#about the only thing about it that's ''concrete'' so to speak is that it'd be a modern no cultivation setting
malicemismanager · 10 months
Y'know considering the sheer amount of zombie media I consume (ha) it's surprising I've never written a zombie story. I mean, technically I did start one years and years and years ago, but it's currently judging me from the void I've yeeted all my original work into and I didn't even get 1k words into it (hel I don't think I even got to the zombies orz), so I'm choosing not to count it. XD
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katz-chow · 8 months
deranged!reader & her task force (katz's version)
me & ur mother @moongreenlight are genuinely insane. this is basically us if it even care 😞
a/n: fem!reader all military names fake, processes fake; mostly it'd be classified, not just not done...well we wouldn't know for sure. medical shit also real. i’m in both of those fields irl. no i am not a swifty
clinically insane reader doesn’t rampage kill. art has many mediums; regular people choose acrylics, watercolor, culinary, pottery…reader chooses murder. it’s a meticulous process that depends on the person, it’s slow, drawn out. which makes her a great torturer. thing is, she was part of SEAL team tango-8 but focused more on SARC stuff (search and rescue). she knows her way around a suture kit—and, fortunately, surgical instruments.
laswell knew reader for two reasons: odd separation orders and her confirmed kill count. there was barely anything documented about her medical discharge which was weird because 98% of the military is just paperwork (a fucking pain btw). only thing noted was “medically discharged” and “0% disability”. her confirmed kill count? 43. happy to be back in uniform, she skips around the hallways to price, giving him a giant hug and a kiss on the cheek, whispering threats in his ear. “if you ever discharge me, i’ll dip you in concrete to be my custom statue.” a sickeningly sweet smile follows. as he furrows his brows in confusion and bit of horror.
soap tries really hard to like her and he really does. she's so sweet and always tries to include him in things and bakes him cakes and always somehow includes almonds, joking how it's actually just cyanide. soap laughs until he sees her have actual cyanide in the kitchen, carefully dropping it into the batter with an eyedropper. then a tsp of almond extract. it wasn't enough to hurt or kill anyone, but it scared him
he told ghost and ghost goes and investigates. then he sees reader one night, cleaning her instruments, different mallets, scissors, blades and knife handles etc. and they are pristine...not surgically pristine but definitely floor grade. he continues to watch her at 2100, without fail, and cleans her surgical instruments. until he sees her missing from her barracks from her open curtains. he goes and finds her carefully dressing a man like a buck. she sees him and smiles at him beckoning him closer. after he puts an end to that, with cuts and bruises, he goes and tattles to price. reader crying in the prison about how much she'll "miss her uniform" price and laswell speak about it and they finally know what the fuck us going on. they send her out on the field.
its just gaz, a few recruits, and reader in a safehouse. they've captured one prisoner, a soldier of the pmc against them. he's tied to a chair and after gaz runs over his psychological warfare in him. gaz fails and tiredly beckons for reader to come in. he finds her staring dead straight ahead, looking like she was falling asleep with her eyes wide open. he slowly calls out her name, no response. he calls again, same outcome. he taps her on her shoulder and her eyes fall into a "normal" state and smiles brightly at him, "my turns?!" gaz films it, the blood, the slow agony-per laswell and price's request reader starts to skin the soldier. starting with just a silly little joke about cuticles and then it goes higher and higher, the piece of skin never tearing. it's superficial, it barely draws blood. "does that hurt? don't worry, i'll help!" she blows cold air onto the exposed skin, drying out his flesh slowly while the blood keeps it from fully drying. gaz gulps, the camcorder on a tripod next to him. "it's okay, you're not going to die. and if you do...i'll make use of you, no waste! promise! gaz, can you pass me the kerrison rongeur, please?" gaz scrambles around in her kit, metal and metal clinking together in the heavy duty box. "the fucking hole puncher, gaz." she screams at him, causing him to jump. he finds the long, gun-like instrument, its blade pokes and punches together. he hands it to her, the work end first. she yanks it from him, nails scratching his hand in frustration, but that same smile on her face. she takes small chunks of flesh from the man, blood gushing and pools. she digs dipper until she hits an artery, blood splattering over them all. "the mosquito! give the fucking mosquito." she screams as the man in front of them bleeds out. she launches for it in her box and clamps down. the man half awake. gaz's chest heaves up and down, his face in shock and fearful freeze. reader storms out, face falls flat, no more smile, no brows furrowed, just a dead stare in front of her. "pieces of shit, human bodies are."
laswell pulls out any psych eval documents she can find. she finds exactly one set of documents: your medical discharge. price shows ghost and they stare at the replaying video on his monitor. the image of a wide, blank-eyed reader, hair and face dripping with crimson blood, a small clamp clicked to close an artery. they keep her. soap is the one who finds your bloody kit left in your barracks. chunks of flesh, blood, bone... and other bioburden seemingly never there at all. the shiny chromium finish looking as if they were never used at all. reader who failed out of medical school because of the lack of moral and ethics her professors and physcians saw in her. they banned her from residency.
"can i...have him..? please?" "why would you want an execution order? aren't you an interrogator?" "i want to see the peristalsis!" "the fucking what?" "how his intestines move in his body and squirm around like snakes!!!" she dissects the man in a way only a careful surgeon could. doyen clamps closed off certain sections as she sits and animates the movement on her ipad. the man inhales and exhales evenly, a bandage over his throat, eyes wide and dry from the lack of tears.
soap, as empathetic as he is, sees reader in chow, sitting by herself as she stares dead ahead, mind clouded in thoughts. her arms moves a bit, twiddling her thumbs under the table. he sits down across from her, her gaze staring pass him, face unreadable and almost bored looking. "you alright bonnie?" reader's face smiles, her eyes still dead and still as they lag behind the smile she puts on. her eyes squint. "yeah! why?" "twiddling your thumbs there, anxious about your second mission?" she puts her cupped together hands onto the tabletop. her hands unclasp. she twirls the severed thumbs around. "just a lot on my mind, yeah..."
"can i have it?" reader asks when she sees gaz's shiny teeth.
reader takes interrogations very seriously, taking souvenirs for herself. a finger carefully dried out, teeth, an ear, hair, vital organs in formaldehyde, eyes into earrings, tendons as rings and bracelets.
she gave price a birthday present which included a human heart, dried and shrunk in a glass displayed case. "made it myself", she says. "...on your own time, my love?" "yes, never company time!" his birthday is not public imformation.
ghost was missing a pow. he asks reader. "where is he?" "who?" "the prisoner..." "i let him go." "why the fuck would you do that?" "i'm going hunting, do you want to join? we can dress him in the field!"
"i got you flowers, ghost, for your mother's grave." "how the fuck do you know about that?" "you told me!" "i fucking didn't! now tell me who the fuck told you that shit?!" "you did, don't be silly. you told me over a glass of scotch...or many glasses actually!" she giggles as he slams her against the wall.
price wakes up one night, the spine-chilling feeling of a pair of eyes stalking him. he picks up the gun from his nightstand, clicking off the safety. he blinks a bit, vision clearing and seeing a figure in the shadowy corner. "go back to sle-" her body is slammed against the wall, gun to her head. "go to bed, price." "what...are you doing here?" price breathes out, trying to steady his racing heart, popping the gun back to safety. "wanted a piece of your hair."
gaz finds reader in his room after work one day, reader sweeping his house. he changed the locks within a week, locking all external doors and windows. reader leaves him breakfast every morning still. he trashes it after the cyanide incident. he wakes up to reader with a plate of eggs and toast over his bed. "please eat it and don't waste food :("
the task force lives their day to day lives with the feeling of impending doom, paranoia, and a feeling of dread washing over them all at once whenever they catch a glimpse of you. they beg price to remove you, but price would rather not be covered in cement while still alive.
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mewintheflesh-2 · 3 months
Without You
Rating: Teen and Up audiences
Archive warnings: None
Characters: Francis Mosses, Original Characters
Tags: Unrequited Love, heartbreak, Song: Without You (Strawberry Guy), Crushes, Unrequited Crushes, Francis Mosses has sensory issues (briefly mentioned), minor blood and injury, Francis deals with the qualms of being a retail worker (kinda), men crying, emotional hurt, hurt/no comfort, not beta read, Reader is gender neutral.
Word count: 1,800 (rounded down)
Summary: Francis wasnt having a good time.
And you're not about to make it any better
Also posted on Ao3
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Francis sighed solomly as he gripped the now empty milk carrier. Hard enough to leave imprints on his hand and whiten his knuckles.
His black leather shoes clicked and clacked against the cold, concrete sidewalk. The sunset painting everything around him in a golden light. It'd be nighttime soon.
He lifted his free hand to his head and clutched his sweaty hair from underneath his hat. He was so tired. He just wanted to get home and sleep.
But he mostly just wanted to talk to you.
Even if you only really talked through that thick, protective window, youd been making more and more conversation with eachother each time you spoke, getting to know eachother more and more each day.
It wasnt long before Francis' lovesick brain fell head over heels.
It was everything about you. The way you looked, with a smile rivaling the warmth of the sun, and just as dangerous to his heart and mind. You always seemed to know exactly what to say to him to pull at his heart like a puppet on a string.
If he didnt know any better, hed say you were doing it on purpose.
He wouldnt mind either way.
Francis slugged up to the reception window, a weight lifted off of him at the sight of you at your desk.
He pushed his ID and Entry Request inside the letterbox for you to receive, planting his hands on the metal shelf jutting out of the wall just below the window; watching you expectantly with a simultaneous aching and soothing feeling in his heart.
After a minute of shuffling papers and opening folders, you look up at him.
"Hello, Francie." You smiled warmly at him.
There it was.
That nickname.
God how it made his heart swell. 
Such a cute nickname
and it was just for him, gifted from you.
"How's your day been?" You tilted your head slightly at him, setting down and organizing his identification and sliding his profile back into the appropriate folder.
Francis looked at you for a second before frowning. "Not great." He sighed as he shook his head softly, looking down at his shoes.
Your eyebrows knit together in concern, a frown adorning your lips.
"I'm sorry, Francie. What happened, if you dont mind me asking?" Your voice was so warm and soft as you leaned in closer to the window.
It made Francis' heart flutter for a second before he had to think back to all that had happened earlier.
"It's just a lot of little things building up. I'm probably more upset about it than I should be." Francis looked down at his hands, and then up to you.
The expression on his face was just killing your heart. 
"Im all ears." You speak softly as you push your chair in closer to your desk, and by extension, the window.
"If theres anything you need to say, then say it. Its always nice to get things off your chest, dont you think?" You smile softly at him, pushing your chair closer to your desk, and closer to the window by extension.
"Are you sure?" Francis looked around, almost worried. Surely he'd be taking up your time on your job if he did that, right?
"I have all the time in the world-- and I'd rather be talking to you than anything else right now." You assured, that deadly warm smile on your lips again.
The words made Francis feel warm and soft.
A small smile appeared on his face for a brief, fleeting moment. 
 Francis stared at you for a moment, as if asking for approval to speak.
You nod.
He sighed, looking down at the metal shelf infront of him as his ungloves hands tapped at it, wondering where to begin.
"Its just- work has been just awful today.  Someone had left their dog outside, as soon as it saw me it wouldn't stop chasing me, i tried to run away, but it eventually caught up to me and bit my leg.
It wouldnt let go until I had to pry it off of me. And even then it didn't leave me alone for awhile. Not until it's owners came back to take it off of me." 
You frowned, trying to open your mouth to speak, but Francis kept talking.
"And because of that dog, i dropped and broke multiple milk bottles on the sidewalk. So after the dog got taken off of me, i tried picking up the glass since I didn't want anybody accidentally stepping on it because of me, but the shards cut me. Badly. Even through my gloves."
He held his hand up to the window for you to see. There were bloodied bandages wrapped around his hand, and several smaller cuts on his bare fingers. 
You cringe at the sight.
"I had to take them off to clean the wounds, and everything has just been sensory hell ever since." Francis' face draws to a grimace.
"And to make things worse, I had to deal with people yelling at me for being incompetent for losing their deliveries."
He clenched his jaw, his expression doesn't look anything but sad.
"Even though it wasn't even my fault. I'm not the one who left their dog outside. And just to top it off, I've had a horrible migrane all day, and It's just-" He inhales and groans,  collapsing onto the metal shelf infront of him.
"I just want to take a break. I just want to rest."
He mumbles as he tucks his face into his folded arms.
Silence, for a moment.
"Francie........... That's awful-- I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?" You frown sympathetically as you push you chair forward even more, squishing yourself against your desk and placing a hand on the window infront of you.
Francis lifted his head to look up at your hand, and then at you.
"I think talking to you and going to sleep is  enough for me to feel better." Francis smiled briefly before registering what he'd said, casting his gaze anywhere but you after he realized what he'd spoken.
You laugh softly. "If you say so."
Silence for a bit, as Francis regains his composure.
He lifts himself up, slowly propping himself on his elbows on the shelf, leaning his head on his knuckles, huffing out a breath of air.
"...How was your day?" He asks after a beat, head tilted curiously.
You smile, retracting your hand from the window. "My days been pretty slow, but im meeting someone later, so im pretty excited for that."
Meeting someone?
Francis blinked for a second. His expression faltering to a look of sadness for just a moment.
No. Surely you didnt mean it like that.
"Meeting someone...?" He echoed.
"Mhm." You smiled softly at the thought. "We met just a few days ago. He seems pretty nice, I'm excited to get to know him more." You lean your head on your hand, mirroring the man behind the glass.
"A-ah.......... Congratulations." Francis did his best to refrain from letting any indication of his emotions fall upon his face as he straightened himself out; but he couldn't help but frown. 
"Francie? Are you alright?" You tilted your head the slightest bit, voice a catalyst of concern for the man standing on the other side of the thick, protective glass. 
"Mhm. I just remembered something. Apologies." He held the brim of his cap between his pointer and thumb, pulling it down over his eyes the slightest bit to avoid looking at you. But he really couldn't help himself.
"Oh, alright. Is there, uh, anything I can help you with?" Your voice was calm and careful in a way that just broke poor Francies heart even more. "About what you remembered- I mean." 
"No, no. It's fine. Thanks for the offer." He shook his head softly, forcing a small smile as he looked down at the shelf infront of him.
"Of course, Francie." Your eyebrows knit together in concern. "Just let me know if there's anything I can do for you. You can tell me anything." 
"Mhm. Thank you." Francis took a quick glance at the door, before looking back in your direction-- though nowhere near directly at you. You put together he was probably signaling to you that he wanted to leave now.
"I'll see you tommorow?" Your voice was soft, sweet, a delicacy and a curse to Francis' ears.
There was a light buzzing noise as you pressed the button to unlock the main entrance. 
"Mhm. Goodbye." He waved at you softly, only actually looking into your eyes for a brief, fleeting moment before walking away. 
"Goodbye........." You spoke quietly, a soft pit in your stomach as you watched Francis dissappear through the doors.
You were so caught off guard by his sudden change in behavior you nearly forgot to lock the door again.
He usually liked to stay for as long as he could.
Was it something you said?
You frowned, leaning back in your chair and fidgeting with some papers.
You'd have to ask him about it tomorrow.
Again began the waiting for your neighbors to return to their apartments.
Francis opened his apartment door with shaking hands, keys jingling as they were set on his kitchen counter.
With a heavy sigh, he flicked on his lamp, enveloping the room in a warm yellow glow, trying to keep his composure.
Slowly but surely he kicked off his shoes, grabbing and throwing his hat onto his dresser.
Just as he was about to unbutton his uniform he was hit with a sudden disgusting, sickening feeling in his chest as tears welled up in his eyes.
He shook his head, eyes squinting involuntary as he let himself fall onto his bed.
He lied there, staring at the ceiling, trying to ignore anything he was feeling.
But no matter how many times he tried, something still peeked through.
He inhaled sharply through his nose as he flipped himself over onto his stomach, nestling his face into his soft pillows.
The feeling in his chest was too intense to bear, he could feel his breath become sporadic, unsure if it was because his face was buried in his pillows or otherwise.
He inhaled sharply once more, this time followed followed by a small Hic as his throat began to close up.
No, no, he wasn't going to cry. It's not that big of a deal. He's fine. He should be happy for you if anything.
But. With everything that happened up until that point. He really couldn't help himself from letting his emotions get the best of him.
Hot tears soaked into his pillow as his hands clutched at his hair violently, hissing in pain as his wounds flexed open.
He grits his teeth, another hic escaping his lips as he opened his eyes into the pillow.
Nothing but a warm, yellowish void.
 He pushed himself up and flipped onto his side, curling into himself, yanking a blanket over his shoulders before clutching his head, throbbing in a burning pain once again as he cried quietly.
He didn't even turn off the lamp before he'd passed out.
Silent, steady breathing, wet cheeks illuminated by the soft yellow light of his lamp. 
Tired eyes, finally getting their well deserved rest. 
An aching heart, beating slowly, deep inside his chest.
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thedemonscrawler · 3 months
I'm just gonna do this to Ruin
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Like aaaaa I'm cursed to only like characters when they're losing I guess, and a Pyrrhic victory counts as a loss. I didn't CARE about this guy when he was the main antagonist, and then Eclipse 3.0 chucked him in the back of a car and kidnapped him and I was suddenly interested. And NOW, when everyone is very much upset about Solar, I'm off to the side shaking this bastard around because we finally got some concrete answers to what's going on in his head.
Just! This whole thing-- this is an exceptionally Moon thing for him to have done. To go 'I'm going to completely and totally remove this possible threat from ever occurring, and I'm fine with being the bad guy to do it'? That's some Old Moon kind of thinking. This wasn't a plan he came up with in the past few months, this took him years.
And speaking of years! Fifty years of playing pretend! Of acting like you enjoy hurting people, that you don't care as your body literally falls apart around you. I'm not a fan of the idea that he was never infected, I like the perspective better that he was infected, it just wasn't as responsible for his behavior as he made it out to be-- but still. At some point he had to have gone numb to it for the sake of his own survival.
What does that do to your mentality? Your outlook? What's it like knowing that your whole world was brought to its knees by your creator? What's it like being the only semi-stable person you know for half a century? What's it like realizing that you're also changing, and not for the better?
He's just... so painfully isolated, in a way that Eclipse doesn't even come close to touching.
And! And even after being 'cured'! He's still isolated! Like it was a good thing he WAS up to something-- can you imagine how crushing it would be if he'd been genuinely not doing anything, and he was still treated with suspicion for a solid like 4 months? By probably the most consistent group of animatronics he's had to talk to that weren't infected with a weird virus?
Like, the man didn't get repaired until 3 months after being cured, after Solar made a blueprint in his spare time. He didn't get a bed until Moon felt guilty about rummaging around inside his head-- and tbh I don't know if he ever got to actually use that bed. He let them call him Ruin.
Ruin never had a home in 'our' dimension.
And hhhhngh like I'm not even sure he cares, because he's past the point of caring. He's got one of Sun's worst traits as well, "There's no point in sharing what I'm thinking because no one is listening". He could have approached Moon and Solar with like "Hey okay so I started on this plan to do this thing like 10 years ago, I would like some input" and maybe an alternative could have been found!
But he didn't, because he's alone. He came up with the best plan he could, weighed the risks, and acted on it, all by himself. A single weird Eclipse against 5,000 Creators, because he felt like that was the greatest threat.
And like, lets be real-- Solar's death was 100% a narrative necessity. Otherwise we the audience wouldn't really care that Ruin had wiped so many dimensions from existing, it'd just be a number. That thing of like, you gotta make it personal to have impact. Very good storytelling right there.
(Though from a in-universe perspective, man it must have been an unpleasant shock to learn that of course the only other dimensional refugee was from one of the worlds you had to destroy. Like, come on, what are the odds)
He did something horrible. A multi-dimensional catastrophe to prevent a multi-dimensional catastrophe. He probably accepted the ramifications of it ages ago. He just... utterly lacks any hope, you know? No hope of forgiveness, no hope of improvement. He survived his world long enough to do this thing, and he has nothing else going for him.
He's just waiting for them to finally kill off his body, because he already died years ago.
Anyway I'm desperately trying to find an angle that can be used to maybe pull him out of his coffin here and so far I'm not seeing one qq but maybe future eps will give me something to work off of.
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jermer10 · 5 months
Oh god.. this is a bit depraved but here we goHello! Uh if you are taking requests right now, could you maybe make a spicy TF2 mercs x male!reader where the reader is into weapon play (could be their reactions to simple things .. like a gasp from the gun touching their skin to something more smutty, your pick!)It'd be nice to have all mercs but if too much sniper, soldier and engineer would the the 3 favs!
TF2 male s/o with a weapon kink
18+ only, male reader | tried to add some heavier nsfw, i hope you enjoy anon!
includes: soldier, engineer, sniper tw: sexual content, weapon play kink
drabbles under the cut :P
Soldier: - Soldier knew about this kink long before he had started fucking you - he may be stupid, but he knows what an erection looks like, and you were always rock hard after watching him bash an enemy to death with his market gardener - so he decided to confront you, like any concerned teammate would - ARE YOU ATTRACTED TO ME, MAGGOT?", he pressed the shovel into your throat, backing you into a corner - subtly isn't his strong suit - "what the f..fuck..?" your skin crawled with arousal - you couldn't speak, let alone think with the rusted edge of the weapon tugging at your skin - "why do you ask?" you choked out, face flushed in embarrassment - Soldier shamelessly palmed your erection, "THAT'S WHY." - you groaned, jaw slack and eye brows furrowed. you expected Soldier to relent, yet he continued to stroke you through your pants. - subtly DEFINITELY wasn't his strong suit, and to be frank you were enjoying the way he was man-handling you - "I SHARE THIS...ATTRACTION." a sickening grin plastered on his rough features and his shovel pressing harder into your trachea - his body was so close to yours, backing you against the concrete walls of the base and forcing himself onto you - your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he continued to grope at your cock - "fuuuuuck Soldier p..leas..e..." your voice was gruff, the words seemed to be drawn out of you "PLEASE WHAT, CUPCAKE?" you didn't take him for a tease - "fuhck me!" you plead, throatily moaning at the cold, stinging sensation of the shovel cutting into your throat, your cock throbbed, the fabric rubbing your dick raw - you didn't have to ask twice, Soldier pushed you to the ground, ass up, knees scraping against the concrete floor, and market gardener pressed strongly between your shoulder blades
Engineer: - he would never admit it, but if he had a dollar for the amount of times he spent fucking his fist thinking about stuffing you with the muzzle of his shotgun, he would be rich - so when was walking past your room and noticed your door ajar, hearing the unmistakable slick sounds of masturbation, he couldn't help but peer in, hoping to get some new material - and when he saw you fucking yourself with a pistol and breathily moaning his name, he knew that he had to help - "hey darlin', seems like you were callin' out my name?" he knocked on the doorframe, smirking at the way you scrambled to cover yourself - "now don't you worry, y/n...i'm here to help," your face was burning - he positioned himself behind you, leaning against the wall and pulling you into his lap - Engie pulled the gun out of your puckering hole and began thrusting - your slutty moans, accompanying the praising whispers and sticky noises of the gun and your asshole meeting repeatedly, bounced off of the walls in your bedroom - Engie, feeling the high from the moment and the power he held in his fist, clicked off the safety on the gun - you began to shake, adrenaline coursing through your veins and the fear that at any moment the trigger could be squeezed - he lazily stroked your cock with his right hand as his left drove the gun into you - even if he did kill you, you would just respawn with no memory of the last hour or so, but he wanted you to remember everything - it was all becoming too much for him, he could feel himself reaching climax as your writhing body pressed into his chest and crotch, and when he finally came, you came with him - ropes of cum lathered his hand and your bare chest, Engie was impressed, to say the least - but despite your joint climax, he wasn't finished with you
Sniper: - Sniper's hide site was in a heavily concealed room sitting atop a random abandoned building - where he was and what he was doing didn't matter, you had been targeted by the enemy team's Sniper, and despite the fact that from where he was perched you seemed clearly annoyed, he couldn't help but see the redness in your face as the other Australian cornered you time and time again with his kukri - countless backstabs from Spy, bonks with Scouts bat, nothing came close to the way your face would go beet when he held the knife to your neck before swiftly ending you - Sniper wanted to try it for himself, clearly you had some sort of attraction to him - and he would be lying if he didn't find the idea of forcing you to suck him off while holding a blade to your throat hot - he signaled you to come up to his spot, making sure no one followed you - "hey, what's up man?" you huffed, you looked exhausted - Sniper felt awkward, but the erection in his pants was unrelenting and the way your eyes met his with a sort of nervous lust didn't help - "on your knees." he simply stated, unsheathing the kukri from his belt holster - your face went blank, did you hear him correctly? was Sniper wrong about his assumption? - "oh god, you saw me with the other Sniper..." realization hit your face, and so did an embarrassed flush - you bashfully knelt, doe-eyed looking up at the New Zealander-Australian man - Sniper unbuckled his pants, his cock springing out into your face - he held the knife up to you "suck." he commanded, his face flush and his palms sweating profusely
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ange1sang · 14 days
a little to the left
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2.6k words, gallavich + brief appearance from liam
; canon compliant/post season 11, domestic gallavich, hurt/comfort, trauma, dissociation, vomiting, gentle mickey milkovich
Most days Ian doesn't notice them. The blanks, the disconnect in his mind, the gaps in his memory like potholes in a road filled with oil slick and rainwater. They've been there since his late adolescence, weaving their way into his consciousness and embedding themselves into the membranes that separate his brain from his skull, so that he's used to them. He doesn't have to notice them, not when he can get by just fine without acknowledging them. But that's only on most days. 
Some days the blanks are deep and pitch black, tripping him up or even swallowing him whole. His mind becomes a black hole, everything in disarray and stretched, twisted, deformed until it's all unrecognisable. His childhood is a jumble of scenes from a movie watched on a drunken night, parts of it covered with lumpy, expired Wite-Out and others blotted with blood, smeared and dirty. The confusion makes his head pound and bile rise in his throat. For the longest time he didn't connect the two things. He's been having depressive episodes since he was seventeen, always accompanied by aches and nausea, and it was easy to lump the blanks and gaps in with everything else the depression brought on.
But he's older now, taking medication and watching his routine so that the depression rarely rears its ugly head anymore, yet the days of darkness, confusion and agony persist. They come when he least expects them, when he has a day full of errands to run with his brother or a day he's promised to spend babysitting his niece or nephew. He goes through the motions the way he's taught himself to do on even the hardest days, but it feels like wading through raw sewage in nothing but his boxers, grime and filth splattered against his thighs and clinging to the inside of his nose. He barely survives it, throwing up everything he eats, sometimes before he can reach a toilet bowl, and crawling into his bed deaf to the worried murmurs of his husband. 
It takes him years of survival, white-knuckled and tense-jawed, before it begins to make even a little sense to him. 
"Hey, Ian."
Liam's voice pulls Ian's attention from the comedy rerun he and a sleepy Mickey are watching on the TV. He looks to where his youngest brother is sitting at their kitchen table, school laptop illuminating his face and an old, chewed-up pen in his hand. 
"What's up?" Ian asks, lifting a hand to run his fingers through Mickey's hair. His husband grunts softly, pressing his face down against Ian's shoulder. Liam takes a breath, hesitating before he speaks again.
"You know the club you worked at?" he asks. Ian feels Mickey tense against him, and has to stroke his thumb against his forehead to keep him from cussing at the kid.
"Yeah, what about it?" Ian asks, trying to keep his voice lighthearted. "You aren't thinking of getting a job there, are you?"
"No," Liam says quickly, grimacing at the suggestion. Ian feels something in his chest relax. "I'm writing a paper on CSA for my psych class - you think it'd be okay if I interview you? Interviews get us extra points."
"CSA?" Ian asks, raising an eyebrow. Liam hesitates again, looking sheepish and guilty all of a sudden. 
"Childhood sexual assault," he clarifies after mulling it over for a long minute. The second the words leave his mouth Mickey lifts his head from Ian's shoulder and glares at the teen.
"Write a paper on those fuckin' drooling dogs or something, man," he says, which would be funny if it weren't for how his jaw clenches once the words have left his mouth. "Leave your family outta that shit, we got enough people lookin' at us like social experiments already."
"Right," Liam mumbles, but his eyes don't move from Ian, who feels his face stiffening like concrete. "Okay, sorry."
"Nah, it's fine," Ian whispers, his voice barely audible even though he tried to speak normally. He turns his head away from his brother, back to the TV. The blue light of the screen suddenly takes on a purple tinge, spotlights moving against the inside of Ian's eyelids and illuminating dark, dirty floors soiled with bodily fluids and pills that had been crushed beneath someone's shoe. His veins throb in his arms, skin suddenly too tight for his flesh, like he's waking up with a bad hangover, dry-mouthed and disoriented.
He feels his lips forming a frown on his face but they don't belong to him, invisible fingers pulling down the corners of his lips to turn him into a sad mime. Mickey's hand, warm and rough cups his cheek. He blinks and the dirty floor disappears, replaced with worried blue eyes and dark, furrowed brows.
"Hey. Baby."
"I'm fine," his reply comes, automatic and without thought, before he even thinks the words. Clearly, this does nothing to soothe Mickey, eyes darting around Ian's face. His thumb rubs Ian's temple, stroking the vein that feels like it's about to burst. "I'm... I'm fine."
Mickey draws in a sharp breath, looking like he's ready to scold him, but he doesn't say anything. He shoots Liam a brief but withering look, before leaning in to kiss Ian's forehead. 
"Okay," he mumbles, and slumps back against the sofa, but not without guiding Ian's head to rest against his shoulder. 
Ian's chest is tight and aching, but he's fine. He's totally fine.
When he wakes up the next morning it's to Mickey yelling from the kitchen.
"Ian! You want coffee?"
He stiffens in their bed, his husband's voice sounding foreign. 
No, it isn't his husband's voice. It's the name. Ian. He squeezes his eyes shut and tries to recall the last time he heard that name, but all his mind can offer are broken, fragmented memories of strangers whispering Curtis or Clayton or Benjamin in his ear, their breath hot against his skin. The familiarity of the names is soothing and torturous all at once, and before he knows what's happening his stomach is squeezing, pushing. He sits up but barely manages to lift his head from his pillow before a stream of weak, beige-green liquid pours from his mouth, puddling on the sheets and dripping down his chin. He stares at the pool of vomit, gears moving in his head like he's looking at an old friend. 
"Hey, man, you want coffee or-"
Mickey's voice stops just as abruptly as his movements, the man standing in the bedroom doorway like a statue. Ian turns his head to look at him, the small movement dizzying, and feels that same squeeze in his stomach. This time he has the foresight to move his hands, catching the little mouthful of hot, caustic stomach acid in his palms. 
"Ian, c'mon, don't do that," Mickey whispers, approaching slowly and taking hold of Ian's wrists. He allows himself to be manoeuvred, watching as the vomit sloshes from his palms and lands on the bed sheets. The name on Mickey's lips makes Ian's skin prickle, and he curls into himself. He's too big for it to really work, but he must have been small enough once. Must have been small enough to fold into himself like an ashen baby bird, all skin and bone and ruffled feathers. He tries to curl into himself further, trying to remember where the instinct comes from, but all he sees is a bottomless pit. Panic curls around his throat like barbed wire. "Come on, you gotta wash your hands. I can help you."
"No, I..." Ian mumbles, his own voice startling him. He stares down at his palms, feeling fabric against his skin. Expensive fabric, yarn woven into fine cotton with 2% spandex, fabric he's never been able to afford, not even on his wedding day, but that he must have touched at some point. Blearily, he looks at Mickey, meets his worried gaze through thick tears that refuse to pour down his cheeks even as he blinks over and over. His breath catches in his throat. "I don't feel right."
"That's okay. I got you," Mickey reassures him. Lips press against his forehead in a sweet kiss. "Come on, babe. It's okay."
Mickey takes his hands, not recoiling or frowning when the still-warm vomit touches his skin. He smiles, soft, small, scared, and helps the redhead stand up. 
"You're fine. I got you," he repeats, and kisses the dense patch of freckles on Ian's shoulder. The touch is familiar, and this time the familiarity is comforting without also being nauseating. He holds on tight to Mickey until their hands are under the running water of their bathroom tap, and as soon as their palms are separated he finds himself leaning into the other man, curling up again, trying to make himself smaller. He can feel Mickey watching him, gauging his condition, taking in his expressions and reaction to every little touch. "You're okay, Ia- baby."
Ian looks up, looks at Mickey's wet lashes when he bites back the name on the tip of his tongue. He doesn't understand why or how, but Mickey always knows what to say and, more importantly, he always knows what not to say. He drags in a deep breath that doesn't really reach his lungs and drops his head so he can hide his face against Mickey's shoulder. Hiding. Even if he can't seem to think of much right now, he knows he's good at hiding.
"Sorry I threw up," he mumbles into Mickey's shoulder, which makes his husband chuckle.
"I've seen you puke before, man," Mickey says. "That fuckin' sushi Debbie made us all eat last year? Playing drinking games with Sandy?"
Ian recognises the memories like the face of a quiet classmate in a yearbook - he can place them in the right environment, but can't picture them doing anything, not even opening their mouth to say 'present' for attendance. He winces, the effort of  trying to pull forth images he knows are there making him dizzy.
"C'mon," Mickey whispers, turning off the tap. "Let's get some breakfast in you. Pepto Bismol with your meds maybe."
"Wait," Ian pleads, not ready to open his eyes and face the world yet. Not when he can't remember his place in it. Again, Mickey takes it in his stride. He pulls Ian into a hug that's firm enough to ground him and gentle enough to remind him that Mickey loves him. The reminder is enough to ease the jelly feeling in his joints just a little, Mickey's thumb moving back and forth against his shoulder blade like it's all he's ever wanted to do, and Ian takes a deep breath. The just-woke-up smell on Mickey, a smell that he knows he's always loved, even if he's never been sure why.
"I love you, man," Mickey murmurs sincerely. Ian relaxes just a little more.
"I love you too."
The day goes by slowly, every bit of it like pulling teeth. He downs his medication and food Mickey gives him even though his stomach twists nervously with each swallow. They watch cartoons on the sofa and Mickey smokes through a pack of cigarettes before dinner, his eyes flicking back and forth between Ian and the TV so often that he must not be getting any of what's on the screen. The vigilance is comforting, a reminder that he really is sitting on their sofa and not just dreaming up the four walls around him, so he doesn't mention it to Mickey. 
By the late afternoon he's falling asleep, tired just from keeping his eyes open and his food down. He lays his head on Mickey's lap, nose pressed into his husband's thigh and shuts his eyes when fingers immediately find their way to his hair, running through his curls and brushing stray hairs from his forehead. 
"You wanna head to the clinic tomorrow, check your meds?" he asks.
"Maybe," is all Ian can muster the energy to say. Mickey hums, thumb rubbing his brow bone.
There's a long pause, long enough that Ian almost falls asleep, before Mickey speaks up again.
"You did good, Ian."
Ian. The name finally sounds familiar again. No bile rises at the sound of it and there's no ache in his chest as he tries to place it. Relief washes over him, icy and overwhelming, and pulls him under. 
The next day he wakes feeling disoriented but not nauseous. His head is on Mickey's chest, his heartbeat steady and reliable where it thumps against his cheek. He takes a deep breath in and lifts a hand to trace a fingertip along the tattoo of his name on his husband's skin, his heart fluttering the same way it used to when they were kids and Mickey would show up at the corner store looking for him. His body feels like his own again, every organ, capillary and freckle back in its rightful place. 
He makes coffee while Mickey sleeps in. He knows after a day like yesterday that Mickey must've been up half the night, watching him sleep as though his next breath might not come, and feels a little guilty at the thought. When he carries two mugs of coffee back to the bedroom and a pack of Oreos pinched between his teeth, Mickey is waiting for him, a smile on his lips.
"Morning, mister," he grumbles, voice sleep-rough in a way that makes Ian giddy. Ian drops the Oreos on the bed and leans in for a kiss, hungry for Mickey's touch more than anything else.
"Good morning," he replies, handing Mickey his mug and settling in next to him.
"You feelin' okay? Wanna hit the clinic after breakfast?" Mickey asks cautiously, watching Ian's expression for any telltale signs that he's hiding something.
"Nah, I'm... I'm okay," Ian mumbles, shrugging. "I don't know what was up yesterday, it was like everything was a few inches to the left or something. I couldn't remember shit."
He looks at Mickey and smiles at the crease between his worried brows. 
"I'm okay now, Mick. Seriously."
Mickey grunts, frowning in a way that lets Ian know he's sorting his thoughts into words that make sense. They're halfway through their coffee before he's ready to speak, but Ian doesn't mind the waiting. He doesn't mind much when it comes to Mickey these days, at least not as much as he claims to.
"Y'know, Svetlana had days like that," he says, slow and unsure. "She'd get pukey and shit, couldn't hold a conversation... It was weird, 'cause she was always so fuckin' headstrong y'know? Seein' you like that..."– Mickey pauses, reaches out to cup Ian's cheek for a moment and rubs his thumb over the freckles on his temple. –"Maybe you should see a shrink, talk about the stuff that happened at the club."
Something clicks in Ian's head at the mention of Svetlana, all of the blanks, disconnects and gaps in his mind making a little more sense now.
"Yeah. Maybe," he sighs, and turns his head to press a kiss to Mickey's palm. "Thanks for not freaking out."
"Anytime," Mickey says with a small, worried smile. Just a couple of years ago Ian would've felt guilty for being the cause of his worry, but he understands it now. They're husbands. They're always going to worry about each other. 
"I love you," he tells Mickey, which earns him one of those shiny-eyed smiles he adores with all his heart. 
"Love you too, Red."
Maybe tomorrow he'll book himself an appointment at the clinic. Today though, all he wants to do is make up for the time he lost yesterday.
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stacotto · 1 year
I shouldn't be surprised when the episode title is, "The End of Hope", but.....fuck. I can barely keep my thoughts together as I write this, but, here we go.
Watching Earth House deal with the fallout of Aerial being the new poster child for the evil Spacian overlords was damn sad, Aliyah pretty much nails how I feel about it, though Lilique going "not our problem" is both a mood and unexpected (not in a bad way ofc). It was really sweet seeing Petra be nice to Suletta, on top of commiserating over their love lives, really added some nice depth. Her dialogue was Death Flag city tho. For those that care, the post-episode radio program hinted that she might still be alive, though just judging by the rubble she was under she might not have working legs anymo- OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Clever.
Love to see Guel finally show off why he's always been an Ace in the making; my man faced off in his still school-spec'd Darilbalde vs a freshly upgraded Michaelis set to full power, and came out on top. Really appreciating his ability to use his drones, he's definitely the series' Quattro. Feeling bad for Lauda tho, dude just learned big bro just killed their father then gets the call at the end probably about what to Petra. Can already tell he's going to have a lot of internalized guilt over this happening because he skipped out on their date (for an admittedly important reason) unless she gets the chance to tell him otherwise.
RIP to the Earth House hangar and Chuchu's Demi, but I take solace in the fact that I called the Barding being her next custom suit the moment I saw the Gunpla images (obviously the Barding we saw in the episode was missing some details from the gunpla like the second head mounted on the backpack which is definitely going to be salvaged from Chuchu's old Demi but yeah, called it). Also now feeling the Felchu vibes, ya'll got me.
Speaking of new ships...why did I have to get so rabidly attached to 5nore only for her to get Anew'd literally one episode later, it's not fair. They were going to run away and see the things she drew then the rest would come later. It's not fair. 5 is either going to have a Guel arc or just go absolute villain mode, and I'm not ready. It's not fair.
Okay I'm going to ramble a bit because I have been absolutely normal about the fact that Suletta has been a rescue pilot for a significant portion of her life and that detail is only really known to those that read Cradle Planet but they absolutely showed that off right at the end because this girl is tearing her hands apart moving heavy concrete slabs because goddammit there are still people that could be saved and she did not memorize the canyon patterns of Mercury, learn to wield a beam saber with the precision of a scalpel and earn Eri's complete faith that if she said she could complete a mission in 4 minutes then it'd be done in 4 minutes for her to not put all that experience to good use. I hope her effort gets recognized. It probably won't, Gundams just attacked the school again and killed likely scores of students if not hundreds this time around, but she's gotta get some respect for this.
"What We Can Do Now" is a hopeful title, and probably another TitleDrop episode like "Not the Best Way", so here's hoping that it's either a breather episode gearing up for a descent to Earth or said descent episode proper. I mean, it's either that or Mio and Prospera coming back up to Plant Quetta to send Quiet Zero...into...oh no.
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relaxxattack · 8 months
idk i like seeing aradia and sollux's relationship as a vague nebulous thing with no actual concrete answer to the "matesprites or moirails" question. i do think objectively speaking they wouldn't be very good moirails without some serious work needing to be done, for reasons you've already mentioned lol, but i like the answer being "who fucking knows". they were very young and it seems like the perfect time for a mildly unstable clumsy experimental relationship. plus it's also extremely hilarious how casual it is that they're just boyfriend and girlfriend and don't technically have a quadrant label, maybe just not yet or maybe not ever, meanwhile karkat is over there being karkat about quadrants and his own troll queerness
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i've really liked all this analysis i've seen from different people on how aradia and sollux might be like... too flustered and young and unsure to really put a label on "what they are", it's interesting!
i think my only gripe with the whole 'oh they can be both' thing is, again, just that they would be TERRIBLE moirails if they were, lol!
i am ALL for panquadrantness in trolls-- for instance i am a number one advocator of panquadrant (NOT human boyfriends) davekat, and i also try to spread my panquadrant rosemary agenda when possible.
the difference with sollux and aradia is that i don't really see a desire in them to be moirails. i mean, they may occasionally get short with each other over communication issues, but they never actually evolve beyond that; they're never shown attempting or even wishing to start treating each other that way.
i feel like if it WAS a weird nebulous thing, it'd be more along the lines of, "hey i feel pity for you but i'm not sure about it beyond that so let's not get too crazy about it". you know, something where they don't even know or maybe don't even want to label it
i don't think it would be a situation where they're actually both actively feeling flushed and pale feelings simultaneously or panquadrantly-- because from what we see they simply don't act pale for each other, is all.
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imagine--if · 2 years
Imagine soft yandere Eddie with a super shy SO with very little relationship experience so she gets really easily flustered by the smothering affection. She isn't used to normal casual hugs and kisses let alone all of this. At first Ed is nervous that he overwhelmed her to an off-putting extent on accident but then he realizes she just doesn't know how to respond. The shyness makes him want to baby talk to her/ gush about how adorable she is even more. She also naturally hides her face when blushing and he's like "awe sweetheart! Please don't hide your face angel! I want to see your beautiful smile and your gorgeous eyes! My sweet precious baby... did you know that you are the light of my life?" At least 3-5 times a day she ends up snuggled up in his lap bc he can't get enough of her and his overprotectiveness is in overdrive. He's shamelessly wrapped around her finger
A/N: I've missed doing longer imagines, expect a lot more of these now 😁 (Also these gifs are amazing - the creator is so talented!! How have I not seen/used the beforeeee)
Pairing: Dano!Riddler x reader (The Batman 2022)
Words: 747
Warnings: Obsessive behaviour 😍
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You've always been called soft-spoken, timid, and shy, ever since you were little. In a place like Gotham, it's wise to keep your head down and get on with whatever it is you're doing, and don't attract unwanted attention. In just seconds, you could be pinned to a cold concrete wall, in the late evening or even bright daylight, and passersby will look away and avoid you and the thugs that steal your money from your pocket. That's just how it is, and you've grown used to it. This is Gotham.
When you told Edward that, it practically broke his heart.
It's easy to tell him anything and everything. He soaks it all up, listens and hangs onto every word you say, like they're the most important things he'll ever hear, simply because it's you that's saying them. Edward doesn't impatiently tell you to speak up like others have done, he'll lean in closer, or place you right in his lap, his head on your shoulder, loving every minute of it.
He seems to understand everything you say. He says he thought of himself as invisible, like a ghost of the cruel past, until you looked him straight in the eye last week. You hardly remembered, until Edward started popping up everywhere you went. Now, all of a sudden, you're in his apartment, you know everything, and you're not petrified like you expected. You almost feel calm here, in the home of a man that's been so mistreated, so underestimated, that it's driven him mad. He tells you that you inspire him, too, seeing him for him, and taking the time to. No one else would bother. No one else will, even now, until he makes himself known.
You know Edward Nashton, and it's only been a week. But he knows you too, and for him, it's been a lot more than seven days.
He thought he came off as too strong when you first arrived here, but he's told you that he couldn't help it. You're so beautiful. He had to have you, before some scum got to you first. You've never been loved so intensely in all your life, and with Eddie, it's the most passionate, exciting, comforting thing in the world to you. He tells you it's what keeps him alive, and when you look into those murky green eyes, holding so much earnesty and wonder, you have to believe him.
You whisper to him that you don't hate it. It's just so new. And, to this day, you still don't understand why it's you he chose to become so obsessed and infatuated with. Edward has hundreds of reasons why.
That only encourages him.
You instinctively go to hide your face with your hands, but Ed prises them off gently, collapsing on top of you in a hug that you can't help but return with an amused smile. You're slowly getting used to the smothering affections you're shown every day, so much so that it'd be odd not to feel protective arms wind around your middle every night and morning, or his fluffy brown locks tickle your cheek when he leaves sweet marks on the skin of your neck. He tells you that he's new to this too, but he's so glad he is, because he gets to go through it all for the first time with you.
The followers have heard about an angel, hidden safely away from Gotham's horrors, waiting to come out when the streets have been cleansed and judgements have been given. The Riddler says every word with confidence, while you smile to yourself from the corner, wrapped up in one of his deep green hoodies. There's a suspicious red stain on the fabric, but you ignore it, and let Edward pick you up with surprising ease when the camera's off, hugging you tightly to his chest and telling you how perfect you look in his things. The camera's still got battery left. There's enough time for some pictures, isn't there?
You're still softspoken and shy, even locked away with The Riddler, but it's something you can't change. Edward doesn't want you to change. It's everything else that's wrong. He apologises to you, that his poor little purity had to live in such a cesspool for so long, that it took him so long to save you. And so you bashfully call him your hero and kiss his cheek. He won't let you go now.
You don't want him to.
.・ Taglist: ・.
@simestandswithtaylorswift-blog @carley-carley-carley @lostbunn @dencchan @dragovegogrimborn @i-wished-upon-a-star-one-night @edwardspumpkinpie @murderbimbo00 @sweetums0kitty @beel-mcburger @cml-san @jervis-tetch-my-beloved @r4iner @bimboanime @phoenixgurl030 @vaylordd @dangerouslittlefairy @katjourno @yoyoanaria @yaeyuuki @vinxlsketches @beenz-beenz @ghoulsgraveyard @birds-have-teeth @repostingmyfavs @r3ptiliaaa @for3v3rda1sy @glitterycheesecakegladiator @moonwritesblog @lilyevans1 @httpsunflowers @hxney-lemcn @confusedchildsstuff @callsigncrash @sugahbabieexo @bokksieu @skateb0red @wilburrrsworld @philiasoul @darthcringe @felicityofbakerstreet @bloodypantomime @deadlights-darling @tianotfound @mortem-muse @ireadandream @tinyryder @kpopgirlbtssvt @truecobblepot @jessicainhell
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soleminisanction · 1 year
Just saw an impossibly bad take, so to balance that out: in the past you mentioned a story where Tim comes out as a trans woman, what would that look like for you? Do you have any thoughts on making that into a fic?
I've had a lot of scattered thoughts about it but never been able to pin down any scenes concrete enough to turn them into an actual fic. But I love trans!Tim stories whether he's trans fem or trans masc so I've tossed the idea around here and there. Gonna be a little fluid with the pronouns here as Tim's thought process evolves but the basic idea here was:
The seed of the idea would get planted in Tim's mind just before War Games, specifically the one and only time he sees a picture of Steph as Robin. Along with the hurt and anger he expected, there's emotions he doesn't understand, a feeling of longing, jealousy, and desire; not for Steph herself, but for the way she looks in her new costume. For months he's been asking himself, "What do I want, for me?" and now the answer is staring him in the face: This.
But he keeps pushing it aside because there's always something "more important" going on. Worse, as things start to fall apart around him and he loses first Steph, then his dad, and then Kon, the musings about his gender keep getting mixed up in his feelings for other people, especially Kon.
Basically, take all the angst and pain of that era and make it even worse with disphoria and Tim being deep in both denial and the closet and feeling completely unable to open up to anyone about it because of how much it scares him to want something, something she feels like she can't have. Things like him not knowing if he's attracted to Cassie or if he wants to be Cassie, wishes his body looked and moved like that while still having so much strength and power. Fantasizing about how things might've been different between him and Kon, or him and Dick, or him and Damian, if only he'd been born a girl. Falling asleep in the cloning lab and having a nightmare about miscarrying Kon's child, then waking up to find the most recent clone has failed.
Through all that, the only person who has even a hint of what's going on is Cass. She reads it in Tim's body language while they're in Bludhaven together, but understands his fears and lets him keep his confidence. Even after things go to shit for her, she keeps that secret; even brainwashing couldn't get it out of her.
Then Final Crisis happens. Bruce "dies," Dick becomes Batman, Damian becomes Robin. Tim finds himself adrift, with nothing but this crazy-sounding notion of Bruce's survival to his name, and runs away from the Manor...
And this is part of where I stumble because I don't know if it'd be better for Tim to run into Cass at this point or for her to leave him her Batgirl costume and a letter. One way or another, Cass leaves Tim Batgirl, and that's the push she finally needs to crack her egg and start pursing a transition, socially and medically.
She avoids Babs for a few weeks out of shyness and embarrassment until Oracle manages to track this mysterious new Batgirl down, but once confronted she comes clean and Babs is instantly onboard to support her and also keep Dick and Damian out of the loop.
Dick thinks his little brother skipped town and is both confused and a little hurt that Babs won't trust him with the new Batgirl's identity. Damian takes it as a personal insult and starts going out of his way to find and harass said new Batgirl but then she kicks his ass and it turns out Damian shares Bruce's taste in women so now whoops he's got a puppy crush, which everyone who knows the truth about Tim finds hilarious.
Cass one way or another winds up being the one who goes on Brucequest instead of Tim and follows similar beats as Red Robin, minus Tam Fox or losing her spleen. Speaking of Tam, she has a much easier time finding Tim because while her dad does call her home from Russia to help with the investigation at least she doesn't have to globe-trot or get kidnapped by ninjas, she just has to hunt him down in Gotham, possibly while accidentally allied with Vicki Vale.
Tim enrolls in college under Caroline Hill's name and mostly attends to practice passing in public and live out some normal girl fantasies. Kon, Cassie, and Bart all learn what's up even though she's still taking a break from the Titans and of course they're on board and supportive.
And... yeah, that's pretty much the extent of my ideas so far. Broad scope but not a lot concrete to latch onto, which makes it difficult to convert into a fic, but I do love the concept.
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
Let's take our time figuring out a careful way to reach our client, who is most definitely dying brutally as we speak.
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What about the passcode? You need to step on panels in a particular order in order to open the final door. Do we know the passcode?
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Bestie and I can go. You stay behind, Desuhiko. If the killer comes through, shriek for help and then jump 'em. We'll hurry back while Fink is slaughtering you.
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Oh, that's a good idea. It won't help you jump them, but you can get a good look at their face, see them up close, maybe even engage them in conversation while they're trying to escape. Then rewind, take all that knowledge with you, and hide.
I like it. You're on guard duty, bestie.
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Dude, we're out-of-uniform and visibly children. What could possibly possess you to think we're Peacekeepers?
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Just went through an entire recap fast-forward while Fuckboy's in there trying to count how many internal organs the killer's managed to perforate so far.
I hope Yuma's under no delusions of finding Huesca alive 'cause we are taking our sweet time with this rescue.
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Sure, there's time for that. Not like a man's dying or anything.
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Right now, Ama-Pal is my going theory for how Huesca's murder was carried out. But that's more due to a lack of ideas than any concrete evidence.
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No idea. I'll let you know if I ever see one.
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He upgraded his lab's security system into a murder machine that kills unsuspecting people. You don't have to tell me twice.
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He did. He truly did.
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Look on the bright side. You come with us, you might get to see his corpse. I'm eager to find out what Slaughter Art looks like. I'm hoping for a bit of expressionism, myself.
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So long as you have the remote, you can see through Ama-Pal's eyes. Makes sense. Pretty basic.
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Fairly durable. Check.
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Itty-bitty ball-arms. Cannot pick things up, but can flip a switch. He needs to specify this because cartoon critters with no physical hands inexplicably manage to pick things up just fine all the time, so he needs to firmly establish that the ball-hands are not mysteriously functional.
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This feels like it's going to be extremely important. An Ama-Pal had to have been used to carry out this crime, right?
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If you know the passcode to access the lab, it wouldn't matter. If you don't know the passcode, you'd have to brute force it. But depending on how the system works, there might only be a handful of possible combinations.
I was thinking about that when talking to Makoto. If you have to step on every panel and make your way from one side of the room to the other then there's precious few combinations you could make without doubling back over an already-pressed panel.
Even if the password isn't that dumb and does allow passbacks, an electric shock on every wrong panel would make it trivially easy for a shock-proof little robot to crack. If you get negative feedback at every wrong press then you can find the right presses through rote trial and error.
My gut says an Ama-Pal was in the Panel Room brute-forcing combinations while we were talking to Huesca. His sudden "Wait, who are you!?!?" reaction was because the little drone finally cracked the code and entered the lab.
Could have been avoided with a standard-issue finger-sized key-panel but techbros always have to be so clever about everything.
Given that we're so deep underground, it'd be hard for a wi-fi signal to reach this far from outside. So if the killer did brute force the Panel Room via Ama-Pal, they had to be down here with us.
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Though if Researcher's telling the truth, this throws a wrench into that idea. Obviously, this Ama-Pal is not currently in the lab murdering Huesca.
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The Sizzler, on account of what's going to happen to them in a few minutes when it turns out they aren't as well insulated as we'd hoped.
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Which means one of three things.
1 - Fink is still in there. 2 - Fink didn't have to enter the room to kill Huesca. 3 - Fink has an alternate means of entry and exit into the lab that bypasses all security.
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dragongutsixofficial · 8 months
Whenever I work with Byleth I have her be crap at magic.
Couldn't tell you why, I think she's quite good with everything else. Preference for the swords. Her being crap at magic just speaks to me I guess. She tries so hard at white magic though. All she wants is to be able to help her kiddos if they get hurt! She does get it eventually, but it is a struggle to get there. It'd be her budding talent I guess.
So anyway I was curious, how's Siyn on the weapons aptitude front? What's their boon and bane, if they got one?
(Assuming that is what Awakening calls it...)
HEY remember this ask ??? I've finally finished it !!! =D
Hehehe that's very interesting and also is gonna allow me to dive a little deeper into the physical manifestation of Siyn's character development.
First things first, when I first created Siyn, I decided it'd be interesting to translate some of the ways i played in-game to how her abilities would evolve. Right off the bat, i could see a few things i always did:
start with a sword as her main weapon
and immediately start practicing the bow on the side because archers are some of my favorite units ever thanks to Takumi.
This usually meant that by the time the timeskip rolled around, she was proficient enough in both weapons.
After timeskip though, I most always have a realization that although as the Enlightened One she should be able to do magic I haven't done sh*t in that regard.
This means that a significant part of the timeskip is spent working on her magic abilities, whether offensive or defensive (but mostly offensive since I have a number of well-prepped healers by that point)
So I had a few things to work with and with time she grew a lot. In the end, here's what I came up with, some of it purposefully, some of it not.
Siyn isn't the best at magic in general, and she doesn't necessarily try to be either. At best, she knows a healing spell or two, but nothing much.
However, Siyn loves tea, and drinks a lot of it.
What does that have to do with anything I hear you ask ? Well, as someone who drank a lot of tea before Byleth was even around and saw them as my kin because of said heavy consumption of warm tasty heavenly liquid, I know for a fact that I spend my time forgetting I've got a cup somewhere and by the time I remember it, it's cold. And I thought, it'd be very sad if Siyn was condemned to drinking cold tea for the rest of her life. So, I decided I'd give her the ability to warm her cup of tea with a really minor fire spell; nothing concretely usef on the battlefield. I came to really like this little detail about her because that is something she learnt to do entirely for herself, just because: which is important in Byleth's journey of self-discovery and an act of self-love. At that time, i didn't really think anything more of it.
In the end however, Siyn ended up blowing way out of proportion and out of my control. In particular, her identity crisis and conflict with Rhea made her a far more emotional character than I had anticipated- but she doesn't always know how to process emotions that strong.
She started using a bit of her fire magic on the battlefield, mostly as a way to enhance the damage dealt by her weapons or simply her fists. However, this didn't mean that it had to go any further. Until.
I think the anguish or concern she feels for her students would eventually make her snap and send her into an unimaginable state of anger and sorrow- and she'd want to burn those responsible for their suffering to a crisp, until the only thing left are ashes. And since fire needs to be incredibly hot in order to completely consume a corpse...
... This would eventually lead her to master blue fire (2500°C to 3000°C).
However, it's only after she finally comes to terms with her own nature and identity that she finally manages to master fire magic entirely, by making white fire (which the internet has told me is the hottest but I can't find it anymore, and even if it ain't it's a fantasy universe so i can do what i want), which is reminiscent of the Enlightened One's color scheme at the very moment she "becomes human again"- signifying her acceptance of both parts of herself.
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chiss-ticism · 10 months
Eye, collision, moon, pistol for the emoji memes for the blood and silicon babe!!
Tysm!!! (Art of Pauline beautifully rendered by @/vtmgremlin!!)
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👁️ EYE - What colour are their eyes?
Dark brown! They're so dark, mind, that they look black :).
Do people notice their eyes?
She has Dominate (•••) and is actively trying to bump it up to Dominate (••••) so I'd sure hope so! Jokes aside, I don't think people really pay them all that much attention outside of the fact that she makes excessive eye contact during conversations.
Is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical…)?
Other than her overreliance on Dominate, nothing literally magical! The only other thing that comes to mind would be the aforementioned excessive eye contact. She does it intentionally to unnerve people - but, in my head at the very least, it does wonders for her reputation at the Asylum. "She doesn't smile, she doesn't blink... She's so morose." (<- probably meant as a compliment, knowing her clientele)
💥 COLLISON - What emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Embarrassment, for sure! She also has control issues, which're relevant to the story, but that's another problem entirely: The Anarch Baron of Downtown San Jose, Harrison, tasked the Pack with investigating some gang problems/notable Thin-Blood activity that was happening outside of his territory. A simple little reconnaissance mission with very few concrete instructions - just go in, find out what you can, and come back. The Pack manages to track down some members of one of the Thin-Blood gangs engaged in a heated argument with a Kine gang that had been, per their story, repeatedly encroaching on their territory. Things were escalating quickly and Pauline (her Bane Active [Anxiety] and her beast gnawing faintly at the back of her gums as she was at 3 or 4 Hunger) would've preferred that things didn't get bloody, so she used Dominate on the most outwardly aggressive Thin-Bloods, telling them something along the lines of "If you're going to behave like a dog, then kneel and bark like one." (the Thin-Blood did end up doing this, scaring the Kine off) She didn't bother apologizing to the Thin-Bloods, in her mind (despite them notably being outnumbered by the Kine) they still had no business engaging in warfare with simple street criminals. They're vampires; it'd be an abuse of power. But she did look bashful after the fact, regressing into herself and refusing to speak to them as she shakily lit a cigarette. Losing control/being embarrassed like that was enough for her to apologize to the Coterie for, effectively, dropping her mask for a moment as up until that point she'd been doing her best to put up a veneer of Cold Detachment & a Businessperson Persona, y'know? It was unseemly to behave like that, especially Infront of (in her mind) an impressionable fledgling.
🌙 MOON - What is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
She desperately, desperately, wants to become independent yet indispensable so that she can live unlife on her own terms without having to worry about people gunning for her. Blame the paranoia that her former Packmate, a Ventrue who defected from the Camarilla to be with his Thin-Blood boyfriend/Embrace, instilled in her for that. As for how far she's willing to go for it? Not far enough. Not yet. The Humanity degradation hasn't begun yet and, as such, she's still squeamish about things like having to murder Kine or delving into mysteries better left forgotten :) In time, though...
Do they trust people easily?
How easily will they turn their back to someone?
Not easily at all, she's extremely paranoid on the best of nights. After a meeting with some actual Anarchs - kind ones, mind, in the greater scheme of things - she checked Blake's car for tracking devices.
Have they been backstabbed before?
Not to her knowledge. Shocking, I know.
Will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
Her Pack? No. Anyone else is fair game, though.
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perpetualexistence · 5 months
A Bit of Organizational Stuff
So the last time I made a post like this there were about 20 of you. And that was a week ago. And now there's like 50 of you. And my first Team CIRRRRH vs José post blew up far bigger than I ever thought it'd go. Aaaaa is the best way to describe what's going on in my brain right now as I try to wrap my head around this.
Speaking of wrapping my head around things, I've now got two longer form AUs I'm posting about! Which is more than I'd been planning to have occupying my brain at the same time! I don't plan on neglecting either, so here's what I've decided for the sake of my own sanity:
For the Sea Monster AU: I'm going to commit to posting it once a week! It's currently the only one AU I have with a linear plot already in mind, so writing and editing takes the most time. And given how I have a tendency to do my writing in bursts (thanks ADHD), it's probably better for me in the long run if I leave the writing for it on the weekends. So I'm introducing Sea Monster Saturdays! It'll be a set posting schedule that I'm going to try out and see how it goes! I'll let you guys know if it stops working out and if plans will change again. I will say that I have Part 4 roughly outlined so it should be out tomorrow with all going well.
For the Alley Cats AU: I'm probably going to end up making a separate post with details on what each Alley Cat did to get outcasted. Alejandro's is definitely going to be first, and after that it's just going to depend. I also might try figuring out some way to visualize what the alley itself looks like, mainly because I just think that'd be neat. I don't have any other concrete Wacky Shenanigans that happen aside from vs. José that I've already done, so we'll see what happens there. I plan to focus most of my non-weekend energy on this AU until I've got everything out.
I'm also still going to have stray AUs floating about here and there! My mind tends to wander, so I might as well let it do its thing from time to time. These AUs are going to be more one-shot in nature though since I'm fairly certain a third long form AU would destroy me. But I always reserve the right to come back to them and make them long form should the mood strike!
The next AU I'm going to be posting about rather soon is actually one of these that I came up with literally the same morning I came up with the Alley Cats AU. I got like 75% of it written and was ready to go home to finish and post it but nope, I was struck with Team CIRRRRH brain rot. So I might as well get this one out before going all in on Alley Cats and Sea Monster.
And again, thanks for all the support so far!!!
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marciabrady · 1 year
hi love!! your most recent post on the first 4 princesses in comparison to the 90s ones, as well as why tangled is heteronormative was fantastic! it was so well-put and eloquent, you really have a gift for writing. anyways, it had me thinking what your ideal disney princess/disney princess movie be like? would it be based on a fairytale/folktale or would it be an original creation? hand-drawn or cgi, a musical or no? feel free to go into as much detail as you’d like, i’m so curious to see your response!
Hi there- thank you so much! Nearly everything about the original four princess movies are perfect to me, personally, but I wouldn't want to replicate it so it isn't that I want something specifically thematically (though I can list specific things I enjoy about each) but I do want a fairytale that isn't ashamed it's a fairytale? I want concrete world building, where it feels like we're being taken to a new universe and feel immersed in it and not in a self aware, meta textual way. I want a heroine who isn't the result of all of the expectations of the Disney Princess brand or only has attributes because they'll appease certain sectors of the audience- I want to be introduced to a new energy and a new life that's totally true to who that person is and not just the same character we've seen over and over again (in Rapunzel, Anna, Moana's case, etc). The fascinating thing about the original four princesses is that they're so different and you don't know all the answers about them? People have lazy criticisms against them, but the way Cinderella or Aurora would justify their choices- even things that seem shallow to us or don't make sense- they do it in a way that makes the most amount of sense and reveals information we don't know about certain things that rounds it out and just reminds you that you really can't dictate how other people would act. If you don't understand their reasoning, it's more because you're missing pieces of the puzzle and it just shows how unique people are- whereas now, I feel like people don't see the answer super obviously, they'll just assume it's not there or read something that's not there into it to the expense of the character.
But, I digress. I, myself, am a romantic person so I would like a romance that's based entirely on the two character's chemistry with one another, the type of ship that's fascinating without needing plot points to bring the thrill of their chemistry alive. I really wish we could have a real adaption of Rapunzel, especially- the imagery of the princess in the tower, the power of Rapunzel's voice, to get to know the witch, and the Prince who journeys above the forest and stumbles about her. It really is one of the best stories and so much of it is missing from Tangled. Also, I think Princess and the Pea would be interesting! They could make the Princess more of a Vanessa type, from The Little Mermaid- the imagery of her coming to the castle, amid the rain, and her identity not being believed. I also think it'd be funny if they made her more spoiled or unlikable because, after all, she can feel a singular pea through so many mattresses lol and they're overdue for allowing a female character to be herself, whether that is unlikable to some people, then trying to make them super palatable in EVERY WAY. but I do love just the idea of the castle being so cozy and quaint in the midst of such a rainstorm. I love the ways in which the Prince's mother, the Queen, is a central character and seems like such a wise woman. Which reminds me- I'd like it to be consisting of primarily female characters, mostly with older female characters like we see in Sleeping Beauty. I want the focus to be on wit and amusement and hte human condition as opposed to action (I can't tell you a single thing that happened in Frozen 2). I'd love a natural speaking voice that's more mature- no more Moana or Rapunzel voice actresses ever, please. And it'd have to be traditional animation because I think it lends itself to sophisticated story telling- 3d, as we've seen, really infantilizes the movies. I, personally would like a musical and ideally something that's more natural sounding like Cinderella, operatic and grand in scale like Sleeping Beauty or Snow White, or if it is broadway, I want it to be inventive in its own way like Little Mermaid instead of the same thing for the 100th time. And definitely no Lin Manuel.
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sonderwrit · 6 months
"Disappearing Summer" - fanfic translation
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[Caption: Please enjoy your meal]
Author: 无止尽的旋律 
共6k字,架空男鬼亿和高中生小秦,我丢这我就跑了,看前记得看预警谢谢谢谢 Total words 6k. It's an [AU] story about Ghost Yi and highschooler Qin, I'm tossing it here and running away, remember to read the warnings before the fic ty ty
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(My attempted translation below:)
消失的夏天 "Disappearing Summer"**
**By the way, 消失的夏天 is also the title of an actual Chinese song you can listen to here, though I'm not sure if there's an intentional connection.
*In this piece you may see: an inexplicable, almost non-existent, confusing plot, illogical sequences, OOC characters, and my unique flair
*Purely fictional Japanese DK**-styled romance, Yi's personality is closer to his System Y form, while I don't know Qin's real name so I'm just calling him Qin Xian
**DK is slang for the Japanese DK or danshi kousei (high school boys) whose school uniforms usually includes elements like sweaters, collared shirts, ties, blazers, and etc.
*If you can accept all of the above, read on
The air always felt stuffy before it rained, especially in summer.
In hot weather like this, the air was as heavy as a damp towel pressed over the mouth and nostrils. Breaths seemed trapped in the lungs and squeezed out the remaining space in the body, making one's heartbeats feel more labored.
Wang Yi sat cross-legged on the bed, fingertips lightly perched on the peeling window frame as his head rested listlessly against the glass. He stared at the misty skies outside in a daze, gray clouds enveloping the little town above with threat of imminent rain, and only felt depressed in his heart.
Qin Xian was sitting directly opposite him, staring so intently that it felt like he was afraid the other would vanish in an instant. His gaze was akin to the cold chill of spring rain, deep pupils the hue of rotten blueberries. At their deepest point lay a love that had been buried before it was ever born.
Neither of them spoke, just letting the silence hang in the air.
Wang Yi suddenly turned his head and met Qin Xian's eyes. After realizing the other was looking at him, he couldn't help laughing, a muffled noise. As if teasing a kitten, he brought his face closer, to the point where he could count every individual eyelash and each bloodshot vein in the other's eyes.
Qin Xian looked at those eyes curved in laughter and lost his senses for a moment. He thought, So there really are men with eyes this pretty. They're as beautiful as green whirlpools that only appear in dreams, whose single move can suck away a person's entire thoughts.
Gradually, it began to rain outside the house.
Raindrops splashed onto the concrete ground in small dark circles. Immediately, the rainfall grew more intense, evolving from thin, shining silver threads into strings of beads that crackled as they fell against the eaves and roofs.
It had been the same kind of rainy day one month ago.
Qin Xian didn't want to think about those things and subconsciously pulled Wang Yi's hand towards him until the man was within his embrace. He buried his face in the other's collar, lightly inhaling the familiar scent of laundry detergent. Like a child seeking comfort, he clung to the person before him. His embrace was very tight, like a warm cage, trapping the young man's almost weightless soul in his arms.
Logically speaking, it should be sweltering to stick so close together in summer. Hugs were summer's special form of torture. But Qin Xian didn't feel a shred of heat or even any warm breaths. He knew why: because Wang Yi had died one month ago, and standing before him now was nothing more than a ghost.
Like a twinkling star in the atmosphere, at some point it'd stop shining.
"Your body is so cold." Qin Xian brushed the hair at the back of Wang Yi's head with his fingertips while pressing his chest against the other, as if attempting to warm him with his temperature.
He inexplicably recalled a goldfish he and Wang Yi had raised together as children. Because it was soaking in cold water all day, it always felt cold to the touch. Now, the man in his arms devoid of temperature and breathing was no goldfish, but his playmate of 17 years.
The afternoon sun was hidden by cumulonimbus clouds, leaving only its cold white rays streaking out from between the gaps. Even so, it was impossible to completely dispel the heat in the air. The weather was still unbearable, the world still drunk in the throes of summer.
"I've always been like this," Wang Yi returned the hug was gently patting Qin Xian's back. "It's pretty comfortable hugging me in summer right? Since my body's cold all over."
There was no reply.
"Hug me more while the weather's still warm, you won't want this when winter comes," Wang Yi joked next, trying to lighten the mood. He didn't seem to mind the fact that he was dead.
"Will you disappear?" Qin Xian interrupted with a sudden question.
The rain outside the window gradually lessened into something akin to little girls' whispers, thin and dense. The youth's eyelashes trembled with his gaze as his voice grew light as a puff of wind, lonely blowing across the world for tens of thousands of years. He said:
"....I won't."
Qin Xian didn't speak again, but tightened his embrace as the air around them returned to its dull silence.
Despite their physical proximity, the distance between their hearts seemed separated by a river.
17 was still school age. Qin Xian ate breakfast and quickly bid farewell to his parents before grabbing his bag to rush to campus. On the road, he tightly gripped Wang Yi's hand without saying a word. The warmth from his palm left the latter dazed for a second.
Qin Xian dared to take him along so brazenly because he was a ghost that no one else could see.
On the side of the concrete road were overgrown weeds, telephone poles covered with advertisements, and crooked road signs. Someone had stolen all the sodas from the vending machines, leaving the shelves behind the glass screen empty with nothing left. Cicadas sang a melodious old song from the last century.
"Now...point X...intersects point Y..."
The elderly woman stood on the podium, right hand gripping a piece of chalk that looked about to expire. It hit the blackboard with a scratchy noise, scattering chalk powder towards the floor with her movements.
Qin Xian glanced at the empty seat on his right. Books and random items in the desk had long been cleared away, while the chair had been taken on the pretext that "no one was sitting there," leaving only a solitary desk. The only trace of its owner's existence was the "freak" carved haphazardly with a utility knife on the table leg by someone with malicious intentions.
"Pay attention to class, what are you spacing out for?"
He followed the voice with his eyes and saw the former owner of the seat now sitting on the edge of his desk, legs dangling in the air as he swayed them without rhythm.
Sunlight passed through the gaps in the tree branches and leaves, shone past the windowsill, and onto Wang Yi's figure, making his face glow. The sunlight's effects made it feel like there was a blur on the edge of one's field of vision, with a vague sense of beauty highlighted in the haze. In that moment, Qin Xian felt like he was still dreaming.
He didn't reply, but obediently redirected his gaze to the podium. The hand holding his pen gradually grew sweaty, making his palm feel sticky.
—Once a person died, could their soul really exist in the human world forever?
Qin Xian mused for awhile and thought he could guess the answer.
After class at noon, Qin Xian pulled Wang Yi into an unoccupied equipment room. It wasn't big to begin with, but the mess of miscellaneous things piled up inside made the space even narrower. It would be crowded for two people standing together.
He locked the door from the inside and turned around to face Wang Yi. He saw the other's eyes widen slightly, as if surprised by his actions. Qin Xian didn't explain, but leaned over, reducing Wang Yi's space by the second. The other had no choice but to retreat with every step until he ran out of room with his back against the wall.
During the 17 years they'd been together, the wind brought along a tiny seed and quietly planted it in the hearts of the two boys. Every year, time encouraged their bonds to take root and sprout.
But in this moment, Qin Xian recalled that there was neither a grand confession nor a romantic date between them, let alone any spoken vows. All they had were memories and regrets of countless days and nights in the past seventeen years.
He shook aside those messy thoughts and slowly stretched out his hand to cradle Wang Yi's face. His eyes lowered like those of a devout believer as Qin Xian gazed seriously upon the green pupils like never before. When he saw the weak sunlight glimmering in those irises, he suddenly thought of the vast expanses of grassland south of the town, their endless green stretching onto infinity until they disappeared into the young man's pupils.
In that moment, with forehead against forehead and nose to nose, Qin Xian saw Wang Yi's eyelashes tremble like butterfly wings. He bent down and gently pressed his lips against the other's like a falling, fluttering feather. Waves appeared in his heart, the cool touch of those lips gave him the illusion that he was kissing icy jelly.
Qin Xian's kiss was brief, without a hint of sexual intentions, but more like cautious exploration.
After realizing the other didn't reject him, he felt much more at ease and didn't try anything more extreme. Still, his lips hovered near Wang Yi, moving down slightly until their warm touch slowly traveled to his cheeks and Qin Xian once against buried his head in the other's neck, breathing softly.
Wang Yi let him nestle in his arms while feeling the ups and downs of his heartbeat.
Outside, the sound of school children playing could be heard, noisy and full of life. It was quiet within the door, but the person standing in front of Qin Xian felt so unreal. Thus, this locked door became the border between dreams and reality, separating inside from outside.
Traces of summer seemed to permeate everywhere. The air was hot, breathing was hot, and so were his eyes.
Lies have existed with complex human emotions since ancient times.
They made truth more credible and values more evident; they made the dead come to life and the living feel at ease. Whether it was deceiving others or deceiving oneself, Qin Xian had always known from the start.
Whether one accepted it or not, time would always bring an end to the story.
"Do you still remember the goldfish we raised when we were young?"
The sun was about to set, with most of its body swallowed up by the mountains. Its red-orange hues was akin to blood shed by its dying body, filling the skies and flowing all the way to the concrete road that the two walked home on from school.
Wang Yi was temporarily stunned by Qin Xian's question before he replied, "I remember."
Vision swayed, going past the weeds by the roadside to a few sparrows flying from nowhere to perch on the telephone phones and twittering who-knows-what. Someone had refilled the vending machine with sodas again, though it wasn't clear when they'd be emptied again tonight.
In a small shop on the roadside, someone turned on the radio to listen to a program. The female voice coming from the speakers was fuzzy, as if covered by a thin layer of gauze.
The signal here wasn't very good, so her words came in snatches. She seemed to be reading a story submitted by her listeners.
The goldfish died.
It had almost washed into the sewer along with the rainwater when it was discovered.
Qin Xian squatted down and picked up the goldfish. The tiny thing lay in the boy's palm with its pupils akin to a black, frightening abyss; its gills stopped beating while its tail was like a burning flame, bright and beautiful but now forever lifeless.
In order to find the goldfish, the boy had been soaked by the storm. There were even raindrops hanging off his eyelashes.
Wang Yi stood next to Qin Xian and held the umbrella for him. "Are you crying?" he asked inappropriately. Life was as fleeting as a mayfly and more fragile than glass. He didn't understand Qin Xian's behavior. In his cognitive reasoning, death was a fleeting existence, lighter than a blank piece of paper.
Qin Xian stood up after he finished speaking, still cupping the goldfish in his hands. Thanks to the rain, his face was covered in traces of water, making it difficult to tell whether he had really shed tears. Qin Xian blinked his eyes furiously and shook off the droplets clinging to his lashes. He pursed his lips and suggested, "How about we bury the goldfish?"
There was a long silence.
Wang Yi gave a muffled hum and silently tilted the umbrella in his hands towards Qin Xian. Raindrops fell and wet the hems of his clothes.
The conversation between the two seemed to have suddenly ended because of the memories, but their steps had yet to stop. They were still rushing home. The female voice playing on the radio eventually waned, while the setting sun was completely engulfed by the mountains. Its parting words were the purple-red glow on the horizon.
A new sun would rise again the next day, as if this was just one of the millions of suns killed by time.
The goldfish that died seven years ago was buried under an ancient tree near Qin Xian's house. How old was it exactly? Probably more than a dozen years older than their combined ages.
The uneven surfaces of the tree trunk silently spoke of its experiences like a valley filled with traces of time. The leaves on its branches were extremely lush this year, blocking out all traces of moonlight.
Qin Xian held Wang Yi's hand as he stood under its shade. They weren't clear on where exactly the goldfish was buried. Perhaps its body had now been decomposed and absorbed by the soil, or perhaps it'd been eaten by insects hiding in the mud.
The two of them said and did nothing, just let their thoughts drift in the air.
Though life was fragile, it was also heavy. The difference between it and a blank piece of paper was that it was one filled with writing. The weight came not from life itself, but the stories it recorded, both long and short, wonderful and ordinary. No matter whether the plot was good or bad, it always carried the weight that a story deserved.
Thus, Qin Xian silently crossed the ravine of countless years and gave the answer to this confused young man seven years ago.
The bathtub at home wasn't big; on the contrary, it was rather narrow.
Wang Yi sat inside the tub filled with water, hugging his knees and squinting at Qin Xian. His shirt was so wet that it clung to his skin and turned slightly transparent.
The bangs on his forehead drooped with his movements, while the color of his hair was reminescent of sweet pink marshmallow, hiding some of the worry present in his pupils. He smiled and said nothing, but silently stared at the young man standing in front of the bathtub with his beautiful eyes.
The air was filled with a faint scent of moisture, making the entire bathroom akin to a glass bottle filled with the river's scent that was bottled off with a cork at its mouth.
They had a tacit understanding of what would happen next.
Qin Xian stepped over the walls of the tub and into the cold water. Water overflowed and splashed onto the tile floor. Qin Xian slowly bent down, interlaced his fingers with Wang Yi's until their palms touched, and gently rubbed his thumb against the cold skin.
Their fingers were entwined, their palms touching, and their eyes reflected each others' appearance. The deep blue sea eventually embraced the green breeze, the wind enveloped the ocean.
Kisses and touches were no longer enough to express the youth's feelings. At a certain point, the distance between the two finally began negative. Eros gradually climbed its way up the bathroom walls, stretching its body until it filled every corner of the room.
Did love taste sweet? Qin Xian didn't think that was the case, but at least it wasn't warm. It had a messy, salty smell that made the heart beat as fast as the drumbeats in rock music.
His canine bit the young man's neck and shoulders. Qin Xian felt the cold lingering between his teeth, but couldn't taste the scent of blood, then remembered that this man would no longer bleed.
White, because there was no more blood flowing in his veins, skin pale as someone who walked out of a colorless TV set from the last century, with only endless gray left in his body. No matter how Qin Xian went overboard, he couldn't leave any traces on Wang Yi's body. It was as if the other didn't exist in the first place, so nothing in the human world could ever taint him.
But he still wanted to hold him tighter. It would be best if the two people could be one and never be separated.
The water in the tub overflowed due to their aggressive movements. It didn't even cover Wang Yi's calves originally, but now only reached up to his waist.
Today's weather was excellent, with no rain, no clouds, and sunlight that wasn't too scorching.
They were sitting on a bench at the entrance to a small store. A small Walkman was placed between them, with an earphones shared between them both. The black cords conveyed the melodious music, perhaps syncing their hearts to the rhythm at certain points too.
Exhaustion was like a wisp of wind blowing quietly into everyone's heart. Wang Yi looked at the wild cat on the roadside lazily basking in the sun. Warm orange light shone on its belly. The cat itself had green irises. How strange, he thought. Are there any cats who have green eyes?
Qin Xian tore open the colorful printed packaging and took out the ice cream inside. There were two popsicle sticks at its base. He specially brought this one that could be split into two halves with a light snap. The young man stretched out his arm to hand the ice cream in his hand to the person beside him.
Wang Yi didn't take it, but looked at the ice cream in Qin Xian's hand in a daze. He couldn't eat it because he was a ghost.
The scene reminded him of his childhood.
Back then, Wang Yi's family was very strict. Because he had a history of getting upset stomachs after eating ice cream, his parents never allowed him to have any. When summer came, Qin Xian would buy a package of double-stick ice cream when school was over and give him half. The two of them would squat on the curb, tossing their schoolbags on the ground and finish eating them before going home.
"What's wrong?"
When Wang Yi came back to his senses from reminiscencing, the ice cream in Qin Xian's hand had melted slightly. Sticky sugar water flowed down the wooden stick like blood exuding the aroma of milk to drip on his fingertips.
He didn't answer Qin Xian's question and avoided that probing gaze. For Wang Yi it was terrifying, more suffocating than a bullet with a speed of 500 meters per second fired from a pistol. He couldn't eat it, but obviously the harm caused by telling the truth was far greater than that caused by simply telling a lie.
It didn't just apply to ice cream, either.
The music coming from the earphones stopped abruptly. But the chirping of cicadas didn't pause, and summer was still slowly, slowly disappearing.
Wang Yi stretched out the tip of his tongue from behind his teeth, leaned over, and gently licked Qin Xian's sugar-covered fingers. The flavor of milk and excessively saccharine liquid entered his mouth through his tongue. He also tasted a bit of salt from the skin, but it wasn't so obvious when mixed with the sweet dairy flavor.
The wet touch lingered on Qin Xian's fingertips. It was a rather novel, fascinating feeling. He felt as if his heart had been nipped by an inexperienced kitten, fuzzily tickling him.
"Mm...tasting it is enough, I don't want to eat it right now," Wang Yi licked the corners of his lips as if savoring the sweetness that had appeared there.
Qin Xian stared at him for a few seconds. A hint of understanding flashed in his blue eyes, but he didn't express his emotions too obviously beyond an exhale. "....sigh."
Some time later, the ice cream was finished. The clock in the shop kept ticking without stop, while the cat with the strange green eyes had disappeared.
The two of them were still sharing earphones and listening to some unknown song. Wang Yi started humming along, the melody as fine as ripples scattering on the waves of the river in golden hues.
He suddenly lifted Qin Xian's hand, took out a red thread from somewhere, and tied the two ends to his and Qin Xian's pinkies under the other's surprised eyes. Like countless lovers in the world who vowed to love each other forever, their fingers were linked together in the simplest, lightest lock, the thread hanging between them like a bridge connecting their heartbeats.
Wang Yi's voice was like a white bird that had just taken flight, light enough to shake off feathers. When he smiled, his eyes would narrow slightly. "This thread will always keep us together."
"Whether it's the next life, or the next life after that, and even the future beyond."
Seeing Wang Yi's childish actions, Qin Xian couldn't help laughing out loud, but only he knew how desolate it sounded. He knew, he'd always known, the answer to his question.
And thus, the young man's figure gradually grew more transparent beneath the sunlight.
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