#ace chan imagine
peachybun-bun · 2 years
🔞Smut/Mature/Suggestive 🐇Fluff 💣Angst 💕 Poly/Multiple 🖤 Toxic 😆 Comedy  
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Jun The Missing Yogurt  😆
Kim Byeongkwan
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faeryarchives · 4 months
when your hopeless streamer gets a girlfriend (ace trappola x f!reader)
summary: the rising streamer ace trappola has always been teased by his friends and fans about his failed relationships - that is until one certain stream where each and everyone of them were proven wrong.
note: ok i had this idea at 1 in the morning i was like 'hmmm what if we make a streamer series for twst?' and its just full of fluff and crack like no magic au + everyone is just normal
recent fics: happy birthday (malleus x reader) & so what are we? & in sickness and in health
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it was around saturday midnight when everyone should be asleep, but ace trappola decided it was a good time to stream a horror game out of all possible games he could play with his friends. they all started as friends before starting the game but i fear he might have none after the stream.
"crabby, where are you~?" the sound of floyd humming through the mic sent shivers down the boy's back as he tried hiding from the hunter. "it's so funny to see floyd just have this tunnel vision to kill ace." jamil's smooth voice rang out, obviously amuse how the scene was unfolding. 
"oh flooooyd! ace is hiding in the house with the telephone!"
"i hate all of you, after this game i am blocking everyone!" seeing him become the victim in the game and everyone turning on against him, his fans flood the live stream chat with laughing emojis and 'take the l'.
"ace, become a good bait while we fix the car." he heard ruggie and deuce laugh at his misery before their characters ran opposite his direction.
"okay who is the one that said floyd should be the hunter this round? hey, hey, hey! stop chasing after me- am i the only player in this game?! epel is right here!" in an act of desperation, ace tried to hide behind epel's character instead but only to receive massive damage when the attack hit him instead.
"eh... but guppy-chan isn't even trying to run away, which is boring!"
"wait, really?" he then stopped running. ace turned to face the hunter's character, trying to see if floyd would actually kill him, only to notice something wrong a little too late. "heh, gotcha,"  ace screamed into his mic, watching his character gets stuck in the tree and meet his demise as floyd split him into half literally. the words 'you died' appeared on the streamer's screen. 
gloomurai: wow you are so great in this game 🤣
"i see you idia-senpai! it's not my fault they all turned against me!"
wani-sama🔧: it's your karma for selling them out to ruggie last game
"yeah, yeah... well, i'm always the last one to get caught, so this can be pretty relaxing." the streamer smirked as he watched from deuce's point of view where he is currently lost in the woods. 
"i get to watch them die but knowing floyd he might quit mid-game." to used to being the first one out, ace sighed, switching from one point of view to another. bored ou of his mind, he looked at the corner of his screen, ace looked at the comments curiously as they try suggesting things.
muscle-red: why don't you do a q and a while waiting then?
"question and answer? don't you guys basically know me already?" ace looked at the screen intently, contemplating whether he should do it.
"fucking viper i swear!" suddenly someone joined the call causing ace to jump in surprised, only to realize it was ruggie. 
"how did you die?"
"jamil betrayed me because we thought it was a four-seater car. it turns out it was only two!" hearing this, ace turned to jamil's point of view and snickered about how he and epel got chased by the sneaky eel. "welcome to the dead club."
as if he could imagine his senior rolling his eyes at his words, he smirked smugly - karma does bite back hard. "hardy har... what were you doing? i heard something about a question and answer?"
"chat wants me to have another q and a portion, what more do i have to tell you guys?"
cowabunga: how is the search for your beloved mwishxr: there is no use in asking that 
"search for my beloved? hey!"
"shishishi! even your viewers are against you!"
it's a running joke in ace's community on how he was immediately dump by his ex girlfriend one week after dating. it wasn't like he wanted to share the story - he shared it as a batsu game after losing a round of uno. usually, when asked about his search for a girlfriend, ace would get all red and try to defend himself from the single until he became old allegations.
but today was surprising because not only did he not become all flustered and defensive - ace trappola looked smug even as he leaned his head into his palm and laughed.
"hmm, i wonder about that?" from behind, ace could hear approaching footsteps stopping next to him, and the live stream chat went wild and even ruggie who was looking at ace's stream right now watched with wide eyes as someone who was wearing the streamer's well-known sweater stood beside him.
"what the fuck?!"
gloomurai: ?!?!? muscle-red: what is with the sudden plot twist wani-sama🔧: WAIT wani-sama🔧: IS THAT-?!
"heya (nickname)~" ace hummed, turning his gaming chair facing your direction, his arms wrapping themselves around your waist as he grinned at you ever so cheekily. "you're late!"
"what are you five? i don't even know why you want me to come over." you rolled your eyes, trying to push him away playfully, only to run your fingers through his hair and chuckle.
seeing him lazily smiling at you causes you to succumb to your urge to pinch his cheeks - hard, making ace cry out in pain. before you could even ask another question, you saw something flash at the corner of your eye causing you to look at his monitor - realizing that he is still streaming. while holding onto you. and he not even on mute!
"this is all your plan, wasn't..." holding his face in your hands, ace could only laugh and nod, his hand quickly pulling you down, making you sit on his lap as he proudly present you to everyone. "as you can see, i am not hopeless anymore!"
wani-sama🔧: WHAT ARE YOU DOING SIS?!
"how is it possible i could hear sebek through the screen..." you sigh, leaning your back on ace and waved at the camera so casually as if the chat and ruggie weren't surprised at all.
"i just want to say to chat that ace didn't have my family in hostage." with you hand wrapped around his, you put up up and showed it to the camera. "and he is stuck with me."
hearing at just what you said made everyone in the chat go insane erupting into numerous emoji and something with the lines of 'oh my god he is not lying!' or just exclamation but nothing beats the reaction of your friends.
"(name) you settled for a guy like him?!" you could hear ruggie's surprised voice through your boyfriend's headset and honestly, you were contemplating if you would agree or just laugh it off.
"what can i say? sometimes, idiots have their charms."
jamil-viper: i can't believe you got (name) of all people... deuce-spade: oh thank god i don't have to keep it a secret anymore. wani-sama🔧: YOU KNEW?! epel-felmier: i think that's the effect of not our gc !!
the stream goes on with ace finally having his bragging rights and the twitter stans going crazy about the sudden girlfriend reveal. oh well, karma does hit back hard doesn't it?
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nonsensology · 11 months
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So I've had these Grunkle Stan crackships on my mind for almost a year now. Could be interpreted as platonic, but I think there's great and fascinating potential if interpreted fully romantic. Full musings and explanations below (Warning: very disjointed and random).
Uncle Chan from Jackie Chan Adventures
Maybe Ford and Stan stumble across the Chans on one of their globe-trotting adventures. Both groups fight off the same supernatural threat and surprise each other with their ease and familiarity with the weird and fantastical.
I feel Uncle is kind of a weird in-between of Ford and Stan. He is knowledgeable but not a nerd like Ford, is generally cranky but doesn't get into trouble like Stan does, although he does have a level of disregard towards authority if it gets in the way of his goals. He's quick to do research instead of impulsively charging into a situation.
I think Uncle's dynamic with Stan would be hilarious. They would argue a lot on how to deal with a threat, but once they agree to work together, they could kick ass. Once he gets past his initial annoyance, Stan would probably enjoy Uncle's quips, even more so when he realizes that Uncle does not say them to be funny, he's just naturally snarky.
Uncle is never shown having any romantic interest or relationships, so I kind of headcanon him as ace, but I think it would be really interesting to see what kind of queerplatonic relationship he and Stan could form.
Jade and Mabel would probably hit it off immediately, and while Jade isn't as studious as Dipper, she also has an enthusiasm for the supernatural so she'd probably get along decently with him. She'd also probably think Stan and Ford are super cool, especially considering their lax attitude toward giving children weapons. Though they do still take the kids' safety very seriously.
Jackie is doubtful of Stan, much like he was with Viper, but seeing Stan look out for the kids would probably endear him a little. Ford might also help ease his worries, and maybe they both could have fun discussion about archeology.
I think Tohru and Soos could get along decently, though Tohru would find Soos' eccentric musings odd at first.
Additionally, Uncle's shop is in San Francisco, practically next door to Dipper and Mabel in Piedmont. The kids would easily visit each other every weekend.
Bruno Madrigal from Encanto
Stan has been to prison in Colombia, so I don't think he'd willingly travel there for fun, and Encanto Valley seems relatively closed off from the rest of the world, so I imagine their meeting is accidental, maybe a result of the Stans getting caught in a storm or something. They stay for a while in the valley while repeating their boat.
Stan might initially be outraged at the idea of the Madrigals not charging anyone for the use of their gifts, but perhaps lightens up when he sees how close-knit the community is. He'd still come up with ways they could show off their powers Mystery Shack style, probably butting heads with Alma in the process, lol. He might encourage Bruno to adapt a more showman-like approach to his seer abilities to make it more presentable and less intimidating.
Bruno and Stan connecting over their shared feelings of isolation from family is definitely what drew me to these two together in the first place. If they ever got serious about their relationship, I can imagine the biggest hurdle would be deciding if they should continue a long-distance relationship, since neither is keen on asking the other to be separated from their family.
Yuuko Ichihara from xxxHolic and Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle
Major spoiler alerts for both series. It's been many years since I've read them, and Tsubasa had so many plot twists that even CLAMP (the writers) admitted they were confused by the end result. I also might be misremembering some details, so bear with me. Factoring in the plotlines for both series and Gravity Falls would make for an incredible AU fanfic that I unfortunately am not qualified to write.
Due to Yuuko's shop being in Tokyo, a whole ocean away from Oregon, I like to imagine some timey-wimey space mumbo jumbo allowing Yuuko and Stan to meet in the dream realm. Maybe at some point, Yuuko's shop would obtain a door connecting it to the Mystery Shack.
Stan and Yuuko both have a mischievous side, though Yuuko is generally more reserved. They could start out as drinking buddies, though I imagine Stan would probably favor a light beer, while Yuuko loves sake.
They also both use aliases (it is never revealed what Yuuko's real name is), but Yuuko would likely be upfront about it. As their relationship progresses, Stan would probably feel comfortable telling Yuuko his real first name, even after she tells him the supernatural dangers of giving your real name.
While Stan scams his customers, he generally sells harmless entertainment and trinkets, whereas Yuuko grants wishes and operates strictly on an equivalent exchange basis. To quote the wiki, "All of Yuuko's customers must pay a price in order to grant their wishes, which can be no more or no less than the one demanded, or else harm will come to one's way. She is not one to tell the customer the most direct way to solve their problems because in the end, it can only be solved with that person's own realization and resolution to change themselves... Her abilities are not unlimited and may almost seem like a curse as it appears that she is unable to do anything for anyone or grant any gift (other than feelings) without it becoming a binding transaction." 
When Stan finds out just how powerful Yuuko is, I think he might react with a mixture of hesitation and awe, especially when she reveals she knows about his past, and Ford being lost in the multiverse. I am on the fence on whether Yuuko would use her powers to bring Ford home sooner, or let Stan continue working on the portal because he's already close to completing it and this would be significant in defeating Bill.
I found that the main villain of Tsubasa, Fei Wang Reed, surprisingly parallels Stan. Both endanger reality to bring back someone who is lost, but while Stan does it out of love and devotion to his family, Fei Wang Reed only did it in an arrogant plan to prove himself a powerful sorcerer. And in Fei's case, the person is already dead. CLAMP's universe establishes that the dead cannot be brought back to life, and Fei's wish to do so would cause the universe to be destroyed. I wonder if Bill would factor Fei as part of his plans.
Stan also surprisingly shares a lot in common with Fai D Fluorite. Both use their twin's name (Fai's real name is Yuui), and for much of the series Fai's tragic backstory regarding his twin is unknown, and he hides his trauma under a laid back exterior. I think Stan would empathize a lot with Fai, after he finds out his backstory.
Kimihiro Watanuki is revealed to have been created to fill a void left by Syaoran after the latter wished to turn back time. I remember Watanuki's character arc involved realizing that people cared about him. "Don't disappear", "Continue existing". Stan would probably take Watanuki under his wing, much like he did with Soos. Watanuki might find life with the Pines family far more chaotic than he's used to, but slowly warm up.
Yuuko is revealed to have died a long time ago and has basically been in magical stasis due to Clow Reed's unintentional wish. When time finally moves forward again, Yuuko eventually passes on. She doesn't return in the canon series, but Watanuki is stated to have also suspended his time to wait for her return. In this AU, maybe she reincarnates in the past and reunites with Stan and the Pines in the present day.
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pinkpigtailsprincess · 5 months
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🎀 𓈒 ݁ ₊ Hello,This is Dolly 🍭
…you’ve landed onto Planet Ai’ya ! 💫🪼🎀
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?? . . . LOADING … 𓈒 ݁ ₊ > 🌸
⊹ ⋆゚꒰ఎ (5) NEW FROM > @ pinkpigtailsprincess
📧; HI HI!! IT’Z ME AI’YA!! 🪼🎀 Welcome 2 my blog/my own little planet this blog featurs topic such as ˚。⋆୨୧˚ LOA ˚。⋆୨୧˚ SHIFTING ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ADVICE ˚。⋆୨୧˚ GIRLY MISC ˚。⋆୨୧˚ MUSIC + MORE! . . . now more on me…
?? . . . documenting files … 𓈒 ݁ ₊ > 📟
…4teen …black/soulaan …INFJ-T
…𓂃 …ace n omni subliminal maker!!
ive been shifting for about 4-5 years now and im only been into loa for almost a WHOLE YEAR!!
Likes: Sanrio,plushies,roblox,blankets,fashion,bratz, monster high,barbie,my little pony,tiny alien mofu mofu,korillakuma,newjeans,kara,wonder girls,girls’ generation,tokyo revengers,magical girls anime,hime gyaru,cloud e sky,art,pink and gold,sweet treats,sweet smelling lotion and soap and kpop and jpop and i love to read books from when i was younger,i like manga,i love hair bows,fizzy cherry soda,im black,i love licca-chan dolls,powerpuff girls,lalalopsy,my scene,strawberry shortcake and pinkcalious, hello kitty,mocha,charmmy kitty,honey cute,my melody and sweet piano are my favorite sanrio characters!! 🎀🧁
Masterlist!! 🎀🧁
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Law of Assumption! ⭐️
◜ 𓈒 ݁ ₊ it’s your own journey !!
| 𓈒 ݁ ₊ never let 3rd parties shake you
| 𓈒 ݁ ₊ dissatisfied with the old?? stop repeating it!!
| 𓈒 ݁ ₊ have fun with manifesting!!
| 𓈒 ݁ ₊ what does it mean 2 actually ignore the 3D?
| 𓈒 ݁ ₊ break the cycle
| 𓈒 ݁ ₊ everything is in your favor!!
| 𓈒 ݁ ₊ rationalizing loa (boo)
| 𓈒 ݁₊ Dolly nd Honey’s Collab !! 🎀🍯
| 𓈒 ݁₊ live in imagination !
| 𓈒 ݁₊ do it for yourself!!
| 𓈒 ݁₊ you’re the only power !
| 𓈒 ݁₊ Limitless star !!⭐️
| 𓈒 ݁₊ feel your feelings !
| 𓈒 ݁₊ it’s already yours !
| 𓈒 ݁₊ yes or..? YES!!
| 𓈒 ݁₊ ignoring the 3d
| 𓈒 ݁₊ you are god
| 𓈒 ݁₊ you have ur sp
| 𓈒 ݁₊ Build-A-Boyfriend!
| 𓈒 ݁₊ its really so easy!
| 𓈒 ݁₊ you can leave whenever you want
| 𓈒 ݁₊ why pretend to be anything less?
| 𓈒 ݁₊ you can leave whenever you want!
| 𓈒 ݁₊ wdym theres no movement?!
| 𓈒 ݁₊ it feels good to just give it to yourself
| 𓈒 ݁₊ you’re always in control
| 𓈒 ݁₊ you’re not bound to one life
| never settle for less than what you want
𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ “why not me” why not you?
| don’t take that sitting down
| its all about the state
| the 3D is so 15 minutes ago
| don’t fight it change it
🎀; success story
🎀; break the cycle today or the loop with repeat tomorrow
Affirmations!! ⭐️
| 𓈒 ݁₊ what competition?
| 𓈒 ݁₊ its my scene
| 𓈒 ݁₊ princess syndrome
| 𓈒 ݁₊ shifting vaunt
| 𓈒 ݁₊ I,Candy
| 𓈒 ݁₊ I am the god of my reality
| 𓈒 ݁₊ pink glitter fantasy
| 𓈒 ݁₊ you’re everything he’s just ken
| 𓈒 ݁₊ i am a god
| 𓈒 ݁₊ you’re my chemical hype boy
| 𓈒 ݁₊ specific person affs
| 𓈒 ݁₊ if you wanna pretty
| 𓈒 ݁₊ imagination life is your creation!!
| 𓈒 ݁₊ its a dolls world
| 𓈒 ݁₊ pink sugar
| 𓈒 ݁₊ the world is my playground!!
| 𓈒 ݁₊ sharpay evans !!
𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ Don’t look 4 movement be it
Shifting Realities!🎀⭐️
| 𓈒 ݁₊ stop leaving room for failure
| 𓈒 ݁₊ unique drs you can shift to
| 𓈒 ݁₊ shifting made easy
| 𓈒 ݁₊ my dr’s pt1
| 𓈒 ݁₊ angel express 999 pt1
| 𓈒 ݁₊ my dr’s pt2
Misc !!🎀⭐️
| 𓈒 ݁₊ some fun things 2 manifest bc ur limitless
| 𓈒 ݁₊ fun way 2 live in the end
| 𓈒 ݁₊ some things you can manifest
| 𓈒 ݁₊ some super cute things 2 manifest
| 𓈒 ݁₊ “illogical” things im gonna manifest pt1
Doll Talks + Tips! 🎀
| 𓈒 ݁₊ manifesting rant
🎀; running a blog - doll tips
The Advice Column!🫧
| 𓈒 ݁₊ Advice coloum Issue No.1 🎀⭐️
| 𓈒 ݁₊ Doll Tips ; Being the New Kid!! 🎀⭐️
Summer Sweetie ! 🎀☀️
𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ SUMMER GLOW UP PREP!!! ⭐️
SUMMER GLOW UP ; Reseting!! 👙
𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ Jammin in Jamacia
𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ fun things 2 manifest 4 summer
🎀: summer style guide !
Dollies MP3!
𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ Dollies pink mp3.
𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ songs from my playlist!
𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ Song RECS!!
Passion 4 Fashion 🛍️
𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ coming soon ! - 💫
Ai’ya ‘ s Room 💿
𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ How 2 Dermaplain Properly!
The Doll Diaries 🎀
𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ coming soon ! - 💫
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Dni criteria : racist,transphobic,homophobic,anti Semitic,sexism,pro isreal,islamophobic,fat-phobic,basically all the dni criteria,€d blogs,kink or nsfw blog,old men,creeps,ddlg (ur really gross),18+,ped0s,body shaming of any kind and basically anything thats mean,gross and weird dni!!
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yuurei20 · 6 months
Translation from Twst the 2nd novel: Cater, Grim, Riddle, Ace, Deuce, Grim and the prefect split up into pairs to ask about the accidents befalling Spelldrive players:
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"‘Yuu will come with me.’
‘Eh? 'Yuu will come with me?’’ Yuuya echoes Riddle’s words back at him with a puzzled look. ‘The two of us will be doing the investigation together?’
‘Yes. I believe that this is the best arrangement.’
‘Eh, but, no, uh…I can’t use magic, so I think I will only be a burden for you.’
‘That is precisely why I am pairing you with myself. The best possible solution is us working together so that you will have my support, as the person with the strongest magic and the deepest understanding of the school.’
‘I was thinking that I might do all right with one of the others, though.’
Riddle points a finger at each member of the group, in turn, as he explains: ‘Cater is to pair with Grim. Cater can get along with anyone, and he will cover for Grim’s erratic behavior. Ace and Deuce are to investigate while seeing to their various tasks around the dorm. The first-years are busy with dormitory work this time of year, as the upperclassmen must prepare for the Spelldrive tournament.’
Riddle’s plan makes perfect sense. But there is no allowance to be made for Yuuya, who can already feel himself becoming overwhelmed.
Yuuya and Riddle have hardly ever held a conversation. And those rare times that they have interacted have not been on particularly friendly terms. And now they are to be alone together, and Yuuya cannot tell how he is even supposed to interact.
He is uncomfortable about approaching Riddle casually, like Ace and Deuce, and he cannot imagine Riddle initiating a friendly conversation, as if he is no different from Trey and Cater.
‘Do you object?’ Riddle asks with a curious look, in response to Yuuya’s stuttering. Despite Yuuya’s frankness, Riddle seems oblivious to the possibility that he may be disliked.
Yuuya is, honestly, somewhat afraid of Riddle. Possibly even more so than he had been back when Riddle was called the tyrant. Because, now, he has seen Riddle’s overblot form.
How can a human possibly harbor such forceful rage, such crippling sadness?
As someone who avoids all conflict in favor of going about his life as peacefully as possible, Yuuya has difficulty understanding this ruthlessness. Does Riddle feel nothing towards these people with whom he clashed barely a month prior? Is Yuuya the only one uncomfortable with the idea of being alone with him?
Yuuya glances to Ace and Deuce for help, but they both shrug. While nothing is said aloud, Yuuya manages to deduce what they mean through the movement of their lips: ‘Sorry, Yuu.’ ‘We can’t stop him.’
Flustered, Yuuya looks to Grim, who is quite happily focused on his tea and cookies. Blissfully oblivious to Yuuya’s situation, Grim is most content.
While looking a bit uncomfortable where he sits at Riddle’s side, Cater manages a smile. ‘Well, not much we can do. If you insist, Riddle-kun, then…’
Riddle gives a firm nod in response.
‘Our hands are tied,’ Cater says, with a wink and a wry smile for Yuuya. ‘It’s true that, for efficiency and to keep Yuu-chan safe, this might be the best option. Leave Gri-chan to me.’
‘Good. No objections?’
‘Can’t be helped. I’ll look out for Cater for ya.’
‘Got it! Understood!’ Ace’s reply is enthusiastic, and he spares a side glance to the flustered Yuuya. Ace has been grinning all the while, likely entertained by the combination of Yuuya and Riddle.
‘In that case, let us go our separate ways. Everyone get an appropriate amount of rest in order to be prepared for tomorrow.’
The three groups set their rendezvous locations, and the strategy meeting ends.
While they are, admittedly, making progress, Yuuya leaves Heartslabyul with a heavy heart.”
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etheries1015 · 5 months
Author chan! I saw the letter idea and just here to say— please don’t stop there!
I need a sequel to the 1st part. Will they meet in the next life after the war is over!? Knowing hundred of years past I hope there’s a happy ending. Where the reincarnation of the human that Lilia fell for comes back to his life! Imagine if Lilia whose now at NRC saw the handwriting of the prefect one day, and is shocked to find it’s the same as his past love! Instead of being all “oh I’m too old to fall in love” he pursues her!
This isn’t a request but a thought! What is your thoughts to this!? 🥺
For those who haven't read it, they are referring to this heuheu:
Lilia going into love with reckless abandon because he decided that although his life has been a rather long one, he doesn't want to waste another second regretting anything else! He always regretted not attempting to find you, to hold you in his arms and love you with all of his heart after those letters, but he convinced himself that you had died (he being long lived), and he had more pressing matters at the time.
but now with his children all grown up....
him finding the letter inviting him to Ramshackle for the first time, he just stared at it in absolute awe! Is this pure coincidence? The fact that you have the same exact smile as the human in the photo, the fact that he has memorized the way you wrote your letters a certain way was exactly the way he remembered those letters from his time in war...
ohohoh there's no stopping him now! You're in his sights, and he's asking you the very next day to write letters to one another.
omg while writing I just had this idea: the first half and second half are directly CONNECTED! instead of two separate scenarios, you can read it as if it was one of those "I found you in another life" scenarios, after realizing your handwriting and face are so similar to what he remembers he inquires about writing letters to confirm his feelings. Now you can't get rid of him, he's forever by your side, and the fact you don't care about his age makes it all the better. He does not feel guilty falling in love this time, there's no risk, no reprucussions... AHHHH. I love him. I love writing letters. I love love love it. Thank you for your thoughts <3 <3 heuheueheu
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 5 months
Autistic Anime Boys Prelims - Propaganda Division - Round 2
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Amuro -
"Being a Newtype is just space autism to me. But also he sucks at falling in line in a structured environment, would rather work with machines than talk to people, and is only allowed as a child soldier because he's the bestest at big robots."
Kyouya -
"what's there to say? you know him. you love him. vote kyoya."
Euini -
"I relate a lot to his social anxiety, especially his performance anxiety that occurs when he's being watched by people, particularly due to his stress at needing to follow the plan/do things the "proper" way in order to not feel like he's a failure. he also stands like a lil autistic kid and i appreciate him so much for that.
(LIGHT SPOILERS) basically, he has a test that he needs to take in order to advance as a witch, and he keeps failing it because he cant perform properly while being watched by other people, even though he knows the "right" spells to use and why he's supposed to use them. on his third attempt of the test, he's prepared a "script" to use so that he can follow it and not worry about failing in the moment (in this case, his script is a hand-written book of the proper spells to use and the order in which he's supposed to use them), but when a part of the exam changes, he's no longer able to follow his script. because he's been taught all his life that there's only one proper way of doing things, his way of thinking is very rigid and he's not able to deviate from his plan without panicking. luckily, one of his fellow examinees (richeh from the autistic anime girls poll 💕) is able to convince him to try and change the way that he does things to something that is more attuned to his personal needs- basically change the way that he casts his spells and which spells to use so that he doesn't need to struggle with doing things in the way that everyone says that he should; the way that he cant seem to manage. but, even before richeh helped him with that though, he was still finding way to modify the "proper" spells a little bit to better suit his weaknesses. he was trying so hard to fit in to the mold that witch society gave him, but it just wasnt right for him and he was making it work however he could."
Aoi -
"He has a very devoted special interest in the idol Takada-chan, which he frequently imagines in fights and other situations… the moment someone (Itadori) expresses equal interest in something he is passionate about, he immediately declares them besties and brothers and creates a whole elaborate shared history for them that doesn’t actually exist. He’s not really interested in connecting with people who don’t share his interests. He’s seen as somewhat strange and eccentric. Though in the present he is respected because of his strength as a sorcerer, as a child he was very isolated."
Floyd -
"Has no emotional regulation skills and will make it everyone's problem. Prone to mood swings and can get angry at the drop of a hat, but can also be so goofy, silly, and lovely. Sways side to side for that good good stim, and loves to squeeze others (with violent intent and affectionate intent). Who doesn't love a good pressure stim? His interest in things can be fleeting, and his motivation to do things can change as quickly as his mood. Spontaneous and feral extraordinaire."
Apollo -
"Not canonically autistic but he has ZERO volume control plus he scripts/repeats stuff (“I’M FINE!!!”), sometimes mimics other people’s speech patterns (like replying “ja” to Klavier), sensitive to loud noises (stayed backstage at a concert cuz it was too loud) and bright lights (complained about the stage lights being too bright at the same concert + screamed when opening the hatch to the bright stage at magic show), and has been really into space since he was a kid, which could definitely be a hyperfixation (not to mention how he read every single one of Phoenix’s old case files back when he admired him). Plus he’s a little TOO normal, to the point where it circles back around to making him the odd one out, which is absolutely what masking feels like for me. Even when he tries to be fun and weird he gets strange looks/made fun of for not being weird in the right way. The list of autism symptoms is just a checklist for him at this point."
Ash -
"he just has those vibes ya know?"
Shou -
"His special interest is math. He uses math terms in regular conversations and calls people yoctograms/zeptograms which earned him monikers such as "math man" and "pi-face". Speaking of Pi, he once shouted 155 consecutive digits of it through a megaphone just because he could. He's so normal."
Sunny -
"Sunny has been told that his face is not expressive. He doesn't talk a lot and he often gets lost into his imagination. He is a great listener and recalls a lot of information being told he has a great memory (he is able to remember a whole speech about flower symbolism that his friend told him) He is compared to a cat."
Yuu -
"He’s like if an emo programmer boy was also completely unhinged and also had a tragic backstory."
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moongothic · 5 months
Seen people share their headcanons of what would Luffy call Crocodile if Crocodad was Real, and it did get me wondering
Like on one hand, Luffy has a perfect track-record with respecting trans people and not misgendering anyone, so if Crocodad Real, Luffy wouldn't misgender him
But also, Luffy has two braincells, and having two people to call "dad" would probably be confusing for him. And Luffy doesn't seem like the type of guy who'd either of his parents "Father" either. Canonically Luffy tends to use more affectionate terms for his family, including Dragon despite never having ever met him ("tou-chan", "ji-chan" for Garp, "nii-chan" for Ace. Note the lack of the polite "o" at the begining, and the use of "chan" instead of "san". The take-away here is that he's basically being a bit familiar and kind of affectionate)
And let us not forget, how Luffy loves giving nicknames to people
So it would be perfectly on-brand for Luffy to come up with a new nickname for Crocodile, if only to help differentiate The Dads
(Like yes, Luffy does technically have a nickname for Crocodile already ("wani", lit. "crocodile"), but it's not really an affectionate nickname (or a particularly disrespectful one either, kind of neutral (though calling someone you're not friends with by a nickname is kind of rude)). And while Luffy can and does drop the funny nicknames for people if he decides he likes them enough (see Hammock turning into Hancock, or Luffy learning Bonney's name and using it because he felt bad for her), if Luffy did learn about Crocodile being his other dad and wanted to treat him as such (which he also might not, to be fair)... yeah he could come up with a new nickname)
Now the question just is... what kind of a nickname would Luffy then come up with?
And because I'm a fucking loser with a passion for translation and localization, I'm almost specifically interested in what kind of a nickname Luffy would come up with in Japanese. And partially because, depending on the nickname, it could just be the exact same nickname in English too. Like Luffy's "Yama-o" got localized as "Yamabro" because the "o" (written as 男, lit. "man") needed to be translated and localized for the nickname to hit the same in English. Same for shit like "split head" for Foxy or "giant shallot" for Moria, or "wani" getting localized as "gator" because Luffy calling Crocodile a "crocodile" as a nickname would not make any sense in English lmao
So... a cute nickname that makes it easy for Luffy to call Crocodile his "dad" without it getting confusing with calling Dragon "dad". Maybe something that ties to his name already and preferably rolls off the tongue easily in Japanese... Like we have our Crocodads and Dadodiles but these nicknames are based in English, so they don't roll off the tongue nicely -> Can't imagine Luffy saying either. But... I think the fans are onto something there... There must be a variation of this nickname that would work well in Japanese...
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I could see Luffy coming up with a nickname like that. It would roll off the tongue pretty easily. The only counter argument against it I can think of would be that Luffy does not seem like the kind of guy who would call anyone "papa". Like that word does not fit in his mouth.
...Anything else?
Well. I guess there is the third, forbidden option of Luffy calling him "oyaji" ("pops"), much like Whitebeard's crew called their captain too.
But that just leads us to an interesting thought; what the fuck would Crocodile prefer Luffy call him?
I mean this is Sir "Call me what you will" Crocodile, who generally does not seem to care that much about what people call him. Like we could take that and just assume Crocodile would not give a fuck about what Luffy called him, but it's also possible this could be like The One Exception to The Rule. And there's many potential reasons why too
Like there's the practical side of things where it could be a pain in Crocodile's ass if the world found out the two were related, because it'd mean anything bad happening to either one could be used against the other. Someone targetting Luffy could be then used intentionally to target Crocodile and viceversa. As Dragon said, a child is a parent's weak spot after all. So it could still be in Crocodile's self-interest to keep their blood relation a secret. But also; Crocodile had to leave his child behind. Much like how Olvia felt like she had no right to call herself Robin's mom, it'd make sense to me if Crocodile felt kind of the same. That regardless of their blood connection, he had no right to call himself Luffy's father, let alone deserve to be called that after what he'd done to Luffy.
So maybe Crocodile would prefer to be just called by his name. Maybe he'd be satisfied with that. Perhaps being called "pops" would lowkey annoy the shit out of him because it would just remind him of That Asshole Who Took His Hand and beat his ass. Which, y'know, fair. Perhaps "Papadile" would be just a bit too ridiculous and cutesy for him tolerate. And perhaps Luffy calling him "dad" (or "father", or any variation of it) would be a lot more emotionally compromising to Crocodile than he'd like to admit, especially if he believed he would never be called that
But knowing Luffy, if he knows being called "dad" made Crocodile happy (even if he didn't want to admit it), and if Luffy did decide he liked Crocodile/accepted him as his other dad... He'd probably keep on calling Crocodile some variation of "dad", even if he insisted that "Crocodile was fine"
Also worth noting that according to this SBS, if Croc did raise a child that child would use 父上 ("chichiue"), which is quite a formal way to call someone Father
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So that would be Crocodile's canon preferred term but god knows there'd be no way in hell he'd be able to convince Luffy to call him that, shit's way too formal for Luffy
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Actually, while we're on the topic of pets, what pets do you see the others with?
[Referencing this post!]
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I'll (slightly) cheat and condense everyone into their groups, then say "whatever animals fit the motif of their respective character/film". There's some notes for each boy as well, but not always in the most intense of details. (Please keep in mind that this is only covering the main 22 students from NRC!!) Heartslabyul already tends to hedgehogs and flamingos, so those could be common creatures to have as pets/familiars (especially among the card soldiers like Cater, Trey, Deuce, and Ace) Alternatively, there could be other animals from Alice in Wonderland such as cats (for the Cheshire Cat), oysters, living flowers, walruses, dormouses, rabbits/hares, etc. If we want to stray outside of the dorm motifs, a chameleon for Ace (since he has a talent for mimicking people)?? Cater with a fox because of how crafty he can be?? (I don't feel super strong on this choice.) Trey is Normal so a cat or a dog for him!! The dog could be useful for sniffing out special ingredients while a cat is fitting because Trey's VA also voices Lucius... And of course, Deuce deserves a chicken so it can lay many eggs! Riddle I see getting one of the standard pets because "it's the rule/tradition at Heartslabyul!" Uhhh, mostly savanna animals for Savanaclaw I guess?? But again, the same moral debate I mentioned in the original post still applies here. (Like, would it be weird for a lion/wolf/hyena beastman such as Leona/Jack/Ruggie to have a lion/wolf/hyena as a pet/familiar???) Octavinelle would have a lot of aquatic creatures as pets/familiars. I think the "perfect" pet/familiar to match Azul's image would be eels (to mimic Ursula). Not sure what Jade or Floyd would have (the JP fandom uses a dolphin and a shark emoji, respectively, to refer to them so maybe those)?? But since Jade is the informant for the group, I'm thinking something small and agile so he can send it to spy for him. (Plus, it could chill out in his terrariums for funsies later.) Floyd would have something more aggressive... Scarabia would have unconventional animals from all over Twisted Wonderland! Kalim is someone I see as having many animal friends, so I can't think of just one animal. Maybe a tiger (like Princess Jasmine)? But it's also fun to imagine Kalim riding in on a massive elephant! He was originally supposed to have a monkey familiar (like Aladdin), so I can easily see that happening as well. Jamil has a clearer desire for a specific animal companion, and that would be a parrot. I can also see a snake for... obvious reasons. Maybe a bug to really torment them. Peacock for Vil because he sits in a peacock throne and it has a majestic vibe. A crow or raven also works due to its association with the Evil Queen. Rook, like Kalim, is someone I see with a variety of animals and not a specific one. Whatever his pet/familiar is, it would probably be a skilled hunter. I'm thinking like some kind of predator bird like a hawk or falcon. Epel... nothing immediately comes to mind, but maybe something small and cute but tough like he is. Idia would want a kawaii widdle neko-chan (his words, not mine) to keep as a lap warmer while he aggressive games. Ortho is more of a dog person (yes, this is purely because of his Cerberus Gear card), though I picture him engaging with virtual pets and/or those cybernetic dogs more than like... actual animals. I think Lilia's bats already count as his pets, although they are rarely ever mentioned in dialogue. Silver, as a member of the light trio, is another person that I see with many animals (squirrels, deer, birds, rabbits, etc.). Sebek I feel would shout that every animal is inferior to Malleus and that no pet he has could ever match Malleus's, etc. etc. etc. He's usually associated with crocs, so I think many would gravitate to one as Sebek's pet??? I think it would be funny if his familiar was something small, cute, and kinda pathetic (like a chipmunk or something) so he acts all bashful about it... but hey, I think a horse (so he can ride proudly into combat) also works. Malleus I already covered in the original post linked above.
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luvyeni · 11 days
"who in stray kids would be the type to accidentally get someone pregnant but not want it AT FIRST"
Ok this is hard cause starting a family is a big step. With the way the fandom is growing (and slowly becoming toxic) and the boys schedules are busy...a child just may be an added hassle (not in a bad way. I'm just saying kids are a big step).
But the members that I feel fit are Chan, Han and I.N.
Chan: I mean come on he has a breeding kink (source: my delusional brain). So a pregnancy would have been an outcome (Plus an excuse to call this man Daddy...[slams all my chips on the counter] all in. But he's still the "insomniac with wide shoulders to carry the responsibilities of being the leader". He just doesn't think he could manage all of that right now. But then again a child being half him and half his partner...his heart just might explode. After the boys smacked some sense into him (and probably held his laptop hostage) they sent him home to be with his loving partner and their child. He would totally be a great dad ( I mean he already is with all his 7 chaotic kids 😂😂).
Han: our all-rounder and ace venturing into fatherhood. Poor baby would be anxious. He feels he could not handle looking after a child when he can't even handle his own mind. But ofc Lee Know would reassure him that he doesn't have to have it figured out right now...and that no matter what he'd always be there (look I'm a sucker for Lee Know and his forever soft spot for Hannie). Plus a child with his cute cheeks... he's sold. That child would be absolutely spoiled (especially by Lee Know). And let's send our prayers now cause puberty means mini predebut Han (Hyunjin is dreading this time the most). Lullaby? I think you mean diss tracks Han made 😂😂.
I.N: wdym Baby?? He is BABY 😂😂 I genuinely think he'd be worried that he's too young to start a family...that he's too clumsy and not responsible enough. Being I.N of stray kids and now Yang Jeongin the parent...a lot to take in. But he did want to become a teacher(In addition to being a priest) cause he loves kids. And now he created a mini him and his partner 🥰. That child would definitely be spoiled and doted on by their 7 uncles. You see how they treat I.N and now imagine a baby that looks like I.N....exactly.
I've gotten about 10 different answers since asking this with good reason why for each member and it has been helpful but unfortunately i am still faced with my dilemma because it's for a smau 😭
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henrioo · 5 months
Some One piece men and the names they would choose for their baby according to the voices in my head! (most are obvious names)
So this is just a joke and some hcs that cross my mind and I think oh I'm gonna write this down. I prefer some cannon names, like names in tribute to someone but some of the chars don't have that so you're gonna find both, cannon names and normal names that I think they would like to put in their children's
Most of the names I don't know explain why I think they would use them, but they would. Okay?
Luffy: Ace, Sabo (mostly pré time skip), Leo, Koda (Luffy reminds me of a lion so his son/daughter would have a name that also reminds that)
Zoro: Kuina (ofc), Mei (he thinks it's easy to remember), Yuta (why? Because I like how Roronoa Yuta sounds)
Sanji: Sora (I need to explain?) Nana (again because I think it would be cute a daddy Sanji saying nana-chan :3) Kenji (I think is cute both ends in Ji)
Kid: Victoria (guess why?) Kai (yep. He definitely did that like a joke because his name) Leo (yep again)
Killer: Victoria (wow who would imagine?) Lian, Gina
Law: Cora, Rosa, Rosi, Lami (I need to explain? I guess no) Isabella (I think Law likes fancy names) Diego (and Latino names because idk this man is latino coded for me)
Ace: Sabo (this is getting sad bro) Newgate (he definitely would nobody is gonna tell me the contrary) Rouge, Danna (is like a Dandan but a little modified) Ravi (I don't know why okay?)
Sabo: Ace (wow what a surprise!) Isaac (you can't look at Sabo and say that he would have a son called Isaac) Diana
Crocodile: Ophelia, Melody, Elizabeth (just old names for an old dad) Oliver, Julian
Doflamingo: Rosa (is literally pink in some language, I need to explain?!) (What? do you want a boy name? He wouldn't have a boy, he literally killed his father and his brothers What makes you think be would have a son and let him alive?)
Shanks: Calliope (DON'T ASK ANSWERS THAT I DON'T HAVE) Nora, Roman
Mihawk: Lilith (only because I want he calling his daughter as lily) Giovanni
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scorpioracha · 8 months
Channie’s Room
I might be projecting justttt a little bit 🤪 but I know I needed this college student comfort so maybe others did too. If you like what I wrote don’t be shy and like,comment or reblog because they make my world go round. I hope you enjoy! Pls validate me
-Just imagine going straight to Chan’s studio after a long day of classes. All you have to do is send that man a text saying you’re having a hard day and his studio is suddenly empty of all members, a silly little coincidence
He threatened each member not to barge in via their gc
-Seoul is a busy and overstimulating place as is any major city and you didn’t necessarily go to school very close to the JYP building so Channie keeps you entertained your entire public transit ride by sending you texts about what the kids were up to during the day or how Chaeryeong whooped Changbins ass for the third time that week
-anything really to keep your mind of your own stress
-he would never say it but with the whole Eldest™ he has going on you being stressed stresses him out because why is one of his people stressed???
-while making sure you’re calm and okay his mind is racing with every possible outcome for why you could be having a hard time. Period? Sick??? Professor troubles????
-by the time you arrived at the studio he already has a plan made up in his mind to sue the entire department you’re studying in—students and all🤡
-he would set you up all nice and comfy on the couch while doing the quickest checklist for possible injuries or mental distress
-homie is fluffing the pillows next to you like ‘hmmm no bruises🧠📝’
-he’s a worrier and he’s not ashamed of it
-he’s great at keeping it all in his head
-until your eyes get all glassy and you’re sniffling
- be ready for an interrogation🤡 what’s going on? Are you okay? Who did it? Was it that Professor? He never liked that fucking Professor—
-he’s got himself so worked up you couldn’t help but giggle through your tears and you spend the next few minutes calming him down. No one did anything. The Professor you have is lovely. You were just feeling overwhelmed with the workload and knew his studio was a safe place to be, because he was there. now you’ve got him blushing and stuttering and his ears are hot.
-after he gets over himself he turns on Serious Chan mode and is asking you if you’ve had food and water for the day, If you’re sleeping well,etc
-he wants to make sure you’re physically okay and that your urgent needs are met before he gets into the mental with you
-it’s okay if you cry because he’s there to wipe your tears and he’s asking you how long you’ve felt like this, are you seeing an professionals? Because he would drop everyone dollar to his last dime to make sure you’re alright inside and out
-not doing well in a subject? Boom, he somehow knows another idol who aced that subject back when they were in school. Not sleeping well? Wowie the pharmacy is only a ten minute walk away and they have melatonin. He knows you’re eating because he’s made it a habit of you guys sending pics of your meals to each other 1)because it’s fun and 2)he knows how busy life can get for both of you and it’s a good way to keep you accountable
-you better drink your goddamn water because he has no problem dragging your ass into a hospital and asking them to give you an IV
-once you’ve cried your eyes out practically and your head is clear Channie always has spare towels for you to wipe down your face and he’s looking at you with a big grin asking if you wanna try out a new chicken place with him
-you’re always welcome in Chan’s studio, it days like this reminded you how appreciated you are
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adam-sadmon · 7 months
So to supplement by last post wherein I made an Armored Core AC based around Makoto (and might do some more for the Thieves) it's alternatively funny to instead imagine AC's not built by design aesthetics or combat styles/characteristics of the Thieves but literally made BY the Thieves, so here's how I imagine each Thief would build their AC if sat down in front of Armored Core 6:
Ryuji: Easy. Tank legs, dual miniguns and dual missile launchers on the shoulders. He hasn't optimised it whatsoever and with a build like that honestly he doesn't need to, he's Tokyo drifting at mach 10 turning the atmosphere into 90% lead. He will absolutely drive Futaba insane over how stupid his build is and how terrifyingly effective it is, especially when he turns her fully optimised meta build into a tin can.
Futaba: Futaba is a Gamer TM, and a toxic meta-slave at that, so she's running dual Zimmermans and Songbirds, at least when she's playing online. She likes to challenge herself in the campaign (which she's played though about 10 times now) and loves to flex on the rest of the Thieves in the Arena, usually by only equipping a single bazooka and turning on manual aiming to practise her Quake/TF2 rockets. OH, and she has in fact bugged Yusuke into making some waifu decals for her which she stickerbombs her AC with.
Yusuke: At first Yusuke was literally just using the first AC you play as during the first mission of the game since he spent a 100% of his time creating decals and re-colouring his AC, until eventually he started changing the AC parts to compliment his decals and aesthetic, and finally he actually went into the test range to fight... So he could spend 110% of his time in photo mode.
Makoto: Makoto, much to the fear and surprise of Futaba, is ruthlessly efficient when it comes to her AC build and approaches weapon and part stats the way she would an exam, going out of her way to build an energy-weapon based medium-weight AC, having ran the numbers on the various energy generators and the sheer DPS on quad-pulse guns, and much to her surprise has even beat Futaba on multiple occasions, even against her meta-slave build. Though nobody knows and she wouldn't hasten to tell anybody Makoto has secretly spent an inordinate amount of time away from studying to make Buchimaru decals for when she plays alone in the campaign.
Ann: Having little frame of reference as far as mecha go Ann failed upwards, instead trying to emulate herself in the metaverse by running with dual Ludlow SMG's and even adding the whip-like plasma thrower to her build and, inspired by the sleek femme-fatale villainesses of her childhood shows, built herself especially light with reverse-joint legs, not for the added jump distance or decrease in weight but because they look like high heels. She has accidentally outed Makoto's dark secret by telling Mako-Chan that she and her should hang out and make some more Buchi emblems and makes Futaba question her existence when she victory dances after turning her AC into Swiss cheese.
Haru: As bloodthirsty in AC6 as she is in the Metaverse Haru gets noticeably too into Arena fights especially when landing a fully revved chainsaw or by going wide eyed and shallow-breathed when flying 300 metres up in the air on hovering tetrapod legs while raining down 40 missiles at once, usually on Ryuji who can't reach her with his stubby little tank legs and who refuses to change his AC. She's attempted to make a lighter weight, more aesthetically pleasing and eloquent AC's but says fuck it when she realises she can't equip the chainsaw without being overburdened.
Morgana: Morgana doesn't have thumbs, however when hanging around Futaba he backseats and has gotten her to make a gentlemanly, lightweight AC with quad-handguns painted all black and white to emulate his stylish masculinity, which he then got to see melted by Sulla. He hasn't even got to Balteus yet.
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fivedayslater · 1 year
Part 9: Stabbed
Dinner and a Murder: A Mr. Prince Mystery Masterpost
“...A knife,” Sanji says, gesturing towards the knife wound in his chest, “Judging by the angle, it would have been impossible for the wound to have been self-inflicted. The only explanation is that someone stabbed him.”
Everyone’s gaze shifts to Zoro.
“What?” He growls, his eye darting between all of them as Nami takes a few steps back, “Just because I have a knife doesn’t mean I killed him!”
“I’m not saying you did,” Sanji says as he exhales a stream of smoke, “I’m just saying what happened.”
“But, well,” Usopp pipes in from where he’s cowering behind Law, “You do have a knife…”
“That doesn’t mean I killed him!” He repeats, “There’s plenty of knives around! There’s a bunch in the kitchen, hell we each had one at dinner!” He points an accusing finger at the group, “All of you had access to a knife!”
“Can we see your knife?�� Sanji asks, as calmly and cooly as possible. The last thing he wants to do in an already tense situation is start pointing fingers and accusations, “So we can at least rule out the possibility?”
“Fine,” Zoro snaps, flipping back his suit jacket as he reaches for his knife.
Only his knife isn’t there. 
The sheath at his hip is empty, and Zoro looks more surprised than anyone at this turn of events.
He glances back at Sanji, face pale and eye wide, “I didn’t do it.”
“I’m not saying you did,” Sanji rubs his temple, “But with your knife missing, there’s a possibility that whoever did kill Ace used it.”
“So, like,” Nami shifts on her feet, glancing nervously between them, “whoever has Zoro’s knife did it?”
“Or maybe Zoro did do it and ditched his knife,” Usopp says, his grip tight on Law’s shoulders.”
Zoro growls as he glares daggers at him, making Usopp shudder and hide further behind Law.
“Enough!” Sanji snaps, quick to stop this in its tracks, “We’re not going to get anywhere by randomly accusing each other.”
“But someone did it,” Law says, his gaze slowly turning to Sanji, “That’s what you said right? That it was murder?”
Sanji takes a deep breath, filling his lungs with nicotine and exhaling slowly, “That’s what it’s looking like.”
“And we’re the only ones here,” Nami says, covering her mouth with a shaking hand, “So it had to be one of us.”
“No.” Luffy says, his words sure as he lowers his hat, throwing his eyes into shadow, “No, none of you could have killed Ace. I don’t believe it.”
Sanji takes another hit from his cigarette as he mulls it over, then turns back to Bon-Chan, “Is there any way someone could have gotten in during the blackout?”
“No,” they shake their head, eyes watery, “All the doors are locked, and with the weather this bad I can’t imagine anyone else making it all the way up here.”
“Just because you can’t imagine it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen,” Luffy says, tilting his hat back to look fully at them, “The doors were locked, but what about the windows?”
“Yeah, the windows,” Usopp nods as he finally comes out from behind Law, “Maybe someone broke a window and got in! Makes more sense than one of us.”
“We can certainly search the house and see if that’s the case,” Bon-Chan nods to the top of the stairs where the rest of the household staff is waiting.
“If you can, that would be helpful,” Sanji says, then adds, “And if one of you could call the police while you’re at it.”
“The police?” Zoro scoffs as the household staff runs off to do what was asked, “What do we need them for?”
Sanji gestures at the dead body.
“At the very least, to cover our bases,” he explains as Zoro huffs.
“It may take them a while to get here because of the weather,” Bon-Chan says, “But I’ll give them a call.”
With that, they follow the rest of the household staff away from the stairs.
Law watches them go, a deep frown cutting across his face, “What if it was one of the staff?”
“It’s not,” Luffy insists, “Ace and I trust them with our…”
He trails off, his angry gaze shifting to the ground.
“They were all together during the blackout,” Sanji waves the suspicions away as he finishes his cigarette, pocketing the butt, “Bon-Chan was the only one who left, and they were only gone long enough to turn the lights back on and come back.”
“So,” Law raises an eyebrow, “You are saying it was one of us?”
“I don’t know who it was,” Sanji glances back at Ace, and heaves a sigh, “Right now I just know who it wasn’t.”
“Well, it wasn’t us,” Usopp says as he comes to Sanji’s side, “We were together during the whole blackout.”
“Right,” Sanji nods his confirmation, his attention switching to the others, “So, I have to ask, where were you four during the blackout?”
They all glance away, looking anywhere but Sanji.
“I was getting a snack in the kitchen,” Luffy finally admits, his teeth clenched in frustration, “Iva was busy, so I figured no one would stop me.”
“I was trying to find the ballroom,” Zoro scoffs, “Not my fault the rooms in this house all shift around.”
“I was in the hall,” Nami says, her arms crossed in front of her, “I was on the phone with my sister, and that’s the best place to get cell service.”
“I was reading in the study,” Law says, “It’s the quietest spot in the entire house, so I knew I wouldn’t be disturbed there.” His gaze shifts to Nami, “Although I did stop in the hall for a moment to check on the umbrella situation. Just in case one of us had to go outside.”
“So, you and Nami saw each other during the blackout?” Sanji asks to confirm.
“It was after the lights went out,” Law shrugs, “So it was too dark to say for sure whether Nami was there or not.”
Nami’s eyes narrow as she glances at Law, “...Yes, it was too dark to see, but I did hear someone walking through the hall. That was probably Law.”
“Okay, not the best alibi, but it’s something,” he turns back to Zoro and Luffy, “What about you guys? Did you see anyone else? Or more importantly, did anyone see you?”
They remain silent, their gazes glued to the floor.
“So it was one of you guys,” Usopp gasps.
Sanji rubs his temple, “We won’t know for sure until the staff finishes searching the house, but as of right now-”
“Fuck that,” Zoro growls as he storms off.
“Wh-where are you going?” Usopp shouts after him, then turns to Sanji, “He can’t just leave, can he?”
“We should stay together,” Sanji says, but that only makes Zoro snort.
“My friend was murdered,” Zoro glares at him over his shoulder, “I’m not going to sit around being accused of it while the real killer is still out there. I’m gonna find them myself.”
With one last growl, he wanders off towards the billiard room.
“Yeah!” Luffy nods, punching his fist against the palm of his hand, looking more like himself since Ace’s body turned up, “I’ll prove to you I didn’t do it!”
Before anyone can stop him, he takes off towards the kitchen.
“That’s not a bad idea,” Law muses as he turns to go too, “If you don’t believe me, I’ll prove to you I’m innocent.”
With that, he heads for the study.
“Well, I’m staying right here,” Nami moves towards the stairs, but stops when she sees Ace’s body. She crosses her arms and glances back at Sanji, “Well, in the vicinity. I trust you enough to do your job and find the proof of my innocence, Mr. Prince.”
“Sounds good,” Usopp shoots him a thumbs up, “I’ll stay in the vicinity too.”
“We really should stay together,” Sanji sighs, his eyes darting between where the other three ran off to, “Since that’s not an option anymore, we’ll have to split up into pairs.”
“Great,” Usopp winds their arms together, “Since I know you’re not the killer, I’ll go with you.” 
Sanji shakes him off, “We’ll each have to go after one of the other three.”
“But,” Usopp whimpers, “What if one of them is the killer?”
“Well,” he places his hands on Usopp’s shoulders, “If your body does turn up, at least we’ll know who did it.”
Usopp groans, but Nami nods, “Fair enough. Which one do you want?”
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yuurei20 · 10 months
Short translation from Twisted Wonderland: the first novel
The Unbirthday Party
"‘Yuu-chan, we’ve been waiting for you!’
‘Oh, Cater-senpai—thank you for the gift!’ Yuuya points to his chest. The present he received via Ace and Deuce was a ribbon.
It is larger than the palm of his hand, alternating in the colors red and black. In the center is a heart-shaped brooch with a crown, shining bright. It is an adorable design, clearly crafted to match the Heartslabyul dorm uniform.
Yuuya wears it as a corsage on his uniform jacket, adding a touch of elegance to his all-black uniform.
'It suits you so well, Yuu-chan! What do you think? It's pretty cute, right? A masterpiece from your big bro ♪’
‘Yes, I really like it. And Grim is delighted.'
Instead of his usual striped ribbon, Grim’s magestone now dangles from a ribbon that matches Yuuya’s corsage, tied about his neck in a bow with a heart-shaped brooch on one end. Cater wastes no time getting a picture of the two in their matching ribbons.
‘Nyahaha! I've got another outfit now. Lookin’ cool, right?’
‘Sure does! Gri-chan looks great, too!’
‘Heh, I’m a great mage, so I can make anything look good,’ Grim boasts, shaking his head repeatedly as he flaunts his ribbon.
He has been like this ever since they set out from Ramshackle Dorm.
Yuuya thanks Cater once again—this time on behalf of Grim, for the ribbon that has so pleased him—and Cater smiles even brighter.
‘The crown part adds a special touch, right? Since we invited you to the Unbirthday Party I thought it'd be nice to give you both something that could be worn for a special occasion, so I went to Riddle-kun about it.’
‘What! Riddle-senpai? And then…what did he say?’
'He said, 'That’s a good idea,’ and even complimented Cay-kun’s sense of style ♪’
Yuuya never could have imagined Riddle approving of the gift, and Ace and Deuce look surprised as well.
Someone comes running from the edge of the venue, drowning out the murmurs of the crowd.
‘Our leader! The Crimson Sovereign!’
A white rabbit beastperson, standing beside a large arch, blows a trumpet.
In response to the resounding call, everyone stands up straight.
‘Behold, Housewarden Riddle arrives!’
‘All hail Housewarden Riddle!’
Amidst a swelling of applause and cheers, Riddle and Trey appear. Riddle may be somewhat thinner than before, but his steps are firm. It seems that the reports of his recovery were true.
However, unlike his dignified demeanor of before, he appears restless. He does not seem concerned about the eyes of the students upon him, but he keeps glancing from table to table.
‘…is he worrying about everything being prepared according to the Queen of Hearts' rules?’ Deuce whispers, and Ace frowns.
‘Ugh, seriously? Is he still hung up on all that?’
‘Now, now, change doesn’t happen all at once,’ Cater pats their shoulders. ‘But we missed painting a few of the roses this morning, and he forgave us for it—he even painted them with us. The strictness is still a problem, but his seriousness is one of Riddle-kun's good points, right? I know it, everyone knows it, and we just hope he will change at his own pace.’
Is Trey saying something similar?
Trey whispers in Riddle’s ear, and Riddle smiles in relief.
‘Well then, once again!,’ Cater declares. He must have figured out that the party would never start if no one were to take the lead, and cheerfully lifts his glass. ‘In celebration of no birthday in particular—?’ Cater and Trey look to Riddle, who swallows nervously.
Though he seems somewhat nervous, his voice rings out as clear as ever: ‘Cheers!’
The sound of glasses clinking can be heard all around.
‘Happy unbirthday!’
‘Happy unbirthday!’
Cheers of celebration echo beneath the clear sky. And it is not forced merriment, but sincere well-wishing that fills the air. The voices are warm and cheerful, inspiring sudden smiles in all who have gathered.
Grim does not stop eating for a moment, not even as Yuuya joins Ace and Deuce in making their way towards Riddle, taking Grim along.
‘…Yuu and Grim. You came, then,” Riddle says.
‘Yes. Well, for today, I…’
Thank you? Congratulations? Get well soon?
Uncertain of what to say, Yuuya looks to Grim for help. A slice of cake held fast between both front paws, Grim is wholly immersed in devouring it where he stands at Yuuya’s feet. Not having thought that Grim would simply ignore Riddle in favor of his food, Yuuya is taken aback.
‘Sorry,’ Yuuya moves to try and interrupt Grim, but before he has a chance, Riddle lets out a sigh.
‘Grim, you really shouldn't be so gluttonous,’ Riddle says, moving behind Grim and crouching down.
‘Here—it is to be worn like this. There is no point to your ribbon if you do not tie it properly.’
‘Thank you.’ Yuuya says, and Deuce mutters, ‘Our Housewarden, straightening Grim's ribbon…’
Yuuya is just as surprised. Riddle himself, going so far as to kneel for Grim.
And Grim's complete lack of interest only adds to the peculiarity of Riddle's meticulousness.
‘So, about that apology tart—how’d it turn out?’ Ace asks."
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lix-ables · 2 years
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jisung is out with his friends, so that means you're home alone right? right. though when you decide to tease him, pulling out one of his shirts from his closet, and wearing it — and nothing else underneath, maybe just a pair of his favorite panties, which would obviously come off later on. but your current thoughts were on how he was going to feel, and look when he was on top of you, his hips bucking into yours, thrusting into your cunt so deep that you want to cry out. yes, that's the thought in your head and you couldn't help but whine out loud once. maybe even twice when you lay you lay yourself on the bed, legs slightly apart, the shirt riding up your stomach and staying there.
a sigh leaves your lips when you pick up the polaroid camera from your side - the one that was gifted by jisung on your birthday, for obvious reasons - angling it in such a way that it shows most of your body, before pressing the shutter button and waiting for the photo to be ready. your eyes gleam when you take out the photo and set it on the bed, being proud of how it looks. that was just the beginning.
after taking a couple of other photos on your phone, you open jisung's chat, selecting the photos you want to send to him, your fingers itching with excitement. < just something small till you get home <3 > you send, watching the messages getting delivered to your boyfriend, and you get an immediate response from him.
jisung: i hope you can hear me sighing
jisung: because that's what im doing right now
jisung: always love teasing me when im out hmm?
jisung: especially when im with my friends?
jisung: you just want chan to see dont you?
jisung: with those pretty nips peeking out from under there?
jisung: gets you wet doesnt it? you just imagining my reaction to these
it's the caller ID that gets you to flinch - out of excitement, of course, when you pick the call up, and you can hear him breathing on the other side, but also another voice, rather a chuckle. probably from chan, which makes you shut your eyes.
"you love acting like a slut don't you baby? you just love teasing me when im out, just so you can get fucked when im home. if you're so needy, just tell me," jisung sighs, and you can imagine him raking his fingers through his messy hair, wishing how your fingers were the ones tugging on those strands. "and to send it when chan is right next to me? you want to show him just how desperate you are, is that what this is? or are your toys and my cock not enough for you, that you want something else to fill you up?"
"didn't say that," you whine out, your thighs pressing together at his words. "well, you didn't have to, doll. you forget every time, that i know you better than you know yourself," jisung replies, and you can hear another voice speak up next to him, but it was muffled. "you know what, bun? you're lucky im in a good mood today, and well, you can show what a good slut you can be right? chan is going to like that."
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note. was super super rushed but happy birthday to our ace boi ‹3
taglist. @hwajin @starlostseungmin  @chrisbahng @niinjo @chvnnie @lixhues @joonszn @janvibutbetter @cherryhanji @blueberry-chan @dnadoublefelixx @ethereallino @stuckwithaphobiaa @chewryy @bangchanbabygirlx @zizis-world12 @aimeexx @whatudowhennooneseesyou @seobinniesshi @nightlychans @americanokisses @katieraven @h0neydewmoon @hwan-g
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