ericense · 1 year
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Don't mind Eri, she's just hiding around the corner in wait for the next person to come across her first April Fools prank ever; putting googly eyes on absolutely every single item in the fridge <3
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ahqkas · 3 months
♯ STARMAN ; remus lupin
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PAIRING! young!remus lupin x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS! during a snowy holiday at the potter residence, remus finds himself caught between the matchmaking ideas of his two best friends and his growing feelings for you
WARNINGS AND TAGS! fluff, idiots to lovers, kissing, james & sirius play the matchmakers, cursing + lmk
NOTES! i posted this back on my old blog in 2022 / 2023 so if you’ve read this before no u didn’t❕ peter is absent in this ff , he’s spending the christmas with his own family
© ahqkas — all rights reserved. even when credited, these works are prohibited to be reposted, translated or modified
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Good lads, great company, and even better matchmakers. Who wouldn't want to spend time with them? The two boys were always full of energy, their laughter infectious, and jokes just rolled from their tongues as naturally as breathing. You could be certain that boredom was a foreign concept in their presence.
That's what everyone thought.
Remus Lupin, however, isn't everyone.
To Remus, James and Sirius were more than just pranksters and school celebrities. They were his closest friends, brothers in all but blood, and the kids behind some of the most outlandish escapades Hogwarts had ever seen. Remus saw behind the facade of their shared humor and carefree attitudes. He understood the deeper layers of their cores — the loyalty that bound them together, the masked fears and insecurities, and the stupidity and courage that defined their actions.
James Potter, with his tousled hair and round glasses, had a heart as big as the Quidditch pitch. Sirius Black, with his roguish good looks and devil-may-care attitude, possessed a sharp intellect that clashed perfectly with his rebellious nature.
Yes, to the outside observers, James and Sirius appeared to be the life of the party (which they were) but to Remus, they were the definition of family.
Even though they certainly knew how to fuck things up.
"Just listen to us, Moony! This one will work out, me and James planned it for . . . one week, is it? Just trust us!"
Sirius Black's voice was brimming with enthusiasm, his gray eyes twinkling with the unspoken promise of yet another grand scheme. As these words left his mouth, Remus felt a surge of frustration well up inside him. His hands itched to do something else than the dishes — but he resisted the urge to punch the oldest Black brother. The sheer absurdity of the situation was almost laughable. This wasn't the first time his best friends came up with a plan to help him with one of his many problems. Some of their previous attempts had actually worked out quite well. But there were also unsolved problems that Remus had learned to live with, issues he simply couldn't — or wouldn't — allow them to meddle with. Like this one.
"Exactly, mate! We're not doing this just for fun, you know. We're doing it just for you, because as you can see, we know you don't have the courage to tell [Name] how you feel. And we wouldn't be suggesting this if we didn't think it had a real chance of working."
Remus nearly dropped the plate he was washing onto James' head. Did they really have to put their noses into his personal matters? It wasn't that he lacked the courage — he told himself that repeatedly — but the timing just wasn't right. And he had came over to James' house to enjoy the Christmas holiday in peace, not to snog off his best friend's face.
But once an idea comes into a marauder's head, it won't leave until it's out for the world to see.
Just Remus' luck.
The warm, soapy water cascaded over his hands as he resumed scrubbing the plate, trying to focus on the boring task before him rather than the frustration rushing through his system. Sirius's words carried in the air again.
"It was originally planned for Evans, but she wouldn't be as cool with it as [Name]. You know how they both are! Evans would try to hex James' ugly face first, then mine. And [Name]? Well, it seems like you just have to find out, mate."
You just have to find out, my arse.
"Look, why can't you just keep this thing as it was first planned? I'm sure Lily would appreciate the opportunity to snog James' stupid face," Remus said, his voice tinged with the frustration he felt. James made a noice that sounded suspiciously like a gasp and opened his mouth to protest, but Remus ignored him and kept going. "Okay, maybe not for the next ten years, but one day she surely would."
“For the record, my face is unbelievably handsome, thank you!”
The oldest Black brother crossed his arms across his chest, the rag he used to clean the dishes dangling from his hand and making a puddle of water beside him. James glared daggers at it. "You see, even if you politely declined our offer to bring some spice into your already boring life, we can't take no for an answer. We spent our free time searching up a single spell in the library. A bloody library, Moony! So, no. If you and [Name] don't kiss by the end of the Christmas, this prank will be considered unsuccessful, which is something the Marauders don't do."
Sirius' eyes held the same look of determination they had when Peter confidently told the rest of the group that he, Sirius Black, was going to win the snogging bet they made in their fourth year. Remus hadn't liked that gaze then, and he certainly didn't like it now, because he knew what it meant. Peter had won that bet. Which just means . . .
Remus saw his short life flash before his own eyes. This was not going to end up in the way he would like to. A bad, no wait, a horrible idea. But before he could do something to save himself from the coming catastrophe, the whole point of the prank entered the kitchen with a lopsided smile on your face. The boy always thought you were pretty. A pair of eyes that seemed to brighten up whenever your favourite topic is being talked about. A warm smile that makes Remus feel the comfort you gave to him. He wouldn't need to drink Veritaserum to admit that he fancied you.
"I just finished unpacking my stuff, so if you want to do something together . . ." you trailed off, looking into their eyes with an inviting gaze. Remus awkwardly moved his gaze away, heart pumping against rib cage.
James, being the little shit he is, nudged Sirius with a knowing smirk and nodded his head in the direction of his room. "Well, it looks like our job is finished here, doesn't it, Padfoot? We should help Moony here to unpack his trunk. Come on."
Before the werewolf could do anything to stop his two best mates, James grabbed Sirius by the crook of his elbow and ran into his room, leaving the pair of obvious friends alone in the Potters' kitchen.
You looked around, a little surprised by the sudden reaction of James and Sirius. Remus stood next to the sink, drying his hands on a rag. "That was new."
"Yeah, it was."
You leaned over the table, a playful glint was dancing in your eyes. "So, they left to unpack your trunk, huh? I wouldn't let them do it if I were in your place, because I know how much of a messy person James Potter can be. Sirius does look like one too. I've seen your dorm," you let out a laugh that Remus quickly joined.
"You're not wrong. Last time they helped me unpack, I couldn't find half my things for a week. They think it's hilarious to hide my socks in the most ridiculous places."
A playful twinkle sparkled in your eyes at the sudden memory. "Well, at least you know where to find them when something goes missing. I once found a pair of James' socks in the Astronomy Tower. Still haven't figured out how they got there."
"You know," the boy started, but his dark eyes caught the green and white blur above your head, and his breath hitched in the back of his throat. They really had the guts to do it! A spring of mistletoe hung precariously above you, clearly placed by James and Sirius.
Thinking quickly, Remus took your palm in his and met your gaze again. "You could help me unpack my things, so I know where they are and all that stuff you need to know about unpacking."
With a nod, you let him took the lead. "Okay, Remus. I'll save you from them."
Remus was going to kill these two.
The weather seemed to understand the friend group's wishes for snow, much to their excitement, prompting them all go out and mess around in the white blanket of cold snow. They couldn't charm snowballs yet, and the ice on the lake next to the Potter residence was a bit thin for their liking, but it was fun either way. Laughter and shouts of excitement filled the crisp air as they chased each other, fell into snowdrifts, and made the most of the wintry day.
When they returned home, it was already dark outside, and four mugs of hot chocolate were waiting for them, accompanied by Mrs Potter's cheerful face. The warmth and aroma of the sweet liquid welcomed them inside, melting away the chill from the frost.
James and Sirius, their energy finally exhausted, soon trudged off to bed after they finished their cups, leaving Remus and you to linger a bit longer. The house was quiet now, the only sounds the gentle cracking of fire and the occasional creak of the old wooden floors.
If only it could be like this every day, Remus thought to himself as he sat on the couch beside the fireplace. The flames radiated warmth, and with the mug in his hands, everything felt nice again. No stressing over studying, no thoughts for the upcoming war. He was in his own bubble, praying it wouldn't break at any given moment.
In his lap lay an opened annotated copy of a book you had given him as a Christmas present in your fourth year. He had read the book many times, and each time he found something new that caught his interest. It was like a never-ending story he never planned to finish.
"Hey, Remus."
The sudden sound of your voice and the feeling of your frame settling next to him, a knee brushing against his tight, made him shut the book with unnecessary force. The boy could feel your eyes on the side of his face so, he turned to meet your gaze, brown meeting [eye colour].
Remus had really pretty eyes. The rich brown seemed to melt in the warm room like the sweetest chocolate you had ever put on your tongue, with hazel sparks dancing in them. His eyes held something you couldn't quite put your finger on — a mystery, just like his person. But there was one thing you knew for sure: you would find comfort in them no matter the situation.
As you looked closer, you noticed faint freckles dusting his cheeks. Had they always been there? The gentle smattering of the constellation added to the roughness around his scars, making him appear even more breathtakingly beautiful. You found yourself mesmerized by the little details of his face, each one telling a story of its own.
Remus decided to talk first. "What are you doing here? Not that I mind, I'm just wondering. It's pretty late, you know," after those words left his mouth, Remus felt like a total fool. Merlin, talking with you was getting more difficult since he realized he liked you more than a friend should.
But when he saw your lips curving into a smile, he knew he hadn't messed up. "Can't sleep. It's hard to do so when you have to sleep on a different bed."
"Yeah, I can understand."
Once the comfortable silence fell upon the two of you, Remus wanted to stay like this as long as possible. Life with you in it, even after Hogwarts, would be like a dream come true. You could adopt a cat or a dog together. Remus had always wanted a pet . . . The thought of a future with you filled him with a warm, hopeful feeling.
Suddenly, you were standing on your feet in front of Remus, the book no longer in his lap. Instead, you were holding it open, reading the first words he had written on the front pages. He could feel his neck and ears start to warm up, and he was sure it wasn't from the unfinished hot chocolate.
"Nice book you got here. Must have been a nice present, don't you think?" You were teasing him, he knew it from the glint in your eyes, and you seemed to be enjoying it, too. So, he played along.
"Oh, I don't know, would you be surprised if your friends bought you a book when they see you every morning reading them?"
"This one must be your favourite, as the front is starting to lose its colour."
At the further mention of the book, Remus forgot about the teasing at took it from your hands. "You should read it, [Name], it's a really . . . ," he trailed off again, like he did yesterday, and it started to confuse you more and more. His eyes were looking at something above your head, too. Was the moving photo of little James framed behind you that interesting?
When you started to turn and look, Remus quickly turned you to face the direction of the kitchen and pushed the half filled mug with warm liquid into your palms. "I want more of that. Could you help me make it? Thanks, [Name]."
Remus was ready to push James and Sirius onto the thin ice tomorrow.
Remus didn't like packing. First, he needed to pack at least a day or two before leaving so he could sleep without overthinking, but he did overthink it anyway. Did I pack everything? I think I had more stuff when I got here . . . He usually spends half of the train ride worrying about things like this; the rest was joking around with his friends and saying goodbye for the summer. And second, he didn't like leaving. The places he went to — whether it was Hogwarts or the Potters' — had a special place in the depths of his heart. The only comforting thought in his head about it all was that he would come back.
With a sigh, he started to pick up his jumpers from the Gryffindor-themed rug James had in his room. They had spent their first Christmas together when they were twelve, and the boys slept in separated bedrooms to Mrs Potter's wishes. She wanted them to have their own privacy (they shared a dorm at school, after all), but as time went on and she realised her boys wanted to be together, the witch let them do as they wanted. You got your own room as this was your first holiday here.
As much as Remus thought about the task being annoying and gloomy, it was kind of relaxing to his mind into something else. James and Sirius hadn't tried anything on you two in the last few days, which worried the werewolf a bit. What were they planning? It wasn't like them, giving up on something they were so determined about.
At a knock on the door, Remus put his just-finished folded socks into his trunk and went to open the it. It couldn't be James and Sirius, and the adult Potters had gone for a walk into the village, which just leaves . . . you.
Remus opened the door and revealed, in fact, your glowing face. His eyes took a look at you, and he found himself thinking how pretty you looked.
Your nose and cheeks looked like they were freezing, but it somehow made your face glow. Your beanie covered half of your forehead, and there was a huge spot of unmelted snow on it, probably thrown at you by one of the Marauders. But your eyes still caught his attention first. They showed your real emotions, and you were happy right now, which made Remus feel happy too.
Your smiled reached the corners of your eyes. Remus liked your smile. "Hi! Knew I would find you here. As you can probably see, we are having a snowball fight and I was wondering if you wanted to join me? James is being a git . . .”
Remus couldn't help but chuckle at your enthusiastic invitation. The idea of being outside with you, engaging in a playful snowball fight against his brothers, sounded far more appealing than packing his things. He also knew that if James was being a git, he'd have to intervene to keep the playing field fair.
He listened to you, he really did, but his attention was drawn by the green plant, dangling from the doorframe above your heads. However, this time you followed his gaze and saw what he was always searching for.
Before he could regret what he was about to do, his hands found your cheeks, and his eyes focused on yours, not bothered by the cold that started to reach his palms. "Can I kiss you?"
Your eyes widened in surprise, and for a moment, the world seemed to stand still. The heartfelt laughter of James and Sirius outside faded into the background, leaving only the two of you in that small, shared moment. A soft smile played on your lips as you voiced your inner desires.
"Yes, Remus, you can."
You placed your hands on the back of his neck, your fingers tangling in the soft hair at the nape, and gently pulled him towards you. Your slightly cold lips met his warm ones, and the contrast sent shivers through both of you. The sensation was intoxicating, a rush of emotions and sensations that made your heart race. The warmth from his mouth spread through you, melting away any lingering cold from outside.
Remus's hands slid from your cheeks to cradle the back of your head, his fingers doing the same thing as yours, threading through your hair. You could feel the slightest tremble in them, a sign that he was just as affected by the kiss as you were.
When you finally pulled back, your foreheads rested against each other, and you took a moment to catch your breath. Your eyelids fluttered open, and the look you shared was one of pure emotion. His brown eyes, now darker with desire and something deeper, gazed into yours with a mix of awe and admiration.
It felt like a core memory of your new found relationship was forming, one that will be forever treasured and reminded with nothing but adoration.
Remus was glad about the whole mistletoe prank but the boys will not hear a word from him about it. They were right, the Marauders won't let a prank go unfinished.
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lordprettyflackotara · 5 months
sandman || fred weasley
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smut 18+, minors dni
You lacked the capability to relax.
Being in Ravenclaw the expectations of the world were on your shoulders, not including the dementors that circled Hogwarts walls that made your skin crawl.
You had been up late studying with Hermione in the Gryffindor common room, who had already been dragged to bed by Ginny.
Clutching your quill you continued to scribble on the parchment paper, your temple beginning to throb.
“How did a Raven manage to fly into the lions den this late at night?” Fred Weasley’s recognizable voice asked you. You poked your head up from your Herbology textbook, Fred’s curious eyes watching you.
“I was studying with Hermione, she ditched me early. So much for an all nighter,” You explained, marking your page. You resisted the urge to fold the corners, placing your quill in between the pages about gillweed.
“Granger going to bed early to avoid studying? How out of character. Did you give her some of our drowsy draught potion?” Fred teased. You giggled, watching the lean quidditch player approach you. A white wife beater revealed how much muscle he truly had, his usual robes keeping them concealed.
He strode over to you confidently, taking a seat on the floor beside you. The fireplace cackled behind you, the warmth of the fire drawing Fred closer. “It’s almost three am, do you plan on sleeping?” Fred asked curiously. You knew as well as he did that he was notorious for sleeping through anything. Including the dreadful hail storm that once terrorized Hogwarts.
“I’m basically an insomniac at this point, I can’t relax for more than five seconds without racking my brain to solve an equation,” You admitted sheepishly. You nervously tucked your hair behind your ear as Fred leaned back on his hands. “Here turn your back towards me, I have some legit magic that’ll help you relax,” Fred told you. You hesitantly raised your eyebrow. The ginger tended to be a mischievous prankster, even if you weren’t a victim of his tricks.
“And you’re not going to prank me?”
“Pfft, of course not,”
“Promise Weasley?”
“I promise,”
You shifted around, your back now turned to Fred as you pulled your skirt down. You weren’t sure what to expect, acutely aware of how close you both were. Fred brushed your hair away from your back and over your shoulder, before beginning to massage your shoulders. “I thought you said this was magic,” You say timidly, his large hands massaging your skin with ease. Fred chuckled at your response, brushing some of his shaggy hair out of his face.
Merlin he needed a haircut.
“Yes this is the magic of relaxation,”
Your tense body began to slowly relax under Fred’s touch, the gingers eyes scanning your neck.
“Looks like you’re good at something other than pranks Weasley,” You say teasingly. Fred rolled his eyes. “I’m good at quidditch too ya know,” He countered. Fred could feel himself growing flustered as he continued massaging you, his eyes wondering down your figure.
“Your neck looks pretty tense, I can fix that for you if you want. I’ll just need you to turn around,” Fred offered, trying to appear cool and confident. You felt your face flush pink as you shifted around, facing him. You had never gotten a chance to interact with Fred one on one, George always connected to his hip.
The moment seemed oddly intimate, even though you had never considered relationships or sex worth your time. Yet the ginger sat in front of you with his large hands and soft lips, practically begging for you to kiss him. You had never considered yourself to be attracted to Fred Weasley, yet your body was yearning for more of his touch.
Fred couldn’t contain himself anymore, closing the gap between your lips and his. He tasted faintly of butterbeer, your eyes fluttering shut as your lips danced against his. Your arms found themselves around his neck, Fred’s hands slithering down to your waist. In a swift motion he had pulled you onto his lap, straddling him in front of the fire. Your fingers found his hair, small groans being swallowed by him as your hips bucked against his.
You could feel a wet patch growing in your panties, the soaked fabric rubbing right against Fred’s growing boner. His large hands slipped up your skirt, grabbing your ass. Your hips grinded against his, lust boiling in your stomach. “I wanna taste you,” Fred muttered against your lips, his words a confession. You felt heat rush to your cheeks as you briefly pulled away, Fred’s lips almost chasing yours.
“W-what Weasley?”
Fred brought his thumb to your lower lip, dragging it downwards.
“I want your lips wrapped around my cock as I make you cum on my face,”
His filthy words sent a shiver of arousal down your spine, right down to your cunt.
You went to unzip your skirt before Fred grabbed your wrist to stop you.
“Keep it on,” He whispered, his order teetering on the line of a plea. You swallowed as the ginger laid down in front of you, eagerly awaiting you. “I don’t wanna hurt you,” You admitted, causing the ginger to chuckle. You stood up, pushing your panties down to your ankles before stepping out of them.
“I’d be a lucky man if I were to die between your thighs. C’mere,” Fred told you. You kneeled down over his head, your cunt inches away from his face.
“Fred what if I crush-”
Your concern was silenced by Fred’s hands pushing you down onto his face. You whimpered as his warm tongue licked a stripe up your cunt before assaulting your clit. You felt your thighs tighten around his head as his hands kept you in place, your filthy noises becoming louder by the minute.
“Fuck, right fucking there,” You moaned, grinding your hips onto his mouth. His lips began to suck at your clit, causing your thighs to shake. Your eyes centered on Fred’s boner, his cock throbbing inside of his pajama pants. You leaned forward, hungrily shoving them down. The lack of boxers caused you to giggle as his cock landed on his stomach.
“No underwear huh? Naughty boy,” You teased. A sharp smack landed on your bare ass, causing you to winch in pain for a brief moment before Fred’s tongue brought you back to ecstasy.
The ginger was longer than you expected him to be. You took his shaft into your hands, bringing it into your mouth. A soft groan was muffled by your folds, encouraging you to sink your head further down onto his cock. You took as much of him as you could in your mouth, using your hand to jerk the rest of his cock.
Fred admired your determination and for a brief moment he considered switching positions, the thought of you on your knees for him mouth watering. Yet, there was something about having your pretty lips wrapped around his cock as he was buried into your pussy that pleased him more.
You tasted divine, much sweeter than any other girl he had fooled around with. He licked up your cunt, pushing his tongue inside of your hole. You were involuntarily animalistic, your hips having a mind of their own as Fred laid there in heaven.
Fred’s hips were beginning to do the same, bucking upwards. His cock hit the back of your throat, causing you to gag as saliva trailed down your chin. Fred momentarily pulled away from your dripping cunt, smirking as your juices coated his lips and chin. You took him out of your mouth, gasping for air.
“You sound so pretty when you gag on my cock. Do it again and i’ll make you cum,” Fred ordered. You tried to grind down onto Fred’s face but his strong hands kept you in place. You could feel his warm breath a mere inch away from your cunt, taunting you.
The idea of cumming on Fred Weasley’s face had never been more appealing to you.
Desperately you brought his cock back to your lips, shoving it down your throat. You forced yourself to keep his shaft in place as you gagged around him. Saliva was trailing down your chin and neck, beginning to dampen your blouse.
“Such a good listener aren’t we? What a good girl,” Fred praised, kitten licking your folds. You pulled back, inhaling deep breaths of air.
“Now be a good girl and ride my face until you make yourself cum,”
You leaned back hesitantly, gripping his chest for support as he placed his mouth back onto your cunt. It was as if he somehow had memorized your body, his tongue licking every right place. Your moans were sinful enough to wake up the entire Gryffindor house and it was a miracle no one had bothered to go into the common room.
“Freddie, I, fuck-” You groaned, a familiar knot in your stomach forming. His lips had wrapped themselves around your clit, sucking harshly at the sensitive bud as your thighs trembled around his head. His large hands kept you on his face, refusing to let you move away.
You could feel your cunt clench around nothing as your thighs began to shake, squeezing Fred’s head unintentionally. Unholy moans that were mantras of his name echoed off of the common room walls as you came. Euphoria had washed over you, your nails digging into Fred’s chest.
Fred licked and sucked at your clit until you slowly lifted off of him, your knees almost buckling as you shifted away from his face. You weakly sat beside him, your after orgasm glow apparent to the ginger in front of you. “Look at you, you’re so cute,” Fred teased, using his thumb to wipe away the remaining spit on your chin.
In a swift motion you brought your lips back to his, Fred rising to his knees. You could taste your juices on his lips as you roughly meshed your lips against his. Fred couldn’t take it anymore, pulling away to meet your gaze. He shrugged his wife beater over his head, discarding it without a second thought.
“Bend over for me, yeah?”
You turned around, bending over in front of him without a second thought. You could feel him lubricate the tip of his cock by running it up and down your folds. The sensation of it hitting your abused clit made you shiver. “You have no idea how long i’ve thought about doing this,” Fred confessed. A cool breeze hit your bare skin as Fred lifted up your skirt, exposing your ass in full to him. As he pushed inside of you his fingers gripped your waist forcefully, as if he were afraid you’d disappear.
“So full- shit,” You groaned, your eyes screwing shut as he bottomed out.
“You’re practically fucking milking my cock, merlin, you slut,” Fred groaned. Your cunt only clenched around him tighter at the sound of his degrading words, causing him to smirk.
He began picking up the pace, fucking into you slowly. Your noises only grew louder as his hips began to snap into yours faster. Fred’s thrust were merciless, his body chasing an ecstasy only you could provide.
Strings of curses mixed in with your name left Fred’s lips as he watched his cock go in and out of you. He was so deep inside of you that you almost thought you were seeing stars, your body drunk off of the feeling of his cock.
“You feel so good Freddie, so fucking- good,” You slurred, your words of encouragement only making Fred pound into you faster. His cock was abusing your g spot, causing your legs to shake as your knees dug into the carpet below you. You could feel the rug digging into your skin, making it raw which each thrust.
“I wanna fuck you everyday, make you my personal Raven,” Fred grunted. He could feel you getting closer to your final high, his hand slithering down to your swollen clit. You began to squirm as his fingers circled around your sensitive bud, unable to handle the fast circles he was drawing. “Oh- i’m gonna cum, I can’t, fuck!” You cried, your walls spasming as Fred ripped you into a state of euphoria.
Fred fucked you through your orgasm mercilessly, ravishing in the sight of you in a state of pure bliss. He was so focused on you that by the time he tried to pull out his cock it was too late, his cum painting the inner walls of your cunt. Your body was spent, slumping over onto the floor as Fred pulled out of you.
Two orgasms was all it took to get you to finally go to sleep. Fred smirked to himself as he shoved his pajama pants back on, your small sleeping body curled up into a ball in front of the fire. He grabbed your things, shoving them into a bag he knew he’d deliver to you in the afternoon when you ran into each other in defense against the dark arts.
He eyed your panties on the floor, contemplating putting them back on you. Instead a more mischievous thought came to mind, which caused him to decide to shove them in his pocket instead. He picked up your body up bridal style, carrying you upstairs to the girls dorm. Fred knocked on the door, hoping whichever gryffindor girl opened it wouldn’t be a first year.
A sleepy Hermione Granger opened the door, rubbing her eyes as her vision settled. “Y/n is still here?” She asked. Her mind was already scrambling itself on what to do, the responsibility of being a prefect weighing on her shoulders. “Yeah she finally just went to sleep, I don’t think I can deliver her to Ravenclaw tower at this hour,” Fred shrugged. Hermione stared at Fred, shirtless and hair messy. He looked like a wreck, and you didn’t look much better.
Questions were on the tip of her tongue, ones she decided could wait until the morning. Hermione knew there were a few extra beds that were designated for first years, but in emergencies they would have to do. “The spare beds are to the right, be very quiet and don’t pull anything stupid,” Hermione said sternly. Fred carried you inside of the room, ignoring the dozens upon dozens of sleeping gryffindor girls. Hermione trailed close behind him, ensuring he wasn’t up to any funny business.
“How’d you get her to go to sleep anyways? Shes practically an insomniac,”
Fred shrugged, laying you down and bringing the red colored comforter up to your shoulders.
“I’m not sure myself, guess you can call me the sandman,”
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darthannie · 1 year
Hi! Can I request Tommy Shelby who loves to spoil his gf and she has a hard time accepting it all but he reassures her in a very loving and protective way (hope you get what I mean lol) thank you! :')
a/n: This is short but I hope I did your idea justice! I just want to see him smile 😭
grand gestures
Thomas Shelby x f!reader
Warnings: Tommy being happy and in love, Tommy’s love language is gift-giving I don’t make the rules, kissing
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You had been seeing Thomas Shelby for a while now and he was absolutely smitten. You have never met a man who doted on you as much as he did. Under his hardened exterior was a man longing to love and be loved.
On a particularly cold evening, you arrived home to a surprise. On your bed lay a beautiful new coat you had seen in the shops while out with Tommy. You must have stared at it in the window a little too long. He took that as a sign that you wanted it. You hadn’t even thought to go in and check the price tag, let alone purchase it. 
Tommy knew you weren’t used to receiving many gifts so he made it his personal mission to make you comfortable with it. He’d started with a gold bracelet. 
You had gasped when he took it out of the small box. “Tommy, you can’t. This is too much.”
“It’s not. Nothing is too much when it comes to you.” It was almost threatening. It sounded like a warning when he said it. It was foolish to underestimate how much you meant to him.
After the bracelet, he began giving you gifts periodically, even things you didn’t need or want. It was difficult for you to understand why he even bothered to give you all those things. Any other woman would welcome new dresses and jewels with open arms. Instead, you just felt like you didn’t deserve it. 
You stared at the coat on your bed. Its fur collar was sure to keep you warm, you thought. The gold buttons going down one side shone in the dim light of your bedroom. You held it up and gawked at it. You rubbed your face into the fur and smiled. You didn’t notice, but Tommy was standing in the doorway. 
“Why don’t you try it on?” His voice made you jump and you dropped the coat, putting your hands over your heart.
“Jesus, Tommy!” You sighed and laughed. He had been making a habit of being at your home before you were. He usually made himself known somehow, but tonight he decided to be a bit of a prankster. 
“Sorry, love, couldn’t help it.” He chuckled, walked towards you, and pulled you in for a kiss. He always kissed you like it was the last time he would be able to. 
He pulled away, “Do you like it?”
“I love it, Tommy, but” you looked down at the item of clothing, “you really didn’t have to. Really, you never have to.” You looked back at him and his arms were crossed, his head cocked to the right. He sighed and put his hands on your arms, caressing them. 
Looking into your eyes he asked, “Do you love me?”
You replied slightly irritated “I’ve never loved a man more, Tommy, and you know that. I just- I’m not used to you spoiling me like this.”
“If you’re gonna be my girl, you gonna have to get used to it, love. Now, are you my girl?” He was deadly serious. He was never controlling, but you were his and his alone. He wanted to make sure you understood that.
You looked him in the eye. “Yes. I am.”
His hands held your waist as he pulled you in closer. He kissed you passionately. A small moan escaped. It was intoxicating. After a few moments, you pulled away for air. He put his forehead against yours and gave you a chaste kiss. 
“You are worth more than anything I could ever give you. I wish I could give you the world,” he smirked, “the coat is the best I can do for now.”
You smiled softly at him. It would take some more work on your part but you knew that he did it because he cared.
“Thank you, Tommy. I love you.” You gave him a quick kiss. 
He pulled away with a smile and said, “I love you, too.”
He reached over to your bed and grabbed the new coat, holding it up for you. You quickly took off your old one and he helped you put your arms through the sleeves of the new one. The inside of the coat felt just as luxurious as the exterior. The fur brushing your neck was comforting and warmed your skin. You stood in front of a full-length mirror and took in your reflection. Tommy stood behind you and wrapped his arms around your body, holding you flush against him. You turned your head to make eye contact with him.
He whispered, “You look beautiful, my love.”
You had hearts in your eyes, “You make me beautiful, Tommy.”
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mattyriddlesbitch · 5 months
Okay so what if like the reader is a big prankster(preferably in Gryffindor) and she like plays a prank on the Slytherins but Blaise catches her and eventually it leads to spicy stuff 🥵🥵
I love this idea. Thank you! <3
Blaise Zabini x Gryffindor!F!Reader
Warnings: a teeny tiny bit of blackmail, unprotected sex, oral(male receiving), cussing
18+ Minors DNI!
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You and your friends had a little rivalry with the Slytherin boys. It was all just pranks, nothing harmful. You guys didn’t hate each other, but you played into the house rivalry of Gryffindor vs Slytherin. You guys actually found it fun. No hard feelings between each other.
This time, you had the brilliant idea of rigging it so when they got their clothes out of their lockers next for quidditch, they would get covered in a red powder that stained the skin pretty well. So you snuck down to the locker rooms after you thought everyone had left. The locker rooms were empty so you started working on rigging all the lockers, which was definitely going to take a while considering how many you had to do.
You were about halfway done, trying to hurry up and finish just on the off chance that someone-
“What are you doing?” A voice said behind you and you jumped, turning around to see Blaise leaning against the lockers behind you. Shit.
“Nothing.” You lied, shutting the locker you were working on.
“Doesn’t look like nothing.” Blaise smiled. “You can tell me, I won’t be mad.”
You hesitated. If you told him, he would tell his friends and the prank wouldn’t work. But he might let you go. “A prank.”
“I can tell that much. What’s the prank?” He asked.
“The prank won’t work if I tell you.” You said, smiling sweetly.
He pushed off the lockers and took the few steps to step in front of you, leaning closer to your face. “I won’t tell.” He said, still smiling.
“I’m not saying anymore.” You said, backing up into the locker behind. Bad move.
He followed you, trapping you against the locker. “Come on. I won’t say anything. I just don’t wanna be on the receiving end of that prank.”
“No.” You shook your head.
“I could always go get Snape…” You knew he wouldn’t, but that threat hung in the air for a moment before you decided to do something stupid to save yourself.
You kissed him. You had wrapped your arms around the back of his neck and kissed him. His hands moved to your waist as he kissed you back, leaning you against the lockers. You were hoping to catch him off guard and then slip away, but he seemed ready and made it so you couldn’t just leave.
“Thought you would surprise me and then just get away, huh?” He said as he moved his lips to trail kisses along your neck.
“I was hoping so, yes. Seems you caught on.” You said, sighing softly at his kisses.
“I’m not as dumb as I look, love.” He said before biting softly at the skin on your neck.
“Clearly.” You moved a hand to tangle in his hair as a small moan escaped your lips.
“I’ll make you a little deal, then.” He said against your neck before moving to the other side. “I won’t tell anyone I saw you here, you can have your little prank, if you help me with something.”
“And what’s that something?” You asked, but you were sure you already knew the answer.
Instead of saying anything, he grabbed your arm and brought your hand to his crotch, where his dick was already straining against his pants. Your eyes widened slightly, but you didn’t move your hand away. You already were feeling yourself get wet from those kisses, you couldn’t deny part of you wanted it anyways. “So…Are you going to take the deal?” He asked, biting at your neck again.
“Yes.” You nodded.
“Good.” He said and pulled your hand away so he could undo his pants. He pushed them down along with his underwear and pulled away from your neck to see your face. You were staring at his cock and something about that look made him harder. “Come on. On your knees, baby.” He said and backed up to give you room.
You listened and got down on your knees, feeling the cold, uncomfortable ground. But you didn’t mind, you were too focused on his dick. You wrapped your hand around it, giving it a stroke before teasing his tip with your tongue, looking up at him. He moaned softly from your touch and wrapped his hand in your hair, pulling your hair away from your face.
“I think you can do better than that, right?” He said before pushing your head down so you took him in your mouth. You gagged as he hit the back of your throat and he groaned. He seemed to like that a lot. “Glad we could finally put your mouth to use since you didn’t wanna talk.” He teased as he guided your head up and down his cock. “Fucking hell, this is definitely a much better use of your mouth.” You moaned around him in response. “Wonder if your pussy’s better. You want me to fuck your pussy, baby?” You tried humming out a ‘yes’ around him, but that was a little hard when he kept hitting the back of your throat. He seemed to figure it out, though, because he pulled your mouth off of him and helped you stand up. “You really want it, ma?” He asked as he put his hands back on your waist.
“Yes. Please, I want it.” You nodded.
He smiled and moved to tug your bottoms and panties off before he worked on your shirt and bra. He pulled off his shirt as well and kissed you again, pushing you back against the lockers. He brought his hands to your legs and lifted you up, keeping you pressed against the lockers as he guided his cock to your entrance. “You’re fucking beautiful, you know that?” He said before he started pushing in, making you moan in reply. He bottomed out and you both moaned as he leaned his forehead on yours. “You’re fucking tight, baby. Shit.” He said before he started thrusting.
“Oh my god. Fuck.” You moaned, throwing your head back against the lockers, your arms holding onto him tightly.
“Is that good? Does that feel good?” He asked, kissing along your jaw and neck again.
“Yes! Feels so good, Blaise!” You nodded.
“Are you trying to let everyone back at the castle know how good I’m making you feel?” He teased, but did nothing to quiet you.
“No! Fuck! Just feels so good.” You reply, crying out as he starts thrusting harder.
“Yeah? You wanna cum on my dick, beautiful?” He asked, moving a hand to rub at your clit.
“Fuck! Yes! Please!” Your nails were digging into his back now and he hissed slightly from the pain, but kept going.
“I don’t know. You were trying to play a prank on us. You think you deserve it?” He teased, biting down on your neck again, pulling a whimper from you.
“Yes! I’ve been so good for you. Please.” You nodded.
“Hm.” He hummed against your skin before pulling back. “Fine. I wanna see you cum then. Look at me.”
You tilt your head back down to look at him as he keeps fucking into you. It was hard to focus on him when your eyes wanted to roll back in pleasure, but you managed as you were moaning and crying out for him. Only a few more thrusts and you came, crying out his name like a prayer as he helped ride out your orgasm. He wasn’t far behind you as he pulled out and came on your stomach and tits.
He brought you over to the showers in the locker room and helped you clean up. You both went over to collect your clothes and get dressed afterwards. He went over to open his locker and before you could warn him, the powder exploded on him, covering the top half of his body and you stood there covering your mouth, trying not to laugh.
“You better run, baby.” He warned without even looking at you.
You finally laughed as you took off, leaving him in the locker room covered in the red powder.
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alyswritings · 4 months
Pepsi Outrage
Request: Can you do a fic where Chris and younger sister oc pranking Matt and nick by Chris starting a argument over something stupid and then pretends like he’s gonna hit her and like nick gets protective and especially Matt gets super mad at Chris and likes hits him like he did in that one video where Chris interrupted Matt. ( only if you can!) ( don’t wanna pressure you , ps love your writing :) )
Sturniolo Triplets x sister!reader
Summary: Y/N and Chris play a prank on Matt and Nick.
Warnings: nothing really, siblings fighting ig
a/n: thank you for the request! hope you all enjoy!
(gif not mine)
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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Y/N frowns.
"It'll be fine. Don't worry. We'll all laugh about it together in a few months." Chris promises.
"What if they get mad?" Y/N asks.
"They'll probably get more pissed at me than you." Chris says.
"You better not actually fucking hit me, though." Y/N warns.
"I won't. I won't." Chris promises.
Chris opens the fridge, knowing he won't find what he's looking for.
"Who drank the last Pepsi?" He asks, turning to his brothers.
"Not me." Matt shrugs.
"Wasn't me." Nick says. "You probably drank it and forgot you did it."
"No." Chris scoffs. "Y/N!" He yells.
"Yeah?" She walks out of Matt's room, scrolling on her phone.
"Did you drink the last Pepsi?" Chris asks.
"Yeah." Y/N nods, putting her phone up.
"Wh-- why would you do that?" Chris frowns.
"I was thirsty." She replies as if it's obvious.
"It was the last Pepsi. You don't take the last fucking Pepsi!" Chris exclaims.
"Okay, okay, sorry." Y/N mutters. "No need to have a bitch fit."
"It's my fucking Pepsi!" Chris yells. "You have to guy a new case!"
"Fine." Y/N rolls her eyes. "No need to be such a baby."
"You don't just take shit out of the fridge without asking, especially if it's the last thing of that item!" Chris continues to yell.
"Chris, get over it." Matt rolls his eyes, giving his brother a look.
"Yeah, it's just a fucking drink, you dumb fuck. We'll go buy some more." Nick says, sitting up on the couch.
"No! No, she should know she doesn't live here! We buy this shit and she should ask, and definitely ask when it's the last thing!" Chris yells. "She should fucking know better!"
"We all do it to each other. Get a fucking grip!" Matt yells.
"It's not that big of a deal!" Y/N exclaims.
"Yes, it is! It's fucking greedy!" Chris shouts.
The two continue to scream at each other, Matt and Nick sharing an annoyed look, trying to decipher when to intervene.
The oldest two watch the argument over a single can of Pepsi, headaches forming.
But they both jump up the moment Chris raises his fist to Y/N.
"Whoa, whoa, hey!" Nick shouts, clambering off the couch and rushing over.
"Chris!" Matt shouts, standing up from the table and storming over, Nick running to the two.
"Fuck off, Chris!" Nick yells, quickly yanking Y/N back, pulling her into a hug.
Matt grabs Chris' raised arm, using his other hand to deliver multiple harsh whacks to the back of Chris' head.
"Ow! Ow, ow, ow! Matt! Dude, chill!" Chris cries out in pain until he's able to escape Matt's grip. "Jesus, dude. What the fuck?"
"Are you fucking insane?!" Matt yells, glaring at Chris. "You are not fucking hitting her for any reason, especially over a fucking drink!"
"We all hit each other all the time!" Chris defends.
"You were about to beat the shit out of her!" Nick argues. "We don't do that, psycho!"
"Matt just did!" Chris counters.
"Cause you're out of line, you idiot!" Matt shoves him.
Y/N glances at Chris, giving him a look to end the prank. Chris starts laughing as Matt starts to threaten to call their parents.
"What the fuck is so funny?" Matt fumes.
"It was a prank, dudes." Chris laughs.
"What?" The other two frown.
They look over at Y/N who is sheepishly smiling.
"Gotcha." She grins, looking up at Nick.
"You-- this-- you guys--" Nick looks between the two as they laugh.
"You guys are fucking stupid." Matt sneers, glaring between the two pranksters.
"Unh-unh. Get away." Nick gently shoves Y/N back, going back over to the couch.
"Oh, come on, Nicky." Y/N calls. "It wasn't that bad."
"I was about to beat his ass." Nick says. "You two are fucking stupid."
"But you love us." Y/N grins, going over and wrapping her arms around Matt as he glares down at her. "Thanks for caring."
"I'm done." Matt moves her arms away, going to the table to grab his phone and root beer.
"I think you should apologize for hitting me so hard." Chris comments.
Matt smacks Chris on the back of the head again.
"Ow!" Chris cries out. "You're gonna cause brain damage, Matt!"
Matt flips him off before going to his room, slamming the door shut.
"We'll all laugh about this in a few months!" Chris promises.
"Fuck off." Nick groans, turning the TV on.
Taglist: @glxwingrxse @venomsvl @wildieflower @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @mrvlxgrl @star-wars-lover @champomiel
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samkerrworshipper · 9 months
simce u asked for blurbs i have some ideas xxxx
leah x reader where reader gets her tongue or belly button pierced without telling leah
leah x reader where leah gets jealous of reader for having to do a media day vid with a touchy male player
awfc x reader where reader and kyra are just pranksters (cuz i loved sticker charts sm 🥹🥹🥹)
DONT FEEL PRESSURE TO DO THESE BTW! but if this helps then perfect 🥰🥰🥰
tongue twister | lw6 x reader blurb
it’s short, it’s sweet, it’s the only thing getting me out of my writers block lol
warnings: minor sexual implications and maybe some minor swearing
It’s fairly normal routine for Leah to beeline straight towards you after any trip that includes her leaving for longer than 24 hours. Hell, the girl always seeks you out even after she’s gotten home after a two gotten home after a two hour training session but she’s always especially clingy after being on international camp.
It’s worsened significantly since her return from her acl injury, considering that for months she hardly had to leave your side.
So it’s no surprise that before Leah even takes her shoes off she’s rushing into your kitchen, her luggage bag long forgotten at the front door as she tumbled through the entrance hallway and into the kitchen.
You were seated at the island bench, typing away lazily at a work document to pass time.
Your eyes perked up as soon as the blonde entered the room, a big smile settling along your features at the sight of your rugged up Leah. It still gave you the chills that the woman standing in front of you, leah williamson, was all yours. She told you every single day that she was the lucky one in the relationship, but you couldn’t have disagreed more, leah was perfect, in every single way.
“Hiya love.”
Leah stays standing in the doorway, her eyes trained to you, a big smile splashed across her face.
“Hello Le.”
The woman closed the distance between the two of you, her tongue between her teeth as she approached.
“Missed you.”
It’s a statement, not meant for you to reply just a hanging reminder that these weeks that you spend apart are just as hard for you as it is her.
So you nod, flash her another smile before letting your eyes fall back to the bright screen in front of you.
Leah sits down on the seat beside you, her eyebrows furrowed.
Her voice is slightly whiny, the voice Leah uses when she wants something that apparently should be obvious but you aren’t giving it to her for whatever reason.
“Yes, Leah?”
You look up from your screen briefly, taking in Leah’s needy face, her lips puckered directly towards you.
“Where’s my welcome home kiss?”
It was customary that whenever Leah came home you gave her a kiss, but this particular time you were a little bit tentative… for other reasons.
“Someone’s a bit needy.”
Leah reached over and pressed your laptop closed, removing the potential distraction.
“I always get a welcome home kiss… I’m waiting.”
You roll your eyes, it’s typical for Leah’s first priority to be a fucking kiss, it’s something that you’ve come to love, no matter what’s happening in either of your lives when she gets home, you always connect like this together.
“How was my day? Thanks for asking, it was great, went for a run, cooked up some food for you to meal plan this week, watched some shows, got a jumpstart on the gym plans for the team this week and hammered out a roster.”
Leah’s gives you a massive eye roll, her hand extending to the back of your neck, looking deep into your soul as her face hovers a couple of centimetres away from you.
“Baby, you know i love you, give me a kiss, please.”
It wasn’t like Leah to be so needy, you blamed it on the fact that you’d been ‘sick’ in her absence, which had her feeling especially guilty for leaving you.
“Why don’t you give me one?”
The challenge is enough to strike up Leah’s competitive nature, something you frequently take advantage of in all parts of your relationship.
Leah leant forward without any hesitation, her lips capturing yours and immediately melting against your skin. This was the part you were anxious about, but regardless you let her take dominance of the kiss, her bottom lip molding against your top one as she slowly synchronised the movement.
It didn’t take very long at all for Leah to get greedy, her tongue finding the notch between your bottom lip and top, gently prodding for an opening, something you awarded her with ease.
Leah tasted like peppermint gum and black coffee, a flavour that melted in your mouth. You were counting down the seconds, as Leah explored your mouth, curious as to how long it would take for her to notice.
4 seconds, 4 seconds of her tongue reaquanting itself with the roof of your mouth and then twisting and tangling itself with your own to discover what you knew she was bound to.
It felt like she was digging for treasure that you’d hidden.
The gasp that she breathed into you almost immediately was capturing a short little exhale of hot air directly into your mouth. Leah prodded at it twice more, checking, making sure before she disconnected herself from you, her eyebrows perched high on her forehead as she blinked a few times in surprise.
“Open your mouth.”
If you were in a more playful mood you probably would have said some kind of obscene joke, but you simply weren’t in the mood to mess around with Leah, especially with that glint in her eyes that was telling you so much and yet so little about how she was feeling.
So without much arguement at all, you opened your mind up wide, allowing Leah to examine her previously discovered treasure.
Leah took her time having a look, even daring to tilt your head back to get a better angle on your new bling.
Once she was finally done she let go of your chin, releasing you and taking a step back, so you could look at her fully.
“I’m assuming it wasn’t tonsillitis that you had then?”
You chuckled lightly, it was a good cover up if you did say so yourself, something completely believable and so simple.
“Do you not like it?”
Leah’s eyes almost bursted out of her skull, her head shaking profusely at you.
“God baby, no, I am so ready for you to show me all the ways that little thing can do, maybe i’ll get me nips done next time for some more fun.”
Leah gave you a flashy wink, a movement that had her rewarded with a big eye roll from you.
“She’s fully healed, how about we go test it out?”
Leah smirked massively, reaching for your hips and lifting you up in to her arms.
“I like your thinking.”
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allaboutnayeli · 9 months
Hi! Love your writing!
Would you be able to write an aitana bonmati fic? Where the reader and aitana have been together for a while, but the reader is always jokingly flirting with her? Thank you!
lovely jokester ( aitana bonmati x reader )
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prompt: your favorite pastime is to make flirty jokes towards your girlfriend
author notes: thank you! i hope you like this and it's what you wanted. tbh this fic is shorter than i wanted it to be but i wanted to post it anyways. enjoy!
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you and aitana have been together for almost three years now. being with her has been one of the best relationships you ever had and very fun considering you two both play for barcelona. however you love to keep aitana on her toes. playing harmless pranks on her, saying obviously untrue things to try to trick her, and much more.
your favorite thing is do is definitely make corny flirty jokes towards the spainard. she always acts like she hates it, especially infront of other people, but you and her both know that she loves that part of you.
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everyone was changing in the locker room, conversing with each other when you decide to strike once again. smirking as you look at aitana from across the room. she could feel your eyes on her (she knew by heart how you looked at her) but didn't think much of it. you had just pranked her yesterday so it wouldn't make sense to prank her again. you're a prankster, not evil.
good thing you weren't about to prank her. just show your girlfriend some love. you (try to) quietly sneak up behind aitana. she obviously can hear your footsteps even over the conversation between y'all's teammates. still the spainish player continues to slip her jersey on. laughing softly once you hug her from behind. planting a kiss on her cheek. "hola hermosa" you smile mischievously at her. aitana turns her a bit to look at you, with you two's foreheads touching. "hola bebe, what are you doing?" she says quietly.
you smile at her with that little mischievous smile you always do before pulling a prank on her. before she can even react you say (loud enough for the whole locker room to hear), "did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"
aitana bursts out laughing, pushing you away gently. half of your teammates laugh as well and the other half just groan. you see alexia roll her eyes as she walks out. aitana had pushed you right into lucy's arms. "you're so.." your girlfriend roll her eyes in mock displeasure. you would respond with something snarky, but lucy had you in a headlock.
"i'm tired of you and those cringey pick-up lines" lucy says as she messes up your hair. "i am too" claudia says as she pasts by you and lucy to leave the locker room. you gasp out as the rest of your teammates agree. including your girlfriend.
"why is everyone ganging up on me?" you say as lucy lets you go. she also heads out of the locker room. leaving just aitana and you in the room. your girlfriend comes over to you, giving you a short kiss on the lips. smiling once she pulls away, "yes, it did hurt, amor."
you give her a cocky smirk as she lets go of you and leave out of the room. one win for you and those horrible jokes.
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you and aitana were enjoying a lazy saturday, cuddling in y'all's bed. aitana has her face nuzzled in your neck with your arms around her waist but of course you had to break up the simple domesticity by making another flirty joke.
"you know, amor..." you say in that tone aitana knows way too well. she groans as she tries to place her hand over your mouth. as an effort to silence you, but to no use as you hold her wrist and stop her. "i'm so glad your father came in your mother. without them i wouldn't have my beautiful girlfriend" you say before bursting out laughing.
your girlfriend gets her wrist out of your grip as you laugh even louder. she punches you in the shoulder, groaning. "just shut up.." the spainish players rolls up off of you and grabs her phone. starting to scroll to find her mother's contact. "and i am totally telling her you said that," she says.
"wait! don't! i'm sorry, please don't tell" you playfully beg as you try to reach for aitana's phone. she slaps your hands away. "c'mon, if you tell than i won't be the favorite girlfriend in law anymore" you whine as you stop trying to be a phone thief.
"should had thought about that before you decided to make that stupid joke" aitana says as she puts her phone up to her ear. very ready to tell her mother exactly what you said.
sometimes your jokes backfire and this is one of those times. one loss for you and one win for aitana.
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celepom · 1 year
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It’s Pride 2023! Time to put up some more comic recs!
This time I’ve put together some stories about discovering one’s own queer identity, outlining a family history of queerness, and several stories where being queer isn’t the focus - queer characters are simply allowed to be.
Belle of the Ball By Mari Costa
High-school senior and notorious wallflower Hawkins finally works up the courage to remove her mascot mask and ask out her longtime crush: Regina Moreno, head cheerleader, academic overachiever, and all-around popular girl. There’s only one teensy little problem: Regina is already dating Chloe Kitagawa, athletic all-star…and middling English student. Regina sees a perfectly self-serving opportunity here, and asks the smitten Hawkins to tutor Chloe free of charge, knowing Hawkins will do anything to get closer to her. And while Regina’s plan works at first, she doesn’t realize that Hawkins and Chloe knew each other as kids, when Hawkins went by Belle and wore princess dresses to school every single day. Before long, romance does start to blossom…but not between who you might expect. With Belle of the Ball, cartoonist Mariana Costa has reinvigorated satisfying, reliable tropes into your new favorite teen romantic comedy.
The Moth Keeper By Kay O’Neill
Anya is finally a Moth Keeper, the protector of the lunar moths that allow the Night-Lily flower to bloom once a year. Her village needs the flower to continue thriving and Anya is excited to prove her worth and show her thanks to her friends with her actions, but what happens when being a Moth Keeper isn't exactly what Anya thought it would be? The nights are cold in the desert and the lunar moths live far from the village. Anya finds herself isolated and lonely. Despite Anya's dedication, she wonders what it would be like to live in the sun. Her thoughts turn into an obsession, and when Anya takes a chance to stay up during the day to feel the sun's warmth, her village and the lunar moths are left to deal with the consequences.
Hollow By Shannon Watters, Branden Boyer-White & Berenice Nelle
Isabel "Izzy" Crane and her family have just relocated to Sleepy Hollow, the town made famous by—and obsessed with—Washington Irving's legend of the Headless Horseman. But city slicker-skeptic Izzy has no time for superstition as she navigates life at a new address, a new school, and, with any luck, with new friends. Ghost stories aren't real, after all.... Then Izzy is pulled into the orbit of the town's teen royalty, Vicky Van Tassel (yes, that Van Tassel) and loveable varsity-level prankster Croc Byun. Vicky's weariness with her family connection to the legend turns to terror when the trio begins to be haunted by the Horseman himself, uncovering a curse set on destroying the Van Tassel line. Now, they have only until Halloween night to break it—meaning it's a totally inconvenient time for Izzy to develop a massive crush on the enigmatic Vicky. Can Izzy's practical nature help her face the unknown—or only trip her up? As the calendar runs down to the 31st, Izzy will have to use all of her wits and work with her new friends to save Vicky and uncover the mystery of the legendary Horseman of Sleepy Hollow—before it's too late. 
Until I Meet my Husband By Ryousuke Nanasaki & Yoshi Tsukizuki
The memoir of gay activist Ryousuke Nanasaki and the first religiously recognized same-sex marriage in Japan. From school crushes to awkward dating sites to finding a community, this collection of stories recounts the author’s “firsts” as a young gay man searching for love. Dating is never ever easy, but that goes doubly so for Ryousuke, whose journey is full of unrequited loves and many speed bumps. But perseverance and time heals all wounds, even those of the heart.
Is Love the Answer? By Uta Isaki
When it comes to love, high schooler Chika wonders if she might be an alien. She’s never fallen for or even had a crush on anyone, and she has no desire for physical intimacy. Her friends tell her that she just "hasn't met the one yet," but Chika has doubts... It's only when Chika enters college and meets peers like herself that she realizes there’s a word for what she feels inside--asexual--and she’s not the only one. After years of wondering if love was the answer, Chika realizes that the answer she long sought may not exist at all--and that that's perfectly normal.
M Is for Monster By Talia Dutton
When Doctor Frances Ai's younger sister Maura died in a tragic accident six months ago, Frances swore she would bring her back to life. However, the creature that rises from the slab is clearly not Maura. This girl, who chooses the name "M," doesn't remember anything about Maura's life and just wants to be her own person. However, Frances expects M to pursue the same path that Maura had been on—applying to college to become a scientist—and continue the plans she and Maura shared. Hoping to trigger Maura's memories, Frances surrounds M with the trappings of Maura's past, but M wants nothing to do with Frances' attempts to change her into something she's not. In order to face the future, both Frances and M need to learn to listen and let go of Maura once and for all. Talia Dutton's debut graphic novel, M Is for Monster, takes a hard look at what it means to live up to other people's expectations—as well as our own.
Golden Sparkle By Minta Suzumaru
Himaru Uehara’s first year of high school is off to a good start, minus one problem—he keeps having wet dreams. With only his mom and sister at home—and having skipped health class in middle school—he thinks it means there’s something wrong with him. Thankfully, a new friend has just the remedy and teaches Himaru exactly how to deal with those pesky dreams! But his solution only leads to more confusion, and the two find themselves navigating feelings they’ve never felt before.
Thieves By Lucie Bryon
Ella can’t seem to remember a single thing from the party the night before at a mysterious stranger’s mansion, and she sure as heck doesn’t know why she’s woken up in her bed surrounded by a magpie’s nest of objects that aren’t her own. And she can’t stop thinking about her huge crush on Madeleine, who she definitely can’t tell about her sudden penchant for kleptomania… But does Maddy have secrets of her own? Can they piece together that night between them and fix the mess of their chaotic personal lives in time to form a normal, teenage relationship? That would be nice.
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Meet Alison's father, a historic preservation expert and obsessive restorer of the family's Victorian home, a third-generation funeral home director, a high school English teacher, an icily distant parent, and a closeted homosexual who, as it turns out, is involved with his male students and a family babysitter. Through narrative that is alternately heartbreaking and fiercely funny, we are drawn into a daughter's complex yearning for her father. And yet, apart from assigned stints dusting caskets at the family-owned "fun home," as Alison and her brothers call it, the relationship achieves its most intimate expression through the shared code of books. When Alison comes out as homosexual herself in late adolescense, the denouement is swift, graphic -- and redemptive.
She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat By Sakaomi Yuzaki
Cooking is how Nomoto de-stresses, but one day, she finds herself making way more than she can eat by herself. And so, she invites her neighbor Kasuga, who also lives alone. What will come out of this impromptu dinner invitation...?
Kasuga and Nomoto promised to spend their Christmas and New Year’s together. Now, they find themselves learning more about each other’s families through the food sent by Nomoto’s mother. Cute character bento, salmon and rice, stollen, fruit sandwiches, roast beef…Nomoto and Kasuga warm up to each other over a cheerful holiday season.  
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inuyashaluver · 10 months
pranks - leah williamson
leah williamson x reader
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description: in which you love to prank your girlfriend
warnings: quite long and random honestly hehe, swearing
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if there was one thing to know about your girlfriend, leah williamson - it was that she didn’t like to be the butt of a joke. and if there was one thing to know about you, you loved to make her the butt of jokes - in the nicest way possible.
you were notorious for being a bit of a prankster, both on and off the pitch. whether it was just pranking your teammates or tricking the opposition on the pitch, the one word your girlfriend would use to describe you as was cheeky.
one thing about you is that you’re going to prank and scare your girlfriend. it’s your job to keep her on her toes. leah doesn’t agree, you give this girl a heart attack almost everyday but she can’t help but love you and honestly couldn’t hold a grudge.
leah drove you both to training one day, as soon as the car came to a stop, you gave her a sloppy kiss and ran out of the car into the training facility. you, leaving your girlfriend utterly confused at your sudden enthusiasm for training, considering how an hour prior to this, she had to drag you out of bed and had to dress you herself because you were unbothered.
if only leah knew what you had planned. you were hiding behind a bush with a scary mask on. ridiculous you knew, but something was so satisfying about seeing your big, strong girlfriend clutching her chest at none other than you.
everyone was in on your plan, finding it funny that you were still obsessed with your pranks - something that your national teammates knew from the youth camps.
leah was walking out to the pitch with keira and georgia, lightly chattering about random subjects. leah couldn’t find you anywhere, slightly upset that her training buddy was nowhere to be seen. as you heard their footsteps approaching, you leapt out in front of them.
leah jumps backwards, clutching her chest and struggling to breathe, dropping her water bottle in the process. she slouches over, head looking down at the floor with her hands on her knees.
“oh my god that scared the shit out of me” she exhales, meanwhile, you, georgia and keira were giggling like school children at your girlfriend’s hunched form.
she stands up straight with her hands on her hips looking down at you, mask still clad on your face.
“my baby girl,” she smiles scarily at you, “you have 5 seconds to start running”
“baby, no-” she was going to get you for this. her stern glare felt even through the mask
“baby, yes, 5-”
you start sprinting immediately, ripping the mask off in the process, you dart towards the pitch and see millie standing there talking to mary. you jump on her back,
“brighty! save me please” you breathe, watching leah stride over to you, stern face prominent on her features and hands behind her back.
“millie, drop her on the ground for me” leah smiles,
you wrap your arms tighter around the defender’s neck. shaking your head frantically.
“you’re kinda choking me, love” millie places a hand on your arm
“millie, she’s going to kill me, please!” you plead
“millie” leah tries again, “captain’s orders”
millie visibly tenses, dropping her hand from your arm.
“sorry, love” millie places you on the ground, you’ve never looked so small in your life - leah thinks.
you immediately start running again, leah quickly catching up to you and slamming you to the ground.
you’re on your back while leah straddles your waist.
“hey, I like this position” you wink at her, trying to diffuse the situation. leah can’t help but grin at your comment, she grabs both of your hands in one of hers and places them above your head, your breath hitches as she mischievously smirks at you. you were in for it.
she reveals the water bottle in her hand, holding it above your head.
“baby, no!” you plead, she mockingly pouts at you,
“baby girl, you know I don’t like to be the butt of jokes” she tutts, you try and give her your best puppy dog face, she almost gives in but knows she needs to stay strong. she squeezes the entire contents of her bottle onto your top half, completely drenching your shirt. you gasp as the cold water makes contact with your skin.
“you just had to have fucking ice water, didn’t you, williamson?” you glare at her,
“you just had to scare me, didn’t you, (y/l/n)?” she retorts, moving to give you a peck on your lips.
“our actions have consequences, beautiful”
you watch as she moves off your body, pulling you up on your feet with her.
she takes in your appearance, your shirt completely drenched and hair slightly damp from her water bomb. she lets out a small giggle and a wolf whistle as you rip the shirt from your body and throw it at her.
“very hot, baby. my cheeky girl,” she winks, you shake your head at her before running to the change room in need of another shirt.
leah had forgiven you, both of you returning to your lovie dovie state. hugging each other from behind, exchanging small kisses and whispering sweet nothings to each other. absolute bliss and you just have to disrupt the peace.
you were lined up for training drills. leah in front of you in the line. the ball was lined up for her to kick, as she ran up to connect the ball with her foot, you from behind kicked it first, meaning she kicked nothing.
everyone bellows out in laughter, you were on the floor, laughing so hard, tears were brought to your eyes. leah, returning to her ‘hands on the hip captain’s stance’, she poked her cheek with her tongue. exhaling a small scoff as she watched you rolling on the floor laughing. she immediately moves on top of you, settling her entire weight on you, tickling your sides - prompting you to laugh even harder.
leah was smiling at you full of adoration as your laughter infiltrated her ears. one of her favourite sounds in the world. she got off you and pulled you up once again, this time pulling you into a headlock but places a sweet kiss on the crown of your head.
“you’re a little shit, you know that?”
“yeah, but you love me” you teased
“yeah, I do” she grins, “turning me soft I think, how on earth do I put up with you?” she lets go of you, but not without placing another sweet kiss on your lips. you smile up at her, lightly squeezing her bicep.
one day, you decided to show your girlfriend just how much she meant to you. being awfully spontaneous and deciding to get georgia to tattoo your wrist with a small ‘L. W’.
you enter your shared flat, finding leah lying on the couch watching mindless television. you flop down on top of her and she giggles.
“hey, baby, you alright?” she gently traces shapes on your back, under your (her) hoodie.
“hi” you muffle out in her neck. you move up to straddle her waist on the couch
“I have a little surprise for you” you smile down at her, she slightly moves up, balancing on her elbows while maintaining eye contact with you - looking for any trace of mischief.
“go on then” she nods her head at you in encouragement. you lift up the sleeve of the hoodie and she spots cling wrap around your wrist. she sits up fully this time, you slightly being moved down in the process. she had been trying to convince you to get tattoos ever since she got her own - every time you declined, as you felt you had nothing special to get tattooed on you (lie - you just wanted to surprise leah)
“you’re lying” she gasps, not even looking at what your tattoo was yet. still shocked you actually got a tattoo at all. you shake your head at her and she gently grabs your wrist in her hands, gasping when she saw her initials. tears began to brew in her eyes,
“if this is another one of your fucking pranks, so help me-”
“no, baby! it’s real!” you exclaim, tears forming in your own eyes. “I just wanted to show you a token of my appreciation for putting up with my bullshit”
“I’m a saint, aren’t I?” she lets out a wet laugh, tears rolling down her cheeks
“you really are”, you kiss her tears away, she pulls you into a searing kiss, you absentmindedly rub your thumb on her ‘lover’ tattoo, knowing it was dedicated to you.
“i love you” you grin at her,
“i love you too, my cheeky girl” she lightly pinches your cheek.
the next day, leah had a matching tattoo on her wrist, your initials plastered on her skin. sure you were a prankster, but god did you love each other
⋆ �� ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆
just pretend it’s you - mwah x ily kei
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liked by stanwaygeorgia and 44,232 others
leahwilliamsonn: my cheeky girl, stop pissing me off, love you, thanks! @/yourname
view all comments
yourname: hi! thanks so much for your message, i’ll work on it, thanks again, love you!
↳ leahwilliamsonn: you’re so lucky you’re cute
↳ yourname: naww, thanks cutie pie
↳ mbrighty04: traumatised
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kartonkartonski · 28 days
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What if OP world had real pirate vibe / What if our 1700s had people strikingly similar to OP characters + magic
DISCLAIMER i have the opposite of Same Face Syndrom + cant draw women lol yes the faces are real human ispired
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LUFFY - Brazilian / Caribbean kid from a random ass poor village Hat, vest, pants, sandals - made more historically accurate (mmha)
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ZORO - Japanese but raised abroad in Turkey or sth idk Hair - green hair dont exist lol Shirt, pants, boots - mmha Eyepatch - a piratey touch
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NAMI - Swedish but adopted and raised in Spain or Italy or idk Clothes - mmha + made her more tomboyish Head cloth - piratey touch
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USOPP - Italian mum + African father (unthinkable!) (european colonies in South Africa or sth) Clothes mmha The prankster he is, he carries fake prosthetic hook and peg leg and a fake swordsheath. I bet he has a fake parrot and an eyepatch he doesnt use. The gun is real and replaces slingshot
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SANJI - French cook in the Mediterrenean Eyebrows - curly eyebrows dont exest stupid Hair - mmha Suit - mmha Cigs - replaced with a pipe Golden tooth - he got scurvy on that stranded island
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CHOPPER - Canadian reindeer (caribou) General look - now he look like a real reindeer huh. No wonder why he was feared by the peeps Hat - early american settler-like Pants - mmha + piratey stripes
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NICO - Russian originally associated with mafiozo Krokodil The dress is how i imagine her to dress like when working with Krokodil Hat, boots - mmha + more piratey Riding suit - she looked like cowboy in early OP so i gave her riding clothes
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FRANKY - American, self-made clockwork cyborg who uses word "super" quite often (it was a thing in early 1700s!) Hair - Cyan hair dont exist idiot + made it cool and epic for 1700 standards Metal nose - screwed to skull Shirt - mmha Underwear - yes its underwear mmha Robo parts - clockwork coz no steam engines back then + wooden doll-looking Peg leg - hides a gun
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BROOK - Austrian musician, his crew died hit by a plague Hat - mmha Afro - no afro in 1600-1700 sorry Justacorps - 1600s-ish coz he old af Yohoho
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JIMBEE - Now a real FISHman, a real WHALESHARK and a real INDIAN (Oda said hes indian) yup thats about that FOLLOW FOR MORE
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cosmerelists · 6 months
Cosmere Characters: Would They Be Good at Pulling Pranks?
Yesterday was April 1, aka April Fools Day, a holiday that encourages people to pull pranks. So that got me wondering: if such a holiday existed in the Cosmere, would various Cosmere characters be good at this whole "pranking" thing?
1. Syl: Yes, but only of one type
Syl is a prankster in canon: she likes to stick things together! Your shoes to your floor, your hand to your spear, your butt to your chair...so yes, she is great at pranks. I bet if April Fool's Day existed in the Cosmere, she would be an absolute menace.
2. Lopen: Depends on who you ask...
I think Lopen's pranks would be like his jokes: not intended to be mean, but actually kinda mean. In Dawnshard, Lopen came to learn that his jokes were not universally fun and beloved, and I feel like his journey with pranks would necessarily be similar. He'd love pulling them, though!
3. Wayne: Yes, and everyone has fun
Sanderson once said that the difference between Lopen & Wayne is that Wayne can read the room. So I think Wayne would not only like pranks, but would also be more aware of their effect. Like...if Lopen is tying your shoelaces together when you're late for work, Wayne is putting googly eyes (which he invented) on all of your family photos while you're out.
4. Sarene: Yes (mostly against Iadon)
Sarene, Miss Malicious-compliance-and-weaponizer-of-other-people's-misogyny, would love an excuse to "accidentally" prank Iadon. She'd either do really obvious pranks and blame them on feminine confusion ("Oh dear I just wanted to clean but I guess washing your portrait ruined it??") or do really sneaky pranks that no one could trace back to her (cut to Sarene secretly weakening the seams on all of Iadon's clothing so that a good sneeze will make them all fall off).
5. Kaladin: Not anymore
We know that in canon Kaladin pulled pranks as a kid--he told Tien to save a lurg to dump in their dad's bath later. But I feel like nowadays, Kaladin is too gloomy and glowering to pull pranks. He might just enjoy Syl's sometimes though...
6. Steris: Maybe they're just not the most creative...
I think that if a Pranking Holiday existed, Steris would study up and do a textbook prank. Like, she's replacing Wax's sugar bowl with salt, and then he drinks a sip of salty coffee, and then she says, "Ah ha! You have been Pranked per the Social Conventions of today's Holiday!" And Wax would be genuinely delighted.
7. Dalinar: No--not at any point in his life
Blackthorn Dalinar would think a prank is "stabbing a guy in the leg and laughing." Modern-day Dalinar would be puzzled that anyone actually does pranks--aren't they, you know, kinda beneath you? The Codes would DEFINITELY not allow them.
8. Sigzil: No, too much paperwork
The Prank Authorization Form is 7 pages and takes 5 weeks for review and approval. Who has that kind of time???
9. Lift: Yes, absolutely
I can see Lift positioning buckets of water over, like, Dalinar's door or slicking the floor right as that merchant she saw yelling at kids walks by. Now--imagine Lift & Syl going on a prank spree together. You're welcome.
10. Hoid: Nobody knows
Hoid put paperclips in the pockets of every single one of Elhokar's outfits. He put edible glitter into Rock's stew, turning it into Glitter Stew. He found one of Kaladin's buttons on the ground and straight-up ate it while making direct eye contact.
But...were any of those things pranks? Were they plots? Were they just Hoid being Wit?
Nobody knows.
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hellosweetart · 6 days
How Romantic ❤️
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"Oh my darling...I have been following you all night. May I please have a kiss?" 🌹
"Yes you may, dear." ♥️
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Oh crap it's a bad dream 😫
The Pranksters:
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Notes: Original Character - Maximiliano Villavicencio belongs to HasanaWolf. I don't think she had a Tumblr account but she does have IG and X. This OC character has a crush on Mia but is not pursuing her romantically.
While I am not a fan of shipping OCs to TNMN characters who are either married, engaged or in a relationship, I do find this funny. Inspired by Looney Tunes humor: Hollywood Steps Out.
Hope you guys like it! 😁
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jenchan-writingmultis · 3 months
I love your writings! Can I ask for oneshot with Vil and fem!Reader who is a prankster, troublemaker, is in Pomefiore, has a chaotic personality (something like Floyd mixed with sassy Epel's side). Her fashion sense is questionable by vil because she loves streetwear fashion (especially baggy clothes). Her unique magic lets her turning into anyone (ofc without getting that person's unique magic but imagine the moment when she turns into Neige to make vil's blood boiling)
Fluff/crack, kinda enemies to lovers, sfw (eventually A BIT suggestive)🤭
Beauty in Chaos
≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪ Pairing: Vil x Chaotic Fem! Reader
A/n: hoooh this was a tough one! I hope you like it Anonnie! Hopefully, I hit the right spot for this reader! This wasn’t my best work, but I still hope you like it (╥﹏╥) Thank you so much for the request! Credits: The line breakers are from Kaomoji dividers!
Warning: SLIGHTLY suggestive, a bit of angst, mostly fluff. Rough Vil.
Reminders: Ma poupée is a French term of endearment that means "my doll". Masterlist
≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪
Vil was confused, no he was outright appalled, not only was someone far from the vision of Pomefiore itself assigned to his dormitory, but you also didn’t even have an ounce of decency during the ceremony! Your clothing was ragged, not maintained and you had the audacity to tie the ceremonial robes like it was just some pajamas, he truly didn’t understand when the mirror said that your soul belonged in “Pomefiore”.
"Huh, didn't expect the Pomefiore dorm to be so fancy,” you walked toward Vil, offering him a lazy smile as if you hadn't just insulted him. He glared at you, then grabbed your robes, causing you to squeak in surprise. he began tugging and tying your robes properly. "Hey!" you whined, trying to push him away, but he continued fixing your "style" or whatever fashion disaster you had made of the robes.
“Stay still, you’re going to make this worse for yourself” he was fuming, with finishing touches he finally lets you go, making you huff. “Not cool dude.” you said before pouting.
“Dude?” Vil’s eyes narrowed on you, “From this day forward, you will call me Vil, or housewarden.”  he fixes your hair, his fingers brushing your forehead, making you jump back a bit. The way your “housewarden” randomly touched people made you think he might be a weirdo.
“Okay, ‘Vil,’” you huffed, rolling your eyes, which made Vil angrier. He was being lenient with a fresh potato like you, but you seemed to be testing his patience. “Enough, you’re going to need training. Your behavior and style bring disgrace to Pomefiore’s name.” Hearing that, you pouted further. What exactly was wrong with being a little bit laid back? This guy was bonkers.
Before Vil could grab you to drag you with him, since you clearly didn’t want to cooperate, a tall man with a bob haircut stepped between you and Vil. “Roi de Poison,” he called out, his smile unwavering and affectionate. “I believe Ma poupée could learn a thing or two from your gracious self, yes?” His calming words instantly soothed Vil’s anger, prompting Vil to raise an eyebrow at Rook, and signaling him to elaborate.
“She’s just new here. With your guidance, she could blossom into something magnificent,” Rook continued, placing a hand on your shoulder. “Every freshman here has an eye-catching appearance and soul, as the mirror itself has said. You wouldn’t want her talent and appearance to go to waste, right?”
Vil pondered this, his gaze shifting back to you as Rook looked at you as well. Both men examined your face, then glanced at each other, seemingly communicating through their eyes.
While your style was a jumble of mess, you had a cute face, and he’s curious how you would survive, considering you’re a special case in Crowley’s book. “Potato” he signals you to follow him as he calls the other “fresh potatoes”.
Walking behind him, Rook patted your head, leaving you feeling confused. You looked up at him as he winked, his expression reassuring. “Forgive Roi de Poison for how he treated you earlier; he was on edge because of the ceremony,” he assured you, his gaze drifting back to his housewarden. “I hope to see you shine as brightly as he does, Ma poupée,” he continued. You didn’t quite understand his manner of speaking with all the French nicknames, which you didn’t bother trying to decipher. Nonetheless, his words were encouraging, so you thanked him sincerely.
You didn’t expect such a blatant display of hostility infront of you for a first day, watching as he had the freshmen along with you in one line, you thought that the Housewarden of Pomefiore looked so weak, all dainty and feminine but you guessed wrong since he held such authority, and the way he manhandled you earlier got you excited a bit. How strong, you want to push him to his limits.
The moment you got into your dorm, you were surprised with how huge the place is, tidy, neat and gorgeous, the aesthetic colliding with how yours, the way that Vil fixed your outfit was uncomfortable too, the waistband being too tight around your waist while the outfit was too… stuffy for your taste, sneakily undoing it a bit, you thought that Vil wouldn’t notice since he was busy giving some kind of dorm rules speech or whatever that is.
“Potato” he calls out, you continued to loosen up your outfit, not even thinking that the “Potato” he was talking about was you, till you heard light footsteps and a figure looming over you, that got you to jolt and look at him surprised. “Wha-"
“What do you think you’re doing?” he asked, all your rustling was distracting him. Great another confrontation, you smiled, “Uh, I dunno, I’m fixing my robe?” you answered, continuing your fixing, which in Vil’s eyes you’re putting it back into the style he didn’t like so much. “Is that so?”
The other freshmen were looking at you, sweat dropping while some remained silent and waiting for what Vil will do. “Your display of disobedience displeases me” he said as he smiles, a smile that got you stopping your endeavor, “After you finish “Fixing” your attire, please come meet me here after every freshman including you, has settled in their rooms.”
Extra lessons great, you’re not quite sure why Vil seemed to have hyperfixated on you, all you did have a “unique” style! The other freshmen along with the second years give you pitying look as you settle in the room you got, usually two people share the room, and lucky for you, you got to share it with your new friend, Epel.
“Dude,” he called you out, frowning, “He’s targeting you” he says worriedly, as he takes all his possessions out, while you on the other hand, didn’t bring much but necessities and a Gameboy that your guardian decided to put in your bag in case you get bored. “I can handle it,” you declared with confidence, as you sit down on the soft cushion of your bed. “Plus, it ain’t just me, you’re targeted too” you teased which cause Epel to stiffen up.
“He kept rambling about being the “poison apple” or something, he’s such a…” Epel stopped himself which made you laugh, however, that little moment was stopped abruptly when a knock at the door was heard.
“Vil said, it’s time for your training, come on out” A second-year student calls out as he walks away, expecting you to follow him, which if you didn’t, Vil would be dragging you out of your room, you stood up, Epel gave you a sad look before you pinched his cheek. “You’re making it look like I’m gonna get sacrificed to a demon”
“You are though!”
“shush” you laughed before walking out, Vil was sitting down on an extravagant couch, teacups on both sides and an intricate teapot in the middle. “Come, sit” he invited you to sit down obediently not taking no for an answer, and by habit, you seemed to have sat down with your legs wide open, an unbecoming display for a Pomefiore student.
“Close your legs” he places the teacup down, for your first day you disappointed him multiple times now, why must he teach you every etiquette that was supposed to be learnt during elementary?
“No,” you snide, somehow, his aura from earlier vanished and he just looked like a snappy mother. You placed your feet on the glass table, wanting to piss him off further.
Bad move, before you even placed your legs up, a firm surge of magic encircled your legs, keeping them suspended mid-air. An angry Vil using his magic to keep you from staining the table; He stood up abruptly, forcing you to lower your legs on the floor, grabbing your cheeks as he forced you to make eye contact with him.
“It seems like you don’t intend to learn and respect the rules under my authority” he says, stiffening up you tried to push his grip away from you, but it was firm, it didn’t hurt per se, it was just… rough.
“Hey, let me go” you squirmed causing him to lessen his grip on your cheeks, it was squished making you look like a pufferfish, and that accidentally activated your magic, causing a little poof as Vil pulled away, eyes widening as he sees the face of Neige, staring back at him with the same surprised expression. “Sorry- I didn’t mean” you said, as you tried to turn back, to no avail, your unique magic doesn’t let you since it’s the type of magic that you can’t just turn off, Vil who looked like he just saw a ghost. “What is your unique magic?” he asked, distancing himself, unnerved by the uncanny resemblance of your face to his enemy. You groan, you were gonna use it to leave the dormitory sometimes just to roam around the campus by yourself, it sucks you already got caught, first day too.
“My unique magic turns me into another person that the other despises” you explained, scratching the back of your neck before you realized who you just turned to. “Wait” you looked at your current form, noticing who it was, you looked at the glass table, before stifling a laugh. “You despise Neige?”
Vil on the other hand seemed to not be having any of your shenanigans, this was your first day and you were already trying to rile him up, thrice.  “Do not do this to me” he warns as he clicks his tongue, your power was quite useful, you could work as a stunt double in movies. “Wow, Vil, I didn’t expect you to despise your rival this much though” Walking closer, you fluttered your eyelashes on him, it was a taunt, the face of Neige going closer to him in such a way made his blood boil.
“Come on, Vil-san” you teased him, using the voice of THE Neige Le blanche and the nickname you usually heard from Neige whenever they were together for an interview, and that made him snap, grabbing your collar, he pulls you closer to his face, his gaze on you cold, you could feel it piercing through your soul, its actually scary.
“Your pathetic excuse of wanting to be friends with me will not work on me” he murmurs, you froze a bit, noticing  how he clenched on your uniform, you immediately knew that he wasn’t talking to you but rather the person who you morphed into, feeling guilty you held  his hand, luckily your unique magic finally decided to get you back to your original form, you pulled him into a hug, unsure what to do as you rub his back.
Vil didn’t pull away, he stiffened up at first before he melted into the hug as he squeezes you a bit, an odd gesture, well it was odd for him to lose composure over a freshman.
“I apologize” he murmurs, he still wanted to continue hugging you, however, you two were in the living room, anyone can come and stay there in any moment, so he pulled away, fixing his uniform.
“It’s fine dude,” you said, smiling at him, trying to ease the tension, “We all got our moments, my bad that I triggered something in you” That wasn’t your intention, you didn’t want to see that again considering how upset Vil looked when you transformed into Neige.
“Dude again?” he sighs, although this time he wasn’t angry, maybe all that anger burst out when you shifted into someone he least wanted to see.
“Come now, it’s not bad, dude fits you! Or do you prefer dudette?” you joked as you jabbed his ribs a bit, he groaned before grabbing your head. “Behave” he scolds you, and that precious little moment was broken when Rook came, almost like he was going to cry.
“Magnifique display of affection and friendship! Roi De Poison! Ma poupée!” he says, jumping to both of you into a hug, you jolt before grunting as you laugh, hugging him back while Vil looks less inclined to hug the other back.
“Rook, unhand me” he says as he pushes the man gently, getting him to let go as he fixes his uniform once again. “Seriously” he says disappointedly as Rook smiles at him apologetically, “there is beauty in chaos Roi de poison” he continues, crossing his arms., “I’m sure you two would get along”
All of that happening in just the first day was impressive, you were quick to befriend Vil, although it was more like a frenemies type of friendship, you always end up making his head ache whenever you do things that made Pomefiore look shameful, like eating loudly, planting your legs on the couch when you go back to your dorm.
Christ! When he went to check on you and Epel’s room it was a mess! The pillows on the floor and the blankets too! Disorganized shelves, that day he forced you and Epel to wake up at the crack of dawn just to start deep cleaning your room.
Grumbling as while you were half asleep, trying to fix your bed, it was a task you purposefully did slowly, and Vil was starting to get angry as he grabbed your pillows placing it on the bed, “Why are you so slow?” he asked, pointing at Epel with his eyes, “Look at him, he finished  in just 30 minutes, you’re barely cleaning”
Hearing that you smirked, bumping your shoulders to his “I have the great Vil Schoenheit in my bedroom, do you think I’d let that chance slip by?”
You swore you saw his cheeks heat up before he went to grab the rest of your “Things” if you even call it that, “Do not test me potato, I’m not easily swayed by sweet words” he says as he puts your stuff in the drawer, looking at Vil, you do notice how attractive he was, a few months ago, you wouldn’t even give it a thought, you saw him as a mother hen cause of how endearing he was, attentive but strict, all that jazz.
Seeing him in a different light though, you can tell why a lot of his fans always thirst over him, fair skin, tall, rich, and smart, is the definition of a perfect catch.
Noticing you looking at him, he couldn’t help but chuckle, he knew that gaze all too well, a stare that his fans often give him, although he wouldn’t be fazed by it, this was the first time he saw it on you.
“If you keep staring at me like that, I’m gonna catch a cold” he teased a bit, standing up before he pushed your head down, he felt a bit flustered with the way you stared at him, so he had to. You whined a bit before grabbing his wrist, “C’mon I was just admiring your beauty” you protested, which made him chuckle. “I know”
Despite your differences, you two were getting along well.
Word Count: 2,676
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A enemies to Friends to lovers with george weasley 😭💖?
s a f e a r m s
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- george weasley
a/n: tysmm for requesting agaainn, im sorry this took some time, i wasnt sure how to lead with this but i hope you're happy with how this turned out :)
p.s i love you and this literally has me giggling and smiling
requested- yes
warnings- none i hope
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george weasley, the king with all his pride which no one could strip from him, all the cockiness no one could touch, the one so high from all, that no one would play against his will.
then why oh why was everything he had built for himself, his charm, his walls, his cool, all fumbling and crumbling beneath him when you arrived?
why did his heart flutter? or why did heat rise to his cheeks and why did he feel so weak to a pretty smile? you had every power over him and he despised you for it. he despised himself on how easily you could walk all over him and he'd say thank you. he could'nt fathom why he was so desperate for your attention even if it was for a mere second.
walking around the hallways in all his glory he'd immediatley caught you making her way. it was peak rush hour, everyone was squirming their way from one class to another and his girl had seemed to lost her footing
George sweeped in catching her from having a meet with the floor. her arms were hugging him. georgie took a second for him to teach himslef how to breathe again.
"the words are you're welcome" supplied george when your mouth lied open. george weasley had his arms swung around your waist having you pressed to his chest.
georgie didnt want to let go. he wanted to keep you pressed to him, his hands were everyone could see. he wanted to hold on forever and not let go.
"are you planning on letting go georgie?"
fuck. george was officially pudding after he heard georgie roll out of your mouth, he was fullfilled.
"so you can go and fall all over again? let them finish scavengering the halls or you'll become squash." how he managed to sound so confident and steady he didnt know?
maybe it had something to do with rodger holmes on the other side of the corridor, his face filled with jealousy. it gave georgie a kick. the girl he's been pinning for in georgie's arms, pressed against him whispering into eachother's ears. Holmes did not need to know what as long as he could see she was in her weasley's arms. it helped him establish his dominance. you were to be his even if you didnt know it yet, even if you'd thought him to be the cold hearted prankster, and rodger better sit the hell down.
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hinakazino · 2 years
The Uchiha Princess || Uchiha Family/Child!Reader
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Summary: The third born child of the head of the Uchiha Clan, younger sister of Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha. You're the known princess of the Uchiha Clan! (That everyone may or may not have a protective side of.)
Warnings: None! Just Fluff!
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It was no secret really, Mikoto had really been hoping for a girl! So she was really happy to have you, her little princess.
Literally loves you, gives you the best of care.
Enjoys dressing you up or doing your hair (you look so cute and small in all those mini garments!!)
Honestly worried for awhile how you'd get along with your brothers or the clan, as it was mostly men.
Worries were quickly blown away though, who would dare hurt you?
Super nervous dad, he was used to the two boys, yes. But a girl? He was already worrying himself over how things would work.
Secretly you’re his favorite, literally held you so softly like you were the most precious baby ever.
You were his precious girl, and he admits he may have spoiled you a bit more than he should've.
Doesn’t like the idea of boys, nope he isn’t agreeing to ANY arranged marriages!!
He also doesn't like admitting it, although he hopes you become a great strong kunoichi. The idea of sending you, of all people into the battle field frightens even him.
The funny cousin, always comes over with treats just for you.
He just can’t stop poking at your chubby cheeks and practically squealed when he saw your stubby legs as you ran up to him.
Always makes sure to scoop you up and tell you plenty of his awful jokes. You love it anyway though! He loves hearing your giggle.
Enjoys closing his eyes as you trace over his scars in awe.
Heart throbs as you pecked his scarred cheek asking him whether he was okay and that you’d make the pain go away.
Literally the sweetest cousin ever, knows exactly what you like and spoils you whenever he is back from a mission.
The cousin you tell all your secrets to. (Who may or may not be secretly reporting to Itachi about it.)
Loves carrying you on his back, gives him sweet flashbacks of mini Itachi.
Is super dramatic with you, you both are like each others twins. He loves it whenever Sasuke and Itachi walk in completely bewildered at the play you guys have been acting.
You two are also pranksters, who have lots of fun pulling stuff on Sasuke, Itachi, and occasionally best of all, Obito.
Second most at poking at your cheek besides Obito too, vowed to protected you from evil at all costs.
Your big brother, who greatly inspires and motivates you. He is such a sweetheart!
He honestly has the same fear as his father because his life as a ninja hasn't been a walk in a rosy garden.
Can't describe it, he just loves you. Every time he is with you, he feels at peace.
Has been there for all of your tantrums, he is basically your comfort.
Knows best out of everyone how to take care of you. You're injured? Distract you with food, something you like, etc, to get rid of the pain as he treats you.
Sobbing cause you can't have something? He'll get it for you-- wait no his parents said no so he'll tell you maybe next time to make you forget.
Was the most nervous out of everyone.
But greatly adores you because you look up to him, he feels noticed and appreciated whenever he is around you.
You love Sasuke because he understands you the most as you're both similar in age.
Playtime is always fun, and mainly with him. He always tries to bring new games, not just to entertain you both but also to keep you active. He shows his care in different ways!
When he got older he still made time for you, there was always a reserved soft spot for his little sister.
You're his favorite Uchiha kid, and he isn't afraid to admit it.
He lets you play with his hair, he surprisingly didn't mind it. Honestly he loves your awe with it.
You spent a chunk of your time with him anyways since most of your other family members were busy so it wasn't before long you both developed a strong bond.
Out of everyone he deeply hopes you never experience war in your lifetime. He knows from personal experience, and it warms his heart that you're so innocent.
He teaches you a lot of things, madara knows a lot! From weapons and combat, all the way to gardening and game tactics. He's got to spend a lot of time having fun being the retired Uchiha.
© 2023 by Hinakazino, do not translate/edit/claim or use my work in any form.
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