#age of ultron au
sunnysideprincess · 4 months
I'm thinking how mcu could have used Ezekiel Stane in AoU:
Ezekiel finds the twins, and learns they have a personal vendetta against Tony. And it works out so well for him. Because he hears Avengers have the scepter and he has means to get it back, and more. Tony and Bruce prepare the blueprint for Ultron but decide to hold it off until after the party. Except, Ultron is stolen by yours-truly and the twins. Ezekiel builds Ultron to eliminate Tony and for some time it's all going well. Ultron steals vibranium for him and Wanda sets off the Hulk in the city. But Ezekiel bores Ultron, and shows him only the worst of humanity. He decides that "nope all humans need to go" and kills Ezekiel, steals the vibranium, gets Cho to build a new body. Wanda reads his mind and realises "oh fuck, now he wants everyone dead" and skeedaddles with Pietro to warn the Avengers. They manage to steal the cradle and the new body. Ezcept Tony is still haunted by the vision and well ...makes Vision with Bruce and Thor. The rest goes the same way (including steve tony flirting while bruce third wheels)
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broadwayfan92 · 2 years
Natasha is given a second chance to fix events, starting when everything began to change. She has one week, or everything will continue on it’s rightful path.
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olsenmyolsen · 8 months
A Sokovian Flower
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master list
dark master list
Post Age of Ultron MCU (Female Reader X Wanda Maximoff)
Summary: Wanda wanted a tattoo, which led her to you.
Word Count: 4.1K
Content: Mentions of Sokovia, Wanda's Parents, and dead Pietro. But fluff!
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Wanda Maximoff was nervous.
She had never done something like this before.
Her stomach was in knots, and she had no one to blame but herself. Well, she could blame Petiro, but that would be unfair. She could blame Natasha, but that would only end up with her ass hitting the floor. So that wasn't an option.
Anyways, like stated before... Wanda had no one to blame but herself.
But Wanda really, really, really wanted THIS tattoo!
She had thought about it for the last four months since the fall of her home country and relocation to the States. She wanted something that was her own. Something that would pay tribute.
Wanda eventually decided on the national flower of Sokovia.
For her parents and brother.
But as Wanda bites her lip and waits for you to come out from the back, does she now realize that she has to go through with it.
This is going to be on my body forever. But that's what I want, right?
Wanda keeps going back and forth in her own mind. Her eyebrows scrunching and lifting up. Her fingers crossing over one another.
Wanda closes her eyes and breathes out. She calms herself down.
Yep, I can't do this!
Wanda picks up her ID and goes to turn around just when you come out from the back.
Wanda barely made eye contact with you before, but now she sees you and feels her mouth go dry.
The first place her eyes go to are your ears. Full of silver. Very reminiscent of Natasha. Wanda's eyes then travel down your sharp jawline to the holes in your black shirt, exposing your soft skin before they land on the art covering your arms.
Wanda loves the stars and hearts filling the space between your larger pieces.
Wanda brings her eyes back up to you as she realizes that you're speaking to her. Your voice is gentle.
"Are you having second thoughts?" You ask, making Wanda open and close her mouth.
You're not an idiot. You can see the worry and nerves dancing over the face across from you. It's clearly her first time, and you feel bad that she has no friend or anyone else here with her.
You also noticed her checking you out, but it happens, so you let it slide.
"Ummm, yeah. I'm sorry." Her soft voice quietly speaks up. And you're not sure how you missed it earlier, but you hear her accent.
You love it.
You smile at her words and nod your head before turning around to grab your tablet. Wanda watches you turn back and lay it next to the blank form she had yet to fill out.
"Wanda, right?" You ask as you look up from the email she had written a few days prior. She nods her green eyes at you before crossing her arms over her body.
Black nail polish catches your eye. It goes well with her black hoodie, skirt, and thigh-high socks.
You look back down as she steps closer to the counter. "Ah, the flower... here it is." Wanda watches you fly from the email to a saved folder of your drawings. There, she watches you move your pen to three different versions of the flower. Each one having more detail than the last.
You turn the tablet over to show her.
"I hope you don't mind, but I added more detail. I think it looks very pretty with the shading and linework in the leaves." You point to the second drawing as Wanda smiles. Her green eyes dance from one to the next.
"They're amazing." She says with awe in her words without looking up. She lifts her hands over the third design. It has tiny stars and sparkles around the flower, as well as a diamond design behind the main piece.
Wanda lifts her head to you, and your eyes trace her face in a second.
She's gorgeous, and when she smiles, you smile.
"I- uh-" You pull your eyes away and turn the tablet around before you fumble and grab the form for her to sign. "I- um, if you want to go through with it." You lift your eyes and smile. "You'll need to sign this." Wanda reaches up and grabs the form. "And I'll need your ID to make a photocopy." Wanda looks up, and you see her decide her eyes. "Okay."
Wanda hands you her ID before she takes a seat at the couch near the counter to fill out the form. Before placing her ID in the printer, you take a glance at it.
She wears a pout in her photo that makes you hold back a laugh. She looks so cute. You then quickly glance around the ID before placing it down and hitting print.
When you turn around, you see Wanda finishing up her signature as she bites her lip. Her pretty pink lips.
You then look away and catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror in the corner.
You had to get a hold of yourself.
She was a paying customer, not a random girl across the bar. However, it's not like that has worked out well for you before. Ex-girlfriends and all.
You shrug and return to grab the copy of Wanda's ID and her physical one.
"Here you go." She lays the form down on the counter as you hand back her ID. She quickly places it in her small red wallet before gazing at you. "I can show you to the table and let you get comfortable as I prepare the stencil."
Wanda nods, and you notice her hands pull at the end of her sleeves. "It'll be fine." You whisper and nod at her before leading her to your section of the shop.
It's a cute corner full of all your favorite photos, knickknacks, and collectibles from over the years.
The owner is your former mentor and teacher. And usually, on a Saturday morning, the shop would be busy, but for some reason, it's just you and Wanda.
Not that the brunette minded. Obviously. The fewer people around, the better.
So, as you slid into your chair and hit a few buttons on the machine, Wanda stood by the table with the sheet on it.
As the stencil finished printing, you turned back. "Oh shoot. I'm sorry." You got up with a laugh. "Would you like a water or soda or anything?" Wanda was about to shake her head before she looked over your face.
Yeah, she was thirsty.
"A water. Please." You smiled at her command. "Of course." You turned and bent down to the mini fridge at your feet. You pulled out a water bottle and got up before handing it to her. "Thank you." She replied as she took it.
"You can set it down right here." You pointed to a spot on the cart next to the table that Wanda would be laying on soon. "And anytime you need to take a break or have a sip of water. Whatever. During the tattoo, say something, and I'll stop." You made sure Wanda found your eyes. "Okay?" You asked again until she nodded. "Okay."
You closed your mouth and turned back to the stencil to hold in a "good girl."
Wanda's eyes went wide as she blushed.
She definitely didn't mean to hear that!
"Okay..." You cleared your throat and held up two different sizes. "We can place them, and then you can decide which size you want or-"
"That one." Wanda cut you off as she stepped closer to the one in your right hand. "This is perfect." She said under her breath, but you heard her, and it made you smile. "This one." She said as her eyes found yours.
You nodded. "Let's do it." You placed the smaller stencil down. "Okay, and placement... you didn't say on the from."
Wanda sheepishly nodded. "I was thinking my back..." You nodded. "Okay." But when Wanda didn't move, that's when you put two and two together. "Oh, sorry! I'll give you some space." You went to get up and walk away after drawing the curtain to your space close, but Wanda, without thinking, grabbed your arm and stopped you. "I wasn't thinking earlier and-" Wanda stopped herself with a sigh before she laughed.
Wanda's lips spread into a broader smile. You saw her begin to come out of her shell just a little more.
"I'm not wearing a bra." She said before she bit her bottom lip and looked away.
You could tell she was trying to hide her embarrassment. So you reached your hand to the one she had on your arm. "That's okay." You said before you moved your thumb over her knuckle.
Butterflies flew in both of your stomachs.
"May I?" You ask as you lifted your hand off of hers. Wanda nodded and watched your eyes lift themselves to her hoodie zipper. She felt your thumb brush the skin just below her neck.
Soft was her skin, but Wanda felt it burn once your touch left her.
And then you moved the zipper south just the tiniest bit before Wanda lifted her eyes to yours. "I-or- uh, you can unzip it a-and turn it around so the back of the hoodie covers your front."
Wanda heard you stumble and watched how your eyes looked her face up and down. She enjoyed it.
"I can do that." You smiled back and removed yourself from the room to give Wanda privacy.
Less than a minute later, she called you back in. She had her arms over her body as she held the hoodie close to her front. Meanwhile, Wanda's back was exposed to you, and you could see a faint tan line and several moles and beautiful tiny freckles along her body.
"You okay?" You asked as you put a pair of new gloves on before getting the spray and stencil ready. "Yeah," Wanda replied. "Just a little cold."
You stopped and looked around the room. In the winter, you had a heater in here, but with it being late spring, that was long gone. But your eyes did find something else.
"I have this." You pointed to a corner with a large hand-knitted red blanket that your friend Darcy made one semester in college before you dropped out. "You could bunch up under you, or I can place it on your lower back once you're on the table."
Wanda loved how kind you were being and thought about your suggestion. "Would it get in your way?" You shook your head. "Not at all." Wanda believed you. "Okay. Thanks." She smiled and grabbed the blanket. You watched her wrap around her lower back. "I guess I shouldn't have worn a skirt today." Wanda gave a laugh that made your heart skip, and your mouth said words before you could stop it.
"I think you look beautiful."
Wanda's face turned red like your blanket, and the stencil went still in your hand.
"Oh shit!"
Wanda heard your thoughts and said something before you could. "Thank you..." She bit her bottom lip and turned around so you could place the stencil on her back.
A couple of seconds when you came back to Earth, you did.
"Okay." You took a step away. "See how it looks." Wanda turned her head to the right and found the mirror beside you.
It was perfect.
She knew the process was going to hurt, but in this moment, Wanda would do anything to feel closer to the ones she lost.
"I love it." She said after clearing her throat.
That's when you realized that this wasn't just a random flower. This meant something.
"Perfect." You smiled at her green eyes. "Here." You took your gloves off. "Get comfortable, and I'll adjust the blanket however you want." Wanda let you take it from her and noticed as you turned around to give her a little privacy as she laid onto the table.
She smiled at that. "Okay." She said, and from her 90-degree angle, she watched you turn around. She then felt the blanket cover her entire lower body. It was nice and warm. The act and the care behind it.
"Good?" You bent forward, making Wanda nod. "Awesome." You said. "Remember, if at any point you need to stop, let me know." Wanda nodded once again before parting her lips. "Should we come up with a safe word?"
Your glove snapped as it went around your hand when you stopped at her words. You weren't sure if Wanda was joking, but when you saw her pearly whites, you once again got to see her leaving her shell.
You smiled back.
"Wow, Wanda, take a girl to dinner first." You said back as you picked up the tattoo gun and tested it. Wanda laughed over the noise that scared her just slightly before saying: "Pancake."
You knew what she meant. Even if her accent made the word sound exotic. "Pancake." You repeat. She nodded, getting hair into her eyesight that she blew away. "Pancake, it is Wanda." You then rolled the stool closer to her. "I'm about to start. Don't be afraid to bunch your hands and scream or whatever. You'd be surprised what people do."
"I'll be sure to do all of those things." Wanda joked with a wide smile before she felt your arm rest on her back. The contact sent a wave of goosebumps over her body once again. "Are you still cold?" You asked with the needle inches from her.
"I'll be fine." Wanda lied. "Remember Pancake." You said, earning a thumbs up from the brunette.
Seconds later, Wanda was receiving her first tattoo.
Time passed as Wanda did her best not to let the tears in her eyes fall. She knew you were being careful and cautious. Gentle and light. But god, this hurt.
As you moved further down the flower, your eyes briefly looked at Wanda's, and you saw the water filling them. "You don't have to answer this if you don't want to..." You were going to talk to her to distract her from the droning buzz of the gun and the pain that came with it. "But." You continued. "I'm always curious about people's first tattoos." Wanda sniffled as her green eyes looked at you. "So why this one?"
Wanda let out a breath. She appreciated that you wanted to know more. "It's the national flower of Sokovia." She said, and you stopped shading as you looked down to her face. She was looking down at you. "Sokovia?" You asked, making her nod.
You knew of Sokovia.
You saw the news reports and watched the footage of buildings falling from the face of the earth. You knew about Ultron and the Avengers. And now how the once Eastern European country was slowly being washed from the world maps.
"You're Sokovian?" You asked. "I am," Wanda replied with her accent heavy. You gave a weak smile and paused before saying. "I'm sorry for what happened."
Wanda swallowed the tears in her throat.
You weren't the first person to apologize for the actions based upon others, but you were the first person who probably meant it.
"Thank you." She quietly replied before letting out a breath and some words of truth. "I was there."
You now leaned back in your stool. Maybe this was a good time for a break.
"When it was lifted into the air?" You asked, earning a nod. And as opposed to asking why she was there or how she survived like Wanda would've expected, you instead asked: "Do you have any favorite memories of Sokovia before you left?"
Wanda took in your words and thought about it.
She nodded.
"Sokovia was always on the brink of Civil War and had an uneasiness to it." Wanda paused and lifted up to drink some water. As she moved, she felt the pain and warmth from the fresh art on her body. Nevertheless, she knew the two of you had a while to go. "But.." Wanda smiled as she laid back onto her stomach. "There was this park close to our apartment. Every day after school, I'd run to the swings and try and launch myself as high as possible." Wanda laughed. "I wanted to fly."
You smiled, and for some reason, it was like you could see the stories clearly in your head.
It was beautiful.
"Nights I loved. After schoolwork and chores when it was just my brother Pitero and our parents watching old American sitcoms and having meals, my Mama grew up with..." Wanda trailed off as her voice became soft. "Those nights I'd give anything to have again."
Wanda didn't even feel the tear slip from her eyes.
But you saw it glimmer in the light, and within a second, your gloves were off as you handed Wanda a tissue.
Her fingertips brushed yours as she took it. "I'm sorry." She patted under her eye. "This is so embarrassing." Wanda balled up the tissue before you reached out for it. "No, it's not." You said as Wanda placed the tissue in the palm of your hand. "I think it's sweet." You smiled at Wanda before getting up to quickly wash your hands.
"I'd love to hear more about Sokovia as long as you want to keep talking about it." You said as you slipped on a new pair of black gloves.
Wanda shook her head yes.
And once the needle made contact with Wanda's skin again, did she tell you stories about the bake shop down the block from her school. Or how her brother was almost kicked off the school's track team. She also recounted her favorite episodes of Bewitched once you teasingly pressured her.
The conversation flowed naturally, and by the end, Wanda didn't feel the pain in her back. She only felt it in her cheeks because she was smiling so damn much.
"Okay." You put the gun down and wiped down Wanda's tattoo one last time. "You're free." You joked with a smile as you tossed your gloves away.
"Oh god, I don't think I've ever been so stiff." Wanda cracked her neck before she moved her legs off the table. She wobbled once her feet hit the ground, but thankfully, you were quick to stabilize her. "Here." You handed Wanda her water. "Don't need you passing out or anything before you see it."
Wanda gladly took a few sips before handing it back.
She then took a few steps forward before turning her exposed back to the mirror on the wall. As her green eyes made contact with the black art, she gasped and let out a ragged breath.
"I love it." She whispered before glancing over at you. Your eyes instantly connected to hers. "I love it." She repeated. Her eyes went back. "It's perfect." Up and down, her eyes went before she turned around to grab her phone.
A smaller iPhone than you were used to seeing.
"Could you take a picture?" She asked you, to which you nodded and smiled like a dummy as Wanda turned her back to you.
"Okay." You said after you perfectly framed her body. "I took about fifteen." You laughed before remembering the phone in your pocket. "Wanda?" You looked up at her. "Hmm?" She lifted her face from her phone. "Could I take a few pictures for my Instagram and website?"
"Of course."
Normally, she would've said no. She hated getting her picture taken. But normally, Wanda didn't get tattoos or become this close to someone like this.
Like you.
You were special.
"Thank you." You nodded to her as you put your phone down and grabbed some hand sanitizer. "Okay, let's get the wrap on, and then I can go over the aftercare."
Wanda's focus was back on you, and she hung on your every word.
"Y/N?" Wanda spoke up as your hand slimmed out the clear wrapping on her tattoo. "Wanda?" You said in the same tone, making Wanda teasingly roll her head away from you.
"I was thinking..." She started as you lifted your touch away from her soft skin. "Yes?" You asked as Wanda turned her face back to you.
She cleared her throat and sat up on the table.
"Could I have the pictures you took?" You easily nodded. "Sure, I can DM you on your Instagram or-"
"You could text them," Wanda said with confidence clear in her voice.
You stopped. "Or I could text them." You smiled as you stood up and grabbed a pamphlet of the aftercare process for Wanda to follow. "Here is everything you need to know." Wanda took it gently from your fingers. "What lotions to use. What soaps to not use... I could also text you this information. If you'd like."
You said as Wanda looked up and handed you back the pamphlet.
"You can text me."
You nodded. "Then I'll text you." Wanda shyly looked away from you as you both wore pink on your faces.
You looked around your space. "If you'd like to use the bathroom, it's just down the hall to the right. If not, I can meet you at the counter, and we can discuss cost. I'll only be a couple of minutes."
Wanda nodded and got up. She pulled the black curtain to your space back and was about to step out when she stopped herself and turned around to you. "Thank you. For everything. I'll probably thank you repeatedly, but I want you to know I mean it. They were with me before, but now their little flower has one for them. " She gave a watery smile, and before you could respond, Wanda walked away.
Wanda pulled out her phone, brushed her eyes, pulled her hoodie around, and stared at the tattoo pictures until you joined her at the front.
When you did, you held the red blanket Wanda had been using earlier. "Here." You said as you sat down next to Wanda on the waiting couch. "I'll text you it later, but one of the final steps of aftercare is to have a warm blanket nearby. So here."
Your kindness throughout the whole day meant more than you'd ever know.
Wanda swallowed and reached over, letting her hand run through the blanket before grabbing yours. Soft was her touch.
You let her fingers brush over your knuckles. "Is there a step about good company?" Wanda questioned as her voice became thicker with her accent. Her body leaning forward. "Yes." You nodded. "Company is supposed to take care of dinner." Your voice had become slow as you carefully weaved into this space with Wanda.
"Dinner?" Wanda husked. You simply smiled. "Text me when you're free?" You raised an eyebrow as Wanda looked up and scrunched her face.
She hadn't felt this way in a long time.
And neither had you. So when Wanda gripped your hand and gave you a very nervous but small peck on the lips, you let her.
And Wanda let you give her a discount even though she used the remaining cash she had as a tip.
Moments later. "Sent." Wanda received your text with a blushing emoji quickly, followed by a detailed step-by-step aftercare plan with a video in case Wanda needed it. "Thank you." She said before she texted back an emoji with a smile.
"I'll text you!" Wanda said in response to you as you closed the door to the shop behind her. Only then did you notice that your open sign had been flipped to close.
You didn't remember doing that.
But it didn't matter. You found yourself smiling and laughing all day. Learning about a country you were going to search traditional dishes from.
You met Wanda.
Wanda Maximoff.
You blushed when she texted you about a half hour later, letting you know that she had made it home safe. Wanda then sent a picture of her with the red blanket wrapped around her body.
You and Wanda texted every single day before and after your first date. You made Sokovian meals for her and took her around the city to let her experience anything she wanted. You held her close and kissed her as the two of you found yourselves under the same red blanket. You told her you loved her two months after she introduced you to her co-workers/housemates.
And now, as you wait for Wanda to text you after her mission in Lagos, are you working on a flash tattoo sheet of a scarlet witch.
Your girlfriend.
Wanda Maximoff. Your Sokovian Flower.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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Y/n: Remember your emo phase?
Wanda: nope
Y/n:….yeah you do
Wanda: I can assure you my love I’ve never had an emo phase
Y/n: so this isn’t you?
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Wanda: Never seen that woman before, she looks about 24 trying to be 16 in those clothes
Y/n: Well I'm not here to judge you for your questionable fashion choices at that age but why was your ponytail so tight? Didn't that hurt?
Y/n: So do you remember the phase?
Wanda sighs: The ponytail did hurt yes, Pietro had to help me with it some-
Y/n: I knew it!
Wanda: Why did you bring it up?
Y/n: Oh the boys wanted proof of your emo phase and I just got a confession now I’m gonna go and show them the pictures *runs off*
Wanda: Hey you come back! Don’t you dare show them! They already think I'm the uncool parent!
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
In your skywalkers apart au, which bigwig imperial is going to be the one that will shit their pants the moment that they realize the anakin skywalker is on their ship?
the bigwig imperials are generally the ones to realise it's anakin and foolishly think "oh amazing! my men will take down skywalker and i'll get super duper promoted!" while all the stormtroopers etc are like "sir we can't go down there..." "you can't disobey me! that's an order" "and that's anakin skywalker sir. we're gonna die"
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cuddles-with-dragons · 4 months
where the fuck is my impulse control
Yeah, Avengers AU.
Don't care what you say, I tried to make it work.
Including edited quotes from Avengers and Age of Ultron
I replaced Hulk with the Zillo Beast.
Dave Filoni: Superheroes in New York? Give me a break.
Echo: We won.
Hunter: All right, yay! Hurray. Good job, guys. Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day. Have you ever tried shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I want to try it.
Wrecker: We're not finished yet.
Hunter: And then shawarma after.
Echo: Is he breathing?
Tech, in lizard form: *roars in his face*
Hunter: What the hell? What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me.
Hunter: Tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you. *a giant Chitauri is following him*
Omega: I don't see how that's a party.
Echo: Tech. Now might be a really good time for you to get angry.
Tech: That's my secret, Echo. I'm always angry.
Omega: Just like Budapest all over again.
Crosshair: You and I remember Budapest very differently.
Hunter, to Scorch: Maybe your army comes and maybe it’s too much for us, but it’s all on you. Because if we can’t protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it.
Crosshair: Why am I back? How did you get him out?
Omega: Cognitive recalibration. I hit you really hard on the head.
Crosshair: Thanks.
Crosshair: Have you ever had someone take your brain and play? Pull you out and stuff something else in? Do you know what it's like to be unmade?
Omega: You know that I do.
Mace Windu: There was an idea, Hunter knows this, called the Avengers Initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people to see if they could become something more. To see if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight the battles that we never could. Cody died still believing in that idea. In heroes.
Echo: Big man in a suit of armor. Take that off, what are you?
Hunter: Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.
Mace Windu: I don't know about that, but it is powered by the Cube. And I would like to know how Scorch used it to turn two of the sharpest men I know into his personal flying monkeys.
Wrecker: Monkeys? I don't get it.
Echo: I do! I understood that reference!
Hunter: It’s good to meet you, Tech. Your work on antielectron collisions is unparalleled. And I’m a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous Godzilla lizard.
Tech: Thanks.
Hunter: The only major component he still needs is a power source of high-energy density. Something to kick-start the Cube.
Ahsoka: When did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics?
Hunter: Last night.
Hunter: Raise the mizzenmast. Jib the topsails. *points to Anakin* That man is playing Galaga. He thought we wouldn't notice, but we did. *covers one of his eyes* How does Windu even see these?
Ahsoka: He turns.
Hunter: Sounds exhausting.
Wrecker: Don't talk like that. Scorch is beyond reason, but he's from Asgard. And he's my brother.
Omega: He killed 80 people in two days.
Wrecker: He’s adopted.
Echo: Is this a submarine?
Tech: Really? They want me in a submerged, pressurised, metal container? *walks to the side of the deck* No, no, this is much worse.
Cody: We need you to come in.
Omega: Are you kidding? I'm working.
Cody: This takes precedence.
Omega: I'm in the middle of an interrogation. This moron is giving me everything.
Bad guy: I don't... give everything.
Omega: Look, you can't pull me out of this right now.
Cody: Omega... Crosshair's been compromised.
Omega: Let me put you on hold.
Hunter: Shit!
Echo: Language!
*Some chatter and fighting later…*
Hunter: Wait a second. No one else is gonna deal with the fact that Echo just said “Language”?
Echo: I know. Just slipped out.
*Some more chatter and fighting later…*
Wrecker: Find the spear-thingy.
Hunter: And for gosh sake, watch your language!
Echo: That’s not going away any time soon.
Omega: Wrecker, report on the Zillo.
Wrecker: The gates of Hel are filled with the screams of his victims.*Omega gives him a look* But not the screams of the dead, of course. No, no, wounded screams. Mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and gout.
Echo: The two Enhanced?
Ahsoka: Leia and Luke Skywalker. Twins. Orphaned at 10 when a shell collapsed their apartment building. Sokovia's had a rough history. It's nowhere special, but it's on the way to everywhere special.
Echo: Their abilities?
Ahsoka: He's got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis. Her thing is neuroelectric interfacing, telekinesis, mental manipulation.
Echo: *confused*
Ahsoka: He's fast and she's weird.
Ahsoka: Lab's all set up, boss.
Hunter: *points to Echo* Actually, he's the boss. I just pay for everything and design everything and make everyone look cooler.
Tech: How's he doing?
Hunter: Unfortunately, he's still Crosshair.
Tech: That's terrible.
Hunter: Right, so, if I lift it, I then rule Asgard?
Wrecker: Yes, of course.
Hunter: I will be reinstituting prima nocta. *tries to lift the hammer* I'll be right back.
Hunter: *Tries again with the Iron Man glove, nothing. Makes Rex take his glove too and they both try to lift it.*
Rex: Are you even pulling?
Hunter: Are you on my team?
Rex: Just represent. Pull.
Hunter: All right, let’s go.
*Echo tries next*
Hunter: Come on, Echo.
Echo: *makes it move a tiny bit*
Wrecker, nervously laughing: Nothing.
Echo: Sorry for barging in on you.
Hunter: Yeah, we would've called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed.
Luke, in a police station: We’re under attack! Clear the city! Now! *No one’s doing anything, comes back with a gun and fires in the air* Get off your asses.
Crosshair, to Leia: Hey, look at me. It’s your fault, it’s everyone’s fault. Who cares? Are you up for this? Are you? Look, I just need to know. Because the city is flying. Okay. Look, the city is flying, we’re fighting an army of robots, and I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense.
Luke: Keep up, old man! *takes Leia and runs off*
Crosshair: Nobody would know. Nobody. “The last I saw him, an Ultron was sitting on him. Yeah, he'll be missed, that quick little bastard. I miss him already.”
Crosshair: All right, we're all clear here.
Echo: We are not clear! We are very not clear!
Luke: This is S.H.I.E.L.D.?
Echo: This is what S.H.I.E.L.D. is supposed to be.
Luke: This isn't so bad.
Luke: *Shoves Crosshair and a kid behind cover and gets shot multiple times in the leg* You didn't see that coming?
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phaticserpent · 2 years
An Eternity with You is All I Dream Of
Royal Guard!Ultron x Royal Fem!Reader AU
Warning: Angst (hurt/comfort), fluff, smut
NOTE: Yay, the long waited fanfic for reaching 1k!! Thank you all and I hope you enjoy <3 !!!
Word Count: 5,5884
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     You had always considered Ultron a childhood friend; although, according to him, ‘childhood friends’ would be too much of a title for him. He was part of the Kingdom’s Royal Guard, the General in fact and the other sentries were well-known protectors or assistants. Growing up, you were constantly reminded of the difference in ranks and your parents were constantly pushing you away from him. 
‘He’s not for you,’ or ‘He’s the Guard, he’s only here to protect you,’ or ‘You need other friends.’ You were growing tiresome of the excuses, but that didn’t stop you from meeting him or visiting while he was on-duty. 
You were hiding from your parents, knowing they were about to pester you with unnecessary excuses to drag you away. You used Ultron’s large figure to hide behind him, avoiding the maids, who were probably searching for you. 
“Did you hear about the festival, My Lady?” His voice rumbled softly. “I shall be your escort, if you desire.”
“What festival?” You grinned up at him. “And no need for formalities, you may always call me (Y/N).”
“While the other sentries were on-duty within the kingdom, I heard about an upcoming festival tonight. It’ll be filled with food, performances….I also heard some popular artists will be selling handcrafted artistry.” Ultron turned to look at you. “I know how much you like them. It shall be my gift for you.” 
“Oh no need, you’ll only need to escort me.” You smiled. “I look forward to it!”
“(Y/N)!” Your mother cried out. “I have been looking all over for you.” The Queen marched towards you and yanked you away from Ultron, who returned to his position. 
“I was only talking.” You yanked your arm away from her grip. “I’m fine.” 
“Don’t think about running away,” the Queen grabbed your arm. “You’re of age and no suitor. By Heavens, child.” You rolled your eyes as she dragged you away, catching one last glimpse of Ultron before following begrudgingly. Ultron only wished that he was a different rank. 
He quickly shifted position to guard your bedroom, watching carefully as a maid slipped in to leave clothes for you before leaving. You appeared momentarily with an exhausted expression, one he knew too well. You slipped into your room without another word and stared at the fancy dress laid out for you. 
“Gods…..suitors, why do I need suitors?” You mumbled bitterly. Ultron snorted lightly at your words, while you were struggling to put on the dress. Romance…..dating…..they're all nonsense. This damn dress…… He stood still as you cracked the door open, peering up at him. “Ultron….I need your help.” You whispered. Making sure no one else was around, he discretely entered your room as you held your hair. He didn’t need to breathe, but he swore he could feel it leave him as he gazed at you. Nervously, he grabbed the two strings and gently tightened it. 
“Is this okay?” 
“A little bit tighter…..” You instructed, feeling the ropes tighten gently and you couldn’t hold yourself from chuckling. He paused and through your uncontrollable fit of laughter, you managed to choke out, “I’m going to walk out there…..and since the dress isn’t tight enough, it’ll fall off and I’ll be….topless in front of people.” He didn’t even want to imagine the outcome or the situation. Without hesitation, he quickly secured the corset, as you didn’t have time to react and fastened the strings. 
Your face was red from the laughter and slight tears were displayed at the corner of your eyes. Ultron's words were caught in his throat as you beamed. “M-My apologies, Your Royal Highness.” Ultron stuttered out before leaving the room. You breathed in and out, getting used to the outfit, chuckling at his reaction. 
     Soon enough, you were ready to face the suitors your parents had chosen. Granted, you were a bit late but you didn’t doubt that your parents were used to it. You walked out of the room, closing the door as Ultron waited to walk with you. Your face was flushed as your cheeks were tinted, but you still grinned up at him. Ultron could feel himself heating up  Amused, you could hear the way his vents roar as he averted his gaze. “You’re…..You look beautiful, as always.” 
“Come on.” You reached out your hand for him to take, and he reluctantly intertwined his hand with yours. “I wonder what kind of suitors my parents picked out. I bet they can’t even compare to you.” 
It took a moment for him to process what you implied. “M-My lady,” Ultron stammered out. “I am but your Royal Guard….it is and will always be my responsibility to guard and protect you. You know it is unlawful for me to engage with you, romantically.” 
“Unlawful my ass.” You snorted. “I don’t care about that.”
“....That is, your responsibility.” He spoke very softly, still, you heard. You stopped shortly as you turned to face him, taking both of his hands into yours. 
“Ultron, you have been with me since I could remember. You taught me almost everything I know….you read me stories, we even continued reading after my parents expressed their disagreement. You even stood up for me. You make me laugh, you try your best to comfort me when I’m upset, you always think of me when you go out into the kingdom and bring back something cause you know I’ll like it.” You smiled. “ I can’t think of another person I’d spend the rest of my life with.” 
Ultron’s eyes looked into yours, searching for something before he looked away. “I’m flattered that I’ve had a big impact in your life…..but you’re an adult. You need to find someone else.” Your heart sank and you could feel the tears, but you pushed them down. 
“I see….well, it’s not like I didn’t do anything about it.” You squeezed his hand before walking down the corridor in silence. 
     Upon reaching the entrance, the two of you pulled away as Ultron opened the doors for you. The room fell silent as you walked in, greeting your parents first before turning to the audience to greet them, they all bowed to show their respects. Your mother did most of the talking, but it’s not like you were paying attention; you were busy scanning each of the suitors. You didn't know whether to congratulate your parents for their…eccentric taste, or scoff at their punctuality. 
“(Y/N) (L/N), you are to pick your suitor and attend the festival happening tonight.” Your mother’s voice rang. Your head snapped to her and your mouth opened but your voice was gone. 
Soon enough, your voice returned. “Mother….I planned on going with Ultron. It was our plan, to go as friends.” You stayed composed. 
“And now you will go with your suitor……not to worry, Ultron will accompany you.” She dismissed. Your eyes locked with Ultron, who just shook his head and you sighed in defeat. The announcement went on for a while, and the queen was busy giving each suitor an introduction, but her words slipped through your ears. Can we get this over with?…..
      Now, it was time to choose a suitor. You scanned each of them: Leon, the eldest son and the one that looked the least annoying, Joseph was the youngest but he didn’t look sweet or innocent at all, and Mattias was the middle, he looked attractive but his eyes held something unreadable. 
“Perhaps, I’ll go with Prince Leon.” You declared, just loudly for the room to hear. Leon smiled at you and you thought, perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad. 
     You were busy getting dressed for your supposed date to the festival, debating which accessories to wear and what color dress it should match with. You cracked open the door and dragged Ultron in.
“Which dress should I wear? I’m having a crisis.” Both the dresses were the best and perhaps the most elegant, compared to the other outfits you owned. 
Ultron picked up one of the dresses before bringing it up to you, he sheepishly replied, “this one brings out your eyes and hair.” 
“You're the best.” You gently took the dress out of his hand, before disappearing behind a room divider. You slipped into the dress and attempted to fasten the corset on your own, but to no avail. 
He heard soft grunts and mumbling. “Your Royal Highness, do you need any help?” Ultron called out. You sheepishly stepped out, tugging at the corset strings to indicate that you did need help. He chuckled softly before moving towards you, he took the strings into his hand and tightened them. You could feel your heart racing and you were scared that he could hear it. The pounding of your heart was all you could hear, not even Ultron calling for you. His hands shook you out of your trance. “Are you alright?” 
“Ah, yeah I’m okay.” You breathed. “Maybe a little lightheaded.” You reached out to grab your head as you sat down on the edge of your bed.
“Is it too tight? I can redo it if you need–”
“It’s alright.” You insisted. “I never thought this would….be a reality for me.” You admitted with a short laugh. Ultron promptly joined next to you, staring at his hands. 
“If….If he tries anything, and I mean anything, don't be afraid to tell me. I will not hesitate to protect you.” 
“Thank you.” 
“Anytime.” The rest of it was silence, but not the awkward type. Just plain silence to enjoy the other presence. “He’s here.” Ultron announced, and as if on cue, a sharp knock pierced the air. Ultron stood and looked towards you, but you simply stared outside the window. Not wanting to keep Prince Leon waiting, Ultron opened the door and dismissed the accompanying sentry. 
“How do you do?” Prince Leon bowed his head at Ultron, who immediately reciprocated the display. He then made room and signaled Prince Leon to enter, though he left the door open. Prince Leon bowed to you, “Your Royal Highness.” 
You stood up and bowed deeply. “Shall we head out?” He nodded curtly and offered his arm. Ultron noted your hesitation and your unwavering compliance, he followed shortly after closing the door.
     Upon exiting the castle, your eyes gazed up at the sky, pausing before exchanging a few words with Prince Leon. He watched carefully at your interaction, only following a few meters behind. Prince Leon said something to you and you let out a laugh, grasping your stomach as you couldn’t stop yourself. He didn’t know what these feelings were; he obviously wanted the best for you, but he also wanted to be the one for you. Could this be….? Surely not, Ultron could never get jealous. 
“I must say, I was surprised by your decision.” Prince Leon started. “Among my brothers, I am not the most charismatic or attractive.”
“Ah, being the eldest among them was the winning factor….I suppose.” You smiled softly. “I went with my guts and I trusted how kind your eyes looked.” 
“Thank you, Your Highness.” 
“Well of course, Your Highness.” You chuckled and he laughed. “Still, I don’t believe that you're not charismatic or attractive. You’re well-mannered and sweet, surely you must have ladies swooning for your hand.” 
“Perhaps I was too busy to notice.” He grinned. The two of you continued to walk through the festival while conversing, urging Prince Leon to try different foods. The two of you enjoyed a musical performance, and he exchanged compliments to the musician. He noticed that you were staring fondly at a ceramic plate, it was glazed and decorated rather beautifully. He bought it for you, as a token of his gratitude. 
"Oh no….I can't accept this." You denied, but the Prince insisted and you eventually agreed. It was a memorable night and you genuinely enjoyed your time with the Prince. 
The festival began to die down and the Prince turned to meet your gaze, “Would you like to accompany me on a walk nearby? There’s a lovely lake and we could talk by the shore.” 
“Oh, uh sure.” You agreed and he guided you to the lake. You glanced back to make sure Ultron was nearby, but your eyesight was getting blurry and the amount of people confused you. The lake was lovely, but no doubt it was too dark to see any features. You just enjoyed the full moon’s reflection against the water. You asked into the silence, "what did you want to talk about?" 
However, the atmosphere immediately got tense as you heard nothing but the water and crickets chirping. “Your Highness….” Prince Leon whispered and you turned to his direction, aware of the figures approaching them. Three men with weapons cornered them against the lake, and one in the middle stepped forward. 
“We just want her.” They beckoned to you when the Prince stayed unmoving. 
“.....and what do you intend to do with me?”
“There are people who would offer a handsome price for you, my lady.” They all laughed, but it was sickening. Prince Leon sharply drew his knife. 
“I didn’t think a sword would be an appropriate accessory to a festival.” Leon grimaced. You saw Ultron slowly approaching them from behind. When he reached a reasonable range, he shot out tranquilizing bullets to the other two. The leader sharply turned around and dodged Ultron’s attack, but he was forced to step to the side. Which gave Ultron the advantage of putting himself between you and the perpetrator. 
“What is your business?” Ultron demanded. “Your compliance will determine if you get out of this kingdom safely or not.” 
“I won’t answer you!” From the corner of your eye, you saw one of the henchmen squirming, and you saw it reaching for its weapon. From the light of the full moon, you saw the glint of wicked metal and the outline of a mace. You immediately stepped in front of Ultron to interfere, by stomping on the hand; the man cried out in pain and ultimately dropped the weapon. 
Unbeknownst to you, this gave the perpetrator perfect time to strike. Ultron immediately fired a tranquilizing bullet, but the perpetrator slammed into you, impaling you with his blade. You fell to the ground as the noise around you fell deaf, you could see Ultron and Prince Leon exchange words in urgency. 
“Princess, please stay with me!” Leon cried out while Ultron tended to the stab wound. “We must get her to the castle.” Cautiously, Ultron ripped off the hilt of the sword from the perpetrator's hand, careful as to not move the blade and disturb the wound. He gently picked you up before turning to the Prince. 
“If it’s okay, do you mind bringing the leader? The henchmen are useless.” Ultron could barely keep his voice composed. “The tranquilizers I fired is enough to keep them unconscious for 10 hours.” 
“I will,” Prince Leon nodded. “Please get her to safety.” Ultron nodded as he slowly rushed you back to the castle. He already alerted the other sentries, as a couple guarded the entrance, awaiting for him to arrive. 
"My Liege, someone has harmed the Royal Highness. Please prepare the doctor for immediate treatment." Ultron spoke urgently. He didn't have time to hear the King's response as he hurriedly made way into the castle. "I must alert you, Prince Leon will bring the one responsible in shortly." Growing impatient, Ultron slowly lifted off the floor and flew at a steady pace towards the medical room. The castle doctor paced the room as the doors burst open, he immediately instructed Ultron where to place you. Once you were in the doctor's care, he watched from the side and even instructed a few of the sentries to help out in any way. 
A sentry immediately alerted Ultron that Prince Leon arrived with the perpetrator. Knowing you were in good hands, Ultron left to take care of the bandit. Waiting alongside the Prince was the Queen and King; they exchanged worried looks but that disappeared when they saw Ultron. 
"Your Highness," Ultron bowed deeply. "The Royal Highness is in the safe care of the doctor….and my sentries are overseeing that the treatment goes accordingly." 
"Thank you, Ultron. We don't know what we would do without you." The Queen smiled. "Please help Prince Leon and escort this….outlander to the dungeons." Ultron nodded and watched as they disappeared down the corridor. 
"Judging from his appearance….he looks like a rogue from my Kingdom," Prince Leon observed. "Though, I hope that this implication is in no way connected to anything." Ultron remained silent as they walked downstairs. 
"Interrogation will commence in 24 hours, enough time for him to wake up and realize his actions." Ultron grumbled. They found an empty cell, which was pretty much unused and not in the best condition. They still dropped him on the stone cold bench and Ultron locked the cellar. "A sentry will be down here to overlook his condition. It will notify me if he wakes up…..let's go and update the Queen and King." 
".....you love her." 
Ultron paused, as he gazed at the Prince tentatively. "Don't be ridiculous."
"I can see the way you look at her….it's funny, cause when I went to her room earlier, I had suspected that I was interrupting a moment between you two." Prince Leon chuckled. "I understand the struggle." 
"You do?"
"I have…..someone in my Kingdom……” Prince Leon hesitated, scared to reveal his secrets to a stranger. If you could trust him, then Leon trusted him. “ I too, was forced here, only because my parents failed to recognize love." 
"Ah, I'm sorry." 
"Don't be, I did have a wonderful time but I understand her heart has already chosen someone." Prince Leon smiled softly. “She’s lucky to have you."
Ultron chuckled, “it’s more like I’m lucky to have her.” 
     As Ultron and Prince Leon reached upstairs, they heard loud shouts. "Oh, Your Highnesses, wonderful news! The doctor has successfully treated the wound and the princess is in stable condition. He says that she should wake up anytime soon." Both Ultron and the Prince exchanged a glance as they rushed to the infirmary. When they reached the room, you were in bed and the doctor was busy writing notes. 
"Ah, thank you for bringing the Princess. Nothing was critical, so surgery went smoothly and her condition has been stabilized." The doctor smiled at Ultron. "She'll wake shortly." 
"Thank you." Ultron nodded as he left. Shortly, the remaining sentries left, giving you ample room and space to breathe. Ultron approached the bedside and peered down at your sleeping form; you looked so peaceful. "....if only I had been quicker, then you wouldn't be in this position." 
"You did everything you could." Prince Leon urged. "If anything, I should've brought a weapon. My carelessness almost costed our lives." 
"No, no, that's not your fault. You couldn't have known–"
"Neither could you." Prince Leon pointed out. "None of us have the ability to see into the future…..we did everything we could and fortunately, the Royal Highness is safe." Mutual agreement passed between Ultron and Prince Leon, and they stuck by your side until you woke up. It was midnight, while Ultron was checking your vitals and Prince Leon had fallen asleep, your eyes cracked open and squinted at the bright room. 
“Ultron….” You called weakly, your hand aimlessly reached out. He stopped short of what he was doing and gazed down at you in shock and awe. Once you saw him, you broke into a grin, “You’re okay……”
“I’m okay….we’re okay.” Ultron gently took your hand. You and Ultron stayed up, talking and trying to suppress your laughter; although, he constantly urged you to rest. Within the silence, he murmured, “I thought I lost you.” 
“I’m alright, thanks to you.” You smiled. 
"No…..I don't know what I would do without you." Ultron sighed. He lifted your hand to his lips. Your face flushed and Ultron seemed to realize the effect of his action. He quickly pulled away while you were still processing. 
     Thankfully, Prince Leon awoke and rushed to your side. This gave Ultron the time to visit the Queen and the King, notifying them about the good news. They rushed out of their bed chambers, crying out in joy when they saw you. Both Ultron and Prince Leon backed out of the room, not wanting to interfere with such a private moment. 
     The rest of the day, Ultron accompanied the Queen and King to interrogate the prisoner. Some information was deemed useless, but soon enough, he cracked. He admitted that he was hired by one of the suitors. The prisoner admitted that he never got their name, and their appearance was also a mystery. This information was brought to the King of the suitors, who appeared troubled. Devastated, the King apologized to your parents and immediately called back the suitors. Prince Leon left, but not without saying goodbye and expressing his best wishes to you. 
The doctor returned and reexamined your wound, announcing that you healed rather quickly and you were able to move to your room. Unless it was to be disturbed or reopened, then it would take longer to heal but wouldn’t be critical. You nearly jumped out of the bed from joy. 
     After dinner, you were carefully escorted to your bedroom by Ultron himself. 
"Thank you." 
"Anytime, My Lady." Ultron gently placed you in your bed, making sure you were comfortable. "I have a sentry on the way, they'll be arriving with a medical kit. We need to reapply that bandage." 
The two of you remained silent, awkwardly waiting for the sentry to arrive. You didn't know if you could even sleep; your head was racing with everything that occurred within the past few days. 
There was a sudden knock at your door that interrupted your thoughts. Ultron immediately moved to the door and slightly opened it, taking the medical supply from the sentry. He closed the door behind him and you smiled as he lifted up the supply kit for you to see.
"How is your wound?" Ultron asked. "I came with fresh bandages." 
"It's been worse." You shrugged. Ultron nodded and waited for you to lift your shirt, averting his gaze when he almost saw past that. His hands worked effortlessly and gingerly to reapply the bandage, wrapping it perfectly. You only wished that it lasted longer, his touch lingered over your skin and you wanted it engraved into every crevice. "Thank you." 
"I'll be outside if you need anything else." Ultron reminded and began to pack the medical supply. You reached out to grab his arm, your mouth open but you struggled to get the words out.
"Stay, please." You placed a soft kiss on his hand, urging him to stay with you. Ultron hesitated but obliged, joining you in your bed. Moving carefully as it creaked and dipped. 
"Princess….." Ultron whispered, but you stopped him by pressing your hand to his chest. You looked up at him, feeling the thrum of his system. It feels warm.
You gazed up at him, his head was tilted and his eyes were closed from the touch of your hand. "Just call me (Y/N)." You insisted. The two of you held your gaze, his eyes were busy studying you and you caught the slight flicker of his eyes looking at your lips before meeting your gaze again. 
His mouth opened and you knew what the next words were going to be, "I need to–" you didn't let him finish his sentence as you pulled him in to press your lips to his. Ultron moved his hand to the back of your neck, deepening the kiss. When the two of you pulled away, your hand returned to his chest to feel the quickening of his systems. The metal armor was warmer. 
"For so long, I have loved you." You finally spoke. Ultron closed his eyes, trying to compose himself and think of what to say. Your hand reached out to cup his face, his eyes blinked open as the two of you held your gazes. "I still love you. And don't think about what's to come…..none of that matters. I don't even want to think about what's to come if you're not in the picture." 
"My Lady….." 
"I want you." Your voice rang and echoed in his head. "If you'll have me." The tension was heavier than morning fog, and Ultron met your gaze, his hand reaching up to intertwine with your hand. 
"I should be asking you that." Ultron chuckled. "Of course I'll have you, if you'll have me." He leaned down, his lips ghosting over yours before he went in for the kiss. You smiled against his lips, wrapping your arms around his neck as you tried to pull him closer to you. His leg shifted position, where his knee rubbed against your sex and you let out a breathless moan. 
"Ultron ~" you sighed with content and pleasure. 
"I'm here, I'm here, Princess." Ultron assured as he placed gentle kisses to your neck. One of his hands trailed down, gently rubbing your inner thigh in a circular motion. "Please do tell me if I do anything to hurt you….or if anything I do is to your discomfort." 
"I trust you." 
"Please." You spoke softly. "I need you." 
"And I need you too." He said it so softly, under his breath so that only you could hear. He pulled back, moving your undergarment to the side and your face flushed as he stared incredulously. 
"Shhh, just keep your pretty eyes on me." He whispered. Perhaps he had a hypnotic hold on you, as you couldn't look away. His thumb rubbed your clit and you threw your head back from the sudden stimulation. He hummed in content as you squirmed under him, his other hand placed on your thigh to keep your legs apart. "So good……"
Your hands gripped the sheets in anticipation, throwing your head back as you felt him insert a finger. "Ahh ~! Yes!" You moaned out. Ultron chuckled at your reaction, his finger reached every weak spot inside and his thumb continued to stimulate your clit. His digit hit a sensitive part and you convulsed around him. "Ultron ~!" 
"Oh……" He hummed, continuing to focus on that specific spot. Intensely watching your reaction as you cried out in pleasure, how your eyes closed tightly and your eyebrows furrowed together, and how your hands reached out to grab onto his arms. "Princess, you're so irresistible." 
With those praises, you reached your high. You let out a startled moan while Ultron gazed down at you in awe and adoration. As you were coming down from your high, he pulled his finger out and briefly left, only to bring back a warm towel. You gazed up at him with a flustered expression, while he was busy cleaning you up. “I will find a way to marry you.” You blurted out. 
Ultron wasn’t remotely surprised or taken aback. “It’s a good thing I know your ring size.” Taking in your reaction, he chuckled as your face flushed heavily. 
He joined you on the bed, his hand tracing the outline of your arms and lingering over your hips. “I.....” Your sudden voice interrupted his train of thoughts. 
His gaze then met yours, "are you sure?" 
"Yes, yes I'm sure." You smiled, taking his hand into yours. 
Ultron lined his cock to your sex, though he was a bit hesitant. His hand squeezed against yours and he pushed in. You let out a choked cry, hissing from the penetration and Ultron briefly stilled. “Princess—“
“Keep going,” you moaned out. “Please.” Slowly, he pushed himself deeper inside. You tightened your grip on Ultron’s hand and your other hand held onto his arm; every time you thought ‘this was it’, he continued pushing deeper inside. Eventually, bottomed out and you let out a groan. 
“Y-You’re so……big.” You whined out. 
“I’ll be gentle,” He grunted, leaning down to steal a kiss. “I promise.” His words lingered over your lips and you reached up to connect your lips to his, again. Your legs wrapped around his waist as he gave a test thrust, earning a breathless moan. He began to roll his hips, careful as to not handle you roughly and in consideration to your injury. 
“U-Ultron,” you breathed out. “Faster.” 
“My Lady?” 
“Please, I need you……go faster.” You urged. “Be rough with me.”
“…..My Princess, you’re injured. I don’t want to reopen the wound.” 
“Please ~” you pleaded, your eyes fluttered open to look up at him. Ultron didn’t want to leave you unsatisfied, so he tentatively leaned down, his head resting between your neck and shoulder while his free hand moved down to grip your hips. Pinning you in place, he began to quicken his pace, roughly thrusting into you. His chest was pressed to yours and he could feel the quickening of your heartbeat, it made him feel alive and safe. You made him feel alive and safe. 
“S-so warm.” Ultron stammered out. Your only response was lewd mewling, letting out heavy moans and broken grunts as he continued to bury himself deep inside. He had brushed against a particular spot, earning a loud and whiny moan. You didn’t even complain when he paused, repositioning himself and continued to focus on that specific spot. Your mouth hung agape, but the overload of moans were caught in your throat. 
“U-Ultron,” you sighed out. “U-Ultron, please…..please ~! A-ah……” You babbled, your arm clinging onto him. He moaned into your ear as he rutted into you, feeling you clench and tighten around him. Ultron pulled his body away and began to pound into you, muffling your moans while you tried to squirm away. 
Still, his grip on your hip was unbreakable, and you moaned into his hand as he mercilessly pistoned his hips into you. Your hand moved to hold onto the one covering your mouth, looking up at him through your lashes. Gods, he’s beautiful…..his brows were furrowed and his eyes held the most focus in them, and for a moment, you caught his gaze. 
“Princess…..” Ultron breathed. A certain angle rendered you speechless, you gasped out as you tried to muffle your moans. His gaze moved from your face, to the bouncing of your breasts to his thrusts, before briefly studying your wound. 
“M-more….more, more, more, more ~!” You pleaded. Without warning, you felt your high come crashing down. Ultron grunted heavily as you convulsed around him, wrapping around him with warmth. He continued to rut into you, resulting in you squeezing him from the overwhelming sense of overstimulation. Your voice was sore and weak, whining as his lips nipped at the shell of your ear. 
"I am eternally yours." He whispered. You wanted to respond, but the continuous thrusts stole your voice. You ended up moaning and gasping, all while Ultron buried his cock into you. With both hands behind your knees, he pushed your legs and spread them even further apart as he pushed inside. 
This new angle almost had you reaching your orgasm every thrust; you gasped and moaned as he practically brought you to see stars. "Y-yes! So good, so good…..Ultron ~" you managed to gasp out. "P-please, more!" At those words, he began to continuously pursue your high, over and over again. His thrusts became almost ungodly and overwhelming with pleasure. 
You were clinging onto him, constantly reminding yourself that this was really happening. He filled you to the brim with every thrust, hitting every spot and your eyes rolled back as you had no words to warn about your orgasm. Ultron's hips stuttered as he mumbled under his breath, his hands gripping the plush of your thigh as he continued to chase your high. The lewd noises of your soaked sex filled the room and it echoed into your ear; it was all you could hear. Your moans and gasps and how good he was making you feel. 
"Princess….." He whispered and leaned down to press his lips to yours, leaving you breathless. You began to feel lightheaded from the overstimulation. "I love you." 
Your heart flew and you wanted to say it back. The minute you opened your mouth, an entire series of moans and broken gasps flew out. You managed to breathe out, "I love you, and forever will, my Knight." 
"A-ah princess," Ultron gasped, his brow furrowed as his mouth hung agape. "I'm about to–" Oh gods, he's beautiful….. You immediately tensed and moaned as you felt a surge of warmth filling you. 
"O-oh ~!" You gasped. Soon after, you came undone as Ultron pushed your hips down, intentionally brushing against a sensitive spot. After a couple of minutes, he pulled out and you watched in awe as his cock retracted. "That was……amazing." 
"The sex or the contraption?" Ultron chuckled and you smiled. 
"Why not both?" You reached out to him, and he reluctantly fell into your embrace. "You're amazing." 
After a while, Ultron stirred from your hold. "My beloved….I need to go." 
"Please, stay." You whispered into his neck. “Stay with me.” Ultron hummed and nodded, smiling to himself when he could feel you smiling against his shoulder. 
"You shouldn't sleep on your side." He pointed out. You grumbled as you returned onto your back. "We can cuddle another time." 
"I promise." He sighed with content, placing a kiss on your head. "Goodnight, princess." 
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jackiequick · 1 year
Timeline wise for original characters appearance 🎞🎬🎥
Amelia M. Parker (Morozov) 🖥
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Cameo Iron Man 2 Fight Scene at Stark Expo
Name dropped in Marvel Phase 1 shorts
Cameos in Avengers (2012) as a background agent
Agents Of SHIELD (2012-2020)
Cameos in Captain America The Winter Solider as a background agent
Cameo in Avengers Age Of Ultron
Captain America Civil War Cameos
Name dropped & Cameos in The Amazing Spiderman films
MCU SpiderMan films such as Spider-Man Homcoming
Avengers Infinity War
Avengers Endgame
Name dropped & Cameos SpiderMan Far From Home & No Way Home
Phase 4 projects such as WandaVision as an offline access agent
Ms. Estella Romano-Strange (Rogers) 📞
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Cameos & Name dropped in Iron Man 2 article
Named dropped & Cameos in The Avengers
Cameos in Captain America The Winter Soldier as an phone call and ending scenes
Avengers Age Of Ultron
Doctor Strange (2016)
Captain America Civil War
Name dropped in Thor Ragnarok
Avengers Infinity War
Avengers Endgame
Cameos in WandaVision
Cameos in The Falcon & The Winter Solider as phone call to Sam Wilson
Agent Lt. Jason Grey Underwood (Uncle JJ) 📺
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Agent Carter season 1 & 2
Iron Man
Iron Man 2
Cameos in Marvel One-Shot: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer
Cameos in Thor
Avengers as a background agent off retirement
Iron Man 3
Captain America The Winter Soldier
Name dropped in Thor The Dark World
Cameos in Avengers Age Of Ultron
Name dropped & Cameos in Ant Man
Captain America Civil War
Cameos in SpiderMan Homecoming at the very end
Avengers Infinity War
Avengers Endgame
Cameos & Name dropped The Falcon & The Winter Solider
This was a fun idea to see where our OCs are in the films/and or series. 🫶
Also yes, in this universe there is no boundaries, so theses OCs can appear in which films they like to! 👏
Keep it going guys I’m gushing to see what they appear in! 👀
Tags: @msrochelleromanofffelton @gcthvile @gaminggirlsstuff @sherloquestea @starkleila @rickb-chaos @rooster-84 @mandylove1000 @whitewiccan @parisparker269 @mallowbee4 @thechoooooosenone @meiramel @bluboirick and etc
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thena0315 · 26 days
In AU, we had gotten this lineup instead
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terry-perry · 1 year
Hello hello! Hope you're doing good. I has a question/request 👉🏽👈🏽
Was Y/n Odinsdottir at the party during Age of Ultron? If not, what she Y/n doing at the time?
Oh, you bet she was!
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This was nice. Steve normally wasn't the partygoing type, but he felt it wouldn't hurt to unwind now that they got the scepter back. A good way to catch up with everyone in a more casual setting, especially Thor and Y/N before they head back to Asgard. He'd take the time out of his billiards game with Sam to take a glance at the entrance to possibly catch them coming in.
This did not go unnoticed.
"So, what's the deal with you and Princess Leia?" Sam asked, a smirk forming on his face.
It took Steve a second to figure out who he was talking about since that reference was still fairly new to him. When he realized who Sam was really referring to, he did his best to play it cool.
"Who? Y/N? Oh, nothing, we're just friends."
"Really? Because a little birdie told me there was something between you two."
Steve could guess that this little birdie was more of a spider. A Black Widow, to be more specific. He did tell Natasha about his feelings for the Asgardian princess, but he did his best to downplay it and said it was nothing more than him finding her pretty. Sure, there was no doubt he enjoyed spending time with Y/N. She was great!
She had a curious mind and was one of the nicest people he knew. She was as sweet as she was strong. She got along with everyone though, always taking the time to give each member of the team her undivided attention. She was a good friend and nothing more. Steve began to explain all this when he finally caught a glimpse of her walking in with Thor and turned speechless.
She was so stunning. He was so used to seeing her in battle attire or casual clothing she grew accustomed to wearing after spending time on Earth. He hadn't thought about just how wonderful she'd look that night until he saw for himself. She looked so lovely with her hair done in a perfect curl, and lips painted in a sinful red. Her purple dress was cut off at the knee and showed off her smooth legs.
To see her so dolled up filled him with something he wasn't all too familiar with. It made him truly realize this was a princess he was spending time with.
"Oh yeah," he could hear Sam say behind him while he kept his eyes on her as she came in to cheerfully greet the other partygoers. "Just friends."
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broadwayfan92 · 10 months
Natasha is given the chance to go back and make things right, starting with Ultron. Whatever it Takes chapters 1 and 2 are on Wattpad and AO3.
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delicatenightfury · 2 years
Slowing Down
2022 Month of Writing: Day 6
Pairing: (MCU) Pietro Maximoff x reader
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Word Count: 1,360
Author's Note: please don't steal my work! you can choose to respond to the prompt as well, but don't steal my work
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y/n gave herself a once over in the mirror.
“y/n, you look fine,” Natasha said from across the room. “Stop worrying.”
y/n sighed, fussing slightly with her hair.
“I’m just nervous,” she said.
“You’ve been to Tony’s parties before.”
“Except this time I have a date.” She blushed a little at the thought and smiled. “t’s our first party as a couple.”
“y/n, you have nothing to worry about,” Wanda said. She was sitting on a makeup chair, letting Natasha do her hair and makeup. “Pietro is just as nervous as you are.”
“He is?”
Wanda nodded.
“It’s his first party. He missed the last one because of his injury, remember?”
That’s right. The last party Tony had thrown had been shortly after the battle of Sokovia. Pietro had been unable to attend because he was still recovering from being shot.
y/n chuckled a little. She remembered how restless he had been.
“You’re going to be fine,” Natasha reassured again. “You’re gonna knock the kid’s socks off. Lord knows how head over heels he is for you.”
“She’s not wrong. I’ve never seen my brother so enamored,” Wanda said.
y/n blushed a little.
“All right, all right,” she said. “I get it. There’s nothing to worry about.” She started for the door. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to start making my way down. Let you two lovely ladies finish up.”
She threw winks at them and slipped out of the room. Her heels clicked against the ground as she walked down the hall. So much had happened in the last few months. The battle for Sokovia was won, Ultron was destroyed, Bruce and Thor had both gone off to who-knows-where, and the Avengers had several new additions. Wanda and Pietro were among the new recruits, as well as Rhodey, Sam, and Vision.
It was a miracle he was alive. 
y/n looked up at the sound of gunshots. The Quinjet was flying low over the city and was shooting anything below it. She could barely make out Ultron’s form in the cockpit. She watched Steve and Thor duck to safety, but the jet was headed toward Clint, who had gone back to save a kid. 
He turned to shield the boy with his body. The dust kicked up because of the bullets, making it hard to see. The Quinjet pulled and stopped firing just after it reached Clint. y/n waited anxiously for the dust to clear. Her breath hitched when she saw Pietro collapse next to Clint. She had to force her feet to stay still; she needed to stay on the boat.
Steve ran to the two men while Thor flew off. He picked up Pietro while Clint carried the kid back to the boats. Clint brought the boy to his mother, but Steve was looking for a place to lay Pietro.
“Over here, Steve!” she shouted. The supersoldier moved toward her. “Lay him here.”
Steve lay Pietro on the ground. y/n immediately knelt down and looked over his body. After a quick assessment, she began to treat the wounds to the best of her ability. She had similar training to Natasha, a former SHIELD agent, but she also specialized as an in-field medic. Her skills were usually enough for there to be time to get the injured to an actual doctor. 
She barely acknowledged Clint when he came to lay down on the chairs next to her. She was too focused on Pietro. She had met the man only a few days ago, and not on the best of terms. He had been working with Ultron initially, but he and his sister had a change of heart that brought them to the Avengers. She thought he was reckless, but that didn’t mean he deserved to die.
“Come on, Pietro,” she muttered. “Work with me here.”
Her eyes widened when he groaned and shifted under her hands. She glanced at Clint, a spark of hope igniting between them.
“I need another medic over here!” Clint shouted.
y/n shook her head, trying to clear the memory. Pietro had been taken to the med-bay on the Helicarrier as soon as they boarded. The doctors were able to remove the bullets and ultimately save his life. His accelerated healing was a big factor, but he had been restricted from most activity for two weeks. 
And it was during that time that y/n had grown to know Pietro. She had also been hurt in the battle, but nowhere near as severely. The two spent a lot of time together, getting to know one another, through their recoveries.
Even after being cleared by Dr Cho, Pietro spent a lot of time around y/n. A few weeks later, he worked up the courage to ask her out.
She looked up and couldn’t help but smile. Pietro was standing several feet in front of her. He was dressed up in a suit and dress shirt. His hair was perfectly tossed, the silver seeming to shine slightly in the light.
“Are you all right?” he asked.
“Yes, I’m fine. Just thinking.” She stepped up to him. “Ready for tonight?”
“As well as I can be.” He finally took in her appearance. His own smile widened. “You look beautiful, moya lyubov.’ Stunning.”
y/n blushed again.
“You don’t look too bad yourself. Except what’s going on with your tie?”
This time, Pietro blushed.
“I, uh, I’ve never worn one before.”
y/n smiled.
“Would you like some help?”
Pietro nodded after a moment. She stepped closer and undid the knot he had someone done. She was surprised he didn’t accidentally strangle himself with it. Her fingers worked quickly, expertly weaving the tie around his neck and eventually into a proper knot. She gently slid it into place.
“There we go!” She looked up at him and found him staring at her with a smile on his face. “What is it?”
“Nothing, lyubov’.” He offered her his arm. “Shall we?”
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y/n smiled into her cup as she listened to the story Sam was telling. He was very animated.
A small shiver went up y/n’s spine, but she simply leaned closer into Pietro, who pressed a small kiss to the top of her head. He was lightly running his fingers up and down her arm. y/n was sure he wasn’t even aware he was doing it. 
For most of the party, Pietro stuck close to y/n’s side. He ventured off every now and then to socialize with their other teammates or meet some new people, but he always found his way back to her. It made her smile. 
She looked up at him.
“Having a good time?” she asked.
“It’s not bad,” he said with a shrug. “Stark sure knows how to throw a party.”
No lie there.
The music suddenly changed from something upbeat to something a little more mellow and slow. y/n noticed that a few people were pairing up and dancing. She looked at Pietro.
“Care for a dance?”
He smiled. They set their glasses down, excused themselves, and stepped toward the small crowd of dancing people. Pietro gently pulled her close, but raised an eyebrow at her. She guided his right arm around her back and held his left hand. After a few beats, Pietro began to sway them to the beat of the music. y/n smiled again when she felt his fingers rub small circles into her back. In return, she gently ran her fingers over his shoulder. 
“Kak mne tak povezlo?” Pietro suddenly said.
y/n tilted her head a little.
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“If someone told me a year ago that this is where I would be, I would have thought they were crazy. When I thought of the future, this is not what I had in mind.”
“Is that bad?”
He shook his head.
“No. It’s perfect. I just never thought I’d be here, with a beautiful woman in my arms no less.”
“Guess things just ended up working out.”
“I wouldn’t change a thing, moya lyubov.’”
Moya lyubov’ = my love
Kak mne tak povezlo? = How did I get so lucky?
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sitkowskiryan · 8 months
Strange New World
Nights like this made losing 70 years of his life actually seem worth it. or Steve does a lot of thinking of what it means to have family and a partner, the night gets ruined by Pinocchio references and then gets better
Pairing: Steve Rogers/Thor Rating: E Word Count: 9,044 Status: Complete
happy early valentine's day!
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The latest one-shot sneak peek
Dancing With Our Hands Tied
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Pairings - Tony Stark X OC Zara Malik
Premise –  Under circumstances, he could not control, Tony lost his parents, his mentor, and his best friend/former lover. Will he have to lose his love as well?
Word Count - No idea, I'm going absolutely blind on this one.
Warnings: None
a/n - Thank you @swaraleeeeeee for this amazing request about Tony and a Desi Reader!!! I am thrilled and excited to share this with everyone yayy! plus, this fic is set in the Age Of Ultron AU universe and is set on the day of Tony's party at his penthouse.
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 I loved you in secret
First sight, yeah, we love without reason
Oh, twenty-five years old
Oh, how were you to know, and
My, love had been frozen
Deep blue, but you painted me golden
Oh, and you held me close
Oh, how was I to know that
- (Dancing With Our Hands Tied) Taylor Swift
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Tony looked around at the party exiting the lab. The Ultron project was complete. JARVIS was now analyzing the AI while keeping an eye on it, and he had successfully convinced Bruce to be a part of it. He needed his help, and extra hands in his lab never hurt.
Now, it was time to party.
He had debated having the party downtown in some fancy hotel but what better place to get wasted than your newly renovated penthouse? He buttoned up his blazer and stepped into the crowd of guests. This brought back memories of college, sneaking out and getting wasted with people he had never met before. Maybe if he was lucky tonight, he'd get to poke at Steve and have a jolly time with Rodney.
But he froze on the stairs looking at the flashes of a familiar emerald-colored fabric in the crowd.
"Stark! There you are!" If it wasn't for Clint slapping his back, he would have walked up to her then and there, and the ruse would be up.
"I… was in the stuff, doing the lab." He babbled, trying his best not to sound obvious. Even though he could be the unafraid playboy billionaire for the entire world, she made him lose his shit. In simple words, she drove him crazy.
Clint made a disgusting face and gestured to him to come along. "You gotta meet Dr. Malik! She's Dr. Cho's colleague. She talked about some crazy biotechnology that I have no idea about but I just know you would love it so…"
He zoned out of what Clint was saying. His entire focus was on his form nearing her, the smell of jasmine invading his senses. 
She was talking to Natasha and Bruce, both listening to her with rapt attention. He stood just behind her, looking at her back. Her long hair was loose, falling on her back and shoulders, and the loose end of her saree - the same one he bought her - was gracefully tucked on her shoulder, the pleats perfectly symmetrical.
"...and Dr. Cho has been kind enough to let me be a part of her latest research, based in New York." Her sweet voice was what brought him out of his trance. He couldn't believe she was here. "We are working on repairing skin cells for burn victims, a sort of regenerative process that will allow the skin to heal itself without surgery."
"Dr. Malik, I see you haven't met our host." Tony's heart did a somersault at Clint's words, panic written all over his face.
Well, this is really happening.
She turned around fully, facing him and Clint.
No matter how many times he saw her in that damn green saree with the stupid black blouse that blurred the line between decent and sensual. His mind would go blank.
And she had red lipstick on.
She was trying to give him a heart attack.
"Ah, Mister Stark. The Iron Man himself." She gave him a blinding smile, the one she had practiced and prepared for the public.
He realized she was in on it. She was fine with it.
And the ruse continues.
"Just Tony for you, Dr..." He extends his hand and she shakes it as she steps towards him.
"Zara. Zara Malik."
Tony had to fight every fiber of his being not to hold her closer. As if he was meeting her for the first time, he had to play the role.
Don't be a fool, Tony. Let's stay professional.
It was a far cry from their first meeting.
Find the full fic here
inspired by Dancing With Our Hands Tied; Song by Taylor Swift.
Requests are open! Feel free to request anything.
@tuiccim @parkjammys @akinrawsx @asteph22 @iamthebeth @thefandomqueenbb @onlyhereforthefics @yikesdameron @savedfanfics1992 @amigaytho @samwilson-mylove @jenniweaslee @anna-phora @fluffyprettykitty
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sunnysideprincess · 11 months
Wonder what would have happened if it was Steve who got hit by Wanda's magic vision in the bunker. Seeing everyone of his team members dead and Tony's there, dying-his reactor back in his chest flickering to a dim-reaching out for Steve and telling him he should've been better, should've done more before dying.
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