#ace cream
gatorasmus · 2 years
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who need sex when we can have ice cream :D
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it-couldbe-worse · 1 month
Ace Cream!
I lost the post! BUT! I saw a post about "Ace Cream", it was a little drawing of an ice cream cone in ace colors where the grey flavor was jokingly "concrete" but I just had to know, could someone make an ace cream cone? What is "grey" ice cream flavor? So, here we are, my collection for ace cream! I tried to get the best color matches I could.
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Since vegan recipes popped up for black and grey, I searched specifically for the same for the white and purple for our vegan ace friends to enjoy, too! (l checked in the recipes myself but I am not vegan myself, so please let me know if anything in these needs an asterisk or warning)
I also tried to avoid the activated charcoal recipes as I've gotten mixed messages about the health of ingesting it and I'm not a doctor 😵‍💫
Ice Cream Recipe Links
Black stripe: Black cocoa
Grey stripe: Black sesame
White stripe: Vanilla
Purple stripe: Blueberry
Hope I did well! Enjoy!
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yukipri · 5 months
We had the first big snow of this winter yesterday! So I had to bring some in for the Boys.
Ace has always loved snow (though it didn't snow enough last year to stick), but the baby Cream Puffs (Cody and Rex) were born this past spring, so this is their first time seeing it at all! They don't know how they feel yet ^ ^;
Cats tag: #YukiPriASLKittens
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votaeto · 7 months
saw it on twt and I just wanna do it here too!
Reblog with ur taste in men!
doesn’t have to be anime
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I like my men depressed (I like them better when they have something to live for too 🥰)
I like when they show their forehead (for yuuji maybe sukuna mode lol), is a sunshine, baby, deserve rest and love, cutest smiles, foreheads, is sweet and gentle, have feral side idk and omfg I wanna suck all of them-
tag (everyone who wants to join can join too!) @downforsanji @stephisokay @anemptypuddingcup @gojo-mochi @acesgf @hauntedhearthowl @milkzoro
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creamsickle-writes · 11 months
Waiting in the Wings: Portgas D. Ace x F!Reader
Tags: nsfw, ModernAU, friends to lovers, oral (specifically face sitting), penetrative sex, creampie, and dirty talk
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You felt humiliated.
Your stupid date just had to ditch you right before your night out. You had gotten all dressed up and put your makeup on; you even did your hair a particular way, only for him to say he couldn’t make it an hour before the outing.
This was so stupid.
You kept repeating that to yourself over and over as you scrubbed off your makeup, tied your hair back, and changed out of that lovely dress you were wearing.
This was frustrating; you didn’t even like the guy that much, yet he thought he could stand you up? You knew you could do much better and still decided to accept his date proposal anyway.
As you settled into your pajamas and were looking for takeout to supplement the nice dinner you were supposed to have, your phone rang. Your eyes focused on the name at the top.
Ace was your best friend. He always had been, and, honestly, you really wished you were going out with him instead. 
But you didn’t want to mess up your relationship, so you’ve been trying to find someone else. 
It felt weird going to him about relationship stuff, but you were trying to push past that feeling; you had to start treating him like a friend, not a potential partner. So, you decided to vent to him like a friend would. You quickly wiped away the tears you didn’t realize had started to form.
You answered the phone with the camera tilted towards your bed frame and the wall above it. You could see his video feed, though; he was lying in bed too, only the upper half of his face showing, his eyes wide with excitement.
“You’ll never guess what I found at-” He stopped himself before asking, “Hey, what are you doing in bed? Aren’t you supposed to be getting ready for that date?”
“Not anymore,” You sighed, “The guy canceled on me.”
Ace blinked a few times before angling the camera downwards so it showed his whole face, his face screwed up in a confused expression, “What? Did he say why?”
You shook your head, “He just suddenly said something came up. Didn’t even bother saying he wanted to reschedule for another date or anything-“
Ace clicked his tongue, “That’s rude-“
You hummed and nodded slowly, agreeing with him. 
And you made the mistake of sniffling. 
Ace sat up at the sound, furrowing his brow, “Are you crying?”
Despite your embarrassment, you angled the camera down so he could see your puffy red eyes and wet cheeks, “Just a little..”
Silence hung in the air for a moment.
“Hey, tell you what,” Ace said after a while, “Let’s hang out tonight, okay? You, me, and some pizza. Sound cool?”
You nodded and spoke up, your voice wavering, “Thanks, Ace. You always know just what to say.”
He laughed a bit, “Hey, what are buds for, right?”
Your heart broke at those words.
Buds. Friends. Pals.
He always used those words to describe you guys.
It was clear he would never feel anything more for you. 
The thought made you feel conflicted; Sure, you had him as a great friend- Look at what he was doing now, buying you dinner and giving you a shoulder to cry on, but you wanted more than this, and the fact that you knew it would never be more only made you more upset.
But you wouldn’t think about that now; you decided that, for the moment, you should just be grateful that he’s in your life at all.
 “I’ll be over with the pizza in half an hour, okay?”
Ace eventually knocks at your door, and you answer, dressed in a t-shirt and pajama pants. Your eyes are still a bit swollen, but fortunately, your tears are no longer flowing.
Ace smiles a bit, “Hey, sorry about your date. Buttttt…”
He presents the pizza with a flourish, “Ta-da.”
You laugh a bit at his gift and showy display. 
“Thanks, just put it on the table.”
Ace takes the familiar route to your living room and places the pizza on the coffee table in front of the couch. He plops on the sofa and leans back, placing his hat on the table.
“So, how you holding up?” Ace asks, looking up at you as you sit on the other end of the couch, leaving space between you both.
“I’m alright,” You sigh, leaning back into the couch cushions.
He raises an eyebrow, some silence occupying the room before he speaks, “It’s okay to not be okay, you know…”
Your lips form a thin line as you think his words over. He was right; if there was anyone you could talk about this with, it was him. Tentatively, you begin to speak.
“I know, it’s just…” you sigh again, “You know this isn’t the first time someone I was supposed to meet canceled on me…”
He nods, his words apologetic, “Yeah, I know…”
“And it’s not even like I really liked him that much or anything, so I’m not really crying over him.” You start, annoyance and frustration in your voice.
Ace nods in understanding.
 “I’m just starting to think that, I don’t know, maybe there’s something wrong with me? Maybe they think I’m boring to talk to over text?” You shake your head and look down at your hands on your lap, “Or maybe they look at my photos again and realize I’m really ugly…”
Ace clears his throat, and you look up at him. 
“For what it’s worth, I don’t think you’re boring… or ugly at all.”
You smile softly, your heart racing, “Thanks, Ace…”
Ace smiles, and you notice his eyes comb through the room, looking for a way to change the topic. When his eyes land on the remote, his face lights up.
“Here,” Ace picks up the remote, “Let’s throw something on to take your mind off it. Trashy reality TV always takes people’s minds off their problems, right?”
You snort, “What?”
He shrugs lightheartedly, “I don’t know, I just know people eat this stuff up! Let’s throw on something that looks really bad for fun.”
You giggle as he turns on the TV, navigating to your favorite streaming app. He hums as he scrolls through the menus, eventually settling on something that looks absolutely horrible.
It’s perfect.
You kind of pay attention for the first fifteen or twenty minutes, but you and Ace are talking over the whole thing, commenting on the contestants and the stupid plot of the show. Eventually, your combined commentary goes off track when one of the male contestants says something a bit too forward to another. You momentarily tear your eyes from the television to give a snide remark.
“God, these people act like they’ve never had sex before,” You snort, “It’s the first day, and they’re already trying to fuck each other.”
Ace snickers along with you, his eyes still glued to the tv, “I mean, maybe they hadn’t gotten laid in a while?”
“I’ve been going months without dick, and you don’t see me acting up- “
That catches his attention.
He turns his head towards you and blinks a few times as if surprised, “Wait, you’re serious? It’s been months?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“Damn,” Ace says, something unreadable in his expression, “I mean, was the last time at least good?”
Your face heats up, “Uh, well, he didn’t go down on me and lasted, like, two minutes, so…”
Ace looks shocked, stunned even at your confession, “He didn’t eat you out? Like, at all?”
You feel your body grow hot, and you shake your head. You never thought you would talk to Ace about your sexual encounters with other people like this. 
Ace chuckles before speaking, “Goddamn, if I was in bed with you, I would’ve eaten the fuck out of that-“
His face immediately goes bright red, “I-I mean, with a girl like you, not you!”
“U-Uh, right-” You cough awkwardly.
He abruptly stops talking, and the only sound in the room is of some women arguing on television. Ace looks away from you and tries to get back into the show. But as you turn to look back at the television, you occasionally peek at him from the corner of your eye. Ace is shifting uncomfortably in his seat, and you can tell he’s embarrassed about what he just said.
Under normal circumstances, you’d drop the subject, but after tonight, after dealing with shitty guy after shitty guy, you weren’t going to let the man you actually wanted get away.
 “I mean, I wouldn’t be mad if you wanted to do it with me.”
That gets Ace’s attention.
“W-Well,” You clear your throat, “The way you said it, it sounded like you wanted to do it with me, so I figured I’d, uh, offer… Let you know I’d be up for it.”
Ace turns, offering you his full attention now, “N-No, that’s not right. You’re all messed up about this dating thing. I’d be such a piece of shit to take advantage of-”
Your ears twitch at his phrasing. It sounds like he really did want you. You weren’t going to back off now, not when what you’ve fantasized about for so long was within reach.
Suddenly, in an act of boldness, you begin to crawl toward the dark-haired man. He backs up until his lower back hits the couch’s armrest. He gulps as he looks down at you, his face turning a soft shade of pink.
“You wouldn’t be taking advantage of me…” 
“You’re not… thinking straight…” he swallows thickly, strictly keeping his hands at his sides.
“Ace,” You start, your lips moving on their own before your brain can catch up or stop you, “I’ve always wanted you… I just didn’t want to mess up everything..”
Ace’s eyes bulge as wide as saucers as he looks down at you, your confession continuing, “I started going on stupid dating apps and stuff to try and get over my crush on you but, fuck, it just isn’t working. None of those guys compare to you.”
You crawl even closer, moving so that your lips are dangerously close to his, “I still just want you… A-And I know I avoided saying all this because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship, but I can’t keep pretending like… like I’m not in love with you.”
Your face feels hot as you realize you have confessed your love for him. You’re terrified that you’ve scared him off, that maybe he only wanted to hook up with you casually or as a one-time thing to satisfy his curiosity. 
But you know he feels the same as you do when he closes the gap without another word.
Your lips press against each other’s, and a gasp escapes you as he snakes his hands over your hips, his warm palms resting comfortably on your body.
You sigh happily into his lips as he licks over your bottom lip, politely asking for permission to taste you. You part your lips and introduce your tongue to his, the wet appendages dancing. 
When he pulls away, he laughs softly, “You have no idea how long I wanted to do that…”
“You have no idea how long I dreamed of you doing that…”
“I guess we should make up for lost time then…”
He pulls you into his lap and kisses you again, his hands trailing over your ass and squeezing it firmly. You gasp at his boldness. As you two continue to kiss, you feel his cock hardening beneath you and blush softly at how excited he is for you. 
“Fuck, I-” He breathes shakily, “Can I be real for a second?”
“Go ahead,” You laugh, “Tell me what you’re thinking..”
Ace places his hands on your hips as he looks up at you, his face bright red. 
“I know we literally just confessed to each other, but, ah,” He stutters a bit, “I really wanna fuck you right now- And I know that’s not, like, romantic or anything, but I really wanna be inside you.”
You look back at him, your face burning hot at his honesty.
Before you can respond, he starts babbling, “Uh, but, y’know, it’s cool if you wanna take things slow! We can just pretend I never said that and-”
You grab him by his shoulders and kiss him deeply. And as quickly as the two of you come together, you part. 
“Did you forget how this all started?” You giggle before lowering your voice to a whisper, “I want you to fuck me.”
Ace smiles and captures your lips yet again. The kiss is passionate and maybe a bit sloppy, but you both have been yearning for each other’s touch for so long that it doesn’t matter. But as soon as things start to get a bit more heated, Ace pulls himself away.
“Oh shit, wait.” Ace curses, “I don’t have any condoms or anything on me-”
“Don’t worry about that,” You giggle, “I’m on birth control, so we’re good.”
“Oh, thank god,” He sighs in relief, but you can see the gears turning in his head before he speaks again, “Does that mean I can…?”
“Cum inside me?” You snort.
He blushes a vibrant red, “Y-Yeah.”
You smirk and lean forward, whispering in his ear, “Only if you promise to fill me up real nice…”
“Fuck,” He breathes shakily, “I promise. Hell, I’ll pinky promise-”
“I’ll hold you to it,” You grin, extending your pinky before he takes it with his own, sealing the deal.
You giggle before pressing a kiss to his lips, your kisses soon trailing down to his neck. You suck gently on the skin, surely leaving marks behind. 
Soon you’re tugging on the hem of his shirt, and he gets the message, pulling it over his head. With his torso newly exposed, you kiss and nip at his chest, sliding your tongue over his nipples just to see if they’re sensitive. He groans and calls your name so sweetly, making your heart swell with pride; he is so vocal and all just for you. After playing with his tender nipples for a bit, you decide to chart the rest of his body; after all, there is much more to explore. You eventually reach his stomach, your lips grazing over his dark happy trail. Ace bites his lip as your lips are mere centimeters away from his cock, the only thing separating your lips from his shaft being a few layers of clothing.
With eager fingers, you reach to unbutton his shorts. He lifts his hips so you can slide them down along with his underwear. His cock is dark red, precum leaking desperately from his tip. 
“Looks like you could use some attention, hm?” You giggle, wrapping a hand around him and stroking slowly. 
He reaches out a hand, stopping your movements, “No, wait-”
Your brows raise, and he continues, “This whole thing has been you taking care of me so far, and you said last time you had sex, he didn’t even go down on you, so let me take care of you…”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive.” He grins, “Just take your clothes off and climb up here…”
Your face blushes at the implication, “You want me to sit on your face?”
His smile only widens, “Is that a problem?”
You shake your head and begin to peel your clothes off your body. Soon you’re before him, completely nude, just as he is. You notice his dick twitch as you crawl forward, and you laugh at how honest his body is.
With your hips positioned over his face, your pussy terribly close to his lips, you announce, “Okay, I’m ready.”
“You need to get lower, sweetheart.” Ace laughs, and your heart throbs at the nickname.
You lower yourself even further, but Ace doesn’t seem satisfied, “You’re still hovering. You gotta actually sit on my face-”
“Won’t it be hard to breathe..?”
“Hey, if I go out like this, I’ll die a happy man.” Ace chuckles before grabbing your hips, “So c’mon, just sit down, okay?”
You hesitate for a second, but after taking a deep breath, you sit on his face, your pussy pressed against his lips.
Ace groans loudly as you do so, immediately getting to work. He kisses your clit a few times before his tongue darts out, swiping over it. You jump a bit, lifting your hips off his face accidentally. You’re about to apologize and lower yourself back down, but Ace beats you to the punch, gripping your ass and forcing your cunt back onto his lips with a growl. He eats you out like a man possessed, slobbering all over your clit and sucking on it greedily. You were starting to think he asked to do this not just because he felt sympathetic but because he would enjoy it so much.
You sigh as you feel his tongue press penetrate your hole, the warm, flexible appendage feeling incredible inside you. Ace’s hands squeeze your ass, firmly keeping you in place despite how you squirm and squeal. You look down below as Ace has his eyes closed, his brow furrowed in concentration as he focuses on making you feel good. You bite your lip and reach up to squeeze your breasts, rocking your hips against his tongue.
He pulls his tongue out for a moment to murmur, “That’s it, baby, use my tongue however feels good…”
His voice is husky and deep, sending a shudder through you; his words of encouragement light up your core, and you’re bolder with your movements now, rocking your hips shamelessly. 
As Ace speeds up his pace, your legs begin to shake. He chuckles into your mound, moving his hands to your thighs as if to reassure you that everything is okay and that he wants you to just let go. 
“Ace…” You whine, “I-I’m so close.”
Your chest grows tight as you hold your breath, your hips speeding up to shoot yourself over the edge. Ace grips your thighs even tighter, trying to stay close to you. 
Soon you’re squealing as your orgasm washes over you, Ace still sucking and licking your clit as you ride the intense wave. Your toes curl, and your back arches as you wiggle your hips, trying to get as much friction as possible.
As the feelings of pleasure fade, you move down from his mouth, straddling his waist. You notice his cock is even flushed scarlet now, the angry-looking shaft throbbing and twitching like crazy. 
“That was so hot, you don’t even know.” He says, wiping his mouth clean with the back of his hand.
You giggle and reach down to stroke his cock, coaxing precum out of the swollen tip, “Was it as good as you thought it would be?”
“Hell yeah,” He smirks, “I’d eat your pussy all day if you’d let me-”
“Maybe another day, because now…” You hum, “Now it’s your turn to cum…”
Ace’s dark eyes sparkle and flicker with anticipation as you lay on your back, spreading your legs wide, “Come on and fill me up… Remember, you promised~”
Ace licks his lips as he hovers above you, one hand holding the base of his cock as the other supports his weight. He rubs his head over your sensitive clit a few times, his warm precum dribbling onto it.
When he pushes in, there’s hardly any resistance at all. Your pussy greedily sucks him in, clenching and squeezing around him tight. He groans and lowers his head, his dark curls falling in his face as he is lost in the initial penetration. 
“Start slow,” You laugh, “Like I said, it’s been a while.”
“Yeah,” He nods, “Don’t worry, I got you, sweetheart…”
He rocks his hips slowly, pulling almost all the way out before sliding back inside to the base each and every time. His movements are smooth, fluid, as he takes his time and focuses on being gentle.
You sigh happily as he makes you feel good. You can’t help but look between your legs and watch as his cock slides in and out of you. You like seeing his swollen cock leave, but you also love watching it plunge back inside. 
After a short while, you begin to grow antsy; this felt nice, but you wanted him to go faster, to fuck you harder.
“Ace…” You whine sweetly, and he practically reads your mind.
“You want me to speed things up?”
You nod, and he kisses you again before leaning back and lifting your hips, angling his thrusts so they hit your g-spot. His hips work faster now, his gaze glued to where your bodies repeatedly meet. You moan out his name, and your hands ball into fists as you’re overwhelmed by the pleasure.
Ace notices and leans forward, his face inches from yours as he teases you, “Am I fucking you right, baby? Do you feel good?”
You nod dumbly and reach for his shoulders, digging your nails into his skin. 
“Aw, you gotta say it,” He coos, his confidence at an all-time high, “Say exactly how you feel, sweetheart.”
“It feels so good-” You gasp, “Please, don’t stop-!”
He licks his lips, and his voice rasps, “How can I say no when you beg so pretty, huh?”
Ace leans forward and kisses you deeply, your tongues sliding against each other as you moan together. Your hands find his dark hair and use it to pull him closer, wanting him to be as close as he possibly can be to you.
Your lips part, and Ace takes your legs, pushing them as far as they can go to make a complete mess of you. The new angle makes him hit deeper, your toes curling in delight. Your breathing becomes labored as he fucks into you hard; the rough, harsh thrusts will definitely bruise your insides, but it feels so good that you don’t even care. 
“Oh my god,” his voice drips with lust, “You’re squeezing me so tight. I can feel your pussy sucking me in; it feels so fucking good-”
You whimper as his thrusts jostle you, your nails digging into his back as you desperately try to ground yourself. He pounds into you like it’s the last time he’ll ever experience such pleasure, his eyes hooded as he watches you writhe and moan. 
His own sounds grow louder, his moans and whimpers filling the room as he fucks you. Each powerful thrust leaves you breathless, and with every desperate call of your name and curse that he utters, you feel your core lighting up even brighter.
Soon the pressure becomes unbearable.
“A-Ace, I’m gonna cum-” You gasp.
“I can feel it, baby,” he rasps out, “You’re so fucking close- you can do it-”
He grits his teeth and works himself in and out of you with renewed vigor as if your words were an enchantment. He huffs and moans shamelessly, his cock twitching and throbbing within you.
“Come on,” he urges, “Cum for me- cum all over my cock-!”
His pleas reach your ears, and it causes a glorious orgasm to emerge from within you. Stars dance across your vision as you let out a shaky moan, your juices coating his thick shaft.
He watches your face as he now focuses on chasing his high, his thrusts growing sloppy and erratic. He grunts, “Fuck, you’re so good- you’re gonna make me cum…!”
As soon as he says it, his hips still, and you feel him fill you up with his cum. He groans loudly as shot after shot fills your cunt, the sticky cream stuffing you full. Your legs quiver as he lowers them gently, keeping them spread as he slowly fucks his essence into you.
He lets out a shaky breath before pulling out, the cum leaking out of your hole despite his efforts to keep it inside. 
His eyes dart to your face before he grabs you, pulling you on top of him as he flops onto his back. Ace kisses you softly, his hands finding your hips and circling the flesh with his thumbs. 
He hums softly as he pulls away from your lips, “I love you…”
Your eyes widen in surprise and his in realization.
He quickly stumbles, “Uh- shit- sorry- that was probably too soon to say that-“
You smile, pressing a finger to his lips, “Don’t you remember? I already said that earlier.”
“You said you were in love with me, not that you loved me. I feel like that’s different-”
“Shut up, you’re overthinking it,” you laugh, “We both love each other, okay?”
Ace lets out a relieved sigh and hugs you tight, kissing your cheek. A soft giggle leaves your lips as you see how he stares at you with admiration and love. 
“But you know, if we both love each other,” he chuckles, “You’re gonna have to delete your profiles off those dating apps now.”
“Way ahead of you.”
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restlessrice · 8 months
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Hot weather
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sunsunsweetie · 10 months
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I think I bought a wrong Sonic game🧎‍♂️
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He has a new job rn
828 notes · View notes
onlyvalid · 1 month
she's actually trying and god does she look GOOD !!!
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224 notes · View notes
Dick: Are. you. serious?!
Damian: It was the only option!
Dick: THE ONLY- I need a second
Damian: I-
Dick: NO! I. need. a second!
Roy: Great, cause I'm raring to go!
Roy, turning to Emiko: What in the fresh hell were you thinking?!
Emiko: I don't have to explain myself to you
Roy: Acting tough for a girl who knows I have Dinah on speed dial
Emiko: Pull your phone out and you'll have some broken fingers to match your broken phone
Roy: Oh yeah? Well-
Dick: Okay! I'm calm! Let's just apologize to each other and have a calm discussion about-
Damian: I'm not sorry
Dick: I am no longer calm. Wally! Sub in!
Wally: What? Oh. Um sure
Wally: Ace! How dare you! I... am very mad. At you.
Ace: Uh, yeah! Yeah! I'm also mad, very mad, and now I'm going to argue! Because you... You don't listen to me!
Wally: And you don't listen to me!! So now I'm goING TO YELL ABOUT IT!
Wally and Ace: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Roy: ... what the fuck
Dick: Oh my g- You two know that you don't have to pretend to argue to make us feel better, right?
Wally: We just didn't want to rub it in
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unepersonnelouche · 5 months
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I haven’t had a sonic phase in a while, but the sonic prime season 3 and sonadow content is making me miss them
Might watch season 2 and 3 when I eventually lose interest in ace attorney
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zu-is-here · 8 months
Dream what do you like more your husband cross or peppermint candy?
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fettiowi · 1 year
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I have a new fixation and im gonna make it everyone else's problem
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xamaxenta · 2 months
Hmm Womb tattoo
Succubus ace sent to seduce and corrupt father marco
He hadn’t expected that the good priest to bend him over the altar. Or the feathers to burst into life around the blondes face.
Ace whispers as the fake father of the cloth, traces his womb tattoo. Eyes going nearly black. His tattoo glows under the touch of the ancient being.
“Did you know.” Marco whispers, he’s all the way in barely moving and ace almost sobs. “I used to be known as a fertility god.”
He moves ace like a ragdoll, “truth is I haven’t ever tried to breed anyone.” He says conversationally, like his knot isn’t just on the edge of pressing into aces cervix.
Ace moans like a wanton whore and marco laughs not unkindly. “Tell me Pretty thing, would you like to be the first?”
Something cum drunk ace staggering back home with a bulging tummy.
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Succubus Ace is always living rent free in my horny little brain and that he was sent to corrupt the good father but HES AN ANCIENT GOD OF FERTILITY RRRRR
Moving Ace about like a fucktoy a doll for his own pleasure as he pleases does he change size? 👀👀👀 does he enhance all his… breeding qualities when he touches Ace’s womb and the tattoo ?
Ace unable to do anything but take his cock and the knot thereafter which he does so beautifully because he was made for this the cock is stuffing him all the way up into his lungs and theres still the knot forcing its way into his tender little cervix!!!!
Cum drunk succubus Ace staggering out of his altar and church leaving a gooey trail behind he will be back Marco will have made sure of that :3c
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collageofnudes · 2 months
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Nancy Anastasia (Nancy Ace , Nancy A) & Eva Elfie in Easy Breezy Beautiful by Slayed
part 4 / 4 (part 1 , part 2 , part 3)
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boobgoogler · 3 months
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klavier is a project sekai addict capcom told me (truth) and I just KNOWWWW apollo picks at his lips when he's working hard on som shit... aka... afflicting klapollo with mo'isms
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creamsickle-writes · 1 year
A Thing or Two: Ace x F!Reader x Luffy
Tags: nsfw, Luffy and Ace interact in a not safe for work context (Ace teaches Luffy how to have sex and guides him to Reader's entrance during the fic), oral sex, penetrative sex, creampies, and light dirty talk
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Ace noticed how his little brother stared at you.
As you danced in the middle of the ship’s deck, Luffy had his eyes glued to you the entire time; his eyes raked over your figure, his gaze shamelessly glued to your hips as you shook them. He would occasionally reach towards the table of food behind him, eating here and there. 
Ace cracked a smile; it had been a long time since he reunited with his brother. After his two years of training, it seemed he’d certainly grown up in more ways than one. After all, he had never seen Luffy so interested in women before. 
Ace approached his brother, placing a hand on his shoulder, a grin on his face.
“She’s a looker, isn’t she?”
“Huh?” Luffy looked up at his brother.
“The girl you’ve been eyeing all night,” Ace laughed, cocking his head in your direction.
Luffy blushed slightly and turned back to the buffet table, stuffing his face with anything and everything. 
“Don’t know what you’re talking about, Ace.” 
“You don’t have to deny it, you know.” Ace chuckled, “Not like you to be shy.”
Luffy grumbled as he ate his meat, barely chewing before swallowing it all, “Not being shy, don’t like her like that. She’s just a friend.”
Ace raises a brow, “Then surely you don’t mind me talking to her, do you?”
Ace stiffens when Luffy looks up at him, his eyes filled with almost murderous intent. Ace laughed and raised his hands, trying to calm the younger man, “Easy, Luffy. Was only teasing.”
“Good!” Luffy pouted, “’Cause she’s mine, and you can’t have her!”
“Thought you didn’t like her like that?” Ace teased, and Luffy just crossed his arms in defiance. 
“Well, maybe I lied!” 
Ace laughed and rolled his eyes playfully, “Why don’t you talk to her? I saw her staring at you a few times tonight.”
“Really?!” Luffy bounced off the walls, looking at you as you danced amongst your crewmates. 
Luffy immediately dashed towards you, striking up conversation rather quickly. Ace only laughed. That was his brother, for sure.
He watched on, seeing you both talk happily. 
A few months later, Ace reunites with his brother again, and yet again, another fantastic party is thrown. 
This crew really liked any excuse to party, Ace finds out quickly.
And this time, when he sees his brother, he’s dancing with you instead of just ogling you from afar. Ace smiles, glad he was part of why you two eventually ended up together. 
As the party goes on, you eventually leave the dance floor and make your way to Ace. To his surprise, you ask if you can speak with him in private. He gives a shrug and decides, sure, he can step away for a bit.
When you reach the kitchen, you sit down, and Ace sits beside you.
“Hey, um,” you start, nervously laughing, “I know this is weird, but… but do you know Luffy is into?”
“Into?” Ace squints, leaning back in his chair.
He doesn’t miss how your cheeks flush, “Well, it’s just that… I’ve tried dropping hints to Luffy that I want to, um, take our relationship further, but I don’t think he’s noticed?”
Ace cracks a smile.
You wanted to know how to turn Luffy on.
“Not sure,” he shrugs, “I’d imagine you’d have to be very blunt with him, though.”
You only nod, leaning in to capture every word from Ace’s lips.
“Just don’t dance around it. Say how you feel.”
“Okay.” You then clear your throat, “And um, I just wanted to ask um….”
Ace sits up, your tone seeming to change with this new topic. You sounded meeker, even more shy, as you talked.
“I’m not very experienced, so… I-I don’t know much about pleasing others like that… do you think you could, um, give me some tips before you leave?”
Ace’s eyes widened before you quickly added, “You don’t have to, though! I’m sorry, this is probably really inappropriate!”
Ace only laughs, patting your shoulder, “It’s nothing to worry about! I can probably give you some pointers before I head off.”
Now Ace is blushing because, well, it sounded like he was going to physically show you. But he swore that wasn’t his intention; he would only verbally communicate with you.
At least, that’s what the plan was.
You sigh before brushing off your skirt, “Thanks, Ace; I’m sorry this was so terribly awkward.”
“Not at all.”
The flame man watches as you get up from your seat and make your way to the kitchen door, offering a short farewell before leaving.
At that moment, when the door closes, he notices a bit of straw peeking out from behind the kitchen counter. Ace smiles softly; looks like his interaction with you had an observer.
“Luffy,” Ace calls, and immediately the straw hat ducks under the counter, “I know you’re here.”
Ace gets up from his seat and walks behind the counter, spotting the young man crouched by the floor. 
Ace kneels beside him, “Looks like your girl wants you to make a move.”
Luffy hums, “Don’t know how.”
“I wanna do it with her, but… I don’t know what girls like.”
Ace offers a small laugh, “Looks like you’re both too scared of being inexperienced to get the ball rolling.”
“’m not scared!” Luffy retorts, “Just… wanna make sure she feels good.”
Ace gives a smile out of pity for his brother. He had never seen him be self-conscious before. He always seemed to rush in, to charge ahead without thinking, but it seemed like you meant a lot to him, and he didn’t want to mess up.
“Want you to show us, Ace. Please?”
Ace turns beet red at that and stumbles backward, landing on his ass.
“C-Come on, Luffy, I can’t do that-“
“Why not?”
“I mean, it’d be weird. We’re brothers, you know? I don’t think-“
Ace sighed, “Luffy-“
“Besides, we aren’t, um,” Luffy thinks momentarily to find his words, “Blood-related! Or even married-related!”
Ace chewed the inside of his mouth. That was a fair point; there would really be nothing incestuous about this possible encounter. But still, it felt forbidden, wrong…
“Come on, Ace, you taught me how to do everything! What’s so different about this?!”
Ace is about to offer another rebuttal, but he can’t say no when he sees Luffy’s big, round doe-eyes.
Instead, Ace sighs, “Alright, how are we going to do this?”
The next night comes, and Ace asks to see you in the crow’s nest. You make your way up, surprised to see Luffy is there too. Your boyfriend gives you a big smile and waves as Ace stands next to him, a slight smirk on his face.
“What’s up?” You ask, cautiously approaching the two men.
Ace starts, “I know you asked for some tips before. I think Luffy and I have come up with a more hands-on solution.”
You flush as you notice how the crow’s nest is furnished. There are piles of pillows and blankets adorning the floorboards. Everything between you three looks so cozy, so soft. Your eyes flicker from the floor back up to Ace and Luffy.
“A um, h-hands-on solution you say…”
“Only if you want to.” Ace adds, “But Luffy said that he wants me to show him how to please you, and since you asked how to please him, I figured we could kill two birds with one stone, yeah?”
You chewed at your bottom lip. You had always found Luffy’s brother attractive, and now that you were presented with the opportunity of being with the two men at once, your head spun.
“Don’t you feel weird about this?”
“I was a bit at first, but Luffy reminded me that we’re not technically brothers,” Ace laughs, and Luffy plops down on the blankets, spreading out comfortably as he stares up at you.
“Come on,” Luffy motions for you to come close, “Lay down with me!”
You timidly step onto the blankets and kneel next to Luffy. Little did you know you’d be sealing your fate.
Luffy kisses your lips as soon as you’re in the makeshift bed. It’s messy, wild, and full of so much energy. Your head spins.
You hear Ace laugh from behind Luffy, and soon your lips separate, “Easy there. Why don’t you try a different approach?”
“Like how?” Luffy tilts his head as he turns to look at the older man.
Ace makes his way between you both, cupping your cheek, “You mind if I show him?”
“U-Um, you can…”
Ace laughs lowly before leaning in, pressing a softer kiss to your lips. He’s still very much in charge, though, kissing you with a particular passion and forcefulness. You gasp when he licks your bottom lip, asking for permission.
Luffy never did that.
You timidly opened your mouth, allowing Ace to explore your cavern. When he slides his tongue against your own, you moan, enjoying the feeling.
When he parts from you, Luffy speaks: “Ew, why would you wanna kiss with your tongue? Sounds gross.”
“Just try it,” Ace chuckles, scooting away from you, “It feels good.”
“‘Kay…” Luffy mumbles before cupping your face and leaning in to press his lips against yours. He’s still more passionate than Ace and slightly clumsy, but you can tell he’s trying to mimic his bond brother. Soon enough, he’s licking at your lips, and you open your mouth, allowing him to explore. 
Luffy slides his tongue up against yours, tasting you thoroughly. A soft moan escapes your mouth as he begins fucking it with his tongue, teasing your own. 
He keeps going until you need to break for air. You’re left breathless as you pull away, your spit connecting you two.
Luffy bites his lips, “You’re right, Ace. Does feel good…”
And before you can catch your breath, Luffy is back on you, kissing you with his newly acquired skills. He drags you onto his lap, and you gasp when you already feel something hard poking you.
Meanwhile, Ace’s breath is trapped in his throat. Watching you and Luffy make out was really hot. He couldn’t help but bite his lip as his cock twitched in his pants. He wanted nothing more than to take your lips again, but he knew his place; he was just the instructor.
Luffy immediately tugs at your dress’s hem, “Take it off, please?”
You laugh at his whining and slowly remove your dress, allowing your body to be visible. Ace swallows thickly; you are such a beautiful girl. Your curves were in all the right places, your skin seemed silky smooth, and your beautiful eyes looked up at Luffy with such innocence.
He’s lost in your body as Luffy struggles with your bra clasp. His groans of frustration cause Ace to snap out of his trance.
“Stupid thing-!” Luffy growls, and Ace laughs.
“Here, it’s like this.” And Ace masterfully undoes your bra with a single hand. You feel your core clench at the action.
“Ohhhh,” Luffy muses as your bra straps fall off your shoulders, allowing your bra to hit the floor, “Thanks, Ace!” 
Luffy immediately reaches for your tits, molding them in his hands. You squeal at the touch, and Ace laughs. 
“Sensitive, aren’t you?”
You flush, your eyes looking away from both Luffy and Ace.
“What should I do with ’em, Ace?” Luffy asks, looking up at the dark-haired man.
The older man only chuckles, “You kiss on ’em… suck ’em, like this…”
Ace leans forward and captures one of your nipples in his mouth, swirling his tongue slowly over your puckering nipples. He moans against your skin and takes your torso in his hands, softly rubbing your sides. You throw your head back, letting out soft whimpers as he pleases you.
He pulls away, your nipple popping out of his mouth. Luffy practically bounces in place, eager to get started. 
“I wanna try too!” And with that, your Captain lunges forward, taking your other nipple into his mouth. He sucks harshly at your breast, taking your other one into his hands. He tweaks and pulls at the nipple not in his mouth, and Ace bites his lip as he watches on, his own erection becoming unbearably painful.
He tries to touch himself sneakily, palming his erection in his shorts. You and Luffy don’t notice, though, as you’re too involved with each other. Luffy moans happily as he sucks on your nipples, nibbling them roughly as he gropes your other breast. Your eyes are shut tight, your head tossed back as you relish the feeling.
Ace sneaks behind you, abandoning his weeping erection for a moment to tug at your panties. You gasp as Ace pulls you away from Luffy, his arms holding you tight against his chest. You take off your panties, and Luffy stares, enamored by the sight of your slick folds.
Ace spreads your legs with one hand and slides his other between your legs, spreading your folds. Luffy licks his lips and immediately goes for your cunt, licking a long stripe from your hole to your clit.
“O-Oh, Luffy-!”
“Make sure you focus on that little ball at the top, Luff,” Ace instructs, his fingers still spreading you open so Luffy can enjoy his feast.
“Here?” Luffy questions innocently, flicking his tongue over your swollen clit roughly. You gasp sharply and arch your back, causing Ace to chuckle.
“Mhm, just like that,” Ace smirks before his hands find their way to your breasts, molding them and pulling at your nipples.
Okay, so he knew he was supposed to be the teacher, but he couldn’t resist you anymore. He could always excuse it as adding to your pleasure anyway.
Your eyes flutter shut as your sensitive parts are stimulated. With Ace pulling at your nipples and Luffy slobbering all over your clit, you weren’t sure if you could last long.
“Mmh,” Luffy moans, “Tastes good…”
You flush at the vulgar words that left his mouth, your legs starting to quiver.
“You okay?” 
Ace answers for you, “She’s getting close; keep going.”
Luffy dove in once again, sucking and slurping at your sensitive nub. You instinctively reach for his raven hair, pulling the young man into your cunt. Luffy groans at the action and eats you out with even more determination. 
“Fuck, Luffy-!” 
You squeal, gushing onto his tongue. The Captain moans heartily, tonguing your clit and sucking up all you had to give. 
Ace groans from behind and accidentally ruts against your ass, causing you to gasp. It was your first time noticing that he was erect as well.
But you don’t say anything about it.
Luffy sits up with a huge grin, “Was that good?”
“Of course,” you pant out, your head swimming as you attempt to ground yourself in reality. 
“Alright, let me teach you a few things, yeah?” Ace chuckles, his breath hot against your ear, 
You nod timidly, and Ace adjusts himself so he’s on his knees now, guiding you so you do the same. 
“Stand up, Luffy.” Ace commands and Luffy follows, getting the picture. The younger man starts to undo his pants and hastily removes them along with his underwear. His cock is red and throbbing, his shaft excitedly twitching in the air. You swallow and look to Ace for permission to touch.
“Go on and grab it. Not too rough, alright?”
You nod and grip Luffy from the base, making him jump. 
“Good, but more towards the tip, okay?” Ace suggests before taking your hand in his, guiding it to the flushed head, “And let’s start slow…”
Ace keeps your soft hand in his as he begins pumping Luffy’s cock. He flushes deeply as he realizes what he’s doing, but Ace swallows harshly; he was just helping, that was all.
“Y-You got it?” Ace asks, and you nod. He releases your hand, allowing you to take control now. Luffy’s thighs clench as you stroke the tip of his dick, streams of precum leaking out.
Luffy calls your name as he pants, “Feels… really good-!” 
“Why don’t you help him out?” Ace chuckles, “Look how he’s crying out for you.”
You glance between Ace and Luffy briefly before lowering your head, licking up all the precum that pooled at the top. 
Ace bit back a groan as his cock throbbed at the sight. Your blushing face and nervous tongue were too much, and the lewd sounds from Luffy’s mouth only added to the entire scene. 
“More-“ Luffy grunts, thrusting his hips impatiently, causing his slick head to rut against your cheek. 
Ace purrs, “Let’s give him more, yeah?”
You nod, and before you can say anything, Ace tucks your hair behind your ear and pushes your head forward. You moan as you take Luffy into your mouth, your tongue caressing the underside of his cock. He practically howls as you take him as deep as possible. Your eyes look up at your boyfriend, his own shut tight.
Ace moves your head back and forth, helping you bob your head on Luffy’s cock. He grunts under his breath, his own cock twitching as he wishes you were sucking him off too. But he settles for watching you.
“That’s it, make sure you drool around him too; guys like it sloppy like that…” Ace moans, pulling your hair back as he guides your head.
“Y-Yeah,” Luffy’s voice cracks, “‘Like it when it’s all wet… hnn, shit-“ 
The Captain’s hips snap forward, his cock fucking your throat with Ace still controlling your head. You felt like a toy, so easily manipulated by these two men.
“Use your hands too,” Ace suggests, and you place your hands around what you can’t fit in your mouth, “Twist your hand when you suck him in.”
Luffy’s moan catches in his throat as he throws his head back, “F-Feels so good-! I might-“
Ace pulls your head off Luffy’s cock, and you’re left panting, a singular string of spit connecting your tongue to his throbbing shaft. Luffy almost cums from your lewd face alone.
“That was close, huh?” Ace chuckles. 
Though, his erection is getting more bothersome. It throbs uselessly in his underwear as he watches on, and he’s not sure how much more he can take. 
But an idea pops into his head. 
“Alright, last lesson,” he wets his lips, “Time to show you how to fuck a girl.”
Luffy’s eyes light up, “Oooh, okay!”
You look at Ace with a dark flush on your cheeks, and he smiles that charming smile of his, “That is if your girlfriend is okay with that…”
You bite your lip, “I-If it’s to show Luffy, then… it’s okay.”
Ace smirks, “Of course.”
The older man repositions himself so he’s no longer behind you but in front of you on his knees like you are. Luffy is behind him, still standing, watching intently. 
“Here,” Ace starts, gently laying you down, “You’re gonna want to treat her like a princess. But…” 
Ace makes quick work of unbuttoning his shorts and sliding out of them and his underwear. His cock bobs excitedly in the air, the tip flushed bright red. You don’t miss how precum leaks from his frustrated cock. 
“Make sure you ask how she wants to be fucked too. Even though you’re supposed to be gentle with girls, they sometimes like to be fucked like whores.”
You gasp at his words and whimper when he slides his swollen, wet head over your folds. 
“So tell me,” he smirks, “How do you want to be fucked?”
Your lips tremble, “Hard.”
Luffy scrambles to your side, sitting beside your head, “Don’t worry, Ace will do it right! And then I’ll try to do it even better!”
Ace chuckles, “Mm, we’ll see…”
With that, Ace pushes in, and you gasp at the stretch. He’s thick, making your hole adjust to his girth. 
“Oh, she’s tight-“ he hisses, lowering his head, “Feels really good-“
He lets out a drawn-out moan as he pushes inside, your walls clenching and pulsing around him. 
“N-Now, Luffy,” Ace starts, his voice trembling as he bottoms out, “You’re gonna want to aim for her g-spot, okay? That means you have to angle your hips up.”
As if testing the waters, Ace pulls out slowly before pushing back inside. Your eyes flutter shut, and you throw your head back. Luffy looks at you in awe, watching your face scrunch and contort in pleasure. 
“Her g-spot?” Luffy questions, tilting his head. 
“M-Mhm-“Ace stutters, already lost in your wetness, “you’ll know it when you feel it. It’ll make her feel really good.”
Luffy hums before looking back at where your body and Ace’s connected. 
“And you’re gonna want to be romantic still. Hold her hand while you fuck her.” Ace says, his own hand reaching for your right one. Luffy follows suit, taking your left hand in his. 
“Alright,” Ace starts, “Just watch for a bit; you’ll pick up fast.”
The older man takes your hip in his free hand, angling your hips upward before slamming in. You sharply gasp as he hits that sensitive spot within you dead on. 
Ace felt like a piece of shit for disguising his horniness as simple instruction, but fuck, you felt so good. It had been a while since he had sex, and you were perfect. The way your pussy wrapped around his cock, how your breasts jiggled as he pounded you, your cute voice gasping as he slammed in- it was all perfect. 
“Does it feel good?” Luffy asked, his hand tightening around your own.
“Yes-!” Your eyes roll back, “Yes, he feels so good, Luffy!”
Luffy stares, watching Ace snap his hips forward as if his life depended on it. The younger man then reaches for your clit, rubbing it slowly in circles, “And it feels better when I do this, right? ’Cause I wanna help too…”
You nod dumbly, “It feels good, Luffy… K-Keep rubbing it-!”
Luffy’s fingers speed up, and you toss your head back, drool escaping your lips as Ace’s cock hammers into you, hitting that spot that makes your toes curl.
“Oh, you’re so wet-” Ace grits his teeth, “L-Luffy, make sure you… tell her how good she feels when you fuck her-“
Luffy nods eagerly, watching on.
The older man leans in close, his eyes locking with yours as his raspy voice meets your ears, “Mn, I wish I could fuck this little pussy of yours all the time. You’re so fucking wet and tight. Luffy’s really lucky…”
Your face glows with embarrassment at the man’s words, “A-Ace-”
His cock throbs inside you as his hips don’t let up, his cock’s head slamming into your most sensitive parts. Your chest rises and falls as he plunges into your pussy with great force. You cry out, legs seizing as he penetrates your depths.
“Mm, okay, I think I got it, Ace!” Luffy exclaims, and Ace’s hips stutter.
Shit, he was hoping he could cum from this, but he knew better than to push his luck.
Reluctantly, he pulls out of your heavenly pussy, leaving you to throb around nothing. You whined at the loss.
“Take a crack at it, Luff.”
Ace moves aside, releasing your hand. Luffy does the same, positioning himself between your legs. He rubs his pink tip over your slit before shoving himself inside, causing you to moan loudly.
“S-So- warm-!” He moans, tossing his head back, desperately humping your cunt, “O-Oh, it’s really wet, like your mouth was!”
Ace grabs your hand as he takes Luffy’s previous position. Luffy has his hands on your waist, his strokes pummeling your insides. 
Ace reaches between your legs with his free hand and spreads your lips, “Watch it go in and out of her…”
Luffy looks down, his eyes lidded as he watches his cock disappear inside you, “Feel the wet stuff… going down my balls- there’s so much…!”
You bit your lip at his obscene words, wet smacking sounds echoing throughout the room.
Luffy makes a lustful noise as his vision starts to grow hazy. He’s utterly pussy drunk already, fucking you recklessly. Your poor cervix would be bruised in the morning, but you didn’t care; you just wanted Luffy to fuck you.
“I-I’m gonna- “Luffy starts, “I’m gonna-!”
“Pull out- “Ace warns, and Luffy obeys, his cock angrily bouncing in the cool air. Luffy lets out a drawn-out whine.
“Aceeeee,” he pouts, “I was close! Why did I have to stop?”
“Because,” Ace smirks, “You gotta make her cum from your cock. Here…”
Ace shuffles so that he’s behind Luffy. The younger man looks behind him and blushes slightly when a large hand wraps around his base, guiding him to your folds.
“Tease her like this,” Ace bites his lip, dragging Luffy’s soaked tip over your clit, “Back and forth…”
Your legs tighten as Luffy’s head swipes over your needy clit, stimulating you slightly. You begin to squirm, and Ace laughs a bit.
“Now, let’s try it again…” Ace angles Luffy’s cock so it prods at your hole, and Luffy gets the message, taking your hips in his hands and dragging you forward, impaling you on his cock.
Luffy spreads your legs apart, allowing him to reach even deeper inside. 
“Remember, angle upwards,” Ace grabs Luffy’s hips and angles him just right, causing your eyes to roll back as Luffy resumes his hectic pace.
“So tight-!” Luffy grits his teeth as he fucks you like a wild beast, chasing his high while trying to get you off.
Luffy pants, throwing his head snack as he squeezes his eyes shut, “Can’t- Cant get enough! You feel so good! Wanna do this all the time now-“
To your surprise, Luffy pulls out, turns you around, and pushes you onto your knees before shoving your face into the pillows.
“Wanna do it like this-“ He growls, before forcing himself back inside, “Want to fuck you, just like this!”
You gasp loudly as suddenly his cock smashes your cervix. Your eyes look to the heavens as he shoves his cock inside, battering your womb.
“Take it all-!” He growls, slamming into you with a force you had never experienced.
Ace’s cock can’t take being neglected anymore. He sits to the side, watching you both, and doesn’t even bother hiding his newly busy hand. He bites his lip, freckled cheeks flushed as he watches Luffy fuck you from behind.
He was so jealous. He wanted to pound you with all that he had too. He wanted to ram into your deepest depths and make you squeal.
But all he could do was fuck his hand.
Ace watches on, your moans and squeals getting him riled up. His cock desperately throbbed, wanting nothing more than to be back inside your warmth. But he simply watched on, licking his lips as Luffy absolutely destroyed you.
And soon enough, your words cut through the lewd sounds.
“I-I’m cumming!” You moan out, “L-Luffy, I-I’m-!”
Luffy doesn’t slow down; he continues assaulting your tight folds until he bursts, filling you with a cracked moan. His warmth shooting inside triggers your orgasm, your cream coating his shaft as he thrusts in and out.
Ace grunts, his orgasm approaching quickly. He speeds up his hand so he won’t be left in the dust, and soon enough, he’s cumming after you both.
The room is silent save for your combined ragged breaths. Luffy eventually pulls out, his cum leaking out of your hole. He, with shaky hands, guides his tip back to your entrance and shallowly thrusts in and out, stuffing you full.
Ace laughs breathlessly, “Good, make sure none of it goes to waste…”
Luffy laughs gently along with him.
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