies, with 2:58:43
shortest episode: episode 7: bloppelganger blitz, with 1:28:09
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ❌
shriek week:
total runtime: 7:49:30
average runtime per episode: 1:57:23
number of episodes: 4
number of battle/encounter episodes: 0
longest episode: episode 3: parents' weekend, with 2:10:15
shortest episode: episode 4: van helsing's party, with 1:39:33
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ✅
a starstruck odyssey:
total runtime: 39:54:33
average runtime per episode: 2:13:02
number of episodes: 18
number of battle/encounter episodes: 10
longest episode: episode 18: the luckless, the abandoned and the forsaked (part 2), with 3:08:38
shortest episode: episode 17: the luckless, the abandoned and the forsaked (part 1), with 1:23:40
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ❌
coffin run:
total runtime: 10:19:38
average runtime per episode: 1:43:16
number of episodes: 6
number of battle/encounter episodes: 3
longest episode: episode 2: attacks on the tracks, with 2:05:18
shortest episode: episode 1: down for the count, with 1:10:21
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ✅
a court of fey and flowers:
total runtime: 20:27:10
average runtime per episode: 2:02:43
number of episodes: 10
number of battle/encounter episodes: 4
longest episode: episode 3: duel on the southern lawn, with 2:32:06
shortest episode: episode 10: you will never know a lonely day again, with 1:14:24
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ❌
total runtime: 42:25:08
average runtime per episode: 2:07:15
number of episodes: 20
number of battle/encounter episodes: 9
longest episode: episode 20: the ending of all things (part 2), with 2:38:33
shortest episode: episode 6: the curdled web, with 1:39:05
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ❌
the ravening war:
total runtime: 14:59:17
average runtime per episode: 2:29:53
number of episodes: 6
number of battle/encounter episodes: 4
longest episode: episode 5: the seventh kingdom, with 2:39:27
shortest episode: episode 3: yonder where the fruit do be lyin', with 2:19:26. matt mercer likes himself a long episode
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ✅
dungeons & drag queens:
total runtime: 9:31:03
average runtime per episode: 2:22:46
number of episodes: 4
number of battle/encounter episodes: 2
longest episode: episode 3: the time has come, with 2:42:23
shortest episode: episode 1: queens on a quest, with 2:03:47
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ✅
total runtime: 12:31:14
average runtime per episode: 2:05:12
number of episodes: 6
number of battle/encounter episodes: 3
longest episode: episode 5: emergency powers, with 2:31:00
shortest episode: episode 3: f for freezer, with 1:53:48
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ✅
burrow's end:
the season isn't done yet, so the spreadsheet will be updated weekly as episodes come out, and this post will be updated when all of the data is present.
and that's all for this edition of thisisnotthenerd's d20 stats! this one was a long one. as always, the spreadsheet is open to perusal.
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boysthatlove · 1 year
Bed Friend, Chains of Heart and Love Syndrome III
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Right now does expect to hear from me for at least three hours on a Saturday afternoon because these shows have me in a chokehold.
BedFriend EP 7
I have mentioned before that BedFriend will have us in chokehold and I haven't been wrong yet and I am very thankful that they extended from the original 8 to 10 episode. This recent episode, didn't really do much for me but the episode was necessary to set up the climax of the story/show.
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This is what I will say as if we don't already know, Mom, Stepdad, and boss, all trash. Not just what they did to Uea, but the fact that everything that they are doing/ have done is alright and feel they are entitled to anything that belongs to Uea (Money, body, etc.)
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Jade, the best friend we all dream about having and it will be nice to see him get the love and attention he deserves. ( I would really like to see how they will change the story, considering Middleman is before BedFriend).
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Now, King...sigh King is fumbling the ball and Uea is also not making it easy for him. Since we are not seeing the POV of King, we don't know what is actually going on with those arranged dates. We know he likes, better yet loves Uea, we are just not seeing him step up to the plate and let his mother know that he wants to be with someone else.
I do believe that episode 8 will be good and hope a lot of things will right itself.
Chains of Heart Ep 7
First thing first, this show is being slept on and I am not sure why there isn't enough people either watching it or talking about.
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Chemistry of the two male leads, top tier, off the charts, I really hope to see them in another series moving forward if not more. Production quality is pretty good and I have notice that they used some of the same locations as KinnPorsche; honorable mention the actor who played Kinn's father also plays Ken's father. For a 10 episode series, I am not a big fan of how it is paced, it would be nice to read the book for comparison and I'm kind of tired of waiting for everything to be reveled.
On with the episode, if you get a chance to watch, you will have a pretty good understanding of what I am speaking about. Do yourself the favor and watch it!
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I mentioned before, their chemistry together, Chef's kiss. But them as individual actors, I believe they play their characters really. Ken, two years later can't get over the love of his life and Peter Lue, he is helpless in the love he has for Ken. The longing you see and you hear and you feel, it is overwhelming to watch and I can't help but feel for Peter because until Ken officially lets go of past love, Peter is in a zone that has no name. To put Peter in the friendzone would be an insult.
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Ken has great people in his life due to his past love Din, they all very smart and very protective of Ken and this pretty much I can say without spoiling any more of the series. I hope that the last 3 episodes gives the show the justice that it is currently not getting.
Love Syndrome III Ep 5
How would I describe this series: It is a train wreak that you can't help but watch.
As someone who has read the first two books and has watched Unforgotten Night, they could have waited and made the show with better quality. Frank as an Ex-GMMer, he should know that your face is your brand and everything that you do should be of quality. I understand that he went into the military and had to cut his hair. While they were waiting for his hair to grow back, because Brick/Itt's hair is slightly longer, Long and Frank could have gone through longer workshops to build better chemistry. (Shame on the person who felt that it was alright to have Frank in that wig) Yes, I understand that they are both attractive, but it can't do much if you can't act or better yet, act with each other.
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For a 12 episode series, the pacing is fine. I really don't feel that they are doing the source material justice. Author was right not to give TV/Films rights for the first two books because WOW. I hope and pray that they never make series for Nan and Mac.
I don't know how I feel about Night and Gear just yet. I am not a big fan of the actors who play Kamol and Kim, I understand that the characters' ages are older, but they could have found more attractive actors with better chemistry within the necessary age range. Plus the hat and sunglasses they had Khun Kamol wearing didn't help.
I know I was supposed to talk about episode 5, but everything I just mentioned gives you an idea of my thoughts on the episode. As stated it is a train wreak and I will continue to watch.
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zombeegrll · 2 years
Bitch, you thought. Ep 2
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Bully!Gojo x Black!Chubby!fem!reader ( Geto is involved but not that much )
Ep 1 link
Synopsis: You just transferred to the closest high school to your new house as a senior. While settling in your local school. Some people became interested in you. You're just a bit...peculiar. But the one that is most curious is Satoru. ANd his ways to try to get away with you is also ...peculiar too.
Warnings: Nsfw ( not full-on smut but undertones.), bullying, manipulation, swearing, smoking, manhandling, teasing, power control, Modern Au, threatening, knifes
^ these warnings do not all apply to each episode on its own but to the series itself.
This week was some shit. Every time I walk into the hallways after classes, I'm always met with gojo and his posse, sneering at me. I can feel their eyes lingering on my body. And sometimes, just sometimes, one of them has enough courage to say something like, "aye Mami, shake a lil sum for me?"
Or they would loudly whisper,
"I wonder what sounds she makes in bed?" Now, being sexually objectified every time I fucking breathe isn't the only thing that wanted to make me want to rip my hair out. Most of the girls here are some A-1 bitches. I have been bullied before by women and it's nothing compared to when guys bully other guys. Yeah, it can become physical with a girl but that's not all. It can be so underhand and under the radar.
And if you look different than the bunch, you can easily become the next target. It's the constant snorting every time I walk past a group of girls or the notes on my desk saying that they will order me a salad for lunch. I looked behind me to see who wrote the letter but I see all of them laughing, snickering at me.
"How about you all stop reflecting your insecurities on me and go see a therapist, hm?" you asserted.
The laughing usually comes to a halt after you insult them and you usually look away from the girls and throw the note behind you, hitting one of the girl's head.
One day, maybe Wednesday, you met a girl named Eris. She had tanned skin and brown eyes to match. Her hair was curly and perfectly framed her face. A feature that really stood out to you was her long straight lashes and the freckles that added to her face.
you saw her walking to the lunch table you sat at. She had a friend beside her smiling innocently. you felt comfortable.
" Hi! my name is Eris and this is Selene. We noticed you were new here and just wanted to get to know you" She exclaimed. Selene confirmed with a simple nod.
" uh sure? Yall can sit here if yall want."
They both gave me a toothy smile and sat down across from me.
We talked about everything and nothing. Eris seemed like she could talk about anything for hours while Selene listened compliantly, adding giggles and pleased grins in the middle of our conversation. They were a fresh breath of air. If I haven't met them I would be kicking a bitch in the face at the moment. Our short conversation ended with a quick exchange of phone numbers.
" Call us anytime! Were planning on going to a party and even though e just met, we really want you to join us" Eris exclaimed.
" Yup, could be fun with you. You have a different energy than the other girls here at (name) high, I just can't put my finger on it yet" Selene murmured.
You chuckle at their honesty. You can say you are different. They will know why soon you thought.
You're now getting ready for this party Eris --and even Selene --been chatting your ear off about. You slip on your dress while shouting at the speaker phone on your 3-way call, " This set is giving, to be honest, hehe."
" can't wait to see it bub" Eris shouted back.
"mhm!" Selene exclaimed loudly.
You eye your body in the mirror, admiring how your curves were so alluring like you were some sort of seductress. Shamelessly poking your ass out and swaying your hips to see your outfit in action.
The secret was,
You were a big party girl. Emphasis on big. You were a City Girl, infamous in Maryland for your shenanigans when the street lights shine. The night was your best bitch and you were about to show that at the party. Usually, these house party ends up you high as shit dancing for some store owners or sneaking in some club accompanying some random ass DJ.
"Let's try to be a bit civil tonight," you say to yourself in the mirror.
You look at your hair to see if it still looks good from the last time you looked: also give your french tips a peek too.
" You almost here S? (nickname for Selene)"
"Yup, Just picked up Eris, 5 mins away, ill honk when I'm here since your mom is at work."
"Okay, see yall soon haha"
You hung up the phone and grab your star-shaped purse, putting the bag over your broad shoulders. You caught a glimpse of yourself in your vanity mirror again a mummered,
"This is gonna be fun."
You soon sprint down the stairs to the front door. As you turn back around to punch in the security alarm pin, you hear a car rolling up at the curb. Suddenly turning around, you see a Black Range Rover and hear a singular hotel coming out of it.
You let out a toothy grin and yelled "Eris better not already called shotgun!!" as you practically jump into the back seat. The group laughed as Selene drove off, heading to the party.
(here is some music to read through the party scene !! all on Spotify btw)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 ( They all gonna make you get up and dance and at some point, I promise ya)
We arrived.
As Selene parked the car in the much-occupyed parking lot, I can hear <3
practically spilling out the house.
" NOPE, this my song!! Hurry up Selene, whip this car so we can get inside!!" you shout from the backseat, clawing at the driving and passenger headrest, waiting for your reserved friend to finish parallel parking.
When she finally sets the car to par, you jump out of the car excitedly. The artificial streetlights bathed your skin while you squeal for them to get out. Too excited for your own good. They both finally get out of the car, clutching their matching Nine west purses as Eris exclaims,
" Cmon bub, let's see you shake sum ass haha" she chuckled jokingly.
You put your hand on your mouth to hold in your laugh and laughed, " Why do you sound like a whole nigga saying that?"
They all laughed while walking into the house. There were LEDs everywhere giving a party atmosphere--definitely worked. Bodies clung together but most were in groups staring at others. Too scared to move.
And since this was your song, you grabbed a nearby wine bottle and started to dance with your new friends.
Suddenly, people were eying the group. "Who are they?"
"Never seen the girl in black around.."
"She moves so...wow."
When the hook dropped, you're already letting your friend uck it up behind you as you twerk on her. Drink in your hand and throwing up the other.
You needed this.
You were aware of the stares, the whispers, the encouragement from the other party-goers. That just makes the night more fun. But you weren't aware of something, sorry, someone.
Gojo Satoru.
He was chilling with a bottle of 'yac and talking about...god knows what. But he heard someone, someone louder than the music for a bit. He heard people cheering and shouting "damn girl fuck it up!" followed by a giggle.
He looked over with his group to see...you.
Flaunting your ass on a girl he didn't know. The way you were so confident filled him with this unknown mixed feeling. He definitely thought you were so sexy as you dance with your friends--but--usually girls like you, well so he thought, would be looking at him by now, trying to get his attention. He is so confused how you don't see him eyeing you down like a wolf, wanting to ruin you right there.
You were just having fun, interrupting smoke sesh to snag blunts, prancing around other dancers without partners, trying to lighten their evening. you felt welcomed.
He hated that.
He pictured you to feel so vulnerable and alone if you came here. Silently watching others and not knowing what to do with yourself. He hated how you can handle yourself confidently simply because he has never seen it before.
He still wanted to see if you can be that way for him
he wants to break you.
But would you even let him?
Geto appears beside Gojo, beer in hand and blunt in other " that grl you been teasing is really doing a number over there... might need to introduce myself-"
"She wouldn't let you get the chance. You have always been next to me as I teased her. She knows your face" gojo is exasperated, frustrated on how your not clawing at him, wanting his attention.
Getou laughed lowly, patting Gojo in the back from his extremely possessive remark.
"let's see shall we?" he chuckled, leaving his drink on the counter as he walks in your direction.
Gojo is furious but waits till-- if you are bored of him.
As Getou walks over to you and a group of people smoking and snorting, the song changes <3.
You jump up and sing-song the intro of the song and when the beat dropped, you settle back down.
You are high as shit.
Eris and Selene, also in the circle, Laughed at your newfound excitement through the weed. as you sway your voluptuous hips while a mid-finished blunt sit on your lips, you feel a looming figure over you. You turn around to see that same man Gojo always be next to you. You blew put pupils can his face and made a confused look.
" Whatcha want man bun?" you shouted to pierce the music.
He suddenly acted like he was hurt from your comment then chuckled lowly " Jus' wanted to say you good tonight darlin' "
"Don't I always?" you questioned, but not really waiting for an answer.
You already knew the answer.
To be honest, Geto expected you to be swooning over that compliment. But you weren't. It was nothing different than the usual shit you're spat at every day.
He's not any different.
You look at him with a more confusing look followed by a 'get away weirdo' look in your eyes. He scoffed and walked away like he just didn't get rejected. When he was close enough to Gojo he growled, "What a fucking brat." Slamming don his hand on the counter, taking a swig of his beer.
"Told you" He chuckled.
He watched you until you got up and headed for the upstairs, taking a drag of your blunt. He licked his lips while following you,
" ugh, I need to freshen up" you murmur to yourself, fiddling with the hem of your skirt as you make your way to the bathroom. As soon as you turn the doorknob to open the door, you feel two cold hands gripping your waist pushing you into the bathroom with force. You try to pry the cold thick fingers off your body and try to turn around, but they're not letting you.
" What in the actual fuck? get off me loser!" you scream.
You hear a low chuckle and a hand was lifted from your waist, only to hear a door lock.
This gives you some time to move and see who is doing this, and when you did, all you see is the white-haired bastard's eyes boring into your body, then soon your pissed-off face. A small smirk started to grow on his lips as he looked at your face.
"Pissed. Leave me an alone dipshit."
Suddenly, you try to kick him but it was unsuccessful, somehow he blocked you?
" Finally, I got you all to myself. Isn't what you wanted me to do Y/n? You wanted me to chase after you instead?" He squeezes the exposed skin of your waist tightly, unconsciously making you closer to his body. The bathroom was tiny, with barely any space to breathe, think, or process anything.
" what are you talking about Gojo" you questioned. Have you seriously been giving this dude signs? Nah. He's just fucking delusional.
You never really were interested in dating people, yeah maybe a good fuck buddy is cool but nothing more. Relationships are draining in your opinion, and mess with your mentee.
You laugh and look at him with an amused look, confusing the blue-eyed boy.
"You thought..I liked you? HAHAHA! Gojo I barely even know you! And so far I got.." You made some distance and counted with your fingers,
" 1. A-1 asshole 2. Total creep 3. Total sadist by heart and 4. anger issues." you chuckle at him and wiggle your fingers at his face. You could tell he was annoyed at your confident state. That you didn't just accept his attraction and make the best outta it.
" Also..." you grow closer, staring at his ocean orbs. " If i did even think about you, It wouldn't be dating you ... it'd be just using you. You being my personal dildo hehe."
He stepped back trying to understand what you said.
" Just...fuck buddies? That's all? Not gonna fall in love w me or nun?"
" You're a jerk, would never think about it. But you are attractive and could use that to your advantage."
"oh and.." You firmly grabbed the bulge through his pants, making him groan into your touch, " Don't ever touch me again without permission. I'm not your little slave mkay?" he whispered in his ear. When you let go of his sore hard-on, you unlocked the door and left, leaving the confused boy in there alone.
'I just need to break her'
' need her to beg for me'
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incarnateirony · 1 year
Looking at old prices for 30 second commercial spots on CW (2018 numbers, so pre-crash), looks like they were aiming for an average of about 30,000$/slot. Their #1 show was up to about 46K, and their lower shows were in the 15K area, so basically like +/- 15 range in either direction.
Just comparing. Windy for example is the Dynasty or Crazy Ex Girlfriend of today, in performance. Probably about 16K/slot. Walker is running like 4-5th in 18-49, which would be a slot or two under where SPN was in this year, so that looks like maybe about 24k/ep similar to charmed (who also had a similar ratings tumble and rot trajectory tbh). By this standard, AA becomes their top earner closer to that 46K target, and TW comes in closer, probably at between black lightning and the flash's values (flash being top in that year, 46K vs black lightning 35K, so just. 40K seems about right.)
That is NOT to even consider the bundled advertising with digital, TW's proprietary app digital demand, and the likeliness it is in fact closer to that 46K. Or Walker's trash proprietary app use bringing down it's value compared to its competitors, and suddenly you're looking at like 20K/ep.
And that's just that when you lay it out. You get like: AA: 46K+ // TW: 40-46K // Walker: 20-24K // Windy: 16K
Given, these numbers are rough, off of 2018 ad costs, based then comparatively on the ranking of each show at the time. But it really helps illustrate the problem at hand here, and why people are trying so hard to believe 18-49 doesn't matter, actually, regardless of what the CW presidents, partners, or just the general industry says.
This is WHY you get more Ipad and Marvel and all the high end non wrinkle cream shit in these two. AARP can't afford a spot on TW slot, but they can afford the Walker/Windy stuff nobody else is buying. Or so can tmobile/liberty/whoever buys 3 slots on the same show cuz they were just Sitting There. Because they don't have the audience advertisers want. Sure, Marvel could AFFORD to buy the slots but like. Why. Why waste money. They can spend about 2x as much to get like 4x the eyes they're targeting, why the fuck waste it on lower grade shit.
In an hour long show, there is an average of 32, 30 second slots. Sometimes it's broken for 15 seconds or you get a rare minute, but the prices above are for 30 seconds. So, x32 multipliers on those numbers. Then x20 or so to map out what a full season looks like, profit margin wise. AA: 46K+ (x32 = 1.472M) (x20 = 29.44M) TW: 40-46K (x32 = 1.28M-1.472M) (x20 = 25.6M-29.44M) Walker: 20-24K (x32 = 640,000-768,000) (x20 = 12.8M-15.36M) Windy: 16K (x32 = 512,000) (x20 = 10.24M)
Okay. Now let's look at this. I will say, with the digital bundling packages compensating (this was not active at the point of these numbers), these numbers may be slightly deflated across the board, and really are likely about double-over. So let's update that.
AA: 58.88M TW: 51.2 - 58.88M Walker: 25.6M-30.72M Windy: 20.48M
Okay. These are about what we can expect these shows advertising revenue to roughly look like at market value. And I think everybody still sees the problem, maybe even more loudly now.
For this, I'm using a flat 20 episodes, whether or not the show actually got 20 this year, as a nice round number.
Look at Windy: 20 eps for 20 million. Even if Nexstar gave them only 1 mill/ep, they STILL wouldn't make profit back. Much less like 2.5-3M/ep.
Now look at Walker: Even on the high end, 1.5M/ep. If they ONLY gave Walker 1M/ep, they'd make some profit, but Walker needs at least 3M/ep at current, and has no other funding sources beyond CBS itself deciding if they put in the other 2M/ep.
Now let's look at AA: almost 3M/ep. While the show's budget is about 3M/ep, they could literally be given the whole thing, and Nexstar would break even, but in the meantime, it's coproduced CBS and WB both as potential financiers. If Nexstar capped them at 2M/ep WB and CBS could both pitch in 500K each, pennies to them for what they get back in aftermarket, and be fine.
Now, let's look at TW: We COULD say the same value as AA--but difference being, younger show, smaller budget, closer to 2M. Meaning, Nexstar alone could choose to float the licensing and break even, and like AA, it's coproduced AND also has CM and it's financiers too. Even if somehow Nexstar lost its mind and only put 1M in, the rest could be broken out between the three viable other funding sources.
Realistically, Nexstar's ULTIMATE goal is to continue to cull bad performers and bring in better ones enough to raise the value of the slot in general, because these prices are still fractions of the larger networks. But while the larger networks descend, the aggressive cut and cull method of Nexstar looks to resist decline, basically letting everyone else fall down around them like that meme of the australian olympic skater or whatever. And, in the meantime, what they do cull, they can replace with infinitely cheaper unscripted or licensed products. Why pay 2-3 M an ep for a 0.07 with shit digitals when they can get that same 0.07 or probably BETTER by putting down 250K/ep on some reality shit or a cheap sitcom at 500K. Like it's a no fucking brainer at the end of the day.
Suddenly, if 4 of their 10 slots are this kind of shit, their operations costs just went through the fuckin floor, like 1/3 off at least, for the same performance or better. Then they keep their high demand shows to keep genre audience etc and bring in their dramas etc to age things up. Suddenly, Nexstar-CW is operating at like half the cost it used to, is actually bringing its numbers up in comparison to the rest of the industry, and, like they said, can be profitable by 2025.
The year of 2023-2024 is their "try to break evenish" year. What they cull and order this year is their first aggro wipe of the board, and they'll keep top performers. If all goes well, their packages should inflate by about 50% give or take as there's less of a gap between them and their competitors. Then, again, expect an aggressive cull after 2024 fall-spring season ends, and again, resisting that decline.
This tactic is also going to force new viewership in, and possibly drive up or stabilize viewership in already strong/surviving shows around in that 2023-2024 season, if they do this right. That's the whole plan, at least. So then, by 2025, their gap between them and the competition should be significantly narrowed, their ad space vastly increased in value, their operation costs down, and there you go, now you have a Profitable Network.
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Often Dystopia (And how its gonna affect my art)
As much as there are some seriously good dystopian fiction. (yes im enamored with sci-fi) personally to me it almost feels tired but i understand the appeal and popularity
But how does this effect my art, and turn TillinGhast Corporate Media
Well first let me explain what TillinGhast Corporate Media is
TGCM was and is me taking what little part of my previous project that never took off and i never made it very far with, Tillinghast
Tillinghast was my outlet for my anger and isolation, and originally began after the death of my grandfather and the falling out of the people i had tried to gather for a band
I had written an ep dealing with my loss and an album that was inspired by election day 2016 and the amount of anger that i felt towards the establishment that i was already growing increasingly tired of
I ended that project after 2-3 years of trying to find vocalists/funds/and start making art
after that died i didnt touch any project and just wrote shitty electronic again, much like everytime i get bored with writing metal, but this time i had much more fun making just beeps and boops with no expectation of vocals and just making basic looping music
So where did TillinGhast Corporate Media come from?
If you notice i did keep the tillinghast name, as i found out when i first started this solo shit, isnt wasnt in use by any active musicians, and i only found one band that hadnt been active in over 8 years
But i wanted something new
something different
So i kinda let my focus on music, the thing i had been doing for over 10 years, go to the side to try and create elsewhere, right at the beginning of 2020
the first thing i thought i would try?
Writing a book
Which as a lot of people on here know, is really really really really really fucking hard to do, especially when you start this shit working a 9 hour overnight shift and writing on days off while everyone else you care about is asleep
And in figuring out what i had wanted to write then, i decided to not go big, but to try and keep me entertained, i needed more than just a few characters
So using a small chunk of info i had written down when i was trying to get into dnd and make my own scifi version of the game, i created a few planets, each with different species and histories and lore and economies
and i made a decision
Each planet would have different stories
to try and keep me entertained
which worked for about a year, and i havent updated since because i have trouble making myself create anything other than music, but i dont wanna get too recent or on a tangent
But why the name TillinGhast Corporate Media?
Well, because it sounds cool as shit. I used to love vaporwave and alternative genres and anything i could find that was "weird"
but also at some point i decided that if i do ever blow up, i want to hire other creatives and actually pay them well, and give them a place to really get out a message for the future
But its just me
So i get to have all the say
at least for now
But why a universe you ask? Why is this so damn long? Get to the point?
well at least for two of those im trying to be verbose and explain myself, and honestly if you read this far i love you and hope that youll stay here on this journey with me
I've always wanted to be part of a group, art creative, touring band, etc.
Ive gotten close only once or twice, but ive always been diy and taught myself shit so i figured i wanted to combine all of my loves into one thing, one giant sandbox where i can be creative in my decisions
And once again, i didnt want it to be just me. So TillinGhast Corporate Media will always be changing and evolving as i learn more about this giant world im having to navigate
I will say there will probably errors or fails, but i want this to be inclusive and open and loving so other people can use this as a means to escape, if even for a little bit, the harsh reality we all face.
Much like i got an escape in music and books as a kid and teenager
So why a universe? because a universe is big and can hold many stories and many perspectives, much like a library can hold many different pieces of knowledge
So to get to the final point, for those of you who actually made it this far based on the title
TillinGhast Corporate Media both as myself and as a future idea or brand
at least for now
Will not ever be a dystopia story
I have not forced myself to change and grow and evolve and continue to sit in my negativity and apathy and just general poopy pants view of the world
To not try with all my might to maybe write something that while not a utopia, is not dystopia and imagines a brighter, better, future where people maybe dont have to worry about as much, because they learned from our awful horrible past and actually refuse to repeat any of it
To try and make this more about characters and stories and music and the things that make myself and others smile, instead of regurgitated dystopias where even basic life is rough
does this mean everything will be all flowers and butterflies and my little pony?
absolutely the fuck not
Truth is often stranger than fiction and anything can happen even in a shiny place, but the point is to not be a negative nancy and have a bunch of shitty stuff going on all the time
One of the planets is a floating colony with what little remains of the human race
One planet is basically in the middle of an uprising of an exiled group
The book im writing (kinda spoilery but idk if ever ill finish this damn thing) literally has an act of terrorism being planned from someone who was radicalized by a really bad group that is basically space religion and its many parallels
All of my short stories are slice of life stuff that happens in a few scenarios where each character reacts to an outside force
But this wont ever be some dragged out for purely entertainment type angsty or edgy or anything like some books do with trauma
i want to look at stuff like we're building to something better, not something worse. optimistic but not utopia or something like that
(honestly this point ive already kinda gotten myself choked up so im gonna wrap it up)
But TillinGhast Corporate Media is basically my idea for a better future
and maybe im wrong and my stuff sucks and i need to change it
i have no idea because no one really follows my shit
so i just do what i want within the dumb boundaries and expectations i place on myself
but it is has been better before and it will get better again, and i am tired of that place being only in my head
so im creating this big huge universe with aliases that i call "artists" so it looks like there is actual musicians in this universe, i at one point started on a medium length animation series, and im trying to use my shitty computer to learn 3d shit
So stick around, at least you'll get some music out of it
and on that note i will mention i do have a few singles and 2 albums out, all of which is on youtube and streaming sites (its on spotify but i fucking hate spotify both as a company and some of the people they sponsor stream on any other site please you'll give more money to your favorite artists)
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ghcstvalleychief · 2 years
I feel like if they really want to push the cliffhanger then settle for a movie instead because what's hanging can be solved in 2-3 hours and include them in theaters for extra cash. What they left behind was a mystery case doesn't need 12 eps for that. Kp are too established for s2 to create drama like s1 and a repeat of issues from s1 would just sour the relationship. Theirs only kimchay that suffered which also could just be given a special if they want them to be together.
A movie would be way better because it's one and done, right? After the movie, that's it. It's not some long, drawn out project, which is why I find myself preferring movies anyway. All you have to do is dedicate at least an hour and a half and that's it. Your attention span isn't being held hostage for months all to watch this story unfold.
That's another problem that I have too and you hit the nail right on the head - the writers would need to create some sort of drama and I can't imagine they would find anything new to create said drama. The only thing I could see is cheating; and due to the nature of their relationship, that wouldn't fly. It wouldn't work without completely ruining the characters and undoing all of their progress because we know they wouldn't cheat on each other. But I've seen writers do it because they have nothing else in place to manufacture that sort of drama into a relationship that's already perfectly fine. On another note, I was getting fed up with The Trust Issue Debacle every fucking week. So, I can't imagine sitting through something like that again without wanting to rip my hair out.
KC would be the only pairing that would need to tie up loose ends, but ... is it really necessary to tell that story? Granted, I was interested in their potential in the last couple of episodes but does anyone care to watch something like that? I know KC has shooters, but would anyone else be interested in watching something like that? I don't know if the interest would be there.
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eternalduos · 2 months
Secondly my #1 fellow Unwell About Ratgrinders person. do you have thoughts on. Anything. What is going on. like i am really fascinated by them and jace going to the mountains of chaos and coming back with the ankarna rage... did they get tpked and revived with ankarna or something? did only some of them die? but at the same time i do hope that the ratgrinders aren't just like total pawns in all this and have SOME autonomy, like maybe they knew OF ankarna a little bit when they chose to go to the mountains of chaos. just bc i think that'd be the coolest outcome...
Also dropping that lucy was kipperlillys closest friend is the most insane thing brennans ever done
Oh my god dude I have so many thoughts. In the past the main reason I had for doubting the Ratgrinders were real villains was that all of our previous student antagonists (Biz, Penelope, even Aelwyn and Ragh) still had understandable "teenage" motivations, and I couldn't imagine why the Ratgrinders would want to bring back Ankarna. BUT NOW???? HOOOOOO BOY. ITS ALL COMING TOGETHER.
My working theory is *definitely* that the High Five Heroes got TPKed in the Mountains of Chaos and got revived by Ankarna, which made them into "rage vassals" of her, agreeing to serve her and try to bring her back if she brought them back to life. I also think that Lucy may not have died with them, and didn't become a rage vassal that early on. And I'm incredibly torn on whether or not Jace Stardiamond died with them too, OR if he was responsible for getting them killed and did it on purpose due to nefarious reasons (I still have a string theory that Jace is another descendant of Athenriel like Gilear, and that's where his divine soul sorcery is from). Or perhaps the Ratgrinders were working *with* Jace and it was more of a conscious thing to begin working for Ankarna? There's even a chance that Jace might've killed Yolanda and the Loams.
Either way it seems pretty clear that the Ratgrinders are now under Ankarna's influence to bring her back, and being revived(?) by her is what made them more full of rage.
(Notably: They're enraged at the *wrong* things and people, e.g. the Bad Kids rather than the system. Because that's conviction without doubt.)
I think that the other High 5 Heroes wanted Lucy to join them, so they submitted paperwork for her to switch from Ruvina to Ankarna (potentially to Jace instead of Yolanda), but Lucy didn't want to, so she rescinded it. Then, Ankarna influenced the High 5 Heroes to kill Lucy so that she would be *forced* to follow Ankarna after Ankarna brought her back to life. But things didn't go as planned and Lucy still refused. IMO this ties up the "Ratgrinders killed Lucy Forstblade" theory as it explains that they very much *did* actively plan to kill her, but they didn't expect her to stay dead, and now still feel very guilty about it.
It was so fucked up of Brennan to say that Lucy and Kipperlilly were best friends. Like oh my god. The super tall giantess frost genasi was besties with the tiny halfling? They really understood each other? Kipperlilly must've thought she was saving Lucy by killing her, so that she could join the rest of them, only to find out that her best friend, too kind and full of conviction, would never come back?
Run me over with a truck. Truly.
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