#You ever get judge by your appearance and are the riches person there
dcxdpdabbles · 4 months
If you’re taking requests, I’d love to see more of Danny and the Fan Blog.
Danny is asked to go in through the servant's entrance. He would be offended if he couldn't tell that the people strutting through the front gate weren't wearing outfits that cost more than his family house.
He didn't see a reason to argue with security, so Danny wandered over to the side entrance and was allowed entrance when they verified his identification.
He winds up in a spacious kitchen. Men and women are rushing around in white and blue chef outfits. They speak in fast tones and make quick movements, somehow never colliding with each other.
In the far right corner, a group of servers is straightening out their outfits and picking up trays covered in various drinks or finger foods. They wander in and out at a more leisurely pace than the cooking crew, but there is a sense of urgency among them that tells Danny they are having it rough out in the field, too.
Security is standing at the entrance, and occasionally, a second guard walks in, pacing around the room with a sharp eye.
Danny feels like a floating life raft in a raging sea. He clings to his camera hanging around his neck and wishes to bail on his mission for Lady Gotham. Getting a portrait shot of all the Waynes was starting to seem like too much of a hassle.
If only she wasn't so high-ranking in nobility.
After noticing that Danny needs to know where to go, one of the servers slides over. "Hey, I'm Ryan. Is this your first time covering a big event?"
He gives the taller man a nervous smile. "Yeah. I've never been to a party as fancy as this."
"Don't worry, you'll be fine," Ryan tells him with an easy smile. Danny notices he's pretty handsome, but that's to be expected. Everyone knows that Bruce Wayne only hired good-looking people for servers.
It's one of the reasons his parties are so well-liked.
"I'll break it down for you. First, there are three floors to the party- the entrance hall where most are just trading pleasures. Do not try to start up conversations there; it is seen as impolite. Second, the Middle room- right between the ballroom and the entrance- is where the elites sit down for a conversation. They also go there to take a break from the party. It's where you'll be tonight since it's where media crew is allowed." Ryan says quickly, taking long, fast strides. Danny scrambles after him, trying to retrain everything in memory.
It's a bit hard since Ryan doesn't seem to want to waste a second, and Danny might or might not be the best at following verbal instructions. If only he had a notepad.
"Pro tip: don't turn on the flash. The elites hate it when they notice you're there. The crew is asked to stay in the first two rooms. Mr. Wayne lets the media into his parties, but he wants his guests to be safe, so don't even try to go into the main ballroom and, for your sake, ask before you take a picture." Ryan finishes pushing open a door. He gestures to the room. "Good luck."
"Hold on-" Danny tries to say, but he can't finish before he is thrown into the hallway. At once, Danny realizes with horror that he is right in the center of the Middle room. There are a lot more people than he is prepared for, seeing as groups of people are standing or sitting around speaking in low voices.
A few heads turn to look at him, making Danny panic. He spots a corner that is far away from everyone. He makes his way there with careful steps, hunching his shoulders whenever he accidentally makes eye contact with people.
Though that was more of the staff, the guests seemed to look right. Danny isn't used to it from Amity Park, but it's a surprise to have to experience it again here in Gotham.
Arriving safely in his corner, Danny leans against the wall, surveying the room. He doesn't know who anyone is, which means his targets are not here, but he can certainly tell they all scream wealth.
A slight floral scent is in the air, and music plays through the wall in a classical ambiance. It's every stereotype of rich people's party, giving horrid flashbacks to high society events in the Ghost zone.
At least no one is mobbing him to try and gain favor with the new naive King.
He accidentally locks gaze with an older woman who lifts her eyebrow. Her expression is smooth, but her eyes are cold as ice and he can practically feel her sneer.
Danny snaps his eyes away, swallowing hard. He fumbles with his camera, checking the settings, adjusting the lens, and trying to look busy.
After a moment, he felt her gaze leave him.
Okay, I can do this, he thinks, relieved that the ice queen wasn't staring him down. I just find the Waynes, get their pictures, and go home. Then I can go out and take photos of the Bats.
Taking a deep breath, Danny shuffles to the main door and adjusts his camera settings again. As he clicks through the shutter settings, he feels a hand reach out and nearly knock the wind out of him.
"Guest only beyond this point," A man in a suit growls at him. Danny rubs his chest, trying not to melt into the ground as he can feel multiple people turn to stare.
"I am a guest." He tells the man.
The other sighs. "Sir, if you don't back up, I must escort you off the property."
"What? No, I swear I am. I have an invitation." Danny pulls out the letter Lady Gotham gave him, unfolding it from his back pant pocket. The man takes it from his hand and crumbles it up without looking at it.
"I will not tell you again. Take a step back or else!"
Danny's hands curl into fists against his will. The man's eyes narrow with a sneer, matching his rage. Just as he thought things would go badly, he heard a voice crack over the speakers.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope you all are enjoying the evening. This night wouldn't have been possible without your generous donations today. A special thank you to Daniel Fenton for making the largest donation." Bruce Wayne says with a dizzy smile.
Danny straightens up. "That's me. I'm Daniel Fenton."
"Sure it is."
"I am! I have my ID." Danny pulls out his wallet. "Look!"
"That's it. You have ten seconds to leave: on your own or by force," the man growls, reaching up to his earpieces. He taps them twice. I request a backup to remove a disturbance."
"What?! I'm not even doing anything!"
"We had plenty of complaints against you already. You made our guest feel unsafe."
"Is there a problem here?" a second pair of security guards asks. They surround Danny, and by this point, people have noticed there is undoubtedly a disturbance underway.
"No, there isn't! I'm just trying to go to the party I was invited to."
"Nice try. I saw you come through the servant's entrance." One of them says.
"Because they told me to!" Over the shoulder of one of the guards, he spots Ryan walking by with a tray of shimmering drinks. Thinking about how nice he was, Danny waved a hand. "Ryan can vouch for me. Hey, Ryan! Ryan!"
The server turns to him, his eyes comprehensive as soon as he spots Danny waving eagerly. Face turning pale, the man rushes over.
"What's going on?" He asks, and two guards level dark stares at the employee.
"Ryan, can you please tell them I was invited?" Danny demands with a pout.
"Kid, I told you the crew stays in the Middle room," Ryan tells him nervously, warping an arm around him and balancing the tray in the other. "It's okay, guys. He's with me. He just got a little confused is-"
"So you both need to be removed from the premises," the original guard sneers, snapping his figures. The other two quickly step forward and grab them. "By the way, Ryan, you're fired."
"W-what? But Cooper, I really need this job. My sister has medical bills, and she depends on me!"
"Then she's going to be very disappointed, isn't she?" Cooper tells him with a smirk.
"That's not fair. He didn't do anything wrong." Danny protests as Ryan's expression crumbles.
"What is going on here?" a new voice asks. Everyone turns to find an elderly British man looking at them, all unimpressed.
"Mr. Pennysworth. We have the situation handled." Cooper tells him smoothly.
"Good, because Master Wayne is waiting for Mr. Fenton to give a speech."
That makes everyone freeze, including Danny. "I am?"
"Of course, sir. You did out-donate everyone here," the butler tells him in a deadpan voice. He gives the shocked Ryan a quick glance, "This is?"
"Ryan," Danny says, taking the tray from the stunned older teenager. He passes it to a gaping Copper. "He's with me."
"Very well, sirs, please come this way." He glances at the camera around Danny's neck. "I see you brought your equipment. Please refrain from taking photos within the hall."
"Yes sir." He tells the butler, grabbing Ryan's hand and pulling him into the room.
"You're rich?" Ryan gasps, staring at Danny like he was an alien
"It would certainly appear so. By the way, what's your last name?"
"Ryan Aetos. Nice name. What's your sister's name?"
"Ida. Why?"
"To pay off all her medical bills. Current and future."
Danny smiles up at the teenager. He seems to be about two years older than Danny, so he is likely nineteen. "Yeah, you were nice to me. That's good karma, and trust me, in Gotham, that means a lot. Now, let's enjoy the party. You're my plus one tonight."
Light years above them, Karma kicks her feet, giggling madly. "It looks like Tim has noticed Danny for his camera, but oh, what this—a love rival, with a heart of gold and a care for his sister? Lovely."
"Do you not have a life sister?"
"I have a job. Unlike you, brother." She snaps before quickly moving Tim into a position that would be fabulous once Danny gives into his urge to take the photo. Just in case.
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cookie-kat777 · 26 days
4 Minutes and the Great Depression
Now that we have seen Great's experiences in the original timeline and get to see more of Great's "true" character, I feel like people are really misunderstanding him and his behavior. I see a lot in the tags about his actions being that of a spoiled and selfish asshole rich kid--and he probably is--but I think there is more going on here.
Maybe people aren't seeing it because they haven't personally experienced this, or at least not in this particular way, but I have: Great is depressed.
Depression doesn't always present as rotting in bed and being unable to perform basic self-care. Sometimes depression can look like a generally functional person, who underneath the facade is numb, self-destructive, apathetic and overall disregarding of his or her own well-being. Depression can feel like you are anesthetized to reality, like there is a barrier between you and the world around you. You aren't fully present, things don't fully feel real; even your reaction time can be slower (ex. Manee, Dome, Nan).
I believe that Great doesn't appear to care about anything that's happening because he is experiencing all of the above, and is also maybe a little manic (judging from his impulsiveness).
There are clues that he is indeed affected by what is going on: he can't sleep, he needs anti-anxiety meds, he's drinking alone. He doesn't express this more obviously because, as we've seen, no one in his life really gives a shit about him. Not his parents, not his friends. Who is he going to talk about his feelings with? Korn might be the exception, and we do see that they spend time together, but Korn also has a lot going on; he doesn't have a ton of time for Great.
It seems like Great has been emotionally neglected for quite some time. He desires acceptance, love and attention from his parents so badly, but he only ever gets scorned and rejected. A situation like that is the perfect cocktail for depression.
The biggest indicator for me that this is not some cut-and-dry case of rich kid entitlement is that, in the 4 minutes timeline, Great expresses a different personality. He is not just going over his past decisions that led him to this point of near-death and correcting them, he is also adorning these visions with the things his heart yearns for. He gets to be softer, more open, more vulnerable. He reaches out for connection, care and intimacy with another person and finds it returned. He (ironically) starts to come more alive again inside as the clock ticks closer to his death.
I think 4-minutes Great is who Great could be (or thinks he could be) if given the opportunity. Someone who is braver, more upstanding, more gentle, more sensitive. Someone who gets to go on cute dates with cute boys and take home matching cat doll souvenirs. Someone who gets to have tender sex in a glamping tent with soft lighting.
Anyway, I'm not bringing all of this up to excuse his actions or defend him. I just think Great has a few more layers than people might be giving him credit for.
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m3ntally-unstable · 7 months
can you write a drew starkey x fem!reader imagine where drew has a crush on the reader and he has for a while, but he doesn't think the reader likes him back until one day he like drunk confesses or just impulsively tells her? <3
A/N : Yes I will try (I’ve never written before) I’m sorry I’m so late on this I’m just so nervous to write stuff 😭😭
I love you..
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Drew starky x fem!Reader
Warnings:- drinking,use of y/n , drew being drunk most of the time, some insta posts (tell me if I’m missing anything.)
having a well-known acting career and appearing in TV series such as Vampire Diaries, Stranger Things, and Ginny and Georgia, I've had my fair share of romantic relationships and crushes on coworkers.
I have had both positive and negative emotions from every person I have dated. Nonetheless I still have a lot of my partners as friends, though.
When I got casted on outerbanks, I was already working on a project which required all of my time in another state in a whole ,leading to me having to decline the role.
After finishing said project , and sulking over not excepting the offer i got a call from my agent telling me that I was getting handed a role,a really good one .No audition needed. As the love interest of a rich playboy (wonder who that is).
“What exactly is the show again?…” I asked annoyed that I was being disturbed from my beauty sleep.
“Firstly I never told you aaand secondly it’s for.. outerbanks!”
The show I declined? The show that made me regret doing my previous project instead of it? The show where my college crush- AHEM. right where was I
“Hellooo? You there y/n?..”
“Uhhh yeah sorry. You can call back and say yes”
“I already did. I was just telling you”
“Wow oka-“
Originally I believed that when I joined the cast of the outerbanks drew starkey would forget about me, but judging off of the happy smile on his face when he saw me or how his eyes softened when I talked about something I was interested in told me otherwise. I was finally gonna tell him. Tell him I l-
Actually I just shouldn’t go! Yeah. Why face the embarrassment of drew not feeling same! Yeah that’s smar-
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Madisyn bby
Girl, we need to go shopping for
Dresses ASAP . It’s already 3
And the party IS AT 9
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Woah woah ok I’ll
Meet you out in 5😭
Madisyn bby
That’s what I thought
Yeah yeah 😒
Madisyn bby
Read 12:45
“Ok , red or black?” I asked with hesitation on the choices i had just tried on. “Definitely black girl, you look so hot” madisyn replied “maybe match it with some green?” Elaine said “that would look so good” Maddie added with a wink towards Elaine.
“Hey hey what’s up with the winking” I asked panicked “oh you know just Drew’s favourite colour..” madisyn mumbled out. I felt my eye twitching at the three of them I felt the heat rise up to my cheeks
“god you guys” I blushed and ran into the changing room soon hearing the laughter of the 3 girls.
“You don’t need to be embarrassed girlie pop” Elaine teased “easy for you to say your already dating someone ” I whined
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Liked by y/nuser and 21,992 others
elameeeee had too much fun shopping with my girls for season wrap party
Y/nuser I will find you.
View all 5729 comments
As soon as I walked into the venue of the party the only that came to mind was my insecurities. Would Drew ever like someone like me? Someone who isn’t as pretty as his ex’s?
Instead of overthinking maybe I should just drink it away .yeah that sounds goo-
God what is with people and interrupting me today?! I turned around and looked around not seeing anyone who seemed to be calling my name
“Over here!” I turned a bit to the right and saw
Oh my. No no no. I’m not ready yet I was still in the middle of overthinking.
He came running up to me with the cutest grin on his face “hey.” He said out of breath “hi Drew” I responded while looking down because I could feel the blood rushing up.
“You- uh you look beautiful ” he stuttered out after actually taking a good look at my dress. If I wasn’t blushing earlier I sure am now.
“You don’t look half-bad yourself starkey” I giggled out trying to regain my confidence.
I couldn’t help but notice the small blush spread across his face after hearing my comment. God that’s so embarrassing, why did I even say that.
“DREW MY MAN!” I hear non other than Rudy come up. Rudy was nice , I saw him as my best friend, like a brother, Rudy and I were two pods in a pea, me and him grew up together in Atlanta and only moved apart because of high school, we still often texted and chatted but it never felt the same as being with him in person
“RUDY!” I squealed
“Y/n!” He rushed into my arms and pulled me into his into his tight embrace “oh my god , I missed you so much”
He chuckled “I missed you too n/n” he pulled back “look at you, miss hell on wheels”
“You guys know eachother?” Drew asked “yeah, me and Rudy grew up together” I responded Rudy agreeing with me “oh okay..”
“So um let’s head inside?”
It was currently 1:25 am and observing how everyone was almost knocked out , except for jd and me obviously, who else was going to take care of them?
“I’ll order a Uber for Rudy and Elaine , you should stay with drew,the girls and me , it’s not a problem” JD offered
“Yeah That’d be great , thank you jd” he nodded
Now , the biggest challenge of all, getting them back to the apartment. Sigh, why am I even here.
“Drew come on , let’s go”
“Ughnnn, no I don’t wanna” he wrapped his arms around my waist and stared into my eyes
“Drew-” he put his head into the crook of my neck. God I can feel his breath. It’s okay , just get him back to the apartment and done
“Y/n Come on let’s go!” JD honked from the car
“Come on drew” I practically dragged him out, but what surprised me that he didn’t let go. “Drew let go”
“Nghhhh” he somehow just cuddled in deeper to me
This is going to be a long night.
Having to drag this 80kg man down a hallway into a bed is like doing bodybuilding.
“Come on Drew go to bed”
“Don’t leaveeeee” he whined
I sighed out of frustration, “okay cmon big boy let’s go to bed” I stepped into bed and stayed on my side of the bed, not wanting it to be awkward.
He tried wrapping his arms around me “heyyy, come closer”
“Drew what has gotten into you” I mumbled, as he wrapped his arms around my waist and stuffed his head into the crook of my neck like earlier today
“You know drew im so gonna make fun o-”
“Do you and Rudy have something going on” he spoke clearly for the first time that night.
“What are you on about drew.” He still waited for a response “no!” He sighed like he was holding his breath and leaned back into my shoulder.
“I love you” his voice came muffled but , I knew what he said, if it wasn’t so dark , he would’ve seen how red I’d become just from that one comment
“Drew come on your drunk-”
He lifted his head “I mean it.”
Oh my god. Is the world spinning? I can’t breathe!. Okay , no calm, he’s drunk he doesn’t mean it. Your okay yea-
Suddenly I felt lips on mine, it took me a moment to realise what was happening and I kissed back. no this is wrong, I pulled away
“Drew we can’t do this.. not again”
“Y/n , I know you feel it, please.”
I paused thinking of what to say , hearing him plead with his puppy eyes under the moonlight was intoxicating
“Drew your drunk, I won’t do anything, until I know you mean it”
Drew didn’t respond, he slowly made a Noice of confirmation and understood where I was coming from and put his head back down to its original position.
I knew he wasn’t sleeping but it was peaceful knowing we were just lying there. I felt my eyes get heavy but before I let slumber take me I said
“Hey drew..”
“Tell me that again tomorrow”
I felt him smile against my neck and muzzle into me more
The next morning , i woke up with Drew still having his arms wrapped around me and a particular instagram post that made me actually realised what was happening
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Liked by madisynBaileybabe and 286492962 others
Rudeth saves this wiles you can people , before y/n wakes up and kills me #y/drew
@y/nuser and @drewstarkey
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Hi! Hope ur doing great! First of all, I really love your fics! I think you're really talented.
I have a request, if it's not too much trouble. I can't stop thinking about a Steve w/head trauma (so, maybe migraine prone, memory issues, etc) and a DM Eddie that still resents Steve from high school. Eddie doesn't know Steve struggles with the complications of his concussions, so he keeps judging him for it. Say, for example, Steve got a terrible migraine and couldn't pick the kids up from Dnd and Eddie thinks he's probably at a party and stood them up. Then Eddie finds out, maybe from Steve himself or a Party member or Steve's parents. (If you could somehow sneak in Steve's parents being good caring parents for one, it'd be really cool.) Eddie apologizes and they start getting closer. And, yeah, that's all. Thank you!!!
We know I love writing Steve with a migraine. Not to jinx anything, but it's been almost two weeks since I've had one myself so I'm sure the torture I put him through here will have instant karma and I will wake up with one. Is it realistic for Eddie to pretty much fall instantly in love with a man he hated the night before? No. Do I write realistic stories? No. Buckle up for the fastest burn you can possibly read today! - Mickala ❤️
Steve Harrington was late.
Not just a few minutes late, not like he maybe got held up at a light for an extra two minutes, not like he had to stop for gas.
He was 25 minutes late.
Eddie was pissed.
He didn’t mind hanging out with the kids longer, wouldn’t have even minded if he’d just been given a heads up that Steve would be late.
A phone call.
A fucking letter by pigeon.
Dustin seemed worried, more than anyone else, though the later it got, the more Lucas and Will and Mike seemed to worry too.
And Eddie would maybe worry too, except he knew what was happening.
He knew because it’s all he ever expected of Steve.
Steve probably went to a party, thought he could make his rounds, maybe have a drink and sober up in time to come get the kids.
And then he probably got bribed into having another drink, maybe smoke a joint in the backyard of whatever rich kid’s house he was visiting, maybe have a shot with a group of kids who liked to spend their time bullying the very kids he was supposed to be picking up.
Maybe fuck a girl in a bedroom upstairs until he was too tired and just passed out on top of her.
He rolled his eyes at the thought.
“Maybe we could try to call his house again?” Lucas asked.
“He didn’t answer the first four times, why would he now?” Mike asked, though his eyes kept scanning the road into the trailer park, searching for headlights that wouldn’t appear.
And wasn’t that just the last straw for Eddie? Watching his favorite gremlins admire and respect someone who couldn’t even remember to pick them up? Watching them expect so much from a guy who peaked in high school, who didn’t care about them if it hindered his plans?
“You guys wait here,” he said, his hands shaking with anger.
“Where are you going?” Will asked.
“To call Robin. If anyone will know what’s up, she will,” he replied.
It was late, but not too late for a phone call between adults.
“Buckley residence, you’ve got Robin,” Robin answered the phone with a bored tone.
“Any clue why your best friend is 30 minutes late to pick the kids up from my house?” He tried not to sound angry at her, it wasn’t her fault.
But he couldn’t hide the fact that he didn’t understand what band nerd, lesbian, nice person Robin could possibly see in Steve.
Sure, he carted the kids around a lot, and had helped Wayne out with Eddie’s medical stuff after Vecna, but it felt like he did it out of guilt more than anything else.
“He’s never late,” she said, her tone sharp, defensive. “You sure he knew they needed rides?”
“Positive. I heard him yell to them when he dropped them off that he’d see them in three hours.”
Robin didn’t respond for a minute, and he almost thought the line went dead.
“Has Dustin tried the walkie?” She finally asked.
“Yeah. No answer.”
Eddie rolled his eyes.
“Wanna fill me in here, Buckaroo?”
“Um. Can you bring the kids home? I gotta go check on him.”
Before he could respond, the dial tone let him know she was already gone.
“Fuck!” He yelled.
He hung up the phone and grit his teeth together.
The problem wasn’t taking the kids home, he really didn’t mind and had told them on multiple occasions that he could so they didn’t have to rely on Steve to do it.
The problem was that they had relied on Steve and he let them down.
He hated that he’d have to go out there and tell them that Steve wasn’t coming.
He hates Steve for the way he would have to watch their faces fall, for the way they’d ride to their homes in silence.
He hated Steve for the fact that he’d probably buy them all ice cream tomorrow to apologize and they’d all rely on him again.
All would be forgiven.
The next morning, he tried calling Robin and got no answer.
He tried calling Dustin and got no answer, though he wasn’t as surprised by that since he’d already been considering going to the Sinclairs’ to spend the weekend since his mom was working.
He tried Steve’s house and got an answering machine. Twice.
He considered leaving a scathing message, but didn’t want to risk one of his parents hearing it and deleting it.
“Fuck it,” he said to himself before he grabbed his keys and decided to drive to Steve’s house.
He was a little surprised to actually see Steve’s car in the driveway, half expecting him to still be passed out at some stranger’s house.
Before he could ring the doorbell, the front door swung open and Robin’s wide eyes were silently begging him to stay quiet.
She looked exhausted, a little flustered, more stressed than he’d seen in a long time.
“What’s going on?” He asked.
Maybe Steve drank more than he should’ve, maybe he wasn’t actually home and she was trying to find him still.
“Come in but be quiet. He’s finally sleeping,” she said, already walking back into the house.
He followed, closing the door behind him and giving his surroundings a quick look.
Everything looked perfect as usual except for Robin’s shoes by the door and her backpack open on the floor by the couch.
The couch that Steve was currently passed out on, blankets almost completely covering his head, ice pack resting over his eyes.
Eddie’s brows furrowed.
“Hangover?” He whispered to Robin.
She looked at him confused.
“No? He hasn’t drank in nearly a year.”
If Eddie didn’t have more control over his body, his jaw would’ve dropped.
“Oh. Um. So is he sick?” Eddie tried to gather up his thoughts, glancing over at the sleeping form on the couch.
He noticed the curtains closed and no lights turned on, noticed the complete silence in the house except for the sound of a fan running in the corner.
“He gets migraines. I thought you knew,” she said.
Eddie shook his head.
“He’s had a lot of head trauma. Gets migraines that make it impossible to even sit up sometimes. I guess he was fighting it most of the day yesterday but after he dropped the kids off with you, he passed out in the shower and barely was able to crawl to his bed after. When you called me, I kind of assumed the worst, so I came straight here and saw him naked and shivering in bed, not able to get up to get dressed or even get the covers on. Got him dressed, got him water and meds, called his parents, tried to help him eat. He spent almost an hour throwing up after that. Then he cried because he forgot the kids. Memory problems happen with the head trauma, too. I couldn’t calm him down until about an hour ago.”
Eddie let himself feel the guilt he deserved for thinking the worst of Steve.
Steve didn’t deserve this. No one did.
“Does he need to go to the hospital?” Eddie whispered, his voice broken thinking about how Steve had been alone here, probably scared when he was curled up in his bed unable to move.
“No. His parents are on their way. If it’s not better tomorrow, they’ll probably take him to his neurologist,” Robin responded.
A whimper came from the couch, causing Robin to tense and hold her breath.
Eddie looked over and waited to see if maybe Steve was completely awake or if he’d just made a noise in his sleep.
After a few seconds, Robin relaxed, and he felt a breath leave his body.
“How often does this happen?” he whispered as she went to grab a drink from the fridge.
“This bad? Once a month or so. He sometimes has some memory problems without the migraine, but luckily he snaps back quickly,” she shrugged, acted as if it wasn’t a big deal, but Eddie could see right through her.
“And you help him a lot?”
“Well, his parents travel a lot for work, and he can’t always call them or remember how to contact them when it’s this bad, so yeah. I tend to be the one to take care of him until they can get here,” she said.
Eddie chewed on a piece of his hair, glancing over towards the couch every few seconds.
He was surprised this hadn’t come up before.
He was even more surprised that none of the kids had mentioned this as a possibility last night.
“Why didn’t the kids mention it last night when I was pissed?” he finally asked.
“Steve doesn’t really tell anyone. Like, the kids know, but they’ve never actually seen it, and so I think they just kinda forget. He doesn’t wanna bother them with it.”
“That’s stupid, they care about h-”
The front door started to open and a woman peeked her head inside.
Robin ran over as quickly and quietly as she could and Eddie stood awkwardly behind the couch as a middle aged woman walked into the house.
A man followed a few seconds after, a bag in hand.
“Is he asleep?” the woman asked.
“Yeah,” Robin replied before explaining much of what she’d already told Eddie to them.
The Harringtons looked surprisingly put together for a couple who probably hadn’t slept all night and most likely had flown home from somewhere as quickly as they could. They also looked nothing like what Eddie expected.
Mr. Harrington was bald, age spots on his head giving away that he must have been quite a few years older than Mrs. Harrington. She had the same color hair as Steve, same voluminous style, cut just above the shoulders. They both wore glasses, and both of them were wearing business attire like they’d rushed back directly from a meeting.
“And who is this?” he heard Mr. Harrington ask, gesturing towards Eddie.
He walked over and put his hand out to shake, trying to remember the best manners he could.
“I’m Eddie, a friend of Steve’s.”
He could feel Robin staring at him, but didn’t turn towards her. Instead, he shook Mrs. Harrington’s hand and then offered to help with any other bags they have.
“Oh, don’t worry about it. We can get them later. Since he’s asleep, we’re gonna go freshen up a bit and then you can head on home. Thank you for taking care of him, Robin. You know we appreciate you so much,” Mrs. Harrington said as she hugged her.
“It’s never a problem. Take your time,” she said.
“I’ll stay, Robin. You should go home and sleep,” Eddie offered before he could think about what he was offering.
“You’ll stay? With Steve?” Robin asked incredulously.
“Yeah. He seems pretty out of it so I’m sure he won’t even wake up before they’re done,” Eddie said, hopeful that he was right.
“Alright, my mom should be here in a few minutes anyway. She was bringing me a change of clothes in case I ended up staying today, so she can just bring me home,” Robin said hesitantly.
The Harringtons nodded and walked upstairs without another word, most likely too tired to care much about who stayed with Steve as long as he was being looked after.
“Eddie, you don’t have to do this,” Robin said when they were gone.
“I know. But I’m the only one here who slept last night, I can handle it for a bit.”
“He can be…kind of a lot,” she sounded like she didn’t want to admit it, didn’t like saying something negative about him at all.
“It’s fine. If he’s in this much pain, then it’s understandable.”
Robin looked him over for a moment, something like understanding finally showing on her face. He didn’t know what she was understanding, but he was just grateful she didn’t seem to want to talk more.
She started zipping up her backpack, putting on her shoes, and whispering some basic instructions to Eddie in case Steve woke up.
“Replace the ice pack, don’t let him try to move off the couch by himself and only if he has to use the bathroom. The bucket at the end of the couch is if he gets sick. He needs water if you can try to help him drink some, and if he thinks he can stomach it, there’s some crackers on the coffee table. He’s due for more meds in two hours, but you probably won’t be here for that,” she rambled off.
Eddie nodded along, mentally making a to-do list.
“You’re sure you got it? He sometimes isn’t able to talk.”
Jesus Christ, how had he never noticed this? Was he that oblivious to what Steve was going through?
“I got it.”
He could hear a car pull into the driveway and Robin opened the door to leave.
“If you need me, call me. The Harringtons will probably be as quick as possible, but just in case,” she begged him.
She left and closed the door behind her quietly, leaving Eddie staring at it for a minute.
He heard a small whimper from the couch and he rushed over, looking down at Steve.
The ice pack had fallen off his face, and his eyes were scrunched closed like he was still suffering even in his sleep.
Eddie leaned over to pick up the ice pack, ready to trade it out with a fresh one, when one of Steve’s eyes opened.
He froze and looked at him, hoping he would go back to sleep quickly.
He’d started calling him Eds in the hospital, always walking into his room with a bright smile and a ‘hey, Eds’ that had Eddie cracking a small smile.
He hadn’t heard it since then.
“Yeah?” he finally responded, trying to keep his voice as soft as possible.
He knew when Wayne got headaches, he was very sensitive to noise.
“Hurts,” Steve whimpered out.
Eddie’s heart shattered in his chest.
He walked closer to the couch and knelt down on his knees, placing a hand on Steve’s forehead.
“I know, Stevie. You wanna try to have a sip of water for me?” He whispered.
“No, hurts.”
“Might help,” Eddie tried to bribe him.
But Steve’s eyes were closed again, and even though he wasn’t asleep, he was making it very clear that he couldn’t quite handle keeping them open right now.
Eddie gently ran his fingers back and forth across his forehead, down his nose, along his temples, smiling as Steve’s wrinkles seemed to disappear, his face relaxing slowly.
“Go back to sleep, Stevie,” he whispered.
“Mhm,” Steve let out before he seemed to actually fall back asleep.
Eddie didn’t move from his spot for nearly 45 minutes, even when his legs went numb and his hand started cramping.
Steve hadn’t so much as snored, so Eddie didn’t want to risk any movement waking him up.
“Would you like something to drink?” Mrs. Harrington asked him, startling him slightly.
“No, thank you,” Eddie responded as quietly as possible.
“Are you the Eddie from the hospital? The one he insisted on visiting every day?” she asked as she sat down on the coffee table right next to him.
“Um, yes ma’am,” he knew he sounded nervous.
“Oh, so you boys worked it all out? He promised he’d tell me if you said yes!” she smiled at him.
“Worked…what out?”
Her eyes widened.
“Your feelings! Steve told us he was going over to your house the day you got out of the hospital and telling you how he felt,” she explained, sounding somewhat unsure now.
Eddie felt like his stomach had dropped to the floor.
“He what?”
“Oh dear,” she said, wringing her hands in her lap. “I suppose I was wrong.”
Eddie saw Mr. Harrington walk into the kitchen from his spot on the floor, felt the tension in the air as Mrs. Harrington tried to change the subject quickly.
But he wasn’t going to stop thinking about what she meant.
Steve had had feelings for him? Like, more than a friend feelings?
Steve let out a small groan in his sleep, shifting his head a bit.
Eddie tried to shush him a bit, running his fingers gently through his hair, careful not to catch on any tangles.
He could feel Mrs. Harrington watching, but she didn’t say anything else until Steve seemed to calm again.
“You know, Steve came out to us in March. Said he’d met a guy who was worth the risk. We love him, we always will, but we were very worried. I think any parent worries when their child, even their grown ones, says they’re in love with someone. In this case, we didn’t know if you felt the same, or if you even liked men. And Steve here tends to fall fast and fall hard and forgets to wear a parachute before the jump.”
Eddie didn’t say anything, his head filled with the way she’d called his feelings love.
“But I think I see now that he didn’t need one. I think he had you jumping with him and you remembered the parachute for him.”
He turned to look at her, her fond smile pointed at them both as he continued to run his fingers through Steve’s hair.
She got up and went into the kitchen, leaving Eddie to think about what she said.
That’s all he did for a while.
The next time Steve woke up, he was slightly more coherent, but still didn’t want to eat or drink.
Mrs. Harrington had gone to lay down for a nap while Mr. Harrington was finishing up something in his office. They both told him to come find them if Steve woke up and needed something.
At some point, Eddie had rested his head against Steve’s chest, listening to his heart beat loudly against his ear.
No, why Eddie again? Why not Eds?
“Hey, Stevie,” he lifted his head and spoke just above a whisper. “How about a few sips of water?”
“I can’t.”
“Sure you can. I’ll help.”
Robin had been kind enough to find a straw for the cup of water she’d gotten before she left, so Eddie just held it up close to Steve’s lips and told him to sip.
Steve did manage a few sips before he shook his head and started to turn away.
“It’s time for more meds. Wanna take them?” Eddie asked.
“Carry me.”
Eddie let out a small laugh at the demanding tone in Steve’s voice.
Even through the pain, and exhaustion, and struggle of speaking, he sounded like a drama queen.
Eddie might love him.
“Won’t that hurt?”
“A little.”
“Then shouldn’t you stay here?”
“Wanna cuddle.”
“Uh. With…your mom?”
Eddie was going to pass out.
There was no way he’d be able to carry Steve up the stairs to his room and then cuddle with him, and pretend he wasn’t feeling the overwhelming urge to propose marriage.
These new feelings kicked in too fast for him to process and he knew cuddling wouldn’t help.
“Please?” Steve asked, his eyes squinting slightly from what little light was making it through the curtains.
“Okay, but don’t laugh when I get out of breath.”
Steve didn’t respond, or really do anything to acknowledge what Eddie said, but he was pretty sure Steve’s head hurt too much to laugh anyway so he took a chance.
He removed the blankets on top of him and managed to pick him up relatively easily.
The walk to the stairs wasn’t bad.
The walk up the stairs was rough for a couple reasons: One, Eddie was out of shape and Steve weighed roughly the same as him. Two, Steve kept whimpering in pain with every step.
When they finally reached his bedroom, Eddie was panting and Steve had a couple tears falling from his eyes.
“I sure hope the cuddling lives up to expectations after that,” Eddie tried to joke.
“Worth it,” Steve sighed.
He set Steve in his bed first, made sure the fan in the room was on and the curtains were shut, then got into his bed.
People dreamed for most of high school to be in this position, but Eddie hadn’t let himself picture it.
He wouldn’t have ever pictured this scenario anyway.
Steve was sweaty, almost like he was running a fever, but Eddie didn’t let that deter him from scooting closer and moving Steve into his arms.
They both fell asleep in minutes, Eddie’s fingers wrapped up in Steve’s hair.
When Eddie woke again, it was pitch black in the room.
Steve was also awake.
“Stevie? You need something? Feeling any better?”
He didn’t answer for a minute, and Eddie considered running to get one of his parents, when he finally spoke up.
“A little. Thanks”
Eddie let out a breath and relaxed back against the pillows under him.
“You can go if you want,” Steve nearly whispered into the darkness.
Eddie tensed again as he looked over at Steve, who was playing with the blanket covering him in his hands, not looking at Eddie.
“And if I don’t want to?” Eddie asked, reaching a hand out to hold Steve’s.
“I know you hate me, so. You can go.”
Well, that just wouldn’t do.
Eddie couldn’t let him think he hated him, even though up until this morning, he thought he did.
“Stevie, lay down and look at me.”
Steve, surprisingly, listened and Eddie felt a tug at his heart that Steve was willing to listen to him that easily.
Eddie cupped Steve’s jaw, gentle in case of any lingering migraine pains.
“I don’t hate you. I think I realized that maybe I had my own feelings wrong for a long time,” he admitted.
“The best part of my days in the hospital were when you visited. Wayne used to make fun of me when you left for being stuck in the hospital for longer because I was lovesick. And when I got home and you didn’t come visit unless you were bringing the kids by, I just kinda thought it meant things were back to normal. King Steve didn’t need to be nice anymore, his charity case was safe and mostly healed,” Eddie stopped Steve from interrupting at that, scared to lose his train of thought. “So I went back to hating you. It’s easier to hate someone when your heart’s broken, ya know? And I just assumed you were the same Steve I thought you always were. But then I realized that you never really were the Steve I thought you were. And especially now, you’re a guy who deserves kindness and care and love. I’d really like the chance to give that to you.”
He felt Steve’s face getting wet and he brushed his thumbs back and forth to wipe away the tears falling.
“I was going to tell you the day you got out of the hospital,” Steve said, voice trembling.
“Tell me what?”
“That I loved you.”
The world stopped spinning, Eddie would bet money on it.
“You did?”
“I did.” Steve gulped. “I do.”
“You do?”
“You’re a hard person to fall out of love with, Munson.”
It was Eddie’s turn to cry, a few tears falling from his eyes onto the pillowcase below.
“So?” Steve asked.
“Is the headache better? I’d really like to kiss you,” Eddie said.
“It’s good enough for a kiss. Might even work better than the meds,” Steve’s smirk could be seen even in the darkness.
Eddie didn’t need to wait for more permission than that.
He was gentle, of course. Just because his migraine had gotten better, didn’t mean he was ready to make out.
He gave him a couple soft pecks on the lips, smiling when he felt Steve smiling against him.
“I think you’re probably pretty easy to fall in love with, Harrington.”
“Yeah?” he asked, voice rough.
“Yeah, might be a new record for me.”
“I’ve been told it’s very sexy when I’m suffering through a migraine,” Steve joked.
“You have no idea,” Eddie joked back.
They stayed in bed all night, Steve eventually falling back asleep again.
Eddie stayed awake though, memorizing the shape of Steve’s body with his fingers, or at least what he could reach while he held him.
They could talk more tomorrow, when Steve’s migraine fully subsided.
But Eddie knew what he wanted now, and he’d never been so happy to be wrong about someone.
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aylacavebear · 13 days
Soulmates? Yeah, right, pft. - Ch. 14
When you turn sixteen, and your soulmate's name doesn’t appear anywhere on your body that you can find, you figure you had to be the only person on the planet who didn’t have one. Most of the town shuns you, so you stick close to family. Your Aunt Ellen raised you after your parents died in a car crash when you were two, but what happens when the Winchesters return to town and buried secrets begin to come to light?
Pairing: Mechanic Dean Winchester x OC Reader/You
Word Count: 2214
Warnings: Angst, suspense, emotional situations, Crowley being Crowley.
A/N: This is my non-Supernatural fic I'm attempting. Please let me know what you think, as I always love hearing from my readers.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 14
When the SUVs pulled up to what looked like a heavily guarded wrought iron gate, attached to a thick brick or concrete wall, your heart almost felt like it would beat out of your chest. Dean at least still had his arm over your shoulders, holding you close, but your eyes were focused on the things outside. Outside the gates, all you could make out were the tall hedges and trees that had grown past the top of the wall, which you assumed encompassed the property. There were a few different types of vines, but they looked as though they’d been repeatedly cut back.
You wanted to ask where they’d taken you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to speak at the moment, even after what the judge had said. As the gates began to open, you felt like you were almost holding your breath. The driveway was neatly kept, winding its way through a pedicured landscape of trees, hedges, and flower beds. The mansion of a house where the SUVs stopped took your breath away. It was the most elegant and extravagant home you’d ever seen in person. The agent next to Benny opened the door, stepped out, and then held the door for the three of you. You swore your jaw had hit the pavement as you stepped out, staring up at the mansion before you when that Scottish accent pulled your gaze to the man coming down the steps.
“Oh good, you made it without incident,” Crowley stated, seeming quite pleased.
“What’s going on?” you asked, relieved it was Crowley and not someone from the Vaught family.
“I’ve made arrangements for you to stay here during the course of your case,” he explained. “One of my men will be back with your belongings, and theirs as well. Now, shall we get some brunch?”
You were still fairly confused, but you followed Crowley into his mansion, Dean by your side and Benny bringing up the rear. The interior of Crowley’s mansion was even more impressive than the exterior. As you stepped inside, your eyes were immediately drawn to the high ceilings adorned with intricate moldings and chandeliers that looked like they belonged in a palace. The walls were lined with dark wood paneling and elegant wallpaper, giving the space a sophisticated yet intimidating ambiance.
You walked through a grand foyer with a sweeping staircase that curved up to the second floor. The marble floors gleamed underfoot, and you could see various pieces of antique furniture and art tastefully arranged throughout the space. It was a stark contrast to the cold, sterile environment of the courtroom.
Crowley led the way down a long hallway, the rich scent of polished wood and old books filling the air. You passed several rooms, each one more opulent than the last, until you reached a set of double doors. Crowley pushed them open to reveal a lavish dining room.
The dining room was dominated by a long, mahogany table that could easily seat twenty people. The table was already set for a smaller group, with fine china, crystal glasses, and silver cutlery laid out meticulously. The walls were lined with tall bookshelves filled with leather-bound volumes, and several large windows allowed natural light to pour in, illuminating the room in a warm glow.
A chef and a few servants were bustling around, preparing the final touches for the meal. The aroma of bacon, cooking meat, and something that was perhaps a fine fish dish wafted through the air, making your stomach rumble in anticipation.
“Please, have a seat,” Crowley gestured to the chairs, taking his place at the head of the table. Dean guided you to a seat beside him, and Benny sat across from you, giving you a reassuring nod.
As you settled into the plush chair, Crowley smiled and spoke to the servants, “Begin serving, please.”
The servants moved with practiced efficiency, bringing out a covered plate for each of you, while others had platters with delectable deserts displayed on them. The aromas only made your mouth water further. Another servant set a chilled, open beer on a coaster near your, Dean’s, and even Benny’s plate while another poured Crowley a glass of what looked like fine wine.
Crowley dismissed the servant as he looked at you, his expression more serious now. “You must have many questions,” he said, taking a sip. “Feel free to ask anything you need to understand.”
You wanted to answer him, but the servants set a dish down in front of the three of you, revealing what had smelled so good. Yours and Dean’s contained the most delicious-looking burger you’d ever seen, while Benny got something that was clearly something he hadn’t had in a long time. You were just too focused on your burger at the moment to even ask what it was.
“Figured you lot would prefer something simple,” Crowley told you, seeing you focused on the meal and not his prior statement.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, looking over at him as Dean squeezed your knee in a reassuring way. “Why are you doing this for us?” you asked finally.
Crowley’s eyes met yours, and for a moment, you saw a flicker of something softer behind his usual confident exterior. “Let’s just say, I have a vested interest in seeing justice served. The Vaughts have been playing games for too long, and it’s about time someone put a stop to it.” Dean leaned in slightly, his voice low. “We appreciate your help, Crowley. But what’s the catch?”
Crowley chuckled, setting his glass down. “No catch, Dean. Just a mutual benefit. You get the support you need for this case, and I get the satisfaction of seeing the Vaughts lose for once.” Benny spoke up, his tone serious. “We’ll do whatever it takes to win this. They’ve messed with the wrong people.” Crowley nodded approvingly. “That’s the spirit, Benny. Now, let’s eat. You’re going to need your strength for what lies ahead.” As the meal progressed, you found yourself relaxing slightly, the initial shock of Crowley’s opulent home giving way to a sense of determination. You had allies in the fight, and together, you were going to bring the Vaughts to justice.
Halfway through the meal, the double doors opened, instantly pulling your attention to what looked like a butler. “They’re here, Sir,” he told Crowley.
“Ah, wonderful,” Crowley replied, delighted as a smile played at his lips. “Show them in.”
The butler nodded, and a few moments later, Sam, Ellen, Jodi, Bobby, Mary, and John came into the dining hall. You instantly stood as Ellen made her way to you, tears in both your eyes as you embraced her in a tight hug.
“Oh, honey,” she told you softly, and you heard the sadness and relief in her tone.
“I’m okay, Auntie,” you replied quietly.
Ellen held you at arm’s length, her eyes scanning your face as if reassuring herself that you were truly alright. “We’ve been worried sick about you,” she said, her voice trembling slightly.
Dean, Sam, and even Benny embraced in hugs before Dean hugged John and Mary. Even Jodi and Bobby hugged the boys, then came over to you, giving you a soft, but relieved smile, embracing you in a hug. 
“We’re here for ya, kid,” John told you with the softest expression you’d ever seen on the man.
Crowley, ever the consummate host, gestured to the empty seats. “Please, join us. There’s plenty of food, and we’ve much to discuss.” As everyone settled around the table, the atmosphere shifted slightly. There was a sense of camaraderie, of a team coming together to face a common enemy. You wished that Jo could be there, as she was more like a sister to you than a cousin. And, oddly enough, even Cas and Garth. Just as you were finally feeling like you were relaxing, your mark began burning, horribly, a pained hiss leaving your lips just as Dean was getting out of his seat.
Crowley snapped his fingers a couple of times while you put your hand over your mark, missing whatever was being said. Moments later, though, Dean was putting cream on your mark. “It’s okay, I’m right here,” he attempted to soothe you as the entire room had gone silent.
“Well, now, this changes things,” Crowley mused from where he sat, leaning back in his chair. “Why wasn’t I informed about that?”
“About what?” you asked, only wincing slightly as you looked at him.
“With that,” he began, gesturing to your mark, “we’ve got a little more leverage.”
You tried to look down at your mark, but with where it was, you couldn’t see it. Frustrated, you looked back at him, “What are you talking about?”
He practically laughed, “Dean, you haven’t told her?” 
All Dean did was glare at him and the others stayed silent, which only annoyed you further. “Tell me what?” you snapped, clenching your hands in your lap.
“I was waiting,” Dean managed through a clenched jaw, clearly annoyed.
“Will someone tell me what the hell you’re talking about? I’m tired of this, of all of you keeping secrets from me,” you snapped at them, looking around the table as your anger finally boiled over. When no one spoke up, you just got up and walked off, practically slamming the dining hall doors. 
Crowley sighed and nodded to one of his servants, who promptly followed you. The servant was a young woman with kind eyes, and she caught up with you just as you were starting to feel lost in the labyrinthine halls of the mansion.
“Miss, please allow me to show you to a room where you can rest. Your bags have already been brought up,” she said softly.
Too tired to argue, you nodded and followed her. She led you up a grand staircase and down a long corridor to a beautifully furnished room. “If you need anything, just ring this bell,” she instructed, indicating a small ornate bell on the bedside table.
“Thank you,” you murmured, sitting on the edge of the bed as she left the room.
Meanwhile, back in the dining hall…
Dean, still fuming, stood up, “We agreed to tell her when her mark came in more.”
Crowley shrugged nonchalantly, although he wasn’t pleased about his secrecy, “It slipped my mind. Besides, she has a right to know.”
Sam sighed, running a hand through his hair. “This isn’t helping. How did she not notice one of the letters came in all the way?”
Dean sighed and sat back down, “She never looked in the mirror at it, and I didn’t have the heart to tell her to.”
“Son, she’s gonna be more hurt if you wait much longer,” John told him sincerely.
“Does she have at least an idea of how you’re connected to all this?” Crowley asked, although clearly frustrated, but needing further information.
“Not completely,” Dean reluctantly answered.
“Benny, did she even pay attention when Dean testified?” Sam asked, fairly puzzled how you wouldn’t have found out.
Benny sighed, “No. I was talkin’ to her. Tryin’ to help er’ relax a little.”
Crowley was usually a calm, collected man, but this frustrated him: "What does she know?”
Dean grabbed his beer, taking a sip before he answered, staring at the label, “I told her I know she’s my soul mate, part of the thing with Lisa, and that she’s an empath.”
“That’s it?” Bobby exclaimed in annoyance and frustration.
“That explains why she knows we’re hiding something,” Mary sighed, looking back at the closed dining hall doors.
“I didn’t want to make it harder on her,” Dean mumbled quietly.
“Dean, she has to be told, before her birthday, or it’s gonna hurt her more, and not just emotionally,” Sam told him, his tone soft but firm. “I know what I told you before, but she’s quickly running out of time.”
Dean’s attention went to the doors, his mind on only you and what you were feeling. He’d hated not telling, not letting himself get closer to you than you’d let him. He’d felt everything from the moment he’d seen you that first day at the bar, and it was tearing him up inside that you still doubted him. Sam had warned him of the risks of waiting too long, but he just hadn’t been able to find the right time and he didn’t want to do it once you two had gotten stuck in that bunker. “Dean, are you even listened?” Crowley asked him, frustrated and now leaning forward in his seat, pulling Dean from his thoughts.
“Yeah, I mean, no. I wasn’t listening,” he grumbled.
An annoyed sound left Crowley’s lips as he leaned back in his seat. “Her birthday is in two days. Either you tell her tomorrow, or I’ll have to make sure the doctor is here.” His tone was of concern for you more than for Dean.
Dean looked down at his beer, “She’s gonna hate me, but… I’ll tell her tomorrow.”
“Son, she’s gonna be mad at all of us, but she’s not going to hate us, especially not you,” John tried to reassure him, feeling bad for what not only his son had to go through, but also what you have had to endure.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 15
Story Master List Main Master List
Tag List: @deans-spinster-witch @jamerlynn @jackles010378 @bruhidkjustwannaread @onthehuntforshinies
@chriszgirl92 @angzls @xolivvies-cornerxo @certainsaladstarfish @onlyangel-444
@nancymcl @muhahaha303 @suckitands33 @kr804573 @justrandomthougt
@suckitands33 @mxtansy @scarletqueenx @krazykelly @roseblue373
@whimsyfinny @ladysparkles78 @aaathazagoraphobiaaa @hobby27 @perpetualabsurdity
@cicibunbuns @n-o-p-e-never @vanessa-boo @foxyjwls007 @uoberpmollah
@xolivvies-cornerxo @certainsaladstarfish @kdadss @bitchykittenconnoisseur @reignsboy19
@bonbonnie88 @ghostieghoul711 @flamencodiva @kayleezee @stillhere197
@lexasaurs634 @enamoredwithbella @winchester-whiskey @brandinicole911 @swaggyemily
If I missed tagging, please let me know. I had a lot of requests for tags for this one. If you'd like to be tagged, drop me a comment.
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magici-if · 1 year
Attention, viewers. The following program contains content suitable for mature audiences aged 16 and above. Viewer discretion is advised.
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A flyer falls at your feet.
Ever wanted to become the best mage in the world? Ever wanted to become famous while at it?
Well, according to this flyer, by applying for this magic academy-turned-talent show, you can.
A chance to develop your magic affinities, get a free higher education from a renowned academy, meet people from all over the world, win the grand prize of 300 000 kubos , AND become mindblowingly famous?
Friends, mentors, rivals, lovers? In the end, the top only has space for one.
Will you be the one standing there?
But more importantly, what will you do to get there?
Find the answers to these questions and more in the third season of:
Magici: Worldstar - Where dreams become Magic.
A ✧ Spellbound ✧ Entertainment© Production
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In a world where magic is alive and widespread, you're one of the few lucky ones who can say they have actual powers instead of the weak energy most people possess. That's because you've had your Awakening, the extraordinary event in which that fragile energy becomes magic.
Unfortunately, Magic Academies are expensive and hard to get into, so you've never had the resources to truly hone your powers.
That changes when you find out that one of the most famous and respected magic academies in the world, Magici Academy, is letting anyone* apply.
How? By joining the famous magic talent show, Magici: Worldstar, you get a free education at the Academy. The catch? Every week, you risk being eliminated**, effectively shattering the dream of a lifetime.
Will you excel, or will you be eliminated, perhaps by the viewers or because you weren't on par with your fellow contestants?
*(See full requirements at MagiciWorldstar.com)
**Continued enrolment subject to Academy approval.
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Fully design your MC: pick your magic affinity, tv persona, gender identity, pronouns, sexuality, name, fashion style, personal goals, body mods, and many more!
Pick who gets eliminated by answering to polls!
Romance one of 6 ROs, or pursue casual flings
Will you focus on honing your magic, getting your grades up, winning the talent show, or simply charming the viewers?
Will you learn to control your powers, or succumb in this new and stressful environment?
Affect how the viewers, teachers, teammates, judges, and fellow students perceive you.
Affect how well your team does in the talent show, as well as the relationships between your teammates
Possibly win a talent show and get crazy rich and famous
Become the viewers' sweetheart... or a pain in the ass ^^
Play matchmaker with your class-/teammates ❤︎
❤︎ Romantic Options:
[RO appearances here] (not a rickroll this time I swear)
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Martin: He comes from a long lineage of strong mages. Always the family's black sheep, he seeks to make his family proud and finally show them he's worthy of his last name. A gentle but intimidating giant, he doesn't want to get too close to his fellow contestants, can you break down his walls?
Tropes: Stoic, Slow-Burn, Forced Proximity, Roommates, Afraid to Commit, Idiots in Love
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Demetra: This one is a mystery. Your brother's best friend, whom you've seen walking around your home since you were a teenager; however, she never made an effort to get to know you. When you see her at the Academy, you realise you know nothing about who she is. She says her only motivation to be on the show is knowledge, but will you show her she can find something other than that?
Tropes: Rivals to Lovers, Brother's Best Friend, Idiots in Love, Everyone Can See It
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Evander: Evander is a gifted individual with a big talent for magic, but he's lazy. The definition of "He's smart but he doesn't apply himself", he could care less about being in the academy. Their family has managed to force convince them to be on the show, the fame and money a big incentive. What they secretly hope is that he'll come home as a new person and grow up. You won't fix them, but you can sure seduce them. ;)
Tropes: First Love, Fish Out of Water, Oblivious to Love, Pining
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Harley: A social butterfly, it seems somehow she's already friends with everyone at the Academy. Growing up around musicians made her love for music grow, as well as awaken her powers. She joined the show to make important connections and to get her name out there both as a talented musician and a powerful mage. Will you be just another friend for her or will you become her muse? 𝄞
Tropes: Friends to Lovers, Soft Love, Roommates, Idiots In love, Mutual Pining
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Echo: Echo is extremely shy and often lost in her own thoughts. Her unique powers make her an intimidating rival and a strong teammate. However, she joined the show for a specific reason: she seeks to learn more about her unusual affinities. Other than that she hasn't really been interested in getting to know anyone. Maybe you'll be the exception and get to know the real Echo. ❤︎
Tropes: Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Idiots In Love, Strangers to Lovers, Hesitant, Crush on MC
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Dominic: He is one of the judges at Magici: Worldstar, as well as a professor at the Academy. He is just another judge, and you're just another contestant. Nothing to see here. :)
Tropes: Forbidden Love, Fell In Love with The Wrong Person, Lovers in Denial
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possible flings 👀 Other contestants:
Bleon: They already have a reputation as a prankster around the Academy, having competed in Magici: Worldstar's first season. Loved by the student body, hated by the professors, but you'll be sure to like this menace.
Bruno: A shy but friendly presence in your team, he looks forward to getting to know you. After a quick conversation, you already know he aspires to become a respected landscape engineer by perfecting his ability to build and shape landscapes.
Brynn: She aspires to become a Nature Guardian, and to preserve harmony between humans and nature. It is slightly interesting then, that she seems to dislike you the moment she sets her eyes on you.
Chianti: He holds a little secret. Well, not anymore, 'cause I'm about to tell you. He's just had his Awakening, a mere few months before his admission to the show. Will you help him develop his affinities or turn the other way, until he gets eliminated?
Nora: After losing her father to a magic-related incident, she understands that even the strongest healers can't save themselves. She dreams of becoming a mage healer, but also a Guardian, thanks to her rare affinity combination.
Rahim: A disciplined and focused mage, no one in his family has had an Awakening. He hopes he'll be able to get far in the show or to at least stay long enough to develop his powers.
✧ Magici: Worldstar is a contemporary fantasy romantic drama IF, a first part to the Magici series.✧ Reblogs/asks are crazy appreciated !!
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jumpstart-if · 1 year
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Jumpstart is a character-driven slice of life, containing drama and romance. It's mainly inspired by the show 90210 and the movie Mean Girls.
You had multiple sticky notes on your bedroom ceiling, bathroom mirror, and any other surface you were able to get it on.
How to be rich by 21:
1. Survive high school Survive the final year of high school 2. Move out and get a pet (finally!) 3. Become rich and famous (should be easy enough...)
This list has followed you ever since your eleventh birthday when you were suddenly bombarded with the dreaded question:
‘What is your dream job?’
Quite frankly, you didn’t dream of labour. At least not the regular kind. Call it psychic, but you knew you were destined for the easy life, filled with copious amounts of wealth, relaxation, and travels. You were are special.
Seriously, you had everything set out for your 'rags to riches' story:
You weren’t the most popular, but you also weren’t eating lunch alone in the school bathroom. ✔️
You made sure to work a part-time job, starting from the age of thirteen, so it would be easier for future fans to relate to you. ✔️
You were on your way to being crowned ‘Most likely to be famous’, which would have made for the perfect moment on ‘The Late-Night Phil Show’.✔️
Everything was going to plan… until it wasn’t.
Not only did your mother decide to marry some wealthy businessman, but she also packed up all your stuff and moved you hundreds of miles away from your home that screamed ‘humble beginnings’ and into a five bedroom (minimum) mega mansion.
Oh, and public school? Forget about that. From tomorrow on, you’ll be one of those rich private school kids. Goodbye 'rags to riches' background, and hello nepotism allegations.
Though, that’s a problem for future you...
Right now, you’ll have to adapt to school life the way the people at the top of the food chain do it. 
Get ready to ‘survive the final year of high school’ filled with gossip, betrayal, romance, angst, and social drama you could’ve sworn only happened in movies and TV shows.
Jumpstart is rated 18+ as there will be mentions of sexual themes, drugs, alcohol and violence.
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Choose your MC's name and gender.
Decide your MC's personality, clothing style, and much more.
Get involved with 1 out of 4 romanceable characters.
Climb to the top of the hierarchy at Maplewood Private School.
Jumpstart your way into the life of stardom and wealth.
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Isaiah/India (m/f) 'the high school worldwide heartthrob':
You could’ve sworn you saw them gracing the red carpet in some of the hundreds of magazines stashed in one of your moving boxes. Child of the famous celebrity make-up artist, Naomi Lawton and basketball star, Sean Lawton. Wanted by many, yet only successfully claimed by A. Though, judging by how many people I can be regularly spotted with, it begs the question: Does I care?
Appearance: Sepia skin tone. M! has short coily black hair, mostly styled in cornrows and decorated with some silver hair jewellery. F! has long bleached coily hair, currently styled in waist-length blonde braids.
Alison/Anderson (m/f) 'the school's number one':
Not quite like the ones in movies… they’re somewhat nice? At first, they can be straight-up vicious, ripping apart any and every little detail they can get their hands on, but once you earn their trust, you’ll learn that behaviour is much more of a façade than a true reflection of them.
Appearance: Olive complexion with sprinkles of freckles on their nose and cheeks. M! has short curly ginger hair that loosely hangs over his forehead. F! has shoulder-length ginger curls and bangs.
Tegan (m/f) 'the estranged childhood best friend'
You were eight years old, when their family decided to move someplace else, ripping your, what you thought to be inseparable, bond into two. At the start you tried to keep up, exchanging letters almost every day… then weeks… then months if anything, until complete silence. You’re not sure who stopped sending them first or when even, but one thing’s for certain: you were no longer friends. No, after ten years, you definitely weren’t.
Appearance: Brown skin tone. M! has black buzzed hair. F! has straight, waist-length black hair.
Levi/Leighton (m/f) 'wherever they go, trouble follows aka the school's bad boy/girl':
For someone with a big reputation, there’s next to nothing that can be found on them. And all your pestering questions are met with nothing but warnings, yet you can’t help but grow more curious about them with each passing encounter.
Appearance: Tawny skin tone, though you can’t help but notice the faded scar tainting their otherwise clear left cheek. They have wavy brown hair, reaching down to their shoulders.
Reblogs are more than welcome and thanks for reading!
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m-y-fandoms · 2 years
COMMISSION: SDR2 Boys x Reader - Marshmallow Hell Scenarios
Details: For those who don’t know, Marshmallow Hell is an anime cliche/trope where someone falls face first into/is smothered by someone’s breasts. Also, this is for anyone with breasts, no pronouns are mentioned
Warnings: language and lewd suggestive scenarios but its kinda PG-13/Teen
SDR2 spoilers in some sections, but some will be implied to be Island Mode/no despair
Word Count: 4.5K words - around 500 for each boy
Byakuya Twogami
It was normal for you and all of your classmates to convene in the hotel restaurant every morning. You ate breakfasts handmade by the Ultimate Cook, discussed the day’s plans, and just caught up with each other. There were already cliques and little sub-groups within the whole - people who favored each other. Nekomaru could often be found getting stronger or training with Akane, Sonia and Gundham spoke of their interest in the occult, and Hajime and Chiaki had grown quite close. Ibuki had developed a fondness and sort of infatuation for the group’s self-appointed leader: Byakuya Togami. It seemed natural to want to be closer to someone titled the Ultimate Affluent Progeny, as he held wealth, status, confidence, and yet a bit of mystery. Ibuki, however, seemed to take to him more than the others. She was constantly asking him questions, playfully praising him, following him around.
This morning in particular, you were minding your own business, in the corner talking about beach-going plans with Chiaki after having just finished your breakfast. Ibuki, loud and boisterous, was trailing behind Byakuya, asking after what their esteemed leader had planned for the day, and Hiyoko, short-tempered as ever, was slowly losing her patience with the noise so early in the morning.
You actually had to commend Byakuya on his own patience. For someone who would be easy to judge as pompous and stuck-up, he actually was quite good at keeping his cool and naturally taking up his post as leader. He passed by Chiaki and yourself on the way back to the kitchen of the restaurant, and you nearly felt bad for the man who appeared to still be groggy from sleep and yet was being bombarded by conversation. He handled Ibuki well. Hiyoko, however, had enough it seemed.
“Ugh! Shut the hell up! I just woke up and you’re being annoying! Go talk to Mr. Ham Hands in your private cabin if you wanna suck his gross, cheesy dick that bad!” Clenching her teeth in frustration, Hiyoko reached out and shoved Ibuki as hard as she could with her angry little hands. The strength such a hateful little body could produce was actually quite surprising. Ibuki screeched, stumbled abruptly forward into Byakuya, who, taken by surprise, tumbled forward onto you. Like a stack of dominos you all went down with quite a bit of commotion.
With the hefty size and height of the Affluent Progeny before you, you were easily taken flat to the ground with a gasp. Everyone turned to look at the situation: Ibuki collapsed across Byakuya’s ass and legs, and Byakuya smothered head first into the plush front of your breasts. Time seemed to stop for a second, and Byakuya raised his head, cheeks aflame with embarrassment at the undignified position. You looked back into his eyes with just as much shock. Hiyoko covered her mouth with both hands, holding back how devilishly delighted she was at the chaos she’d just caused.
“Well, well! If the big rich boy wanted some play that badly, he probably could’ve just asked (Y/N)! I must say, I’m quite jealous of his position!” Teruteru teased, wiggling his fingers, imagining himself switching places with Byakuya.
Byakuya scrambled to his feet, lifting himself off of you in a hurry while sputtering defensive, angry retorts about how a gentleman of rare stock such as himself would never stoop so low and something about not being a common rake like the promiscuous chef.
Teruteru Hanamura
Teruteru was playful, unserious, relaxed in most aspects of his life and personality. However, you noticed he was fiercely serious when it came to cooking. It was his passion, his life’s work, something he didn’t play around with. You admired how much time and effort he put into his craft, and loved to watch him work. He spent every breakfast, lunch and dinner period making a literal feast for all of his classmates, and you often liked to either watch him work his magic in the kitchen, or get more hands-on and actually help him. You found him funny and knowledgable, and liked learning little recipes and cooking methods as much as eating the finished works. However, it was nice to be complimented, compared to delicious dishes and praised for your cooking assistance skills. You found yourself having a lot of fun with him.
At the moment, you were helping Teruteru in the dining hall of the old building by the hotel. Your class had prepared a little party of sorts for tonight, a little feast and get-together to chat, have fun, and just be carefree for a night. Now done with the dishes, it was all about plating and arrangment. He wanted the dining hall to stun your peers when they arrived in the next ten minutes or so.
He was up on a ladder, piling up a tower of sashimi and nigiri a mile high. You spotted him, nervous about the height he was at, especially with his short frame. You had your arms out in preparation, ready for any spills or to catch stray strips of fish meat. Everything had to be perfect. He took pride in that. Ice on the bottom, a cold room, fresh meat, the proper placement.
Teetering to place a bit of yellowtail and red snapper on the top of his masterpiece, you heard him gasp a bit, one foot stumbling over the other on the top step of the ladder. Determined not to crash into and therefore ruin his mountain of fish, he quickly shifted his weight, twisting so he instead fell away and off of the ladder and unfortunately, onto his gracious helper. You grunted with the impact, slamming flat onto your back on the hard floor with Teruteru on top of you. With his height and the angle of the fall, his face planted so very conveniently into your breasts.
It was almost a little too perfect of a scenario for someone like him, and you flustered up immediately, questioning if he’d done it on purpose as he took his good old time getting up. Of course, lewd remark after lewd remark ensued, as he took advantage of the situation fully. How often would he get an opportunity as lucky as that?
Nekomaru Nidai
Nekomaru had many more positive traits than negative ones. You absolutely loved spending time with him, as he radiated positivity and pushed all of those around him to be their best self and train their bodies and minds. He was all about mental and physical strength, as was expected of the Ultimate Team Manager. Nekomaru trained champions, and so he could never just let his friends go without realizing their full potential. You very much enjoyed his presence, his overwhelming energy, hearty laugh, encouraging personality.
Spending time with Nekomaru often meant also spending time with Akane. The two walls of muscle often bonded over their shared interest in being strong in body and mind, and today you’d agreed to train with them. Nekomaru was good at reading people’s insecurities - better to help overcome them - and today, he insisted on honing your senses, as the killing game left you feeling vulnerable and even a bit useless. There’s no one you trusted more to help you get out of those feelings. It was good to get your mind off of things while training to become less of a target for a killing. Two birds, one stone and all that.
Nekomaru had all four of you blindfolded: you, Nekomaru himself, Akane, and Hajime Hinata, who often got roped into silly activities with whoever seemed to be available to hang out that particular day. Nekomaru insisted he could use the training as well, so here he was. The next hour or so was spent dodging light attacks, relying on hearing and sensing danger when sight was not an option. Nekomaru always went easier on you and Hajime, saving the harder hits for Akane, who would never accept any less. Out on the beach behind the diner, you felt the sand between your toes, the wind on your face, the blindfold forcing you to perceive your surroundings in a whole new way.
You swivled on your heels, hearing someone new approach from the south, and you assumed everyone else heard them, too. It was Ibuki, as you easily reognized from the voice.
“There you guys are! We couldn’t find you for like, forever! Anyhoo! Teruteru sent me to round y’all up! Soup’s on! Come on back to the-” before Ibuki could even finish her words, Akane was bolting, blindfold still on, toward the first island, and only Ibuki would actually see what happened next:
Akane, all speed and no sight, plowed into Hajime and pushed past him. He yelped, splatting onto the ground at full-force.
“Ouch! What the fu- ah!” Hajime was cut off as Nekomaru, who also was now heading in the same direction as Akane, tripped over Hajime’s prone body on the sand, tripping face forward onto you, innocent of the chaos and unsuspecting while still blind to the world around you.
“Gah!” Nekomaru’s deep voice rumbled, clumsily taking you down with him, his huge mountain of a body easily smashing yours into the sand below him. Ibuki could only laugh at the cluster-fuck in front of her, the chain of events that lead to Nekomaru face planting directly into your chest. His exclamation of surprise was muffled into your soft mounds of flesh. You were speechless, just wondering what the hell was going on.
“Aww man, sorry, Hajime!” Nekomaru, hearing Hajime yell out beforehand, assumed it was the skinny brunette crushed below him. He reached up for the blindfold, lifting it and immediately feeling a rush of embarrassment set his cheeks ablaze. The tips of his ears were on fire and his heartbeat was racing, now making eye contact with you.
He wasn’t oblivious to his size, knowing whoever he’d fallen on top of was almost certainly pinned and unable to get up until he moved, so he scrambled to is feet, apologizing profusely and helping you to your feet while Ibuki made teasing remarks just a short distance away.
Gundham Tanaka
It was a rare stormy night on the beautiful tropical island. All outdoor activities were off the table, and so you and your good friend, Gundham, decided on spending time in his cabin. It had taken a lot of work to get Gundham to this point, where he let a “mere mortal” into the safe space of his private quarters, and he was still closed off in some ways. He had walls up: about his heart, his past, his Four Dark Devas, and you’d slowly broken many of them down. He still was his own quirky, awkward, edgy self, but around you, he was slightly more relaxed. He didn’t usually let others interact with his Devas, and he still insisted they could turn on even himself in a moment’s notice as they were powerful beasts and truly their own masters, but he was more comfortable letting you hold and take care of them than anyone else. You’d earned that right. You were worthy in his eyes.
You loved his personalized cabin, overrun with hamster tunnels and pet care items. It was so cute and cozy, a stark contrast to his own presentation to the world. Tonight, he regaled you with embellished and dramatic tales of his past feats while the Devas crawled all around you. One was under the collar of your shirt, trying to siphon away your body heat, another used your shirt sleeve like a tunnel. One sat in your lap, eating a seed you offered. Gundham’s storytelling was so entertaining to you because he was so effortlessly good at it. It was an accident that he was so alluring.
Without warning, lightning cracked outside and the lights went out. It was pure black all around you, and you assumed your peers in their own cabins were experiencing the same thing.
Freaking out a bit, Gundham yelled for his Devas, calling them back to his own side. Again, though he trusted you, and didn’t want to admit any faults in his breeding and training methods, at the end of the day, the Devas were animals with instincts and wild at heart. He feared them panicking at the sudden darkness and lashing out to scratch or bite you. He could handle it, as his bandaged arm proved, but he didn’t want that happening to you.
He reached out frantically for the Devas in the dark, lunging forward, scrambling and stumbling until he accidentally toppled you over. Clumsily, he fell forward onto you. You yelped at the impact, not seeing but feeling the Devas scramble for cover away from you before they could be crushed by their owner. Now flat on your back in the darkness, you smelled a masculine, fragrant gel product as a coif of hair tickled your nostrils. Quickly you realized that Gundham Tanaka had pinned you, his face smashed into your bosom.
The monitor that adorned every individual cabin flashed on, the monochromatic, evil bear appearing with a sheepish look across his mischievous face.
“Sorry there, kiddos! Backup generator comin’ at ya!” As if he even cared in the first place, he giggled before disappearing off the screen once again.
The lights shuttered and then flashed back on, Gundham now able to fully take in the situation. His eyes met yours, and widened in absolute horror, mouth agape. He shoved himself off of you immediately, crawling back to his side of the floor and gathering his Devas into his arms. He preferred to pretend the whole thing never happened, hiding his now tomato-red face behind the folds of his scarf.
Nagito Komaeda
Nagito was acting weird. Like, weirder than usual. You were all in the hotel restaurant for your morning meeting as always, save for Fuyuhiko, who was in the hospital after Peko’s trial the day before. Nagito was a clammy, sweaty mess, ranting and and raving about the most random things, and just… lying a lot?
You knew Nagito a little better than the others in the group, actively choosing to befriend and get to know him as much as he would allow, but one didn’t need to know Nagito well to know that he was lying. He was saying the most outlandish, obvious lies in rapid succession.
“Nagito, is this a joke? What are you up to, now?” Hajime, ever cynical and suspicious questioned the pariah of the group, who held himself in a crazed embrace, arms wrapped around his shaking form as he rambled on.
You also knew from spening time with Nagito that he was ill, extremely ill. He was so physically ill that it extended into affecting his mental and emotional wellbeing as well. It wasn’t like he didn’t lie to push his own goals from time to time, but this was different. Something was wrong. You’d all observed that Ibuki and Akane were acting strange as well, and so Hajime, kind of the default leader of sorts, put his flat palm to each of their foreheads and found them ablaze with heat. Ah ha! So there was an illness on top of the illness. Nagito was lanky and pale as it was, but today, he was a ghost of even that.
The group discussed what to do, trying to figure out what was wrong with your three obviously ill classmates, when Nagito, chuckling in a frenzied, unstable way, started to wobble on his feet. You saw his eyes roll to the back of his head, and he stumbled, beginning to drop. You swept forward and moved to catch him before he could hit the floor and take some real damage. With someone as sickly as him, a good fall would probably mess him up big time. Losing consciousness, his dead weight fell face forward, directly into the cushion of your breasts. You fumbled with his weight, struggling to keep him up while he nearly suffocated into the plush surface that smothered his face. You panicked, looking around for help, humiliation in your expression. He was heavier than his gangly frame suggested.
Hajime Hinata
You had the despair disease.
And you had it bad.
Forced into the hospital on the third island, you, Nagito, Akane and Ibuki had been quarantined, separated from most of your healthy classmates. Only Mikan, Fuyuhiko and Hajime visited the four of you on a day-to-day basis, both to care for you until you were better and to protect you from being victims of the killing game. Hajime, being closer to you than the others and someone who considered you a true friend, also just wanted to be there to keep you company. If he caught the disease trying to protect and visit you, so be it. He wasn’t really worried about it.
Little did Hajime know, you very much saw him as more than a friend. Although you’d never admit it to him, you were head over heels for your intelligent, perceptive, caring classmate. Your crush couldn’t have been bigger. When the disease first began to manifest and you were in the more mild stages of it, you tried to keep him away from the hospital, because it was clear to you which form of the disease you’d caught.
Akane had cowardice, Nagito lying, Ibuki gullibility, and you… 
It was most definitely love… or lust, or infatuation… you couldn’t quite tell. You’d like to think it was love, because if it was just lust or infatuation, you’d think you’d be climbing all over Fuyuhiko and Mikan when they came to visit, too, but so far, your grabby hands had only been reaching for Hajime. Your mind had been infected with an all-encompassing passion for Hajime Hinata, and Hajime Hinata alone.
Again, when you were more conscious and healthy at the begginning stages of the disease, you could recognize the involuntary increase of feelings swelling in your heart. You tried to warn Hajime to stay away, fully aware of what was happening to your body. He insisted on taking care of you just as he would help Mikan take care of the others, regardless of your warnings. As your fever burned and the sickness ravaged your body, you found it harder and harder to not grab at him when he approached, to not flirt shamelessly, to not look him up and down and imagine him without his shirt on. On days when the island felt hotter than usually, you subtly even suggested that he just be rid of the white uniform shirt altogether. Hajime had been a blushing mess around you all week, but had done his best to ignore the touches and advances, as he knew you weren’t in your right frame of mind. Though he secretly liked you more as a friend as well, he’d never take advantage of your predicament.
On this day in particular, the disease seemed to be at its climax. Your body was going through waves of heat flashes, sweat pouring from your hairline and onto your face.
As soon as Hajime opened the door to your hospital room, you leapt out of the bed before he could even speak a word. Your heart burned with affection as you latched onto him, jumping into his arms and smushing his face into the crevice of your breasts, very much on purpose.
“Hajime~ I missed you~” You crushed his nose into the sweaty cleavage of your bosom, wanting him to feel the warmth and love you held for him.
“(Y-Y/N)!” Hajime sputtered, stunned at the surprise attack, could barely breath, smothered into the embrace.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
You really admired Peko for her strength, skill and silent grace. She was strong and knew she was strong. She didn’t boast, she was confident in her art form. She was truly the Ultimate Swordswoman. Although it was quite hard at first, you’d managed to get close enough to her to consider her a friend. Being close to Peko by default meant you’d have to get a bit closer with Fuyuhiko as well. The pair were inseparable it seemed, and you didn’t mind that. Fuyuhiko, despite his fiery, spiky exterior, was actually much more thoughtful and kind that most people knew. You’d grown to realize that those who earned a modicum of his trust and friendship would not be disappointed in the type of man he could be. He often tagged along, pretending he didn’t want to be there when you hung out with Peko.
You stood on one side of the beach with Peko across the way on the other side. Peko took up an offensive stance, preparing for a head-on attack. She’d agreed to teach you some swordsmanship and martial arts basics here and there after seeing your interest, and so here you were, on your third lesson. Today’s learning goals included the basics of defensive stances, blocks, counters.
You weren’t picking up the skills as quickly as you’d like, though Peko always encouraged you to press on in her sisterly, stern, blunt way. Fuyuhiko stood nearby, reading some old book from the enormous library while leaned carelessly against the outside wall of the diner. He looked up occassionally to watch you two and comment, to scoff or tease when you messed up or express concern begrudgingly when he felt like Peko was going a little hard on you. Though she was supportive verbally, it seemed that she sometimes forgot her own strength compared to a beginners when it came time for action.
Frustrated with your own skills, you spaced out a bit, sighing and dropping your guard for just a moment, the wrong moment. Peko surged forward for an attack, noticing your lack of focus just a second too late.
“(Y/N), block!” Peko spoke curtly as she approached. With that wake up call, you brought the practice sword up at the very last second, just barely avoiding a head-on attack from the master swordswoman, one that probably would’ve knocked you out cold. Your pathetic excuse for a block took away a bit of the brunt impact, but Peko’s pure strength had you stumbling back still, knocked backward off your feet.
Fuyuhiko, softer in the heart than he’d like to admit, looked up upon hearing the commotion and, in an instinctual moment of reaction, dropped his book and lunged forward, ready to break your fall, if even just a little. You made eye contact with him on the way down, dropping hold of the sword and twisting to grab onto his petite frame. 
You easily tipped over his small body, taking him down with you. You instantly smothered him - your chest lining up perfectly with his nose and mouth - cutting off his airways as you two hit the ground. You were crushing him.
Profanities and protests fully muffled against your chest, Fuyuhiko struggled and swore, insulting you and hurling hateful curses from his compromising position.
Kazuichi Souda
You were making your way to Strawberry House from Grape House. In the elevator beside you was your good friend, Kazuichi, or just Kaz’, as you’d affectionately taken to calling him. You two often moved together, hanging out nearly every day, and now that you were all locked inside the funhouse, nothing had changed. In fact, with the danger of the killing game motive, you probably spent even more time linked at the hip with Kazuichi, as you liked to have each other’s back. He was a true friend to you.
Not only did you find Kazuichi’s unique style intriguing and his personality hilarious, but you really respected his unmatchable skill in engineering. He was a master, able to fix, take apart, and fix again nearly every machine or piece of tech that was thrown at him. He often, in fact, didn’t see just how amazing he was. Sure, he bragged at times, but you sensed a lot of insecurity under the surface, like he would never know just how valuable and important he actually was. You would often ask for his help fixing things or beg him to teach you some of what he knew.
On what you expected to be a short ride in the elevator, you were chatting it up with your best bud, complaining about the lack of food and the eye-strain caused by the bright walls of the fun house. One thing you two loved to do was complain together. You both just seemed to get each other.
Quite suddenly, the elevator stalled. Stopping mid-sentence, you grabbed onto Kazuichi’s forearm for reassurance as the elevator shook and thrusted to an abrupt halt with a jolt, knocking you into him. The lights flickered and went out.
“This is my worst fucking nightmare…” You chuckled nervously, grabbing onto Kazuichi tighter. He was panicking too under the surface, but being the Ultimate Mechanic, knew he was well within his skill set to fix the situation. Grumbling in displeasure, he sighed.
“Yeah, this fuckin’ sucks, but…” he started reaching out in the dark, looking for some kind of control panel or buttons, “I can probably get us outta here. Shit! If only I had just a speck of light!” You relinquished your hold on him so he could crouch, looking for some way to start his work. The panic was starting to really set in for you. What were the odds of this happening?
With a groan, the elevator lurched and shook again. 
“Kaz’!” You shrieked in the dark, leaping forward to grab onto Kazuichi, not caring one bit if you were impeding on any progress he had made. He yelped as you suctioned yourself onto him, tackling him to the ground.
“H-hey!” Kazuichi’s voice was muffled below you. You could barely make it out. “I can’t breathe!” He struggled beneath you, locked in your vice-like, terrified embrace as you ashphixiated him into your chest.
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adoregojo · 8 months
1967 ➡︎ isagi.y x reader
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IM ALIVE!! YAHOOOOO!! btw i have an exam in a few hours, and here where my sudden passion for writing comes back. anyone enjoy this isagi x reader fic here. btw readers gender is unmentioned.
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something was always missing from isagi yoichi's life.
the symbolizes dull blue man remains in his place, examining the disgustingly rich guests passing him with the priceless cologne reeking to his lungs and everywhere making it impossible to ignore and trying to not block his nose holes was a challenge itself.
it was in the fact that he didn't want to be here, the urge to isolate himself eventually loses against his duty. being a man, a soldier who was protecting nothing but the greediest class poor excuse of a human beings.
Isagi would've like to say he was one of hundreds who excepted this job, but he wasn't unfortunately. more like he was pushed into it so his so called comrades could take a free ride out of their job.
he let out a breath, it was just to guard the gate until the show ends, right? he'll just go with the flow for now. like he always does.
half of the shows were ridiculous if you ask him, what was so funny about a man beaming his loathing into dark jokes, isagi could never get the rich humor, not like he ever wanted to. he was sure half of these laughs were focused on and he couldn't find it in himself to even spare a smile.
the other display was a musical performance, a tribute by a group of people spreading imitation melody his ears were abhorrent by. this song was so dusty he couldn't believe that some actually clapped for that. affluent were easy to impress, he guessed.
and for the end and final play was about to begin, and finally he'll be done with this crap and leave this stump of a place. go to the bar and have a drink or two will do that,,
there he could see a somone who was he could guess in is age on the stag peeking nervously behind the curtain, clung to it for your dear life. he couldn't get a good picture out of you nor your face before the show started,,
you took a deep breath in and out, something you do every time to keep yourself at bare minimum of sanity. peeping through wouldn't hurt, but it hits so hard how countless of people were there caused you sudden stomach aches.
the worst part that all of them came out obviously disinterested! not even paring down a glance to the stag you were gonna stand up at in the next six minutes. you were in you twenties and feeling this anxious should've been in the past, well guess old habits die hard.
you told yourself that your were here to give off a show that non of these cheap moneybags that'll never escape one's mind.
even if you felt your soul leaving your body as you step out to everyone's eyes judging from your body to your face and appearance whole, fighting the urge to melt out of humiliation was strong yet you were far capable.
it was now or never.
a dose of confidence washed over you as the music played, it was meant to be a soothing melody that made the audience feel the pure emotion out of every movement you made.
this was your life, to dance. not for others, but for yourself. humans were nothing but just the witnesses to your purpose of existence. this is where you felt alive, closing your eyes to the endless void that grasped you tightly than any other creature could.
guiding the tips of your feet in it meant placement of the dance, where the gravity is losing against you and floating was viable. where no one could tell you what to do with the occult place you rot into.
let them see since that'll be the only thing they can do.
this wasn't like anything isagi saw.
it was not about the music, the audience, it was about the person who managed to take his heart and soul to their performances. every movement made his heart swirling in endless fondness.
he couldn't take his overset eyes off, he couldn't find it in his heart to even blink 'cause if he did so he'll miss it and it'll end before he knows. the depths of his obscure soul felt pure something you only feel when you watch people on the big screen yet it lifted your heart to it.
isagi's mind doesn't process the fact that the melody was long gone and echoing sounds of clapping and cheering were unheard, this is where the world, the universe itself were at a halt.
you raised up from your bowed state. something called, it was begging you to turn around and spare it a glance. and you did unintentionally, there you were meet by the most beautiful set of an eyes adoring you ceaselessly.
you were sweaty and definitely had a few flying out of place locks, but that man tenderly gaze embracing you says otherwise. out of all those people, out of them all he outshined them.
yet the locked eye contact doesn't last, it had to end before you had any chance to talk to him. to even approach him before being dragged out.
well, isagi did end up at the bar he wanted to be in. and it didn't feel this empty before. caressing the glass of hallway wine with his thumb, until he sees his sad reflection on then persuades to hide his face in his arm's elbow. he looked like an old man grieving over his youth. and most of all he felt hopeless.
isagi was mostly selfless, putting others needs over his. but this one time he felt like this is what he needed the most, what his heart yearns for and you were taken away from him in a brief second.
maybe if he wasn't so damn busy memorized he would've managed to move his legs instead of rotting in his place while watching you go.
and what the worst of this all was the so little chance of meeting you again was making him go insane! and above all you were gifted and so, so dazzling and isagi was just.. him. a guy that was way beyond where you stood, just watching you should be a blessing itself.
but that wasn't it, this feeling of deep despair all he wanted was to run back to the stage and look for you. this weirdly strange passionate about someone he just saw was foreign.
all this thinking was making him a madman, ruffling his hair in frustration.
"need a company? looking a bit lonely."
a bit taken aback, isagi's shifted towards the voice. oh, oh. oh fuck, it was you.
he could faint right here and now.
you could faint right here and now.
shit- you couldn't get a grip on approaching the guy, the same guy that you kept thinking about all day living in your head rent free. you were real smooth with your words, weren't?
to be surprise, the man was quite popular. being one of the famous men in his squad, and basically a man of a noble while you were just you, a dancer who travels around the world to achieve your dream.
you figured his name was isagi, isagi yoichi. you burned that name over your head. trying not to call him by his name, to try it out sliding down your mouth. but he would definitely see you as a creep, especially for looking around asking about him.
meeting him again had to be a miracle itself, at first you didn't even want to take a step towards his path. but seeing his drink his sadness away, and deep down you felt if you don't take a step he'll float away forever.
and now he was was sitting there while staring at you aimlessly, did you say something? a bit seconds before he finally spoke. "oh- yeah, i mean sure if y'know, you wanted to. no pressure." isagi stuttered.
you sent him a pleasant smile before taking a seat beside him, as you asked for a cocktail. the heavy feelings of the isagi's eyes pouring on you like he could believe you were actually there. you were glad that the man wasn't drunk yet.
"drinking a lot tonight, huh?" you said, dragging him back out of whatever dreamy place he was in. just then he quickly fixed his posture, it was cute, you thought. he looked like a dork as he cleared his throat.
"i think this is my last one." isagi says, pushing away the glass to get potty over you instead. "um, your performance. it was.. amazing."
"glad you like it, you also did a good job in guarding me." you laughed a bit, it a nervous one since this man words held so much more of a meaning in them you just couldn't handle such words as a little of red creeped into your cheeks.
"psh, it was nothing worth mentioning. i was just standing there while you were, just so breathtaking."
"really, really. I couldn't stop staring." isagi cooed, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully. his eyes remained away from you as he said these words, he really hoped they sounded genuine as he felt and not come out as a creep. to his surprise he heard you chuckling, and if it wasn't the loveliest thing his ears are hearing.
"you're just so charming aren't you, isagi?" you didn't even realise the name slipping out, it felt so natural like you were the innate one to chime it.
isagi eyes widen, your rhythmical voice flow which captivate his emphasis of a soul over you. this spark swirling around his entrails making his breaths at halt. when did he become such a nervous wreck? yesterday it was isagi history of spurning the slightest hints of getting in a relationship, due for him finding it difficult to let his feelings flow freely. and the missing flicker was now found by someone who spoke his name once, and he couldn't find his heart to stop pounding so rapidly.
"you know my name?" he somehow managed to let out despite the regarding fact the air ran out from his lungs, yet it came out breathlessly.
you rolled your eyes playfully, "you're kind of popular around here so it wasn't so difficult to find out." said you, twirling the straw of your decayed cocktail, you glance back to see the man huffing a small laugh. he utterly and completely handsome with that carefree smile that you felt like a teenager girl with her silly crush.
"and it's, yn. if you were interested." you added.
if he was interested? like hell he is, the man was down on his knees if that meant getting to know you. fuck, he was so interested that he could drain his soul for you to tell him everything you please. but truthfully, putting a name to such a pretty face felt like a piece of puzzle was getting connected to it perfect place.
"interested? i am honoured i must say, miss yn." isagi had no idea he had this kind of sappy side within him, especially when he made you giggle coyly, and all he can feel is his heart racing. what was he? a teenage boy going all giddy with his crush? he blamed you for making him feel this young again, and damn if it didn't feel good to feel this bloom once again.
and before you even realise it, it was time to end this bright moment. peeking at the clock, you had another show tomorrow and it hits you like a rock. isagi had his own magic to make time go by the blue. standing up slowly you faced the face of a confused man, "i must take my leave. i have a show tomorrow night, and it was lovely talking to you isagi yoichi."
part of you felt dumb, the man was probably just lonely and he'll soon forget about by the day. as much as loving you felt next to him, you were no mind reader to see how he truly felt. you wished you weren't so bad with these things, especially when the wave was telling you that the man ahead of you was a man of a name. how could all your confidence wash away with a small tear of thought.
you could feel the disappointment taking over the soldier's face, as if his face was begging you to stay longer even for a brief second. you were gonna give in, but honestly, would he have approached you if the roles were reversed?
you didn't even let the man finish his sentence before walking fast out of the bar, suddenly the air was suffocating and you took a deep breath. and here it was again, the black void sky hinted by the stars with the moon outshining it. a wave of air hits you making you shrivel, perhaps it was the cold, perhaps it was the shallow you felt.
you wished would turn around and see him, running after you. but what did you expect from this, were your standards truly that high? you were a traveler, you shouldn't connect your heart with anyone's. soon you'll be leaving and be left heartbroken just like every other person did.
what now? you were just standing in the middle of a bar, cold and shivering. that was stupid, you should just go home and get drunk to sleep.
"wait! lady yn!"
you falter at the voice of isagi, did he actually came? were you imagining this? turning around, and in fact you weren't imagining a thing. it was actually isagi huffing and puffing for air, he actually ran all the way here, he ran after you. with his hands on his knees. a last breath before he met your eyes, and all you could think was how his eyes could take over the sky itself.
for a while he just stood there awkwardly, like he doesn't even know why he ran here. before he took off his black coat, taking a hesitation steps towards you. gently warping it around your body, the man handled you so steadily like a you were made of glass he could break by any wrong move.
you grip on the warm fabric, it was slightly bigger than you and so, so balmy. it felt like a hug. you glance back at the man who was staring instantly at you, you felt hot under his strange gaze, like he was eating you whole. you couldn't help but shrinking yourself. quickly he jolted back to his usual self, coughing there and there trying to hide his embarrassment.
"it's cold outside, take this to keep you warm." said isagi, avoiding your face with all costs. you nodded your head. trying to calm your raging heart.
you watch as isagi take a final breath, like he finally decided to what to say next. "um, if you like. i could be your guardian at your next show. whatever it is, I'll be there by your side." he spoke firmly, this time he stood bravely. like a boy confessing his feelings.
you don't know why but you found yourself laughing, laughing so hard you had to cover your mouth. this is what you wished for, the one you waited to follow you whatever you go is standing right in there. a one that'll held on to you for the everlasting. your wish to perform with your most loved one by your side was no longer a beyond reach dream but a meant destiny.
"you have to take me out to dinner first, mister isagi yoichi."
you see as a beam draw it way to isagi's face, you spoke the words he couldn't. he took your hand in his gloved once, it was a perception fit, the missing piece of puzzle, pressing his lips lovingly against your cold knuckles, "only if you wouldn't run away this time, miss yn ln." he chuckled.
and here where your life was completed
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have a nice day everyone! wish me luck for my exam ;)
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legacygirlingreen · 2 years
Becoming a Proper Gentleman // Sebastian Sallow x Reader // Invisible String pt I
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Warnings: mild mentions of abuse/childhood trauma!
What happens when she finally gets to meet Sebastian’s family? Why is Sebastian all of a sudden interested in being a proper gentleman? What trauma from his past keeps him attached to those unruly brown locks? When she is able to possibly spend the holidays with the Sallows, what price is Sebastian willing to pay?
This diverts from Canon as an alternate look at Sebastian and you/your main character’s first meeting with his family. It focuses less on elements of the game, but briefly mentions them, and instead leads to just fluffy moments. Also note this fic deals more with proper Victorian style rules surrounding romance/courting/being proper. It’s all written in 3rd POV for the most part, switching back and forth from more of your perspective and his through 3rd perspective. VERY LITTLE USAGE OF Y/N
Word Count: 17,000 +
Masterlist for series here
If you can, I would like you to accompany me to Feldcroft when I visit home soon. I know I mentioned it briefly last week so it is somewhat short notice, but Ann is dying to meet you in person, and I’m really hoping it will lift her spirit. There’s so much I would love to share with you about where I grew up. If you decide to join me, meet me by the lookout tower near the Floo Flame in Feldcroft tomorrow after dawn. ~ S
She delicately played with the edges of the parchment delivered by the sleek black barn owl moments before. Over the past few months her and Sebastian’s pet owl had become more than acquainted. She had begun carrying around extra treats in her pocket daily in anticipation of a visit from his owl, Theodore, nicknamed Teddy for short. Given the frequency of their communication outside the classroom, she had grown fond of the bird, beginning to suspect he was also taking a liking to her as well judging by the way he had started nuzzling her hand when she moved to pet him.
Sebastian had mentioned a few days before possibly having her join him in Feldcroft when he went to visit Ann. The invitation to others may have seemed a tad forward, but the pair had grown close since the moment they met in the Slytherin common room by the fire. In fact, after talking Ann’s ear off on his first weekend home about the new student after the start of 5th year, she had wondered how long it would take to finally meet his new classmate. While the girl never pressed, knowing how ill Ann had fallen, she couldn’t say she too wasn’t excited at the prospect of meeting his sister. The only problem now was figuring out how to make the best first impression possible…
She often worried what would happen should his twin not take to her as much as he had. The twins were very close. It was no surprise that after months of cheeky quips, sneaking into the restricted section of the library, almost dying on several occasions and countless hours alone in the Undercroft together that she had begun to harbor feelings for the boy. She couldn’t help but admire the little details about him. From the way his Adam’s Apple bobbed with each word he spoke, to the mischievous glint in eyes. When he laughed, the sound would always below out from deep in the pits of his stomach, allowing the sweet melody to sing in the air. The way his mouth would shift ever so subtly to the right and a single eyebrow would raise at the mention of something lewd or interesting. The freckles that dotted his entire body, not just his face, in a pattern that was more beautiful than the constellations in the night sky she observed at the astronomy tables. How his eyes would appear as rich chocolate pools with seemingly no end in the darkness of the undercroft yet shift into a lovely amber shade in the sunlight.
Something that had become a favorite pastime of hers - a brief indulgence in the scary world she’d been thrown into of magic, goblins and poachers - was the way he constantly seemed to unconsciously fret over his hair. The lovely and increasingly overgrown strands of brown were in a forever state of disheveled atop his head. Every time he became annoyed, bored, embarrassed, elated or even upset his fingers seemed to take to his hair. Maybe it was a nervous tick or necessity due to his current lack of styling, she thoroughly enjoyed learning about all the ways in which he disrupted his locks.
The girl could remembered the first time she truly noticed how much he moved his tanned and freckled digits through his hair. One late night in the undercroft, growing increasingly frustrated with yet another book from the restricted section providing little insight, he gave up and slammed its cover and startlingly her. She looked up from her own notes taken from the keepers journal and watched as his eyes formed their own version of an apology for scaring her. For someone who could easily take down trolls and spiders she sure was jumpy.
He let out a frustrated sigh, letting his head fall into his hands. She noticed how his nimble fingers stretch around and met at the back of his neck, playing with the small waves beginning to touch his collar from the months he’d been at school without a haircut. Come to think of it, she’d never actually seen him attempt to maintain his hair at all in the brief time she had known him. And in the time since September the brown tendrils of hair had seemingly begun to grow out of control. As quickly as she had become mesmerized watching him slowly weave his fingers in and out of his hair to calm himself, Sebastian lifted his head, eyes meeting hers. A single brown strand of hair fell onto his brow instead of its normal pattern of being pushed to the side. He went to speak but before he could get a word out her arm lifted towards his eyeline, shutting the boy up quickly. His eyes grew as she ever so carefully brushed the strand up and off his forehead to join the rest of his unruly locks. She briefly allowed herself the indulgence of feeling the soft hair she’d been slowly noticing for weeks under her fingers.
As if finally breaking the trance the second her hand was removed from his hair, she instantly looked down to her lap, cheeks growing redder by the second. If she had looked up she’d have noticed his freckled face was even more crimson than her own. Eventually the pair would have to acknowledge the brief act of intimacy displayed by the resident troll slayer, and while Sebastian tended to be the easier flirt of the pair, she found herself accepting she needed to break the silence first.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me” she muttered finally meeting his eyes.
He stared at her for a few seconds longer before chuckling. “No need to apologize, I guess I’m growing into more of a lacewing fly bush by the day.” He then grabbed a different lock of hair from around his left ear and pulled it away from his head, allowing the both of them to note how long his hair had become.
They both laughed at his comment and before she could respond he continued saying “usually Ann helps me trim it, but lately she hasn’t even been able to do her own, let alone mine”. A solemn look briefly flashed over his face, quickly replaced by a half smile.
“You know, last time I was home Ann playful made fun of how much I spoke of our newfound friendship. She did say she would love to meet you sometime if you would be interested”.
She pondered the weight of his words. He told his sister about me… somewhere between giving an answer and being lost in thoughts of Sebastian telling his sister about her, she felt her braid being lifted by the ends. Looking down she noticed Sebastian carefully running his fingers, the same ones constantly buried in his own brown tresses, toying with hers. If she was having difficulty speaking before, she was completely mute now. All she could do was close her eyes, feeling careful digits twirling the free strands at the end of the tie secured around her hair.
Sebastian careful laid the braid back along her shoulders and removed his hand from her hair, noticing how she sat there, more peaceful than he’d seen her in a while. Eyebrows relaxed, eyes closed, light smile on the corner of her lips and a slight blush dusted atop her cheeks. For the first time since he’d known her he wondered if maybe she returned the same affection he was slowly allowing himself to grow towards her.
“You don’t have to answer now. But I will send an owl when I decide to return home if you wish to join” he told her. She finally opened her eyes and looked back into his brown orbs. She simply nodded before the pair returned to attempting to find a cure for Ann.
That was almost a week ago and since then she had awaited this owl. However now holding it, that nervous feeling in y/n’s stomach grew. Her first thought was to go find Sebastian, however she quickly realized asking the boy you liked how to impress his family seemed a tad revealing. Opting for the next best thing, she wandered back to the Slytherin common room to find their mutually shared and informed companion.
“Ah y/n, Sebastian was looking for you earlier today before I told him it better to send you an owl” Ominis said before she got close to the boy. Damn his bat like hearing for always being able to recognize her shuffling feet before she got close.
“Yeah, Teddy found me not long ago. I actually came to ask you about that…” she found it difficult how to phrase her question to him. Confused Ominis tilted his head to the side and shifted on the couch he sat on, allowing her to join him. He thought that the new 5th year would be jumping at the chance to meet Ann, as his suspicions told him that the new girl liked his friend as much as his friend liked her. He raised a brow seemingly to ask what she needed. “Well you see I am really happy about finally getting to meet Sebastian’s sister, seeing as you both have become my friends, however I am wondering how I can best make an impression on her. I know Sebastian said their uncle can be quite brash and Ann is unwell, so I was seeing if you had any advice I could use when meeting them. I do not want them to think poorly of me…”
Ominis didn’t need to have vision to see the fear her face held. While they had initially gotten off on weird footing after Sebastian quickly shared his family’s secret place with her, Ominis changed his mind about the new student. She truly did seem kind towards every one of his classmates and definitely had stronger magical talent than most people in his year.
“Well… I’ve known Ann as long as I’ve known Sebastian. While I won’t be able to help you much with their Uncle, he rivals even some of the worst of my family at times, Ann truly is a playful spirit. Her and Sebastian are very alike, or we’re at least before she was cursed.” Ominis paused, remembering with fondness how his friend used to be verses the sickly girl he had come to know over their summer holiday.
“She has really taken to doing things with her hands since falling ill. She spends a lot of time now reading and drawing. She recently mentioned wanting to take up knitting perhaps as a way to pass the time.” Ominis recalled his goodbye with Ann where she mentioned slowly turning into a at home knitting grandmother. The comment stuck out in his brain.
“Ominis you’re a genius.” She responded finally sounding more relieved than when she first approached him.
“Of course, if you don’t mind, I would love to go into Hogsmeade and collect some stuff to send to her. You can be my owl as repayment for my genius” he said with a chuckle. She nodded lifting off the couch and offering out an arm for the boy the take. While he was able to traverse the school grounds with a wand, it was always easier when he had a guide. At first he mildly protested her arm, he now simply allowed it to slip into his own. The pair made off towards the floo flame and to the streets of Hogsmeade.
After a successful trip to Hogsmeade where Ominis purchased a small amount of treats from Honeydukes for Ann, and she had found some beginner knitting needles and yarn, the pair returned back to the castle for a good nights rest. She woke up incredibly early that morning, choosing her favorite outfit from Gladrag’s. Her nerves had kept her up all night as she laid in bed continuously rereading over Sebastian’s Owl.
There’s so much I would love to share with you about where I grew up…
She pondered what exactly that had meant. She brushed it off, deciding it better to get as presentable as possible. After getting dressed in her best “I want to look good but not like I tried too hard” attire, she picked up her hairbrush, brushing out her y/h/c locks. She almost always kept it braided, however yesterday while walking through hogsmeade she was flagged down by Madam Snelling. The overtly honest woman, who took no time in reminding the girl she still was owed a favor for running an errand to collect supplies a few weeks back. After reminding her she could use the favor then, she mentioned she would simply cash it in another time as she had a quickly approaching curfew and a blind companion she was sure wouldn’t want to sit through a hair appointment. The woman did recommend she sometimes remove her y/h/c from the braids they were always in, as it would look “soft and delicate like a flower”.
Deciding maybe the stylist knew what she was speaking about, she opted for the first time since coming to hogwarts to leave her hair down. Shaking off her nerves, and collecting the gifts from Ominis and herself, she slowly crept towards the Slytherin common room. As she was about to make it down the last steps of the girls dorms she ran into one smirking Imelda Reyes, back from an early morning flying no doubt.
Her and the girl had gotten off on somewhat rocky footing, however after both discovered the love of broom flying and sharing close proximity as roommates, they had begun an unlikely friendship. Still, the Irish girl and her taunted each other relentlessly. Imelda let out a brief whistle at y/n’s leather trousers and tight blue velvet overcoat that left little to the imagination. “First Sallow comes out of the boys dorm having actually brushed that bush on his head for once and now you’re standing here with your hair down and wearing an outfit that says ‘please take me now’. Sometimes tells me that those might not be unrelated hmm?”
Her cheeks flush at Imelda’s comment. For someone who’s fallen off many brooms over the years she still is sharp as a tack. “So what if they are related?” She quips back at her fellow student who couldn’t be more accurate in her assessment. “Oh I am all for it trust me. Between your often… unique attire and messy braids and that boys unruly hair, which in my opinion should’ve been cut long ago, you two make quite the pair. Not to mention this pining between the both of you has got to stop. Even Grace “Smelly” Smedley has noticed and she’s not the brightest young witch of our year if you know what I mean”.
She blushed at her roommate’s understanding of the situation. She might have a point… before the girl could reply however, Imelda laughed and nodded off towards the Floo Flame. “You may wanna hurry, don’t wanna keep lover boy waiting do you?” Before heading down the hall towards the girls bathroom. She stood there flabbergasted before carefully treading up the stairs to the green flame. She stared into it’s bright color for a few months before taking a deep breath and tossing floo powder onto its center. Quickly the cold stones of the slytherin common room were replaced with the soft ground of Feldcroft. While she had flown over the quaint village recently on her broom, she hadn’t actually stopped to see what it looked like up close.
Rich colors spread in every direction. The sun hanging just barely over the horizon brought such a lovely golden hue to the earth. A slight breeze moved through the trees and she regretted not bringing a coat with her. Too late now she thought. Scanning around her she noticed several small stone cottages and some merchants carts. In the center of everything was a well. To the left of the flame stood a wooden lookout platform.
Now or never.
She pushed herself towards the small wooden structure. As she neared the bottom of the steps and brushed her pants with her sweat slicked palms. She then ran her hand over her y/h/c hair, brushing down what little bit had become ruffled by the flame and the breeze. When y/n finally rounded the last flight of stairs she saw Sebastian leaning over the railing looking out to the hillside, where a castle ruin sat, his back to her. He must have been lost in thought because he slightly jumped when she questioned “enjoying the view”.
Her voice came out in a slightly strangled with her nerves but as she spoke it slowly calmed down. She chuckled at his reaction. She crossed the platform to stand next to him as he turned around to face her. As his eyes finally landed on her they grew to the size of saucers. For once she actually noticed, a small surge of confidence flooding her veins.
Sebastian couldn’t decide what surprised him the most about her appearance. Her usually mismatched and unique wardrobe was toned down, but in the most elegant (and not leaving much to the imagination) way. The way the leather trousers sculpted her thighs would have him up at night for weeks to come. It wasn’t long before his eyes landed back on her face, and subsequently her hair. Where he had been expecting one of her many variety of braids, her locks splayed out freely along her shoulders. He almost choked at the sight of her standing in his village looking so beautiful in the morning light.
To be fair however, she was in a similar boat. Standing close to him she looked into his wide eyes, noticing their usual brown was replaced by the warm Amber she loved in the golden hour. His usual school uniform replaced with a simple white collared shirt and plain dark green vest left unbuttoned. Sebastian’s usual short trousers and high socks combo was replaced with a full length brown pant but his usual boots remained. She noticed he must have gotten warm, as the sleeves were rolled up to his forearms. Now standing here she saw what her roommate mentioned moments before about his attempt at tackling his unruly brown hair. While little was actually accomplished, she appreciated the effort of putting a tad bit of the gel - which she assumed he borrowed from Ominis - in his hair to keep it from it’s usual tousled state. She did however think I prefer his hair a tad more messy.
The awkward teens moment of gawking at each other finally drawing to a close as Sebastian muttered out a flirty “enjoying the view more now that you’re here”.
She playfully pushed him with an eye roll, however still felt the familiar warmth adorn her cheeks. “I’ve never been to Feldcroft, it’s quite lovely” she mentioned looking him instead of at the countryside.
He coughed realizing she may have been referring to him looking nice and not his quaint village before holding out an arm. Before he left the dorm that morning Ominis had given him the “be a proper gentleman for once” conversation before tossing Sebastian his hair gel and rolling back over to sleep in on his Saturday morning. She looked at the arm for a second before realizing he was offering his arm to be proper. The blush on her cheeks continued to deepen as she tucked her hand into his elbow. Once her hand found solace in the bend of his elbow, he rested his free hand atop of hers. Since when did Sebastian Sallow become a gentleman?
Standing this close she was able to note that the typical smell of old parchment and whatever soap he always smelled of was mixed with something new, something earthy. Sandalwood perhaps? She decided that she had blushed enough this morning and it would be his turn again when she found herself saying “you know Imelda said you actually put a comb through that hair of yours, but she didn’t mention you bathed for once”.
The girl knew Sebastian would recognize the joke was in reference to whatever fragrance he had dawned, as Ominis was quite vocal about how much time Sebastian spent in their dorm shower “preening and doing merlin knows what else in there”. She wasn’t expecting the awkward chuckle that followed, along with his other hand reaching up behind his neck to mess with the stray curls at his neckline.
“I see you also ran into Imelda on the way over. She give you the same shakedown I presume?” He asked her, curious if her roommate had been worse on her than Imelda had been on him. Realizing he had been tousling his hair he quickly removed the hand from his neck. He laid his free hand back on top of hers.
“Oh of course you know how she is. I got accused of wearing a ‘please take me now’ outfit, whatever that means” she said with a chuckle, her free hand brushing over the velvet vest right above where it flared out at her waist. The boy felt his hand betray him, as it ever so slightly squeezed hers and he replied “I think I know what she meant” in a lower tone than normal.
Her feet, finally having made it back on solid ground below the tower, halted and the pair stopped. Her heart in her stomach she took note of his suggestive comment made in a nervous tone. Her senses being overloaded by his warm arm wrapped around hers and hand holding her steady. The smell of what could only be cologne or aftershave becoming overpowering. After a beat of silence, she said “are you wearing cologne?”
“Yes. Ann got it for me a while back and I usually forget about it, but remembered it this morning” he said trying to sound casual but his tone giving away it was anything but. What she didn’t know was he did not receive it from Ann, and had purchased it in hogsmeade the day before trying to impress you.
“I like it” she said barely above a whisper. “I’m glad…” Sebastian responded before looking down at the girl with longing. His hand slowly reached for her loose waves and twisted a single strand around his finger. “Your hair looks pretty when it’s down” he found enough courage to say. All the words forming in her throat stalled. Sensing she was struggling to find the words he started walking again towards his home. “You know Ann may be a little disappointed though. I told her about how you always have these elaborate braids, since she’s never been able to properly learn despite years of trying.”
She reached up subconsciously and grabbed at a loose strand. Stupid Madam Snelling. Sebastian must have sensed her worry because he responded saying “oh don’t worry, she’s going to love you. Besides if mildly disappointing my sister means I get to see your hair wild and free so be it”. He smiled at her, hoping to calm what he could sense were growing nerves. She can fight poachers and rescue a dragon with Poppy but she seems terrified of upsetting my sister. The thought made his heart swell.
As he carefully guided her through the soft grass of Feldcroft he quickly found himself near the place he had called home for many years now. His uncle Solomon stood outside tending to their few animals and garden. He figured he may as well get the difficult part out of the way so they wouldn’t be interrupted with Ann. Sebastian did not see eye to eye much these days with his uncle. They had always had a somewhat tumultuous relationship since his parents had died. As he grew, he knew his uncle saw more of Sebastian’s father in him, their own relationship having been somewhat strained. However, wanting to make sure that a proper introduction could be made between his family and the new 5th year whom he had slowly started seeing a future with was more important than the many disagreements he’d had with Solomon over the past few years. Sebastian had send Teddy to feldcroft before sending the owl to her the day before. He’d asked Solomon if it was okay to bring the new student with whom he had been spending much of his free time with home to meet his sister and gain a proper introduction to the Sallow household. And while Solomon wished his Nephew got in less trouble, would give up this futile attempt at helping Ann, and better maintain his appearance as a sensible young man, he did understand and respect Sebastian’s maturity in the matter.
He sent the family owl back with a brief message accepting Sebastian’s proposal on the conditions he kept the time short as to not impede Ann’s rest, as well as handle it like a proper gentleman in regards to the young lady. However, Solomon could not deny he was curious about the girl who seemed to have caught his nephews affection enough to do something properly and for once in his life.
Her heart rapidly picked up the pace as she rounded the side of the small family cottage on the arm of her fellow Slytherin. He lifted the latch on the small wooden fence, allowing for them to both pass through. She noticed what had to be his uncle had his back to them. Sebastian cleared his throat awkwardly saying “Uncle Solomon” as his guardian turned to face them. Nothing could really have prepared Mr. Sallow for the sight he saw. His nephew, who usually looked every ounce of disheveled and cocky was standing there attempting to look proper for possibly the first time in his young life. Solomon recognized the same look of nervousness his younger brother had come home sporting the day he introduced the twin’s mother to their parents. Turning his attention towards the young girl, whom he had learned bits and pieces of from both children in his care and his former colleagues at the ministry, was standing next to his nephew, her delicate hand wrapped around Sebastian’s arm. He remembered to mind his manors. Solomon thought to himself impressed at the boys ability to follow instruction on this rare occasion.
The girl stood almost a head shorter than his nephew, with the top of her head coming to just barely below Sebastian’s chin. She was quite small, yet from what he had heard through the grapevine she took down a troll in Hogsmeade the day his nephew had accompanied her to replace her supplies. Not to mention the dragon attack her and one of the schools professors endured on their way to Hogsmeade. He knew she must hold some strength at the very least to have encouraged this radical change in behavior in his nephew.
Sebastian carefully helped her navigate their family garden and over towards his uncle, who was whipping his hands on a rag he kept on him while outside. “Uncle Solomon, I would like you to meet y/n. She is the new 5th year at Hogwarts” Sebastian said trying to keep his voice from shaking. He didn’t know why this felt so scary. It was just his uncle, whom he at most times despised. Still he stood in front of his guardian nervous as he unwrapped the girl’s hand from his arm to place his hand on her lower back. He gave his uncle pleading eyes as if to say please don’t embarrass me I really enjoy the company of this girl.
“Hello Mr. Sallow. It’s nice to meet you.” She said summoning the same strength she used to fight trolls and offered her hand to shake. Solomon simply looked at the pair before properly shaking the girls hand. He barked out a laugh and responded “please, called me Solomon. it’s wonderful to finally meet the young lady who slowly is turning my immature nephew into gentleman.”
Sebastian slowly started to zone the two of them out as she expressed awkward pleasantries with his uncle. Sebastian imagined what it would be like had his parents not died when he was so young. Back in their old flat in London, bringing her into his childhood living room while his parents would no doubly be enamored with her.
He could almost clearly see the vision in his head: they would stand on the stairs outside his parents home, awaiting his fathers answer. His father, whom he would look almost directly eye to eye with now, and slightly grey hair would smile and step aside as he would lead her through the threshold. Maybe she would bring flowers for his mother’s table. The second his mothers eyes would land on her she would instantly dote on her elaborate braids as his mother also struggled with the styles on her slightly greying brown hair.
They would laugh in the parlor as his parents would listen to her stories of growing up in a muggle village and share their recent discoveries in academia with the pair. At dinner he would help move the chair for her to sit and after he would lift a hand for her to rise gracefully. After dinner his parents would have their enchanted instruments play the music that always seemed to play in the evenings in the flat and he would join his parents as they often danced with her in his arms. She would accompany him to his childhood room full of trinkets and art on the walls listening to him explain how all the treasures came into his possession. His parents would end the evening by telling y/n she was welcome any time and his father would pull him aside and lay a hand on his shoulder saying he had “chosen well”.
Deep in thought he almost didn’t hear his uncle call out for him “Sebastian?”
The daydream broken his face turned towards the young woman next to him. She looked on him with a small amount of worry and eyes that seemed to say are you okay? His own gave back a look almost to reply yes I’m okay.
“Yes sir?” He found himself responding to his uncle.
“I still have work to do out here but you should accompany Miss y/l/n here inside. Ann’s been talking about meeting her all morning and was up late trying to clean the place and bake some treats for tea time. Best not to keep her waiting boy”. Sebastian shouldn’t have been surprised his Uncle would still manage to maintain his unimpressed tone that the young Sallow had grown to know quite well.
He found himself nodding at his uncle. She simply waved goodbye before allowing Sebastian to lead her through the yard around to the front door. When they approached she audibly sucked in a deep breath. He rubbed up and down her back reassuringly as he lowered his mouth to be right next to her ear. “She’s going to love you trust me.” His lips grazed the shell of her ear as he quietly whispered the words to her. She nervously nodded and he pulled back.
Despite the quite sad thought he found himself dwelling in moments before in the garden, he was still extremely elated to be standing on the stoop of his now home, hand resting on the back of the most beautiful girl he’d ever laid eyes on, who was nervous about meeting his sister. He was still trying to calm her nerves before heading in when he took her hand gingerly in his own saying “trust me, twin telepathy thing ya know? Besides what’s not to love…”
She flushed the deepest red possibly of her young life at his words. He hadn’t even realized the gravity of what he said trying to reassure until he looked down into her y/e/c eyes. She was looking up at him like he had hung the moon and the stars all by himself. Her eyebrow quirked and she lifted her hand up and brushed the stray lock of hair that had fallen out of place despite the gel back where it had been previously resting. His heart hammered at the second time now she had repeated this action with him.
The first being the moment he knew he never wanted another person sweeping his loose hair off his brow.
They had been standing on the stoop too long and were interrupted by the door opening and a squeal ringing out through the air. Anne. He had completely forgot why he told himself he was there. “Sebastian!” His twin loudly exclaimed and he took his arm from around the girl to hold out to his dear sister. Her thin frame pressed into his broad chest and he held her close. Their moment cut short as Anne interrupted his attempt to introduce the girl next to him. Anne always had been a bit forward.
“You must be y/n! Sebastian has told me so much about you. Honestly since the start of the year he quite literally never stops talking about you” Anne gushed at his companion as she pulled them inside the small home and ushered them towards the table. There sat all kinds of treats and the normal tea kettle. While he was somewhat embarrassed at Anne’s insistence on him being borderline obsessed with the new girl, she didn’t seem to notice.
The two immediately begun speaking as if they were old friends merely catching up. It wasn’t long before Anne asked her how she met Sebastian and how she was adjusting to hogwarts as a 5th year. Both girls were talking so fast he could barely make out much of what they were saying- although that may have had less to do with the speed of their conversation and more of how beautiful she looked sitting in their kitchen.
“… honestly without Sebastian I feel I may have been quite lost a lot of the time. He’s helped me both on the magical and the mischief path” she spoke with a laugh and he couldn’t express how much the thought made him smile. She would be lost without me.
“Oh Anne, before I forget, Ominis wanted me to pass along his regards along with some of your favorites from Honeydukes” she said reaching into the enchanted satchel she always kept on her and placing the treats from their mutual friend on the table.
“When did you have time to go to hogsmeade?” Sebastian asked, finally joining in on the conversation. He was genuinely curious given he was also there the day before.
“Oh ominis asked me to accompany him yesterday to collect this for you and help me pick out something as well” she said avoiding his gaze. For a brief second Sebastian’s heart sunk at the thought of her and Ominis walking around Hogsmeade together and alone yet that thought quickly faded as he realized why his friends had gone without him to the small village.
His heart practically grew 10 times its normal size as she produced a small basket with yarn and knitting needles, along with a small book explaining the basics of the craft. The girl turned to Anne and explained “I spoke with Ominis and he said you’d taken to doing things with your hands and mentioned you wanted to try your hand at knitting. I figured since we were in the area I could grab something for you.”
Sebastian knew that as kind hearted as the girl was, she hadn’t merely gotten the idea while strolling the small village, and that it had to have been her idea to go in the first place. If he could’ve conjured a ring out of thin air he would’ve. Sebastian thought back to when his father explained that he had known that Sebastian’s mother was the one he wanted as his wife from their first interaction. This now made so much more sense in the young boys mind.
Ann immediately jumped to her feet, tossing her thin arms around y/n muttering many “thank you’s” at the girl before returning to her chair. She brought one of the teal colored yarns up and turned to Sebastian and asked “this color is lovely, it really brings out y/n’s eyes doesn’t it?”
He simply nodded as the girls started to flip through the book discussing how one would go about knitting a scarf. His two favorite girls. Without thinking he reached under the table, grabbing her hand from where it rested on her lap, bringing it over to rest on her knee. She briefly looked at him and smiled, allowing him to wrap his fingers around her own before squeezing his hand. He returned the gesture as if to say told you she would love you.
It wasn’t long before their uncle came inside the small house. Immediately upon entering Anne stood from her chair and quickly showed Solomon the gift brought to her by the new student. The older man, while slightly surprised, nodded and made a mental note to comment on it to his nephew later. In the months since Anne fell ill, he had yet to see her so full of excitement and life. He couldn’t be more grateful for his nephew bringing this strange girl into their home.
“I don’t mean to cut this short, however this has been a lot of excitement for Anne in one day, and she probably should rest.” He cut in after another half hour of listening to the young girls chatter about everything from hogwarts to the London fashions.
She nodded knowingly and Anne was quick to hug her before even attempted to reach for Sebastian. “Please visit again soon. This has been the most wonderful of times” Anne said pleading. She smiled at her warmly and said “of course, I will visit when I can. In the meantime I promise to owl”
“Wonderful!” Ann then whispered something to the girl, making her blush as she stepped back to allow Sebastian to say goodbye to his twin.
Anne folded herself once again into his arms. “Is this new cologne Sebastian?” She said out loud. He could’ve died in that moment, knowing the girl most certainly would’ve caught him in the lie he told her earlier. He only nodded against the top of Ann’s head before leaning back and saying “See you later goober”. Anne quickly smacked him with the book on the table before reaching over to her bed and handing in the small box he had asked her to prepare before he came.
Solomon offered to walk the pair out, as he held the door for her. Sebastian stuffed the small box under his arm and followed behind the girl and his uncle. Once outside his uncle shook her hand one more time saying “you’re welcome back any time y/n. Thank you for attempting to make a man out of my nephew. Although if you could get him to fix that mop on his head before Christmas so I don’t have to take shears to it myself I would be grateful”.
She simply smiled and awkwardly nodded, noticing the mild edge in Solomon’s voice lending more towards an actual command not a joke. It made her uneasy seeing Sebastian’s face at the comment.
Solomon turned towards Sebastian and nodded before heading back inside. Finally being away from his uncle, he let out a sigh of relief and returned his attention to the beautiful slytherin girl next to him. Without thinking he laced his fingers in hers and they walked towards the floo flame together.
Before they reached it she asked him “so what shall we do with the rest of our Saturday. It will be a while before the great hall is serving dinner?”
“I was thinking we could spend some time in the undercroft. I asked Anne to grab some of our keepsakes so I could show you since I knew Solomon would rush us off”. He responded. He was still a little angry about his uncle ordering around a girl he just met, a girl who had been nothing but sweet, on Sebastian’s behalf. However he refused to let Solomon ruin this otherwise perfect day.
“That sounds wonderful, let’s go” she said pulling him into the bright green flame into the halls of the defense against the dark arts tower of Hogwarts.
“Wait Sebastian you were so adorable!” She exclaimed looking at the photo of him on his mothers lap when he was around 5 years old.
“Were?” He asked feigning being upset by placing his hands on his chest.
“I mean you still are, however look at this. You looked adorable. Look at your little ponytail” she says waving the photo around still amused how precious his former self looked.
He pawed the hair on his neck, trying to remember what it had felt like to have his hair that long. She noticed him looking down in his lap with the saddest of expressions while pulling on his hair so she shifted closer, putting the photo back in the box and pushing it aside. She was slightly unsure how to proceed however she had an idea. So lifted her hands to his hair and slowly brushed her fingers through the slightly wavy brown locks. The second her fingers made contact his hand stilled and he looked at her. For a brief moment she was terrified she misread his emotions and had annoyed the boy. His wild expression unreadable, however he made no attempts to stop her. So she continued her slow motion, helping to separate the gel so it returned to its more wild and natural state.
“While I appreciate the attempt at grooming I prefer you a bit more, we’ll say, ruggedly handsome” she mentioned as an explanation for her actions.
He immediately calmed feeling her deft fingers along his scalp. Thinking of how his mothers hands used to brush through his hair, separating the knots and tying the band to keep it contained while he played. His mother always loved his hair when he was younger and took much time to attend to it. While it may not have been his fathers favorite look for the young boy, his love for his wife overshadowed all else. Sebastian, even as a young boy, felt that those moments where his mother lovingly adjusted, groomed or simply played with his hair to be some of the most loving actions he had ever felt. While Anne had grown into a similar role at times with both their lack of a mother, she never really intended the action the same way. He loved his twin more than anything, but she saw attempts to help her brother groom as a necessity, almost a chore, not an outlet to show love and affection as their mum had.
Sitting in there undercroft now Sebastian couldn’t help but let out a single quiet tear at how much this moment meant to him. It rolled down his freckled cheek so quickly most people would have missed it. She noticed it almost immediately, reaching a thumb over to brush it from his cheek before continuing without a word. It’s his story to tell or keep she reminded herself.
After a while a he peaked open his brown eyes, looking directly into hers. His eyes had remained glassy despite not shedding anymore actual tears. The knot in his throat remained. She smiled briefly at him as she slowly started to pull her hands away. He reached his hand up to stop her from removing her fingers. Pushing them back up into his hair she chucked as he acted almost childish in his wish to be doted on. While she didn’t want to admit that the position had become slightly uncomfortable she was beginning to struggle to keep her arms up as the boy was taller than her even while sitting. She slowly eased his slumping shoulder down so that he laid on the floor of the undercroft atop the blanket they conjured. Laying with his shoulders and head across her lap he sighed as she continued.
Hours, minutes, days, he had no clue how long he laid there allowing her to give him the simplest but most meaningful affection he had experienced in years possible ever. Every so often he’d crack open his eyes to see her smiling down at him. She’d brush the back of a hand over his forehead or freckle filled cheeks before returning to his brown hair. The action slowly made the lump in his throat dissipate and this almost sad expression was replaced with a slight smile as he thought she must truly care for me, to show such affections.
“My mum used to always do this when I couldn’t sleep” he said, voice horse from the lack of use and swelling emotion he was feeling. He opened his eyes to gage her reaction. She simply nodded continuing while allowing him to say what he wished. He appreciated her understanding that this kind of a story, should be left completely on him to share.
“She really did love my longer hair you know. Dad always put the foot down when it got too much past my shoulders but mum loved it.” He paused gathering his thoughts. Unsure if this story was even worth sharing with the girl. He was sure she probably didn’t need to know such trivial things about him, however after watching today as she fully committed herself to gaining respect in what remained of his family, as well as showing him the extent of her care towards him, Sebastian didn’t doubt for a second he should share everything there was to know about him. He truly had nothing to lose yet everything in the world to gain from having such a wonderful girl at his side. As silly as it may sound he wanted someone other than Anne to know the reason he had strong aversions to getting his cut or why he thoroughly enjoyed this moment now.
“When they died, and uncle Solomon came to collect us I figured it would be the last thing on anyone’s mind. You would think he wouldn’t want to further upset a kid who just lost his parents ya know? But the second we crossed that threshold at feldcroft he marched me to that kitchen chair muttering how boys should always look proper, keeping their hair off the ears and collar, before giving me a hack job that rivaled Duncan Hobhouse. I remember Anne watching terrified from the side of the room but unable to do anything. To a young kid having something so wrapped in your identity stripped, especially given how much my mother loved showing her care to me that way…” he trailed off not knowing how to continue the thought without breaking down. He decided to shift away as he was sure she understood the train of thought and would prefer to keep what little dignity he may have as a young man in front of the girl.
“Every so often in the years after same story. Aggressive shearing at the kitchen table and then forcing me to clean it up. Eventually Anne learned how to cut just enough to keep it with in his rules so he would stop. Ever since Anne was cursed it’s been the last thing in everyone’s mind, until today. I still have no idea why he would even tell you that is your responsibility “ Sebastian let out an annoyed sigh as he played with the buttons on his vest.
Her hand had stilled in his hair and he knew their calm moment may have ended. She still kept her fingers on his scalp as she responded “oh Sebastian… that’s horrible. I am terribly sorry”. Her voice was full of empathy. He looked up at her and swallowed unsure how they were to proceed now that so much had been revealed in the dim light of the undercroft.
“You have nothing to apologize for Love…” his words dropped off for a moment and he moved his hand to grab one of hers before holding it tightly in both of his. “You truly have showed me more care than anyone has since our parents died” he continued while examining every crevice of her beautiful hands. Sure she had some scattered scars on her knuckles and callouses from her wand scattered, but he decided then and there that these were the most beautiful hands he had ever seen.
He wanted to show her even half an ounce the love she had shared for him, but was unsure how to be proper about it. Given their close proximity little remained in terms of getting closer. He did not feel as though he had crossed a line she was uncomfortable with. He slowly brought her palm close to his mouth.
She felt her breath falter the second his lips made contact with her palm. He didn’t rush it either, slowly allowing himself to place a kiss on her palm, before moving just above where he placed the first to place another. Slowly he placed delicate, butterfly like kisses over every inch of her hand and fingers. Somewhere along the way he started muttering out “thank you” after “thank you” against her skin. She sudden felt lightheaded.
Sebastian wasn’t sure when he planned on stopping. He wasn’t sure if he ever wanted a moment to pass for the rest of his life where he didn’t have some sort of contact on her soft skin. He prayed to Merlin she hadn’t noticed how he lingered too long when he kissed her ring finger. His eyes opening for a brief moment to imagine what a simple band would look like adorning her lovely hand. The thought almost scared him and yet exhilarated him at the same time. Of course this wonderful woman should one day carry his hand, his ring, his name, his children…
After a while he stopped and thread his fingers in hers. Same as he had at this kitchen table, it still felt like a perfect fit. They laid in the silence together, listening to each other breathe.
She decided that while she did enjoy getting a deeper spot in his heart and mind, they had a lifetime for serious moments. “So Anne gave you the cologne?” She mischievously mentioned with a sarcastic tone. He had completely forgot Anne ousted his lie.
Sebastian felt warmth flash over ever inch of his body. He finally leaned up from his resting spot on her lap and shyly rubbed his neck. “I may have lied…” was the only response he could come up with.
She laughed plucking the courage to grab his hand voluntarily. He slightly smiled at her comfort in the act. “It’s okay Sebastian I know you just wanted to impress me” she said almost teasing him, however given it was a true statement he saw no need in denying it.
The Sallow boy figured he wanted one more milestone before they would have to return to their normal lives. Nothing too far however after the day they had he wanted more than to just hold her hand. He unwrapped their fingers to instead put his arm around her shoulders. Pulling her body close to his, he allowed his warmth to circle her. He leaned in closer to her ear, lip’s barely grazing the lobe as he playfully whispered “So have i successfully impressed you y/n?” He asked not really caring about the answer. He truly just wanted to see her face flush. When her cheeks slowly tingled with pink she nodded while briefly making eye contact before staring into her lap.
“I will admit I like this more mature version of Sebastian I’ve had the pleasure of meeting today” she replied after a moment. He took a single strand of hair that was resting near his hand on her shoulder and twirled it letting it slip along his digits. He tried not to think of the implications of what she meant.
“Well, I promise if you wish to see more of him, that he’s all yours, should you choose…” his words faltered as he continued “I wouldn’t just comb my hair for anyone now” Sebastian continued with a laugh as she snorted, surprised at this playful retort in a time so intimate. He always felt those moments ought not be mutually exclusive.
She looked up at him. Same brown eyes as this morning. Same brown hair. Same freckled filled cheeks. Yet it all felt different now. She leaned in and she ever so gently placed a chaste kiss on his right cheek. His eyes fluttered closed as if to savor the moment.
“I would love nothing more”.
In the following weeks since their visit to Feldcroft, Sebastian found himself always lingering next to her when he could. Sure she still had Ranrok and the keepers to deal with, occasionally joining Natsi or Poppy out of the castle for endeavors to take down the goblins or criminals, but he was there when she was free. Moments to and from class he found himself walking along side her, tucking her school supplies and in under one arm while the other was stretched out towards her. Despite still continuing their playful banter, he would find himself rushing ahead to hold doors, pulling out chairs for her to sit or offering his robe when she got cold. A flirty gentleman some would say.
The attention had not gone unnoticed by those around him either. Their house mates and friends obviously were quick to notice, as they saw more of the pair in places like the common room cuddled up next to the fire or at dinner when he’d offer the last roll to her. Poppy had clocked her crush on Sebastian quite early, as in one of their magical beasts class she caught the Slytherin girl staring longingly at the boy who was cuddling up next to a niffler.
Even some of the professors had noticed not just the pair, but the shift in the resident trouble maker as well. While he had always used a strong sense of manors around adults, they slowly started to notice the lack of finding him in precarious situations. Madam Scribner slowly started leaving the Restricted Section of the Library with its normal enchanted lock, and now no longer finding it tampered with in the mornings. Professor Sharp saw the way the boy was always quick to grab her often heavy advanced potions books and supplies, treating them with such care. One comment from professor Garlick almost sent her into a coma as the sweet herbology professor noted that it was “such a lovely thing to see young love blossoming at Hogwarts”, encouraging Sebastian to feel free to select any of the flowers he wished from her muggle section of the greenhouses. While he groaned at the embarrassment he still took her up on the offer anyway, often slipping them behind her ear from time to time.
After Ominis walked in on Sebastian and her laying in the undercroft one night sharing sweet words and stolen pecks, she decided she ought to show him the room of requirement. Deek had sworn to not tell professor Weasley of Sebastian’s presence as she had done so much for him and the magic creatures around hogwarts. Deek himself thought the calming nature that Sebastian brought the often stressed young girl to be a lovely thing. She truly did need to stop trying to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders.
Sebastian had slowly realized as time went on that they could possibly save Anne with her ancient powers so his trips to the restricted section became less and less frequent. He slipped into an almost normalcy with her, in the most proper and respectable of ways. Something the mischievous boy would never have seen coming months before if you asked him. However, she had reigned him in much like she had the wild magical creatures she kept in the vivarium.
Sebastian had grown to love nothing more than sneaking off with her to the secret room after dinner and laying in the grass of her vivarium as she stroked his still growing brown locks. While he was still unsure quite how they worked, given his slowly growing tan, he would assume they acted as a port key of sorts, bringing them to a place almost always warm and sunny. The sunlight that brought him a slightly darker complexion was bringing out more of the freckles that she loved so dearly, as well as turning some of his brown tresses into a color similar to honey. She couldn’t help but love what the sunlight brought out in the young man.
Today they had migrated inside the back rooms of her private area, laying on a sectional she conjured months before. Her magic abilities in the brief amount of time she had known of them still impressed him. She set a book they had found in one of Isadoras’s workshops on the arm rest of the chair reading over the notes. He laid his head in the almost permanently claimed spot of her lap, soaking up the now normal affection of her petting his hair.
“What are your plans for winter holiday?” He asked her. She looked up from her book nervously. It’s not that she didn’t want him to worry but she knew he would feel bad for her when he discovered she had no plans other than staying at hogwarts.
“Well… professor Fig and I decided that with so many people after me right now, returning home to my very much muggle family would put them in harms way. I planned to stay here honestly…” she felt sheepish. The poor girl with no where to go in order to keep her family safe. Professor Fig had helped her pen them about the danger and while they were disappointed they understood why she intended to keep them at distance for now. Initially wary of the strange man who explained that their seemingly normal daughter was a witch, now accepting that he would stop at nothing to help keep her safe.
Sebastian sat up from her lap shocked she was going to spend Christmas alone. He reached for some blank parchment and a quill immediately without thinking. She looked at him confused for a moment before asking what he was doing.
“Writing to Uncle Solomon. No one should be alone at the holidays. Besides we already take in Ominis and Anne’s been begging to see you again”. He made it sound so natural. Of course she would spend her holidays with him. It made every ounce of sense to Sebastian.
She quietly responded “are you sure that’s okay? I don’t want to impose…”
He looked up from the now finished note, trying to find the owl that occasionally hung out in her private room. Finding it, he simply passed on instructions and sent the snowy owl on its way. Sebastian rejoined her on the couch, collecting her slightly shaky hands in his. “I see no reason for him to object given the situation. Whenever you’re there things are… easier” he quickly pondered how harvest festival had gone with her at their table. She actually did the heavy lifting with the cooking since Anne was still unwell and their uncle always seemed to burn dinner without the help of a “woman’s touch”. The pair of young girls had moved about the kitchen together laughing as flour coated their hair and warm smells filled the house. Even Ominis occasionally cracked a smile at their antics, finally getting to enjoy his two friends together and Anne seeming to be in better spirits than normal. The only bump in the road once again being Solomon slightly more grumpy this time, telling him to get a haircut before he returned home again. The thought loomed over him but he brushed it off as he still had a week to figure something out…
“I want you there” he said with sincerity as he found her eyes. She looked at him smiling and nodding. “Well we shall wait for your uncle to approve it or not before getting too excited” she said.
She always was more realistic and grounded than him. He understood though. She was the rational for his passionate nature. With the danger she faced and the power beneath her fingers, she had to be calm and level headed as to properly handle situations she found herself in. They had grown to compliment each other wonderfully.
“Of course. Although I don’t imagine he will take poorly to the idea. Although my uncle and I don’t often get along, he seems to enjoy my presence more now that you’re around.” Sebastian poked at her side and she laughed.
They were in the slytherin common room close to curfew with Ominis and Imelda when the owl returned from Feldcroft. Sebastian unwound its note, snagging a treat that he discovered she always carried for his personal owl off her. The discovery had warmed his heart.
I will allow y/n to come, with a set of conditions, as Anne seems to truly do better when she is around. First, you will continue to be a gentleman towards her. I want no funny business, and nothing beyond what is acceptable. Secondly I want no talk of a cure for Anne while anyone is here. Let us simply enjoy a normal holiday without your rambling. Lastly, I meant what I said about fixing that damn hair of yours. You have a lady on your arm, and you are representing our family, be mindful of that.
Off the ears and off the collar.
~ Solomon
She sat next to him, eyes pleading his response as he finished reading the note. He was thrilled she would be allowed to come… with the exception of the last part. Given their proximity to curfew he didn’t want to delve into the intricacies of why his uncle allowed her to come until the morning. The thought of openly giving Imelda ammunition on his hair, something she mocked enough on her own, made he queasy. Ominis also would tease him relentlessly if he knew, so he decided to wait until the following day to discuss it with her. They only had potions on Fridays, so they spent more time in the room of requirement on those class days.
“He said you are more than welcome to come.” Sebastian responded while tucking the note back in his blazer, as he had discarded his robe soon after reaching the common room. He accepted whatever fate he’d have to deal with in order to spend a holiday with his sister and his best girl…
The night had come and gone. Sebastian was standing in the shared slytherin bathroom fixing his tie in the mirror before breakfast. His wet hair was still clinging to his forehead and in the back touching his shoulders. He sighed, running his hand through the brown tresses. In the past 7 weeks since she met his family, he had thoroughly enjoyed having her preen his locks. She was not shy about the fact his hair had to be one of her favorite qualities about him. He knew at some point it would have to come to an end as Solomon was still his guardian. Still it felt bittersweet.
He found himself zoning out at breakfast and in class. He was anxious beyond belief. The only thing keeping him grounded was her hand holding his beneath the table as she brought him back to earth every so often. She’d smile warmly at him and he’d fall back into reality for a bit as he briefly overheard the grumpiest of the professors praising her skill with the caldron. That’s my girl.
Once they finished for the day, he helped her navigate the halls with a simple hand on her lower back and all their books in his other arm. They always found themselves in the room of requirement without having to mention where they were going. Once inside she took off, going to care for the magical creatures. He sat nervously in one of the chairs she kept near her loom, holding the note from his uncle he’d received the night before. The same phrase that had been repeated over and over as he attempted to sleep still plagued him: off the ears and off the collar.
Sebastian wished he knew why such a trivial task caused him such anxiety. At the end of the day, hair was hair and it grew back. Even he could admit it was getting to the point he found himself frustrated with it most of the time as it fell into his line of sight or tickled his ears. He was more concerned with how she was handle it. That and the logistics of who was going to take shears to his head, since if it was him, he knew it would look bad.
She stepped out of the vivarium and walked towards him. In her hands she held some puffskin fur and joberknot feathers. She laid them out next to the loom and came to stand near him. Her fingers immediately sought out his hair. Usually the act would cause him to relax but now he found himself tensing up. She sensed him tense and removed her hand, almost wounded by his reaction. He looked at her as if to say it’s nothing you did.
He simply held up the note from Solomon for her to read as explanation for his strange reaction. At first she was worried something had happened with Anne, and quickly snatched the note. She had noticed his downtrodden nature all day and was worried what caused it. When she finally finished reading she understood why he seemed upset.
“What are you going to do?” She asked him in a hushed whisper. It seemed so trivial the more he thought about it. The girl who had a thousand problems, and faced real danger at every corner, was treating something so seemingly stupid with the same care she would rescuing someone from the likes of Victor Rookwood.
He sighed and grabbed her hand from his shoulder, placing a kiss on her knuckle. “Be a man and get a haircut” he said with a small laugh. No one was dying and she would continue to feel the same about him, at least he thought so.
She looked concerned for a moment before responding “who are you going to have do it for you?” She asked shifting her weight to her other foot. It was a reasonable question, and he understood why she’d ask. Anne was in no position to be doing such things. Ominis, while an expert at somehow managing to maintain his own hair perfectly, was unfortunately blind. He wouldn’t trust someone like Imelda near his head with shears. That only left himself and the girl as far as he thought.
“I could attempt it myself, or you could try..?” He seemingly posed as a question. While he was confident she would do her absolute best, and wouldn’t Intentionally make him look bad, the worried look at the thought that crossed her face made him concerned.
She pondered it for a moment, face full of anxiety and fear. Then she had a brief flash of realization. She took his arm, leading him to the floo flame towards an unknown destination. Under normal circumstances he’d be worried but he fully trusted her. At the end of the day, he truly only was concerned about looking presentable for her.
Within seconds of using the flame he smelled the familiar air of Hogsmeade. She continued pulling him off towards the small river. He let her. She knew what she was doing. Sebastian knew one thing about his life at the current moment: he could trust her with just about anything from his life to even something as small as grooming. She knew how much small things like this were sometimes scary for him. Sebastian knew that she would respect his childhood trauma entirely while also making sure he didn’t walk away appearing as if he got attacked by a kneazle.
He saw the striped red pole and realized where the girl must be taking him. He remembers Anne coming here after a confringo disaster lead to her requiring the bangs she still kept to this day. Madam Snelling sure had a reputation around Hogsmeade as someone who, while occasionally pegged for rude, was honest to a fault. In fact, day of the troll attack, while she was off repairing carts for some of the venders she had stopped him, practically begging him to allow her the opportunity to tame the unruly hair that was even quite disheveled at the beginning of their school year.
Before heading inside she gave him one last glance as if to ask “is this okay?” And he simply nodded, grabbing the door and stepping aside so she may enter. Upon entering she was immediately swept into loud pleasantries with the flamboyant woman. He watched almost laughing as the girl received air kisses from the stylist commenting on how she is glad the girl took her advice and started leaving her hair down from time to time.
He glanced around realizing while he passed it often in Hogsmeade, it was one of the few stores he actually hadn’t stepped foot in. He did know for a fact that Ominis liked to pretend he didn’t come inside almost twice a month to maintain the same appearance he had sported since first year. After today Sebastian realized he could no longer tease his friend for it. “So what brings you in today?” The older woman asked, glancing at the pair of Slytherin students.
She pulled him closer to her side as he had unintentionally been cowering behind her. “Well, I know you said I could cash in a favor sometime, so I was wondering if you could help this one out in place of that favor…” she trailed off gesturing to Sebastian.
Madam snelling looked absolutely thrilled finally seeing the young boy who’s hair had to have been as lovely as his twins sister in her shop. “Ah the Sallow boy! I remember your sister, Ann isn’t it?” He simply nodded reaching up to scratch the back of his neck. He felt her hand slowly rubbing up and down his back in reassurance. “I have been wanting to get my hands on that mane months ago after the troll attack! Besides I do owe your friend a favor for running all the way to the coast to collect supplies for me”. She started rambling about how floo travel turned whatever she had delivered into unintentional hair dye so it must be transported via broom.
She removed her hand from his back and stepped back towards the stylist, speaking in a quiet tone he couldn’t quite understand. Madam Snelling nodded quickly at whatever she had informed her of quickly replying “I will be gentler than a mooncalf I promise! Come on over Love” she said turning her attention back towards him.
He cautiously sat down, allowing her to tousle his hair around before she asked him “so what kind of style would you like today?”
He hadn’t really thought about it. The events of the last 24 hours had led him into a situation he truly couldn’t have planned for. Snelling must have realized he didn’t know so she hoped to ease him in a direction by saying “I know your other friend, the blind boy, comes here often. I could do the same as him if you want?” No. He wanted to scream that while his friend looked great, that is not a look Sebastian imagined would look good on himself.
She spoke up quickly from next to him before he found the words to respond. “Is there any way you could just help clean up what he has now? As long as its just off the ears and collar I am sure it will be a tad more acceptable than it is now”.
Thank Merlin. He thought to himself.
“I don’t really do simply acceptable if you know what I mean dear. I made a career out of making people look good. While… we certainly have a good frame to work from there’s much to be desired by this current lack of style. I have a few ideas on my own, I was wondering if you knew what essence you were reaching for?” Sebastian was more than confused. How does hair have an essence?
The girl once again cut in, bringing the words he could no longer find to the conversation, “What about just a proper gentleman with a more ruggedly handsome edge? He has this one lock that always falls on his forehead, I would hate to see that too tamed you know? I think he should maintain a sense of himself. Also if you can leave it long enough to still put a hand through that would be perfect.”
Madam Snelling immediately started smiling and nodding her head. Finally. While Sebastian was quite confused what exactly that all meant, knowing she like also didn’t know what the outcome would be either, he trusted her.
It wasn’t long before he found himself with hair freshly washed and an anxious expression meeting her face. She gave him a reassuring smile. At least he knew that he would avoid another hack job at the hands of his uncle or an accidental mistake if she had braved his unruly hair in the room of requirement. A quite funny thought of Deek appearing just to see him with a towel around his shoulders and poorly cut hair on the floor almost made him laugh. Oh Merlin, if they had to rely on the house elf for help that would’ve been a disaster.
Honestly, the more he pondered it, the chances of ending up at a place like here to fix a mess someone else made seemed the most likely outcome. They had simply bypassed few steps. He could live with that.
Sebastian realized that this didn’t have to seem such the death sentence he had built it up to be in his head. He wasn’t a young boy anymore, who could have long hair being groomed by his mother. He was a young man who, wether he wanted to admit it or not, had to demonstrate the best the Sallow name had to offer. Sebastian should want to look presentable for her, so she could walk around her dorms without Imelda mocking her about when she was going to ‘groom him’. He finally sat up straighter seeing this as an opportunity for success not a punishment designed to make him fail. Besides, she was along him every step of the way, and would still be there at the end of the day to take him back to the privacy they developed and continue preening him.
He was slowly loosing himself in his thoughts when he heard her ask Madam Snelling “Is there any way possible you could show me how to do that? We often don’t get much free time these days and as I am sure you can tell, he still is quite jumpy when strangers touch him. It may be a good piece of knowledge to have for future reference”.
The woman simply nodded bringing the girl around to show her exactly what she was doing as he sat there, unsure where to look. He opted to simply close his eyes and let the process unfold without him awkwardly making eye contact in the mirror.
When the snipping started he was thankful that he had already shut his eyes as the first few sounds were quite jarring. He slowly felt his right ear being unearthed from the months of hair growth. It felt cold.
Madam Snelling, for as much shit as everyone gave her, genuinely seemed to care about her customers comfort in the chair. She noticed him still slightly tense and simply asked if she could get him anything, which he brushed off, opening his eyes again to see her very patient eyes examining the process in case in the future she would have to repeat it.
“Wow Sebastian I didn’t realize truly how long your hair has gotten” she said sheepishly. She almost seemed sorry by the way she spoke. What he didn’t know was that moments ago, seeing him having to loose the locks she knew he enjoyed simply so she could spend Christmas in Feldcroft made her feel guilty. It almost hadn’t crossed her mind, but as the first wave of chocolate brown hair hit the floor she understood the gravity of the situation. He was putting himself in a situation he didn’t want to be in for her.
The two had become close in the small amount of time they’d known each other and he could read her tone immediately. While confused why she would feel such as way, he lifted a hand out, almost beckoning her to grab it.
She didn’t notice him reaching for her at first, as her eyes were still trained to the floor watching the small mountain of brown hair accumulate at her feet. The same soft brown hair she loved watching him tousle. The same hair she herself would ruffle to calm him. Snelling sure is taking a lot of hair off she couldn’t help but think. It wasn’t until he cleared his throat that she realized he was holding a hand out to her. She moved around, careful to not slip over his hair, and allowed him to thread his fingers with hers.
She had spent so much time reassuring him that everything would be fine, and now he needed to return the favor. “Hey, I really don’t mind this y/n. You’ve been kind enough to help me get this done properly, which I never would have asked for or even thought to do. Hell I was content to pass the shears to the house elf and let him give it a go when he’s only got a few hairs to call his own” she laughed at the thought as he continued “Is it something I would’ve done for myself, probably not, but this is such a small price to pay to wake up and see you amongst my family Christmas morning.” He spoke to her calmly for the first time since last night. She simply nodded.
He did feel the need to break the looming serious that had been over them by adding “Besides, it was getting unruly. How on Earth did you allow yourself to be seen in public with me?”.
She shrugged at his words with a small smile, realizing he was slowly starting to let go of the tension as the nape of his neck was slowly appearing for the first time since she’d known him. Finally coming to peace with the situation he tried to just relax. Haircuts could feel nice he supposed. Solomon always haphazardly grabbed large chunks of his hair, quickly removing them in whatever fashion was the fastest. Anne, while more gentle, just simply cut every strand a tad shorter than it was, unwilling to go further for fear of messing up. While the feeling of the enchanted shears and Madam Shellings fingers on his scalp were gentle. She would cautiously lift certain pieces, explaining to the girl what she was doing, before allowing the strands to be clipped. It felt more relaxing than he figured it would. Not quite as nice as the new student simply running her hands through his hair, but still nice.
He did loose his calm nature for a brief moment when he opened his eyes to search where she had situated herself and he caught a glimpse of a quite large chunk of his brown locks falling into his lap. Oh Merlin. He couldn’t help but semi-panic but when he made eye contact again with the girl, seeing her smiling at his new appearance, the worry disappeared again.
Eventually the snipping stopped and he was turned away from the mirror. He felt hands pushing strands of his hair out of his face. At least he knew he had a tad bit left. He had begun to grow mildly concerned seeing the size of some of the snippets and with how long it was beginning to take. Madam snelling took a step back, asking his companion what she thought.
He was curious at her reaction, blushing as she looked down at him. She came forward, pulling a strand or two onto his forehead. Her eyes locking with his brown ones. He sucked in a breath seeing her so close. “I love seeing these few pieces fall over his brow” she said before continuing “I really love it Madam Snelling. I can’t thank you enough for both being gentle and informative. I had grown used to the unkept look, I think it certainly looks more mature.”
“It was a pleasure Dear. I do say it’s some of my best work. What did you call it again?” She asked reaching around and undoing the cape around him, sending massive amounts of different sized clippings onto the floor. Sebastian stood and reached up to his neck. It was quite odd not immediately feeling brown curls under his fingers, but it wasn’t a bad thing necessarily.
“A ruggedly handsome gentleman?” She asked looping her fingers through his, pulling him towards a mirror. After having to navigate his hair on the floor - a sight that might’ve sent him into a coma days before - he found himself gazing at his appearance for the first time.
The sides were not much to write home about. Short enough to comply with Solomon’s rules, but not sheared down l short enough to show skin. The top however was shockingly split down the middle where it used to be pushed all to one side. In the front strands had been left longer and had been pushed back, almost like curtains, over his ears stood. In the front he saw the few strands she had pulled back on his brow in their normal place. It was different, but he felt as though it could be a nice change.
“So what do we think?” He found the stylist leaning against her counter, lighting a cigarette, beaming at her work.
Sebastian had to admit, he really did look good. Probably more put together than he had in years, yet as he lifted his hands to run his finger through it, noting that she had left him enough length in the curtain style fringe to run his hands through and push it off his face on both sides. “It’s going to take some getting used to…” he started to say, feeling her eyes on him, and he continued musing his brown locks in the mirror, gaining confidence as he continued. “I think its a nice change. I still feel like myself which is nice. It just won’t take a long time in the morning fusing over it not laying properly. Thank you, I am not sure I could have properly articulated this, but it’s perfect”.
He wasn’t sure how much of the thanks came across as directed at Snelling instead of her, but he didn’t really care. He truly just wanted to go back in the Room of Requirement and spend time with her until dinner, where he was sure their friends were going to have a lot to say. He merely put an arm out for her to hold. Madam Snelling passed him a small thing of gel, similar to Ominis’s but not quite as greasy. She explained to him that just a little would go a long way in keeping it looking tousled but in place. She even demonstrated how to quickly for the boy. She then sent the kids on their way with a quick comment about how long it was going to take to clean her floor from the massacre she preformed on his head. She slipped her arm into his and followed him out the door with a chime.
“Care to join me for a butter bear m’lady?” He spoke with a bad posh accent making her laugh.
“Lead the way kind sir” she responded as the pair headed off for the three broomsticks.
When they reappeared in the Room of Requirement a small voice called out semi-startling the pair.
“How wonderful it is to see you again Miss y/l/n, and with your friend Sebastian who looks much older with his new do. ” The small house elf spoke up as they came barreling in the room laughing about how pale Sebastians neck look in comparison to the rest of him.
Receiving taunts from their friends was something he expected, however compliments from a house elf weren’t on his list of things to happen today. Sebastian simply responded “thank you Deek” as he ran a hand through the left side which had slightly shifted back onto his forehead from the floo travel.
Deek turned his attention back to her, telling her one of her thestrals had given birth to a fawn as Sebastian found himself looking in one of the many mirrors spread around the room. He was slowly getting acclimated to how it felt, getting used to not seeing the wild brown locks haphazardly placed around his head would take some getting used to. It felt a lot lighter as well.
He had already received several compliments now, Sirona hardly recognized him, saying that it was a “pleasant and unexpected change”. Although, the way she had passed glasses between the pair made him question if the witch was referring to the haircut or the change between himself and the new student.
After checking on the recently born thestral she joined him in the adjacent room on the lounge. As she sat next to him, he caught her staring, quickly quipping “you are staring you know”.
She quickly muttered out an apology, “I am sorry, your ears are just really lovely. Who knew they were hiding under there this whole time?”
“How are ears lovely?” He questioned with a laugh.
“I don’t know, they just are…” she trailed off, looking at her lap, embarrassed. He carefully lifted a hand to move her hair from covering the ear closest to him. While he didn’t exactly know what she had meant, he still took the opportunity to playful mess with her.
Lowering his mouth to her ear he kissed the outer shell before lowering his mouth, whispering against her earlobe the same way he had done in Feldcroft so long ago; “Everything about you is lovely, you know that?” He told her. While attempting to get a rise out of her, he still meant the words. He wasn’t prepared for the small moan that came tumbling past her lips before she could stop it.
Heat quickly rushed to both their cheeks. Maybe it was feeling more confidence due to the recent makeover, but Sebastian decided to do something that aired on the side of not-so-proper. He leaned back in towards her ear again, ever so carefully taking the lobe between his lips. He could feel the way she suckled in a deep breath, holding it. He lightly allowed his teeth to graze the delicate skin before leaning back just enough that he could see her eyes.
Somewhere along the way she had closed her eyes at the feeling. Her cheeks still flaming red as the new found act of intimacy startled and excited her in ways she didn’t fully understand. Before she had time to respond the bells for dinner started chiming and the trance was broken.
“We should probably go eat” she whispered out, not moving and voice thick with the looming feelings surrounding both of them.
“I concur, after you” he said responding in a similar manor. Neither moved. While he was certain she enjoyed the affection, he was unsure if she felt he crossed a line. The two, while close and growing daily into a nice rhythm, had yet to officially address what they were developing into. Realizing he had neglected to properly ask her to be his, assuming their shared glances, hand holding, and other moments to be sufficient.
When she didn’t move from the couch he simply decided that was something he needed to rectify. Sebastian pulling his weight from beside her, moving to the floor in front of where she sat. Taking one of her hands in his own he went to speak when he noticed her eyes get wide. “I am not doing that, calm down” he said realizing this was a similar stance to when rings were involved. Not now, but someday he thought.
“I am realizing on this lovely Friday that I have been improper. I have carried your affections without offering you the full extent of my hand. Would you do me the honor of an honest and proper courtship?” He said it in the same silly voice earlier he had used to invite her to the Three Broomsticks, however the weight of his words poked through despite his antics.
She simply nodded and he placed a delicate kiss to her knuckles before lifting her to her feet. “And would the lady please accompany me to fine dining of the great hall amongst our most cumbersome of allies?” He said continuing the same bit.
The pair broke out in laughter slowly creeping out the hall towards the floo flame. Given they would depart tomorrow for Feldcroft, she stopped to make sure Deek would be able to care for the beasts while she was away. Sebastian watched as the house elf handed her a scarf knit from the joberknot feathers she had been saving. She thanked him, giving him a small book in return. She is kind even to house elfs he thought.
The last thing they heard Deek say as they headed to exit was “It is so lovely to see Miss y/l/n and her friend Sebastian so happy”. And for once he couldn’t agree more.
While he told himself he was prepared for the amount of grief his housemates were going to throw his way, he certainly wasn’t expecting the news to completely flood the Great Hall…
“No, no please Imelda describe it to me in detail.” Ominis said with a laugh. The table had been making jabs left and right as she and Sebastian arrived and took their normal seats.
“It’s better than he normally looks that is for certain” Imelda said before congratulating her roommate on successfully ‘domesticating’ the boy. She returned to Ominis and for once held back spite as she took her time carefully describing how it looked to their blind friend. While Ominis may have been cracking a joke, he truly did appreciate getting to gain a better sense of what his oldest friend now looked like.
Sebastian wished they could have sat at the Hufflepuff table.
Everyone in his house had similar reactions of openly giving him cheek, yet agreeing it was a pleasant change. He still felt quite self conscious about the whole ordeal. He was extremely grateful when her quiet friend Poppy Sweeting came over to exchange small gifts for the upcoming holiday, finding the courage to say that Sebastian should “Ignore what everyone is saying” and that she thought he “looked very handsome”. She really did live up to that name.
It still wasn’t easy to ignore the gagging noises he could hear from the Gryffindor table as he openly saw Leander and Gareth mocking both his new haircut and his affections towards the girl. He caught them making mocking kiss faces at each other after pretending to lob off Weasleys hair. He could stand to loose a few inches as well he thought before electing to wait until crossed wands to deal with them.
Before long dinner had ended and the group migrated back to their common rooms. Along the way they ran into several professors, including Fig who pulled the girl aside to confirm the work she was to continue over the holiday on their shared mission. The kind old man then returned the young girl to Sebastian’s company and made sure to compliment the boy saying “Mr. Sallow I dare say you have turned into a spritely young gentleman. Please keep an eye on Miss y/l/n over the holiday… although I am sure she will keep as close of an eye on you, as you will on her” Fig flashed a wink at the pair before quickly returning to whatever direction he had been running off to.
When they finally returned back to the safety of the common room the pair collapsed together on the couch closest to the fire. They knew curfew would soon be approaching, and tomorrow would have an early start, but for now they simply wanted to enjoy the remaining moments at Hogwarts before the end of the term.
He kept his arm wrapped around her shoulder as they all continued conversations with their housemates. she noticed on occasion his fingers would start drawing patterns across her shoulder. She did everything in her power to not blush as it slowly lulled her to sleep. Slowly everyone started trickling back to their rooms, leaving the common room mostly empty. He didn’t want to wake her, but assumed shed much rather start tomorrow on a full nights sleep. Besides prefects would be around for bed check soon. He brushed some hair off her face that had fallen when her head had softly leaned into his shoulder.
He placed a soft peck to her forehead, softly rubbing circles on her arm to help her slowly wake up. She stirred and slowly opened her eyes, finding him staring back at her with his lovely brown eyes. “Hey beautiful its bed time” he said still looking down at her.
She nodded and slowly stretched out her stiff muscles before allowing him to help her stand to her feet. She wobbled a bit, but he kept her upright, slowly helping her navigate back to the base of the enchanted steps he couldn’t help her climb. Damned Salazar Slytherin and his stupid charmed stairs.
She climbed up on the first step before turning around to give Sebastian a brief hug. Her toned arms wrapped around his neck and she breathed a sigh into his ear. He felt her smile as her cheek was resting against his skin. Before he could question why, he felt her delicate fingers toy with the now short locks at the base of his neck before she placed a small kiss on his ear, in the same manor he had earlier. Immediately everything became warm.
As quickly as she had done it, she pulled back from him. She ran a quick hand through his hair before saying “I truly love this haircut Sebastian, and I can’t wait to explore all it has to offer… goodnight Love” before running off. Between her comment and actions he felt the blood in his face rush elsewhere, and for once he was glad his best friend and roommate was very blind…
It was very early in the morning as Sebastian crept down the hall to shower. He had been up most of the evening and wanted nothing more than to have the cool water run over his body before he was expected to be around people. While today most students boarded the Hogwarts express to go home for the holidays, their method of floo travel meant they weren’t stuck to a strict timeline. However, Sebastian this year wanted to leave early during the winter holidays in order to eat breakfast with Anne instead of in the Great Hall. He had risen earlier than even Omanis usually did, heading to take a quick shower before anyone else would be awake.
It was almost a startling surprise when he realized he grossly overestimated how much shampoo it would require for his short hair, dumping in the normal galleon sized amount, and the suds took forever to wash out. He made a mental note to Remember to use less shampoo next time.
Sebastian quickly dried off and slowly started to dress for the day, opting for a more casual trouser and loose fitting button down shirt. No need to wear the 3 piece plaid suits he was accustomed to at school. Toweling off his hair also took little time at all. He was used to having to fight it in the morning. Attempting to comb it after drying always took forever, yet only took a few seconds now. It was convenient he’d give it that. Heeding Madam Snellings words of caution, he used only a small amount of the cream she’d given him the day before, just to make sure it appeared tidy. While he planned on most days to let it hang somewhat free, making sure his uncle was satisfied today would be important.
After quietly packing his things and heading to the common room, he sat by the fire and decided to continue working on what kept him up late last night. After heading off to bed he realized that now with y/n coming to spend Christmas with his family, that he would also need to think of the perfect gift for her. Ominis was usually one of the simplest people to shop for, as he always enjoyed muggle literature translated into braille. Anne always was quite simple, as he knew his twin inside and out. For her however… it seemed difficult as some gifts seemed too sudden and others seemed not enough. Sebastian also had come to semi-unfortunate realization that she had to be one of, if not the best gift giver in the world. From the handmade niffler plush she made Poppy, to the Ugandan styled Gryffindor robes she designed for Natty.
His thoughts were interrupted as he heard movement coming from the girls dorm hallway. Before long he heard quiet laughter. He turned his attention towards the hall in time to see her and Imelda coming down the stairs. Imelda was holding a new quidditch robe in her hands, with her holding what he assumed to be an updated broom in hers. Perfect gift giver.
He was shocked when his girl and Imelda formed a friendship, as he always found the girl quite rude and Anne had less than savory opinions after sharing a room for 4 years. Yet, being around her seemed to bring out a somewhat bearable side in the Irish Slytherin to the point he at this rate considered her more than an acquaintance. Imelda came down the stairs with the girl dressed in a simple linen shirt and trousers, her dark brown hair which usually sat in a boring ponytail was in one of the elaborate braids he knew must have been the work of her skilled hands. She quickly hugged the girl before saying “Happy Christmas” and acknowledging Sebastian with a nod and running back towards their room.
At her quick dismissal she turned around and came to sit with Sebastian. He had tucked the parchment he had been using to brainstorm back in his bag so she would not see. She came and sat next to him, her eyes drinking him in. He suddenly remembered the other thing that kept him up all night…
Sebastian moved to grab the hand she had been using to hold her bag, holding it in his own. “Goodmorning, you look beautiful as ever”. He said taking note of her chosen wardrobe. Dark green trousers which slightly tugged at her thighs, an off white button down that stopped at the elbow and a tight blue vest overtop. She seemed a bit more casual than normal, yet maintained the same look she always managed to have. She had thrown a worn brown leather coat on top of her bag, presumably for if it got colder. At closer inspection he saw… spikes? Where did she get a dragon skin cloak? No doubly plucked it off some poachers now that he thought of it. His girl was resourceful, he would give her that.
He was elated to see she had twisted her y/h/c hair into a very elaborate braid this morning, knowing Anne would enjoy seeing it. He was snapped back to reality when she said “you don’t look too bad yourself. How’s the hair holding up” She gestured towards his head before carefully adjusting his usually misplaced lock back to its natural resting place.
“Still getting used to it… I way overdid it with the soap this morning and it took ages to finally wash out…” her laugh cut him off. She couldn’t help but imagine his shock discovering that his normal amount of shampoo to way too much.
“Ya know, there is one thing I am still trying to figure out about it…” he said, breaking her thoughts from the hilarious image he had initially laid out. She almost didn’t catch how his tone had shifted. However, the gleam in his eyes vanished and instead was replaced by a look that was much darker.
“What would that be” she struggled to get out, voice suddenly going horse with nerves. He leaned in to her, brushing her braid off her shoulder and onto her back. Sebastian took his left pointer finger, slowly running the back of it down the side of her cheek and onto her neck before smirking. Leaning closer to her ear he whispered “I spent practically all night racking my brain trying to figure out exactly what my hair would have to offer you, and why you seemed so eager to explore it…”
At the mention of her own words, her eyes went wide. To be fair, she hadn’t meant to be so lewd the night before. Waking her up from sleep made her a lot more candor than she had ever intended. However, sitting here looking at the half smile playing on the lips of the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen her ability to care was slowly starting to dwindle.
She tried to play the same game he was getting at by replying “I guess you’ll have to wait and find out…” in the most sultry tone she could muster. She was completely unprepared for the almost growl that escaped his throat as she spoke. His eyes grew as it must’ve startled him as well.
Before either could reply they heard a bag drop to the floor near them as well as a voice drift out saying “If you two are done I would like to get going”. Ominis. He sure had a wonderful way of finding them in the worst possible moment. Now was no exception. He did have a point though, Sebastian couldn’t help but think. Collecting his bags, and hers the trio started to the flame, and with a flash were off to Feldcroft for the holidays.
To Be Continued…
Authors note:
I plan to continue this as a small series so stay tuned for when I finish part two, and I will upload as soon as I can! Feel free to leave suggestions if you choose! Also the photo linked in the text is a screenshot from TikTok where someone demonstrated an appearance Mod if anyone would like to know, the account name is @miss_soapy. It provided most of the inspiration for the fic… Thanks for reading!
Part 2 out Now:
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imtrashraccoon · 9 months
The final Dust chapter...we're halfway through folks! I'm really happy with this one and it fills me with many fuzzy feelings.
First Day, Previous Day, & Next Day.
Bad Sansuary: Dust - Tears
Word Count: 2,235.
It was a good day.
You were packing for college and you'd soon be halfway across the country far away from your insufferable family. You'd promised you would call, but had added that you may be too busy to do so. Psychology was a complicated subject and you would likely be swamped with coursework afterall.
They didn't care and neither did you for that matter. You gladly welcomed the chance to have a fresh start and freedom to live life the way you'd always dreamed to. You would be your own person and not just the lesser copy of your elder sister.
"Hey! Are you deaf or something?"
Speak of the devil and she shall appear. You dropped a folded shirt onto your suitcase and turned to the doorway of your bedroom where your sister was standing impatiently. She was wearing a new dress and expensive shoes, again, and her face was practically caked with designer makeup.
"What do you want now?" you heard yourself grumble.
Your sister rolled her eyes. "I asked what do you think you're doing? Mom needs you to watch the house for the next week while they're away, you can't just leave!"
You frowned and crossed your arms. "We've been over this at least a dozen times. I'm leaving tomorrow morning to catch a plane so I'll have time to get settled in the dorms before the first semester starts. I can't just rebook the flight now as they won't refund me."
Her face contorted into a snarl and she crossed her arms. "Fine, go and abandon our parents for a stupid degree. You'll come to regret it one day!"
She turned to leave and as the clicking of her heels on the laminate flooring started to fade, you darted to the door to stop her. "Hold on! Why can't you watch the house? You're not going to college right away..."
Your sister scoffed and flipped her long hair behind her back as she turned around again. "Who needs college? All I gotta do is bag some rich idiot who'll bend over backwards for anything I want."
"And what, working every day for the rest of your life is somehow better?"
"At least I'll have something to fall back on while you'll be left high and dry when he dumps you." You crossed your arms and glared at her. "And you didn't answer my question, what are you doing that is keeping you so busy?"
"The girls and I are going on a trip to Vegas to celebrate graduating." She narrowed her eyes at you and poked your chest with one of her too long manicured nails. "And no, you're not invited, you fun sponge...."
"Double gross. I wouldn't be caught dead with your 'friends', not after all the crap they put me through." You made air quotes with your fingers to emphasize that word specifically.
"Ugh! Mom was right, you're way too sensitive."
You clenched your jaw and took a slow, deliberate breath. Once you had calmed down and weren't about to clock your own sister, you asked another question. "How are you even affording a trip after you were fired? Surely, mom and dad aren't bankrolling this too?"
She rolled her eyes, "Idiot, I'm temporarily borrowing from my inheritance that Grandma left. I have plenty of time to put it back if I actually decide to go to college anyways."
You frowned as she turned and left the house. Something about how she'd said that didn't sit right with you. Your grandmother had left both of you money for college and you had decided long ago to keep it just for that. Your sister was as careless as ever though, but what right did you have to judge her foolish spending habits? It would undoubtedly come back to bite her one day and by then you would be financially secure with an amazing career.
You also didn't like how your sister had seemingly ignored all the times you'd told your family your plans over the past few weeks. You weren't going to give them up now, not even if she begged you to.
If only it had been so simple...
"What do you mean the money's gone?! That was meant to be for my college!" you remembered shouting.
Your mother didn't even turn around and continued packing her suitcase. "Remember when your sister was in that car accident a year ago? We needed to get her corrective surgery and the money had to come from somewhere. It's just money and family is more important. Besides, it's not even like it was actually yours and we'd only briefly talked about it."
It's not fair...
You woke with a heavy heart. Why had your brain chosen that particular memory to fixate on? It had been years since you left home and cut contact with just about everyone you ever knew.
Sitting up in bed, you wrapped your blankets around your shoulders and took deep breaths to try and relax. No matter how much time passed, you couldn't seem to forget about them, even though you'd tried.
There was no way you could forget about the nightmare and go back to sleep now either. Your mind was simply too jumbled to rest and it felt like you were reliving the painful emotions you'd experienced back then all over again.
It was way too early in the morning to stay up though. Maybe a snack and a drink of water would help calm your frayed nerves? If not, there was always the option of binging some historical romance shows until you fell asleep on your own. With your mind made up, you steeled yourself for the trek to the kitchen.
You didn't get far though.
No sooner did you flip on the hall light, did your gaze settle on a familiar sight. Dust was hunched over in an almost fetal position on your couch with his hood covering his face. His skull was buried in his hands and from the way he was heavily breathing, you knew he'd been crying.
Your original mission forgotten, your heart immediately went out to him. Being careful not to startle him, you made your way over to the couch and sat down next to him.
The only acknowledgement he gave to signify that he was aware of your presence was a brief glance in your direction from beneath his hood.
"Is it one of those times again?" you asked softly.
He didn't answer.
"Can I give you a hug? You look like you could use one right now."
You waited a few seconds just in case, but when he didn't say no, you figured he at least wasn't opposed to the gesture. You wrapped your arms around him and sat there quietly, just holding him close for a while.
At some point, he shifted and tentatively wrapped his arms around you as well. He managed to give you a slight squeeze and murmured a very soft, "...thank you."
He seemed exhausted and in no mood to talk about whatever had bothered him to the point of tears. That was fine, you weren't exactly in the mood to dwell on whatever negative emotions your nightmare had dredged up either.
"Are you going to be alright now?" you asked.
He shrugged and you could feel his gloved phalanges mindlessly draw circles across your shirt. He didn't say anything for several seconds but you waited patiently in case he changed his mind.
"i'll be okay... just, i don't want to go back there right now..." he muttered.
"Well, I actually had a bad dream...and I really don't think I can go back to sleep anytime soon anyways." With a sigh, you loosened your hold on his body and asked, "Wanna just hang out with snacks and watch whatever trash happens to be on tv right now?"
"eh, beats being dead i guess..." he grunted and somewhat reluctantly let go of you.
You rolled your eyes at how snarky his tone of voice was. It seemed that his sass meter was always dialed up to eleven whenever he was exhausted, but you didn't mind in the slightest. His comments never came across as malicious anymore and you actually welcomed his often blunt jokes. It was better than when he used to ignore your questions at least.
You didn't have a whole lot of snack foods save for a bag of dill pickle chips and a pack of store bought chocolate chip cookies. Meh, they were still worthy choices in your opinion. Once you were both settled on the couch again with the snacks and some water, you flipped through the channels before settling on a rerun of an old western movie.
Only a few minutes into the film though, Dust decided to slink his arm around your shoulders and scooted closer until you might as well be cuddling. You didn't mind in the slightest and neither did you acknowledge that this was technically the most he'd willingly touched you before now.
"Can I ask you something, Dust?"
He hummed quietly and tilted his skull to look over at you.
"Is there a reason you wear gloves all the time?"
He glanced down at his left hand and tentatively flexed his phalanges in a thoughtful manner. "i just don't like getting my hands dirty...it's irritating..." he murmured.
"Ah, I wondered if that could be the reason."
"it's also good so i don't leave evidence laying around," he added with a dry chuckle.
You gave him a blank look but you couldn't tell if he was serious or not. "Now I know you're pulling my leg, skeletons don't have fingerprints..."
"...that you know of," he finished for you. There was a mischievous glint in his eyelights and you noticed his smile was slightly wider than usual.
"I...don't think I want to continue this conversation... I really don't need to know why someone like you worries about leaving evidence at crime scenes, okay?"
Dust chuckled quietly and squeezed your shoulder a little. "yeah, you already worry about enough as is, bean," he said.
"Huh... Why do you call me that anyways?" you asked. "It seems so random..."
A soft violet glow briefly flickered across his zygomatic bones and he glanced away from you. He made a sound of clearing his throat and tapped his phalanges nervously against the couch cushions.
"it's, uh... actually it's sort of a pun..." he muttered.
"Really?" You tilted your head thoughtfully as you tried to rack your brain for any kind of word it could be referring to. "I don't get it...?"
"well, it'll sound really lame if i explain it..."
"No, please tell me! I promise I won't laugh, okay?"
He chuckled and nodded, although you noticed his cheekbones were still that lovely shade of purple. "okay, okay... you're a...?"
He shook his skull and vaguely gestured with his free hand. "a human...what?"
You narrowed your eyes in thought. "A human being..."
"now say it quickly and in an exaggerated voice."
"Human bein'...human bean..." You crossed your arms and fixed him with a "Really?" look.
Dust nearly dissolved into a fit of laughter, which made it really hard to keep a straight face but you had unfortunately promised not to laugh at him. Still, you were going to make it known how disappointed you were right now.
"i told you it was lame..." he finally managed to say once he'd calmed down again.
"you were right!" you grumbled and gave his knee a playful punch. "Axe was at least more creative that you."
"what, he didn't just pick something food related like, i dunno, pumpkin?"
You shook your head. "Nope, he calls me lil' chip. I actually never asked him why though..."
"huh... you're right, that is pretty creative," Dust muttered thoughtfully. "i still prefer bean though..."
You sighed and flopped your head against the back rest. "Suit yourself then..." you grumbled.
The movie turned out to be more boring than you'd thought it would be and you soon found yourself struggling to keep your eyes open. After you'd jolted yourself awake a couple of times when your head started to loll to one side, Dust seemed to get an idea.
"here..." He grabbed one of the throw pillows you had lying around and set it on his femurs. "if you're that tired, you should at least lay down so you don't hurt your neck or something.
You hesitated for a split second but realized that it couldn't hurt at least. So, you shifted your body until you could lay down comfortably with your head on the cushion in his lap. He spread a blanket over your body before flashing that more genuine smile of his at you.
"Very..." you hummed in response.
Dust nodded and turned his attention back to the movie again. You tried to focus on it as well, especially when the more action packed scenes came on, but you couldn't seem to resist the pull of sleep any longer. It really didn't help when he started absentmindedly playing with your hair as well.
The next thing you knew, the sun was out and you were safely tucked back into your own bed. The only evidence that he'd been there at all was the couch pillows being slightly askew and the snacks being gone that you'd both consumed in the night.
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"Despicable" - yan!Bruce Wayne x Reader
A/N: currently reviewing my book to send it out AGAIN because apparently, I can't let go
🫀REQUESTS ARE OPEN🫀 || Batman-inspired playlist
SUMMARY: While Seline is Bruce's eyes at 44 Below, he spots someone absolutely showstopping. Unfortunately, you're Joker's girl. Bruce is determined to save you from that despicable criminal.
[TW: yandere themes, explicit language]
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Part of Bruce was glad he didn't step foot inside 44 Below. Judging from what Seline was showing him, it was nothing more but a relatively glorified dive bar. It seemed as if corruption could be the sweetest fruit if one simply made it look out of reach or in some way special. It was the pinnacle of human pride and greed to always desire the unattainable.
Despite the supposed prestige of the underground club, he could hardly notice anything out of the ordinary when compared to any other bar one could find in Gotham: young women in skimpy clothing and old, rich men who salivated over them. Drugs. Alcohol. Smuggling. Trafficking. The only visible difference was very superficial - their clothes and jewellery were significantly more expensive. Aside from that one easy-to-overlook detail, 44 Below was exquisite in its lack of exceptionalism.
The swarm of people seemed to be unending. Although the lower level was supposed to be more deluxe, more selective, there was about the same amount of people as on the upper level. Seline was walking through crowds of personalities too important or powerful to want their attention on her. Turning her head in all directions possible, she had nearly given herself whiplash when her stare merely glazed over a figure so brilliant they could hardly be perceived as real; an after-image of a fabulous fantasy:
"Wait, turn around. That woman in a green dress by the bar. Who is she?"
"Fuck no, Bruce," she hissed back at him as she continued marching on. "You know a guy who goes by 'Joker'? The psychopathic mass murderer? That's his girl."
"Look at her," he demanded again. "I need time to scan her face. What do you know about her?" It was a generous half-truth: while he did need time to perform scans, he didn't need yours specifically.
Seline let out a heavy sigh. Reluctantly, she directed her eyes towards you - leaning against a bar, drinking an Old Fashioned, and nibbling on honey-coated roasted cashews. Needless to say, you were completely oblivious to the attention you were getting at the moment. If you could have your way, you wouldn't have been there - 44 Below was an over-glorified workplace for you, waiting for someone who might need a little favour they're willing to repay for.
Bruce's thoughts were running rampant but they lacked coherence. There was a strange feeling in his chest - one he couldn't quite name but it was completely overwhelming and it forced his attention to focus on you. His eyes were eating up your image, his insatiable hunger only grew as he stared at you. The longer he admired your aloof demeanour, the more he was unable to find any flaw in your appearance. It seemed like something taken out of a cliche movie: a diamond found among the filth. How could you have ended up with some lunatic?
You were leaning against the bar counter, bored out of your mind as if you were waiting for someone to show up and get you away from that disgusting place you never quite fit into in the first place. He could be that someone... He wanted to be.
"Ever since Joker got locked up, she's taking care of the business. The whole operation went deep underground and now even the unimportant people wear designer clothes."
"How do you know all that?"
"Penguin's her fan." Seline seemed to not have noticed the lack of emotions in his tone. Bruce wasn't very interested in the criminal part of your life - it will all be left in the past soon enough. "Oh, shit, she noticed me."
Bruce's heart jumped in his chest as if there actually was something that could frighten that man or take him by surprise. Staring at the screen, he met your warm gaze. Words became stuck in his throat, completely awestruck, although you weren't even looking at him per se - you didn't even know about his presence. And he realized he knew no greater frustration.
"Hey, Seline, how are things going on?" you asked. The cheerfulness of your voice seemed genuine. "Haven't seen you working 'round here before."
Dear God, how he began yearning the moment he heard your voice. What darkness and bliss would it bring him to hear you speak his name?
"I'm doing some overtime."
To Bruce's utmost pleasure, you leaned towards Seline. Your face was the only thing on his screen and he truly wished it could stay like that.
"The offer still stands," you whispered. Your eyebrows raised slightly and your eyes had that soft gloss over them. "Give me a call and you'll make a better dollar in better circumstances."
"What offer?" Bruce inquired but Seline ignored him.
"Thank you but I'm still not interested. I'm good."
She promptly turned around and began walking away, her eyes shying away from the bullyboys you brought with you. Rumour had it they didn't need much to happily get involved.
"What offer, Seline?" Bruce repeated. He sounded impatient.
"None of your business," she spat out as she entered the bathroom.
His eyes became bloodshot and dry from staring at the computer for so long. He knew not how many hours had passed and, to be frank, did not care. Nirvana was playing in the background but he barely registered the sounds. None of his attention could be diverted from the picture of your face. Bruce knew perfectly well what he had to do, it was the question of how that kept him up until the early hours of the morning.
The obsessive thoughts inside Bruce's head were too loud to let him hear Alfred come in. "Who's that?"
"Someone important," he answered quietly. For a moment he felt angry that someone else was looking at you but he quickly dismissed that thought as he did with most of his emotions.
It was true but not in the way Alfred understood. Perhaps, Bruce himself did not yet understand the nature of your importance. It was as if he was frantically evacuating and kept asking other people what was going on; smoke was burning his eyes but he did not know the source of the fire.
Seeing as Wayne was even less talkative than normally, Alfred silently left him to continue doing whatever it was that he was doing. Sometimes he got tired of nagging at a grown man.
As it was mentioned before, Bruce knew what he had to do - it was a fact, not a thesis that had to be proved. He was going to save you from that animal you lied to yourself you loved. Bruce had a habit of subduing his feelings, therefore he told himself that it was simply his duty to return your independence to you, completely ignoring the overwhelming yearning that burned throughout his body. He made up his mind that he was going to save you from the filth you'd been stained with, no matter whether you wanted it too. Bruce had seen evil and he was convinced he knew what was best for you.
Oh but Cupid could be a truly despicable beast.
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jacevelaryonswife · 2 years
► Why’d you only call me when you high? | Modern 「AU」
No girl had ever turned down his bed after one amazing sex, he was Aegon Targaryen, handsome, hot, fratboy, rich and cool. Why weren't you on your knees begging for his dick again?
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↺ pairing: Aegon Targaryen x Fem!Reader
↺ a/n: THIS IS THE FIFTH TIME I POST THIS the💀💀 link of the masterlist of the story was preventing this part from appearing in the tags. This is situated in college. I don't usually physically detail the reader so that feels included, but personality is something apart. English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes.
↺ warnings: mentions of alchool, cigarettes and sex.
Par two | Part three | Part four is avaliable
The mirror's image it tells him it's home time, but he's not finished, because you're not by his side. It came as a surprise to Aegon to find the bed empty after your delightfully pleasant start to the morning. He allowed himself to go back to sleep and you can't fully judge him as your bed was much more comfortable than the couch. Even so there was the same feeling as the time you walked away after sex and he hated it like fuck, why were you avoiding him anyway? To be correct, you weren't avoiding him, or pushing him away, you were just...
Driving him crazy and obsessed!
No girl had ever turned down his bed after one amazing sex, he was Aegon Targaryen, handsome, hot, fratboy, rich and cool. Why weren't you on your knees begging for his dick again? (Not even when he was pounding your wet walls hours ago did you beg). It touched him to the core of his ego, especially when you weren't with him the next morning, but he was too proud to let himself down initially — initially.
Aegon made interesting discoveries when he found your Instagram account. You were at the end of college and intended to enter graduate degrees. You were doing an internship in a lab and you had very beautiful photos in your feed. But make no mistake, he didn't spend a lot of time looking ok? (Yes, he passed), and it took almost a month for him to contact you again. The Targaryen discovered that you were in the circle of friends of Alys Rivers, Aemond's girlfriend, so getting her number wasn't that difficult. However, he was not entirely proud of the next approaches.
Maybe you were right, maybe he wasn't in love with you.
Maybe he just wasn't used to a detached girl who didn't care about pleasing him. Fucking hell.
Throwing the mirror aside and leaving the room, Aegon smiled to see you wearing only the Led Zeppelin T-shirt and grey panties from the night before.
Noticing the presence behind you as he prepares a tuna sandwich, your attention is directed sharply to the one responsible for squeezing your ass hard and leaning his body fully against you, resting his chin against your shoulder as he wraps his arms around your waist.
“Mmm, I always appreciate a good post-fuck snack, but I have to say I was disappointed you didn't have any cigarettes in your room.” He said close to your ear, voice low and breathy.
"Did I ever tell you that you're fucking loose?" Your tone was a little annoyed and surprised, turning around to see him wearing only black underwear. He's unbelievable. “I could be having visitors, you know.”
“But you’re not.” His shitty smile was so cute, it almost made you not want to tell him to fuck off. He loosened his grip on your waist and pulled away when he suddenly stiffened, walking to the bathroom. "Or is?"
“I wish I wasn't.”Your intonation was sharp enough for him to notice. “Also, someone called you a few minutes ago, Martin McFly.” You recognized the signature Back to the Future theme that spilled out of Aegon's phone.
“Back to the Future is a classic, and besides Jennifer, did you see who called?” He referenced you as Martin's girlfriend, making you roll your eyes.
“I’m not your secretary.” You yelled for him to hear fully from the bathroom, continuing to stuff your sandwich.
What were you doing? When would a fratboy be making himself comfortable in your house? And why was a part of you enjoying it? It was the complete opposite of your routine. You didn't like being alone, but you also didn't like communicating every hour of the day with someone. However, he wasn't interacting with you for many hours — just sharing the same roof.
"Are you hungry?" You asked as he approached.
“Mmm, are you going to make me a sandwich? He purred, stopping at your side of the counter.
"Of course not." Slapping the mayo on his chest, you walked over to the couch with your sandwich and a glass of juice.
“That is no way to treat your guest!”
"Technically I didn't invite you."
“Now you are being mean to a guest.” Aegon taunted. “Ok, I deserved this one, but I can order something to eat to make up for the misfortune at dawn.”
“Mmm, I would appreciate that. Although that's not enough, how many times have you called me these days? Four?" You asked, not making it easy for him.
“Mmm, I think I can make up for that too.” Approaching seductively, Aegon sat down beside you with a sideways smile as he took the sandwich from your hands and cupped both sides of your head to initiate a deep, desire-filled kiss.
You responded with equal intensity, grabbing the back of his neck with one hand and supporting yourself with the other to prevent him from laying you down on the couch. He tasted like your mouthwash, which had you licking his tongue before gently biting down on his bottom lip. “I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you? A boy so needy for me.” You teased close to his lips, breathing him in with the same sideways smile. He was a great kisser and his lips were so warm and soft.
Not as warm and soft as your. Or like your boobs or pussy. He hated that he loved your teasing. Nuzzling his nose, Aegon retorted almost seriously, "I bet you'd like that, princess."
“Maybe, but you don't deserve such a reward after bothered me repeatedly.” You purred, speaking close to his lips.
“You didn't seem too bothered earlier.” There was the shitty smile he liked to sport.
“Fuck off.” You went back to his orange juice.
“What do you want to eat?” He picked up the phone, opening the delivery app.
“Mmm, something with shrimp. Pasta with bechamel sauce and shrimp, if available.”
"Good taste. I will ask for the same.”
“Of course you will.”
Aegon mirrored her smile before returning to his cell phone and finalizing the order. As he loved to impress girls, the chosen restaurant was one of the most expensive in the city. "Done. So… are we friends now?”
Eyeing him curiously before nodding, you let out a sigh. "Are we?"
“Yeah.” He said, squinting.
"I really don't think so, not yet at least."
“Like… Okay, you're right. I just, I don't know. I mean, I don't know how to do that, you know? Be friends."
“My friends were always very strict, and when I got to college a lot changed. But I never had a friend, really a friend, you know?”
“What?” Your eyes widened. “That explains a lot.”
“But I want to try! I want to be your friend?"
"Do you want to be my friend?"
“Ask me how my day was.”
“Okay, so, how was your day?”
“Let me see, well I was sleeping and then this guy called me at 3:00AM and showed up at my house trying to have sex with me, but he was too high for that. So I let him sleep on the couch and when we woke up we had morning sex but you know, this guy is pretty slacker. Also, he suggested we be friends, but I don't think he really wants to and doesn't know how to do that.”
“Oh common, I really want to be your friend.”
“You are sexy, cool, confident and smart. And…”
He couldn't tell, you would automatically dismiss him. But he wanted to be honest. “You were the only girl who didn't care enough to stay. You are detached and I hate the feeling.”
"I knew it. You don't want my friendship, you just don't know how to handle that kind of treatment.”
"Exactly! At least for the last part, I really want to be your friend. I want to impress you.”
"And then? What will you do? Go away?"
“No, I'm not leaving. I really want to impress you! I want to make things right. Please give me a chance.”
You sighed, thinking avidly. “If I give you a chance and you play with me, I'm going to rip your dick off with my teeth.”
His eyes almost widened, almost. "Ok. As I intend to keep my dick, I won't play with you, I promise.” He smiled, no sexual overtures or ulterior motives, just smiled. “So… is it too much to smoke in your house on your first day of friendship?”
With an amused huff, you replied, “There's a wallet in a small box in the bathroom. And stop using that shit, it's bad for your health."
"We've barely met and you're already worried about me, that's friendship!"
“Fuck off, McFly.” What were you doing? A brief moment of awareness buzzed in your head at what Aegon was proposing. If this goes wrong, you know you're going to consider yourself a huge idiot for agreeing. Guys like him don't want anything serious, right?"
When the delivery guy arrived, Aegon was quick to put on his clothes and grab his wallet. Your eyes widened at the sight of the restaurant's logo, throat going dry. What the fuck?
“Dude I can't afford this.”
He just smiled. “I said I wanted to impress, baby.”
For: @julczimozart and @graykageyama
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somewhere-to-be · 1 year
Insatiable - Rhys Montrose x Reader
You're a journalist covering Simon Soo's gallery opening when you meet Rhys Montrose and get a bigger story than you bargained for.
Joe Goldberg is replaced with a reader insert - I'm sorry Joe, I wanted to write Rhys working with a more willing companion. Reader also has questionable ethics because finding out the killer's identity will not be a turnoff or a red flag (later - this is just part 1).
Covering a gallery opening by the rich, for the rich was not a part of your career checklist. But Kate Galvin's galleries were too 'important' to London's snobby elite circle that it just had to be covered. Since the paper's resident art critic was out of town, someone had to attend it. That someone just happened to be you just because you had made the mistake of debating with him about how critics didn't know shit because when impressionism started as a movement, the artists were criticized as being too lazy to complete their paintings. Somehow, he thought it made you qualified enough to cover anything important in his absence. So, here you were, attending this party and seeing art that you actually didn't care enough about so you could make sure it appeared in prominently in the Culture section, letting all the plebians know what they were missing out on. In other words, a snoozefest.
You tried not to feel underdressed in your version of a black-tie attire but it was hard when you knew everyone here had outfits that probably cost more than what you would make in a year. At least there was an open bar and hey - free champagne! You picked up the flute of bubbly wine in front of you, downed it in a go, and picked up another glass. Yet another thing that was probably more expensive than anything you'll ever own.
The paintings themselves were fine but Simon Soo came across as too much of a try hard. You had even got in touch with Kate to ask if he'd want to do an interview - you were going to try to make it a good piece even if you didn't care about it - but he'd declined. Kate had been apologetic enough, she was a professional. She took down your email to send you the pictures of the art to accompany what you were writing, but even she knew it wasn't a big deal if Simon turned down interviews. He got enough publicity anyway and all of his art was going to be sold. After getting done with your 'job' quickly, jotting down a few notes in your phone of the cat paintings hanging on the walls, you looked around at who was in attendance.
You saw the usual celebrities in the crowd - Lady Phoebe with his boyfriend - the American who had opened up the knockofof SoHo House the Entertainment & Celebrity Gossip section spent way too much time talking about. But you spotted another familiar face that you hadn't expected to see here - London's favorite boy, Rhys Montrose.
You'd read his memoir, of course. Everyone had. He was too good of a writer. You'd then also listened to the audiobook with his narration and the way he told his story had mesmerized you. If he decided not to run for mayor like everyone wanted him to and never wanted to write another word again, he would make a killing as a voice actor. But you would still judge him for the name of his book. Good Man in a Cruel World. Come on. Self-important much?
"You're - " "Yes, I am." he said. He greeted you with a smile. "Enjoying the exhibit?"
Two seconds into a conversation with him where you had said one word and you knew why everyone liked him so much. It wasn't just how hot he was - and he did look better in person - but he just had an effortless charm in the way he carried himself. The way he made you think he did actually want to talk to you even though you were sure he must have been tired of meeting his fans at this point.
But when would you get this chance again? You introduced yourself and mentioned you were covering the show.
"Just a stupid fluff piece. As if the internet doesn't have enough cats, real or painted, and for free, without paying the millions for the privilege of a name attached," you finished talking and then immediately regretted everything you had just said. It wasn't a great look to talk shit about the event you were supposed to cover while you were there. Maybe you shouldn't have had that third glass of champagne. You tried to save it with an awkward laugh. "All off the record, of course."
Surprisingly enough, he chuckled. He leaned in and whispered with a conspiratorial smile, "Off the record, I agree with you. But you'll keep my name out of it, won't you? I'm just here as a friend."
"Of course," you said. People would be more interested in reading about what Lady Phoebe had worn anyway. You were relieved that your little slip-up hadn't gone wrong. If anything, he seemed to like you more because of it. Finishing the rest of the drink and very knowingly making the choice to say it that had nothing to do with the buzz you felt from being near him and not just the alcohol, you added,"Besides, you haven't done anything I'd want to write about."
"Is that a challenge?" he said, his eyes twinkling. "Nothing at all?"
You were extremely aware of his complete attention - on you, on the conversation. But you weren't sure if you were imagining it or if he really was flirting with you or if he was just indulging you. You decided to go with option one and play along.
"It's been what? Months? Almost a year? Since you published your book? You've received enough praise for it already. You can't expect it to last forever. What did The Times call your book again? Unflinching, gut-wrenching, and painful?"
"It was unflinching, painful, and humorous, actually," he said, tucking his hands into his pockets.
You smiled at him. It wasn't fair that he got to be handsome, smart, funny, and be not able to take things seriously.
"Well, there you go. You don't need any compliments from me then, do you?"
The way he looked at you, just you, it made you feel like you were the only person in the room there with him. You hated how much it made your heart speed up. You hated how well this worked.
He leaned in to add in a low voice, "I have a terribly insatiable appetite for praise."
Before you could figure out how to react to that, you spotted Gemma coming your way with the Nigerian princess in tow, presumably to talk to Rhys. "Time for me to go," you said, looking over in their direction.
Rhys followed your gaze. His smile didn't go away but it didn't reach his eyes anymore either. He didn't like them but he didn't want them to know it. "Sure you can't stay?"
"I'm sure you can fend for yourself. Unless you wanted to tell me you're running for mayor."
"Ah, I'd love to but I can't."
"You can't blame me for trying. Here's my card," you said, tucking it into the pocket of his suit. "I'd love to hear from you when you do want to tell me that. Or anything."
You slipped away quickly before you could see how that went over. You had flirted with Rhys Montrose and gave him your card. It was entirely unprofessional and it was the most exciting thing you'd ever done.
All that was left to do was eat more bite-sized appetizers until you didn't need dinner and then go back and type up the article.
Until there was a commotion. A girl - couldn't be older than early 20s - in a fur-lined jacket. She splashed red paint. And ran away as security chased after her. There was silence - a general wave of shock - followed by a few murmurs. Was this real? Was this a part of 'the act'? until Simon strode forward and picked up the paint and splashed it on the painting again.
People clapped - they were all too willing to believe this had been an orchestrated performance communicating a message. You knew Soo wasn't that deep. Across the room, you locked eyes with Rhys, who wasn't clapping along.
The crowd dispersed and you hung around, trying to see if you could find Kate for a quote on this surprising new development. There was no point even trying to get to Simon. But she seemed to have disappeared and so did the girl after having been dragged away by security in what definitely did not look like a performance.
Very curious indeed. You couldn't see Rhys either, it was disappointing that he'd left. Not that you thought anything might happen between you, it was ridiculous to think that, right? He hadn't struck you as a flirt from his memoir but there was no way there was anything more there. It was just him having a cheeky little chat. But still, who whispered things like I have a terribly insatiable appetite for praise with that look on his face and not mean something by it?
You were jolted out of your thoughts of Rhys by someone's scream. Was there more to this performance that you'd have to add to your article? As you made your way towards the direction with the others, you saw security hurry past. The doors to the exit were blocked off and soon, you discovered that there was another headline that would be about Simon Soo that would now be on the front page - the one about his murder.
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groovycatanime · 1 year
There's not a lot of headcanons for Jesus Burgess's family or backstory (in fact, I don't think there are ANY), so I'm going to share some ideas that I've been playing with in my head for a while.
Burgess' parents died when he was really young, so his grandmother, or his 'Abuela' took him in and took care of him all his childhood.
Abuela was a small, sweet and caring old lady, pretty much your typical grandmother, but she was also very fierce and tenacious woman, who was a lot stronger than she appeared, traits that passed on to her grandson.
When Burgess was growing up, he was a bit mischievous (which is likely to be an understatement...) and liked to get into fights with anyone or anything he locked eyes on! Whether it be the town bullies, the drunks from the local bar or a wild animal he happened to come upon, Burgess would fight them!
As expected, this usually got him in a great deal of trouble, which was often reported to Abuela. If the fight Burgess had was with someone who Abuela perceived as troublesome, like the bullies or the drunks, she'd let him get away with it. If it were an innocent child, adult or wild animal, then she'd let him have it! And Abuela is not someone who you want to make angry!!! (She was probably one of the few, if not the only person in town, who could kick Burgess' ass)
Burgess' fighting spirit didn't grow weaker as he got older, which is what a lot of adults in his hometown hoped; it just got stronger, and soon, he was pretty much one of the strongest men in town! Burgess had also been doing his best to not pick fights with every rando he came upon, but he still managed to start fights with some people, though the town was pretty used to it as this point. And the law pretty much thought, "As long as he doesn't kill anyone..."
Now, what drove Burgess to piracy? (I took some inspiration from the backstory of Salvador, a character from Borderlands 2)
So basically, Burgess was pretty much minding his own business in town (a rare thing), and he encounters a fancily dressed person he had never met in town before and decides to challenge them to a fight. To his surprise, the stranger agrees, but he tells Burgess that if he wins, he has to give up all the valuables he has, not just on his person, but in GENERAL, which would include whatever his grandmother possessed.
Burgess, not wanting to put his Abuela through that sort of turmoil, fights the hardest he had ever fought in his life! And he wins! BUT his opponent was not pleased by the outcome of the fight, since apparently, he had a reputation of being a fighting victor where he came from and felt humiliated by his defeat by Burgess, who in his mind, was just a nobody. Burgess pays no heed to the man's frustrations and just goes about his business, thinking the man's anger won't amount to anything harmful.
However, later in the week, the loser, accompanied by several men, go to Abuela's house in an attempt to rob the place as payback against Burgess for his victory. Abuela fights back as best she can, and eventually, Burgess catches wind of it and rushes to her aid, where they successfully fight off the men and restrain the loser. Abuela would've preferred to turn the man in to the local police, but Burgess, enraged that the loser had dared to harm his Abuela, kills the man out of anger. Unfortunately, that proves to be a GRAVE mistake.
Apparently, the loser was not only a popular fighter, but was also from a VERY rich family, who was NOT pleased that Burgess had killed him. Burgess was taken to court, where the reasons for his crimes were explained and the trial went like this at some point:
Judge: Mr. Jesus Burgess, you brutally killed a man of noble birth! Have you anything to say for your actions?
Burgess: He was trying to kill my Abuela!!!
Judge: I know that, but is there anything else you want to say?
Burgess: ...it was fun?
In the end, the punishment for Burgess was either exile or a life sentence in prison, and since Burgess didn't like the idea of being in a cage all his life, he decided to leave his island and have his fights elsewhere, much to his Abuela's dismay.
It would be a couple of weeks later, when he's picking fights on a random island in the South Blue, that he encounters Blackbeard...
So then you must wonder, what happened to Abuela while Burgess was gone? Well, she probably worried about whether he was okay or not, which increased when he got his first bounty poster, like any good grandmother would do. And I have two ideas for what became of her at the present point in the story. One's happy and funny, the other...not so much.
For the happy and funny idea, Burgess gets a wild hair and decides to go to his home island to see how she's doing and brings some of the crew along to meet her. Some of his crewmates, like Augur, try to suggest that this may be a bad idea, but Burgess doesn't listen.
Once in the town, he spots her:
Burgess: ABUELA!!!
Abuela, seeing him and gasping: BURGESS?!
Burgess, starts running towards her: ABUELA!!!
Abuela, starts running towards Burgess: BURGESS!!!
Burgess, still running: ABUELA!!!
Abuela, pulling off one of her sandals: BURGESS!!!
Burgess: Abuela?
Abuela, holding up his bounty poster: BURGESS!!!!!!
But Augur and the rest of his friends have disappeared and Burgess, despite his possession of the Buff-Buff fruit, once again gets his ass beat by his angry Abuela.
Once Abuela had calmed down, she invites Burgess and his friends to her home for tamales and pastelitos, where she delights them with stories of Burgess' childhood (much to Burgess' embaressment).
Now, as we manga readers know, Burgess's face is now half-metal, and Abuela does ask how that happened, and Burgess is more than happy to answer. Afterwards, Abuela asks Blackbeard if he's willing to recruit the elderly into his crew...
And then a brief idea of a scene in the battle of the Straw Hats and Allies against the Blackbeard pirates would go:
Sabo, staring off into the distance: why is that little old lady running at me with a sandal???
Abuela, raises sandal up: THIS IS FOR HURTING MY GRANDSON!!!
Sabo: WHAT?! You're grandson?! Who's your grandson?
Burgess, whistles, getting Sabo's attention, and points to himself, grinning: It's me. I'm her grandson.
Sabo, looking back at Abuela: Oh fu-.
So, yeah, fun times for Sabo. (On a different note, I feel like Abuela and Dadan would get along GREATLY. They'd have a LOT to talk about!)
Now for the not-so-happy idea (hate me if you feel sad)
Burgess is doing pirate things on the seas, when by some odd chance he comes across someone from his old town who's working on a trade ship the crew happened to be pillaging.
The neighbor recognizes Burgess and informs him that last he saw his Abuela, she wasn't doing well. She had gotten sick with something and had trouble recovering.
Burgess, horrified to hear this, takes Doc Q and goes straight home to the South Blue, hoping to help her and maybe take her back to Fullalead with him.
Unfortunately, he arrives just in time to see her freshly marked grave...
Burgess being Burgess tries to play her death off as no big deal ("Well, I guess that's fate, like Augur would say, or bad luck, like you would say, Doc!), but deep down, he is HURTING. He feels a lot of guilt for not checking in on her, which increases when he learns from his neighbors that she had worried about him a lot when he started becoming a notorious pirate, which likely led to her illness.
Some neighbors phrase this in a way that it makes it seem like her death is Burgess' fault and that he should've never gotten into trouble and gone into exile back then, because who knows, maybe his Abuela would still be alive, and for a time, Burgess agrees...
But eventually, he turns his grief over her death into determination, using his pain to motivate himself to help Blackbeard become the GREATEST pirate in all the world! And maybe make his own strength and winning-streak well-known around the world, too, to show his Abuela, who he was sure was still watching him, didn't raise Burgess for him to amount to being a nobody!
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ryuichirou · 8 months
Hi! We have a lot of replies related to our previous posts today, plus some random ones :) All twst-related, quite a lot of AzuIde ones.
Anonymous asked:
Hello hello! Just popping in to say I love your art before disappearing and lurking silently behind the screen and just liking your posts for the next few months! From one fan in a fandom populated with antis to another, thank you for your service in creating the tastiest pieces ever seen in the Twisted Wonderland fandom!
Hi Anon! Ahhhh thank you so much for your kindness and support, we really appreciate it! <3
You’re very welcome, and thank you again. We’re so lucky to have people who are into our stuff following and supporting us. Let’s keep having fun with this amazing cast and 19812739187 potential relationships and scenarios that they could have.
Anonymous asked:
In reference to the last question about Idia and Azul, when in their relationship did the comic about Idia losing the board game and being forced to, ahem, “compensate” for it take place? Were they a thing or was Azul just being a creep? 😅
(this is related to the first reply from here and this comic)
A little bit of both lol When I was drawing it, I had in mind that even if they weren’t dating by that point, they already had something. They’re already flirty, maybe even had sex a couple of times…
Which doesn’t mean that Azul isn’t being a creep mind you lol
Anonymous asked:
I saw a sketch you posted with fem!Idia and just plain old regular Azul and I was wondering if that changes their dynamic at all?
I actually did talk about it, but it was about a year ago, so I’ll reiterate!
For the majority of aspects of their relationship it would stay the same. But Azul is all about keeping appearances and creating a certain image to make a good impression (and then profit from it), so at times he’ll try to act like a perfect boyfriend (or even fiancée): he’d bring flowers, talk about inviting Idia to a romantic dinner. And it isn’t even 100% for Idia: it’s for everyone else to see how perfect their relationship is and to be jealous. He enjoys this role of a gallant princely… beau. Even though both of them know that Idia is (first and foremost) his friend who knows that he is as much of a nerd as she is… So Idia doesn’t play along.
Once again, it doesn’t happen all the time. For the most part they just play board games and talk shit about everyone, like they always do. But every once in a while they’ll start arguing because Azul wants his rich genius girlfriend to also look somewhat presentable, and Idia would absolutely hate that.
Then again, I guess Azul would do that to regular!Idia too…
Anonymous asked:
Dare I ask what Idia did that merited that “one little spank”?
(this is related to this comic)
He was probably being annoying lol Azul is that one person that Idia loves to poke, because he isn’t as terrified of him getting pissed at him. Well… maybe he should be.
Anonymous asked:
I know Idia is basically ass-less but I don’t think I’d be able to resist smacking it at least once just together his reaction. Hopefully, it doesn’t send him to the hospital….
Don’t worry, his ass (the lack of it?) is sensitive, but as long as you aren’t Azul or anyone else whose slap would break 30 bones, it’s all good! The prospect of hearing Idia’s terrified little “HIEE—!!“ is way too alluring.
artfulhero-m asked:
Your dick sucking headcanons got me thinking about how Azul can't because Azul be the kind of guy to put it in his mouth then immediately be able to tell exactly how long it's been since it was cleaned and also probably what that person last ate recently based off the pre and he is NOT risking his mood to be ruined because his partner's pre tastes like he was just chugging energy drink or something lol
(this is related to this post)
Omg yes absolutely. He has a lot of reasons not to want to put any dick in his mouth, and this is one of the major ones: he doesn’t need all that information, and he WILL judge that person and nag at him, especially considering that this certain someone chugs nothing but energy drinks…
characharing asked:
Riddle sucking like that hamster with the banana meme
Yes. Absolutely. Always. This is his spirit animal.
hipsterteller asked:
Rollo is probably bottom after seeing that art
(this is related to this art)
Yeah, he absolutely is… If being a bottom was a sport, Rollo would be a champion. And he is a virgin…
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Every student LOVE Rollo, like wet dreams, love letters, collections of his stuff, the usual highschool/collage romance
Of course! His vice president is super lucky to be able to hang out with him more than the other guys, but every student loves Rollo.
Anonymous asked:
Who do you think Vil had his first time with?
While there are a lot of possible scenarios, we tend to think that Rook was his first. We have an entire post about their first time together! Another possible option is Jack, I guess.
Anonymous asked:
New headcanon, Rook likes to wake up Vil in the morning with a kiss like Snow White. His lovely beautiful Roi du Poison deserves to be awaken in a romantic fashion.
Awww, this is so sweet!
And also much more romantic than to just have Rook staring at Vil until he wakes up… He should definitely do that, Vil deserved it.
Anonymous asked:
After re-reading book six I gotta ask: Any opinion on Azul/Riddle? Thought towards the end they were kinda cute together but also the way Azul pushed for riddle to be both a doctor and a lawyer felt very "I can use you in the future"
I talked about them in our post about book six, and also we have a hc post about them!
We don’t really ship it much, but their interactions really are great. And I also really like the fact that Azul considers Riddle useful, I am 100% sure that they’ll exist in each other’s lives even after graduating NRC, even if they won’t be romantically involved with each other.
Anonymous asked:
I hope to one day see Lilia go through all the bottoms and leave them all shaking messes 🙏
Grandpa is too old for this type of gymnastics..! Just kidding, he’ll leave them all shaking messes lol And THEN he’ll collapse.
You know, I think out of all of our “tops”, Lilia has the most potential bottoms ship-wise… him and Floyd, both of them have quite a harem due to their flirty nature.
So yeah maybe one day you will see Lilia going through all of them. I would like to see that…
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