#adventures of drunk Kane
alegocarmadein · 1 year
list of my kane & feels fics:
Collected oldest to newest in a quick and easy way, with descriptions, the summaries, and warnings!
The Shaman was too late
"He shouldn't have taken this case. He really shouldn't have taken this case. Brutus should have known from the beginning that this case was too much for him to do alone. He is standing in the middle of an old abandoned building on Sherbourne Way, staring at where the door out of this hallway should be. The door he just entered through. But instead, he is just staring at a wall."
This is a 13k word fic about Kane rescuing Brutus from near death, by adventuring through an everlasting plane of fog, mist, and memories. Ft. Shadow people, mist dog, big tree. Set after Wonderland II, before WHO. (this one has a piece of fanart from @/twomystdunstans linked at the end. it's so pretty) Was partially rewritten in February 2023 and it's got an additional like 3k now.
Warnings: Memory Loss (temporary for the main character), Temporary Character Death
A Meeting With Death. Again.
"This was not the first time he'd seen a body. And he hoped to whatever and whoever was out there that it'd be his last.
Kane and Feels find themselves connected to a new, dangerous case, with a lot of stakes."
This is another 13k fic, set after the last fic and Twomys. This one is about Kane and Feels dealing with an interesting case, one that has ramifications. Has some lore that'll be important in my current series
Warnings: Gore, Eldritch Horror, Temporary Character Death
Five Stones
"Brutus woke. He couldn't breathe. There was a deep, heavy, all-consuming pressure on his chest, a cold tightness around his neck, and a feeling that something was very wrong."
This is a short 1.8k fic about Brutus going through some sleep paralysis, and Kane being there to deal with the after.
There's a podfic of Five Stones by @/KD-Heart also linked at the end
Warning: Night Terror
"Kane groaned.
"Have your cigarette."
Kane picked his head up out of his hands and mumbled, "I didn't want one, it's the fourteenth.'"
Quick lil 1.1k fic about Kane trying to find his cigarette case. He's in ADHD, can't find his shit mode that I totally can't relate with haha.
Warning: N/A
A Waltz
"Brutus felt…elated. He felt light as a feather, free of all negative emotion in this moment. He looked at Kane, who looked wild. He realised there were red rosebuds, white wisteria, and purple nightshade growing in his hair and his eyes had wisps of the Shaman's sharp emerald dancing through them."
2k fic about Kane and Feels waltzing for magic!
Warning: N/A
The Universe Gave You A Soulmate?
"After learning about Kane and Feels' destiny in the universe, Jennifer has some questions."
This short 800 word fic is just about drunk Jenny needling Brutus about his and Kane's entwined roles in the universe.
Warning N/A
Next of Kin
"When Lucifer Kane's scrying sigil gets sabotaged, Kane and Feels are dumped into another Other World, one with golden rivers, fucked up crabs, and some arguments. To get through this, they'll need to trust not only their own memories and feelings but each other.
”You can’t be unhappy in the middle of a big, beautiful river.” - Jim Harrison"
WHOOOO BOY. This is my biggest published fic, sittin' pretty at 25k. This one is about Kane and Feels being teleported/sucked into a different plane, one of the plane of the river of the death and dying. They have some realllll fun in it. Ft. Relevant poetry in the beginning and end notes!
This marks the start of my first and only series, that I'm working on the third fic for rn. A Cairn of Stones is the second in the series.
Warning: Possession (not by a demonic entity), Drowning (doesn't cause death), Pet Death (not graphic, very peaceful, just sad, NOT K&F's CAT), Surrealist Horror, Unreality
A Cairn of Stones
"Feels is…somewhere. He doesn’t know where. He doesn’t remember much from recent, but that’s not his biggest worry. He’s in a grey place of people like him, from many points in time. It’s okay. He’s alone.
His…partner isn’t here, but that’s okay. It’s all okay. He’ll be fine."
This is Brutus' perspective of what's happening to him while he's....uh....doing stuff in Next of Kin.
Warning: Memory Loss (huh, I seem to like this, huh),
Thirteen Letters
"Brutus comes home to a passed out Kane in a room full of incense and other. Cool."
A quick 1.4k fic about Brutus doing his duties as a partner to an experimenting Shaman. Fluff, nothing else, really.
Warning: Kane is passed out due to magic-y stuff
All the little ones can be read in whatever order you want (except for a Cairn of Stones, that one is tied to NoK), and the big ones I'd recommend reading in order.
"Brutus Feels had to leave his life to go to war. It went fine, kinda. Now he’s living in his late grandmother’s cottage, trying to forget the past few years, when he gets a letter from his old partner, Lucifer Kane. Their correspondence follows."
A story told in two alternating povs, always ending in a letter from one to the other. A 12k descent into madness. A sad love letter to psychoses.
Warning: mild body horror, surrealist horror, eldritch horror, character death (he's fine....kinda....)
And that's it! Those are all of my kaf fics, we're definitely not just leaving out the super ooc fic that I should probably just orphan but I'm scared of doing it so I haven't yet.
All of these are set in the same universe, and all kaf stuff is canon within it, I'm not leaving anything out.
I hope you'll read any that strike your fancy! I put a lot of effort into writing these! I also hope that if you enjoy one, you'll leave a comment, because I love comments a lot.
Okay thanks!
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Kane likes his pigtales!
Bishop is a little jealous to say the least.
Hmm? You want to see more of this? Well I will just leave the link to my drunk Kane ask blog: @theredwineau
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666mistyday · 3 years
Question: Would you fuck your clone?
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agentnico · 3 years
Licorice Pizza (2021) Review
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There’s so much running in this movie. I don’t know where folks in the 70s got their endurance from, but for some reasons all of them can run like Forrest Gump. Flashforward to present day and that endurance has been replaced with endless burgers and fries. One step further in human evolution, ladies and gentlemen!
Plot: The story of Alana Kane and Gary Valentine growing up, running around and going through the treacherous navigation of first love in the San Fernando Valley, 1973.
Paul Thomas Anderson is one of the most talented filmmakers working today. His movies are naturally an acquired taste, however he does also have range, whether it’s putting Daniel Day-Lewis through literal mud in the gritty There Will Be Blood, or giving us a high marijuana trip without the need of inhaling actual marijuana in Inherent Vice, or literally managing to getaway with releasing a straight up porno film in cinemas with Boogie Nights. However with his new film Licorice Pizza, PTA returns to his more sentimental sweet side which he previously exhibited with Punch Drunk Love (the title of which accurately portrays what that movie was about), where here we have a story of two people falling in love, and within the progression of the movie discovering what that love is whilst dealing with various occurrences and small adventures. And honestly, I really dug this movie! It’s so sweet and cute watching the central couple sharing the screen together, that even though at the beginning the primary concern is the age gap between the two characters, the movie goes out of its way to show that against all expectations these two are perfect for one another. In regards to the age gap criticism though, to be fair this movie is very careful with crossing any lines and also in reality the 1970s were quite crazy and so the movie is being honest with the times.
Without a doubt though the aspect of the movie people will talk most about after seeing Licorice Pizza is the acting. Or to be exact the brilliant chemistry between the central two characters played by Cooper Hoffman, son of late Phillip Seymour Hoffman whom Paul Thomas Anderson collaborated with regularly, and Alana Haim of the Haim band. Speaking of Haim, I never knew that Haim was an actual band until about a week ago, however my friend from work educated me (not without first verbally battering me in shock and disappointment about my lack of music knowledge) that the Haim sisters are quite a well known group that worked with the likes of Taylor Swift and Bastille. Having now listened to their music, they are really good. Nice melodies and good voices. Definitely reminiscent of Taylor Swift, so it makes sense that they did a single together. Regardless, you’re not here to read me talk about the Haim band, however interestingly enough, besides Alana in the lead role, her family also stars in this film as her character’s family, including her sisters from her band and also her actual parents. Its an interesting casting choice however one I feel pays off, as it makes their family interactions in the movie more realistic. The movie also has classic cameo appearances from the likes of Sean Penn, Tom Waits and Bradley Cooper (the latter is particularly hilarious), however the movie never distracts itself from its main couple and them two are absolute gold on screen together. Cooper Hoffman plays his character as an over confident late teenager yet also makes him absolutely adorable, whilst Alana Haim acts her part in a powerful yet peculiarly aggressive form, which to be fair results in some good humoristic moments.
Licorice Pizza is a downright delightful little film. Equal parts strange, sentimental and screwball, yet also absolutely 100% hilarious. This movie succeeds heavily in bringing out humour from simple grounded character interactions, though it also knows how to be comical during the more over-the top moments. Bradley Cooper - that’s all I’m going to say. In a strange way, this movie reminded me a lot of Mark Twain’s books about Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, where its these youngsters goofing about and taking every day as it comes, finding fun wherever and whenever. Also, talk about a perfect date movie. Licorice Pizza is as romantic as a film can get. Well, that is at least until Jennifer Lopez spontaneously marries total stranger Owen Wilson on stage during a live performance this upcoming Valentine’s Day. However that’s a different movie to talk about down the line...oh boy!
Overall score: 8/10
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jerakeenc · 4 years
many kidfics i’ve read and loved
look who’s reccing a million year old fics now. kidfics, very many. posted to dw for snowflake, thought I’d copy here as well. will be reading most, if not all. if you don’t hear from me again, this list is the culprit.
101 Ways To Get Lucky (In Love) by lenore
18,200 words | SGA, McKay/Sheppard
Rodney McKay is rich, gorgeous and at the top of his game—except someone just moved the goalposts! Now Rodney realizes he is sorely lacking the one status symbol that everybody seems to have…the perfect family. Rodney needs help, so he hires a relationship coach. Single-dad John Sheppard may be an expert, but not when it comes to his own relationships! And every day he spends with Rodney makes him wish that he could be the one to fill the vacancy in Rodney's life…
A Beautiful Lifetime Event by astolat
29,000 words | SGA, McKay/Sheppard
Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.
An Earlier Heaven by regann
67,400 words | X-Men, Erik/Charles
In the wake of Cuba, Charles and his students are ready to pick up the pieces and work toward achieving Charles's dream of a safe haven for young mutants. Those plans, however, take a surprising turn thanks to a very unexpected complication. As he slowly builds a future for his students and for his child, Charles struggles with the loss of Erik and the secrets he's willing to keep to protect his family, but those strides are shattered when Erik makes a startling reappearance into his life. [mpreg, kidfic, ensemble]
And everything nice by noelia_g
30,200 words | Social Network, Mark/Eduardo
The one where Mark somehow ends up with a child and of course needs a nanny for the amount of time he spends at the office. Only problem is a string of nannys keep trying to get into his pants for what he assumes is his money. Cue Mark's assistant hiring a male nanny, enter Eduardo.
asking to be born by longtime_lurker
26,500 words | Bandom, Pete/Patrick
"Don't worry, it's probably just his big gay freakout," Andy yells cheerfully and unhelpfully into Patrick's ear as they're hustling Pete over to the nearest private clinic.
Better with You by harriet_vane
38,100 words | 1D, Liam/Louis
Based on this prompt at the kinkmeme:
Single parent and solo artist Liam Payne hires Louis Tomlinson to be a full time nanny to his four year old son Sammy. Although the two men don't quite click from the start it's love at first sight between Sammy and Louis. Eventually Louis and Liam warm up to each other and get on like a house on fire, in fact the two become a little too fond of each other.
I refuse to apologize for how sweet this ended up, okay? It's kidfic, I am forever writing kidfic, and this one is even kid-fic-ier than usual.
Can't Get Enough of You (Baby) by eternalbreath
22,100 words | Inception, Arthur/Eames
Eames vanishes from dreamshare and Arthur goes a little crazy looking for him until he stumbles across him -- with a baby.
Chelsea, Chelsea, I Believe by empathapathique
300,800 words | Hockey, Kane/Toews
Patrick meets a girl his rookie year.
Don't You Shake Alone by dsudis
62,180 words | Generation Kill, Brad/Nate
Nate looked exactly like Brad always pictured him: exhausted in the full life-in-a-combat-zone sense of the word.
Dude, what's a bulwark? by kellifer_fic
12,150 words | Teen Wolf, Derek/Stiles
Beacon Hills is the kind of small town where everybody knows everybody, and what everybody knows is that surly diner owner Derek Hale and free spirited single dad Stiles Stilinski have been in love with each other for years. If only they knew it too.
Every Other Beautiful World by rhiannonhero
43,280 words | SGA, McKay/Sheppard
Some things are unexpected but still inevitable in every beautiful world.
Forever, Now by harriet_vane
227,100 words | Bandom, Frank/Gerard, Jon/Spencer, Brendon/Ryan, Brian/Greta
Brian rescues kid!Gerard and Mikey from life on the streets, and eventually everyone finds a family.
here comes the sun by oflights
56,600 words | Social Network, Mark/Eduardo
This is a story about growing up, sad 70's rock songs, too much hair gel, "Maxwell's Silver Hammer", a baby with curly hair, a Geiger counter, a dog that isn't named Max, the Chicken Dance, Cheerios, pepper-spray, drugs, sex, and a stuffed chicken named Cluckerberg, nicknamed Cluck. or: Mark raises Sean's accidental baby, and I write the fluffiest thing ever.
I Got a Love (That Keeps Me Waiting) by svmadelyn
163,700 words | Hockey, Kane/Toews
There's a lot of different ways this summary could go, like:
Patrick Kane gets more than a gold medal in Sochi.
Or, the classic: It's too late to pull out now.
Or: Patrick Kane continues to thrive in high pressure situations.
Or: Patrick Kane gets knocked up, goes to White Castle, and finds love, not necessarily in that order.
But, ultimately, all that really matters is this: Patrick Kane is keeping his baby.
I Would Be by cathalin
20,290 words | American Idol, Kris/Adam
AU. Adam and Kris meet a few years down the road, when down-on-his-luck Kris and his young daughter Katherine show up to rent a room from Adam, who never made it to an Idol audition.
Ice Ice Baby by uraneia
51,340 words | Hockey, Claude/Danny
A gold medal isn't the only souvenir Claude brings home from Prague.
OR: The one where Claude gets drunk, gets pregnant, and gets convinced to move in with Danny, whom he's been secretly in love with for years. What could possibly go wrong?
my heart is bigger than the distance in between us by estrella30
15,000 words | 1D, Nick/Harry
Nick chuckles quietly but grabs the remote and follows Emma, Aimee coming up close behind him. It’s indeed Harry on the telly, singing along to his latest radio hit and smiling slowly into the camera far too seductively for half eight on a Friday morning, if you ask Nick. He presses the volume just in time to catch the crowd’s roaring applause and see the pink flush Harry’s cheeks. Nick watches him duck his head as he gives a small wave to the audience, and it hits Nick that Harry is still the most humble and appreciative billionaire Nick’s ever met.
Good job, popstar, Nick thinks to himself.
or, Nick is a single dad and Harry is his bff and it's a bunch of years into the future and they fall in love
Once Upon a Furry Octopus by skoosiepants
11,270 words | SGA, McKay/Sheppard
He was an intelligent, intuitive pet, but he wasn’t going to start sniffing out ZPMs or hidden Ancient weaponry or detailed instructions on how to kill a Wraith with a common household item. A pen, for instance.
Reconcilable Differences by astolat
40,000 words | Smallville, Clark/Lex
Luthor Family Values.
Shelter by harriet_vane
63,500 words | Social Network, Jesse/Andrew
From the kinkmeme prompt: Some sort of AU vaguely based on Shelter! For whatever reason, Jesse has to take care of Hallie and give up his dream of being an actor. He ends up working in a dead end job when former, now successful friend (Andrew) returns home. They fall in love, etc, only Jesse can't go away with him because he has a responsibility to his family. CUE ANGST.
Show Me The Way Back Home Baby by stilinskisparkles
15,000 words | Teen Wolf, Derek/Stiles
In which Lydia and Jackson produce the world's cutest baby, and the pack goes crazy-- the good kind of crazy. Except for Derek, who is afraid of tiny cute babies and Stiles who plans to be the best Uncle ever. Even if Danny called dibs on Godfather.
Skybird by windsweptfic
33,785 words | Inception/White Collar, Arthur/Eames
Arthur and Eames adopt a kid and raise that kid into Neal Caffrey.
Small Cells and Fibers by sevenfists
7,830 words | Bandom, Frank/Gerard
Tuesdays were finger-painting days. Frank made sure to wear his oldest pair of jeans, because even with his full-length apron and his constant reminders that paint belongs on paper and not on clothing, he always ended up with tiny, multi-colored handprints all over his clothes. There wasn't a thing he could do about it, so he just wore pants from 1995.
Small Primes and Square Roots by liviapenn
12,500 words | SGA, McKay/Sheppard
"I hope you picked someone really intelligent, otherwise it seems like it would be kind of a waste. Of incubation time, if nothing else."
So Wise We Grow by deastar
81,250 words | Star Trek Reboot, Kirk/Spock
"Commander Spock, we have located your son," the Vulcan lady on the screen says, which would be great, except Jim can tell by the look on Spock's face that he's never heard of this kid before in his life. "If it is expedient, the child will be sent to join you on the Enterprise within the week."
Something Better by lovelypoet
18,350 words | Bandom, Frank/Gerard
"We all have to take jobs we don't like sometimes, you know?"
The Next Time You Say Forever by Thistlerose
27,300 words | Star Trek Reboot, Kirk/McCoy
After his ex-wife's death, McCoy is forced to leave the Enterprise to look after his teenage daughter. Under normal circumstances, this would be the end of…whatever it is he has with Kirk that's more than friendship, but less than what he wants. But the universe has other intentions.
The Reeducation of Misters Kane and Toews by jezziejay
15,900 words | Hockey, Kane/Toews
In which Kaner sort of has a kid, and Mr. Toews doesn't know which of them is the bigger brat.
AU featuring teacher!Jon and hockey-player!Kaner. With bonus 'Hawks characters, love notes, pasta jewelry, Be Better Pizzas, pirouettes, a sprinke of angst and guest appearance by Derek Jeter.
The Road Delivered Us Home by keelywolfe
117,430 words | Hobbit, Thorin/Bilbo
In the years since Bilbo left Erebor, he has lost his respectability, gained a nephew, and gotten on with life at Bag End.
He'd left aside adventure for the comforts and peace of his little Hobbit hole, and for the love of a child who needed him. Though perhaps, adventures can yet find him.
This Story Was Brought to You by Our Sponsors by scaramouche
29,500 words | Supernatural, Dean/Castiel
Dean's post-apocalyptic life is a friggin' soap opera. Romance! Angst! Separations! Reunions! Pizza Dinners! A Child Dean Never Knew He Had! It's all very dramatic.
throw a little sparkle all over it by etben
26,000 words | Bandom, Frank/Gerard
"Hey, Ma," Mikey says. "No, everything's fine—well, I mean, Gerard accidentally adopted a baby—no, he's changing her now, he can't talk."
Tiny Houses by ohmyjetsabel
77,130 words | Teen Wolf, Derek/Stiles
"So this is what Stiles does. He lies in Scott’s bed and waits for Melissa to say she’s found someone to get it out of him, to cure him of the wrongness and the bad, and he dreams.
God, he dreams.
He dreams of fire and swollen bellies and that scene in Alien, of giving birth to jackals through his urethra, the whole horrific nine yards. His head is a terrible place to be, he can’t imagine his stomach is much better, why anyone would want to put a thing inside of it."
Tip, Slide, Tumble by j_s_cavalcante
42,900 words | due South, Fraser/Kowalski
Ray knew when he found the body in the alley it was going to change someone's life. He just didn't expect that life would be his.
Turn by saras_girl
306,000 words | Harry Potter, Harry/Draco
One good turn always deserves another. Apparently.
Unless it's lies or it's love by sprat
25,300 words | American Idol, Kris/Adam
In which Adam (a rock star) meets Kris (a single dad) at an Emergency Room in Arkansas at the end of a particularly shitty night. Also features: San Francisco, fresh starts, baked goods, OCs, cameo appearances by Matt and Megan, pirates, monsters with garbage heads and a recording studio.
What Child Is This by lamardeuse
30,150 words | Merlin, Arthur/Merlin
A modern AU with Merlin, Arthur, mayhem, a baby and a jingly elf hat.
What to Expect by arsenic
29,200 words | Bandom, Bob/Mikey
Mikey has his band, and his little girl, and that's enough. Really, it is.
Winter's Children by neery
66,890 words | Marvel, Bucky/Steve
When their attempts to recreate the super soldier serum failed, Hydra started trying to breed Captain America clones from his genetic samples. Unfortunately, the serum's effects aren't passed down genetically, so instead of an army of tiny Captain Americas, they get a bunch of tow-headed, asthmatic, allergic, immuno-compromised little Steves.
And then the Winter Soldier stumbles across Hydra's failed experiment...
With Six You Get Eggroll by speranza
31,000 words | due South, Fraser/Kowalski
"Kick 'em In The Head: A Guide To Parenting."
ETA: Bonus! Because I apparently lost my bookmark for this one but have the memory of an elephant for kidfic, so it came to me eventually. :D
A Farm in Iowa 'Verse by sheafrotherdon
166,000 words | SGA, McKay/Sheppard
John inherits a farm, Rodney ends up entirely out of his element, and there is much ado about baseball.
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femmefangirl · 3 years
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I posted 1,923 times in 2021
123 posts created (6%)
1800 posts reblogged (94%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 14.6 posts.
I added 61 tags in 2021
#youtube - 20 posts
#lol mood - 11 posts
#uquiz - 6 posts
#no - 5 posts
#well - 4 posts
#maybe the rodrick and greg dynamic is me and my sister - 3 posts
#writing - 3 posts
#thramsay - 3 posts
#cass got mail - 3 posts
#aleksander morozova - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 84 characters
#me who hasn't read the bible and know about christianity from tumblr and pop culture
My Top Posts in 2021
Welcome to my Blog
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-I am a minor
-I love to read
-I am working on a novel
-I write fanfiction
-I am Indian
-My favorite color is currently either black, grey or brown.
-I speak English
_I am pansexual
-I am genderfluid
-I move around a lot
-I live in Cuba currently
-I want to go to Stanford University
-I want to study psychology, law, English literature and maybe history
-I was born in March 20
My fandoms are
A Song of Ice and Fire/ Game of Thrones
The Umbrella Academy
Ever After High
The Grishaverse
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Witcher (Netflix)
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rapunzel's Tangled Adventures
Monster High
Keeper of the Lost Cities
The Folk of the Air
Stranger Things
Merlin BBC
Sherlock BBC
Red Queen
Brooklyn 99
Six: The Musical
Good Omens
My Comfort Characters
-Five Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)
- Klaus Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)
-Nico di Angelo (Percy Jackson)
-Alex Fierro (Magnus Chase)
-Carter Kane (Kane Chronicles)
-Lester Papadopoulos (Trials of Apollo)
-The Darkling (Grishaverse)
-Genya Safin (Grishaverse)
-Kaz Brekker (Grishverse)
-Inej Ghafa (Grishverse)
-Theon Greyjoy (ASOIAF/GOT)
-Jon Snow (ASOIAF/GOT)
-Jeyne Poole (ASOIAF/GOT)
-Loki Odinson (MCU)
-Tony Stark (MCU)
-Bucky Barnes (MCU)
-Pepper Potts (MCU)
-Regulus Black (Harry Potter)
-Sirius Black (Harry Potter)
-Peter Pettigrew (Harry Potter)
-Lily Evans (Harry Potter)
-Jaskier (The Witcher)
-Varian (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
-Crowley(Good Omens)
-Ella Lopez(Lucifer)
My OTP in each Fandom
Current Favorite Song: Prom Queen
10 notes • Posted 2021-10-11 00:07:24 GMT
Peggy Carter is a fucking bicon!
12 notes • Posted 2021-11-12 23:20:29 GMT
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To make you sad, here is a sad short fic.
Sirius was supposed to be getting drunk with James, Remus and Peter.
He was supposed to use his hands to get a piece of cake, purely just to annoy Peter.
He was supposed to have tea with Andy and her daughter.
He was supposed to have fun and be 21.
Instead he was rotting in Azkaban, singing Happy Birthday to himself. Not that he deserved to do anything he was supposed to, he killed his best mates. He killed James and Lily. If only he let them make him secret keeper, maybe they would still be alive.
Or maybe Sirius would betray them, he already betrayed one brother, what's another brother to betray.
Sirius was innocent of the muggle killing, he didn't rat out Lily and James, but he as good as killed them.
Happy Birthday Sirius!
13 notes • Posted 2021-11-03 14:34:23 GMT
28 notes • Posted 2021-10-16 00:58:23 GMT
Leigh Bardrugo is a horrible piece of shit, the Grishaverse makes no sense when you think of the place and time it is based on. I am younger than her and I know more about Russian names than her. She made Aleksander part of a minority, she made him also the antagonist, are his ways a little extreme, sorta, but is he in the wrong, no. He is the antagonist but he shouldn't be. The Grishaverse makes zero sense. Why would any grisha follow Alina, they should follow Aleksander. THEIR LEADER. He made a save space for grisha. A bit of context for you people who have no idea what the Grishaverse is: people who can do magic(they call it small science) are called grisha, they are a minority, in Fjerda they are burned as witches, in Shu Han they are experimented on, in Kerch they are sold into slavery, in other places they are treated just as badly, in Ravka Aleksander made the Little Palace for grisha as children, their parents do not stay with them. Aleksander can control shadows, Alina our protagonist is boring and is the sun summoner. Alina and Aleksander have chemistry but Ms. Bardrugo would pair Alina up with her toxic childhood friend Malyen Oretsov. Aleksander created the shadow fold which is great for Ravka but it also split Ravka in two, he plans on expanding the fold with Alina's help as the Sun Summoner(which has never been heard of) but Alina doesn't want to be Grisha she wants to be normal(no Grisha should follow her). Leigh has committed culture appropriation. She has made Sasha(Aleksander) the villain but he just wants what is best for the Grisha and wants them to live lives. It seems Ms. Bardrugo has never met a minority in her life, she is white, cis and straight. No minority would want to be oppressed any longer. I am a poc, genderqueer, and pansexual. I would gladly follow someone who would help me be treated as an equal to a white, cis, straight man. As society wants everyone to be white cis het males.
EDIT: It has come to my attention that Ms. Bardrugo is Jewish and based the grisha prosecution on Jewish prosecution. This makes it much worse. Why Ms. Bardrugo, why?
29 notes • Posted 2021-10-03 17:05:11 GMT
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Legends of Tomorrow: Can Sara Lance Survive This Space Oddity?
This Legends of Tomorrow review contains spoilers.
Legends of Tomorrow Season 6 Episode 1
There’s a bit in the sixth season premiere of Legends of Tomorrow, “Ground Control to Sara Lance,” that made me furious. Gary, the comic relief sidekick who gets retconned this episode to have been an alien infiltrator, has explained his whole backstory to the abducted Sara Lance, who wakes up on an alien spaceship just in time to see it hyperdrive away from Earth from a rear window. Sara wants to get home, so she tells Gary, “Give me everything you know about this ship.” Gary’s response is to start to explain how she and Ava first started dating. 
When I heard this, I got so mad. It’s completely unfair that the cast and crew of Legends is so good that they can hand in a B+ episode for this show that contains within it the single best Muppets joke in over a decade.
Legends returns to airwaves with its first episode in almost a year, and it continues to amaze how this show just can’t miss. This cast is so obviously comfortable with each other, and the crew so in touch with what makes the characters so entertaining, that Legends’ floor is better than many shows at their best, and good episodes turn great because of those strengths. There’s a confidence and efficiency in the storytelling that lets the show dispense with a lot of setup and exposition quickly,to give the characters space to breathe and the jokes time to set. Case in point: “Ground Control to Sara Lance.”
At the end of last season, Sara was abducted by aliens, setting the stage for this season’s space and alien-themed adventures. The purpose of this episode was to reintroduce the characters and setting, and set up the conflict for the rest of the season. This was done mostly with two sequences: one that showed how deeply comic book-y this show can be, and one that showed how efficient it is. 
The reintroduction of the team was done largely through Ava’s eyes. She’s flushed awake by Mick after passing out drunk on the Waverider’s toilet, where she realizes Sara never brought her to bed the night before. So they head out to find everyone. Constantine and Zari just finished hooking up; Astra is card sharping an entire poker room dry; Behrad’s getting the munchies out of his system with a Buckingham Palace Guard; and Nate’s explaining his extremely convoluted love life to David Bowie. When Bowie shows the team that Sara was ready to propose to Ava before being abducted by aliens, Ava springs into action. I’m 85% certain she used time travel to clean up her hangover, and came back with a checklist for how to deal with the problem, one that had specific, character-by-character instructions on how each would respond and how to get them to serve the mission despite that.
This whole thing is extremely similar to how Bronze Age and earlier comic issues worked – each issue was treated like someone’s first, so the storytellers had to take the first 3 pages of the 22 page story to reintroduce and recap, but the effective, elegant ones would do it without you ever noticing. Ava’s checklist and hunt for her teammates performed the same function just as effectively.
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Incidentally, while this show is extremely comic book-y, it’s also straight up disrespectful to the concept of comic book shows in an utterly delightful way. Legends continues to interact with the rest of the Arrowverse – the DEO is referenced as destroyed here, in a nod to Supergirl’s fifth season – but this show feels like it’s taking the tics of comic book shows and poking fun at them. When you’ve spent years watching every show with an ear for potential easter eggs, your first instinct when you hear a character on a DC TV show say “he’s with Starman” is to clap and wonder if it’s Jack, Ted, Mikaal, or Prince Gavyn. Then and only then does a David Bowie cameo feel like a cop out. The same goes for Ava referencing Sara’s pre-her love life by saying “swing a dead cat…” I had to stop myself from looking up if Sara and Roy Harper hooked up.
The episode ended with that same efficiency that made the opening so effective. Sara battles the tentacly captain of the ship while Gary tries to open a wormhole home, and Sara wins the fight with a move straight out of Alien: she opens an airlock to throw him out. And when he doesn’t get all the way out the door, she releases pods of other kidnapees from their alcoves to knock him into the wormhole behind the ship. The captain, along with the aliens in the pods, fall into the Bleed and eventually travel through time, setting up the Legends to hunt them down last season, while Sara and Gary figure out how to get home. 
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Legends is a show that shouldn’t work. It’s ridiculous and earnest and geeky and could so easily slide into terminally cheesy and corny. But it never does, even for a minute, because the cast and crew are so joyful and confident and talented that they sell every bit of the emotional stakes. The only complaint I have is that this show is so consistently good that it almost demands being graded on a curve. “Ground Control to Sara Lance” would be a 9.5 or a 10 on any other TV show, but because Legends of Tomorrow routinely does so much bananapants shit, it’s only an 8. But praise Beebo, it’s a high 8.
The post Legends of Tomorrow: Can Sara Lance Survive This Space Oddity? appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3ufG8f4
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arabellaaaas · 4 years
Favourite Worst Nightmare
Part 1: When the sun goes down
|An Alexander Turner x Arabella Davis fanfiction series |
When two broken hearted meet, they try and hide their past. This is a story about two young adults whose pasts won't let them find happiness again in each other's arms right away.
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: I am so anxious about posting this, oh Dear God. I have been working on this for maybe more than a week, maybe two? I am so so so sorry about every grammatical mistake I've made throughout the whole story :(. I promise that the story will get better as it goes, trust the process guys. If you read it, tell me your opinion! I really want to hear what people have to say and make friends! Ok enough talk now lolol.
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Things are cooling down at the Mardy Caffe. The sun begun to go down, meaning her shift is over. As she went to the huge glass door to flip the "OPEN" sign to the other side that said "CLOSED",her phone starts ringing. She looks at the bright screen, smiling a little and picks up the call. It was her friend that was planning on yet another "adventure" as she calls it. While her friend, Bree McDow, was bragging about how fun it will be, she was cleaning everything behind the bar. She listens carefully to her friend's remarks about the place she wants to go, trying to figure out how cool that place must be in Bree's head. The begging continued for at least half an hour. The brunette was already finished with the cleaning part and she was then locking her workplace.
"Do I really have to come?" she says, trying to shut Bree's mouth that had been talking for the whole time. A question to which the woman on the other side of the call replies "Of course you do. I'm your only friend, remember?". They both went silent. It was true, she was her only friend and pretty much the only person she could trust. She wanted to say no, but she heard Bree trying to speak again so she only let out a sight. "Come on, Arabella. It's been almost eight months since that jerk broke up with you. Don't you miss having fun while clubbing with me and flirting with random handsome guys?". She couldn't help but laugh. "You said we are going to a bar, not a club. You know there's a big difference between the two" she says, trying to convince Bree not to go. Of course, she couldn't. Bree's stubbornness is as big as ocean's level. You just can not make her change her mind or to make her let you do what you want if she wants you to do something with her. After all, she was right. Ever since the break up with her ex-boyfriend, Arabella only hung out at her place when Bree would be coming over. She once was the social butterfly that everyone was talking to. Never missing a night out, flirting with a whole lot of guys, dancing to every song that came on, smiling at everyone and trying to hide her dark side. It was working, she was feeling much better. When she met her ex, she thought that he was the reason she is happy. She was so much into him and thought it was the same for him too. But it all ended up when she found out she was cheating on her for almost half of their relationship and he wanted nothing more than just be with the girl everyone had an eye on.
"It is a bar. You know that I don't like clubs either. Come ooon, pleasee!" She gave up when she heard Bree whining like a little child she is. In the end, Arabella accepted her friend's offer and decided she will go with her. No words could describe the happiness Bree expressed over the phone. After she hung up, she went home and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. Maybe it wasn't so bad to have fun again.
"Bloody hell, you're such a lady. We're only going to a bar, Miles! It's not like you are going to meet the love of your life" a strong voice could be heard from the kitchen. The only one that wasn't ready was, of course, Miles Kane. He was always the last one to be ready, but this time it was early. Which was weird for him to see that the sun wasn't even down and Matthew already starting making jokes. "Oh shut up. The sun didn't even set and you already want to go to grab drinks. You have beers in the fridge, idiot", he fought back.
"We are going to walk there, Kane. Of course, he is mad that you are taking so long." said the last man out of the three, looking out the huge window that caught the perfect view of a wonderful colorful sunset. "What do you mean we are going to walk there?!" Kane exclaimed, looking over at him as if he committed a crime. It was almost a forty-five-minute walk to the place they wanted to go to since Kane lived on the other side of the center of the city. He had a car but they all knew they shouldn't take it since they are all going to drink for sure and no one wants a 200 dollars ticket for driving while drunk. Plus, they didn't really want to die. "Do you want to die while you drive back with almost an alcohol intoxication? I don't even think you are going to be able find your own car" Matt laughs as he looks over to Alex who was just taking a cigarette out of his now empty pack. Kane started mumbling something for himself that no one else could understand. Until he was finally ready, Matt went over to sit in front of Alex drinking a cold beer. He looked at his slicked-back hair and said: "So are you going to look for someone new tonight or are you going back to your own committed self?".
Alex grinned while inhaling the smoke that came out of the cigarette he just lighted. He started smoking when he was seventeen and he always says that it's one of the worst habits he has, but he never actually tries to change that. Everyone knows that Alex cannot put his eye on a lady for more than a week. He always says that they are not his type, or that he doesn't like this or that. It's been almost two years since he last been in a relationship that actually lasted a long time. But he was left for someone else, just as every other heart-breaking love story ends. He tells everyone that he moved on, and maybe he did, but his trust issues never actually left him after that episode. "Aren't we ~going out with the lads as we used to?~" he quotes Matt's saying from earlier, moving his eyes to him so he can analyze his face. "I mean, yeah, but you're the one to always flirt when we go out ~with the lads~, right? I mean, you're Alex Turner, am I right?"
"I don't know where you want to take that" Alex smiles, knowing exactly what point he was trying to make. Right before Matt could say something, Miles finally got ready and they had to leave. Alex got his black leather jacket, checked his pockets to see if he is missing something and then they left. They are making jokes about their other friends that could not go with them and about their college memories when they were hanging out to the place they were going to now. It's only been four years but it feels like everything happened ten years ago.
In about forty minutes they arrived at the bar and as they expected, a lot of people were already there. Most of them were outside smoking and chatting, while inside there were also a lot of people who were dancing. It was unexpected for people to start dancing while they were still sober. The three men found a table where they could sit and made themselves comfortable cause they were going to spend a lot of time in there. "I see that Kanes already spotted some fit birds, am I right?" Matt already went off joking about Miles looking around, cause he always does that. He is looking at every person he can see in a crowded place in hopes of finding someone he could go home with.
Time passed by when they found themselves starting a conversation over to the bar with a group of girls that were enjoying their drinks. There were four of them. Two blondes that were looking like two young models, a brunette that was looking around her as if she just woke up there and didn't know why she was there and a ginger girl that was really chatty and clearly a try-hard. None really caught Alex's eye, but he liked the energy the ginger girl had so he kept on making conversation with her. His sunglasses were now hung on the collar of his kind of loose shirt. It was his thing to wear sunglasses absolutely everywhere he was going to, no matter what hour. When he was about to order another drink, two women passed by. He suddenly became interested in one of them. Long black hair, falling messily on her back, wearing an oversized black denim jacket with black shorts and knee socks. He couldn't really see what shirt she was wearing but she surely reminded him of someone he swore he would spend the rest of his life with. He kept glancing at her for a long time, studying her movements and everyone who approached her. She seemed to talk to everyone, giving everyone different looks and glances.
"OH, so you actually placed your eyes on someone for once, huh?" the ginger girl that he didn't even know the name said. She already noticed that he wasn't into her so why not just keep on talking to him as acquaintances. Matt overheard what she said and in a second, his eyes were already all over Alex. He smirked for himself and pushed him with his elbows asking "What are you waiting for, Turner?" And he didn't have an answer for that. He didn't really know how to approach her, she didn't look like someone that would easily fall for the same old tricks. When she got up and walked over to the door with a pack of cigarettes all by herself, that's when he knew he had to go and smoke. "I guess smoking isn't too bad, isn't it?" He tells the boys and leaves, being right by her back.
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ao3feed-supercorp · 5 years
Kryptonite in Gotham
by NerdAddiction
Kara sat in a crowded bar nervously twiddling her thumbs as the music was pounding in her ears adjusting her seat to make her feel more comfortable in the space, but it just made the dress she was wearing all the more uncomfortable. So, she tried one of the drinks William had ordered for her before he disappeared into the crowd of people dancing on the dance floor. Probably, to meet one of his sources for an article he was writing. Probably. Which, left her here, alone.
Kara sighed, she wished she was at Al's right now at least she could get drunk there, but William had suggested that she go out somewhere new and meet other people than the ones she ordinarily hung out with, specifically Lena. Since she was trying to get over her feelings for her since she was currently dating her boss whom she severely....disliked. So, she caved, when William asked her if she'd want to get drinks at a bar or something while they were in Gotham, but she wasn't expecting William to bring her to a gay bar, owned by Kate.
Words: 2809, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Supergirl: Adventures Through the Universe and Daily Life of A Superhero
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Pamela Isley, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Kate Kane, William Dey
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/2sPGTAV via IFTTT http://archiveofourown.org/works/21686707
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Bishop literally gives zero fucks, especially when Kane is drunk.
Read the tags lmao , it explains it all. Anyways , asks are open over @theredwineau !
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sims-psycho · 5 years
I’m pretty sure I already asked you the hella cute questions for Billie 🤔 So odds for Luna and evens for Kit! 💕
ok, so, this took me so. fucking. long. but I love you for it cuz I’m shit at char development so thANK YOU FOR ASKING ANGEL!!! ♡ ♡  
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1. Who was the last person you held hands with? ~ Kane of course
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? ~ I know this probably isn’t what you mean, but I have a meeting with the drama teacher at college today to see if I can help with the costume design for the musical and I’m pretty excited *smiles*
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? ~ I know he would because he may or may not have had to in the past *blushes*
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? ~ Yes, me and Kane are really good
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? ~ Depends on who it’s with
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? ~ ‘Yeah sure, do you need anything else?’ to my mum, she wants me to grab some stuff from the shop on my way home
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? ~ My hair gets really tangled so not really
15. What good thing happened this summer? ~ summers not over yet! *giggles*
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? ~ Absolutely, even if it’s just a shred of bacteria, the universe is to extensive for use to the be the only ones
19. Do you like bubble baths? ~ Ooo, yes, a lot *laughs*
21. What are you bad habits? ~ I’m a bit of a workaholic, so I guess that’s sort of a bad habit
23. Do you have trust issues? ~ I don’t think so, thankfully
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? ~ My nose is really wide and, yeah i know it’s silly but everyone has their insecurities i guess
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? ~ Not at all, I love my skin tone and my heritage
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? ~ I’ve only really been with Kane
31. If your hair long enough for a ponytail? ~ I guess, but it’s not really ‘long’ more just big
33. Spell your name with your chin. ~ ,ljna *giggles* I tried
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? ~ As much as I love a good Netflix binge I’d have to say TV, music is just so good in so many different situations
37. What do you say during awkward silences? ~ Depends on the situation, but I normally try and say something positive, if not that I just stay quiet
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? ~ I only really buy second hand clothes, or I make them so I don’t really know
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? ~ Yes, the core of someone never changes, but how they view the world does
43. Do you smile at strangers? ~ Sometimes *smiles*
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? ~ I guess I just always have stuff to do
47. Have you ever been high? ~ Maybe….*looks sus*
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? ~ Yes *looks uncomfortable*
51. Ever wished you were someone else? ~ When I was a young teen, but I don’t think that’s that unusual
53. Favourite makeup brand? ~ Milk makeup
55. Favourite blog? ~ n/a
57. Favourite food? ~ Any kind of caribbean food my mum makes
59. First thing you ate this morning? ~ Crumpets *cute smile*
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? ~ Omg never, that would be the end of my life right now
63. Ever been in love? ~ I am right now *blushes*
65. Are you hungry right now? ~ Not really
67. Facebook or Twitter? ~ Facebook
69. Are you watching tv right now? ~ How did you know!? *looks shocked* I’m halfway through sex education and it’s hilarious *giggles*
71. Craving something? What? ~ I could always eat dark chocolate, it’s my favourite
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? ~ Yeah…..my little bunny *blushes*
75. Favourite animal? ~ I like deers,  just think they’re really elegant
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? ~ Vanilla
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? ~ It’s like a pinky red sort of colour
81. Favourite tv show? ~ I really love Killing Eve
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? ~ Who even likes mean girls 2!? *scoffs and laughs*
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? ~ Gretchen *giggles*
87. First person you talked to today? ~ My mum
89. Name a person you hate? ~ I don’t think I really hate anyone
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? ~ No!!
93. How many sweatpants do you have? ~ Only a couple pairs, and I only wear them in the house
95. Last movie you watched? ~ Me and the gang watched birdbox last weekend, it was really creepy
97. Favourite actor? ~ I don’t think I have one
99. Have any pets? ~ We have a cat called Beanie, technically she’s my mums cat but she’s also kinda the family cat *smiles*
101. Do you type fast? ~ Oh yeah, it’s like fire comes off my fingers *laughs*
103. Can you spell well? ~ Uhh, yeah *smirks*
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? ~ I’ve been to a bbq party with family, but I don’t think thats the same *giggles*
107. Have you ever been on a horse? ~ Yeah, me and my sisters used to go to a horse riding club when we were little *smiles*
109. Is something irritating you right now? ~ Nope
111. Do you have trust issues? ~ No, I don’t have any reason to distrust anyone I know
113. What was your childhood nickname? ~ Little moon, or sometimes just lune
115. Do you play the Wii? ~ Me and my sisters used to play the super mario wii all the time when we were kids *smiles*
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? ~ Yeah, it’s alright
119. Favourite book? ~ The Art of Faminisim
121. Are you mean? ~ I….I don’t think so
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? ~ Can anyone? *laughs*
125. Do you believe in true love? ~ Yeah, I think I do
127. What makes you happy? ~ Luckily, a lot. Off the top of my head, my family and friends, Kane, fashion and art and music and good food and a lot of other things *smiles sweetly*
129. What your zodiac sign? ~ Cancer
131. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? ~ Be incredibly confused because Eli’s gay *laughs*
133. Favourite lyrics right now? ~ “You and I, wide awake / With the sky falling down / As we wait for the morning / Is there a place in the stars / Where the sky goes to sleep? / We got no way of knowing” Feel by Jacob Collier and Lianne La Havas
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? ~ Oh I can’t remember, I’ve probably told some dumb ones to my parents when I was younger though
137. How tall are you? ~ 5′7
139. Brunette or Blonde? ~ My hair is brown
141. Night or Day? ~ Day
143. Are you a vegetarian? ~ No, but I wouldn’t say I’m a huge meat eater either
145. Tea or Coffee? ~ Tea, I have lots of herbal teas that I drink depending on my mood *smiles*
147. Mars or Snickers? ~ Ooo, snickers
149. Do you believe in ghosts? ~ Yes, sadly it happens to unrested spirits *lowers head*
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2. Are you outgoing or shy? ~ I’m super outgoing dude *laughs*
4. Are you easy to get along with? ~ I’m so chill, what are you sayin, of course *winks*
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? ~ Oh man, anyone who’s fit straight off, but people who are just ‘out there’ y’know
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? ~ I saw a spunk on the beach last night, she disappeared before I could introduce myself
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? ~ Kasper, he lectures me all the time
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? ~ Ooh, that’s a toughie, uhhh, Cake by the Ocean, Funky Duck, Feels Like Summer, Andromeda aaanddd…..Wonderwall *laughs*
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? ~ Sure, why not *chuckles* a lot of crazy shit happens everyday man
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? ~ No joke, don’t know the last person I kissed, oops *laughs, embarrassed*
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? ~ Nah
20. Do you like your neighbors? ~ They’re a’ight. They don’t really leave there place though
22. Where would you like to travel? ~ I dunno, I’ve been to a lot of places, don’t really know where I want to go next
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? ~ I normally skate to the cafe Billie works at most mornings and grab a smoothie
26. What do you do when you wake up? ~ Jerk off *smirks*
28. Who are you most comfortable around? ~ Andie for sure, she sucks a lot sometimes, but she’s my sister and no one really gets me like she does
30. Do you ever want to get married? ~ Meh, maybe someday, but not for a loooooonggg time *chuckles*
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? ~ you have no idea how happy I am i got this question *laughs cheekily* Chris Hemsworth and Cara Delevingne, I wouldn’t need to get any for like a year if that happned *laughs*
34. Do you play sports? What sports? ~ I surf and skate a lot, it’s kind of all I do tbh, me and Kas box together sometimes too
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? ~ Yup *smirks*
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? ~ Someone adventurous and confident who can put me in my place *winks*
40. What do you want to do after high school? ~ Man, no one has asked me about school in like, 40 years *laughs*
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? ~ I’m never quiet *smirks*
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? ~ Defo bottom of the ocean, I bet theres a lot of my shit down there *laughs*
46. What are you paranoid about? ~ I dunno, sometimes I freak out because the government is fucking up our planet and shit but Maya always tells me one day we’ll be the ones pulling the strings and it makes me feel alright
48. Have you ever been drunk? ~ *laughs* oh yeah
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? ~ Pink i think *chuckles*
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? ~ I’m perfect, what are you saying *smiles cheekily*
54. Favourite store? ~ Theres this tiny sakte shop across town that sell all sorts of cool shit
56. Favourite colour? ~ Like a greeny-blue kinda colour
58. Last thing you ate? ~ I think like an apple or something
60. Ever won a competition? For what? ~ I’ve won a fair few surf competitions in my time *smirks*
62. Been arrested? For what? ~ I know have, but I can’t remember what for, hasn’t happened in a while, I’m obviously not trying hard enough *winks*
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? ~ pashed my p.e teacher in the kit room, that shit was hot *smirks cheekily*
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? ~ n/a
68. Twitter or Tumblr? ~ Twitter
70. Names of your bestfriends? ~ Andie, Kapser, Teegs, Erik, Maya and Max. I’ve got some friends back in Oz but I haven’t seen them in forever
72. What colour are your towels? ~ Black, cuz we emo in my house *laughs*
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? ~ None, i got this scraggly monkey thing that hangs from my rear view mirror in my car though *chuckles*
76. What colour is your underwear? ~ You wanna take a look yourself darlin’? *winks and smiles cheekily*
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? ~ All of them, I fucking dig ice cream so much, especially ben n jerry
80. What colour pants? ~ You really into my clothes aren’t you *smirks* I got green trunks on
82. Favourite movie? ~ The original Alien is fun
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? ~ 21 jump street defo, although I did like mean girls waay more than I thought I would when I saw it
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? ~ Shiiiit, I fucking loved that film, haven’t seen it in years though, whats the turtle called again? You know the really stoned one? *laughs* yeah him, or the shark
88. Last person you talked to today? ~ Kasper, I think
90. Name a person you love? ~ Getting all sappy now are we *smirks* want me to say you? I can if you want babe *winks*
92. In a fight with someone? ~ Nah, don’t take a lot to get me there though *smirks*
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? ~ A fucking lot *laughs*
96. Favourite actress? ~ Margot Robbie is hot as fuck *smirks*
98. Do you tan a lot? ~ I’m tan 24/7 bby *chuckles*
100. How are you feeling? ~ High as fuck *laughs*
102. Do you regret anything from your past? ~ Yeah, but I try not to think about it, live in the moment and shit
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? ~ Sometimes, but I normally forget about it within a couple of mins
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? ~ Ahhh probably, have you seen me, how could I not *winks*
108. What should you be doing? ~ Fuck all *laughs*
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? ~ Fuuuck, yeaaaaah
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? ~ I don’t cry around people….I don’t really cry at all tbh
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? ~ I’ve been all over the world darlin’ *smirks* I’m a cultured guy *chuckles*
116. Are you listening to music right now? ~ I’m in a cafe and theres music playing so yeah
118. Do you like Chinese food? ~ I like all food
120. Are you afraid of the dark? ~ Haha, I do most of my wirk in the dark so I fucking hope not *laughs*
122. Is cheating ever okay? ~ No, unless your girl or guy cheated first, then it’s just payback
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? ~ Yeah, I’ve seen it happen
126. Are you currently bored? ~ Nah, you’re very entertaining *smiles cheekily*
128. Would you change your name? ~ Nah, my name’s alright
130. Do you like subway? ~ Not really, I don’t eat a lot of fast food
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? ~ Kasper I think
134. Can you count to one million? ~ I Have to to count the reasons why you and me would make a cute couple *winks and then laughs*
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? ~ Closed, who the fuck leaves it open!?
138. Curly or Straight hair? ~ My hair is kinda wavey, and on other people i like all types, I don’t descriminate *smirks*
140. Summer or Winter? ~ Summer!
142. Favourite month? ~ June duh, it’s my birthday month
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? ~ yes *laughs*
146. Was today a good day? ~ It was a’ight
148. What’s your favourite quote? ~ Maya and Erik spurt some educational shit at me all the time but fuck do I have a ‘favourite quote’ *laughs*
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? ~ the closest book to me right now is in the library across town so no way mate *chuckles
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Kryptonite in Gotham
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2sPGTAV
by NerdAddiction
Kara sat in a crowded bar nervously twiddling her thumbs as the music was pounding in her ears adjusting her seat to make her feel more comfortable in the space, but it just made the dress she was wearing all the more uncomfortable. So, she tried one of the drinks William had ordered for her before he disappeared into the crowd of people dancing on the dance floor. Probably, to meet one of his sources for an article he was writing. Probably. Which, left her here, alone. Kara sighed, she wished she was at Al's right now at least she could get drunk there, but William had suggested that she go out somewhere new and meet other people than the ones she ordinarily hung out with, specifically Lena. Since she was trying to get over her feelings for her since she was currently dating her boss whom she severely....disliked. So, she caved, when William asked her if she'd want to get drinks at a bar or something while they were in Gotham, but she wasn't expecting William to bring her to a gay bar owned by Kate.
Words: 2809, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Supergirl: Adventures Through the Universe and Daily Life of A Superhero
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Pamela Isley, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Kate Kane, William Dey
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2sPGTAV
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raendown · 6 years
Pairing: MadaraTobirama Rated: G Word count: 1745 Summary: And thus was born yet another tradition for ringing in the new year.
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI in the blog header!
Midnight Glistening
Not generally the sort of person given to finding special meaning in everyday mundane things, Tobirama still couldn’t help but to wonder if there was something special after all in the way snow began to fall precisely in time with the first tolling of the joya no kane. A reluctant smile was already sneaking its way on to his face as he tilted his chin up to look at the sky. It grew ever so slightly wider when he heard the screen open behind him and Madara’s chakra spilled out on to the back deck along with the heat from inside.
“Your brother is drunk,” came the blithe announcement, words ironically unsteady to match. “He insisted on growing more kadomatsu. I left his wife to chase him around the front yard and make him put some shoes on.”
“He does it every year.” Right on cue muffled sounds drifted back to him from the front yard. Mito sounded just as tired as he usually was around this time of the year and he hoped, with some amusement, that she was ready to do it all again next winter. This was one familial duty he was happy to hand over: chasing Hashirama through the snow on New Year’s Eve so he wouldn’t get frostbite on his toes. Some traditions were born of nothing but stupidity but they were still traditions.
Madara shuffled across the deck to stand next to him, pressing up on to his toes and peeking out in to the darkness. “What are you looking at?”
“Nothing. I’m listening to the bells.”
“Oh. Are you going to stand out here the whole time? They’ll be going for hours.” Madara wrinkled his nose and bundled deeper in to his wide collar, shivering at just the prospect.
“Feel free to go back inside,” Tobirama said. “It’s been more than a decade since I had a chance to sit still and listen to all hundred and eight tolls. I just thought it might be nice to hear them again.”
“But it’s cold,” Madara protested.
Looking over at his unsolicited company, Tobirama lifted one eyebrow. “Then go back inside where it’s warm.”
Instead of answering Madara grumbled under his breath and looked back up at the sky, glaring at the snow like it had done him a personal wrong. Possibly Tobirama had suffered one too many head injuries in his time because he found himself thinking much too often lately that it was actually sort of cute the way Madara took offense to the very world around him. When he snarled at the birds or lectured a tree root that dared to be in his way it was distractingly adorable in a way it should not have been.
Doing his best to ignore the shouting – it sounded as though Mito had caught her man surprisingly quickly – Tobirama tilted his chin a little farther up and parted his lips, leaning just slightly out from underneath the cover of the veranda.
“What…are you doing?”
“Catching snowflakes.” Flushing with embarrassment, Tobirama snapped his jaw shut and lowered his face. He’d given absolutely no thought to the action before doing it. It had only been an errant thought, a memory from one of the rare flashes of childhood when he had actually acted like a child. Hashirama had been the one to drag them all outside back then and bid them to stick out their tongues to catch the snow as it fell.
The realization that he’d done something so immature while standing next to Madara, of all people, had him turning his face away with shame. If ever there had been someone upon whom he wished to make a good impression it of course had to be the one man who was so often witness to his worst moments. Just his luck, really.
“Are they supposed to taste good?” Madara’s words were infused with enough genuine curiosity that Tobirama looked back in time to see him leaning far out over the railing with his mouth wide open, snapping as the flakes with his teeth when they fell. Helplessly, Tobirama began to laugh.
“You’re not supposed to bite them like a shark,” he said. “You’re just supposed to…catch them.”
“I don’t know. For fun.” More for nostalgia on his part. Fun was for children who had nothing better to do.
Humming thoughtfully, Madara stuck his tongue out in front of him and crossed his eyes to watch a particularly fat snowflake drift down on to the tip. It melted instantly on contact. “I didn’t taste anything,” he protested.
“Probably not. It’s only frozen water.” Tobirama went still when Madara turned to him, mesmerized suddenly by the image he made
Light from the full moon above them cast a silver halo around his head and lit up the snow that had fallen in his hair, a perfect crown of dusted white, turning him from the bloodthirsty Head of the Uchiha clan in to some lonely snow prince with glittering eyes. Never had Tobirama been more tempted to reach out and bury his fingers in those wild dark locks. All around him the night felt still, almost seeming to hold its breath but for the occasional tolling of the joya no kane he had come out here to enjoy.
Swallowing against a sudden lump in his throat, Tobirama folded both hands in to his sleeves in case the temptation grew too much. He had worked hard to build a friendship of sorts between them and the last thing he wanted to do was ruin all of that effort by pushing for too much.
“Did you come out here for something?” he asked. “Or were you just avoiding Izuna?” Except for Mito, he was pretty sure he was the only sober body left at their little gathering. Izuna had spent the last hour begging hugs from anyone who drifted too close to where he had collapsed half underneath the kotatsu. Madara’s own cheeks were pinked with sake as he tucked himself back under the veranda and leaned in closer.
“I had, er, certain plans for tonight,” he began. Tobirama hummed encouragingly and then spoke up when he hesitated still.
“Plans for what?”
“Well. In my clan it is tradition to make a promise to oneself to do something in the next year. We call it a new year’s resolution and it’s supposed to be something personal we would like to accomplish, something important to ourselves. It’s the one time of year when we are allowed selfish desires.” Madara smiled as though in memory of years passed.
Intrigued, Tobirama angled himself more towards the other man. “And your resolution had something to do with me? Precocious of you, looking to accomplish things just after midnight has brought us the new year.”
“Hmph. Yes, well. I have always been precocious.”
“Am I allowed to ask?” Tobirama wondered. He was doubly curious to see Madara’s cheeks gain several shades of color.
For a few moments the man hesitated again, peering up through his messy fringe as though he were looking for something specific in Tobirama’s face. Whatever it was, he did seem to find it after a few moments, smiling in an oddly nervous sort of way and shuffling closer once more.
“My promise to myself,” he said quietly, “was that I would kiss you before the bells stopped tolling.”
Unable to speak, Tobirama could only nod faintly when Madara leaned in with a questioning tilt to his head. His eyes fell shut when their lips pressed together but every nerve ending in his body sang with fire and joy the likes of which he had only seen in fireworks. He was very nearly panting at the end, letting out the breath he hadn’t even realized he was holding, unwilling to disturb this precious moment in any way.
“Oh,” he whispered. There were no other words in his head that he would not be mortified to blurt out.
“Yeah,” Madara mumbled back. The two of them stood and gazed at each other awkwardly for a minute, wondering where to go from here. Tobirama felt a little off-balance to realize that he had been pining in silence for nothing. Apparently they had both been wanting this. Eventually he figured that one of them had to say something, anything, and it might as well be him. If Madara could step out on a limb like that then so could he.
“Would you like to stay and listen to the bells with me?”
As shaky as his words had been in the offer, Madara’s were that steady in his acceptance. “Yes. I would enjoy that.”
Both of them wore shy smiles as Madara tucked himself up against Tobirama’s side, winding an arm around his waist and laying a head against his shoulder. Tobirama buried his nose in the dark hair assaulting him. He couldn’t think of a word to properly describe the way it smelled but it was a good scent, at least, and it gave him an impression of homecoming. Something warm and soft inside his chest thumped enthusiastically against his ribs. It might have been his heart and the softness may have been a sensation of happiness. Tobirama chose not to think on it too much.
He focused instead on placing his arm just so around Madara’s shoulders in a way that could almost have been a hug if he brought his other arm in to play, closing his eyes and listening to the sound of the new year ringing brassy and proud through the otherwise calm night air. From inside the house he could hear Hashirama recounting his adventures in the front yard, Izuna interrupting with the occasional hiccup, and Mito softly singing to herself from somewhere a little closer, traditional songs her mother used to sing to her on this night before she left the Whirlpool islands. Outside the veranda the snow continued falling in soft waves to blanket the earth in pure unsullied white.
Warm and content with Madara held close, Tobirama considered making a resolution of his own until he realized with a wry smile that he already had everything he needed. His brother a happily married man, his clan at peace, a village built to keep them safe, and the man he loved tucked under his chin. There was nothing more that he could possibly think to ask for – except perhaps the chance to do this all again the next year.
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timespanner · 6 years
The Dan in the High Castle
A transcript of the second episode of Time Spanner, The Dan in the High Castle
Script by Simon Kane (@slepkane)
Transcript by @lothiriel84 and @my-sun-my-baelish​
Laika: (voice-over) Earth. They called it that, because they were standing on it. I left because – well, I suppose there are a number of reasons I left, but I was never told them, because I’m a dog. That’s right, Laika here. They call me that because I like things. (laughter) Only joking. It’s Russian for ‘barker’. Yes, I’m Russian. And female, actually. And dead, although I still don’t know why. But, you know how you’re not supposed to leave a dog in a car with closed windows? Well, I was put in a rocket and shot into space. But why choose me to tell the story of a man who two years ago was tasked with saving the world? Is it because it didn’t go very well? Or, because Martin Gay, a man who on the third of November 2016 was sent through an alchemist’s mirror into a sort of magic space Heaven, a man who there met a fiery angel who ordered him to steal a spanner from a giant robot that would grant him the power to jaunt the length, breadth, and when-th of all of time and space, a man who was then returned to reality from this realm of angels and robots with a specific mission to save his world using innovations he must steal from the future, a plan whose exact logic had yet to be tested – is it because he, like me, is propelled by a technology of higher beings that could be used for both good, and bad things? Or, am I simply telling this story because it will turn out to be a love story, and I am a dog who can never go home? Let’s find out!
Time Spanner, by Simon Kane
The Dan in the High Castle
Laika: (voice-over) It is the year 2018 (SFX: clap of thunder, followed by the sound of hail falling) and through the foot-thick window of a hail-lashed chrome cylinder the one time reality star of Judo TV’s Cash of the Titans surveys his city.
Voice over the intercom: Lord Kraken?
Lord Kraken: Speak.
Voice over the intercom: We’ve picked up their signal, Sir.
Lord Kraken: Excellent work, my Yellowcoats. Bring them to me. Use force if you have to.
Voice over the intercom: Thank you, Lord.
Lord Kraken: At last. Robot, bring me my cape.
Laika: (voice-over) That, as I said, is 2018. On the third of November 2016, Daniel Kraken had none of this. (SFX: sirens) But he did have a branch of Kraken Self-Storage in Brixton, and a loyal receptionist called Martin Gay. And an alchemist’s mirror.
Gabbie: You’re a time traveller!
Laika: (voice-over) That’s Gabbie Hayes, a twenty year old charity mugger.
Martin: Yes. But I’m not weird.
Laika: (voice-over) And that’s Martin Gay, who might be weird. For example, he’s not wearing any shoes. Only this morning, on his fortieth birthday, his boss forced him at gunpoint to pass through an alchemist’s mirror to learn the secrets of the cosmos, so he had to take them off.
Martin: So, are we on? Gabbie?
Angel: This is a terrible idea.
Laika: (voice-over) That’s the fiery angel Martin met on the other side of the mirror, a voice in his head only he can now hear.
Gabbie: On for what?
Martin: Oh, you asked if I wanted a companion, to travel through time and space.
Gabbie: Yeah, as a joke.
Martin: Oh. Okay, I can’t tell when you’re joking.
Gabbie: And that does make you fun. But –
Laika: (voice-over) Martin only met Gabbie this morning, but he’s already decided she – is the light bulb in his lampshade, the food in his fridge.
Martin: But it was a joke.
Gabbie: Yeah, but I thought you were joking. So –
Martin: So...?
Laika: (voice-over) And the universe falls silent as it waits for an answer.
Gabbie: Let’s talk
Laika: (voice-over) Yay!
Martin: Yes!
Gabbie: Cool, but this isn’t a yes.
Martin: Oh, no.
Gabbie: Are you off work at six?
Martin: Ah, great. Do you know the Cat in the Bag?
Laika: (voice-over) Uh, cat!
Gabbie: Pub?
Martin: Yeah.
Gabbie: Cool. Get shoes though. I’m not meeting if you’re not wearing shoes.
Martin: Yes.
Gabbie: And not dinner lady ones you had on last time.
Martin: Yeah, no, brilliant. See you at six. (to himself) Oh, fab!
Angel: You fool!
Martin: What?
Angel: This is not why I gave you the Time Spanner.
Martin: You shoved it up my nose, you mean.
Angel: Which is how I’m now communicating to your brain from Heaven, yes? Which hole would you rather I’d use?
Martin: You said I could have a companion.
Angel: And I gave you a companion, remember? Mr Mergatroid?
Martin: I thought Gabbie would be better.
Angel: Better for your nerves than a devoted little flying robot who emits cake?
Martin: I’m not nervous. I’m just happy and excited, my body’s not used to it. Come on, Gabbie will be amazing, travelling together around the – the planet. Not the planet. The sun? Not the sun, too hot. But, uh, you know, other planets, if we can breathe. Can we breathe?
Angel: No.
Martin: Well, not them then. But, to the past, seeing the – I don’t know, the plague! Okay, not the plague. But Gabbie is good at ideas – come on, it’ll be an adventure.
Angel: Adventure is just bad planning. That spanner was very sensitively positioned to allow you to operate it with just a finger up the nose because you are on a mission. To travel to the future and return with technology that will save your world.
Martin: Okay, it will be a cool mission. Oh, what are we bringing back?
Angel: Hm?
Martin: This technology, is it something energy? To do with food?
Angel: Uh, it’s a bit of both.
Martin: Oh, cool.
Angel: It’s qualmian needle beam.
Martin: Qualmian needle beam?
Angel: It’s basically a flesh eating death laser.
Martin: What?
Angel: Which is to be used only for good.
Martin: It’s a weapon?
Angel: Don’t be nervous.
Martin: I am not nervous! I’m just not sure I want to be remembered as the inventor of the flesh eating death laser.
Angel: Well, perhaps I should have entrusted this mission then to your master, Daniel Kraken.
Martin: Uh, well, he does work in security.
Angel: Okay, so that’s supposed to be reverse psychology.
Martin: Oh, yeah. No, that doesn’t really work on me.
Angel: Fine! Fine! Let’s get that thing out of your nose, and you can go and tell Gabbie you –
Martin: Oh, no, yeah, that works. Gabbie. Yeah, okay, I’ll do the mission it if I can do it with Gabbie.
Angel: I still have significant concerns about her effect on your nerves.
Martin: I’m not nervous, Gabbie’s great for my nerves. Uh, right, I don’t really know what to do with myself until six. Although, actually – I am a time traveller, so I could just –
Angel: No, whatever it is –
Martin: Fast forward to six o’clock now!
Angel: Do not put your fingers up your nose. (SFX: gong sound as the Time Spanner is activated) Oh, you utter –
Martin: Oh, Cat in the Bag. Uh, it’s dark.
Angel: Of course. This is what I mean by bad planning.
Martin: What?
Angel: You’re running before you’ve learnt to walk.
Martin: That’s a good thing, isn’t it? I’ve never understood that. (SFX: phone pings) Uh.
Angel: Flip phone?
Martin: Yeah. It’s futuristic. Ah.
Angel: What?
Martin: A hundred and thirty-four missed calls.
Angel: Any messages?
Martin: Yeah. Don’t really want to with that now, though, so –
Angel: Listen to the messages.
Martin: No.
Angel: You have jumped eight hours of your life. You need to listen –
Martin: Just stop telling me what to do, please!
Angel: You are nervous.
Martin: I’m not – (SFX: sound of phone being smashed) Well, I’ve broken it now, anyway, so we can’t – You’re bad for my nerves, not Gab – I needed a new phone anyway. Let’s going.
Angel: Fine. If anyone notices a shoeless man muttering to himself and smashing a phone against a bin. Although, actually, so far –
Martin: Yeah, no, Brixton’s great.
(SFX: pub atmos)
Laika: (voice-over) 2016. The Cat in the Bag. Peeling leather seating banks, random tassels, you know, a bowl of markers in the toilet. Martin loved this pub, and had drunk here at least twice.
Gabbie: Martin Gay!
Martin: Gabbie, you’re – here.
Gabbie: Hello.
Martin: Hello, hello, pion and –
Angel: No.
Martin: – tube. Uh.
Angel: No.
Gabbie: Shake hands.
Martin: Shake hands.
Gabbie: Hello, sitting down. (SFX: sound of chairs scraping against the floor)
Martin: Sitting down. Hello.
Gabbie: So, you’re not dead then.
Martin: What?
Gabbie: Is this what I have to get used to? No offense, Martin Gay, but –
Angel: What is she talking about?
Gabbie: Did you blow it up?
Martin: What?
Gabbie: Where you work.
Martin: Kraken Self-Storage? Blew up?
Gabbie: Yeah.
Angel: Alright, stay calm.
Martin: Wait, who’s dying?
Gabbie: No one! Well, you, but turns out you’re fine. But answer your phone.
Angel: Okay. House meeting. Where can we talk?
Martin: What? Okay, sorry, Gabbie, I just need to – oh, sorry, I haven’t asked what you want to drink.
Gabbie: Just coke and ice.
Martin: Okay I’m going to the toilet for –
Gabbie: Okay. No stroll, though ‘cos they’ve got up turtles.
(SFX: sound of the toilet door opening/closing)
Martin: My workplace blew up.
Angel: Yes, right. So, I’m going to take a break from communicating to you from Heaven to make some enquires my end about the explosion. Do not use the spanner until you hear from me again.
Martin: Oh, you’re going? Okay, cool.
Angel: What?
Martin: No, you’re just doing what you think you should be doing, that’s cool.
Angel: No, Martin.
Martin: Having your voice in my head is not unweird.
Angel: I’m a guardian angel.
Martin: I’m an atheist.
Angel: Excuse me, you’re an atheist? You’ve been to Heaven.
Martin: It had robots.
Angel: Think of me then as your muse.
Martin: Okay.
Angel: Me, not Gabbie.
Martin: What?
Angel: She’s half your age, I mean, she’s twenty. Seriously, next to her, Martin, you look like a bald bear.
Martin: No, it’s not –
Angel: It’s not good. À bientôt. (SFX: sound of fire as the angel disappears)
Martin: Alright.
(SFX: pub music)
Martin: Oh, there we go. Sorry. Sorted everything out now.
Gabbie: Er, shoes?
Martin: Ah. Yeah, I didn’t get them. Sorry. Or your drink, actually. And I haven’t a wallet, it’s in the explosion. Sorry.
Gabbie: What are you doing Martin Gay?
Martin: Hm?
Gabbie: Is it all a bit moment to moment in your life right now?
Martin: Yeah.
Gabbie: Yeah, look. Before we go any further – bit embarrassing, but, um, can we just clarify something? You know, get out of the way?
Martin: Um, sure?
Gabbie: Pay.
Martin: Oh, yes.
Gabbie: Cos you said my job’s on pay, but does that mean you’re not getting paid because you have this ‘amazing’ power?
Martin: Yes, I know, I’m sorry.
Angel: We need to talk, now.
Martin: Oh, guys! Sorry.
Gabbie: It’s alright. I’m just saying, one of my jobs could be working out how we get paid. You know –
Angel: (talking over Gabbie) Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Stop talking to her!
Martin: Sure. Sorry, and I think that’s my phone.
Gabbie: What?
Angel: Thank you!
Martin: I just better take this, in the toilet. Um –
(SFX: sound of the toilet door opening/closing)
Martin: What?
Angel: The Metatron.
Martin: What?!
Angel: The giant robot we stole the spanner from? He blew up your boss’ magic mirror from the Heaven end.
Martin: That was the explosion? Yikes!
Angel: Yes, ‘yikes’. And there are now factions in Heaven veeery angry I gave you this mission.
Martin: To steal a flesh eating death laser.
Angel: Hm.
Martin: What factions?
Angel: The Usual.
Martin: The Usual?
Angel: That’s what they call themselves, yes, ‘The Usual’. Even now, they may be tracing my signal to the spanner in your head to locate you.
Martin: There’s people after me?
Angel: Not yet.
Martin: Okay.
Angel: And not people.
Martin: Hhhhh.
Angel: We need another means of communication between my plane and the physical, something they can’t trace. (pause) Do you have a mirror?
Martin: Uh, I mean, well, there’s –
Angel: Oh, is that a mirror? Over the sink?
Martin: What did you think it was?
Angel: I thought it was just some guy making fun of you.
Martin: Wh –
Angel: Reality is hard. Now, in addition to granting you the power to travel through all time and space – it is just time and space you have, isn’t it?
Martin: Uh, yeah.
Angel: The Time Spanner also lets us communicate through any mirror. But you need to make a sigil. So, do you have a pen?
Martin: Here.
Angel: There’s a bowl of pens in the toilet?
Martin: Uh, yeah.
Angel: Hmm. Okay, draw a line on the mirror, right to left.
Martin: Oh, you’re teaching me magic? Right.
Angel: Stop. Now, down. And left.
Martin: Right.
Angel: Okay, new line. Above where you just left off, draw down.
Martin: Wait, I–
Angel: Quickly!
Martin: Okay.
Angel: Now, left to right. Hurry!
Martin: Are you making me draw a swastika?
Angel: It’s a perfectly innocent symbol.
Martin: Oh my god, it is not!
Angel: You need to mark the mirror with a sigil.
Martin: Give me another.
Angel: (sighs) Well, there’s a circle, of course.
Martin: Great. Why did we start with –
Angel: Quickly. (SFX: sounds of Martin drawing on the mirror) What is that? A circle is one line, draw one line.
Martin: Okay, it’s just harder, standing up, you’re right. Okay. (SFX: sounds of Martin drawing on the mirror) Hang on. I mean, it should have met up by now, but you get the idea.
Angel: Draw a swastika.
Martin: No!
Angel: Hitler didn’t even get it the right way round.
Martin: What?!
Angel: Not that I gave the spanner to him.
Martin: Okay, I’m giving it to my boss.
Angel: The pen?
Martin: No, the Time Spanner. I’m sorry, but this is no fun, I don’t want it anymore. Mr Kraken actually knows about magic and weapons – (SFX: sound of fire)
Angel: Noooo!
Martin: So I quit. Hello? Oh. Have you gone? Well, okay. Over and out?
(SFX: pub atmos)
Martin: So that was – oh, boy. Anyway. Phew.
Gabbie: We don’t have to talk about pay, Martin Gay.
Martin: Sorry, yes, I’m hopeless.
Gabbie: Don’t be sorry. Everyone gets hopeless.
Martin: Not you.
Gabbie: Mate, this year?
Martin: Oh, 2016?
Gabbie: Can all the heroes stop dying, please? Can’t wait to see the back of it.
Martin: Yeah.
Gabbie: You don’t have to, though. You’re a time traveller. Let’s go to 2017 now, get you some future shoes.
Martin: Uh, ah, no. Actually –
Gabbie: Ah. Is it off?
Martin: How do you read people so well?
Gabbie: I thought we were going on an adventure, Martin Gay!
Martin: Adventure is just bad planning.
Gabbie: Oh, then we already have.
Martin: No, no, it’s just – that was my boss, then, on the phone.
Gabbie: Daniel Kraken?
Martin: Yeah. And he wants the time thing for himself now, so –
Gabbie: So?
Martin: What?
Gabbie: You don’t have to do what he says. You’re holding all the cards, Martin Gay.
Martin: Does that mean I’m winning? I’ve never understood that.
Gabbie: Yeah.
Martin: What card game are you winning if you’re holding all the cards?
Gabbie: Top Trumps!
Martin: It’s a Top Trumps reference?
Gabbie: Yeah. You’ve got the time thing, not Kraken. What do you want to do?
Martin: Oh, I’m terrible at this question. What do you want to do, Gabbie?
Gabbie: I want to see what you want to do.
Martin: I – I do want to want to do something. I mean, I have all this, and you, so I should be –
Gabbie: (interrupting) Taking care of yourself.
Martin: No.
Gabbie: No, you should be taking care of yourself.
Martin: But if it means giving this up, you’re right, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. Won’t I?
Gabbie: Don’t know. If only there was some way to find out.
Martin: Yeah. What? (realising) Oh! I’m a time traveller! Gabbie, do you want to come to the future with me and see if I regret –  
Gabbie: Yes, please!
Martin: Right. 2017.
Gabbie: Or further!
Martin: Twenty – eighteen? Okay, so, how it works is that anything I touch travels with me.
Gabbie: You want to touch me?
Martin: No!
Gabbie: Where do you want to touch me, Martin Gay? Joking. Take my hand.
Martin: Thanks. Okay. Now it’s gonna look like I’m picking my nose, but –
(SFX: gong sound as the Time Spanner is activated)
Martin: Oh, what is that in my face?
Laika: (voice-over) Here we are, in 2018.
Gabbie: Hail!
Martin: The Cat’s all boarded up.
Laika: (voice-over) And across the closed pub, a bill sticker reads  –
Martin: Property of the Kraken Empire?
Man’s voice: Hey, you! Stop there. (SFX: gunshots being fired)
Martin: Oh, guys!
Laika: (voice-over) Armed and masked figures in high visibility tabards.
Man’s voice: Over it, now.
Martin: On whose authority? (SFX: sound of Martin being punched) Ouch – guys! Right on the nose.
Gabbie: Hey!
Man’s voice: We’ve located the target, Sir.
Lord Kraken: What’s he look like?
Man’s voice: He looks rubbish.
Lord Kraken: That’s him.
Man’s voice: And a girl.
Lord Kraken: Bring them both.
Man’s voice: Yes, Lord Kraken.
Martin: Daniel Kraken?
Gabbie: Seen enough.
Martin: Now what, Gabbie, can we –
Gabbie: Go meet your boss?
Man’s voice: Into the truck!
Martin: Yeah, I’m just –
Gabbie: Curious? Yeah, totally.
Martin: Coming.
Gabbie: So, we can just hold hands and escape whenever we want, right?
Martin: Yeah.
Gabbie: How’s your nose?
Martin: Yeah, beginning to hurt.
Man’s voice: Get in!
Laika: (voice-over) Hail pounded the truck carrying Martin and Gabbie as it ground north past pictureless hoardings, abandoned cranes, barbed wire and wet grit, until finally, in the highest room of a mistopped chrome cylinder, on the brown banks of a froffing river –
Man’s voice: Kneel before Lord Kraken.
Martin: Ouch.
Lord Kraken: Forgive my Yellowcoats, they can be a little – overzealous. Leave us.
Yellowcoat: Yes, Lord Kraken.
Lord Kraken: Two long years I’ve waited for this. Marty – Marty, Marty, Marty, Marty, Marty.
Gabbie: Mar-tin.
Lord Kraken: And the friend who finally led us to you, Miss –
Gabbie: Hayes, thank you.
Lord Kraken: Allow me to introduce myself.
Gabbie: You’re Dan! Now, escape.
Martin: ‘Led us to you’?
Lord Kraken: Tried tracking your phone, Marty, no luck. Pulled the last number you called, tracked that instead.
Gabbie: What do you want with us, Dan? You’ve got the cold dead eyes of a cold dead guy.
Lord Kraken: Oh, there is a fire here, Miss Hayes.
Gabbie: In the flat?
Lord Kraken: You misunderstand me.
Gabbie: Yet I don’t understand what you’re saying.
Lord Kraken: I mean I have a drive. (pause) No.
Gabbie: You’ve got a drive? You live in a flat.
Lord Kraken: Okay. Okay, firstly, this is not a flat.
Gabbie: It’s not a house.
Martin: I live in a house, well, house share.
Gabbie: See, Dan, he lives in a house.
Lord Kraken: Enough!
Gabbie: Issues.
Martin: You’re right. Come on Gabbie, I’ve had enough.
Gabbie: Sure.
Lord Kraken: Holding hands, how touching.
Gabbie: Bye, Dan.
Martin: Bye.
Lord Kraken: And now picking your nose. Less touching.
Gabbie: Bye.
Martin: Ouch. Bye. Ouch.
Gabbie: Bye. (pause) Nothing’s happening!
Martin: Ouch. Oh, god!
Lord Kraken: What are you doing?
Martin: Gabbie, I can’t reach it.
Gabbie: What?
Lord Kraken: Reach what?
Martin: When that guard hit me in the face, I think it must have driven it too far into my – ouch.
Gabbie: You must be able to reach it! Otherwise, how do you go back and give it to Dan?
Martin: Well, I’m hardly going to now.
Lord Kraken: Give what?
Gabbie: Wait, wait, wait. If you don’t give it to him –
Martin: Then how –
Lord Kraken: How what?
Martin: How have you done all this?
Gabbie: Yeah!
Lord Kraken: All what?
Gabbie: Taken over the world?
Lord Kraken: What are you talking about?
Martin: You’ve got an army!
Lord Kraken: Oh, the Yellowcoats! Not strictly speaking mine. Private security force, subcontracted to the Home Office.
Martin: But, ‘kneel before Lord Kraken’?
Lord Kraken: Yeah, a bit overzealous, I said that. But good lads.
Gabbie: Lord Kraken?
Lord Kraken: I was made a Lord, yes. About bloody time. I don’t know where you’ve been, Marty, but I’ve had a good couple of years. Property portfolio’s booming, won that security contract, Cash of the Titans got syndicated to Russia – they love me there. I’ve hardly taken over the world though, I’m in a flat in Vauxhall.
Martin: You’re wearing a cape!
Lord Kraken: It’s a free country.
Mr Mergatroid: Suits you, Master.
Martin: Mr Mergatroid!
Mr Mergatroid: It's the man!
Lord Kraken: Ah, yes, the robot you abandoned.
Gabbie: Wait, what?
Lord Kraken: I did hope he might help the business, actually. I mean, artificial intelligence, anti gravity – but nope, useless.
Mr Mergatroid: Boody cake, Master? Fresh from m’boody.
Lord Kraken: Apart from the cake.
Martin: So, magic had nothing to do with it.
Gabbie: I’ve got questions.
Martin: Yeah, me too. If you didn’t take over the world, then why is everything now so rubbish?
Lord Kraken: What? Oh, thanks a bunch.
Martin: The Cat in the Bag all boarded up.
Lord Kraken: The new Kraken site, yeah. Pubs close down, Marty.
Martin: The deserted streets?
Lord Kraken: It’s hailing.
Martin: But – the drive here, the rubble, the barbed wire, the terrifying giant building works. Okay, that – okay that’s just –
Lord Kraken: That’s Vauxhall.
Martin: Yeah.
Gabbie: Yeah, yeah.
Lord Kraken: Look, Marty, spare me your midlife wobble. 2018 is not rubbish, it’s brilliant! I’ve got a robot, and a cape.
Martin: ‘Midlife wobble’?
Lord Kraken: Your pub closed down, so you think the Nazis took over. You couldn’t be more middle-aged.
Martin: You led us here at gunpoint!
Lord Kraken: Because that’s the only way to get you to do anything. Marty, you had to be forced at gunpoint into Heaven.
Gabbie: Heaven?
Lord Kraken: What did you find on the other side of that scrying glass? Tell me, and I’ll make you a partner in everything we build.
Martin: I don’t want any part of any of this.
Lord Kraken: Of what?
Martin: Of – (mumbles)
Lord Kraken: You’re indicating with your arms literally your entire surroundings.
Martin: Yes!
Lord Kraken: Fine. I’ll use force. Everyone thinks you’re dead already, Marty, and I’m fine with force. Robot!
Mr Mergatroid: Yeah?
Lord Kraken: Take these two down to the interrogation unit.
Mr Mergatroid: The – hospitality popup?
Lord Kraken: The – where we do the focus group.
Mr Mergatroid: Into the lift please. Nyam.
(SFX: ping of the lift)
Martin: Gabbie, I’m sorry.
Mr Mergatroid: I’m sorry too, Marty.
Martin: What?
Mr Mergatroid: What are we sorry about?
Martin: Sorry, can Gabbie and I just –
Mr Mergatroid: Who’s Gabbie?
Martin: Oh, sorry. Gabbie, this is Mr Mergatroid.
Gabbie: Hi.
Mr Mergatroid: Not interested.
Gabbie: Cool. How’s Kraken got a robot?
Mr Mergatroid: Oh. I’m on your side, really.
Martin: Hm? Oh, yes – thanks for not telling him about the Time Spanner.
Mr Mergatroid: I’ve – missed you, buddy.
Martin: Oh, right, I mean – we didn’t really know each other.
Mr Mergatroid: No, but the moment I was made your companion I recalibrated my emotions.
Gabbie: Companion?
Mr Mergatroid: And now, I love you.
Martin: Oh.
Gabbie: Can you let us go, then, please, Mr – Mergatroid?
Mr Mergatroid: No. But I do have something that may help. (SFX: sound of something being taken out) Found them in the explosion.
Martin: You’ve had my shoes inside you for two years?
Mr Mergatroid: I missed you!
Martin: Okay. Maybe, recalibrate your emotions back again – just, you know, just for your own sake.
Mr Mergatroid: But I don’t want to, Marty!
Gabbie: I’m replacing a robot?
Martin: Right, is this the –
Mr Mergatroid: I don’t want to. (pause) Bye!
Laika: (voice-over) Where they do the focus groups.
Gabbie: Right, I spent the last five minutes in my head trying mainly to invent time travel from scratch, and it’s not going great. How are you getting on?
Martin: Well, I got my shoes back. Wait. That massive two-way mirror on the wall behind you. Gabbie, do you have something to write with?
Gabbie: Lipstick?
Martin: Oh, thank you! Now, um – (SFX: sound of drawing on the mirror) There.
Gabbie: You’ve drawn a swastika?! (SFX: sound of Martin being punched)
Martin: Ouch! My nose!
Gabbie: I’m sorry, Martin, but what the hell?
(SFX: sound of fire)
Angel: I attend.
Martin: It worked!
Laika: (voice-over) There in the mirror, and only in the mirror, the blazing angel –
Angel: What happened to you?
Laika: (voice-over) – wreathed in fire.
Martin: You’re the one who left, what happened to you?
Angel: The Usual – I don’t want to talk about it.
Laika: (voice-over) Visible to all.
Gabbie: Hello!
Angel: Hello.
Martin: Oh, Gabbie, sorry, this in the mirror is – I don’t know what to call you.
Angel: I have been called many names.
Gabbie: You look like a Bridget.
Angel: Thank you.
Martin: Bridget? Nah.
Gabbie: Bridget’s a hot name, Martin.
Lord Kraken: (over the intercom) What are you doing? There are cameras.
Gabbie: Nothing, Dan.
Martin: Oh, sorry, yes, Gabbie, this is –
Lord Kraken: (over the intercom) Are you scrying?
Gabbie: Scrying?
Martin: Oh, it means to communicate with angels through a reflective surface.
Gabbie: This is an angel?
Martin: Well, more –
Angel: His genie.
Martin: Yes!
Angel: He keeps me as a slave.
Martin: No!
Angel: Forgive me, Master!
Gabbie: Martin Gay!
Angel: Yes, he is horrible, you don’t want to work with him.
Martin: Stop that!
Gabbie: We need to talk about that, actually, Martin – you know, the whole ‘job’ thing.
Laika: (voice-over) Uh-oh. (whines) This doesn’t sound good.
Lord Kraken: (over the intercom) Right. You are definitely doing magic. Yellowcoats, get down there!
Martin: Okay, quickly.
Gabbie: Hey, be nice to Bridget! Can you get us back to 2016, please?
Angel: Ah, date?
Gabbie: Uh, November the third.
Angel: 6.30 pm?
Martin: Oh, sure.
Angel: Location?
Gabbie: Cat in the Bag?
Angel: Voilà!
(SFX: sound of portal being opened)
Laika: (voice-over) And there, in the mirror, a shortcut through Heaven back to 2016, looking more inviting than it ever had before.
Martin: I didn’t know you could do that.
Angel: I know.
Gabbie: So we just step through the mirror?
Angel: Correct.
Martin: And then, once we’re through, you disappear?
Angel: No.
Martin: What?
Angel: Once summoned, I remain in the mirror until the sigil is erased. So just wipe it off once you’re through – Master.
Martin: Through what?
Gabbie: How?
Angel: Oh.
Martin: Wipe it off, so one of us –
Gabbie: – has to stay behind.
Angel: Ah.
Martin: That’s fine. Gabbie, you go.
Gabbie: Really?
Martin: I’ve got loads of pass, I’ll get back somehow.
Gabbie: Sure?
Martin: Yeah, sure.
Gabbie: Okay, before I do – (sighs) this whole companion thing, Martin Gay...
Martin: Oh. Yeah?
Gabbie: Sorry.
Laika: (voice-over) (whines) No!
Martin: Ah. Right.
Gabbie: Don’t look hopeless. You’ll get a robot companion, they’re the best. And, you’ve got my number in your phone, yeah?
Martin: Er, yeah.
Gabbie: Stay in touch, yeah?
Martin: Actually, no. Haven’t got a phone.
Gabbie: Oh, have mine.
Martin: Oh, really?
Gabbie: Yeah. Catch!
Martin: Cheers.
Gabbie: Okay. Be well, yeah. Thank you for having meeeee.
Laika: (voice-over) And Gabbie Hayes was gone.
Angel: Oh, she was very sweet.
Martin: You’re happy she’s gone.
Angel: Maybe.
Martin: What did you have against her?
Angel: Her? Nothing, Martin. She quit. Take a hint. Now, shall we get on with saving the world?
Martin: Ouch.
Angel: What?
Martin: I’m – I’m trying to reach the – ouch. I can’t – so, a guard hit me in the face, and it’s driven the thing too far into my brain.
Lord Kraken: (over the intercom) There’s something in your brain?
Angel: Oh, not again.
(SFX: banging at the door)
Yellowcoat: How’re we getting in?
Lord Kraken: (over the intercom) It’s a shutter, you lift it.
Angel: I have bad news.
Martin: What?
Angel: It might be broken.
Martin: The spanner?
Angel: I’m sorry, I keep forgetting to factor into my choice of saviour how often they might get punched in the face.
Martin: But – it summoned you.
Angel: Yes, and then, Gabbie punched you in the face. You’d better just follow her through.
Martin: But, no – then you’ll be stuck here, and Kraken will have another magic mirror.
Angel: Well, better he gets his hands on me than on what’s in your head.
Lord Kraken: (over the intercom) Yellowcoats, get in there. (SFX: banging at the door) No, you lift it. There, good lads.
Martin: He’s not getting another magic mirror. Goodbye.
Angel: No! Really?
Martin: I’m wiping it out.
Angel: Well, goodbye. (SFX: sound of fire as the angel disappears)
Laika: (voice-over) And Martin Gay was alone. (SFX: sound of the shutter being lifted, guards rushing in) And then, he wasn’t.
Martin: Hi.
Woman’s voice: Ah, got here in time. Prisoner with me. Holly, secure the unit, make sure he can’t get back in.
Martin: What?
Woman’s voice: I don’t make the rules. This way, you big – nonsense.
Martin: Gabbie?
Gabbie: Shh. Yeah! Joined the Yellowcoats three months ago.
Martin: Joined them? Why?
Gabbie: To rescue you.
Yellowcoat: Oi, go away.
Gabbie: Into the car park. Run!
(SFX: sirens getting closer)
Martin: Three months ago?!
Gabbie: This way!
(SFX: gunshots being fired)
Martin: Ah! Guys! More of them!
Voice over a megaphone: Drop your weapons.
Gabbie: Nah. Police. They’re not here for you, they’re here for Dan.
Martin: What?
Police officer: Mr Gay?
Gabbie: Here he is.
Police officer: You’re safe now.
Gabbie: Yeah. I made some calls. Turns out, you didn’t die in the explosion two years ago, you were kidnapped.
Police officer: Right, I’m going in. Let’s find Kraken.
(SFX: gunshots being fired)
Martin: Wait, you know that’s not what actually happened.
Gabbie: Oh, yeah, I’m following this. Why didn’t you come back though?
Martin: It – broke.
Gabbie: You missed nothing. I’m not joking, Martin Gay – the last two years have been crazy. I mean, not interesting crazy, crazy like a crazy person. Which I can say, because I worked in mental health for a year, and can I just say, I had to reapply for my own job four times. My own job! Then the place closes down, and it isn’t even what I want to be doing, though I’m twenty-two, I mean, what can I do with my life – sorry, how are you?
Martin: I’m –
Mr Kraken: Hold your fire, lads. Marty, I’m innocent! Tell them!
Police officer: Mr Kraken, I’m arresting you for the illegal detainment of a Mr Martin Gay –
Gabbie: So, that’s me out of a job again.
Laika: (voice-over) Hurray!
Gabbie: You still need someone to help you save the world? There’s bugger a lot to do.
Martin: But Gabbie, the Time Spanner’s broken.
Gabbie: Everything’s broken. Fix it! Oh, sorry, am I sounding old and grumpy?
Martin: Everyone gets hopeless.
Gabbie: Ha! Who said that? Was it someone amazing?
Laika: (voice-over) Imagine having the power of a god. Imagine being able to let the universe go on exactly as it would have done if you’d never existed. Human beings, alas, do not have such a power. Their actions have consequences. Which is why, now and then, one may be entrusted to bear – the Time Spanner.
Martin: Actually, Gabbie – do you want it?
Time Spanner was written by Simon Kane, and starred Simon Kane, John Finnemore, London Hughes, Jeremy Limb, David Mitchell, and Sally Phillips. The producer was Gareth Edwards, and it was a BBC Studios production.
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I’m a little bit hammered on wine so - as is now my tradition - I’m gonna continue my long drawn out drunk!rewatch of The 100 with...
season two episode 9 AKA Remember Me AKA Why Does Raven Always Have To Be The One To Sacrifice
wow it’s been so long since I cracked out my dvds I’m getting weirdly emotional at the menu screen music
poor Clarke Lady Macbethng like crazy with the blood on her hands and Abby trying to comfort her is hurting my heart :(
also not to be too On Brand here but every little moment that Marcus watches Abby in this season you can kind of see him genuinely seeing her extraordinary strength and compassion for the first time and falling more and more in love with her with every day and it’s a Lot
Raven :(:(:(
wow Bellamy’s hair is so short this season I forgot lol
urgh it’s so horrifying to see Cage Wallace and co talking about the grounders and Lexa as a leader and realising that they really DO understand that the grounders as people, same as them and yet??? they’ve still been draining them for their blood???
the casual low key flirting and Abby’s really pointed barb and Marcus putting his hand on her knee and reassuring her <3<3<3
also I never noticed Abby sitting outside her tent watching over Clarke as she sleeps before and it’s making me emotional
friendly reminder that Lincoln Deserved Better
I feel like I should mention this Mount Weather Adventure Squad plotline because it’s super great and REALLY tense but I don’t really have anything to say about it
I get so stupidly emotional about Kane and Abby just standing together in every scene in season two, every little unspoken moment of supporting each other, every little wordless glance and background conversation
to be fair, ambivalent though I am most of the time to Lexa as a character, ‘The dead are gone, Clarke...and the living are hungry’ is a fucking awesome line
and he can’t help but be such a DAD about it too, adding that little ‘Just..don’t drink too much of it...’ to Lexa like she’s his teenage daughter
I’m really bummed no-one got to eat that epic looking feast that they laid out because of the whole botched assassination plot tho
oh noooo Abby trying to comfort Clarke and having it absolutely backfire in the most heartbreaking way is my Least Favourite Thing
and Clarke...isssss kind of a hypocrite for judging Abby for what she did to Jake when she did pretty much the same thing herself to Finn
more of Monty being a goddamn hero 2k18 pls
Marcus comforting Clarke by talking strategy with her is my Most Favourite Thing
Nyko is like Sinclair in that every time he even appears on screen or has a line I want to burst into tears
Monty you sweet precious dork <3
ahhhhhh that final scene of Clarke following Lexa into the tent, stony-faced, while Abby watches in horror and clutches her necklace for comfort is so chilling
also I feel like there are some Missing Scene fic possibilities in Monty and Harper being the first to be caged up together, given their later relationship developments...
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linuxgamenews · 3 years
Pecaminosa detective stories RPG gets a Linux build
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Pecaminosa noir action RPG games available with native support on Linux and Mac besides Windows PC. Thanks to developer Cereal Games. Which is available now via Steam. The Action RPG with a noir look created by Cereal Games is already available on Windows PC. However, due to a recent announcement on Steam, the games out on Linux and Mac too. Offering native gamers a chance to delve into the adventures of Pecaminosa. Without having to resort to Proton. If you like noir style, detective stories, ghost tales, and you're a pixel lover. Well then, Pecaminosa has all that and much more. Character evolution, several types of weaponry, melee attacks, and dodges. There are also secret areas, rewards for finishing off certain enemies, final bosses... it has it all! John Souza, a former cop, and newly appointed local drunk, has an unexpected visitor from the past. This comes in the form of the ghost of Charlie “Two Angels”. A fallen mob boss, appears before Souza with a proposition. Help him capture his former associates, so he can redeem himself, and be allowed unto Heaven. Hell, that sounds easy, right?... Maybe too easy...
Pecaminosa - Trailer
The player will be able to freely explore a typical city of the 1940's with a stunning level of detail. This is also very obvious in the interior of the buildings, decorated with touches of vintage jazz inspired by film noir classics. While being able to explore different playstyles with the LIFE System. So that everyone that gets to play Pecaminosa will also be able to customize the main protagonist. Offering a large variety of weapons and apparel, per the Indiegogo campaign. As well as also being able to enter casinos and play gambling mini-games. The people behind Cereal Games don't hide their influences when creating Pecaminosa. Since they describe their creation as a mix between Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and the imaginary of Orson Welles. The aim of their game is to provide a unique and impactful experience to the players. Pecaminosa leans on the view, mechanics, and objectives of the third Legend of Zelda game. While adding the tension, drama and ambience of the film noir genre, like Citizen Kane and Touch of Evil.
Main features:
Unique ambience: Film noir setting with an original jazz soundtrack. All due to make you fall in love...
Mini-games: Want to take home the pot playing Blackjack? Be our guest…The tables are still hot.
Guns and apparel: Customize your Pecaminosa character's weapons and clothing. Evolving them through the L.I.F.E. System.
Boss battles: Let’s raise a glass or two to the good old times! Besides taking part in an intense and dashing story. You also get to fight against big, bad, bosses!
Pecaminosa noir action RPG games available on Steam. Along with support for Linux and Mac, along with Windows PC. The release is priced at $14.99 USD.
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