heytherecentaurs · 3 months
That was such a cool premiere episode.
Ally was incredible. I had the same visceral reaction as the rest of the table when Russell calls Liv sweetheart and good girl. But also he’s so hot nobody ever calls him on his bullshit. They’ve built a guy that uses weird sucky boomer language but also intervenes when Dave is being a dickhead.
Rekha always brings so much energy to the table. She’s been on D20 a few time now and I always adore her. She’s so funny. She loves a socially awkward character. Usha auto-corrects to Haha every time I write it and my phone’s right. The bit about no tech working was so great. And her being so horned up for the weird Nosferatu man was hilarious.
I wanted Alex back on S20 from episode one of Mentopolis and I’m so grateful they’re back. Love Liv as a teen klepto. It’s so spot on. Alex has a habit of formulating a very simple string of words and making them gut bustingly funny.
Never doubt Izzy. It seems like she was doing a little bit of a Jennifer Coolidge thing but making it sorta midwestern too. Paula is great. A late 50s who apparently has powerful periods and is so so horny. Izzy will always zero in on something whether it’s New Jersey mansion trash or gifted kid mama’s girl and she’ll heighten it to hilarious absurdity.
Dang is 1000% percent what I wanted from Jake. If you had read to me a description of every character I’d know which was his. He’s got such a distinct comedic voice and he’s always such a lovely presence whenever he’s on a dropout show.
Ify’s character work here is perfect. He is locked in. I feel like he’s pulling from a lot of personal experience. He’s sort of both the nerdy anime kid and the muscly beefcake wrapped in one. He’s ideal for this season. Love him getting his guns out.
Brennan really swung for the fences. Feels like he’s building on so much of what Aabria brought to D20. The crazy dome projections, the costume changes, the props, the custom ttrpg. And he’s also bringing all his own DM excellence. His comedy choices are perfect. His character work spot on and the world and lore he’s developing is exquisite. I’m very engrossed already.
I’m so excited to get to know their other characters.
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bluelockmaniac · 4 months
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↳ "a cute first encounter which leads to a romantic relationship later on."
↳ not recognizing the renowned player piques his interest in you <3
click here for the bllk various version .
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each early morning, before practice, sae made it a habit to stop by the local cafe for a cup of freshly brewed coffee. it was a routine he followed to keep himself awake from either the tedious interviews his manager always nags him about, or the unexciting plays his teammates offered. but today, this conventional drill would deviate from its norm. 
as usual, he ordered the pungent drink and stepped out of the establishment to continue on with the events his day promised, only to abruptly collide with you, splattering warm coffee all across his jersey. you were running at a fast pace, late to work for the second time this week, and you definitely did not want to face your manager’s scolding again.
for a moment, he stood there, stunned, blinking at the spreading stain. slowly, his gaze lifted to lock on your frantic, worried eyes.
“i’m so sorry, sir!” you stammered, quickly pulling out a handkerchief to absorb what you could of the bitter liquid, completely oblivious to the name on his jersey. perhaps he was a really big fan of some bigshot football player, you assumed. “i wasn’t paying attention– you see, i’m late for work and—”
“it’s alright.” he retorted calmly, though a very subtle hint of annoyance laced his words. he gently pushed your hand away from his chest and sent the now empty cup flying into the distant trash can with his foot.
your wide eyes sparkled in amazement as he made the shot. “woah, sir, do you play football? you have a really good aim! is the player named…” you made a quick loop around him to check the back of his jersey, “...‘sae’, your inspiration?”
sae lifts a brow, surprised by your lack of recognition. it was not often that he met someone unaware of japan’s prodigy player, who had made a significant name for himself in spain. nonetheless, you had certainly made quite an impression on the professional player— and he was rather fond of it. however, he wasn’t about to conceal the fact that he was the owner of the name on his jersey.
“i am sae, dumbass,” he points out.
“who?” you inquired innocently, your attention focused more on his striking features than the insult he had just thrown your way. if there was such an attractive, famous young man (despite his foul tongue), you would have known him by now. but, you decide to shoot your shot anyway; it would be a waste to let go of such a handsome guy.
“also, is it possible if i could get your number?” you asked almost flirtatiously, before realizing the awkwardness of the situation. “i mean, i’d love to, uh, pay you back for the coffee you spilled.”
“hmm?” he glanced at your uniform, then pulled out a small piece of paper from his pocket with a sigh. “you’ve done nothing to make yourself worthy of having my number.”
“–wait, i really do apologize for spilling your coffee, sae—”
“but,” he pauses, handing you the paper with a shrug. “you ought to keep me entertained.”
with a final glance at your love-stricken expression, he turned on his heel and disappeared around the corner. with your heart racing, you eagerly smooth out the crumpled paper and scan its contents; itoshi sae’s neatly written phone number. you actually received the aloof man’s contact! but… 
you were fired. well, this should be enough to keep him entertained, right?
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© 2024 bluelockmaniac — do not repost, copy, translate, modify, etc my work on any platform !
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repulsiveliquidation · 6 months
Guardian of My Heart || Leah Williamson
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based on this request here! it's not that long but i loved writing this so much so i hope y'all like it!
warnings : angst with happy ending. mentions of injury.
“And that’s the final whistle folks, Chelsea takes this game with a comfortable 3-1 win over the Gunners here at Stamford Bridge.”
Leah’s eyes fill with tears at the final whistle. Her heart shatters audibly in her chest. A game they needed to win to have a chance at the title, thrown away by silly mistakes and sloppy football. She walks around the pitch in shame, apologizing to all the Gooners in the stands who came only to see them fail.
“I’m sorry,” she says to the crowd, tears falling down her face. The rest of the girls do the same, making their way to the stands to thank fans and sign jerseys. The home side erupts in a painful cry of victory, one that makes Leah’s chest almost cave in on itself.
The changing room is silent except for the sound of bags being packed and the muted drumming of water on the floor from the showers. One by one the girls make their way to the bus, offending socks from the wardrobe mishap filling the trash bin in the locker room.
Leah sulks when she hears the girls all planning to see their partners at home and just forget today’s game. She just jammed her AirPods into her ears and played her country music loudly, hoping the gaping hole of loneliness in her chest would go away with the serenading words of Luke Combs.
She knew her house would be lonely. She knew her house would be quiet. She knew her house would be dark. There was no one waiting. The person she wanted most would not be there. There was only one person to blame for that.
“Leah, you can’t keep doing this to me!” you yelled, rounding the coffee table as Leah stumbled into the house at twenty past three on a Saturday. You came over at eight thinking Leah would be home since she promised to help you cook dinner and enjoy the Bachelor finale on TV together. Instead, you walked into her apartment with your spare key to an empty house and her bedroom a mess. Her makeup was all over the bathroom and she had clearly changed her shoes at least three times.
You waited and waited for her to get home, calling the Arsenal girls to figure out where she had gone. They felt sorry for you and tried to get Leah to go home to you but she said something that the moment it left her lips, your heart broke into pieces.
“You’re such a fucking needy bitch, get off my back for once!”
You don’t know why you still sat in her living room for three more hours and waited for her to get home. You knew you needed to know she was home safe. That she was okay. That she didn’t choke on her own vomit from drinking too much. Because despite being her second choice for a while now, you still loved the England skipper. You still love Leah Williamson.
Leah drove home in pin-drop silence. Her kit bag was thrown in the back to be dealt with later, her arm on the door holding her head up as the streets of London were a blur. She parked in her spot and walked out like a zombie, not noticing your car in her driveway and her porch light on.
The key turned easily and she walked into her house to the turntable on low and the smell of smileys and a roast coming from the kitchen. She looked down and saw a pair of shoes that she recognized and a voice that was singing along to the music that she had fallen asleep to a million times.
“Y/N?” Leah spoke aloud, toeing her shoes off and dropping her kit bag. She shuffled into the kitchen and saw you standing there at the stove, stirring in the roasting tray and making a gravy. There were two plates on the island she instantly knew which one was hers. You turn and give her a soft smile, pushing your chin out to gesture her to sit. She does and grabs the bottle of wine you’ve set out and pours the two glasses full of Cabernet.
“What are you doing here?” she asks, grabbing a smiley off the plate she knew was hers and nibbling on the cheek.
“I wanted to make sure you had something to eat,” you answer curtly as you put the whisk down and grab a gravy boat, smiling to yourself when you still remember where it was.
“Y/N,” Leah says sternly, putting her half-eaten smiley down.
You turn and put the gravy boat next to the roast, finally looking at your ex-girlfriend.
“I needed to know that you were okay, after today.”
“Why?” Leah asks, voice carrying a lilt of guilt with fresh tears filling her eyes.
You walked around the island and turned the skipper in her seat to face you. You held her face in your hands, wiping the tears that fell. You had been in this situation before when Leah tore her ACL.
“You’re going to be okay, Leah.”
“What if I never play like I used to ever again?”
“You don’t ever need to worry about that because you will. The Leah Williamson I know never gives up.”
She chuckles but more fear settles in her heart. Leah looks up at you at the very island she’s sitting at right now.
“I’m scared,” she admits sheepishly, looking defeated and terrified. You cup her face and wipe the tear stains off her face.
“You will get through this Leah and I will be there every step of the way.”
“You won’t leave? They always leave.”
“I would never. I love you.”
“I love you too,” she whispers back to you before you kiss her, her mind willing itself to get better. If not for her, for you.
Zach Bryan’s voice fills the room softly, the lyrics of ‘Tourniquet’ “take care of the blood that your love runs through” remind you of why you packed up a roast and stopped at the shops for a bag of frozen smileys. It reminds you of all the nights you massaged her leg when it was feeling tight. It reminds you of all the nights when you sat beside her and held her close while she cried at another delay in her recovery. It reminds you of all the nights you spent awake with her when she couldn’t sleep because of the pain.
Was it worth it? Yes.
Would you do it all over again? Yes.
Leah breaks down when her eyes meet yours. The smell of your perfume and your musk flood her senses with all the reasons why she was in love with you all those years. Deep down inside she knew she still felt that way and hoped that you did too.
Leah cries. The pain of losing, hurting her hamstring just as she’s called to the England squad for the first time since her ACL, and the overwhelming sense of disappointment burst the moment you held her in your arms again. It was home and it was safe. Leah clung onto your hoodie and made a right mess on the front but you didn’t care. Leah needed you and you wished you could take away her pain.
“I just wasn’t me out there today and that cost us the game,” Leah muttered after calming herself down and her hiccups stopped.
“Today wasn’t just your fault, honey,” you cooed, taking the hair tie out of Leah’s hair and combing your fingers through her blonde locks. She rested her head against your stomach and closed her eyes, zeroing in on your touch.
“I let the team down,” she countered, pulling you closer to her.
“It just wasn’t anyone’s day today, my love,” you cupped her face and wiped more of the tears that were about to fall from her eyes. You leaned in a little and were a bit unsure, but feeling her nudge herself towards you gave you the approval you sought.  
Her lips felt familiar against yours.
She chased your lips and melted into them, gripping your wet hoodie like her life depended on it or that you would vanish if she let go, even for a second.
“I’m sorry I treated you the way I did, you don’t deserve that. I don’t deserve you.”
“You deserve someone willing to love you for you, Leah,” you reassure her and seal it with a kiss, walking away from her to chuck the roast back in the oven to warm up for a bit and her smileys into the air fryer for a little reheating.
Zach’s voice fills the blanks when you look at her blue eyes, her features blow you away every time you look at her. You bled your whole soul into things you can't control; in a world you'll never satisfy brings Leah back to reality. The game today was good. It didn’t go their way from the beginning with those wretched socks and their delayed start but they gave it their all. It was a lesson to be learned and one to look back on when the team had lost its spark.
Leah scoffs down half the roast and convinces you to throw a couple more smiley into the air fryer for her to drown in your delicious gravy. You put a fresh toothbrush next to hers in her bathroom and have a glass of warm milk on your bedside waiting for you like you like.
“You remembered,” you tell her as she hands you a ratty jersey for you to sleep in. You throw it on and inhale her delicate scent, your heart filling with warmth and ease.
“I still set it out sometimes you know, especially after you left.”
“You’ll have to try and remember again now, I think,” you tease, and she stands in front of you. You sip on your milk and she kisses the foam mustache off your lips.
“I’ll never forget, my love. Ever.”
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ryescapades · 2 months
omg hai...... can i please request a loserumi (narumi) of him religiously admiring an idol!reader.. like he'd almost always show up to all her concerts and fan meetings to the point where his followers would always upload posts of him getting seen fanboying in public 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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— narumi gen, japan's strongest anti-kaiju combatant biggest fanboy ever.
characters: narumi gen (kaiju no.8) x idol fem!reader genre/warning: kinda headcanon format, none i think a/n: this is such a new concept to me so it took me a while to come up with something. thank you for the req anon! hopefully you don't mind me using kpop as the ref since i'm more versed in that compared to irl jp idols TT
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loser!narumi who undoubtedly has a stan account of you, his favourite artist across all social medias where he posts fancams, edits, merchs, etc.
loser!narumi who probably has a lot of customized/official jerseys with your name and birthday number printed on them. even sets his lockscreen with a picture of him wearing it or something.
loser!narumi who listens to your songs religiously and learns almost all of your choreographies. he's girlypop like that.
loser!narumi who has a 'y/n shrine' at home where he puts all of your albums, photocards, posters and prints that he got (also most likely he has a flag of your face on japan's logo hung in his bedroom. if you know that kpop idol on american flags, then you'd know what i mean).
loser!narumi who's your biggest defender and truther, he's never letting a hater of yours even breathe peacefully they gotta sleep with one eye open every night (he fights with them on twt and insta on a daily basis).
loser!narumi who definitely trash-talks Dispatch whenever you accidentally/mistakenly end up in a dating allegation.
loser!narumi who takes impromptu day offs from his captain duties in order to attend every single one of your concerts/fansign/cupsleeve events, especially when you're doing a tour in japan. he's in disguise, of course (japan would definitely riot if they see their cherished protector so much as mundanely breathe the outside air).
loser!narumi who still gets noticed by your other fans during said events. not like he tries that hard to hide himself anyway. not when he's loudly cheering along the fanchants during concerts, your lightstick held in his hand and he's screaming your name at the top of his lungs like his life depends on it (it does, he thinks).
loser!narumi who still pathetically denies the pictures of him posted on social media, saying he had a doppleganger or some shit (boy you ain't slick wtf that's clearly your ass squealing and dancing there).
loser!narumi who goes absolutely batshit crazy when you make eye contact with him or look directly at his camera when he's filming you or hold his hands and talk to him so sweetly during fansign events.
loser!narumi who giggles to himself, rolling around in bed, kicking his feet and shit whenever you reply to his comment during your live stream.
loser!narumi who always brings along a photocard of yours everywhere he goes, even during missions. "that one's for you, y/n!!!" *proceeds to kiss your photocard repeatedly* —narumi after killing a kaiju, probably.
loser!narumi who's a teensy bit delulu thinking one day he might be the one to have you, his dearest idol whom he loves so much <3
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©🅁🅈🄴🅂🄲🄰🄿🄰🄳🄴🅂. do not steal, translate or repost my work anywhere else !
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wosoimagines · 7 months
Swap - Jessie Fleming/Reader
just a little something for you guys that i've had an idea about for way too long (thank the USWNT v Canada game for this cause it made me remember how much i love Jessie)
prompt: Jessie and R have a long standing tradition of trading jerseys, but someone gets in the way of that.
warnings: none
words: 1,256
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I grinned as I found Jessie in the crowd. I knew that the game didn’t actually end the way either of us wanted, but at least neither of us could be that upset since we didn’t lose.  
“Swap with me?” 
My eyes darted away from where they had locked onto Jessie to turn to Eriksson. I tilted my head in confusion. I had never actually talked to Eriksson before other than some light trash talk on the field. 
“You want my jersey?” 
Eriksson softly chuckled but nodded. 
One of the best centerbacks in the game wanted my jersey. 
It was still surreal that there were other players out there who would seek me out to get my jersey. 
“Well, I feel like it would be fitting considering how much trouble you give me during these derby games and when you play against Sweden.” 
I still didn’t make a move to take my jersey off though. My eyes darted to where Jessie was talking to a couple of her teammates. 
“So, how many of her jerseys do you have, and you still haven’t told her how you feel?” 
My eyes snapped back to where Eriksson was standing. She was watching me, but I knew that she was aware of who I was staring at. 
“I don’t know,” I shrugged as I ducked my head. It honestly was too high of a number to count now. We had gotten into the habit of trading our jerseys at least once a year when we played each other, and, honestly, even when we didn’t play against each other nationally, we still saved each other a jersey from the year. “We just kind of started as teenagers and never stopped. It’s our little tradition now when we play each other the first time of the year to swap.” 
“How about this,” Eriksson started, causing me to look over at her, “you go tell Jessie how you actually feel about her, and I’ll wait until the next time we play to swap with you.” 
I huffed a little at that. It wasn’t that I didn’t mind telling the world about Jessie and me, but Jessie was such a private person that I didn’t mind keeping our relationship from the world. Besides, our family and most of our friends knew. 
Well, at least most of my friends knew. If Jessie’s captain didn’t even know then I wasn’t sure who all on her club team knew. I didn’t even know if any of them knew. 
“I’d much rather just break tradition.” 
Eriksson raised her eyebrows at that.  
It wasn’t often that I would turn down a challenge. But if Jessie’s own teammates didn’t know, then I definitely didn’t want to risk them and the fans finding out about our relationship because I took Eriksson’s challenge. 
“Didn’t think it was like you to turn down a challenge.” 
“Not usually, no,” I said as I tugged my jersey over my head. “But there are some things that are better left the way they are. My friendship with Jessie isn’t one I’m going to risk for a jersey.” 
“Wouldn’t she be more upset that you’re not trading with her?” 
I shrugged at that. Jessie probably would be upset with me initially, but I figured she would probably get over it pretty quickly since I knew neither of us would be required to go in tomorrow. We always had the day after derbies off. 
“I’ll trade with her next derby. And maybe you could convince Harder to trade with me the game after that?” 
“I’ll mention it to Pernille.” 
I grinned at that as Eriksson finally pulled her own jersey off. I had been wanting to trade with Pernille Harder for quite some time, but I never had gathered the courage to ask the forward I looked up to. I handed mine over to her as she handed her jersey to me. I wasn’t surprised either when we were asked to pose for a picture with each other. 
Once the picture was over, I shook hands with Eriksson. 
“You should still tell her,” Eriksson said as she pulled me closer to her. “I think you might be surprised with how she feels about you too.” 
“We’ll see.” 
Eriksson gave me a pat on the back before she was off towards Harder. I sighed as I shook my head. I turned to try and find Jessie; I wasn’t surprised to find her still with Nimah as they talked with Lotte and Leah. I grinned as I weaseled my way in between Leah and Jessie, but it dropped a bit as Jessie’s eyes darted down to the jersey in my hands before looking at me. 
I didn’t pay too much attention to the conversation that the three English players were having as it was obviously more about their next camp. I nudged Jessie before nodding my head towards the tunnels. 
Jessie glanced at Nimah before she nodded. I smiled a bit wider at that as the two of us split off with waves to our respective teammates. Jessie stayed quiet as the two of us headed toward the tunnel. 
“So, my place or yours?” I asked. Jessie tilted her head to the side as she looked at me. “Well, normally the winner takes the loser home, but we drew.” 
Jessie slowly nodded at that. 
“Didn’t realize you still wanted to come home with me.” 
My brow furrowed at that. I had no real idea why Jessie would think that I didn’t want to go home with her. 
“Considering you swapped your jersey with someone else. Thought you of all people would keep with tradition.” 
“That’s not fair.” 
“You swapped with someone else.” 
I rolled my eyes at that.  
“Don’t roll your eyes at me.” 
I huffed because I was sure that we were attracting quite a bit of unwanted attention from fans. I grabbed onto Jessie’s arm as I dragged her into the tunnel finally before heading toward a more secluded area of the Emirates. 
“Look, I did it for you.” 
“Doing it for me would have been swapping with me.” 
“Are you jealous?” 
Jessie scoffed at that as she began to shake her head. 
“You are!” 
“Am not!” 
“Are so!” 
“You can sleep on the couch then.” 
I rolled my eyes at that. I knew that Jessie wouldn’t actually make me sleep on the couch, especially since we hadn’t been able to spend time with each other in the same place since the winter break. Facetime and phone calls only went so far. 
“She wanted me to tell you how I felt,” I admitted. Jessie raised an eyebrow at that. “Eriksson. I told her it was tradition for us to switch jerseys and she told me that I could switch with you if I told you how I felt. I didn’t want to put you in the spot where you either had to out our relationship to your teammates if you haven’t told them or where you had to act like you rejected me. I know you want to keep us private from the public eye. So, I figured I could just swap with Eriksson this time and we’ll swap next time.” 
“I get it the next time though,” Jessie said as she poked at my chest, “and I guess you can sleep in the bed with me since you did it to make sure that our relationship stayed out of the public eye.” 
I grinned at that. 
“Does that mean I finally get my kiss from you?” 
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zegrasdrysdale · 9 months
[ best christmas ever ] q. hughes
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day eight of malia’s christmas fic marathon
pairing : Quinn Hughes x fem!reader
summary : (Y/N) gives fiancé Quinn what could be considered the best Christmas present he’s ever gotten
warning(s) : pregnancy, mentions of miscarriage
author’s note : i think this could be considered a blurb w how short it is tbh but here’s this cute lil thing :)
Her hands shake as Quinn unwraps the present that is going to change his entire life. Keeping this a secret for nearly two weeks has been killing her so the fact that her fiancé is seconds away from finding out is exciting and terrifying at the same time.
It's the last present that is being unwrapped this morning while it's just the two of them in their Vancouver apartment. (Y/N) made sure it was the last present unwrapped by taking it out of the closet after all the gifts under the tree from friends and family were opened.
Quinn tosses the ripped up wrapping paper into the trash bag on the ground between them before he opens the box.
Inside is a little Canucks jersey with Quinn's number and 'C'. Quinn is clearly very confused by the tiny jersey so she says, "Turn it around, Quinn."
Laughter is evident in her voice but she doesn't know if it's because of Quinn's confusion or because she's nervous.
She watches his eyes widen when he sees the back of the jersey. In place of Hughes on the back of the jersey is the word "daddy". Quinn looks over at (Y/N) with those wide eyes. "You better not be lying to me, (Y/N)," he says so seriously.
"Eight weeks," she tells him as she rests a hand on the very tiny bump that is under the large t-shirt she's wearing. "I found out three weeks ago and went to make sure everything was okay two weeks ago. When I was told that everything with this baby was perfect, I got the jersey made."
After they lost their last little one over the summer very early on, she didn't want to get Quinn's hopes up again so she went and got every single test done that she could before she told him. The last thing she wanted was to tell him then lose another baby. It nearly broke her in June, and almost broke them.
She couldn't do that again. Not this time.
"You kept this from me for three weeks?" Quinn asks. His voice is soft so he isn't mad. She stays quiet and nods. "Is everything okay?"
(Y/N) slowly nods, still hesitant. "Baby H is growing and developing at the rate they're supposed to be this time," she assures him. "I'm healthy. Baby is healthy. I just needed to be sure before I told you this time. I know how much you want to be a dad and I didn't want to get your hopes up then my body let you down for the second time."
Tears that she didn't know formed in her eyes spill onto her cheeks. She does her best to wipe them away quickly, but he notices them.
Quinn puts the jersey back in the box and moves close to her. He pulls her into a tight hug and she buries her face into his shoulder.
"Your body just wasn't ready last time," Quinn softly tells her as he runs his fingers through her hair. "I love you. I'm so excited to be here with you for the rest of your pregnancy. You're already an amazing mom."
She lets out a silent sob into Quinn's shoulder before she pulls back. "You're not mad I didn't tell you when I found out?" she questions.
"Absolutely not," he assures her with a smile on his lips. She can see that he's genuine when he says that. "I'm happy to know now. I can't wait to go to every appointment with you now. I can't wait to see our baby when you have an ultrasound done. I can't wait to tell all our friends and family and my teammates. I can't wait to meet Baby H. (Y/N), I'm so excited."
His happiness quickly erases any anxiety she felt before he opened that box. She can tell how excited he is about the next chapter in their lives. "Glad I didn't ruin your Christmas by telling you," she jokes.
"Are you kidding?" Quinn says. "This is probably the best Christmas ever. We're going to have a baby. This is the best present I think I have ever gotten on Christmas. Knowing we're going to start the family we have always wanted together is the best present."
A smile finally forms on (Y/N)'s lips. "We're going to have a baby," she softly echoes. Quinn nods and matches her smile.
She launches herself at him, finally sharing the happiness that Quinn is feeling. He falls onto his back onto the carpeted floor and catches her in his arms. He laughs and wraps his arms around her waist. He stares up at his fiancée. "We get to finally be parents," he tells her. "Our rainbow baby."
"Our rainbow baby."
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taglist : @dancerbailey3 @dasiysthings @axaslee
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homestylehughes · 2 months
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pairing(s): jack hughes x fem!reader
summary: jack proposing to his girlfriend, the girl he knew he would marry since he was 18.
warning(s): absolutely none. pure fluff, and cuteness :)
word count: 1.4k
authors note: hi loves!! my inner directioner came out when writing this fic! this fic is loosely based off of 18 by one direction (I listened to FOUR, the album, the whole time while writing this. 11/10 would recommend). this was so much fun to write, it kinda gives me romcom, or romantic movies vibes? I love writing jack all soft and cute. I hope you guys enjoy, like and reblog if you do! I hope you are all happy and healthy. much love as always <3
“I have loved you since we were 18, long before we thought the same things.”
Ever since Jack laid eyes on yn at 18 he knew she'd be the person he'd spend the rest of his life with. Jack can remember the day he met her, like it was yesterday. He had just got drafted by the New Jersey Devils as the number one pick, which threw him into a new life of superstardom. 
In the midst of being the 1st overall draft pick, the Yankees invited him to a game, having one of the best seats in the stadium, he couldn't help but smile over the fact that this was now his life. As the fifth inning came to an end, Jack decided to make his way to the bathroom. As he walks through the busy crowd, weaving in and out of groups of people. Finally making it to the bathroom, doing his business before quickly heading out. 
As he walks out of the bathroom, his phone dings from a text, pulling his phone out of his pocket to see that it's from his mom. Just as he begins to type out a response, he feels himself bump into someone. bringing his head up to see the prettiest girl he's ever seen in all 18 years of his existence, with a hot dog smashed into her chest. He's so close to her that he can see the red and yellow stains from the ketchup and mustard littered across her white as snow Yankees jersey. 
“Oh my gosh” the girl says, her head hanging low as she looks at the hot dog stained jersey.
“Shit. I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.” jack embarrassingly  rambles out 
“It's..okay. It's nothing, it's just a jersey and hot dog. No biggie” she says, now looking at jack. 
“No it's a big deal, it's my fault. Here let me help you clean up.” Jack offers, as waves of guilt run through his veins.
“Are you sure? You don't have to, don't want to waste any more of your time.” the girl says
“If anyones wasting your time it's me, come over here” Jack says, taking the hot dog from her, throwing it in the trash, before turning around to look at her jersey. 
“It's pretty bad isn't it?” she asks him
“It is.. How about this, how about I buy you a new one?” 
“I can't accept that, it was an accident. Plus i dont your name.” the girl says, holding her ground as she looks directly in his eyes. 
Jack can't help but get lost in her eyes as they look at each other. 
“Yes you will, and my names jack.” flashing her smile before grabbing her hand
“Now come with me, we're going to go get you a new jersey and a hot dog, and anything else your heart desires, got it?” Jack says, briefly looking at the girl, who sends him a nod in approval. Turning back around, as he continues walking them through the crowd.
“Yn!” she says loudly behind him 
“What?” Jack asks, turning back around, confused by what she said to him.
“Yn, my name is Yn. Only fair if you know mine now” yn says with a small smile
“Well yn, what size jersey are you?” Jack asks, looking at yn, who has a slight smile on her face as she looks over all of the different jerseys.
“Umm..medium? Can I get the white one?” she asks 
“Of course” Jack sends her a smile as he talks to the worker, quickly getting the jersey for the girl. 
Sending the guy behind the counter a thank you, picking up the bad before handing it to yn.
“Jack..thank you so much” 
“You're very welcome, now on to a hotdog” he says with a smile
“Okat only on one condition.” she says
“And that is?”
“You let me buy them. I can't let you buy me anything else today.” yn says, looking at him sternly.
“Yes ma’am” 
“And so help me god if you get mayo on your hot dog, i will break down in tears.” 
“Mayo? On a hot dog?” he questions 
“Yes. it's sick and people actually do it.” she laughs 
“ well no, mayo on my hotdog for me” he smiles to her
“Good. That's what I like to hear,” she says, lifting her head up, sending him a smile before getting in line. 
Jack looks at her for a second, and in that moment he knew, hed just found the person he'd spend the rest of his life with. 
“Quinn. I'm freaking out." Jack says as he paces on the dock.
“Jack calm down, she's going to say yes. Take a deep breath "Quinn says as soothing as he can, in an attempt to calm his brother's nerves.
“You don't know that” jack snaps at him 
“Yes I do, you guys have been inseparable for the last 5 years. You two are the same person, and can share the same brain cell. She will say yes.'' Quinn says. walking over to Jack, bringing him into a hug, hoping to help calm down.
Jack pulls back after a few moments, murmuring a soft thank you, before taking a deep breath, straightening his back before turning around to look out at the lake. The calm water seems to calm his nerves for a few moments. 
“She's on her way” quinn says, laying a hand on jacks shoulder giving it a squeeze before turning around heading off the dock, leaving jack alone with his thoughts. 
A few moments later he can hear the sound of the footsteps on the dock behind him, turning slightly to see her walking towards him in the prettiest white dress, the bottom of it flowing in the wind as she walks. 
“Hi, pretty girl” jack says while grabbing her hand pulling her to stand in front of him
“Hi” she says breathlessly like she'd been holding her breath the whole way here.
“I don't really know where to start but I'll start by doing this,” Jack says before slowly dropping down to one knee. Yns hands quickly move to cover her mouth, as she looks down at Jack with tears welling her eyes.
“Yn. you've been my rock, my best friend, my biggest supporter, and most importantly the love of my life for the last 5 years.” 
Yn lets out a choked sob that causes Jack to pause for a moment, to regain his breaths he can feel his eyes beginning to water, as he continues.
“I knew you would be the person I'd spend the rest of my life with the moment I crashed into you, spreading mustard and ketchup all over you. Even at that moment I thought you were the prettiest girl I'd ever seen. Thank you for always making me feel seen and loved, I wouldn't have been able to do any of this without you. I love you, and I promise I'll love you forever, until my heart gives out. So would you do the greatest honor of being my wife?” 
“Yes. yes. A million times yes, jack.” she says as she struggles to hold back her tears as she launches herself onto jack. The both of them wrapped in each other's embrace, tears of joy falling from both of their eyes. 
Jack pulls back enough to slide the perfectly cut, sized ring onto her hand. the ring going on perfectly, as if it was the last piece of the puzzle, laying perfectly on her hand. 
“Jack it's beautiful” yn beams at him, tears still falling, hitting her cheeks like raindrops on a window. 
“Not as beautiful as you” Jack says, bringing his fingers under her cheeks wiping them away. 
“I love you” she says 
“I've loved you since we were 18, '' Jack says softly before pulling her into a kiss. 
“I wanna love like you made me feel, When we were eighteen”
383 notes · View notes
hcsiqs · 2 months
kate martin x volleyball player ? love your writing so so much !!
| i see kismet sinking in
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• pairing: kate martin x volleyball!reader
• summary: head cannons of kate dating a girl on the hawkeye volleyball team
• warnings: none
thank u sm that’s means the world ☹️☹️
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always talking about how she played volleyball in high school
always talking about how you should’ve done played basketball because you would’ve had crazy blocks
“No you don’t understand how crazy people would go for your blocks!” Kate was walking backwards in front of you.
“Kate, people go crazy watching me no matter what,” you joked, a laugh escaping your lips.
“Ok, but, just imagine you like blocking a like 6’8 girl because of how high your vertical is!”
goes to every single game and is sitting court side yelling at the top of her lungs
brags about your kills and goes crazy every time it happens
always wanting to play with you, anywhere a net is !! (she’s definitely trash talking the entire time and then gets embarrassed right after she looses)
kate probably made you watch her high school highlights and makes you tell her what she could’ve done better
loves the fact that she understands the sport that you love so much
when she finally gets you to do a 1v1 you ended up hitting the basketball, instead of catching it and she started dying laughing
when you made the women’s olympic team for volleyball she posted it absolutely everywhere and texted everyone she knew. like wouldn’t shut up about it
“Do you know her?” the blonde asked randomly asking a man on the street, who just shook his head. “Well she’s on the USA women’s Olympic team for Volleyball!”
“Kate!” you smacked her arm, “I’m sorry about her,” you apologized to the poor man that Kate had just randomly told about your accomplishment. “You gotta stop doing that baby”
“But I’m so proud of you!” she beamed, pulling you into a hug.
when the basketball court is being changed for volleyball practice, kate stays around to talk to you the entire time before your coach pulls you over to your team
when you won the NCAA volleyball championship she bombarded your apartment with your favorite flowers and took you out to an expensive restaurant
“Kate this is too much,” you covered your mouth walking into your apartment with her behind you.
“Nothings too much for you, you deserve it!” she cheered, placing a kiss to your temple.
“I don’t say it enough, but I love you Kate Martin.”
“I love you too, Y/N L/N.”
has a jersey with your number and loves to wear it to your games
let’s just say her eyes wander to a certain area of your body when you’re in your volleyball uniform
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allie’s corner
i hope this is ok! i know absolutely nothing about volleyball 😭😭
anyways volleyball kate 💗💗
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170 notes · View notes
sunshinesteviee · 2 years
call it what you want - s.h.
summary: you find yourself on the edge of friendship and something more with steve at a halloween party. for @sparklingsin's spookinktober writing challenge with the prompt "quick, switch costumes with me!" wc: 8.1k wtf warnings: friends to lovers. alcohol consumption. smut!!! 18+!!! f!reader. a/n: this is the longest thing i've ever written and it killed me lol i hope y'all like it. feedback is much appreciated! love u sm. also huge shoutout to @sparklingsin and @familyvideostevie for reading this and helping me out and listening to me complain about this gd fic for weeks i love u so much thanks for putting up w me
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Parties weren’t Steve’s thing. Not anymore, anyway. And Halloween parties in particular were definitely crossed off the list, especially after everything that had happened with Nancy a few years ago. He was over Nancy, they were even friends now, but something about the idea of going to another Halloween party stirred up a sick feeling in Steve’s stomach that he wanted to run from. Somehow, though, Robin had managed to convince him that it would be fun. 
Really, it hadn’t taken much convincing on Robin’s part — all she had to do was mention you, and Steve was in, though he’d never admit that to her. It was stupid, she thought, the way the two of you were constantly pining for each other, but refusing to do anything about it. She’d heard enough lovesick complaints from her best friends, and decided she’d take it into her own hands. And Halloween seemed like the perfect opportunity. She wasn’t quite sure how yet, but she was sure the night would end at the very least with confessions. She’d make sure of it. 
And so, Steve was two drinks deep in a crowded house, filled with more regret than beer. Robin had somehow disappeared after one drink, Eddie was nowhere in sight, and he still had yet to see you. Maybe you’d decided not to come. If so, the whole night would be a waste. He hadn’t missed parties one bit. The stuffy, crowded rooms filled with sweaty bodies pressed against each other as music pounded in his ears, pulsing lights making his head throb. 
It didn’t used to be so bad. He used to be the keg king, down shot after shot, maybe get lucky, and still wake up the next day more or less fine. Now, two drinks usually did him in, and he didn’t always like the feeling of being drunk. Of being out of control. To be fair, he’d taken quite a few beatings that had definitely fucked with his head since he’d last been to a proper party. But parties just weren’t enjoyable anymore. Especially when all of his friends had disappeared, and he didn’t know anyone surrounding him. 
Tipping the last of his drink into his mouth, Steve crushed the red plastic cup in his hand and tossed it into the trash can nearby that was already almost overflowing. A familiar laugh sounded behind him, a sweet sound above the loud bass, “Whoa there, champ. How many drinks have you had?!”
Steve already had a smile on his face as he turned around, and his jaw nearly hit the floor at the sight of you. You hadn’t ditched. And better yet, you looked fucking gorgeous. He let out an adoring laugh, eyebrows furrowing together, forehead wrinkling as he asked, “Champ?”
“Your costume, silly,” you nodded towards his outfit as you reached out, placing your warm palm against his bicep. Without thinking, Steve leaned into your touch, stepping in closer to you, his hand grazing your hip slightly. 
Since it had been a last-minute decision, and since he wasn’t fond of Halloween anyways, Steve had decided to pull his baseball uniform from high school out of his closet. It fit a little tighter than it used to, but would work well enough for one night. The ugly green and orange baseball jersey was tucked into a pair of baseball pants, and he’d even tucked his wild hair underneath a Hawkins high baseball hat. Steve’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment, the soft pink obvious on his pale skin, even in the dim lighting of the house. “Oh, right. Yeah, I think I kinda… knocked it out of the park with this one.”
The snort that left your mouth had Steve smiling again as you clapped a hand over your mouth, “Oh my god. That was fucking awful, Steve. It does look good, though. Can’t believe you’d ruin all of your pretty hair under that hat.”
Steve flushed again, a common occurrence that he couldn’t help when he was around you, and shrugged, “What can I say? I’m dedicated to the costume. I like your costume, too, by the way; you look nice.”
Your eyes lit up at his compliment as you bounced on the balls of your feet nervously, “Yeah? Thanks, Stevie.” You were wearing a short shirt that had “Camp Crystal Lake” printed across the chest, with a picture of a lake underneath it, and a pair of red shorts that were also nearly too short; you were a counselor from one of your favorite horror movies, Friday the 13th. Quite frankly, the costume fit you perfectly, accentuating all of your best features, and you weren’t oblivious to the way his eyes had caught on you when he’d first turned around. 
“Yeah! That’s a great movie.”
“I thought you didn’t like horror movies?” you questioned, a teasing tone lacing your words. You and Eddie had had to convince him more than once to watch a horror movie on one of your movie nights, and he usually hid underneath a blanket for more than half the movie. 
“Well, no,” Steve huffed, crossing his arms over his chest as he narrowed his eyes at you, “But I’ve seen that one, and it wasn’t bad. Do you want a drink?"
When you quickly agreed, Steve’s hand left your back as he pulled back from you. Before you could mourn the warmth of his hand on your skin, though, his hand was reaching toward yours. “C’mon then, babe.”
Without a second thought, your hand slipped into his, fingers slotting together easily. Steve started pulling you through the crowd, weaving between bodies skillfully. The grip he had on your hand, though gentle, was firm, as if you’d be lost forever if he let go. As if the crowds of people would swallow you whole and carry you away from him. He glanced back a few times to make sure you were alright, flashing you a small smile every single time his eyes caught yours. 
The alcohol was finally starting to hit Steve, making him feel a bit lighter, though maybe it was just from being near you. Your hand in his was enough to make him feel tipsy. To have him questioning if it was real. He definitely didn’t need to have another drink, not if you were going to be holding his hand like your life depended on it. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence, to be close to you, but the alcohol had his senses dialed up. Steve knew that if he wasn’t careful, he might let his real feelings for you slip, and he didn’t want to risk the friendship you had. 
Steve shook his head in an attempt to clear it, though the alcohol was making it a bit difficult, and refocused back on you. He gave you a lopsided smile, working to untangle his fingers from yours, “Whaddya want, cutie? Punch? I had two cups and it’s kinda strong because I’m definitely starting to feel it, and—”
“I’ll have punch!” You’d listen to him ramble for hours, but the kitchen was even more packed than the room you’d just been in. You didn’t see Steve drunk, or even tipsy, often, and you adored the way his face flushed red and he started rambling. He’d clearly had just enough to have him feeling good, not enough to tip him over the edge, and it was endearing the way he seemed to let go a little bit. 
Not wanting to be away from your side for too long, Steve hurried across the kitchen to get a cup and fill it with punch for you. He pushed by a few people on his way back, trying to be gentler than the asshole who had pushed you, and frowned as some of the drink spilled over the edge of the cup and ran down his fingers. The pout was still on his lips as he approached you, holding the cup out, “Sorry, didn’t mean to spill it. Here you go, babe.” 
Taking the cup from him carefully, you smiled gratefully, glad that you hadn’t been the one to cross the kitchen, “Thanks, Stevie. You didn’t get one for yourself?”
“Nah, if I have more I’ll be suffering tomorrow,” he replied. As he talked, Steve lifted his hand that was now covered in the sticky punch, and slipped one of his fingers into his mouth to clean it off. Heat rushed to your cheeks and you stared in disbelief as Steve did it again with another finger. This time, he caught the look on your face and his own eyes went wide as he stared at you in confusion, completely oblivious, “What?”
You nearly choked on your drink, and you quickly shook your head, turning away from Steve so he wouldn’t see the reaction you were having. There was no doubt you were attracted to Steve — how could you not be? He was kind and funny and brave, and treated you better than anyone else ever had. The problem was, he wasn’t your boyfriend, and you were fairly certain he had no intention of that. He was a nice guy to everyone.  Just because he called you babe or cutie from time to time, and held your hand or shared blankets with you… that didn’t mean he was interested, and you’d done your best to shove those feelings down. You didn’t want to lose Steve’s friendship above all else, so if you had to pretend your feelings for him were strictly platonic, you could do that. But watching him lick his fingers clean sparked something in your stomach, and made your face feel hot. To be fair, you had already downed a shot with Nancy while the two of you were getting ready, so maybe you could just blame the way your thighs clenched on the alcohol. 
Instead of responding, you downed half the cup of punch just in time for Steve to look back at you, a grin breaking out on his face as he chanted teasingly, “Chug, chug, chug!” 
You nearly choked again, this time as you laughed, sputtering some of the red liquid out of your mouth, “Steve!” You wiped the back of your hand across your mouth to catch the drops sliding down your chin with a giggle, “Stop itttt.”
“Hey!” Steve’s pout matched yours, eyes narrowing at you, bottom lip pushing out, “How come you can tease me when I’m drinking but I can’t tease you?”
Your eyes may have lingered too long on Steve’s lips as he pouted, but he didn’t notice with the way he was unabashedly returning the favor as your tongue darted out to catch the last of the punch that had spilled past your lips. You wondered what his lips would feel like against yours. If they were as soft as they looked. If he was as good a kisser as the girls from high school claimed. You shook your head, desperately trying to focus so you could answer Steve’s question instead of gawk at him, “No, it’s not allowed.” 
Steve laughed hysterically as his arms wrapped over your shoulders so he could pull you into him. He got even more affectionate than normal when he’d had some alcohol. Pressing his lips to your hair, he shook his head, but was totally sincere as he replied, “Okay, fine! I’ll never make fun of you again, cutie. Promise.  Should we find Robin? Or maybe Nancy and Jonathan?” 
His words had you feeling like you were on fire once more, but you quickly agreed, needing to find someone else to get your mind off of Steve. To think of something other than SteveSteveSteveSteve. Your cheek pressed into the rough fabric of the jersey he was wearing, and you nodded against his chest, “Yeah, let’s go find them.” 
“Wait,” he paused, fingers wrapping around your arm as you tried to pull away from his grasp, “you still have…” His sentence trailed off as he licked the pad of his thumb before placing his free hand against your cheek, fingers slipping into the hair just behind your ear. His thumb pressed to your chin, rubbing across your skin carefully in an attempt to get rid of the last of the punch that you’d spilled. Steve’s hand slid down, fingers hooking underneath your chin as his thumb dragged down, pulling on your bottom lip slightly, and you thought for a moment that he was going to kiss you then and there, his eyes flashing with something you hadn’t seen in them before. But as quickly as it came, it disappeared, and Steve was back to his tipsy, bubbly self, “Got it!”
You felt absolutely breathless, frozen in place as Steve pulled away searching the crowd for anyone he recognized. “You coming or what, babe?” 
“I, uh–” you shook your head to clear it and moved towards Steve, “Yeah, ‘m coming.” 
Finding Robin seemed to be a lost cause, but Nancy and Jonathan had been easy to find, talking to some of Nancy’s friends from high school, drinks in hand. And after talking for a bit, it didn’t take much to pull your friends away to dance with you. You immediately grabbed Steve, feeling bolder than you normally would be, and pulled him into you, chest to chest. 
Steve’s heart thudded in his chest as his hands grabbed at your hips at the same time, fingers pressing lightly into the soft skin there as you swayed to the music. Had he been sober and more aware of what he was really doing, he probably would’ve been much more flustered with the way you were pressed up against him. And, had he been sober, he would’ve seen the look Nancy and Jonathan were exchanging knowingly, with Nancy in on Robin’s plan. 
Robin found you a bit later, the sound of your name being called over the music was enough to get your attention, and you quickly stopped dancing next to Nancy to search the crowd of people surrounding you. It wasn’t hard to find Robin, who was already pretty tall and was wearing heels for her costume. You grinned at her, throwing your arms out to her for a hug as you shrieked her name, “Robin!”
“Hey, hot stuff!” she replied, wrapping you up in her arms, careful of the drink in her hand, “Where have you beeeen? I’ve been looking for you everywhere!”
You scoffed, “Stevie and I have been dancing. Thought maybe you weren’t here,” you said, pushing your bottom lip out into a pout. 
“I am! I have been the whole time!” she laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world, “I’m glad I found you! We’re gonna play a game!” She paused and turned to point at Steve who had been watching the two of you, “You too, dingus! You’re gonna play, too.”
“What? No, Robin, I don’t—”
“Please, Stevie?” you asked, cutting him off with wide, pleading eyes, even though you had no idea what the game actually was, or who you’d be playing with. 
The alcohol Steve had consumed was now starting to wear off, while it seemed like it was in full swing for you. Had Robin shown up half an hour ago while he was still feeling tipsy, and was actually dancing with you, he would’ve agreed no problem. Now, as he started to think a bit more clearly, he knew that Robin’s drunk ideas usually weren’t her best, and at the very least, he’d make sure you all didn’t get into too much trouble. And, as always, he couldn’t say no to the look you were giving him. “Okay, okay, fine! I’ll play.”
Reaching out to close the distance between the two of you, your fingers curled around Steve’s bicep to pull him closer. You were giving him the brightest smile he’d ever seen as you leaned into his side, “Yay! C’mon, Harrington.”
The smile that pulled at Steve’s lips was involuntary as your hand pushed down his arm and into his own hand, tugging him behind you as you followed Robin through the house, back to the other side where she’d been beforehand with a few other friends. They weren’t really people you knew – mostly Robin’s friends from band, and Eddie and a few of his friends – but you weren’t going to let that stop you from having fun. 
“Okay!” Robin clapped her hands, drawing the attention of the small group, “Everyone stand up, get in a circle. We’re playing a new game!” 
“What game is it?” Eddie grumbled, ever the contrarian, though he was getting to his feet to do as Robin said. 
Steve had also reluctantly joined the circle, standing at one of Robin’s sides, arms crossed over his chest as he waited impatiently for her to explain what was going on. You couldn’t help but giggle at his sullen expression as you glanced at him from the other side of your friend standing between the two of you. Your laugh caught his attention, and he cracked a smile as he glanced over Robin to look at you, eyebrows furrowing together as if he was asking “What’s so funny?”
You shook your head, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth with a smile as you quickly glanced away, trying to focus on what Robin was saying. Only after you’d listen to half of the “rules” did you realize that this was some kind of speed costume changing game, and you groaned, feeling a bit too tipsy for trying to change quickly. Not only that, but this felt like a game that some boy in high school had come up with in hopes to see the girl he liked half naked. 
“On the count of three, find someone that you want to change costumes with, and then we’ll time everyone! One… two… three!” 
You’d been counting on switching with Robin, considering she was right next to you, and you could probably get into at least some of her clothes. Steve had a similar idea – who else was he going to switch with when he’d already shared clothes with her before? – and turned in her direction. Robin, on the other hand, had a different idea, pointing aggressively at Nancy who was across the circle from her, “Nance! You’re my partner!” She quickly stepped out from between you and Steve and darted over to Nancy without letting her respond. 
At the same time, both you and Steve groaned in frustration, “Robin!” She all but cackled, an evil grin on her face that you knew meant this had been her plan all along. You’d told her about your feelings for Steve, but you never expected her to use that information against you.  
Still, you turned to Steve with a grin, hooking your arm through his to pull him closer to you, “Guess you’re my partner, Harrington! No backing out now!” 
As soon as he realized that partners were being shoved in one of the closets one at a time to change as fast as possible, Steve wished desperately that he could back out. His face burned at just the thought of being in a confined space with you while you took off your clothes. He didn’t have long to think about it, though, as after two other pairs were timed, Robin quickly pushed the two of you in, closing the door behind you and plunging you into complete darkness, except for the small sliver from under the door. 
You and Steve weren’t strangers to being close to one another, but this felt like a new level of intimacy, and Steve didn’t know what to do. His heart was pounding in his ears, so loud he was worried you’d be able to hear it, too, considering how close you were. It didn’t seem to affect you as much, though maybe that was just the alcohol, and you giggled with an urgent whisper, “Quick! Switch costumes with me, Steve! I don’t wanna lose!” With that, you pulled your shirt over your head, nearly elbowing Steve in the face with how fast you were moving. Steve immediately averted his eyes to the dark ceiling, wanting to be a gentleman, though he’d be lying if he said he’d never thought about you shirtless. 
Frustrated with how slow he was moving, you gave his shoulder a weak push, “C’mon, Stevie!”
Steve huffed, amused with how badly you wanted to win, even though he knew it wasn’t going to happen, “Okay, I’m going!” He started unbuttoning the baseball jersey as fast as he could as you started to shove your shorts down your legs, and suddenly his buttons became a lot more interesting, fingers fumbling with the small pieces of plastic. The closet felt scorching hot as he shrugged off the jersey and quickly pulled the  plain white tee he was wearing underneath off as well, shoving it in your direction. “Jesus, babe. Here.”
The shirt you’d been wearing had been quickly dropped to the floor as you pulled Steve’s shirt over your head, immediately engulfed in his scent. He always smelled nice, and this shirt was no exception. As much as you wanted to hug yourself and breathe in Steve’s comforting scent, you also wanted to win, and slipped the jersey on, motioning for Steve to take his pants off next. Your voice was frantic when you spoke again, “Pants! Give ‘em to me!”
The giggling from his friends outside the door was distracting to Steve as he thought of ways he could get back at Robin for this. It was torture, really, being shoved into a small space with the girl he liked while they undressed, but in a situation where he couldn’t touch her without seeming like a perv. He was only snapped out of his thoughts when your hands reached out towards his waist, going for the button on his pants. There was no way he could let that happen, and pushed your hands away, all but shouting, “I got it!”
He quickly shimmied out of his pants and traded them with you for the tiny shorts you’d been wearing. Groaning internally, Steve pulled them up his legs and knew immediately that he looked ridiculous. They barely fit over his thighs, and his ass was nearly hanging out. It was bordering on completely inappropriate to be wearing in public; he might as well just be wearing his boxers with how little it left to the imagination. “These do not fit.”
Just then, you stumbled forward as you tried to get Steve’s baseball pants on, hand catching on his chest for the second time that evening. His hand shot out as if on instinct, grasping at the bare skin of your hip to steady you, even though there wasn’t really any place for you to go. You were giggling like a maniac, breathless as you murmured a thanks and pulled the pants up all the way. It was only as you buttoned the pants that you realized your shirt had dropped on the ground, and you grabbed it, shoving it into his hands, failing at your horrible attempt to avoid looking at his bare chest, “Last one!”
Steve stared at the fabric in his hands skeptically; the shirt was already short on you, there was no way this wasn’t going to be the most extreme crop top anyone had ever seen on him, “I don’t wanna rip it!”
“You won’t!” you reassured him, “‘s okay if you do, anyway. ‘M never gonna wear it again.”
Letting out what was possibly the most dramatic sigh you’d ever heard, Steve pulled your shirt over his head. The fabric stretched around his arms and chest, the hem falling just below his pecs. His entire stomach was exposed, and while it wasn’t exactly what he’d prepared for that night, the smile on your face in the dark made it worth it. 
As your hand reached for the doorknob, Steve realized you were missing one last piece of his costume, “Wait! Can't forget this.” He lifted his hat off of his head and placed it on yours carefully, running his hand through his hair, “Okay, we’re good.”
Your heart fluttered in your chest as he placed his hat on your head, and you nearly dropped everything to kiss him then and there, but the sound of someone laughing outside the door caught your attention. You gave Steve a grin and then pushed the door open, nearly falling over yourself as you shouted, “We’re done! Did we win?!”
Steve’s hand was at your hip again to steady you as he followed you out. He finally felt like he could breathe again. The whole thing couldn’t have taken more than a few minutes, but it felt like he’d spent a lifetime in the closet with you. So close, but so far. 
So wrapped up in his own thoughts, Steve missed everything you and Robin were discussing, until there was a loud wolf whistle from someone else in the group, “Damn, Harrington! Who knew you had all that ass!”
 Without even glancing in the direction of the noise, Steve knew who it was. He flipped his middle finger up but grinned at his friend, “Fuck off, Munson!”
You let out a laugh as you turned to Steve to say something, but you felt like all of the air had been sucked out of your lungs when you finally properly saw Steve. It’d been too dark in the closet to really see what your clothes looked like on Steve, so you were surprised to see how little of your costume actually covered him. His biceps, stomach, and legs were on full display, and somehow, it still wasn’t enough. Your eyes caught on his arms, the small moles and freckles that covered his stomach, and then, the trail of dark hair that disappeared into the waistband of the much-too-short shorts. 
Robin, who was standing next to you, nudged your shoulder, a smirk evident on her face. Her plan was working. You were short-circuiting. Even though your head was feeling less fuzzy due to the alcohol, you might as well have been drunk on Steve. You watched for a few seconds as he found space on the couch to sit down, his cheeks flushed a light pink, and then turned to your friend. 
“Robin!” you hissed her name, grabbing at her elbow to pull her closer to you. You gave her the most menacing glare you could muster, but before you could say anything else, she let out a low giggle. 
She looked quite pleased with herself, leaning in and whispering loudly, “Did anything happen in there?” 
“No! How would that even be possible?” you asked, laughing a little yourself at her ridiculousness. 
“Dunno, but a girl’s gotta try. Still have the rest of the night to make something happen.” 
As much as you didn’t want to give in to Robin’s hand, you were starting to realize that if she was trying this hard to get something to happen between you and Steve, it probably meant that Steve felt something for you too. You narrowed your eyes at her and then huffed, all but stomping away in search of Steve. If something was going to happen, it had to happen before you lost the confidence. 
He was still sitting on the couch, chatting with Eddie, but quickly looked up as you walked over, eyebrows furrowed in concern at your seriousness, “Are you okay?”
“Will you come with me?” you asked instead of answering his question, holding your hand out to him. 
“Yeah, of course,” he replied, still confused, but took your hand in his and stood up, allowing you to lead him away. You weaved in and out of people, trudging up the stairs to find a quieter place to talk. 
When you finally found an empty bathroom, you flicked on the lights and pulled Steve inside, shutting and locking the door behind you so no one would bother you. The music from downstairs had quieted to a dull thud and suddenly the idea of confessing your feelings felt much more daunting in the harsh light of the bathroom. You quickly turned away from Steve to try to take a deep breath, wringing your hands. Steve watched in concern, reaching a hand out to rest on your forearm gently, “Hey, what’s going on? Are you okay? Did something happen?” 
You were just going to have to go for it. Turning around quickly to face him again, you started rambling, “I don’t really know how to say this, so I think I just have to jump into the fucking deep end and say it. Especially since Robin’s getting on my nerves with all of the scheming and smug smiles, which I’m sure you’ve noticed, but if I’m reading this wrong, I’m really sorry, we can just pretend it never happened, and–”
“Say what, babe?” Steve interrupted, shaking his head which caused his hair to bounce slightly, “You’re worrying me.” 
“I really like you, Steve. A lot.”
It was silent for a moment, and you couldn’t tell what Steve was thinking with the way he was staring at you so intently, nearly scrutinizing. Your heart began pounding in your chest, worried that you had read the entire situation wrong. His arms crossed over his chest and he let out a soft sigh, “You’re drunk.” 
“I’m not!” you insisted quickly, shaking your head vehemently, “Maybe the tiniest bit tipsy, but mostly sober, I swear. I’m– I’m serious, Steve. I just… I thought maybe Robin had a point? And honestly, you look so fucking good in those shorts, and I–”
You were cut off as Steve surged forward, one hand moving to cup the back of your head, the other grabbing at your hip to pull your body into his. Before you could process what was happening, Steve’s lips were on yours and he was kissing you desperately. Your hands struggled to find purchase as they landed on his shoulders and you kissed him back, hardly able to believe that this was actually happening. That you were kissing Steve. But just as soon as you’d started to wrap your head around it, Steve pulled back, eyes wide, chest heaving. 
“You don’t…” he stopped himself and shook his head as he looked down at the floor for a moment before looking up to you, “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that. How long I’ve liked you.”  His hand that had grabbed at your side flattened as he smoothed over the fabric of the baseball pants, his gaze dropping down to the floor again bashfully. 
“Are you drunk?” you asked in disbelief. 
Steve laughed, a soft and amused sound, as he shook his head and repeated your earlier sentiment, “No. Just barely tipsy, almost completely sober. I feel sober now.” 
The kiss had sobered you up, too. Your hands slid down from his shoulders, palms resting flat against his chest as you tilted your head up so you could see him clearly. You could count each individual eyelash if you wanted. Count each and every freckle on his face. But all you really wanted was to kiss him. 
Your lips met his again as you pushed your chin up, fingers curling into the fabric of the shirt as Steve sighed into your mouth. Both of his hands dropped to your waist, pressing against your body gently until the small of your back bumped into the counter behind you. He squeezed your waist again as he murmured against your lips, “Up.” 
You jumped just enough as he helped to lift you onto the counter. His palms grasped at your thighs, fingers digging into the softness there as he stepped into the space between your legs. Once his lips were back on yours, his hands dropped down to your ass and pulled you forward on the counter easily. The feeling made you gasp; your shorts on him left little to the imagination with how you were pressed against him, “Steve.” Your own hands slid down from where they were resting against his chest and pushed against the soft lines of his abdomen, feeling up towards the tiny shirt on him.
“Mm?” he hummed, distracted by the feeling of your hands on his skin. His lips trailed along your jaw, nipping at your skin softly. 
“Want you,” you breathed out, eyes fluttering shut momentarily at the feeling of his lips on your neck. 
This caught Steve’s attention and his eyes lit up at your admission, “Yeah?” 
“Yeah,” you nodded quickly, cheeks filling with heat as you recalled the moment earlier in the evening when Steve had licked the spilled punch off of his fingers, “Want… want your fingers.”  
“Shit, okay, babe. Just let me…” he trailed off as his fingers hooked into the waistband of the baseball pants. You lifted your hips to help, letting him drag the fabric down your legs and drop them to the floor. Steve’s eyes caught on the wet spot in the center of your underwear and he cursed softly as his hands slid back up your legs, thumbs sliding up the inside of your thighs. A smirk was growing on his lips, “Y’already so wet, baby.” 
You let out a soft huff of embarrassment, cheek pressing into your shoulder to ease the burn as you looked up at Steve, “You’re… you just… you look really fucking hot in basically a crop top and short shorts and then you’re kissing me like I’ve never been kissed before, and–”
“Relax, cutie. I got you,” Steve’s eyes softened, the pads of his thumbs rubbing small circles up your inner thigh, inching closer and closer to the hem of your panties. At the same time, the tip of his nose brushed down the length of yours before gently nudging up against yours until he caught your lips with his own. 
He kissed you a bit softer than he had before, murmuring as his fingers slipped under the hem of your panties, rubbing back and forth against the delicate skin, “Can I get rid of these?”
Instead of answering, you lifted your hips off of the counter again so Steve could pull the fabric off. It dangled off of your ankle for a moment before falling to the ground to join the pants. Steve’s hands were warm at your knees as he pushed your legs apart, but before he could properly touch you, you grabbed at his wrist, fingers circling around it carefully. He watched you in confusion, about to speak but quickly cut himself off when you finally did what you’d been wanting to do all evening. 
You pulled his hand up to your mouth, kissing his palm once before your tongue darted out to circle his middle and ring fingers. Steve’s jaw dropped open slightly, eyes somehow growing even wider as you took his fingers into your mouth, his breath hitching, “Jesus fucking christ, babe, I—” Your hand still wrapped around his wrist gave it a small tug, releasing his fingers from your lips with a small pop. “Fuckin’ hell, baby.”
Steve kissed you like it was his last chance, tugging at your lips and licking into your mouth, distracting you enough to let his hand drift back down to your center. You jolted forward, whining into his mouth as his spit-slick fingers traced up your center until his fingertip nudged into your clit. “Please, Stevie.”
“I got you, baby,” he replied softly, emphasizing his words with another circle over your clit. Then, as if reading your mind, he slipped two fingers into you, drawing quiet moans from the both of you. “Shit, you’re so tight.”
His words had you clenching around his fingers as you leaned back, pressing your palms into the cool countertops beneath you. Finally, he started moving his fingers, thrusting them in and out of your cunt at a slow pace. “Steve, I need— oh, shit— I need more.”
Happy to oblige, Steve picked up the pace a bit, fingertips just grazing the spot that was going to make you see stars. Ever in tune with you and your body, he heard your soft whimper, and saw the way your fingers curled over the edge of the countertop, knuckles white with how tightly you were gripping it. He didn’t really have to ask, but did anyway, a knowing smirk settling over his lips, “Right there?”
“Ri-right there,” you repeated, voice breaking as you nodded frantically and rolled your hips against Steve’s hand. He curled his fingers inside of you and then he doubled down, fingertips repeatedly rubbing against the same spot that had you keening before. And when his thumb pressed to your clit, you nearly fell apart then and there.  
“C’mon, baby, know you’re close,” Steve muttered, rubbing his thumb over your clit again and again and again until you were clenching around him and falling over the edge with a loud moan of his name.
Your head fell back, thudding against the mirror on the wall behind you as you gasped for air, knocking Steve’s hat on your head off, chest heaving, “Fuck, Steve, I–” The words died in your throat as your eyes fluttered open, only to find Steve with his fingers halfway to his mouth. 
He paused for a moment but quickly took note of the way your breath hitched, eyes wide, and slipped his fingers into his mouth, sucking them clean for the second time that evening. You squirmed against the counter, trying to shuffle off of it as Steve hummed around his fingers and then pulled them from his lips, “Mm, y’taste so good, babe.” 
“Holy shit, Stevie,” you gasped as you stumbled off of the counter. 
Steve’s hands shot out, grabbing at your hips to steady you, “You okay?”
“More than okay,” you replied, nodding as your hands trailed down Steve’s chest. To prove your point, you leaned up on your toes and pressed your mouth to his. One of your hands curled into the tiny shirt as you kissed him, and the other slid down his chest and abdomen, brushing over the soft hair that disappeared under the waistband of the shorts. You paused, pulling your mouth from Steve’s to look up at him through your eyelashes, “Can I?”
“I— yeah,” Steve nodded hard, hair bouncing with the movement. He looked so pretty — prettier than normal — with his messy hair and wide hazel eyes, lips pink and shiny from your kissing. As he dipped back down to kiss you again, you slid your hand under the waistband of the shorts, but over his boxers. He groaned as you began palming him, and you nearly did as well. 
The shorts left very little to the imagination — you knew Steve was big, but feeling him hard in your hand was something completely different. You wanted him, and you weren’t sure you could wait much longer. Your fingers tugged at the shorts and his boxers, discarding them into the pile of your clothes, and you pressed a kiss to his hipbone as you straightened up again, “What… what do you want, Stevie?”
His chest heaved as your hand wrapped around his length, stroking him slowly while you waited for an answer. Steve felt like he couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t function. Not when you were finally, finally touching him. He wanted to do so many things with you, but most of all, he wanted you. “Need to be inside you, baby, fuck.”
Your breath hitched a little at his admission and you nodded quickly, wanting whatever he wanted, “Okay. ‘M yours, Stevie.”
“Fuck, you’re gonna be the death of me, baby,” he groaned, fingers sinking into the soft flesh of your hips again to help you back onto the counter and pull you towards the edge. “Do you— um, I don’t have a condom, I—”
“‘S okay,” you shook your head quickly, leaning back into your hands as one of your legs hooked around Steve’s waist and pulled him in closer to you, “‘m on the pill.”
“Are you sure?” he asked softly, eyes searching yours carefully. 
“Positive, Steve. I want you. Have for a long time.”
That was enough for Steve, and he shuffled forward, one hand resting against your waist while the other reached down to line himself up at your entrance. You sucked in a sharp breath as Steve pushed in slowly, your hands sliding into his hair at the back of his head. It was more of a stretch than you were used to, and it must have shown on your face because Steve’s hand left your hip and came up to cradle your cheek carefully, lips pressing to the corner of your mouth, “Okay?”
“Mhm,” you breathed out heavily, eyes flicking open to find Steve’s face centimeters from yours. His thumb rubbed soothingly over your cheekbone, back and forth a few times, and you nodded, “More, Steve.”
Steve nodded, pressing another soft kiss to your lips as he pushed forward again slowly, searching your face for any sign that you wanted to stop. And when he found none, he continued until his hips were flush with yours. His jaw clenched, fingers digging into your thigh that was around his waist, and hitched it higher up his side to push a bit deeper. “Tell me when you’re ready,” he murmured, dropping kisses to your shoulder. 
Your mind was racing, but with thoughts of only SteveSteveSteveSteve once again. Your senses were flooded with him; the smell of his cologne and sweat, the sound of his heavy breaths in your ear, the taste of his lips on yours, his hands on your body and his cock buried deep inside your cunt. With a gasping breath, you pulled Steve’s chest to yours, your other leg wrapping around his waist. “Ready. ‘M ready. You can move.” 
His hands slid under your arms and wrapped around your back to hold you against him as he began to move his hips slowly, “God, baby, you— fuck— you feel so good around me. So good for me, huh? Been wanting you like this forever.”
You rolled your hips into his as you all but sobbed his name, pressing your heels into the small of his back. He took the hint quickly and picked up the pace, the filthy sound of his skin smacking yours filling the small bathroom. Your hands searched over his shoulders and back, slipping underneath the shirt of yours that he was somehow still wearing, nails digging into his skin. 
Steve’s chin hooked over your shoulder, and he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror behind you. He looked just as fucked out as he felt; eyes and hair wild as he clung to you. What really got to him, though, was the sight of his last name sprawled across your back. Maybe, just maybe, you’d finally be his after all of this. Heart racing at the sight, he set a punishing pace, “Look so fuckin’ good in my clothes, sweetheart. You’re so… so fucking perfect.” 
“Steve— oh fuck— you feel so good. Gonna come soon, ‘m so close—” you were mumbling incoherently into Steve’s neck, trying your best to meet his thrusts, which became harder as one of his hands snaked down between the two of you to rub over your clit. You clenched around him again at the feeling, pulling the best noise you’d ever heard from the back of Steve’s throat. Your moan echoed his, completely oblivious to the fact that you were still at a party and that someone could probably hear you. 
“Gonna come for me, my pretty girl?”
My pretty girl. His and only his. It was enough for you to come undone, Steve’s name intertwined with the curses and filthy moans you couldn’t hold back. His thrusts faltered, hips stuttering against yours as he came, your name spilling from his lips in a way you wanted to hear again and again and again. 
Your chest heaved against his as you both tried to catch your breaths, and you left soft, open-mouthed kisses to the crook of his neck where you’d buried your face as you’d come. His hands were gentle as they pushed up your thighs and hips, around your back to slip under the shirt of his you were wearing. They were exceptionally warm, tracing over the curve of your spine as he pressed your body into his, voice soft at your ear as he murmured, “Are you okay?”
You let out a soft laugh as you kissed up Steve’s jaw, fingers slipping into the slightly damp hair at the nape of his neck, twisting a strand around your index finger, “‘M perfect, Steve. Are you okay?”
“Fuck,” he laughed, shaking his head in amusement, popping up from your shoulder to look into your eyes, “I’ve never been better. Meant what I said… been wanting you forever.” 
“Yeah?” you asked quietly, feeling bashful, like he wasn’t still inside of you.
“Oh yeah,” he nodded, dipping his head down to press a soft peck to your lips. At the same time, his hands moved back down to your hips, holding you tightly as he finally pulled out. You winced slightly at the feeling, causing a soft apology to tumble from Steve’s lips, followed by another soft peck. 
It was quiet as you cleaned each other up as best as you could, stealing sweet kisses from the other more often than necessary. The sound of the music had finally come back into focus, and you realized that it wasn’t as loud as you’d remembered. Still, you’d do it all again, even though you weren't sure you could walk, and you knew your friends were going to give you shit for how long the two of you had disappeared. 
As you redressed, you finally swapped your clothes back, but just as you were about to give Steve the last piece of his costume — the jersey — he shook his head, cupping your cheek in his hand, tilting your head up, “You wear it. Looks better on you. And besides, need everyone to know you’re mine now.” 
You didn’t put up a fight, grinning and shrugging the jersey back over your shirt that Steve had definitely stretched out. Smoothing down your shirt, you held your hands out to your sides slightly, “Good?” 
Steve laughed again, reaching out to swipe a thumb under your eye in an attempt to remove some of the mascara that had smudged, “As good as it’s gonna get. And still perfect. Ready?”
Before he could open the door, you grabbed his hat off of the counter and brushed his hair back before placing it on his head, “For the sex hair. Oh, and Steve?”
“Yeah, cutie?” 
“Good game!” you giggled, slapping his ass before bolting out of the bathroom, leaving Steve to stare after you for a few moments with the biggest grin on his face. 
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Playing Nurse for the Batfam
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Summary: you are a nurse working for Gotham General Hospital. On your way home from work, you encounter an injured superhero. You have seen his secret identity. Now what will he do about it?
Pairing: Slowburn Jason Todd x reader, (maybe a why choose with Dick Grayson as well?? Idk tell me what you guys want)
Warning: Adult language, verbal abuse, parental abuse, severe injuries
Word Count: 1.5k
Note: These characters are not my own they belong to DC. The only character that is 'mine' is the reader. I am going to be as nondescript as possible for the reader as well for physical attributes. This is a continuation series; I’m not sure how long it will be. Also for some reason, my replies to comments are not showing up. I’m not ignoring your comments Tumblr won’t let me respond :( But please, please comment I live for it 
Part One: Is that Trash or a Man?
There is calm chaos when working in the emergency room. You get used to the cacophony of beeps and alarms. Of moans, crying, screaming, and arguing. You get used to being on your feet all day and moving from task to task, from patient to patient. You get used to it because there is no other option. People need care and they need it now. You either step the fuck up or switch to a different unit. Or move to a calmer, cleaner, less crime-filled city. Calm wasn’t really my vibe. Maybe externally that’s what I portrayed, but internally my mind craves the chaos of the ER. It craves the chaos of Gotham. And the Gotham ER was an entirely different beast.
I finished nursing school about a year ago. A lot of my peers used it as an out. They went to more stable cities in New Jersey that had better funding and less chance of getting knifed in the staff parking lot. I was one of the only ones that stayed. I definitely was the only one that worked in the hospital. I couldn’t deny the demand for nurses was high, and the paychecks were even higher at Gotham General Hospital. And maybe some small pathetic part of my brain wanted to make the world a better place. I wanted Gotham to be a better place. Every day I worked. I convinced myself that how matter how shitty it got; I was making a difference. Even if it was only a handful of people in the grand scheme of things. 
I could convince myself that I mattered. That everyone mattered. That these people deserve more. They deserve better; they deserve a second, third, fourth, fifth chance. If I stopped trying to convince myself of that I know I would give up entirely. Seeing gunshot wounds, stabbings, overdoses, mutilations, burns, crushings, poisonings, beatings, day after day is a lot like erosion of the soul. Little by little it wears you down. You become jaded and jagged with time. Empathy becomes blame. Hope becomes desolate. Love becomes anger. The only thing you can do is gaslight yourself into thinking you’re making a big enough difference. That you’re helping enough people. After all, the brain can’t tell the difference between truth and irony. You tell yourself so many lies, you can start to believe them, right? 
Gotham City: 16 Years Ago 
“Dad, when is mom coming home?” My small voice asked. I was scared to make Dad yell at me again. I didn’t like it when I made him yell.
“She’s got stage four fucking cancer she is coming out of the hospital in a body bag, y/n.” 
I fought the tears that burned behind my eyes. Dad would get even angrier if he saw them. It was stupid of me to even ask. 
I felt him turn to me. His eyes bored into my skull. Quickly, I looked down at his feet. 
“Have you tried again?” He asked. His tone clipped. I knew he expected a timely answer.
Involuntarily, my fingers ruthlessly picked the skin around my nails. The sting was grounding in a way. 
“No, sir. Well yes, I have tried, but I… I failed,” the last word felt like a hot poker being placed through my throat. 
“Look at me.” Breathing became difficult, but I looked up at my father. He leaned his face close to mine. I could smell Jack wafting off him. “What good are you? What good is having healing powers if you can’t heal your sick mother?”
The simple hangnail became a chunk of missing skin. I lowered my head. Fighting back tears. 
“Sir,” my traitorous voice wobbled as I tried not to cry, “I keep trying but… I don’t think my power is that strong. I can close cuts, fix broken bones, but tumors are… hard.”
My father tilted his head back and laughed. Hard. He grabbed my wrist as quickly as a viper, “If I could put your mother’s cancer in you I would. You’re about as useful as a wet match in a dark cave.” 
I couldn’t help the tears that fell down my cheek. It felt like I was involuntarily waving a white flag.
Gotham City: Present Day
I had to be stealthy with my gift. I couldn’t heal every one of the patients to full health right away. That would lead to suspicion. But if I could help it I could stop the major damage. I would heal internal organs. Replenish blood. Reduce ten fractures to two or one. It all depended on timing and if people were watching me. 
I was walking home from the hospital. I only lived about three blocks away. I got off shift at around 20:49. I didn’t start my next stretch for another three days. And I was milking my walk home. Stopping to smell the roses or whatever. That is normally not a very smart thing to do in Gotham at night, especially as a woman. But part of me didn’t care. 
Earlier, I looked at my phone and frowned when I realized the date. 
Thursday, May 19th. 
My mom died 16 years ago today. Waves of emotion flooded my senses. Anger at myself for not remembering. Sadness that she had been gone more of my life than she had been in it. Restlessness for what my father might do or say. Some years he likes to reach out. Others he doesn’t. But most of all I was feeling reckless. Like I wanted someone to give me a reason. Obviously, I would only hurt someone to defend myself or others. But there was so much anger living in my body, part of me hoped some idiot would try something with me tonight. 
So, I walked home. Slowly. 
Normally, you keep your head down and you keep moving. You don’t look or gawk. You listen out of necessity. I was listening just because I could. It was the normal stuff. Men smoking cigarettes and catcalling. Women were offering their nightly services. Random people either praising or damning superheroes. Drug deals. Graffiti artists. Fights. And of course, people who simply were walking home from work. Gotham had range and was never boring that’s for sure. 
But something picked up on the very edge of my senses. Despite my better logic, I turned toward the very quiet sound. It could have just been rats, but it sounded so familiar. It sounded like a death rattle. The thing you hear just before shit hits the fan and the patient codes. 
Without thinking I ran down the alley toward the sound. At first, it was nothing. Just trash and rats. But then I saw it. He almost blended perfectly in with the shiny black garbage bags. His cape was the same color but reflected the light less. 
“Sir? Sir, are you alright?” I walked hesitantly forward, grabbing my pepper spray just in case.
The man did not answer, he only garbled and coughed. My work brain took over my fear. Instantly I rolled the man over and began assessing him. I suppressed a gasp when I rolled him over and a familiar cowl mask came into view. It was cracked down the middle. His face was bleeding from an unknown location. His breathing was labored and staggered. 
Calmly, I closed my eyes and pressed my hands against his chest. 
Oh yeah. Batman was dying. He had several broken ribs. A pneumothorax. A bruised liver, kidney, and pancreas. His cardiac output was a joke. The man had no perfusion. 
I didn’t think. I didn’t hold back like I do at the hospital. I just healed. And healed. And healed. I healed him down to his bone-on-bone knees, sprained ankle, and fractured wrist. 
God, this guy had a lot of injuries. 
I was close to passing out by the time I was done. I had done too much, ate, and slept too little. My powers were demanding when it came to energy. If I didn’t eat or sleep within 30 minutes I was about to pass out next to bat boy himself.
I gave him one last assessment. After double-checking that he would live and that I didn’t miss anything I finally looked at his face again. 
This time I gasped. Batman was the billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne? I shook my head like I was clearing cobwebs. I didn’t have time to dwell on it. Much like Batman, I didn’t want people to know what I could do. The last time people knew…
Just as I turned and took a few steps I rolled my eyes at my nagging thoughts. 
What if someone sees him before he wakes up?
Reaching into my tote bag I pulled out a black medical mask. I not so gracefully MacGyvered it across his exposed face so that it was covered. And with that, I made my way home.
My cat, Hashbrown, eagerly greeted me at the door. I nearly fell asleep locking it. I bent down to pick her up and gave her a kiss on her perfect little cat head. I ripped my gross work scrubs off, threw them in the wash, and crashed on the couch in my underwear before my brain could process what happened.
I healed Batman. 
I healed… Bruce Wayne?
Part Two, Part Three
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roosterforme · 1 year
Batting Practice Part 22 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You love how excited Bradley and Everett are for the Tiny Eagles' final game, and you can't wait to show Bradley the surprise you have planned for him. With an undefeated season and the title of Coaches of the Year on the line, you and Molly cheer for the boys with everything you have. 
Warnings: Fluff, smut, angst and swearing
Length: 5200 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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On Saturday morning, before the sun was even up, Bradley was kissing your forehead and whispering, "I'll see you at the game, Kitten." He had been spending more nights at your house than his own apartment, and every time he had to go back to his place to get fresh clothes or do laundry, he kind of hated it. 
As he climbed out of your bed and put on yesterday's clothing, you reached for him, and he gave you a proper kiss. "See you in a few hours," you mumbled before rolling over and going back to sleep. Ten weeks. He had only known you and Everett for ten weeks, but he was so in love with you and your son and your little house and everything about you. 
With a sigh, he grabbed his hat and his wallet and headed outside, locking up behind himself as he went. He had been doing the sneaking in late and sneaking back out early routine on occasion, not wanting Everett to feel like Bradley was taking over his house. But every time he was there, he felt like he belonged with the two of you. 
The school year was wrapping up for Everett, but Bradley had enjoyed working on math and reading homework at the kitchen island. He enjoyed tossing a baseball around your front yard. Every time he left, he wanted to go back.
He ran a load of his laundry while he ate breakfast in his sparse kitchen. Today was the last tee ball game, and he couldn't believe it was less than three months ago that Bob had been practically begging Bradley to help him with the Tiny Eagles in the first place. What if he had said no? He didn't even want to think about that. And as of right now, his team was undefeated, thanks in large part to you and Everett and how much fun Bradley had been having. 
As he pulled on his coach's jersey and grabbed his blue hat and whistle, he silently hoped his team would win their last game, because he knew how happy that would make Everett. And if he and Bob won coaches of the year, he'd give his trophy to Everett to add to the collection of baseball items in his bedroom. 
When Bradley parked at the field a little bit early, nobody else was there yet, not even Bob. He had noticed that Bob had been cutting it a little close the past few games and practices, showing up barely on time, looking a little disheveled with a smiling Molly in tow. It took all of Bradley's willpower not to rib Bob too hard about it, because his fellow aviator turned crimson every time. But Molly could take the trash talk like a pro, which Bradley already appreciated about your sister. 
And ever since Bradley had gotten a glimpse of the diamond rings that the jeweler had on display, he couldn't help but think that things with you were moving too fast and still too slow at the same time. So he fought the urge to max out his credit card, but he was still thinking about what kind of ring you would like.
"Coach Bradley!" 
He looked up to see Sandra and Henry rushing toward him with two gigantic gift baskets. She was wearing practically no clothing, and he was agitated that she had been able to corner him. "Hey, Henry! Sandra." He patted Henry on his shoulder, and then Sandra was in his personal space, handing him one of the baskets that was filled with so much random shit. "Thanks," he mumbled, trying to sidestep her hand as it found his arm. 
"You're so welcome. This season has been fantastic, all thanks to you and Bob," she purred. "I'm just hoping I can get Henry on your team for the fall league. And I'm hoping you'll choose me to be Team Mom next time."
Bradley rubbed his mustache. He'd been thinking about coaching again, even going so far as to considering becoming a head coach. He and Bob could have teams that went against each other, and Bradley thought that might be a lot of fun. "Thanks, Sandra. And you know what, that's a great idea. Since I'm dating our Team Mom now, it would probably be a conflict of interest if I chose her again in the fall."
The sour look on her face as Bradley noticed Bob's truck pull into the parking lot followed by your car had him smiling a little bit as he waved back to Everett who was waving wildly through the open window. "Excuse me," he mumbled as he headed for your car. Hadn't he just seen you a few hours ago? Been in your bed with your arms around his neck, felt your soft breaths on his cheek?
"Fuck," he gasped, jogging up the hill with his gift basket, antsy to get to you. When you climbed out of your car, he set the basket on your roof and kissed you hard. 
"Ew!" Molly gasped as she climbed out of Bob's truck. 
But you just smiled and said, "I like it when you wear your hat backwards."
"Why do you think I keep doing it?" he asked softly, and you bit your lip as you glanced back at the gift basket.
"Something to remember Sandra by?" you asked with an eye roll. "I'll give you a better thank you gift later, Coach."
"Oh, I can't wait," he mumbled, kissing your forehead as Ev climbed out of your backseat. "Hey, Kiddo! Last game. Are you excited?" 
"Yes!" he said, jumping up to high five Bradley before running over to Bob as well. "If we win today, then that means our team is the best one!" Bradley watched Everett bounce around between Bob and Molly as you chucked the gift from Sandra onto your passenger seat.
"Hey, careful, Kitten. There might be something good in there."
You rolled your eyes and closed your door, and Bradley laced his fingers through yours. "Yeah, I saw a Starbucks gift card. It's mine now."
"Whatever you want," he whispered, running his thumb along your ring finger. The kids were starting to warm up with Bob, and Molly had secured a good spot on the bleachers. "I'll see you after the Tiny Eagles go undefeated for a perfect season." 
You kissed him hard and then, when Bradley turned toward the other coaches, he felt you slap his ass. "You can do it, Coach Bradley! You're the best!" Then you turned innocently toward the bleachers and brightly said, "Hello, Sandra!" before continuing toward your sister.
"It's the tight, white pants that made me do it," you whispered to Molly as she shook with laughter. "I was helpless to control myself." 
"God, you're right," Molly sighed. "It's like... I never knew how badly I needed a man in a uniform. And I'm talking the flight suit, the khakis, and the tee ball getup."
You looked at Bob for a beat. "It's the glasses, Mo."
"The fucking glasses," she whined softly. She was going to move in with Bob next weekend after Everett's birthday baseball game. 
You wanted to warn your sister that she was moving really quickly, especially for her, but you just couldn't. You thought she and Bob made a lot of sense, and you were happy for her. Bob was the perfect departure from the bad boys she usually went for. He kept turning to look at Molly as the game started, just like Bradley did with you. 
"How did this happen?" she asked.
"I honestly don't know," you replied. 
"I'm fully addicted to the pizza nights now, I hope you know that," she told you with a grin. "We can win any argument when Natasha is with us. It's literally perfect."
You loved the pizza nights, too. You loved the way Everett was always welcome on someone's lap. You loved how Bradley cut the pizza slices smaller for him. You loved how comfortable you felt. "It is perfect."
Molly cleared her throat just as Everett went up to bat. "Not to dampen the mood, but what did your lawyer say?"
You took a deep breath, but you found that it actually wasn't so hard to talk about. "I'm going to meet with them in person, but getting Danny's name off of Everett's birth certificate is going to be challenging. Would be easier if I were remarried and looking to have my spouse adopt him. But they are going to do some research about child support based on Danny's shitty income which I'm sure will make him rage at me again."
Molly hugged you tight. "I'm sorry this is happening."
You nodded, but you found that you didn't want to cry about it anymore. "Me too. But we'll continue to be better off without him, even if they can't make him pay."
Then you both jumped to your feet. "Go Ev!" Molly cheered as he hit the ball ridiculously far. He ran the bases as Bradley and Bob cheered him on. And the look of pure elation on Bradley's face as Everett crossed home plate and ran into his arms was going to stay with you forever. 
"We're leading by one run now!" Molly was bouncing up and down.
Then it really hit you. "They're going to be undefeated, aren't they?" You felt kind of silly. It was just tee ball. But it had actually become really important to you and everyone around you. 
"I think so!" Molly gushed as you both sat down and held hands through the final inning. And when the Tiny Condors were not able to tie the game, you felt tears in your eyes for a different reason as you smiled and ran down the bleachers toward Everett. 
You scooped him up into your arms and squeezed him tight. "You're so good, Ev! I'm so proud of you!"
"Mommy! Aunt Molly! We won every game!"
"You sure did!" Molly told him, kissing his cheek before heading toward Bob. She made no secret of them being together as a moment later, you saw her hand slide up the front of his jersey as she kissed him. 
Bradley was left to converse with the umpires, but his smile was huge when he finally turned your way. He high fived and hugged all of the Tiny Eagles, but he knelt in front of Everett and hugged him for a long time. And when they started to have a quiet conversation, you gave them a little space.
You hoped this meant that Bradley and Bob would both win awards at the league picnic tomorrow afternoon. You already had a treat planned for your boyfriend just in case, but you thought you could use it either way. 
After Bradley kissed Everett's forehead, he stood and kissed yours as well. "Thanks for not pulling Ev from the team after I fucked up, Kitten."
You smiled up at him. "I didn't have the heart to do it. I'm glad I didn't."
"I love you. Let me buy you both some ice cream."
After Bradley offered to buy you and Everett a treat from the snack bar, you told him to take Everett to the bench and wait. You insisted you wanted to buy it. So Bradley gave him a piggyback ride over to the same bench where you and he had flirted relentlessly on your 'first date'. Bradley smiled just thinking about how he had answered your phone when Frank kept calling you nonstop. 
Everett jumped down onto the bench, and Bradley sat next to him while you waved from the line. "Hey, kiddo?" he asked Everett after you blew him a kiss. 
"Yeah, Coach?"
Bradley chuckled and looked at his excited face. "You can call me Bradley now. All the time. Tee ball is over."
"Okay," he replied, still all smiles from winning the final game. 
Bradley cleared his throat and made sure you weren't on your way over yet. "Can you keep a secret from your mom? It's nothing bad or scary, I promise."
"Okay," he said again, nodding this time.
"What kind of ring did your mom used to wear? When she was married to your dad?"
Everett's little brow scrunched up as he gave Bradley a puzzled look. "What do you mean?"
"Her wedding ring," Bradley told him quietly. "What did it look like?"
"Oh," he said, plopping down next to Bradley now. "She didn't have one."
Bradley cocked his head to the side. "She never wore one?"
"Huh." Surely you must have had a wedding ring? Did Danny really not buy you a ring? "Ev, she never wore any rings? Not even a plain one?"
Bradley settled back against the bench, and stared off into space. He'd been thinking about it a bit, and he really wanted to make sure he didn't get you a ring that was similar to something you had worn from Danny. But if you never had one at all...
"Take it before it melts!" you said, laughing as you jolted Bradley from his thoughts. He grabbed one of the ice creams from your hands and quickly licked the sides before he helped Everett with his.
"Thanks, Kitten," Bradley told you as you went to sit on the other side of your son. "Are you excited for the picnic tomorrow?" he asked Everett.
"Yep! I'm going to get a trophy!"
"I think Bradley might be getting a trophy, too!" you added, licking your ice cream and winking at Bradley. He watched you eat with narrowed eyes as his own snack melted. 
Bradley grunted. "Well, the most important thing is that I'm going to get you ready for real baseball in the fall. And the fact that San Diego has nice weather year round means that you'll probably get so good from practicing all the time that you'll be able to get a scholarship someday."
"What's a scholarship?" Everett asked as his ice cream dripped on Bradley's shoe.
"Ev," you mumbled and went to clean it up. But Bradley took your hand and guided you back to the bench with a shake of his head.
"It's fine, Kitten. It's just my shoe," he told you. And then he turned Everett's ice cream so it wouldn't keep dripping everywhere. "A scholarship is money that colleges sometimes give to athletes so they will come play sports for the school. Your mom would probably be delighted if you got one."
You laughed as you bit into your cone. "Would be nice. Lawyers are expensive," you muttered, leaning in to kiss Everett's cheek. 
"You need to keep me in the loop when you do things like that," he told you, shooting you a no nonsense look. 
"Okay," you whispered. 
Once Everett had finished his ice cream and washed his hands, Bradley walked both of you back to your car. "Want me to pick you both up for the picnic tomorrow?"
"Yes!" Everett cheered. "Your car is fun!" 
But once he was buckled in his booster seat, you pulled Bradley close and whispered, "I have something special for you, Coach." And Bradley audibly groaned as your hand came to rest on his cock, stroking him through his snug baseball pants. "Stay over tomorrow night?"
"Of course," he grunted next to your ear as you squeezed him gently. "Fuck."
You just giggled and said, "I think you'll love your surprise."
Then you backed out of the parking spot while Bradley stood next to his Bronco with a semi and waved like an idiot. He wasn't sure what kind of surprise you had in store for him, but he loved everything you did. And then he drove off in the opposite direction, back to the jewelry shop to pick up your necklace which the jeweler had needed to keep longer than anticipated. And he could also look at the rings some more. 
"Where's Aunt Molly?" Everett whined as you sat with him on your lap on the crowded bleachers. All of the tee ball teams had been invited today, and there were so many people at the picnic. 
"She's on her way from work, Ev. She should be here soon."
"What if she misses my trophy?"
"Then we'll have to show it to her when she gets here."
"What if she misses Coach Bob's trophy?"
You kissed his cheek and held him tighter. He was beyond excited that his coaches had been nominated for awards. "Then she can see Coach Bob's trophy later." 
You laughed at the inadvertent dirty joke you just told, and then you saw your sister walking down from her car right as the ceremony started. She found a spot to stand off the side and waved at you. "Look, Aunt Molly's here. You feel better now?"
"Yep!" Everett told you as he waved to her as well.
You watched the third and second place teams get their medals, and when they called the Tiny Eagles up to collect their trophies, Everett ran up alongside Bradley and Bob. You took some pictures while you cheered. You were struck with a pang of sadness over the fact that Danny didn't want to be part of this. But then you saw Bradley pull Everett into a big hug as soon as he had his trophy in his hand.
Your son was happy all the time when he was around Bradley. He always seemed to provide Everett with love, attention, and comfort. And that was in addition to all of the fun they seemed to have together. You took another picture of them hugging, and then it was Bradley's turn for his award.
Bob looked so shy and hesitant as he thanked everyone for a great season, but when it was Bradley's turn, you couldn't stop smiling. 
He gave all of the kids on the team a special shout out, and then he thanked the league for trusting that he and Bob could handle a team like this on their first try. And then you had to suppress your giggles as Bradley found where you were sitting on the bleachers and said, "And a big thank you to our Team Mom. None of this would have happened without her."
You waved down to them, and Everett, Bradley and Bob all waved back. Then Bradley was awarded his trophy and promptly handed it to Everett. "Seriously," Molly called out to you. "He's so much better than Danny."
"I know," you agreed, taking in the enormous smile on Everett's face as he ran to Molly. And then you were heading down the bleachers and into Bradley's arms. 
"Hey, Kitten," he whispered, kissing your cheek as you laughed. 
"Remember that day when you silently bullied me into agreeing to be the Team Mom?" you asked, looking up at him.
His grin and his backward hat looked exactly like they had that day as he said, "I sure do. God, I was so into you. I thought you must have been married though."
You buried your face against his chest and laughed. "The hot coach wanted me to be Team Mom? No way I wasn't raising my hand."
He kissed the top of your head and led you over to the picnic area where Everett was sitting with Molly, his grip on both trophies unrelenting. "Thanks for letting him hold that," you told Bradley.
But he just shrugged. "He can have it. I think he was more excited about me winning it than I was," he said with a laugh. "And I think I'm going to coach another tee ball team in the fall. I loved this."
Your heart swelled with love for him. "You should. You're good at it."
"Deployments will be hard to get around though," he whispered, kissing you on the head again. "Gonna be hard for us, too."
"Ev and I aren't going anywhere."
After the picnic, Bradley drove you both back to your house and helped a very sleepy Everett get a quick shower and get ready for bed. "Go relax, Kitten. I got this," he promised as Everett changed into pajamas and brushed his teeth. 
You bit your lip and kissed Everett goodnight. Then you whispered, "Come find me when you're done," before you walked into your bedroom and closed the door, glancing at him over your shoulder. 
He grunted, wondering if he was going to get the surprise you promised him. His mind was filled with dirty blowjobs and kitten costumes, and he had to take a deep breath as Everett crossed the hallway back to his bedroom in his baseball pajamas and climbed up into his bed.
"Have you thought about moving into the extra bedroom?" he asked with a yawn, and Bradley smiled as he pulled the covers up over him.
"Honestly, Kiddo? I think about it all the time."
"We should talk to my mom about it," Everett muttered as he rolled onto his side, already half asleep. 
"Yeah," Bradley whispered, "we should." Then he straightened both trophies on Everett's dresser and turned off the lamp before leaving the room. But he thought that another level of commitment was definitely going to be necessary before he could move in here. He'd been thinking about it though.
But all thoughts simply vanished from his brain as he opened your bedroom door and saw you standing there next to your bed. A strangled sound escaped from the back of his throat as his jaw dropped open. 
"You okay, Coach?" you asked teasingly, shifting your weight from one foot to the other, hands planted on your hips. 
"Kitten," he gasped, eyes going wider. "Baby."
You were wearing a tiny, skimpy red and white cheerleading uniform and holding red pom poms at your hips. The little pleated skirt barely hid anything from his view, and he could see your peaked nipples poking against the top.
"Mmhmm," you hummed. "I heard you won Coach of the year. I'm so proud of you." You took a step closer to him, and he wasn't sure if his cock could actually get any harder than it was. You'd put on some red lipstick and some extra eye makeup, and you looked fucking hot. He was having a hard time speaking as he reached for you.
"This is for me?" he managed to ask as he pulled you against him and ran his hands along the little skirt. But you spun in his arms, and he felt all of the blood in his body rush to his groin as you rubbed your ass against him.
"For you." You looked back at him over your shoulder as he ran his hands down along your bare thighs.
"You look like one of the Phillies cheerleaders," he whispered in your ear.
"That's what I was going for," you gasped with a smile.
"My first crush was on the entire 1995 Phillies cheerleading roster."
"Why am I not surprised?" Your soft laughter had him bucking against your backside. He was completely ready to go. 
"You like dressing up for me," he muttered as you spun to face him again.
You nodded and shook your pom poms as you shimmied for him. "Yeah, I do. I think you like it, too."
"That would be an understatement," he growled as your tits nearly bounced out of that tiny top. When he pulled you closer by your hips, you dropped the pom poms to the floor and reached for the fly of his pants, and Bradley leaned down to kiss you softly. "I love this."
You kissed him all over his lips and mustache and cheeks, and he was sure he had your lipstick everywhere, and he was so fucking turned on. And then you were in front of him on your knees, and his baseball pants and underwear were around his thighs. He quickly pulled his jersey and undershirt off as you wrapped your pretty lips around his cock and looked up at him as you took him inch by inch until he met the back of your throat. 
"Yeah," he groaned. "Just like this. I'd jerk off thinking about those cheerleaders sucking my cock."
You moaned so loudly with him against the back of your throat that he had to bite his tongue against the urge to blow his load already. 
"But you're so much better. My god." He was already panting as you withdrew him from your mouth. Your lipstick was on his cock now, but he barely had time to process anything before you were sucking on him again. He watched you, his actual fantasy come to life, as you gave him excellent head. When he ran his thumb along your cheek, he could feel his cock inside your mouth. He needed to stop you, because he desperately wanted to fuck you, but this felt too perfect.
But when you started running your fingernails along his balls, he pulled you up to your feet. You let out a startled laugh before he pressed his lips to yours. "I wanna fuck you," he managed between sloppy kisses as he grabbed at your bare backside with both hands. 
You were moaning against his lips as his dick was poking into your belly. "Anything you want," you gasped, running your hands along his shoulders and pecs. 
"Don't tell me that," he growled, picking you up as you squealed and getting you on your knees at the edge of the bed. "God damn. I want everything." You looked too good on your hands and knees, glancing back at him while your glistening pussy and ass were bare for him. He ran his fingers through your slick until you were moaning his name, and then he knelt and put his mouth on you as he used his hand to coat himself with your wetness.
"Coach!" you cried out as Bradley licked your pussy and kissed the backs of your thigh. 
"You gotta be quiet, Kitten," he grunted, pushing your knees a little further apart as he lapped at you until you were bouncing back to meet his tongue. But you just got louder and louder, and when Bradley stood behind you and slid his cock inside, you nearly screamed.
"Shh." He tried his best to coax you to be quiet, but it didn't work until he clamped his left hand over your lips. "Baby, you can be as loud as you want when we're actually alone," he rasped, fucking you a little harder now. That little pleated red and white skirt brushed along your ass with each thrust, and Bradley wrapped his right hand around your waist, fucking you with deeper strokes. 
Your muffled cries had him close now as he moved his hand to palm your ass. He'd have to consider buying you a gag of some sort, and that had him actually cumming inside your tight pussy. 
"Fuck!" he grunted, letting go of your mouth and squeezing both of your ass cheeks as he fucked you until he was seeing stars. You just whimpered pathetically as you clenched around his softening cock. When Bradley pulled you up so your back was pressed against his chest, he ran his hands up under your skirt and teased your clit, really making sure you felt good.
"Coach!" you gasped, still fluttering around his cock as he pressed his lips to your neck. When you moved his fingers from your pussy up to your lips, he nibbled along your bare shoulder. You sucked on each of his fingers before you asked, "Did you like this as much as the kitten costume?"
He groaned so loudly, you giggled. "Yes, this was just as good as the kitten. Don't make me choose one." 
"You can have both," you promised, turning to kiss him as he withdrew his cock from your pussy and helped you to your feet. 
He watched his cum drip down and coat your thighs as he whimpered for you. And then he remembered what was tucked inside his pants pocket. Carefully he pulled out your repaired necklace and held it out to you. 
"Oh!" you gasped, reaching for it right away. "You fixed it!"
"Yeah," he whispered, kissing your parted lips. "Of course I did."
Once you had further examined it, you stared up at him with a look of awe. "It's better now," you told him, turning it over in your hand to inspect the engraving. One side of the paw print said Bradley and the other said Everett. He carefully clasped it around your neck before you wrapped your arms around his waist, and he just couldn't stop thinking about being here with you forever.
On Thursday, you were desperately trying to finish up for the day when another project got dumped on your desk. It was Everett's birthday, and you were hoping you'd be able to sneak out early and stop home to change before the Padres game. You started working on the new project before you decided to just say fuck it.
You turned your computer off an hour early and locked up your desk. You'd have time to change and meet everyone else at the ballpark since Everett was spending the day at the zoo with Molly. So you strolled to the elevator and then out to your car without a care in the world. 
And that's when your phone rang. It was your lawyer. You stumbled to a stop in the parking lot as you accepted the call. 
"A judge is not going to allow Daniel to sign away his rights. Not unless adoption becomes an option for your son. However, even when you acquire sole custody, which is basically a done deal, he'd still be required to pay you the child support he owes you, plus continue to pay in the future. Your ex husband would have one hundred and twenty days to try to dispute it. Would you like us to serve him with papers?"
Your heart was pounding as you played with the charm on your chain. You were beginning to feel like you had on your bathroom floor, short of breath and nauseous. "Can I think about it?" you asked softly. You didn't want to have to chase Danny for money. He would just make this as difficult for you as he could, and you didn't want to have to deal with him anymore at all. 
"Of course. Take your time."
You ended the call and climbed in your car. Bradley had implored you to keep him updated with the information your lawyer was giving you. But there was just no way you'd be able to tell him all of this. It would be mortifying, admitting to your boyfriend that more than anything, you wanted to know if he'd ever marry you and adopt your child. 
A pathetic sounding laugh bubbled out of you. No. You would just keep that information to yourself and decide if it was worth going after Danny at all. Because all you really wanted at the moment was your own name solely attached to Everett as his legal guardian. But that wasn't something you could have yet if at all.
Undefeated! Everett's birthday party is up next! Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32!
Time to check out The Curveball for more of Molly and Bob!
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coffeeghoulie · 11 days
date night
a gift for @askingforthesun <3
The first time Aether has Swiss and Dew over to his apartment is the first time Swiss meets Lady. Both of them are nervous messes.
Takes place in the hockey au, but you don't have to have read that to read this; Swiss, Aether, and Dew are teammates on the Ghouls, and have just fallen into a relationship with each other. Takes place not long after Five Minutes for Fighting. 2.6k of fluff.
divider by @ghuleh-recs <3
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Aether's nervous. He doesn't know why. It's them.
He steps up to Swiss and Dew as they're changing out of their practice jerseys and stripping out of their gear, the locker room filled with chatter from their other teammates.
Swiss sees him first, flashing him with that bright, warm grin. "Hey, Cap. What's up?"
Dew turns, unweaving the braid Aether had put in his hair a few hours ago. Aether feels his heart swell, swallowing back his nerves. His palms sweat like a fifteen year old boy asking his crush to prom. He's never felt like this in his life.
"Would the two of you like to have dinner tonight?" Aether keeps his voice as level as he can. "There's a Vietnamese place near mine that I think you'd like, get some carry out and watch a movie or something?"
They've been dating for a while, but they've never actually been to his apartment before. Even Dew, who used to live with him before they were called up to the major leagues, hasn't been. They've been going out to eat, sneaking into each other's hotel rooms while they're out on away games, but nothing as domestic as coming over yet.
Swiss seems to read past the facade, something warm in his brown eyes. He reaches for Aether's forearm, fingers just barely brushing over the sleeve of his button up. "I can't speak for Dewey, but I'd love to."
Aether's posture relaxes the moment Swiss touches him. He nods, his lips crooking up in a smile as he turns to Dew.
“Aether,” Dew grins, toothy and something bright in his eyes. "I will never say no to an opportunity to see my little girl."
Aether laughs, any last remnants of nerves crumbling to dust. Swiss's brow furrows, looking from Aether to Dew and back again.
"Oh, he means my cat," Aether laughs, rolling his eyes fondly at Dew. "Oh, you've never met Lady, that's right."
Swiss's expression relaxes, and he turns to throw a wad of tape into the trash can. "I've never really been a cat guy," he says, voice a little cautious. "But I'm sure she's nice. I mean, the two of you like her."
"Oh, she's the best," Dew says, zipping up his bag and standing from the bench. He turns to Aether. "She still play fetch with hair ties?"
Aether huffs a soft laugh. "Don't have any hair ties in the apartment anymore unless my sister's visiting. She loves that cat, but she's a little less fond of fetch."
"Little buzzkill," Dew says, knocking his shoulder against Aether's. "Anyways. I'm pretty certain you told me where you were when you moved out here. Let us run our bags home and we can meet you there?"
Dew glances to Swiss and back to Aether, the locker room emptying rapidly around them. Swiss nods, putting his helmet back in its bag. "That sounds great to me. Aeth?"
"Sounds like a plan."
Aether meets them there, the nerves returning. He hides the tremble in his hands by shoving them into his pockets. Swiss grins easy as he steps up to him, glancing around before kissing his cheek. Dew's changed into a leather jacket over a worn out band tee and tight black skinny jeans, Swiss into a cream button up and dark slacks, hands in his pockets.
Swiss waves, and the two of them follow Aether into the apartment building. They don't need words, Aether thinks. This is a normal thing that partners do. He takes them up the elevator and down the hall to his door.
The keys rattle as Aether turns them in the knob. He knows they're right behind him, almost hovering. He doesn't know why he's nervous. He loves both of them, trusts both of them, for fuck's sake, he's lived with Dew before.
He takes a sharp breath in as he opens the door and steps in. The first thing Aether hears is a quiet "mrrp" and a thud, and he smiles as Lady skids around the corner, having woken up from her nap on the couch. Her claws tap on the vinyl, tail curled forward in a relaxed arc.
Dew gasps in delight at the sight of her, but Aether doesn't turn. "Hi, sweetheart," Aether coos, and she meows brightly as she weaves through his legs, rubbing herself against his pant legs with her amber eyes squeezed shut. He'll lament cleaning red cat hair from his pants later, but he's used to the woes of cat ownership after so long. Lady purrs happily, blinking.
It's then she seems to notice the two men Aether's brought home with him. Her ears and whiskers flick forward, tail flicking at the tip.
Aether turns, eyes flicking from Lady to his partners, watching all three of them carefully. Dew grins, almost as toothy as Swiss's, and he drops to a crouch.
Lady chirps and rubs her cheek against Dew's outstretched hand. "Aw, she remembers me," he says, scooping up all nine pounds of cat into his arms easily. Lady purrs loudly, rubbing her chin against Dew's jaw as he stands back up.
Swiss watches, and Aether can almost see the slight apprehension past the facade of his smile. It's the one he uses for the press circuits after bad games, where he's exhausted and just wants it to be over with. "You good?" Aether asks softly, hand on his shoulder.
"Oh, yeah," Swiss says, leaning his head towards him. "Grew up with two Dobermans. Blitz and Bubbles. Was never really around any cats. Nothing against Lady, she's such a pretty girl."
Aether beams. "Yeah, she's a gorgeous little thing. You should have seen her when she was little. She really grew into those ears."
Swiss snorts, glancing over as Dew coos over Lady. "She warms up real quick to strangers, huh?"
Aether makes a face, and Swiss isn't quite sure what to make of it. "Not normally. She, uh, Lady knows Dew already. I got her two months before Dew got called up to play for the Ghouls."
Swiss snaps his fingers before pointing at him. "That's right, he did say something about the two of you living together."
"I did," Dew looks up from where he's buried his face in fur. "We should probably get out of the entranceway," he says, sputtering as Lady shoves the top of her head against his chin and he gets a mouthful of cat hair for it. The three of them laugh, and Aether rubs the back of his neck.
"Yeah, living room's this way," he says, leading them around the corner Lady appeared from into his living room.
There's a black L-shaped couch tucked into the corner, a large window looking out over the city, an ottoman that doesn't quite match on a rug. The opposite wall has a decent sized tv mounted over the mantle, various knick knacks and trinkets set underneath. A framed family picture sits on an end table by the couch, and Swiss sees faces that look vaguely familiar behind the glare of the glass, but he's too busy watching Dew coo over Lady to really worry about that.
He's in someone else's home. Even though Aether was the last to join the three of them, Aether and Dew have known each other longer. He stands at the threshold of the living room, watching.
Aether sees him floundering and reaches for him. "You want to say hello to her?" He asks, voice as gentle as it ever is, and it feels good as it brushes over Swiss's fraying nerves.
"Yeah," he breathes, meeting Dew's eye as he steps towards him and his armful of purring cat. He puts her down onto the armrest of the couch, and she meows up at him in betrayal.
Dew laughs softly at her. He leans in to Swiss conspiratorially, a mischievous look in his eye. "She likes scratches under her chin," he says, like he's disclosing state secrets. Swiss smiles, easy and genuine, knocking his shoulder against his.
"Let her sniff," Aether says, holding out his hand in example, fingers curled gently into a fist. "Just like a dog."
Swiss nods, mimicking the way Aether holds his hand. He offers Lady his fist, feeling hot little puffs of breath as she smells him, her whiskers held forward curiously. Swiss realizes he's holding his breath.
After a moment, she must deem him acceptable, shoving her head forward to rub against his knuckles. "Aww," Dew coos, stepping around them to find the Vietnamese place's takeout menu on the end table. "Little princess likes you."
Swiss watches enraptured as Lady starts to purr while she rubs against him. He flips his hand slowly, scratching blunt nails into the soft white fur under her chin. Her purring grows exponentially louder.
Aether grins as Dew leans into his side, a play pout on his face. "Aeth," he whines, batting lashes up at him. "Could we please get an order of bánh cam with dinner?"
He rolls his eyes, but he's smiling, and Swiss feels how warm it is even from the slight distance. "Fine, we can get bánh cam. Also, you don't need that, you've been eating there for long enough I know your order."
Dew sighs dramatically, offering the menu to Swiss, but he's too busy petting Lady. She's purring far loudly than he'd imagined a little cat could. He turns, a boyish smile on his face. "I, uh, I trust your judgment, I'm happy to try anything, really."
"Alright, so how does splitting an order pho and spring rolls sound?" Aether offers, pulling his wallet out of his pocket. "Dew's getting an extra spicy salmon bánh mì, as he does every time he eats here. So adventurous."
"So what?" Dew teases, knocking his shoulder into Aether's. "I know what I like. Nothing wrong with that."
Swiss laughs, moving to sit down on the couch. He runs his fingers through the long russet fur, darker along the line of Lady's spine. He's only half paying attention. "Yeah, Aeth, that sounds great."
He doesn't see it, so entranced with Lady, but Aether and Dew share a look over his head. "Alright," Aether says, setting his hand on Swiss's shoulder for just a moment. "Dew, I think I'll need two pairs of hands to bring everything back, you want to come with?"
"Oh, I'd love to." Dew perks up, and Swiss looks up with a glint of worry in his eyes.
Aether, perceptive as he always is, catches it, his grip on Swiss's shoulder tightening for just a moment. "I was going to ask if you wanted to pick a movie while went and picked up dinner. Remote's on the end table, bathroom's right down the hall."
"Oh," Swiss says, feeling something odd in his chest at the implications. Of being trusted with this place, with Lady, someone that's so dearly important to the two of them. "I- I will. Thank you."
Aether's brow furrows, and Dew pauses from where he's zipping up his jacket. He feels pinned to the couch by their gazes. "For what?" Aether asks softly.
Swiss swallows. His hand stills on Lady's back, and she meows, upset he's stopped petting her. "For, uh, man this is stupid, for letting me into all of this. After everything," he says, taking a second to remember all of the scrapes him and Dew had gotten into, the one where Aether had thrown him to the ice to protect his teammate.
He's been part of the Ghouls now for months. Been seeing Dew outside of the hookups for just as long. But this is still new, wobbly legged and fresh. One wrong move and-
There's a hand in his hair, just as tender as the one he'd been petting Lady with. Swiss looks up, shoulders slumping as he sees Aether looking down at him fondly. "We both love you, Swiss," Aether says. "And that besides, you are a dear and trusted teammate."
"And," Dew cuts in. "You and I both knew what we were getting into back then. Except for that one little misunderstanding, but we got that all cleared up. Aeth said it, we love you."
Swiss smiles, leaning into Aether's hand. Takes a deep breath. Continues to pet Lady, who arcs up into his touch. "Love you too. Thank you. I'll- uh, I'll find something to watch while we eat."
"It should be around twenty minutes. Miss princess will keep you company," Aether leans down and kisses his cheek. He beams up at him as Aether and Dew step towards the front door. Lady chirps, hopping down to try and follow them. "No, Lady-baby, you can't come with. Hang out with Swiss."
"See you in a bit," Swiss says, settling into the couch cushion.
"See you in a bit," Dew echoes, and they're both off to get dinner. Swiss swallows as the door latches, suddenly alone.
Lady waits at the door, meowing forlornly for several moments before padding back into the living room. Her tail, fluffy and soft, flicks back and forth as she trots back to the couch.
"Hey, pretty lady," Swiss coos. She meows, rubbing against his legs. He leans down to pet her, and she runs her tail through his fingers, before doubling back to rub her face against his hand.
"Oh, you're such a sweet girl," he hums, only startling a little bit when she hops up onto the couch next to him. "Oh, hi."
She's purring up a storm, much louder than he'd imagined a cat could. Lady stares up at him, pupils wide, leaving her irises a thin ring of amber. "They'll be back," he says, looking back at her. "They're getting dinner."
She meows, sharp and loud, before stepping up onto Swiss's thigh. He lets out a little 'oof' as she climbs up into his lap. For such a little cat, all of her weight on four concentrated little points is still a little more than he was expecting. She meows again, stretching up to butt the top of her head against his chin.
"Hi," he laughs, scratching under her chin. She purrs happily before turning in a circle and laying down right in Swiss's lap.
His eyes go wide, a soft little gasp escaping him. "Oh, Lady," he whispers, staring down in his lap in disbelief as she makes herself comfortable. She purrs even louder.
Swiss can't move. Can't lean over to grab the remote, because what if she moves? What if he jostles her and she darts off and hides and he never sees her again? He knows he said that he'd pick something to watch, but they can't blame him, can they?
He stares down at her, hand under her chest as she purrs, eyes shut and tail tucked around her body, a tiny red ball of cat. He stares and stares and stares until he hears keys turn in the apartment door.
The smell of savory and spicy food fills the air as Aether and Dew step back into the apartment, each carrying a big brown paper bag. "You pick something ou-" Aether starts to ask, cutting himself off as he takes in the position Swiss is in. He sets down his bag of food on the counter and walks over to the couch. "Oh, we're never getting rid of you."
"Hmm?" Swiss says, soft, still trying not to disturb the cat in his lap.
"She really likes you," Dew says, pulling a small baguette wrapped in wax paper out of the paper bag he'd carried. "Lady's real skittish with new people. She's known you for what, an hour at best? You can't leave now. Ever."
Swiss looks up at Aether, glancing over to Dew. He beams. "You'd have to make me."
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adrienneleclerc · 2 months
Do you think you can do a Lewis Hamilton imagine
When Y/N is at a New Year's party because her friend dragged her along and she just got out of a really long relationship and Lewis is also there and he sees her across the room all sad and alone so he walks up behind her and grabs her shoulders turn her around and kisses her and walks away without saying nothing and she doesn't know Lewis is a driver and Lewis doesn't know that she's a famous photographer and they meet maybe a few years later or later month whatever you want to do and F1 gives her a job to be a photographer for them
Oh and I want a cute fluffy ending if you can do that thank you so much xoxo
Oh and can you make Y/N Mexican
As a Mexican myself, a Mexican Y/N should be easy to write, sorry it took me so long to write this. My wifi went out when I tried to save this. I don’t know if this is what you had in mind but I hope you like it!
Once Upon a Kiss
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Mexican!Reader
Summary: Famous photographer, Y/N L/N, and Formula 1 driver, Lewis Hamilton, kiss at a New Year’s Eve party without knowing anything about the other. Their paths cross once again when Y/N is hired as Ferrari’s new photographer.
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: MY FIRST LEWIS HAMILTON FANFIC TO CELEBRATE HIS HOME RACE WIN!!! Also I do mention a stereotype where Puerto Rican men are trash
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Y/N was in her apartment watching her favorite movie and eating ice cream in a Stitch onesie. She then heard the door open, her friend Ofelia entered the apartment with takeout.
“No, no, uh uh, there’s no way in hell you’re eating ice cream right now, I got us Chinese food.” Ofelia said.
“Great, put it on the counter,” Y/N mumbled.
“Why are you in a stitch onesie? It’s only 8pm.” Ofelia said.
“Because I wanted to. Did you get the chicken wings and pork fried rice plus my chicken broccoli and white rice?” Y/N asked.
“Yes, why do you need 2 orders?” Ofelia asked.
“One for today, the other for tomorrow, obviously.” Y/N said.
“Anyway, we have a party later tonight.” Ofelia said.
“What do you mean ‘we’?” Y/N asked pointing between them.
“You and me, we’re getting super dressed up and going to a rooftop party.” Ofelia said.
“Who’s hosting?” Y/N asked.
“I Don’t know, a friend of a friend of a friend.” Ofelia said,
“We’re going to a rooftop party in New York City in the middle of winter?” Y/N asked.
“They have those heating lamp thingies. Come on, it’ll be fun, take your mind off of Derek.” Ofelia said.
“Don’t mention Derek.” Y/N groaned, opening up her takeout container to start eating.
“You see, I haven’t to mention it because you can’t stop thinking about him.” Ofelia said.
“De que hablas? I haven’t thought about ese cabrón mal parido in a minute.” Y/N said. Ofelia silently counted down from 3. “The audacity ese hijo de su madre had to cheat on me.”
“I mean what did you expect, Y/N, he’s Puerto Rican.” Ofelia said.
“But we’ve been together for 8 years, I just don't undertsand what i did wrong." Y/N said.
“No, no, no, no, you did absolutely nothing wrong, guys like him only cvare about getting their dick wet, thats it. Anyway, eat and then get dressed. Actually shower first, outfit, hair, makeup, that party is gonna be amazing! Apparently the guy who’s hosting lives in a penthouse.” Ofelia said.
"Sounds fun." Y/N said.
"I've also been sending your portfolio to my bosses..." Ofelia started
"Lia, don't. I told you i was going to look for photography work myself." Y/N said.
"But everyone is DYING to work with you, imagine taking photos for Elle, Cosmo, Vanity Fair, they love your work." Ofelia said.
"What if I want to work somewhere else, outside of New York?" Y/N asked.
"I can live with that, just please don't go to Jersey." Ofelia said (sorry if you live in New Jersey, its just a very New York thing to shit on Jersey)
"Deal." Y/N said.
Hours later, Y/N was showered, hair was done, makeup was perfect, and the outfit was giving 90s supermodel, SHE was givng 90's supermodel. Ofelia was sitting on the couch when Y/N came out.
“Aahh, you look AMAZING, okay, lets go, I have the invitation and I’m so happy his building has parking.” Ofelia said.
Girls showed ID and invitation to the doorman and bouncer when entering the building and accessing the rooftop.
“Wow, this party looks lit.” Ofelia said.
“Yeah, it does. I wonder how they got the heat lamps up here.” Y/N said. Ofelia was looking around until she saw her friend.
“Oh my god, hey! I saw my friend from work, I’ll see you later, okay.” Ofelia said walking away
“You can’t just leave me here!” Y/N tried shouting but Ofelia wasn’t within hearing range. “Great.” While Y/N was just observing the party, keeping to herself, Lewis Hamilton was by the DJ booth, hyping up the party.
“Make some noise, NYC!” Lewis said and everyone cheered, but he saw a woman by herself who didn’t cheer at all. He thought she looked quite beautiful, even under the low light. “Hey man, I’ll be right back.”
“Alright, I’m gonna start the countdown in a few.” His DJ friend said. Lewis nodded, dapping up the DJ before getting down from the stand to look for the woman he spotted. It took a while for Lewis to find her since she was moving too, looking for her friend, but she eventually stopped at the table where there were chips and drinks. The DJ started counting down to midnight, Lewis was standing near Y/N but didn’t make a move.
“Happy New Year!” Everyone shouted, Lewis turned Y/N and kissed her, walking away after they pulled away. Y/N stared at him when we walked away, he looked so familiar. Y/N felt someone else grab her shoulders.
“Y/N, you got a New Years kiss, from who?” Ofelia asked.
“I have no idea, but he was a good kisser, I’ll tell you that much.” Y/N said,
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6 weeks later, Y/N was on her computer reviewing her emails and she screamed. Ofelia came running out with a baseball bat.
“What happened? Is it the rat again?” Ofelia asked
“What? No, I got an email from Scuderia Ferrari.” Y/N said.
“The Formula 1 team? You don’t even watch the sport, why the hell did you apply?” Ofelia asked.
“Well i have always wanted to travel, apparently F1 drivers travel ALL THE TIME, this is in Maranello, Italy, I always wanted to go…” Y/N said,
“You don’t speak Italian.” Ofelia said,
“I’m learning, chingada madre, will you let me finish?” Y/N asked. Ofelia nodded her head. “Anyway, Scuderia Ferrari are looking for a new photographer, I’ve seen the posts they made on Instagram, my photography style is very similar, I’m sure the person in charge wouldn’t want the Instagram page to lose the ‘essence’ of Ferrari so looks like I’m their new photographer. Ah, I am so excited! I start in a few weeks, they have emailed me my plane ticket for the following week, even temporary housing until I can get a proper place and a company car (unrealistic but it seems nice).”
“Wow, the people at Ferrari are very generous. I’ll help you pack.” Ofelia said.
2 weeks later, Y/N arrived at the Italian airport, was greeted by a Ferrari employee, and was taken to her furnished apartment. Y/N called Ofelia and showed her the view and everything. Y/N hung up, got her camera, and walked outside her apartment for a little while to take pictures of everything until she got a call from her boss.
“Hey Mr. Vasseur, how are you?” Y/N asked.
“I’m doing well, have you settled in?” Fred asked.
“I have, thank you for asking. To what do I owe your call?” Y/N asked.
“My drivers landed in Maranello today, do you think you can come to headquarters tomorrow?” Fred asked.
“Yeah, you bet, see you then.” Y/N said.
The next day, Y/N was entering the Scuderia Ferrari Base in jeans, white button up blouse, sneakers, and a Ferrari cap because of the sun. She was greeted by Fred.
“Y/N, so nice to meet you in person, how was the drive?” Fred asked.
“Very good, thank you so much for the car. What am I supposed to take pictures of?” Y/N asked.
“Well Hamilton and Leclerc are training on the sim because we have the Australian Grand Prix in 2 weeks. Come, I’ll introduce you to them.” Fred said, leading Y/N to the training room where they have the racing simulator.
“Ha, I beat your time!” Lewis said.
“Yeah, it won’t happen again, mate.” Charles said. Fred then cleared his throat, causing the drivers to stand up.
“Gentleman, this is…” Fred started
“No way, you’re Y/N L/N, I bought some of your photos from a New York gallery, you’re very talented.” Charles said, shaking her hand.
“Oh thank you so much, I was wondering who paid so much money for my photos.” Y/N chuckled, she turned to look at Lewis, they stared at each other until Y/N held out her hand for Lewis to take it. “Okay so do whatever it is that you were doing to I can take some photos. So go on the simulator, talk, do whatever.”
“What kind of photographer are you?” Lewis asked.
“Well, i Don’t specialize in anything if that’s what you’re asking. I have taken landscape photos, I’ve been a photographer on a vogue photo shoot, taken runway photos, even photos of animals. So I’m an…everything photographer.” Y/N said. “Again, do whatever is natural, im sure your fans will love to see you guys bonding now that you’re teammates.”
Y/N took photos of them talking, being on the sim, even some of them just walking around the Ferrari base.
“Okay so I think I got some pretty good shots, you can check it out before I show Fred.” Y/N said. She connected her camera to her laptop so the drivers could see the photos better.
“These are really good, Charles was right, you’re very talented.” Lewis said.
“Why thank you. What about you, charles? Are my photos to your liking?” Y/N asked.
“Yes they are, I never doubted it.” Charles said. Charles left Lewis and Y/N alone so he could change out of his Ferrari clothes.
“You recognize me, don’t you?” Lewis asked.
“How could I forget the man who gave me a new years kiss. I thought I’d never see you again, kinda made it up in my head that you were a secret agent or something.” Y/N said, Lewis laughed.
“Sadly no, I’m just a formula 1 driver. I’m surprised you didn’t know who I was at the party since it was my party.” Lewis said.
“You were the host my friend was talking about! The one with the penthouse, no fucking way. Also, Mr. Billion Dollar Man, you didn’t recognize me either, you were the one who kissed me, meaning you spotted me first, prior to our kiss, and charles knew who I was right away.” Y/N said,
“True. But why were you by yourself? You looked sad, did something happen?” Lewis asked.
“Well my boyfriend of 8 years cheated on me, my friend dragged me to a party and then went off to see the friend who invited her, so yeah, that’s what happened.” Y/N said.
“Who could possibly cheat on you? You seem so sweet” Lewis said.
“Thank you, but you Don’t know me.” Y/N said.
“How about we change that. You want to go out for lunch?” Lewis asked.
“I would love to.” Y/N said.
The End
Hope y’all liked it!
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repulsiveliquidation · 10 months
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María León x Ingrid Engen x Reader [SMUT!]
the cutest duo am i right
word count : 2.6k
warnings : fluffy smut, bon appetit.
“Ready, mi amor?”
“Si, just let me get my bag.”
Mapi stood at the door with her kitbag, grabbing her keys when you walked up to her with your medical bag. You had just been announced as the head of the medical team for Barcelona Femeni and it was your first day. Your girlfriends recommended you to the board when you were helping Alexia with her ACL; the board decided to use your expertise on the team upon her recommendation and you got the job, moving on from your private practice.
You were a little nervous about the position; the team was made up of elite athletes that relied on you to keep them healthy and injury-free to be able to do their jobs the best they can. You had met them all, but since you’ve never cared for them except for Alexia, Mapi and Ingrid so you were scared that you would mess up and cost the team.
“I’m ready.” You tell her, smiling up at your girlfriend.
“The barça crest looks good on you.” She tells you proudly, holding the door open for you as you walked to her car.
“Please, you’ve seen it on me hundreds of times.”
“It’s one thing to see you in my jersey or Ingrid’s amor, never fails to make my heart go crazy.”
“I love you,” you tell her, blushing lightly when she opens your door for you; Ingrid already sitting inside.
“I love you too,” She whispers quietly, leaning in to kiss your cheek.
You walk to training together, they follow you into the medical room to introduce you to everyone and to get you settled. Ingrid kisses your head and Mapi kisses you before leaving, heading to training while you work up a health plan for each and every one of the players.
You come out to the pitch a while later to introduce yourself to the team which isn’t necessary since the girls are over at your house at least once a week anyway and you knew all of them well. They come over to say hello at a water break, Alexia gives you a hug when Mapi comes up from behind and hugs you as you talk to Irene, Patri and Ingrid.
“Go back to practice, clingy.”
“I wanna hang out with you.”
“We live in the same house, you will live without me for a bit. Go.”
“That is so sweet of you, love.”
She lets go and kisses your cheek before running back on the pitch with Ingrid following her. You speak with Jonatan for a bit to discuss how he wished to have the medical team at games and such. You go back inside after, waving to the girls.
Ingrid and Mapi find you in your office after training, freshly showered and ready to go home. You make them sit and wait a bit, finalizing a little work before shaking Mapi awake to go home. You drive, the two girls too tired as they both fall asleep on the way.
Mapi crashes on the couch snoring while Ingrid forces herself upstairs, you chuckle and clean out their kit bags and do a load of laundry before starting on dinner. Mapi wakes up when she smells the steak you’re cooking, trudging to the kitchen grumpily.
“Hello sleepy head.”
“Hola,” she grunts back, sitting on the counter and rubbing her eyes.
You hand her a bottle of water and force her to have half, knowing she was probably thirsty but too stubborn to drink water. She jumps off the counter and throws the finished bottle in the trash before standing behind you and hugging you like she did earlier. She kisses your neck softly, arms snaked under her hoodie you had on.
“Dinner will be ready in 5, baby.”
“I’ll set the table. You’re the best, you know that?”
“I know.”
She laughs and lets go, setting the table before calling for Ingrid. You walk in with three plates, putting theirs in front of them before sitting down with your own. Ingrid digs in, sighing when she takes a bite. You smile and watch her eating as you join her while Mapi scarfs down her food at lightning speed.
“You hungry?” you ask her teasingly, grinning when she looks up with a mouth full of food.
“You’re in the wrong profession bebé.”
“These hands save lives and feed them. I love both babe; it makes me happy to see you both and the girls enjoy my cooking. Besides, it helps me destress from work.”
You heard your name being called during a game against Real Madrid. You look up and grab your medical bag and rush onto the field without knowing which player you’re treating. When you get there, your heart nearly stops. It’s María, face wincing in pain.
“María? Talk to me love, what hurts?”
“What doesn’t?”
“Quit being a smartass, tell me what hurts!”
“Ankle, I think her studs caught it.”
You move lower and grasp her leg, examining her ankle. You twist it to see the reaction and she yells out. Ingrid is kneeling by her head and stroking her hair, whispering softly to her to calm her down. You carefully pull her boot off followed by her sock, her ankle already starting to bruise.
“She’s out, she can’t play like this.”
“I can, just need a minute.”
“You will not, I’m pulling you off.”
The tone you used got her to stop arguing, you motioned for the stretcher to haul her off the pitch. Ona was already warmed up and ready to go, taking her spot in the game while you tended to Maria.
She sat in the examination room quietly as you iced her ankle and taped her up. She winced and whined which you promptly ignored, knowing she would complain about it after. You helped her back to the benches to watch the rest of the game, keeping her leg elevated and thoroughly iced.
“Are you okay, elskling?” asked Ingrid after the game, helping María into the car after she showered and changed, both of them positively excited by the win.
“Yes but no one has kissed it better yet.” She replies with a pout, you roll your eyes at her as you put their bags in the back with yours.
“Our Y/N didn’t kiss it better? What kind of doctor are you?” Ingrid accused you, Mapi nodding deftly with her. You chuckle and look at both of them in disbelief, hopping into the driver’s seat. Mapi was in the back with her leg across the backseat, Ingrid climbing into the passenger seat grinning.
“I did my job, I will not coddle you María.”
“I am your girlfriend, the contract says you must coddle me.”
“Are you in any pain?”
“Any discomfort?”
“Not really.”
“Can you put pressure on your leg despite it being black and blue?”
“Yes, it’s perfectly wrapped.”
“Then I did my job.”
She huffs, crossing her arms and pouting.
“Fine, I will kiss it better when we get home.”
“You big softy.”
“Your leg is about to be even worse, María.”
“Can you help me?”
You walk into the living room to find Mapi reaching for the TV remote on the coffee table. Ingrid is sitting there with a book, apparently ignoring Mapi.
“I can’t reach the remote.”
“Why did you call me when she’s literally sitting right there? I’ve got food on the stove!”
“She’s ignoring me.”
“And why is that, love?”
“I threw her book across the room when she didn’t want to cuddle me.”
“Sounds like you deserve it then.”
“I am injured! You’re both supposed to pity me! Baby me!”
“You don’t throw your girlfriends book across the room when she tries to read!”
“And you don’t call her a hundred and one times just to get you the remote!”
María leaned forward and managed to grab the remote, grinning up at you proudly.
“Got it! Sorry babe, don’t need you after all!”
“Call me one more time María León and I will make sure you never walk again.”
She cowers, turning on the tv and watching it till dinner time. You bring dinner to the both of them and enjoy a little tv along with it. Ingrid cleans up and comes back to cuddle you, pulling you into her arms as her hands thread through her hair. You scoot Mapi up between your legs gently, braiding her hair into small locks. Suddenly she speaks up, looking at the both of you propped up on her elbow.
“I’m sorry I annoyed the both of you today. I just wanted your attention but I guess I just didn’t know how to say it without sounding pathetic.”
Both you and Ingrid sit up and look at each other in shock. Mapi sat herself up too, Ingrid and you moving around to kneel before her. She looks at her hands, picking at a hangnail.
“Darling, you never have to do that to get our attention. You just have to ask us, we’ll both drop everything for you.”
“You’ll never sound pathetic for asking us to love on you mi amor, that’s what we’re here for! You deserve it, you never have to hide it bebé.”
She smiles, biting her lip. You lean in and kiss her, gently caressing her leg. Ingrid moves behind her, kissing down her neck and rubbing her arms. Mapi moans into the kiss, hands flailing between you and Ingrid, unsure of what to do.
You lean over and kiss Ingrid over Mapi’s shoulder as she watches, eyes wide. Nothing turns her on more than seeing both her girlfriends making out. Ingrid takes the lead in the kiss, cradling your head how she wants, obviously licking into your mouth as your tongues taste each other. Mapi outwardly moans, which makes the both of you pull away slowly.
“Wanna join us upstairs, cariño?”
“Upstair­–I am a CRIPPLE!”
“Just joking, hold on.”
You pick her up easily, leading the way up to your bedroom. Mapi leans into your neck and kisses you, biting down softly. You gently set her on the bed, stripping her of her clothes. Ingrid suddenly pulls you into her, kissing you hotly as she makes Mapi watch. She makes a show of groping and caressing you, your hands tangled in her messy hair. She moans when you tug, pulling away to attach your mouth to her unmarked neck. She keens, holding onto you as you bite and suck. Mapi is touching herself, hand dipped between her legs as she noisily gets wetter and wetter.
“Enjoying the show?” Ingrid asks her, hands beginning to pull off your clothes sensually. Mapi watched with dark eyes, slipping a finger into herself as you swayed your hips and kissed lower down Ingrid’s body. You did the same to her, pulling off her clothing and tossing them about the room. Mapi moaned loudly when you kneeled before Ingrid and kissed between her legs. You pulled her underwear down and leaned in, kissing her barely peeking clit. You spread her a little and feasted, licking and sucking on her as she pulled your hair and keened. Mapi had two long fingers inside her now, the wet sounds coming from both sides of the room as you aided each other in getting off. Ingrid pushes you to kneel before the bed, leaning back for her to ride your face. You let her get comfortable before she pulls your hair back and grinds herself down on your face. Your nose devotes itself to grazing her clit as your tongue sticks out for her to sink herself on. She groans and looks up to see Mapi panting and fingering herself, eyes focused on the scene in front of her.
Ingrid pulls away just before she cums, leaning in to give you a searing kiss. She groans and pulls your face into hers when she tastes herself so potently on your tongue. Mapi screams incoherent Spanish, cumming hard from the erotic live show she’s got to give herself mind-numbing pleasure.
The two of you grin and climb onto the bed to kiss her, lips locked in a hot three-way lip-smacking fight for dominance. Mapi comes out of top, pulling the both of you off her to make out for her to watch briefly. She smirks at you and kisses both of you separately, giving it to both of you how you like it.
“Grab my strap for me, darling.” Mapi tells you, you hop off the bed and do what she asks while Ingrid checks on her leg. It’s been a couple days and she’s really resting just as precaution, but the two of you worry about her anyway.  
Ingrid helps her put it on, while you sit at the foot of the bed and watch. Mapi strokes it briefly before looking at you, gesturing you to come to her. You crawl to her slowly, swaying your hips just to tease. She smirks and waits patiently, pulling you to straddle her hips. The strap pokes your inner thigh when you sit on her, Ingrid leaning in to kiss you softly as Mapi caresses your thighs.
“Want you to ride me, niña.”
You whine and sit up, arousal becoming more evident when her hand slips between your legs and pulls away soaked. No one had touched you at this point, your pent-up arousal pooling generously in your cunt.
“No need for lube, wanna see you sit on my cock angel, come on.”
You listen, holding her cock steady for you to sink down onto it. You whine and shudder as it fills you, the stretch pleasant and painful at the same time. It was soul-snatchingly addicting. You bounced a little, testing the waters. Ingrid kissed you and slowly rubbed your clit, Mapi’s hands caressed your thighs and hips, softly encouraging you as you took more and more of her cock.
Finally, fully speared on her, you slowly rode her cock; moaning loudly when she gave your ass a couple hard smacks. Ingrid moved to ride her face, facing you to lean in and make out. It was pleasurable for all of you, your hands held Ingrid’s as she cupped your cheeks and kissed you harder. Mapi was devouring her pussy, noisy slurps filled the room as it blended with the slick sounds between your legs. You cried out her name when her cock grazed your spot, angling your hips to hit it each time you sank down on her. It made your head spin; her cock filled you deep and full.
Ingrid was also panting now, your hands groping at her breasts as she resumed circling her fingers over your swollen clit. Everyone was close, orgasms right there ready for us to grasp. You were riding Mapi harder now, bouncing on her thick cock, desperately pleading to cum. Ingrid was the same, grinding down on her face while reached back to pull on her hair.
You grabbed Ingrid’s face when you came, kissing her fervently as she came right after you. Mapi too reached her peak for the second time that night, chin wet with a fucked-out smile on her face.
“All healed now, Maps?” Ona asked her as you all got on the plane to travel to Frankfurt.
“Yes, I am fit as a fiddle. Did you know that sex is the best medicine?”
“I will injure you again, María. I may heal people for a living, but remember; I know how to undo the healing and that is a promise.” You told her, the whole plane laughing when the defender cowered into her seat and tried to hide behind Lucy as you and Ingrid gave her the death stare.
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youresodarkbabe · 6 months
down on all fours (90s au rockstar a. turner x reader)
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warnings: overstimulation, praise, degradation (yes, both of them), aly has dacryphilia <3, dom!al, spit :)
word count: 2.1k
everyone thank @psychedelicrocker for telling me to write this instead of f1 alex again, also it's not v obviously 90s au whoopsies
alex was fucked.
he had been trying to write one simple song for hours now, and nothing seemed to stick. either a lyric would be too complex for the tune or he'd dumb it down too much. there really was no in between.
in his defense, though, he was freshly free from the harsh confines of a world tour and had lost all semblance of sanity.
he kept pacing around his office until he realized something. through all of the fans and drugs and groupies, he remembered one thing that was a constant.
you met alex at the new jersey show he did with his band and he was intrigued, to say the least. he brought you backstage and had his way with you, sure, but he wanted more. he needed it, or rather, you.
he got you tickets to their next show and told you to come if you could, and you did. you thoroughly enjoyed the show, just as much as you enjoyed the way he destroyed your cunt before it and the way he fucked you til you cried after. the cycle repeated, they'd finish a show, he'd give you tickets to the next one.
the boys hadn't really tried forming connections with the girls they took back to their hotel rooms because to them, it was just a one time thing, they were high and their girl of the night would be starstruck and it was a fun way to unwind post-show. alex had the same mindset for years. until you. you ruined him completely. as much as he adored tearing you apart with his cock, he obsessed over the way you'd laugh breathlessly after a good fuck. he knew he was gone the moment you kissed him, the way your lips felt against his— soft, gentle, caring— it changed him.
the feelings alex had towards you could be described in many ways. an obsession, a need, a want, a love.
he couldn't care less. as long as he had you.
he crumpled up the messy, inked sheet of paper in his hand and tosses it into the trash and runs over to his untouched suitcase and digs through it until he finds the note you gave him at the last show he'd perform before moving to the european leg of the tour. the note had your phone number along with your address and the words 'don't forget me' written with a heart.
he realizes that you only lived a few minutes down the road. he decides to take the risk and punches your number into his landline and holds the receiver up to his ear. you take your time to pick up, but he let it go, it was half past two anyways.
"um, hello?" your voice called out, almost instantly making the hairs on the back of his neck stand and his cock harden.
"hey, doll. been missin' you. been missin' your cunt, to be real specific. come over, i need my muse back." his voice is as sharp as it had always been, hearing it sending you into a frenzy. you were well and truly speechless, and he knew.
"i'll see you here, bunny."
you were still half asleep but the familiar warmth of alex's voice woke you up and you instantly got on your feet and began running around your room, scrambling around for anything to make yourself look more presentable for alex.
you quickly try fixing the mess that your hair was and apply a quick swipe of the red lipstick of yours that alex adored so much.
you threw on the first things you could find and decided you'd rather walk to his instead of driving, because all the thoughts you were thinking would not lead to a safe drive.
you showed up wearing his band's shirt and a leather jacket with spikes around the neck that almost resembled a collar.
he has to take a second to take all of you in.
he pulls you in by your waist and shuts the door behind you and gives your lips a quick peck.
"i've missed you, doll." he murmurs against your lips, "you always were my favourite from the lot."
he kisses you again, deeper this time, less sweetness and more desperation. teeth clashed, his slight stubble scratching your face, adding to the stimulation and making you hum into the kiss.
alex slips his hands from your waist to your ass, cupping the flesh and massaging it, also pushing your hips into his waist and grinding his cock into you. he pulls away, breathless.
"you know the drill. everythin' off, except that jacket. i expect you on all fours by the time i get to my room."
you open your mouth to retort but decide against it and tiptoe past him and run up to his bedroom. you get undressed and forget to put the jacket back on.
alex, still downstairs, fixed himself a drink and almost finished half of it before he was upstairs. his cock throbbing at the sight.
you were on all fours on his cozy, pristine bed, your back arched so perfectly.
"where's the jacket, doll?"
"'m sorry, al, i forgot."
alex discards his clothes slowly, leaving himself in his boxers. he crawls onto the bed and kneels in between your legs, his hands running up and down your back, pressing it into more of an arch.
"it's alright, angel," he presses a kiss to your soaked pussy from behind, "next time, hm?"
you grind against his face, trying to tell him what you need without irritating him. you hear him swear at himself before his tongue delves into your core, lapping at anything he can get. his fingers come to your front and play with your clit as he devours your dripping cunt. you feel that knot in your stomach threatening to snap as he pulls away, whining at him stopping so suddenly.
"al, please, i'm good, i need you, please—"
you moan excessively loudly when he pushes two fingers into your cunt with no prior warning, feeling your eyes rolling back into your head as his fingers thrust in and out of you, curling and hitting every spot you needed him to get to.
"what did i tell you about doubting me, sweet girl?", he asks sweetly as he spreads his fingers as far apart as he can, watching your hole gape as you scream out his name.
"never doubt you, al, never ever doubting you," you trail off as he continues his relentless movements.
alex suddenly stops all his movements, taking his hands away from you, licking his fingers clean.
"taste as good as you did the first time, doll, fuck, you're takin' me back."
alex's mind flickered back to tour, how despite you both considering your interactions as a rockstar and one of his groupies, there was something different. it wasn't just sex, at least, not to him. he constantly fantasized about taking you out, buying you anything you ever wanted and more, treating you the way you deserved.
but he wasn't sure if he deserved you at all.
he saw himself as a pathetic excuse of a man who thrives on the validation of strangers and crumbles with the slightest criticism, but that also led to him imagining how you'd comfort him in these moments of devastation.
but that wasn't important to him now, he couldn't care less.
"you ready?", he asks, finally freeing his cock, pumping it slightly while watching his pre-cum spill onto your ass and then aligning it with your aching pussy, running his tip through your folds.
"mm, yes, please, fuck—"
alex slides into you before you can finish speaking, your words turning into a choked moan. alex doesn't even hesitate and begins thrusting as fast as he can, jaw hanging open as your cunt squeezes him. his writer's block disappears, everything does. you're all he saw at that point and he didn't mind it at all.
you almost scream his name as he fucks into you with no hesitation, going as fast as he can.
"just as good as i remembered baby, god," alex groans as he runs his hands up your sides, grabbing onto your hair and tugging it so he has your back pressed against his chest. you actually scream this time, the stinging feeling of his cock stretching your cunt and the pure euphoria of the act being almost too much to handle. you throw your head back to rest on his shoulder as he keeps fucking into you, one of his hands slipping to your clit, playing with it as he littered your neck with kisses.
"takin' me like a champ, doll, so so good. perfect lil toy, aren't you? fuckin' soaked too."
his fervent thrusts get slower and sloppier as you squeeze around him. "fuck, al, 'm gonna cum, please," you beg mindlessly as he brings his other hand up to wrap around your throat, squeezing slightly as he nips at a spot under your ear.
"hm, not yet."
you whine in response, your moans getting louder and louder by the second.
"good girl, keep waiting for me, perfect lil slut," alex mutters as he slows down slightly, leaving small kisses of appreciation on your cheek as tears well in your eyes. he notices this and you can feel him twitch inside you as you tighten around him once more, unable to hold back any longer.
you scream out his name as your back arches against his chest, one of your hands flying to grasp at the back of his hair, pulling as you shake and moan until your voice is completely hoarse.
alex stills after you stop shaking and gives you a few seconds to compose yourself.
"you enjoy that? filthy fuckin' whore."
he pulls out of you roughly and flips you onto your back, almost instantly pushing his cock back into your sore cunt.
tears stream down your face as he bottoms out, you're desperate for him to stop and give your ruined pussy a break but at the same time, you can't stop yourself from wrapping your legs around his waist and trying to get him even closer. you dig your nails into alex's back as he pounds into you relentlessly, the sting of your nails scratching along his back making him hiss and go even faster.
alex's hands push your legs even further apart and he lifts them up onto his shoulders, his eyes fixated on the way he could see the outline of his cock filling you up.
"fuck, doll, you're gonna let me fill you up, aren't you? you gonna take it for me, baby?"
alex moves your hair out of your face as you nod pathetically, your eyes rolling into the back of your head. he dips his head down to take your nipple into his mouth and slows his thrusts to synchronize with tongue swirling around it, humming softly. he pulls off and latches onto your neck, his teeth clamping down slightly as he picks up his pace again, making you see stars as he fucks his cum as deep into you as possible.
alex collapses onto your chest, breathing heavily. he waits for a while before pulling out and looking at your ruined cunt, smiling as he sees the mixture of your cum and his seeping out of you.
"perfect, bunny, so gorgeous."
two of his fingers circle your aching hole once more and he pushes them into you until they only part of them he can see are his knuckles. he scissors his fingers and spits directly into you, pulling his fingers back out only to scoop up everything and push it back into you, he keeps playing with you like this until he's satisfied enough. he pulls his fingers out and taps on your lips with them and you open your mouth, sucking on them until they're clean.
"good girl, you did so well for me tonight."
he presses a gentle kiss to the space between your tits and moves upwards, leaving a kiss on your collarbone, your jaw, your cheek and finally kissing your lips.
kissing you feels liberating to him, it doesn't feel forced or purely driven by his need to fuck you. but there is something wrong.
"we can't keep doing this."
alex rested his chin on your chest and looked up at you as he spoke.
"we need to do this the right way, doll. i wanna take you out, do all that shit. let me have you, princess, please."
you open your mouth to respond but your voice barely comes out which makes you him laugh as you hide your face in his shoulder. he soothingly rubs your stomach as the laughter dies out and the silence takes over the room, alex doesn't feel awkward the way he normally would and his heart only feels lighter as he sees you nod with that smile he'd grown to adore.
"can't fuckin' wait."
this one's been in the drafts for ages im ngl
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moneymartin · 3 months
teen gf Shauna headcanons pleaseee
🐶 - losergf!shauna hcs
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warnings: mostly fluff but a lil smut under the divider :p
a/n: i know u didn’t ask for loser but shauna shipman is soooo loser girlfriend u cannot tell me otherwise. kinda messy and trash… i’m so sleepy rn i’m writing this half awake nd lowk a lil drunk UGH
taglist: @deerlottie @ultrone
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my brown eyed beautiful baby where do i even start.
def the most athletic yj i will stand by this till the day i die
rolls up the sleeves of her flannels so you can see her muscles pop 😮‍💨
not a gym freak though but she works her arms 100%
cuddlebug fosho
little spoon and you can argue with me about that all you want this girl loves to be held
when she big spoons though she’s burying your face into her chest all the time
she plays with your hair tho no doubt abt it
even when you’re cuddling her instead
super soft kisses all over you while you doze off
sleeps after you do just to make sure cause sometimes you end up sleeping a lil too hard and she needs to make sure you aren’t dead
well thats what she thinks.
wakes up early even though she sleeps the latest out of the both of you
when you sleep for way too long she ends up full on wrestling you until you wake up
music geek
she def loves the smashing pumpkins, radiohead, the cranberries, the cure, mazzy star, jeff buckley, pavement, the cardigans. artists and bands of that genre
had a walkman like nat’s that you guys share on walks together
also has a vinyl player that she keeps at hers so you could listen to music with her when you come over
writes about you in her journal while she listens to the music
also writes these cute little love letters for you and she’ll write what songs she listened to while writing
sleepovers all the time though she’s one of those girls
drives you all over the place too
no matter how far so that you know she truly loves you
she goes absolutely nuts when you’re wearing her clothes i fink
esp her flannels
the moment you’re seen wearing one she can only think about taking it off of you cause it looks so good 😞
loves when you wear her jersey too
or her letterman jacket
funny sock gal
wears the one w monster faces on em or something like that
south park socks… hmo
got accepted into brown for a reason
she’s always helping you with assignments in case they’re too hard
she runs through them so fast though it actually baffles you to how she can do it
book geek too
has probably read harry potter a million times
edgar allan poe is her main dude she def likes poems and stuff from him
genuinely has a momma instinct
before you even get sick she tells you to be careful with the cold
and you don’t listen.
so you do end up getting sick and she has to take care of you until you’re all better
babies you but is also teasing you cause you didn’t listen to her warnings about it 😭 she could tell beforehand that you were gonna get sick
unlike lottie i think shauna has the ability to cook and stuff like that
not a 5 star chef but she’s good enough for you
being touchy in her public is her thangggg
you guys are always touching somehow
pinky holding, interlocked arms, holding hands, her just grabbing your wrist. she’s always gotta hold you no matter whaaaat
not very possessive but definitely a jealous person
makes it known she’s jealous w her attitude
has those anger issues we all know it
is not afraid to make a scene in front of a bunch of people she will cuss someone out for even looking at you
but she’s just jealous cause she’s really insecure :( poor girl my god
she thinks that the people you talk to are better than she’ll ever be
you have to reassure her countless of times so she can feel better about herself cause she’s always questioning you abt it
she loves little make out seshes behind the bleachers
its def the thrill of being caught like she loves that so much 🥸
when she kisses you she isn’t rough i think she’s very gentle actually
caressing your jaw and cheeks so you know she’s there and its not just some dream 😭
loves sitting on your lap while kissing cause it makes her feel like she’s the one in charge
also cause your hands are always in the spots where she wants them without her having to ask
teeth marks EVERYWHERE!!!
dom fosho but that’s not relevant rn
during arguments this girl is ruthless
not because she wants to hurt you but it’s because she’s always bubbling up
bottles up everything cause she’s afraid people won’t listen to her
but she’ll apologize eventually after if it looks like whatever she said got to you
won’t mean anything she tells you she just gets so mad at everything cause she can’t express herself as well :(
she regrets it so fast too like she’s immediately saying sorry afterwards
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def a lace girly
loves showing off her new sets for you…
red black and white are the favs
whiny as fuck but also holds her noises in cause she thinks they’re embarrassing
switch i think
like if she really wanted to she could top you but she’d rather be a power bottom
have you ride her strap or whatever…
its blue.
loves when you eat her out though cause she gets to pull on your hair
makes you talk her through it and when you’re topping but when she tops shes SO bold
she loves when you praise her thats the only thing she wants to hear from you during it
makes you kiss around her tits for sure
thats where she always wants you to be
when she’s jealous you’re constantly asking if she’s okay which leads into an argument
meaning that it’ll probably lead into really hot angry sex from her
the car scene really spoke to me
initiates everything too
anyways i’m done i’m so tired
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