#Why did you lie
Almost got killed by police because of what you said to them... All I did was love you more then I have loved anyone else in this world..
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Talked to some of your old friends and they told me somethings you did behind my back, now I know... I forgive u but I kno u don't care... thanks for the 3 years n your welcome for the longest relationship u ever had... you watched the good person I was trying to be n the man u could rely on, but it was never enough for u.. we were so connected I would make your legs shake from the 12 orgasms I gave u in that 3 hours and u were so embarrassed when I made u squirt the surprise in ur face I kno u couldn't ever get enough of me n I could never get enough of u... but it was like Dr.jackle n Ms.Hyde... for our 3rd anniversary I bought u a new ring inwas planning on giving to u in bali since sometimes u would cut me down n call me cheap when you wanted to get married on such short notice.. but taking my last name was another way for u to change ur name n get away from all ur past n the many names u created trying to escape a bad of a person was... u constantly would remind me how good I was to u n my karma from helping others not just u, but u could notice it cuz good things were just randomly happening to me n for me n I believed the karma I was getting brought u into my life, I felt so lucky I could b myself n b honest with you cuz I kno we aren't perfect but we tried or atleast I did.. you physically, mentality, n emotionally abused me n I'm realizing that... bye... I just wish I could talk to u n ask y, cuz u said if I leav u ur calling cops on me n ur going to fuck my life up... the the only thing since our vows u followed threw with.. u were only ther during the health n wealth part I had to deal with the bad alone... trust me I never felt love like that before n I also never felt depression u cause me to go threw like that b4 ever in my life... I had to take that as a learning experience to try to never let someone like u into my life again...
Ps. I loved you... byee. Maybe in another lifetime we can find each other earlier in life but u showed me u can't turn a hoe into a house wife...
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chiptrillino · 2 years
By any chance do you have a larger photo of those Yue designs? I'm absolutely digging them
uhm... sadly i didn't at the time you asked me. but i do have now! so sorry for the longer wait;;;
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the one i posted were really tiny and i was working anyway on these. it just took me a bit to get it done :D uhm... so here me playing dressup... with yue... again... sorry yue...
if i have to explain mayself... my thought process is basically... yue is the moon. so her dress is either the moon or the enviorment around or below her. and.... you know... fish... -tries not to feel my ex profs glaring at me like "elaborate more dang it"-
also! all these option but if someone tells me to draw yue again i would still give her... a new outfit or just idk... because i can't pick!!!!
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homielander · 1 year
shiv's motivations for voting to pass the gojo deal are so layered and i don't think they should be dismissed in favour of any one interpretation. shiv desperately grabbed on to a lifeline for her relationship with tom. shiv was the deciding vote and she couldn't bear to hold the crown only for a moment just to place it atop her brother's head. shiv knew she would have more influence as wife of CEO rather than sister of CEO. shiv absolutely hated seeing kendall crystallize into logan before her eyes, especially when he made roman bleed ("and if we did kill him we get to go to bed") -- succession has always been about siblings so of course she tried to free her brothers before her child. shiv still thinks she can raise her child with all the material benefits of being the daughter of waystar CEO while doing better by her, whatever that means. and all of those things are true
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Context: Yang and Jaune are chilling in the commons room.
Jaune: "I wonder if anybody here would even date me."
Yang: "I'mma be real, VB. You have a vibe that makes it feel wrong to do anything other than marry you."
Jaune: "…Wait, what?"
Yang: "I'm not saying this as an insult, though. It's just…you give off 'saving himself for his one true love' type of deal."
Yang: "You're a sweet dude, don't get me wrong. But, thinking about you in any way other than 'married life with a few kids and a pet' just feels wrong. Like, I feel like I'm committing a sin for doing that."
Jaune, now very confused: "I don't know what to make of that."
Yang: "You're a Sheppardist, right?"
Jaune: "Yeah, why?"
Yang: "You know that story of...fuckin' whoever where they died due to poisoned clothes?"
Jaune: "Saint Alcides, yeah."
Yang: "Wanting to do anything that isn't 'consummate love in candlelight' or 'give you pizza and a Director's Cut DVD' is essentially how that feels for basically anyone who knows you for more than ten minutes."
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fallenstarzz · 3 months
So when Neil Josten wants to keep a binder full of news clippings and pictures as a shrine to Kevin Day in a way to hold on to a good but tainted memory of his childhood and a life he can never have, no one complains. But when I, Riko Moriyama-
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raeofgayshine · 2 years
Bruce Wayne, drunk and full on Brucie mood in the middle of a gala: You know, that accent doesn’t really fit in around here. It’s cute. Where are you from?
Clark, internally debating every life choice that led him to this moment: I’m from Smallville. Kansas.
Bruce, leaning closer to Clark with a flirty smile: Oh you’re cute and funny. You know, I like that in a man.
Clark, very confused but trying to just go along with it: Thank you??
Bruce: I mean, everyone knows that Kansas isn’t real but I do always enjoy a good laugh.
Clark: What.
Bruce: What? Everyone knows that Kansas was made up for Wizard of Oz.
Clark, unsure if Bruce is fucking with him or if he’s just really deep into this dumb act: Bruce, Kansas is a real place. It’s one of the 50 states that make up America.
Bruce, tilting his head a little confused: There’s 50 states? Since when?
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #102
When Flash first overhears Peter talking about the "Stark Internship," he rolls his eyes and thinks, "Of course he'd go with that excuse at Midtown School of Science and Technology."
Whatever. Flash knows the truth. He's seen the car that Parker gets picked up in, seen the body guard / chauffeur and the absolutely insane amount of discrete safety tech he always has on. Flash is convinced that the whole orphan thing is just a cover story and Peter secretly has parents at least as rich and influential as Flash's own.
Maybe they're politicians or the mob or something, and that's why all the secrecy. Honestly, Flash is doing him a favor by bullying him all the time for being an unimportant orphan. It's the perfect cover. Maybe he'll even drop the ridiculous Stark Industries lie and come up with a more believable backstory soon.
Then, one day Flash and Peter end up in a kidnapping situation.
The kidnappers take Flash's watch, but they leave some of Peter's tech since it's better hidden. As soon as they're alone, Flash expects Peter to hit that panic button and get them the hell out of there.
Only... he doesn't? Did Peter learn nothing from K&R training? Flash reaches over and hits the secret panic button 3 times immediately, no hesitation. Peter is shocked. Flash is like, "Oh come on, I obviously know your secret."
He's kind of curious and excited now to see who Peter's secret parents are, once the cops get them out of there.
He is not at all prepared when Iron Man bursts through the door.
He's even less prepared when Tony Stark steps out of the suit and totally freaks out at Peter, hugging him and checking for injuries.
... maybe he's finally met Peter's secret parent after all.
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 month
#1 martha & ten not hating each other defender because i only watched s3 after the new specials and everyone posting about how martha would never want to meet the doctor again because she was too good for him, and i took those at face value assuming there was truth to it.
and then i watched the show. to find. they love each other. they’re friends. if the doctor was ever in trouble, martha jones would show up if he called. if martha needed him, he’d drop everything to come help her. they loved each other so so much. why did you all lie to me. of course she would take one more trip for him, knowing that she could get back off any time, knowing that he won’t stop her and more importantly, that she won’t stop herself. why did you lie!!!
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persi-person · 5 months
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Something Wicked had me timbers shivered
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xehanortsreport · 3 months
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the subtle resignation in his expression at even bouncing with the context of his final words kinda destroying me ngl
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thedreadvampy · 14 days
sometimes I forget that my experience has been. um. not 'your experiences are not universal' vibes but more like 'your experiences are EXTREMELY atypical'
#red said#recent events have reminded me that my life has involved like. a LOT of other people's psychosis#like not in a way where i have been Beset By Terrifying Crazies bc that's not like. a thing.#but a lot of people in my life have had a lot of really severe psychotic episodes#and i FORGET sometimes. that actually that is an Unusual Amount Of Experience With Psychosis for someone who's not#for somebody who has not really personally ever had psychotic episodes (unless severe PTSD flashbacks count)#actually i tell a lie i have maybe had One psychotic episode but because it was very situational and i knew what was happening#i was able to ride it out. because i am literally only psychotic Inside Hospitals and so that's all fine#as long as i LITERALLY NEVER HAVE TO HAVE INPATIENT CARE. Very important to me to never ever ever require surgery i think.#i can handle the amount of psychosis i get from a 1-4 hour stopoff in hospital#as long as i know I'm leaving soon then i can just Cope with the fact that the walls are moving and reality is thin#ANYWAY that's not the point the point is i forget! that most ppl i know have experience of at most a handful of severe psychotic episodes#some people i know have experienced more for sure. especially if the episodes were mostly theirs.#but people really seem to expect me to be more freaked out by their symptoms of psychosis than i am#bc i don't think i really register it as frightening unless they're in actual danger or Currently Aggressing Actually At Me#like i WORRY about them bc it can super suck but it's not SHOCKING or WEIRD#there have definitely been times ive been frightened. one time i woke up in the night and my friend was standing over me with a knife#but also like he was still HIM he was just having a moment. and as soon as i got the knife off him he just came back and broke down.#and we were fine and he was safe and i learnt the valuable lesson that even when people seem like they wanna kill you they probably don't#tbf now I'm thinking about it it's honestly a tossup whether he was there to threaten or because he felt a need to guard us#like to be clear probably don't try and take a knife off someone having a psychotic break. i was 17 and it was 3am and i knew him very well#i probably did not make the smartest call but nobody got hurt is the point#anyway you know there's that kind of psychotic episode and my granny got very violently angry a few times. buuuut you know there's also#been plenty of other times I've been with somebody having an episode and it's been chill as hell.#my ex saw and heard monsters so much that eventually she just got sick of being scared. we used to watch TV with them#i would sometimes have to sit on a bit of sofa that wasn't haunted and we might not be able to watch certain things bc they didn't like it#most of the time she was hallucinating there was absolutely nothing to worry about we just had a few extra variables#honestly of everyone i know who's had psychotic episodes or schizophrenia the amount of times it's been a material risk#is like. low single figures? maybe low double if you include self harm but idk what the cause and effect is there.#idk why you would need to be frightened like 99.99% of the time it truly is usually just Oh No That Seems Distressing For You I'm Sorry
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eternalchemy · 8 months
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Blue Lily, Lily Blue
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Call Down The Hawk
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bugsbenefit · 4 months
Mike's og character design having a birthmark is really cool i think but also related gripe i have with the show is them not giving him a scar post s3 which would have been in the exact location the birthmark would have been in originally. perfect set up and then they fumbled the prime opportunity to make a homage to their original idea
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the show always picks and chooses when to be medically accurate. like how Steve never needing immediate medical attention after the multiple blunt hits he got over the head is an actual miracle. but it's easy enough to suspend disbelief on that since people get knocked out and get back up again in movies all the time. everyone's used to that
but actual bleeding wounds are a lot weirder to just magic away especially when Jonathan and Nancy both got lasting scars from something as clean as a knife cut in the same show
face skin already scars incredibly easy to begin with and on top of that the cut Mike gets is the opposite of the clean knife cut J/ancy made. that's from getting his face forcefully smashed into a metal pipe and giving it's bleeding like that (unlike Max who only got bruises, no broken skin from hitting the wall) he seems to have either hit a valve/edge or the blunt force was That much. that wound lining is going to be jagged as fuck either way, no way that heals cleanly irl (only upside here is the mall being built as a cover for a new military base so the pipe's at least not rusty, small wins. low tetanus risk who cheered)
i get why they'd ignore it from a technical perspective. giving a character facial scars is always tricky since you need to make sure it's in the exact right place every day with how obvious even small placement errors would be. i get they avoided the hassle. still, fumble imo, would have been really cool. kind of more surprised i've not seen more fans go with medical accuracy on this, that's things fandom usually jumps on. i've seen no art and like one fic go with that scar now that i think about it
anyway that's the closest canon got us to the birthmark territory but then they didn't L
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respectthepetty · 4 months
I can believe whatever Dead Friend Forever throws at me, but this . . .? What is this bullshit?
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Someone wants to actually be friends . . .
with Top?
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Dafuq! What lies are these?!
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poppyfamily · 20 days
the only fandom merchandise i own is a signed darren criss "human" EP i won at a raffle
i ran multiple twitter rp accounts for a celebrity couple and their non-existent baby all at once
i'm currently trying to figure out the plot of a multiverse amangela fic
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moongothic · 7 months
You know. If Crocodad Real. How would Luffy even react if he found out. Like really, how the fuck would he feel about it.
'Cause like how I went over in this post (briefly at the end), we don't even know how Luffy feels about Crocodile as he is right now, so can you imagine how that bombshell would impact things
Like my running theory is that Luffy still hates Crocodile but maybe not quite as much as pre-Impel Down since he kiiinda owes him etc
And Luffy does not seem to give a shit about blood connections, at least not that much. Like don't get me wrong, Luffy's family are the people who were there for him when he was a child, those are the people he cares about and his bio-parents don't really matter. But also, honestly, I think the reason Luffy doesn't give a shit about who his parents are is because he doesn't know them. Luffy cares about people who he knows and likes, and while he doesn't give a shit about Dragon right now, it's arguably because he simply just doesn't know him. If the two actually get to meet and know each other, like if Luffy takes a liking Dragon, he'll probably accept Dragon as his dad and as his family. But on his own terms. It's up to Luffy to decide
And that's why like. How would Luffy react to finding out he has another dad and that one is fucking Crocodile. Because he already hates the man. It would not be happy news for him I'm sure
The other thing is that normally Luffy does not give a flying fuck about people's sad backstories. He didn't care to hear what happened to Nami and her village for example, because what really mattered was that there was a person he cared about who was deeply hurt and in danger and he wanted to help said person. And that's where I'm so torn. Because on one hand, it would be perfectly on-brand for Luffy to not give a shit of Crocodile had a sob story to tell. But also, I could imagine Luffy being so fucking confused over the news that he'd want to hear the truth of like, who what where how why, in detail. So that, you know, he could make his own decision and figure out if he wants to considder Crocodile is other dad or disown him.
Like, both feel like things Luffy would do
So really, would the real deciding factor might be just... the circumstances where Luffy finds out???
God knows, I can not imagine Crocodile himself telling Luffy anything ever. The kid already hates him, he knows it, so he'd probably think it'd be for the best if Luffy never found out
So how else could Luffy find out then?
As far as we know, the only other person who could confirm it would be Dragon himself, and considdering how he probably feels about his ex (see: Alabasta Coup Attempt), I can't imagine him wanting to talk about Crocodile to Luffy in lenght or in a positive light. Like I can't imagine Dragon wanting to tell Luffy at all is the point, not unless he wanted to like apologize to Luffy because it is arguably his fault Luffy and Crocodile fought in Alabasta to near-death to begin with. (Sidenote since we don't know how the break-up happened to begin with, it's totally possible Crocodile could've asked Dragon to never let their kid find out what happened to his "mom")
And now, this is where I'm gonna go completely off the rails, but. As I was wondering if there was any other way Luffy could find out...
S-Croc is made with Crocodile's DNA.
(And actually before I even go into S-Croc, super quick sidenote: If Kuma can extract memories out of people and allow other people to literally see them... Like I can't tell if Kuma's memories got absorbed by Bonney when she looked into them or if Kuma's Memory Bubble is still on Egghead, but if viewing the memories isn't the same as having them inserted into a vessel permanently... Like if Kuma isn't turbo-dead, could there be a scenario where we have Kuma (or S-Bear) yeet out Croc's memories and have Luffy just look into them? Because god knows Crocodile might just refuse to speak about it and that could be the only way to get The Whole Truth if Dragon doesn't want to talk about it either?) (Of course, Crocodile would understand just How Persistent Luffy is so if Luffy just kept on annoying him about it, Crocodile could maybe give up eventually because he knows he can't get Luffy to piss off until he spills the beans)
So currently the Strawhat's plan is for them to go and escort the Vegapunks to Elbaf (if nothing goes funny after the flashback is over, which remains to be seen)
2. There is the mystery of what sex S-Croc is going to be, because there is a possibility that if Crocodile is trans then his Seraphim could be pre-T (though this entirely depends on whether or not Ivankov's HRT changes even the DNA of person. Since it's MAGIC HRT I would prefer it to, not gonna lie, and I would not appreciate any "you may look different but your DNA will tell the truth!" rhetoric in the story but I may be asking too much from Oda)
3. And there's also the mystery of what Devil Fruit ability S-Croc might have, since all the Seraphim have been given Fruit powers, and we know Vegapunk can't replicate Crocodile's Sand Logia.
All things considdered, I think the actual, most likely known ability S-Croc might end up with would be like, Mr 3's wax powers (hilariously), mainly because I could imagine it being flexible enough to work in Crocodile's fighting style, so it'd be the easiest for S-Croc to adapt to (like if you can make anything from wax, then why not sharp blades to fling at people) (Also we know Vegapunk would have access to this power since Mr 3 was in Impel Down, when they also got Daz' powers)
But also I had joked before how it'd be funny if S-Croc was a Crocodile Zoan for no reason. Like it'd be fitting since Crocodile was already the Only Logia of the OG Shichibukai, so making his Seraphim the Only Zoan would be funny as hell (if it's even possible, which we can't say if it will/won't be). Additionally, making him a Crocodile Zoan would be hysterically on-the-nose.
(Sidenote: If there was a crocodile Zoan Fruit, what sub-category do you think it'd fall into? Like would it be Ryu Ryu like all the dinosaur-themed Zoans are, or maybe even a different model of Uo Uo (same as Kaidou)? Since "wani" could be considdered a different type of serpent-dragon, and if Vegapunk was researching how to recreate Kaidou's fruit, it's plausible he might've accidentally recreated some other related-fruit in the process or afterwards?? (Also since Kaidou's Uo Uo is a specific model (Seiryu) it would make sense if there was another Uo Uo model Fruit, and this could be an excelent opportunity to use it))
The thing about Zoans though is that, as it's been brought up once or twice before, Zoan fruits can kind of have a "mind of their own" and influence the user in unexpected ways.
And as all we Crocodad Truthers know.
Crocodiles are protective of their babies.
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ALSO: The Seraphim do have enough personal will-power that they may (slightly) disobey orders they've been given. Case-and-point, S-Snake undoing the Petrification on the Strawhats after Luffy asked her to, since S-Snake is fond of Luffy just like Hancock is
Sidenote, it was kind of made a point how Vegapunk considdered his artificial replica of Kaidou's dragon fruit a compete failure simply because instead of a blue dragon, the user would turn into a pink one instead. So if Vegapunk tried to make a Seraphim of Crocodile, knowing full-well he couldn't even give the Seraphim the same ability as the OG, and then the Seraphim turns out the wrong sex for no reason?? I could see him being confused as hell and considder S-Croc "a failed Seraphim"
So really, all we'd really need to happen would be for the Strawhats to somehow encounter the remaining three Seraphim while escorting the Vegapunks to Elbaf. Mind you, IDK how that could even happen since as far as we know they've been deployed the Emptee Bluffs
And then just have S-Croc either disobey orders to hunt Luffy or even even have him be protective of Luffy (following that Zoan Instinct, one even he can't explain, it's just Instinct). Have Sanji be like "hey why the fuck is this one a girl, isn't it supposed to be Crocodile", followed by Vegapunk explaining this Seraphim was a failure for reasons even he can't understand
Then have Jinbei remember the conversation Crocodile and Ivankov had at Impel Down (suspicious considdering Ivankov's abilities and this "failed Seraphim"), and maybe if Crocodile had any involvement with the Revolutionaries and Robin was suspicious of him she could even bring that up
Along with any other minor details that may be bothering the crew about the whole deal
And so if the Strawhats and Vegapunk just put all their braincells together and rubbed them real hard, they could maybe come to a hypothesis as to why S-Croc is a "failure" and protective of Luffy, and maybe even a potential explanation as to why The Real Crocodile was protective of Luffy in Marineford for no fucking reason
And maybe, just maybe, Vegapunk could confirm that suspicion with a DNA test. All he needs to do is check Luffy's and compare it to Crocodile's.
Not sure Luffy would want to do the DNA test, like knowing Luffy he might prefer to just ask Crocodile in person if they ever ran to each other again
But boy, if he somehow did agree to a DNA test, and there was a match... oh boy
But again. This entire scenario is BEYOND off-the-rails. Technically plausible! But honestly if Luffy is ever gonna find out (assuming Crocodad Real) then it's gonna be from Dragon
I just wanted to get the theoretical scenario out of my system okay, I had to get the brainworms out of my brain
#Moon posting#OP Meta#OP Spoilers#Crocodad#Sir Crocodile#Long post#You know I wasn't going to yeet this out of my drafts for a while but since I brought up S-Croc in the last post I figured why not#Since I went off speculating about S-Croc here in detail#Let's just get it out of my system#I'm so facinated by S-Croc I want to see that little shit in action so bad#My other assumption for what ability S-Croc could have would maybe be Magellan's Venom Fruit#Since that one is shockingly a Paramecia! AND Vegapunk would have access to it! He could replicate it!#And Crocodile did have his poison hook so like. Sure#I'm still putting my money on Doru Doru though#ALSO to circle back to the original subject (how would Luffy react if he found out)#It's entirely plausible that he might never find out even if Crocodad was real#Like there's that whole thing about Oda telling Mayumi Tanaka that Luffy's mother wasn't important to the story YEARS ago#And like. It's possible it was a white lie. It's possible Oda could've changed his mind. OP was meant to end at Alabasta at one point#It's possible that if Luffy doesn't have a mom but two dads then Oda's statement would still be true#But it's also possible Crocodile could be Luffy's other dad and it could never play into the story in a meaningful way#Like we the readers could find out just to understand the beef between Crocodile and Dragon etc#And Luffy never finds out#Nightmare scenario. I will cry.#But frankly might be just the most likely one
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