#about gcs
loudlyunladylike · 2 months
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The Dyke Project manifesto printed on the back of estradiol and testogel boxes
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wpiamau · 11 months
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Welcome to the world of asset management, where financial expertise meets strategic planning to optimize investments and generate maximum returns. At World Partners in Asset Management, we pride ourselves on being the forefront of innovation, delivering top-notch services to our clients across the globe.
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anyway i want to reiterate that i hope the rat grinders are tpk'd, revived and uncorrupted solely bc i want them to have to spend senior year together. 'redeemed' doesnt necessarily mean friendly with the bad kids and honestly? its so much funnier if they continue being bitchy to each other but without the trying to end the world stuff. they've built plenty of positive relationships w/ former villains now it's time for the next stage: uneasy alliance buzzing with the tension of both sides trying to hold back the urge to clown on each other
introducing, fantasy high senior year: the group project
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mikarons · 1 year
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quick fanart bc ive been..... obsessively playing this game
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fanaticalthings · 2 years
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(he didn't.)
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thatbuddie · 25 days
i am here to claim my “buddie going canon in episode 118” theory from now on. i will be defending this all summer and all throughout s8 once it starts airing. if my math is right that means we are getting buddie canon in 8x12. like I can feel it in my bones, y’all, and i have so so so many thoughts about this ksksks
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rainyrindou · 4 months
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ran can never leave rindou alone i think
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leafdoodles · 3 months
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I am excited about the new Dirges in the Dark updates so take a Tango for your troubles.
@twodiamondhoes Dirges in the Dark has me in a creative chokehold still fr
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soupysundae · 11 days
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#luo binghe#shen qingqiu#sha hualing#mobei jun#shang qinghua#bingqiu#scumbag self saving system#scum villian self saving system#svsss#svsss fanart#myart#soupysundaeart#svsssaction#i finally have the opportunity to rant about my thought process and a few of the details but hey#hi if u saw this first on insta and on twitter#but first of all#those border things are specifically zhuzhi-lang’s snakes cute tongue and all was poking out but it doesnt even matter cause theyre covered#almost all texts were handwritten#the toucan touch was a last minute addition as my friends were somewhat with me halfway through making this drawing#“haha there’s two cans on vc because he’s sharing screen of its progress” and then they send multiple toucan pics on the gc#pelt them with rocks#if you think this formating seems somewhat familiar its because i was inspired by a tgcf magazine#orginally the oval at the top right was supposed to be a portion for sqq’s “reaction” to luo binghe coming 2 years earlier#the number 24? my favorite number. no it doesn’t align with the chapter number luo binghe comes back in the novel#the repetition of “next” was accidental. i repeated next twice at first and i said might as well take it a step further and add another one#then the mourning mourning blah text was just to fill up the space#i am so incredibly smart (never)#this binghe is somewhat smaller than the insta and twit post cause i just realized he kinda bothered me so#sucks cause i spotted the error hours later the art posts and it was too late to repost again#but its ok im fine with it (im not)
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rontra · 1 month
(this is comic #13) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [all posts] [from the start]
the school festival, part 2 aka the means by which all is revealed. for those with the eyes to see
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this one was a lot of fun to draw. i really got into a ZONE with the last few pages, i hope you like them too!!!!
i wish there was more of them walkin around checking stuff out buuuut the tarot thing went a bit over time (lol). atsuko is mildly wrong/too chicken about some things (because of the triple whammy of 1) she's baby, 2) she doesn't know isako at all, 3) she's intimidated talking to a teacher) but if you're curious about the 'intended' (By Me *bats eyelashes*) reading of those spreads, here's isako's and here's sadayo's
those pages were a bit wordy, but i do think they're funny. hm hm hmmm... well, on to the next thing... 😳
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trans-androgyne · 19 days
TERFs feel ownership over transmasc bodies. We already know they think we don’t deserve to make our own decisions about what to do with them, that we’re mentally ill or delusional or autistic or just trying to escape misogyny. But I also think they look at us and see nothing but themselves. They see their pain, their trauma, what they could have become if only things were different. And they conclude that, therefore, they know better than us. They know what we really need: to be converted to TERFism and detransitioned. After all, we’re ruining our poor, beautiful, fertile “female” bodies that they so covet.
This happens a hundredfold when the transmasc in question is their own kid. My transphobic mother would tell me my body is hers and therefore she could do whatever she wanted with it. She was joking until she wasn’t. TERF moms act as though it’s their own breasts being “cut off,” testosterone being put in their own bodies, their own uterus being removed, without their consent. They’ll tell you to your face they know you better than you know yourself, their words dripping with manufactured sympathy, because after all we’re the same: we’re both “female.”
If you haven’t already, please familiarize yourself with how radical feminism looks and how to spot a TERF beyond them saying they hate trans women. You don’t want to see these people around for any longer than it takes to block them.
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wpiamau · 11 months
World Partners in Asset Management: Leading the Global Financial Landscape
Welcome to the world of asset management, where financial expertise meets strategic planning to optimize investments and generate maximum returns. At World Partners in Asset Management, we pride ourselves on being the forefront of innovation, delivering top-notch services to our clients across the globe. In this article, we delve into the core principles that set us apart and make us the go-to destination for astute investors seeking growth and prosperity.
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Our Vision and Mission
At World Partners in Asset Management, our vision is to revolutionize the financial landscape by providing unparalleled asset management solutions that consistently outperform market expectations. We aim to empower our clients with the tools and insights needed to navigate the complexities of the financial world with confidence and ease.
Our mission is to foster long-term partnerships with our clients, understanding their unique financial goals and tailoring personalized investment strategies to achieve them. We believe in transparency, integrity, and a client-centric approach that ensures their success is at the heart of everything we do.
A Dedicated Team of Experts
Behind our success story is a team of passionate and highly skilled professionals who bring diverse expertise to the table. Our portfolio managers, financial analysts, and research specialists work in tandem to identify lucrative investment opportunities, manage risk effectively, and adapt to ever-changing market conditions.
We take great pride in nurturing a work culture that fosters continuous learning and encourages our team to stay ahead of the curve. This approach enables us to make informed decisions and anticipate market trends, thus giving our clients a competitive edge.
Unparalleled Investment Strategies
In today's fast-paced financial environment, having a well-crafted investment strategy is paramount. At World Partners in Asset Management, our investment strategies are tailored to suit the unique risk profiles and objectives of our clients. We believe in a diversified approach that spreads investments across various asset classes, such as equities, fixed income, real estate, and alternative investments.
By blending in-depth market research, data analysis, and our team's expertise, we create investment portfolios designed to weather economic storms while seizing opportunities for growth. Our commitment to rigorous risk management ensures that our clients' assets are protected while seeking attractive returns.
Cutting-Edge Technology and Data Analytics
In the digital age, staying ahead requires embracing cutting-edge technology and data analytics. At World Partners in Asset Management, we leverage the power of advanced data-driven tools to gain valuable insights into market trends and investment opportunities.
Our technology-driven approach allows us to make informed decisions swiftly, ensuring that our clients' investments are optimized and aligned with their financial objectives. By harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence and machine learning, we continuously enhance our strategies to stay at the forefront of the asset management industry.
Client-Centric Approach
At World Partners in Asset Management, our clients are at the heart of everything we do. We take the time to understand their financial aspirations, risk tolerance, and investment horizons. By forging strong relationships built on trust and communication, we provide personalized solutions that evolve with our clients' changing needs.
Our client-centric approach extends beyond the investment process. We keep our clients informed about market developments, performance updates, and potential opportunities. Regular meetings and transparent reporting foster a sense of partnership, making us the trusted advisors our clients rely on.
Commitment to Ethical Practices
Ethics and integrity form the cornerstone of our business philosophy. We are committed to adhering to the highest standards of professionalism, transparency, and compliance. Our ethical practices ensure that our clients' interests always come first, and we maintain complete confidentiality regarding sensitive financial information.
Global Reach and Local Expertise
World Partners in Asset Management boasts a global presence with local expertise. Our network of offices spans across key financial hubs worldwide, enabling us to access a vast array of investment opportunities. While we operate on a global scale, we understand the significance of localized insights. Our teams possess a deep understanding of regional markets, regulatory environments, and cultural nuances, providing a competitive advantage to our clients.
In conclusion, World Partners in Asset Management is not just a name; it's a commitment to excellence, innovation, and the success of our clients. Our team of experts, client-centric approach, cutting-edge technology, and ethical practices combine to make us a formidable force in the asset management landscape.
If you are ready to embark on a journey of financial growth and prosperity, we invite you to partner with World Partners in Asset Management. Let us help you navigate the complex world of finance and unlock the potential of your investments.
Also Read: Unlock Professional Excellence with WPiAM Assessor Training Program
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kevinsdsy · 1 month
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bonus (kevin day retweeting jeremy’s tweet 🙂‍↕️):
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the trojans social media au (pt. 7): i wanted to make a silly part and then i found that pic of 90s damon albarn and it looked like it could be from a podcast so i really wanted to include it and suddenly i was writing the most heartwarming team moment???
also a few weeks ago i saw @problemduetest4life introduce 90s damon albarn as a jeremy knox fancast and it’s truly been living in my mind rent free. like it’s literally how i always imagined him to look like and the only fancast i will accept now 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ he’s made it to the pinterest board so thank u so much for your service <33333
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
When men lay their cock on your tummy and go “You’re gonna feel me here.” as they push down on your tummy.
Bakugou lays his cock on your tummy and goes “You’re gonna feel me here.” as he wraps his palm around your throat.
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meaningtotellyou · 8 months
i don’t see midnights as a breakup album but i do see it as a “now what” album. and now we see now what
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torchstelechos · 2 months
Say what you will about the DC timeline but we all know the truth, Jason Todd uses AO3 and has an account despite not understanding these new fangle technological advancements (hes fucking with Tim he understands what cookies are, it pisses off Tim more than anything else Jason has done)
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