#Would she have a dynamic or would she be really good at mimicking one
puppetmaster13u · 4 months
The omegaverse post is getting. VERY long- so I’m swinging into here-
At two-three ish years old, i think Damian would be on solid foods at that point, granted- he did just come from a cloning tube, so he wouldn’t have had any solid foods- but nonetheless, I don’t think Bruce would start producing milk.
Also, Pit rage + Dynamics?
I can see either that the Pit Rage is almost completely removed from the equation due to Jason having grown up with unnatural instincts, (There is a Lazarus pit in Gotham after all, he could have immunity due to being raised in the hellpit that is Gotham) or it’s so much worse.
Jason will either be almost completely uneffected except for being a bit more feral, or will drop into angry ferality at the drop of a hat.
And you know that Tim will end up being smothered by both Jason and Bruce- though, most often it’s Jason because Jason now has a little brother- one that needs his help and protection from his clearly neglectful parents.
Tim has no idea how dynamics work- and While very much annoyed by it, Atleast Jason can teach Tim how to be a proper pup with Steph’s help. (I can see Jason having helped taught Dick when he first came to the manor in a similar way)
And Steph will want to join in. This pack is a mess, but she she still wants to help. While She’s not full Wayne pack, she is definitely on the fringes of the pack. Not as much as Jim, but still there. ‘Sides, it’s fun playing with a big pack like the Wayne Pack! There’s so much chaos and Bruce makes amazing nests.
Also- Dynamic Headcanons time, in order of hierarchy cus why not.
Bruce - Head Omega
Alfred - Elder Beta
Dick - Alpha (Defaulted to Head alpha due to being the only adult alpha in the core part of the pack)
Jason - Pup Omega (Presented)
Tim - Pup Beta (Unpresented)
Damian - Puppy
Steph, Jim, and Barbara are on the fringes of the pack, so their rank in the pack often changes depending on what’s needed. But they default right above the pups more often than not.
Also, I can see all three of them being alphas.
Good idea lol- I'll add links to the previous ones too. 1 2
First of all, yesss. Tim is slowly brought out of his shell and encouraged by the combined might of the entire pack. No, Bruce and Jason are not almost sobbing in relief the first time Tim actually responds like a pup should.
Omg, I absolutely adore the idea of tiny pup Jason helping Dick learn how to pup. Dragging him into wrestles and gnawing at him until he asks him to stop.
I feel like Steph tries to stay on the edge of the pack but slowly gets sucked in lol, not helped by the fact that she's Spoiler. And getting dragged into the Batman's side of a pack too. It is inevitable at this point.
Gosh, what if the pit rage like, he's fine and completely in control as long as there's a Lazarus presence- which is thankfully all around Gotham. But like, if he leaves an area that hasn't had any sort of death-juice corruption he loses it a little bit. Like he has to learn how to control it before he can properly leave Gotham- outside of emergencies where he has a pendant or something with a tiny bit of the Waters maybe?
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melrosing · 12 days
What do you think of the Sansa bullied Arya take if you don’t mind me asking (just don’t answer if you don’t want to haha)
per my usual practice on Controversial Topics im putting this under a cut
At the real risk of that lot showing up in my notes again, I think this ‘Sansa bullies Arya’ pins their pre AGOT dynamic squarely on Sansa herself, rather than the way they are both being raised by the adults around them to behave towards one another. Sure, Sansa is mean to Arya sometimes during their childhood! We don’t have a lot of examples besides the oft-mentioned ‘horseface’ insults, but I think it’s fair to assume that more often than not, Sansa was looking down on Arya. Meanwhile, Arya herself feels inadequate and like she just can’t do anything right. She resents Sansa, but also worries that Sansa’s opinion of her may be true.
Fine. But where has Sansa’s opinion of Arya come from? Is it her cold black heart? Fucking no, it’s come from Septa Mordane, Catelyn, and whoever else surrounds them growing up. The men don’t seem to really give much of a shit how Arya acts because it’s not their business and she’s just a kid anyhow, but the women pointedly give many shits. In our first scene with Arya, Septa Mordane scolds her for not being good at ‘women’s work’, and there’s plenty to suggest that this is just another day in the life for Arya. Meanwhile, Sansa gets the carrot for excelling. Both Arya and Sansa are learning their own worth in this chapter, and the worth of one another. Sansa internalises the praise whilst learning that Arya is bad, and everything she mustn’t be. Arya internalises the criticisms whilst learning that Sansa is good, and everything she can never be.
They’ll be getting this from Catelyn as well. Catelyn clearly adores both her daughters, and will move heaven and earth to get them back in ACOK. But one good adjective for Catelyn is ‘dutiful’ - it’s in her house words, and it’s how she’s lived her life up to AGOT. Doing as she’s told, even when it pains her. She expects the same of her daughters, and finds those expectations satisfied in Sansa’s case, and apparently flouted in Arya’s. So again, from their own mother, Sansa internalises that Arya is bad, and that she, Sansa, is good. Arya internalises the same. If societal standards were reversed, perhaps it would be Arya lording over Sansa, but such as it is, it’s Sansa over Arya. 
Now, Sansa is a child. When children are told over and over that X is good and Y is bad, they generally don’t question it, at least until they're older and more experienced in the world. They will also parrot what they hear, often in graceless ways. Because they’re children. Sansa is told that Arya wilfully misbehaves because she’s bad, and so Sansa thinks: then I should look down on Arya. It sounds like Sansa mostly keeps her distance from her sister pre AGOT. Not always - they play together sometimes - but a lot of the time. She has internalised the teaching that Arya is an aberration, and as she herself knows the adults value obedience in girls, and she wants to please them so badly, the distance between her and Arya demonstrates to them just how good she is - she won’t descend to Arya’s behaviour. 
When Sansa does interact with Arya (pre Darry), we see her being a bit bossy - telling Arya what to do, etc. Sansa is replicating what she has seen the adults do with Arya, and is mimicking them to assert her own position as the good, obedient child. If Arya ever doesn’t want to do something, it can only be because she’s bad. 
[sidenote, it all really reminds me of these short stories me and my sister used to get read a lot as kids, called My Naughty Little Sister (lmao) by Dorothy Edwards. They're pretty old and I don’t think they ever got major circulation outside Britain, but for anyone unfamiliar, you can probably guess how these stories go. There’s an elder sister, good and obedient, who narrates short tales of her ‘naughty little sister’ doing terrible things like idk, making a terrible mess etc, and going ‘now I’m sure you [the child audience] wouldn’t do a thing like that!’ They’re supposed to be short morality tales for the children, and amuse the parent reading them aloud, who recognises the mischievous behaviour of the younger and is charmed by the haughtiness of the elder sister, who you can hear is narrating the incidents of her sister’s mischief with the disdain that she’s heard the adults do so, and is asserting her own good behaviour over said sister. And the whole fucking reason we were read these stories was because my younger sister was precisely the kind of kid who got up to all kinds of shit as a little kid (which now all of us find hilarious but DIDN’T AT THE TIME), and I was the elder sister like ‘my goodness how could she do such things as these!!’ (e.g. paint an entire bookcase with grout). It amused us both to see ourselves in the stories. You could say this was life imitating art, but I think this is simply an age old dynamic, familiar to many people with siblings: you would see how the adults spoke to another child in your family, and replicate their manner in an effort to come across as an adult. Except you weren’t an adult, so you weren’t always as graceful about it as they were. That is pre AGOT Sansa, to a T. And I’m sure that’s what GRRM, a child of three who had two sisters of his own, is replicating here.]
But I think there’s also a loneliness in being the ‘obedient child’. Doing as you’re told all the time can be boring, and living up to expectations is a lot of pressure. Sansa wants a companion in all that, but Arya has no interest in sharing in it. Arya is offering friendship, but from a place Sansa believes she can’t reach her sister - Sansa thinks she’d have to ‘descend to Arya’s level’ to accept it, and she can’t do that. You get a sense of Sansa thrilling in trying Arya’s ‘misbehaviours’ for herself when she quietly delights in behaving ‘as wicked as Arya’, but you see in this that she has to condemn such behaviours and herself for exhibiting them, all in the same breath. And in the end, I can easily imagine Sansa resents that Arya has more fun with their brothers than she ever does with Sansa herself: that the one sister she has is one she has nothing in common with. Sansa can’t find a like mind amongst her siblings, and so clings to Jeyne Poole, and the praise of the adults around her.
So with all that in mind, YES! Sansa is sometimes mean to Arya, and calls her horseface. That is because Sansa is a child, nobody is correcting her behaviour, and she understands that Arya is bad, and the way she behaves is frustrating to Sansa herself, so really what does it matter if she’s a little mean sometimes? She knows that she is good, because everyone says so. Even if she calls her sister a name now and then, she’s still the good child. 
AND THEN we get to Darry. And Sansa starts to see that society isn’t a song, and sometimes it doesn’t matter how good you are, horrible things can happen to you anyway. But she doesn’t want to believe that, because it would turn her world upside down, and her future would look a lot darker, too - Ned has not ended her engagement to Joffrey, and Sansa has to live for the foreseeable in KL. So when Arya doing the thing she ‘wasn’t supposed to’ (playing with Mycah) snowballs into a terrible miscarriage of justice where Sansa’s wolf is killed, Sansa rejects the notion that the songs could be wrong about beautiful princes, and shifts the blame onto Arya for that original 'misdemeanour'. The grief at losing Lady is terrible too (the wolves are meant to have a soul deep bond with the Stark children), and so the target of that grief likewise becomes Arya. What was previously a normal, childishly complicated sibling relationship gets twisted into something else.
This is where I think Sansa becomes different level of unpleasant towards her sister. She’s cruel about Arya’s loss of Mycah, tells Arya she wishes she were dead instead of Lady, etc etc. Arya is not giving as good as she gets here - she even tries to make amends with Sansa, but Sansa throws the offer in her face.
The reasons for Sansa’s behaviour are complicated, but not that complicated. She’s been raised to slot perfectly into this world, without ever being told what that world is really like. And when abruptly it turns out that what she’s being raised for is essentially the slaughter, she rejects it. She can’t see Joffrey as he truly is: she’s been told that princes are charming, that Kings are just, Queens are kind, and she herself will be a Queen. Sansa is going to be handed over to the Lannisters, and she’s going to live the song of her dreams, and the only thing between Sansa and the realisation of those is the thing that’s always been wrong: Bad Arya. Because again, if Arya isn't bad, then everything else is, and Sansa is in terrible danger.
No one is sitting Sansa down and explaining to her that Arya is not bad, just different from her, and that they should love one another - that there are dark forces here far stronger than them that could tear them apart, that the Lannisters are the greatest of them, and they have to fight together, not each other. Arya gets this talk, funnily enough, but not Sansa. Arya is asked to understand that Sansa is different from her, but Sansa is only ever taught to abhor that her sister as different from her. Where Arya is told to be wary of the court of King’s Landing, Ned leaves Sansa to continue her fantasies, and then, when he abruptly tries to put an end to them, he doesn’t bother to explain why. I’m not saying this is unforgivable on Ned’s part - he has a lot on his mind lol - but it’s quite obviously a major failing. Ned leaves Sansa in a fantasy world. It’s fucking Joffrey who has to step in and clarify for Sansa that actually, she’s been dreaming.
So as long as they’re together, Sansa is never able to come to terms with the fact that Arya was not the aberration, but rather, everything else was. In the absence of one another, they cannot reconcile over that fact. So yes, GRRM says they’ll have deep issues to sort through when they meet again, but those aren’t going to be the times that Sansa called her ‘horseface’ - they’re going to be about what happened since they left Winterfell, when their relationship was twisted by forces much darker than Septa Mordane. 
So no, I think the ‘Sansa is a bully’ diatribes are seriously tedious, because even if you want to insist that calling your sister ‘horseface’ a few times even qualifies, you can still accept such wrongs without deciding that that makes Sansa a fundamentally unkind person who cannot be reconciled with Arya and doesn’t deserve to be. It is on the page that the two of them miss each other. Like I genuinely cannot imagine going through everything Arya does in the story and then, upon reuniting with a sister I thought lost forever, deciding I’m actually still mad about the things she got wrong as a child that she herself has paid dearly for, both physically and emotionally. Like jesus fucking christ man. By all means let them talk about it!! But who do you think Arya is lmao
Tl;dr: Sansa is a kid in a society. She is not the arbiter of Arya’s place in society. She is not mean because she’s cruel, but because she has internalised the exact same things that Arya has, based on the example of the adults surrounding them. It just happens that those things were a carrot for Sansa and a stick for Arya. But then in the end, they weren’t a carrot for Sansa either.
tl;dr 2: clarifying once again - i am a jaime stan. i find the stark sister relationship interesting bc I have experience of a similar sisterly dynamic and find it interesting to see a version of that explored on the page. so if you think one has to be a sansa stan to observe all this then that kind of just demonstrates how dichotomous you've become on this issue lol like if I'm talking about takes I dislike re JB I don't generally feel the need to attribute them to JC fandom. let's all grow up x
tl;dr 3: no i don't hate sansa or arya, since i know these are both conclusions various people reach whenever i even mention these two. in fact i think they are both great girls! imagine
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 8 months
A Better Father (Loki X Stark!Son!Reader) *PARENTAL
Characters: Loki X Stark!Son!Reader
Universe: Marvel, Avengers
Warnings: Parental negligence, bad relationship with parent, mention of drugs and underage drinking
Request: could you do a tony x son!reader, in their live, tony was always cold to him (but eventually take him in with pepper) and then Peter Parker show up and take that away, Loki see him in reader (like with odin and how he treat Loki and Thor) and decide to adopt him, teach him magic, reader happy again 😊.
Notes: I wrote this and completely forgot it's meant to be male!reader until it came time to post- I think I've corrected it, but if you spot I've accidentally used the wrong pronouns please let me know so I can fix it. Thanks!
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“I’m going out!” You announced, already at the front door, pulling your shoes on and your jacket, before grabbing your bag, hand on the door handle before you got a response. 
“Where to?” Pepper asked, rounding the corner, arms crossed. 
“My friend is doing a school project and wants my help with it.” You excused yourself, being careful not to go into any details. 
“Do you need a ride?” She asked. 
“No, it’s okay, there’s a bus that takes me right outside their apartment. I don’t know how long I’ll be, since we have a lot to do, if it gets late I’ll call you to let you know I’m okay and I’ll stay over, is that okay?” You asked her. Pepper walked a little closer, her expression clearly troubled.
“I’ll have to ask your father…” She commented, and your shoulders slumped, you turning to face her. 
“You know he’s not going to care, Peps. In fact, I’m going to predict what he’s going to say, something along the lines of ‘yeah, yeah, whatever’.” You mimicked, Pepper frowning, knowing you were right. “I appreciate you actually trying to make up for him, I really do. It’s why I go to you instead of him for permission- because you actually care. Please don’t waste your breath. If he actually wants to know what his son is doing, he’ll do it himself.” You pointed out. 
“I know… he should be better, and I want him to be better for you… and I also know you’re lying to me.” She pointed out. You felt your heart drop into your ass, and you sighed. “I told Peter about one of your prior projects with friends, and he looked into it- wanting to see if he could help as well, but then found out that your friend doesn’t even exist.”
“Has he told Tony?” You asked. 
“No. He hasn’t. I made him promise to wait, told him I’d deal with it.” She explained. “Peter also cares about you, even if he doesn’t have much time to actually spend time with you.” She pointed out, and you just nodded. You’d accepted that even though Peter was Tony’s favourite despite not actually being his kid, when Peter got an idea od the dynamic between you and your father, he tried his hardest not to play into it or make it worst, though he often realised after events that he actually had and had not realised it. He always apologised for it, always tried to spend time with you in school, and on more than one occasion, he’d covered for you or even claimed something you did that your dad didn’t like was his idea, knowing Tony wouldn’t punish him and it would stop your relationship with your dad somehow getting worse. You appreciated him, he was like a brother in a way, and at this point, more like family than your dad, like how Pepper was more of a parent than Tony was, despite you not being related either. Same with Happy. Same with… 
“I’m sorry for lying to you. And Peter… I just…” You fumbled. 
“What’s going on, Y/N? Where are you going?” She asked, her voice soft and welcoming, a silent promise that no matter what, she wasn’t going to yell, turn on you, that she actually cares and just wants to be there for you. 
“I’ve been going to meet someone… not romantically or anything!” You told her quickly. “I’m not doing drugs or anything like that either.” 
“That’s good, so you’re being responsible with this person… why have you been hiding this person from us then?” She asked. You thought for a second on how to break the news, and in that time, Pepper started to pry a little more. “Are they… older?” She asked. You nodded. “So not a teenager? Out of school?” She asked, and you nodded again. “How old are they?” She asked, tilting her head. Another hard question, and you bit your lip, and sensing you weren’t confident answering, she changed her question. “What do you two do? It’s not illegal, so what’s so bad you have to hide it?” She asked. 
“He’s… mentoring me.” You told her. 
“Oh, so he’s like a professor? A teacher? What’s he teaching you?” She asked with a smile, seemingly suddenly relieved, getting the idea that you were getting one on one lessons for something you were interested in as a future career, and she was ready to support you from the jump. 
“Magic. He’s teaching me magic.” You admitted, which made Pepper’s eyebrows press together. “And not the cut a woman in half or pull a rabbit out of a hat kind of magic.” You clarified, and she had a moment of realisation. 
“I know two people who know magic. One is Strange, who your father gets along with and so learning from him wouldn’t be a problem, which means… Loki? You’re going to see Loki? He’s teaching you magic?” She asked, and you nodded. 
“Please don’t tell Tony! I promise, Loki’s been nothing but kind to me! When we’re not doing magic, we just read books together- or go on walks or stuff!” You explained. 
“What kind of magic?” She demanded. 
“How to teleport, how to create an illusion, today he’s teaching me a spell that translates both written and spoken languages!” You explained to her. “He said for a treat for my birthday he’s going to teach me a spell that lets me understand animals because apparently what they say is really funny and cute and he thinks I’ll like it.” You explained to her. She clearly wasn’t convinced, and you sighed. “We do other stuff to.” You told her. 
“Like what?” She asked. 
“You know when Tony’s in a bad mood or I do something he doesn’t like and we get into an argument and I go for a walk to cool off and don’t come back for hours? Loki walks with me. He makes sure I don’t do anything stupid… I feel so safe with him, that I feel comfortable and safe enough to actually cry.” You admitted. You watched Pepper’s concerned expression fall. You never cried- at least not at home. Not at school either, according to Peter. You didn’t cry in front of her, or Peter, or Happy, and sure as hell never in front of Tony, no matter what he said or did. “And he knows what I need when I cry. He hugs me, he just lets me cry, he doesn’t shush me or try to make me stop. If anything bad happens, I go to him first. Like when I went to that party last month and got wasted and realised I didn’t know how to get home- you and dad thought I left with a stranger and stayed with someone who I didn’t know and then came home when sober- instead I called Loki and he looked after me during the night, he rubbed my back when I threw up, hugged me and promised it was gonna be okay when I was crying, he made this really nice tea which instantly made my hangover go away, and promised if this ever happened again he’d do it all over again, and then he took me home when I felt well enough.” You admitted to her. 
“Where do you two hang out, usually?” She asked. 
“He has a little apartment, there’s probably a hefty amount of magic to make it so the other tenants can’t notice the door to it since it defies the floor plan of the entire building, but it’s so cozy, and warm and I have my own bedroom there- which is where I go whenever I have any ‘sleepovers’, though I do make him watch movies, especially bad ones.” You laughed. It felt so good to finally be able to talk about this- about everything you and Loki did, because time with Loki was your happy time. 
“Okay… I have two questions.” She said, and you nodded, gulping. “Why…Loki? If you wanted to learn magic, why not go to Strange, and why is Loki so willing and…” She didn’t say the word, but you knew what she wanted to say. Fatherly. 
“Because when he looks at me, he sees himself.” You admitted. “He told me himself… Loki didn’t have a good relationship either with his father. Thor's the golden child, Loki was the one pushed to the back, forgotten. He knows how it feels to be unwanted, to not be thought of by the person who is supposed to love you. He knows how it feels to want to be loved and no matter how hard you try, not getting it, because in your dad’s eyes, you’re not worth it. He sees me, and he sees his own childhood, and he hates that, so… he decided to do something about it.” You explained to her. “Loki… Loki’s like a dad to me. He certainly acts more like one than Tony.” You pointed out. Pepper looked devastated, but understood. “What was your other question?”
“Inevitably, Tony’s going to find out about this. I won’t tell him, I’ll feign ignorance, but Peter’s going to find out somehow, and you know that even if he wants to protect you, that boy can’t keep a secret to save his life, especially from Tony.” She pointed out. “What’s your game plan for when he finds out?” She asked. 
“I’ve already got that figured out.” You reassured her. “Loki set up the bedroom for me for the worst case scenario… I graduate next year. I’ll graduate, start going to college, and I’m going to move out and live with Loki- he might move his apartment to be closer to whatever college I want to go to. If he doesn’t know by then, I’ll tell him I just have a roommate and we know he’s not going to come and visit, and after college, I’ll just slowly drop contact, keep my distance, away from him, happy, learning magic, living my own life. I’ll come visit you and Peter and Happy, regular phone calls, if you need me, call me and I’ll be there… and if Tony finds out before then? I’ll go anyway. I’ll be okay, no matter what. Loki has my back.”
“...And so do I.” She added. You two stared at each other. You weren’t sure what she was thinking, what exactly she was going to do. Ban you from seeing Loki? Tell your father? Treat you like a criminal and monster even if you’ve done nothing wrong? Be locked away? Somehow become even more of an outcast? Lose the few people you actually consider family? Lose Loki? “I won’t keep you waiting. Keep me updated on what you’re doing, if you want to stay the night let me know, okay? I’ll tell Peter something that is easier to swallow and then we’ll tell him the full truth after you graduate. I’ll explain to Happy, maybe he can also help you… please just… don’t do anything stupid. Behave. No more secrets from me, okay?” She asked. 
“Okay. Thank you.” You told her, nodding with a grin. “I love you, I’ll see you tomorrow!” You told her, finally opening the door and dashing out. Pepper sighed, wondering what she was going to tell Peter to help keep in calm and not accidentally tell Tony, how she was going to get Happy to go along with this, how she’s going to look Tony in the eyes and feign ignorance, lie to his face about where his son is and who he's with. But then she remembered every time she could recall when she would come to Tony’s place and find you home alone when you were a young child, thinking it was normal, how you used to try to get his attention and him brush you off or even yell at you to go away and then slowly stop trying and instead go to her and Happy who actually cared. She remembered how utterly overjoyed you were when your dad actually came to your birthday after he was kidnapped, seeming to realise how precious life was and wanted to make up for lost time, and things were going well until Peter came into the picture, and he lost his way, his sole focus being Peter, you once again forgotten and neglected. Except this time you weren’t upset, just disappointed. You gave up on him, and instead adjusted, adapted, and found a new family. Pepper was your new mother, Peter was your brother, Happy your uncle, and Loki was your new, and much better father. You were making up for lost time with someone who actually cared and wanted you as a son. If Tony had a problem about it, he should have done something about it a long, long time ago.
You arrived at the apartment complex not long after leaving, heading up to the top floor, going to the door at the end of the hallway and letting yourself in. Loki peeked up from the book he was reading and smiled. “There you are, had me worried.” He joked. You sighed as you kicked your shoes off, dumping your bag on the floor and hanging up your coat. Your lack of an immediate response was weird for Loki, and he placed the book down, standing from the settee, and stepping closer to you. “What happened?” He asked softly, locking his hands behind himself. You turned to look at him finally. 
“Is it that obvious?” You asked, and he smiled sadly. “...Pepper knows. She’s covering for me, so I guess she’s okay with it, it’s just… what if Tony finds out and massively blows everything out of proportion?” You explained to him. 
“Well…” Loki crossed his arms, thinking. “Knowing you, your first thought is to run and start afresh.” He pointed out, and you nodded. “Or… I could talk to Thor. You and Pepper and him talk to the others, explain everything, we lay everything out, and then we tell your father. No secrets and being honest might work more in our favor than just upping and leaving, Y/N.” He pointed out. You squinted at him with suspicion. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be the God of Mischief and Lies?” You asked, making him crack a smile.
“I may be, but it means I also know when’s a good time to actually tell the truth, and I think this might be the time. Pepper knows, she has your back, Thor is, as you describe it, a loyal labrador and will be happy I’m behaving, those two alone can be the brains and the brawl to help keep the situation under control.” He reassured you. 
“Okay, if you think so… but can we do that tomorrow? I want to learn that spell so I can finally read your Asguardian books.” You begged, making him chuckle. 
“Of course we can, go make some tea, then we’ll start.”
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in!
*Not my gif
TAGS: @klanceiscannon14 @marvelhoeingismyhobby-blog @bellamyblakemorley @dummiesshort  @freyathehuntress @abbybills22-blogg @mutantjediavenger @theoraekensnotsosecretlover @alicedanganh @sleutherclaw @sleepy-coffee-bean @stawwpp @rebellionofthecattle @hello-love-youre-pretty @werosemagic@courtneychicken  @graysonmalfoy @bellero @originalpottervengerlock @supernatural-pan @esoltis280 @lady-of-liess @lenaswritingandstuff @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980 @cdwmtjb8 @caswinchester2000 @determinedpines @huntheimpossible @automaticbakeryfreakshoe
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jacksgreysays · 4 months
(Not sure if I can qualify for another prompt after the last wonderful prompt fill but here goes:
The Academy was perfectly fine with Shikamaru’s imaginary friend Shikako, until she managed to ____.
Oh dona, there are so many things that can fill in that blank. SO MANY THINGS. And, I’ll be honest, a lot of what comes to my mind range from funny to alarming. But the on that I think is the most encompassing—without being too boring—is simply “get caught.” Because that opens up so many opportunities for what else she could have been doing before she got caught in such a way that also builds a dynamic between those who are in on it (ie, the Rookie Nine, maybe even the full Konoha Twelve since Team Gai IS only just one year older) and those who aren’t (presumably the teachers of the Academy) However, in order to narrow this fic down into something writable, I should figure what Shikako is doing before she gets caught… and, maybe this is just me, but I kinda like the idea of… now maybe this is too specific… but basically, Shikamaru’s imaginary friend Shikako, aka his literal sentient eldritch horror twin sister that lives in his shadow, just straight up eating Danzo. Just. How do you get rid of something? Eat it. Because, like… okay. My brain goes something like this:
“Hm,” says Shikamaru as they hide in the treetops from Iruka-sensei.
Normally, Shikamaru is content with being out of the classroom that, outside from telling them the plan needed to ditch and stay hidden, he stays pretty quiet either cloud watching or napping.
Chouji, in his spot next to Shikamaru and equally satisfied with just being outside, is the only one to hear him. “What is it?” He asks.
That gets Kiba and Naruto to perk up, starting to get bored after their flawless escape with minimal conflict.
“Shikako says she’s hungry.”
Good friend that he is, Chouji offers some of his chips. A tendril of Shikamaru’s shadow shakily takes one, wobbling even under that weight, but Shikako is also a good friend so she eats it.
Well. She tries, anyway. Shikamaru’s shadow curls around it, mimicking a chewing motion, but it remains unchanged.
After a moment, Shikamaru reports, “Shikako says thank you, but she might need to eat something else specifically?”
Naruto, ever curious asks, “What does a shadow even eat?”
Shikamaru shrugs. “She says she’ll know it when we find it.”
Kiba, and an Akamaru squirming with eagerness, declares, “Akamaru and I are the best and finding stuff. We’ll get it in no time.”
Iruka-sensei finds them before they find the ambiguous “it.”
To be fair, they were searching through the refrigerator in the teacher’s lounge, and their self assigned mission had carried them through to lunch time. So really it was their own fault.
Didn’t stop Naruto, Kiba, and Akamaru from yelling and howling up a storm as Iruka-sensei grabbed the two boys by the collars of their shirts. Mizuki-sensei at least just gestured his two charges forward, trusting that Shikamaru and Chouji would cooperate since they had been caught fair and square. And plus, it was lunch time.
Distracted as they were, none of the boys noticed Shikamaru’s shadow stretch itself to connect to Mizuki-sensei’s.
Without that context, none of them made the connection when, not even a minute later, Mizuki-sensei stumbled, nearly falling, before catching himself in an uncertain stance.
“You okay?” Iruka-sensei asked, caregiving nature winning over his desire to continue lecturing the boys.
Mizuki-sensei waved him off with a strained laugh, “Ha, I just felt a little tired—midday slump, probably.”
Kiba and Naruto, sensing weakness, re-aim their efforts from complaining to making fun of Mizuki-sensei’s age. It draws his ire, never mind that he tries to seem cooler than Iruka-sensei, but he musters a woozy, half-hearted defense at best.
Shikamaru glances at his shadow, darker and deeper than it was before.
Shikako isn’t as hungry anymore.
A/N: And then something something Ino and Sakura spot the boys questing for Shikako’s food and they also believe in/like Shikako anyway so they try to help out, Shino gets pulled in because they end up on Aburame territory and he’s holding his smiling baby sister and his untouchable vibes are way lowered, at some point they’re like… maybe Hinata can use her cool eyes to FIND what Shikako needs (and she’s stalking Naruto anyway so we might as well actively include her) and then Sasuke kind of feels left out ALTHOUGH… I may have a separate thing for how Sasuke gets pulled in. Anyway the kids try to figure out what she’s doing—she doesn’t eat chakra, she eats life energy, but only out of people that she wants to kill anyway and the amount she eats from them is maybe based on how much she wants to kill them? (she really does almost eat Kabuto to death the first time they encounter him lol)—and they’re like… well… we also don’t like the people Shikako doesn’t like anyway? Here’s where plot maybe comes in and maybe where Sasuke gets pulled in but basically if this is pre-Uchiha Massacre then there could be a day when Itachi goes to pick up the little Uchiha members from the Academy and Shikako is just like ??? DO I want to kill and eat him??? because he hasn’t done anything (YET) so it’s just like… the rest of the kids investigating into Sasuke to investigate into Itachi which then somehow Scooby Doo style gets them to Danzo and MAYBE he’s being a creeper and visiting the Academy to recruit future ROOT agents or MAYBE the Academy building is near the Hokage’s Tower (I think???) or Shisui and Itachi are BOTH picking up the various Uchiha Academy students and Danzo tries to use the opportunity to intimidate/threaten them both “subtly” and Shikako’s just like !!!!! FEAST MODE!!!! And fully just eldritch style swallows him whole in front of some Academy teachers :) And it’s not like Shikamaru can get in trouble because he’s BEEN telling the truth about his imaginary friend Shikako the whole time. And as far as they know it LOOKS like a Nara clan technique so they’re like… well… uh… maybe we should tell the Jounin Commander about this. And Shikaku’s just like… uh… Kasuga… what the fuck… And Kasuga turns to Sembei-obaasan and also asks what the fuck… And Sembei-obaasan has to search deep deep into the Nara oral tradition for what the fuck is going on And Shikako is just in Shikamaru’s shadow, totally pleased with herself. I’m not hungry anymore :)
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howlingday · 2 months
What if Jaune was a Xiao-Long? Does he either inherit Tai’s puns but are actually good, or Summer’s obsession with weapons, specifically swords.
Well, let's talk about the changes that would come with Jaune being born a Xiao Long. I'm assuming that he's Raven and Tai's son and Yang's twin brother, since him being Ruby's twin would potentially give him silver eyes and take away Ruby's role as the innocent and pure soul that she is, since she'd have to share the big hero spotlight.
As a Xiao-Long Branwen, Jaune's eyes would be red, blue, or purple, which is a choice of colors I love. Like, Yang isn't red like her mothers or blue like her fathers, but a lovely mix of purple to show she is both her mother's and her father's child. So Jaune also being born with these would be nice, though him having either Tai's or Raven's colored eyes would be a nice contrast to Yang. Also, fourth option, just putting it on the table so it's there, Jaune being heterochromatic with red and blue eyes. But to be honest, that feels a little too OC for me. Honestly, I'm leaning to Tai eyes since it would give Raven more reason to not stick around.
Jaune would grow up with Yang and help raise Ruby, but I could see him acting more like a brother than a father with her. He plays video games and reads comic books with her, while Yang is acting more as a mother-figure, filling in the space Summer left. I can also see Jaune having a Luigi dynamic to Yang's Mario, with him being the more timid and cautious twin of the two. Like, I'm imagining the three leaving to look for Summer with Jaune making constant whines like "Yaaang, we should go back!"
Now, with Jaune's weapon, let's address the goliath in the room. Crocea Mors? Not a thing. There's no family heirloom for him to take from the wall to attend Beacon. Instead, since he'd attend Signal and Beacon with his sisters, he'd make his own weapons. What weapons? Ooh... That's... Oof... If you're familiar with my Ru-Ja-Gun-Con series, you know that there are A LOT of weapons Jaune could choose and be inspired by. I even hinted at one being a solid choice for me if I had my way, BUT that was Jaune in canon. This is an entirely different Jaune. However, since this Jaune is still, essentially, Jaune, I would still like to keep the Jaune Arc style, so I'll let him keep the sword and shield and say he was inspired by the fairy tale stories he would read to Ruby, and yes, it is the Rusted Knight. However, I'd also like to borrow from the Joan of Arc inspiration and give Jaune something from her arsenal. I'm thinking a sword and shield/sheath that can be turned into a crossbow! But wait, there's more! Since both Ruby and Yang use theirs for combat AND mobility, I'd like to suggest Jaune has a rappelling line/bolt that he can slide on. Neat, right? Now we just need a name... How about... Juniper Rose, named after his favorite character from his favorite fairy tale.
"But what about his semblance?!" The voice in my head cries, mimicking what I think is what you're asking. Well, since he is heading off to Signal and Beacon with his sisters, it would only make sense to have Jaune unlock his aura and his semblance, but instead of coming up with something wild like Juniper Rose, I'd suggest keeping Aura Amp as his semblance BUT obviously have it unlocked sooner. I'm imagining a scenario during training where Ruby or Yang got really hurt, so he rushes over to help them and uses his semblance to quickly heal them.
But yeah, there's my Jaune Xiao-Long for you.
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vasyandii · 1 month
🦋: How long did it take them to get out of the awkward early relationship stage? Have they gotten more confident around each other?
💔: Do they have any previous relationship experience from past partners? How does it reflect on how they handle their current one?
🕊️: Give just a general domestic tidbit for em (things they like about each other, routines, habits, and just overall sweet stuff)
For Krueger and Nak!
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Great to see you again One horned beast!!The Ask Game
🦋How long did it take to get out of the awkward early relationship stage? Have they gotten more confident around each other?
Honestly? A week. It would've been shorter if they went official off the bat.
Nak didn't know how to respond to romantic affection. Her confusion with where they stood on their relationship (at the time unlabeled) was also a factor. Krueger is more laid back, he just did whatever felt right, and wanted to prioritize just having her comfortable with him in that way. (Idk if that makes sense)
They're more comfortable around each other now than they are when they started going out.
💔 Do they have any previous relationship experience from past partners? How does it reflect on how they handle their current one?
Nak? None. Krueger's her only relationship experience LMAO what a loser /j . She didn't really have crushes or interest in anyone but herself back in Laos. The couples she saw around during her time in the LPAF gave her insight in how a good and bad relationship is supposed to be (basically living vicariously lol). So when she started being in a relationship with Krueger, she mimicked what she saw in the past before she found her own pace.
Krueger has had a few relationships in the past, but mostly preferred to stay single for longer periods of time. He didn't like how people would change the moment there was romantic feelings involved, and expectations of just having to be "the stoic mysterious lover thats closed off" irked him. With Phayvanh he didn't want that; he wants to be able to be silly around her in the way they usually are, she's one of his best friends. Luckily it came easy with her, their pace was similar in practice :3
🕊️ Give just a general domestic tidbit for em (things they like about each other, routines, habits, and just overall sweet stuff)
I already Answered this in the last ask but I'm gonna do it again in more detail >:D !! I Love these!!
If Nak has a broken arm, Krueger ties her hair up for her, sometimes he switches up the ponytail to have it be braids or a half up half down type of thing. (It takes everything in him to not give her the most atrocious hairstyle)
The way they drink tea is so vastly different. Nak drinks hers with nothing while Krueger puts too much sugar in his
Just Admiring each other's tattoos idk they're dumb. Nak is fond of the one on his stomach, but makes fun of the one on his back (the wolf one). Krueger just idly traces the designs of Nak's tattoos on her back with his fingers.
Just??? One randomly smacks the others ass HARD and runs off so the other chases after them?? Weirdos. (Nak is guilty of this)
This interaction:
"Phayvanh it's 8 in the morning."
"What about it."
"Put on a shirt."
"Put on some pants."
"You're flashing me."
"You're flashing me!"
Then they watched TV.
Thank you for reading :D it's been a while since I've done stuff explaining their dynamics so hopefully it's ok ;u;
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yesimwriting · 18 days
For what i gathered from your style of writing (immaculate btw) i think reader would not responde to nates advances, because contrary to billy, stu and felix he doesnt hide his asshole ways.
So i think the main thrope would be groveling from his part
omg this ask feels like such a cross over!!
you're so right and i love the way you're thinking through this, but let's break down nate's character a little more (and reader's)
one of the major takeaways from that scene where everything that nate looks for in a girl is laid out and the scenes that explain what he liked about maddy is that there's this theme of being drawn to traditional feminity/someone that can play a traditionally feminine role
i think there are a lot of factors that play into him wanting that-- it reflects what he's familiar with, a more feminine partner will push back less/be easier to manipulate (in his head at least), and maybe a smidge of comphet depending on how you read his sexuality
one of his main fantasies is saving maddy from another man and when maddy was trying to win him over, she played into her femininity (and cassie kind of did the same)
and when you think about these reasons and the kind of girl he'd want to go for (and you look at the way he treats maddy when he apologizes and when they first started dating) it's natural for him to have some kinder qualities that come from the instinct to fill that traditionally masculine role in a relationship
so, when considering all of that,, i think nate can be really charming, maybe even a little chivalrous when he's really trying to win someone over
i also think nate's relatively good at reading people, and he can clock that the reader from that last blurb is trying to be a party girl more than actually being one, he knows that reader would never want to be around him if he's openly an asshole, so he manipulates subtly (telling reader to keep their interactions a secret from maddy for her own sake, all while knowing that the sooner he breaks that 'secret keeping' barrier, it'll only get easier to get reader to keep more and more from her friends)
i also see nate as someone who is very capable of being likeable when he wants to be, and reader being kind of sheltered/"innocent" and maddy's friend and being so determined to not like him makes him want to put in the work,,
so he's going to make a point of being soft spoken and nice when he has to see reader, and the harder she tries to dismiss him, the more he's going to commit bc it becomes less about getting maddy's attention and a little more about his ego,, and then finally, about reader
and if we're comparing this reader to final girl!reader or best friend! reader,, (you guys have no way of having known this, i barely referenced it in one sentence) i see this reader as being less looked out for
i picture her mom as one of those moms that wants to be "the cool mom" so bad so that she can pretend her daughter's friends are hers too, and she's so excited that reader is being more social/popular that she's a little lost in it
and i see reader's dad (not me finally giving readers a dad) as being almost the polar opposite, strict and traditional,, so reader still feels the need to hide going out and drinking bc it starts arguments with her parents and that makes her feel guilty
i'd really love to write a fic explaining all of these dynamics and how they overlap with the same style of narration that euphoria episodes that center a specific character's background story are,, i love mimicking niche voices like that it's so fun
anyways this was really long for no reason <3
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artmunstudios · 7 months
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Your springs are reacting. You feel...embarassed.
I don't have the time to draw this out in a complete comic like I'd like to, so enjoy the drabble below in its stead! I was inspired from this scene from Hellboy. Also...a mild excuse just to write these two idiots at their peak dynamic. (to sum up: Pinocchio, a good influence on P? Questionable. A good brother from another reality? Perhaps. The Lampwick they are discussing is not the canon one, but @/wildartsstuff’s)
"Alright, let's see it," Pinocchio waved a hand out as he stepped into the room. "It is nothing," Pino had insisted yet again. His springs reacted to the lie, he thinks, but he was too distracted by the approaching puppet. “It is just a record.” “Nothing, huh?” Pinocchio pressed. “Yes. I enjoy listening to them?” “Yeah—and you always listen to them downstairs in the lobby, not in one of the furthest rooms away from where everyone else sleeps. You don’t even have Gemini on your belt.” “He is resting.” “Right.”
A long silence passed between them.
Wood was lighter than metal—that was just a simple fact. While Pino had become very light on his feet, the weight difference could not be ignored as he tried to keep the record album cover out of reach. Standing up only helped so much, despite the height difference. Instead, Pinocchio simply jumped on the bed, and without hesitation snatched the record album cover from Pino’s hand.
“…’Love Sonnets of Krat”…?” Pinocchio squinted as he read the title out loud. The two puppets exchanged looks. “Oh…buddy…” his brows raised as Pino shrunk back a little. “…don’t tell me this is about Lampwick.” At that, Pino finally slumped back to sit on the bed again. Pinocchio plopped down beside him. “He…makes me feel. He has been kind…and he teaches me things I never thought I would learn.” “You really need to get out more,” Pinocchio sighed as he lounged back. He grimaced. “Oh…fuck me, I’m starting to talk like Anthony.” He hung his head back with a groan. “Great…” Something about the look Pinocchio gave him made his springs and gears tighten. He assumed this was…irritation? “I really care about him.” They stared at each other. Pinocchio nodded, sympathetically. He pushed himself off the bed, and Pino watched the puppet rummage through the drawers and cupboards of the extravagant room. He made a satisfied sound at some point, pulling out a bottle of…if he recalled, the old woman by Venigni’s factory called it a ‘tipple’…?
He heard a popping sound, and Pinocchio walked back to sit beside him again.
“You’re in love,” Pinocchio concurred, and he held the bottle in his direction. “—have a drink.” Pino shook his head. “Can you drink?” “Yes—I can drink things, it’s the eating that I can’t really do.” “Do you wanna try?” His gaze shifted. “…I don’t think Father would approve,” “You have to go anywhere?” “Well…no, Venigni has to decode a—” “Just take a swig.”
He took the bottle, looking over the label before hesitantly raising the bottle to his lips. The flavor was strong, strong enough to make his joints jolt. He looked at the label again, quietly feeling a warmth fill his stomach. It felt somewhat similar to the warmth that would come when his springs would react to a lie, but…something told him this was different. “Good, yeah?” He stared at the bottle in wonder. “An old woman asked me to bring her some, once,” “She said that it was important for her to have.” Pinocchio snorted. “Oh yeah? “…Why not talk to your Geppetto about…what you’re feeling?” “…I…do not think Father would approve…” “Yeah? That a fact…” Pinocchio watched as he took another sip from the bottle before scooting back to lean against the pillows. Pino mimicked him, and the two sat side by side. “…Which song was it?” “The last one, I think.” Pinocchio flipped the album cover over in his hands, looking through the lists of songs. He looked up at Pino as though he were a sodding wet puppy lost in the storm that currently raged outside the hotel. “…’Aimer’…?” When he got a nod for an answer, Pinocchio heaved a long sigh. “Yeap, I’m gonna need a drink, too.” “It’s a nice song,” Pino insisted as he watched Pinocchio stand and walk over to the record player to place the needle at the beginning again. “I like it a lot.” “Ain’t that just the way,” Pinocchio sighed. “What way?” “It’s a metaphor, kid. Grimme that bottle.” Pino silently handed the bottle over to Pinocchio as he plopped back down on the bed. It surprised him, a little, that he could handle such a thing so palatable despite being a puppet. Wasn’t the feeling overwhelming?
The two sat in silence for a while, listening to the music that played while passing the bottle between each other.
By halfway through the second listen-through of the album, only a little less than a third was left. “Have you ever been in love…?” “Oh yeah,” Pinocchio scoffed loudly. “Lots’a times.” He took a long drink. “Fuckin’…fuckin’ sucks,” he said as he passed the bottle. “What did it feel like, for you?” “Like…like…you’re gonna throw up your insides,” Pinocchio gestured vaguely. “Your insides an’ butterflies an’ flowers…get all…warm ‘n fuzzy—just wanna curl in their arms all the time, feelin’ safe ‘n warm…” Pino was thoroughly confused, and he frowned. “But that doesn’t sound bad at all…” “You ever throw up before?” “No…I don’t think so,” Pinocchio was insulted. “Oh—oh he jus’ keeps on winnin, don’tcha?!” He said, snatching the bottle when it was held out to him. He glared into it. “Get to look all…human on the outside, like a…perfect pretty-boy,” he turned the bottle end upright when he drank. “—even the  people tryin’a kill you think yer…all hot, an’ now he’s sayin’ he never even…puked on the sidewalk,” he slumped back in a huff, and considered. “Well…just wait ‘till mornin’—you’ll change your tune then. Probably, if you actually can,” Pinocchio grumbled, absently tugging at the necklace under his shirt. “‘Ssat…?” Pino asked, gingerly taking back the bottle. “Whus what?” “Ssat—“ Pino poked at Pinocchio’s chest. “Keep my ‘gagement ring on a necklace,” Pinocchio said, pulling on the chain to hold up the plain gold ring attached to it. “Lose it if I didn’t—doin all…flips an’ stuff fightin…” “Who is she?” Pinocchio snorted. “His name is Razel. Think you’re the only gay…puppet twink?” He waved Pino over. “Gimme that, ‘m gettin ‘nother sip,” Pino pouted as he handed Pinocchio the bottle. “Don’t gimme that look,” “You…don’t like me, do you.” It came out more like a statement than a question. And for what it was worth, it did catch Pinocchio off guard. He stared at the automation for a long while. Eventually, he sighed. “No, I…didn’ ever say that—I don’t…not like you?” “You get angry at me all the time…and…everything about my…being, seems to upset you,” Pinocchio hung his head with an even longer sigh. “No, I…fuck, okay, look,” he pacifyingly handed the wine to Pino. “—allathat…it’s…that all ‘cause’of my own problems, got nothing to do with you,” he watched as Pino took a tentative sip before glancing away. “Ah…I dunno…jus’…jealous of you, guess...even if it’s all gone to hell here, you’ve still got it somehow made here!” He gestured widely. “You live in this fancy five-star hotel, you’ve…got friends, and actually manage to keep ‘em, your papa actually seems to like you…you didn’t even really have to learn to fight, allathat came natural!” He grimaced at the ceiling. “Then…there’s me—stuck in this…block’a wood, just about every friend I came across as a kid pretty much died…an’…papa…my papa’s…gone. Not that he liked me much, anyway…” Pino looked around the extravagant bedroom, his gaze settling on the window. He stared quietly at the raindrops that slid down the glass. “…You…can feel things,” Pino said, his voice quiet. “You always could have…you never needed to learn. You…can get angry, frown, and smile,” “You can do that too, though,” “Not smile. Smiling is…difficult. It looks…’uncanny’, that’s what I heard.” Pino looked down at his legion arm, flexing his fingers. “Appearances only go so far…when people hear my gears…they usually turn. I’m…not a who—I’m a what.” "'...s'all stuff you can learn, though..." "You can cry." "Can't you?" "I don't think so—I don't think I have tear ducts." They looked at each other, something in that silence making the two sober up a little. Pinocchio glanced away. “Right…guess…there’s always gotta be somethin’,” he mumbled. “I don’t like killing things, all the time…” “Preachin’ to the choir,” Pinocchio said. “What do I do after this is done…?” “Fuck if I know that answer—I barely knew what I was doing when I was actually a human.” They both grew silent again, somehow feeling drunker in those few minutes than when they had gotten halfway through the wine bottle.
“Bah, that’s it—sober moment over. Where…where is your lover-boat, anyways?” Pinocchio snuck in an extra sip before Pino had clumsily taken the bottle. “He…he’s…he…” Pino struggled to finish the thought. “Treasure.” He decided on. Pinocchio hummed. “Right, yeah…s’a…thing here, yeah…” Pino peeked into the bottle, fascinated by the way the red liquid rolled inside. He swayed side to side. He looked at Pinocchio as though he had suddenly sprouted butterfly wings from his ears. “…Huh?” “I said—” Pinocchio stopped, briefly forgetting just what he had said. “I said—what kind of market does this place even have?” “Oh, it’s…it’s…it’s…” Pino’s brows furled as he absently drank from the bottle. He had downed half of what was left without even realizing he had done it, for he was too focused on thinking. “Hey, hey—” Pinocchio swatted at his hands, managing to pry the bottle away when they became unsteady. “—you gotta…gotta take it easy, you can’t jus’ go an’—” “…s’like…jus’ one…” Pinocchio squinted at Pino as if he had suddenly sprouted the ears of a jackass. “Huh?” “Only…really…see one…” Pino motioned vaguely. “’ryone’s…i’side—inside…houses,” he made a box shaped gesture. “Windows’all…shut…’cept for…sometimes,” “Like tipple lady,” Pinocchio concluded. “Yes,” “Yeah,” “Mmhm.” “Got it.” Pinocchio took a sip, and then another. “Okay so…treasure…guy…” “Lam’wick,” “Yeah, that guy,” Pinocchio passed the bottle back, and heaved a deep sigh. “I wish Anthony were here…he’d know what to do—what to tell ya. He’s’a cricket, so ya know he’s real smart an'all, an’ gives good advice an’ stuff…” “Cricket…” Pino said, moodily staring down the bottle. “…Glow.” “Nope, not mine,” “No glow?” “No glow. He’s…” Pinocchio gestured high above his head. “..s’all tall an’…an’ he’s a doctor, he's…doctor, so all extra-smart…” They both grew quiet. “…I don’t…think he’d…like me,” “Wick,” “Mm-mm. Doesn’t like…puppets. Calls Father an me…devil,” Pino frowned. “’M notta devil, m' a…puppet,” “Preachin’ to the choir,” Pinocchio chorused. “Cross a bingo, take a shot—nobody ever likes us wherever we are,” Pino turned the empty bottle upside down. “Fox…an’ cat,” “Oh you got a pair too, huh,” “Cat…called me…dumbass,” “’bout right.” “Wick wouldn’…want a dumbass,” “Fuck that cat,” Pinocchio slurred aggressively. “You’re not—you’re…smarter n’…probably any version of us out there,” he shook Pino, drawing his attention away when the automation tried to use the wine bottle like a telescope. “’Sides, bein’…bein’ kinda a dumbass is our personal brand’a specialty. If Wick don’t want that then…then…he can…stick…” he squinted, trying to concentrate. “…’m too drunk to think of a insult, but…but that’s what you should think if that’s how he gets,” Pinocchio concluded as he flopped onto his back. He waved a finger in the air, mumbling something, but Pino was having a hard time concentrating on much else, at this point. He blew into the bottle, the loud sound coming from it startling him.
Polendina knocked before entering the room, Gemini in hand. “Excuse me, but your lantern keeps requesting to be with you, and it is important to not leave your items unattended…” he stopped short, watching the pair of raven-haired puppets snooze away while slumped over one another. “What the heck happened here?!” Gemini cried as Polendina stepped around to get a closer look. “Ah.” He picked up the empty bottle, having long since been abandoned at the bedside. “Ohh, I don’t think Geppetto would like this one bit,” Gemini said. “There is no need to say anything,” Polendina concluded. He set the empty bottle on the dresser, and placed Gemini at the bedside table. “After all, there are seldom moments of rest.” “True…I’ll keep an eye on them, regardless.” “I shall come by later to check in.” Polendina said, leaving for the door. He stopped, thinking for a moment before closing it.
Perhaps he should prepare some hot towels for when they wake.
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kitkatopinions · 3 months
Does Whitley have potential or is he an extra Schnee?
I think Whitley had and has a lot of potential, actually!
One of the most interesting things about Weiss is her connection to her family, which I think deserves more focus and exploring, and Whitley is obviously a big part of that. I find it fascinating how the environment Weiss and Whitley were raised in made them react in completely different ways - Whitley with putting up a mask of casual indifference (airing on cheeriness) and leaning into what was expected of him while clearly showing in volume eight that it isn't just how he naturally is, and Weiss with anger and mimicking Winter and desperately trying to get away from it. I think exploring both Weiss and Whitley as abuse victims would really speak to the fact that reactions to abuse takes all sorts of forms and are no less sympathetic.
Exploring Weiss's dynamic with Winter and Whitley more, I think, would help to expand on Weiss's character and give her a stronger arc (since she hasn't seemed to have a personal arc in volumes and even in V7 seemed to not get the attention she deserved.) Going into V10 (if we get a V10) the Schnees are going to be all of a sudden pretty much penniless, with no home, in a kingdom that should by all rights be very hesitant to accept them. If Weiss isn't concerned with helping specifically Whitley (not because he's more important to Weiss or to the narrative than Winter but because he's an auraless untrained teenage civilian) than it'd seem like a bit of a blow against her character tbh. And it could lead to some great conflicts not only surrounding Weiss and Whitley making an effort to understand each other better and get to know each other more after years of icing each other out, but might also create conflicts with the rest of Weiss's team who might perceive Weiss focusing more on her family than on important issues.
On top of that, Whitley could serve very effectively as a demonstration that not everyone needs to be a Hunter or fighter or have a semblance in order to be helpful and good. In V8, Whitley proofed to be smart, kind, and brave. He could be the sort of person to be doing things on computers while talking to Team RWBY and co over comms in their ears. Whitley could be incredibly useful in that way, and it would be so much fun to see the team acclimatizing to a new person more or less being brought in, into a new role they're not used to having around. It'd be a nice change, also something that RWBY could use.
And on top of on top of that is the fact that Oscar and Ruby both having this new friend that's more their age and is super different from both of them but could get along with both of them (and could be shipped with either of them) is a good thing too that could be good and worth exploring. And also on top of both of those things, the classic 'villains use a loved one to threaten their enemies' thing can't be easily done in this show where everybody is basically a superhero, but auraless teenage civilian Whitley provides an excellent opportunity for that.
Basically, Whitley has tons of potential as a character going forward from here, and I do hope that he stays involved and even gets more involved (so long as there's also plenty of proper focus given to the mains obviously.) Do I think that any of this potential will actually be realized? No. I think Whitley will pretty much just be treated like an extra Schnee, and the most we'll see of him if we ever get more RWBY is like two very bit parts of scenes where Willow has like a hand on his shoulder or something and that's it. The show can't have make the mains reach a quarter of their full potential, so there's very little hope for my baby boy Whitley. But I think he could be a great, amazing, involved character.
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look-at-the-soul · 6 months
Look at the soul - Part 11 Green eyes
Cillian Murphy x OC
Series master list
We’ve always heard eyes are a window to the soul, what would Cillian find in Marianne’s?
Word count: 3,460
Song: Green eyes by Coldplay
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Cillian rolled the script in his hands as his eyes crossed the stage and he found the cast getting ready to leave as they finished the rehearsal. Marianne waved at Jason, he played the role of the barman.
“Ready?” Lee approached her.
“I really need that margarita tonight.” Marianne groaned, rolling her neck to ease the tension from her shoulders.
“And all I can think of is having those tacos already.” Lee chuckled.
“Tacos?” Cillian’s voice interrupted them, he was a few steps behind.
Both girls turned around to look at him, they had the same expression of a kid who was just caught up with the hand inside of a cookie jar.
“You’re having tacos and didn’t invite me?” He asked placing one of his hands over his chest, pretending to be hurt.
“You can come if you want.” Marianne replied.
“Thought you had already left.” Enda joined them a moment later, Heidi following him.
“They’re having tacos without us.” Cillian raised his eyebrows.
“Are you serious?” Enda gave them a accusation look.
“It’s not like that.” Marianne tried mortified.
Cillian leaned his elbow on his friend’s shoulder. “So what are you doing tonight?”
“Eating tacos of course.” He folded his arms in front of his chest.
“Me too.” Cillian agreed with a huge grin leading the way towards the parking lot. “I’m starving.”
The girls shared a look, unsure of how the night would unfold, they were so used to their dynamic now.
“Can you hurry up?” Enda called impatient.
“Let’s go!” Cillian shouted with excitement.
“Hmmm this is heaven.” Enda admitted before getting more chips and dip. “I’m still mad that you left us out of this.” He then pointed at the amazing food at the table.
“I told you it was a girls night out originally.” Heidi rolled her eyes.
“We don’t have to dress up as women right?” Enda joked mimicking a girly pose.
“You’re always looking for any excuse man.” Cillian retorted making the girls laugh. “I’m going to tell your wife to hide her heels.”
“Alright, tacos are ready.” Marianne announced placing the tray in the middle of the table. “And you’re more than welcome to join us every week.”
“Shall we declare tacos night inaugurated?” Cillian rubbed his hands together.
“I’m never skipping a tacos night.” Enda announced solemnly taking a bite. “Oh fuck! This is so good.” He shouted.
“I want one of each.” Lee added passing her plate to the opposite side.
“And you haven’t tried her chicken with chipotle yet.” Cillian shook his head, the mere memory was mouthwatering.
Lee looked from Cillian to Marianne suspiciously, wondering how close those two had been getting lately, sneaking backstage before rehearsals to the point of him tasting one of her recipes. She added a mental note to ask her later about that.
But her friend was oblivious to Lee’s stare as she got busy with the tortillas.
“This is fun, we really need to keep it going.” Heidi proposed as she got a text message. “My husband wants some tacos but I don’t think there’ll be anything left, and I don’t have the heart to tell him.”
“No no, tacos are just meant to be eaten here not to take out.” Enda held the tray with both hands apprehensively.
“Just tell him you ordered pizzas tonight.” Cillian encouraged.
“Woah. The salsa is spicy.” Lee pointed waving her hand in front of her mouth, grabbing her glass to wash down the burning sensation in her throat.
“Last time you told me it wasn’t, so I added more this time.” Marianne explained.
“So tell me how did this start.” Enda asked getting a second round of food.
“I was craving some Mexican one day and then I showed Lee some pictures, so I found a little market that has a lot of Mexican stuff and just like that we asked Heidi if she wanted to join us for dinner, Michelle and Isa have been sometimes too.”
“Well thank you for the invitation.” Enda teased.
Cillian chuckled. “He’s never letting that one go, trust me I’ve known him for so long.”
“You said tacos and margaritas, so where’s my drink?” Enda adjusted the glasses on his nose.
“Go easy with the tequila or you’ll start living la vida loca.” Heidi suggested in a very clear Spanish.
Enda and Cillian’s laugh filled the place.
“What happened with Layla?” Heidi asked before taking another bite of her food.
Marianne shuddered. “Think she was in a bad mood or something, because she pushed me so rough.”
“I was thinking of stepping in, but didn’t want to interfere in the rehearsal.” Heidi admitted.
“Who’s she?” Enda interjected. “Should’ve picked a blonde, a brunette and a redhead to play the prostitutes, they’ll look the same.” He admitted laughing.
“When did that happen?” Cillian’s brows knitted.
“From the beginning, I swore she left you a mark.” Lee pointed out. “She’s been acting weird towards you since forever.”
“Please elaborate.” Enda leaned on the table.
Lee threw a quick glance in Marianne’s direction.
“After she joined the play, she wanted to introduce herself to Cillian but he was on the phone in my dressing room so I told her, very politely that he was busy at that moment and she took it badly.”
“No but tell them about the day I heard her mocking your accent.” Lee lost it, she had kept it to herself for so long.
Enda gave Heidi a knowing look, worried about how it would unfold.
“If I had learned this earlier I wouldn’t let her be part of this, unfortunately the opening is around the corner.”
Heidi nodded. “I’ll keep an eye on her.”
“I mean I’m aware of my accent, I’m the first one to laugh when I make a mistake, but it’s obvious she has a problem with me.”
“You’ll never please everyone.” Cillian stated crossing his leg. “Don’t take a single comment from a person you wouldn’t ask for advice.”
And as he said that, they all raised their glasses.
“Need some help?” Cillian asked Marianne as she was busy with the tortillas.
But she shook her head and turned them around just using her hand, as if the pan wasn’t hot.
“You’re going to burn yourself.”
“Yeah?” Marianne smiled placing her hand on top of one again t show Cillian nothing happened.
“So you like playing with fire huh?” He tilted his head, fixing his eyes on her. “You should know then, people who plays with fire, usually gets burn.” He flirted.
The way he dragged his words and the velvety tone of his voice made it sound as if he was giving her warning with a double meaning. Leaving Marianne speechless, her mind in blank, unable to answer anything.
Where did that came from?
Heidi walked between them to get another one, oblivious to what was happening. “Would it be weird if I mix all the fillings in one taco?”
When Marianne looked again at Cillian the atmosphere had changed, he was now texting someone. So she decided that perhaps it had just been a game from her imagination.
“A little, but who are we to judge you?” Lee encouraged.
In a matter of seconds, the kitchen got silent again as they all focused on their food and drinks.
Turning around, Marianne found Cillian a few meters away with his hands in his pockets, shoulders relaxed as he laughed at something Enda said.
Staring at him from afar she took in of his curls and the way he seemed so engaged in the conversation unfolding. A head tilt and then she saw him rubbing his fingertips against his lips.
And as if it was some kind of revelation…
How could he, as the narrator of the story know a lot of things about Adria? This man had to have some kind of deep bond with her.
“Wait! Enda! Cill!” She shouted as they were heading out.
Marianne was running out of breath as she reached them, giving them an excited look.
“You’ve to hear this…” her eyes sparkled in excitement. “I finally realized what you think it’s been missing from the play.” Marianne explained, Enda had been struggling the last couple of days because he kept insisting something was missing from the story but he couldn’t figure out what.
“Well, tell me!”
“The narrator,” she looked up at Cillian and back to Enda, “how could this man know Adria’s story so well? He can’t be just a narrator, there has to be something else… a connection.”
“I’m not following.” Enda admitted frowning.
“We all know how life has been complicated towards Adria, the tough situation with her brother taking everything she owns and blocking her from getting a job and all, we’ve seen her how it is for her to accept the gifts those men give her thinking that will grant them her heart and she uses the money to survive… but we barely know a thing or two about her real feelings, there has to be someone she loved once and-”
Cillian couldn’t hide the smile on his face as he caught up with her idea, it was brilliant.
“Her heart is a mystery until we reveal a small glimpse.” He added staring at Enda.
“I need a drink,” this was mindblowing, it had always been under his nose and he had been so blind. “Shall we go to a pub and talk this through?”
“Yes!” Marianne have them a wide smile, her cheeks blushing.
“C’mon there’s one two blocks away.” Enda wrapped his hand around Marianne’s shoulder to guide her out of the parking lot. “You know this changes a lot of things right?”
Marianne nodded realizing the impact it would have in the rehearsals.
“Remember I’ve a trip tomorrow, but send the changes to my email.” Cillian pointed at Enda. “I just hope my dog won’t make a mess in the house.”
“Are your kids staying with your parents?”
“Yeah but I can’t have them taking care of Scout too.”
Marianne looked at him in silence for an instant.
“I can puppysit.”
Cillian stopped walking, surprised by her proposal.
“Really, I mean I love dogs and these days I’m taking classes online I’m only busy with the rehearsals.”
“He’s a beast.”
“Oh c’mon, bet he behaves better than most people.” Marianne dismissed his statement.
“Are you sure?”
“Just say thank you, stop asking her the same.” Interjected Enda.
Cillian laughed relieved and thankful for the help, he then explained her he’d bring his dog first thing in the morning with all the things she might need, it would still be a short stay though, just for two days while he traveled to London for something work related.
As they walked on the empty street, Cillian closed the jacket over his chest, feeling a shiver running up and down his body.
“So how do we do this?”
“Well, ask that to the mastermind here, she got the idea.” Enda chuckled nudging Marianne with his elbow.
“I was thinking of maybe Adria finds a letter she kept in a box or a photograph perhaps of her lost love and that’s how you reveal that side of her to the audience, but then I thought as you already have the narrator element telling part of the story, Cillian could reveal that part you know, verbally while Adria is in the back staring at his picture.”
“My head is about to explode.” The screenplay writer admitted shocked by the insights Marianne was providing, but it was just one way to prove how connected she was with her character.
Cillian smiled proudly as they reached a booth in the corner, he had been for the last thirty minutes as he started to listen to Marianne’s ideas. This was the kind of thing he didn’t know she could do when he first saw her and it was a remarkable thing to admire from her.
“Do you think it’s possible?” Cillian gave his friend a long look. They were against time.
“Of course I’m going to need a ridiculous amount of caffeine through the night, but sure I can have this by tomorrow.” He took a sip of his pint, desperate to head home.
“Are you sure this is okay? I don’t want you to feel like any pressure to add this.” Marianne doubted toying with the glass of rosé in front of her.
Enda leaned against the back of his seat. “I can’t tell you how much I love that you are so invested in this that you even start adding ideas, it’s so cathartic for me and a relief to know Adria is in the best hands. Here.” He took her face between his hands and planted a loud kiss on her cheek.
“Perhaps her brother had something to do with the fact that Adria split with- are we still naming him narrator?” He chuckled.
“Yes because I want every man in the room thinking it could be him.” Enda took a long sip of his drink and looking at his watch he gasped. “Shit I gotta go, or the wifey will be mad. But keep the brainstorming!”
“I’ve never seen him so obsessed with a play.” Cillian cleared his throat as he moved closer to Marianne.
Honey, you are a rock
Upon which I stand
“Had been thinking that instead of having you talking from the sound booth, you should be on stage narrating because well, the narrator knows everything about Adria first hand.”
“I like that.” His eyes sparkled under the dim light of the pub. “What else?”
“What about you being something like a bartender in the background first and then… boom the big revelation of who you are.”
Cillian nodded, imagining the scene.
And I come here to talk
I hope you understand
“The way I see it is someone with a bohemian kind of look.”
“So… what’s the main story of the bohemian at the bar?” Cillian asked pulling Marianne from her daydream.
He asked the waitress for a napkin and pen to write down the ideas. Marianne noticed the long looks and smilies the woman was giving him, asking over and over if he needed something else. Lee was right, everywhere they went, he got an endless queue of women fighting for his attention. Women offering in a tray without thinking while he was inside of his bubble. How could she compete with that? When he really had a catalog to choose from with endless possibilities; all kinds of beauty, hair color, nationalities…
It was impossible to not fall for that smile and the way he deeply engaged in whatever you were doing, he was hands down the most attentive person, always had something interesting to add, something funny to say. Cillian always added something that really helped you. But when he fixed his ocean eyes on hers, almost without blinking, it was as if he was opening all of the layers to see the deepest parts of her soul, and she ended up questioning everything.
“You can’t even begin to imagine how important this is, you got to the point to start thinking as your character, more importantly, you’re walking in her shoes.” Cillian praised pulling her back to reality.
He had a good feeling about this, about her idea, Enda had already trusted her in different matters and she ended up adding something really good.
And besides all of that, he loved to listen her talking about something that she felt really passionate about, loved the way her eyes lighted up and held a special sparkle.
The green eyes
Yeah, the spotlight
Shines upon you
“Has it happened to you? Getting ideas for your characters?”
Cillian thought her expressions were adorable. It was impossible to not feel like some kind of magnet was pulling him closer.
And how could
Anybody deny you?
“Yes, plenty of times because I let the character use my body as an instrument to project whatever it wants to the public,” he explained forcing himself to focus on something else other than her, “it’s like taking a step back and allowing them to take charge, huh?”
“I never thought about it until now, and it’s both scary and fascinating.” She rested her face on her hand, leaning closer to Cillian.
I came here with a load
And it feels so much lighter now I met you
Marianne was suddenly conscious of the small pout of his lips and the almost imperceptible nod he did.
“I’m in awe of the incredible feeling it is to be onstage,” she admitted placing a loose lock behind her ear.
Cillian felt like it was mouthwatering, everything, every little thing she did, it had an indescribable feeling in him.
The dim light, the little conversation they were having, the rest of the pub disappearing.
He had always been complimented by his eyes and he really didn’t paid attention to other people’s eyes, until now… he was only realizing of the kaleidoscopic shades that were part of Marianne’s green eyes. Of all kinds of shades and tones, a deep emerald adorning around the edge of the iris, a lighter shade mixing perfectly with an olive tone and small rays of gold as it got closer to the pupils.
And honey, you should know
That I could never go on without you
Green eyes
He found them fascinating and it felt contradictory to what he believed in, when someone started talking about his, he brushed the topic to the side and changed the conversation. Destroying any small chance that could allow his ego to grow. But when it came to hers, he realized this was the first time he noticed something like that.
They were so inviting and it was taking all of his willpower to resist the urge to get closer.
That green eyes
You're the one that I wanted to find
Her eyes seemed to change under different lights and he realized now it also depended of the color she was wearing. Now with a purple jumper made the fascinating color of her eyes pop and it was impossible not to get lost in the depths of that emerald treasure.
But what was truly fascinating was all of the things she could express through her eyes even when she wasn’t talking. Every emotion flashing through her eyes, she was so transparent, so genuine.
“Well… how could he not know everything about her? How could she ever forget about the most important person in her life?” She moved her hands in sync with her words. “How could someone become a stranger after seeing your soul?”
He wasn’t sure anymore if this was Marianne or Adria talking… or a mix of both.
And anyone who tried
To deny you must be out of their minds
Cillian leaned back as if he was hit in the gut and the air was taken away from him. Her words repeating over and over in his mind like a song. He had to admit he’d allow her to see his soul as many times as she wanted. She could walk over his back in heels if that made her happy. And that scared him, because of the magnitude it meant; it would mean to give her all of him, his deepest fears, his dreams, his secrets.
Feeling goosebumps all over his skin, Cillian couldn’t help but lean forward a little.
Marianne smiled shyly and looked down at her hands but quickly her gaze returned to Cillian who couldn’t disguise his attraction any longer.
One look and he could be at her feet.
Her breath got caught in her throat as she realized the atmosphere changed suddenly and Cillian was holding her gaze, alternating from her eyes to her lips.
Time stopped as their hearts were drumming inside their chests.
Cillian couldn’t help but wonder what her lips would taste.
There was a force pulling them closer, something neither of them could fight.
Their lips were about to meet midway. A tingle appeared from the anticipation, head tilting…
“Would you like another round?” The waitress interrupted them, breaking off their moment, she tapped her pen against her opposite arm.
Cillian straightened his back as he cleared his throat.
He gave Marianne a long look, noticing the small shook of her head he then thanked the waitress. The magic was gone.
In an instant the bubble burst.
She noticed the waitress had passed in front of them for the hundredth time and she only had eyes for Cillian, but as much as she tried to caught his attention, it didn’t work but she had definitely killed the mood. But she couldn’t blame her though, Cillian was attractive and he had this incredible vibe that made you look twice in his direction.
Perhaps they could talk now that they were out of the pub.
“Can I drive you home?” He offered hoping to continue where they just left, but just as he did, one of his sons called him to let him know they were as well on their way back home.
“It’s fine I’ll get an Uber.” Marianne waved him off so he wouldn’t be late for his sons. “Don’t forget to bring Scout over.” She tried to brush it off, but deep down she couldn’t help but think what would have happened if they weren’t interrupted.
Tag list: @lyarr24 @gypsy-girl-08 @cillmequick @zablife @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @kettlechips3 @heidimoreton @forbidden-forest-witch @kaitebugg03 @thenattitude @forgottenpeakywriter @onlydeadcells @babaohhhriley @lonelyweeb0044 @lovemissyhoneybee @ange-thoughts @already-broken144 @shelbydelrey @cutecurly-hair @winchestergirl22 @moral-terpitude @ironpen @elenavampire21 @lespendy @kittycatcait219 @stevie75 @esposadomd @sloanexx @shaddixlife @rangerelik @peakyscillian @woofgocows @cillianlove @imichelle-l-rigby @emmanuelle19 @sydneyyyya @cljordan-imperium @mrkdvidal1989 @flippittygibbitts @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @elk96 @shelundeadxxxx @kmc1989 @lau219
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blue2black · 5 months
Has anyone seen the Class Of 09 animation that was posted a month ago?
I love the two games and I REALLY loved the anime one. I really hope they get the sources they need to make more of it! :)
But, anyway, the anime kinda reminded me of a dynamic Ghost, Gaz and Soap could’ve had if they ever knew each other in high school.
Allow me to demonstrate:
Gaz: …is this what cam girls feel like?
Ghost: I feel like cam girls do a little more than we did.
Gaz: But at least they get paid, we had to flirt with that weirdo for free.
Ghost: No, we lost a bet. That’s not free, it’s just hoe and pro bono.
Gaz: Why would you put up flirting with Graves in the first place?
Ghost: Oh, so you thought she could steal that hot dog roller?
Gaz: No! But…ugh, just that whole class yesterday.
Gaz: “WoW, gRaVeS, yOuR nArUtO dRaWiNgS aRe So GoOd”—EW.
Ghost: That wasn’t even the worst part. People had to watch us do that.
Gaz: Plus, he probably won’t leave me alone for like, a month now. He’s gonna go home to his video games and make created characters of us..
Ghost: Yeah, he’ll kill us in Grand Theft Auto.
Gaz: You can make characters in Grand Theft Auto?
Ghost: Do I look like a bitch who would know?
Gaz: Whatever.
Gaz: God, I need a Xanax. *reaching in his back pocket*
Gaz: Wait, where’d I put it-
Ghost: *has the Xanax on his tongue and swallows*
Gaz: Bitch, that was my last Xan! How’d you take that??
Ghost: Quick hands.
Ghost: Ass and Xanax, what a combo.
Gaz: Goes together like peanut butter and percocet.
Ghost, mimicking Graves: “This is true”.
Gaz: Oh yeah, he kept doing that! “This is true”.
Ghost: Like he’s too good to say “yeah”, he has to be a scientist about it.
Gaz: Oh, and what about: “Uhmmm, okaayy”.
Ghost: I HATE it when they do that. Like, they gotta sound like the gay, comic, relief cat in every Disney movie.
Gaz: “ThIs Is TrUe”.
Ghost: “ThIs Is TrUe”.
Gaz: “YeS, iN fAcT”.
Ghost: “QuItE tHe InTeReStInG oUtFiT”.
Gaz: “Stop screaming, we’re having sex”.
Soap, in the distance: What are you doing?
Gaz and Ghost: *startled*
Soap, walking up to them holding McDonald’s fries: Sounds like you had a class with Graves.
Ghost: He has McDonald’s—Johnny, where’d you get McDonald’s?
Soap: …McDonald’s?
Ghost, holding out his hand: Bitch, give me a chip.
Soap, pulling the fries away: Is that how you ask?
Ghost, still holding out his hand: Bitch, PLEASE give me a chip.
Gaz: And yeah, we had a class with Graves.
Soap, feeding a fry to Ghost: Me too, I could tell.
Soap: He was drawing pictures of you guys the whole class.
Gaz: No way.
Ghost, with his mouth full: What are we doing on the pictures?
Soap: Like, being cute. Making kissy faces with hearts around it.
Gaz: SIMON, we’re gonna get murdered. We’re gonna get murdered by a guy who can’t even tie his FUCKING shoes. *slams his fist on the table*
Ghost: Well, at least he won’t torture us, can’t tie a rope either.
Soap: Yeah, but I ripped them up and threw them in the trash. Told that hoe to watch it.
Gaz: You’re the best, John.
Soap: I know.
Soap, walking away: Okay, I gotta go sell the janitor Adderall, I’ll see you guys later.
Ghost, once Soap’s gone: …he’s like the hottest man ever.
Gaz: And I love his hair.
Ghost: What’s gayer, dating a guy or wanting a guy to have sex with your dead body?
Gaz: Uh…dating a guy?
Ghost: Still straight… *sighs*
Gaz: What were we talking about…?
Gaz: Oh yeah, so, what’re we doing for marketing?
Ghost: It’s the movie casting thing, right?
Gaz: Yeah, yeah, so, I was thinking- *BOOM*
*Ghost and Gaz pause and look behind Gaz*
Ghost: I think the AC exploded again.
Gaz, looking back at Ghost: That scared me, but yeah.
Gaz: The challenge should be a cast of bald guys who don’t look like they say the n-word.
Ghost: How is that a challenge?
Gaz: Name one.
Ghost: Vin Diesel—no, wait…
Ghost: Bruce Willis—wow, this is challenging.
Gaz: Damn, that’s a lot of AC units.
Gaz: ..what the fuck was that about?-
*Ghost and Gaz flinch at the BOOM’s and people yelling and screaming behind the wall*
Ghost: Is that…
Ghost, not moving: Huh…
Gaz: What’re you doing?! Let’s go!
Ghost: We flirted with him yesterday, we’re the last people he’d kill. Just chill out.
Gaz: That’s easy for you to say, you took my last Xanax!
*Ghost watches as Gaz runs away*
Ghost, sitting there listening to the gunshots and screams: …
Ghost, noticing Gaz walking back to him: I thought you were running for it.
Gaz, sitting back down: Security locked the doors…
Ghost: Damn, that was a big one.
Gaz: He won’t be in rush hour three.
*they both sit there listening to the banging and yells*
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kissingchoso · 2 years
I just finished reading the loser choso one and I am ADDICTED PLEASE DO MORE LOSER CHOSO 😏
we’re going to pretend i uploaded this soon after receiving this request 🤭
cw// nothing crazy, just heavy flirting and choso kamo is a ouid smoker! but other than that, reader just trying to pass anatomy & physiology
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Imagine loser!Choso Kamo if he still was in college. Somehow, some way, he’s in your Honors Anatomy and Physiology class. He sits in your row, always having the wall seat.
Your professor is pretty tough and offers extra credit unannounced so people have a pretty high attendance rate when it comes to this class. Inevitably, you’re stuck claiming your forever seat in the whole lecture hall, seating yourself directly next to him. You only speak to him to apologize for bumping your leg against his while sitting down but he doesn’t mind, only mumbling a ‘you’re good’ under his breath.
He asks you to form a study buddy system after the second day of class. You look at him, a bit surprised he’s even talking to you in the first place but inevitably agree to it. Who wants to struggle alone in this hellscape class anyway? The two of you exchange numbers, already setting up a schedule to study and review after each lecture and meet up during the weekend. 
The schedule, for the most part, worked.
You’re not sure but by the time the first exam came around, you hardly paid attention to the very unique dynamic between the two of you. His dark, brooding clothes, peculiar face tattoo, even his stoic expression that seems to be default. You were exceptionally smart, had a color palette that you seemed adamant on wearing and was in general such an easy person to talk to. Your classmates knew you two as the interesting pair with girls wanting to be you and the guys thinking Choso bagged the class’ smarty pants.
You were consistently punctual to each study session while he wasn’t. He’d ignore your texts asking where he was and would come to your rented study room smelling heavily of weed and eyes redder than a cherry. When you started complaining, he simply plopped down at the seat next to you, lips forming into a condescending smirk.
“Sorry, sweetheart. Must’ve gotten the time mixed up,” he feigns a pout, mimicking the one you wore currently. “You’ll forgive me right?” 
“The exam is next week dumbass, or did you forget that too?” Your words are icy. “I don’t want to fail this class Choso, but if you don’t want to study, just say that instead of coming in here higher than a fucking kite and disrupting my m-”
You’re cut off when Choso suddenly had your face in a single palm, thumb and pointer finger digging into your cheeks slightly so your lips pout out. He’s suddenly a lot closer than you remember, the scent of weed filling your nostrils even more. It was then you realize you really do hate that smell. 
“I know I’m the big bad wolf whose been messing up my pretty girl’s studying. It’s okay, I’m here now and I’ll be on my best behavior, even if I find it hot when she puts me in my place.”
Your eyes widened at his words, not used to hearing the pet name or seeing the sudden fire hidden behind his gaze.
He releases your cheeks afterwards, adjusting himself in his seat so that he can start to get his items out of his bag. “You gonna keep gawking at me or are we gonna review?” His words are smug and you can see the satisfied curl of his lips as he avoids your gaze.
The next couple of hours are productive…-ish. You work through many flash cards, your study guide you made and even convinced Choso to ask you questions from the material that he knew. Your mood definitely improved since when he first showed up and Choso came to the conclusion he really liked seeing your proud smile. It made his stomach churn in a good way and his cock slightly chubs up in his pants when you give him that proud look
The library closed promptly at 2 in the morning and you two left with just thirty minutes to spare, returning the study room key as well as the other resources you borrowed for the time (hopefully the lingering marijuana smell clears out by the next morning). Choso walks you back to his car, holding both of your bags on one shoulder while his free hand resting against your lower back. It’s nice, having someone see to it you back it back to your apartment safely. Realizing even further that Choso Kamo really isn’t a bad guy. He just makes stupid decisions and he’ll act like he doesn’t care, but you will always see the quirk of his lips when you praise him for getting an answer correct.
When you two reach his 2017 Dodge Challenger, he gets your door open for you first, ensuring you’re safely inside before carefully placing your bags in the back.
`This is such a man car.` you giggle in your head, taking a look at all of the different features his car has to offer. There’s a a small figurine of Luffy hanging from his rearview mirror, the only decoration in his entire vehicle. A lingering smell of weed fills your nostrils but Choso notices this and rolls down the windows for the first part of the drive.
Drives smoothly with his left hand while the other calmly rests on your seat, suspiciously close to your leg. Neither of you decide to comment on it for now. He asks you if you want to get something to eat before returning you to your place but you decline politely. You’re not sure how much longer of sitting in this nice car you can take before exploding.
He pulls into the front of your building easily. Taking his sweet time doing the most perfect reverse parking job and all before he looks at you with a smug smile.
“Thanks for your help again tonight,” you feel his eyes look over you in a heated glance. “I owe you something nice for putting up with my shit.”
“That’s not necessary—“ your voice breaks off when he suddenly leans in closer, supporting his weight by placing his hand on the seat between your thighs. The warmth from his mere presence comes out of him in waves, giving you goosebumps that rise all over your skin.
Black eyes bore into yours, his nose just barely brushing against yours. “You sure? I can be useful if you’ll have me. Anything you want and you can have it.” 
Neither of you move for a moment. His words hang thickly in the air and Choso can see the gears turning in your head. Not wanting to frighten you anymore, he begins to back up in order to give you some space but your lips messily clash onto his and he’s unable to contain a noise of pure surprise when you do. 
It’s clumsy at first but Choso reaches and places a guiding hand on your jaw to steady you. All at once, he’s in control and you’re more than happy about it. 
He’s overwhelming yet gentle at the same time.
His presence weighs down on you as if you’re trapped in gigantic waves, forcing your body to be dragged along against the pull and push that is him. But, the hand that clings onto the bottom half of your face loosens into something a lot softer. Rough pads of his fingers that can expertly roll with any kind of material switches roles in acting like a reminder for you. “That’s it pretty girl.” “Take it slow, there’s no rush.” “Just follow my lead and you’ll be alright.” These are things you can imagine he’s telling you through his touch.
You pull away slightly when you feel him start to tug you closer. Forgetting that you two are reverse parked right outside of your building with your building-mates coming up and down the stairs as they attend their nightly business. Choso looks at you with a hint of amusement in his eyes, but also a bit of curisoity.
“Didn’t think you’d do that.” 
“Me either...” your breath is a bit short. It fans across the slight wetness that is on his lips (some of your lip gloss transferred onto him but he didn’t seemed to care). 
Your classmate hums at your admission, thumb softly stroking across your cheek. It’s as if he’s chasing away all those overwhelming thoughts that may have been crossing your mind. The fact that it was doing wonders made you a little surprised at his simple touch. This guy is human, right?
“Don’t sweat it. I liked kissing my tutor.” His playful wink seemed to snap you out of your momentary stupor. Whatever shy moment you were experiencing was lost as soon as the arrogant air of your study buddy came back out and your face showed it.
“Goodnight, Choso.” You deadpanned, carefully removing his hand off from your face. This sent the man to a fit of chuckles as he watched you gather your belongings and hand reach the handle of his car. 
But before you could go, he caught your elbow carefully. Once he had your attention, he leaned past the console to place a gentle kiss to your cheek. “Text me when you get inside safely.”
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fairyqueenfleur · 4 months
What do you think Ben and Holly’s dynamic and personalities look like?
My opinion:
Ben is usually calm, laid-back and chill and often the only brain cell left in dangerous situations. He is a good observer (in the woodpecker episode when he taught the chicks to fly by mimicking the flying poses despite not knowing how to do it himself), pretty handy and good at fixing things (like all the elves do) and a bit ambitious and a good animal tamer (I’m not sure is it the right term to use, but the successfully ride Speedy the Snail (one of the hardest to be tamed.) and forgives quickly (the elf games). But he can be a teaser (in the elf joke episode, with no ill intent), lose his temper quickly and occasionally dismiss fairies' abilities (such as magic and flying, but he learned from it and never did it as often). And talking about the “Ben’s birthday party” episode, he just asked Holly about his birthday card and either she remembered his birthday (I know the writers used that for plot purposes (reminding Holly to make Ben’s birthday card to get the episode going) but I feel that’s a bit insensitive from Ben’s side, so I would make it his flaw. And he's a bit of a power illusionist (in Superheroes when he cosplayed into Elfman, but his friends just called him Elfboy which is very humourous though)
Holly is outgoing, girly and sometimes pretty aloof. She has a kind personality and is naturally curious about everything (especially elf culture, like she always asks Ben what he’s learning at school or go to his school to experience herself). If she loved someone (familiarly, platonically or possibly romantically), she would be attached to them very much (eg: Nanny Plum, King Thistle, Ben, etc). And in my opinion, she’s one of the smartest fairies in the series (she nearly guessed Barnaby’s fairy disguise (she asked him “Have we ever met you before?” - simple to us the audience but considering how dumb the fairies are, this deserve applause). She compliments other people a lot (especially Ben). However, she is often overconfident of her own abilities (eg: her magical skills and the possibility of it going wrong), sometimes looking down on elven customs (but like Ben she fixed that quickly and may be one of the few fairies in BAHLK treat elves with respect (the other are the fairy kids and Mrs Fig)). She can be cruel with her magic when she’s angry (the elf joke day episode), and has a really scary death glare (the wand factory to Strawberry and to the Wise Wand 3000 in the new wand episodes).
I think both of them are optimistic, love adventure and cared deeply and concern for each other when one of them is in trouble, and treat each other as equals despite of class and race divisions (also deserve another applause)
Regarding to romantic shipping (when they are teens/ adults), they would fit into the “Childhood friends to lovers”, “Interspecies romance” and “Forbidden love” tropes ( considering the class and race difference, segregation and we never see a hybrid or a proper elf and fairy romance in the series )
=> Dynamic: (In the series) Very platonic and sibling-like (Ben and Holly treat each other like siblings that they never had since Ben is an only child and Daisy and Poppy are fucking hell spawns)
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famiglia-lealta · 2 days
Of Ethics, Values, Morality and Such
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I've always found fascination in the meanings of words, and applying such meanings to characters in the ways that they might think or do things.
For one example, one meaning of ethics is 'the discipline dealing with what is good and bad with moral duty and obligation'. Which I feel in some ways defines Neri's understands of what 'being a good person' is to her. A strong sense of duty and obligation;- she considers morality and the acts of being humane to others around her as not only something she believes in - but something she has to do. It's a key factor of her role as a combat medic. Not only that - constantly mimicking and reflecting what her father has taught her.
There are all sorts of fascinating psychologies around moral, immoral, amoral; Neri definitely falls into the categories of being a moral person. She understands right from wrong. She feels a great sense of anxieties and shame if she does something that she knows wouldn't be what she considers the right thing. And exploring that a little more;-
Whilst what Neri values stubbornly don't tend to change too much - her morality and especially her pacifism can be prone to flexibility. There's already been evidence enough of that when Neri slapped someone because she believed they were being an abusive twat. In that, it could be defined a little more as 'I will not hurt or use violence against others'; until they give me no other choice to do so. Usually, 'no other choice' is when her loved ones are in danger. Other times, this is a matter of self preservation. Neri doesn't want to die, because there's still too much to do, and it would be a domino effect. More people would die because of her death.
Neri in herself has always been an interesting writing dynamic with the different layers of what is just and right, what needs to be done, how much can you live with if you veer away what you've adamantly said you believe in. She is painfully aware - which is where most of the Xanxus/Neri conflicts come from - that even if she's backed into a corner or might have well-meaning reasons to break her pacifism or moral standings - it still makes her a hypocrite. She resorted to being just like everyone else. She made herself a liar.
But what's the worst outcome, really? To become what you've always feared and hated yourself? Is it really worth holding onto everything you've said that you were, if it means the people you love will have to suffer or disappear entirely for it?
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pinkvaquita · 20 days
akjdwiga okay so i don't have a name for her yet but i'm gonna call her manti for this because she's a manticore-
when manti would first show up in the story, she'd be in the cookies of darkness, one of the few cookies that could legitimately rival pomegranate's loyalty to dark enchantress, with manti's loyalty being about as blind as pure vanilla or dark choco
and her devotion is to like, cultish levels in the worst way possible if i'm gonna be honest- think catnap and the prototype dynamic, or in other words; de had saved manti from the brink of death when everyone else had left her behind, that spawned a false/one-sided feeling of love from manti, alongside idolization, and boy oh boy did dark enchantress decide to use that to her advantage
manti would be a good foot taller than de so she'd always be like leaning over or kneeling to be lower than her, to be able to look up at her "savior", girl was constantly feeding into de's ego at all times unknowingly
during her time with the cookies of darkness she was NOT in good physical condition, be it because of de making sure she won't be able to fight back when she's no longer useful and needs to be disposed, or simply because she kept forgetting about all the important stuff to her health outside of eating and drinking enough to get by
i imagine she'd have her own entire chapter where the story crew go around chasing after her and whatever hellfire she creates in de's name, trying to explain to her that de is really bad, and especially seems to be bad for her looking at her current state
throughout the entire chapter she's constantly trying to brush them off but as things go on she gets progressively more distressed, like she's seeing their points and realizing that yes de does this stuff and yes it does have this effect but she's also trying to reason with herself that it's just because de wants to keep her safe, that de does feel the same for her she just expresses it differently
nearer to the end of the chapter de does actually like show up, manti ends up collapsing onto her knees in front of de after being beaten the living shit out of by gingerbrave and the others (very much against their will they did not wanna fight her), looking up at de and frantically asking de if what the story crew said was true, asking if she truly loved her or if she was just toying with her
"Please...my dear, you love me, right?...They're- they're wrong, aren't they?..."
"Of course...I will, always, love you-" as de says this she's raising one of her hands, with whatever cake monster she summoned behind her, and she goes to slash down at manti's face
the slash does end up connecting, but gingerbrave tackles manti out of the way of the cake monster's mimicking slash, which would have ended up yeeting her into a wall and probably killing her- the moment manti manages to lift her head, her own jam is spilling from the claw marks on her face, and her eyes are practically waterfalls with tears as she stares at de with her cake monster, realizing that the story crew were completely right
she ends up just kinda sitting there in silence while the story crew take care of de about as efficiently as they always do, and when the fight is over, gingerbrave goes to check on her, sitting with her while the others get bandages for her wounds
"...Hey, I'll be honest, you did some messed up stuff, but you did it because you cared about her, right? You wanted to help."
"...I'm a monster..."
"Don't think like that! You were manipulated by someone that had helped you at your lowest point! Of course you were so loyal to her!"
"...I killed people, for her...don't you think I'm evil?..."
"I'd kill for my friend if I had to, even if you didn't know you had to do it to survive, you did. Yeah, you're messed up, but evil? No. Never. Maybe misguided though!"
"...Heh, you're rather optimistic one, aren't you?..."
"Of course!"
"...Thank you, Gingerbrave..." after that conversation strawberry and wizard help to patch her up, with little custard doing his best to hype her up as well, and then they go their separate ways, with manti promising to pay them a visit once she's done some self-reflecting and gotten a bit better physically
that then leads into a side story within the crème republic where she meets oyster and healing yuri ensues <3
manti's relationship with oyster ends up a very long slow burn because manti keeps telling herself that she's just delusional, she doesn't actually feel these ways about oyster, meanwhile oyster is mentally screaming because "oh my god massive lion woman help what do i do AAAAA"
they meet in a similar but far less severe way than manti and de, with manti having tripped on a pebble or smth and scraped her knee as Oyster was passing by, and Oyster being the extrovert she probably is, went over to help her up and noticed how in shambles Manti looked, because by then she was still recovering and hadn't exactly set herself up with a stable income, so food was somewhat scarce
Manti is feeling butterflies the entire time as Oyster helps her up and then offers her a place to stay until she can properly get on her feet after a little bit of explaining about her situation, but she ends up pushing down those butterflies as much as possible, trying not to let them fester and grow into anything because of what happened last time she loved someone for helping her, which is a far more severe case than would be considered normal
So for like a few months Manti is just living with Oyster trying to adjust to a more normal life, heal, and get herself a job, and she ends up getting a job at a bakery after a little while! She's getting better a bit faster with having something to occupy her mind, but she's also still on the fence about Oyster, unsure if she should trust her or not (later decides she's fine to trust after a particularly bad day where she spills everything in a fit and the next day Oyster acts as if not a thing happened, going as far as to say she doesn't know what she's talking about, because Oyster knows she has no business butting into other people's trauma if they don't wanna talk about it), meanwhile Oyster is in absolute pining central watching Manti's growth as a person like "oh she is so beautiful" and those thoughts getting Oyster progressively more smiley at Manti as she gets healthier and more social
it's probably a year or two later before Manti finally acknowledges that no these feelings for Oyster are not just flukes, they aren't seeds for her own destruction, she does actually feel this way, but it ends up being another half a year before she says or does anything out of fear, Oyster is completely patient with it though, more than willing to let Manti take her time and adjust to the idea of a proper relationship
it ends up being around the 4 year mark of them knowing each other that Manti finally opens up, explains absolutely everything in a moment of proper calm, and then they go on their first date and the other elders finally get a break from Oyster's ranting about her not yet girlfriend girlfriend
Manti's true proper colors are out by that time, absolute sweet heart with of course some trauma and maybe some flavor of neurodivergent, but either way she's a gentle giant and strong af too now that she's eating well and getting to work out more (working at a bakery is a work out in it of itself), so big buff lion wife Oyster's beloved (and mine too)
In between that time she does go to check on the story crew, and they hardly recognize her until they hear her voice, and then they're all immediately super excited to see her and are showering her with compliments telling her how proud they are that she's doing better, chili even getting in on the pride train with a little compliment or two
alright i think that's all my rambling- for now at least, glad to finally get those words out onto something-
... I need a book of this , a webtoon of the book, a series of the webtoon of the book, and fanfics of the series of the webtoon of the book. NOW.
This Is such a good fucking story. Omg you have it all figure it out-
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bayoudeathradio · 3 months
xxx. h̴̟͝e̴͖͂å̴̜d̴͚͝c̶̖̽a̷̡̎n̸̫͠ǫ̶̀n̶̢͂s̸̟̏ ̵̥̎(̴̼͛s̵̫͝ē̵̩t̶͜͝ ̶̼̚ŏ̶͙n̴̫̚e̵̱̕)̶̲̈.̸͉̀
He's excellent at mimicking voices and accents by will. After all, the very accent he speaks in to this day, is an accent native to no one. After all, 'its earliest advocates bragged that its chief quality was that no Americans actually spoke it unless educated to do so.' It was taught in American predatory schools, especially by members of the Northeastern upper class, as well as in schools for film, radio, and stage acting, but so then where did he learn it? He had hardly left New Orleans in his life, and although he and his mother had done better over time, he was not in the position to dedicate such time and expense to such frivolous pursuits (regardless of whether or not the desire may have been there). His command over it, acquired purely through his own means, is a point of pride and entertainment both as it kept others guessing about his background in life. Although he never had reason to comment on the process of acquiring this particular skill, it did actually take quite a bit of time and effort.
In life as well, the majority of his friendships were formed with the female gender. This worked in two ways. First is the more cynical variant. Even more so in his time, women would be more, even if only on the surface, submissive. This worked well for him, naturally enjoying the dynamic of his taking the lead being automatic. They often thought he was pursuing them, and he enjoyed the game of that at times without any actual desire to ever follow through. At times it worked in reverse, albeit in a different way— as Husk would allude, someone such as Mimzy would be in the perfect position to simultaneously fly under the radar with him while possessing the ability to control him somewhat via his ego. On the less purely cynical level, he also just genuinely prefers the company of female nature. Certainly, it helps that there's generally far less clashing of egos, but there's also just something more palatable about their essence and manners.
But on that note, it was unclear to many people if he was straight or gay in life. Points towards being straight: tons of female friends, and being charming bordering right up on being very flirtatious with them. Points towards being gay: a little too feminine himself, suspiciously so— spending time in establishments known for a certain kind of clientele, not always of the respectable sort, and had anyone actually ever seen him with a woman, in a proper courting manner? It was unclear if he was perhaps just too much of an uncommitted charmer, or a good man waiting very seriously for the right one all along, or a secretive gay buried deep in the closet— for his part, he felt no rush in clarifying, both enjoying a slight controversy and being uncertain what the truth was himself. If something is unknown, there isn't any harm in leaving it open-ended even to yourself, no?
Although he played up the entertainment angle as to maintain a deliberately chaotic and unpredictable air, the Great Depression really was fun. At least, for the most part and for what little he lived of it. His own situation was secure, and it was like how he felt about World War I when he was a teen, just a little different on the details— it's always more fun when something dramatic is going on (as long as it doesn't negatively affect him!) His mother found it a little less fun, worrying more about some of the various connections she had in her life that were less fortunate. He approached this as he would with anything else, at home, at his job— times are hard. Folks are suffering. It's terrible (truly terrible!), but that's exactly why they need a little bit of light-heartedness now more than ever, to give them a little bit of relief to take their minds off of things as much as they can. In Hell, he doesn't have to pretend with any of that that, which is nice. Not that he hated having to pretend before, but suddenly not having to at all, and even benefitting from being more openly yourself in a more hostile environment, felt more natural in a way he couldn't have even made the comparison to before.
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