#ahah yeah
larojauniverse · 1 year
Updating the second half: 🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈
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mindie-arts · 1 year
Bluey scenes redraw practice 😭💙✨
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Well hello hello it’s been a while 😭 I’ve been pretty busy but here’s a thing I’ve been working on
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nouverx · 5 months
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Needed a little break from digital art for a few days so I decided to fill a few pages of my sketchbook with StaticMoth 📺🦋 I haven't used my poscas in a while damn
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bakudekublogblog · 6 months
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i’m obsessed with this panel bc izuku why are you flirting with him during a top secret save the world ofa meeting
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falsehero · 9 months
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mythuna · 1 year
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kesharik · 3 months
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The Passages of Ma'habre
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wrathyforest · 1 year
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Well..... in a way continuation to my previous art .....
also watch this 👀
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The agony of this world of darkness
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randomwriteronline · 7 months
You know its true that out of the four stone toa we know Onewa is the exception due to being An Asshat but i think we could focus more on Pouks being the white sheep of a flock of goats. Hes the only one of them who was like, formally employed and working an actual job as a toa. His siblings are just his coworkers. I dont think he knows a sport. He was so glad Pohatu and Hewkii were nothing like Onewa for all of twelve seconds before dreadfully discovering that they are exactly like Onewa, just in previously unimaginable ways, such as the batshit circumstances of their toahood and accidentally kicking a ball into each others face at mach speeds for fun
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esmiara · 1 year
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Linked by many scars
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shywhumpauthor · 1 year
Whump aesthetic of the day: a Whumpee having a coughing fit, but it’s so bad they can’t manage to inhale which makes it so they can’t cough right which only makes them need to cough more so they’re stuck in this awful cycle of choking on their own spit and breath
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queerofthedagger · 1 year
I've been in this fandom for so long i don't even feel the need to argue with arthur haters/misunderstanders anymore i just go 'ohhh so you don't Get it I'm so sorry for your loss' and move on (said with clenched teeth and twitching eyes nails breaking as i pretend to be normal and chill about the daily slander)
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maalidoesart · 1 year
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Snow and Dirty Rain - Richard Siken
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i can't explain why i put V1 in my clothes feeding the chicken i harboured in my backyard for 2 weeks.
uhm. enjoy. [ultratober src]
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natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
More ghost! Roach - Accidental Necromancer Soap AU : little moments
141 in the middle of a briefing, when suddenly Soap gasps, interrupting Price. Everyone turns to look at him and he looks back like a deer in headlights, apologises with a stammered excuse, something like he saw a spider or something, and the meeting continues with dubious looks.
"You're so bad at that," Roach giggles from where he's floating around above the table. "It wasn't even that big of a news, they were flirting for months! I have way worse, you know one of the Corporals under your command, the redhead one? She's been secretely married for years to the medic lady that stitched you up last week! Stop gaping at me, where's your pokerface oh my god-"
And then Soap uses all that information to win bets against Gaz.
Or also, Roach telling jokes while there's people around Soap. "Don't laugh," he taunts him. "Don't even smile or they'll know you're crazier than they think."
And then he tells the worst joke ever and Soap can't help the snort that escapes him and again, everyone turns to look at him.
"I can't believe you're laughing in a room full of explosives tied to people," Roach gasps, knowing full well that's exactly the result he wanted.
Soap rolls his eyes at him quickly and focuses back on defusing. He'll get him back when they're alone and he doesn't look weird talking to the air.
"He knows you find him hot, he's neither blind nor stupid," Roach says, peeking above Ghost's shoulder. "If you want him to blush you need to call him 'pretty'. Worked every time..."
And he's right. When Soap tells Ghost he's a bonnie lad, explains what it means, it's very obvious how flustered he becomes, and the visible part of the bridge of his nose gets very red.
"Be ready to be grabbed at every opportunity, his love language is physical touch but he'd rather die than admit it."
Roach has a bit of a poltergeist moment when he finds out he can touch things again. Cups go flying into walls, chairs move around, shoes disappear. Roach is very overwhelmed and gets non verbal, which is a bit hard because Soap only knows the basics of BSL and has to ask Ghost to translate by copying live what Roach is saying. (Ghost, who has seen the ghost of his dead lover save his life just a day before objects started flying, recognising in the back of his mind the quirks of Roach's way of signing being reproduced by Soap, but not willing to believe yet)
It lasts a few days and the whole base is convinced they're haunted by a ghost. They're not wrong, Soap wants to say. And not only one, but the others are far more apathetic, barely there.
Then Roach calms down, all at once, when he realises that maybe... maybe he can touch people too. He's very nervous. It's been years since he touched someone, years of his hand going through Ghost's arm as he tried to make him see him. Years of not feeling the warmth of a living being.
That scares him. What if he can touch Soap, but he doesn't feel anything? What if it feels the same as the glasses he's been trying to juggle for days?
So he waits until Soap is asleep and he holds out his finger, slowly, hands trembling, and presses it softly to Soap's forehead. He's... He's warm, he realises with a gasp. He's warm!
Soap wakes up to sobbing and soft fingers on his cheeks and in his hair. He gets reassured very quickly that it's happy sobbing and Roach kisses him.
Ghost, after learning about the ghosts existence, starts having really bad nightmares every night. Has to be reassured that no, he's not actually a ghost. He hasn't actually died in that grave, he's here, he's warm and he's alive and loved.
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